The problem of saving in Fallout 4 survival. Ability to persist in survival mode

In March 2016 in game Fallout. 4 Appeared a new beta patch, which made a number of changes in the toy. The most important thing of them is the emergence of a survival regime, which has much complicated passage.

Survival Mode Fallout 4: First Steps

Survive in this mode oh how difficult!

First of all, when installing a patch and after its launch, you will have to create a hero that you will manage - you can not too bother over its appearance, since the character's face will be closed with a helmet or cater. In Fallout 4, survival begins from the very moment you leave the cry meter where your body was frozen during a nuclear catastrophe. The starting level for you will serve as asylum 111, but there will be no special problems with it.

As soon as it is in the courtyard, a dilemma will arise in front of you: to go alone in a single study, or to go to a meeting with the first sites who managed to escape. You will need to be discharged to Senkchuari. In the future, these guys will help you get food, water and weapons, so the second option is the most acceptable.

However, not everything is as simple as it seems. Together with the new regime and the plot, you will have such parameters for which you need to take care:

Excellent panacea against all of the above are antibiotics. However, they are infrequently found, and more expensive. Sellers often want as many as three hundred covers, and most often they will simply be missing this product. Another way to recover is to start leading the right lifestyle.

In survival mode, the conditions have become even tougher

If you sleep a little, the level of adrenaline will increase, and, as not strange, it will allow you to become stronger. Your blows will be destructive. However, it will again be at zero if you have a snatch at least for the watch.

As can be seen from the above, in Fallout 4, the survival mode will bring a lot of moments complicating your life. At the same time, remember that you will need not to skip meals, feeding what you can find. Water is best mined in the shelter 111, as well as near the farm. The farm is easy to find if you look at the map: it will be on the left side of the shelter 111.

If you choose interaction with settlers, first of all, you should lead them to your hometown. And then learn to be an excellent builder.

It is important to remember that all the containers must be filled with water - it will be useful for you. Next, do not forget to pump strength and endurance, because it is necessary first.

Satellites in survival mode

Satellites in this mode exist more as a bait for the enemy. The best partner for you will be hell - it is strong, well protected and nothing is afraid. The main thing is to do so that you finish the opponents, and not she. Otherwise you will not get the required experience points.

You must focus on having always the right arms arsenal with you. Therefore, it would be nice to pay attention to shotguns, carabiners with explosive cartridges and a sniper rifle.

It is also worth useing the "Stealth" regime, hiding from the enemy. In many cases, it will save you life.

Wats mode will also serve good service, helping to detect enemies who want to suddenly attack.

Also, it is not necessary to absorb antibiotics immediately after their prey - it is very likely that the herself will be held, and the valuable pills will be needed in a different situation.

Bottles immediately fill with water.

Use your own cunning. Most enemies readily come across your ambushes and traps.

We hope that with survival mode fallout 4 will be even more exciting!

At the last stages of testing, before the release of Fallout 4, many of us understood that they want to experiment with the "survival" mode. And when the game came out, we found that I would like it. So how did we come to these changes? Our two designers, Josh Hamrick and John-Paul Duval, during our internal game jama showed how the updated "survival" could look like. The idea turned out to be so interesting that we allocated several programmers who embodied ideas that appeared during testing. Today we want to demonstrate to you these changes: to tell about how they work and why we contributed them. Something we will not paint in the details, as we want you to find out about it. Self new regime "Survival" comes complete with new.

"In games, I most like those moments when my solutions lead to consequences - even unplanned or catastrophic. Stories created on the basis of such solutions is the most cool. In my opinion, that is why we changed the game so, and not otherwise. "
- Josh Hamrick, BGS designer, surviving

Difficult choice

In general, we wanted to make sure that you had to make difficult solutions. To do this, we made the player's motivation more contrast, using circular systems, such as, for example, in Dark Souls. (We are talking about two or more systems that counteract each other). As a result, four "pillar" appeared in the "survival" mode.

1. Strategy: Strengthen the importance of decisions about when entering into battle, and when to avoid hostilities, as well as make the player think about what equipment to choose for a fight. Then to reinforce these solutions with the help of more steady and intense battles.
2. Research: slow down the pace of the game and encourage the player to explore all the corners of the game world.
3. Resource management: Balanced objects so that they are not easy to save, make the player think about what exactly you need to take with you.
4. Role-playing game: Increase the level of realism and the problems faced by the player.

