The most popular NKR President Fallout New Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas: I will sell a new California republic! "From victory to defeat - one step"

He is not on the nexus, so I think, few saw it.

This plugin provides you with the opportunity to join NKR on early stage game , to become her citizen and join the ranks of the Armed Forces of the NKR. As assignments, the main character It will move on the service staircase - from the ordinary to the army general. You will also be available to the transition to the Special Forces of the NKR Army, such as: NKR Military Police; operative VP NKR; Medic NKR; Heavy NKR attack aircraft; ranger; Desert Ranger; elite ranger; Sniper 1st interoffalon. The possibility of transition to these units will depend on the skills of GG at the moment. When switching to any unit, the player will be issued to the appropriate equipment, which can be obtained from the supply officers (intentes). It will also be necessary to pass appropriate training from an instructor officer.

The circle solved by the main character of the tasks is quite extensive and varied. Here and the patrol of Mojave; search for missing patrols; The capture of criminals declared in the wanted list; work sniper to eliminate unwanted elements; Choons of the Legion attacks on the Golf Camp, Serchlight and Fallron Hope.

Performing tasks you will earn new abilities (Perks).

Actually, how to start the quest? The easiest way to become a citizen of the NKR will be the transfer of a summary of the NKR's hands according to one of the main quests of the game. After that, talking to Lieutenant Hayes, you can become a citizen and get the appropriate document, then you can begin a military career. To do this, you need to find the personnel officer in the Golf camp and talk to him. Next already yourself :).

By the way, to become a citizen of the NKR can be both in other ways, just helping the republic.

Key points where you can get tasks - Camp Golf, Avangapost Mojave, Camp Farron-Hope, NKR Representative Office on Strepe (Military Police), etc.

I advise you not to focus on any unit, but to go from time to time to get different tasks.

Oh yes. I almost forgot. Quest has a full voice acting in English .


Fixed minor problems with the start of the modification, and also reduced the probability of shacks on the cashposte of Mojave.
Added peppers for title, now the support of the titles is fully implemented and can be used by other quests that will be checked them.
Lip sync via Skyrim Creation Kit is not perfect, but better than no synchronization.

Added several military police fighters in key points In Mojave to help players in finding quest characters. So if you do not know where to go, ask a policeman. One in the embassy, \u200b\u200bone in Tente in the Golf camp, one in the Tente in the camp Fall-Hope, one in the camp Maccaran and one on the Avanposte Mojave. Quest in the form, during which you can join, is not mentioned, it would be illogical.

Filmed policeman Penk

Doctors can now take part in the battles of the rankers and patrol missions.
Experience for the mission was recycled to give more experience for more complex missions.
The player now receives money for the completed mission depending on its complexity.
Major Friedman has been added to the Fallorn-Hope camp.
Added a detachment of Gadyuk to Fall-Hope
Added mission to "Find and destroy", issues Major Friedman.

Recovered Flag of Respauna from Legionnaires in the mission of Sniper Fall-Hope, they could respese after the end of the mission. Now it is fixed.


Copy the contents of the archive in the Data folder directories Fallout New Vegas., responding "yes" when the question of replacing files, and then activate the file Thencr.esp via FOMM or Fallout Launcher.


Disconnect the plugin to Fallout Launcher "E / FOMM" e, delete Fashion files from the FalloutNV / DATA folder.

When you walk to the Streap New Vegas, the NKR soldier will suit you and ask you to meet with Ambassador Dennis Crocker at the NKR Embassy (in general, this character will not appear until you go to Lucky Casino 38 at least once). The embassy is located in the last section of Streap (the farthest of the northern gate). Crocker is in the building to the left of the place where you will find yourself after entering the last section. When you find yourself inside, go to the door that on the left, and then on the corridor until you find a crocker.

Crocker will ask you to persuade bombers to help NKR. Follow the map on the airbase Nellis and talk to Pearl to learn how to earn their support. Perform a sufficient number of third-party quests for bombers to become respected in this fraction. "In the sky! - the most best Questwhich should be finished because it gives the greatest number of glory from bombers.

When you deserve respect for the bombers, come back to the crouse and tell him that they received support for bombers. You will finish the quest and get respect for the NKR.

If your reputation in the NKR before it was bad, then this quest will update it to neutral.


  • This quest does not depend on your reputation in the NKR, even if you are a "contempt" for them, then you can still go to the embassy and talk to the crocker.

As soon as finish the quest "Bombists," talk with Ambassador Dennis Crocker. Crocker will tell you about the crimes in the Friside committed by the gang of "kings". Dennis will suggest you to deal with the gang in two ways: to negotiate with the kings or kill the paiser, one of the leaders of the gang.

Consider both options for the quest:

Option 1 - Murder of a paceman.

If you have previously talked with a poor hum by the name of Tlen, he had to say that the Paisper has problems with the heart, excessive drug use and Wang Graff, which can go to your hand to fulfill the quest (if you did not talk to a delaim, Then, to open this option, you will need to steal the data on the treatment of the player from Julie Farkas in the old Mormon Fort). These actions will give you several ways to murder a paceman:

  1. Add it a psycho to the screw (60 medicine is required)
  2. To engage in this business family Van Graffs.

Method: Possed by Peiser from Jean-Batista Cutter

  1. To begin with, check the pacheaker for the presence of a screw there (when you try to take a screw, a hint appears that you must first blame someone in the death of the Paper), then return back to the ambassador.
  2. Then talk to Ralph in the store "Mick and Ralph", which is in Friside. Ask him to make a label of Jean-Batista Cutter written by Peycer (he will fulfill your request if you only have 50 eloquence, or you are a gang of kings).
  3. After go to the paceman's room (it is located on the third floor of the King Double School Building, the first door on the left) and put a detailed note in the cache with a screw.
  4. When a pector will check his cache, he will detect this note and read it. After that, he will go to the silver fever (the largest store of power-up in Friside) and kill himself.

This method will work, unless you killed everyone in a silver fever before, even before the fulfillment of this quest. If this was not done earlier, then simply follow the pector, after reading the fake notes to them, and kill it from the laser or energy weapon.

Important: After killing a paceman, talk to the king before you tell about the success of the Crocker.

Method: To achieve the location of the Van Graff family (worked as a security guard)

  1. Start executing the quest "Two pair boots". He gives Gloria Van Graff in a silver fever.
  2. Working the guard, a peer will come to you and start talking to you, configure it to fight with you, using an aggressive replica in a dialogue with him, such as "is there anything to reinforce your words?". It will warm him very much.
  3. Kill the painter with the power consignment issued to you Van Graffs.

These actions will not entail hostility to you from the kings and, also you successfully follow the quests "Royal Gambit" (since you killed the painter with the energy-based, working on Van Graffs) and "two pair boots" (since the murder of the player is not included In this task, so by killing it, you will not fail this quest).

However, killing a paiser, you will no longer be able to task the "Soldier Blues".

Method: To achieve the location of the Wan Graff family (place the power consumption)

  1. Wait Nights in the Paper Room or Outside.
  2. Hidely go to him into the room and put a plasma grenade or mine to it.
  3. Hide very quickly.

Having done this, you will kill the paceman and increase the reputation of Van Graff, so you still get a reward from Dennis Crocker and Kings will not suspect you.

Method: Add a psycho to a peister screw (60 medicine and 1 psycho) are required)

To perform this option, go to Tlena and ask him about drug problems at the Paisper or see the records in the office of Julie Farkas in the Old Mormon Fort. Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the paceman's room (first door on the left, the third floor of the king twin school)
  2. Add psycho to a cache with a screw under the bed (about 8 am and 9 pm). The cache looks like a cigarette block, but it will appear only after talking with a delented or after watching records from Julie Farkas (see above).
  3. Peter will die after checking the cache at night (the earliest time when he can check his cache - about 10 pm).

Method: Just kill the painter

You fail the task and lose a significant amount of glory in Friside, but still you will get a reward (if you, of course, apologize) and you can go to the next quest.

If you want to easily regain your reputation, just go to the atomic cowboy casino, which is in Friside, and talk there with James Garrett. In order to return its former reputation, you will have to pay a large amount of covers.

Option 2 - solve the problem of diplomacy

If you have not yet used the location of the king for your goals from the quest "Soldier's Blues", then you can use it in order for the king to stop violence in Frieside. However, if you have already used it, the king will not stop violence and you will have to return to the ambassador to the Crocker and tell him that the king disagreed to your request. Then the ambassador will suggest two options: to talk to Colonel Cassandra Moore on the Hoover Dam or talk to the Colonel James Shu in Carcarran.

Method: Colonel Moore

Go to the Hoover Dam and talk to Cassandra Moore, she will tell you that you suggest a king to retreat, and otherwise he will be killed, and will give you a detachment of his fighters.

Whatever you say the king, he will still attack you and then the battle is inevitable.

And when you tell the crouse, what happened, the task will be considered failed. However, if you order your soldiers to kill everyone yourself, then your reputation in Friside will not fall, but will remain the same, and you can take a unique costume from the corpse of the king and get 300 covers from the Crocker, if you apologize to him, then you can go to next task.

If you did not have a cybersobak of Rex in companions before this task, then after performing this option, you will no longer be able to get it, because after some time the NKR soldiers will come and kill him.

Method: Colonel Shu

Go to McCarran camp and talk there with James Shu. Tell him about the established situation in Friside. After hearing you, he will ask to offer the King support to the NKR in exchange for the cessation of violence, and will give you a few soldiers.

When you come to the king. Offer him support for NKR.

If you act aggressively with him, then his gang will open the fire and you fail the task. However, if you order your soldiers to kill everyone yourself, then your reputation in Friside will not fall, but will remain the same, and you can take a unique costume from the corpse of the king and get 300 covers from the Crocker, if you apologize to him, then you can go to next task.

But if you are polite with the king, then he will agree to your offer, but a peer is engaged in negotiations to prevent the transaction, and several members from the gang will start shooting for you. Kill the paceman and his defenders, and immediately go to the crouse.


For the fulfillment of the quest, the player will receive 1,300 experience points, 600 covers and an increase in the reputation of the NKR. Additionally, you can get 200 covers, this requires 60 barter.

You will not get any award if you just killed the painter.

After the completion of the first two tasks of the NKR ("Bombists" and "Royal Gazbit"), head to the Damb of Hoover and talk to Colonel Moore.

Great Khans

Colonel Moore will ask to destroy Great Khan. You can destroy them or refuse to destroy and agree with them diplomatic.

  • Go to the Great Khans in Red Rock Canyon.
  • Go to the community house, it is on top of the cliff on the right (this is the only house is not a tent type, the house will also be marked in your PIP-Boy).
    • Option 1 - Destruction of Khanan
      The player can attack Dad Khan in the house. Other inhabitants of the house will attack you. To accomplish this option you need to kill, at least 15 people from the gang Great Khans.
    • Option 2 - Perform the task "dad"
      Talk to Pope Khan in the main house, then talk to Ridges, who sits next to him. After talking to him, leave the building and go further from the building until the Ridge is caught up and again will not begin the conversation. He will tell you that if you help break all the connections of the Khanov with Caesar, they will help the NKR in the battle. But before starting to fulfill his request, talk to Cassandra Moore, because this task includes the murder of Pope Khan.
  • After you either killed dad, or completed the quest "Dad", return to Moore and inform her that you are doing with Khana. After the task, you will be offered two options for the following actions: to go to the final battle or figure it out first with all your affairs (do not worry, the battle will not begin without you). Further, she will send you to General Oliver if you have chosen to go on a battle, but if you decide not to go there, then perform the remaining side Quests. Ambassador to start battle You will no longer be able to perform them. Be careful.


This part of the task will lead you to Quest "How little we know."

Cassandra Moore will tell you about omech and will tell you to find out why this gang in lately behaved too quiet.


