Russian folk game pie. Card file of folk games. Outdoor games of the Urals

The decoration of the hall is a village hut, Mother sits, shakes Ulka.

Children come in and sit down to soft music.

The cockerel cries three times (you can take a talking alarm clock), boys run out from different sides. The ringleader walks around the hall, raising his hand, the hand is clenched into a fist, the thumb is bent up.

Ringleader (calling loudly) Who will play the interesting game, and in what, I will not say!

(All the boys gather around the ringleader. One grabs his thumb, pressing his thumb up and so on. It turns out a column of fists. The one who took it last will have to start the game, that is, be the driver)

Boys. The sun is rising, the game is on!

(The bench is taken out to the center of the hall, the boys sit down, and the driver walks along and at the end of the words, stomps opposite the boy on whom the words have ended and they scatter in different directions to run around the bench and sit down. Whoever failed to sit down will drive )

Gingerbread Board" Russian folk game

Gingerbread board, from a whole hemp,

From the whole hemp, drop the boy! (Game repeats)

(Then the girls run out, stand in a circle)

Girls. Chok, choke, chock, chock, hooked teeth
Tongue on a stick, start counting!

(The ringleader of the girls enters the circle and starts a counting rhyme)

“The mice danced around the gingerbread,
They danced, sang, ate the whole gingerbread!”

(The girl on whom the counting rhyme ended becomes the leader in the game "Pebble" and the girl gives her a pebble. All the girls fold their hands and hold them out to the leader so that she puts a pebble in them. The leader goes in a circle to the song and holds each folded hands between the palms of the girls. She secretly puts a pebble to someone alone and at the end of the song calls to herself: “One, two, three, run!” If the girl with the pebble manages to run out and no one has time to touch her, she becomes the leader. )

"Kamushek" Russian folk game

Where did Ivanushka swim? Near the white stone!

I have a white stone, I have,

Talk to me, talk to me!

(The game is repeated several times)

2 boys come out.

1st. Have you eaten a pie?

2nd. No, I didn't eat!

1st. And was it delicious?

2nd. Very! (strokes her belly in a circular motion)

1st. We want to try too!

(Children stand along the side walls. The girls have one, and the boys have the other. There should be the same number of both. One “pie” child stands between the lines. All children pronounce the text, accompanying it with imitative movements, and at the end one by one from each team runs to the "pie" and whoever touches it first takes him to the end of his team, and the place of the "pie" is taken by the loser. The game is repeated. At the end, the players in each team are counted. The one with more players wins)

"Pie" Russian folk game

Yes, what a tall man he is! - raise their hands up

Yes, what a wide he is! - they spread their arms to the sides.

Yes, he is so soft! - they stroke their stomach.

Cut and eat! (Players in front run to the "pie")

The game can be repeated several times.

Mother. (goes out to the children) Look, make some noise under the window!

And Ulka is sleeping in our cradle!

Mother. Birch creak, creak,

My daughter is sleeping, sleeping.

My daughter will fall asleep, her sleep will take away.

Will take her to the garden, under the raspberry bush,

And the raspberry will fall, it will fall into the daughter's mouth.

Sleep, little daughter, sweet little raspberry.

Birch creak, creak,

And my daughter sleeps, sleeps...

(Children tiptoe to their places along the side walls./

Children. Hush, hush, hush, no talking!

And who will speak, we will bring him out!

Withdraw, punish, do not show tears!
/Children put their index finger to their lips and are silent for a while so that Ulka falls asleep more soundly)

Mother. Ulka fell asleep. Well, who will be more interesting?!

nursery rhymes ( A child from group 1 starts)

1st. It was in January, the first of April,

It was dry in the yard, the mud was knee-deep!”

2nd. There was a tall man, small in stature,

He's curly, no hair

Thin as a barrel!

3rd. The village was passing by a peasant,

Suddenly a gate barks from under the dog.

4th. The horse snatched the cart from under the whip

And let's beat the gate with it!

5th. The roofs were frightened, they sat on the raven,

The huts have run away from the village!

2nd group (all together) Nonsense, nonsense, pure nonsense!

Chiki-chiki, ah-ha-ha, really nonsense!

Two children come out.

1st. Once upon a time there were a hundred children, all went to kindergarten!

2nd. Everyone sat down for dinner, everyone ate a hundred cutlets!

1st. Everyone then went to bed

Mother. Let's do riddles!
(Children of one group make riddles to children of another)


1st (from 1 group) - Who is the very first to enter the house,

Is everyone following him? (Key)

2nd (from group 2) -You-have, I-have,

Does the oak in the field also have it? (Shadow)

3rd (from 1 group) - A bird flies across the blue sky,

She spread her wings, covered the sun?! (Cloud)

4th of the 2nd group - Walked lanky, got stuck in the ground ?! (Rain)

Mother: (Calls participants in the dramatization)

Stepan, Dasha, Ulka, all come to me!

(Participants of the dramatization take their seats - at the bench, at the table, at the cradle)

A mock play.

