Chess is a sports discipline. Chess as a sport Is chess a sport?

Everyone knows that chess originated in ancient times in India. This game has been around for many years. But despite this, recognition of chess as a sport by the International Olympic Committee took place only 13 years ago. This is very surprising, but what is even more surprising is that in Great Britain chess as a sport recognized only in 2006!

Many people are interested in whether chess is an Olympic sport? The answer to this question is no, Chess is not an Olympic sport. But FIDE is trying to make them so. If you look at how many chess competitions are held a year and what their scale is, it becomes clear that chess should have long been included in the Olympic Games and recognized as a sport. In addition, psychologists have proven that the influence of chess on other sports is very great. For example, Vladimir Klitschko (a well-known boxer) claims that when preparing for boxing competitions, he also practices chess, because it improves concentration. There are many such examples, but no one wants to take them into account. This is due to the low popularity of chess in the world as a sport. This is why we rarely see any chess tournament or match on TV. But football, volleyball and other sports are shown with a bang.

If we look at the chess problem globally, we can see that there is an improvement in the development of chess. Many Russian schools have already introduced electives in chess, which is producing results. Chess is beginning to gain noticeable fame, which, of course, will further affect its development as a full-fledged sport.

Chess - tabletop logic game for two people with special figures and a 64-cell field. Chess combines elements of art (in terms of chess composition), science and sports. As a sport, chess has a hierarchy of titles, a developed system of regular tournaments, national and international leagues.

The International Chess Federation (FIDE, French Federation Internationale des Echecs, FIDE) is an international sports organization that promotes chess, as well as organizes international competitions and tournaments. Unites national chess federations.

History of the emergence and development of chess

The history of chess goes back more than one and a half thousand years. Chess was invented in India in the 5th-6th centuries BC. No later than the 6th century, a game appeared in India - chaturanga, which had a recognizable chess look. Unlike chess, it was played by 4 players simultaneously, and moves depended on throws dice. To win the game, you had to destroy all your opponents' pieces.

Having spread from India to neighboring countries, chaturanga has undergone a number of changes. In the east it began to bear the name - shatranj, in China - xiangqi, in Thailand - makruk. In the 9th-10th centuries, the game came to Europe, where the “classical” rules of the game were compiled. The rules were finally formed in the 19th century.

In 1886, the first world chess championship was held.


Pawn ♙ - moves vertically one square forward. If a move is accompanied by the capture of an opponent's piece, then the pawn has the right to move diagonally one square forward-right or forward-left.

Knight ♘ - moves to a square located at a distance of 2 vertically and 1 horizontally or 1 vertically and 2 horizontally from current situation.

Bishop ♗ — moves to any square diagonally.

Rook ♖ - moves to any square vertically or horizontally.

Queen ♕ - moves to any square vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

King ♔ - moves 1 square vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Before the start of the game, each player has on the chess field:

  • pawn - 8 pcs.;
  • rook - 2 pcs.;
  • horse - 2 pcs.;
  • elephant - 2 pcs.;
  • queen - 1 pc.;
  • king - 1 pc.

Chess rules

Moves in chess are made alternately, with the first move being made by the player with the white pieces. The right to play with white pieces is determined by lot.

A move is considered made in the following cases:

  • the player’s hand lowered the piece after moving it to an unoccupied field;
  • when capturing an opponent's piece, after replacing the opponent's piece with one's own;
  • when castling;
  • when promoting a pawn, in the case when the pawn is removed from the board and the player removes his hand from new figure, placed on the field.

In addition to regular moves, there are 2 special moves in chess:

  • Castling is the simultaneous change of position of the king and rook of the same color, provided that they have not moved since the beginning of the game. When castling, the king is moved 2 squares towards the rook, and the rook is placed on the square between the starting and final position of the king. Castling is considered the king's move.
  • En passant capture is a special move of a pawn in which it captures an opponent's pawn that has been moved two squares at once. But what is under attack is not the square on which the second pawn stopped, but the one that was crossed by it.

Before adjusting one or more pieces on the field, the player must warn the opponent about this. Otherwise, after touching the piece, you will need to complete the move.

Winning at chess

Check is a situation when the king of one of the players is under attack by an opponent’s piece. In order to reverse a check, you must perform one of the following actions:

  • move the king to any square that is not under attack by the opponent’s pieces;
  • take a piece that threatens the king;
  • put another piece of yours under attack.

