Where and when the first coin appeared. Where and when the first coins appeared with the image. Physical characteristics of golden

In those days, Lydia lay at the crossroads of many roads. Through its territory was all trading routes to the countries of the East and ancient Greece. It was here that an acute need for simplifying trade transactions arose. And this served as serious interference of heavy ingots, which performed as a monetary mass. The inventive leaders were the first guessed to make metal coins From the electrum, which is a natural gold alloy with silver. Small fragments of this metal, in shape resembling beans, began to sprinkle, inflicting the sign of the city on their surface. With these symbolic pieces of metal began to use as a transmissive coin. The first Lidia coins were obtained in honor of the Lidius king Kröz, who, if you believe legends, possessed with an imperceptible wealth. So the world saw the kerisides - the first metal money with the image.

Money turnover

After a few decades, the rulers of the Greek city of the Egina began to minted their coins. Outwardly, they were not at all similar to Lidiysk cerebses and were cast from pure silver. Therefore, historians argue that metal coins in the aetus were invented on their own, but a little later. The coins from Egina and Lydia very quickly began to move around the territory of all Greece, moved to Iran, and then appeared at the Romans, at the end won many barbaric tribes.

Gradually, the coins of many cities came to the market, which differed from each other by weight, appearance and cost. The minted coin of one city could cost several times more than coins another, because it could be pouring out of pure gold, and not from alloy. At the same time, coins with the image or emblems were valued much higher, because Different clean metal and fullness. The stigma of the coin yard, which coins the money used unshakable authority among all the inhabitants.

Greek coins

In the territory Ancient Greece There were several cities - states: Corinth, Athens, Sparta, Syracuse, and in each of them there was their own mint, minted her coins. They were of different shapes, various and stamps were applied on them, but most often it was images of sacred animals or gods that were read in the city where the coin was minted.

So, for example, in Syracuses on the coins, the God of Poetry Apollo was depicted, and the winged Pegasus flew on Corinth coins.

Assistant Jupiter

Surely, in a wallet, each person can be found a couple of coins. They are convenient to pay in transport or buy coffee in the machine. And not many were thinking about where and how the very first coin was made.

The word "coin" itself came to us from Latin and translated as the "adviser". This title had Junon, the spouse of Jupiter. It was believed that Juno predicted the attacks of enemies or natural cataclysms to Romans. Near the temple of Juno (was near Rome) were located workshops where metal coins were minted. However, these are not the very first coins.

Ancient Nakhodka

As a result of multiple excavations, it was found that the first coin is Stater. This coin was discovered on the territory of Ancient Lydia. Now this territory belongs to Palestine and Turkey. Archaeologists have established that the age of this coin is at least 3200 years. Research has led archaeologists to the fact that the creator of the coin was the fi don (VII century BC). Fi Don was the ruler of the island of the island. It was on this island that one of the most ancient mint yards was located. Also, there is an opinion that the first coin appeared in Carn Ardis (685 BC).

Stater was made of silver alloy and gold. Such a alloy is customary to call the electro. On one of the sides of the coin was depicted lion, and the other side was empty. From other sources, you can find out that there was a stamp on the reverse side, which spoke of the value of the coin. The form of Statter was oval, and not round, as now. Initially, Stater was made of gold or silver. One golden stater was equal to a cost of 20 to 28 drachms. Also, one golden stater could be exchanged for 2 silver stats. At about the same period (V c. BC. E) began to appear Dariki - coins made of high-graded gold. There is an opinion that Dariq is the most first copper coin. Based on this opinion, the first coin of pure gold appeared in the Lidius Tsar Krez.

Lev is more precious to the turtle

In the future, it was found that there were coins with the image of the sea turtle. These coins had less cost than those depicted by a growing lion (Stater). Also, coins were found with the image of various mythical creatures, but these coins did not have great value and were rare.

The main reason for the emergence of coins in Lydia was that there was active trade between countries and various tribes. This is evidenced by the fact that standards are still found in research and excavations in the territory of Celtic settlements. Initially, as coins, ordinary pieces of gold or silver were used. However, the pieces had different weight and, accordingly, the cost. Therefore, there was a need to standardize money.