Together. What a big and happy family we have!

Two boys (at the shop) Two are standing at the shop.

Two boys (with books) Two want to study.

Two boys (at the table) Two Stepans are overeating with sour cream! (Imitate eating sour cream from a cup)

Two girls (at the table) Two Dashas eat at the porridge! (Imitate as if they are eating porridge)

Boy (pointing to a girl)

One Masha is not ours and she is good!

(Girl bows)

Mother. As I say clap yes clap,

You clap and clap your hands!

And I'll say top yes top, you kick top yes top!

Clap clap! (Children clap 2 times)

Top, top! (Children stomp 2 times)

(Music turns on and children dance in all directions)

General dance

Mother (with the end of the dance)

Business is time, fun is an hour.

And the end is the crown of the whole thing!

Music sounds, the children leave the hall.

Bashkir folk round dance
Yurt game.
Rules: children are divided into four
subgroups, each forming a circle
at the corners of the site. In the center
each circle a chair, on it is a scarf with
national pattern. All four
circles go and sing:
We are all guys
Let's all gather in a circle.
Let's play and dance
And rush to the meadow.
To the national music go to
one common circle. Upon its completion
run to their chairs, take
scarf, pull, get
yurts. That team wins
who was the first to "build" a yurt.
to fix
home of many nomadic peoples
was a yurt, cultivate interest in

"Sun and Rain"
Children sit on chairs.
The teacher says:
"What a wonderful weather!"
Let's go for a walk.
goes. Run quickly to
house." Children run to
Let's go
The game
repeated several times.

Russian folk game "Pies"
The players are divided into two teams.
Teams go against each other
friend. sits between them
"pie" (a cap is put on it).
Everyone starts praising
Here he is, how tall,
Here he is, so soft
Here he is, how wide.
Cut it and eat it!
After these words, playing one by one
from each team run to
"pie". Who will reach the fastest
goals and touches the "pie", that
and takes him away. into place
"pie" sits down a child from
happens until
everyone on one team will lose

Tatar folk game "We sell
Rules: children are divided into two groups
("pots" and "hosts"). "Pots"
are on their knees, the "masters" are behind
"pots", hands behind the back.
Leading the circle, touches
"owner" of the "pot". "Owner" and
the driver runs in a circle towards
each other. Who will take it faster
place behind the "pot", he won.
The rest becomes the leader.
Objectives: to increase children's knowledge about
professions of the past, educate
labor man.

"My cheerful sonorous ball"
Children stand on one side of the playground,
near them is a teacher with a ball in his hands.
It shows how easy and high
the ball bounces when it is hit
hand, accompanying the actions with the words:
My cheerful ringing ball
Where did you jump off to?
Red, yellow, blue,
Don't chase after you.
The teacher then asks the children
perform jumps, while beating
ball on the ground. Reading again
poem, it says: "Now
I'll catch up!" Children stop jumping and
run away. The teacher pretends to
catches them. educator without using
ball, invites children to perform
jumps, while he himself raises and
puts his hand over the heads of the children, as
like hitting a ball.

Russian folk game "Wolves in
This game will require
"wolves", no more than 2, 3
man, and all other children
the center of the site is drawn
corridor about 1 wide
meters (ditch). "Wolves" take
space inside the hallway

jump over the moat and not be
some of the "wolves" are salted.
If the "bunny" was taunted and he
it comes across, he should get out
from the game. If during the jump
"hare" stepped on
failed and also comes out

Tatar folk game "Grey wolf"
One of the players is chosen as a gray wolf.
Squatting down, the gray wolf hides behind
dash at one end of the site. Rest
players are on the opposite side
side. The distance between
lines 20–30 m. At a signal, everyone goes into the forest
collect mushrooms, berries. Towards them
the leader comes out and:
- You, friends, where are you in a hurry?
- We are going to the dense forest.
- What do you want to do there?
- We'll pick raspberries there.
- Why do you need raspberries, children?
We'll make jam.
- If the wolf meets you in the forest?
- The gray wolf will not catch up with us!
After this roll call, everyone goes to the place
where the gray wolf hides, and they say in unison:
I'll pick berries and make jam
My dear grandmother will have a treat.
There are a lot of raspberries here, you can’t collect all of them,
And wolves, bears are not to be seen at all!
After the words, the gray wolf gets up, and the children
quickly run over the edge. The wolf is chasing them
He takes the captives to the lair - to where
hid himself.
Rules of the game. Depicting a gray wolf
you can not jump out, but all players run away
before the words are spoken
see. You can catch escaping only up to
house features.

Russian folk game "At the bear's
A bear chosen by a rhyme
Lives in the forest. Children go to the forest
mushrooms, berries and sing
At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries!
The bear doesn't sleep
How he will growl at us!
last words, bear, so far
toss and turn
reluctantly leaves the lair. But
here is a bear suddenly running after
playing and trying someone
catch. Caught becomes

We asked our oven:

What are we going to bake today? -

We asked the stove

The dough was kneaded.