Checkmate is a situation where the king is in check but cannot escape it.

The game is considered won if:

  • one of the players checkmated the opponent's king;
  • one of the players admitted defeat;
  • one of the players has run out of time allotted for moves;
  • technical victory.

Draw in chess

Stalemate is a situation when a player with the right to move cannot use it, since all his pieces are deprived of the opportunity to make a move. The king should not be in check.

In addition, a draw is recorded in the following cases:

  • no sequence of moves leads to checkmate;
  • repetition of positions three times (not necessarily for three moves in a row) or repetition of the same position five times for five consecutive moves;
  • both players made 50 moves without capturing and without moving a pawn (50-move rule);
  • mutual agreement to a draw;
  • one of the players ran out of time.

Time control in chess

All official chess games are played with time control using a special chess clock. The player who made the move presses a button on the clock that stops his clock and starts his opponent's clock.

A player's time is considered to have expired if the flag on his clock falls. This is true except for the following situations:

  • there is a checkmate on the board;
  • there is a situation on the board that leads to a draw;
  • both players' flags fell;
  • The opponent has no opportunity to checkmate.

Chess competitions

All chess competitions are held according to one of four tournament systems.


6. Strategies for innovative development of Russia until 2020 // URL:

7. Stupnitskaya, M. Learning to work on projects // School psychologist, No. 23 (405), 2007-12-07 // URL: (access date: 02/19/2014).

8. Fedoseeva, T.E. Implementation of the project type of thinking as the main way of development of universal educational actions // T.E. Fedoseeva // http://molodogo 184.

9. Chechel, I.D. Pedagogical design: from methodology to reality. Methodology educational project/ I.D. Chechel. - M.: MIPKRO, 2001.

© Martynova E.V., 2016

I.V. Mikhailova

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor RGSU, Moscow, Russian Federation


The article examines chess as a sport according to the generally accepted classification of sports. The rationale and main features of chess as a type of competitive activity are revealed.


Classification of sports, competitive activity of chess players.

All sports that are currently widespread in the world are divided according to the characteristics of the subject of competition and the nature of motor activity into six groups: 1) Sports characterized by active motor activity of athletes with the utmost manifestation of physical and mental qualities; 2) Sports, the operational basis of which consists of actions to control special technical means of transportation; 3) The third group - sports in which motor activity is strictly limited by the conditions of hitting a target with a special weapon; 4) The fourth group - sports in which the results of the athlete’s modeling and design activities are compared; 5) The fifth group is abstract game sports, the result in which is determined not by the motor activity of the athlete, but by the abstract and logical beating of the opponent. Chess also belongs to this group.

Chess, as a sport, is, first of all, an active mental activity that takes place in the conditions of a duel between two intellects. Motor activity does not play a decisive role in this sport. This feature of chess undoubtedly has a certain impact on the training system, in which, unlike other sports, professional chess training takes a central place, and physical training solves only general problems, for example, the development of general endurance.

Research notes the following main features of chess as a competitive activity:

1. Chess game is an abstract reflection of struggle in general. Each move is a strike or preparation for it, or defense against an inflicted or expected strike. The internal dynamism of the fight in chess is determined by the intellectual rivalry of the players, which is aimed at solving problems that arise during the game.

2. In most positions that arise during the game, it is not possible both due to


the complexity of the game and the limitations on thinking, set optimal strategy, which necessitates action on an incomplete approximate basis and, accordingly, the chess player making decisions related to risk.

3. In a chess game, not only individual psychological functions are updated, but the entire personality is involved in the fight. The emotional-volitional sphere is especially closely intertwined with the thought process of a chess player.

4. The long duration of the competition creates a significant load. V.B. Kramnik, the 14th world chess champion, noted that: “Soviet scientists have proven that in terms of extreme stress on the human psyche and energy consumption, chess is comparable to the hardest physical work. In football, where players constantly work on their physical condition, there is usually one match per week. Two is already hard. What's going on here? We play ten games over eleven days, lasting 57 hours. And this is considered the norm. Chess professionals are in wild tension!”

