Final fantasy 6 side quests walkthrough. Final Fantasy VI - nightmare plot

Go to the hotel and sleep. Return to Shadow (Relm), talk to him (her) and head back to Veldt beyond Gau. Shadow / Relm you will see later.
The veldt
The consignment: 3 characters
Wander around until you come across Gau. He will recognize you and join. If you have Sabin and Gau in your team, then go to the continent (island) just above Veldt. There will be a house of Father Gau (remember this one), where we will go to learn more about Gau. If you return to Tamazu, you will see that Shadow has gone to Colosseum(Colosseum) (this is if Shadow was saved). Now we go to the small island where you started the World of Ruins.
Solitary island
Espers: Palidor
Go to the beach where you were fishing, there you will find a new esper. Now return to the ship and fly to the Colosseum (upper left corner of the map).
Here you will collect some information. You will also see an old friend - Ultros, now he is registering participants :). Here you can fight one-on-one for prizes. But for this you will need to put different things on the line. Put it on the line Striker(found in Veldt's cave) and you will fight Shadow. After the battle, he will join us. Already for good.
Chests (in the house): Moogle Suit, Relic Ring, 2000 GP, Potion, Ether, Remedy
Additional stuff: look at the portrait of Gestahl "and twice get the Royal Letter (rare item)
Espers: Starlet

You can participate in the auction and buy espers (if you have not done so earlier). Go to the large house in the north of the city. Try to climb up the stairs, but you will be lowered down and a book will open on the table. Read it - this is the diary of the owner of the house. Light the lamp next to the stairs and head upstairs. Check Gestal's painting twice for a Royal Letter. Now go to the painting with flowers - you will be attacked Nightshade... Then - to the picture of a loving lady, then they will attack Dahlings... Beat him and enter the door that appears. Go downstairs and check the painting with the chair, you will be attacked Souldancer and Wild cats... The door on the left leads to the chest containing the Moogle Suit. Now we go to the right door. Here you will see mad doors. To the right of the doors is a narrow passage, at the end of which is a hidden chest with Relic ring... The center and right doors lead back to the room with the chair painting. Therefore, we need to go to the left door. The path leads us to a room with floating chests. Try not to go under them, otherwise they will fall on you and you will be attacked. Check the picture of the Armor (Armor) and you will fight with Still life... You go into the opened door. You are now in a room with 2 doors and a save point. The door on the left throws us back a couple of screens, and the door on the right is our destination. Prepare for battle.

Boss: Chadarnook
HP: Woman - 56,000 Demon - 30,000
MP: Woman - 9400; Demon - 7600
Weaknesses: Woman - fire; Demon - fire, pearl
Edgar uses the Drill and Saw, and Cyan's Dispatch is good too. You can use Celes' ability - Runic. The magic of fire works very well - I advise. Eh, it also works well Pearl, which the esper Alexander has, but we went the other way, so we'll get by. In this battle, try using X-Zone, it can shorten the battle time for a long time if possible. Shadow's shurikens are also very effective.

After winning, take Esper Starlet(Star) from the bookshelf and Relm will join us. Now we return to Moblitz (where Terra is).

Things: Check the pot in the cave where Terra and Katarina were - Ether

Return to the cave where you first found Terra. The children say that Katarina is gone. Exit and go to the house on the left. You will find Duane here. Follow where the dog went - there is a secret passage behind the bookshelf. Here you will find Catharine and Terra. After that, Funbaba will return again. We leave to the surface and face him face to face.

After the victory, Terra will join us. The deflated characters will be on the ship. Now you can go flunk Doom gaze and get Bahamut or go straight to Fanatics "Tower.
Fight Doom Gaze

I guess now is the time to beat Doom gaze... Just fly around the map until you are attacked. Sometimes you have to fly for a very long time, but this is how lucky / unlucky. Several battles need to be fought with him. After almost every battle (except the last), he escapes. But fortunately, his life does not regenerate, and we fly after him and try to finish him off. After destroying it, you will receive an esper Bahamut.

Now a little about tactics. First of all, never use X-Zone otherwise you will not see Bahamut. He has a weakness for fire magic and pearl which we don't have yet. Hit him with your most powerful attacks and constantly heal - the fight is not easy.

Also: he constantly casts death magic, you can equip someone with an artifact against death (if, of course, you have them). Since he is a lover of magic, then Runic at Celes is a useful thing. By the way, if the battles will exhaust your strength, then you can always sleep for 1 gil in Tamaz.

Fanatics "Tower
The consignment: including Relm

Before you enter here, please include in the party Relm... Now come on in. Relm will grab Strago's attention and he will join us. Do not even think about climbing the tower now, otherwise you will regret it. You will do it later.
Here I had some snag. Wherever I went, I somehow felt uneasy, and so I decided to upgrade my characters, which I decide to advise you too. The pumping is best done either in the Phoenix Cave (our next place of visit). For pumping, I put forward this place and also the Fanatics tower, if you download magic, but it's too early and you don't need to go there), or in the same forest (the place was put forward by the co-author, for which I thank him :)). So, let's fly there. The simplest method of getting there is as follows: fly to Narsh, and then move clearly east to another mainland, where you will see a forest - the only one on your way (see screenshot).

Tyrannosaurs will run there and Brachiosaurs will rarely come across. After you get there, walk through the forest, you will be attacked. Be careful with Brachiosaurs - they are much stronger than Tyrannosaurs. The truth after the battle with them may remain Economizer(Heater) - a relic, equipping which, you will spend 1 MP on any spell. The best and most useful artifact in the game. Anyway. So I had the 32nd level, or something, and even here it was hard for me, especially when I was attacked from both sides. But there is a tactic: throw invisibility at everyone (either with magic or with Shadow's special blade) and the monsters will not hit you. True, sometimes they use the Meteor magic, then you have 1500 health for each one, and invisibility disappears, but what can you do. You can use the Runic ability in Celes, but you will need a lot of mana. Do not forget to equip someone a long-found artifact Exp.Egg(Exp egg). By the way, in the Colosseum you can get another Exp.Egg if you put on the line Tinitibar and win. Then the pumping of the team will accelerate, which is very good. The only negative is that they don’t give money for prehistoric creatures. But the area next to the forest contains 5,000 gil battles. If you need money, take note. When you're ready, return to the ship and fly a little north of Tsen. There will be a cave in the middle of the mountains. Get down there.

