Resident evil 7 biohazard jack. How to defeat a fat monster in a barn

The Capcom series, like many older franchises, is replete with a variety of bosses. Almost everyone needs their own approach, and they are no exception.

Spoiler alert! This article outlines the ways to defeat all the bosses in the game, and this knowledge may well ruin the impression of an independent fight with them. It is recommended to resort to our help only if you cannot overcome difficulties at all.

Briefly about the bosses of Resident Evil 7

Before considering each of the special opponents separately, it is worth talking a little about the general concept of passing the game.

Resident evil 7 can be conditionally divided into episodes, even if in the game itself there are no clear boundaries between the stages. Nevertheless, in each such conditional episode there is a final battle tied to one or another opponent.

In total, 6 special battles can be distinguished in the game, which stand out from the rest with their complexity. Further, they will all be analyzed in more detail. Spoiler alert again!

How to beat Mia in Resident Evil 7

The initial stage of the game takes place in the guest house, in the basement of which the main character finds his beloved - Mia Winters. However, after five to ten minutes, he pounces on him with a knife.

After admiring the grin of the possessed Mia, wait until she throws Ethan against the wall. Then grab the ax lying on the right. Everything is quite simple here: you need to block Mia's blow, and then immediately hit, and you can even without aiming.

After several blows to the head, the cut-scene will start again, and the main character will hack to death his girlfriend with an ax. It will fall, but after a few moments it will disappear without a trace, and Ethan will only have to go up to the attic to get out of the house.

Be sure to grab a pistol and cartridges in one of the rooms, but don't waste them breaking the boxes: there is nothing in them. Then start to climb the stairs, and then immediately let the back one, because Mia, armed with a chainsaw, will start to come out to meet you.

The ax will not help much in this case, so it is best to use a pistol. Try to shoot in the head, and after 7-8 hits, she will lose consciousness.

How to beat Daddy Jack in the garage

The head of the Baker family will become the second boss in Resident Evil 7, and three rather intense battles will be connected with him at once, the first of which will take place in the garage. The main character will go down there to meet the deputy sheriff.

Alas, Jack also decides to greet the guest, turning his head into a bloody mess. After that, the battle begins.

Grab the policeman's pistol at once, he lies next to his body. Then you can shoot Jack a little to make sure that he is not human at all. But don't wait: your job is to find the car keys. They lie near one of the walls.

Having obtained the cherished keys, carefully answer Jack somewhere far from the car, and then quickly run to it. Climb into the cockpit and enjoy another brutal cut-scene.

Of course, Jack will come to life again and head straight for you immediately after the cars are on fire. Now the gun will come in handy.

Aim for the head and keep a safe distance from your opponent. After it falls down, use the stairs to leave the garage.

How to beat Daddy Jack in the morgue

The second fight with Jack Baker will take place in the basement of the processing zone, where the head of the family butchered the corpses of those who could not be converted to their side. The space here is quite limited, so you need to act quickly, without getting into a corner from fear (it will be difficult at first!).

Shoot Jack in the head with a pistol or, if there is still ammo left, with a shotgun. If he came too close, quickly run back to the opposite part of the "arena" or, if possible, kick the hanging bags with corpses into him.

After receiving extensive heavy metal poisoning, Daddy will approach the illuminated corpse near the wall and take out an alarmingly-sized cleaver. Stop firing immediately: you will no longer need cartridges, since now you can use the chainsaw near the same body against the wall.

After taking a certain amount of damage, Jack will squat on one knee and his upper body will begin to regenerate.

At these moments, you need to attack him without any pauses in order to inflict as much damage as possible and not give the damaged parts of the body the opportunity to recover. After a while, the torso will burst and shower you with nasty slime, but you will not notice this: you will be so pleased to defeat this bastard!

How to beat Margarita in the greenhouse

It seems that after Ethan has dealt with Jack twice already, Mommy shouldn't be big problems... This is partly the case, but only if you did not waste ammo and, if possible, ran through dangerous places.

Depending on the ammo, the fight with Margarita will be either very easy or very difficult. One way or another, it will be divided into two phases.

First, Margarita will try to set traps for you, waiting in the holes above. At this point, you may have a deceptive sense of security, because you can shoot back, holding the defense in one of the parts of the greenhouse.

In fact, this is a trap: after a while, Margarita will start sending a swarm of insects at you, which will not be so easy to deal with if you have little fuel in the burner.

Therefore, immediately try to behave aggressively: if Margarita sat in ambush, then shoot in the head to lure her out, and at such moments shoot at the nasty hive between her legs.

If you are assertive enough, then Margarita will never use her little friends, and at some point the hive will be ruined, and then Mom will fall into a rage and chase you on all fours!

This is the second phase, and it is also quite difficult, because the boss will move faster and attack more often. You need to retreat in time and make well-aimed shots in the head. When Margarita creeps too close, shoot with a shotgun - this will optimize your ammo consumption.

How to defeat a fat monster in a barn

Of course, you were probably expecting a fight with Lucas Baker, who by this moment was already terribly tired of his "gags", but instead you will have to fight with a hefty fat monster.

The boss is not very difficult, but it can cause problems if you don't know the tactics. After this black slippery carcass falls out of the impromptu elevator, run to the stairs, where the boss is most convenient to "meet".

Attack him when he begins to climb the stairs towards you. He may try to shower you with burning vomit, but in this case, just step back, and then you will be unavailable for this attack.

When the fat man got up, deftly slip right in front of his nose and go downstairs.

This will give you a tactical advantage again, and the fat man will have no choice but to follow you sluggishly. Most likely, at this stage you will finish him off. If it turns out differently, just repeat the run up and down the stairs.

How to beat Jack Baker at the pier

Did you miss Daddy? And he misses you too. Last time you hurt him pretty badly, so it took a long time to regenerate. Then now Jack Baker is simply unrecognizable!

He became much larger and stronger, and the arena for battle with him expanded and received an additional lower level.

The tactics of fighting Monster Jack have also changed, and are very reminiscent of Capcom's favorite fun - "shooting at the pimples." To win, you need to shoot in the eyes, which are located in the most different parts body of the boss.

Most of the eyes can be destroyed on the first level, just try to look under your feet so as not to fall off. At the same time, always follow Jack out of the corner of your eye: when he starts swinging, immediately change the course and run back in the opposite direction, otherwise you will have to spend "first-aid kits".

Some eyes are hidden in rather hard-to-reach places, and it is easier to reach them by shooting from the bottom up. Jump down and watch your opponent's movements closely. As soon as you get the opportunity to shoot in the eye, do it right away.

When the monster has no spare eyes, a cut-scene will begin, and then he will begin to destroy the arena, and then open the last eye. You need to shoot him too, and then Ethan will inject Jack with one of the two serum injections on hand, and he will crumble into many pieces. Jack is dead, now with both ends. Victory!

How to beat Evelyn in Resident Evil 7

This is the last boss in the game, but despite this, it is easier to defeat him than the previous one. First you need to get to the girl. It will interfere with you by creating sound waves that are hazardous to your health. Block them as you block all other attacks, and gradually get closer to your target.

When Ethan is very close, he will grab Evelyn and inject her with serum, and then the girl will show her true face. In fact, she has already grown old and accompanied the main character from the very beginning of the game in the form of an old grandmother.

But this is where the problems only begin, because Evelina will naturally be "rattled" to an immense size, and then she will have to use the most lethal weapon in order to win. I hope that you have something in store for such an event, because it will be extremely difficult to hide or dodge Evelina.

After you've dealt enough damage, the action moves to the courtyard, and there Evelina will knock Ethan to the ground. You will have to shoot back from the available weapon, while the game again will not give you the opportunity to move and take cover from the attack.

Location: morgue, processing area.


Unstoppable Jack will return to fight again and try to stop you. This will happen the moment you try to take a red dog's head hanging on a chain. You will be stuck in a closed location. Jack is wielding a giant ax at first, so keep your distance. He loves to swing his weapon wide. Turn around quickly and use the pillar in the center of the room to dodge these attacks.

Interact with the body bags hanging from the ceiling to push them towards Jack, temporarily stunning the boss. Use moments like this to shoot Jack in the head.

Before starting the battle in the boiler room, find a strong epoxy (inside the cabinet). Make your way to the chain with a hook, which contains the red head of the dog. Do not take it, but go downstairs. There will be a door with a snake. A little further under the stairs there is a table with gunpowder on it. Combine it with Strong Epoxy for 10 Enhanced Pistol Ammo.

Mutated Jack: Shoot his orange eyes all over his body.

Stun Jack again and shoot 4-5 times with the high-caliber pistol directly in the head to end this part of the fight (medium difficulty).

In the second stage, Jack will wield giant motorized scissors. In order to resist him, pull out the chainsaw from the same gurney. Next, you need to fight Jack using only the saw. Attack Jack and sit down or block ("Space") when he uses the scissors.

Attack in those moments when Jack himself tries to do it in order to carry out counterattacks (your weapons will clash with each other). If there are still hanging bags with dead bodies in the morgue, then continue using them to stun the boss and deliver several hits with the chainsaw without resistance.

Remember to use the R (reload) key to increase the speed of your chainsaw when it is almost at a standstill. If it stops, Ethan will restart it, which will take time.

When Jack falls to his knees, hold down LMB and RMB to drive the chainsaw into him. Do this about 2-3 times to complete the fight. You will understand that the battle is coming to an end when the boss destroys the column in the center.

