How to participate in a backfill question. Intellectual game - quiz “Tricky question. Intellectual game - quiz

Olga Dolgova
Intellectual game"Tricky question"

Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests. I greet everyone who is watching us now. In the next 30 minutes, you will witness a fight between two teams in the most exciting and entertaining game « Tricky question» ... The winners will get all: both glory and super prizes. A losers bitterness and defeat... Begin. To my right is the team "Preschoolers", your motto. To my left is the team "Sun"... Your motto. Well done. I see that both teams are ready to fight. The guys are confident in their abilities and expect to win the game. It's time to find out the rules games:

Our rules are very simple.

Hearing question, discuss it.

30 seconds for you to think,

To answer correctly, please us.

The reward will be sandbags

You need fall asleep then

At these hours, and the more sand,

The higher is your chance and victory is close.

I will offer you a question for filling

I'll turn the clock over

And as soon as this sand ends

We will find out who is the best connoisseur here!

The fight between the teams begins. I announce the first test.

I. Round "Living World"

Leading: Which one of you is afraid of mice? Why are you afraid of them? (children's answers)... This bag will be received by the one who will answer the next question

1 question- What a night bird hunts mice. And that's why she was nicknamed "Feathered cat"- finch, owl, stork. (children's answers).

Leading: In just one summer, an owl can catch 1000 mice.

2 question- Where can't you see the starfish? - at the bottom of the ocean, in the Caribbean, on shoulder straps. (children's answers)... The starfish can be seen in the sea and in the ocean, but not on shoulder straps.

3 question- What insect is dangerous for the garden? Variants: caterpillar, ant or dragonfly

4 question Who can you often see on earth after rain? Variants the answer: worm, beetle, bumblebee.

I announce the second round

I Round 2 "What will you do?"

Situation number 1:

A young woman of pleasant appearance says boy: “Hello boy! What is your name? And where do you live?" How should a boy answer to a stranger?

Three options for an answer:

1. Now I’ll call a policeman!

2. Sorry, but I'm in a hurry!

3. My name is Vitya, do I live in this house?

Situation number 2:

The child is lost. What will he do?

Three options for an answer:

1. Everywhere to run and look for mom.

2. Ask a passerby to take you to the nearest police station.

3. Stand in the place where you are lost.

Situation number 3:

The man invites the boy to go for a drive, takes his hand and pulls him into the car. How should a child behave?

Three options for an answer:

1. I will shout and call for help.

2. I'll go with a stranger.

3. I'll call you on the phone.

I. Round "Hobbies" .

Leading: Guys, what are you rules road traffic you know? (children's answers).

Leading: You know a lot of rules, now answer question

1 question- There is a ground and underground pedestrian passage, crossing, crossing

3 question - 1... What is the name of the profession of a person who extinguishes fires?

fireman, extinguisher, extinguisher.

This was the last round question"Hobbies".

Leading: Do you like to relax and have fun. The most fun and entertaining round begins right now. I invite you to recess. let's digress and let's play... You have to make an applique.

"Entertaining mathematics"

Now I will ask you problems for which you will not be given options for answers. The rules remain the same the same: in 30 seconds you will have to confer and find a solution to the problem. As soon as the time is up, the team captains hit the tambourine - whoever is the first to do it, he answers.

So, get ready. I am reading the first problem.

1. A rooster flew up the fence,

I met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

2. Six guys playing football were playing,

One was called home.

He looks out the window - counts

How many are there now plays?

3. In a clearing by the river

May beetles lived.

Daughter, son, father and mother,

"Fairy-tale riddles".

Do you guys like fairy tales? It's good because all three the question this round will deal with fairy tales well known to you.

1. And the first the question sounds like this: What fairy tale is this poem talking about?

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

What fairy tale is this poem talking about? Variants: "Little Red Riding Hood", "Masha and the Bear", "Thumbelina"... Time.

2. What heroine are you talking about?

The red maiden is sad -

Spring is coming

It's hard for her in the sun

Tears are pouring, poor thing.

Variants: Khavroshechka, Snow Maiden, Malvina.

3. And from what fairy tale.

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets themselves carry water.