Phoenix cave
The consignment: 2 groups of 4 people
Chests: Wing Edge, Warp Stone, Ribbon, Dragon Horn

We are divided into two groups. Let the first group (G1) enter the cave and step on the switch. Now switch to the second group (G2), go into the opened passage, turn right, and then back down, where you will stand on the second switch. Switch to G1 and enter the opened right passage. As you enter, stand on the only available switch (it will remove the thorns), and then return again to G2, go left and try to get to the chest. You will fall down and land on the spikes. Now go down and go upstairs. Step on the switch, the bridge will spread and now you can take it in the chest Wing edge(Winged Blade). Now go right where you removed the thorns with group G1. Up through the retracted spikes and again to the right to the switch, on which we, of course, get up. We return to G1 and go right until we see a descent down. The chest in the upper right is empty, but the chest in the lower right (it is slightly hidden) contains the Curved Stone. Now we go down and go left and up, where we stand on the switch, which will push three stones to us in the lava, along which we will then move over (the chest is empty next to it). We return to the place of descent and go now to the right. On the way, you will see a chest on the left - it is also empty. Walk until you hit the wall and there is nowhere to move further. Now we switch to G2.

We go all the way to the left and go down the stairs. Below we go to the right and there we move along the pebbles that we put forward by another group. The spiked chest is empty. We stand on the switch, and it opens the way for the G1 group, to which we are going to control. We go upstairs and immediately go down the next staircase, at the end of which we stand on the switch that will open the way for G2 (switch to it). We go upstairs and stand on the switch (just below you can save at the save point), which will remove the spikes and now G1 will be able to pass there normally. We switch to G1 and follow the cleared path and go down. Jump over the stones, but do not open the chest, it is empty. Exit to the next screen - at the top right. There, on the wall, press the button, it will drain the water in the pool and flood the lava below. We pass to G2. I remind you that the save point is located just below. We go to the left and stand on the switch - it will open the way for G1, which we switch to. We pass this opened place and go back to G2. We go left and go down. The first turn down to the left will lead to a chest in the center - there Ribbon(Ribbon). Now we go into the passage at the top left. As you go up to the left, there will be a passage further, where we get to a dead end, so we switch to G1. Climb the adjacent stairs and step on the switch with which there is no other next (that is, the upper one). He will open the passage for G2. Switch to her and let her jump over the stones to G1. Now we have a choice. Which one? If you go back down the stairs and go straight down, then you will meet a dragon. Choose your strong group and go to battle.

Once it falls, you will receive Strato blade for Cyan and direct access to a nearby chest - it contains a relic Dragon horn... Now go back to the two nearest switches and place one group on one switch and the other on the second. The way will open for you further. Now take any group and head downstairs. There is a straight path, at the end of which you will find Loki. Then you will see the continuation of events and, in the end, he will join you. He will also give you all the things that he found in the cave chests, and in addition, you will receive an esper Phoenix. Now we go to Kohlingen.

Memo: If you need to return to Phoenix cave again (for example, to kill the dragon), you can return to the ship where you found Loki. Here, jumping over the stones, on the right you will see a transporter that will take you back (it looks like a red save point).

Things: X-Potion, Fenix ​​Down, X-Ether, Elixir, Flame Shld, ValiantKnife
Espers: Phoenix

As I said, we find ourselves in Kochlingen and receive things from Loki. Now our way is to Narsh.

Chests: Gauntlet, X-Ether, Monster-in-a-box (Pugs)
Additional stuff: Cursed Shld, Moogle Charm, Pugs will leave Minerva, the ability to get the Ragnarok sword (depends on your choice), and the ability to take the Ribbon, Pod Bracelet, Elixir (depends on whether you collected the chests earlier)

As soon as you enter, Lone wolf will tell you some unnecessary information and run away. One way or another, all buildings in the city are closed. If you have Loki on your team, he will open them without hesitation. Go to the house slightly to the left up the stairs, on which there are no markings (not Elder's house!), Loki will open the door. Inside there will be a man who lies in bed - he will give you Cursed Shld. Equip them! The fact is that, as the name implies, he is cursed and sends you a bunch of bad statuses and, moreover, does not protect nifiga. "The point was to cram it into the game at all?" - you might think. But no! The fact is that if you fight 255 battles with him, then all the curse will be removed and the shield will turn into Paladin shld which will give you the opportunity to learn magic Ultima... The only note: you will need to wear an artifact Ribbon(Ribbon) to neutralize most of the negative effects of the shield. Now go to the gun shop, Loki will open the door. An old man will be sitting in the back room. Talk to him and he will offer you a choice: either take an esper Ragnarok, or turn it into a sword.

About the choice: the sword is well sooo strong (and it can be replaced with an even stronger sword in the Colosseum), but the esper teaches you the most powerful magic in the game - Ultima... The first time I played, I chose a sword and managed without Ultima like two fingers. Now I am thinking of taking an esper, but I will not. First, the Cursed Shield Ultima can be learned. Secondly - he has the ability to turn an enemy into a thing - in principle, not bad, but I don't think that it will work on all monsters, although ... However, it's a matter of taste. If you take a sword, it is wise to give it to Loki.

Now go either along the secret passage that Loki showed us at the beginning of the game, or through the anus (!) Of Arvis's house (sounds nice :)) and straight into the caves. Go to where there are a bunch of moogles: you need to take Mog back to the team. As soon as he joins you, rest against the wall at which he stood and pick up there Moogle charm[you can also collect the chests here, if you haven't done so before].