The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin,

Rolled out -

Not tired.

Stuffed with cottage cheese

And they called it a pie!

Come on, stove

Give the cottager a place!

(Children imitate the movements indicated in the rhyme.)

V. Guys, what do you think can be done from the test?

(Answers of children).

V. Look, on these plates there are different pastries (cookies of round, square and curly shapes; gingerbread in the shape of a hemisphere, bagels, buns). How would you like to decorate them?

(Answers of children).

V. Right. Cookies can be sprinkled with poppy seeds, you can press nuts into the dough, or stick decoration in the form of balls and flagella from dough. You can also apply a pattern using a stack.

(Children sit at the tables.)

V. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut out cookies using your favorite cookie cutters.

(Children do.)

Physical education minute


I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie.

And for the sweet mother

I'll bake two gingerbread.

Eat, eat, mommy,

Delicious two gingerbread!

(Children d make movements that imitate kneading dough, sculpting pies. Stretch your arms palms forward. Shake palms. They take their seats.)

V. To decorate cookies with a flower, you need to roll out thin flagella from the dough, cut them into small pieces, slightly flatten each one - these will be flower petals.

(Children do.)

Arrange the petals in a circle on the cookie.

(Children do.)

- Make a ball of dough of a different color and press it to the middle of the flower.

(Children do.)

To decorate cookies with leaves, flatten a small sausage from the dough, sharpen and place on a cookie, then gently vein the stack to make the leaf look like a real one.

(Children do.)

Children transfer finished products to a baking sheet previously oiled. The filled baking sheet is transferred to the kitchen for baking.

Educator: Guys, we have prepared wonderful cookies, tasty and beautiful, like in a fairy tale. After sleep, we will have a tea party, we will treat each other with cookies, and in the evening we will treat our mothers and grandmothers, whom we love so much.


Circle activities

"Merry testoplasty"

in the middle group

Theme: Ringing bells

Sculpting Christmas decorations

Program content:

To give an idea of ​​folk traditions associated with bells;

Learn to create voluminous hollow crafts from salt dough;

Continue to teach different techniques for decorating stucco figures;

Develop fine motor skills fingers;

Develop a sense of form, proportions;

Cultivate aesthetic feelings and accuracy.

Preliminary work:

Examination of bells, comparing their shape with bell flowers;

Salt dough preparation;

Conversation about the upcoming New Year's holiday;

Preparation and decoration of group premises for the holiday;

Laying out patterns from different elements in your free time.

Materials, tools, equipment:

salt dough, oilcloths, stacks, caps of felt-tip pens, beads, beads, sparkles; picture " New Year's celebration»; small artificial Christmas tree audio recording of bells; cast bells of various types; routing.

Lesson progress

Educator. Children, I heard our dolls saying that they also want to celebrate the New Year, but, unfortunately, there is no Christmas tree in their doll corner. And today we received a parcel from Santa Claus. What is in it? (gets small artificial Christmas tree and bells, ringing them alternately.)

Children. This is a Christmas tree for dolls. . These are bells.

V. That's right, guys, it's bells. They are small and large, loud and quiet. Bells have been used by people for a very long time. The bells sounded the alarm when there was a fire, the bells called the soldiers to battle and greeted the winners. Small bells were hung around the necks of horses and goats. Let's hear how different bells can sound.

(Listening to the audio recording of "Bells.")

V. How many poems and songs have been written about bells and bells! For example, these are:

The troika rushes, the troika jumps,

Dust curls from under the hooves.

The bell will cry

It laughs, it rings.

V. Guys, why do you think Santa Claus sent us bells? I think I figured it out. He wants us to decorate the puppet Christmas tree with bells that we will make and color ourselves. And our bells will ring like this.

Anastasia Istomina
An approximate summary of the game with the rules in senior group kindergarten. Mobile Russian folk game "Pie"

Program content:

Teach children to play the mobile Russian folk game "Pie"; introduce the rules of the game, learn the words for the game;

To acquaint with the Russian folk costume, to give an idea of ​​who the buffoons are, when they lived and what they did;

Develop motor activity, attention, memory, speech;

To cultivate respect for the old Russian traditions.

Development environment:

Buffoon costume, paintings depicting Russian folk costume, festive headdresses, buffoons playing on musical instruments.

Approximate course of the game:

Children near the teacher (on the carpet in a circle) stand or sit.

The teacher shows the buffoon costume:

What do you think it is? (is it a suit)

Let's try it on for one of you.

Whose suit is this? (buffoon costume)

And who are the buffoons, when did they live and what did they do, you know?

A long time ago in Russia, on the holidays of Epiphany, Shrovetide and many other holidays, people put on festive, elegant clothes (we will look at images of festive clothes and hats a little later in the group, they gathered at the fairgrounds and rested. And buffoons helped them to have fun The buffoons knew how to play various musical instruments and knew many interesting songs and games.

I guys know one too old game "Pie" and I want to teach you how to play it. Want to? But first I will introduce you to the rules of the game.

