Guide and passage of "Blitzkrieg II: Retribution". Guide and Passage by Blitzkrieg II Secret Missions Blitzkrieg 2

Progress moves forward with seven-mile steps. Could we assume a few years ago that Russia will supply the whole world with first-class strategies on the topic of World War II, leaving far behind America and the European Union state? Wonderful almost in all respects " In the rear of the enemy "Did not deceive our hopes. " Blitzkrieg 2."- perhaps an even more expected game; Is it really again in the "apple"? IN Civilization 3. It would be called the "golden age."

Counted by "married obligations" Designers Nival drew inspiration exclusively from the depths of the native " Blitzkrieg.", Similarizing a lot of positive aspects. After reading the article, orthodox villages, of course, will continue to play a favorite to the coffin Close Combat 5. (In the coming years, choose them, apparently, do not have to). Of course, on the background of dusts like 1944: Battle of the Bulge and Desert Rats VS. Afrika korps. « Blitzkrieg 2."Looks like a young man, but reach the level" In the rear of the enemy "I. Codename: Panzers, Phase Two It turned out much more difficult than the developers thought.

In the footsteps of history

A partial move of Nival for the ocean affected the "plot". Instead of traditional allies, a campaign for the United States is waiting for us (by the way, according to the authors - the strongest country of the planet in the 1940s), which starts not from the notorious "D-Day", and from the heroic retreat in the Philippines under the command of General Macacatur. USSR with comrades Stalin The helm then turns into Russia (take a look at the title), and only Nazi Germany has not changed.

Set aside a boring history textbook. Scriptwriters are not forced to spend the forces on the defense of the abstract height №249 and offer Likhim "Chapaevsky" gallop to rush under some events of the VMW. Bloody battles for Moscow, the evacuation of the defenders of Sevastopol, the famous Operation "Uranus", Taking Berlin - that neither step, then a medal or order. The advancement scheme is simple. Each chapter has one key mission and a number of secondary. The victory or defeat does not depend on the excess centimeter of the armor - the difference is especially tangible in numbers and icons. First of all, it is necessary to work on the modernization of those generics of troops, which you prefer. Infantry and medium tanks - our bread and salt. However, immediately rush into the section still do not allow. "Small" tasks apparently required to confirm the qualifications.

Construction in " Blitzkrieg 2.»No - the services of the" Cards "player for urgent calling of reinforcements (there should be time between two calls to the headquarters). All units are equally, the main thing is the quantity. Two heavy kV-85, three T-34 or four milk "Valentine" ... I suppose the principle is clear.

The abundance of technology is superior to the most bold dreams. Tanks, armored vehicles, self-propelled musitics, giant coastal guns, Katyushi, anti-tank artillery, anti-aircraft guns - the inscription on the box transparently hints at 300 running, crawling, driving and flying "toys." The infantry is armed with different types of small arms and can be strengthened by a mortar, a heavy machine gun, flamethrower (died, "Pyromaniac", like a colleague from C & C. , takes with me all who found himself nearby) or something in the same spirit. The main stages of scientific and technical evolution literally feel skin. At the beginning of the war, Soviet T-34 are all complaints; Gradually, the position is changing, enemies turn with steel spikes, and the willy-noilies have to pay attention to other models.

As the game passing through the game, we have the opportunity to assign worthy commanders with your faithful thugs. Nothing extraordinary, but very close to the place, because with the arrival of the head of the troops begin to actively accumulate experience and learn advanced techniques. Units are endowed with hidden talents. For example, cannon calculations learn to arrange ambushes (in theory, we are talking about camouflage, but it is not displayed visually), to hold a certain sector (bonus to slaughtering), shoot the caterpillars (in the world " Blitzkrieg 2."- obvious nonsense) and with increased accuracy (to the detriment of time spent on aiming).

Cards are good. The terrain of manual dressing (the damned "generator" is sent to the pit) Tit a lot of pitfalls. A breakthrough of multilayer defense is a true compliment to your tactical genius. ArtProduction, destroying the first line, fixing in enemy trenches, howls jet mortars, spreading bunkers, dangerous tank counterattacks, melting over the heads of attack aircraft, driving back and forth trucks with supplies ... Stern military "action".

Night tags behind the front line perfectly fit into the game style. Taketing into camouflage overalls, the platoon of elite fighters of the NKVD schniets on the reasons, launching blood defenseless "canonram" and thundering warehouses. I will soon forget, like my saboteurs, makesy the winter forest forward on the moonlight, stumbled upon a smaller team - a briefing was not in vain reported that the previous group was rejected. On the game "Jargon" is called a "secret task".

The appearance sometimes prevents the enjoyment of the game. After truly chic in graphical terms " In the rear of the enemy "Players are difficult to surprise. " Blitzkrieg 2."Do not try to make a show from the shootout of two infantry offices, but when there are dozens of units of technology on the field of Brahi, and on top of their artillery ironing, in special effects and military-patriotic screens of lack there is no lack.

Tanks inspire respect and prefer Hollywood physics real. The trees that ended in their way are fitted to the ground, as if thin cohesies. Fences and rustic sarabs are not a hindrance for the swollen T-34, whose commander decided to cut through a stranger. Impressive and city battles. Several shots, and from the Burgers house remain standard ruins.

But the models are weak and wheels are not spinning. Soldiers are also not lucky with animation. Tiny figures as if they were constantly inserted on one leg. With longing in the heart we accompany the light image " In the rear of the enemy "And we sob in three streams.

Tactic №2.

Contrary to forecasts of skeptics, in " Blitzkrieg 2."There are tactics, and according to the standards of classic RTS - not bad. Inhuman work of the brain will not need, but it is necessary to master the basic principles of fighting. With a younger guikan, rushing to the fortified frontiers just as useless, as it is to have a keyboard on the forehead. No matter how much people you collect.

Tank battles are seriously corrupted by the lack of formations and averaged TTX, allowing the three-four easy machines to "clarify" the "tiger". Uncomfortable, and crowding units remind Red Alert. . Fortunately, infantry has full order with this case since the first part. On the march, the squad is built into a neat column (the increase to the speed of movement makes it repeatedly returned to the corresponding button), and in the event of an attack - dispersed or scattering to the ground.

Shameful "Health Stakes" still decorate the interface. Tanks are sadly crawling on the defense line, we are laughing a strictly directed number of "damage points", after which it is beautifully exploded.

By 1943, caterpillar monsters begin to rapidly lose the dominant position on the battlefield. Mighty guns, frisky infantry that slept in the SAU ambush - T-34 survive in such conditions is difficult. The scene is leaving long assistants. Without powerful support, the offensive is doomed to failure. The familiar "Rush" is most often meaningless, or requires a lot of nerves and resources to implement too much. The key to victory is not to comply with the rules of the "Stone-Scissors-paper" scheme (its analogs are often found in modern RTS), and in the ability to competently coordinate various types of troops. But do not wait for historical accuracy. This clearly makes it clear to the ease with which we, the commander of the battalion (maximum - regiment), causing the Guards shelves of the IP-2.

Virtual generals learned how to benefit from artillery calculations. Not once and not two flying straws braked my attacks. The shooting is at random - still a living player's will, and the approximate location of enemy cannons is shown on the mini card.

AI looks foggy. Sometimes it becomes really uncomfortable, however, often the enemy is striking with his stupidity, ignoring the most incomparable embodents and giving himself to shoot himself (perhaps, the causes of apathy lie in the difference between "Line of Sight" or "impenetrable", according to the game engine, armor). Fighters sitting in the trench and stoically catching breasts will bring the tigner of the "tiger" without having means to answer, sad and, alas, is often spectacle. And how in such cases "Pupils" Atomic Games react? Connoisseurs genre Close Combat. Surely remember.

In addition, the enemy is not able to borrow abandoned tools and customize new on shift destroyed. Managed to deal with artillery? Congratulations! Now, without scripts, the computer in life does not gues the reinforcement and install the battery elsewhere. And, by the way, before, the AI \u200b\u200bdid not be rushed to take the guns when the reconnaissance aircraft appears in the sky.

The behavior of the sockets and deprived tank guardianship is not entirely logical. Inability to independently concentrate the fire and correctly choose the goals - a daytime nightmare when you fight on two or three "fronts". Crews reluctantly use onboard machine guns and devoted to the infantry with projectiles. When attacking armored objects, drivers sometimes try to go out of the flank (where protection is thinner), but to leave a "piece of iron" by alone with non-fear with storms not recommended - they have a lot of grenades. You have to ride around the district, changing the position, unsuccessfully looking for a point where the tankists will be more expensive to divide with annoying soldiers.

Memorial on the original game sniper is still with us. Successfully hiding, you can no problem with a dozen carefree friable and in any other shepherds. It is not necessary to heal, otherwise they can also play the territory. The use of invisible detractors for intelligence and identifying targets for artillery is an old and invariably winning focus. It is also nice to punch enemies too. At the right moment, pop out from Stealth-regime and ... Looks like the next handful of Germans did not reach the field kitchen.

Do not forget that the fighting is unfolded not only on Earth. Bomber raid can in a matter of seconds to break the hopes for the best. In Sevastopol, for example, without fighters anywhere (although in reality they almost did not participate there). And those who will get to the last mission for Germany, waiting for such a present that the captain Blazhotukov will remain unless to hang on suspenders.

Small conventions interfere with their heads to plunge into the game. Shipky Wooden Bridge - Obstacle for Tanks? I understand and respect. But, you will agree, it would be more fun if the car was broken by hand, the car climbed into the river, passing the crossing. Ah, dreams ...

Fast victory

Good and high-quality mainstream product. The game is stubbornly to the side Command & Conquer. Blitzkrieg 2 "will please you. In the column of "expenses" - non-zeysh graphic and unbearable AI preferring to prescribe. But in the neighboring column - Lukullovo abundance. An interesting system for the development of units, mission piece cutting, a smart engine, readable encyclopedia ... Dignity is obvious. But do they help the game to get out of the pile of similar crafts?

And again we are in war. World War II. Again, we throw tanks, howles, the roame of the trenches and put the guns in ambushes into the battle. This is the continuation of the second Blitzkrieg! The fact that the supplement will be known almost from the release of the main game. So very deafening

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Manuals and passage

And again we are in war. World War II. Again, we throw tanks, howles, the roame of the trenches and put the guns in ambushes into the battle. This is the continuation of the second "blitzkrieg"!

The fact that the supplement will be known almost from the release of the main game. It was very deafening her success. We waited for him - and it was all the same. True, disappointed a little. For we have long listened to having troubles about the appearance of new techniques, new tactics. But, apparently, shove them into the game formed, without damaging its subtle mechanism, it turned out difficult. Therefore, the infantry as an innovation was deprived of the opportunity to look into binoculars. And considering the fact that the missions from the very beginning are very difficult, often the best fighting scheme becomes Save / Load. Three types of equipment were introduced (Merder III anti-tank SAU in Germans and T-44 T-44 Tank). But if the Russian tank can only be seen on the opponent's side (we do not give such value to us), then German self-propelled shifts show themselves in hostilities. It turned out a kind of replacement of super-disconnected self-propelled guns on supersalls. From innovations in a gaming balance, you can also note the increase in the range of fire in self-propelled warmness and reactive mortars - before the range of their shooting was simply ridiculous. The same can be said about heavy tanks and self-containers, their range has also increased. Other changes are less rushing into the eyes, so talking about the intricacies of the confrontation in the new version of the game "Tiger" and KV-85 I will not.

As a result, we received only a set of campaigns. What can I say about him? These are the tasks of the late period of war, when only heavy equipment goes into battle. About light tanks forgot so much that they cannot be obtained in reinforcements. The missions themselves are designed for experienced players, and it will be very difficult to cope with them with them. Although the campaigns themselves are rather short and only two for each side, in each of which 3 initial and final missions. What, however, did not prevent such original moves, as an opportunity to re-open some troops in the second campaign. Moreover, if an officer was in the first campaign in these troops, it was preserved. True, his experience is greatly decreasing. Otherwise, this is all the same "Blitzkrieg II". New campaigns. And that's it.

Campaign for the USSR

So, last years wars. You will have almost exclusive offensive operations. So get prepared a lot and hard to attack.

Chapter 1. Operation "Bagration", 1944

There is an operation to liberate Belarus. Our troops are trying to surround the German army. In your power to help them.

It is interesting: Here, the same mistake has been preserved from the original game - you can refuse the first mission, to enter the card and issue officers with your troops. Do you need to talk how much they will be more effective in this case?

Mission 1. Bobruisk boiler

Mission's main idea - seize railway station And do not give evacuated enemy troops. But starting to start with an artillery battery. She cozily accommodate on our left flank and shoots as soon as any fascist appears, able to bring to you tools. However, we have the opportunity to cause the muscles, and the positions of each enemy cannon are well "highlighted" by the nearby boxes.

There is a mortar around the middle warmness, so shoot there more. During its art, ensure a cover from the left flank - from there, the troops of the enemy are periodically suitable. When you finish - shelter also the village so that it was easier to go through it. Then a group of tanks attack the village and the former positions of artillery.

Next task - Taking the station. It is solved quite easily, if shelting entrance to the station. Then to defend himself there will be almost no one. But then this station will need to be protected. It is already more difficult - you can not get out of the station, as the infantry trenches, and for them - cannons. We will have to cause reinforcements to the station and defend inside and from below.

Decided that all? And here is not. Now you have to beat the opponent from Bobruisk himself. I recommend to apply the attack aircraft in a bundle with the Gaubes, to rely on gross power in the form of tanks here is useless. Is there some more secret task By seizing the bridge, but it is not clear what kind of sense is. So when you choose all tanks in the city - you will be counted victory.

Mission 2. Summer thunderstorm

This mission gives us heavy tanks, Gubitsa and self-propelled shirts. And also a chance to take advantage of elite infantry. To begin with, we allocate already three detachments of these troops. Quickly hide them and the messenger to the first enemy detachment. There are a good chance of shooting it, no one loss. Then immediately take the fighters back and hide again, otherwise the detachment of enemy paratroopers will notice them and shelters. We are moving along the bridge to the other side and destroy the special forces of the enemy, and then the column from the Trucks.

The next list is captured by the enemy battery. This is not a simple task due to the fact that the enemy has 5 guns. Therefore, act quickly, but the losses are still inevitable. Try to approach exactly behind, then you get the time before the guns turn. Then you will need to capture the headquarters of the enemy. We repeat the maneuver: We send all paratroopers into battle and shoot the infantry detachment.

After that, the task is to destroy the enemy column. The most small detachment hides as observers on the edge of the card, and we send the rest by quick march to the tools - they should have time not only to sit behind them, but also unfold towards the road. First of all, we grab the anti-aircrafts - they are the most powerful and long-range. Soon a column of two groups of three tanks and three trucks between them will be held. If you have at least three guns - you will handle.

After executing the columns, you will be offered to clean the village from the enemy's troops; There will immediately appear on the other shore and the help will be available. Immediately stop the tanks, otherwise they are selflessly crawled directly into the defensive enemy orders. There are no haubs here, so we call the attack aircraft and shoot all the guns and anti-aircraftties of the enemy. With the remaining enemy tanks are quite capable of handle your.

Mission 3. Burning Rails

This time you need to destroy the enemy grouping to break through to Minsk. We start with those who are on our shore. We have several types of tanks, so it is possible to immediately distribute goals by choosing tanks with groups, and quickly shoot the liquid chain of the defenders. If you do everything quickly, you will have time to fulfill a secret mission, destroying the train, and do not at least part of the enemy tanks go to the other side. After that, call self-propelled and, deducting enemy firepoints (tank and 2 anti-tank guns), destroy them. A little defense bridge, you will get to him quickly.

On the other shore, there is just a decent defense only in the village. We proceed with its attack aircraft and the Gaubes (the remaining resource of the attack aircraft will go to the defense of the enemy near the station) and go to another shore. And when capturing the station, again, the same bundle - attack aircraft and the Gaubi. The remaining tanks of the enemy are finishing their own. And then, for your last mission, tank fighters and reactive mortars are handed.

Mission 4. decisive blow

So, begins storming Minsk. Immediately an answer to a bunch of issues - in the intervals between buildings, anti-tank enemy's anti-tank guns are faced. Therefore, feel free to charm every such place with your long-range guns. You are immediately given attack aircraft - send them to the far edge of the map, to the opera theater. There is an enemy haubitz battery, which is better to bomb in advance (although its suppression will be the second task).

The first task will break through to the round area and destroy the enemy on it. We destroy the anti-tank artillery of the enemy with their warmts and we clean the rest of the tanks and infantry. Near the square there is a warehouse, and in it one repair and two ordinary trucks (secret mission). Now you have to walk to the Opera House and just take the territory. After that, we strengthen in front of the bridges and begin to pull up reinforcements - the enemy will often attack them through them. It will be very correct to draw "Katyushi" and with their help to treat the position of the enemy. It is not even a warm-up - after them survivors often do not remain at all. Next to the opera house there is another test point, near which there is a secret mission (a few more trucks) too.

We proceed bridges and attack the enemy. There is likely a counterattack against which Katyusha will help. Now we capture the warehouses and liberate the prisoners of war (another secret mission). It would be quite good here to fix it and repel the attack of the enemy. As soon as they are completed, - clean the remaining territory.

Chapter 2. Budapest Operation, 1944

The enemy urgently leads his troops in Hungary. We must prevent him from do it, and then capture the Hungarian capital.