Note... To successfully put a block, you need to press the "Space" right at the moments of Jack's impact. But still, you will miss a part of the damage, so it is better to run away and attack with stuns, using bags.

From the studio, Capcom turned out to be different - especially with regard to the storyline. So in this article I will try to make out all the key details and events in the game. I will try to point out the existing connection with previous parts and just put together a bunch of theories that relate to the ending. I will also try to figure out all the secrets and plot of the game, so be sure to share your thoughts with me in the comments. And yes, this article is literally full of spoilers throughout the game.

Past: Evelyn's Creation, Downfall

So, three years before the beginning of all the events in, a girl named Mia Winters, in deep secrecy from her loving husband Ethan Winters, works for a corporation that is engaged in the creation of biological weapons. In turn, Ethan sincerely believes that his wife is missing.

: Newest achievement Biotech in Resident Evil 7: Biochazard is an E-series prototype that was given the name Evelina.

The mushroom-based specimens not only looked, but acted like little girls. This opportunity potentially allowed them to literally "embed" into absolutely any settlements, thus without arousing any suspicion. People infected with this fungus (virus) at first gradually began to see strong hallucinations, after which they completely obeyed the "pattern". The final stage of the virus consisted in the fact that the victims were completely overgrown with black mold and thereby themselves turned into bioweapons. The resulting creatures were named "Molded" or simply "Molds".

Soon, the corporation that created Evelina became worried that the sample could be stolen by competitors, so quietly and carefully decided to transport her to a completely different secret laboratory. The very same Mia (Ethan's wife), along with her colleague Alan, accompanied the girl (Evelina) under the guise of fake parents, but due to one incident (which is all Alan's fault), Evelina got out of control and decided to take the ship under her sensitive control ... Soon, in a matter of minutes, Evelina turned the crew into her personal mold friends, Alana killed, and Mia offered to become her mother, since the little girl decided that she needed a family.

After the ship was wrecked, it somehow ended up in the swamps by some unknown means. Mia and Evelyn were picked up by the Baker family. The bakers got a "gift" from Evelina: the bottom line is that the infection did not kill all family members, but did not turn them into molds, the family received incredible strength and incredible ability to regenerate. However, the whole family paid for this with their sanity.

More precisely, only the older generation of Bakers paid the price. Because their daughter, Zoya, somehow retained not only a completely human appearance, but even sobriety of thinking. It is Zoe who will help Ethan not only escape the estate, but also create a serum that can withstand Evelina's infection.

: But the son Lucas Baker was sick in the head even without infection. So for this very reason, when Evelina's creators came out on Lucas and gave him a healing serum, no one noticed any difference.

"The Baker Family: Lucas and His Secret Work"

Lucas, in turn, continued to use the regeneration donated to him, one might say, "for free". Since he was not under the control of the girl, he began, in deep secrecy from everyone, to work for the corporation, at the same time putting on and doing all sorts of sadistic experiments on people visiting the Baker farm. Moreover, such inclinations began to appear in the guy from early childhood, fueled by imagination and a sharp mind.

Among the victims of Lucas was, for example, the same operator Clancy, who filmed the prohibited show in a demo called "Beginning Hour". And he also became a hero in another video, in which he had to go through a room with puzzles in the spirit of the movie "Saw" - at the very end he was awaited by a cruel and painful death from fire.

In the list of kidnapped people, the Bakers had several marks - dead and transformed. The transformed are the Molds. However, there was another unique mark with the "L" sign for Clancy - obviously this person was the same Lucas. There was a dash across from Mia. The girl in some unknown and incomprehensible way managed not to succumb to the influence of Evelina completely and thereby not turn into a monster.

: Evelina all this time continued to run the Baker estate. It was on her initiative that the Bakers engaged in kidnapping. The logic here is simple - the girl wanted her family to become larger. And the message to Ethan is her handiwork. Perhaps Evelina wanted Ethan to replace Jack, or she just wanted to expand her family.

The Present: Infected Ethan, Evelyn's Aging

But there was one more interesting moment- the girl's physical condition rapidly degraded. Without the necessary injections, Evelina's body began to age at a 25-fold rate. That is why, when Ethan came to visit the Baker family, the girl was already a frail old woman. However, the infected see her exclusively as she herself and wants to look - a ten-year-old little girl.

: When Mia finds Evelyn, she gets hit by her control. Despite the fact that she is struggling with all her might with the "order" to contact her husband (Ethan), she still shoots a video in which she asks to forget about her, admits to a lie, and finally asks him to stay as far away from her as possible. ...

Soon, Ethan is also infected with a fungus or a virus - whichever suits you best. This is already evidenced not only by the sudden appearance of hallucinations, but also by the rapid regeneration. So, for example, Zoya sews his hand cut off with a chainsaw, and in the next optional scene Jack chops off his leg - and he will already discover that simply by putting the severed limb in place and pouring it with healing liquid, he is able to run as if nothing had happened.

Then Ethan rushes around the huge and full of mysteries mansion, solves various puzzles, and a little later, according to the instructions, Zoe again collects the ingredients that are necessary for the vaccine. The ingredients have to be collected from the body parts of children in the "D" series. However, what exactly these children did with the Bakers is unknown. With the help of the vaccine, Ethan soon manages to defeat Jack. However, the last vaccine remains, so you have to decide who to inject it: Mie - good ending games, or Zoe - a bad ending to the game. Moreover, in the latter case, despite the fact that Zoya seems to be healed, Evelina quickly deals with her of her own free will.

: In the second half of the game, Evelina decides to brick Ethan alive, planning to turn him into Plesnevik, but Mia breaks the plans of the insidious girl and helps the protagonist.

The girl gives Ethan an ampoule with cells from the E series sample, with the help of which the hero creates a poison / toxin that is lethal for Evelina and injects her. Therefore, Evelina mutates, thereby turning into a huge monster. However, here unexpected help arrives and Ethan, with the help of a special pistol, quickly deals with evil. Then a special forces soldier, who introduces himself as a certain Redfield, descends to the hero, taking Ethan by helicopter. However, depending on who the main character chooses in the middle of the game, he can fly either with Mia or all alone. End.

Chris Redfield: The Whole Truth

However, is it all that simple: Shortly before the finale, Ethan hears a conversation on the radio in which the operatives are talking to each other: one of them complains about Lucas Baker, who leaks all the information "it is clear to whom" and therefore they confirm that in the case of Evelyn, they are ordered to shoot to kill. One of the interlocutors, introducing himself as "Alpha-1", speaks in the voice of the same Redfield from the ending.

The credits say that the character's name is "Chris Redfield", but even this can be a piece of huge deception. Quite a lot indicates this. So, for example, on a helicopter on which heroes or heroes fly away, the Umbrella corporation's markings are clearly visible (albeit there is a different logo). In addition, the real Chris Redfield would never have become under the banner of any organization that has at least something in common with Umbrella. Again, one can understand from the radio that "Chris" and his familiar operative have been watching what is happening for quite a long time, so they are aware of what Evelina and Lucas are doing inside. After all, the game has previously given hints that the Baker mansion is being watched from helicopters.

In general, the real Chris Redfield would have come running to the estate long ago to wave his pistol in an attempt to put an end to this terrible disgrace. Another interesting point is that the pistol he throws at Ethan is named "Albert". Exactly like Albert Wesker, and in honor of him a real hero would definitely not name his weapon. And in general, the pistol was named for a reason.

: Finally, the upcoming addition entitled "Not a Hero" will be dedicated to the real Chris Redfield. Even now, his name suggests that his hero is not a hero at all.

So, based on the ending, we can draw two conclusions: Chris Redfield has changed a lot over the past summer (considering that in the sixth part his memory was completely knocked off and he became an alcoholic, this is not even excluded), or a completely different character was presented to us, who decided to change his appearance. Yes, and such "surprises" would be far from news, because it is enough just to remember the fake Ada Wong from.

So who is Chris Redfield at the end of Resident Evil 7: Biochazard? The options are actually few, given that it is called by the codename "Alpha-1". It is worth remembering that the commander of the Umbrella-controlled Alpha team was the only survivor of the attack on William Birkin's laboratory back in Raccoon City, Mr. Death - HUNK.

Obviously, the corporation that created Evelyn is not the new Umbrella. Moreover, the dummy Chris, along with his associates, are most likely the very same competitors that made everything go awry. In the end, they still got their hands on an infected Ethan, because he had not injected himself with the vaccine.

There are also suggestions that the E series and Evelyn were produced by Sheng-Ya, or other competitors of Umbrella from the Umbrella Corps game released last year. There are other references besides "Chris" itself. So in the Baker's house you can find a book by Clive O'Brien - the chapters of "BSAA" from the game Resident Evil: Revelations. There is also an article by Alissa Ashcroft, a journalist from the game Resident Evil Outbreak. After all, the tragedy in Raccoon City is still not forgotten.

Unfortunately, apart from the "Not a Hero" add-on, the other announced DLCs are definitely not going to support the main storyline Resident Evil 7: Biochazard. So it is quite possible that Resident Evil 8 will come out.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Passing

The passage of the game begins in a quite standard way - by viewing the splash screen. Watch the video message from your missing girlfriend: first, he will greet and invite you to come for her, but during the next video message, she will dissuade the main character from coming for her.