  • Secretary (Lisa O'Melli) In the NKR government, will send you to talk to the administrator of Gomorra Casino in the main hall of the building, and then with Kacino. After a conversation with him, the player must find information about Kacino to use against him in the future.
  • Magazine Kacino can be stealing from its own pocket using stealth battle, or if you have a high level of secrecy skill.
    • Also, his magazine can be taken from his written table in the personal room (search for homorra's personal apartments). The key from his room can be obtained from the administrator, paying 300 covers. No money? Use force as conviction (8 power points are required). You can also reduce the cost of bribes up to 200 covers (55 barter required).
  • As soon as you got the magazine, head to blackmail to the molding with the data from his magazine. He will tell you about the situation in Omert and will send to the top three or to Claden.


  • Talk to the top three and mention him about Kacino.
  • Be sure to help you figure out the mistakes.
    • If a player has a big eloquence skill, he can cast him to convince him to help you (from this to drop your karma). Troik will say that he cannot help you, because he has not paid a debt to the big Sal. Using 45 barter or 53 eloquence, you can convince it to let go of the top three.
      Another option is to go to the Large Sala office and hack there any terminal, or a safe.
  • Troik, ultimately, wants to blow up the warehouse of weapons of omens with the help of pre-prepared explosives.
    • With the help of 70 eloquence, you can persuade the top three to destroy the warehouse yourself, but it will be captured and will interrogate, he will tell everything and in the end it will be killed.
      Otherwise, Troik will give the player an incendiary mixture and asks to blow up the warehouse.
  • After you blew up the warehouse, return to the swing and tell us about what happened.

Bosses Omerta

  • The player will be reported that the bosses of omorra want to talk to him in Gomorra.
    • With the help of 80 crochetia, you can ask Kacino to settled questions with bosses yourself.
    • Otherwise, you will have to go to meet with bosses yourself. There you will be expected a small battle, where you have to protect yourself and swing, having only a clip with you.
      • Using eloquence, you can persuade the bosses not to kill you.
      • You can also convince the bosses to attack on each other with a lie using the same eloquence.
  • As soon as the problem is settled, come back to Colonel Moore.


  • By completing this task, you will lose the ability to perform the following tasks: "Behold Caesar's wrath!", "Caesar Kesarean", "Gaubitsa", "Caesar" S Hire "and" Caesar "s Favor". If you killed the leaders of omens during the passage of the quest "How little we know", then this can be avoided.
  • If you previously helped Omert with their plans, you will have to lie to Moore, saying that they had an attack on New Rino plans.
  • If you killed Kacino, then in this case it is impossible to go through this task with a positive outcome for your reputation on the stripe. There is an error associated with the disappearance of Nero. These actions prevent the murder of the leaders of omets and therefore to complete this task you just need to help Bolshaya Sal. This will lead to a decrease in the reputation on the stripe. You will also have to lie Moore about your actions.
    • You can avoid errors with the disappearance of nero by typing the following commands in the console: "setObjectiveCompleted 00136166 30 1" and "SetObjectiveDisplayed 00136166 35 1".
  • If a player just killed one of the leaders of omens, then the task "for the republic, part 2" will be completed and you will receive 275 experience points. Then it will be necessary to return to Moore and lie about the plans of omens (70 eloquences are required).
    Keep in mind because of your actions, members of the gang of omets will be hostile to you, as well as all workers in Gomorre will not talk with you, and just run away. However, good karma will be accrued for the murder of duvezes, and for killing ordinary casino employees - bad karma.

Mr. House

  • Colonel Moore will tell the player that she wants to remove Mr. Haus.
  • To do this, go to varnishes 38 and climb the elevator to the penthouse.
  • Use the terminal to be left of the house. This will open a secret door leading to the "heart" Mr. House. To hack this terminal you will need 75 science or VIP-card Lucky 38 (it can be found at Hentle in the Golf camp or at the Eich-end-Eich Tulz plant), or using a platinum chip). As soon as you hack the terminal, Securitrons will attack you. Further your actions will lead to loss of the opportunity to execute the quest "Casino always win."
  • Enter the opening room and activate the terminal near the elevator, it will open you access to the control center.
  • Activate the terminal in the control center and select "Print Camera" in it to display a hahus body capsule. Next, talk to him.
  • Return back to the terminal and select one of two options:
    1. To carry out the disinfection of the capsule (this will turn off the house, but will not kill it)
    2. Disable the life system (it kills Haus)
  • After you have decided, return to the Colonel Moore on the Hoover Dam. The player will receive 200 experience points and the reputation of the NKR. (Securities will no longer attack you if you go to Penthouse).

Brotherhood of Steel

  • Head to Hidden Valley Bunker in Hidden-Valey Locations.

Good reputation for fraternity steel

  • If the player has already had a relationship with the Brotherhood and fulfilled the task "in ignorance", then it is easy to agree on the Union of Brotherhood of Steel with NKR. Go to the elder McNamar and tell him that the NKR wants them to destroy. He will offer a truce with the NKR. Return to Colonel Moore and tell her that the Brotherhood offers a truce. This will allow you to finish this quest and start "You will feel approximation."
  • It is possible that you will not be able to talk to McNamara (something like something else will appear now the elder will not be able to talk to you, as it is too busy). This is solved as follows: Exit the bunker and wait about 3 days. After that, try talking to the elder again.
    • If it did not help, then use the Console command in the "set000e327c.lockdownlifted to 1" console, it will resume anew dialogue.
  • If Hardin has become an elder, it will not be possible to get a positive quest.
  • If you talk to the NKR near the brotherhood bunker, Moore will get angry and you will get a bad reputation for NKR for this task.

There was no connection with the fraternity of steel

If you have no connections with brotherhood before this task, then you will need to persuade the Ranger NKR not to approach the bunker or take with me Veronica in satellites.

If you wait until late at night near the bunker, then several paladins will come to you. You can steal the card to enter the bunker (at the same time karma should not fall). Enter the bunker using the card. And the guard will talk to you. He will ask you to hand over weapons. If you do not surrender your weapon, the fraternity will treat you hostile. However, if you use stealth battle before talking with guardian and also do not want to pass your weapons, you can get deep into the bunker without prejudice to your health. Further, go to level 2 and kill any scribe there and put on his clothes, then you can look like a scribe of fraternity (while the brotherhood reputation is neutral). The player can kill everyone in the bunker to assemble the cards to activate the bunker self-destruction.

Please note that some members of the fraternity having a high rank, for example, elders, recognize you regardless of whether you are dressed in scribe or not.

If Veronica is your satellite, then the brotherhood will not be hostile to you. Even if you are dressed as a NKR citizen.

If a player warns Ranger about the fraternity, then going to the bunker, the player will be killed.
If the NKR reputation is small you, then the Ranger does not want to talk to you and you will have to kill him on behalf of Harland.

Find a key card

As soon as you got the location of the brotherhood you can enter the bunker. As soon as you entered there. You will need to find 3 key cards in order to get a password to the functions of the bunker self-destruction or you can use 100 science to blow the bunker. You will need to enter the level 2 and there you will find Elder Makmaran, Paladina Harddin (or Paladin Ramos, depending on your choice) and scribe Lars Taggart. Elders make it easier to steal the key card, as he sits in his chair. Hardina can be found in one of the three bedrooms of the bunker, there it will stand or sit at his computer. Steal from him card. Next, go back to level 1 and go forward to the left corridor and go to the bunker self-destruct room, where you can find Taggart. You will need stealth battle to steal the key card. If you do not have a stealth battle, then you will have to wait until the girl in this room will not turn away or will not go away.

If the Cass is in your satellites, it will start talking to this girl, but you, in turn, can calmly steal the map.

Activation of the bunker self-destruction

Once you have received all the key cards, come back to the room where you found Taggart and get code in the terminal of the keys generator (green terminal), next to the terminal for self-destruction (blue terminal). Next, use the resulting code to activate the bunker self-destruction. After that you will become an enemy of fraternity. Be sure to stop the hopper from the guard of the elder the key so that you can leave the bunker. If you do not steal the key, then you will have to break the bunker door (100 hacking is required). Now, turn on self-destruction and head to level 1.

As soon as you leave the bunker, it will explode, and it is possible that the members of the brotherhood will be waiting for you near the bunker before you return to Moore.

Alternative option: You can easily pass the quest if you just kill everyone inside the bunker. You can only kill the main members of the brotherhood of steel and the quest will still be considered performed.

Protecting President Kimbol

Moore will ask you to talk to the Ranger Grant about the protection of Cymbol, during his visit to the Hoover Dam. So the quest will start "You will feel approximation." Return to the Colonel Moore and tell her that you are ready to fight for the NKR.

Your actions are as follows:

  1. Climb into a pocket to a suspicious character that has recently entered this location, and there you will see a fault tolerant explosive device. Take it and give it a grant. After that, the grant will say that his Rangers will figure it out with him, but as soon as they fit to him, he will kill one of the Rangers, thereby causing a panic. (if you talk to a grant, then he can give you full access To the dam, but for this you must be a NKR mud. This access will allow you to go to the helipad and use your weapons on the dam area). If you leave this suspiciously person at the time of the grant, then the Sniper of the Legion will kill the Ranger on the first tower [the first president] and will try to kill the president. Kill him and say a grant on the walkiewing about the attempted president. He will cancel the performance. If the president is currently evacuated, a member of the Legion will attack him, under the guise of an engineer. It needs to be killed before he reaches the president, as he can kill him from one blow.
  2. Close to the helicopter platform and wait for the arrival of the presidential coil. An engineer will appear and mines the screws. Interact with the screw and select "View" to find a bomb. Need a bomb, or make a detonator from the engineer's pocket. Run down and report grant. He will interrupt the speech of the president, wakes up and gets in the ranger. After that, the president rushes to the coalcast and flies. This will complete the quest.
  3. Talk to the mysterious engineer and it will immediately become hostile. Kill him.
  4. If Rex is your satellite, go to the roof. You will see the technique next to the door on the stairs. Speak with him and select the option associated with Rex. After invite him to go with you. The technician will be hostile and you can kill it without loss of reputation (or allow Ranger to kill it). Remove the alarm detonator from the body and come back to the grant. Quest is fulfilled. In addition, if you have perk "friend of animals (1)," you can take with you to help several NKR dogs located next to the dam.

There will be three different attempts at the attempt:

  1. Sniper, dressed as the Ranger NKR will appear on the watchdog tower behind the stage constructed to utter speech.
  2. The engineer will establish a bomb on the presidential coils.
  3. The legion soldier, dressed as an engineer rushes to the president and tries to hit him with a knife.

If you want to perform an additional goal - check security, you need to find two things:

  • Blood stain in the road, which is at the far end of the lobby of the information center (perception is required 6).
    • Note: (Additionally) Talk to Alison Valentine (it is at the top level of the information center) She will talk about the engineer whose blood is flooded, but in principle there is no need
  • Recently implemented unauthorized access to the computer terminal in the information center (science 50 is required). Take in the cabinet room the overalls of the NKR engineer. Now you can tell Ranger Grant that you are ready. You can also talk to the Nkrovka outside. He can provide you with a dog to verify security if you have the ability of a friend of animals, but will refuse you if you are accompanied by Rex.

If you got a quest from Yes-Mena or Mr. Hower, you will not be allowed to the roof of the information center, where the presidential coils land, if you are not idol in the NKR. You can also access if you are disguised under the Nkrovka (here it is just useful to the overalls of the NKR engineer from the office space) or with the help of eloquence 55. If you can get to the roof and you have an explosive skill or repair at least 50, you can neutralize bomb. Wait for the Wincast and the president will leave it, after which the "activate" the coils, and you will receive a message offering it for a bomb. Another way to neutralize a bomb, search engineers' pockets until you find a person with a detonator. (You can climb the ladder to the platform. If you set next to the grant and look at the platform, the staircase will be on the left side confirmed on PC and PS3 only for neutral clothes.)