Mission 1. Hunting for a predator

The column of enemy technique is trying to leave the limits of visibility. We have to prevent her, the benefit of "Tigers" went to the goal of a steady way, and we need to go through a much shorter distance. To begin with from the "Katyusha", shells the town's area in front of us. The centers will be boxes on it. And it is correct - there are several anti-tank guns and self-propelled guns. Then - an additional blow to the far end of the village to destroy another cannon and, if you are lucky, get along the tanks. Then we enter the village and clean it from the enemy. If you put the fighters in the building going inside the card, you will see a couple of anti-tank guns (they will later interfere), which should be destroyed by a volley of our mortar. Everything, now in the village you can "bury" one of the IS-2 and plant the infantry into one of the buildings - for considerable vigilance. If there are guns - you can capture them.

It is time to do those enemies that we got into our way. In the camp before the bridge, you need to strike immediately behind the bottom. If you get used correctly - just beat the gun and self propeller of the enemy. Destroy the remaining in the camp will not be much labor. The main thing is that you have at least a dozen tanks. Otherwise it makes no sense from attack by a small number of equipment. On the other shore, you must give a volley immediately behind the bridge and the second - a little lower than the warehouse. As a result, the most malicious firepoints of the enemy will be destroyed.

Now, because of the bridge, shoot two dota and quickly break forward, to the "panther" and cannon. By destroying them, come across infantry. Then leave all the remaining tanks in the forest on the edge of the map (at the road) and wait for the Tigers column. Only in this forest you will not get the guns located in the village. We will make the next task with the ease of extraordinary - we put forward our "watchman" IP ahead, and he captures the warehouse. After returning it back, and let the opponent at least at the same minute he will select the warehouse back, let him - the task is counting. To capture the last village, we process the entrance to it and the area in front of the town hall from Katyushi and tear tanks, finishing the remaining enemy technique.

Mission 2. Crane Wedge

But the only task whose goal is defense. The enemy decided to cut off the city belonging to you, and it would be necessary to somehow stop him before the approach of our aviation. First we go through all our tanks and turn on the fast shooting at the average. The upper IS-2 we move slightly down the street and pour out again. From the house before IS-2, remove the infantry - we need this building as a whole state - let it cover the board of tanks. All tools put in ambush mode. Immediately call the first reinforcement from the Gaubitz and have it somewhere in the rear. It will handle the position of enemy artillery, as soon as it starts to shoot. However, it is better not to give an opponent of time to shoot, but send the nearest T-34 there, and let him destroy enemy artillery.

Immediately I will say - the enemy comes here not in all directions, but only on top. Therefore, at some point you can focus the fire of Gaubitz at a specific point with the accumulation of the enemy's troops from the other side, and they will definitely score points - someone will all go through these places. The following reinforcement will be anti-aircraft and they will need to put on the square in front of the town hall (next to the top warehouse). Still a couple of anti-aircraft guns so that they can shoot the roads going along both sides of the warehouse (a landmark is a group of three mortars). Mortar let alone shoot both the enemy clusters.

Ahead of anti-aircraft steps one by one average tank. Positions in front of the buildings you will still lose, although there are several transverse trenches on the left flank, and then the infantry will stay there for a long time, providing an overview for tanks and guns. In both flank groups, control the population of the trenches and cannons. If necessary - there is infantry nearby, it can be used for these purposes. If you do not pursue the anti-aircraft gunners - you have time to knock down a lot of enemy attack aircraft, and the remaining will cause less harm. If necessary - call more anti-aircraft. Extra trucks (including repair) ease into the rear and lead from there as needed - the opponent's attack aircraft hunt for them even more than beyond the guns and anti-aircraft.

The mission is difficult, but it is worth focusing that if you quickly cause three reinforcements, you can still stay with one or two. And in the city with tanks under the cover of the buildings, it is easier to defend themselves than in the field, so do not hold on to the front line at the top.

Mission 3. Icebreaker

Here it is necessary to destroy the supporting point of the enemy. Beautiful attacks do not suit, only shooting the guns and tanks of the front line (almost all of them are not immediately visible), after which they tighten the tanks on that flank that the lake. 10-12 Tanks are enough for you. Collecting the tanks and fixing them, strip along the lake, suppressing enemy guns and tanks on the edge of the defense. In the city do not climb - herself more. Reaching the checkpoint, call even reinforcement or two and follow the next checkpoint. After her capture, you will be offered to kill at least 80% of the technique retreating from the enemy camp. Move from the camp (otherwise the enemy tanks shoot ours from the cliff) and pumped around the roads. Tanks will be so much that it is surprised to surprise how tightly they stand on the streets.

The last task will knock the opponent from the reference point. But it is very easy. Just need to not break into the support point, but to go from the rear along his edge opposite to the lake. Then you will be able to ensure the fire at once a few tanks across all the enemy guns, and not to watch your cars get stuck on narrow streets under cross-fire. In our case, it will remain just entering inside from the flank and achieve the remaining.

Mission 4. Death of the fascist beast

But the last mission is incredibly simple. True, it begins very seriously - in Budapest our tanks come in with several columns and immediately fall under crossfire German technology. Do not even try to fight off - just drag all your tanks to the biggest group. And at the same time, this very grouping is moving forward a little further and destroy the first line of enemy anti-tank artillery (she just stretched to our tanks), after which you can relax for a long time. The benefit of the attack will take on allies - they will persevere to send groups consisting of a pair of tanks and a bunch of infantry in an attempt to win the center of the card.

I suspect that the preservation of a large number of allies would be counted as a secret mission, but there is a risk of the very large losses to incur very large losses - a density of guns per square meter of the front is very high. At this time, we call a couple of long-range artillery batteries and stormcutters point the position of the guns. It is unlikely that this pair of attack aircraft will be able to bring a lot of benefits - has a lot of anti-aircraft on the map, but you will see all their positions. Especially just will be destroyed by the position of enemy anti-aircraft guns on the far edge of the map, where they are clearly designated by brushners. At the same time, look for other bars and destroy enemy tools for them.

At some point, the allies will still cope with enemy defense and will occupy the center. At this time, it is worth sending some heavy tanks there to help keep the position. We will even have a reinforcement, but thrown it into such a zone, where reinforcement will be immediately destroyed by enemy tanks. However, it is not at all necessary. After the destruction of most of the anti-aircraft guns, you can arrange a classic knife "attack aircraft plus a long-range artillery" and shoot all guns and tanks on the map. After that, create a detachment from one and a half tens of tanks and clean the card from the remaining infantry. When you cleanse the neighborhood of the enemy headquarters, then find it with interest that I still captured Budapest.

Campaign for Germany

There is a final period of war, Germany retreats on the Eastern Front. However, you will be given to experience new samples of technology. And although the Germans will not help the Germans (the battles are completely historical), the battles will be hot.

Chapter 1. Cotele Core, 1944

Kurland (she is Latvia) - one of the last foci of German resistance. It was here that the huge forces of the enemy were locked here, standing here until the very surrender of Germany. You have to take part in this defensive operation.

Mission 1. Road home

Our positions constantly attack Russian tanks. Therefore, you instress the available T-IV to the ground and do not touch them more. "Tigers" go along the top edge of the card, "Panthers" must slip into the forest and destroy Russian anti-tank guns, and Brombara - strike a long-range house and destroy the opponent's battery. After that, the enemy will arrange a counterattack that you can easily reflect.

Now we destroy the defensive structures at the bridge and on the opposite shore (first shell "Brummbars" and only then attack tanks), but we do not go to the next bridge on the island. Instead, we call the attack aircraft and in a bundle with self-propelled lines we destroy the firepoints of the enemy at the station. Only after that I eliminate the protection of another bridge and we receive the assistance of the allies. If you do everything right, the allies will be enshrined along the railway and come to help us. When you capture the station, a train for evacuation will arrive at it. Together with the allies, reflect the attack of the enemy to our positions and wait for the truck column to get to the station.

Mission 2. Wolf Trail

In this mission you need to hold a convoy from trucks to the appointed point. But we start not with the task issued, but with the fact that attacking the attack aircraft of the far town and destroy the battery of the long-range guns in it (they are crushed one by one, it is necessary to find it). In the remaining time, we destroy guns and tanks in a fortified point, after we clean it with your troops.

Once you have completed the task, you will be given a convoy of 4 trucks. And we again call the attack aircraft. First, they must destroy the anti-aircraft gunners on the far abandoned airfield. Then clean from the tools and technology of the outskirts of the town near the road. Then we take place along the same outskirts of the tanks and carry out a convoy. It is enough to bring to the destination at least three trucks.

Mission 3. Fort

The mission where it is necessary to defend your position to defend your position. There are three directions from which the opponent comes. These are two bridges and lower corner of the card. We can forget about the upper bridge in general - the defense there is quite good, and the enemy comes with small forces. Especially strong attacks will go from the bottom angle. Therefore, you instress all the tanks, and for dangerous directions, we throw some of the tanks from the center and from the upper corner of the card. From there, they shift the anti-aircraft gun that there is frankly idle. Long-blood guns give the team to fill the bridge or the path of the enemy movement from the lower corner of the map. You can call another battery and process both routes immediately. If necessary, we cause reinforcements (most often infantry). The enemy will shoot the Hubicles, but you can answer them with your guns. It is necessary to hold out something about 40 minutes.

Mission 4. Baltic Storm

Another defensive mission. We begin with the fact that the bombing enemy detachment, attacking the positions of the allies in the lower right of the map, is otherwise they will capture all the warmts. There, we move our right squad and capture the warehouse and the remaining warmts, they will not prevent us. After that, you can remove all your troops from there - no one will attack from this direction.

All remaining troops strengthen defense. Especially serious, the enemy will attack along the railway and from the left upper corner. Anti-aircrafts put around both control points, you can even cause 1-2 reinforcements with anti-aircraft. So we will prevent the pesting actions of the opponent's assault aviation. And now we are just waiting for the evacuating troops at the train.

Chapter 2. Balaton Operation, 1945

While Soviet troops are trying to free Hungary, the forces of Germany are actively opposed to them. And again defensive operations. Only now you can feel yourself on the other side.

Mission 1. Operational pause

Remember the third mission from the Russian campaign? Here you have to defend the same village. First of all, we destroy the "royal tiger" both enemy guns and take it back. Then we put forward the reserves from the control points ahead and align the front line at the level of descents from the hill.

Then the enemy will be completely impossible to break through your position. Then remove the anti-lawyers standing in the rear, and again put them in the right checkpoint. It is there that enemy attack aircraft will be flying most often, so in this place from the anti-aircraft gun will be the greatest benefit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to increase their number, so actively use what is. Fighters can also be caused if the enemy will really attack attack aircraft.

You can easily facilitate my life and in another way - it is necessary to find several detachments of elite infantry on the back edge of the map and gently push them on the left flank, destroying the enemy concrete dot with fire. If you promote them a little further - you will always be aware of the one who comes from the left flank and in the center.

Mission 2. Old fortress

In this area, we have very bad with artillery, so you have to beat it with an opponent. At the beginning of the mission you need to attack the building located nearby. We destroy the platoon of the NKVD and immediately assign the tanks back. This is a secret mission for which we get excessive reinforcements.

After that, we organize the passage to the fortress. The first defensive frontiers process from their reactive mortar, you can call self-propelled and add from them. Then capture the ruins of the fortress and pour out on both outlets from it, reflecting the attacks of the enemy. We wait for the report that we managed to defend the fortress and call the attack aircraft, shelling first one, and then another control point of the enemy (more precisely, the position around them).

Unfortunately, the captured warmts are not so many shells as we would like, and there are no supply trucks, so it will not be turned out to shoot. A grouping of the enemy on the left edge of the map can not touch at all, it does not interfere with us.

Mission 3. Path to the East

In this mission, you are invited to take the city by capturing a bridgehead on the other side of the river, - the German command decided to counterattack. Forget about the south bridge immediately - it is painful with his defense.

In the north shelling the position of the enemy by self-propelled with the support and ignorance from the attack aircraft, and then survive the enemy from the standpoint tanks. And all, the city is in our hands. In the same way, demolish the defensive positions in front of the bridge and attack the enemy along the northern edge of the card, capturing the headquarters.

Please note that the enemy will attack in response in the southern road, so it needs to be putting a barrier from tanks. Finally, only the southern bridge will remain. But now you go to him from the rear and easily destroy the enemy.

Mission 4. inevitable retribution

Tanks in ambush mode neutralize the upcoming enemy troops quickly and efficiently.

Now the opponent has little artillery, and we have a task - to catch the enemy tool during the maneuver, so that they do not interfere with our main troops. For this, we give out several detachments of elite infantry. They will minimize the bridge on both sides and remotely undermine mines. If necessary (from the first time it did not work), we reveal one or two detachments to finish the stubborn enemy. But two or three detachments should be left to restore their artillery on the enemy.

Then the main part of our troops will appear in the right corner of the card, which will begin to attack the enemy. It will be very timely helping them with attack aircraft. Immediately after that, it is necessary to attack the town up from your positions. Then you will get the opportunity to capture an enemy gobichny battery. But the enemy is not yet strongly deepened in the fighting order. It is better to cause your warm-ups to get tractors, to drain the enemy warmts and move away from the standpoint - the enemy will attack in response and firing you from heavy mortars.

The next action will be the destruction of the opponent's airfield near the second control point, otherwise the attack aircraft in huge quantities will fly from there. At that point, where our main forces appeared, it would be particularly hot, so from there it is best to immediately take all the troops. Then destroy the enemy in the area where the detachment of our special forces appeared (to begin with, we proceed the advanced line from artillery). And only then with all the forces attack the supporting point of the enemy on the right flank.

In both cases, we will help allies that attack the enemy from the opposite edge. True, you don't wait for serious help from them. Between the two control points along the lower edge of the card constantly coming to Russian reinforcements. It makes sense to turn there by infantry and put anti-tank guns, then do not get an attack in the rear.

That's all, the next campaigns "Blitzkrig" expired. Will something else? Probably. After all, the topic of the defense of Leningrad, battles for Italy, and many others will not be affected. In the end, what do the same English and the Japanese do in the game? Is it time to get their own campaigns? And ... would not prevent full-fledged campaigns from 1941 to 1945. In general, we are waiting ...

O MAY YEAR! Wuer from Aur RainforusMerts?! Der from Tu Myani Naziz! .. Or Sicret Abdiztems in de Campaine of De U-Es-hey, hah?

Secret tasks in the US campaign, sir. To navigate the chapters, please use the menu located on the right. Show them all the power of Arsenal Uncle Sam, sir!

Battle for Batan. Philippines, 1942

Mission 1: Eastern Wind, Rain. Secret task: Found weapon. To the right of the defense line there is a warehouse in front of which machine guns and mortars are lying without affairs. Think about the same thing about what and me?

Mission 2: Long shadow. Secret task: Friendly conversation. As soon as the mission becomes starting, send someone to the tents on the right to ask for a very good Mr. a couple of tanks.

Mission 3: Fish in barrel. Secret task: A pilot who survived in a catastrophe. At the very beginning of the mission, you can see the falling aircraft and jumping from it with a parachute of the pilot officer. Find and save him, and as a reward, he will cause the bombing of the positions of the Japanese.

Mission 4: Pundak wedge
Mission 5: Battle for Batan. There are no secrets in this mission.

Battle for Guadalkanal. 1942 year

Mission 1: Orline claws. Secret task: Destroy all tanks. Wait when they stop, and then immediately call the bombers, bring them on tank ahead of the column. Also make with the second column. There are enough two bomber raids one by one to the column to perform the task.

Mission 2: Jungle drawing. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 3: Genderson Field: for the throat. Secret task: Cover allies. Support the ally on the distant tracks from the airfield, not allowing the destruction of the radar on the airfield itself. Note of the user Bloodsurg.: not enough to destroy the Allied Jeep and BTR.

Mission 4: Rat drunk in the corner. Secret task: Save at least ten trucks. Strange taskI personally could not fulfill. Where do ten trucks, if there are only seven? Who knows. Saved all seven, and nifiga.
Mission 5: Distracting maneuvr. Secret task: Trophy japanese tank. In a small settlement in the south-east, there is a tank without a crew. Kill the Japanese sitting nearby, and you can use the tank at your discretion.

Mission 6: Clouds on Guadalkanale. There are no secrets in this mission.

Battle for Leite. Philippines, 1944

Mission 1: Support landing operation. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 2: Teeth and nails. Secret task: Seek artillery tools. Using snipers, get to the position indicated on the screen image below, and sniper fire neatly, not attracting the attention of other Japanese troops, kill the gun calculations, and then capture at least one warm.

Mission 3: Blood Laguna. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 4: Attack Peterson. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 5: Death works overtime. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 6: Battle for Leitee. Secret task: Persiste the enemy's evacuation. Need to destroy everything The enemy troops within a small base, the location of which can be found in the screen shown below.

Rour battle. Germany, 1945

Mission 1: King Mountain. Secret task: Saved officers. At the beginning of the mission on the hill there are three officers and jeep. Put all three in the jeep and carry them to your headquarters in the south. As a reward, you will receive two warmts.

Mission 2: Confrontation on the bridge. Secret task: Eliminate the traffic. Destroy all the enemy troops around the headquarters, the location of which can be found in the screenshot below, and capture it, and then get a British tank column as a reinforcement.