Variants: "By magic", "Teremok", "Kolobok"

III. Round "Change".


We continue the game and I announce the start of the 2nd trial. I propose a round "Kultpokhod"... It's time for teams to show their literary knowledge

IV. Round. Cult walk

Leading: Do you like fairy tales? What's your favorite fairy tale? (children's answers)

1 question- What the elephant asked to send in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale son: marmalade, chocolate, marshmallow?

2 question- What kind of toy the hostess threw in the poem by A. Barto to Zaiku. Teddy bear. Baby elephant.

3 question- What heroine from the fairy tale did the dwarfs shelter?

Cinderella. Snow White. An evil witch.

Leading: We go to the next round

V. Round « Big map» .

Leading: Offers questions about geography

1 question- What color do the mountains represent on map:

green, brown, blue

2 question- An iceberg is a piece of an island in the ocean, a piece of ice floating in the ocean, a snowball in the ocean.

3 question- Choose a side from three words Sveta: left, right, south.

Host You have done a great job. And now it would not hurt to move. Our next round

Vi. Round "Fizkult-hello"

I invite you to the playing field

Relay race "Who will put on a T-shirt faster"

Leading: there are T-shirts on the table in front of you, but there are one fewer of them than in the team of players. After the signal of the gong, you must run to the table one by one, take the T-shirt, turn it out and put it on, then you need to return to the team and pass the baton and stand at the end of the team. Who will get the last shirt?

And so the decisive test.

Vi. Round "Magic ball"

Leading: Let's start with the most magical round of our quiz "Magic ball"... This is the most mysterious round. No one knows in advance that he will present us with a magic ball.

Leading: an amphibian is hidden in a magic ball, which in a famous Russian fairy tale turned into a beautiful princess Vasilisa the Wise. Who is in the magic ball - (frog.)

The next round is for mentors.

Vii. Round. Special assignment. The round begins "Proverb-test"! Guys, you probably know a lot of proverbs? This is what we are going to check now.

1. Complete the proverb: you can't easily get a fish out of what? Variants: pocket, pond, briefcase.

2. There is patience, so what? Variants: a lot of money, skill, good weather.

3. Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred of what? Variants: sweets, rubles, friends.

Leading: Dear mentors, you have a chance to improve the result of your teams, earn an additional bag of sand for them, you just need to answer correctly question. (Introduced by mentors)

Leading: As in Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio" was the tavern called - tavern - 3 minnows, tavern - 3 sisters, tavern - 3 pigs?

VIII. Round. "Fizkult - hello The game"Who quickly"

Leading: I invite you to a sports round, it's time to show your dexterity and sports passion, after the bell signal you have to get things out of the bag, one team dresses one player in a doctor's costume, and the other team in a housemaid's costume.

The game"Who will get dressed faster"

It's time for the final round. I declare the long-awaited tricky question... The teams are in awe. This is the climax of our game. (counting pouches).

VIII. Round. The final.

Tatiana Goloshchapova

program content: consolidate knowledge children by sections of the program; develop memory, ingenuity, resourcefulness; activate creative thinking, imagination, fantasy, develop logical thinking, attention; be persistent, the ability to follow instructions exactly; purposefulness, mutual assistance, resourcefulness and ingenuity; shape interest in games, of a competitive nature.

Equipment: easels, Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, cards with numbers.

Leading psychologist:

Hello dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to our kindergarten at intellectual game« Tricky question»

I represent the highly respected jury, which will evaluate the performance of the assignments. For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip.

So, let's start our tournament! (Fanfare sounds)

Three teams meet: “Sages”, “Rainbow”, “Guess”.

First, I ask the teams to introduce themselves ... (The mottos of the teams sound).


“We are almost "sages"

We read a lot

Clever and clever

We wish to know a lot. "


“If you want to know a lot,

It's time for everyone around to give up

You can't resist against us.

We are strong and brave

Dexterous, skillful.

Our motto: "Do not be sad!

Go through everything and find out everything!


"Let's guess, guess

Anything you wish

We are very capable

Now you will find out everything "

Well, on such an emotional note, let's start our intellectual game.

TASK number 1

Questions for team captains

1. What time of year is it?

2. Name the spring months.

3. What signs of spring do you know?

4. Remember and tell a poem about spring

TASK №2 Logic questions.

