Straight streams on the COP go. Stream broadcast on Counter-Strike. What is the meaning of the striming

The number of CS GO streams today is not even hundreds, and thousands, which makes it possible to understand not only how popular game itself is, but also how stringing has become a massive phenomenon. However, not all users in the network are fans of such a phenomenon as Stream, therefore it is necessary to start from the theoretical part.

Stream, which is also translated as a stream, is a type of broadcasting on the Internet, which is carried out in real time. Simply put, Stream is a living record of a particular participant who plays a certain game. At first glance, nothing new, but the Stryigning system itself made it possible to create a whole cult, as well as a great way to make money. The most basic and popular site on which streams are held is It is this resource that can be called the ancestor of all strims, as well as one of the most visited sites in the world. Among the games are most in demand precisely popular projects, such as CS Go, Dota 2, Overwatch, Warface and Others. Not less popular is not session and even offline games, although they can attract a certain audience.

What is the meaning of the stream

Often you can see the view that some people do not understand such a phenomenon as Stream, considering it uninteresting or unnecessary. In fact, it is a certain kind of live broadcasts, most often entertaining or cognitive character. For example, if we talk about CS GO, the game itself is broadcast almost all the cuts, although it's not always about official servers. Some popular streamers take off various mods, such as Zombie MOD, Hide and Seek and others. They significantly change the rules of the game and attract a large number of spectators.

However, key figure And the main reason for success is always a streamer. It must be professional, and almost always he needs to have his own highlight. Only these conditions will allow you to watch a three-hour stream on the COP, in which a person plays and comments on his actions. Also a big role is played by the ability to work with an audience, which often becomes the main criterion for the popularity of Stream Career. It should be understood that it is possible to hold the audience on the streets only thanks to:

  • The ability to attract spectators;
  • Advertising;
  • Creating a specific image;
  • Unique content;

Summary can be said that for the main thing for the COP series or any other game - the ability to be interesting for the viewer. Also, do not forget that the purpose of holding 99% of the stereos is earnings. Payment is carried out by donation (donate), which can send spectators. This is a kind of fee for interesting content, because the ability to work with the audience directly determines the earnings.

The resulting example can be said about the Polish professional, the player of the Virtus Pro team - Yaroslav "PashaBieceps" Yarzabkovski, which sometimes loves to fight how he plays. One of his fans, in the amount, zazned him $ 25,000

How to become a streamer CS GO

Consisuring popular streamers on CS GO is not worth it, as anyone can go to twich and select the desired channel in the Stream section. Instead, it is better to consider whether today you can unwind your channel in the conditions of extremely high competition and become a well-known streamer. First of all, it is worth noting that this is possible, but you will have to work much more than a couple of years ago. It is also necessary to understand that without some highlight, you will most likely be lost in the countless quantity of streamers, which do not gain a large number of views of their broadcasts. It is for this reason that girls who can work with a male audience are much easier to use much popularity, and also attract more attention.

In addition to personal qualities and skills, it is extremely important to have a sufficient technical base. This implies a rather powerful PC that will allow broadcasting without loss of quality. As a rule, the optimal version will be the predestop of the "iron" category, which will avoid reducing the quality of the shooting and the fall of the FPS (which is especially important in new games), but it will not cost too much money. It must be remembered that any popular Stream can potentially bring you a lot of money that will recoup even the cost of buying a new PC, but you should not rush in extremes and acquire the best "hardware" before the promotion of your channel. If you summarize, then for a successful promotion you will need:

  • Powerful PC;
  • Good headset (which will ensure the quality of the shooting);
  • A unique image that allows you to distinguish between the rest;
  • The ability to attract and hold the audience on the channel.