Also, it is worth noting that Stater was quite popular. This confirms the written mention that can be found in the Gospel of Matthew (17: 24-27). There it is about the miracle of Jesus, associated with Stater. This mention allows you to make sure of the age of the age. Another confirmation is that Stater was in the turn of about 8 centuries!

However, not everyone recognizes Stater the very first coin. Some declare that the very first coin was minted in China (XII century BC. E). Unlike Statter, these coins were in circulation only in China and possessed a special royal stamp, which testified to its authenticity. The seal had a drawing of a bull head or lion.

Others argue that the most ancient coin belongs to the territory of North America and its age is 50 thousand years. However, none of these coins has been found. And therefore it is only assumptions.

On the ship. The word "coin" itself translated from Latin means "warning" or "advisor". Such a title had a Roman goddess of Juno - the spouse of the Yupiter's thumbnail. It was believed that she repeatedly warned the Romans about earthquakes and attacks of enemies. At the Roman Capitol near the temple of Juno, the coins were placed workshops, where metal money was minted and cast. From the same Latin root there was a word "mantle" - symbol " note / predictions"The fate of man by the judges. In some countries, prosecutors and lawyers are also needed in the courts.

At the place of their manufacture, the products of the workshops also received the name "coin", which then fell into most European languages. Herodotus and some other authors of antiquity wrote that the first coins were minted in the Majual State of Lydia. Nowadays it is precisely established that the oldest coins appeared exactly about 685 to n. e. , with Tsar Ardis. They were made from the electrolum - the natural alloy of silver and gold. On one side of the coin there is a sample, on the other - the head of the Assyrian lion. After a few decades, the coins began to produce in the Greek city of Egin. They minted from silver and differed in shape from Lidiors. It is assumed that in the aet of the coin was invented although later, but independently [ ] From Lydia. From Lydia and Egina, coins quickly spread throughout Greece, her colonies, and further in Iran. Then they appeared at the Romans and many barbaric tribes. Alone coins were invented in India and China. And in China, the first coins of bronze were cast back in the XII century BC. E, but they had only regional importance. And only the Lidi king Kröz (561-546 BC), the son of Aliatta, set the standard of cleanliness of the metal (98% gold or silver) and the coat of arms of the tsarist on the front side (lion head and bull head). This official print guaranteed the quality of the royal coin.

The rapid spread of coins is associated with the convenience of their storage, crushing and connections, relatively large cost with a small weight and volume, which is very convenient for exchanging.

Periods in the history of individual countries are known when the use of coins for one reason or another was discontinued. So, in Russia in the XII -XIV centuries there was a mammon, since the influx of silver from abroad is dried, and there were no silver deposits in Russia.

Using numbers (dates) on coins

Arabic numbers and Slavic Cature

The most early Russian coin with Arabic figures refers to 1655, it is Efimok. The main place of distribution of Efimkov is the territory of Ukraine, where the population has enjoyed European (Polish and others) coins, with dating from the Nativity of Christ Arabic numbers. In the Moscow State, they used the Stroobrolgar tiphire with the summer from the creation of the world (from Adam) according to the Byzantine era. Only since 1700, the Russian kingdom, he passed to the Souliscovers from the Nativity of Christ and the celebration of the New Year on January 1, and not on September 1. The 7208th year of the creation of the world is 1700 of our era (7208 - 5508 \u003d 1700). Further, the Slavic Typhyr began to be replaced by Arabic numbers. Slavic figures for the last time appear on silver coins of 1722 chasing.

Mint shape

The main mint form is a circle, but coins can be quadriginal, polygonal (usually correct), irregular shape.

Almost every coin has the facial side - obverse, and the reverse side - reverse. The exception is one-sided coins, including start-up (coins made of thin silver plates of XII -XV centuries). But they are compared to a huge mass of bilateral coins a bit.

There is no unity in determining the concepts of the facial and revolving sides of the coins. In the old numismatic literature, the facial side is depicting the ruler. Now adopted in practical work the face of the coin is considered to be the one that image or legend It defines its state affiliation: if the image and the legend is also talking about this, then, when determining the sides, preference is given to legend.