Mia Winters (the protagonist's girlfriend) disappeared 3 years ago. Now a rather strange message has come from her. You, in the role of Ethan Winters, are driving to your girlfriend Mia at a halted address - to the abandoned town of Dulvey, which is located in Louisiana, straight to the Baker farm.

Location: "Guest House"

How to pass Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

"The neighborhood of the house"

Soon, the main character gets to a dense forest. The roots of the trees in this forest prevent the car from going further, so Ethan has to get out of the car and move on on foot. At this time, control finally passes to you, so move forward right up to the fence of an abandoned mansion in the forest. Having tried to open the gate, it turns out that they are locked. Open the map with the "M" key and the inventory with the "I" key. On the map you will be able to get acquainted with the territory, but in the inventory you will see a video message from Mia.

In any case, these are all details - little things. So turn to the left and move forward along the fence. Near another part of the fence, along the way, you can find an abandoned white van with a variety of video equipment - this is the equipment of the very people who could be played in the demo version of the game. Soon, Ethan will stumble upon a gap in the fence, which will also read "Accept her gift." After passing the zero obstacle, move on. Suddenly, a strange type will walk a little further in front of the hero - move in the direction in which he also went.

Turning after the farmer, on the left side you will find a corpse of a cow, on which crows will sit. On the right side there is a strange and eerie sign made of animal hooves. In general, it is under these hooves in the shape of the sun that you need to crawl in order to go further. IN a certain moment jump off the ledge and end up in the backyard of the Baker mansion. Do not miss a brown handbag along the way, inside which you can take «» ... Otherwise, there is nothing more to do here, except how to push the swing, so find the white door and go inside, even though it will be terribly dark.

"Inside the house"

There will be a wardrobe in the hallway, which is locked with a chain. But now move to the kitchen, because here you can interact with many objects, so examine: the sink, refrigerator, saucepan on the table, newspaper on the table and microwave. On the right side of the kitchen unit there is one of the drawers - it opens. A burnt photograph can be found inside. The second box will be locked.

Then go up to the second floor. There will be a button on the column to open the attic, but it turns out that it does not work. On the right side around the corner on the table will lie «» ... If you are asking the question "How to save in the game?", Then on the left side there will be «» - it will be possible to save the game with it.

It's time to go back to the first floor. Go down the hallway. First of all, enter the doors on the right side to get into the living room, where there will be a TV and a piano. On a small table there will be a photo of someone's pajamas and women's legs, and on the floor there will be a photo of an unknown girl. The face is not visible. In the armchair on the right is a photo of an open grate that leads to the basement. Above the fireplace is a photo of the entire Baker family. In any case, you need to go to the TV with the VCR to insert the previously found video cassette into it.

"Video recording"

After turning on the videotape, watch the recording on behalf of the videographer. In addition to the videographer, there will be two more people - the host and producer of a low-grade horror show. You can also look into the inventory, in which you can find a plan for the next episode of this show.

Nevertheless, you are still interested in something else - objects, little things and other useful / informative details. Therefore, at the very beginning, turn back and, thus, you will find the first master key. Together with your colleagues, sneak inside the Baker's house. On the way from producer André, listen to the story of the Baker family. In the kitchen, with the help of the found master key, it will be possible to open the drawer on the right side, and the first will lie inside "" (1/18)... However, this coin will appear only when you again play for Ethan.

At some point, Andre will disappear, so you will have to go in search of him. Enter the living room where the host will find a lever in the fireplace. After clicking, a secret passage in the wall (hole) will open. In the secret room, go down to the basement, where you will find Andre. The man will be killed and at the same moment the father of the Baker family will come up to you, at which the record will end.

"Basement of the house"

It's time to repeat all the same actions that were demonstrated in the video - pull the lever in the fireplace and make your way into secret room... Go down to the basement through the secret room, but the stairs will break, so you won't be able to go back the same way.

Move forward along the half-flooded tunnel, and soon a dead body will emerge on the way in front of the hero. On the other side, Ethan will stumble upon a room, inside which there will be many different announcements, each of which concerns the missing people. A little further you will see drawings of red people and the sun on the boards. A little further there will be a locked illuminated chamber, inside which a person will sleep. There will be a list of people on the table next to it. On the list, half of the people will be converted and the other half will be dead. André will be the last to die on the list. And here after him is Clancy with a strange "L" mark. In the next room, the first tool will lie on the workbench - «» ... So don't miss it and be sure to take it. And in the last room there will be an operating table and a locked corridor.

Go back now to the lighted chamber and use the bolt cutter to open the doors. So now it turns out that Mia is sitting on the bed. So now try to leave this strange place with her. Go through the operating room. In the tunnel you will need to squeeze past the rack.

After that, you will enter a room with a sofa, and then there will be a dead end, but Mia remembers that there was a door in this place. Go to the next room, where you will need to examine the blue doll on the shelf. In addition, one more doll will lie on the floor. Nearby there will also be a photo, which shows the mother of the Baker family on a rocking chair. And while the hero turned away, during this time someone had already managed to drag Mia off the couch. So quickly run back and soon you will notice that a secret door has opened in the wall. Through the doors you can get out of the basement.

"Ground floor"

On the nightstand near the entrance to the basement will lie «» ... So it will be possible to find out that you are in the southern corridor of the house. There will be nothing inside the drawers and on the bedside tables, and there will be short beeps on the phone. The side door will lead to the bathroom, and the bathroom will lie «» in the form of green jars. The next doors in the hallway will be locked, so head back.

Go back down to the basement, on the stairs of which Ethan will unexpectedly meet the possessed Mia with a distorted face. She will push the hero back back, after which she will attack with a knife in her hands. We'll have to fight off it and can't do without wounds. And there is no way to avoid the fact that she will pierce the hand of the protagonist. So after multiple injuries, Mia soon regains consciousness and becomes normal. She will begin to say strange things that clearly indicate obsession, after which she begins to beat against the wall and fall to the floor.

Immediately after this cutscene, use the first aid kit and pick up Mia. At the same moment, she becomes possessed again and throws the main character through the wall into the book room. When control comes to you after this cut-scene, take the ax rather. The girl will have to be hacked to death with an ax, so do not look at her for a long time and do not listen to the hero - nothing will help. As soon as you manage to kill the possessed Mia, the phone will ring, so go answer.

The unfamiliar voice will belong to Zoya. Zoya advises to run away from here to the attic as soon as possible. But don't forget to go back to the room where Mia was hacked to collect «» ... And by the way, the girl will be gone. At the same moment, the doors in the corridor will open, as a result of which the entire first floor will be accessible.

"The way to the attic"

It will now be possible to save on the second floor. Go to the original corridor, in which there is a cabinet. Since you have a bolt cutter, the chain and lock can be removed. Inside the cabinet you will find «» so hopefully the question is "How do I find the fuse?" will no longer bother you. With this item, go back to the living room and insert it into the electrical box on the wall on the right side. When the shield works, the button at the top will also work with it.

Go to the stairs that lead to the second floor. However, on the way, quite unexpectedly, the possessed Mia will attack you again. She didn't like the fact that she was hacked, so she nails Ethan's hand to the wall with a screwdriver, after which she saws off her left hand with a chainsaw during the cutscene. But when you are free, do not forget to pick up your hand. In any case, after that, run upstairs rather, press the button on the pole and climb even higher along the descending stairs.

"Attic at home"

Once in the attic, enter the first doors on the side (on the right side) and on the table you will find «» , «» and one «» ... A little further ahead in the large room on the left side of the bed there will be more «» ... There are boxes in the side room, and on the table there will be more «» .

Climb up the ladder to the upper window of the attic, but suddenly, from the other side, the obsessed Mia with her chainsaw will start cutting everything out. Falling down, move away rather from the girl and shoot her several times in the head from afar. Please note that you will not be able to escape from the attic, but you can always retreat into the corridor and then run in a circle. After several shots, the possessed Mia will be killed once again. And this is not the end, because immediately after that the main character will receive a blow from the head of the Baker family. The splash screen will start.


« Detailed walkthrough Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

Location: "Main House"

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. Passing


So, the main character has now been carried to main house... The previously sawn-off arm was literally reattached with a large stapler. When Ethan wakes up, he sees that he is firmly chained to a chair at the dinner table with the Bakers. They eat someone's insides and soon offer the main character to feast on. Of course, the main character cannot eat like that, so the head of the family begins to hard cut the main character. However, all this bloody business is interrupted by a call from the police, so the family quickly disperses.

When the hero is left completely alone, he rocks the chair and falls, thereby getting out of the strong shackles. While there is no one else, it is better to hide. On the right side there is a lounge with a TV and in the same drawer there is «» ... Right in front of the TV there is a newspaper about 3 missing video bloggers, so be sure to check it out - "" (4/32)... In the kitchen, on the right side of the countertop, read the purchase receipt: saw, rope, collar - this will be new "" (5/32)... Now it's time to go carefully to the refrigerator and find a trash can, in which there will be another «» ... There is a room on the right side that contains a floor hatch, however it will be locked. But you better pay your attention to the right wall, because there will be a boot on which "Evelina" will be written.


It's time to go out into the corridor. Ahead there will be a sign with the inscription "Garage", on the right side of this sign you will definitely need to destroy the box. There is nothing to break it with at the moment. Go down the corridor to the right. On the corner you can see Jack right by the window, so hide from him rather in the room on the side. There, wait for the moment when he leaves, or let him notice you to destroy one of the walls. Nevertheless, after that, you will again need to act quietly, try not to run. The bottom line is that Jack can hear you and continue chasing, periodically attacking and attacking with a shovel. Moreover, a couple of blows can be survived, which means that you can run away and hide again.