You have neutralized a bomb or not, you need to stop the killer on the watchdog. You will see how he resets a real guard from the tower and takes his place (it is pretty a noticeable scripted event that happens if you are not on this tower when the killer appears - in this case, it will immediately attack on you and on this sniper). Destroy the killer. You can neutralize a bomb and in time to have a tower on time, but this is not the most reliable method. The easiest thing is to neutralize the bomb and then run to a large anti-aircraft gun (but do not rise to the layout, otherwise everyone will be hostile to you). When you see the ranger, falling from the tower, know - it's time to eliminate the killer, using your favorite weapon. If you are a good sniper, you can destroy the killer directly from the structure, the roof of which the coils sits down. (Note) If Rex is your companion, it can determine the legionnaire in the engineers group. After you talk to the engineer (you can only talk with one of them), he will be hostile, after which it is possible to eliminate it or give Ranger to make this work for you.

Another variant: After you figure it out with a sniper, clean the Legionnaire's pockets, disguised as an engineer and take a spare emergency detonator. Take it to Ranger Granta, which will cause the stage in which the Rangers intercept the Legioneer at the time when the president escapes.

The simplest way to deal with sniper does not require any fighting skills, leave the place where you need to deal with the engineer also do not need. Just pick up the tower before taking the quest and put the explosive of the C-4 in front of the table. She will lie there and then when the quest starts. Need a bomb on the rollers and look at the tower when the president starts to pronounce. You will see how the killer kills Ranger and throws his body through the railing. Take out the detonator and Bach! You will see the explosion and the killer will be destroyed.

Another way to complete the mission is to go straight on the sightseeing platform and talk to Ranger Grant. Close to the helicopter platform and wait for the arrival of the presidential coil. An engineer will appear and mines the screws. Interact with the screw and select "View" to find a bomb. Need a bomb or make a detonator from the engineer's pocket. Run down and report grant. He will interrupt the speech of the president, wakes up and gets in the ranger. After that, the president rushes to the coalcast and flies. This is the easiest way to get battle armor Rangers NKR. (Note: If you want to rise to the platform and remove the armor from the Body of the Ranger before the presidential coils will fly away, they will have to use stealth battle, otherwise the Rangers on the platform will become hostile.)

The alternative method of fulfilling the quest is not to neutralize the bomb - (it is necessary for example, in the case when your appearance on the roof of the information center makes the NKR hostile or if you have an insufficient level of explosives or repair) and wait at the top of the watchdog in which the killer should appear on top of the watchtown. Destroy the killer when it appears from the hatch in the corner, and then use the radio station on the table to contact the grant. If you let him know about trying to attempt, he will interrupt and examine the territory again, as a result, the bomb will be found and neutralized. After you have radiated the grant, go back to the platform and see the engineers, one of which rushes to the president. Kill him when he does it. President saved.

If Rex is your companion at the time of taking a quest, there is another alternative. Talk to Ranger Grant and tell me that you need full access on the territory. This will allow you to freely get to the roof of the information center after passing one or two bivalve doors leading to the dam. After you find yourself outside, tell me a grant about what finished checking, and go to the roof. You will see the technique next to the door on the stairs. Speak with him and select the option associated with Rex. After invite him to go with you. The technician will be hostile and you can kill it without loss of reputation (or allow Ranger to kill it). Remove the alarm detonator from the body and come back to the grant. Quest is fulfilled.

In the simplest alternative method, the fact that engineers do not have cannons with themselves, it is also required that you should wear the engineer's overalls from the technical room. First, make a detonator at a false engineer on the landing site. When the rollers landed - catch up the weapons and the Rangers will be hostile to you. Remove the weapon and they will again become non-aggressive, and the presidential coilry will fly away, without landing anyone, the quest is completed.


Survey the territory in search of evidence.

  • On the second floor of the information center, you can talk to Ellison Valentin, who is looking for his friend-engineer who is late for the speech of the president. From him left blood stain in the office of the information center.
  • Survey (perception of 6) blood stain on the floor in the surgery of the information center.
  • Hack the terminal in the information center and find the ID of unauthorized access (serge. Makovich)

If Boon is among your satellites when you rise to the ramp outside the center to Ranger Grant, he will say something about what he chose a position for shooting at the site of a sniper. He will point you three points - the ridge of the hill to the left of the road, the tower behind the stage and the roof of the information center. What about the last two he will not be mistaken.

To get a maximum and take a hunter carabiner or a 12.7-mm gun, as well as armor / Ranger helmet, take advantage the following instructions. First, rise to the landing site, steal the detonator and detect the bomb. Then use binoculars to see how the Ranger will relieve from the sniper platform. As soon as it happened, Ranger Grant say that they found a bomb on the rollers, after which the Ranger on the platform will receive a bullet in the head. Use Stelsbo to steal Ranger's jams and head to sniper tips. By climbing up. You must find the new-promoted Sniper of the Legion, and also on top (although it can fall down) the side wall will be lying to the first Ranger carbine.

  • Another way to speak with the desired engineer is a spy - to watch as one of them applauds during the speech of the president. The killer does not applaud the award of ordinary Watkins.
  • If you find yourself on the hydroper plant before it landed, you can watch how the engineer installs the bomb immediately after landing. The same engineer will later join the crowd listening to a speech (do not forget about sniper until you watch him) that you are clear who from the engineers is the Legion agent.
  • If you killed a sniper on the tower and reported on the radio, there will be an option "everything is fine here, thanks. And how are you?" This is a reference to the scene from " Star Wars: New Hope".
  • If you choose the murderer's weapon with a shot (aiming in Vats), Rangers NKR will shoot a killer, but will be hostile to you and will attack until the president flies (this is a good chance to take a veteran combat armor), the mission will not be Failed, you only first lose a reputation in the NKR, but later it will improve after the President survives.
  • If, as a result of your actions, the NKR Sheep will be hostile to you during the fulfillment of the quest, it will be failed, however, based on the dialogue with Mr. House, the murder will still be prevented, since the same will be interrupted due to the noise raised by you.
  • The killer with a detonator is the only engineer who utters the phrase "Don't you mind?"
  • In this last part, it will be discussed about the plot quests of the NKR and side-related associated with them.


    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    The center of New Vegas, managed by mysterious Mr. House and three major families owning a casino. Not everyone can get on the strip, it is necessary to prove its solvency (2000 lids) or have a passport of a citizen of the republic (you can buy in "Mickey and Ralph"). But especially smart inhabitants of the wasteland (science) can "hack" securitrons and make them skip them inside.

    "Call", "Casino always in winning I"

    As soon as you get to the strip, Victor will meet you and asked to go to the "Lucky 38" to meet with the boss. The mysterious Mr. Nobody-no-house is actually an eccentric pre-war millionaire, who seeing the inevitability of the nuclear holocaust, has invested all his state in the defense of Vegas, and "presserved" himself, and began to manage Vegas through the Securitron network.

    Mr. House will ask to bring the chip to him. Boldly agree to this, having previously trapped the increased remuneration for work. Benni's chip is now, so in addition to moral satisfaction from revenge, we will be survived. At the exit from "Lucky 38" to us will run up the Messenger NKR and asked to go to a representative for a conversation with the Crocker's ambassador.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    Benny member of the chairperson, and it, so to speak, headquarters to be in the "Tops" casino. At the entrance, we will take off all weapons, except hidden, so the frontal attack will end in death (you can certainly not give up, but then there will be a whole casino). It is best to convince Benny to talk to you alone in a separate room. As soon as he agrees, we run into the number ahead of him and, hacking a wall safe, take a weapon from there.

    Crashing with him, take a chip to House and get a continuation of the task "Casino always in win II" . House sends us to the Legion camp on the audience with Caesar. But the audience is just a cover, House wants that we would activate the army of secretons in the bunker under the old meteorological station. Go to Cotonwood, from where the ferry will be delivered to the Legion camp. Caesar expects us with the task to destroy the bunker with sechticrons. We also agree and go to the room behind the throne and take away from the table from the table to the book of slaves. We go down to the bunker, activate the army of robots and go back to Caesar. That all 100 is confident that we fulfilled his task, and gives us a reward. Just house will also be generous and gives the lids. Now you can go to the ambassador.


    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    The quest is issued by the ambassador of a crocker (the embassy itself is at the most distant end of the strip). The battle for the dam is coming, and the NKR wants to enlist the support of the bombers. But the whole problem is that they do not miss anyone to themselves. All who tried to go to them were met by the fire of Gaubitz. We go on the way to the airbase to the entrance to the gorge. On the way there should be a certain George. He will advise turn back. You can argue with him that we will be able to go to bombers (he will give us a passage scheme).

    I, for example, rested to this wall, and wrapping the shelling moved to the entrance, without any damage to health.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    At the entrance, we will not meet too friendly and send to the elder. And this is what coincidence, but we again the very necessary person from the side. Elder Pearl is concerned about the future of his people. From the moment the bombers settled on the air base, they did not communicate with the outside world, and most of them perceive the inhabitants of the emptiness evil savages, which are suitable only as targets. We must conquer good glory among them, convincing them in such a way that you can cooperate with "savages". To begin with, you can go to the museum of the history of the bombers (on the shelf next to the mural there is a snow ball), and after listening to the lecture convince the guide in our sincere admiration of the culture of bombers. Then you can go to the medical corps, and cure injured bombers (medicine to 60). Also on the basis of children run, conversations with some of them can raise a reputation. And one girl will ask to find a teddy bear (the Vededyman lies between big bright boxes in the hangar with an airplane). The same reputation will raise the following quests.

    "Bad Ants"

    Raquel is issued (I met us after shelling). It is necessary to kill all ants in the generator. Not difficult.

    "Young hearts"

    Jack (Local Kulibin), in love with a girl from a red caravan. True, he saw her only in binoculars, and he does not know whether she would replicate him. In addition to eloquence, there is nothing more.

    "Boogie Woogie"

    Repair solar panels at the request of the Adept. If the repair is not developed (40), go to "Helios" and collect spare parts there.

    "Into the sky!"

    The last task of the bombers will be the fulfillment of their cherished dreams. Adept will tell you about the bombarder who fell into the lake shortly before the war. He plans to raise it and restore with the help of spare parts from the museum. But since none of the bombers left the territory of the airbase for many years, it should be done. Before you go to attach the pontoons to the plane, talk about the breathing mask with Jack. We go to the lake, dive and install two pontoons under the wings of the aircraft. Having selected ashore, we use the activator and go to the elder for gratitude.

    "Royal Gambit"

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    When things with bombers are settled, the ambassador will ask you to negotiate with the kings. If you have enlisted the support of the king, then he will simply agree to try everything to solve the world. Otherwise, the conversation with the king will be not successful. In this case, we go to the Colonel Shu to McCaran, and tell about the situation on Friside. He will allocate us in a soldier to support and will send back to the king with the "persistent" proposal of cooperation. We convince him for this step. As soon as the king agrees to this, the pector will begin to resent and attack you and soldiers. Kill him and come back to the ambassador. The crocker thanks us and send to the Hoover Dam to Colonel Kaseandre Moore.

    "For the Republic"

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    We go on a dam (on the front of the administration there is a snow ball) and we get a task to go to the Great Khans and stop the attempts of Legion Caesar to lure them to your side. It is best to solve everything diplomatic. The head of the Khanov is dad. We speak with him, and after an unsuccessful attempt to dissuade him, come out of the house where Regis will be waiting for us. He will express his fear about the Union with the Legion, and will advise to dissuade the dad. What would this do this, you need to provide the Registry of the register of slaves (the one who lies on the table in the Caesar tent). Also the eloquence convince Jack and Dien ( Chemical laboratory Khanov) and Melissa. Mellis to convince easily, but it's not easy to pass, since her group fell in a career of complete claws of death. It is better to make it to them from 19 refuge. By the way, I advise you to look at it and get a quest "Why don't we be friends?" (affects the ending), but before this make yourself a demolition.