5. In turn, a large load causes serious changes in the athlete’s body. Thus, the heart rate at critical moments of the game reaches 140 beats per minute. Very often, chess players lose weight up to ten kilograms during a tournament (a well-known case with A.E. Karpov during a “no limit” match with G.K. Kasparov). The emotional sphere is subject to total devastation.

Thus, chess is a full-fledged, but specific sport, carried out in the form of intellectual combat. List of used literature:

1. Alifirov A.I., Mikhailova I.V., Zaryvkina A.V. Chess game as a means of developing psychological qualities of students / Alifirov A.I., Mikhailova I.V., Zaryvkina A.V. // Current problems in the development of modern science and education. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on April 30, 2015: in 5 parts. Part IV. M.: "AR-Consult", 2015 - pp. 10-12.

2. Mikhailova I.V., Alifirov A.I. Tactical actions of chess players / Mikhailova I.V., Alifirov A.I. // Results of scientific research Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Executive editor: Sukiasyan Asatur Albertovich (February 15, 2016) at 4 p.m. Part 3 - Ufa: AETERNA. -2016.S. 119-121.

3. Mikhailova I.V. Practical results of conducting a chess “brainstorm” by students of the Russian State Social University / I.V. Mikhailova, A.I. Alifirov // Current problems of development of science and education: Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 5 parts. "AR-Consult". 2015 pp. 122-123.

4. Mikhailova I.V. Chess as a full-fledged sport: modern issues and methodological aspects / I.V. Mikhailova, A.S. Makhov // Scientific Notes of the University. P.F. Lesgafta. 2015. No. 6 (124). pp. 132-140.

© Mikhailova I.V., 2016

UDC 37.014.544

I.V. Mikhailova

Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor RGSU, Moscow, Russian Federation

A.I. Alifirov Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor RGSU, Moscow, Russian Federation



The article discusses the prerequisites and directions of work on creating computer

MBOU gymnasium No. 11

Physical Culture


On the topic of:



Bogatyrev Dmitry Vladimirovich

Student 9 "B" class of gymnasium No. 11


Sintsov V Yu

Samara 2018


Chess- a logical game with special pieces on a 64-cell board for two opponents, combining elements (in part), and.

Chess can also be played by groups of players, against each other or against one player; Such games are usually called consulting games. There is also the practice of simultaneous play sessions, where one strong player plays several opponents, each on a separate board. The game obeys certain rules; In official tournaments, rules are applied that regulate not only the movement of pieces, but also the rights of the judge and the rules of behavior of players. Playing by, by, and has special rules. There are many with non-standard rules, figures, board sizes. Various aspects are studied chess game(for example, the classic " " and " "), including using .


It is believed that the history of chess goes back at least one and a half thousand years. There are many versions that explain the development of chess and its spread throughout the world - “Indian”, “Byzantine”, etc. According to the most common of them, the first known progenitor game, chaturanga, appeared in India no later than the 6th century AD, since it was then the Persian Shah Khosrow received its rules from thereIAnushirvan (531-579). Once in the countries neighboring India, chaturanga underwent a number of changes. Its descendant in the Arab East was shatranj, and in Southeast Asia - xiangqi (China), makruk (Thailand) and shogi (Japan). Shatranj came to Europe and Africa from the Arabs in the 9th-10th centuries. European players continued to modify the game, resulting in the rules that are today known as the “classical” rules by the 15th century. The rules were finally standardized in the 19th century, when international tournaments began to be systematically held. Since 1886, the title of world chess champion has been played out. Since 1924, there has been an International Chess Federation - FIDE, under whose auspices, since the mid-20th century, most international competitions have been held.


Board and starting position

Initial position of the figures

The game takes place on a board divided into equal square cells, orfields. The board size is 8x8 cells. Vertical rows of fields (verticals) are designated by Latin letters fromAbeforehfrom left to right, horizontal rows (horizontals) - numbers from 1 to 8 from bottom to top; Each field is identified by a combination of the appropriate letter and number. The fields are painted in dark and light colors (and are called black and white, respectively) so that vertically and horizontally adjacent fields are painted in different colors. The board is positioned so that the nearest corner square to the right of the player is white (for white this is the h1 square, for black it is the a8 square).

At the beginning of the game, players each have the same set of pieces. The pieces of one of the players are conventionally called “white”, the other - “black”. White figures are painted in a light color, black ones in a dark color. The players themselves are called “white” and “black” according to the color of their pieces.