Note of the user Givuchii.: If you grab the German infantry headquarters, located in the south, get 2 tanks, ZSS and PT-SAU as a reward, but after the seizure of the headquarters there will fly out enemy bombers, an elite landing and two tanks "Panther", so "Bob, not stand ! "
Mission 3: Needle in a haystack. Secret task: Pending problems. Immediately after the start of the mission, lead the sniper across the bridge so that it destroys the motorcycle. Do not hesitate, otherwise the motorcycle will leave, and the task will not be able to execute. After executing the task will be counted after some time. Thanks for the information provided.

Mission 4: War on Rails. Secret task: Enemy anti-aircraft. Get to the enemy's headquarters on the right, as shown in the screenshot, and clean the hill with anti-aircraft guns, after which the bombers will be performed on the enemy in the city.

Mission 5: Flying horror. Secret task: Captured sapiers. There is a warehouse in the east, two observational tower, a none anti-tank gun and a German engineering truck. Clean this section, and your truck gun.
Mission 6: Lost and found. Secret task: Out of the frying pan into the fire. In the southeast there is a fuel warehouse with the building of the factory administration as a headquarters. Destroy all the protection and capture the headquarters, and as a reward will get heavy British tanks "Churchill-crocodile". Caution: The greatest threat is the heavy tank "Tiger", so destroy it as soon as possible when you find yourself in stock.

Mission 7: Rour Cowle. Secret task: Lead an attack. The task is not really a secret and by itself is quite simple: try to keep the British in the final sector in which the Germans sat down.


Allez Beramit? Dann Beginnan Vir! Venn Di Soldatn Durh di Stadt Marshrn, Soldatn di Findn Di Gechayim Aufgabn Und di Oteriaira ...

The secret is tasked and "Easterken" in the campaign on the side of Germany and the 3rd Reich, Main Freund. Niht is formine the right panel for navigated by the main.

Estimation on Marne. France, 1940

Mission 1: At the distance hit. Secret task: A pleasant surprise. In the northwest there is a small open warehouse. Arrive there, and as a reward will receive Desent Luftwaffe.

Mission 2: Dangerous steps. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 3: Gentelmen par. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 4: Forced eviction. Secret task: Warehouse with miniments. In the northeast there is a warehouse facing four 76.2-mm mortar. They are guarded by soldiers falling into the trench and two towers.
Mission 5: Surrent Court. There are no secrets in this mission.

Rats Tobruk. Africa, 1942

Mission 1: Purity primarily. There are no secrets in this mission, but there is a bonus. In the northeast in the village between buildings there is a 25-pound warmness. Thanks for the information provided.

Mission 2: Barracuda desert. In this mission there are no secret tasks, but there are three bonuses. The first bonus: in the southwest, Panzerkampfwagen II stands in the landfill. Tank crew hold nearby. Clean the area, and your tank.

The second bonus: near the radar in the south is a concentration camp. Clean the area, and your troops will also join the infantry and a couple of mortar detachments.

The third bonus: In the south-east, a German sniper sits in the building, but he does not allow Commandos fighters. You know what to do.

Mission 3: Sophisticated prelude. Secret task: Enemy warehouses. In the north there is a wooden warehouse that has several trucks with suggestions. They need to be destroyed, but it's not so easy to get there, as you have to break through through the settlement.

Also in this mission there is a funny but useful "Easterhouse." In the south-east there is a snow stain overgrown with palm trees. If someone shoves there, because of the card limit will leave friendly Soviet heavy tank KV-2 and will go to your command. Fun, yes?

Mission 4: Reveal the beast. Secret task: Plush the radio opponent. True, this task in the game for some reason is not a secret. For its implementation during the storming of the settlement in the north-west, be attentive and not spread the tanks of the neutral Commando officer, and also do not use the bombardment. After an officer proceeds to your command, send it to the lighthouse so that he aroused the bombing on his own comrades-British. However, it is not worth lingering next to the Lighthouse, because after the first bombardment he will call the second, but already on himself and your troops standing too close to the lighthouse. Well, a small bonus in the form of two 25-pound haubs, if you want.

Mission 5: Helping hand. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 6: Homecoming. Secret task: In the farm, everything will come in handy. In the west, there is a hill on which you can see the cozois of bubbled trucks and funnels from explosions. A couple of 25-pound warmness is waiting for you to facilitate the assault of Tobruk, commander.

Stalingrad battle. Russia, 1942

Mission 1: Precious cargo. Secret task: Repair "Tiger". In the south-east, in the corner of the village, traces of battle and baked tanks can be found, among which there is a good tangr tank. Put it with the help of engineers, and the "big cat" with the right use of "Ivanov" to death.

Mission 2: Angry nanny. Secret task: Hidden reserves. Almost in the center of the map on the hill near the bridge there are two dzot, in which they hid from evil Russian intimidated German infantrymen. Save the poor man.

Mission 3: Older brother. Secret task: Russian anti-aircraft artillery. In the south-east among the ruins there are several anti-aircraft guns. You know that they will be very useful to protect the "tigers" according to the main task, right?

Mission 4: Light steps. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 5: Armored city. Secret task: Intercept the Russian General. The next task is not secret, but additional. Before capturing the fuel warehouse, place on all the roads at the edge of the troops card (preferably average tanks). The Russian General is located in the commander KV-1, which needs to be destroyed.

Mission 6: Volga plants. Secret task: Reduce fire power. As soon as possible, achieve the southern road in front of the factory complex, so as not to miss soon passing there self-propelled RSZO "Katyusha", otherwise they will then annoy it.

Waters. Ardennes, 1944

Mission 1: Tough grip. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 2: Gatekeeper. Secret task: Separate ammunition. In the north there is an abandoned locomotive. Move your troops to him so that it becomes yours, and take it to the plant in the southwest. As a reward, you will be given two assault guns "Brummember" and two PT-SAU "Ferdinand".

Mission 3: Meltelik. Secret task: Take the castle. In the north-west, the ruins of the castle, in which the Americans arranged the base. It is necessary to clean it, but it will be not easy, as the approach to the ruins guard two tanks and anti-aircraft guns.

Mission 4: Confident tread. There are no secret tasks, but there are two bonus. The first bonus: in the southeast there are PT-SAU "Yagdtigr" with a shot down caterpillar and officer. Repair Yagdtigr. He will come in handy.

The second bonus: The right of your headquarters there is a small river "pocket", where the native motor (on the view of wooden and with the paddle) boats are floating. Can be useful for infantry transfers to the opposite part of the map.
Mission 5: Hunt for "Tiger". There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 6: Fight for survival. Secret task: Take Radar. For the execution of this task, you will need to provide support for the V-2 rocket (VergeeltungSwaffe-2 / Fow-2), but if you pass the mission not in order and in this mission you do not have V-2 (in the reinforcement menu, it is called "Super Build" ) Probably capturing radar in the south, you will receive V-2. This method is not verified; When capturing the radar personally, nothing happened to me.

Mission 7: Heavy hand. Secret task: Seek monasteryas well as "easter bag." Another task that deny your secrecy status. Almost in the center of the map in the ruins of the castle there is a chapel that Americans are used as one of the headquarters. Ruins are under very good protection, and several Sau M7 "Priest" are hidden inside their perimeter. If you capture the chapel, get eight self-propelled PSW Panzerwerfer 42.

As for "Easter", then in the northwest there is a hill inaccessible to ground troops. However, there you can land the soldiers from the aircraft (in the menu are referred to as "elite infantry"). At this hill among the Christmas tree, the UFO is harnessed, which, however, cannot be destroyed (from all sides by half the armor). They exist!

Comrades! It's time to drive a fascist scum from the land of our homeland! .. That is, I wanted to say, look for secret tasks in the campaign of the USSR. In the name of Russia-Mother, of course! Did not forget about the navigation on the chapters through the menu on the right, comrade?

Defense of Moscow. Russia, 1941

Mission 1: Rescue operation. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 2: Evacuation of the plant. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 3: Roads to Moscow. Secret task: German officer. Kill the German officer located in the north in his car under the protection of two PZ. 38 (t), two Panzerjäger I, two BMW R75 motorcycles and a soldier in trenches.

Mission 4: Organized defense. Secret task: Interrupted repair of the bridge. In the West, German engineers are trying to restore the bridge to open their friends access from the flank. Destroy engineering trucks and engineers themselves.

Mission 5: Klinov. Secret task: Captured long-range gun. In the east there are two abandoned Soviet Haves, which can be used against the enemy during this mission. However, it will be difficult to get to them: the bridge next to your database is destroyed, so you have to go through the bridge in front of the city in the center of the map.

Defense of Sevastopol. Crimea, 1942

Mission 1: Battery Defense. Secret task: Logistics trucks. This task is in fact for some reason it is not considered a secret, but nevertheless it is a completely pleasant bonus, because with the help of these trucks you can recharge your artillery. Trucks are near houses in the north. Load your troops to them, and they (trucks) will drive at your disposal.

Mission 2: Duenna. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 3: Under the cover of night darkness. Secret task: Destroy enemy armored vehicles. Attack the convoy immediately, as soon as the mission begins, and capture the musitles so that the enemy technique drove up closer to the town. Having done it, find four Panzerkampfwagen II tank and destroy them. Beware of armored car scouts! Thanks for the information provided.

Mission 4: Sapun-Mount. Secret task: Abandoned tools. In the southwest there are two muscles. Order the infantry to capture them, and the task will be performed.

Mission 5: Defense Sevastopol. Secret Tasks: Super heavy Mortira "Karl" destroyed and Armored train saved. In the east, the tranne is the NKVD squad. Disadvantaged this detachment and send to the exploration towards the southeast, where you will find a steel monster with a 600-mm "core". Destroy the "Karl" using artillery, aviation or simply waiting for the support of the ally, and the first secret task will be fulfilled, and also relieve yourself from the devastating actuator.

With the armored train, everything is simple: let down any technique or infantry to the armored spent near the pier in the West, and in addition to performing the second secret task, not bad thing for defense.

Operation "Uranus". Stalingrad, 1943

Mission 1: Steel avalanche. Secret task: Armored train. In the east there is a small island, surrounded by the river to which two destroyed rail bridges lead. Repair one of the bridges and spend your troops onto the island to get to your disposal standing there armored train.

Mission 2: Sabotage. Secret Tasks: Lost Group and Trophy tanks. Near the wooden warehouse in the western side, the Germans are going to shoot a squad of Soviet soldiers and sniper. If you have time to save them, the first secret task will be performed.

In the north-west around the fire, the road crowded the Germans, including the crew near PT-SAU Ferdinand. Kill the Germans, and the brave communists will stand up terrible "Uncle Fedor", and the second secret task will be performed.

Mission 3: Romanian strike. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 4: Zatin. Secret task: Counterattack. Grab the enemy headquarters in the northwest. For this, get armored train.
Mission 5: War in Steppe. There are no secrets in this mission.

Battle for Berlin. Germany, 1945

Mission 1: Rescue operation at the factory. There are no secrets in this mission.
Mission 2: Spring cleaning of the territory. Secret task: Enemy artillery. On the hill almost in the center of the map there are two SAU "Hummel" that firing your troops. Destroy them, but be careful - they are guarded: the heavy tank "Royal Tiger", two 20 mm of anti-aircraft guns and infantry in trenches.

Mission 3: The strongest link. Secret task: Raid. As soon as the mission begins, immediately grab Iers and storm the closest enemy headquarters - the right, located in the north-west, and so far the Isa will go there, to another headquarters, which in the southwest, also send the equipment. If you are able to seize both headquarters, your troops almost do not have to fight with the "royal tigers". Almost yes.

Mission 4: Lie down! Secret task: Skyatitsa in Heaven. Sosstantly what "stupid Americans" bomb all in a row, including your troops? Save the fighters on a hill with a radar located almost in the center of the map, and they will send SMS to pilots of bombers so that they stop "having fun."
Mission 5: Hunt for pigeons. Secret task: Total destruction. Destroy all enemies on the map, not allowing anyone from them to escape. It will not be easy, but you hold on.

Mission 6: Berlin Prize. There are no secrets in this mission.

"Retribution": Germany

Secret tasks of additions "Retribution" in the campaign on the side of Germany. All secret tasks had to look for their own, so I could skip something, knowing my inattention.

Cornandow boiler. Latvia, 1944

Mission 1: Way home. Secret task: Skillful tactic. Try to make sure that the losses among the ally troops were minimal, and also discover them, eliminating the enemy behind the railway bridge. Not just a lot of powerful tanks given you enough.

Mission 2: Fort. Secret task: Art of defense. Hold all four objects.

Mission 3: Wolf trail. Secret task: Breakthrough blockades. Spread the defense of the Communists in the urban part. Get ready for cruel battle - defense is extremely strong.
Death to saboteurs!
Capturing the furthest warehouse, you can go down below, to the next warehouse, and after stripping, get a German engineering truck and two tractors.
Mission 2: Summer thunderstorm. Secret task: Liberation. Immediately after the start of the mission, lead the troops to the warehouse in front of them. The partisans are hiding there, ready to join your troops.

Mission 3: Last Minute Rails. Secret task: Underwear train and "Easterhouse." Immediately after the start of the mission, bend forward and destroy Lokomotiv. In the wagons transport troops, but if you stop the train, the passage will be easier.

Near the station "Zhodino" is probably a monument with a locomotive and an honorable board. The search on the Internet did not make it possible to understand, there are such a monument near the station "Zhodino" or not.

Mission 4: Decisive blow. Secret Tasks: Capture technique, Capture technique (yes, again) and Release prisoners. Just capture your neighbor and distant enemy warehouses along the river, and your trucks.

Prisoners of war are locked in buildings on the left island, almost in the corner of the map. Kill the enemies nearby, and the liberated soldiers will fight on your side.

Budapest operation. Hungary, 1944

Mission 1: Hunting for predator. Secret task: Seize "tiger". I left somehow times the tank speakers Michael Wittmann his "tiger" on the repair in the center of the map between the two buildings on the right island under the protection of several infantry detachments. It returns after some time with the scaling in one hand and a huge warder - in another, and "Tigger" is not! And there are no fighters! And there are no buildings too! No, in fact, the buildings are in place ... What remains from them.
- FordamMTez Comnistan! - Vittmann swore. - All Prommubyzden!
If it is about you, it means that you have already had to fulfill the task, during which you are given the opportunity to sobat the handsome Tiger.

Start any mission and open the console by clicking on the keyboard key ~ (tilde). Opening the console, to activate the Cheat mode, enter password Barbarossa. without unnecessary gaps, quotes and other additional characters (if you said somewhere that you need to enter @Password ("Barbarossa"), Know: You were misled). Next, you can enter the following commands:
@Win (0) - Instant victory;
@God (0,1) - invulnerability, but only for your troops. Ally's troops remain mortals. In addition, your incompetent troops can kill each other, and this can happen completely by chance, as well as your infantry can move the enemy tank, sprinkling on invulnerability. In addition, the enemy infantry can garnet to destroy your technique, although this is a rare phenomenon. Well, both hit the caterpillar tanks, so they will shoot down, so do not bring the tanks close to the enemy's infantry and on the mine fields;
@God (0,2) - Does the same thing as the previous team with all the nuances, but also gives your troops the opportunity to instantly kill any opponent and laughing buildings. Please note: if someone from your troops will stand closely at the moment when this enemy shoots, for example, your tank, the tank can instantly destroy your fighter / technique, and the enemy;
@God (0,0) - disabling invulnerability;
@CHANGEWARFOG (1) - Inverting "Fog of War" (not "shutdown", as written in sources with these teams. Enough to enter people's misleading!), That is, your troops "disappear" in the fog of the "war fog", as it happens usually with the enemy, and enemies, on the contrary, become always you are visible; They "explode" the territory, but for you. You can manage your troops to manage your troops, but it will be not easy, and there is a bug, because of which, even after the return of the "Fog of War", the troops located in the "Fog of War" may disappear, although they will be displayed on the minicar ;
@ChangeWarFog (0) - Return of the "Fog of War" in the norm.
The password and commands should be entered in each mission, because when switching to the next mission they are reset.

Not quite a chitik, but it can be useful. On the some The keyboards on the right there is a miniclavitature, included / off key Num Lock. Keys + and - You can change the speed of the game, increasing it or lowering, respectively. Maximum speed - 10; The minimum is also 10. The value equal to 0 is the default speed. But inactive with acceleration, otherwise overload the processor! For example, on a clear-chief processor with a clock frequency of 1.5 GHz already at speed 3, harsh "drawdowns" of productivity or frames per second (FPS) occurred.

When pressing a key Space You can put the game by pause, but the ability to highlight the troops, distribute orders and move the chamber. Using a pause, you can view the card and / or by holding the key Shift., distribute all the orders that will be completed after turning off the pause.

Again, tankers are breeding motors, and tractors are dragging guns. The infantry is ready to occupy trenches and defend them to the last soldier, and paratroopers occupy places on the shops of the aircraft. And all this commanded young officers and all the experiences of the generals. Yes, this is the second one world War. Once again this year. But this is another war. This is "Blitzkrieg 2"! The series of clones ended, and a new page is open ...

What is your philosophy?

The most significant change in the new game is not a graph. Yes, the three-dimensional gaming space is nice. Hills now look much more real - but no more. It even loses the same places. For example, the infantry is more like cockroaches, and the tanks are very smeared and adore in the shade of the trees, displaying blue or green spots.