This is how these goals were embodied in "Survival" mode:

Saving with sleep:
- Arbitrary and fast saving, as well as almost all automatic savings are now not available. In order to save the game, you need to find a bed and sleep in it for at least an hour. This means that you have less space options, and you need to think more about what you taste and whether you have enough strength to deal with the situation. In some cases, you may decide that the enemy is too strong, and therefore it is not worth entering the battle. In another case, you decide that you can go Wa-Bank. In order to take a thoughtful decision, you need to intelligence and collect information, and this is interesting in itself. In addition, if you can save the game only in one of the beds, these beds become a kind of sacred grade. They are so important that you will be cleaned neighborhood to find a place to sleep near the next battle seat - and as a result, you may find what otherwise would have missed.

No teleportation:
- Fast movement is disabled. If you want to go somewhere, you will have to get to the destination of the old, tested way. In other words, the world's study has now become mandatory, and the player now has more chances to see the hidden "pearls" of the Commonwealth. It will also force you to leave the comfort zone and will encourage the workshops. And even if it seems to you that charisma plays a not major role in survival, several abilities associated with it will make you manage your bases.

Increased hazard level:
- Now you apply and get more damage. You can also increase the damage you can also with the help of "adrenaline" - we will talk about this now. As a result, the battles become more dangerous, and this, in turn, makes you reset the speed and think about what awaits you ahead. We add to this complicated rules for preserving the game, and suddenly fights become much more intense and terrible.

Improved significance of the correctly selected strategy:
- Since you, and your enemies have become stronger, in battle is now very important to take a favorable position and shoot exactly in the target. Hand-to-hand changed even more: now the player needs to block the strikes to protect itself. As a result, the abilities needed for the game changed, but those who chose "survival" know what they are binded to.

"Because of this, everything becomes more intense, and you have to revise your attitude to battles."
- Dane Olds, artist BGS, surviving

Collision with unknown:
- Threats appear on the compass only if you use the scout sight. In addition, the distance was significantly reduced on which you see mark on the map. You can no longer just run around the world, knowing that he wait for you by turning. At the same time, you will most likely be more studying the world, trying to find as interesting as possible.

- New basic ability in survival mode. It enhances the damage caused to you. Its level rises when you kill enemies. The level of "adrenaline" rises after every 5 destroyed enemies, and with each regular level you apply 5% more damage. Maximum level Abilities - 10, so you can increase damage by 50%. This elevated damage is a very attractive thing. "Adrenaline" motivates the player to take foolish decisions, which is always so pleased to tell friends. (Sleep reduces the level of adrenaline to the number in the range from 2 to 10, depending on which bed you sleep.

Well-being - fatigue, hunger, thirst:
- In order to survive, you need to take care of yourself. You must drink, eat and relax - only then you will be in full combat readiness. If you do not eat for a long time, do not drink and do not rest, thereby apply damage to your parameters s.p.c.i.a.l. In addition, you accumulate fatigue and decreases immunity, and in the end these negative factors can directly harm your health level. This will affect all your solutions, because now you must constantly take into account the changing level of your well-being. The struggle for survival will make you participate in new, unexpected adventures. At least you will hunt - to get valuable meat - and this will lead to clashes with representatives of local fauna. But not all edible items useful: certain items can cause not only positive, but also negative effects - for example, they can increase the level of hunger, thirst and fatigue or reduce immunity.

"As a result, I began to search every building, look for food and water, which I didn't think at all in the main game. It strongly changes the pace and style of the game. "
- Michael Duleini, BGS programmer survived

- Fatigue mainly accumulates as a result of exercise, but hunger and thirst also affects its level. The effect of fatigue is similar to the impact of radiation, but the fatigue affects not health, but on the points of action. The higher the level of fatigue, the less you have the action points that you can spend on running or action in Vats. The level of fatigue is marked red on the action points indicator.

All matters

Not only the main changes affected the "Survival" mode. We also changed many items and conditions.

Types of bed:
- The time you can spend on sleep, and therefore, the level of recovery depends on the type of bed. The maximum bonus gives only real beds, which in the world are not so much. It stimulates the player to investigate what is in the vicinity of its "base", or spend the covers in exchange for the opportunity to swell in a comfortable environment.