Return to the ship and include the moogle in the party. Travel to Narsh again and walk exactly north from the entrance to the mines where you first saw Umaro... Inside the mines, immediately turn right and go to where the frozen esper was. On the way, you will first meet Ice dragon... Don't forget to save.

Boss: Ice Dragon
HP: 24400
MP: 9000
Weakness: Fire
Use your strongest fire attacks and Fire rod... Americans advise giving moogle DragoonBoots relic to use the Jump command ( Jump). Sabine has an attack Bum rush... At Edgar, use the Debilitator first, and then, as always, the Drill and Saw. Terra has fire magic attacks of 2 and 3 levels in the theme. In Celes, use the most powerful fire attacks or Runic's ability, although it is better not to use magic yourself then. Let Strago and Relm use Fire rod as their magic is powerless. Well, the rest - to the attack! Equip someone with Aegis shields and just Ice Shield. May come in handy! I advise Muglu to use dance Love sonata... You will also be frozen. There is a good remedy against this - use level 1 fire magic on your character.

After the battle, you will receive this esper (very useful by the way, it allows you to learn elemental magic of the third level). Now go into the resulting hole. You will land in a new part of the cave. We go into the passage to the left, but be careful - the floor is collapsing there. Where the floor is darker, there are cracks, so walk around them carefully. As you enter, you will find a chest with a monster inside [it is weak against fire; first use the espers Fenrir or Phantom, or alternatively use your disappearances on all of them and just kick the enemies, at the end you will receive the Armor of Minerva]. Go back and go into the middle passage. Take X-Ether in the chest on the left. Go upstairs and go down the aisle. There will be a chest not far to the left with Gauntlet(Mitten). Now we go to the right and there along the bridge upward, where there will be an exit. You will see a switch on the wall, but do not press it, otherwise you will fall down. Go across the bridge and press the switch there. You will fall into a room with a skeleton, after searching which you will receive an esper Terrato... Will come running here Umaro and...

If you listened to me and took a moogle with you, then after the battle talk to Umaro and he will join us. Now go upstairs and you will fall from the ledge where you first saw Umaro. Return to the ship. The next destination is Triangle island.

Triangle island

This triangular island is in the upper right corner of the map, don't miss it. Wander around here until you are attacked ZoneEater... If you kill him, you will get a measly 1000 exp. But if you let him suck in all your characters, you will find yourself in a cave.

Cave in Triangle Island
Chests: Ether, Red Jacket, Genji Armor, Magical Brsh, FakeMustache, Zephyr Cape, Hero Ring, Tack Star, Thunder Shld

To get out of here, you need to go north and stand in the beam of light. To wander here, we go down. As you go down, go left. Here, to jump from bridge to bridge, you need to use the action button. Try not to touch the green bastards, otherwise they will push you down (you need to do this once to pick up all the chests there). Collect chests along the way. After you get to the next screen, I advise you to save at the save point. Go to the next room and you will see a moving ceiling. If you fall under his pressure, you will die. The places in front of the chests are trump cards - you will not be slapped. The exit is at the bottom left. Through the screen you will find yourself in a room with open chests, jumping over which you will move to the places you need (as before, you need to jump with the action button). First of all, get to the lever in the floor - it will open the way for you to the chest. As soon as you take it, go through the door. You can find here the Georgian Gogi ( Gogo). He will join us. Now you need to go back. There are two paths - the one you came to. Or use a stone, or the magic of Deforms ( warp stone). I think it will be better on foot - after all, we are wearing a cursed shield and we need to fight 255 battles. If not, then the choice is yours. Next stop... Fanatics "Tower... But first, at least one hero must learn the magic of Life of the third level ( Life 3). This, remember, is easy to do in the dinosaur forest or in the Phoenix Cave.

Fanatics "Tower
The consignment: It would be wise to take Umaro, Gogo and two of the best mages.
Chests: Safety Bit, Air Anchor, Genji Shld, Stunner, Force Armor, Gem Box
Additional stuff: Pearl lance

If you have Gogo, then add the Attack command ( Fight), but not Magic on his attack list. How it's done? Go to the character status menu and set the desired parameters to him. True, this will not help you much, but rather a tip for later :). Moogle can give a relic Moogle charm so as not to collide with enemies at the location. In fact, this is very useful, since going there and killing two bosses will be easier, and the way back you can fight with the locals. In addition, if anything, then you can then come here to mix the monsters - magic learns quickly. The very same quick way extermination of local living creatures - Ultima. You can use berserk magic ( Bserk) on your characters so that they attack with their weapons and save mana. If you do not have the magic of life of the third level ( Life3), then it's better to learn it quickly, otherwise the upcoming battle will be sooooo bad. Each level of the tower contains a door, behind which there is always something (4 levels in total, plus a roof). On the first level, there is a chest in the room (take what is there). Then rest against the wall to the right of the chest and press the action button. You will hear something open. Come out and go down to the floor below - there is a chest with the last Tool for Edgar - Air anchor... On the second level there will be a chest with Ganja's shield, on the third level - White dragon.

Boss: White Dragon
HP: 18500
MP: 1200
Weakness: No
This boss has no weaknesses, but if you have Ultima then you don't have to worry. Of course, I didn't have it at any time, so ... In general, you can give out rings of reflection to your characters so that the magic does not work on them. In principle, the rings of reflection can only be given to two - the dragon is so stupid that it will constantly try to remove this barrier from you, and in the meantime the others will attack. If you do not do all this, then take the esper Carbunkle so that he will cast all the same shields on you. If he will shoot them for you, cast them again (with magic). Use the strongest magic on him. If you have a Umaro equipped with Rage ring then it will be very good. After the battle, you will get Pearl lance... Honestly, without an ultima everything is very simple.

When you get to the roof, take Gem Box and equip it to someone (preferably someone who has stronger magic or who has magic Life3). If you have level 3 life magic (or Rasp, Bserk and equipped esper Fenrir), then leave the room and fight the boss. If for some reason you do not have Life3 magic, then walk around the room back and forth and fight with monsters until you learn it. So...