    As soon as the "signatures" are collected, we go to the house of the Pope and get rid of Karl, compromising it with eloquence or showing his diary (lies in the chest of Charles). Dad agrees to break the union and it remains to convince him to go with the tribe somewhere away.

    As a variant of the passage of this quest - we kill at night in a quiet dad in his rest (Perk Sandy man, pomegranate in pants).

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    The next task of Kasendra, there will be a omerto family. Colonel suspects them in a conspiracy with the Legion. We go to the "Homor" and asking the administrator about the gossip, talking by eloquence (if you spoke with Yesh-men about families, you can refer to Benny). She will advise talk about business with Kacino. He completely refuses to talk to us. Cradle diary from his pocket, and begin to blackmail it. He splits and report that the bosses of omets started a major thing and send us to the two of their assistants. We immediately go to the top three and convince him eloquence to help us. If there is little eloquence, then ask the troika about his contract with the omit, under what circumstances he got to them. It turns out that Omerta pressed his case about the murder of a prostitute, but the circumstances of the murder seem suspicious to us. We go to the bosses rooms and we wake a wall safe with a record that Troika faced.

    After that, Troik will tell us about the Omert's plan to kill everyone on the street when the battle for the dam will begin. Omert he was needed to deliver weapons on the strip. Troik will offer to destroy the warehouse in the basement with the help of termita, you can persuade it to do it yourself, but it is better to go down to the warehouse personally and pick up there sniper rifle.

    Having learned that the warehouse was destroyed by someone, bosses entrust to find and bring the saboteur Kachin. He tells us about it and offers to kill us bosses. We persite him to help us and go together into the office. Two glasses of omens decide to first find out for whom we work. We convince our eloquence that one of them betrayed the other, and when they attack each other - we apply a decisive blow.

    Before returning to the Colonel Moore, we look at Mickey and Ralph and told them about the Omert we get a Pimper in the award.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    Upon learning that she was finished, Colonel would order us to kill Mr. Haws. We ride into the Penthouse "Lucky 38", open a hidden passage with the feling side terminal from Mr. Hawus. Go down on the elevator and with the help of another terminal we carry out "shockery" to the fact that once was a man.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    We go to the colonel again, and we get the task to get rid of the brotherhood of steel. Their bunker is in Hiden-led. If you were still there, then you don't take Veronika as a companion - it can just disappear. Go there it is better at night, then we will be waiting at the entrance and do not have to crack the door. We will be cast to the elder who wants to make sure that you can trust. He will ask us to drive out the Ranger from the neighboring bunker. We go upstairs, and convince the fact that in these bunkers often seen demolitions and then no matter how safely it. After that, the elder McKnamar will give us the quest "in ignorance." The bunker can also bring Veronica in Quest "Solid Cares", but there is a chance of hanging a quest.

    "In ignorance"

    The elder McKnamar asks us to find missing patrols of fraternity. Patrol in the headquarters of Rasponn was in the previous post, the remaining two are relatively easy. During the searches of the detachment, not far from the Black Mountain, the Nill Supermutant will come to you, it will advise to get out of here. If you talk it, then you can get the quest "Madness."

    The next item needs to find scouts. And at the end they will go to search for filters for air cleaners. One of them is in the cabinets of the edible shelter 22 (you can only go there through the caves of the fifth level). The second in the technical premises of the shelter 3 (where the motorcycle row is sitting). And the third to the shelter 11. When you bring all the details, the elder thanks us. We inform him that the NKR wants to get rid of Brattsva. McCarnamara will offer us to speak ambassador, and conclude a truce between Brotherhood and NKR.

    On a note:

    In no case do not help Paladina Hardina, otherwise if he becomes an elder, to agree on the truce fail.

    You can also ask McKnamar to take yourself in the brotherhood. He agree, but with the condition if we install radio fairs on the black grief. Let's go there and clean the way to the mountain from supermutants. Once at the tops are heading to the utility rooms, and with Ronda's robot (science). Tabita (Supermutant, the culprit of all madness) will thank us and not becoming, will give the key from the warehouse. In the chamber of the neighboring room, you can find the Guly of Mexican named Raul, which can be our satellite (password to the terminal from the door in his electronic diary). The key to the room of the radio sound under the stairs. We establish radio fairs and return for a set of power armor.

    "You will feel the approach"

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    President Kimball is going to arrive at the dam to raise the combat spirit of soldiers. We must ensure its safety. We go to the head of the Rangers responsible for the protection of the president and ask him to give us full access to all the premises. After that, we speak with a girl in the reception and learn that her boyfriend engineer did not come to her. We go to the Ranger and we report on full readiness for the visit, after which we ride on the tower and neutralize the bomb installed on the coils. Let's go down and stealing from the "engineer" a spare detonator and take it to Ranger Grant. He will order to turn the speech and the president will be safely evacuated on the rollers. During the flight of the president, the Sniper Legion will try to kill him, but missed and gets into one of the Rangers. From his body you can choose a suit and 12.7mm gun. Sniur can also try to neutralize in advance, for example, climbing the guard tower during the speech of the president.


    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    "For the republic!" - Passage of the game on the side of the NKR. Part of the fourth and last.

    Final quest games for NKR. Before proceeding with him, I advise you to enlist the support of the former enclave members, fulfilling the Personal Quest of Arkeida Gennon.

    Legion attacks the dam and it is entrusted to knock him out from the dam and break the legate camp. The task can greatly relieve eloquence and science. To begin with, reactivate the turbine from the terminal (science 60) in the premises of the dam, to flood the tunnels on which the legion troops are made through. Further ride to the top of the dam and simply go towards the camp (we must at least be supported by the bombers, the brotherhood of steel, black Rangers and old people from the enclave). Reaching the camp is coming to the controversy with the legate and with eloquence of 80 convince him to go to the battle one on one. If eloquence is 100, then you can convince him to surrender without a fight.

    The game will be passed, it remains to be preserved comfortable and see the final titles about the fate of the heroes and cities.

    Thanks for attention. I hope my tips were not superfluous and helped in passing.

    "Punch on the head", "again in the saddle", "by the fire". I do not see sense to tell about the beginning of the game, as it was shown the incurred number of times. The only thing that I can advise is to look into the school building and hack a safe in which a lot of things are tasty, including a crawler shotgun. Also a little utility is in the house of Victor and mailboxes.

    "Shooting in the Ghost City". After Sunny finishes your training, she will advise you to go to work, the owner of Salun "prosperity". Entering the Salon, we will find her conversation with one of the members of the gang of demolitions. From their conversation it becomes clear that the bandits want them to give them a caravanger who escaped them. Talking to the owner, we have to make a decision: to issue a caravanger (bad glory to Gudspings) or help a fugitive (graters with demolitions). I chose a second option, as it is much more interesting and plusing in karma with a discount in local stores. Before leaving Salun, ask the works of Khanakh, in conversation she should mention that one of them would accidentally deal with her radio, and she will generously pay the one who will return it to the working condition. The radio stands on the shelves behind the counter, and for its repair it is necessary to repair 20.

    We receive the promised money (with a developed barter you can bargain) and go to the Poshödon gas station, located there in the Gudspings. We find the rhingo caravanna (it can be asked to teach him to play "Caravan") and offer him his help. Ringo agrees that demolitions need to repulse, but insists that the GG has enlisted Sunny Smilets support. Sunny Smiless will not have to persuade, she will immediately agree to help and indicate another few people who can also support you in the battle with demolitions. Contact them all optionally, but useful. The first is Dr. Mitchell, who gives you to medicines (you can also step up in his house and get a couple of poems and a 9mm machine gun (lies with the table, in the room where the GH was treated, repair skill).

    Next is a merchant Cheto. If Barter's skill 25, then even agree to give armor and weapons. Score Pete with a developed explosive extract dynamite. And finally, labor. You can persuade it if eloquence is developed or secrecy (both 25). If there are not enough glasses from some kind of skills, use the logs. Having finished with diplomacy, we return to the ringo and inform about readiness, and how suddenly the demolitions suddenly attack. After the fight, we examine the body of demolitions and take their uniform that is useful in the future.
    In little things:

    • Not far from the fire on which Sunny trained us, you can meet a person who begs to save his girl from Hacon's paws. As soon as you detect the path to the top, where it is presumably pulled it, passing will run away to you and, saying that he pissed you, will attack.
    • On a cemetery on one of the graves is a snow ball.
    • All things in Gudspons are settled, you can safely leave it. As soon as the GG comes out for the territory allotted under "training", we will be offered to revise the characteristics and peppers for the last time. We agree or change and forward to the wasteland. Next stop - Primam.

    Part 2: Primm

    American slides, symbol of the city, you can immediately see as soon as you leave Gudspings on the motorway. It is better to get to the city through it, fewer problems with aggressive grains.

    At the entrance to the city we will be met by NKR soldiers and tell about demolitions who captured him. From the road to Primima, you can get along the dilapidated bridge, which is mined by three anti-personnel mines. In the city itself, we are waiting for a bunch of gangsters, easily destroyed by a 9mm pistol. I advise you to look into the sheriff's hut (on the left side of the bridge) and the Bureau of "Mohav Express" and take everything that I liked the owners yet. After that, we boldly go to the Vicky and Vance casino. The locals diluted in it and ask you (in the face of Johnson Nash, head of the local Mohav expression) to help get rid of the bandits until they have accumulated forces for assault, and save the Sheriff's assistant. Bandits are located in the hotel "Bizon Steve" directly opposite the casino. In the hotel itself two floors.

    Immediately after the entrance, the right door will be left at the rack with a bunch of utility. And on the second floor there is a rided cabinet with a weapon, the key to which is located at one of the bandits. The sheriff is sitting related in the kitchen (first floor). Saved Sheriff's assistant will tell us where the great khans went, and asked to find a new sheriff for the city.

    "The city I like". We need to find a council of the law for a promise. The new government in the city can be either NKR, or one of the former sheriffs, whom the NKR for some kind of political reasons was borneling in a correctional institution. Also, on the execution of sheriff's responsibilities, you can reprogram the robotron in the casino (science 30). The choice will affect the ending. When passing, I chose the NKR. To do this, it is necessary to talk to Lieutenant Hase (a tent camp in front of the city). He will refuse, referring to the lack of fighters, and will send for reinforcements to the Mojava checkpoint. We go there, persuading Major to give a soldier (Barter's skill will be required). We return to the lieutenant and report on success.

    From small things:

    • The casino has a robotron guide that can tell you the history of the criminal couple of Vicky and Vance, and in particular about the gun-machine gun Went. We approach the shop window, we look at it and, finding the absence of weapons, we report to the robotron. With developed science, we find out that the robot was reprogrammed, and the machine gun was kidnapped by a modern couple of followers of their business. You can find them in a hut approximately in the area.
    • The Express Bureau lies Robbobrz Ed-Eh, which you can repair and make your companion (science 55 and repair 65, or instead of repairing 2 sensor and 2 conductor, electronics waste).
    • As soon as you finish all the tasks in the form, I advise you to go to a correctional institution or the "Mojave" checkpoint.

    Part 3: "Mojave" checkpoint

    "Show sympathy." Rider Jackson at the Avantpostu Mojave asks to clear the road so that the caravans could move freely. It is necessary to destroy several giant ants on the destroyed Highwee near the dried lake. Award - Combat rifle, 70 ammunition cartridges 5,56, 2 crawler breakfast, 100 covers and 2 repair set of gunsmith, as well as plus in a reputation in the NKR and 200 oo .

    "In pursuit of the prize." Ranger Ghost, which can be found on the roof of one of the buildings of the advancement, asks to find out what is happening in Nipton. We go there, immediately at the entrance to the city we encounter Oliver Syanik, the winner of the lottery, which mischievous something bad. Moving further, go to the store and meet a commodity that says that Nipton is captured by the Legion, residents of the city, as well as demolitions, settled here, are interrupted. You can return to the cashpost and pass the quest already at this stage, but you can walk to the Town Hall and talk with the Vulpes of the Inculta, the Legion Frumentation, which will tell more details and give your quest. Perform it or not, as well as to leave Vulpes alive, - entirely at the discretion of the player.