Much more interesting is a new approach to experience. From now on, it is not received separate fighters, which is generally correct. Otherwise, the usual infantryman never shines to get another level. After all, according to the most banal statistics, more than 3-4 opponents do not kill him - then he will be a victim himself. Therefore, the whole experience is puzzled by commanders. These geniuses of military craftsmanship are controlled by non-individual detachments, but as much as the troops - for example, light tanks. And they gain experience for being subordinates to destroy the enemy. It is impossible to destroy the commander - he sits in some bunker and, watching the successful actions of his fighters, methodically increasing the experience that develops into new titles. The ranks also give the right to use new tactics - up to 4 species - both automatically and managed. Moreover, the commander receives an experience regardless of whether anyone from his fighters survived - just for the fact that they kill the enemy. The referral of the troops without the commander, of course, does not gain experience. Two new commanders we get with the assignment of another title. Then you can give them to the beginning of the free units.

It is important: once the commander of the commander is already impossible to remove, so it is not necessary to arrange at the posts at once everyone who got, - not all the birth of troops are so necessary. Some tactics will bring very low or no way. And if so - why do they need a commander?

All the following news flow out of this, but, nevertheless, the game is still irreversibly the other. So. Reinforcements appeared. These are troops belonging to a particular type of troops. They are all equal, and one detachment is one point of reinforcements. And this is right, because the infantry detachment is quite equivalent to the detachment of tanks. Although comparing heavy and lightweight tanks at least ridiculous. And do not forget about the principle of "stone-scissing paper": everyone has its own strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes the detachment of light tanks will be much more useful. Calling reinforcements is not a simple one. We'll have to suffer some time that will depend on the potential power of caused fighters before you can call on the following. And after heavy tanks, you will have to wait much longer than after ordinary infantrymen.

Another important news - a campaign appeared directly related to reinforcements. The fact is that by performing the tasks of the campaign, you improve your fighters. Completed the next mission - and you have / updated heavy tanks. If the KV-85 used to be used - IS-2 steel. Of course - in the subsequent missions, where these tanks will be available in the form of submills. But the tasks in campaigns can be performed at their discretion in any sequence. Although the definite pattern of "Prizes" suggests that the developers "finely" hint at the "correct" sequence of passage.

Another connection with reinforcements has key items. There are several places on each map, about which new reinforcements will appear. If you cleanse the surroundings of these places from the enemy, then the new owner will have to manage this place, and help will come to him almost immediately after the challenge. Another benefit from these points is that the supply machines are recharged.

It is interesting: by placing your troops next to the key point and putting the recharging point immediately from the supply machines, you will receive a permanent and incessant recharge.

All kinds of detachment

As already mentioned, there are several "refinery" of troops in the game. If there is a commander, they gradually develop and become better. In the process of moving from campaign to campaign, troops are improved and gaining new combat units. And what are these detachments - read below.


Finally, the infantry was able to become those who wins the war, and not by the signs to exchange with the enemy and occasionally - intelligence for tanks. I declare with full responsibility that a different infantry detachment in the form of reinforcements is much more useful than any, even the most heavy and powerful tanks. Why is that? Let's see...

Regular infantry

Usually the infantry is from 3 to 5 (in the late game) of detachments of 10 people. Armed with these fighters with rifles, machine gun (later - two) and a gun (he, of course, from the commander). In the course of the game in the process of modernization of units, the infantrymen change rifles on automata, machine guns and mortars are added to the detachment (in final version - Two). You can immediately forget about the latter - machine gunners are absolutely not going to drag our tools to the trenches and, standing immediately behind the trenches, become excellent goals. Therefore, machine gunners are potentially the first victims of the opponent's attack. And mortars have too low firing and small effect. When attacking the enemy infantry, they usually do not succeed at all, but at our attacks the best use for them will be the shelling of an opponent's guns standing at once behind the trenches.

It is interesting: the Germans stood out - on last level They do not have 2 mortars, but one. But a heavy, 120-millimeter. And it already inspires respect, for such a mortar can ruin his life even armored vehicles.

What is the infantry need? To answer this question, consider its abilities. Hand grenades Infantry is available initially, and the commander is not required to use them. It is not recommended forget about them, otherwise the tanks of the enemy will be hoisted "ironing" your trenches. By the way, skill turn out - Skill, vital infantry. Therefore, in the first missions it is worth doing everything to make your fighters as quickly as possible this skill. As a result, you will not depend on where the trenches are dug, and you will determine where it is better to defend. Bunch of grenades - Another useful skill. At least due to the fact that with him infantry and "tigers" are not terrible. That is, with some agility, your fighters will be able to dream even heavy tanks without supporting their own (in the attack, I do not speak about defense).

Tips assure that the use of ligaments grenade accelerates the consumption of ammunition, but I think, and many will agree with me, which is better than the infantry with empty pockets near the beaten tank than the same tank - slightly scratched - near the mountain of corpses, hung off unused ammunition. In defense, the ligaments can not be used, but in the attack they are mandatory. Vigilance - Streamed use of the last skill. With it, the infantry allegedly caresses itself on the march and will not give the enemy to sneak unnoticed. But why to substitute your fighters so that they are destroyed on the march? In their trenches rather!

And finally, the goals for which the infantry needs. This is defense and knock out the balance of infantry of the enemy from unprotected trenches. Observation disappears as a class, for the commanders of the departments from nowhere see a little further than if binoculars were not at all. With great good luck, it turns out to see the gun for enemy trenches. Or maybe it will not work ... But in the trenches, for which there is something, the infantry looks great. Moreover, she herself can dig them (with an experienced commander). The opposite is true - in relation to the enemy's infantry. If you destroy all the anti-tank artillery and tanks that support the infantry, then there is nothing better than the complete infantry unit, which will choose individual shooters from the trenches. That's so ... And also the infantry knows how to use enemy tools - if you first kill those who shot them. Do not forget about it!

Storm infantry

Also very useful troops. At least with their more powerful weapons - they earlier appear automata (and better quality), more manual machine guns. Although the units in the attack aircraft - no more than 4. Later, anti-tank branches (up to 2) are joined and up to 2 flanmeters. The usefulness of the flamets is very doubtful, but the guys with grenade launches sometimes even more harmful than anti-tank guns.

Hand grenades We are already familiar, so we will not stop on them. And here delete - A new and extremely useful effect, if the enemy applies mines, for the sacks work immediately all the detachment and the fighters are cleaned quite a significant territory around the specified point. Explosive - Not the most necessary skill, but sometimes it can be useful to use something quickly destroy. Adrenaline rush - will give your soldiers the opportunity to be animated at the very beginning of the attack, inflicting an increased damage to the enemy.

In general, in their characteristics, attack aircraft significantly exceeds the usual infantry. Due to greater firing power, they perfectly dig an enemy infantry, and anti-tank detachments will not be raised to the enemy tanks (the main thing is to pull the trenches for them just behind the shooters). There are only two disadvantages - they do not know how to dig trenches (and, it became, dependent on already existing shelters) and their one detachment is less than ordinary infantry. And sometimes it is critical ...

Luxury infantry

But those who do not need commanders. Namely - paratroopers. In their platoon - only 3 compartments of 5 people armed with automata. In the application is complex, as it is planted from the aircraft, and this, if there is an opponent, the anti-aircraft can mean that reinforcement will not get to you. Sometimes there are silent machines, which increases the chances of the fact that the enemy will not find them at all.

Disguise - The ability to hide and be seen only by the enemy, which is very close. This is their way to shoot first - after all, paratroopers are a bit. But do not think that you can sneak to the enemy so to be cutting it with a knife. Do not give-s. Mines with radio visitor - Well, this is if you give you a special task: for example, a warehouse explode. You yourself are definitely not guess how to use this ability. Skill host street Gives paratroopers advantage over the enemy, if they defend on the building. Nonsense - do not try to use it. Such "defensive points" is primitively shot by tanks or artillery. Yes, and 2 dozen trunks of ordinary infantry will definitely be no worse than just a dozen paratroopers. Spy regime-Hasy allows you to go where it swings, and only the most attentive wonders will notice. Another nonsense is the enemy of these "most attentive" many more than you would like.

So - Why suffer and raising paratroopers if their use requires a separate management? They will give you on specially intended for that mission, here and play. Moreover, in these tasks you will be given squads of a suitable level. Marine paratroopers can perfectly cut the patrol compartment by making a volley first. But against two such departments, they will suffer losses. In the attack they are generally useless, and there is no grenade against the tanks. Conclusion - you can play them in the missions specially designed for them, but do not use constantly.

It is interesting: sometimes snipers are added to the paratroopers, which also know how to mask. Shot snipers are excellent, but with a little disadvantage - if this reptile started shooting and sees at least one enemy within a shot of a shot, it will not calm down until it takes everyone. It is useless to stop - you can only stay away back.


Know how to minimize and demining (with the last where better Mount the attack aircraft), dig the trenches (why? We have ordinary infantry), repair. The latter is sometimes very valuable. But so that you are not happy, you can get engineers at our disposal only when they are given according to the script. In reinforcements, they are not listed ...


Tanks, according to a famous expression, dirt are not afraid. They are generally afraid of little. Although suffer from a lot. However, they still remain the main acting power of the game, since the simplest advice here will sound like "Take more tanks." Of course, the game for which such a council would be the only true, would go straight to the basket. But still the tanks here are power. As here, this will not be considered weapons of Japan, Great Britain and France. Those machines that are not included in the reinforcements are also not mentioned (they are the usual parts). But on the poster you will find all the armament of the main participants in the conflict.

Light tanks

The most effective means against infantry in defense. Not because they are somehow characteristic of armed, but because there are many of them. Closer to the end of the game the number of such tanks in the subdivision caused can reach six pieces. Of course, against the other "fellow arms", they are weak - guns with a caliber of the order of 45 mm are not adapted to break through the armor of heavy machines. But if they bury them - they will be able to oppose something and middle tanks. Attack is completely useless - the machine gun's range is almost equal to the distance from which the infantry is thrown by grenades. And the first one always shoots the one who is in defense.

First ability - patrol - Virtually useless. Events are usually developing so dynamically that such nonsense is once to do. And here running fire It will be very by the way. For the sake of it, it is worth a trunk and pumping our tank workers to the second level. For this they will be able to compensate for a small damage with high rapidity. Mobile fortress allow tankers faster to pour out after movement, and shooting on the job It will give the opportunity to fire even during displacement. It must be said that the last three skills are very useful. Just do not forget to turn on a quick fire - this is not at all automatic skill.

Russian lung tanks begin with T-26.- There is a wretched machine. It is bad in that it categorically refuses to use machine guns against infantry. Although similar German tanks of that time surpasses. She is changed by BT-7.which agrees to use machine guns, however, according to the characteristics of the predecessor, slightly differs. Followed by arms T-60,with which again, problems with machine guns, so I don't expect a sense. According to the characteristics, it is absolutely identical to BT-7, but in the detachment there are already 5 units. His, in turn, changes "Valentine"who are already 6 in the detachment. His machine guns work, however, there are quite certain problems with the reserve of shells to extremely sickly cannon. It completes this disgrace of T-70, which exceeds the previous "actor" only by the number of shells to the tool. Yes, Russian light tanks do not shine capabilities.

The Germans begin literally for rest. Their first P-Iif. Too light to somehow resist T-26. Moreover, they are only 3. The following P-IIIE, possess already best armor And they can fight against the light tanks of the enemy. They are very well protected from all sides, and there are already 4. 3 machine guns inspire respect for the enemy infantry. P-IIIF. Gets severe frontal armor and loses one machine gun. He gets a new tool and the opportunity to fight even with the average tanks of the opponent. P-IIIJ. Even more strengthens the quality of the guns and windshield armor, the more profitable differs from the allies tanks. The detachment becomes 5 tanks. Apotheosis of this evolution - "Hatzer", SAU, converted from light tank. These can be applied even against heavy tanks, and they are not rivals at all. At the same time, the possibility of shooting the infant infantry is preserved. And kill him in the forehead is extremely difficult. Exceptionally wonderful breakthrough machine!

The first tank of Americans (and the only armored vehicle in the first campaign) - "Stewart" m3. From the initial light tanks, he is the best. "Stewart" M3A3 Gets a little better armor and gun. Tanks are still 4. "Stewart" M5 It has even more severe armor (although insignificant), a little more shells added. "Chafth" M24 - A more high-speed and maneuverable tank with a distinct anti-empty gun - and there are already 5. A typical lightweight tank, not designed to fight the tanks of the opponent.

Middle tanks

Theoretically, medium tanks are the main force on the battlefield. What, however, is denied the game itself, when the breakthrough of "Tigers" is thrown into the breakthrough one by one. We need more modest ... Nevertheless, these tanks are able to solve any tasks (except for attempts shot to the forehead of super heavy tanks). Yes, and they are suitable for them - from 3 to 5 cars. Plus, at most long time, which will be held before the next reinforcement call.

In their skills, medium tanks from the lungs differ only first: the patrol is replaced by ambush- This skill allows them to be masked and the first to open fire on the enemy. However, tanks are masked for a long time, and often just do not have time to apply the "first blow." The remaining abilities go in the same sequence.

Start the Russians with three T-28. This tank compensates for the moat of Russian light tanks due to the fact that it has 3 machine guns. At the same time, it is not deprived of armor and a good cannon. In short, for its time it is more than at the level. Perfectly acts against infantry. He is changed by T-34 sample 1941which is more adequately books, but significantly loses in the action plan against infantry. T-34 sample 1942 Just got the best booking and finally gained a coursework machine gun. And they are already 4. But T-34-85 - Direct competitor "Panthers", although he plays her booking. He has a more powerful tool and more armor. And the fact that they became 5, makes it an excellent choice, sometimes even more necessary than heavy tanks.

First german tankP-IVD.. It is designed to fight the light tanks of the enemy and is completely helpless against the middle tanks of the enemy and infantry (on the side of the plywood!). P-IVF2. Gets a new 75-mm gun from which you can fight with medium tanks. True, his armor is the same that he does not please. P-IVG. It differs from the previous instance of improved armor (mainly on sides) - but it is still not a competitor to Russian tanks, although they are already 4 in the detachment. P-VG. - This is already "Panther" one of the best modifications. There is no way to praise its meaning - this is the most powerful tank of the Second World War.

In the first campaign, the Americans are devoid of medium tanks, and in the second two get two "Grant" m3. With armor, this tank has a full order (not as in the Germans), there is a kind of a kind of haubs, which can be done with medium tanks, a light anti-personnel gun and 3 machine guns. Somewhat, but compensates for this not a good security. Against Japanese tin boxes - quite yourself. Next you will have Sherman M4A3 (Three instances). This is a completely decent tank with good maneuverability, a normal competitor to light and middle tanks. Last tank, "Sherman" M4A3 76W, Gets a new cannon, which is much more powerful. Slightly better front armor. It has not been much better, but something can. Plus, they were 4.

Heavy tanks

It is a breakthrough tool, whose task is to destroy enemy tanks. Just do not think that they can all. They are well fighting with medium tanks, they perfectly hold the defense, but Poliegut, if they ourselves come across the well-organized positions of the enemy with anti-tank artillery and covered tanks. What is quite logical. It is supplied exclusively for 2 pieces, differ in low rapidity. Plus, most heavy tanks have problems with the speed of turning the towers, which can allow the clever middling to quickly run into the rear and from there to shoot unprotected stern. Therefore, it is best to use them as mobile fortress in defense or to hit the enemy tanks that do not support infantry and artillery.

Skills are similar to those at the medium tanks, but the second in order is replaced by accurate shot . With him, tanks shoot slower, but for sure in the target. It is good that it is not automatic and need to be included. Because if you slow down without changing the shooting heavyweights, then at the exit we will get several corpses, which never managed to make a single shot.

Russians used to get heavy tanks. This is legendary T-35 with an instrument in the main tower and two auxiliary guns. And he has a lot of machine guns. This is a rather powerful apparatus - when meeting with him, the enemy will incur great losses. Unless, of course, the tank does not climb on anti-tank guns that will easily destroy it. Replacing it is much better book, but inferior in terms of fire power. The biggest acquisition KV-85 - Excellent instrument. This is exactly what the previous model lacked. Well, finally IS-2 - The most powerful tank of the Second World War, the killer "Tigers". This is a crown of perfection, which is difficult to add something.

"Tiger" P-VIH - Powerful tank itself. Some frontal armor never reaches those quantities as it can boast his feed. And he has enough "Health". The problem is only in its incredible slowness. If the enemy fails to go into the rear, then there may be a powerful rear armor. P-VIB., "Tiger" No. 2, surpasses its predecessor in all - including in "brakes-alone". Think about, because Panther is much better ...

The heavy tank of Americans is only one - "PERSING" M26. Even with a decent cannon, he is clearly outdated and cannot compete with German counterparts. Of course, there are two shots from his gun, few people will survive - but he is unlikely to give these two shots.

Tank fighters

If the tank is a multifunctional machine intended for the destruction of everything that comes on the way, then tank fighters are needed specifically for killing tanks. Their distinctive features are the lack of tower and machine guns, a powerful frontal armor and a serious instrument. Tank fighters do not know how to dig in the ground, but even at the same time, they survive much better than heavy tanks, the benefit of the silhouette is low. Therefore, in defense, with the accompaniment of infantry, they will often become the best choice. The benefit of them in the division is more than heavy tanks. By the way, the gun they usually exceed the guns of heavy tanks of the corresponding time. What once again speaks in their favor. But in the attack them alone, it is impossible to walk - the infantry grenades will die.

Skills begin with the already familiar to us ambush. Next is the skill aim in caterpillars, not very useful in view of the fact that the enemy never ceases to shoot. Although he also needs to get. Yes, and this mode is applied by a specific tank on a specific tank. Do we need such a fruit? Next skill - aiming fireWhen SAU shoots slowly, but with a chance to apply a bigger damage. Finishes all the ability hold the sector- Very useful skill, allowing SAU to conduct more efficient fire for purposes in the specified sector. And it is right, for it is not necessary to defend one car a huge part of the front.