1. We choose a pie using a rhyme (or a buffoon can play a pie for the first time);

2. We divide into two teams, become facing each other.

3. The pie becomes in the middle, rests his hands on his sides, puffs out his cheeks.

4. Teams pronounce the words: “Here he is, how tall, here he is so soft, here he is so wide, Cut him and eat!”

5. After these words, the players, one from each team, run to the pie and try to pull it over to their side. Who wins, takes the pie to his team.

6. A new "pie" is chosen from the losing team.

7. The team that takes the most "pies" wins.

8. The game ends when one of the teams does not have one person left.

Children play an outdoor game, the teacher, if necessary, makes adjustments to the actions of the children.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 3 "Rucheyok"

Circle "Folk Games"

Educational area "Physical culture"

for the period from 01.09.2012 to 31.05.2013 academic year

Physical education instructor

Yu.D. Lepeshova



Explanatory note

Folk games are a vivid expression of the people playing them, a reflection of the ethnic group as a whole and the history of its development. At the same time, games can be viewed, from the point of view of pedagogy and psychology, as a means of education and upbringing. In addition to all this, this great way strengthen your spirit, your body, develop the processes of thinking, fantasy, the emotional component of our life. The Russian people reflected many of the processes of their life in this way, through the game.

Folk games are relevant and interesting at the present time, despite the fact that there are a fairly large number of temptations in our technocratic age.

A visit to the circle "Folk Games" helps to improve the health of pupils,activation and development of motor activity of preschoolers, their cognitive and mental sphere by means of the game. The game method gives the educational process an attractive form, increases the emotional background of classes, promotes the development of thinking, imagination and creativity child.

Target : improving the health of pupils,activation and development of motor activity of children with a close relationship with their cognitive and mental activity by means of folk games.

Tasks :

  • development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements
  • development of flexibility and plasticity
  • endurance training, strength development
  • formation of correct posture, beautiful gait
  • development of the ability to navigate in space
  • development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking
  • education of the ability to behave in a group while moving, the formation of cultural habits in the process of group communication with children

Academic year: from 09/01/2012 to 05/31/2013 (29 lessons + final entertainment)

Class mode: 1 time per week (4 times per month), 2nd half of the day (at 15h 25min)

Lesson duration: 25 minutes

Expected results:

  • The natural development of the child's body, the functional improvement of its individual organs and systems.
  • Creation of the necessary motor mode, a positive psychological attitude.
  • strengthening posture, improvement physical qualities: coordination, strength, general endurance, agility, flexibility, speed, combination of speed and strength, balance.
  • Development of creative abilities in the motor sphere.
  • Improving mental abilities: attention, speed of reaction, memory, imagination.
  • Development of the emotional sphere, moral and volitional traits, communication skills.

Forward planning for the 2012-2013 academic year

  1. Russian folk game "Brook"

Purpose: Teaching in a playful manner walking, mindfulness, playing in a team.

Description: Children become pairs, holding hands. Hands must be raised up in such a way that a “house” is obtained. Pairs of children become one after another, gradually moving forward. Something like a "brook" is formed, which constantly flows.

One person enters the beginning of this stream, passes under the raised hands of the players and grabs one of the players by the hand from the main mass, taking him with him to the end of the stream, standing as its last link. The next pair of players takes the vacant seat, and the vacated player goes to the beginning of the brook and does the same - goes under the hands of the players, snatching the hand of the person he likes from the brook and taking him to the very end of the brook.


Depending on the size of the playing area, the playing pairs walk in an even, confident step straight or in a circle. At the signal of the teacher (clap hands, whistle), the first couple, bending down, enters the “corridor” from their hands.

  1. Russian folk game "Cabbage"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, the ability to coordinate movements with words, exercise in running, the ability to play in a team.

Description: A circle is drawn - a "garden". Hats, belts, scarves, etc. are folded in the middle of the circle. This is cabbage. All participants in the game stand behind the circle, and one of them is chosen by the owner. He sits next to the "cabbage". The “master” depicts with movements what he sings about:

I'm sitting on a pebble, Amuse crayons pegs.

I am amusing small pegs,

I fence my city,

So that the cabbage is not stolen,

Didn't run into the garden

Wolf and fox, beaver and chicken,

Mustachioed hare, clubfoot bear.

The players try to quickly run into the "garden", grab the "cabbage" and run away. Whoever the "owner" catches is out of the game. The participant who carries the most "cabbages" is declared the winner.

Rules of the game: You can run only after the words "bear clumsy."

  1. Russian folk game "Grandfather Rozhok"

Target : Develop, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice running.

Description: Children choose Grandfather according to the counting rhyme.

By God's dew

On the ass lane

There are cones, nuts,

honey, sugar

Get out, grandfather Rozhok!

The selected Grandfather player is assigned a "home". The rest of the players move 15-20 steps away from the “house” of this one - they have their own “house”.

Children: Oh, you, grandfather Rozhok,

I burned a hole in my shoulder!

