Passage of GTA San Andreas San Fierro. Passage of GTA San Andreas San Fierro Great Acute Building

San Fierro.

San Fierro city is one of the 3 large cities in the game. How do you know this city was created by the likeness of San Francisco in America. This means we will see the famous Golden Gate Bridge, we will ride a tram and other unique transport, we will be able to fulfill a fashionable tuning, giving your car Maxu, learn to the eastern martial arts at the School of Martial Arts "Cobra".

Semi-addural city district. In this area intense criminal situation, it is believed that this is the center of drug distribution in the city. In the area hosted the bandits from the "Reef" grouping. Of the attractions in the area are located: School of Martial Arts "Cobra" and the Toy Model Store "Zero" S RC Shop ".

Next to the garcia is the area of \u200b\u200bDogrti. This is the old industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe city. Here is the tuning machine shop "Transfender", Painting Workshop "Pay N Spray" and a large car dealership "Wang Cars".

Coastal zone, here are port docks. The Vietnamese criminal grouping "Da Nang Boys", known for its cruelty inhabit. From the attractions, we note the aircraft carrier of the US Army, which is based on the notorious Helicopter "Apache". The screenshots also showed: a dry dock, a ship under loading and gas station "Xoomer".

Downtown (city center)

As well as in Los Santos, the center of the city is built up with huge skyscrapers. This is the business part of the city, here you can meet financial matches and office employees. The main street is an accurate copy of the "Lombard Street" in the present San Francisco. A large pointed building - an accurate copy Skyscraper in San Francisco.

Juniper Hollow.

The residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city, there is a Gunt Bridge, an accurate copy of the Golden Gate Bridge. Here you can also visit the Clothing Store "Binco" and the cultural and entertainment complex "Jizzy" S Pleasure Dome ". The shore has a ship, it will take place one of the missions.

This area is quite far from the streets of San Fierro, but nevertheless it is directly related to this city. The area is built up with single-storey houses, since the road passes nearby, then there is a gas station and a road shop with a cafe. The city has a bakery, a wine shop, a cinema. On the outskirts there are parking trailers. There is a motel, it is called "Jet John" also knows about the presence of an arms shop "Amunition", the seller in which the pretty man works. From Angel Pine is clearly visible to the giant mountain "Mount Chiliad". It is known that nearby is a certain farm associated with something criminal.

Stadium "Corvin"

What is the big city without your stadium? So in San Fierro there is a wonderful stadium. He is the official stadium of the San Fierro Sixty Niners team. It is curious that in real San Francisco there is a stadium " San Francisco. Forty Niners "!

Alex "S Hot-Dogs

This old furor belongs to a certain Alex "y, but he sells not only fast food, as it was possible to guess on a huge hot dog on the roof. What is actually engaged in Alex, learn when you play the game.


As in any major city in San Fierro there is a hospital, but not just a hospital, but a huge medical center! Near the center constantly stand several ambulances, and there is a helipad on the roof.

Grant Bridge

In the city we come through this bridge "Gant", this is the famous Golden Gate Bridge. It is very big - long spans, huge pillars support the base. On the bridge a great movement, and a lot of boats swims under the bridge.

We are shown another bridge, he is clearly smaller than Ganta, and looks like that bridge that we have seen in GTA3.

The name of this area is not known for sure, but we know what "Garci Hointe and Hashbury Festival" is held here. Here you can rarely meet the gangsters. Unusual transportation and unusual townspeople meet in the area. Many hippie with unchanged "shoals", cool minibuses are waiting for us on this holiday!


If you are tired of the appearance of your car, then send the wheelbarrow to pump Max from the transfender office. He will shift a spoiler for her, swamper bumpers, will put new wheels, paint in cool color. There will be no such car for anyone! Only worth it is very expensive, but this is not a problem if there is a head on the shoulders and the faithful grenade launcher?

School of Martial Arts "Cobra"

She is also located in San Fierro. Here Karl learns to fight correctly, learn new techniques and acquire a good form.

Cluckin Bell.

If you want chicken, then you will definitely look into the "Cluckin Bell snack" "Cluckin Bell", a lot of bird dishes and a stupid kind of sellers for a balanced money, that's what will be offered by this enterprise catering in American.

More caricature than the real incarnation received San Francisco (in the game it is called San Fierro). But this city is very recognizable: architecture, location of bridges, streets, everything is very similar to one of the most famous cities in the world. Another feature of the city of San Francisco, which the developers embodied in the game, are the so-called "microclimate" with which San Francisco citizens are constantly dealing with. When in one area of \u200b\u200bthe city is warm and sunny, and in another cold and rainy.

Acquaintance with districts

In the demo-example that we managed to see - CJ first went to the San Firka to help out one of his friends who had fallen into the alteration, and began his day on the busy streets of Hashbury - the game embodiment of the Khaight-Ashbury district in San Francisco . Described as one of the most colorful areas in the full city, Hashbury is absolutely littered with outdoor markets, smoke and tobacco shopping stores, lots of hippies. But at present, its streets are overly populated with all kinds of different people thanks to the celebrations associated with the "Annual United Festival" passing in the area. The manners of people in the San Firmiro are quite diverse here you can meet the homeless, and Yappen Starbax, and the above-mentioned hippies dispersed throughout the sidewalks.