1. A container for making soup? (pot)

2. Stringed Russian folk instrument? (balalaika)

3. Part of the day between day and night? (evening)

4. What time of year is after spring? (summer)

5. What can you hear but never see? (echo)

6. Who has a hat without a head, a leg without a boot? (near the mushroom)

7. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (wet)

8. Here funny riddle who has a heel behind the nose? (at the boot)

9. What can be seen with closed eyes? (dream)

10. How can water be brought in a sieve? (to freeze)

11. What kind of dishes do they not eat from? (from empty)

12. What never comes back? (time)

ASSIGNMENT №3 Mathematical problems.

Psychologist. You have cards with numbers on your tables, you must listen carefully to the problem. Who knows the answer - quickly raises the figure.

Problem number 1

Three puppies - mischievous

They run, frolic,

There are two friends for the naughty ones

They rush with loud barking

It will be more fun together

How many friends are there? (5)

Problem number 2

Misha has six pencils,

Grisha has one pencil,

How many pencils

Both babies (7)

Problem number 3

Seven Friends Playing Football were playing

One was called home

He looks out the window, thinks

How many friends are there plays? (6)

Problem number 4

Seven tiny kittens

What they don't eat

And one asks for sour cream

How many kittens? (8)

Problem number 5

The apples in the garden are ripe

We managed to taste them,

Three ruddy liquid,

Two with sourness.

how many are there? (5)

Problem number 6

Six crows on the roof of the village

And one flew to them,

Answer quickly, boldly

How many of them flew in? (7)

TASK No. 4 "Solve the rebus"

Each team is given a puzzle to solve. Find hidden letters.

Which command will find all the hidden letters faster.

Psychologist: Well done, guys, you coped with this task. Try my next assignment.

TASK number 5 Questions for erudition

1What numbers can tell about myself: “Turn me up or head down, I’ll

I'm different in number ” (6 and 9) .

2. The chair has 4 legs.

How many legs do two chairs have? (8)

3. When the goat is seven years old, what happens next? (Will go 8)

4. Think and decide:

The monkey brought the elephant 2 bananas.

Here I am pleased with the gift giant:

He had 1 banana - look!

And now how much is there?

5. The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden,

I gave the most ruddy squirrel.

The squirrel received a gift with pleasure.

Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate.

6. Four ripe berries

They swayed on a branch.

I managed to remove two of them in the basket.

And how much is left?

7. In a clearing by the river

Lived May beetles

Daughter, son, father and mother

8. Gave the ducklings a hedgehog

Eight leather boots.

Who will answer from the guys

How many ducklings were there? (4)

9. Once to the bunny for lunch

A friend galloped up - a neighbor.

The hares sat on a stump

How many carrots have you eaten? (4)

10. If today is Friday, what day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? (Thursday, Saturday)

11.if the chicken is on one leg

it weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken weigh if it stands on two legs? (2 kg)

12.birds flew like a river: pigeon, pike, two tits, two swifts, and five eels. How many birds answer quickly. (five, pike and eels are fish)

13. There were 4 apples on the table. One was cut in half. How many apples are on the table? (4)

Psychologist: Well done boys. You are probably tired, it's time for you to rest!

Musical warm-up with movements.

TASK number 6

Warm up for the mind "Say the opposite"

Exercise: Replace all bad words with kind, opposite in meaning.

1. Sad - cheerful, joyful

2. Rude - polite

3. Evil is kind

4. Lying - truthful

5. Cowardly - brave

6. Lazy - hardworking

7. Sloppy - neat

Psychologist: There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny

And we cannot live in the world without them.

There the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth.

There, good will triumph over evil forever.

TASK number 7

"Glade of fairy tales"... In this competition, you need to know the fairy tales and its heroes well.

(The psychologist asks questions according to famous fairy tales. Answer to the question must be complete, expanded, explaining an episode from a fairy tale)


1. In which fairy tale was the hero made of tin, and why did he have only one leg?

Answer: The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Because there was not enough tin for it

2. In which tale did the hero sell his alphabet and why?

Answer: "Pinocchio and the Golden Key"... To get to the theater of Karabas - Barabas

3. On what Dunno and his friends made a trip to the Green City?

Answer: on the air balloon

4. In what fairy tale did the stepmother send an old woman with a poisoned apple to her stepdaughter and why?

Answer: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes"

5. At what ball did Cinderella lose her shoe?

Answer: on the second

6. What prize did Uncle Fyodor's parents promise to the one who finds the boy?

Answer: bike

7. In which Pushkin's fairy tale the hero turns into a mosquito and why?

Answer: The Tale of Tsar Saltan. In order to quietly get on the ship and visit his father.