    Award for the fulfillment of the quest is modest: 100 oo and a small increase in the reputation in the NKR.

    Of the interesting things: having the skill "convinced bachelor", you can persuade Major Knight on the Avantposta Mojave free to repair all your things. At the same time, its repair skill is openly reduced to 30. Correctional NKR institution.

    "Correction Path" Before going to this location, let's get into a dispeccable suit so that members of the faction do not attack you. The guard at the entrance will say that you are not "local", since everyone who sit here he knows. Paying him hundreds of lids, we go to the territory of the institution and head to the administrative building to talk to Eddie, the local head of demolitions. He will give a couple of unpretentious quests to experience our loyalty.

    After them we will get the task: to find out about the NKR plans for prison. They should ask Johnson Nash in a form. He will tell that the troops are going to storm in prison. We have two options for the task. We can help demolitions, causing an anger of the NKR (temporarily), but to get an endless source of powder for the manufacture of cartridges. Or, on the contrary, destroy the demolitions, receiving the gratitude of the NKR for the service. Depending on the selected option, the ending of the game will change.
    In little things:

    • When the slaughterhouse subsides in the colony, inspect the Body Eddie, take the plasma gun and the keys to the repository on the second floor of the administrative building, do not forget to clean the safe in his office.

    Part 4: Nipton

    New city - new problems. Already at a good tradition, at the entrance we are met by bread and salt - the next chatty NPC is waiting, fortunately, this time, just a fucking demolution, screaming about some kind of lottery. Meanwhile, in the city "Dead with Kososhi stand." The reason for this mass execution was the advanced detachment of the Legion led by some vulpes. Talking to him, you can learn about the details of what happened and get not big Quest "Brutal Hearts."

    In the nipton universal store sits another quest. This is a demolition, who killed legionnaires. He can give the quest "Marathon" to save captive demolitions.

    By little things:

    • I advise you to dig in the local town hall. On the first and third floor behind castles there are warehouses of ammunition. Carefully, in the building is full of dogs of the Legion.

    Part 5: Novak

    Arriving in this quite a cozy city (received its name on a broken sign NO Vacancy with a dinosaur), we begin to ask local residents about what is happening around, including our stranger in the checkered costume. It is best to ask the local psycho chairlis, as his answers cause a minimum smile to ears. It turns out that the stranger went to the observation platform inside the dinosaur and did the sniper about something? on duty there.

    Manny Vargas, the same sniper confirms that he met with our failed killer, and agrees to us to tell us about his plans if we are visiting the Repfonna complex and evicted all the gulles from there that prevent prospectors. Manney can also be simply persuaded by eloquence. Additionally, it is possible to learn about the other sniper Bun, on duty at night.

    Boon can be our companion. To do this, it is necessary to agree to help him find those responsible for the abduction of his wife. We ask local residents about the history of Buna's wife and learn from the chalk about the strange people who came to the Hall of Dinolait.

    We go there, we take out the outdoor safe and remove the legion of the Buna on the Light of God to the Light of God. From the Treaty it follows that the old CROFORD is seen in this. We wake it up and ask to go to the dinosaur under the pretext to look at something. Rock up next to her and put on red takes (will remain after the task, and IMHO one of the best hats: + 5% chance of Crete. Attacks, + 1 VSP), obtained from sniper, thereby feeding size sign. We return to Snieper and report to him about our decision. Now it can be persuaded to go with me.


    • The village also has her chupacabra that comes at night and shoots the brands of local farmers. You can meet it at night about midnight. Or during the day here is behind the stone.
    • The hotel's rooms you can find Bruce Isaac, singer from New Renault, familiar through the past series. Daisy Wheatman lives there, the former pylon of the coils.
    • "71 departure and only one lost car. Engine stalls over the clamp. "
    • The former Ranger NKR lives in a house next to the hotel. If you pick up the old man and fulfill his request, find out about the fate of the Rangers from the post "Charlie", then you can learn from him a special seizure of the Rangers.

    Part 6: Reponn

    "Let's fly"

    We go to the main complex of Porponn. Entering the building, answer the voice from the intercom. We go according to the directions upstairs, faster through the right side of the premises. At the top of the plant, we meet the community of religious guli, the leader of which asks to help them make a "great pilgrimage to glowing gave them." To do this, it is necessary to destroy the monsters from the basement that threw the preparation for pilgrimage. We get the key from the basement of the complex and go there. There are several ways to pass. The first is simply wet and destroy all the supermutants of the shadows. Second: We go into the room indicated on the map, we speak with another psychroom supermutant, and learn from him about the Party Stelmsboeyev, for which he came with his friends. We agree to help.

    We go to the room, where the invoicing on them is allegedly lies, and we celebrate the Guly, hiding there from the shadows. Here, too, two options: you can simply kill it and pick up the invoice without unnecessary torment, or agree to find it a girlfriend, and then he will leave the room itself by opening access to the terminal. The girlfriend was dragged to the supermutants, and her body lies in the depths of the basement. It is necessary to get to it secretly, otherwise the shadows will attack on the GG. We give an invoice mutant and, as soon as the mutants leave the basement, return to Bright and report that everything is clean. He proposes to meet again in the basement. Having found it, we get a task: talk to Chris (scholars from the asylum, who consider himself a humm) and tell him the truth, convince him that he is still a person, and dissuade the revenge of the guys (or not dissolve). Next Quest of Lineen and difficulty does not represent. Do not forget before the start, adjust the trajectory of rockets on the remote on the starting area. Also in the basements you can find the costume of the cosmonaut - +40 protection against radiation and a stylish appearance.

    Part 7: Boulder City

    Last stop in front of New Vegas. Just one quest. It is necessary to help the NKR to deal with the great khans that took captivity of several fighters. It is best to solve it peacefully through eloquence (plus in relations and with the NKR and with Khan). In extreme cases, you can paint through a black move, and then in circumstances. The conflict in Boulder City is allowed, the identity of the unfortunate killer is set - it's time to visit it. True there is one "but". Benny is hidden on the territory of Streap, and not so simple to get there. Therefore, we will not be hurry, and it is better to catch the vicinity of Vegas, and we will help the inhabitants of the wasteland (of course, not free of charge). Before Friside (slum area around the strip), as an option, you can get the route described below:

    Part 8: Shopping post 188

    First of all, I propose to head here. In the post you will meet the girl, Veronica, which is a scribe of fraternity. She herself will ascend to us in satellites. Below the group of gunsmiths is crowded, with a developed to medium weapons, you can persuade his goods to show it. Also there, under the bridge sits a torn boy with a strange metal device on his head. He calls himself a predictor and may think about the future for a small amount (hello to the first Fallout'u with his fortune on the maps).

    Part 9: Staff Apartment Repfonn

    In the next turn I recommend to look at the headquarters of the apartment Rasponn and get there Q-35 modulator, the prototype of an improved plasma rifle. The prototype itself is in the storage on the first floor. To get there, you need to somehow figure out the security robots of the complex. You can hack the terminal in the post of protection, but the easiest way to get an employee ID card. To do this, it is necessary to agree on a tour offered by Mr. Assistant (standing in the reception). I recommend listening to the whole tour, as it's just interesting. And when it comes to the planetarium, it will be necessary to go to the second floor.

    The map lies on the instrument panel next to the skeleton, not to notice it difficult. We take it and go to the forbidden zone, Mr. The worker will react with a welcome speech on your appearance and will miss the complex. In the road, which is behind the counter, there is a decent plasma weapon supply and charges to it. The repository itself is closed by a password and the level of the level "Clear". Even if you can hack it, do not rush to leave the complex. Go to the third floor and take a report from the bodies of the brotherhood of steel. The storage has an alternative. We rise to the second floor, go to the left, to the terminals of the employees and, hacking them, add their image to the database.

    Also there, in the next room, print a card-tolerance on the third floor. In the center of the floor there should be two rooms behind the locked doors. For one of them, another extract with medicines. For the second terminal with a prototype data and a bit of ammunition. Not far from them should be another blue door for the first floor leading to the room above the repository. We go into it, jump in the hole in the floor and taking the prototype, as well as ammunition and the textbook on the energy building (lying on the safe). We do not forget to take a report from the bodies of paladins (it will be useful in the future). On the third floor you can get two ways. In the first case, you will stop the robot and ask you to call the password. If you succeed, 7 Gg cries the "ice cream!" And it will be able to wander without any problems. Otherwise, security robots will be included. The second option is to use another door and, hacking the security terminal "Clearing", disable security systems.

    Part 10: Helios

    Solar power plant with skeleton in the closet. Look at it will also be useful.

    "Solar glare"

    We go to long-distance power plants. The room must be a friction in sunglasses and a follower. First, it is better to talk to Friton, it will offer to establish power supply and give a password from one of the terminals. Then asking the follower about the project Archimed and convince him that we want to distribute energy, as Friton advised us. It will give a password from another terminal. We go to the courtyard and restore the connection on the terminals. After their activation, we go to the station tower. Immediately after the entrance we will be waiting for rental. You can run into the room opposite (carefully, mines!) And, hacking the terminal, turn them off. After that, descend down and we wake a safe with pulsed grenades and mines.

    We return back and go deep into the premises. We destroy protectons (take scrap metal from one of them) and ride on the elevator. We reserve the generator (repair 35 and 1 scrap) by redistributing power supply to the archimedes, we go to the viewing platform and regulate the reflectors (from 9 to 3 days). Uber-weapons are ready for battle. The guidance module can be found at the Max Boys (Oriental Gate). We persuade it to sell you with the help of barter for 20 covers (or you have to buy for 1000) or steal at night.

    Part 11: Business Park "Aeroch"

    On the way to the city I propose to make a small hook and look into the business park "AeroTeh". On its territory there is a refugee camp saving from the Legion. Captain Parker will ask you to find the recently missing father with my daughter and settle things with whale, drug dealers and Shuler in one person. China can be removed on clean water with eloquence or barter.


    The quest is mainly in Westside. Go there and talk about missing with Saint James. It will be clear from his words that he is involved in this, but there is no evidence against him. We go to the apartments of Casa Madrid, where the suspect with his accomplice removes the room. In James's room, you can find a teddy bear, and in the Dermota room - a diary with records of all their affairs. Doors are closed on medium difficulty locks, but you can pay for the key confused at the entrance. With evidence, you can try to knock the truth from Dermot and James, but they will only attack you. And you can simply attribute the captain.

    "In one-room"

    The quest issues Frank Uyserrs, stands in a tent. Frenca Wuyzer family kidnapped legionnaires, and he asks them to return. I do not advise to hurry to hurry, wait for the quest "Casino always in winning II", then you will be on the way. At this point, you will be with a legion in neutral relations, so just talk to the guard and buy them out as slaves. Consider if you fulfill the Quest "OKO OKO", dropping nuclear waste to the camp before saving the family, then everyone will die. Returning to the AeroTeh, do not hurry to tell Frank, where it is specifically his family, and better merge and demand more covers for information, or influence it, convincing to change for the better.

    Part 12: Farms of Radollers

    "Hard luck"

    Quest gives Morgan Blake. It will complain about the heavy fate of the edulicers, in particular on the permanent interruptions with water. Run the quest is not easy, so without a good reserve of medicines (antiordadin and rad-x) and normal weapons with a decent ammunition, it is better not to be over.