Su-76. Does not even deserve consideration. This is a stall machine with a weak gun. Even the fact that they are 4, does not give them the right to be caused by the battlefield. And here Su-85 - This is a real tank fighter - such as he should actually be. Good armor Combined with an excellent gun. Although only 3 pieces. Su-100 - Further development of the previous tank. And only B. best side. This murderer of enemy heavy monsters.

Already very soon, the Germans realized that blitzkrieg fails due to the superiority of Russian tanks. And with this it was necessary to do something. So appeared Panzerjager. I.. But they just destroy only light tanks. Nevertheless, the rest will be happy with this garbage. Here Stug. IIia - Already the most natural exterminator of enemy tanks. Only a decent gun forgot to supply him. He has already been cut off, so he lives for quite a long time. Stug. IIif.- Natural thunderstorm of enemy tanks. He has a significantly enhanced frontal armor and a new long-life cannon is delivered. Maneuverability is not very good, but in the forehead it will not master the average - only aboard. These tanks are first becoming 3 in the detachment. And finally, the self-propeller again becomes 2, but it Jagdpanzer. They and heavy tanks are neglected with great grace. On this saau there is even a machine gun. The lack of only one is very slow.

Americans were not too early realized the need for such guns. But still realized and received very pleasant cars. "Volvetin" - The only self-propeller in the game, which possesses the tower, due to which is extremely maneuveran. It has an extremely high reaction rate and rapidity. Extremely relevant car in any situation. Change them on 3 saough "Solagger", We have improved front armor and gave a stronger gun (damage increased more than twice). By the way, they retained the tower. In general, Americans with fighters did not lose.


But all the well-known "gods of war". As a rule, artillery of all types of battles does not win, but greatly facilitates the life of those who participate in these battles. So look at them carefully - because here artillery finally ceased to exist as a "fixed appendage of tanks."

Anti-tank artillery

The anti-tank guns have three positive features. The first - they shoot much faster than tanks. This allows them to win everything Duele one on one. The second - a truck is attached to the tools, with the help of which you can supply the ammunition not only to the gun, but everything else that you can come up with. The third - guns see further tanks that again increases their chances of survival. However, anti-tank guns are completely defenseless before on the onslaught enemy infantry, the arrows from the rifles are vividly embossed - and the guns are useless. Therefore, the batteries of anti-tank guns without infantry support are at least nonsense. They need to put them immediately behind the trenches so that the enemy does not get the opportunity to destroy our infantrymen, and then to deal with the guns with impunity. If the calculations still knocked out - cause infantry to help. They and the trenches will fill, and the guns "will restore". The anti-tank artillery division always consists of 4 guns and 4 trucks.

It is important: with the progress of the guns are replaced with more powerful, but it is a stick about two ends. For, shooting more powerful, new tools are losing in speed.

Skill set includes already familiar to us on tanks ambush, aim in caterpillars, news aiming fire and hold the sector. All this is to the discretion of the playing, just do not forget that the gun in any case should be installed in the right direction and turn. Fair the calculation can even drag such an instrument from place to place.

It is interesting: in connection with the speed of the ambush guns for them, the most cute business. This manifests itself in the fact that when destroying the enemy from the first volley, the gun from the state of ambushes does not come out. So it can never see it.

Long-range artillery

Finally, the nightmare of the first "blitzkrig" disappeared, when the batteries of the enemy from the whole card immediately began to work at a lonely "lethargy" warm. Therefore, I personally looked at all the highlighted batteries with a grin. There was no sense from them, but if the opponent would have missed the opponent, there would be more problems. From now on, the enemy is not working in principle, although familiar divergence circles on the mini-card remained. But we have the full right to dwell on the positions of the enemy than and we need to use. The range of these troops is impressive, and they are quite enough to shoot the entire card (or almost all). The battery consists of a pair of guns and pairs of charging trucks.

First and main skill - overwhelming fire. Artillery works with him at the selected site until you cancel the order. Second - answered fire- Will the guns to shoot on their own on the attacking enemy. Not very useful, given low rate. Fire Support It will give the opportunity to shoot at the noticeable enemy both in the offensive and in defense. Already somewhat useful, just do not forget that to use this ability tools should be "free" from orders. To do this, it is necessary to "attach" the warmts to some detachment, and it will adjust shooting. Shooting - Superior overwhelming fire. By making several targeted shots, the guns will start more accurate to fall at the specified point.

Assault tools

In general, these are the same limkhanage, only shoot not so far, can move and booked. To fight them against tanks is not recommended: very high speeds are small (there is no tower!), But if you have to, then the 152-millimeter dwarf usually takes the "Tiger" from the first shot. Their advantage is that they are quickly moved, and from a short distance it is possible to more accurate the positions of the enemy. The disadvantage is a small number of projectiles and the lack of a truck for recharging. The Americans and the Germans are used in a pair of SAU, the Russians are lucky, and they have 3 assault guns at once in the division.

The assault guns have a renewal fire on aimed shotWhen spent more time, but they shoot more accurate. For them, it is even more useful, because shells usually have quite a bit and the opportunity is not worth it is not at all useless.

Jet artillery.

There are in the game and desert motifs. Germans in Africa.

Typically, the Russian division, here is Russian and they already rely from the second campaign (and they can already be found in the first mission). Twice replaces occur, under which the power of the shells and the number of guides, but the essence remains the same - "Katyushi" is better than all. Germans appear in the third campaign "Dustverter", which in meaning no worse BmBut constitute still implementing system systems. They need to be praised by a truck, carry, install - Foref ... In connection with this, the Germans most often use their cars to stripping cities or the destruction of bunkers. Another difference from the Russian mortars is that the BAS work out all their ammunition in 2 nodes, providing a complete defeat of everything at the right point, and the German systems are released only 5 minutes (i.e. 5 or 6 salts, depending on the mortar) that It requires at least a pair of salts from both mortars to provide more or less acceptable accuracy.

Americans get their own "Calliopa" Only in the last campaign. They look more like Russian systems (2 volley, but with less power), with good adhesion of fire. The Russians were lucky here again - they have 3 cars in the detachment, while the Germans and Americans are only 2. Although any such systems shoot very close, so you should not count that you can destroy the enemy only with their help.

Due to such sharp differences in the use of reactive artillery, different nations are different. The Germans are best crumpled silly and destroy long-term fortifications, for the density of the fire is small, but very high armoright. As noted, the first volley reveals at home, the second destroys those who jumped out into the street. Russians and Americans typically apply their cars to destroy the support of the adversary infantry in the offensive - simply methodically plowed the area behind the trenches so that no guns and buried tanks prevent them from surviving infantry from shelters. It is not bad in defense against the coming opponent infantry - 2-3 dozen shells are significantly thinned by the attackers, and the remaining knocked out sitting in the trenches. Yes, and tanks seriously suffer from reactive shells.

According to its special skills, the reactive artillery is again similar to the long-range, the difference is that instead of fire support is mobile fortressallowing you to faster after movement. Sticks! It is necessary to turn out what will be defended, and our mortars will destroy the first hit ....

Easy anti-aircraft artillery

The main purpose of light anti-aircraft artillery is attack aircraft and enemy infantry. I just never get to the bombarders, but to knock the attack aircraft - the most cute business. But on one such anti-aircraft, it is better not to put, since alone they are against the opponent's aircraft are not warriors. Three or four - no less, otherwise the attack aircraft themselves will figure them out into pieces. But how they act against enemy infantry! As a rule, an easy anti-aircraft was a 20-mm automatic machine, quickly spoiling hundreds of shells. And against the crowd of infantry is the most. Hence the conclusion - the workplace of light anti-aircraft gun will be at the front line, somewhere among anti-tank guns. So then no one will pick it up to them. And the anti-aircraft guns are switched on anti-aircraft / ground targets.

Explained by anti-aircraft guns in pairs and first require a truck for transportation. In the last version, go to self-delivery to the destination. Although there are also pros and cons. Mobility is very convenient (yes such anti-aircraft guns and is clearly more powerful), but you are denying a truck to recharge your troops. Extremely lucky with the anti-Arithic Germans who received the device with four cannons and machine gun. This is a very strong car.

It is interesting: mobile anti-aircraft counters can shoot on the go. But only terrestrial targets. For fire in the air opponent, they need to get up and "fix".

Caught to shoot out ambushThat for anti-aircraft is also useful. In the second "level" master covert the firewhich increases damage when shooting on infantry. Guard of heaven, on the contrary, increases damage when combating air targets. I would recommend to seriously strain and get my zenital schools to this level, because after the inclusion of this regime, the enemy attack aircraft really becomes very bad. Finally, hold the sector For Zenitchikov, it is not so important because it will greatly limit their freedom of choice. And, as you understand, Zenitchikov can well be called "free artists" - and this is the key to their success.

Heavy anti-aircraft artillery

Heavy sentences are a wonderful remedy against enemy bombers. And they are perfectly combined with fighters. That is, if at least a couple of fighters hang in the air, then the guns begin to shoot, they are faster and more accurate. Although the attack aircraft will also get. But alone planes are heavy anti-aircraft counters. For example, in 1941, the Germans very actively used their Flak against Russian heavy tanks. And in Africa, anti-tank artillery has almost been used. Why, if there are such anti-aircraft? There are moments when they even exceed regular anti-tank agents. For example, places where the attack comes from several converging directions. By virtue of the characteristic design, the anti-aircraft gun is very quickly unfolded in any direction, which the ordinary gun cannot do. The main thing is not to forget to cover it with infantry.

They have the same skills as in light anti-aircraft guns, only the covering fire is replaced by the ability aim in caterpilts. I hope you will not turn on this stupid mode.


It is distinguished by the fact that there is only some time in the air, after which it flies. Therefore, the pilots should not be called "about the supply", namely, when they are needed. But in this case, the effect may be above all praise.


Progress is!

Need to independent an enemy aviation. If he released a whole flock of attack aircraft or bombers who do not allow you to safely drive your tanks, "release fighters. It is best to bring them manually for specific purposes - then the benefits of them will be more (they will not spend time searching). Fighters are issued by links two.

Skills: patrol (You specify two points, between which they caught all the violators, and do not stick as it fell across the entire card). This is useful when the opponent has anti-aircraft guns (so that they do not accidentally be shot down). Autopilot Allows you to fly even to bad weather. Guard of heavenaccelerate the fall of the opponent's aircraft to the Earth (your pilots will be asami). Finally, forsazh For a while, it will increase the speed of the aircraft (if you suddenly slept the appearance of the enemy and you need to catch up).


Airplanes that will allow not only to collect enemy positions, but also to inflict serious damage. It is well suited to suppress the enemy artillery and the destruction of tanks, after which it will be easier to hack the defense. Pretty strong aircraft, which allows them to ignore even anti-aircraft artillery - if it is not very much. Although it is best to start with it. Usually require manual guidance, which is very vigorously and takes a lot of attention. A separate problem is that only a pair work, whereas, dividing, could bring much more benefit. 6-7 guns / tanks for departure - a very good result. You can easily simplify life, "highlighting" enemy positions. Then the results will be even better. This, by the way, is the only case when elite infantrymen can come in handy - because they can be invisible and observe the enemy without finding themselves. In addition, they have binoculars. The attack aircraft in the link two.

They use skills bomb sector (Standard skill) and autopilot (similar to fighters). Hunter on tanks Allows you to apply more harm to enemy armored cars. BUT forsazh Looks like a similar ability of fighters - but here, apparently, in order to wonder.

It is interesting: the attack aircraft without the commander unquestionably drop the bombs on some area, regardless of whether anyone is there or not. With the commander, they become plump and require instructions on a specific goal.


A kind of analogue of reactive mortars. In the sense that the concrete area is covered by bombs, destroying everything on it. At the same time, it is extremely vulnerable and if there is a severe anti-aircraft artillery among the opponent, it is risking not to fly before the specified point. It is hard and not necessarily. In reinforcement 3 bombers (Americans - 4).

The first two skills are already familiar to us. bomb sector and autopilot. Aimicious bombingallows you to control bombers during bombing (which can be useful if the goal is shifted). Survival Allows the bombarder to get less damage from attacks on it. True, a separate question - will they wait until survival?

Super authority

In the last campaigns each of the parties receives its super retention. Immediately I note that the officers do not need to see him, it is impossible to see it, and it recharges it highly long. But there are cases in which it is absolutely impossible to do without it. For example, when you need to impair the opposite edge of the map.

Germans are Fow-2. it the best way Of all possible. For one is applied, but a very powerful blow to an extensive area. The battery of four guns is usually knocked out completely. For Russians there is a railway gun. It's already worse, as there are several shots without any guarantee that the result will be achieved (the zone of defeat from each shot is much less). The worst weapon among Americans. These are strategic bombers in-29 (which can be more theoretically). Damage even worse than conventional bomber: there were cases when quite a few enemy troops survived in the epicenter of the defeat.

By side

There are several types of equipment that is used in the game, but in the form of reinforcements is not issued in any way. However, you need to know about them - sometimes it happens and manage them.

The first are intelligence aircraft. In principle, it is correct that they are not issued, as they are knocked down in terrible quantities. But they allow you to more accurately work your artillery. I recommend to shoot enemy anti-aircraft artillery, in order to reduce the losses among these airplanes.

In the game, there are often armored vehicles, which, at first glance, do not deserve attention. And in vain. They have a very high range of vision (further tanks and infantry without binoculars), as well as excellent speed. By virtue of this armorAutomotume, there may be a tanks that have decided to become fortified points, and will also cut a single gun infantry.

Flameless tanks were in war in fairly large quantities. Here they can even destroy any tank opponent. Where better destroy the infantry, burning it out of all fortifications. It is necessary only that that there is no support in the form of a gun or anti-tank units. Only here a traditional error is repeated, at which the tank gun is replaced with flamethrower. In reality, the flamethrower was replaced by one of the machine guns.

Victory in battles

It is always easier to defend. It is only necessary to build your troops correctly. In the first line it costs - more precisely, the infantry is frozen. If there are trenches - it's good. Although it happens more profitable to pull out new ones. The buildings are much worse due to the fact that they are easily destroyed by tanks. The second line is occupied by anti-tank guns - perhaps, together with light zenith. Their task is not to let the enemy tanks towards the trenches. The guns are defined, and it will not be superfluous to translate them into ambushes. You can also add medium or heavy tanks or fighters of tanks as long-lived strengthening. Finally, as a reserve, let the reactive fire systems, which are very convenient to destroy the enemy's troops, if they suddenly inconsistently attack dense rows. In emergency cases, attack aircraft helps well. The rest of the reinforcement is as needed.

With the attack everything is much more difficult. At least due to the fact that the loss of attacking has always been greater than those who are defended. The first rule - not to try to attack the tanks on the principle of "Armor Everything Ensure". Anti-tank artillery will cope with the tanks where as efficient. Therefore, you first need to destroy all the foci of resistance (long-range artillery, RSZO, attack aircraft), and only then attack. And not alive tanks, but necessarily with the support of infantry. Sometimes it makes sense to break through the narrow site and then attack the rest of the fortifications from the rear. The fact is that the guns are very slowly unfolded, so shoot them from the rear - the most cute matter. And never try to shoot the infantry in the trenches from machine guns - it's just throwing grenades. So it can end the loss of one more, even the most powerful tank.


The game consists of several campaigns. And those in turn, from operations. On each operation you get a few quite ordinary tasks and one final (it would be strange if there were several of them). You can approach the final, even if one of the usual tasks is not fulfilled. Although it is desirable to fulfill everything - they give new troops and experience for you (and these are new commanders for troops). Therefore, strain and try using data from this passage, complete all tasks with honors.

Each operation has a certain amount of reinforcements. You can spend them on each task, but consider: everything that remains will go to the final mission. But it may not be all anything. So consume carefully.

It is interesting: if in the first mission of the first operation to reach a global card, then you can assign commanders already there and do not pull until the second job.

the USSR

In fact, these are the most elected places from the history of the Great Patriotic War. Forward, you win!

I. Defense of Moscow

The hardest time, 1941. And you must keep the capital from the capture of her German army.

1. Rescue operation

Task - save the battery of reactive mortars and take them out. First, break into them with all the troops (the enemy has a little soldier here). When the attack end (will be erected without you) - move along the new road (the old bridge destroyed the bomber). We are not particularly hurry - no new attacks are foreseen.

2. Evacuation of the plant

We must wait for the departure of the train. Immediately call the two detachments of tanks and fasten on the North and Western turns. Most likely, you will need another infantry detachment. Be sure to cover in the north area near the village - even though a couple of tanks, but come from there.

3. Organized defense

It requires to organize the defense of the city. We have enough troops, you just need to take them to the first line of defense and to strengthen. Particular attention should be paid to the dotam, trenches and instill tanks at once behind the trenches. Although 1-2 tank reinforcements cause, apparently, will have.

4. Roads to Moscow

You have to defend two roads. That is, one defend you, and the second is neighbors. But responsibility for both on you. Immediately cause reinforcements from anti-tank artillery to your way. Add tanks to it, and most likely you will get out. As soon as everything ends here, throw the tanks and call new on the second road. It will be attacked longer, but a large consumption of reinforcements will not work.