Grandpa: Who is afraid of me? Children: Nobody!

Whom he taunted, he catches those who play with him. As soon as the players run from house to house and the driver and the assistant take their place, the game resumes.

Rules of the game: the game continues until there are three or four players not caught.

  1. Russian folk game "Frogs in the swamp"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, exercise in jumping on two legs.

Description: The banks are outlined on both sides, in the middle - a swamp. On one of the banks there is a crane (beyond the line). Frogs are located on bumps (circles at a distance of 50 cm) and say:

Here from the wet rotten

Frogs jump into the water.

They began to croak from the water:

Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke

It will rain on the river.

With the end of the words, the frogs jump from the bump into the swamp. The crane catches those frogs that are on the hummock. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. After the crane has caught several frogs, a new crane is chosen from those who have never been caught. The game is restarted.

  1. Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Purpose: To develop, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice walking in a chain.

Description: A pair of players stand facing each other and raise their hands up - this is the gate. The rest of the players take each other so that a chain is obtained. All children say:

Hey people, hey people

We intertwined our hands.

We raised them up

It turned out to be a beauty!

It turned out not simple,

Golden Gate!

The gate players say a rhyme, and the chain must quickly pass between them. Children - "gates" say:

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second one is prohibited.

And for the third time

We won't miss you!

With these words, hands fall, the gates slam shut. Those that are caught become additional gates. Gates win if they manage to catch all the players.

Rules of the game: The game continues until there are three or four players who are not caught, you must lower your hands quickly, but carefully.

Purpose: to teach joint action; develop the ability to navigate in space.

Description of the game: one subgroup of children stands along the hall, at a distance of 1 step from each other, holds hands and raises them above their heads, pronounces the words:

How can I not curl the cabbage,

Purpose: to consolidate the skill of balance; walking and running at a variable pace.

Game description:

Words are spoken:

"White birch,

Black Rose,

fragrant lily of the valley,

fluffy dandelion,

Blue bell.

Turn around! Don't stop!"

Methodical instructions: do not push, keep a distance.

  1. Russian folk game "Game"

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, to independently choose movements, to exercise in building in a circle, walking with a change of direction.

Description: Children stand in a circle, hold hands. The leader is in the center. The players walk in a circle and say in a singsong voice:

Uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

Seven sons:

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

Together they did like me!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the leader.

Rules of the game: When the game is repeated, the children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.

  1. Russian folk game "Horses"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running with high knees, walking, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: The players scatter all over the site and, at the signal of the teacher, "Horses" run, raising their knees high. On the signal "Coachman" - normal walking. Walking and running alternate. The teacher can repeat the same signal in a row.

Artistic word:

Hop-hop! Well, gallop!

You fly, horse, soon, soon

Through the rivers, through the mountains!

All the same, at a gallop - gop-hop!

Rut-rut! Trot, dear friend!

After all, there will be strength to restrain, -

Trot-trot, my dear horse!

Rut-rut! Don't stumble, my friend!

(1864 L.N. Modzalevsky)

Rules of the game: You can run only after the word "catching up".

  1. Russian folk game "Jump Rope"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in jumping on two legs, the ability to play in a team.

Description: One of the players takes a rope and unwinds it. Low from the ground. The rest jump over the rope: the higher, the more income and wealth will be.

Before the game begins, the following words are said:

So that the spikelet is long,

To grow flax high

Jump as high as possible.

You can jump over the roof.

Rules of the game:

Whoever touches the rope is out of the game.

  1. Russian folk game "Frost red nose"


Description: Two houses are designated on opposite sides of the site, players are located in one of them. In the middle of the site, the driver stands up - Frost-Red Nose.

He says:

I am Frost-Red Nose.

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with a hand). The Frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, another driver is chosen. Rules of the game: You can run only after the word "frost". "frozen" players do not move.

  1. Russian folk game "Babka Yozhka"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in dodging, jumping on one leg, and the ability to play in a team.

Description: Children form a circle. The driver stands in the middle of the circle - Grandmother Ezhka, in her hands is a “broom”. Players run around and tease her:

Grandmother Ezhka - Bone Leg

She fell off the stove, broke her leg,

And then he says:

My leg hurts.

She went to the street

Crushed the chicken.

Went to the market

Crushed the samovar.

Grandma Ezhka jumps on one leg and tries to touch someone with a “broom”. Whoever touches - he is "bewitched" and freezes.

Rules of the game: "Bewitched" stands still.Another driver is chosen when there are a lot of "bewitched" ones.

  1. Russian folk game "Two Frosts"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, endurance. Practice walking and running.

Description: Two houses are designated on opposite sides of the site, players are located in one of them. In the middle of the site, two driving frosts rise from opposite sides - Frost-Red Nose and Frost-Blue Nose.

they say:

We are two young brothers, Two Frosts Removed

I am Frost-Red Nose, I am Frost-Blue Nose,

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frosts catch up with them and try to freeze (touch with a hand). The Frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, other drivers are chosen. Rules of the game: You can run only after the word "frost", "frozen" players do not move.