In addition, it will now be so nice to find somewhere sleeping bag ... And even better - a dirty mattress ... And finding a real bed, you will feel as if I won the lottery. Have you already found all the workshops? Then it's time to get into the manufacture of beds.

Diseases and antibiotics:
- There are several different diseases to your health level. The chance to get sick increases as the overall well-being decreased. Antibiotics can be created, buy or find. They heal you from diseases, but you can contact both doctors. Fighting with certain creatures or applying drugs, you can instantly get sick. In addition, stimulants are no longer a miraculous means, so be prepared for everything!

- Items that clean your body from radiation cause fatigue and temporarily reduce the level of immunity. By adding negative effects to Antiradin, we force you to apply it only in case of extreme need.

Slow healing:
- The rate of health recovery by food and stimulants is significantly reduced. To survive, you need to carefully choose a moment for treatment.

Damaged limbs:
- injured limbs are no longer cured automatically after the end of the battle. Now they need to be treated with stimulants or sleep. This not only makes fights more complex, but also further increases the consumption of stimulants.

Cargo weight:
- The total weight you can carry is reduced. In addition, such objects such as ammunition and stimulants, now there is also weight. Bullets and shells weigh a little, but rockets and nuclear bombs are pretty heavy. Now you must carefully choose equipment, given the general benefit and weight of objects.

"My life has changed completely. Refuge is my shelter. Every day I go out in search of the supplies and I approach something home. I don't think about the future. I have to survive. "
- Rick Weisens, BGS Animator, survived

Heavy burden:
- Excessive weight reduces your level of welfare, quickly increases the level of fatigue, and in the end will lead to the injury. Now you can not accumulate a whole ton of objects, and then slowly and temporarily attribute them home. Hide mining and fly further, like the wind.

Friendship price:
- Satellites now carry less cargo than before. Founded in battle satellites are no longer rising automatically after the battle. If you do not cure them, they will return home. So do not clamp stimulants and do not turn your friends in the pack animals!

In addition, if you have already downloaded, you will also have to closely monitor the state of your new robot satellites. If you forget to apply the repair kit on time, the robot will return home.

Revival of enemies and mining:
- In the sectors that you read, enemies and mining appear much slower. So go ahead, in search of new places!

"In general, it creates completely unique feelings from the world Fallout. You truly understand what a waste is. "
- Todd Howard, producer BGS, surviving

In the "survival" mode, there is still a lot of interesting things and all this you will discover for yourself. Play in Betu and let us know your opinion about it. With your help, we will make this mode even better, and then we will release it on all platforms. Thanks again!

Survival in Fallout 4 (SURVIVAL MODE) - an additional mode introduced by developers after numerous stones of the series fans who were boring to pass the game without the already familiar in New Vegas. Sleep hunger, thirst and send the protagonist to sleep on time. True, screwing to Fallout 4 Survival mode, the developers are a little bit of overburders with his hardcore and easily turned RPG Action to a Survival (Survival), in its gameplay reminding Day Z.

In addition to the need to eat, drink, sleep and treat diseases, in survival mode, the conservation is turned off, except by falling asleep in bed or a sleeping bag, and moving between locations. As a result, passing a long challenging quest, you may not have time to run to the desired bed, and if you are attacked, for example, by chance by the mongrels, the task will have to be renovated.
In general, Survival Mode in Fallout 4 completed the transformation of the game into a kind of "sandbox", making the most interesting not how to perform quests, how many survival process itself - search for food, water and medicines. And the protagonist now does not hang carefree carelessly by empty, but makes a way out of his base on the seal (execution of the quest) and returns back. For sleep in the open sky and poor nutrition is fraught with health problems ...

Consider the changes made by the mode more.

Overview of survival mode in Fallout 4


First of all, the system of battles changed noticeably. That's it hostile creatures, including small crotocots and primitive gulles, cause a very stupid damage. You can easily die from the attack of a small group of three or four hums. And many animals and insects, besides, with the bite they infect the hero of "infection" for the treatment of which it is necessary to find or produce "antibiotics". So, think about how a simple meeting with memers or Radtarakani can turn around ...

Instead, the developers gave players with adrenaline pepper, initially accessible to everyone in Survival Mode. Its essence is simple: the more enemies you destroyed without spending time for sleep, the greater damage you apply. True, the special result of Perk will still not give, since sooner or later the character will begin to fall from the fatigue.