Directly next to Khashbury - Latin Quarter Garcia is located. Known mainly by the criminal group of the "Brigade of Reef", which keeps not only this area in fear, but also neighboring. In the game, Garcia, as believed, is one of the main areas for international drug trafficking and is represented by developers as one of the most hostile districts.

Kung Fu School

Next, we will go to the School of Martial Arts "Cobra". This school is very different from the sambo school, that we have seen in Los Santus. If we could only dump weight, by one-time workouts on the simulators, then in the School of Cobra, you can study the receptions of Kung Fu! A fast conversation with a potential teacher calls a dialog box that allows you to choose which types of receptions you would like to explore. But the fighting skills will not be available immediately, but only when you can defeat the mentor in the unarmed battle to prove your value.

First, you learn ordinary main blows, such as shocks in front of ourselves, shots nodule, blowing the heel. Then you can apply all movements in the complex automatically. Lessons are accompanied by an educational lecture on when using certain techniques to achieve advantage of protection or attack. In addition, as soon as the new movement has been studied, it can be combined with the previously studied, which allows the player to literally create its own ways of struggle and styles. You can even practice your strikes with sparring partners in every school Sambo!

Jumping, trams and earthquake

Just like in San Francisco in San Fierro there are trams. Just as the train on them you can ride in order to save time when moving along a large city. The tram can be stolen and manage them yourself.

During the trip, we noticed a lot of hills in the area (probably the consequences of an earthquake) on which incredible jumps can be performed! The developers have previously hinted that in this city we will find such locations more than anywhere.

Mission time

After summary The location we went to fulfill the first mission in San Fierro. We united with a sister's sister CJ - Caesar, the mission itself was pretty straight line: just join the Caesar and steal some expensive vehicles from the "Otto" cars on the pier (just like the firrian bay) and quickly sag. On the way, we drove through the financial area, the location of the city center and saw several quickly recognizable buildings. We drove, on always filled with a pawn-street street (known now in the game like windy, windy, windy, windy street).

After we have reached Otto's cars, Caesar and CJ stole several cars and immediately went to fulfill the second part of the mission. It was necessary to follow Caesar back across the streets of San Firka, on the road CJ faces all kinds of movement and environmental problems that are generally recognized by quite interesting. Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bthis particular mission was inspired by the film "Bullitt" from the famous film model Steve McQueen. The mission is finally completed when the duet returns to a completely new garage, known as "The Hub". But not before Caesar shows an important new addition to the Universe GTA - Naitro.

Nitrogen and physics vehicle

Nitrogen is used as completely new toolTo significantly increase the speed. Of course, we have previously seen effects from the inclusion of Nitro - deforming landscape in games such as Burnout and NFS, but fantastic sensation of speed, not seen before in GTA games. Just keep in mind that not all your cars can be equipped with a set of nitrogen zaki - only defined, which meet certain criteria. Unfortunately, we did not show all the cars that are suitable for setting Nitro. But we really know that you will be able to add these frills in your local moding garage and you can specify how much the amount of zaki add.

As soon as Nitro bought, a special graphic canister appears behind or from the side of any car that CJ leads. And the more nitro, which he bought, the more Kanister becomes. Obviously, the most powerful nitrogenous modernization is called - N20, the incredible speed is felt.

To activate nitrogen backing, the players simply have to press the circle or L1 button (for Play Station 2) and boom! Instant speed! The aforementioned effect of blur and a blue flame breaking out of the exhaust pipe. The effect of Nitro lasts about 10-15 seconds each. It is usually required about 60 seconds to recharge Nitro and use it again.

Rockstar has repeatedly focused on improving vehicle physics. In GTA-SA, a lot of new vehicles are added compared to the series of the series, such as: huge trucks, bicycles, trains, but every type of vehicle has its own unique characteristics. Braking, acceleration, just riding - depend not only on the vehicle, but also from the terrain on which they are moving. You have to choose which vehicles to use to drive along the tracks, movement along the hilly or mountainous terrain.

Modging garage

We mentioned earlier, others from new features in San Andreas - the inclusion of what is called "modging garages". Located throughout the san Andreas state, these garages are often found player while traveling. Although it is not unique - it is available to almost all cars, but this is a very interesting innovation. In San Fierro, there are such garages such as "transfender" and "wheel angels", players will be able to upgrade from their cars: exhaust pipes, front and rear bumpers, roofs, wings, and wheels, moreover, perhaps not only repaint cars In any color, but also to apply the picture.

Rockstar argues that it is possible to mix several kinds of paint to achieve a more stylish look. You can even determine if you want a solid, soft roof in a car, or an open roof and increase the bass in the stereo of your car!

Each garage specializes in their add-ons, wheel angels, for example, specialize in modernizing sports machines for street racesWhile one of the garages of Los Santus experiments experiments in the creation of high-quality "low-riders".

Helicopters, ships and hostages! Oh my goodness!

After we upgraded our car, we were sent to another mission. This time, our group was sent to the Chinese Quarter to meet with the local leader of the triad named Woo Mu, but the locals call him universities for brevity. The goal here is to save a group of refugees from death, as they are contained as prisoners on board in the middle of the Bay of San Fierro. To help them out, Karl must jump aboard the helicopter and fly to save them.