Boss: MagiMaster
HP: 50000
MP: 50000
Weakness: varies
Method 1: Do not use elemental magic (fire, ice, thunder, etc.), as the magician's weakness is constantly changing and magic can heal him. Use Berserker on him, he won't like it. Then cast magic on it like Ultima and Flare, plus espers Bahamut and Maduin... Also be absolutely sure that at least somebody has magic Life3 and used on someone, since at the end of the battle he uses the magic of Ultima, and this is very painful (unless, of course, you have more than 7000-8000 heals).
Method 2: Use the Berserker on it, and then use the Phantom esper. After that, use on it Rasp(well, so that his mana decreases), and if you have little mana, then use Osmose... As soon as he runs out of mana, he will try to use Ultima, but he has mana. The only thing is that this is a very long way, since all mana is taken down by 500 units, and according to simple calculations, you need to use magic 100 times. True, there is a plus - there is a Berserker on him, invisibility on you, and he will absolutely not do anything to you.
Method 3: Give each ring of reflection ( Wall rings) and, so to speak, let the MagiMaster kill you :). True, you cannot use Life3, which is very bad, only if you do not have a lot of HP.

After the victory, go downstairs. It is possible (and even necessary) to remove from the Mog Moogle charm... After a hard battle, we need to rest, so we go to the Opera House.

Opera house
Additional stuff: Dirt Drgn Leave Magus Rod

We go to the balcony to the Impresario. He tells us about the dragon. We go up to the right. The lever on the right does nothing, as well as on the left. Second from the left - turns off the light, I advise. Very funny:). The second from the right - throws us to the dragon.

Now we go to Doma castle.

Doma castle
The consignment: Cyan and any three
Chests: X-Potion, Fenix ​​Down, Beads, Ether
Things: Check the pot next to the bedroom - Remedy; Check the clock in the room next to the bedroom - Elixir

Make sure Cyan is included in the party. Go to the room above to the right of the throne room - there is an X-Potion. Now go through the door to the south of this one. At the end of the path, you will find a room with two chests. Now head back to the hall in front of the throne room. You go into any of the lower doors - they lead to the same corridor. Check the pot on the right, then go into the door on the left (do not forget to pick up the contents of the chest), and then into the door on the right. When you arrive, go to bed.

You will enter the soul of Cyan.

Cyan "s Soul
The consignment: the party with which you entered the castle of the House minus Cyan
Chests: Genji Glove, Lump of metal, Flame Shld, X-Potion, Ice Shld
Espers: Alexandr

You start playing as one of three characters in the dream world. Go to the left (if you need to save the game, then to the save point to the right, and then to the left) and go into the right door, and then again into the right door. Here you will pick up one of your characters. There is only one door - we go into it. Then we go to the right, we go into the door. Now we go left again and this time we go into the left door. We go down and take away one more of your character. Go through the door. Now go to the top door, then to the door on the right, and then there will be only one door. Now go left and enter the door. Go down and try to enter it: three clowns will attack you.

Boss: Larry, Curley, Moe
HP: 10000, 15000, 12000
MP: 2000 each
Weakness: Larry (left) - fire; Curley (middle) - Ice, Water; Moe (bottom) - no.
First of all, if you have Ultima and Esper Bahamut, use them. And so we begin to wet the curly one in the center first. Shadow - throws shurikens. Setzer just attacks. Celes uses ice magic of the third level (if not, then ice magic of the second, but first give her relics Earrings to hit harder). At Gau we use Brawler... Let Gogi copy the ice attacks. Edgar is still with Drill and Saw. Sabin - Bum rush... Then we wet the dude on the left. We use fire magic on it. On the latter, the main thing is not to use thunder magic and everything will be fine. In general, I took them out in 2-3 series of attacks. What's the secret? And here he is! Give your fighter a relic Genji glove and give him two swords: Ragnarok and Atma Weapon and he just attacks. Give your magic Gem Box(Precious Box) and Economizer, and if it is not, then Gold hairpin(Golden Hairpin). That's all! Well, the third character just attacks with whatever it is.

Go through the door and you will find yourself on the train. Go left through carriage 1 to carriage 2. Press the lever on the wall twice and take one of the nicest things in the game - Genji glove.

Go far to the left and take a piece of metal from the chest ( Lump of metal). Come back and put it in open chest, which did not allow us to go to another chest. Now you can go through - there is a fire shield. There will be a lever on the left. If you press it, it will close the chests. Remember the combination (or use this solution further) and go left to the next car. Without pressing the levers, pick up two chests (one immediately to the left of the entrance, if you go around the sofa, and the other a little to the left, between the sofas). There are only 4 switches in the car. Let's number them from right to left from 1 to 4. Before pressing, I will say that in different passages it is written differently, you see, the order of pressing the levers changes. The first option: 1, 2, 1, 3. The second option: 3, 1, 2, 1, 3. The third option: 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3. In any case, the puzzle is trivial.

Now we have access to lever # 4. Before pressing it, close those chests, as shown in the previous carriage. For those who do not remember (O - open, X - closed, left to right, top to bottom): O O X X X O... Then we press the lever and now the passage to the next carriage is open to us. There is a save point.

Now we go to the engine room and try to get out. We find ourselves in the mines. Walk down, go outside and go right until you enter the caves again. As soon as you do this, go back and you will find yourself in a new place. Try to cross the bridge and you will fall down and find yourself in the bedrooms of the Dom's castle. Before going to the throne room, where the next boss is waiting for us, Wrexsoul, it is worth seeing three scenes about Cyan's life: the first - in the room to the right of the throne room - ("I loveth thee"); the second - on the left side of the castle (fencing lesson); and the last one, on the right side of the castle (fishing) (for the last two scenes you need to go outside the castle). Now we go to the throne room to VrexSoul.