8. Why Winnie the Pooh, going for honey, took a blue ball, and not a green one?

Answer: Because he wanted to be like a cloud, and the blue ball is like the sky.

9. In what fairy tale did Masha forbid the bear to eat pies and why?

Answer: Masha and the Bear. To prevent the bear from finding her in the box.

10 How was Puss in Boots able to defeat the castle man-eater?

Answer: I asked him to turn into a mouse.

11. Why didn't Cinderella's shoe fit any girl in the kingdom?

Answer: Because she had the smallest foot in the kingdom.

12. What word did Kai have to put together from pieces of ice in a fairy tale « The Snow Queen» , and what gift did the Snow Queen promise him for this?

Answer: Eternity. The whole world and new skates to boot.

13. What was the name of the pig that built the strongest house and why the Wolf could not blow this house away?

Answer: Naf - Naf. Because the house was built of bricks.

14. In what fairy tale did the Wolf show the girl a longer way to her grandmother, but he himself went a shorter one, and why?

Answer: Little Red Riding Hood. To get to my grandmother faster.

15. What miracles did the merchants tell tsar Saltan?

Answer: A city in the middle of the sea, a squirrel under a spruce, 33 heroes, a swan king.

TASK number 8 finish drawing a picture.

On the easels there are Whatman paper on which geometric figures.

For each team to come up with and complete a picture. Come up with a name for it.

The final stage:

It's time to find out who among us turned out to be the smartest, most erudite. I give the floor to the distinguished jury….

Summarizing. The jury announces the results of the competition. Fanfare. Rewarding.

Psychologist: Thanks to everyone who was with us today. Until next time!

Educator-psychologist MDAOU "CRR- Kindergarten No. 2 "

Board game "Questions and Answers" for adults

The host takes turns coming up to the guests and asking them questions. Players take out pre-prepared answer cards at random and read them aloud. The cards can be placed in a hat, in a beautifully designed box, or on a tray.

There are a lot of options, so you can easily choose the most interesting, fun questions and answers that are right for your holiday. For a fun and no longer very sober company, slightly vulgar options are suitable.

Facilitator question cards:

  1. Do you like to be naughty?
  2. Is it true that alcohol pushes you to act irresponsibly?
  3. Do you often fall in love at first sight?
  4. Do you often admire your reflection?
  5. Have you ever had to hide in a closet?
  6. Is it true what you sing during sex?
  7. Do you often drink at someone else's expense?
  8. Do you like to intrigue in a team?
  9. Do you often do things that you later repent of?
  10. Is it true that you dream of taking part in the Self-Excellence competition?
  11. Is it true that you write obscene expressions on the walls in the entrance?
  12. Do you often cheat on your other half?
  13. Do you like fooling around?
  14. Do you like to gossip?
  15. Is it true that you have a penchant for sadism?
  16. Do you often not spend the night at home?
  17. Do you have thoughts of a bald haircut?
  18. Do you like to "poke your nose" into other people's business?
  19. Do you often get drunk to unconsciousness?
  20. Are you in the habit of being sycophants?
  21. Do you often have erotic dreams?
  22. Do you often take a row in public?
  23. Do you take bribes?
  24. Do you allow yourself love over the phone?
  25. Do you like to dance in the moonlight?
  26. Have you ever swung on a chandelier?
  27. Do you often lie?
  28. Is it true that you love lecturing to others?
  29. Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to empty your refrigerator?
  30. Is it true that you have a habit of kissing everyone at banquets?
  31. Are you often lazy?
  32. Do you want to be photographed for Playboy?
  33. Admit it, are you ready for anything for the money?
  34. How often do you find a stranger in your bed?
  35. Do you often visit erotic sites?
  36. Is it true that you throw eggs at passers-by from the window?
  37. Is it true that you like to count other people's money?
  38. Tell me honestly, do you like to dance striptease?
  39. Do you often have a "love fever"?
  40. Do you like to keep track of who ate and drank how much at the festive table?
  41. Is it true that you are visiting a nude beach?
  42. Admit it, do you often lose your underwear?
  43. Do you like to laugh at others?
  44. Do you love making love in public?
  45. Is it true that you like to scandal?
  46. Do you often gloat?
  47. Have you ever woken up in a sobering-up station?
  48. Is it true that you like to incite your friends to act antisocial?