Unfortunately, as soon as we approached the ship, the helicopter was immediately raised, which forced Karl to fulfill something that the players were waiting for a series of GTA games, namely swimming. Just as, shooting in a dash, it is possible to increase the accuracy, Karl can improve its floating ability, making it more often - its speed is improved, its ability to delay the breath or anything else. But now it's not time to think about improvement, you need to finish the mission! Sailing one on the ship, and having lost a group of support, CJ is forced to use another one new element Gameplay - Host!

On our way, we learned that at some point a number of completely new missions will be available, for example, to drive a machine-tow truck to tow broken cars. And as mentioned before, the taxi mission and ambulance will also be in the game.

Host kill

Appearing on the deck of the vessel, Karl binds the second element taken from the terrible game of Rockstar - Manhunt, namely the so-called Stealth - the effect, and with such a cunning, kills the mechanics. Now able to hide in darkened corners or tracks, Karl can use silence in his own interests. And silence, what he will need, because noise - the number one method, which enemies will be able to determine your presence. To help the player, avoid detection, a blue point will be displayed in the mini card in the place where Karl applied sweeping. If he goes slowly (or squeezes and goes slowly), then it is likely to remain undetected. Picking from the back to the enemy, Karl has the ability to kill him quietly.

Two of these methods were shown to us rather convincing. The first when, being a well-useful knife kill - this can be done when the hand CJ raises an extremely few of his face to show that it is within the enemy defeat area. One fast pressing on the button and the knife immediately plunges into the neck of the enemy; The second method is to use weapons with a silencer or shooting from a long distance.

The passage of this mission mainly consists of tricks, Karl will shoot behind the unsuspecting victim or uses the entire new lifting feature to crawl on boxes and obstacles to get to other areas; Silence and patience - your primary ally in this mission. Ultimately, the need for secrecy disappears and follows a big explosion. Carl gets to the place where the prisoners contain and opens the castle. But not everything is so simple, CJ faces face to face with a warrior who owns two catanoes named Snake's head, who, kidnapped refugees. In the good traditions of old movies about Samurai, the head of the snake gives CJ, one of the katan, to fight on equal and battle begins. By defeating the boss, you sit on the boat and go back to the city.

City attractions, city lights

The final bit of our time in San Fierro was held, near the famous bridge in San Francisco - the Golden Gate, known as the Gunt Bridge in this game. The structure of the model is very well detailed and the bridge in the game until the latter rivet is like the original. If our guides who told us about the world San Andreas. Really wanted, perhaps it would be easy to capture the car and would go on this bridge to another big city, but unfortunately for us that the trip will take place at another time.

And even after the amount of information about the game, which we already know, we just touched very little, what awaits us in the game. Since there are many other areas that we did not have time to explore. Corvin Stadium, for example, the Industrial Dogrti region (in which we were a bit for one of the earliest missions), many other places and areas are very interesting for familiarization.

Surprisingly, representatives of Rockstar tell us that there is still a huge list of material that we must still see; Including Las Venturas, the remaining small cities, hundreds of other missions, and additional gameplay of elements that should still be shown. Based on the size and capabilities of this game, it is already frightened by opinion - but I can't wait for it, finally got this great game!

Wear Flowers in Your Hair
PROFIT: Passed.
Passage: The mission is simple. You will arrive in your garage, look at the scene and go to the driver's seat in Truth "a. Start riding the specified points and collect people to work on your garage. 555 WE Tip.
PROFIT: Passed.
Passage: You will need to substitute one guy. Drive to the specified place. There are parkers. Travelers for one of them, and kill him in the parking lot. While no one sees you, releaving and run away to the place where parkingers are. Blue Merit will come to you, sit down in it and go to my garage from all over the spirit. There it will be put "gift" in the form of a pack of drugs. I. We are going back. All about everything you have 2:30. Yes, the car must be in not a question, otherwise you have to repaint. Everything. Deconstruction.
PROFIT: Passed.
Passage: You drove to your sister, you will revenge. The garage has a construction, there will be all the action of payout \u003d D. First destroy 6 households builders. As soon as you finish with a bulldozer, plunder the sorter in the pit, cut into the concrete mixer and then enjoy the stage a la death alive. Oh, I almost forgot, we fear builders. They are very dangerous, but where are they with shovels against your AK-47? After this mission will call Jethro and says that driving school is available in which you meet Michelle ...

Loco Syndicate.