    We go to the eastern pumping station and repair the terminal. According to the data obtained from it it follows that there is an external source of radiation that causes interruptions in water supply. The source is in the former shelter 34. We go there and find the 34th in a state of complete destruction. According to the residual data of the Terminals, we learn that the rebellion happened in the asylum, during which the basic life support systems were damaged. The lower level flooded, the reactor was damaged, and most of the inhabitants turned into a gulley. To go to the reactor, you need to open the door from the terminal in the clinic, and the entrance to the clinic is temporarily locked with water. We go down to the lower rooms, we find a flooded room, dive and search for a dead guy-guard for a password. You can simply hack the terminal, but they all require science 100. We turn on the pump from the terminal located in the room before entering the weapon. Previously flooded pass will open, and we can get into the asylum clinic. On the way, do not forget to inspect one more dead guard with a password. In the clinic with the terminal you will unlock the passage to the reactor. Also in the clinic it is worth the car brand 3, presumably necessary according to one of the Quests of the Legion.

    In the room near the reactor, a very high level of radiation from 2 to 4 rad / s, so you need to act quickly. We clean the room near the passage to the Cabinet of the caretaker. We go to it, having previously armed with anything "stensel". The passage to the reactor overlaps a legible caretaker and several turrets. Getting rid of them, inspect the body of the caretaker and take the password from its terminal. In actions on the terminal, choose to open the doors of the gunsmith. We go down the passage to the reactor and shaman with the terminal of those. Services. I read the help of help. We have a choice - to save the inhabitants who fell into the trap, leaving the reactor to work (the asylum's inhabitant saved by you will appear in the business center of the Aerotex and thank you) or help the edulicers with water, having wrapped the reactor (good NKR glory). Having finished with reactor, we go to the weapon and carry out from there everything we can: automatic grenade launchers, carbines and a pulse gun that kills robots from one shot.

    Part 13: Red Caravan

    Once a small trading company from the hub went down after the NKR to the size of a huge corporation. On the territory of Vegas, the caravan has its own representative office. Alice McLafferti, heading her, is ready to charge you several tasks.

    "You can rely on me"

    The first of your order from Caravan will be the courier delivery of the account of Dr. Hildern to the Camp McCaran.

    As soon as you handle this task, Alice will instruct you a few more simple tasks that are easily passing with the developed eloquence.

    Some difficulties may arise with the drawings of gunsmiths. But bring them optional. However, if you still want, you can try to paint them in a quiet at night using Stelsboy. And you can just shoot everyone, slightly spoiling karma.


    It is necessary to go to the plant "Sunset Sasparilla" and disassemble the press for bottle caps.


    • In the New Vegas clinic you can buy implants for 4000 covers. Each of the implants increases one of SPECIAL points or adds regeneration and stability threshold. It is possible to establish them as much as endurance points.
    • I also advise to look at this house near the clinic. It can be found in it sniper rifle in a locked ground. Caution, stretching.

    Part 14: North Vegas

    "Someone should look"

    This quest can be obtained from Kredon if there are developed eloquence and barter skills. First of all, Credon will ask us to deal with recently arrived squatters. As always, you can persuade, bribe or kill. The latter will worsen the relationship with the NKR. In the next part of the quest you need to get rid of the gangsters in the tunnels. And the last point we will be asked to settle the conflict in the family of hostechelers.

    Mrs. Hosteleler wants to follow her daughter along with her new friends. We go to North Vegas and find out that Alice with her friend Andy is often seen in a gray building. Three thugs are on duty in the building, which can steal the keys to Andy's room. In the room itself, we take a note from the bedside table with the top of the TV. At the exit from the building you will be met by Eddie, the conversation with him will not affect the further task if you do not kill it. We go to the house of Hostechelers, where Alice gathered to rob his mother. We can provoke it, then lose karma, but we can pick up 1000 caps from her mother's body, or persuade it to solve everything in a peaceful way (if you advise her to flee from home, you will not be able to smash Mrs. Hostetler to pay you for the efforts).

    Part 15: Thorn

    Something like arena for gladiator fights. Located under the West Side

    "Take all"

    Owned Torn, Redhead Lucy will ask you to get eggs of the most dangerous creatures of empty. It is recommended to take on her assignment only a well-equipped character. Difficulties, except for strong enemies and what will have to run across the Mojava desert, should not be. Please note that when you are asked to bring the eggs of Fiery Gekko, the marker on the world map indicates the entrance to the cave not marked as location. If you bring the eggs of death, Lucy will announce you the greatest hunter Thorn and invites you to relax over a cup of hot coffee)


    • In the cave it will be possible to find the corpse of the brotherhood of steel, and next to it a unique automatic grenade launcher " Mercy».

    Part 16: Frieside

    New Vegas slums, the territory of which is divided by three fractions: kings, van graffs and followers of the apocalypse, familiar to us along the past parts. Also there is a small shop "Mickey and Ralph" and the Bar "Atomic Cowboy".


    At first glance, it may seem that kings - the next gangster group, which is full of empty. But this is far from that. Located in the former reincarnation school, they try to bring order in Friside. The king is the head of the entire gang, is the main quest. To get to the reception to it, you need to pay several lids at the entrance, or the guard of the guard.

    "Soldier Blues"

    The king just now needs such a person who has yet to know anyone else on Frieside. He asks you to deal with Mercenary Oris, who recently began to receive almost all orders for security. It is necessary to find out what is the matter. To do this, go to the northern gate and hire it. Follow him until it starts to shoot in the thugs. As the shooting appears, you can try to inspect the "corpses" (medicine 40), or due to perception 7, withdraw the Oris on clean water and resorting to the barter, to demand money back.

    We go to the store and at the entrance to pronounce it. Inside the building we find Major Kyren and learn its version of the night attack. Without spoilers, in a nutshell - misunderstanding. We go back to the king to tell about what happened. Immediately, as we enter the building, we will meet a peer, the closest friend of the king, because of what he closes his eyes to many of his not the best rides. Peter will ask us not to mention a misunderstanding when talking with the king. I refuse him and with the report we go to the king. During the conversation, you will cancel a member of the gang and reports a shootout with the NKR in the area of \u200b\u200bthe old railway station. The king will ask to destroy this business. We go to the station and convince Major to solve the case of lovely, letting the paceman. When the problem is solved, the king will declare himself with your debtor. It is not worth spending this opportunity for any nonsense like money, as it will come in handy for the Quest NKR.

    If you have not fulfilled additional tasks And they did not open things in the store, then you risk inserting into a serious ripple with NKR.

    Note: King can always be found either at the scene or at home on the third floor.

    "Dog life"

    As a result of this quest among our companions there will be cyberpes rex. If you "talk" with Rex, Robobo King, and then with him himself, then you can get this quest. The king will tell that his dog looks very ill, and will ask you to cure him.

    We go to the Mormon Fort and asking Juli about the treatment of Rex. Julie will explain that the Rex's brain is in poor condition, and the PSU needs an operation, but it can be carried out only in Jacobstown, since the followers do not have the necessary equipment. We go to Jacobstown and we are looking for Dr. Henry, former scientist Anklav. He will conduct an operation if we bring it a new brain for Rex. There are three suitable brains: Dog devils WiLelet (will increase speed), Legion's dog (failed to get due to bad relationships with the latter) and the brain from the dog Elderly Lady Gibson (a bonus to damage from attacks).

    During the quest, the dog should be with you all the time.

    Followers of the apocalypse.

    Set down in the old Mormon Forte and are trying to carry a bright and kind to the wasteland.

    "It's time"

    Julie Farkas will ask you to heal from the dependence of the two locals who could provide technical assistance to followers if they were cured. One of them sits in the ruins of the house opposite "Mickey and Ralph", the second - in a dilapidated house next to the "silver fever". First, it is necessary to dissuade the tolkucha to sell drugs them, and then get a dozen portions of the threshold for them (with a developed science you can do the bank of the Buffauta, psycho, tweak 2 pcs. And whiskey), or taking advantage of eloquence, convince them that the followers will help them (but then Some of them will die).

    Also, extracissal Julie asks you to agree on the supply of supplies for the fort, for this, talk to one of the twin-owners of the Atomic Cowboy.


    • In the Tower Fort there is a snow ball.
    • Also, Arkeid Gennon can be your companion.
    • Followers once every 24 hours can provide you with antiordin, stimulant and glad to choose from.

    Silver fever

    Store belonging to the "Dark Family" Wang-Graffs. I fulfilled the first two quest for them, since the third battered by Jean, the third rose again with my convictions.

    The first quest is offered to us to be a security guard at the entrance - to take sure.

    The second is simple courier.

    And the third we are offered to bring Kessi, obviously not for good goals.


    • We put in Stelsbo and tyrim with the shop windows, everything that lies badly. First of all, one of the two plasmolives on the whole wasteland.

    Atomic cowboy

    A small pitery establishment whose owners are Garrett's twins.


    At the request of Francis, collect debts from visitors to Cowboy. With good conviction, you can make them give everything up to clothes.

    After the first part of debts is collected, Francis will send you to Strip to kill McLaferti, who owed a large amount. It is not necessary to kill, you can make him give a hat and demand money for making Francis at the expense of His death.

    "Atomic Tango"

    James Garrett need specific workers to meet the most perverted clients. For lovers of "extensive necrosis of fabrics and a wicker" need a Gul Cowboy. This is in Mormon Fort. Beatrix will persuade will not be easy.

    Also need sex to the owner of the damned technophthetisists. The robot itself can be found in the Robotix complex, passing to the stop along the railway station and turning left in a small pass through the garbage.

    Before going for a robot, look at the "Mickey and Ralph", they will help you write a program for it (will take some time). You can not do this if science 80. In the complex itself, it is necessary to hack either the terminal or simply find access code in one of the cabinets. And yet, the robot can be tested before shipping to the customer;)

    The last, Krasnobay will agree without any questions.

    Mickey and Ralph

    These tasks are not issued. But you can persuade them to sell you something special from weapons. Also, if you help Kacino in Quest "How little we know", then in gratitude for the fact that the Omerta began to buy weapons again, you will be given Pimpboy 8Billion.

    Part 17: McCaran Camp


    Colonel Shu asks to help Captain Curtis in investigating information leakage. After the conversation with the captain, we go and polish about the suspicious events of Croral Sterling and Lieutenant Boyd. From the first to learn about the strange light at night at the airport dispatching tower, we get the key to the tower, asking for crackers.

    We are waiting for an hour and watch the entrance to the tower. As soon as Curtis enters it (he is a spy, and he should not see you), go to the mark and, make it up for the transfer of data, shoot in place. We take the code of deactivation from the body and return to the Colonel Shu. Having learned that Curtis Spy, he sends us to Monorails, check security. We have somewhere a minute to get to Monorail and neutralize a bomb (explosives / science or code) hidden behind the ventilation grille. Otherwise, the train will leave with the bomb and explode Monorails.

    The note: In Curtis's office, there is a note with the coordinates of a sniper position. There you can find a sniper rifle of scouts.

    "Do not grow grass"

    Dr. Hilderne needs the results of studies held in asylum 22. After the doctor talks with you, his assistant will ask you to find another Kili's mercency, which was sent to the shelter earlier. Go there.

    In 22, something has been checked, and now it looks like begging botanical Garden. If there is a developed up to 80 repairs, then it is clear the elevator. Otherwise, we descend on the lower levels and shaman with the terminals of the caretaker and guard to open the door to the cave (even "pleasure"). The terminal with information on experiments is at the fifth level behind the locked lock (complex). Kiel also at this level in the cave. We save it and go beyond her to the second level. She will offer to destroy deadly disputes in shelter. To do this, it has already downloaded the gas in the lower level, and we only need to blow it away from us. Go down, go into the room where we downloaded the files, choose from weapon preferably a grenade (although you can simply shoot), we throw it to the location of the gas accumulation and quickly close the door. We return to Kili and convince her (science) not to destroy research data.


    Major Datrios need the heads of the three most dangerous devils:


    Talk to the little packet, he will tell you that the chef holds the herd of Bramins and is very careful about one of them. If something happens to her, he falls into rabies and will attack everyone without disaster. I advise you to use a sniper rifle.

    Driver Nefi

    You can easily facilitate the task, negotiating the Lieutenant Gorobets. Snipers will be asked on the stone of the crushing factory, and you will only stay to put out the Shaf on them.