You have a unhurried assault campaign. After beating the first attack, you will receive at your disposal a couple of tank detachments, which will preferably add as much as much and start storming the position of the enemy. Slowly survive the infantry and shoot artillery, then take the checkpoint in the village. The next task will be the capture of one of the bridges. It is better to capture the one by which there may be tanks. Although there is a good defense, but with a massive attack, the tanks still break through, after which both shores of the river will be cleaned (from the city there is quite a decent bridge to the other side). And the last task is to capture the plant. I think you can easily handle it.

II. Defense Sevastopol

Moscow managed to defend, but now the Germans are hirked in the south. So - hot summer of 1942, the retreat from Sevastopol ....

1. Battery Defense

The Germans are pumped on both sides, and both sides need to cover with tanks or anti-tank artillery. Perhaps you have to call aircraft to somehow manage with enemy attack aircraft. The enemy long-range artillery is very preventing, but you can find the board - you can take the tank and Katyusha in the forest between the waves of enemy attacks through the Western Territory. There is no one there, and they can fire the position of enemy artillery, having reduced the threat to our troops. When the opponent's attacks drop - collect tanks and attack the headquarters. It will be not bad if the remaining projectiles "Katyusha" will destroy the anti-tank artillery of the enemy.

2. Under the cover of the night

It is necessary to secretly destroy 2 groups of Gaubitz. It is meaningless to catch on the road, it needs to "respond" immediately after the start of the mission. Therefore, we hide elite infantry and sniper and carefully by the second point. On the way, sniper shoots enemy infantry and snipers. Entering the slide, we swing along the cliff to get around the enemy's trenches. As a result, we go out to the rear to the Gaubes and calmly shoot them.

3. Duenya

You need to cover the convoy, which follows to the city. Immediately take anti-lawyers and tanks and send them to the battery. Zenitics should be immediately installed as protection from aircraft, and let the tanks defend the village from the north - from there an opponent will come. As soon as intelligence aircraft appear - start the battery to destroy the enemy ships. And periodically launch fighters into the air, one anti-aircraft guns cannot be right here.

4. Sapun-Mountain

During urban battles, he constantly has to smoke the infant of the enemy from buildings.

Pretty simple defense task. We just need to strengthen the left flank in advance, and the rest should be kept by themselves. In the rear there are a couple of unlikely warmness, and it will be very correct to cause the infantry and give them a servant. After that, it will be possible to shoot places where the long-range artillery of the enemy was shown. Although it is even easier to make a couple of arrivals by attack aircraft - anti-aircraft from the enemy is not observed here.

Defense Sevastopol

The final of the retreat, everything is loaded on the transport, and they are serving. You need to cover the retreat. A rare task where the tanks are almost not saved. The main pressure will be in the West and in the East, but do not forget to put a couple of tanks next to the port - the Germans will fall there.

Start with the fact that you quickly determine the tasks to fighters in the center of the position. Otherwise, their hiking columns are shown before they do something. Then put the same with the troops in the West. You can forget about the center, it is not particularly interested in the Germans, now it is necessary to strengthen the East. It would be very desirable to destroy the attachments of their long-range artillery (though, there is full of anti-aircraft gun). If it turns out - the German long-range Mortira is standing near (this is a secret task). In the East, strengthen the line before the last checkpoint. There are also obligatory infantry, anti-tank artillery and "Katyusha". The first digging new trenches, the second strengthened behind them, the latter begin to shoot if there is a too big wave of attacking on the trenches. If necessary, call fresh reserves. Do the same thing on the left flank before the checkpoint. All you have left for 45 minutes, and the mission is won.

III. Operation "Uranus"

In war, the fracture comes. But for this you need to win the Stalingrad battle. Side view of Russian ...

1. Diversion

The motto of this mission is caution. And no reinforcements, they will be the first level, and we need hardened fighters. Yes, and anti-aircrafts will not be given to fall. Talk to the village and cutting the attack to destroy the guard, trying not to face the patrol on the road. With an officer, pass to the village and destroy the general, after which you quickly leave the village, but not in the field, but back on the road, otherwise they will catch up and destroy. After they disguise, return to the village and pass a little to the north. Here, near the shed, the Germans are trying to shoot our fighters. So your squad will join the sniper and another detachment of paratroopers (secret task). After it remains only to sneak along the western edge of the card to the warehouse and destroy it.

2. Romanian strike

It is necessary to knock down from the standpoint of the enemy and capture the headquarters. Let's start with the fact that we put forward a couple of tanks, and the assault tools quickly reinforce on the left flank. The enemy enjoys a cunning tactic - throws forward a couple of dutch tanks, after which they are shooting artillery by putting them. Soon the scouts will come, and we will keep the position of the enemy's guns. Naturally, you need to quickly remove the defending tanks in the direction and start to fill the battery of the enemy with your Gaubins. Then the next one will only cause the "Katyusha" battery and with it to survive the enemy from busy positions. To destroy enemy infantry, you have assault infantry.

3. Steel avalanche

Coordinate the actions of troops in both locations is difficult, but perhaps. Capture them and immediately pour tanks. Sweep closer "Katyushi" and shoot particularly powerful opponent's Armades. After the defensive village counts, install the position of the enemy in the central village from Katyusch and attack it with tanks (it will be only from the north, so try not to call extra tank reinforcements).

4. Zatuchka

Here you need to hold out only 20 minutes, but it is quite difficult. The opponent's artillery is better not to pay attention at all - some kind of invulnerable. Predice your position by infantry and anti-aircraft, then the enemy is unlikely to break through.

War in Steppe

Here, at least the positions of the enemy and scattered, it constantly attacks our initial position (which you first need to capture). Therefore, secure there fighters of tanks and tanks and seize enemy checkpoints by one. Here, the attack aircraft, which first need to destroy anti-aircraft artillery, shoot the leaders, after which to deal with anti-tank agents. And the remaining tanks are well.

IV. Battle for Berlin

Time has come last battle, Battle for Berlin.

1. Hunt for pigeons

German troops retreat, and it is necessary to destroy them in as much as possible. Some of the gaubes issued here can not cope. Need "Katyusha" and tanks. The latter will be useful for the protection of our reactive mortars. And the Gaubes - for shooting from the opponent detected by the aerial intelligence.

Yes, he still grow and grow!

The first two enemy waves will go along the lower road, so it will be easy. But immediately after the second wave quickly throw "Katyushi" and supply trucks to the lakeside - the rest of the enemies will go on a long road. It is possible that they will have to cause bombers to destroy all the troops of the enemy.

2. The strongest link

Here it will be very correct to throw a couple of self-propelled on the flank of the neighbors, for the enemy will come there very actively (we are much weaker). There must also be a shipping truck, and then at an inappropriate moment, shells are run out of self-propelled. When the enemy drops - slowly move on its flank, having previously called "Katyushi" and treating their positions behind the opponent's trenches. The headquarters can be attacked by alone tanks.

3. Spring cleaning of the territory

Here the main thing is not to get involved in frills. Namely, not to attack what we do not need to attack. Let's start with the fact that I will strike by secret weapons in the opponent's wresties. And after that, no one will fire our troops. The rest of the attack in the standard scheme is the destruction of anti-tank attacks, attack on tanks with the support of infantry. They have three groupings - we have as much. In no case do not climb into the center and in the fortified area before the bridge in the West - they do not interfere with us.

4. Lit!

In general, the developers have joked about what needs to be touched from clumsy allies. The Germans are almost cute friends here, because the Gadsk allies purposefully bombard us immediately after taking the first city. Therefore, there are a lot of technology in one place not to keep, tanks transfer to ambushes and remove the troops to the side right away, as soon as you see the aircraft allies. For now they will cover the place where our fighters just stood. But you can solve the whole thing "Pulley". Not far from the first city is the Radar Germans. After his destruction, the allies will no longer be bombed.

To take the first city, there are enough warmness, which is shot by everything that has resistance. After completing the task, we will be given a tank, 2 "Katyusha" and charging trucks. Try to "Katyushai" knock an opponent from moving through the railway, and the Warring Roads chasing the road near the long checkpoint (enemy artillery is worth it). After that, break through the move (not next to the railway gun - there are mines) and cleaned the city. We repeat the operation S. the last city (Before, once again sent a profog).

5. Rescue operation at the factory

Heavy mission. First you need to destroy the opponent's battery at the very edge of the card, otherwise it will not give peace. To do this, use secret weapons. At the same time, a tank from the factory destroy the mortar that fell in the field nearby. And strengthen troops at the factory. In the main detachment, order the assault tools and destroy the dot, the guns in the village and the mobile reactive mortar at the crossroads of the roads nearby (it can be thrown if it can be allowed at least one tank through the bridge). After taking the bridge, make faster for the last two key objects of the enemy - fighters at the factory will soon be destroyed.

Berlin Prize

Try from the very beginning to destroy as much anti-aircraft guns and the heads of the enemy using attack aircraft. Next, break through the tanks to the headquarters (enemy tanks would not hurt to destroy). The next task will be capturing bridges - at the same time secure your starting point. And then already Reichstag. Reinforcements here are a lot, and they should be enough.


They started the second world. And here is their way, from victories to fall ...

I. Estimation on Marne

It all started well, victories in France.

At the distance hit

Here the task is simple - to clean the map from the enemy. If you do not carefully, you can do without reinforcements. If you immediately start quickly, you can intercept the column of infantry and trucks with guns on the march. In the seizure of the first city will help bombers, after which only the survivors will remain. Then we capture the second city and the French headquarters.

2. Dangerous steps

It is necessary to capture 3 foreign blocks. We must quickly walk on the road, destroying everything in its path. There are two reasons for that - in front of us, the sappers are minounted by the road, and you can reach the fact that the mines will fall on a combat platoon. In addition, there are often trucks with infantry on the road, to destroy which is one pleasure. After that, you will give infantry, repair machine and will be ordered to capture the city. If you go to the city by bypassing, then we will pass the trenches and will not communicate with all the defense enemy.

3. Gentlemen par

Again the mission to speed - you need to grab the railway station as quickly as possible. Just collect all your troops and zigzag go between the trenches, without contacting all the enemies (the option is closer to the right edge of the card). We arrive at the station and destroy the 3 French tank.

4. Forced eviction

First, we conduct an offensive towards the reference point. Then the enemy will not receive reinforcements, and we calmly capture the city, which will be the goal of this mission.

Surrent Court

To begin with, we draw the defense of your control point using infantry and anti-tank agents. It is not necessary to climb into the city. After that, we go to the North Bridge to the rest of the troops and take it under control. Near him there is a point with which you can receive reinforcements. We fix it and some time beat back the attack of the enemy. And in the end, it will only take to capture the desired point in the city of the enemy on the other bank of the river.

II. Rats Tobruk.

Triumph of the German Army and Rommel. Africa, 1942 ...

1. Barracuda desert

In the north-west, elite troops are planted ashore, which must be sneaked along the western edge of the map to the south and there to free the tankists who will immediately occupy a tank without supervision. With their help, we destroy the radio station so that the enemy does not raise the alarm. Next to the radio station there are prison barracks from which you can free more infantry and mortarmers. In the East, you can destroy the watch and rescue the sniper. After that, we go to warehouses with all the troops and capture them. We blame them, and our sabotage mission is completed.

2. Sophisticated prelude

To break into the city will have to be a conventional tank attack. If you enter the city on the left, then it will be possible to intercept the column with the doors of the enemy, which will then be useful. The city will have to clean the tanks, and the opponent has full of its tanks and anti-aircraft. After cleaning the city, you will be offered to destroy the artillery battery. Here and the Gubitsa will come. If you quickly break through to the bridge and destroy trucks, then you are counted a secret mission.

3. Everness primarily

Here our goal is to save the anti-lawyers who have surrounded. It is only necessary to start not with a breakthrough to anti-aircraft guns, but with the capture of the control point of the opponent. There we will destroy the Gaubic battery and some of the equipment that thinks to go to anti-aircraft guns. We pass to the surrounding, we take all three anti-aircrafts and the same route that they came there, we return them to the starting position.

4. Speak the beast from the hole

First you need to capture the block post. As soon as we destroy guns, the enemy will begin to retreat, and it can be shifted to the armored personnel carriers with impunity. Then we enter the city and shoot trucks, towing howles. Gubitsa can also be used by the shelling pass. In addition to this, we will go to the pass on the other hand, so it will be easier to take it. It will only be left to knock the infantry from the trenches, and the next mission is won.

5. Helping hand

Here you need to help the Italians. It is not difficult to defend in general, but it is possible to improve your position. To do this, you need to send your self-timing to the north-west of a little east of the road. As a result, we will leave for the Gaubic battery and destroy it before it starts to get us. Later you can send trucks there and drag the warmness to yourself, after which shells the enemy from his own guns.


We begin with the fact that you need to take a British perimeter. Simply prolamed with his tanks and infantry, if possible, using enemy guns and mortars. After that, we begin to defend. At this time, the Italians attack the Western shaft, and we have to help them. It is better not to even attack it immediately, but first capture the control point in front of him. It can be treated with bombers. After successfully executing this task, you will need to destroy the enemy armored vehicle. Upon successful completion of this task, the Italians will begin an offensive on the village in the north-west. You can mix with them and strengthen the wave of the coming. Well, and Tobruk remained. As soon as the resistance will end in it - you won.

III. Stalingrad battle

Here it is what, the beginning of the end ... Here the Germans were not the defeat for the first time, but now the victories have ended.

1. Angry nanny

Germans need to deliver a convoy. But the nearest bridge is captured. Then we go to the far bridge, destroying the enemy's troops along the way. Be sure to capture all the control points and wait for a while - the opponent adores near them. After you go through the bridge, again wait a little - the infant infantry will appear soon. Only then translate trucks to another shore.

2. Light steps

At first we get a sniper, which must be involved in the battery of the enemy. Thus, he will bring our battery, which will destroy the enemy warmts. Then the sniper we clean the checkpoint and get the opportunity to cause reinforcements. Then we call fighters of tanks and go to the enemy headquarters: the sniper is ahead, and fighter fighters shoot it. The last task is to break through the defense line. Sniper can help again, highlighting the goals for the Gaubitz. But to finish themselves, tanks.

3. Senior Brother

You were sent 10 "tigers", but completely without everything. It is necessary to survive at least 8. To do this, we order more medium tanks and fix them from all sides. Tank fighters Let them fulfill the role of a mobile reserve and fight where the opponent attacks. Zenitics instill from different ends of the composition. So beat all the attacks of the enemy.

4. Armored city

We need to capture the fuel warehouse and keep it. It is necessary to start with what to gain and defend himself from the enemy until he finishes attack. After that, we remove the surrounding area from the enemy's troops and only then enter the territory of the plant exclusively infantry. Otherwise, there will be too much fuel tanks. Tanks are intercepting the enemy who tries to regain his warehouses. Caution, do not get under the armored train, destroy it almost unreal.

5. Precious cargo

We take light tanks and moving along the railway station to the station, destroying everything in its path. Capture armored train and moving back. On the back path We will meet an enemy armored train, it can be shot by tanks with the help of our armored train, but it is not necessary.

Volga plants

First you need to capture the control point. Your troops will throw three waves, while you will need to quickly break through the defense and go to the control point. The southern group of troops must go to the road and see it. Then they will be able to destroy the Battery "Katyush", walking along the road. The northern group of troops should not move across the bridge, their task is to maintain repair trucks. Further, everyone is injured and tanks begin to make their way to the northern grouping and capture the control point on the other side of the bridge. We intelled where the doors of the enemy are located, and destroy them. Then with its warmts of the enemy's technique, after which we capture the plants.

IV. Waters

Ardennes, 1944. Last German offensive. Because of it, the USSR had to start his offensive earlier, otherwise the allies would be simply destroyed. The Germans are mortally injured, but not yet surrender ...

1. Meltelchik

Sometimes technology is a lot.

We need to pass through the city and capture locality On the other side of his side. Tanks there are only lungs, so we cope and infantry. You can capture enemy guns and use them. Flameless tanks are well cleaned at home.

2. Solid grip

Immediately order anti-lawyers and two placing in the northern city. Already existing anti-aircrafts should be placed on the road between the Northern and South City. We are waiting for bombers. The first wave they shoot without problems. If the guns are not coping - we call fighters. An enemy sniper is chatting in the center of the map, which should be destroyed so that he does not bring the attack aircraft to our positions. On the southern outskirts of the northern city will be useful to turn the infantry. The mission will end with the destruction of the last paratroopers of the enemy.

3. Gateman

You need to protect 3 bridges. Immediately oppress the troops near the bridges and order light anti-aircrafts to protect bridges from infantry. We remove all the people from the warehouse, but we leave next to him, because the enemy will then fall out the landing on the warehouse (but all the time strives to treat it from the Gaubitz). We cause assault tools and shells the place across the road from the warehouse, which will be the goal of the mission - there are enemy gautic. And when the enemy calms down a little, we grab the warehouse.

4. Fight for survival

Initially, "Fau" in the garden in the center of the map, next to which the house is worth. So the enemy is deprived of the Gaubitz. After that, the tanks are slowly cleaned by the terrain, trying not to approach the northwestern control point - there are many anti-aircraft guns. Capture the city and the southern checkpoint. Then the attack aircraft shoot anti-aircraft gunners in the north-west, at the same time the houbles. After the enemy is destroyed on the other side of the bridge, everything ends.

5. Hunt for "Tiger"

You need to take two "royal tiger". Through the bridge quickly, but on the other side of his two bunkers. Therefore, let's go the mountain road, also trying not to meet with the enemy. On the road, let the light tanks go ahead, very soon after their drive, the attack aircraft will arrive and relieve the bomb on the road, "Tigers" may not have time to drive. Before driving a bridge, we call reinforcement from the "tigers" and put them in defense. Because immediately after the bridge, an opponent's attack will begin, which can come into feed or board tanks that we need to save. If the attack is repulsed and both tank survived - you won!