Photo Opportunity.
PROFIT: + Respect
Passage: Your goal is to take photos of some characters. You will send for Cesar "OM, which is located in Red Country and go to Angel Pine in his car. Stay at the Red Marker in Angel Pine and take to the roof. You will have a camera with an infinite film. Stand on a red marker and take pictures (! ) Persons of all who will arrive on the arrow. ATTENTION The mission will be failed if you break the Cesar car "a or not take a picture of the next person \u003d d. Jizzy
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 3000.
Passage: Woozie says Carl and Cesar "Y that he is their friend. Carl asks to explain who these people in the photos that he shot. Here a Woozie helper appears (forgot that Wo blind? \u003d D), SU XI MU is Loco Syndicate, he says . The first guy (shows on Mike Toreno), he does not know him. The second, T-Bone Mendez, and the third Jizzy, the largest pimper in the state. Vui says that Jizzy manages one club, which is under the Gant bridge. You should go exactly There. Go to the red marker. Carl explains Jizzy, what is ready to work on him. Jizzy needs you to make several things for him. You get into the car (attention: it can not be destroyed, otherwise there will be a failure of the mission) and move with a prostitute to the appointed Places. Slip it, and you will call Jizzy, he will say that you need to deal with one guy. This guy will be one pimp. You will have to kill him. Then again the call and Jizzy will tell you to save one more prostitute, but its indicator will appear. health. drive to the specified point. The whole bearing scene will be under the bridge. There "Holy" father will beat the girl. Understand everyone, of course, with a fatal outcome for offenders. Again you get phone call From Jizzy, who will say that one old pepper persuaded one prostitute not to return to the street. Your goal is to drive up to the point and then, pursuing a limousine and a jeep with the protection of destroying and old pepper and guard. \u003d D All mission is passed. After the mission, Woozie will call and say that you can find it in the Chinese Quarter. After the call, the W icon will appear. T-Bone Mendez
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 5000.
Passage: Jizzy is dissatisfied with T-Bone Mendez "OM after one transactions in which 3 people participated. In general, you need to take some fast car (for successful passing mission) and go to the Garver bridge. There is a Boxville under the bridge. As soon as you come up, then 4 Gholes will take 4 packages with drugs and run out in different directions. Your task to catch the villains and then kill it cool, and be sure to take all the packages. That's why I wrote about a quick car, you will need it. These thieves are armed and drive on San Fierro in chaotic order. still please do not open a palpist in the Chinese quarter, if there are representatives of the Chinese diaspora nearby, for they will feed you from the AK-47 \u003d D! Actually, all. Mike Toreno.
PROFIT: + Respect | 7000 $
Passage: In the club Jizzy T-Bone, Mike Toreno calls, but he has trouble. Toreno kidnapped Vietnamese. First go to Doherty for a construction site, then in Easter Basin, and then in Easter Bay Airport. There destroy 6 Vietnamese, undermining this van. After that you will receive 2 stars of search, after you reach the Red Marker, you will have 3 stars. We drive to Pay N "Spray and then we go to the jizzy club. The mission is passed. Outrider.
PROFIT: + Respect | 9000 $
Passage: Save the van to one factory. First drive to the refueling in Easter Basin, near military base, look at the scene in which T-Bone Mendez almost kills Charles, persistently asking for whom, it works and the like. Then Mike Toreno is suitable, he sits into the car, and you are traveling to the port of San Fierro. Take RPG I. sniper rifle, Sit on the motorcycle and ahead of the van drive to the Red Marker, there is an obstacle. Kill everyone. Further to the next "checkpoint" (checkpoint :)) and purify the road. We also do with the third "checkpoint" and fourth. The van goes slowly, so there will be no problems. Sach it to the destroyed factory. All mission passed \u003d d. Snail Trail
PROFIT: Passed.
Passage: You need to kill the reporter who has evokes about tempted and Pulaks that they are engaged in dark things. Running to the construction site, there, in one of the pipes there is a sniper rifle, pick it up and run to the station, near the parked Sanchez stand nearby. Jump saddle iron horse and farther behind the outgoing train in which a journalist sits. Try not to go to the oncoming paths, for you will be revealed by passing trains. You will reach Market Station in Los Santos "e. The journalist will come out of the train and the approximation indicator will appear. Take it up for him, so that he will not see you. He, coming out of the subway, will take a taxi and go to Santa Maria Pier. As soon as he comes You will be given an order to destroy it and that guy who he met. All mission is over. We go to the airport and fly back to San Fierro. Ice Cold Killa.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 12000.
Passage: The mission can be available from 6:00 - 20:00. Purchase armor, weapons and forward to the Jizzy Club. There you will see 2 limousine, one of them is black, take it and go to the garage with him, as this is the only black limousine in the game. Then back to the club, you will see there, the Pimp Car Machine and shoot it all 4 tires. Next, we go to the guard at the entrance, we speak with them and go to the roof. You will see the support of the bridge with construction forests, and climb them. We fall on the roof of the club. Go down, say with Jizzy, kill all the protection and chase for Jizzy. Twist his car and kill him. As soon as you kill it, your mobile phone will fall out, there will immediately call Cesar and the mission will end! Pier 69.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 15000.
Passage: Forward on the roof for Cesar "OM, he will give you a sniper rifle. After the roller, kill everyone who will shoot triads. Then kill the T-Bone Mendez" a and jump into the water for the Ryder "OM (here is the end of this rat). Close to Speeder and pursue a reptile. On the way you will exchange the latest replicas in the life of Ryder "A \u003d D! Kill him, and you will call Cesar and ask if you are alive? Get to San Fierro. Mission completed! Toreno "S Last Flight
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 18000.
Passage: Purchase armor and go to the SFPD Helicopter (San Fierro Police Department). You will release a couple of missiles. Clean the way to yourself from all the villains and capture the RPG and AK-47 at the helipad. Jump and sit on a motorcycle. Drink on all pairs per helicopter. He will fly exactly parallel to highweight. He flies very slowly. Wrong it and drive a little forward, so that it disappears from the field of view. Stay and switch to RPG. As soon as the helicopter appears, catch it with an eye, and let multiple missiles. The mission is completed, but Toreno did not die, but a little later. YAY KA-BOOM-BOOM
PROFIT: + Respect | 25000 $
Passage: After the scene, go to Downtown. There is one red well done, mines the car, you drive on it to an abandoned factory (see the Outrider mission). Do not reach the factory Park the car, go first. Understand the protection, and then, when you read the building, then return for the machine, activate the bomb on it (LKM or LCTRL) and robbing out of the building. It scolds so that July 4th will seem to the children's prank \u003d D! When you leave back, the gate will close and get the "dissatisfied" citizens from all the cracks with trunks! Stop at the expense of all who dares to smoke, sit down to the parked Voodoo, accelerate and fold on the roof, then we go on a red marker next to your garage. All mission is completed. Air Raid.
PROFIT: 7000 $
Passage: First buy a RC store (see the map of the secrets of our portal) for $ 30,000. Go to the store and exit. You will call Zero and tell you that you come to him. Run home, sax and go to make a mission. This is a pretty cheerful mission. You are on the roof with a machine gun, like "volcano" will take RC aircraft within 3 minutes, which will attack the RC store. Nearby will stand Zero with a fire extinguisher, on every fireman. As soon as you overcome all, the mission will end! Supply Lines.
PROFIT: 5000 $
Passage: Remove from the hook of the poor fellow Zero, which Berkley hung. You can take revenge at RC Baron "Y. The airplane ends fuel, so be attentive. Pass to the target, press LCTRL, and the van will receive a fair-made portion of the lead. As soon as you destroy the last courier. Land on the roof of the RC roof and all mission Finished. NEW MODEL ARMY.
PROFIT: 5000 $
Passage: Toy battle. Mission time is 8 minutes. We must lay the way to the military base of the enemy. Mount the barrels lying on the road, put the crossing bridges, destroy the tank bombs of the enemy. Play health, and upon completion of the mission, the RC store will bring you an income of $ 2000! Yes, I almost forgot about the racing car, which will be controlled by ZERO, there is a damage indicator. Be vigilant and do not let him end!