Boss: Wrexsoul, Soul Saver x2
HP: 23066
MP: 5066
Weakness: Ice
Use magic to end the fight quickly X-Zone (SoulSavers die instantly and you win the battle). If you do not have this magic (although I strongly advise you to at least learn here by wandering around), then score on SoulSavers... First attack one of your own to make him die (sometimes you need to kill two) - VrexSol will appear. Resurrect your slain (s) and attack Vrex with everyone, especially Ultima, Bahamut and the magic of ice. If he disappears again, kill your character again, but this time another one. Shadow uses shurikens. If you have a Gau, then do not use the command Rage, let him attack with magic. Edgar uses the Drill and Saw as usual. The rest are attacking. Blitz Sabine is ineffective.

After the victory, Cyan will join us again, but with all eight learned SwdTechs... Go to the throne room and you will find an esper Alexandr.

Figaro castle
The consignment: anyone (it would be nice to include Strago, but not necessary)

You go inside and immediately turn left down the stairs. Talk to the old man and go to South Figaro. You will stop along the way. Select "Stop". Climb the stairs and go down the opposite one. In the rightmost cell there is a hole in the wall. Come in there. Now we are on our way to Ancient castle.

Cave to ancient castle
Chests: Ether, Wing Edge, Doom Darts, monster-in-a-box (Master Pug), Magicite, X-Potion
Additional stuff: Gradeus

First of all, we go only to the right and go into the rightmost passage. You will be taken to a room with a chest in which there is a monster. Use Fenrir on it. Watch out for his attack Step mine... After the battle, you will receive a dagger with a holy attack. Very powerful. Return to the previous screen and on the left take the chest with Ether... Go left until you reach a chest with Wing edge(Winged Blade). Go into the next door and go until (straight path), until you find a chest with Doom darts... Now go exactly to the left. In the upper left corner there is a secret passage. We are in a room with a staircase leading down. There are two chests on the left and bottom of this screen - inside Magicite and X-Potion... We go down and save at the save point. As soon as you go up the stairs to the left, you will find yourself in Ancient castle.

Ancient castle
Chests: Blizzard Orb, Gold Hairpin, Punisher, Monster-in-a-box (KatanaSoul)
Things: check the bucket in the queen's diary room - X-Ether
Additional stuff: Offering, Scimitar
Espers: Odin, Raiden

First, go into either of the two aisles to the left of the main gate. There is a monster in the chest, by defeating which we will get one of the coolest artifacts - Offering(Victim). The monster is vulnerable to Poison. Equip yourself Flame, Ice and Thunder shld(shields), since his attacks are mostly elemental. You can steal from him Murasame... As soon as he increases his strength, use magic on him Dispel.

Now we go to the right from the main entrance to the door - there is a chest with a staff Punisher... Now return to the main entrance, enter the castle and go straight ahead until you see the statue of Odin. Touch her and she will turn into your new esper - Odin. Now stand on the right throne (the king's right seat) and take exactly five steps down. Now press the action button and you will hear the secret passage open. Walk exactly to the right and enter the room. You will see something flickering on the bookshelf - this is the queen's diary. You can read it if you want to get Raiden's esper, although you can also read it if you don’t want to. Go down the stairs (it was this passage that opened) and you will find a statue of that very queen. If you read her diary, then go to the statue and touch it, then esper Odin will turn into Raiden. But I don't see the point in doing it now. It's just that Odin is the only esper who increases the character's speed with each level, but Meteor magic can be learned from the Crusader, and with a x10 multiplier, though we will get this esper, oh, how long it will take. For now, we will wait a little and we will not approach the statue. And let's go to the flying next Blue dragon.

Boss: Blue Dragon
HP: 26900
MP: 3800
Weakness: Bolt
Keep your Persians' standard of living in the region of 1000, otherwise you will not withstand his attack Clean sweep... Do not use status attacks on him - he will throw at you in revenge Rippler... Let Edgar use the Dibilizer so that the enemy has unnecessary weaknesses, and then he sets the Drill and Saw in motion. Sabin - Bum rush... Cyan - Quadra slice or Empoweror if you have few lives. Gau - Rhinotaur... The rest - with lightning or just attack. By the way, Strago can learn a lot of Dragon attacks. After the battle sword Scimitar will be ours.

We leave back to the throne room and go immediately up. There is a room with two chests with Blizzard orb and Gold hairpin... There is nothing in the room on the left, you can not go there. We return back to the Figaro castle in the same way that we came, we approach the old man and he takes us to South Figaro. But we have a ship in Kochlingen, so we talk to him again and return to Kochlingen and go to the ship. Now we go to Tamazu.

The consignment: including Strago and Relm

As soon as you enter, you will find Gungho... He is wounded by Gidon, a creature that Strago has hunted for a long time. Now go to Ebot "s Rock(called Eboshi rock on the map, it is just above Tamaz).

Ebot "s Rock
Chests: all chests contain corals

As soon as you enter, you will see that your range of vision is severely limited. Go up, stand on the plate and you will be thrown further. Go up and you will see a hungry chest that Corala is asking for. Go down and stand on the stove. Now your task is to roam the cave and collect corals in chests. In total, 22 pieces need to be assembled. Then just give them to the hungry chest. After the chest is full, he will let you go further and Gidon will be waiting for you right at the top.

After the battle, you will return back to Tamaz.

Memo:"For Gidon to appear again, talk to Gungho several times and he will tell you that Gidon is gloating again on the Abot Rock. " This is the translation. Gango really says so, but whether he appeared again is an unresolved question.

So what I want to say. All the quests have been completed and we only have Kefka and his tower left, so ... naturally we need to upgrade the characters. The first time I went through, my highest level was 57, and on average everyone had levels 48-52. In order not to suffer, pump up to 60, and if not laziness, then at least four characters to 70. The fact is that two characters of level 70 already make up a very powerful party (thanks for this info to my colleague). Personally, I'm going to go into battle with level 60. Fanatic "s Tower, there most of all give magic points. There are two places to download levels:

1) Just roam the first floor Phoenix Cave.
2) In the dinosaur forest (to the right of Narsh on the neighboring continent)

The pumping process can be accelerated by exchanging at the Colosseum Tinitibar On the second Exp.Egg... Also, over time, you will be able to kill dinosaurs even together (especially the pair "magician + warrior" wins), and if both are given exp.egg, they will begin to grow in levels with a frightening speed (I pumped Terra to level 95 this way - approx. co-author). However, I have already mentioned the places of pumping in the passage. In general, as soon as you are ready, go ahead!