6. A confident tread

For some time, it is necessary to defend here, only after that you can go into the attack. It will be very good if you destroy the enemy warmts, located just south of the city with your warm south (calculated in boxes). Attack the enemy is more profitable from the East - there are many techniques, but few infantry. You can buy an opponent with officers and shoot with warmness.

Heavy hand

Here you just need to capture all the control points. The city is processed by rocket artillery and self-propellas. Near the monastery there are enemy warmts that best destroy their. You can land the paratroopers on your troops, then those will be wonderful nodes on enemy positions. In the North-West in the mountains, there is a battery of Gaubitz and anti-aircraft guns, which desirable to destroy from those considerations that they can strongly dispel the reinforcement, which is suitable for you after the capture of the city. And diligently hold the bridges - you don't need an opponent in the rear.


Most of the time the Americans are gone with the Japanese. However, and for them comes the time to open the second front and battles with the Germans.

I. Battle for Batan

To begin with, the Americans have to be worn only to defend from the Japanese, they are painfully suddenly their attack. But Likha trouble start ...

1. Eastern wind, rain

The task is simple - to keep the line of the shore. To do this, it is enough to consolidate your tanks and plant the infantry into the trenches. And so that you attacked less people - take control of coastal artillery and shoot Japanese ships. So for terrestrial troops can remain a little work.

2. Long shadow

For the start of the infantry, we capture the test point where reinforcement will be given. Therefore, we go to the same experimental tank and we are waiting for the repair machine. It clears the terrain near the tank, and we will be able to withdraw it. If it is not particularly hurry, the allies will help us with enemy tanks, destroying them from the gun.

3. Fish in barrel

The task is to destroy the position of the enemy along the coast. Light tanks issued initially, it is better to preserve, for they are not restored. The enemy sluggishly rushes grenades, so if the tanks do not stand still, and move along the trenches, then it will be a lot about them, and they will not suffer much. In the end, it will be necessary to blow the warehouse of fuel. You can proper Japanese light guns and use them against the former owners (our tanks do not cope with enemy).

4. Pundak wedge

The first task here is performed so - we slip around the tanks on the road and occupy the headquarters of the enemy so necessary for us. Along the way, you can beat off the opponent with artillery and then take advantage of it. Only by the headquarters are all reinforcements of the enemy, so it is necessary to go there either immediately with infantry, or at least with one tank reinforcement.

Battle for Batan

It is necessary to cover the retreat. To do this, take the infantry into the trenches and cause reinforcement from the tanks that are fixed behind the trenches. It is best to immediately cause the infantry on the second front of the defense, so that it does not suffer with it. When the order arrives to retreat - call fighters so that they will be shot down as much as possible bomber and prototors of the enemy, and you suffered less from the landing of the village during the retreat. It will only be to gain a foothold on the last line of defense and help your neighbors.

II. Battle for Guadalkanal

The Americans have finally delivered reinforcements and started a major counteroffensive ... The peculiarity of this campaign is that with whatever mission you have started - you will always have a lack of some kind of troops. Therefore, you will have to choose and sacrificing something.

1. Rat drunk in the angle

It is necessary to maintain at least 5 trucks from the attack aircraft and infantry of the enemy. 2 tanks and anti-aircrafts should block the North Road, no one else will especially go. The rest should block the southern road from the base. There will be a lot of infantry and tanks. After a while you will be ordered to evacuate trucks. We also call lung tanks and go towards the country road, first tanks, and then trucks. It is longer, but there is almost no opponent there.

2. Distracting maneuver

The task of elite infantry here is to capture the coastal guns. She crawls around the edge of the card, shooting snipers and small detachments and trying not to come across ordinary infantry. Capturing guns, we will get a task to destroy several boats. And that's it. The key to the execution of the task is the movement of Clarice and in the invisible mode.

3. Orline claws

Here you have to bomb 2 tank columns. The cunning is that at the time of the spike span, the tanks are stopped. It is at this moment that you need to call bombers. The third group of bombers should be sent against anti-aircraft guns on the east coast, for your infantry and tanks will fall there, which must capture the headquarters of the enemy.

4. Drawn jungle

It is necessary to destroy the coastal guns and an enemy artillery, which prevents the landing of our troops. Immediately send your troops centered to the coastal tools. Fortunately, we will help with reinforcements. The most unpleasant thing is that they are covered with large-caliber zenith and light tanks. But our average tanks must cope with them. Following the coastal tool, destroy the houbles.

5. Genderson Field: for the throat

It is necessary to protect the airfield (albeit without aircraft). The case is simple - it is necessary to strengthen the position of your tanks (especially in the West) and defend. It is better to immediately cause at least one reinforcement so that it is not to suffer with it. "Grants" do not bury it better because they need to be rotated. Be sure to leave a couple of tanks near the coast - shortly before the end of the mission, the enemy falls around from the sea.

Wasp on Guadalkanale

The main thing here is not to hurry. It is necessary to start with the fact that to destroy the anti-aircraft shutoffs in the villagers next to us and at the bridge. The bridges at the bridge are shot by our warmts. You can help allies - the more we destroy anti-tank funds on their way, the farther they will advance. Next, we destroy the anti-tank feeds of the enemy from the assault guns and form the infantry with tanks.

III. Battle for Leitee

The path to Japan and the victory on the Pacific Ocean opens.

1. Support for landing operation

We begin with the fact that we call the attack aircraft that destroy the anti-aircraft vehicles. At the same time they will sell 2 batteries of the coastal artillery of the enemy. We send bombers who destroy the coastal batteries. If the attack aircraft survive after the anti-aircraft gun, then let them destroy the battery from the Warfs in the East (between 2 points with checkboxes with boxes and barrels). As soon as we destroy all artillery, it will have a landing for troops on the northern beach (allies in southern). On the beach we destroy the bins and capture the control points. Caution, during the breakthrough, the tanks of the enemy may come! If you attack too sharply, they can go into the rear.

2. Bloody Laguna

Sea mission, where you first need to destroy Japanese with your canoners. If your first ships are destroyed, you will be given a couple more, but you should not get involved. After the enemy's destruction of the enemy, we grab the checkpoint, after which the port remains only. The enemy very much pulls the attack aircraft, so it will be very successful if you can capture anti-aircraft to reflect the attacks of the enemy.

3. Death works overtime

It is necessary to defend their positions. For this, it is quite enough to only cause another infantry unit and put them in the trenches. Plus, it is necessary to position the existing guns and turn them. The opponent has warmness, but they can be defined even before the start of the attack on the fence from the bags with sand, after which it is to shoot them with their warmts. A assault guns that remained at the enemy can be destroyed by making a jerk caused by the "Volvelynov" detachment along the western road.

4. Teeth and nails

You will start with the fact that 2 snipers Tihonhechko shoot a servant of a gabichnaya battery enemy. After that, you will fall around the unit of assault infantry, which will need to capture the anti-aircraft and howls. We must definitely put several stages of the attack aircraft in front of the anti-airitets and look into binoculars. Then you will reflect the attacks of the enemy with the help of its own Gaubitz. When the offensive stalls, then promote the infantry with binoculars and shoot the observed enemy tanks from the Gaubitz. The infantry is still almost not observed.

5. Attack Pieterson

First, in place the people of Dot, the benefit from there to knock out our fighters is very difficult. It needs us in order not to lose the control point. Then we call more tank reinforcement and go all the tanks on the Eastern Road. There is no opponent who will be very disturbed, so we will easily break into the village and take it.

Battle on leta

We start with the fact that you stop our tanks so that they do not get out on the enemy batteries. Now everything should be accurate: we call the warmness, we call the attack aircraft (they circle anti-aircraft gunners, and those destroy the howitsa), we call bombers who destroy the coastal battery of the enemy. Next, we need fighters that somehow protect us from excessive activity of the opponent's attack aircraft. We beat the attack of enemy tanks and capture the airfield. Next, it is necessary to break through to the city (there are many more women and trenches), then only an enemy headquarters will remain.

IV. Ruhr battle

So the second front opened. The Germans are surrounded and must be broken ...

1. King Mountain

First you need to take and keep the height. No enemy on the mountain and no, so you need to raise the trenches and set up there. The enemy will attack our center and from the East. We also cause infantry and fix it. On the western slope of the mountain there is an inconsolable gun that can be used. There will be just a southeastern mountain slope where it is necessary to deminate the road. Here the assault detachments will be very by the way.

2. Bureau of Nakhodka

In the south there are villages with trucks loaded with encryption equipment. Quickly capture the checkpoint and grab the village. Immediately leave it, as the enemy will fill it out of the Gaubitz. Careful trucks, since the enemy attacks almost simultaneously from all sides, you need to withdraw them in a kind of surroundings from tanks.


Just do not attack the station in the forehead. First fix the infantry and install anti-tank guns near it, and tanks we send to the north, where we grab the GABIC Battery (secret mission). There, if possible, we maintain more anti-aircraft guns and turn them into a segment of the road in the north (immediately oppress the infantry) - from there they will crawl tanks of the enemy. Next, we capture the city and in it also organize defense (as soon as we seize something - reinforcement comes to us). And then we go to the station from the rear and take it under your control.

4. Future horror

From the very beginning it is necessary to take their paratroopers in the corners of the card and hide. When the enemy comes closer - destroy patrols. Then we collect everyone on the Eastern Road near the edge of the map. There will be a repair truck and an inconsolable anti-tank gun. We will minister the Western and South Roads, and the paratroopers with a gun enter the city and we move to the center. When reinforcement arrives - we defend the city until the enemy is over.

5. Confrontation on the bridge

You need not to let the enemy on the bridge that hold the allies. First we go to the southwestern control point along the edge of the map. At the same time, the enemy is destroyed, which has not yet decided to move somewhere, and the leaders are destroyed at the end point of the route. In addition, we also get reinforcements. Then we move to the city north and destroy another Battery of Gaubitz. End the checkpoint in the south.

6. needle in a haystack

Here you need to find an officer and withdraw it. Be sure to withdraw from the sniper tent, because it is difficult to win without it. He will shoot the calculations of the enemy guns, and the lung tanks caused by you will disappear with the tanks of the enemy. The more opponents you destroy, the less you will be disturbed on the way back with an officer. So do not hesitate to enter the village and shoot the tanks and infantry of the enemy.

Rour Cotele

You have "Callopa", which immediately need to drive up to the cliff and strike the site next to the control point (there are similar enemy systems). Then the British on another edge of the card will go to the attack, and we have to help them. In the southwest, landing landing, which should capture Zenitka and climb into dot. Further we capture the railway bridge and help the British to take the point of control and the western station. There are plenty of heavy equipment, so you have to use attack aircraft and process the railway station with the Gaubins.

Who is stronger - whale or elephant?

Who is the strongest tank of World War II? Of course, for comparison, we will choose heavy tanks. For in the class of medium tanks, an explicit neavionist - "Panther" became some transitional pattern, which surpasses medium ones, but it looks randomly wandering a teenager in an adult campaign in a heavy class.

From the list of applicants throw and legendary IS-3 and "Royal Tiger". In the first one received combat baptism on a parade in Berlin in September 1945. And the second was so fast that all the time lagged during the attacks and the most famous page of his history was the environment and The destruction of the 501th tank battalion for the staff in full force. Let us exclude from among the applicants and the "Pershing", which the Americans themselves then attributed to the middle tanks.

And there are "Tiger" and IS-2. The first one is definitely more famous and even delivered to other countries (but was taken away when these countries did not meet confidence). There was a thunderstorm both Russian middle and American and English any tanks. It was not that the best German tank Aces fought him. However, suffered from extreme slowness, poor transmission and intolerance railways (Especially for transportation on them for the "tiger" had to carry the second set of caterpillars). IS-2 did not suffer from such trifles and was generally a trucker's sniper. Its 122-mm cannon allowed the "Panther" from one and a half kilometers. In the pure field there was no equal, the 88-mm gun "Tigers" clearly lost. Therefore, the German command recommended that his tankers with Isami in the frontal battle do not communicate, but to lure them into ambushes and there all the scope beat. Of course, in urban battle, all the delights of the long-range cannon leveled extremely small distances.

So, who better manifested himself in that war? Perhaps I exhibit patriotism and for the non-appearance of the opponent on the battlefield I will give the victory of the IC-2. Keep it up!

Again, tankers are breeding motors, and tractors are dragging guns. The infantry is ready to occupy trenches and defend them to the last soldier, and paratroopers occupy places on the shops of the aircraft. And all this commanded young officers and all the experiences of the generals. Yes, this is again the Second World War. Once again this year. But this is another war. This is "Blitzkrieg 2"! The series of clones ended, and a new page is open ...

What is your philosophy?

The most significant change in the new game is not a graph. Yes, the three-dimensional gaming space is nice. Hills now look much more real - but no more. It even loses the same places. For example, the infantry is more like cockroaches, and the tanks are very smeared and adore in the shade of the trees, displaying blue or green spots.

Much more interesting is a new approach to experience. From now on, it is not received separate fighters, which is generally correct. Otherwise, the usual infantryman never shines to get another level. After all, according to the most banal statistics, more than 3-4 opponents do not kill him - then he will be a victim himself. Therefore, the whole experience is puzzled by commanders. These geniuses of military mastery are controlled by not even separate detachments, but as much as the troops - for example, with light tanks. And they gain experience for being subordinates to destroy the enemy. It is impossible to destroy the commander - he sits in some bunker and, watching the successful actions of his fighters, methodically increasing the experience that develops into new titles. The ranks also give the right to use new tactics - up to 4 species - both automatically and managed. Moreover, the commander receives an experience regardless of whether anyone from his fighters survived - just for the fact that they kill the enemy. The referral of the troops without the commander, of course, does not gain experience. Two new commanders we get with the assignment of another title. Then you can give them to the beginning of the free units.

It is important: once the commander of the commander is already impossible to remove, so it is not necessary to arrange at the posts at once everyone who got, - not all the birth of troops are so necessary. Some tactics will bring very low or no way. And if so - why do they need a commander?

All the following news flow out of this, but, nevertheless, the game is still irreversibly the other. So. Reinforcements appeared. These are troops belonging to a particular type of troops. They are all equal, and one detachment is one point of reinforcements. And this is right, because the infantry detachment is quite equivalent to the detachment of tanks. Although comparing heavy and lightweight tanks at least ridiculous. And do not forget about the principle of "stone-scissing paper": everyone has its own strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes the detachment of light tanks will be much more useful. Calling reinforcements is not a simple one. We'll have to suffer some time that will depend on the potential power of caused fighters before you can call on the following. And after heavy tanks, you will have to wait much longer than after ordinary infantrymen.

Another important news - a campaign appeared directly related to reinforcements. The fact is that by performing the tasks of the campaign, you improve your fighters. Completed the next mission - and you have / updated heavy tanks. If the KV-85 used to be used - IS-2 steel. Of course - in the subsequent missions, where these tanks will be available in the form of submills. But the tasks in campaigns can be performed at their discretion in any sequence. Although the definite pattern of "Prizes" suggests that the developers "finely" hint at the "correct" sequence of passage.

Another connection with reinforcements has key items. There are several places on each map, about which new reinforcements will appear. If you cleanse the surroundings of these places from the enemy, then the new owner will have to manage this place, and help will come to him almost immediately after the challenge. Another benefit from these points is that the supply machines are recharged.

It is interesting: by placing your troops next to the key point and putting the recharging point immediately from the supply machines, you will receive a permanent and incessant recharge.

All kinds of detachment

As already mentioned, there are several "refinery" of troops in the game. If there is a commander, they gradually develop and become better. In the process of moving from campaign to campaign, troops are improved and gaining new combat units. And what are these detachments - read below.


Finally, the infantry was able to become those who wins the war, and not by the signs to exchange with the enemy and occasionally - intelligence for tanks. I declare with full responsibility that a different infantry detachment in the form of reinforcements is much more useful than any, even the most heavy and powerful tanks. Why is that? Let's see...

Regular infantry

Usually the infantry is from 3 to 5 (in the late game) of detachments of 10 people. Armed with these fighters with rifles, machine gun (later - two) and a gun (he, of course, from the commander). In the course of the game, in the process of upgrading units, the infantrymen change the rifles on the machine guns, machine guns and mortars are added to the detachment (in the final version of two). You can immediately forget about the latter - machine gunners are absolutely not going to drag our tools to the trenches and, standing immediately behind the trenches, become excellent goals. Therefore, machine gunners are potentially the first victims of the opponent's attack. And mortars have too low firing and small effect. When attacking the enemy infantry, they usually do not succeed at all, but at our attacks the best use for them will be the shelling of an opponent's guns standing at once behind the trenches.

It is interesting: the Germans stand out - at the last level of development they do not have 2 mortars, but one. But a heavy, 120-millimeter. And it already inspires respect, for such a mortar can ruin his life even armored vehicles.

What is the infantry need? To answer this question, consider its abilities. Hand grenades Infantry is available initially, and the commander is not required to use them. It is not recommended forget about them, otherwise the tanks of the enemy will be hoisted "ironing" your trenches. By the way, skill turn out - Skill, vital infantry. Therefore, in the first missions it is worth doing everything to make your fighters as quickly as possible this skill. As a result, you will not depend on where the trenches are dug, and you will determine where it is better to defend. Bunch of grenades - Another useful skill. At least due to the fact that with him infantry and "tigers" are not terrible. That is, with some agility, your fighters will be able to dream even heavy tanks without supporting their own (in the attack, I do not speak about defense).