As soon as Jack leaves, go back to the corridor, in the corner in the closet you can find «» ... But at the very end, in a dead end, you can still inspect a photograph with crossed out eyes and locked doors with two locks in the form of discs. In any case, again imperceptibly now it is necessary to get into the room on the right side of the kitchen (right behind the countertop). It is better to move while sitting in order to create as little noise as possible. So, in this small room, open the hatch in the floor and jump down.

You will have to move further under the floor, while again trying not to make noise. In addition, from here it will be very clear (thanks to the creak of the floorboards) where Jack is now. So carefully crawl forward, after which on the red lawnmower you can find another "" (2/18).


After going a little further, you can already get up. Upstairs there will be «» to save. If there are any extra items, then put them in a container. There will still be lying next to «» ... In the closet, you can find useful ingredients and immediately add them: «» + «» = «». At the exit from this room (laundry room) there will be a casket. Examine the box carefully, then open it and get it «» .

In any case, open the door, at the same moment the phone will ring, so go back to it and answer. Zoya will again be on the phone, who will advise you to get out of the house through the central hall. In addition, she will also talk about the device on the arm of the protagonist, which shows the level of health. Health will be divided into three standard colors: green, yellow, and red.

There will be a locked cabinet in the corridor, which can be opened with a lockpick. Inside the locker there will be another «» ... You can also go to the right side of the corridor and look at all the photos in complete tranquility. The photographs will show the entire Baker family: husband Jack, wife Margarita, son Lucas.

In the corridor on the left side you will soon hear a knock, so approach the window. There will be a black cop outside the window. After talking with him, he will give the main character «» for protection. After that, go to the garage. Use a knife along the way to break the box, inside which you will find «» ... At the bottom, do not forget to cut the tape off the flap to press the button.

Garage Scramble - Boss: Jack

After the cops enter the garage, he begins interrogating Ethan. However, at a certain moment, completely unexpectedly, the head of the family, Jack Baker, rather brutally kills a cop from behind. You, in turn, try to gather your strength and at this moment, while the enemy is busy with a corpse, run past and from behind pick up the fallen «» ... On the right side, right behind the machine in the closet, you can still take «» ... Near the workbench will lie «» and you must take it.

Now Ethan is left alone with Jack in a locked garage. You can't run away, and you don't need to. You need to get into the car as soon as possible. Moreover, it is also important to take into account the fact that if Jack manages to get into the car first, then he will start crushing the hero and it will be much more difficult to escape - you will have to try to shoot him in the head while he ram, so that he eventually crashed into the wall and crashed ... However, if the main character gets into the car first, then use the key you have taken to start the car and as soon as this happens, step on the gas and push Jack.

As soon as you manage to drive over Jack three times, he will disappear, and then suddenly climb into Ethan's car. The enemy will try to direct the car straight into the scrap metal ahead in order to kill the hero, but in the end it will turn out so that only himself will suffer. Therefore, get out of the car, after which Jack will try to crawl towards you, but in the end he will burn out from the explosion of the car. Go now to the stairs, which dropped down in front of the workbench. At the same moment, unexpectedly, the revived Jack again sticks to the hero and publicly demonstrates his immortality by shooting himself in the mouth.

In any case, climb the stairs above. Upstairs don't miss «» ... There will be an engraving with a bull on the rack - examine it carefully. On the back side, you can unscrew the screw and eventually pick up «» by separating it from the background. Now move the shelving aside and jump into the room next door.

You can also go and save in the laundry and there you will find the first "" (1/20)... But in any case, you will need to walk along the corridor to a dead end in the north, where there will still be a blockage of furniture, destroy "" (2/20)... Go along the corridor to the doors with two circles of bronze and use the previously found statuette of a bull on them - it will fit according to the drawing and eventually the doors will open.

« How to kill Jack in the garage? Where can I find the key?»

"Central Hall"

On the left side there will be a semicircular stand, and on it there will be «» and "" (3/20)... In an open cabinet will lie «» ... In a long table inside the drawer lies "" (3/18)... Now it is necessary to find the door, which depicts a three-headed Cerberus. However, in order to open these doors, you need to find three heads. On the right side there will be a door with a scorpion. On the table is a new newspaper article about 20 missing people - "" (6/32)... From the wall clock the hero will be able to take «» ... A room will be located on the side, inside of which there is «» , painting "Hunter in the Sky" with a wolf and a silhouette of an eagle.

But in any case, now you need to go back to the first floor in the kitchen, where you can find the first head. So, in the kitchen in the next room, use the previously found pendulum on the wall clock, after which the engraving will go down «» ... Now go back to the hall.

On the south side, there is a separate room with a statue of a soldier inside. The soldier will be holding a real shotgun, so getting it is not that easy. The bottom line is that if you take a weapon, then the doors will close and the hero will be locked in the room until he puts the shotgun back into the hands of the statue (a similar puzzle was in the first part of the series). So, in order to get a shotgun, you will need to put a dummy of the same shotgun in the hands of the statue, which you will not have yet, so we move on. You will have to come back here a little later.

"Second floor"

Well, go up the stairs above. At this point, you will meet a living grandmother Baker in the chair. There will be a photo in the nightstand. On the right side there is a locked door with a lock, which is depicted in the form of a wave. On the left side you can go to a long balcony. At the end of this balcony there will be a box, destroying which you can get «» ... And then there will be a locked box with tools - inside they will lie «» .

But now we need to go through another corridor. Do not miss the bedside table in which it will lie «» ... When you get to the bathroom, drain the water in the bathroom, where at the very bottom will lie «» , but for now it is better not to take it. In the drawer (in the same bathroom) of the washbasin there are one more «» ... Will lie right next to the toilet "" (4/18) so try not to miss it.

Enter the break room and look at the baseball helmet first. In the corner, on a wooden cabinet, you can find another "" (5/18) and "" (4/20)... There will still be Jack's note next to it - this is also "" (7/32)... In the trash can in the same room you can take «» ... But now the most important thing is to examine the book and open it, because there will be an engraving inside. «» ... In the sideboard, you can still read the entry about how the Baker family after the storm stumbled upon a strange ship - this will be "" (8/32)... In this room there is also a locked door that leads to the grandmother's room - behind this door you can see another shotgun. There is a new one in the table in the center. «» called "Mia". The found video can be immediately inserted into the VCR, which is located nearby and viewed.

"Video Recording: Mia"

Jack's Return

Go to the nearest container and put all unnecessary items like ammo and ingredients in it. In the end, it will definitely be necessary to save. Did you do everything? Then, on the second floor, go into the bathroom and take now from there the wooden figurine, which I previously said not to take. The bottom line is that immediately after you take this figurine, a burnt, nevertheless, alive Jack Baker will burst into the room. You will have to run away from him to the first floor and hide there. If you succeed in escaping, then try not to make noise so that he leaves and does not pester the hero.

The next step is a shadow puzzle. How to solve the shadow puzzle? In the main hall in the room on the side, use the wooden figurine on the video projector so that the shadow of this figurine matches the silhouette of the eagle in the picture. If you do everything right, then a secret door will open.

« How to complete Resident Evil 7: Biohazard?»

"Eastern rooms"

Enter the room with trophies. On the table in the center will lie «» - use them on the main character. Thanks to this substance, Ethan will begin to notice useful objects from afar and even through walls. On the right side, in a tub with a flower, there will be another «» ... The refrigerator will contain «» ... Look for more doors with a raven nailed to it - on the right side of these doors there will be "" (5/20)... Also break the box, inside which you will find valuable «» ... Under the hoof, a stuffed deer will lie another «» ... Against the wall, right behind the panel will lie «» so I recommend taking them too.

In the next room on the table there will be a locked toolbox, inside of which lie «» ... Right there next to it, right in the ashtray, there will be another "" (6/18)... There will also be a very interesting piece of paper on which it will be described which people were converted and which were killed. On the rack, where pallets still lie, lies «» ... On a regular rack there will be a box, and inside this box there will be live worms.

After you examine everything and collect the items, enter the room with black slime on the walls. Moreover, you will need to very quickly inspect the objects and run out, as a black monster - mold - will crawl out of the wall. The monster will chase Ethan. You can kill him, but for this you have to shoot him in the head about three times.

There is a corner room right next to the basement descent. Inside this room can be found a piece of a note from an unknown converted person - this is "" (9 and 10/32)... And be sure to read the note from both sides. There will be a locked drawer in the nightstand. In addition, in the same room there is a container for things and more «» to save.

"Processing area (basement)"

Well, now is the time to take as many bullets with you as possible and go down into the bowels of the basement. The bottom line is that in this location on the way Ethan will come across black monsters and in large numbers, so they will have to shoot them. Try not to rush forward and walk slowly. When recharging, it's best to step back.

"The room for cremation"

In this place, all furnaces can be opened, except for the first one. In addition, a note can be found on the wall - this is a new one. "" (11/32)... Moreover, this note will tell you exactly how to open the first oven. The solution looks like this: 1 - open the farthest oven, where the name "Tamara" will be written; 2 - open further the central furnace, on which the print of a bloody hand will still be depicted.