The Triads.

Mountain Cloud Boys
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 5000.
Passage: Before this mission I buy armor and weapons. Preferably AK-47, shotgun and UZI. We persist and go to Woozie. Oh, sit down with the "blind" in the car and go to a red marker. Get out and go to a small courtyard. Here the pedes begin to shout and run from the yard. You follow Woozie. There will be an unpleasant picture ... Mount Triad corpses. As one man explains that Vietnamese came and they were over. After this scene, the Vietnamese will arrive on the car, and the health indicator will immediately appear. Destroy the Vietnamese and go further, but in no case let Woozie overtake you. Because of the corner, a couple of sanchez "OV, kill them all. Get out of the corner and crush the rest. Attention: Sniper sits on the roof. Chromate all Vietnamese and sit in the car. As soon as you cut down, the chase will begin. But this is still Not all, you need to destroy everyone who is sitting there. It is necessary to break away from them, looting around the city. The most optimal place where you can destroy everyone, this is the roof "OTTO" S Autos "(look at the secrets card). You enter there at speeds. Do this in order not to threaten the universities, otherwise he climbs there, where it is not necessary, spoiling you all. Dished in ambush? Now calmly kill. When you overcome everyone, take the union and take it to the house. All mission is passed. Ran Fa Li.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 6000.
Passage: You need to drive a pickup to the port. Drive to underground parking in Easter Bay Airport. Sit on a pickup. The machine will appear the damage indicator. As soon as you touch, the road will be blocked by Vietnamese. Exit the car and put everyone. Go away, along the path of Vietnam comrades. After leaving the airport, you will go for a few armed peppers on Sanchezax. The advice immediately with overclocking them. Bring the pickup to the port and on this mission will end. Lure
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 8000.
Passage: Do you like off-road? And you will have to act as bait. Sit down to Rancher and go to Angel Pine to the Forest Factory. There you will drive in a red marker, and the race will begin. You will go to Vietnamese guys on Sanchez "AX. Concentrate on the road and drive around the checkpoints. In some places you can cut it well. Yes, the car will have an indicator of damage. Your ultimate target benzokolonek. Checkpoints will come to the finish. When you arrive, you will call you This mission is completed. Amphibious Assault.
PROFIT: + Respect | 11000 $
Passage: To fulfill this mission, it is necessary to pump the lungs (Lung Capacity). Swim under the water for a while. Then go to Woozie. Drive to Pier 69 and jump into the water. There on stone ridge and forth as a person - amphibian on the underwater caves in finding a knife. Try to sail under water so that the surface patrols of the Vietnamese did not count you. And also try not to fall into the rays of the searchlight. Get on the ship and start killing security. It is possible with a knife, and can be barrel. As you wish. Remove everyone, put a bug and enjoy back to Pier 69. As soon as you get out, the mission will end! The Da Nang Tang
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 15000.
Passage: The mission will begin as an arrow on a helicopter. Give everyone on containers, then you will be offered from RPG. Swim the ship remove everyone. And let's remove the people along the containers there. Do not descend down. The higher you, the helpless your enemies. There will be many people in the most unexpected places, so be alert. You need to free a few slaves. As soon as you save them, they will undermine the ship, and you will choose on boats. Actually everything. After this mission, someone will call someone ("miraculously" saved Mike Toreno) and will offer to visit him ranch. Now you have Las Venturas.

Cesar Vialpando.