    You can find it at refueling "Poseidon".

    "Searches White"

    The missing corporal investigated the disappearance of water from the water pipeline. Most of the quest simply run from one NPC to another. When they go to Westside, there will be several options to press the follower: intelligence, good relationship with followers or through a boys. We agree not to tell the NKR about theft of water (kind of fame in the followers) and we repeat the colonel that White disappeared on the stripe.


    Lieutenant Gobets wants that someone (you) convinced Cradle Betsy to undergo treatment from psychological injury. It is necessary to talk to the Betsy itself and try to persuade it with eloquence or medicine. If it does not work, negotiate with the rest of the detachment. As soon as they get their approval of the course of treatment, come back to the Capral and tell her about it.

    Quests not marked in the journal.

    Help Lieutenant Boyd

    The NKR managed to take a living one of the commanders of the Legion, and they need help during interrogation. It requires either intelligence 8 or eloquence.

    Missing Ranger Anderson

    Colonel Shu sent one of the Rangers to kill the leader of the devils. We go to the third shelter and save the Ranger (room in residential premises, not far from the emergency to enter the shelter), we persuade it to return to McCaran, and we go to the technical premises and kill the motorcycle rash. In this shelter, you can also save squatters and solve weapons, opening the passage to the flooded rooms from the terminal of the caretaker.

    Problems in the kitchen

    Local Kok will ask you to repair the food synthesizer (repair 80 or spare parts), and also agree with the red caravan on the supply of meat in exchange for excess vegetables.


    Help the intendant with several simple orders, and it will open you access to a special product.

    Part 18: Camp Fall-Hope

    "Medical Story"

    Dr. Richardson asks you to disassemble the disappearance of medicines. In the whole history, the ordinary Stone is to blame. It is possible to prove its involvement with the help of medicine (50), staging from his pockets of an empty syringe or talk to an ordinary sectine about the disappearance (it will compare the suspicious behavior of Stone). If a high skill eloquence - persuade Stone to surrender with the obey and get glory and karma. Otherwise, if we give themselves, we only get fame. Also Stone can give us medicines if we deposit his business.

    "Return of Hope"

    Issued by Major Poltyli. Initially, the major will ask to get the camp suppresses. We speak with the forehead and find out from him that he sent people to Helios. In the territory of Helios asking Lieutenant. She will answer that she gave the supplies and installed in them the radio beacon. We go to the wind power station area and take them. As soon as the supplies are in our hands, the GG attacks the Legion detachment.

    The next point will need to help Dr. Richardson with wounded. Medicine skill is required from 20 to 70. If medicine is not developed, you can apply medicines and medical equipment (medicines can be bought, for example, in the New Vegas clinic, and the equipment is found there in the tent).

    And at the end we will be offered to participate in the stripping of Nelson. Just kill all the legionnaires and their dean.


    Giving Sergeant Rice. It is necessary to disseminate new encryption codes radiograms on the posts of the Rangers. After the codes are delivered, the GG will ask to find out suspicious reports from posts. When it turns out that the deza received information - we will be sent to the Golf camp to talk to Ranger Henlen. You can talk to him only when he sits on the balcony (bright time of day). We convince him to stop and no longer to put the reports from posts.

    "Wherever I walked ..."

    Gives ordinary Rinolds on the way to the Shakhta Tenacchikip. It is necessary to free the prisoners held by the Legion in this mine with a difficult pronounced name. You can simply hack the locks (skill 60) or, reading the cave, select the key from the dean of legionnaires.


    • Private Sectin invites us to compete with NKR fighters in the destruction of legionnaires and asks to bring them their ears as evidence.
    • The power armor of heavy NKR fighters does not require the ability to wear it. You can get it in quietly getting rid of one of them.

    Part 19: Golf Camp

    "From victory to defeat - one step"

    Onsuated by Sergeant McCridi (central oblong tent). Sergeant asks you to bring the "Schwal" detachment in a combat condition. There are four options for doing this task. The methods proposed by the Razbean and Pointembster are easy to implement, but the ending will be sad. If you agree to the training "seeded" at the landfill (talk to the MEG), then to complete the task you will need a weapon skill 50. Another way is to persuade the "Swal" to be more cohesive and respect each other (O'Hanrakhan's way). It is necessary to talk with the razor, Pickletexter and Meg, asking to tell about himself. Need eloquence 50.

    Part 20: Bitter Springs

    "Mountains, only mountains", "a little more", "Hospital blues"

    Captain Gilles needs (again, yes) in our help. It is necessary to deal with night attacks, to get supplies, to reclaim the command from the command to protect the camp and provide the doctors of the necessary medicines.

    Behind the night attacks costs one of the great Khans, still not able to accept the tragedy of Bitter Springs. You can find it in the cave on the western slope. If the eloquence is developed, you can raise karma, dissuading it to take revenge on. In the same cave we take the box with suggestions. The remaining two are in the caves, behind the camp tents. The doctor must be brought 3 doctoral sacques and textbooks on psychology (bought in red caravan). Reinforcements will be allocated only if we solve problems in those camps or have good glory.

    Part 21: Serchlight Camp

    "We are together"

    Sergeant Astor will meet you at the entrance to the city and will warn that Legion has somehow pulled out nuclear weapons and used on the camp. Most of the fighters died, but many became wild guys. Kill them and bring the personal signs to the sergeant. Also in one of the houses you will find quite a reasonable fighter-gulya, persuade him to give you his tokens. Also, it is also possible to ask the Fallene Hope camp about him, having learned about the specialtime of the Rangers-Guli, tell him (karma +).

    "An eye for an eye"

    As soon as it is finished with the previous task, Astor will ask you to take revenge on the legion and destroy the Cottonwood Cove camp. We go to the height of Cottonwood and, finding a tractor with a trailer, open it so that the barrels with nuclear waste covered the camp.

    "Wheel of Fortune"

    In the basement of one of the houses sat down by the prospectors. They want to examine infected houses for anything precious. Their leader will offer you to help him. First you need to hack the terminal and find out where antiraditzonous costumes were sent. We go to Nipton and asking a demolition in the store. He will talk about a warehouse cave. We take suits from there and go back. Next I advise you to stock antiordin. When the costumes are with you, go along with the prospectors to the police station and the fire station (here you will be waiting for a giant scorpion-female and pleased to 5 rad / s).


    • If you urgently need lids, look at the airport of Serchlight. In two blue boxes near the aircraft there will be about 8,000.
    • Nearby you can find the broken coils with the prototype of the gun Tesla Biton (Meting in Fallout: Broken Steel).

    Part 22: Gardian Peak

    When approaching the camp on Mount Gardian, you will catch a distress signal. From radio messages will be clear that the camp was destroyed by mutants from the caves. Go to the very top and find the entrance to the cave, it will be the only surviving Reingeker. He will ask you to take revenge on the comrades, having interrupted all the monsters. Cool it and send it to the camp (I have for any endowment of the conversation rushed to take revenge on Bolotniks). In the cave you can find a lot of weapons (especially explosives).

    Part 23: Strip

    The center of New Vegas, managed by mysterious Mr. House and three major families owning a casino. Not everyone can get on the strip, it is necessary to prove its solvency (2000 lids) or have a passport of a citizen of the republic (you can buy in "Mickey and Ralph"). But especially smart inhabitants of the wasteland (science) can "hack" securitrons and make them skip them inside.

    "Call", "Casino always in winning I"

    As soon as you get to the strip, Victor will meet you and asked to go to the "Lucky 38" to meet with the boss. The mysterious Mr. Nobody-no-house turns out to be an eccentric pre-war millionaire, who, seeing the inevitability of the nuclear holocaust, has invested all its state in the defense of Vegas, and "presserved" himself and began to manage Vegas through a network of securitrons.

    Mr. House will ask to bring the chip to him. Boldly agree to this, having previously trapped the increased remuneration for work. Benni's chip is now, so in addition to moral satisfaction from revenge, we will be survived. At the exit from "Lucky 38" to us will run up the Messenger NKR and asked to go to a representative for a conversation with the Crocker's ambassador. Interesting: Mr. House Mr. Howus will ask us to look for snowballs in the wasteland, for each such ball, we will pay 4000 covers. One of them can be found in Lucky 38. We go to the bar for the observation platform. Immediately after leaving the elevator, we turn left and go along the wall to the cash register next to the green lamp, there should be a ball behind it. On the stripe there is also another ball in the shelter 21, in the household room.

    Benny - a member of the chairperson, and so to speak, headquarters is located in the "Tops" casino. At the entrance, we will take off all weapons, except hidden, so the frontal attack will end with death (you can, of course, do not give, but then there will be a whole casino against you). It is best to convince Benny to talk to you alone in a separate room. As soon as he agrees, we run into the number forward of him and, hacking a wall safe, take a weapon from there. Note: There is a theater in a casino, the owner of which is looking for actors for the show. Give a gougu-comic comedian from the "Atomic Cowboy" to him, comicing from Streap (standing next to the gate and trying to squeeze), a singer hiding in Novak, and a guitarist (you can find a poster "Sansset-Sisparili" on the Lake Eldorado). The latter is the owner of a unique revolver, which he will give you if you have a barter skill around 50.

    Crawing with him, apply the chip to House and get the continuation of the task of the "Casino always in winning II". House sends us to the Legion camp on the audience with Caesar. But the audience is just a cover, House wants us to activate the army of sechophone in the bunker under the old weather station. Go to Cotonwood, from where the ferry will be delivered to the Legion camp. Caesar awaits us with the task: destroy the bunker with sechticrons. We also agree, we go to the room behind the throne and take away from the table from the table the book of slaves. We go down to the bunker, activate the army of robots and go back to Caesar. That all 100 is confident that we fulfilled his task, and gives us a reward. Also House will also be generous and gives the lids. Now you can go to the ambassador.


    The quest is issued by the ambassador of a crocker (the embassy itself is at the most distant end of the strip). The battle for the dam is coming, and the NKR wants to enlist the support of the bombers. But the whole problem is that they do not miss anyone to themselves. Everyone who tried to go to them were met by the fire of the Gaubitz. We go on the way to the airbase to the entrance to the gorge. On the way there should be a certain George. He will advise turn back. You can argue with him that we will be able to go to bombers (he will give us a passage scheme).

    For example, I fished up to this wall and, having flocked the shelling, moved to the entrance, without any damage to health.

    At the entrance, we will not meet too friendly and send to the elder. And this is what coincidence, but we again the very necessary person from the side. Elder Pearl is concerned about the future of his people. From the moment the bombers settled on the air base, they did not communicate with the outside world, and most of them perceive the inhabitants of the emptiness of evil savages, which are suitable only as targets. We must conquer good glory among them, convincing them in such a way that you can cooperate with "savages". To begin with, you can go to the museum of the history of the bombers (on the shelf next to the fresco stands a snow ball). After listening to the lecture, we convince the guide in our sincere admiration for the culture of bombers. Then you can go to the medical corps and cure injured bombers (medicine up to 60). Also on the basis of children run, conversations with some of them can raise a reputation. And one girl will ask to find a teddy bear (the Vededyman lies between big bright boxes in the hangar with an airplane). The reputation will also raise the following quests:

    "Bad Ants"

    Raquel is issued (I met us after shelling). It is necessary to kill all ants in the generator. Not difficult.

    "Young hearts"

    Jack (local Kulibin) is in love with a girl from a red caravan. True, he saw it only in binoculars and does not know whether she will repay him. In addition to eloquence, nothing will need anymore.

    "Boogie Woogie"

    Repair solar panels at the request of the Adept. If the repair is not developed (40), go to "Helios" and collect spare parts there.

    "Into the sky!"

    The last task of the bombers will be the fulfillment of their cherished dreams. Adept will tell you about the bombarder, fallen into the lake shortly before the war. He plans to raise it and restore with the help of spare parts from the museum. But since none of the bombers left the territory of the airbase for many years, it should be done. Before going to attach the pontoons to the plane, talk about the breathing mask with Jack. We go to the lake, dive and install two pontoons under the wings of the aircraft. Having selected ashore, we use the activator and go to the elder for gratitude.