Each set of pieces includes: a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and eight pawns.

White occupies the first and second ranks, black - the seventh and eighth. Pawns are located on the second and seventh ranks, respectively


The game consists of players taking turns making moves. White makes the first move. With the exception of en passant capture and castling, described below, a move consists of a player moving one of his pieces to another square according to the following rules:

During a move, pieces other than the knight are considered to move in a straight line in the plane of the board, that is, to “pass” all the squares between the start and end, so all these squares must be free. If there is another piece in the path of a piece, then it is impossible to move the piece to the field behind it. The exception is the move (see below).

    A move to a square occupied by one's own piece is impossible.

    When moving to a square occupied by someone else's piece, it is removed from the board (take).

    The king moves a distance of 1 vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

    The queen moves any distance vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

    The rook moves any distance vertically or horizontally.

    The bishop moves any distance diagonally.

The knight moves to a square located at a distance of 2 vertically and 1 horizontally or 1 vertically and 2 horizontally from the current position. Unlike everyone else chess pieces, the knight's move is made outside the plane of the board, that is, the knight directly moves (“jumps”) from the initial square to the final one and no pieces standing on other squares can interfere with the knight’s move. In particular, a knight can move onto a square even if it is completely surrounded by its own or other people's pieces.

A pawn moves with a capture diagonally one square forward-right or forward-left, and without capturing it moves vertically one square forward. If a pawn has not yet made a move in a given game, it can make a move without taking two squares forward. The direction “forward” is the direction towards the eighth rank for white or the first for black. When a pawn moves to the last rank (for white - to the eighth, for black - to the first), the walker must replace it with any other piece of the same color, except the king (promoting a pawn). The promotion of a pawn is part of the move by which it moves to the last rank. Thus, if, for example, a piece promoted from a pawn threatens the opponent’s king, then this king, as a result of the pawn’s move to the last rank, immediately finds itself in check.

The field is calledunder attackfigures orbroken, if during its move the piece could take the enemy piece located on this field (regardless of whether there is such a piece on this field). The square is considered broken, even if it is actually impossible to move the piece there, since it puts its own king under attack.

In addition, there are two special moves:

Castling- if the king and one of the rooks of the same color have not moved since the beginning of the game, then the king and this rook can simultaneously change position (castling) in one move. When castling, the king is moved 2 squares towards the rook, and the rook is placed on the square between the starting and final position of the king. Castling is not possible if the king or the corresponding rook has already moved. Castling is temporarily impossible if the square on which the king stands, or the square which he must cross, or the square which he must occupy, is under attack by one of the opponent's pieces, or if there is any piece between the castled king and the rook. Castling is considered to be the move of the king, not the rook, so castling should begin by moving the king, not the rook.

Taking on the pass- when a pawn makes a move two squares across a broken square that is under attack by an enemy pawn, then with a return move it can be captured by this enemy pawn. In this case, the opponent's pawn is moved to the captured square, and the captured pawn is removed from the board (for an example, see the diagram). Capturing en passant is only possible directly in response to a pawn's move across a captured square; on subsequent moves it is no longer allowed.

Checkmate, checkmate and stalemate

The king on the beaten square is called "under". Making a move that puts the opponent's king in check means “declaring check.” Moves after which the king of the mover remains or is in check are prohibited; the player whose king is in check must immediately eliminate it.

If a player's king is in check and the player has no move to clear that check, that player is said to be "checkmate". The goal of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king.

If a player, during his turn to move, does not have the opportunity to make a single move according to the rules, but the player’s king is not in check, this situation is called a stalemate.

Game summary

The game ends with a win for one of the parties or a draw.

Winnings are recorded in the following cases:

    Mat.The player who checkmates wins.

    One of the players gave up.A player who decides that further resistance is pointless can surrender at any time; to do this, he just needs to announce out loud “I surrender.” Stopping the chess clock does not mean admitting defeat because it can be used to call the judge. The opponent of the one who surrenders is declared the winner.

    One of the players ran out of time.His opponent is declared the winner, with some exceptions described in the Time Control section.