Tips assure that the use of ligaments grenade accelerates the consumption of ammunition, but I think, and many will agree with me, which is better than the infantry with empty pockets near the beaten tank than the same tank - slightly scratched - near the mountain of corpses, hung off unused ammunition. In defense, the ligaments can not be used, but in the attack they are mandatory. Vigilance - Streamed use of the last skill. With it, the infantry allegedly caresses itself on the march and will not give the enemy to sneak unnoticed. But why to substitute your fighters so that they are destroyed on the march? In their trenches rather!

And finally, the goals for which the infantry needs. This is defense and knock out the balance of infantry of the enemy from unprotected trenches. Observation disappears as a class, for the commanders of the departments from nowhere see a little further than if binoculars were not at all. With great good luck, it turns out to see the gun for enemy trenches. Or maybe it will not work ... But in the trenches, for which there is something, the infantry looks great. Moreover, she herself can dig them (with an experienced commander). The opposite is true - in relation to the enemy's infantry. If you destroy all the anti-tank artillery and tanks that support the infantry, then there is nothing better than the complete infantry unit, which will choose individual shooters from the trenches. That's so ... And also the infantry knows how to use enemy tools - if you first kill those who shot them. Do not forget about it!

Storm infantry

Also very useful troops. At least with their more powerful weapons - they earlier appear automata (and better quality), more manual machine guns. Although the units in the attack aircraft - no more than 4. Later, anti-tank branches (up to 2) are joined and up to 2 flanmeters. The usefulness of the flamets is very doubtful, but the guys with grenade launches sometimes even more harmful than anti-tank guns.

Hand grenades We are already familiar, so we will not stop on them. And here delete - A new and extremely useful effect, if the enemy applies mines, for the sacks work immediately all the detachment and the fighters are cleaned quite a significant territory around the specified point. Explosive - Not the most necessary skill, but sometimes it can be useful to use something quickly destroy. Adrenaline rush - will give your soldiers the opportunity to be animated at the very beginning of the attack, inflicting an increased damage to the enemy.

In general, in their characteristics, attack aircraft significantly exceeds the usual infantry. Due to greater firing power, they perfectly dig an enemy infantry, and anti-tank detachments will not be raised to the enemy tanks (the main thing is to pull the trenches for them just behind the shooters). There are only two disadvantages - they do not know how to dig trenches (and, it became, dependent on already existing shelters) and their one detachment is less than ordinary infantry. And sometimes it is critical ...

Luxury infantry

But those who do not need commanders. Namely - paratroopers. In their platoon - only 3 compartments of 5 people armed with automata. In the application is complex, as it is planted from the aircraft, and this, if there is an opponent, the anti-aircraft can mean that reinforcement will not get to you. Sometimes there are silent machines, which increases the chances of the fact that the enemy will not find them at all.

Disguise - The ability to hide and be seen only by the enemy, which is very close. This is their way to shoot first - after all, paratroopers are a bit. But do not think that you can sneak to the enemy so to be cutting it with a knife. Do not give-s. Mines with radio visitor - Well, this is if you give you a special task: for example, a warehouse explode. You yourself are definitely not guess how to use this ability. Skill host street Gives paratroopers advantage over the enemy, if they defend on the building. Nonsense - do not try to use it. Such "defensive points" is primitively shot by tanks or artillery. Yes, and 2 dozen trunks of ordinary infantry will definitely be no worse than just a dozen paratroopers. Spy regime-Hasy allows you to go where it swings, and only the most attentive wonders will notice. Another nonsense is the enemy of these "most attentive" many more than you would like.

So - Why suffer and raising paratroopers if their use requires a separate management? They will give you on specially intended for that mission, here and play. Moreover, in these tasks you will be given squads of a suitable level. Marine paratroopers can perfectly cut the patrol compartment by making a volley first. But against two such departments, they will suffer losses. In the attack they are generally useless, and there is no grenade against the tanks. Conclusion - you can play them in the missions specially designed for them, but do not use constantly.

It is interesting: sometimes snipers are added to the paratroopers, which also know how to mask. Shot snipers are excellent, but with a little disadvantage - if this reptile started shooting and sees at least one enemy within a shot of a shot, it will not calm down until it takes everyone. It is useless to stop - you can only stay away back.


They know how to minimize and demining (with the last much better attack aircraft cope), dig the trenches (why? We have ordinary infantry), repair. The latter is sometimes very valuable. But so that you are not happy, you can get engineers at our disposal only when they are given according to the script. In reinforcements, they are not listed ...


Tanks, according to a famous expression, dirt are not afraid. They are generally afraid of little. Although suffer from a lot. However, they still remain the main acting power of the game, since the simplest advice here will sound like "Take more tanks." Of course, the game for which such a council would be the only true, would go straight to the basket. But still the tanks here are power. As here, this will not be considered weapons of Japan, Great Britain and France. Those machines that are not included in the reinforcements are also not mentioned (they are the usual parts). But on the poster you will find all the armament of the main participants in the conflict.

Light tanks

The most effective means against infantry in defense. Not because they are somehow characteristic of armed, but because there are many of them. Closer to the end of the game the number of such tanks in the subdivision caused can reach six pieces. Of course, against the other "fellow arms", they are weak - guns with a caliber of the order of 45 mm are not adapted to break through the armor of heavy machines. But if they bury them - they will be able to oppose something and middle tanks. Attack is completely useless - the machine gun's range is almost equal to the distance from which the infantry is thrown by grenades. And the first one always shoots the one who is in defense.

First ability - patrol - Virtually useless. Events are usually developing so dynamically that such nonsense is once to do. And here running fire It will be very by the way. For the sake of it, it is worth a trunk and pumping our tank workers to the second level. For this they will be able to compensate for a small damage with high rapidity. Mobile fortress allow tankers faster to pour out after movement, and shooting on the job It will give the opportunity to fire even during displacement. It must be said that the last three skills are very useful. Just do not forget to turn on a quick fire - this is not at all automatic skill.

Russian lung tanks begin with T-26.- There is a wretched machine. It is bad in that it categorically refuses to use machine guns against infantry. Although similar German tanks of that time surpasses. She is changed by BT-7.which agrees to use machine guns, however, according to the characteristics of the predecessor, slightly differs. Followed by arms T-60,with which again, problems with machine guns, so I don't expect a sense. According to the characteristics, it is absolutely identical to BT-7, but in the detachment there are already 5 units. His, in turn, changes "Valentine"who are already 6 in the detachment. His machine guns work, however, there are quite certain problems with the reserve of shells to extremely sickly cannon. It completes this disgrace of T-70, which exceeds the previous "actor" only by the number of shells to the tool. Yes, Russian light tanks do not shine capabilities.

The Germans begin literally for rest. Their first P-Iif. Too light to somehow resist T-26. Moreover, they are only 3. The following P-IIIE, Have better armor and can fight against the light tanks of the enemy. They are very well protected from all sides, and there are already 4. 3 machine guns inspire respect for the enemy infantry. P-IIIF. Gets severe frontal armor and loses one machine gun. He gets a new tool and the opportunity to fight even with the average tanks of the opponent. P-IIIJ. Even more strengthens the quality of the guns and windshield armor, the more profitable differs from the allies tanks. The detachment becomes 5 tanks. Apotheosis of this evolution - "Hatzer", SAU, converted from light tank. These can be applied even against heavy tanks, and they are not rivals at all. At the same time, the possibility of shooting the infant infantry is preserved. And kill him in the forehead is extremely difficult. Exceptionally wonderful breakthrough machine!

The first tank of Americans (and the only armored vehicle in the first campaign) - "Stewart" m3. From the initial light tanks, he is the best. "Stewart" M3A3 Gets a little better armor and gun. Tanks are still 4. "Stewart" M5 It has even more severe armor (although insignificant), a little more shells added. "Chafth" M24 - A more high-speed and maneuverable tank with a distinct anti-empty gun - and there are already 5. A typical lightweight tank, not designed to fight the tanks of the opponent.

Middle tanks


{!LANG-01a3f9a46c6ab963d188f1e447652f45!} ambush{!LANG-f42659deaa8b19ed50990d4f7def8eb3!}

Start the Russians with three T-28{!LANG-eb9ecf68e9e77dc3fd8a5014df416949!} T-34 sample 1941{!LANG-ac7a2b397c8df4bebb133a472be73d9b!} T-34 sample 1942{!LANG-c478280852e34a64685f6d69d484ad69!} T-34-85{!LANG-8cee171777db0ee85617745d4be98842!}

{!LANG-704994f0d8b488b0043d789260383cad!} P-IVD.{!LANG-64d5d4b40b47f58d60d23d01921ffa31!} P-IVF2.{!LANG-b6918f5731e734fd571b232282c58ca5!} P-IVG.{!LANG-ccfc2f5b08f8a8c4a529d74010f5e3c8!} P-VG.{!LANG-1ae8ac8c2aa53aa55208baf8d1101919!}

{!LANG-9b43a99241824270a9672911b4dff1c9!} "Grant" m3{!LANG-4f6225f7491627705d3ac37950d1235c!} {!LANG-4aca43d61ed1091a9afe13b3b8a290a1!}{!LANG-4496af94a7d80f739dd63bb9d7d2c01e!} {!LANG-138ef52096140b962f72e2b30bf6409f!}{!LANG-4269275bfcf2d2d6268171d1a5f63431!}

Heavy tanks


{!LANG-85c05c1b06d369093a8436c35c610d50!} {!LANG-e9c6426160b4bce977218af635a64b1a!}{!LANG-57db6bb7425a20bf62ff864a9bf6dae6!}

Russians used to get heavy tanks. This is legendary T-35{!LANG-e8b155cd41947b5d7b61040aec07e3d0!} KV-1C.{!LANG-8b820796513e9596460f1fe70eafbe10!} KV-85{!LANG-cb9c3bd1868a7eb82eb215881731c0c8!} IS-2{!LANG-cda35d22ae6a156a829bf6c19b309511!}

"Tiger" P-VIH{!LANG-10488edeec0b480b98d04f1cf0c693f0!} P-VIB.{!LANG-ee246b16559655ee5e5958f4383569b8!}

{!LANG-a3168e4e23e02cc2462fd65fe4a6e00f!} "PERSING" M26{!LANG-53447d7377a06510b3f5038bdb49531f!}

Tank fighters


Skills begin with the already familiar to us ambush. Next is the skill {!LANG-0139f4bdf0849adf98d4276c4b609c6b!}{!LANG-76eed0e90d87c7ed8f3c5a3c60240a17!} aiming fire{!LANG-c2e56b15d9f3ca8aee1243d10a2288eb!} hold the sector{!LANG-cd2e2d22545c4665c0dc48f22e010fdb!}

Su-76.{!LANG-a9cce5df9ffb9bc0ff8ebb9881361f37!} Su-85{!LANG-8b804927e748d1d4080235eb9aee76b5!} Su-100{!LANG-d637d6c9be4701146193db2dce8665a2!}

{!LANG-4dc6f0110729bc624c119e9fea7710af!} Panzerjager. I.{!LANG-12d3129fe21abf3600fbd7b9d01889d4!} Stug. IIia{!LANG-7b3f50c3b5340f294c2b32a597e659ed!} Stug. IIif.{!LANG-8d67ffd181d67dbbd15a143ddb3ee956!} Jagdpanzer{!LANG-64b5eca7be71b17b01fd4ee59cc5a16d!}

{!LANG-11de7ac21244c751073d4eac4665657b!} "Volvetin"{!LANG-6c2e741642c58f339e22a2797e02aecc!} "Solagger",{!LANG-cf70eb91467210621a915daf38007096!}



Anti-tank artillery

{!LANG-2d66bc6e951896c8c903664c1c2ac406!} everything{!LANG-9538b5572f5b410cb629e8858d68d1dc!}

It is important: {!LANG-402e17703565bdc090e60948210a0576!}{!LANG-43b20269e78fab761a1f1aee75e35722!}

{!LANG-963cc3df5e22168540b337133f510e43!} ambush, aim in caterpillars, news aiming fire and hold the sector{!LANG-ee65c60a08dda3b1f001e41b3e88b148!}

It is interesting: {!LANG-efb042abaaf09d16e4578bb581ed6582!}

Long-range artillery


{!LANG-b7e00a2b364bb0a00d39faacb8ec4e2a!} overwhelming fire{!LANG-d1253a5d29aab6e7a0f4252d1aff778d!} answered fire{!LANG-019a5b161f0965ef9164b16853b29b07!} {!LANG-d02fc48ffb505c3e39a7b7ed475d3fde!}{!LANG-16f9563fd876dc303f27939cde595ea8!} Shooting{!LANG-e090e7dcd2dfbba2879613db670e76e6!}

Assault tools


{!LANG-ce1dde9f500f3cc13013381eb214eac0!} aimed shot{!LANG-c2acba63cc13a1395ea656eb9ea1c1c9!}

Jet artillery.

There are in the game and desert motifs. Germans in Africa.

{!LANG-7781b36cdf1cf57cfc13a3f00e8aa399!} "Dustverter", which in meaning no worse Bm{!LANG-a8348c73c293761b4a8b1cf2e20d2264!}

Americans get their own "Calliopa"{!LANG-a371f5a50a8a0f433714d27277330ed6!}


{!LANG-15bd6c47de07ca97adfb05dcc0647e80!} mobile fortress{!LANG-9fe86af0d2bd1591d2f458231aa0b50f!}

Easy anti-aircraft artillery



It is interesting: {!LANG-b4e1cb6418643f22783d24aa273779ac!}

Caught to shoot out ambush{!LANG-d7ba0e8b37e5a84c57a5e6bf58617d42!} covert the fire{!LANG-47b740114d910dddb77de1dbbc83be9f!} Guard of heaven{!LANG-d0bf33914ae8ecea9ba99e76b24e6d37!} hold the sector{!LANG-d604e32190b0195635d1d7cfb87da632!}

Heavy anti-aircraft artillery


{!LANG-04f670de3b42d5ee6078855bb17b9a0b!} aim in caterpilts{!LANG-1a150226297bac78aae8557e1a1a98da!}




Progress is!


Skills: patrol{!LANG-b862c3174657bec41e968d56578504b9!} Autopilot Allows you to fly even to bad weather. Guard of heaven{!LANG-3688f4368ceee0b78f39e4869c50937a!} forsazh{!LANG-a950fe22d7aa80c340acdfbd95d7db21!}



They use skills {!LANG-995f8be5ba77511e9b72990ac71eed1c!} (Standard skill) and autopilot (similar to fighters). {!LANG-9319ba069768bc6d1add492a487c5fab!} Allows you to apply more harm to enemy armored cars. BUT forsazh{!LANG-6d58a432de1b06cf2cef09f8139c0cc6!}

It is interesting: {!LANG-eb73c042b2a3563d8fe7fbd3a7056da8!}



{!LANG-2048efb1791db879ee3fa06fe953d45e!} bomb sector and autopilot. Aimicious bombing{!LANG-ca500fcf1db6d497156508755f3cfad0!} Survival{!LANG-8f241c0b8dcba67764f43bc50176f419!}

Super authority

{!LANG-3861960c8bf5800ccfe47505cf8c2b5f!} highly{!LANG-f4b303bccfa905d571cc518af531122f!}


By side





Victory in battles






It is interesting: {!LANG-2973fa755b3b7ff5d266d961614eaa20!}

the USSR




1. Rescue operation


2. Evacuation of the plant


3. Organized defense


4. Roads to Moscow






1. Battery Defense


2. Under the cover of the night


3. Duenya


4. Sapun-Mountain

During urban battles, he constantly has to smoke the infant of the enemy from buildings.


Defense Sevastopol





1. Diversion


2. Romanian strike


3. Steel avalanche


4. Zatuchka


War in Steppe


IV. Battle for Berlin


1. Hunt for pigeons


Yes, he still grow and grow!


2. The strongest link


3. Spring cleaning of the territory


4. Lit!



5. Rescue operation at the factory


Berlin Prize





It all started well, victories in France.

At the distance hit


2. Dangerous steps


3. Gentlemen par


4. Forced eviction


Surrent Court


II. Rats Tobruk.


1. Barracuda desert


2. Sophisticated prelude


3. Everness primarily


4. Speak the beast from the hole


5. Helping hand






1. Angry nanny


2. Light steps


3. Senior Brother


4. Armored city


5. Precious cargo


Volga plants


IV. Waters


1. Meltelchik

Sometimes technology is a lot.


2. Solid grip


3. Gateman


4. Fight for survival


5. Hunt for "Tiger"


6. A confident tread


Heavy hand






1. Eastern wind, rain


2. Long shadow


3. Fish in barrel


4. Pundak wedge


Battle for Batan


II. Battle for Guadalkanal


1. Rat drunk in the angle


2. Distracting maneuver


3. Orline claws


4. Drawn jungle


5. Genderson Field: for the throat


Wasp on Guadalkanale


III. Battle for Leitee

The path to Japan and the victory on the Pacific Ocean opens.

1. Support for landing operation


2. Bloody Laguna


3. Death works overtime


4. Teeth and nails


5. Attack Pieterson


Battle on leta


IV. Ruhr battle


1. King Mountain


2. Bureau of Nakhodka




4. Future horror


5. Confrontation on the bridge


6. needle in a haystack


Rour Cotele