By the way, the enemies on the compass are no longer displayed, so they can shoot at any moment in you until you carelessly explore the terrain.

Ability to persist in survival mode

To save the game, you need to find any bed or sleeping bag and sleep on it at least an hour. One thing is that every such sleep is outside of its bed leads to a deterioration of well-being, and in some cases to illness. Therefore, every time before saving the player will have to make a choice - to do without saving or guaranteed to spoil your character health.

Displacement between locations (Fast Travel)

Canceled. Fully. The only solution is the use of coils, access to which is located somewhere in the middle of the game and then when passing the plot for the fraction of the fraternity of steel. Please accept the fact that you constantly have to stall through the entire card and die in the middle of the way.

Weight weight

Now the cartridges and medicines also have weight. Especially weighing rockets and other shells for heavy weapons. Run with a bunch of "heavy" will now won't come out.

Food and hunger in Survival Mode

In survival mode in Fallout 4, the character constantly wants to eat. No, even so: constantly wants to eat !!! It is at least four times a day, and the food must be made on the fire, since the nutrition of raw meat will lead not only to raise the level of radiation, but also to possible infection.

Water and thirst

Drink a character also wants quite often. In the survival mode Fallout 4, the developers finally corrected an explicit fault, when pure water in the game was in bulk, and the dirty soup needed for cooking was in short. Now it is enough to choose the waste of bottles from Coca-Cola, milk or alcohol, and you can fill them from any source.

Clean water, as before, is produced by cleansing structures and columns, near which you can also quench thirst.

It is necessary to quench your thirst only with purified water, as, drinking in a lot of dirty, you will definitely picker infection.


In order to sleep completely, the character needs to sleep at least 8 hours. Naturally, the bed must not be abubs, but a real bed. In the sleeping bag you can sleep only three hours, on the mattress - 5 hours.

Sleep under the open sky or not at home (for example, in the captured fraternity they became a police station) not only will not remove fatigue, but also increase it. Therefore, even if you are not a construction lover, you still erect a small house and a bed for recreation and preservation in each settlement (and a column to quench thirst, it does not interfere, too).


Stimulants and antiradians are no longer just treating health and remove radiation, respectively, but also cause thirst. Therefore, for each intake of the stimulator you will need to drink two or three cans of purified water. With uncontrolled treatment in battle, you can begin to experience acute thirst, which will affect your Special parameters.

However, for the treatment of broken limbs, stimulants are required, so do not rush to throw out stimulants from the inventory and replace the purified water.


Pick up any disease in Fallout 4 is not easy, but very simple. Raw meat, dirty water, a bite of a guil, a gloomy or insect - all this leads to the fact that you will seriously get sick. Be as careful as possible.

For the treatment of diseases, it is necessary to use an antibiotic. A particularly dangerous disease in Fallout 4 is an infection that significantly reduces health every few minutes. Find an antibiotic in the emptiness is pretty difficult, so the most simple decision There will be a chemist perk and make them independently or at least install the first aid in each settlement.

True, with proper nutrition and good sleep infection goes by itself, without any medication. However, to take part in the battles or simply leave your settlement during the disease you will not be able to, as almost immediately perish, being overgrown with the opportunity to sleep well and eat, as well as receiving periodic damage to health.

Slowly wander with overload as it will not work before. Great weight will permanently reduce the health of your feet. Therefore, if you are an amateur to carry a bunch of weapons and collect trash for construction, you can not do without partners. However, new difficulties may arise with them in survival mode.

Treatment of partmen

When a healthier partner in battle drops to zero, it is necessary to get to it to get a stimulator or use the repair kit of the robot (needed, for example, for the codeworth or partners from DLC automatron.). Otherwise, the partner will go on his business in that location where you originally found it. And if in the process of displacement it will accidentally come over with you, then it may be a penalty that comrades in trouble have not thrown.

Enable console

Finally, the saddest news for cheaters who are accustomed to correcting their failures with the console. In the Survival Console mode is not available. Add to your inventory The desired number of cartridges or stimulants will now not come out.

Setting the survival mode in Fallout 4 is currently impossible. It's a pity. Many fans of the series with a bang took the need to eat well and sleep in a comfortable environment. But the impossibility of preserved at the right time and the right place, taking into account what now has to walk through the entire map on foot, little smiles.