Since 1832, a coinage of coins with a double designation of the denomination began in St. Petersburg and on Warsaw Mint, in rubles (or penny) and in zlotys (or pennies), based on the official ratio of 1 zloty \u003d 15 kopecks.

2. Russian-French coins.

A small circulation of advanced coins (gift coin) of 100 French francs or 37 rubles 50 kopecks were issued.

3. Russian-Moldovan coins (copper coins, chasing on the territory of Moldova by the command of the Russian army during the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774).

Fake and fake coins

Although there are no differences between the specified terms, numismaties usually under the circle of specialists. fake Meaning illegally made for the purpose of starting them into circulation of coins, externally, almost no different coins of the same type and nominal coins. Fake same - coins made much later than those samples with which they follow, in order to sell them as antique things.

Some fakes in their type differ from the modern coins and are the fruit of the fancy of their manufacturer. Fake coins are usually distinguished by low gold and silver breakdown or replacement of recent copper or bronze, followed by gilding or silver. Sometimes the core of copper or lead is placed in gold, silver. In both cases, it is important to determine its sample and proportion to establish a fake coin.

Fake coins were usually made either by chasing a new stamp made by a fake-maker or by casting.

The manufacture of fake coins is carried out by:

  • castings
  • applications of a new stamp
  • the illegal use of an old stamp with the introduction of some changes to it,
  • creating a galvanoplastic copy
  • compounds of the facial and back of the two genuine coins of different types (and obtaining the coin in this way the alleged unknown sample),
  • revitalizing genuine coins
  • spilization of individual letters or signs, followed by the solder of others.


New-fashioned coin They call a coin made according to the prototype is rare for numismatons and minted on the state mint or genuine (with a change of guiter), or newly made stamps (with a change in patterns or dates) in order to distinguish the new model from the original.

The so-called "Novodel"

In a certain sense, Novodel cannot be considered a fake when attempting to sell coins as an investment (that is, at the cost of the metal, from which it is made). Conversely, the problem of fakes of old coins, the value of which primarily consists of antique value and is not enough from the cost of metal, it is very acute - to fake the ancient technology of the coinage is easy, and the price gain is very large.

Signs of solvency of coins (Russian)

In accordance with paragraph 1 of the instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2006 N 1778-U "On the signs of solvency and the rules for the exchange of banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia", the Bank of Russia's coins are considered solvent legal means Cash payment on the territory Russian Federation (including withdrawn from circulation), not containing signs of fake, without damage or having small mechanical damage, but fully preserved the image on the obverse and reverse. Since banknotes and coins over time can be spoiled, but at the same time they do not lose their authenticity, the indication of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of exchanging such wear signs if:

  • it has changes in the original shape (bent, flattened, inscribed, having holes and traces of metal removal), but fully preserved the image on the obverse and reverse;
  • it has traces of exposure to high temperatures and aggressive media (melted, etched, changing color);
  • has marriage manufacturers.

The exchange of banknotes and coins is made free of charge at face value and without limitations.

Banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia, who have no strength of the cash payment on the territory of the Russian Federation, or containing signs of counterfeit, or having damage, are recognized as insolvent and non-sharing.

Conservation of coin

To characterize the coin and its collective value, it is essential to determine its safety and rarity. The international numismatic market has developed names for the degrees of security of coins and their characteristics:

