Life is Feudal: MMO. Perhaps the best survival in the Middle Ages. Large review. Life Is Feudal: MMO - Game Overview Life Feudal Faodal Life

Hello to all lovers of military-hysterical games Paste about machine guns from DMSA! Maybe someone remembers how a couple of years ago he was looking here for a certain military, but a little bit of an ARMA 2 game, more precisely, games in this very toy on WOG servers? So, it's time for new sheets! This time we have everything on the contrary - toy can be said quite historical, but not so that the military. Although it is possible to find it there if you try. And even the expanses for zadrinka at least debund, no worse than one and a half hours of siters in the bushes in anticipation of the battle in this Arme.
Life Is Feudal: MMO is an innovative multiplayer game, she is a nightmare of usability, she "how not to make games", she is a lag simulator. And the kows here are also good (in fact no). At the same time, it is impossible to go away from it - it's so interesting to play.

If anyone knows, a team of developers, our compatriots with you, announced the heels of the years ago the toy Life Is Feudal: You Own, and soon and successfully revealed it in early Steam access. The feudal simulator on a small island, with the possibility of terracer, the battle system of the urine and a branched crafting system. In parallel with the development of Yo, the future MM version was advertised, where the whole of the same will be in a thousand times more - more Card, more players, more crafting, etc. etc. People played in the "Yoshka", the release of MMO was moved farther and further, the host became all alone and juicy, but did not lose hope for the very game of the dreams of every amateur of the Middle Ages.
Who said "Star Citizen"? We have here, you know, not some star citizen, we have a feudal simulator! But the main difference is not in this, but that the game finally came out, albeit in the beta version. It happened at the end of November, and this month should take place in the style (also constantly moved). What is the remarkable this game, if the ordinary you Own was a typical survival like RUST or ARK (I'll throw out tomatoes, that this is not, but if you drop the whole husk, then the essence is the same - unlike MMO)?
First, dimensions. The card here is huge to bypass it from the end to the end even on the horse, you will need not one hour. Different climatic zones are available - from the south of the desert, not knowing winter, in the north - ice mountains and frosty agents. In the middle of a typical forest-steppe, but here and driving, as a rule, more. There is a change of day and night, dynamic weather and seasons (the plants do not grow in winter - score wheat barns in advance). The number of players promised already up to 10 thousand, but so far about four thousand play on the main server (the peak of online is accompanied by lags and other charms).

General form

Secondly, terraforming. Trees can cut down (gradually grow new) and plant, ground and stone breed - dig and pour out. Want to fall asleep the lake - please, only people will take out so much to think so much that it is better to think a hundred times (the scale is quite real). All change is displayed on the map, so it is quite interesting to look at it, comparing with the initial position of cases - slowly kingdoms are connected roads, locks and villages are built, fields are covered.
The third, smoothly flowing out of the second, is completely player-driven (it seems so it is written) the world order. Not only economy, but in general everything is created by players. At the start of the game there was nothing but the pristine nature. Huge castles and cities - it all started with a banal branch of a tree and a piece of silica. Spacious for creativity is huge - you want, the system, you want - break (with the nuances, but still). You can trade too.

White things are trading posts built by players. Yellow - the capital of the guilds. And this is on the server where there are relatively few people - about 800 in the peak. On the first server players up to 4 thousand.

The fourth, equally smoothly flowing out of the third is an extensive crafting system, resources and production chains. The most unexpected town planning simulator is simply kindergarten Compared to the local implementation of construction and production. Suppose you need a armor to buoy your head off the enemy sword. How does this usually happen in games? I got iron, attributed to the workshop of Bronnik, got the challenge. Immediately, everything will be like this: the ore deposit was released, I got ore, Issued the ore in the iron, stuck out from iron wire, splured from the wire a piece of chain mail, made a piece of this piece (helmet, pants, shirt, pants, brace and mittens) ... So, stop, we still need skin and flax. The skin is done like this - the cow is tamed, which is needed by a hlev, a burent is allowed under the knife, and the skin is in a tanny-chungy chan. Although what the skin is there, - ore is not melted in the pit, but in a special oven, which is also needed to build (and for the construction you need certain resources), for forging you need an anvil and oven ... about Leng to tell? There is no less chain, with the soaking of fibers and bustling of tanks of fabric.
And it is literally in all - the production chains intertwined, one of the other is drawn, closed on each other and become similar to the tangled tangle of this linen thread. The simplest reservation, as a result, is available only to a fairly well developed settlement, in which there are representatives of all professions.