Zeroing In.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 5000.
Passage: The mission for Cesar "A will be available only after passing a driving school. As soon as you finish the last mission in a driving school, you will call Jethro and say that you can buy Wang Cars. You buy it for $ 500,000! But the goal is the goal. Zero has developed One bug and put on the car with one lady. The car as you understood you and need. Once it will call on the phone, she will have a red mark. Go behind her, as soon as we catch up, expand it with Pit maneuver (this was trained in a driving school ). Return to the garage on her car. The mission is passed. After this mission will become the latest type of tuning centers, "Wheel Arch Angels", which specializes in tuning racing chas. Test Drive.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 5000.
Passage: This is the most cool mission. Sit in Cesar "Y in the car and blow in" Otto "S Autos". After treating the car, follow the Cesar "OM. The police will not catch you up. Meaning is simple, ride and come to the garage, the main thing is followed by Cesar" OM, and not mistaken. That's all. Customs Fast Track
PROFIT: + Respect | 10,000 $
Passage: With a young man, named Cesar Sit into the car and go to the port. There you are climbing the crane and take turns beginning to drag the containers from the ship to the ground, in which cars. You are looking for one quick car. Below is Cesar and says that or not that car. See not to come up with a lacaround. As soon as Cesar fits the car from the container, the owner will arrive with two fraternities. Urgently get out of the crane and kill them. After you deal with them, one more car will arrive. Tech also send to that light. But that's not all! Two more peppers will resort, and the queue from Kalash, mean their mortar leads. After this mission, the missions such as Export / Import are available. It seems that this mission is completed! Puncture Wounds.
PROFIT: + Respect | $ 5000.
Passage: Watch how Cesar bends that one bitch was bitch (literary expression). Meaning stop the car that does not want to stop. Sit into the car, in which 3 hedgehog policemen are packaged (remember Vice City, they threw the cops there after 3 stars). Go to the freeway and pursue the lady. Wrong her and throw it out of her hedgehog. She is a bunch of tires and stop. After a small roller, Karl will change all the wheels. And go to the garage. After this mission "Wang Cars" will bring $ 8,000! All from San Fierro we committed!

It is based on real American states, such as: California, Nevada, Arizona, Wyoming and Oregon.

The state consists exclusively from the islands surrounded by water from all sides. The approximate area of \u200b\u200bthe entire territory is 36 square kilometers (14 square miles), which makes San Andreas the largest place for setting in grand series THEFT AUTO.

San Andreas consists of three cities and five districts.

Los Santos;
San Fierro;
Las Venturas.

Red County;
Tierra Robada;
Bone County.

In San Andreas there was a place for the most different climate and landscape relief. The first area (Los Santos, Flint, and Red Counties), mainly consists of forests, rivers and small towns. In this region, it is very warm, and Los Santos frequently enveloped.

The second area (San Fierro and Whetstone), cooler, and the SF is sometimes covered by the fog arising from the temperature difference. The terrain is also a wooded, but there are many hills and mountains. The main pride, of course, is a huge mountain chiliad.

The third area (Tierra Robada and Bayside) is a semi-sore region, partly "rich" forest.

The fourth, the last, area (Las Venturas and Bone County) is a arid region, the relief of which is mostly a desert, with various natural formations, such as Castillo del Diablo or. There are many desert stiff trees and cacti.

Cities in San Andreas

- Los Santos
Most big City State of San Andreas. It has a real prototype - Los Angeles (California), so filled with real references on Hollywood stars, Watts Towers, Capitol Tower, U.S. Bank Tower and others. Borders with Red County in the north, Flint County in the West.

Los Santos is the hometown of Charles Johnson, which he returns from Liberty City.

The city includes several districts, also having real prototypes in LA:
Ganton (Real.: Compton), Idlewood (Real.: Inglewood) and Vinewood (Real.: Hollywood).

- San Fierro
The smallest city city is located on the peninsula, in the West. Based on the real prototype - San Francisco. South of the city there is a huge chiliad mountain and a small town Angel Pine (Whetstone). To the north there is a small town of Bayside. To the north-east: Tierra Robada district. In the east of Panopticon, in the south-east of Flint County.

In the city, you can find traces and consequences from a recent earthquake, about the occurred cataclysm can also be heard on the radio.

- Las Venturas.
The average largest, of the three cities of San Andreas, is based on Las Vegas. Located in a desert area where legalized gambling.

The city is notable for the speed highway system (Friveyev) surrounding it from all sides, and one highway passes right in the center.

Counties San Andreas.

Counties or areas are less noteworthy than cities, but you can also tell a lot of interesting things about them.

Red County (Red)
Agricultural district. Located in the middle of the forest, consisting mainly of high sequel and streams. It is a squeeze from the typical rural life of America, and is filled with stereotypical residents of A la cattle.

Undeveloped rural part of San Andreas. There are no cities, but there are several half-hearted farms.

Tierra Robada (Tirra Robad)
The area based on the real Sierra Nevada is a small peninsula north of San Fierro.

Bone County (bone)
In the title of the district is already initially contained easter egg. On the one hand, this "bone" is a reference to the alleged aliens found to the remains in "Area 69". On the other hand, it can be translated as "clay coal", and this is already sending to the district, as an industrial center in which oil is produced, as well as there is a grand career.

District is beautiful (cutlery mountains) and rich in surprises (aircraft cemetery).

Whetstone (Vestone)
The district is located in the southwestern part of San Andreas and occupies the chiliad mountain, the highest state point (800 meters in height).