Final Fantasy 6

* Advice.

* To attack multiple enemies with a magic spell at once, hold the button R1.
* To defeat Atma weapon, use RASP until you eliminate all magic points from it. However, you can also use the spell Vanish and Doom.
* To defeat Wrwxsoul, use Godo, who is brilliant with the X-Zone spell, as well as another character with the Vanish spell. Make sure Gogo is ready to use his Magic skill and attack a couple of enemies with Vanish at once, and then use the X-Zone spell. Enemies will die immediately, and you will win this battle. You will be rewarded with Aura, Cyan and Alexander Esper. They will be very useful in battles against monsters like Doomgaze.
* To earn more Experienced Points (EP), grab the Experimental Egg (Exp.Egg) and fight several Tyranos in the forest above the vast steppe in world world of Ruin. Use the spell Vanish and Doom or Vanish and X-Zone and you will earn a lot of experienced points.
* To quickly earn magic points in the world of World of Balance, go to the triangular island in the upper right side of the screen and walk there until you meet an invisible monster named Intangir. Sing him a chant death and earn 10 magic MP points.
* In the world of World of Ruin, travel to the desert southwest of Maranda and meet a monster named Cactros. He only has 3 HP. but it is very difficult to get into it, and even more so to kill to death, since it has immunity to almost all magical attacks. Use Cyan's Dispatch, Edgar's Drill, or Sabina's Bum Rush for victory.
* To defeat Kefka for the last time in the Kafka "s tower, use the Atma weapon. Then Kefka will be killed or weakened enough to finish him off with any attack.
* To successfully deal with almost any boss in the game, use the Vanish spell and then the Doom spell. This sequence is very effective as the Vanish spell makes the boss vulnerable and cannot resist magical attacks.
* So that Gogo can execute any of your commands, go to his status screen (Gogo "s status screen) and look at the commands he owns. You will see the Mimic command and three empty" slots "below. Select any of the empty" slots "in it a list of commands that all other characters own will immediately appear. Select the command you want and it will lock into that slot. Then repeat this procedure with the two remaining empty "slots." such as Mimic, Blitz, Tools and Swordtech, as well as any others you choose.
* Equip Locke with Offering and a Genji Glove for more damage. Then equip him with Atma weapons like the Valiant Knife and you can deal extremely serious damage to enemies.
* To get the Paladin Shield, equip your Cursed Shield and Ribbon. After 255 battles, your Cursed Shield will turn into a Paladin Shield.
* This trick requires Atma Weapon (found in a cave in Esper World), Offering (found in World of Ruin in Odin's Castle), and approximately 7000 HP. The power of the Atma Weapon depends on your level HP If the level of HP is high enough, you can inflict 9.990 points of damage to almost every enemy (even Kefka), and using Offering, you can do 4 times more damage, ie 39.996 points in one hit.
* Include Sabin in your squad and fly into the world of World of Ruin. When you find yourself near Narshe, look closely at the grove of five trees in the shape of a plus sign. Land nearby, go to the central tree, where you will find old sensei - teacher Sabina. He will teach Sabin how to perform the Bum Rush technique. This is an extremely powerful attack, perhaps the most powerful "personal" attack.
* When you find yourself on a floating continent in the world (World of Balance), here you can steal the Genji Glove from the dragon. Include Locke in your squad, equip him with the Genji Glove and Thieve "s Glove (or Steal Ring and Thieve" s Glove), then you can steal the Genji Glove from the dragon, and at the same time the tincture that will be useful to you.
* To get the Soul Saber in the World of Ruin, head to Firgao and further into the dungeon where Edgar joined your squad. Enter the room that all the thieves entered and you will find a statue in the center. Walk up to her, press the button and get the Soul Saber. This is a great sword that deals very serious damage to enemies depending on your MP level. By the way, with its help you can partially restore the level of your magic points.
* To get your hands on the Genji Glove, answer “no” three times as early as possible to Bannon's invitation to join the Returners. Then get the Genji Glove from one of the characters.
* Relic of Economizer reduces the amount of magic points consumed by you, when using any magic spell, to 1 MP. You can find him in the second world after Kefka blows up the world just above Veldt (the place where you taught Gau new techniques). Here you will see a small forest path on the island just north of Vedlt Island. When the Trines attack, fight them, but from time to time you will have to repel the attacks of another monster called Bracosaur. Locke is supposed to steal the Economizer from him. If the attempt fails, kill the Bracosaur in the hope that the Economizer will be yours after the end of the fight.
* To defeat Catrot, which you will meet in the desert southwest of Maranda, without any problems, keep in mind that he only has 3 HP, but he is very dexterous in dodging your attacks, because he has a very high Evade status. Equip your characters sniper scope(Sniper Sight) and the Genji Glove to steal 2 HP from the monster each time it attacks. Then very soon you will see the monster Catrot in the coliseums.
* Equip the Economizer and the Gem Box, then you can attack the enemy twice, spending only two magic points, while you must first learn magic Quicke, and only then start the battle. Use the spell Quicke. and then the spell Ultima. After that you will be able to use the Ultima spell for free 4 more times.
* To get Cyan in the world of World of Ruin, go to the city of Zozo, talk to the only man walking here (not the one who jumps from house to house), and he will give you an item. Then head to the roof of the building where you will find a locked, rusted door. Use the received item and you can open the rusted door, which will allow you to go to the mountains of Mt. Zozo. Here you have to take part in numerous battles, here you will also meet Cyan. Narshe, a coal mining city that manages its own business and cares not for the war that is waged far away, has stumbled upon a mysterious find in their mines. The Empire, the all-consuming power-hungry nation to the far south of the world, has learned of this. Three of their most dangerous units are dispatched to claim this discovered treasure for the glory of the Empire, by any and all means necessary. Three soldiers of the Empire, piloting Magitek Armors, are sent out. One of them is a very special soldier of the Empire, and a future unlike any other is waiting for her.