Fifth, again, closely related to the previous one, is professions and pumping. In the game, a very strict separation by the specialties, combine a profession, for example, a blacksmith and a joiner, can, but it will not be possible to become a real master (even despite the fact that the initial branch of the "craft" in these professions is the same). Total thirteen of the main professions, not counting intermediate (which are also very important) - from construction to hunting, from cooking to a blacksmith. So that the players do not swing "everything immediately", so-called. SKILLBAP - limit on the number of pump glasses. It is 400, and maximum level Skill is 100 points. It turns out that you can only roll out four professions - usually this is a chain of interrelated specialties, which and so go in the pumping tree for each other. For example, knowledge of nature (search for seeds, etc.) - Agriculture (landing and harvesting) - farming (work with a plow, grinding grain) - cooking (preparation of all sorts of delicious pieces - the quality of food here is responsible for the speed of obtaining experience). Swing will have for a very long time and with the help of routine actions. For example, planted a tree - keep a couple of hundredths of experience. Therefore, the joiners are pulled by millions with millions of circulations, and the rudocks dig up the breed tons.
"Togging" pumping will not be released - when this very schilkap is reached, you can always mark any skill as unnecessary and experience points will be deducted from it, adding, appropriately, to the hardened one. Pumping military skills and crafts separate, each with her skill, so nothing prevents any farmer at the same time to cut off on a horse with Lance, and the hunter is not necessarily an archer.
Sixth (I will not once again say that it follows from the previous one) is the mass. Once fine, you can only master one professional, then there is nowhere to go - you have to cooperate. The clans of the Guild (so here are the associations of the players) everything is solved in this game - than you are more and the better managers leaders, and the masters work - the easier and faster it is possible to become a significant figure in the local political arena (however, there are nuances here, about it below ). But what is the pleasure of watching the usual working day (aha, the game is in many ways similar to work, but this, oddly enough, does not stop) in the castle. Builders build, cook cooks to eat, Alchemists again burning a house (from too intensive work the building come into disrepair and need to be fixed), Rudokops return from the mine on the cart with ore, and the Blacksmith runs for those who threw out the serviceable tools in the furnace Bute swords for troops.

View from the tower at the gate, outside:

and inside:

Seventh, since we spoke about the war, this is, in fact, martialctions. A very hardcore death system - death means the loss of the entire lute and equipment, as well as a certain amount of pumping glasses. The combat system reminds Mount and. Blade, with amendment to a very curve implementation. There is an cavalry that is confrontated by the feet of the infantry, there are banal swords-speakers, there are archers and crossbars. And there is a siege tool and explosives!
You can fight in different ways - either stupidly catch your hosts across the entire map and stuff to death, or call the battle all the enemy guild. In the latter case, after a day after the challenge, all those who write down on the battle are transferred to a separate instance and doubt each other's heads there until someone wins. The winners get all the lout, and the losers decreases the level of stamps on a couple of cells.
So what kind of stamps? The stamp is the territory owned by the guild. They scored at least ten people in the guild - you can build a monument that marks your possessions. The monument can be improved (only four levels), which gives the growth of the territory. Inside the stamp, all buildings and objects are available for use only for the guild members (well, or for individual characters or allies, if the guiltmaster decides). Offline raids, when the time is attached, while there is no one from the enemies in the game and makes a raid with all the buildings, are missing. You can put a special siege totem, which creates a siege in a separate instance in the image and similarity of the above-described battle - here you can already break and smash walls and buildings.
And there is also a "court hour" - once a day on an hour (in Prime-Time), the external level of the stamp (so-called Realm Claim, there are usually fields and buildings outside of the castle walls, the castle itself is usually within the first level , Town Claim) becomes available for looting and attacks. The same "court hour" cancels the karma rule. The fact is that you can just kill it, but the consequences can have the most serious. Killed someone - your karma fell by 10 points. Just attacked, stunned - also in minus, although a little less. They killed someone who surrender (there is such an opportunity - you can stand on your knees to stun and pick up Lut, without losing karma) - minus 15 karma. And to nourish (literally, karma rises with the help of the "Prayer" skill) it is very difficult - for a game day no more than one.
The karma fell to -50 fell - everyone came, it will not be possible to raise it above. And the level of karma affects how many experience points will be lost in the death of the character. And believe me, even a couple of units of any well pumped skill is very and very offended.
Of course, all this is very tempting looks on paper, but in reality things are not so rosy. A pile of bugs, permanent client falls in a flat place, high ping, making impossible large-scale battles - all typical early access diseases are obvious. The attitude of the developers to the players should not be called exemplary - here they love to carry out technologies just in the peak of Online, with reluctance they answer in technical support requests, and Comuniti-Manager, such a feeling - in general, some student in Polish.
And anyway, even if you take into account all the shoals - the game turned out already very and very cool. Long time I do not remember that free time is destroyed with such mercilessness. Everything is interesting - and the first steps when we run on the pristine lands with a bare ass and a piece of stone in your hand, feeding the foot feed and the first building of the castle and the current stage when the first wars and political intrigues begin.
One important moment is a selection of server for the game. At the moment, their three pieces are one American and two European. Pendossky we discard immediately, but with European cases, such: Avalon, opened first, the population is very tight, there are a lot of people, the life of the Surov is both for a beginner and oldfag, there is a vessel hour; Epleland - type role-playing, population times three smaller, pumping slightly slower, no vessel hour and there are certain rules (which they scored both players and gamemaster - in fact, it is the same Avalon, only people are smaller here). Want a constant motion - Avalon your choice. But there everything is already divided, to create your own independent guild will not be given. You want a sensitive rolerehuhi (and there is still there, for example, here is the local newspaper, more free development and the absence of a vessel hour - Welcome to Epleland.
We, the Guild of Stone Foxes, playing Epleland (the reasons are above), we live in the center of the map, we have our own castle and have already managed to get down both friends and enemies. With one, for example, got lost due to the fact that they were filled with our hunter when he was hunted on their lands. With the second - because of the bad people who escaped from our guild (horses dumped and grabbed with them, and their new suzerain refused to reimburse damage). The war is not yet in our favor, but such a purely due to the lack of experience in the militant, so I think we will make the missed and distribute Lulley to all offenders. Yes, there is still a favorite fun in all online games with the participation of our compatriots - "and let's collect Russian alliance and bring everyone!", So playing more fun every day.
If there is a desire - join us there is a place in the guild. But soon the newcomers will be allowed to start in the village, from there the way in the townspeople lies only through the bed of a subset of someone from the inhabitants. In short, "But my Yandex-wallet" (do not brush the monitor):