Answer cards:

  1. This is the most enjoyable activity in my life!
  2. Yes, yes and yes again!
  3. Yes, and I even had to suffer from it.
  4. No, but I secretly dream about it.
  5. No, such nonsense is not for me!
  6. And I won't tell you under torture!
  7. Once a day I allow myself such pleasure.
  8. And you are not ashamed to ask such questions ?!
  9. Of course, otherwise it would not be interesting to live!
  10. Constantly, and even proud of it!
  11. Unfortunately, I was not taught this as a child.
  12. Let's talk about it without witnesses ...
  13. Yes, at every opportunity!
  14. Of course, I do this all the time!
  15. Nothing human is alien to me.
  16. Yeah, especially when I'm bored.
  17. Of course! Don't you like it?
  18. No, I am interested in other problems.
  19. Unless I have other more important things to do.
  20. Please do not embarrass me!
  21. I can't imagine life without it!
  22. We are not angels, anything can happen ...
  23. This is a real pleasure for me!
  24. No, my upbringing is too good.
  25. No, although sometimes you want to try ...
  26. Yes, I am without complexes!
  27. Always with great pleasure!
  28. Yes, especially if I have money.
  29. You would first ask how old I am!
  30. I can't imagine my life without it!
  31. Yes, but less often than we would like ...
  32. Only if they strongly ask me about it.
  33. No, I tried it once - I didn't like it.
  34. Oh yeah! This is great for me!
  35. Damn it! How did you know about this?
  36. Even the thought of it makes me ecstatic!
  37. Only if I am sure that no one will know about it.
  38. I have a tendency to do this since childhood.
  39. I confess, these are the best moments of my life!
  40. Yes, of course - at every opportunity.
  41. Not particularly in daylight, but in the dark - with pleasure.
  42. Of course, this is just the meaning of my life!
  43. I am afraid that a sincere answer to this question will ruin my reputation.
  44. Yes, on Fridays it is sacred for me!
  45. Yes, especially in the company of like-minded people.
  46. Oh, I'm a pro at that!
  47. Guess for yourself! ..
  48. Well, yes, it happens ... And what's wrong with that?

Intellectual game - quiz

"Tricky question"

Composed by: teacher primary grades

Kolesnichenko Tatiana Alexandrovna

PURPOSE OF THE GAME: broaden the horizons of children, help open them Creative skills and teach cooperation and teamwork.



    expand and activate the dictionary;

    to form the ability of children to quickly give correct and clear answers to the questions asked;

    develop ingenuity, resourcefulness and memory;

    improve monologue, dialogical speech, its intonational expressiveness;

    teach to use the existing knowledge in the game, communication;

    develop ingenuity, speed of reaction;


    create an emotionally positive attitude in children;

    instill a desire to learn new things;

    foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, a spirit of competition;

    develop the ability to listen to peers and adults;

    form the ability for associations (quick and free switching of thoughts, the ability to evoke images in the mind and create new combinations of them)

Game progress


In the next 30 minutes, you will witness an exciting intellectual struggle between two teams. The winners will get everything: the glory and the super prize, the losers the bitterness of defeat. And this is not a joke, because now we are waiting for the funniest and cognitive game"Tricky question". So we begin.

Let's introduce ourselves.

To my right is the Orange team. Your motto.

Team "Orange"

- "We are a team of vitamins who do not know oranges, be with us, we are strong, we must get the first prize"

And to my left is the "Why Much" team. And your motto

Team "Why Much"

We are so little and therefore we know why, why, why. We will solve the problem of filling without difficulty, the victory will always be ours "


Before I start asking you questions, listen to the rules of our quiz.

The rules of our quiz are simple

When you hear a question, discuss it,

30 seconds for you to think,

To answer correctly, making us happy.

You will receive sandbags as a reward.

The more sand, the higher your chance and victory is near

I will offer you a question for filling

As soon as the sand runs out, we will find out who is the best connoisseur

I announce the first test. The first round is ahead.