As a result, the furnace on the left will open, from which a dangerous black monster with an equally dangerous reinforced hand will emerge. It is better not to spend ammo on this monster. It is enough to grab immediately from an open oven «» and run out of the room, dumping somewhere farther. Then when you get back to the crematorium, the monster will be gone, so don't worry.

"Basement Center Room"

The next room in the corridor will be the workshop, but the fact is that this room will be locked. Therefore, we move on, move the shutters a little further ahead green color and then enter the center. Unlock the doors to the original corridor. A little further ahead will lie on the rack «» , and in two wooden boxes will lie «» ... On the left side of the map, look at the floor and thus find a new one. "" (7/18)... And a little further, in front of the table (right on the piece of meat) will lie «» , try not to miss it. In the same place, on the next rack, there will be «» ... In the refrigerator, in the box will lie «» .

Ahead there will be a staircase to the second basement floor, but only it will lead you to a locked door that has a snake symbol. And yet, now it is not this that is important, but the fact that in front of this door it will be possible to find another «» and "" (6/20), and on a table in the corner (or a corner table - whichever is more convenient) «» .

"Opening doors upstairs"

Go back upstairs now. Use the Scorpion Key to unlock the fast track to the central hall. Using a lock pick, you can open the drawer in safe room inside which will lie «» .

In addition, there is also a photograph, so take a close look at it: it shows a fireplace from the room with trophies, and on the back there is an interesting caption "Something interesting is hidden here." Go to the fireplace, look at the top of the fireplace and click on the large flat stone tile (rock). So behind the fireplace you can find «» ... You can use steroids either immediately or at a critical moment. The bottom line is that besides the fact that they will increase the maximum health reserve forever, they will also replenish the health reserve.

By the way, after using the key with the Scorpio, it did not disappear, because there is another door for it. Therefore, go up to the second floor and open the doors to Grandma Baker's room. Inside the chest of drawers (in the same room) you can find "" (12/32) and "" (13/32) are all part of collection documents. In addition, the chest of drawers will also contain «» and «» on the bed. Is there some more «» and «» ... Moreover, pay attention to the weapon - you can insert it into the hands of the statue and in return get a normal «» (This shotgun will take two inventory slots, mind you).

"Boiler room"

It's time to go back to the basement. In the basement, follow the map to the southern room. The first room will have several baths. So, in the nearest bathroom lie «» , and in the farthest - «» ... But that's not all: in this place, monsters will also appear on both sides, which will try to surround the hero. When this happens, go back to the corridor and shoot them from there, it will be easier and easier. After the battle, go to the transition between the rooms - there is "grass".

In the next room, a generator will operate. Two monsters will appear around the generator. It is impossible to kill monsters, because they will constantly revive, but they will not leave the premises either. You need to do the following: lure the monsters to the nearest doors, at this time you yourself run to the farthest locked door, quickly open it with a key from the sectional door and go inside.

"Sectional, Morgue"

First of all, look into the cabinet on the right side - here «» ... The last engraving will be on the shelf ahead. «» but when trying to grab the item, she is quickly picked up by Jack from the opposite side of the room. Moreover, with this object, he leaves without noticing the main character.

There will be many grates in the next room. Now you need to climb to the site above and from the suspended hook you need to try to take the engraving, but during the attempt it turns out that this is all Jack's trap for the main character: he throws Ethan down into the arena locked on all sides.

The enemy will try to kill the hero with a large cleaver. You, in turn, will have to run in a circle and kick the hanging bodies to save yourself, thereby temporarily stunning the enemy. Shooting at the enemy will not help, so it will only work to reduce the time of the battle and that's it.

However, after a certain period of time, Jack will get tired of it all - he will get huge homemade scissors from chainsaws from behind the bars. Therefore, wait for the moment when he leaves, from there take «» ... After that, hide behind the post rather, and wait for the moment when Jack gets tired and sits down to catch his breath - at this moment you will need to attack. Soon, Jack will break the center column. At this point, Ethan will have to dodge his blows, so either crouch in time or use the chainsaw.

Jack's head will have to be sawed off about three times, after which he will have to deal with the red tumor, with the help of which he is restored. The tumor also needs to be sawed off with a saw. For the third time, Jack will have to saw off the torso. To get out of this place, saw through the iron bolt on the doors. After this action, the saw, of course, will break, but for that the hero will be able to get out. So, the last engraving is now with you, so go back to the hall and use it on the doors with the image of the head of the Cerberus. Once you do this, you can enter the courtyard.

« Detailed walkthrough Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

Location: "Old House"

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard. All secrets


First of all, examine the small tall jug on the right railing of the stairs - there is a "master key" inside. On the right side of the same staircase, there will be a pot of earth in the grass, and inside there will be an “ancient coin” (8/18). At the bottom of the window of the house there will also be an ingredient - "separator". To the left, again from the stairs, in another pot there will be a “medicinal herb”. A little further on the right side in the basin there will be "gunpowder". In the left-sided cul-de-sac of the porch lies "gunpowder" and one more "medicinal herb". Do not go far from the porch: near the porch between the two stairs, carefully examine the wall, then move the sheet of metal and crawl under the porch, where you can already find the "repair kit". There will be a door with a colored garland near the left wall, so to open these doors, you will need to get a red and blue key card. Therefore, we will go in search of these things, but before that we will examine a couple more places + on the left side of these doors there will be "food additives", and behind the trailer there is another locked door leading to the pond.


Come to the trailer. On the right side, there will be an "epoxy" in the basket. Another "statuette" (7/20) will be hidden between the stairs at the entrance. Inside the trailer is a safe room + audio player and container. There will be a "broken M19 pistol" on the bed. The pistol can be repaired using a repair kit and it would be a good solution, since this broken pistol will be the best G17 police pistol. In addition, instead of a pistol, you can restore the "broken M21 shotgun", which is located in the hall - it will, in turn, be more powerful than the M37 shotgun, only it will fit not 4 charges, but only 2, so take this into account. On the wall is "Zoe's message" (14/32). There will be birdcages on the table, and inside there are interesting bonuses, which can only be obtained with the help of old coins: for 3 coins you can get steroids (to increase the maximum health reserve); for 5 coins you can get a stabilizer (to speed up weapon reloading); for 9 coins you can get the Magnum 44 revolver. In front of one of the three cells there will be an “ancient coin” (9/18), so try not to miss it. After taking a close look at the trailer, exit and answer the call from Zoe. The girl will tell you that the entire Baker family is infected, so to cure Mia and her, you need to find a unique serum.

"An old house"

Follow the path on the right side to the bridge, then enter the house. Inside, pay attention to the large moths sitting on the wall - it is best to knock them down / kill them with a knife. Do it quickly, because very soon they will attack the hero. On some lockers, spiders will still sit, but it is best not to come close to them and in general it is better to avoid other insects in every possible way.

Then go to the left side, straight into the hall with a large rift in the floor. From this place, go to the guest room. Watch out for the Magnum Cartridge near the door in the pit. In addition, in this place there will be a hive and extremely aggressive bees, so it is better not to spend anything from your equipment on them, quickly running to the next doors. The cabinet will contain "solid fuel". In the northern part of the corridor, you can find a "map of the old house".

So, now the gallery is next. Go to the light puzzle room. Exit to the balcony and on the right side at the dead end you will find "a large first aid kit and epoxy". Take the "burner handle" on the left side of the tank. Go through the bridge to the safe room and inside you can find a new "backpack" (moreover, this backpack will increase the inventory by as much as 4 cells, so I recommend not to miss this). But don't go too far, because in the same place there is a "figurine" (8/20).

Return back to the house and go to the east rooms. In the dining room there will be a closet under the careful protection of spiders, and under the washbasin there will be a locked drawer, but if you spend a lockpick on it, then you can get a "first aid kit" inside. That's all for now in the dining room, so from this room go out onto the bridges above the water. On the left side there is "gunpowder", and on the right side, in a dead end, there will be a "psychostimulant" and another "master key" (with this master key, if anything, you can return to the locked box under the sink). Go further forward - in this place you will now need a lever. It's time to turn your gaze to the right side, where you can go to a separate house. This house will be the "Water Supply Point", inside of which are the "herbs" and the "burner spout". Since one more part of the burner was found, you can combine the spout and the handle, as a result of which you get a full-fledged "burner" + there will be 150 units of fuel in it. With the help of the burner, it will now be possible to burn flocks of huge bees and spiders.

« Detailed walkthrough Resident Evil 7: Biohazard»

"With burner"

Finally, it's time to head back to the dining room. On arrival, the first thing to do is burn the spiders that have lined the closet. Inside the cabinet will be "epoxy" and strong "epoxy". Have you taken everything? Go now then to the drawing-room, burn there the beehive that hangs over the fireplace so that it will no longer exist at all.

This way, after you burn the hive, you can crawl inside the cleaned fireplace. At the exit, right by the stairs, on the left side behind a wooden pallet, do not miss the "statuette" (9/20). Followed again on the left side, but on the table will be "ancient coin" (10/18). After that, enter the room, where you will meet Mia behind the bars. After talking with her, she will soon be carried away by the son of the Baker family - Lucas. However, do not rush to go further and take the "stone figurine".

Go back to the house and go through the doors on the left side, behind which there will be Margarita. The girl will put spiders on the door, because of which it will not be possible to open them. After that, go to the northern rooms, through which again Margarita will wander, while attacking and letting flocks of vile insects on the main character, but you can safely run past any flock. So rather try to get to the gallery and use the figurine in the center, adjust the shadow of the spider and go through the doors.