Most Popular Beginner Striccher CS GO Errors

There are a number of major errors that do not allow stronimers to become popular. They relate to both the COP and any other game. That is why it is important to allocate each of them, which will allow developing exclusively in the right direction:

  1. It is not always necessary to start a career from Streaming on the most popular games. Sometimes, it is better to create a name for yourself due to already wounded or once popular projects, distinguished from the main mass, but only then go to CS GO.
  2. Do not try to become popular instantly. You can hardly find a strider, whose channel has become known in one day. Try to gradually pick up a permanent audience that will be with you, regardless of the choice of the game.
  3. Do not neglect ads. The more the advertising campaign of your streaming is better, the more views they collect. Try to make the announcements in thematic groups, on various sites, etc.
  4. Never try to spin donatas, try to ignore this aspect as often as possible or pay attention to it. Check the high donati attention, but you should not exercise a stick with gratitude. Remember that the audience of Streamov does not like both ignorant and beggars.
  5. Find your style and stick it. You should never change images or games, so you will not be able to attract a permanent audience.

Stream- This is a transmission using special Internet resources in direct air definite information. Many love to relax in the evening in front of the computer and beyond the bottle of beer or a cup of tea, without having burdened themselves to look at the dynamic game of other players also with professional comments.

This is a good way to popularize your own team, boast the skill of your game, to propagate the server or assembly, as well as earn money. Many famous players, reviewers make CS streams with the calculation to make money in case they are unwound on YouTube or Twich. These services allow you to make streams without much difficulty, not even experienced users.

Channels of popular streamers and their schedule

But if you have been playing Counter-Strike for a long time: Global Offensive. , we will offer you a list of the most popular streamers in this game and links on their TV Channels.

  • - One of the most popular streamers in CS: GO. Stream traxing is usually beginning at 18:00 and to 21: 00-22: 00
  • - It is also a very popular English-language streamer, a huge number of people looks Summit around the world. Stream broadcast from 23:00 - 04:00
  • - Fnatic team player. World champion in the Swedish car, and from recently time streamer CS: GO. Stremit at different times.
  • - Former team player Natus Vincere, finished player's career in 2012, world champion in CS! .6, and now is a famous media personality, a popular streamer and just a funny man. Stremit usually from 14:00 - 16:00

IN lately, such a thing as Stream is increasingly found in our lives. If we talk about gaming strings, then at the moment their number is not one tens of thousands. This industry is gaining huge revs. Just like any developing project or movement, the strima also has their own haters who prove all its uselessness. Well, in this case, we need to consider all the aspects of Stream dense and find out what it is and find out if it is possible to create a popular channel.

FROM of English language Stream is translated as a stream. In fact, it is. We can observe the flow of information turning to us from the row. If we talk a little easier, then Stream is a demonstration and recording of the game, any user stream resource in real time. It seems to be nothing supernatural in this and especially nothing supernova, but only lately, Stream has become a whole cult. The streamers have become such as their stars, and the video with their streams are watching people from all edges globe. The most famous site and also the Pratcher Stream has become the Internet portal. It is through it that we can watch the streams famous gamesshacks in CS GO and with the help of it we can watch free online broadcasts of various CF CFAs. Among the most popular games for streaming are CS Go, Dota 2, Overwatch, Warface and Others. The least popular offline game with one player is popular, but even such games have their own fans.

What is the meaning of the stream

Very often, we can see such an opinion that it is a completely useless waste of time that you should not kill three hours to see how another person playing in a particular game. But is it really this stupid pastime? Typically, such comments are left by people who have no idea what such Stream and they did not look at him. In CS GO, we can often see games in which well-playing players show us how to play on a particular map, show the secrets of these cards and mean their audience with different tactics. In addition, there are also not official servers on which we can see various mods such as Zombie MOD, Hide and Seek and others. Such deviations from the official topics of the game can attract spectators to themselves, because the game changes entirely.

But still, the most important attribute of Streaming, which decides whether to watch these streams or not, is the streamer itself. He needs to be a professional in his case and there should be something in it that will hold the viewer from the screen, some kind of highlight. You also need to be able to communicate with the audience, comment on the game itself, respond to messages. The streamer should become a friend for his viewer. With these attributes, the viewer will sit and watch three-hour streams and not to notice how time flies. Here are the main factors, thanks to which, the streamer will be able to hold its viewers:

  • Ability to attract spectators;
  • Advertising;
  • Creating a specific image;
  • Unique content;
If we generalize, then simply to become a successful suborder, you need to become interesting for the viewer in independence in what you are playing. Also, it is worth mentioning about money, because 99% of the reasons why people become stripes, it is possible to earn. Everything is simple here. You get money from your viewers with a donate. This is a fee, thanks to the striMer, for what he knows how to properly and beautifully present his game, the ability to communicate with his subscribers and for a special situation on their streams.