    Technical victory- awarded in an official tournament to a player if his opponent:

    • did not show up for the game within the time specified by the tournament rules (currently zero lateness is accepted, unless the competition organizers decide otherwise);

      interrupted the game (started the game, but refused to continue);

      grossly violated the rules or disobeyed the judge;

When playing blitz or rapid chess(less than 60 minutes for the entire game) made a move prohibited by the rules, and the opponent noticed the mistake before his counter move.

Also, a technical victory can be awarded for an unplayed game if the player in this round for some reason does not have an opponent and the rules of the tournament specifically stipulate this case (for example, if the opponent with whom the game was supposed to be played dropped out of the tournament , or if there is an odd number of players in a tournament using the Swiss system.

A draw is recorded in the following cases:


    A mating position cannot be achieved by any sequence of moves.(for example, there are not enough pieces left on the board for any player to checkmate - say, a king and one bishop against a king).

    Repeating a position three times(not necessarily for three moves in a row), and the concept of position here includes the location of the pieces, the order of moves and possible moves (including the right to castling and capturing on the pass for each side). To fix a draw, a player who notices a three-time repetition of a position must contact the judge; otherwise the game continues. Since July 2014, a game is also considered to end in a draw iffivefold repetitionthe same position for five consecutive moves of both players, and the players’ declaration is not required for this.

    50 moves rule.Both sides made the last 50 moves without capturing or moving a pawn. As in the case of repeating a position three times, a draw is recorded only at the request of one of the players. In the 20th century, this rule was changed many times, with various exceptions added. Now all exceptions have been abolished, and the 50-move rule applies in all positions. Since July 2014, a game is also considered to have ended in a draw (without a player's declaration) if both sides have made 75 moves without a capture or a pawn move.

    The players agreed to a draw, that is, one of the players proposed a draw, the other accepted it. To suggest a draw, just say “draw”. If the opponent makes a move without responding to a draw offer, it is considered rejected. Recently, at some tournaments, the so-called “Sofia rules” have been applied, limiting the possibility of players agreeing to a draw.

    One of the players was overdue. In some cases, described in the Time Control section, a draw is considered.

    The player has less than two minutes left, but his opponent did not try to win by “normal means”, or such a win is impossible. At the request of a player who has less than two minutes left, the judge in this case can count a draw. For more information, see the Time Control section.


Depending on the result, the player receives the following number of points:

    Winning - 1 point;

    Draw - ½ point (introduced at Dundee in 1867);

    Losing - 0 points.

In some competitions, points are awarded using a different system, such as the “football” system: 3 for a win, 1 for a draw and 0 for a loss.

In tournaments where all players (teams) play an equal number of games, the winner is determined by the number of points scored in games or micro-matches (in case of equality, different coefficients are applied).

Tournament rules

Professional requirements for holding competitions led to the creation of tournament rules that were the same for all players. Their adoption influenced the basic rules of the game (touch-move, capture on the pass, etc.).

Error correction

    If during the game it is discovered that the board is positioned incorrectly, the error must be corrected outside of playing time: the board, maintaining the position, is placed so that the corner white square h1 is to the right of the player playing white.

    If it is discovered that the initial placement of the pieces was incorrect, the pieces are placed in the correct order only if no more than three moves were made (3-move rule).

    A player who makes an erroneous (not allowed by the rules) move must move, if possible, with the same piece. If the erroneous move is not noticed immediately, the game must be replayed from that point.

Exception: in a blitz game, if a player makes an erroneous move and the opponent notices this without making a response move, the player is considered a loss. However, if the opponent makes a move or captures any piece, the game continues.

If it is impossible to restore the position at the moment when the erroneous move was made, the game is replayed from the last known position before the erroneous move.

For the first wrong move, the player is punished by adding 2 minutes to his opponent if he has less than 5 minutes. For the second wrong move, the player is considered defeated.

If a player, intending to castle, mistakenly moves the rook first, he must move the rook. If a player has made an illegal castling (for example, through a broken square), he must move the king instead, if such a move is possible.

If, after the start of a tournament game, it is discovered that the opponents are playing with pieces of the wrong color, which should be according to the tournament schedule, then the game is replayed.

Prohibition of refusal

    An offer of a draw made to a partner cannot be taken back.

    A statement made by a player about giving up (losing) the game cannot be taken back.