What will meet us in this mode?

We will meet problems (in order of problem growth):

1. Where to eat?

There will have to pay great attention to hunting and cooking. Best starts Seats for cooking game: Exit from Sankchuari and near the Japanese Robot in the center of Diamond City

2. How to carry everything good?

Switching power as needed, we will not be able to wear everything in the power armor. Things section trash throw out

3. Where to be treated?

Search for antibiotics and to doctors, there are not many in the game, but in large settlements you will find

4. Where to drink?

Build a column in Sankchuari and look for everything that looks like liquid. Dirty water is better not to drink - out of 3 units. Dirty water can be boiled one clean, collect empty bottles and fill them with water, if you caress from rivers and lakes, but be ready to run to the doctor to remove the radiation.

SAMI a big problemYou will have to walk in each meadow in search of a mattress and look for a hut in each settlement, unlike the standard version you will have to even shoot rooms in various establishments. Fashion on sleeping bags will deprive you of this problem, but it is considered something like something.

Pumping and s.p.e.c.i.a.l.

The first thing you need to know when pumping: do not rush with peppers

Pumping from the start:

S. (power) from 5

Get ready to drag a lot of things and do it without force armor, on our maintenance, we have no stock, no strength *

P. (perception) to 4

The most useless, the indicators of the enemies in this mode we do not have, but for the "savory survival critic" ** in the future you will need 2 perk to damage rifles, as well as 4th hacking.

E. (endurance) 3

If you are going to take the peppers from this branch, you will need only 1 and 3 - resistance to damage, more HP and its regen to refuse to use stimulants

C. (Charisma) from 5

Will have to get all the benefits of belief and trade

I. (Intellect) 1

We need Perk "Savant", with intelligence 1 it works best, and therefore swinging faster. On modifications and other "fun" we will not have stocks or forces *

A. (Dexterity) from 5

Based on the future for the "Svatic Survival Criter" **

L. (Luck) from 6

Take a savance, then take it 2 level as soon as possible. And also bore for the future for the "Svatic Survival Criter" **

About future: only C and L, as well as s as needed, the first 20 + - levels we leave for the "pluses" in S.p.e.c.i.a.l.From the perks, we look at the savance, hacking and peppers of the survival of the section E (endurance). Everything else is optional, I think that the pros is better

* - any trash deprives us vital, key resource - portable weight (naturally, that in the late stages of the game it will not be a problem, but I do not recommend first levels)
** - "Scoat Critering Survival" - a set of perks on stealth, Create from it and additional damage. From the start to strive for it there is no negligence, but you can try

(Optional) initial gameplay and final facilities

Get ready for pain from death an hour before the last sailing

1. Split a trunk with a maximum one-time dam, which can accurately shoot from published.
2. No pumping / weapons improvements - forget, only drop and buying in the store.
3. Try to get the muffler as quickly as possible in the store on your main barrel.
4. Go around the dangerous enemies, touch one by one. Die from the Vanchota - easy!
5. Try to clear your way in Locations from Seckchuari to Diamond City.
6. No buildings other than starting quest and water columns in other settlements.
7. Antiradin, steamed (there will be many) as well as other chemistry - for sale, we carry one emergency antiradin and up to 5 steampackers that need to be used primarily on companions, do not leave them - they will not rise.
8. The best partner is a supermutant from Trinity Tower, he wears a lot and the same amount tankers. (due to the behavior of the partners, it does not have a significant impact on the "stealthism", but in the case of an open battle, he is great)
9. Do not forget to spam "q" v.a.t.s., this is your main scout and the Savior from trouble. Abuzny thing, you ask? I will answer - yes, but in-game.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones .. and you will definitely you will be alive all living on the wasteland.

Many players looked forward to the revised survival regime for Fallout 4.. Still at the stages of the announcement it was clear that Survival Mode. Add more realism to the favorite game, which will make the player attentively refers to the needs of the character and the challenges of the surrounding world. Currently Bethesda Softworks. Testing survival mode and collects players' reviews. It's time to evaluate innovations and find out how complicated by the game with their appearance.

In general, the efforts of developers were aimed at ensuring that the players began to more carefully build a strategy and explore the world, closely treated the use of resources and playing a role. Absolutely all changes in survival mode pursue these goals and fall into the overall logic described. The overall increase in complexity was achieved due to the revision and addition of a number of functions.