  1. Russian folk game "Hop! Clap! Run away!

Target: Ra call, develop speed, dexterity, eye, improve orientation in space. Practice running.

Description: The players walk along playground- they pick flowers in the meadow, weave wreaths, catch butterflies, etc. Several children play the role of horses that nibble grass on the side. After the leader's words:

"Clap, clap, run away,

Horses will stop you"

multiple players


"But I'm not afraid of horses,

I'll ride along the way!"

and begin to jump on sticks, imitating horses and trying to catch children walking in the meadow.

Rules of the game: You can run away only after the word "I'll ride"; the child who is overtaken by the horse is temporarily out of the game.

  1. Russian folk game "Zhmurki"

Target: Develop the ability to act on a signal, learn to navigate in space, follow the rules of the game.

Description:. Children choose one participant, put a blindfold on his eyes. At this signal, the participants in the game rush in different directions, and a child with a blindfold, standing in the middle of the place for the game, tries to catch one of the running ones.

The one who gets caught changes roles with him, that is, they put a blindfold on his eyes and he becomes a "blind man's blind man".

Rules: While running, children must still make sure that the one who is blindfolded does not stumble upon any object; at the sight of danger, they warn with a cry: "fire"!

Variations: The game can be played with a bell, which the children pass to each other.

Target : development of speed; coordination in movements;

Competitive moment.

Description of the game: players stand in pairs one after another on the same line. The “horse” player stretches his arms back - down and takes the “rider” by the hands. On command, the couples run to the finish line, then change (repeat 3-4 times).

Methodical instructions: couples run straight without crossing the road of others, do not pull hard on the “rider”.

  1. Russian folk game "Keep up"

Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice throwing.

Description: Children are divided into 2 equal teams. Along one of the lines, circles with a diameter of about 30 centimeters are drawn, according to the number of players on one team. After that, the players of one team are built in a line along the line, placing one foot in the drawn circle. Players of the opposing team stand opposite, at a certain, predetermined distance. Their task is to hit the players of the opposing team with soft balls. The game lasts according to the number of set shots (for example, 5), after which the teams change places. Points can be awarded for each hit. The team with the most points wins.

Rules: During the game, it is forbidden to throw the ball in the face, and the players in the circles to tear off the foot that is in the circle from the ground.

  1. Russian folk game "Hawk"

Target: To develop the ability to act on a signal, exercise children in running in different directions, building in pairs.

Description: Children cast lots among themselves. The one chosen by lot represents the hawk. The rest of the children join hands and become pairs, forming several rows.

A hawk is placed in front of everyone, which can only look ahead and does not dare to look back. At this signal, the pairs suddenly separate from each other and rush in a run in different directions, at this time the hawk catches up with them, trying to catch someone. The victim, i.e., found himself in the claws of a hawk, changes roles with him.


Children while running tend to throw a handkerchief at the hawk, if they fall into it, it is considered "bewitched" and another one is selected from the children in its place.

  1. Russian folk game "Bells"

Target: To develop the ability to act on a signal, attention, to train children to navigate in space by auditory perception, building in a circle, round dance.

Description: Children stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle - one with a bell or a bell, the other - blindfolded.

All children say:

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called:

Digi digi digi dong

Guess where the call is coming from!

After these words, the "blind man's blind man" catches the dodging player.

Rules: Start catching only after the words “Ring!”. The player being caught must not run out of the circle.

Variations: Children forming a circle can dance.

  1. Russian folk game "Mother Spring"

Target: To develop the ability to act on a signal, to exercise children in walking, building in a circle.

Description: Spring is selected. Two children with green branches or a garland form a gate.

All children say:

Mother spring is coming

Open the gate.

The first of March has come

He spent all the children;

And then April

Opened the window and the door;

And how May came -

How much do you want to play!

Spring leads a chain of all the children through the gate and leads them into a circle.

Rules: Do not open the chain

  1. Russian folk game "Pie"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in running, the ability to play in a team.

Description: The players are divided into two teams. The teams are facing each other. A “pie” sits between them (a hat is put on it). Everyone unanimously begins to praise the "pie":

That's how tall he is

That's how soft he is

That's how wide he is.

Cut it and eat it!

After these words, the players, one from each team, run to the “pie”. Whoever runs to the goal faster and touches the "pie" takes it away with him. A child from the losing team sits in the place of the "pie". This continues until everyone on one team has lost.

  1. Russian folk game "Malechina-Kalechina"

Target: To develop dexterity, endurance, coordination of movements, a sense of sports rivalry.

Description: The players choose the driver. Everyone picks up a stick and says:


How many hours

Left until the evening

Before summer?

After these words, put the stick vertically on the palm or on the tip of the fingers.

The driver counts: “One, two, three ... ten!” When the stick falls, it should be picked up with the other hand, preventing it from falling completely to the ground. The score is kept only until the second hand is picked up, and not until it falls to the ground. The one who holds the stick the longest wins.

