Wot alternative sight for art. What to do if Battle Assistant isn't working


We present to you the best art sight, which is on this moment generally exists in our game World of Tanks. This unique mod for artillery called Battle Assistant for WOT, which has a semi-sniper, semi-artillery aiming mode. Including this mod, you can throw shells and at the same time look from the side at the enemy tank and see the real trajectory of the shell. That is, the player with his help can see for sure whether he can get into the enemy's tank or not. With it, it is easier to target the enemy behind houses, behind hills, and in general it becomes easier to understand the trajectory of a flying projectile. The scope is just perfect for precision art, where the spread is not very large (for example, for Object 261 or any French art). It helps not to hit the screens, the harp, and anywhere, namely target those places where you want to close up the projectile to the enemy. Experienced art experts highly praise and recommend this mod, they say that they used to bend it, and with it they began to bend it even better. This mod is not prohibited, the administration of the World of Tanks game knows about it. Moreover, this mod took first place in the nomination " Best modification games "in a competition from the developers of Wargaming called" WGDC ​​". This is a completely legal mod for artillery. ...

To turn on the art sight Battle Assistant go to artillery sight and press the "J" key or the mouse wheel.


What happens when you press the ALT key while firing?

Module "Useful Expert"

For its work, you need a crew member with a pumped Expert perk. As a result, the perk will be automatically triggered within a few seconds after a shot or marking an enemy when the command "support with fire" is given.

Module "Spotting fire"

This is a very cool thing. When playing with artillery, each player had cases when, when the shot button was pressed, the enemy disappeared from the light, as a result, the sight was lost and the projectile flew away where it was not necessary. With this module you will not have such problems, because it will clearly, in automatic mode, fix the sight after the enemy disappears from the light. This will save you nerves.

Battle Assistant Mod Configuration File

World of Tanks / mods / configs / battle_assistant / mod_battle_assistant.txt

All possible settings are signed in Russian for the convenience of players.

Can I change the "J" key that activates the mod by default?

Yes. This possibility is provided. Go to the configuration file (World of Tanks / mods / configs / battle_assistant / mod_battle_assistant.txt) using the Notepad ++ editor and in the line number three (keys: "") you can register any other key.

How do I turn on the commander's camera?

This can be done in the already mentioned mod settings file (World of Tanks / mods / configs / battle_assistant / mod_battle_assistant.txt). Open it with Notepad ++ and on line number eight (activateCommandersCamera: false) replace false with true.


Place the mods folder from the archive into the World of Tanks folder.

The mod needs to be activated every 7 days. Activate on the website:

  • Update date: 09 Oct 2018
  • Current version: 1.3.8
  • reven86
  • Total marks: 45
  • Average rating: 4.24
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Latest update information:

Updated 10.09.2018:
  • adapted for 1.2;

Original and non-standard mods appear quite rarely. They can be counted on the fingers of their hands and many have already been included in the list of prohibited modifications of the game World client of Tanks. Such mods always deserve special attention, and especially for artillery.

The standard art mode of aiming for a sau differs significantly from the arcade and sniper modes for other types of World of Tanks combat vehicles. Unlike the other two, the strategic sight includes a "top view". If the distance and flight time of the projectile to the target can be added by installing a suitable mod, then the height differences on the maps, the mutual heights of tanks and houses, fences and other obstacles are determined by the art director almost intuitively. To hit the enemy tank directly, you need to know the trajectory of your artillery shell and choose the right aiming point for the art sight, the correct position of which is not always clear. You need to know the dimensions of your target. Precisely to know, because the "top view" gives a distorted view. When choosing an aiming point, it is advisable to imagine how the trajectory passes through your target and at what angle the projectile will meet the armor. Some mods do not have the function of determining the angle of entry of the projectile, but still do not create a complete picture.

This mod changes the position of the camera in strategic mode. Instead of the usual "top view" you will get a kind of semblance sniper scope... Using the G button, the camera moves along the trajectory of the projectile and shows the final segment of the trajectory, allowing you to aim an enemy tank among obstacles and aim at. How it looks can be seen in the screenshots. The mod is not included in the list yet, so you can use it freely.

"Useful Expert"

Tank crew commanders can learn the Expert skill, which allows you to see the state of damaged modules of a tank and enemy crew. In battle, it looks like this:

In the screenshot for Super-Pershing, a caterpillar is shot down and a radio operator is shell-shocked. The triggered skill "Expert" shows the state in the form of icons just below the central marker.

This perk is considered almost useless, it is very rarely researched. Battle Assistant tweaks how it works a bit, making it a little more useful. In the clean client, without the mod installed, you need to keep the enemy in sight for four seconds for the perk to work. With installed mod Battle Assistant "Expert" is activated after inflicting damage on the enemy or after you marked him with the "Support with fire" marker. Works in all aiming modes, including strategic (art mode).