    A move cannot be retracted (changed) if it was made and the hand was removed from the piece, except in the case where the move is impossible.

Rules “touch - move” and “remove your hand - move is made”

The following rules apply only todeliberatetouching the figureduring its course.

    The player who touches his piece is obliged to move this piece with this move.

    A player who touches someone else's piece must capture it on this move.

Touching your own piece, which does not have a move according to the rules, or touching someone else’s piece, which cannot be captured on this move, does not entail any consequences.

Castling is considered the king's move. That's whywhen castling, you must first move the king, then the rook. If a player, wanting to castling, mistakenly touches the rook first, he must move with this rook instead of castling.

If a player touches several pieces that can be moved or captured, he must move or capture the piece that he touched first. Exceptions:

If a player touches his king and is obliged to move with it, then to his rook, and castling towards this rook is possible, he must make this castling.

If a player touches his own piece and is obliged to move it, then to the opponent’s piece, which can be captured with this piece, he must make this capture.

If a player touches an opponent’s piece and must capture it, then touches his own piece, which can be used to capture this opponent’s piece, he must capture it.

If a player, by virtue of what is described above, is obliged to make a certain move, subsequent touches to the pieces on this move do not entail any consequences.

If it cannot be determined which piece was touched first, it is considered that it is the piece of the player whose turn it is to move, and not his partner. (FIDE Rule 4.3)

If a player wants to correct a piece that is standing sloppily, he must say “I’m correcting” and only then correct the piece. In this case, touching the figure does not entail any consequences.

Accidentally touching a piece, for example if a player touches a piece with his hand while making another move, does not entail any consequences.

Touching pieces during someone else's move is prohibited.

When a player has removed his hand from a piece and moved it to another square, the move is considered completed and cannot be taken back (if it complies with the rules). Before the hand is removed, the player can return the piece to its original square and, if he wishes, make some other move for it. This rule is known as "removed hand - move done." Exceptions and features:

Castling cannot be taken back from the moment the player takes his hand away from the king.

Advancing a Pawn: Once a player has removed his hand from a pawn, he cannot move it. The choice of a figure cannot be changed from the moment the figure touches the transformation field.

A move is completed when all of the following conditions are met:

The player released his hand from the piece he made a move with.

If captured, the player removes the piece he captured from the board.

In case of castling, the player rearranged the king and rook and released his hand from the rook.

If a pawn is advanced, the player releases his hand from the new piece he placed on the promotion field.

Only after thatwith the same handThe chess clock switches.

The player loses the right to declare his opponent’s violation of these rules after he himself touches the piece to make his next move.

Time control

Chess clock

Time control has been used since the 19th century. Initially it was carried out using hourglass, later, in 1883, the Englishman Thomas Bright Wilson (ThomasBrightWilson) designed a mechanical chess clock. The game introduced the concepts of time pressure, time loss, or a draw in the best game situation, but with the worst time, blitz. Electronic chess clocks are increasingly being used these days.

All official parties must use time control. For this purpose, special chess clocks are used. The player who made the move presses a button on the clock that stops his clock and starts the opponent's clock.

At the moment of the start of the game, determined by the rules of the tournament, the judge starts the clock of the player playing with white pieces, regardless of whether he arrived or is late. In addition, tournament rules may specify an additional penalty for a late player. It is common practice to double the late time; If a player does not start a game within half of the main time limit, he is given a forfeit for failure to appear.

A player's time is considered expired if the flag on his watch falls and this fact is noticed by the referee, or one of the players notices it and draws the referee's attention. In this case, the player whose flag fell is considered a loss, except in the following cases:

    If there is a checkmate on the board, the one who placed it wins, regardless of whose flag fell.

    If the board is stalemate or a draw in accordance with the three-time repetition rule or the 50-move rule, it is considered a draw.

    If the game was not completed, but it turned out that both players' flags had fallen (this can happen when playing with mechanical watch, if the opponent of the player who ran out of time first did not notice the fall of the opponent’s flag and did not stop the clock, but played until his own flag fell), regardless of who was the first to run out of time, a draw is counted.

    If one of the players whose flag has not fallen cannot checkmate in principle, even with the most worst game opponent, it is considered a draw.

    If the time limit is less than 60 minutes for the entire game, the referee has no right to pay attention to the fallen flag. A victory or a draw based on a fallen flag is counted only at the request of the players.