"Living World"

Guys, why do you think some monkeys were called anthropoid? (children of both teams give answers)

They say that great apes are the smartest among the monkeys.

This first bag of magic sand will be given to the team that answers the question correctly. In each bag of sand for exactly 10 seconds. The more bags you earn per game, the more time you will have to solve the last, most difficult question of the "Fill Question" answer.

Be careful.

1. When a male gorilla gets old, what turns gray first?

- back

2. How does the crossbill crack a pine nut?

Throws it from a height and the nut cracks

- splits it with its beak like tongs

Jumps on a nut and it cracks under the weight of the bird's body

The crossbill's beak is oddly curved, so it can easily crack a nut.

The next question sounds like this.

3. Name the family of marine molluscs.

- scallops


Score in the game…. (the number of bags in teams is counted)


And I am announcing the second round.


Guys who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)

What other travelers do you know?

Listen to the quiz question.

1.What kind of traveler was the species of wild horse named after?

- Przhevalsky



Nikolai Przhevalsky is a great traveler who lived in the 19th century.

To answer the next question, you have to remember the math and be smart.

2. A sparrow, a magpie, a bumblebee and a crow flew across the sky. How many birds flew in total?

The bumblebee is not a bird.

Children raise your hand who has siblings.

3. Now tell me the daughter-in-law is

Same as the bride

- wife son

An invitation to a wedding ceremony.

"Merry break"

Are you tired? Want to take a break?

Great, then I invite everyone to recess.

I ask the participants to come to me. There are cups of black and white beans on the tables in front of you. In one minute, the Orange team needs to select only white beans. And the team "Why Much" is only black. The team that picks the most beans wins and receives the sandbag. Both teams have an equal number of white and black beans.

(Music sounds and children choose beans, a bell sounds in a minute)


I'll start the check with the command ... (Counting of correctly selected beans is being carried out)

I declare round


Prepare to answer a question about music.

1. At what age Sergei Prokofiev wrote his first composition "Indian gallop"

- at 5 years old

From a young age, Sergei Prokofiev showed himself to be a gifted musician.

The next question is about the heroes of Alexander Volkov's book.

2. What was the name of Ellie's iron friend from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

Police robot

Iron dragon

- Tin Woodman

It was indeed the woodcutter who traveled with Ellie, heading for the Emerald City, in the hope that the great Goodwin would give him a heart.

3. What culture became the progenitor of modern European culture?

- Greco - Roman culture

Culture of Central Asia

Egyptian culture


And we go to the round

"Big Map"

- 1.How is the word Panama translated from the Indian language?

- a place where there are a lot of fish

- place where sun caps are sold

A place where entrance is allowed only in Panamas

There were a myriad of fish off the coast of Panama, which is why this country bears that name.

Guys, what cold seas can you name?

And the warm ones?

2. Is it possible to meet an iceberg in the Caribbean Sea

You can, they constantly swim there

You can, but only in January

- it is impossible, this is a warm sea and there are no icebergs

Really. The Caribbean is warm and there are no icebergs. The iceberg just won't swim there, it will melt.

3. Now tell me where is the Amazon River?

In the suburbs of Paris

In Kyrgyzstan

- In South America


It's time to warm up and take a break from intellectual issues... I declare round


I ask the teams to enter the playing field and line up in two columns. The captain stands in front of the team. Place your feet apart as wide as possible. I give the captains the ball. At the signal of the bell, you will need to run the ball between your legs with full swing to the end of the column.

And the last one standing in it must catch the ball. And get up quickly first. The relay must be continued until the captain is again the first. The team that is the first to cope with this task will be declared the winner of the sports round and will earn a sandbag.

Reade set Go.

Take your seats.

While the team is in the lead ...

Opponents do not be discouraged. Everything can change at any moment.

The time has come for a decisive test. I declare the most magical round

"Magic box"

Here is our mysterious magic box. What lies in it. It is still a secret. Remember Andersen's race "Wild Swans". In the magic box lies what the princess Elsa weaved chain mail for her brothers so that they would turn their swans into people again. What is in the magic box?

The magic box hid the nettle from us (get a sprig of nettle from the box and show it)


Next round for team mates (one of the parents of the team members)

"Special assignment"

So, helpers, you can earn a sandbag for your team. To do this, you need to correctly answer the question. The one of you who raises his hand faster after the sound of the bell will have the right to answer first.