  1. "Polished stamp", or "polished plate". To this extent relate coins, chased by a special stamp with a mirror surface, which during the process of the chasing should be smoothed all the time in order not to lose its quality. Coins with a polished plate - the coins of the newest time intended for collectors. They usually have a mirror surface of the field and a matted pattern with a high relief. Both sides of the coin, as well as GURT, should not have damage visible to the naked eye, or defects of the chasing.
  2. "Polished plate with barely noticeable defects." The term applies only in English-speaking numismatic literature.
  3. "Mirror shine." The highest degree of conservation of coins, chased by ordinary stamps. They were not in circulation, retain the initial shine, should not have any defects visible to the naked eye.
  4. "Uncrowded coins." Coins, which were also not in circulation, but if the coins of the 3rd degree - the first 100-200 copies, chased new stamps, then the coins of the 4th degree can be minted with older stamps. If the 1st and 3rd degree coins are removed from under the patch stamp, then the coins of the 4th degree are removed automatically and when recalculating, packaging and storage in bags are obtained by the non-equipped eye defects from contact with other coins.
  5. "Excellent". There should be no traces of wear distinguished by the naked eye, although the coins were in circulation. The surface of coins is clean, the initial shine is preserved in the recesses. Only minor defects arising in the process of chasing during transportation or in the process of circulation are allowed. The coins of this degree of preservation are close to the coins of the preceding degree. The highest degree of preservation for antique and medieval coins.
  6. "Fine". All the details of the drawing are visible clearly, legends are read without difficulty, only the most relief parts are visible light traces of wear. On the sides of the coin, as well as on Gurte there may be minor scratches and potholes. In essence, the lowest degree of preservation for the newest time coins.
  7. "Perfectly". On a coin, significant traces of wear, details are vague, but distinguishable. Legend of pickup, although letters can be smoothed. Antique and medieval coins of such safety are included in the meeting unconditionally, the coins of the new time - provided they are rare, the newest - are brave.
  8. "Very good". Coins, for a long time, former in circulation and very significantly worn. On the sides of the coin, as well as on the guards - scratches, and other defects. Legends still readable, but already partially erased. Mint signs are difficult to distinguishable. Suitable for collections of antique and medieval coins, and also matter if these are coins of rare chasing.
  9. "Okay". Coins of this degree of preservation are very worn. Only contours of the image are visible. Legends are poorly read, dates are read with difficulty. The museum collection of defects are important as historical and numismatic monuments if they are of interest in this regard.

In German and English (rarely in French) numismatic literature, there are three more degrees of conservation of coins (in numismatic shops and for auctions, the coins of this quality do not receive, for a very rare exception).

  1. "Weak Safety." Images remained only partially, legends are read with difficulty; Scratches, potholes. Such coins may still have a scientific, but not collective value.
  2. "Bad preservation."
  3. "Very bad preservation." On the coins of this preservation of the image almost not preserved, the legends are read partially. Coins of very poor safety may also have mechanical damage (holes, inspirations), metal delay, traces of etching, etc. rare coins Bad and very bad preservation cost very cheap.

It should be understood that the "polished plate" is not in the true sense of the degree of preservation, this is a production technology. Therefore, a polished plate with serious defects that do not allow it to be attributed to the category "polished plate with barely noticeable defects" does not go into the category "Mirror Glitter".

Graffiti on ancient coins

Graffiti on ancient coins - images, drawings or inscriptions scratched on coins carrying a certain semantic load. They have their own application system, clearly pronounced trends.

The study of graffiti on the coins was carried out and is constant, but scientific research in this area is not completed. Ancient Oriental Coins, in the money circulation of Russia, are one of the most common graffiti media.

Graffiti analysis allowed them to divide into 7 main groups:

  • imitation of Eastern inscriptions and individual groups;
  • scandinavian runic inscriptions or single runes;
  • turkic runes;
  • object images: weapons, rooks, combat steags;
  • signs of Rurikovichi;
  • religious symbols (thorah hammer, cross, swastika);
  • different signs (not related to other groups, fully uncapped).

The most unusual coins of the world

The greatest and largest at par

The most severe coin today is a millionodollar gold coinmade by the monetary courtyard of Perth (Australia). 1000-kilogram coin, made of 999.9 samples gold, has a diameter of 80 cm and a thickness of 12 cm. Up to her, the most difficult was the Canadian coin with a par value of 1 million dollars weighing 100 kg and an Austrian coin with a par 100,000 euros, weighing 31.1 kg.

The most beautiful

The most beautiful in the world is recognized as the Mexican coin of 2005 from silver with images of the arms of Mexico and the Aztec calendar. The decision was made by members of the World Conference of Mint in South Korea in May 2008.