Once you have control of the characters, open the menu and put all your characters in the Back Row. Magitek attacks, being magical beams and all, won "t suffer from the 50% damage reduction of most back row attacks, but you "ll be reaping the benefits of the reduced damage that hits back-row characters yourself.

This is the prologue of the game, and it concerns you, being overpowered, blasting your way through poor defenseless Narshe. Enjoy the Magitek powers while they last. Any offensive attack you perform at this point results in death on the other side. With this in mind, the choice is simple. If Terra comes up, have her use the multi-target Bio Blast attack. The Imperial soldiers can make themselves useful by using any of the three single-target beams; they are identical in power and are always fatal, so it doesn "t matter what you do. After you" ve leveled a bit, you can use Terra "s Cure out-battle to restore HP. Use it once with a multi-target effect and you "re set. Do the same after the forced pincer attack you had to endure from the Silver Lobo, Guard, and Guard monster formation. The next one will feature Megalodoth.

These monsters will start using Snowstorm, a multi-target Ice-elemental attack, on you as soon as Terra (or, if not available, a randomly decided party member) has a level equal to or higher than 7. This is not the case when you encounter them now, so they will only attack you physically.

Although they have the second-highest Attack in the game, the fact they "re level 1 effectively screws them out of any significant damage output. If you" re in the Back Row, you "ll see them doing 0 damage. Savor the sight ; it "ll be a while before you see it happening again on a physical attack. For extra fun, try using Confuser against them; it "ll give you a little taste of what Snowstormy violence will be sent your way later in the game. For instant death on their side of the battlefield, Bio Blast works well enough as it kills all four targets instantly.

There is a minimum of two battles and maximum of five to be fought in this part of Narshe. When you enter, you can try to go right of the Inn. A single Silver Lobo will be sent after you.

You have no choice but to press on. You will encounter two Guards when you try to pass the Inn, there "s no avoiding them. There are lines of what appear to be vents on the ground. You" ve been following the vertical line, you now come across a horizontal line of vents. If you stand on the tile where the two cross, two Silver Lobos will be sent after you, and then two Narshe Guards. You can avoid this by going around the tile in question. If you pass the Item Shop, you "ll be caught in a pincer attack of two Guards and a Silver Lobo; this is unavoidable. Past that, you" ve entered a newly dug Mine Shaft in search of the Esper you "re supposed to retrieve. You "re up for some vermin in the mines.

You "re past the town of Narshe. You can be proud of yourself; you just killed a number of brave men, undoubtedly with happy lives and families. Faintly, you can hear an orphan crying. Note: you will not actually hear an orphan crying. This is not an error in the walkthrough. Don "t read everything so literally.

You can pretty much blast your way through these monsters too. In the first cavern, there are Wererat and Bandit, in the second, Spritzer. Wererat absorbs Poison, so while it may be tempting to use a multi-target spell against the largest group of enemies you "re facing, don" t. Spritzer absorbs Lightning, so in any battle you find one, avoid Thunder Beam like the demonic plague it is. Electricity fails at success, anyway.

A Bandit is one messed-up little dude with self-destructive tendencies of the worst kind: The kind that can hurt you as well. Every time you "ll hurt it without killing it, there" sa 33% chance he "ll use! Wrench on himself. If, however, you dealt a fatal blow to him and he decides to execute that! Wrench, he" ll find that he can "t actually attack himself. Nay, one cannot attack the dead... He "ll fling the tool in your direction instead. Avoid this by using Banisher, or try to not care.

In the second cave, you finally come across the object of your mission: The dug-up Esper. But as soon as you get near it, the mind-slave of your party acts very weird indeed, and not long after the two soldiers grow suspicious, they are removed. We can "t say for sure the Esper killed them or simply warped to some place, but we never ever see them again.

Alone, the Esper does something to Terra. Her Magitek Armor explodes underneath her, and all turns to an inky black.

Barely zafigachil last bosses... Like the 7th part on the final map, the game becomes disproportionately difficult, or swing day 2, raising 10-15 levels. More than dark souls in some places)))) I think this is a blunt move by the developers aimed at artificially increasing the hours of gameplay. Indeed, in all locations of the game world, you can safely take out most of the mobs, and in the final it is barely almost out of luck to leave. The transition is too abrupt.

Of the merits, probably a good plot and interesting characters. Most of them at least. Each character is unique not only in character, but also in abilities, which really provide many options for tactics. There are excellent mini-plots related to the dramas of the main characters that touch your heart a little. In the PC version, I will note that there are markers in the game. Hate japanese games for the fact that they often throw the player into the world without explaining almost in any way where to go. When I went through the 7th part, I sometimes tried for half a day to find where I needed to get on the plot, and then read all sorts of walkthroughs, watched the video and even did not immediately understand them, but I don’t like to stumble in one place in the game for so long, since I have not as much free time as in childhood. In 6-ke we are shown “ text quest tasks "and mark on the map where he is. Many will say the feature is small, but it brought me a lot of comfort. I don't know, maybe I ended up, but in the same Dark Souls, Silent Hill or in old Resident evil Having studied the area, you move around the locations more confidently, in the old finals, apparently because of the graphics, you get confused in monotonous moves, and the auto-attacks of the monsters not only begin to enrage, but also confuse.