Now it will have to be more attentive to planning your own actions, as well as with the mind approaching the choice of equipment. From decision to get into battle or avoid open conflict will depend much. In total, a more cautious and weighted approach should be accumed in the overall developing strategy.

Changes are also designed to pay more close attention of players on the world. And indeed, for whom the developers tried, creating huge locations?! A part of the innovations will definitely slow down the course of the game, gives it a more measured pace. This, in turn, will push the players to study the world, will concentrate them on the study of new territories, including, in search of useful items.

Kraft and construction in new conditions will not be such a simple task. Now the necessary things and resources will be more difficult to find, and therefore it will have to use them with the mind. Useful items will meet less often, which will increase their value. We will have to resort to the so-called resource management, it is more carefully calculated and planning.

See also: Fallout 4. Far Harbor. How to solve a puzzle and get a DIMA memory?

Such a realism will allow a fuller to recoup the result. Yes, the surrounding world has become tougher and cold, the hero is now more dependent on external conditions. The medium has a direct impact on the actions of the player, but the consequences of the impact of the hero on game world, on the contrary, becoming weaker. All as in real life.

In the hardcore mode of survival to the character will have to be treated much more attentive. Food, drink, good sleep and rest are becoming essential indicators of general condition. Death resets the results to the start of the day or the last character of the character. Save occurs during sleep, and manual mode or in auto storage mode is now not available. For sailing, you must fall asleep in bed at least one hour. It is in bed: now the benefit of sleep (his time) defines not a player, but the type of bed. The more comfortable the bed, the more bonuses will receive a character after waking up.

Lack of sleep and general exhaustion of the body lead to the appearance of fatigue. It accumulates the same way as radiation, but affects the glasses of action. You can fight fatigue with the help of the same sleep, as well as good nutrition and energetic use.

In general, health issues will have to pay increased attention. Irresponsible attitude to the general condition of the character will affect not only, say, on immunity, but even on the parameters of S.E.c.i.i.a.l.

Also, the general condition may affect diseases that have a chance to pick up during the coating of certain circumstances. Infections, poisoning and injury themselves will not pass. We will have to be sanded, drink antibiotics and relax. For the treatment of a certain illness, a specific medicine will be required to buy, steal or prepare independently. By the way, antiradin now affects the weakening of immunity.

Treatment in the survival mode Fallout 4 has become more realistic, and due to the process last time. Food and items restoring health require a more detailed approach. Calculate what and when to eat, and when to use the steampy. The same applies to the damage to limbs obtained in battle. Now recovery does not happen automatically: you need to either use the steampy, or is well able.

See also: Companions and romantic relations in Fallout 4

The effects of combat - a separate big topic that received a lot of innovations in the hardcore mode of Falllauta 4. Yes, you can die from fewer injections, but also to send enemies to the forefathers has become easier. The overall level of damage is influenced by Perk "Adrenaline", access to which in Survival Mode will receive all players. The more you kill, the higher the damage you are. But this rule is valid in the time limits of the current day: sleep will simply zero these indicators.

In numbers, the new pek looks like this. Each five killings add one rank of pepper and increases damage by 5%. Considering that ranks 10, the maximum increase in damage is possible for significant 50%! Long rest restores the peaceful mood of the body. Depending on the time spent on sleep, removed from two to ten ranks of the adrenaline pepper in survival mode Fallout 4..

Forget about the rapid move around the world. It is necessary to walk on the old manner on your two. Here are the creators of Fallout 4 and are trying to stimulate the player for the general study of the surrounding world, to search for its secrets and collecting objects, which, as we already know, has become less. And hazards - more. Now it will not be possible to just run to the point where the confrontation is waiting for you, because from now on, the enemies are not displayed on the compass. For effective exploration of the terrain and the enemies, use the scout sight.

Complicating the life of a character with a rare appearance on the subject's map, the developers of Fallout 4 were not satisfied with it. Some things will not only be difficult to find, but also have to decide what to take from the found, but what to leave. The total weight of the transferred items is reduced. Moreover, both the patron, and the steamed stop being weightless and added to the masses inventory! All this makes it carefully thinking about what to carry and pick up along the move. Overload will not remain unnoticed: too heavy burrow will affect the increase in the level of exhalation, the accumulation of fatigue and will even affect the damage to the legs!