Russian Empire, USSR and the Russian Federation

The largest purchasing power of the country's coin

  • A commemorative coin with a par value of 50,000 rubles of the Russian Federation weighing five kilograms of pure gold - the 150th anniversary of the Bank of Russia, issued in circulation by the Bank of Russia on February 1, 2010 by circulation of 50 copies. This coin is a legitimate payment of the entire territory of the Russian Federation and should be made to pay at a nominal value of 50,000 rubles. The real value of this coin to orders is higher than the nominal.

Before that the largest three-kilogram was memorable coin Nominal 25,000 rubles of the Russian Federation from pure gold - the 190th anniversary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Genodak", issued in circulation by the Bank of Russia on August 11, 2008 by edition of 50 copies.

Interesting Fact: Coin Weight in five kg of gold can be paid in any store - for example, buy a gold chain weighing 50-60 g.

The largest exchange coin

The largest coins at par how Russian EmpireSo the USSR and the Russian Federation mass release (not investment) - bimetallic one hundred rubles of the Russian Federation of 1992 and the copper-nickel one hundred rubles of the Russian Federation of 1993.

The smallest of the country's coin

The greatest coins of the country

  • Russian Empire: Square copper plate 1 ruble Catherine I with round seals - the coat of arms of Russia in four edges and with a par in the center. Inscription in the center in a circle: Price ruble. Ekateriburch. 1725.. The weight of the coin is somewhat more than 1.6 kg. Ten coins weighed smooth powder. Size 18x18 cm, thickness 5 mm. The coin was produced in 1725-1726 and is now extremely rare (its collective value in the 1960s exceeded two thousand rubles).
  • Modern Russia: On November 22, the Bank of Russia issued a commemorative coin of silver 900th samples "275th anniversary of the St. Petersburg Mint", a total circulation of 150 pieces, a par value of 200 rubles and 3342 grams weighing. 3 kilograms of pure silver took the production of one coin. After two more similar coins were released (total circulation of 500 pieces): 300 coins of silver 900 sample and 200 coins of silver 925 sample.

The most severe income

see also


  1. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  2. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Vol. 10: M / under the general edition of A. F. Zhuravleva and N. M. Shanskoye. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2007. - 400 p. ISBN 978-5-211-05375-5
  3. B. Baire, W. Birstein, etc. Of course, they do not fall under the definition of coins currently, as they do not have a certain weight, size and clean metal. History of mankind 2002 ISBN 5-17-012785-5
  4. , from. 85.
  5. Averin P. S. Catalog of Russian coins 1700-1917. - M.: LLC "Argo", 2012. 168 S.-

It is considered to be the beginning of the Russian statehood 882 AD, when Novgorod Prince Oleg with his buddy took the city of Kiev. It is from this moment that the official story of our state begins. Like other countries, not only government agencies, but also money from the very beginning.

The oldest coins found in Russia are Byzantine silver and gold coins.

On the one hand, the portrait of the emperor was depicted on the coin, the other could occupy various images, inscriptions and a nominal coin. It is this type of coin on Russia to be taken over the sample. It is, thanks to the Byzantines, we have such a modern type of coin in real Russia.

Epochs and rulers, coat of arms and names changed, and Russia developed and flourished, and coin evolved with it.

The beginning of the coin coinage directly in Russia leads us, grateful descendants, in Kievan Ruswhere "Srebrenik" appears approximately at the end of the first century. On a coin, the Kiev Prince was depicted, and next to him the coat of arms Rurikovich - a steaming falcon in the form of a trident.

However, the full-fledged workshop for the production of coins in Russia has not appeared. The main monetary unit was a silver ingot called hrying.

In the XIII century, the technique of money production changes. Now coins began to produce from silver wire. From here there is a familiar name "Ruble" from the fact that the bars "cut" from the wire. The dimensions of the ingots were different in weight and form. Moscow and Novgorod produced his rubles. From the ruble made coins.