"Western half of the house"

So now the hero is in the western half of the house. First, collect the "grass" and "fuel". In the corridor on the side there will be a locked door with a crow, where there will be a "note from Margarita to Zoya" (15/32) next to it. But on the right side of the table there will be another "epoxy".

At a dead end in the north, go down to the underground, along the way in which you will find another "psychostimulant". On the left side, on the topmost shelf, you can find a "statuette" (10/20). There will be an "epoxy" hidden behind the wood frame on the right side, so watch out. At the end of the subfloor there is a mechanism necessary for further passage, from which it will be possible to remove the handle.

Now, through the whole house, return to the eastern bridges, where you will need to use the removed handle to raise the bridge to the northern part of the house. Inside the house there will be a box with a "key with a crow". On the right side, in the toilet cistern, there is an "ancient coin" (11/18) and another "burner fuel".

Go to the western part of the old house again, approach the door with the image of a raven, but at this moment, unexpectedly, the main character is attacked by Margarita and will throw him straight into the pit. At the same time, the mother will stand upstairs and chat with her lantern, releasing large and aggressive insects at Ethan. At this stage of the passage, a pistol or a shotgun is useful in order to shoot a couple of times straight in the face of the old woman. If everything works out, then in the end she will fall into the pit to the hero and it will be possible to get out the stairs by opening the doors.

So the altar. Open the chest that is on the table, and inside you will find a dried embryo and an "instruction" (16/32), in which the text will tell you how to make a serum from infection. After looking at all the items, answer phone call Zoe, who will tell you that she has one ingredient, but it is useless if you do not find the second. So after ringing near the piano, read "Margarita's note" (17/32). In the drawer of the table, you can find "fuel for the burner".

Go to the north room, where there will be a nightstand in the center with a "figurine" on it (11/20). In the farthest bedside table there will be an "ancient coin" (12/18). There will be another locked door ahead, to which the scales will also be attached. There will be a lamp on one side of the scales, but on the second there will be nothing, but for it you will need to get a second lamp and this item can only be obtained from Margarita, so you will have to go back to the pit into which the shot Baker's mother fell.

Upon arrival, in front of the eyes of the protagonist in the pit, a long arm will drag the lantern straight into the cave, so you have to go down and walk through the cave after the monster. After passing the full path, on the other side, get out of the well. The hero is now in the backyard of the trailer, so open the doors inside, enter and save first.

"Greenhouse - Boss: Margarita"

Head to the building behind the well, but soon you will find that the left entrance to the first floor will be locked, so you have to take the right stairs. However, at the very beginning of the stairs, you can find a “valuable photo” (this photo will show a toilet in a car trailer, this little secret will hide “magnum cartridges”). Enter the room on the second floor and there, in the garden boxes, look for "herbs" (in the amount of two pieces), and next to it is "separator", "two incendiary ammunition" and "fuel".

After that, jump into the gap, from where there will be no way back, so you won't be able to get out of the greenhouse until the mutated Margarita is killed. Having met her on the stairs, she will immediately begin to attack the hero with her long arms. So from now on, she will haunt Ethan constantly. You will have two floors at your disposal, on which you can find the following useful items: "herbs", "epoxies", "cartridges" and "burner fuels". Therefore, I strongly recommend that the first thing to carefully examine everything and be careful so that Margarita does not kill the hero in the process of searching.

So how do you kill Margarita? The most vulnerable place of Margarita is the hive that has grown between her legs. So this place must be attacked with fire, although on the other hand, shots from a shotgun also inflict good damage. At the same time, try to constantly run back so as not to fall into a flock of nasty insects, after which you attack again and run back. And try not to get carried away too much. When enough damage is done, Margarita will begin to crumble, turning into ordinary ash. So you can safely pick up her "lantern". After picking up an important thing, go to the first floor to the grate: the mold around it will begin to turn white, after which it will crumble and you can get out of this place.

"Second floor"

With the flashlight, return through the well to the western part of the house. In it, hang the extracted lantern on the scales, which will open the long-awaited passage to the second floor of the house. Thus, you find yourself in the children's rooms, where you can inspect a couple of children's drawings. In an infected room, everything will be in mold, but there will be no monsters here.

In the confinement room in the toy house, you can find a secret card. Approach the center of the farthest wall, sit down and go through the secret hole. Inside there will be a strange creature with a living hand - so it will be possible to get a "hand of the D series". At the exit, you will notice a little girl who will immediately run away. On the way back, three black monsters will be waiting for you at once, so it's easier to run right past them than to fight. Zoya will call the hero again near the altar.

After the dialogue, you will have to go back to the caravan and answer the phone again. But this time Lucas will speak on the phone, since Zoe is now in his captivity. At the request of Lucas, go to inspect the refrigerator, where you will find a "head with a note" (18/32). Thanks to the note, you will learn that it is necessary to watch the "Sectional Room" in the basement.

Location: "Test Zone" (Lucas)

Resident Evil 7. Walkthrough

"Return to the main house"

With the new key found, you can now return to the main house to the door with the image of a raven (this is the southwestern part of the house, or, more precisely, the room with trophies). Behind this door, you can find a completely new weapon - the "homemade grenade launcher", which will fire different types of projectiles. In addition, in the same room will lie: "cartridges for a shotgun", "gunpowder", "strong epoxy" and "solid fuel". In order to create projectiles / ammunition for the grenade launcher, use the following ingredients: "strong epoxy" + "fuel" = "incendiary round"; "Strong epoxy" + "food additives" = "neuroprojectile".

After you create the first few shells, feel free to go down to the basement, where in the sectional room you will find the corpse of a police officer on the couch, inside which there will be a "snake key". But be careful, because at the same moment there will be monsters behind, so I recommend going along the upper platform, after which, under it, quickly open the doors with the sign of the snake.

"Nursery, Attic"

In the western part on the second floor, open one more door with the image of a snake. In the same place, the hero learns that Lucas had quite a few honorary awards for ingenuity. Then carefully read the note how Lucas locked the boy he knew in his attic - this is a "document" (19/32). There will be another useful "note about this" (20/32) on the table next to it. In the closet next to it will be "epoxy", and on the window "food additives". In addition, there will be a “master key” on the shelf in the vase, so don't miss it. After that, carefully examine the lamp on the table, under the diffuser there will be a button (find it without fail), with which you can lower the stairs to the attic.

Near the stairs at the top there is a "statuette" (12/20), which can only be accessed with a shot. In the attic at the very entrance to the closet, you can find a unique "Happy Birthday" videotape. On the right side, on the floor, there will be a reconstruction contract. On the shelves there will be a “toy ax” and a “toy shotgun”, which can be used as dummies instead of real weapons. On the shelves in front there will be "strong epoxy". The puzzle can be solved by twisting the figurine, while creating the shadow of the man with the ax. After the puzzle is solved, a toy house will open, inside which there will already be a "blue key card".

What is a toy ax for and what to do with it? Go to the courtyard, go through the bushes on the left side of the trailer and stumble upon new riddle- a puzzle with light. Use a toy ax so that the shadow is in the shape of the number "7", for which you will receive a "stimulant" as a reward.

"Master bedroom, Workshop"

Go now to the hall on the second floor, where the main bedroom will be located behind the door with the sign of the snake. Grandma will be sitting in the bedroom inside. First of all, find the box, because there is a "master key" inside. Next, examine the chest of drawers, inside which lies the "grass". Now it's time to look at the photo, thanks to which you will learn that old Jack Baker was once a Marine. There will be "shotgun cartridges" under the chair, and "epoxy" in the closet. In the side storage part of the room there is a "valuable photograph" (a cage, and on it the head of a mannequin with a cap), a drawing of a homemade grenade launcher, and where it can be found. Below the picture will be "nerve munitions", and next to the next "grass". On the top shelf there will be a "second backpack" for four additional slots in the inventory.

Now turn your attention to the table, where there will be a hint with the following words: "Same time as on the rest of the clock" - "document" (21/32). It will also be possible to move the clock hands nearby. The closest office hours in the lobby will show 10:15, so turn the hands at the same time. As a result, the correctly set time will move the bed, and under the blood you can already find a hatch leading down to the workshop. At the bottom, the hero will first stumble upon a table with animal remains, but in the same place it will be possible to find "cartridges" in the closet + "red key card" on the table.

"Video recording: Happy birthday"

So now you are playing the role of a certain prisoner. Sick Lucas puts you in a room with a variety of puzzles. At the very beginning, a clown robot will sit - you need to take a candle from him. After taking the candle, your task is to bring the burning candle to the right room and put it there on the cake, but the problem is that water is pouring in the corridor and thus extinguishes the fire. Thus, it is necessary to shut off the water, and for this you will have to perform more than a dozen different actions, which I will discuss in detail below.

(one). The first thing to know is that the candle can be re-lit using the gas stove. So if a candle goes out in the aisle, light it with a gas stove. Using a burning candle, you need to burn the rope on the doors in front.

(2). After that, enter the room with a large number of black balloons. Crouch down and break all the balls with the candle fire. As soon as the passage becomes more or less clear, find a deflated "balloon" on the floor near the bedside table (you must take it).

(3). In the central room, go to the wall on the left. There is a pipe with air in the left wall, so use the ball on it. As a result, the balloon will inflate and burst, and a new important object will fly out of it almost immediately - a “pen for writing”.