Let's look at one example. Here for example, Yaroslav Yarzabovsky. This is Polish professional player From the Virtus Pro command and playing under the nickname "Pashabieceps". This guy is not only a star of professional arena, it also periodically appears on the streets. So you understand what grateful subscribers are. One of the subscribers of Yaroslav, asked him in a total amount of 25 thousand dollars. Not bad, right?

How to become a streamer CS GO

There is no point to consider well-known streamers and their features no, because anyone can visit Twich and in the Stream section to see everything yourself. Better we consider whether it is possible to squeeze into the ranks of the streamers now, because at the moment their number is no longer hundreds and not thousands. Yes, now you have to make a huge effort, much more than a few years earlier. Next, what you need to know that you will be uninteresting without any raisin. In this industry, there is a sea of \u200b\u200bfaceless streamers that do not differ from each other, on this you better choose some kind of image, create yourself an original person and then your streams will watch a huge number of people. It is worth noting that girls enjoy great popularity, because most of the audience is men's.

In addition to the string itself, it is also important where we are underway. Now we are talking about the technical base. The fact is that the streamer should have a powerful computer that will allow it to play games at high settings, lead and record stream and not lose performance. For such purposes, you will fit the implete computers with a small price. Do not buy expensive top computers, even before the promotion of your channel. Of course, the popular streamer will quickly make money on the purchase of a powerful PC, but to go on such extremes without promoting the channel will be stupid. What will you need to successfully promote the channel:

  • Powerful PC;
  • A good headset (which will provide shooting quality);
  • A unique image that allows you to distinguish between the rest;
  • The ability to attract and hold the audience on the channel.

Most Popular Beginner Striccher CS GO Errors

There is a list of errors that each beginner streamer can make and which can prevent the channel to promotion and make it popular. These errors concern any game, whether it is the COP or Dota 2. Therefore, we decided to write below, what is still worth doing, but what should not do.
  1. If you just start having to fight, not always start playing in popular game, this is a good decision. Sometimes it is better to make a name for yourself on the already subsided but interesting gamethan to lose among thousands of unknown to anyone streamers. Only then you can go with your subscribers to another game.
  2. Do not build the illusions that your channel will suddenly become famous in one evening. It is unlikely to have such streamers that have become popular immediately. The audience gains gradually and if you are a master of your case, then this time will not be big
  3. It is worth understanding that in our time not one product does not enter the market without any advertising. Also with a streamer. What will you give advertising more, the more people will come to you on Stream. Try to advertise in the form of an announcement of your game and then your popularity will come to you very quickly.
  4. Do not replace donates. We understand that you came here to earn money, but the fact is that if you have a donat, then you simply spoil the situation on your canal and will leave you. Also, you should not pay huge attention to Donatas, even if they are huge. Thank human, but do not pay a lot of attention on it.
  5. Invent some kind of style. If you positively stand out from the gray mass of many streamers, then the likelihood that you will choose your channel a million times higher.
We hope that all our tips will be useful for you. You will run your stream and become popular, and we are plusing to karma.

Nowadays, such a definition as "Stream" is gaining its popularity and becomes a well-known phenomenon, and the streamers have gained publicity, and now they can be recognized throughout the planet. It suggests that cS GO game and stream Each day is becoming more and more well-known concepts. Also, the concept of streamers has their own haters (haters), which does not understand its meaning. To force the haters to love the strims in the COP, we will analyze the nuances in detail in this article.