But all this was handicraft production. The first mass coins in Russia began to do at the beginning of the 20th century in Moscow, then in the Suzdal principality, and after in Ryazan and Tver. At the first Moscow coins, he was depicted mainly by Dmitry Donskaya, but often there are coins with the image with riders, warriors with arms in hand, animals both existing and mythical animals. This was due to the fact that as such a coin court did not exist, and the coins were made by the Master's silver affairs, which the prince personally allowed a coin to replenish the coin. So coins minted even county princes and rich boyars. On the other side of the Moscow coins, on the other hand, the inscription in the Tatar language was depicted. The fact is that at that time Muscovy was actively conquered the markets of the Volga region, where the main language was Tatar, so the money was "multi pagan." This gave its fruits in the second half of the 20th century to the inclusion of these lands in Russia, Russian antique coin, called "Denga", was readily kept lead in the region and was an analogue of the dollar in the modern world.

As the state and the creation of the domestic market, the money began to be minted only with Russian inscriptions, and the need to disseminate money abroad disappeared.

The next milestone in the history of copper money in Russia is considered to be 1534, a year, when Elena Glinsky's monetary reform ends. Now the money of a single state sample began to focus on Russia. A rider was depicted on the coin with a spear, from here the new name went - "Kopeika". A penny became for a long time large coin Moscow kingdom.

Silver has become the only material for the production of money for a long time. Many kings tried to conduct monetary reform, and copper money was introduced, and Vasily Shuisky even released the first gold money, but all this was a drop in the sea and often failed. So, the copper riot even received a separate chapter in the textbooks of history and Moscow studies.

The next step in the development of Russian money was made by Tsar Reformer Peter Alekseevich Romanov, known more as Emperor Peter I. In 1704, Petr conducts monetary reform. Silver ruble coins, fifty dollars, half defensions, a grivennik, a patch with the inscription "Ten money" and Altyn, equal to three kopecks.

Now, on one side of the royal coin, a two-headed eagle was depicted - the emblem of the Russian Empire, as was customary in all European countries. Since 1730, the emblem of the Moscow Kingdom - Georgy Victorious appears on the body of the Eagle.

In addition to silver, work was carried out above the copper coin. The fact is that the entire Board of Peter I conducted the search for the nominal copper coin, so the copper of this period often changed weight and shape.

Further development of coins in Russia went on increasing. Coins became more in the amount, more valuable by weight, the image of the emperors was becoming more and more skillful.

With the development of the state, paper money gradually began to appear, the first appeared in the Russian Empire in the Mother Empress Catherine II. The final point of the coin coin in the Russian Empire was 1917, the first World War, the revolution. The economy of Russia of that period was characterized by the phrase I.A. Vysnegradskiy, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1887-1892, "Do not imagine, but take out."

In 1915 it came to the fact that in the royal army there were no shells and cartridges, soldiers of some parts were given axes on long sticks, to reflect the attacks of Germans and Austrians. In the country, more and more rich rich and even harder poorly poor. Such a state of affairs led to the revolution in February 1917, when bourgeois circles took advantage of the situation, and to the Great October Socialist Revolution. The new government quickly realized the need for their own, new money. On the coins of the Soviet era will be told in another article ...

When it comes to the first money, professional historians and archaeologists, as a rule, talk about animal skins found in the excavations of animals, bird feathers and all sorts of shells. In the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean on the Islands of Micronesia, for example, Rai-round stones with a cut-off center were used as a prototype of modern coins. They were made from limestone. The dimensions of these "coins" could reach several meters, and the weight of several tons! From the point of view of scientists, those were the first money. And as money, cows, bulls, sheep were used as money (the word "capital" comes from the olderman "wealth", it consisted in the number of livestock) and so on ...

Do not do anything - this is the scientific image of thought! But for an ordinary person, of course, all of the above rather refers to the predecessors of modern currency, its peculiar prototypes, and can not be called Money In the full sense of the word. After all, it is not even coins!