Options: The stick can be held in different ways:

1. On the back of the hand, on the elbow, on the shoulder, on the head.

2. Holding the stick, they squat, stand on the bench, walk or run towards the drawn line.

3. They hold two sticks at the same time, one on the palm, the other on the head.

Rules of the game: The fingers of the other hand (stick) cannot be supported by a crippled child.

  1. Russian folk game "Chains forged"

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, exercise in building in two lines, running.

Description: Two lines of children, holding hands, stand opposite each other at a distance of 15 - 20 m. One line of children shouts:

Chains, chains, break us!

Which one of us? - answers the other

Stepoy! - answers first

The child, whose name was called, runs up and tries to break the second line (aims at clasped hands). If he breaks, then he takes into his line the pair of participants that he broke. If he does not break, then he stands in a line that he could not break. The team with the most players wins..

  1. Russian folk game "Salki"

Target: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in jumping on one leg, with advancement, the ability to play in a team.

Description: Children disperse around the playground, stop and close their eyes. Everyone's hands are behind their backs. The driver, unnoticed by others, puts an object in one of their hands. To the words "One, two, three, look!" children open their eyes. The one who got the item raises his hands up and says "I'm a tag." The participants of the game, jumping on one leg, run away from the tag. The one whom he touched with his hand goes to drive. He takes the object, lifts it up, quickly says the words: “I am a tag!”

The game is repeated.

Rules of the game:

1. If the player is tired, he can jump alternately on one or the other leg.

2. When the tag is changed, players are allowed to stand on both feet.

3. Salka must also jump on one leg.

Target: develop attention; exercise in fast running; develop orientation in space, attention.

Description of the game: players are divided into 2 teams and stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In one row - "hawks", in the other - "swallows". The host calls one of the teams. The team that was named catches up with the other. Those who are caught become prisoners of those who catch. The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Guidelines: listen carefully to the driver, running away, try not to bump into each other (repeat 3-5 times).

  1. Russian folk game "Weaver"

Target: Develop agility, endurance, coordination of movements. Exercise children in walking, running.

Description: Two lines, hands tightly intertwined, stand opposite each other facing each other. In the middle of the corridor, 2 "shuttles" will run towards each other along the right side of the corridor each. On command, everyone begins to sing a recitative:

I am a cheerful weaver

I can weave famously, famously.

Ay, lu-li, ah, lu-li,

I can weave famously, famously!

The ranks approach and diverge in even walls, weave, at this time the "shuttles" must slip through. If they don’t have time, then they “twist the thread” (weave poorly). When the “shuttles” ran, they join the “village” and line up.

Rules of the game: "Shuttle" must not run into each other.

  1. Russian folk game "Bear"

Target: To develop the ability to act on a signal, to exercise children in running in various directions, to teach them to navigate in space, to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The participants of the game by lot choose one comrade who is entrusted with the role of a bear. On one of the sides of the space allotted for the game, a small place is limited by the line, which serves as a den for the bear.

At this signal, the children rush from one end of the yard to the opposite, and the “bear” catches up with them, trying to touch one of them with his hand, i.e., “sick”.

"Salenny" also becomes a "bear" and is led into a den. The game continues in this order until there are more “bears” than the remaining participants in the game.

Rules: As the number of “bear's” assistants increases, they all go out with him to prey, are installed in a row, and only those located at the edges have the right to catch the players. It is necessary to act only on a signal.

  1. Russian folk game "Burners with a handkerchief"

Target: To develop in children the ability to act on a signal, exercise in running.

Description: Players stand in pairs one behind the other. The driver is ahead, he holds a handkerchief in his hand above his head.

All in unison:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out.

Look at the sky,

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One two Three!

Last couple run!

The children of the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left). The one who runs to the driver first takes a handkerchief from him and stands with him in front of the column, and the late one “burns”, that is, drives.

  1. Russian folk game "Lame Fox"

Target: Exercise children in running in a circle, jumping on one leg.

Description: Children choose the Lame Fox. At the place chosen for the game, a rather large circle is drawn, which includes all the children, except for the “fox”. At this signal, the children rush in a circle, and the fox at this time jumps on one leg and tries at all costs to touch one of the running hands. As soon as she succeeds, she enters the circle and joins the rest of the running children, while the victim takes on the role of the “fox”. The children play until everyone is the lame fox; the game, however, can be stopped earlier, at the first appearance

signs of fatigue.

Rules: Children who enter the circle must run only in it and not go beyond the outlined line, in addition, the participant chosen by the fox must run on only one leg.

Final entertainment "Folk Games"

(senior preschool age)

Target: physical and regional education of children of the seventh year of life.

Program tasks:

  1. Through mobile folk games improve and develop physical qualities children: agility, balance, speed.
  2. To develop in children attention, the ability to navigate in space, to teach joint actions in the game.
  3. To form an interest and desire for physical exercises.
  4. To consolidate the basic movements: walking and running with a change of direction, long and short steps, snake, with acceleration of movements.
  5. Cultivate children's interest in folk art native land.



marking caps - 10 pieces;

gymnastic bench - 2 pieces;

hoops of small diameter - 4 pieces.