I will not say that I am very much attracted by the series. There is something attractive in it, but sometimes I cannot abstract from some of the "deliberately childish antics of the characters." Maybe this is my fault. I love when everything is served on serious cabbage soup, and if there is humor, then black or satire on the lifestyle of a certain society (GTA for example). I have to constantly pull myself together with the thought that I'm not playing a harsh dark game now)))

Gloomier and more melancholy of the sixth Finalka, I think there is no Finalok at all, despite all Tabata's attempts. Only the frankly clown antics of Sabina and a couple of heroes themselves are a walking anecdote that prevents them from slipping into final hopelessness. Perhaps such a decision was fundamentally wrong: it is difficult to fit into one bowl the story of the over-etched lock and the sexually preoccupied octopus.

Well, in general, when the world split like in Spellforce (although it would be more correct to say the opposite), there was a certain atmosphere of hopelessness of a dying world. When Celes tell that people, having lost hope, threw themselves off a cliff, then when this barbel died ... A man who repented of his past and became the "adopted grandfather" of a girl who, from childhood, was taught to be a warrior of the empire and suppress feelings, who did not know what parental love is ... Suddenly get it and immediately lose it, then try to commit suicide and in vain ... after which a wounded bird with Loka's bandage flies in and gives the heroine hope ... Well, in order to come up with something stronger, I think, of course))

Actually, Sid can be saved by feeding him FRESH fish!

There is such a concept - "target audience" ... These games have a different one, fans of the gloomy man do not get into it ...

I was more enraged by the division into teams, if not for that, I would have easily passed it, I am a pedant, I playfully rolled that version of the Weapon that was in Kefka's tower on the asphalt ...


"Here, the scene that many of you have been eager to see, where Cloud disguises himself. Please enjoy."

Yes. Yes, Toriyama, we had no doubt that this scene was also special for you. That you are enjoying it very actively.

It was probably inevitable. Nomura cannot do anything himself, we must already admit it, accept it as a fact. Kitase always had one answer to any personnel question.

From this, the desire to yell does not become less.

But. Please note: the game is already ready. Three months before the release. They started to highlight Toriyama just now, as part of a whole development team. There he is not even in the top three. He is below the main coder, which was not even in the original ff7 team. It seems that in Skvara they still realized that his place was with the bucket.

Sunday, 27 October 2019

about ff8:
-Kitase: "At the beginning of development, Nomura had a cool idea how to link and beautifully finish the stories of Squall and Laguna, but we scored on her in the process and forgot about her altogether."
-Kitase: "All of Nomura's characters are pretty boys, we had to ask him to make them rougher, including Irvine."
-Nomura painted Edea even before ff7, trying to imitate Amano as an artist synonymous with serey; Raijina and Fujin Nomura made for ff7, but they were thrown out because they looked too much like the Turks
-Rama was not taken to ff8, because summons grow and pump there, and Nomura decided that there was no place for humanoid, that summons in ff8 should look wild. Ito agreed, "You can't raise an old man." for the same reason, Nomura painted Siren naked (hello to the remaster)
-Nojima: "The lagoon was designed to do what Squall could not." Nomura always climbed into the script and even wrote a whole guide to Rinoa.
-the developers thought to make the ff7 heroes with realistic proportions, but decided that after ff6 the jump would be too sharp

Kitase about ff10:
- "Well, the developers who made mini-games with chocobos and lightning, of course, passed them. And I personally went through the lightning, but ... (coughs, drops shit, runs away into the sunset)"
-the original zanarkand segment should have been longer. well, that is, when I swore that the narrative there seemed to be torn, I was onto something
-ff10-3 no one is trying to do it, everyone is busy. Hooray

Saturday, 14 September 2019

The main question to the combat system of the remake was - what to do for those who are accustomed to quietly choosing commands from the menus when you have an action with ripples here? Here is the answer - the squary added auto-attacks, blocks and rolls to the remake of autoplay. in the new gameplay (see from 20 minutes) the automatically controlled cloud blocks all enemy attacks and even hides from the laser - all that remains is to choose the magic and limits.
however, if you think so, then all AI-party members always work on the same principle.

What's new was shown: squats at 31 minutes and a bossfight with aps at 35 minutes. In principle, all that we learned there is that Iris have ranged auto attacks and that the summon, after the expiration of his scale, does automatically carry out an ult, as expected. each character can take one summon matter into battle, the summon scale is accumulated by attacks (so it will not work out the remake, like the original ff7, spamming with summons for every large pack of enemies).

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Well, just look how delicious it looks.

What's interestnig:
- during the day in the slums, the heroes are attacked by clots of gray sperm (Shepirova?)
- the sun is shining in the slums during the day (Barrett used to complain that "pizza" was covering it)
-when the heroes are riding motorcycles, they are attacked by a motorcycle soldier (finally, at least one living soldier, it was high time). looks like a blonde gladioluch. seems to be the only new character so far

-biggs, wedge, jessie and cloud parachute (!) from pizza to favela
-the phrase about the fact that Cloud has Mako-eyes is now uttered by Rud. there is a bossfight with him in the slums
-zhenoklouda was not shown, only a smart Iris
-the abduction of Iris Tson is no longer behind the scenes
-korneo looks like a yakuza boss. you can play darts like in yakuza
- you can work out in the gym with homosexuals not only for cloud, but also for typhoid

-status magic in place: the cloud was turned into a toad. earlier in midgar no one did this, but on the other hand, in midgar, the gameplay did not really start
-the president no longer goes out to the barrett himself, but sends a hologram, which is much more logical. he mentions wutai - perhaps the explosion of the 7th sector will be dumped on him
-showed the summons: ifrit fights on the battlefield together with cloud. he has some kind of ruler of his own: most likely, the time of action

-It seems that there was some insane trash-mob chariot in the train cemetery: apparently, he was made a boss (we are waiting for a house with a pipe!). Shiva kills him, but she does not have a strip: most likely, using the ultimate removes the summon

-the heroes look at the ruins of the seventh sector from the column, and not from the sixth sector. then there will be no stupid flight on the cable)

So far, not a single Gackt. So far so good.

As a bonus: I'll save here a copy and paste from GameCom 2019 about how the show looked like there.