What is the name of a child's game in which the first speaker loses?




(The bell sounds instantly)


- Final round time

"Tricky question".

This is the most crucial moment of the game.

Now we will count the bags of magic sand, and we will find out how many seconds each team earned to think about the most interesting and difficult question... I remind each bag of magic sand for exactly 10 seconds.

A backfill question is hidden under the white sheet. You will remove the white sheet and begin to complete the task. Concentrate. Don't waste precious seconds. Be careful.

Before you are geometric shapes. Find a soul mate for each shape.

To do this, you need to connect synonyms with a marker. Time has passed.

Pairs are checked and counted. (there should be 9 pairs).

Our today's game was won by the team ...

Presentation of diplomas and prizes.

Rules of the game

"Tricky question" is not a game for stupid people,

And those who explore the world through a magnifying glass.

Who reads books, who knows a lot,

He definitely falls into this game.

Two teams of 5 people each take part in the "Backfill Question", one of which is a brave captain. His job is to press the button first,
answer loudly and clearly to the questions posed. And responsibly lead your team to victory.

You have to answer funny tricky questions from a wide variety of areas of knowledge: nature, man, art, geography, literature, ...

And also to fight in physical education for a minute, have fun at recess, solve the treasures of the magic ball.

But do not think that only geeks participate in our game, attentiveness and ingenuity are the decisive factors in our game.

The game is played by two teams, each team has five players. Mostly children under 10 years old participate. The game consists of nine rounds. The rules of the game are structured in poetic form:

Our rules are very simple.
When you hear a question, discuss it.
You have thirty seconds to think
To answer correctly, please us.
The reward will be sandbags
Which need to fall asleep then
At these hours, and the more sand,
The higher is your chance and victory is close.
I will offer you a question for filling,
I'll turn the clock over
And as soon as this sand ends
We will find out who is the best connoisseur here!

The most important thing is to solve the final backfill question.

The team that can handle it and become the winner.

Both teams will receive prizes and wonderful diplomas!

Game process

1 round "Living World"

This round asks questions about animals and nature. There are three questions in a round. The questions have three possible answers. As soon as the facilitator asks the question, 30 seconds of reflection time is given. After the expiration of the time (gong signal), the team captains must press the red button faster than their opponent in order to be the first to answer. For the correct answer, the team receives a bag of magic sand (originally a fire crystal). If a member of one team gives an incorrect answer, then the right to answer will belong to the other team. In the days of crystals, for an incorrect answer, the team received an extinguished crystal.

Round 2 "Hobbies"

This round asks questions about different human hobbies. There are three questions in a round.

Round 3 "Change"

This round is not intellectual. The team needs to complete various challenges, such as trying on clothes, collecting polka dots, etc.

Round 4 "Cultural trip"

This round asks questions in the field of literature and local history. There are three questions in a round.

Round 5 "Big Card"

In this round, questions are asked in the field of knowledge of the surrounding world. There are three questions in a round.

Round 6 "Fizkult-hello"

The round is not intellectual. The team needs to complete various sports challenges.

7 round "Magic ball"

Leading describes the object that lies in the magic ball. After the signal of the gong, the captains press the button and give their own answer. The team that answered correctly receives a bag of magic sand (originally a fire crystal).

Round 8 "Special Assignment"

This round involves adults. The facilitator voices the question, and one of the adults should raise his hand first. The correct answer will help an adult bring a bag of magic sand (originally a fire crystal) to the team.

Round 9 "Backfill Question" (Final)

In the days of the fire crystals, the ending played out like a super game. The winner was the team with the most fire crystals.

In the final round, the number of bags of magic sand earned throughout the game is counted (1 bag = 10 seconds to solve the final question). The team needs to compile and find the answer to the most difficult question over time.

The winning team receives a super prize. Loser - incentive prizes. In addition, the participants are awarded with diplomas. There may not be any winners in the game at all if both teams cannot cope with the filling question, or there are two winners at once, if both teams can cope with the filling question. Sometimes it happens that both teams deal with the backfill issue ahead of schedule (before the time expires). In this case, the team that correctly completed the task earlier wins, regardless of whether their opponents completed the task correctly or not.

A source