Metal as fee

But the moment came when the monetary function moved to metals - but not yet to coins. As a fee, metal rings, homemade utensils, tips for arrows and copies, and even different ingots in the form of the ingot can be used. For example, the Italians took the use of copper ingots before they had the first coins (about 300 kg of ingots found in the holy source of Apollo in Italy, we were told in the article about natural exchange). Then someone came to the head to adopted to silver and gold copper and tin. Gold and silver bars were obtained, containing a certain percentage of precious metal. In order not to get confused, the ingots were tested on the weight, and from the metal they filmed the sample. For the first time, the stigma appeared on the ingots, with the help of which the state solved the problem of the mercy of money. Perhaps it is from the beginning of the practice of branding that you can talk about the origin of the first coins, that is, about the emergence of money.

First coins

According to some data, for the first time, bronze coins appeared in highly developed ancient Chinese culture in the second millennium BC. e. But, as you know, Ancient China Developed very isolated, so in the countries of the Mediterranean basin for the first time about the chased coins were spoken only in the VII century BC. e.

The metal was exposed to high temperatures, after which small discs were formed and sent them to anvil. In the Scriptures of Herodotus there is a mention of the chasing of the first coins in the state of Lydia. Such information are found in other ancient Greek thinkers. Currently it is assumed that it is in Lydia in the VII century to n. e. Steels began to make coins from silver and gold alloy. In Greece, Iran and Italy, the coins got exactly from there, quickly winning a place in Economy. From the Romans, the practice of chasing coins later adopted the tribes of the barbarians.

Claim the coin coin has become later. Moneta is one of the nicknames of the goddess Junon. Juno Moneta is translated as Juno "Warning" or "Advisor". In antiquity, with her temple on the Capitol Hill was located a mint.

First coins in Russia

In our country, the first coins were delivered in the VIII century. In the Arab Khalipheat, Dirhehema coincided - the coins that brought the merchants to the Kiev Rus, who went for the goods "for the Bud". original name It did not fit, but soon it appeared - "Kuna". Half Kuna called cut, 25 kun was hryvnia. By the way, the word "hryvnia" happened from the word "mane" (neck) and indicated a necklace of precious metal. Russians began their coins at the end of the 15th century. In Russia, these were coins of gold and silver with the image of Prince Great and sign Rurikovich. They were called with gold and silver, respectively. But the Tatar-Mongolian Igo came - and the silver brusches passed on Rus. And only in the XIV century the chasing of Russian coins resumed. The first Russian ruble occurred from the word "chop", and it looked like a stubborn: 200 grams of silver in the form of an elongated bar, roughly condensed at the ends. The cost of that Ruble was one hryvnia kun.

This negligent bar cut into two parts and received collaps, divided into four - Food Food. From the ruble did small coins, the name of which served as a prototype of the modern word "money". The ruble bar pulled into a thin wire, which was then destroyed to pieces. The wrestled stumps were flattened and coins were coins - Dengi. So called medieval Turkic silver coins Täŋkä.

Copper riot or attempt to escape from commodity money

Of course, coins as the first money Significantly changed the way of human life, formed new Type Economy And the behavior of people. And everything would be fine, but the fake meters appeared - and if not the same, then the next day after the appearance of the first coin. Profession, frankly, the oldest. In Russia, you can find a mention of one of the Novgorod chronicles of 1447 in Russia. The state has taken punitive measures, but no less violators became. In 1655, the Russian king Alexey Mikhailovich decided to produce coins from copper. He replaced the precious metals by subsidiary - and so there was a numerous cost of money. But this led to a lawlessness in the mint System and, as a result, to copper rebellion. Bloody scenes of the Bunt Final described the diplomat and writer Grigory Kotoshin:

"Hang from 150 people, and the decree was delivered to everyone, tortured and burned ... And he was punished, they rushed themselves all in the distant cities on the eternal life ... And with a different thief of that years, in the night, the decree, knitting his hands Back to fit into the big courts, sink river in Moscow. "

Peter Reform and Real Money

As a result, the rebellion, of course, the copper coin was gradually abolished and coins made of silver began to minimize. And on the level of developed European countries, the Russian coin was brought by Peter I, which conducted a reform in 1698. In the monetary circulation again approved copper coin. And it is very noteworthy! After all, it was now possible to talk about a real first coin, not about commercial money tied to the immediate value of their material.