(4). Now the most unpleasant thing: go to the toilet, which is filled with various nasty things, then stick your hand in there looking for the contents. Thus, Ethan finds the next important item - the "dirty spyglass".

(five). Do not rush to move on immediately, it is better to turn on the spyglass and move on through the shower. What for? And why should the spyglass become clean and without all this muck. After that, in the central room through a telescope, look at the television, which consists of nine screens, where you will see three unique symbols.

(6). After the symbols found, go to the room with the cake, where you need to enter the symbols you saw: 1 - "man in a loop", 2 - "bird on the mountain", 3 - "embryo". As a result, a box will open, from which it will be possible to pick up the “straw doll”.

(7). What to do with the doll? As strange as it may sound, the doll will need to be burned over the gas stove. When you do this, you will end up with a "mannequin finger".

(eight). Now is the time to take up the barrel of wine: unscrew the "winding key" (which is also an important subject). Then use this key on the body of the robot clown.

(nine). On the same robot, use the finger of the robot, and then the pen. As a result, the robot will automatically write an important password on the hero's hand.

(10). With the password, go back to the room with the black balls and enter the password, which consists of five letters and looks like this - "LOSER". In the opened room, take the next important item - "valve".

(eleven). Go back to the room with the cake and use the previously taken valve to shut off the water in the shower to calmly carry the burning candle.

(12). The final moment has come. First of all, light the candle again, after which you go with it to the cake. As a result of these actions, the cake explodes completely unexpectedly, and the leaked wine from the barrel ignites. Attempts to open the water with a valve will not give any result (although this must be done). Therefore, the hero eventually burns up alive, walled up in a locked room.

"Test area"

With the two key cards found, head into the building on the left side of the trailer. Walk through the room and at the end sit in a chair in front of the TV to watch a video from Lucas. It turns out that the head of Series D is in his possession, so he will have to go through his sick tests in order, in the end, to get to the desired thing.

So, go into the opened corridor and take the "herbs" along with the "fuel for the burner". Keep in mind that traps will go further: there will be stretch traps in the rooms in front, so gently squat down and pass under them. In the last large room in the corner you will see a cage on which the head of a mannequin with a cap will lie - you could already see the secret in the photo. You will need to move your head to find the "repair kit" (with this repair kit, you can repair the shotgun in the lobby and pick it up after that, leaving the wooden dummy). There will be explosives in the box on the stairs, so I strongly recommend not to break it.

Get to the room, which will need to be opened with a four-digit password. At the same time, Lucas will stand under the door, throwing up the "correct" password options. Of course, the guy is playing with the main character, so after entering absolutely any password, run away immediately, because a deadly pendulum trap will work.


You won't be able to open the doors yet, but for that a secret corridor will open on the right side, so go straight there. In the side room there will be a couple of boxes, among which there will be a booby-trap, so be careful there. In any case, go along the corridor to the very end and at the end enter the doors directly in front of you. Inside the next room of the hero, there are three stretch marks and another box bomb. Open the locker and inside you will find "steroids", and then open the drawer of the table, where you will find the "ancient coin" (13/18).

Now enter the large two-story shed, where you will stumble upon a large number of black monsters. I recommend just running away from them and collecting the following items along the way: "dry fuel", "shotgun cartridges", "gunpowder", "magnum cartridges". Everything worked out? Then turn your attention to the left top of the fence - there is a "statuette" (13/20). The second floor also houses a safe room with audio and video player + chest.

Be sure to collect "epoxy" and "strong epoxy" at the two dead ends upstairs. After that, jump down to the first floor, where there will be many audio speakers. In addition, pay attention to the panel, because one battery will not be enough there. Climb the stairs higher, take the "battery" and "grass". A bomb will be hidden in the left box, so put the battery in the panel, after which the light and music will turn on along with the sound. It turns out that Lucas has arranged another test and this time it is "Barn Fight". First of all, a black fat monster will attack the hero, which will spit an incomprehensible slurry. In addition to the need to be more accurate, you will need to try to do four accurate shot in the head so that the monster perishes.

As soon as you manage to kill the monster, enter the opened elevator to the side of the stairs and eventually get to the next floor. Collect epoxy and food additives inside. Examine the charred corpse on the chair, and then read the "note" 1408. You are next ”” (22/32). A little further in the corridor there are two shelves, and on the lower shelf there will be “ old coin"(14/18). Lower the stairs and find yourself right in front of the door for which the password is set, but now you know it. Enter the following numbers - "1408". The password, of course, works, but Lucas is cunning and asks before Ethan enters, to lay out all the things. So go back to the barn on the second floor and put all the things in the chest. After that, the hero will be able to go further.

"Escape room"

Since you've probably already watched the Happy Birthday videotape, you know what to do. I will not repeat everything absolutely exactly, but you are already aware that the past sequence of actions leads to death. Plus, you already know the passwords, which cuts a lot of time.

(one). Take the "candle" and take it to the cake, although it will go out under the pressure of water. (2). Re-light the candle thanks to the gas stove and use the candle to burn the rope. (3). You go to the farthest door in the room with balls and enter the password - "LOSER". (4). Take the "valve" in the room, return to the room with the cake and turn off the water. (6). Re-light the candle, take it back to the cake.

As a result, although the cake will explode, the barrel will not cause a fire, because you did not open it. Because of these cunning actions, Lucas will try to kill the hero in a different way - he will throw off a dynamite stick. At this moment, you have to take the bomb and throw it into the hole in the wall, which is in the room with the cake.

"Control room"

After the explosion has occurred, the passage to the next corridor will open, so go to the control room and take a closer look. First of all, on the wall, take the "test area map" and next to it "shotgun cartridges". In addition, in the suitcase, you also take a very important item next to it - "the head of the D series". Have taken? Now watch the video message from Lucas. Zoya and Mia will be chained to the wall somewhere at the boat station. After viewing, be sure to save + take all your things from the chest. And don't forget to take the handle with you.

"Boat Barn - Boss: Mutated Jack"

Leave the control room and go to the white doors (and from these doors, turn back and you can thus see the "statuette" (14/20)). Outside there will be "cartridges", so do not miss it, especially if you have a shortage. The handle must now be used on the mechanism to raise the bridge.

Go along the bridge to the right side to the rickety house. Inside the house there will be the following useful items: "shells", "cartridges" and "epoxy". At the left wall, right under the fishing net, there will be a "figurine" (15/20). Move to a dead end opposite and along the way wait for the monster, after which you kill. On the left side, behind the round grilles, there will be "magnum cartridges", and on the right side "regular cartridges". Collected? Now turn the mechanism and raise the next bridge.

Three black monsters will catch up with the main character along the road on the left, so run to the left to kill one crawling monster first. After the murder, run into the safe room. In this safe room lies: "gunpowder", "incendiary ammunition", "herbs", "psychostimulants" and "shells". From the chest, be sure to take all the necessary ingredients for the serum (these are the head and arm). In addition, I recommend taking a shotgun, grenade launcher or revolver with you now (in general, you need to take some powerful weapon with you, because soon you will have to fight Jack again). Upstairs, release Zoya and Mia from the handcuffs. After being freed, Zoya will create two serums at once, but at the same moment the heroes are attacked by a huge monster.

Now the fight with the mutated Jack begins. So Ethan now falls into a two-story arena-like appearance. In this location, in every corner where there are boxes, there are "first aid kits". How to defeat mutated Jack? At the very beginning of the battle, you need to shoot the monster with all the eyes on the body: the first eye is on the head, the second eye is on the back, the third eye is on the left hand, the fourth eye is on the right hand, the fifth eye is on the tail, the sixth eye is on the groin. However, few people know, but there is one more eye and it is very difficult to notice it. So, in order to see this eye, the mutated Jack must be lured to the upper floor, while jumping down himself. Thus, you will be able to notice the last eye below, so when you shoot it, the next stage of the battle will begin.

After destroying all the eyes on the body of the monster, Jack will go down and go under the water. He will return back to battle when his eye on his head is restored. But do not rush to shoot him. Now, the first thing you need to do is to dodge several of his punches, after that just start shooting at the last eye. The monster will stand so that you can even hit in the eye with a knife (this applies to the case if you suddenly run out of ammunition).

After defeating the monster, go to the only open doors. At this point, Jack unexpectedly catches Ethan with his paw, so, on Zoe's advice, he will have to use a syringe with serum in order to cure Jack and thereby kill him.

After a tense scene, you can now safely leave the building and head towards the girls. Due to the fact that the serum will remain alone, you will have to decide in a difficult choice who exactly to cure, and the ending of the passage will also depend on this decision. If you decide to cure Mia, then the next level will play for Mia. If you decide to cure Zoya, then in the end Zoya will still die and you will have to play again for Mia, but at the same time, in the future, the girl will remain infected.

Location: "The Lost Ship"

Resident Evil 7. Walkthrough

The main character is sailing on a boat with Mia, but only if he gave her serum. She cannot answer questions about how she got to this place, because she simply does not remember anything. As soon as the heroes reach the crash site of a huge cargo ship, a monster attacks a small boat of heroes from the water and turns them over.

The next part of the passage begins already in the role of Mia. A girl in a clearing in front of a huge cargo ship. The girl has a "strange bottle" in her inventory. Go in search of Ethan. Having passed through the rubble, and then through the water, the girl finds the body of a man, but a strange black liquid immediately takes him somewhere.