A few words about how much it costs and how to buy. While there are two ways: the first is to steam in the play library, if there is suddenly there is Life Is Feudal: You Own, then log in to the MMO website, get a ticket to the mainland for one character and boldly play. Second - buy one of the earlier access packages on the site. The cheapest costs 1,400 with excess rugs (and not 1200, as indicated on the site - the tricks do not consider DMS VAT, but it will have to pay it) and gives a premium month from useful buns. Prem provides insurance against loss of skills when death of five points and the ability to include "hour hour" - a double boost to the experience gained.
There is another third way - to wait for an early access to Steam (it seems to be January, but it is inaccurate), there, according to rumors, will give a free character to create a character and run them as much as you like on the island for beginners (there is a squeezing on it). Write to the big world - buy a ticket (about 400 rubles) and forth.
And yet - the developers assure that there will be no wipes and restarts. The history of this world is written by the players themselves and only they decide how it becomes. Well, if permanent bugs and curves do not interfere, of course.

Name: Life is feudal
Developer: Bitbox
Publisher: Bitbox Ltd.
Platform: PC
Publication Type: Repack
Interface language: ENG
Voice language: ENG
Tabletka: Wishite - Revolt.

On the queue release of a new online game with no target warning system called Life Is Feudal. This project provides accurate hit in which you can count on the sight. MMO RPG Development has replenished the line of modern sendboxes for PC. The main vision of the game is the implementation of an infinite Open World "And with the priceless support of Terra Morphing. Only to you only for you on this earth almost everything. Change the appearance of the planet as you think about it. An excellent construction system will allow players to discern, and the creative process will definitely be encouraged. System Damage will probably enjoy the most demanding users, because shifting realism.
Fighting in Life Is Feudal is a cocktail of long-distance and neighbor attacks that act according to the well-proximity. Fans of medieval stylistics will prefer graphics and design. You will literally reduce the rich graphics, drawing, actions without bugs. And MMORPG fans will notice some similarity with Minecraft. Developers decided to focus on the freedom of the players, as well as social cooperation. Throughout the game, the terracer systems, crafting will be accompanied, resource collection is required, construction. Like a lively Tamagotchi, the player will independently choose his character. Each hero owns special characteristics that emphasize his individuality affect the course of the game. That is why the characters will have to carefully follow. For relaxation and strategic coffee breaks in the game, mini-projects designed to distract the gamer from the monotonous process of collecting resources.
The main features of the game are:
Understanding terra forming. Align the Earth, make wells, dig a ditch and pit, create any elevation size, tunnels, mines,
Excavations in Life Is Feudal such breeds like granite and ore
Providing about 450 km² of plots with a delightful landscape, panorama, climate, etc.,
Encossal opportunities for building buildings, churches and other structures. Possible layout of own mini or metropolis,
A character development system with two skills is implemented: peaceful and military. Each skill is hampered separately, why the player independently creates a class,
Load in Life Is Feudal Mini Games and Free PVP Opening,
Curiously presented the craft system,
Realistic combat systemdevoid of any magic
Thirst and hunger, bleeding, leading to death - everything is very realistic!
The project is an Sandbox in the medieval setting. The life of the feudalists is in the fictional world: a new story, new geography, new era. Despite this, the developers tried to preserve the authenticity of Western Europe of those times. The studio creates two versions - MMO and Your Own, which will differ slightly from each other. The character in the game will have a number of skills that the player acquires in the process. Endurance and health scales now have two states (Hard and Soft). Different types Damage leads either to loss of consciousness or to death.
Social gestures of the game planned a minimum of imposed features (a system of awards, for example). Also the construction of buildings, strengthening cities, survival in difficult conditions is better to carry out campaign than alone. The well-thought-out system will complement the stamp.
Wonderful Indian Project Haven & Hearth hint that hermites in the game remain in the trial loss. The union in the clans is the key to success not only in construction, but also mass battles. A seamless world will make it possible to create a picturesque corner with their rules, charters, captured or bought lands.