Location: gym, children are engaged in sportswear, barefoot.

Lesson progress



Building in a line, checking posture, alignment.

Rebuilding in a column one at a time.

1 task. Walking around the hall with various tasks.

Walking on toes - 30 seconds. Methodical instructions: raise your head, arms straight, reach up.

Walking on your heels, hands behind your head - 30 seconds. Guidelines: elbows turned to the sides, back straight, connect the shoulder blades.

Walking heel-toe - 30 seconds. Methodical instructions: precisely put the heel to the toe of the foot, keep the back straight, do not tilt the head, hands on the belt.

Walking with a pigtail through a rope - 10 seconds. Guidelines: do not take large steps, keep your back, do not tilt your head, hands on your belt.

Walking heel-midfoot - 30 seconds. Guidelines: a clear setting of the feet, monitor posture, hands on the belt.

Repeat walking with a pigtail - 10 seconds. Methodical instructions: the same.


Prevention of flat feet;

Improvement of physical qualities.

Construction in 2 columns.

2 task.

Walking and running with a snake between objects 4-5 times.

Twisting snails in an easy run 1 time.


The exercise makes it possible to pass and run a long segment in a small space (increases motor density);

Exercises children in walking and running with a change in direction of movement, long and short steps, with a change in speed.

3 task.

Tatar folk game "Tatar fence".


Learn to work together

Develop the ability to navigate in space.

Game description: one subgroup of children stands along the hall, at a distance of 1 step from each other, holds hands and raises them above their heads, pronounces the words:

“Veisya, you vyasya, my cabbage!

Weave, you weave, my fork!

How can I not curl the cabbage,

How can I not twist the pitchfork!”.

The children of the second subgroup, holding hands, run like a snake around the players of the first subgroup. Methodical instructions: players of the first subgroup cannot be touched.

Then the subgroups change. (Repeat 2 times)

Main part

4 task.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate".


The ability to move at different speeds, decreasing and increasing the pace of movement;

Develop the ability to navigate in space;

Strengthen the ability to work together.

Game description: two of the leading children join hands, make gates, the rest of the children in a row, holding hands, go through the gate with the words:

"Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

Saying goodbye for the first time

The second time is forbidden

And on the third time we will not miss you.”

The drivers lower their hands, catch the one who did not have time to pass. The one who is caught gets up third, the gate expands into a labyrinth, and so on. (repeat the game 5-6 times).

Methodical instructions:pass through the gate without hitting it.

5 task.

Mordovian folk game "Running along the trunk".


Strengthen the skill of balance;

Walking and running at a variable pace.

Game description:

Words are spoken:

"White birch,

Black Rose,

fragrant lily of the valley,

fluffy dandelion,

Blue bell.

Turn around! Don't stop!"

Children walk along the log (gymnastic bench) in a stream, accelerating the pace of movement, then run along the bench at a fast pace, slowing down, switch to walking and gradually stop. (Repeat the game 2-3 times)

Guidelines: Don't push, keep your distance.

6 task.

Chuvash folk game "Mill".


Develop the vestibular apparatus;

Exercise in balance;

Develop attention and ability to navigate in space.

Game description: children stand around the hoop, holding the hoop with their right hand. In the middle of the hoop is a child who spins in place. Children pronounce the words:

“Across the river on the mountain,

Where the wind blows and roars

The wings of the mill turn on it

Up - down, up - down.

And they move around the hoop in one direction, speeding up the pace; on command, the pace slows down (repeat 2 times; the second time they take the hoop with their left hand).

Guidelines: keep the hoop straight, with your hand down, do not pull it.

7 task.

Bashkir game "Equestrian competition".


Development of speed;

Consistency in movements;

Competitive moment.

Game description: Players line up in pairs one behind the other. The “horse” player stretches his arms back - down and takes the “rider” by the hands. On command, the couples run to the finish line, then change (repeat 3-4 times).

Guidelines: couples run straight without crossing the road to others, do not pull the “rider” strongly.

8 task.

Bashkir game "Swallows and hawks".


Develop attention;

Exercise in fast running;

Develop orientation in space, attention.

Game description: The players are divided into 2 teams and stand in two rows with their backs to each other. In one row - "hawks", in the other - "swallows". The host calls one of the teams. The team that was named catches up with the other. Those who are caught become prisoners of those who catch. The team with the most players at the end of the game wins.

Guidelines: carefully listen to the driver, running away, try not to bump into each other (repeat 3-5 times).

Final part

9 task.

The Russian game is a game of low mobility “In the legs”.

Target: a game of low mobility for attention.

Game description: children are divided into several groups. Each player selects the leader, who stretches out his hand, palm down, all players put their index finger under the palm. The leader says:

"Under my roof

The kids have gathered.

Hare, squirrel, toad - up”.

(Repeat 2-3 times)

Building in a line, sweet prizes.