Towns or villages San Anreas

Palomino Creek.
The city is filled with young couples and strange old men, located in the north-east of Red County. It has a bank and their own school football team (although there is no stadium or at least school).

Wheelchair on the bridge.

Town in northeast Red County. There is a small hospital, Crippen Memorial and shop for horse rates.

Located on the northern outskirts of Los Santos. It has its own sheriff, gas station and diner.

Pretty big city, with a farm, a wine shop and a brewing plant. Climate resembles San Fierro. It is also a happy owner of his own football team.

Angel Pine
Located at the entrance to the Whetstone County, at the foot of the Chilead Mountain. In the town there is a hospital where you can perform the work of the paramedic. There is your sheriff, a sawmill plant and a park for trailers.

The town is located on the embankment, in the west of Tierra Robada. The only direct way to get to it is only from San Fierro.

Home Landmark: Boat school and helipad.

El Quebrados.
East of Bayside. There is a medical center. There is a separation of sheriffs.

Las Barrancas.
Town near the dam.

Fort Carson.
The largest settlement in Bone County. There is a small hospital and a sheriff office.

Las Payasadas.
Town in the north of Bone County.

Home Landmark: Huge advertising rooster.

In order to start playing GTA San Andreas, you need to first download the game Gta San Andreas. A little later, after her release, there was an opportunity to play online (GTA San Andreas Multiplayer / San Andreas online / GTA San Andreas on the network). We will focus on the article "GTA San Andreas passage." All passage of the game Grand Theft Auto San Andreas can be conditionally divided into 6 logic stages. The first city in which the game - Los Santos begins. After his passage begins the countryside. For her - the city of San Fierro. On the fulfillment of missions in San Fierro begins the desert. For the desert - the city of Las Venturas. And finally, the final stage of the game is a return to Los Santos. The order in which mission is performed in the GTA San Andreas for all players is different, because sometimes there are several tasks at once, and what exactly the player himself will be solved. The passage is described on employers bosses, and not in order to make it easier to navigate. I will start the description of the passage from the very beginning ...

Note. You can also download a variety of patches for GTA San Andreas, fashion for GTA San Andreas - there are a large number of (for example, GTA San Andreas Criminal Russia - in this version of GTA San Andreas Russian cars!). Many are looking for GTA San Andreas cards - but there is no great need for this - after all, an excellent card with a scale change function is in the game menu. After that little entry, let's start the article "GTA San Andreas passage."

San Fierro / San Fierro
After the forced escape from Los Santos and a small delay in the countryside, Carl moves to San Fierro. This city is very similar to San Francisco, which, in fact, was a prototype. The complexity of the missions obtained here is already a little increasing. Because GTA San Andreas strongly recommends that all the time be in a body armor, in each mission. Sigi is now gradually rising from that pit in which he found himself after the events in Los Santos ...

Carl Johnson.
Wear Flowers in Your Hair
Our friend truth suggested to get acquainted with three friends, the same hippie, like he himself - Jetro, Duein and Zero. As he believes, they will be able to help with the arrangement of a collapsed garage, which has taken away Carlo. First, get acquainted with the mechanic - Jetro. Drive to the point marked on the radar. Drive up in a highlighted area and snag. As soon as Jetro is sitting in our car, though someday will order the path to the hospital. There we will see something strange. The next person with whom you need to meet is a hot sausage dealer, Dwayin. He will not get into the car, but will come to the garage on his van. Now the truth will suggest going to the police station. And again suspicious things. But for all the questions of Charles, the old hippie will answer with some kind of inadequate phrases, from which you will not understand anything. Finally, the last one who truth suggested hired to repair, - Zero, the owner of the store remotely managed toys. When you collect everyone - go to the garage, about which the Duin's sausage van will be standing. After that, this GTA San Andreas Mission has been completed.
Remuneration: absent

555 WE Tip.
The omnipresent officer of Tenpennie found us even here. He wants Karl to lay herb in the car of the district prosecutor to substitute the latter. Drive to the hotel Vank Hoff. There, follow the lacquer who drives out the car into the underground garage. Shoot or simply ignite it, pick it up with clothes - Karl himself will change himself. Now come to the place of collection of Laces and get ready for quite a long time to wait for the car we need. When she finally appears, it will not distinguish her work - they will show us a video with her. Sit into this car, ahead of other lakes, and ride your garage as soon as possible. It is not necessary to pay attention to the damage caused by cars - there everything will be repaired. However, try not to break it. Returning back, you need to go with maximum caution. There should be no damage on the body! GTA San Andreas Passage recommends to be extremely careful and attentive, going down from the slides, on which San Fierro is located - you can not notice the cars on the traffic light and crash into them. Given that we have no time to visit Pay "N" SPRAY, it's worth going slowly and neatly. Also, in no case cannot attract the attention of the police. Park the car in the luminous area in the garage and run out of the garage to the marked zone. Watch the video, as Karl calls the police, saying that the prosecutor of the Polbag Drugs. Cops will come quite quickly, twist the prosecutor and take away. And our mission GTA San Andreas is completed.
Remuneration: opportunity to work out a lake