Draw under time pressure

If a player has less than 2 minutes left in the game and believes “that the opponent is not trying to win the game by normal means, or that it is impossible to win by normal means,” the player can stop the clock and ask the referee to declare a draw. The judge has the right:

    agree with the player's opinion and declare a draw immediately

    postpone the decision. In this case, 2 minutes may be added to the opponent, the referee, if possible, personally observes the game and makes a decision before or after the fall of the flag. If the judge agrees with the player's opinion, he must declare a draw.

    immediately reject the request, in this case the opponent will be given 2 minutes of time

(FIDE Rules, Article 10)

These rules, however, do not apply in blitz (less than 10 minutes for the entire game against each opponent).

Technical rules for handling game clocks

    The game clock button must be pressed with the same hand used to make the move. Without this, it is difficult to unambiguously determine what happened first - the movement or switching of the clock.

    During someone else's move, the player is prohibited from touching the clock button or hovering his finger over the button.

    A player who needs the intervention of a referee (for example, registering a draw due to a triple repetition of a position) has the right to stop the clock (mechanical clocks are stopped by bringing both buttons to a “half-pressed” state, which is usually done with one hand, electronic ones - by pressing a special button). If the referee finds that a player's claim is clearly unfounded, he may penalize the player by reducing his time or adding time to his opponent.

Postponing the batch

The rules of the tournament may provide for the start of the game on one day, and continuation (finishing the game) on one of the subsequent ones. In this case, the end time of the game on the playing day is determined, and upon reaching this time, the player whose turn it is to move must postpone the game, which is then played out on the day determined by the tournament rules. The game is adjourned as follows: the player whose turn it is to move at the moment the game is adjourned, considers the next move with the clock on, after which, instead of making a move on the board, he writes it down on a special form and gives it to the judge in a sealed envelope; no one except this player should know what move was made. The judge then stops the clock, recording their testimony. Before the end of the game, the position at the time of the adjournment is restored, the game clock is played, after which the referee opens the envelope, makes a written move on the board and starts the second player's clock.

Outdated and no longer applicable rules

    Until now, among amateurs there are sometimes attempts to follow old rules that have long been abolished or have never been used in official practice. Some of them are listed below:

    If the king has reached the last rank, then a new pawn of the same color is placed on the original square of the corresponding rank. Variants of the rule: the pawn is placed on the same move; on the next; on any cell second from the player on the horizontal line; on any except broken fields. The rule is completely inconsistent with modern ones.

    If the king has been in check at least once, castling becomes impossible for him.

    The requirement to pronounce out loud “Check!”, “Checkmate!”, “Path!”, “Garde!” (the latter - when attacking the queen). Currently, there is no requirement to verbally indicate the appearance of a particular position. An attempt to make a move contrary to checkmate or checkmate is considered an error and is corrected.

    If the piece touched by the player does not have a legal move, or if the touched piece or pawn cannot be captured, the player must make a “penalty move” with the king. According to modern rules, touching your own piece, which has no move, or someone else’s, which cannot be captured, does not entail any consequences.

    When a pawn reaches the last rank, it can only transform into a piece that was previously removed from the board. Due to limited set figures of a standard set, therefore it is used in amateur environments almost everywhere.

    Stalemate means the stalemate loses.

Chess Variations

In addition to the well-known classical chess described in this article, there are a large number of other variants of the chess game. There are national variants of chess, for example, common in South Asia: Xiangqi, Shogi, Changi, Makruk. Some variants use additional pieces and/or unusual boards, for example, variants are known on large boards, on round boards, with pieces combining the moves of a knight and a rook and/or a knight and a bishop, with a maharajah (a piece combining the moves of a queen and a knight ) instead of a queen, courier chess, hexagonal chess (played on a hexagonal board consisting of hexagonal fields).

There are chess for more than two players: three- and four-sided chess, in which three or four players (pair for a pair or each for themselves) play on the same board, each controlling their own set of pieces, as well as “team” versions of chess, where the game It is played team to team on one or more boards, and the course of the game on one board is influenced by the actions of more than one player from each team.