The word "Stream" from English is translated as "stream", that is, broadcasting in online mode With the help of the corresponding Internet sites. Here we will discuss the direct broadcast of the Stremer, who removes how he plays Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It seems nothing special about it, but recently, to fight the game has become a new cult, and also this is a very good way to make money with Donat. The most popular Streaming platform is This resource can be called the diet of all strims. It is with the help of it that you met all the events that occur in gaming Industry, namely, broadcast game championships live. The most popular projects of this platform can be called Dota2, Legue oflegends, CS GO, Hearthstone and others. Much less than the audience focuses into one custom and offline games.

What is the meaning of Streaming?

Frequently enough, Hayters express that it is a useless occupation and there should be no such thing. But in most cases, people speak, who, in principle, do not have the concepts that such Stream and have never come across it. Notice, Stream cannot be called a useless occupation, as it seems initially. On the well-known channels, you can see different master classes from about the players of the COP go as on the official Steam servers, as well as in modes like Zombie, Hide and Seek and others. In such modes, the game can radically differ from the one in which we most often play and some gamers can come to the soul.

In addition to the most informativeness of the stream, the main attribute is of course the streamer itself. If he has excellent charisma, the way it is beautiful to express one or another information, various raisins, then it will be ready to watch his fans watching his clock. You must also learn to communicate with your audience, which is predominantly relatively identical age. If you can attract attention, your career will be successful.

To attract the attention of your audience, you need to follow the following factors:

  • attraction of spectators
  • advertising
  • creating a unique image
  • original content

In other words, speaking, the main task of the Stremer is that you are interested in your audience, even though what game you will play. Note that 99% of the streaming goals is earning money. You can get money thanks to Donatam (donations) that can send your fans. It turns out that the audience pay you "money" for what you are doing for them, namely quality content.

Let us give an example about the player Yaroslav "Pashabiceps" Yarzabkovski from the Virtus.Pro command. In addition to professional career, he spends strims, where also earns good money. One of the brightest moments was the one in which he received a donat in the amount of $ 25.000 from the Motar2K user only.

How to become a streamer in the COP?

We will not consider popular streamers in the COP, since you yourself can go to Twitch and in the Stream section to choose anyone you like. Let's focus on whether it is possible to start holding a stream in the COP now, create a channel and engage in its promotion so that it becomes popular, because now the competition is huge. Therefore, attach the maximum effort, patience and natural money to promote your channel, without them nowhere now. Also become a unique person to stand out on the background of other channels. Most often, new spectators attract girls streamers. Their natural beauty and natural smell attract the male audience to themselves, and as a result, the girls percent of the 95 audience make up the men.

Besides you and your qualities of holding a stream through a webcam, comment on anything and be interesting, you need to have a powerful computer on which everything will be launched modern games On the maximum requirements, as well as stream, since it consumes a lot of resources of your PC. Usually, not the highest PCs are used for stream, however, they allow you to steer without falling FPS and deterioration in the quality of the picture. The costs of computer components are not very large and with a successful quarrer of the strider, you will quickly select them. So that your channel is successful you need to have:

  • powerful personal computer
  • excellent Headset (Headphones, Microphone, Camcorder)
  • a unique role that differs from the rest
  • the ability to attract and keep the audience on your channel

The most common start-up string errors in CS: GO

The most important rule of the Stremer does not make mistakes that can drastically change the fate of your channel and you will not achieve success in this matter. Here follows the list of the following errors:

1. Note that among the well-known games already there are many different channels and start their CS Go Stream career with them is not entirely correct. Sometimes it is worth trying to start with a popular game previously, and after a while, you can visit another famous game.

2. Do not think that you will immediately become popular, it is impossible and a certain time interval is required. Almost all the streamers, which are currently popular, once there were few people famous. Try to slowly pick up your audience, which is ready to watch all your broadcasts.

3. Many advertising does not happen. If you want to make an excellent advertising company, then attach to this maximum effort and funds. There is a high probability that your channel will be known and the number of views will noticeably increase. Always post the announcement of the haul in different groups in social networks and on other gaming resources.

4. Do not ask for money from your audience. Treat your Donatam neutrally and do not forget to thank for donations. Remember that you make an excellent picture for the viewer. Agree that no one will look like someone defines money.

5. Find a unique style that you will use for streams. Be interesting for your viewers and try to constantly stick with the style.