In the video in front of this mission Gta San Andreas, you will see how the Upset sister Charles complains that some scumbags from the construction company, located next door, were offered Kendl to engage in uncomfortable affairs. Judging by the mood sitting, they will have to compensate moral damage. Run behind the garage and disconnect the terrain from the builders. Some will be armed with guns. GTA San Andreas The passage strongly recommends that you first figure out with people, and only then destroy the buildings with a bulldozer - this technique is very slow and clumsy, you can catch up with on foot and throw out of it. Several buildings can be destroyed by the shots on the barrels standing nearby. After clearing the workers, sit down in the bulldozer, and demolish the remaining buildings. For all you have three minutes, which is more than enough. The brigadier ran out on the toilet, seeing what was going on, again decide to sit in the cabin. Shoot it with a bulldozer to a pit nearby, or you can use the crane. When the toilet is in the pit, take the concrete mixer closest to you and pour the tham with the cement. The brigadier remains only to sympathize, well, and who is guilty of him, like his workers ???
P.S. After the mission, Jethro will call and offer to pass tests at the driving school.
Remuneration: Access to School Driving

Loco Syndicate.
This syndicate includes all the coolest prestiges not only the city, but also the entire state of San Andreas. Gradually, we will get rid of his leaders, until we learn that the most important person in this organization is a government agent ...

Photo Opportunity.
Not the most pleasant mission grand Theft. aUTO SAN Andreas - twice we will have to cross almost polote! But in this case, the goal is clearly paying for funds. Caesar will call us, and reports that he has told the Ballas car, heading in San Fierro. We will have to pick it up and find out what they need it. The fastest and most optimal way to get to Caesar (and not only in this mission - generally the best way to move between cities) - railway. Let the sleeves and mounds do not get to gain maximum speed, but no mad traffic, no police officers. All you need is to travel around the oncoming trains, which drive only one track, with the rare exception of some missions. After you finally choose Caesar, you will not fly at all soon. Due to the huge distance to be overcome, in Angel Pine it is best to go through the bypass highway, which will lead us exactly in the town. The rest of the country roads create a whole labyrinth, it is rather difficult to get out of which, if not very well know the terrain. Add here also saturated traffic with copies ... Fortunately, travel time is not limited. How to reach the marked point, climb the roof. Now we have to take pictures of persons who came to the meeting. Put the chamber zoom to the maximum to take pictures as large as possible. The first will appear at the meeting no one like ... Rider! Our former friend, now a traitor and one of the members of this gathering! The second one will come Bowen Mendez. Third - Mike Torano. Finally, a certain Jizzi will appear the last. As soon as the last photo is made, the scripting roller will start, at the end of which will end and this mission Grand. theft AUTO. San Andreas. Now there will be a long way back to San Fierro ...
Remuneration: Respect +

Jizzi is one of the participants of the Loco syndicate. It helps to turn dubious things, but at the same time dissatisfied with his share. In addition, Jizzi also has a personal business-night entertainment club Jizzy "S Pleasure Domes in San Fierro. Most of the profit receives at the expense of the pimp. It is noted in relationships with Ti-Bowen Mendez, Mike Torano and the drug dealers. Not the most pleasant type. We will not have to cooperate with him for a long time.

Jizzi is one of those cones whom we have photographed in Angel Pine. We will have to introduce to him in confidence in order to find out who it is and with what is connected. This time we will again have a long "travel" mission, but now in the city. Carefully follow the Jizzi car - traffic in San Fierro is very rich. At first, Jizzi will order Karl to take one of his girls to the hotel. Sit into the highlighted zone and stop in it. The employer will call, who in conversation will be mentioned about a pimp, who does not apply to his girls. Drive in Hashberry aside the label on the radar. The pimp will be marked, and as soon as you see - it is better to press, without leaving the car. It will save time, although you can simply go out and shoot. Just keep in mind that it can resist. And based on the fact that we are going on the favorite Machine Jizzi, it is extremely undesirable. And health can be lost. We barely handle this task, Jizzi will call again. The third assignment is to save the next prostitute over the hands of unnecessary clients. Drive under the bridge to the place marked on the radar, and kill two customers. Jizzy will call again. This is the last assignment. Apparently, the girl you was delivered to the hotel, decided to leave this dirty business that the employer does not like the employer. Drive to the same hotel, become a areas covered with a marker and see the scripting roller. It turns out that the father of that very girl is a preacher. Now we will have to deal with the engine and the limousine of the preacher. This is not the hardest task - just pursue them and shoot. After the destruction of both machines, Jizzi will call, the cops will be challenged behind this machine and offer either to leave it or destroy it.
Remuneration: $ 3.000, call from Wu Zi Mu, Respect +

T-Bone Mendez
In this missions GTA. San Andreas We will get acquainted with another one of those four people who have photographed earlier. The incredulous boun in the midst of the dispute will receive a call from someone who will say that loaded by drugs the truck fell into the ambush. Sit into the car and go to the place marked on the map. There, four people at the bikes immediately devastated the body of the truck and run away in different directions. Nearby will stand another bike, sit on it. Choose any of the fugitives as a goal, follow it. When you arrive enough close gTA game San Andreas will provide a choice. You can simply shoot the enemy, then pick up the cargo. And you can simply snatch the cargo on the go, which is a little more difficult, and it will start the robbed fugitive for you. Therefore, it is better to immediately get rid of them all. Do not repeat between motorcyclists - so you can do anything. We are given a limited period of time, because it is advisable to hurry, while not crashes into the walls and traffic. When safely gather all four packages, take them to Jizzi.
Remuneration: $ 5.000, Respect +