"Third sublevel"

Enter the ship and move further along the dark empty corridors. As soon as you get to the large room, you will see some semblance of a phenomenon from the past, how two engineers tried to escape. In any case, jump into the opened hatch in the floor and crawl under the floor, and at the fork turn to the right side, where at the dead end you can find an "ancient coin" (15
/18). Now it remains to crawl to the descent to the lower floor.

"Second sublevel"

In the first room on the side there is a cabinet, inside of which lies the corpse of a sailor, and on the table there is a "list of the crew". In addition, there will be an inscription on the wall: "She is not my daughter." In the next room, in addition to one more corpse, there will be another new record “She is in me. She is in everyone. "

After that, you can safely go into the cabin with a destroyed wall and a view of the wreckage of the ship "LNG Tanker Annabelle". In the next corridor, the heroine will visit another memory, but this time about how a little girl turned one of the sailors into a terrible black monster. After the vision, climb the stairs above and jump into the cabin, which is filled with water. In the water in the farthest left corner is another "ancient coin" (16/18).

"Ground floor"

Having reached the first floor, a little girl will start running away from the heroine again. The doors behind which she hid can only be opened with a fuse, so you need to go in search of him. There will be a couple of monsters on the same floor, but the problem is that the heroine will not have anything with her, so run to the southwest room, where you can find "herbs" and "MPM pistol" + an audio recorder to save herself. Keep in mind that there will be few cartridges, so it is better to spend them not even on monsters, but on boxes in order to destroy and get "first-aid kits" from them. In addition, be aware that monsters will not enter the side rooms: they will appear exclusively either in the center or in the corridor. Therefore, quickly run across to the rooms in the east, where it will be safe. In the eastern rooms you can find on the table "note about the incident on the ship" (23/32) and "psychostimulant". In the next room, be sure to inspect the life jacket, where you will find a "note about passengers on the tanker" (24/32).

Found all the scraps? Then go further to the central room, where there will be washing machines. There will be a working "fuse" on the wall, so take it and go to the doors in the northwestern part of the location to insert the fuse and go further. In the next room, you will finally see a map of the ship.

"Third floor"

On the landing, the passage to the second floor will be closed, and on the fourth, the doors will be open, although blocked. Therefore, the only way out is on the third floor. And here the girl will sit on the armchair and offer to watch one video. So take the "old videotape" and insert it into the VCR.

"Old videotape"

Play again as Mia. We need to help a man named Alan. Take "cartridges" and "note" (25/32) on the table. I recommend reading the note right away, because thanks to it you will learn that Alan Drowney, along with Mia Winters, transported a girl named Evelyn on a tanker from one secret laboratory to another. Bottle "E-001" contains samples of Evelyn's fabric. As a weapon, the girl will receive a "P19 submachine gun".

Well, go out into the corridor and look at the sensor on your hand to find Evelyn. In the central rooms you can find: "epoxy", "food additives", "herbs" and "machine gun ammunition". The doors to the kitchen will be locked, but you can get inside through the hatch, which is located behind the cabinet. Having found traces of black slime, Evelyn will run away a rather long distance. There are a couple more useful items to find in the rooms to the east, so be careful.

Now go down the elevator to the second floor and kill a couple of nasty black monsters on the way. Having reached the locked doors, Alan will tell you that the lock can be melted. Go to the next doors and take the "epoxy" from the box, then move the bars and take the "three corrosive substances". With the substance you return back to the locked doors and burn the lock with acid.

In the next room, make a small circle and soon you see Evelina at the exit. Run urgently to her on way back... Somewhere in the middle of the floor, you will have to burn down the lock on one more locked doors. Behind the doors will be "herbs", "machine gun cartridges", "two bombs" and "corrosive substance".

Once you take all the items, go up to the third floor. Returning back to Alan's room, where the girl no longer finds a man. Now you go through the eastern rooms, break open the lock on the wall and take "two bombs" from there. It will be possible to break open another locker in the corridor in the northeast part (in the corner). In any case, go through the central doors, climb through the hatch at the top to the locked part of the corridor, and then go up the stairs.

On the fourth floor, find a room with a TV inside. It is in this room that Mia will meet Alan. Soon, before the girl's eyes, Evelyn turns the man into a black monster, and then infects the girl as well. After Mia wakes up, go to the room, where on the laptop you will see your video, which was at one time sent to Ethan, after which the main events of the game began. In the end, Evelyn destroys the entire freighter.

"Third floor"

Soon, Mia tells Evelyn that she will not be part of her family, after which she disappears. Do not rush to leave, because there is an audio player for saving nearby. In the next room it will be possible to find a "briefcase with instructions" (26/32), but the only problem is that someone has already taken the contents. In any case, then be sure to take "gunpowder", "epoxy", "grass" and "machine gun cartridges". There will be a broken laptop on the floor, and the farthest door will be locked, so you approach the elevator, open the doors and climb up the elevator shaft.

"Third floor"

Once on the captain's bridge, examine the work monitor: on the fifth video camera, Mia will notice Ethan, who will be shrouded in black mold. You need to go downstairs as soon as possible to save him, but before that, inspect the fourth floor. In the cabinets on the left side you can find "gunpowder", and on the control panel in the right corner you will find a "distance bomb".

Enter the ship's captain's cabin, where you will find a "ship map" and a "lug nut wrench". The locked cabinet will hold the "machine gun" and "bombs", but the only problem is that Mia will not have master keys. So move on.

Go to the corridor, where there will be a closet, and in it "grass". In the western part of the corridor there is a staircase leading down (by the way, there will be a "bomb" on the stairs, so don't miss it). The door was blocked at the bottom of the container. However, now I recommend paying attention to the upper part of the stairs on the left - there will be a "statuette" behind the railing (16/20). Approach the elevator, open the doors and jump down.

It's time to use the nut wrench to open the hatch inside the elevator car. In the cockpit you can find the "Engineer's Note" (27/32). Below you can see that there is not enough cable and fuse for the elevator to work, and since the elevator will stand between floors, first go to the second floor.

Can't kill Jack Baker in Resident Evil 7: Biohazard? Here are some tips on how best to do it.

First battle

Location: Mansion, Garage

At the beginning of the fight, you will need 2 things: the G17 pistol under your feet and the car keys. But do not forget about Jack, from whom it is better to stay away. Two hits will be enough for you to go to the beginning of the battle. He likes to hit in a big wide arc, be careful.

As soon as you get to the keys at the workbench, immediately return to the car, interacting with the door. Insert the ignition key. Then push Jack. Keep going over and over until the car breaks down and Jack lights up. Then you just need not to fall into the fiery arms of Jack until the car explodes and knocks him out.

After that, you can safely collect all the items that are in the garage. Check out the Pistol and Chemical Fluid. To end the fight, go up the stairs and take the Bull Statuette. You will need it to get to the Main Hall.

Second battle

Location: Morgue

It will take: 10 Reinforced Shotgun Ammo, 3 First Aid Kits.

Before the start of the battle, you have a great chance to make a couple of extra boosted rounds. The boiler room has a Reinforced Chemical Liquid. The gunpowder can be found under the stairs near the door with the Serpent Emblem in the Morgue. To win this fight, it is enough to plant Jack an enhanced shot in the head 3-5 times. normal level difficulties.

Invincible Jack will appear after you remove the Red Dog's Head from the chain. The location here is very small, and Jack has a huge ax in his hands, which he loves to wave.

But the tactic here is pretty simple - use the pole in the center of the room to get around Jack from behind and feed the shot. You can also use hanging corpses to slow it down. This will give you a great chance for a direct headshot.

In the second part of the battles, Jack will get a huge strange scissors. Now he can only be defeated with a chainsaw, which he carefully left next to the place where he picked up his combat scissors. Now the best way to win will be counterattacks and squats under his lunges, with which he can cut off your head in one blow.

As soon as Jack starts attacking, hit ahead of the curve with a saw. If there are dangling bodies left, use them. They will stop Jack and give him time for 3-4 hits with the saw. The main thing is not to forget to "recharge" the chainsaw so that it does not stall. And be sure to thrust your chainsaw into Jack's hideous mutated tumor when it appears.

3-4 such blows and everything will end. You will know that the end is near when Jack takes down the pillar in the center of the room.

Third battle

Location: Boat

It will take: M21, 10 reinforced cartridges, 3 incendiary bullets, 3 first aid kits.

For the third time, Jack will appear in the form of a creepy monster, right after Zoe gives you the Serum. He will be studded with orange eyes - this is your goal. After the destruction of several, the "main eye" will appear on the face. Shoot here with reinforced or incendiary bullets. Better yet, from the Magnum.

The tactic is already quite familiar - stay away. Jack climbs both levels and tries to hit with his paws. Back off and shoot back. He also likes to vomit poison in a certain area. If you see that he "felt bad", get ready to run and dodge.

Stay at the top for as long as possible. Jump down only if Jack corners you. And after he follows you, go upstairs again and shoot, shoot.

When you've dealt enough damage, the boat will catch fire. But the tactics will not change much from this. Unless Jack's attacks will become faster and more dangerous. If you have problems with ammunition, run around and collect ammo. There will be enough of them at this stage. An additional first aid kit will also appear at the top. Dodge, block attacks and shoot. When all eyes are destroyed, the final test begins.

In the final part, you will find yourself in a very small arena under intense attacks from Jack. Unload the shotgun into his eye and leave the room when the door opens. Then use the Serum to finish off Jack.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Video Review