    "Royal Gambit"

    When things with bombers are settled, the ambassador will ask you to negotiate with the kings. If you have enlisted the support of the king, then he will simply agree to try everything to solve the world. Otherwise, the conversation with the king will be unsuccessful. In this case, we go to the Colonel Shu to McCaran, and tell about the situation on Friside. He will allocate us in a soldier to support and will send back to the king with the "persistent" proposal of cooperation. We convince him for this step. As soon as the king agrees to this, the pector will begin to resent and attack you and soldiers. Kill him and come back to the ambassador. The crocker thanks us and send to the Hoover Dam to Colonel Kaseandre Moore.

    "For the Republic"

    We go on the dam (on the administration's rack there is a snow ball) and we get a task: go to the Great Khans and stop attempts by Legion Caesar to lure them to your side. It is best to solve everything diplomatic. The head of the Khanov is dad. We talk to him and after an unsuccessful attempt to dissuade him out of the house where Regis will be waiting for us. He will express his fear about the Union with the Legion and will advise to dissuade the dad. To do this, you need to provide the Regis of the register of slaves (the one who lies on the table in the Caesar tent). We also convince Jack and Dien (Chanov Chemical Laboratory) and Melissa. Mellis to convince easily, but it is not easy, since her group fell in a career, complete claws of death. It is better to make it to them from 19 refuge. By the way, I advise you to look at it and get the quest "Why don't we be friends?" (affects the ending), but before this make yourself a demolition.

    As soon as the "signatures" are collected, we go to the house of the Pope and get rid of Karl, compromising it with eloquence or showing his diary (lies in the chest of Charles). Dad agrees to break the union, and we still have to convince him to go with the tribe somewhere away.

    As a variant of the passage of this quest - we kill at night in a quiet dad in his rest (Perk Sandy man, pomegranate in pants).

    The next task of Kasendra will be the omertal family. Colonel suspects them in a conspiracy with the Legion. We go to the "Humor" and asking the administrator about the gossip, talking with eloquence (if you spoke with Yesh-Man about families, you can refer to Benny). She will advise talk about business with Kacino. He completely refuses to talk to us. Cradle diary from his pocket and begin to blackmail it. He splits and report that the bosses of omets started a major thing and send us to the two of their assistants. We immediately go to the top three and convince him eloquence to help us. If there is little eloquence, then ask the troika about his contract with the omit, under what circumstances he got to them. It turns out that Omerta sues his case about the murder of a prostitute, but the circumstances of the murder seem suspicious to us. We go to the bosses rooms and we wake a wall safe with a record that Troika faced.

    After that, Troik will tell us about the Omert's plan to kill everyone on the street when the battle for the dam will begin. Omert he was needed to deliver the weapon on the strip. Troik will offer to destroy the warehouse in the basement with the help of termit, you can persuade it to do it yourself, but it is better to go down to the warehouse personally and take a sniper rifle there.

    Having learned that the warehouse was destroyed by someone, bosses entrust to find and bring the saboteur Kachin. He tells us about it and offers to kill us bosses. We persite him to help us and go together into the office. Two glasses of omens decide to first find out who we work for. We convince our eloquence that one of them betrayed the other and, when they attack each other, put the decisive blow.

    Council: Before returning to the Colonel Moore, look in "Mickey and Ralph" and, told them about omeme, we get a Pimper in the award.

    Upon learning that she was finished, Colonel would order us to kill Mr. Haws. We ride into the penthouse "Lucky 38", we open a hidden passage with the terminal on the left side of Mr. Haws. Go down on the elevator and with the help of another terminal we carry out "shockery" to the fact that once was a man.

    Again we go to the Colonel and get a task: get rid of the brotherhood of steel. Their bunker is in Hiden-led. If you were still there, then you don't take Veronika as a companion - it can just disappear. Go there it is better at night, then we will be waiting at the entrance and do not have to crack the door. We will be cast to the elder who wants to make sure that you can trust. He will ask us to drive out the Ranger from the neighboring bunker. We go up and convince the fact that in these bunkers often seen demolitions, and there's not very safe here. After that, the elder McKnamar will give us the quest "in ignorance." Veronika will also give the bunker in the quest "Solid Cares", but there is a chance of hanging a quest.

    "In ignorance"

    The elder McKnamar asks us to find missing patrols of fraternity. Patrol in the headquarters of Rasponn was in the previous post, the remaining two are relatively easy. During the searches of the detachment, not far from the Black Mountain, the Nill Supermutant will come to you, it will advise to get out of here. If you talk it, you can get a quest.


    The next item needs to find scouts. And at the end they will go to search for filters for air cleaners. One of them is in the cabinets of the edible shelter 22 (you can only go there through the caves of the fifth level). The second in the technical premises of the shelter 3 (where the motorcycle row is sitting). And the third to the shelter 11. When you bring all the details, the elder thanks us. We inform him that the NKR wants to get rid of the Brotherhood. McCarnamar will offer us to give an ambassador and conclude a truce between Brotherhood and NKR. On a note:

    In no case do not help Paladina Hardina, otherwise, if he becomes an elder, it will not be possible to agree on the truce.

    You can also ask McKnamar to take yourself in the Brotherhood. He will agree, but with the condition, if we install radio fairs on the black grief. Let's go there and clean the way to the mountain from supermutants. Once at the top, we go to the utility rooms and the Ronda robot (science). Tabita (Supermutant, the culprit of all madness) will thank us and, without becoming, will give the key from the warehouse. In the chamber of the neighboring room, you can find a mexican gulya named Raul, which can be our satellite (password to the terminal from the door in his electronic diary). The key to the room of the radio sound under the stairs. We establish radio fairs and return for a set of power armor.

    "You will feel the approach"

    President Kimball is going to arrive at the dam to raise the combat spirit of soldiers. We must ensure its safety. We go to the head of the Rangers responsible for the protection of the president, and ask him to give us full access to all the premises. After that, we talk to a girl in the reception and learn that her guy engineer did not come to her. We go to the Ranger and we report on full readiness for the visit, after which we ride on the tower and neutralize the bomb installed on the coils. Let's go down and stealing from the "engineer" a spare detonator and take it to Ranger Grant. He will order to turn the speech and the president will be safely evacuated on the rollers. During the flight of the president, the Sniper Legion will try to kill him, but missed and gets into one of the Rangers. From his body you can choose a suit and 12.7mm gun. Sniper can also be tried to neutralize in advance, for example, rising to the watchdogs during the speech of the president.


    Final quest games for NKR. Before proceeding with Him, I advise you to enlist the support of the former enclave members, fulfilling the Personal Quest of Arcaida Gennon.

    Legion attacks the dam, and it is entrusted to knock him out from the dam and break the Leah camp. The task can greatly relieve eloquence and science. To begin with, we reactivate the turbine with the terminal (science 60) in the premises of the dam, in order to flood the tunnels for which the legion troops are made. Further ride to the top of the dam and simply go towards the camp (we must at least be supported by the bombers, the brotherhood of steel, black Rangers and old people from the enclave). Reaching the camp, coming into the controversy with the legate and at eloquence of 80 convince him to go to the battle one on one. If the eloquence is 100, then you can convince him to surrender without a fight.

    The game will be passed, it remains to be preserved comfortable and see the final titles about the fate of the heroes and cities.

    Thanks for attention. I hope these tips were not superfluous and helped in passing.

    In this article, we consider the full chain of plot quests, which must be fulfilled in order to fully go through the game Fallout New. Vegas for the new California republic (NKR).

    For convenience, use short content:

    The passage of the game Fallout New Vegas for the new California Republic begins not with any quest, but from the usual note that the ordinary NKR fighter transmits the main character. After reading this note, you will find out that you invites you to an informal meeting, the Ambassador of the NKR in Mojave and New Vegas Dennis Crocker. The meeting will be held at the NKR Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich is located in the southern part of Streap Vegas.

    At the meeting, the ambassador of the Crocker will offer the chief hero to work on the NKR and if he agrees, Dennis Crocker will give him the first task - to achieve the loyalty of the militant organization bombers.


    In order to fulfill the quest "Bombists", the main character should get to the Nellis air base, meet with the leader of the bombers - Pearl and in any way to do so that during the upcoming dumplings of the Dama Hoover, the bombers supported the NKR.

    The task is not easy and you will come across difficulties from the very beginning of the quest. First, it is difficult to get to the bombers, the whole territory is shot in front of their base, and they shoot bombers in everyone who goes to their base, and they are not shot from firearms, and from Gaubitz and Mortar.

    Secondly, the leader of the bombers is the Miloid Older Pearl, will not immediately give you the basic task, according to the results of which you will win their location. First you have to work on the bombers, help them understanding with their problems and only after that you will tell you about their cherished dream - the rise from the bottom of the Lake MFA Bombarder B-29. That's what you should do, by the way, a separate quest is allocated, which is called "in the sky!".

    "Royal Gambit"

    After you place the bombers, the Crocker's ambassador decides that you can already give you tasks more difficult and ask to resolve the situation in Friside in such a way that no one suspects in this NKR. And the problem in Friside is that local gangsters from the gang of kings, actively oppress the Citizens of the NKR and especially diligently in this some pector. NKR analysts considering this situation, came to a decision that the removal of the player will solve this problem. But it is necessary to eliminate it so that no one suspects in this NKR. This quest is interesting in that it can be solved by a large number of ways.

    "For the republic, part 2"

    Having finished the previous quest, you can safely say goodbye to the Crocker Ambassador, since you will not see it anymore. Following scene Quest The passage of Fallout New Vegas for the NKR is very large, it gives his colonel Cassandra Moore and is called - "For the Republic, part 2.

    This is true a very big quest, during which you have to destroy (but you can simply persuade to progress under NKR) the following organizations, or individual identifies:

    • Brotherhood of steel;
    • Great Khans;
    • Mr. House;
    • Omerta.

    As well as in this quest, you must protect President NKR Aaron Kimbell, during his visit to the Damb of Hoover.

    Final quest "Eureka!"

    After you perform the previous quest, Colonel Cassandra Moore will send you to the commander-in-chief of the NKR troops - General Lee Olive, who arrived at the Hoover Dam. During your conversation in which you are discussing with the General Tactics and the Action Strategy of the NKR troops on the Hoover Dam in the confrontation with the Legion, you will be interrupted by an engineer who will report that legionnaires decided to attack the first.

    General Lee Oliver will give you an important task, from the execution of which will depend on the result of the battle for the Hoover Dam. You must get to the legata camp and kill, or neutralize any other way, Leah Lania.

    Results of Victory NKR

    In this section, try to tell, and what will change in the Mojava Waste, after the NKR establishes its power over it. In first will go The gradual annexation of small organizations and settlements, including Streep and Frieside. And if everything goes normally on the strip, then the gang of kings from Friside will not give the NKR to rule on "its" territory. And at least officially Frieside will belong to the NKR, the kings will not officially control this territory.

    For this, the "defeat" of the NKR will play on demolitions, they roll them from the prison and almost completely destroy. The devils will attack McCarran camp and the consequences of this attack will be terrible. Popular gangsters will be a very terrible enemy and NKR will have to spend a lot of strength to discourage this attack.

    The main character will receive a lot from NKR, he will be known, he will be honored, he will be awarded with the highest award of the NKR for civil - "golden branch". Well, of course, he will receive a cash remuneration, a residence permit and everything he could dream about. In general, for the main character, everything will end better.

    But this will not end anything ... for ...

    In this article we talked about full passing Fallout. New Vegas for the NKR, as well as they said that it will happen on the territory of the Mojava Waste after the NKR takes it completely under its control. If you have additional information on this topic, or you have found no accuracy then write comments. Thanks in advance!