"Spotting fire"

Now the Battle Assistant includes a variant of the already well-known and useful mod "". It solves the problem of shooting at the missing from the light enemy tanks... The fact is that standard sight World of Tanks adjusts the elevation of your gun and the trajectory of the projectile so that the projectile hits the aiming point. When the target disappears from the light, the aiming point sharply shifts to more distant objects - a neighboring hill, a distant building or the sky, which in the game is also an object that you can aim at. The trajectory becomes much steeper than a moment ago and the projectile flies safely over the hidden enemy, without causing him any harm.

Battle Assistant will add to the game completely new regime aiming for art and some other possibilities.

What is the usefulness of the modification?

This alternative sight for artillery, the peculiarity of which is that the view completely changes during the art mode, that is, the standard top view is replaced by an adapted isometry and thus it is much more comfortable to fire at enemies. You can literally trace the trajectory of the projectile.

This is especially noticeable when shooting around the city, as you can see whether a projectile will fly through houses or not, in contrast to standard mode, where you have to navigate only on the changing color of the strip.

The mod works only for self-propelled guns, work in sniper mode for other types of equipment is not provided.

It was this mod that won (Wargaming Developers Contest - a developer competition from Wargaming). So the mod is not prohibited, and moreover, it is approved by the developers.

The main features and benefits of this version:

  • switching aiming mode ( the default is the G key) - standard and " ACS of a healthy person";
  • zoom for art - aka zoom mod, that is, you can move the camera as far as possible from your tank and see almost the entire battlefield;
  • ignoring obstacles - the camera will not jump over obstacles in the path of the projectile (enabled by default);
  • fire spotter- have you noticed that when an enemy is hiding on a hill, the projectile flies much higher? This is due to the fact that if there is no target, the aiming point is shifted far behind the tank; in such cases, the spotter forces the projectiles to fly along a lower trajectory;
  • Expert mode- now the skill is triggered a few seconds after the damage inflicted on the enemy, also the perk is now activated after the command "support with fire".

How do I install Battle Assistant?

  1. Download the file.
  2. Run, unpack the insides.
  3. Everything inside must be copied to the folder: World_of_Tanks / mods / /

How to use the crosshair in the game?

It doesn't take much cleverness to figure out how to enable Battle Assistant in battle. There are two modes of operation:

  1. standard,
  2. improved (mod).

You can switch between them using the key G.

How to customize the mod?

In the folder World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ \ scripts \ client \ gui \ mods there is a file mod_battle_assistant.txt... We need it, we open it with a regular notepad. Below is a list of parameters:

  • enabled: true / false - on, off the mod;
  • keys:"" # list of used keys, do not remove quotes! KEY_J - change to a button convenient for you if you want. For G, for example, this would be KEY_G.
  • zoomSpeed: 3.0 - zoom speed;
  • ignoreObstacles: true / false - ignore obstacles
  • expert:
    • enabled: true
  • gunner:
    • enabled: true

What to do if Battle Assistant doesn't work?

  1. Check if the installation is correct, namely:
    1. the folder where you placed the files;
    2. the version number of the folder inside res_mods, should be;
    3. the folder in which the game is located must be written in English.
  2. If you changed the settings of the mod, possibly screwed up somewhere, restore the original version.
  3. The mod is guaranteed to work on a clean client, if you collect your own mods, perhaps it conflicts with other add-ons.

For comparison, let's take a look at the before and after screenshots.

Battle Assistant is a mod allowed by the developers, which is necessary for more convenient aiming for SPGs. In this article, you will learn as much as possible about this mod. You can also download the sight for the art of the battle assistant world of tanks 0 9 17 mod, I will also tell you in detail how to install it.

Benefits of the Battle Assistant Mod

Battle Assistant is a completely different sight for artillery (ACS) in World of Tanks, the peculiarity of which is that the view completely changes during the artillery mode, that is base view from above is replaced by adapted isometry and thus it is much more comfortable to fire at enemies. When aiming, you can literally count the trajectory of the projectile.

This is especially noticeable when shooting in the city or next to standing buildings, as you can see whether a projectile will fly through houses or not, in contrast to normal regime, where you have to navigate only on the changing color of the strip.

The mod works only for self-propelled guns, work in sniper mode for other types of equipment (tanks, anti-aircraft guns) is not provided.

Is the Battle Assistant mod allowed by the developers?

It was this mod that took first place in the Wargaming Developers Contest (WGDC - Wargaming Developers Contest). Therefore, the mod is not prohibited, and moreover, it is approved by the creators of the game. Therefore, you can, do not worry, you will not be banned for this.

The main features and benefits of Battle Assistant:

  • switching the aiming mode (by default, the J key) - standard and "ACS of a healthy person".
  • ignoring obstacles - the camera will not jump over obstacles in the path of the projectile (enabled by default).
  • zoom for art - aka zoom mod, that is, you can move the camera as far as possible from your tank and see almost the entire battlefield.
  • "Expert" mode - now the skill is triggered a few seconds after the damage inflicted on the enemy, and the perk is now activated after the command "support with fire".
  • spotter - have you noticed that when an enemy is hiding on a hill, the projectile flies much higher? This is due to the fact that if there is no target, the aiming point is shifted far behind the tank; in such cases, the spotter forces the projectiles to fly along a lower trajectory.