Many chess composers, as well as scientists, amateur and professional chess players, were interested in the invention of new variations of chess. For example, Capablanca's chess is known - on a 10x8 board, with two new pieces. IN Lately Fischer chess is becoming increasingly popular - a game based on classical rules, but with a random initial arrangement of pieces on the last horizontals, as well as freestyle chess (chess-5039), where one of 5039 possible arrangements on the 1st horizontal (any except the classical one) is chosen by white, while black arranges their pieces symmetrically. In some of the variants, the rules remained unchanged (or minimally changed), and only the initial arrangement of the pieces was changed. In addition to the already mentioned Fischer chess and free chess, these are kingchess and battle chess.

Chess as a sport

Chess is an organized sport with a hierarchy of ranks, a developed system of regular tournaments, national and international leagues, chess congresses. The emergence of professional sports led to the emergence of professional athletes, coaches, journalists, and functionaries, relying on an army of fans of the game.

International Chess Federation

The main body involved in organizing international chess competitions is, organized in. There are also national chess organizations in many countries around the world.

FIDE is a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), but chess as such has never belonged to the Olympic sports. However, sometimes chess is included in the program of multi-sport competitions: for example, chess tournaments among men, women and mixed teams was held as part of the 2011 Summer Universiade, 2013 Summer Universiade, and chess was also included in the program of the Asian Games.

There is a separate Chess Olympiad for chess, which takes place every two years and is a team competition. In addition, chess is one of the five main types of World Mind Games.

Professional Chess Association

In 1993, on the initiative of Garry Kasparov and Nigel Short, the Professional Chess Association (PSA) was organized. They entered it whole line grandmasters who do not agree with the policies pursued by FIDE. The PCA held its own world chess championship. Having existed until 1996, the PCA ceased to exist, having lost its sponsors, after which the world champions according to the PCA began to be called “classical chess champions.”

International Correspondence Chess Federation

In 1928, the International Correspondence Chess Union was created (since 1951, the International Correspondence Chess Federation, ICCF). Officially recognized world championships and national championships are held, there are rankings, international and national sports titles (ICChF Grandmaster, Master of Sports of Russia by correspondence, etc.). Currently, moves are sent not only by regular mail, but also by email.

Olympic Games

In 2018, for the first time in history, chess was presented in the winter Olympic Games, which took place in the South Korean city of Pyeongchang as an exhibition sport.

Chess is ancient intellectual game. It was invented more than one and a half thousand years ago in India. The rules of the game of chess have not changed since its creation. Currently, the game is very popular among different sections of the population around the world. So let’s figure out whether chess is a sport or not, since many people are very concerned about this issue and many have different attitudes to this formulation.

Controversies surrounding chess

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, there have been ongoing debates and discussions both among chess players themselves and among scientists on the topic of whether chess is considered a sport or not. In order to somehow understand this. First, let’s define the concept of “sport” itself.

So, sport is an activity of people organized according to certain rules, consisting of a comparison of their physical and/or intellectual abilities, as well as preparation for this activity and interpersonal relationships that arise in its process.

What about chess, do they meet these criteria or not:

  • Chess certainly compares the intellectual abilities of the players;
  • Preparation takes a long time and consists of grueling training and work;
  • As for interpersonal relationships, a lot of scientific papers and works have been written recently on the psychology of chess, on training methods, behavior during the game and many other aspects.

As you can see, chess fully satisfies the criteria and meets all definitions of a sport. So why is the controversy still not subsiding? Chess has not yet been included in the list; a separate Chess Olympiad is held for it.

There are two aspects that prevent this game from being perceived as a full-fledged sport:

  • Low entertainment value compared to other active species;
  • No visible physical activity.

It’s clear about entertainment, because for those who do not know how to play themselves and are not familiar with the rules of the game, all the beauties and masterpieces played out by the players will remain unnoticed. As for the second aspect, here keyword"visible". Indeed, if before people thought that chess players did not exert themselves physically, then with the development of science and technology, scientists were able to measure the number of calories spent by players when playing. The result exceeded all expectations and exceeded the performance of many active sports.

So, despite the external passivity and low entertainment value, chess can certainly be called a full-fledged sport. And when real masters play, it’s truly mesmerizing.

Well, now you can decide for yourself whether chess is a sport or not. And by the way, tell me what you think. I would really like to know your opinion.

In the meantime, you can look at other articles about sports