Here's a simple comparison between standard aiming and aiming with the mod installed:

Where to download the Battle Assistant mod

You can download the sight for art mod battle assistant world of tanks 0 9 17 here at this link:

This mod weighs only 0.056 MB

How to install the Battle Assistant mod on World of Tanks?

  1. Download the mod.
  2. Unpack the mod.
  3. Everything that you unpacked needs to be copied to the folder: World_of_Tanks / res_mods / /

This video explains in detail how to install the mod:

How to use the crosshair in the game?

It doesn't take much cleverness to figure out how to enable Battle Assistant in battle. There are two modes of operation:

  1. Standard.
  2. Improved (mod).

You can switch between them using the G key.

How to customize the Battle Assistant mod?

The World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ \ scripts \ client \ gui \ mods folder contains the mod_battle_assistant.txt file. We need it, we open it with a regular notepad. Below is a list of parameters:

enabled: true / false - on, off the mod;

keys: "" # list of used keys, do not remove quotes! KEY_J - change to a button convenient for you if you want. For G, for example, this would be KEY_G.

zoomSpeed: 3.0 - zoom speed;

ignoreObstacles: true / false - ignore obstacles

What if the Battle Assistant mod doesn't work?

If the mod did not start working after installation, you need to check the correctness of the installation, namely:

  1. The folder where you placed the files;
  2. The version number of the folder inside res_mods should be;
  3. The folder containing the game must be written in English.
  4. If you changed the settings of the mod, possibly screwed up somewhere, restore the original version.
  5. The mod is guaranteed to work on a clean client, if you collect your own mods, perhaps it conflicts with other add-ons.

Battle Assistant very useful mod for those who play World game of Tanks (World of Tanks), also known as the self-propelled gun of a healthy person. This mod is alternative version a standard (not always convenient) artillery sight, which allows you to aim at an enemy tank according to the principle of a sniper scope.

Benefits of using Battle Assistant
As you know, game cards in WOT are complex terrain, with an abundance of lowlands, ravines, city blocks, ruins and heaps of rubbish, bridges and flyovers. All this makes it difficult for artillery to mold the enemy and ultimately leads to frequent flights, overshoots, or simply hits into buildings that may meet in the path of your projectile.

In view of the fact that artillery has a very long reload time, it is extremely important for victory to increase the percentage of hits on artillery as much as possible. After all, one accurate shot can seriously change the balance of forces in an important direction and prevent tanks from the enemy team from breaking through to you, or help your ally to overcome a dangerous area with minimal losses.

Using the Battle Assistant mod will increase the chance of hitting an enemy tank, especially in urban areas with an abundance of buildings, bullet holes and various arches. Also, this mod will allow you to target more vulnerable spots of tanks and accurately put a projectile on the target when the enemy leaves you from around the corner in urban settings.

In general, if you play artillery and want to improve your hit rate, this mod will be simply irreplaceable for you.

Video review of the Battle Assistant mod

Installing and activating the Battle Assistant mod
1. Before installing the mod, make sure that the version of your game client matches the version of Battle Assistant.
2. Copy the contents of the archive to the folder:
WOT \ res_mods \ Client version \ scripts \ client \ gui \ mods folder
3. To activate this mod in battle, you must enter the artillery sight mode and then press the "J" key on your keyboard. If the mod is installed correctly, your artillery scope will go into sniper mode.

Mod customization
The mod activation key "J" used in the mod by default, can be replaced with any other. Personally, for convenience, I use the "G" key, since it is closer and you do not need to take your fingers off the control keys (WASD).
To change the "J" key to another, go to the folder with your client and find the mod_battle_assistant.txt file:
folder WOT \ res_mods \ *** \ scripts \ client \ gui \ mods \ mod_battle_assistant.txt

In the mod_battle_assistant.txt file we find the line "" and change J to any other, necessarily Latin letter. Don't touch the quotes! We reboot the client and you're done!

What to do if Battle Assistant doesn't work?
If you installed mod Battle Assistant but it does not work for you, then there are only 3 reasons for this.
1. The version of the Battle Assistant mod does not match the version of the game client. They must match. You can see the latest version of the mod on this page (in the title), and the version client WOT can be seen in the game client.
2. You installed the mod in the wrong folder. The res_mods folder may contain folders with mods for old versions. Battle Assistant must be installed in a folder with a number that exactly matches latest version client.
3. Install this mod after installing all other mods. As a rule, the Battle Assistant mod is used in conjunction with other modpacks: Protanki, Modpack Jova and others. These modpacks, when installed, first remove all previously installed modifications. Simply put, they overwrite everything earlier. installed mods... Therefore, if you first install the Battle Assistant and then the Protanka modpack, the Battle Assistant will not work, since it will be removed by the Protanka installer.

* Mods are up-to-date and tested for the current version of the WOT client. V new version you may need to reinstall this mod. If there are any problems in the work, let us know in the comments.

Additional Information
License: Is free
Software developer: reven86
Supported OS: Windows 7, Windows 8
Interface language: Russian English
Update date: 2019-01-18
Program size: 220 kb