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel® Core ™ i7 or AMD Phenom II X6 3.5 GHz
Graphics: video card with 1024 MB RAM or more
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 10 GB Free Place

Table of contents
Introduction 3.
Chapter 1. The concept of "feudal" 6
Chapter 2. Life and life feudal 9
2.1 Parenting children 9
2.2 Dedication to Knights 11
2.3 Hunting and tournament 13
2.4 feast in the castle 16
Chapter 3. Fodal Castle 18
Chapter 4. Armament Feudal 21
Chapter 5. Culture Feudal 23
Conclusion 25.
Literature 26.


The course of the course work chosen by me sounds like this: "Life and everyday life of the feudal in the Middle Ages." The daily life of society sharpens the attention of sociologists, anthropologists, ethnographers and, of course, historians. Without knowledge in this area, an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature of one time or another, its historical importance and role can hardly be formed. After all, historical discipline covers not only the study of the sequence of the reigning persons and the hostilities that they led. At first glance, we may seem faithful about the fact that the real story lies in the everyday person's everyday life, as well as in the interactions in which he comes with the society around him. Things and phenomena that people surround themselves help the historian in understanding one or another temporary period. The world of this is what the man sees him and that God sees him - this is especially important for medieval time that interests us.
The relevance of the chosen question for conducting a study is due to the increasing interest in the society to study the history of the people of the whole world. Basically, ordinary people are predominantly interested in certain manifestations of human existence, just they make history not dry disturbed discipline, but visible, clear and close. We are currently very important to imagine exactly how weekdays Our ancestors carefully maintain this knowledge for descendants.
Object of the selected theme: feudal society. Subject: daily life of feudal.
The purpose of this work is to create the representations of the everyday feudal of the medieval era. I treated the tasks of consideration of the concept of "feudal", the upbringing of feudal children, dedication to knights, entertainment such as hunting, tournament and feast, the medieval castles, feudal armament and their spiritual culture will also be considered.
In the presented work, I used the literature of a different nature. These were clearly scientific research, and books with elements of the artistic presentation.
A. A. Vasiliev considers feudalism as a whole, and also stops on the castle of feudal and its God.
D. I. Ilovaysky in his book describes in detail the medieval life of the feudal, stops on Knight's respect for the woman, for weapons and tournaments.
K. A. Ivanova's book "Multisciple Middle Ages" includes features of fascinating reading and capacious in terms of information source of data on the daily life of medieval Europe. In addition, it contains elements of the artistic presentation of the facts, which does not diminish its advantages, on the contrary, gives the narrative colorfulness and imagery.
I would like to note the work of Jacques Le Goff "Civilization of the Medieval West". In the book, the author considers civilization not on a global scale (its military exploits and political distribution), and its internal structure (the formation of religion, the perception of the world by man, his worldview and his life itself). In the first part of the work there is a general course of historical events. In the second part of the monograph, the scientist moves directly to everyday life. It describes the medieval civilization of the X - XIV centuries is quite detailed, including not only its cultural, but also the material side - the economy, equipment, everyday life.
Book M. Rowling "Europe in the Middle Ages. Life, religion, culture "is written by a simple language, in some places it even seems that it is adapted for children's perception. In my opinion, in this work there are a number of shortcomings, for example, when the author quotes medieval poets or writers, it never gives a reference to the source. Nevertheless, it can also be useful to create a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe daily life of a medieval person.
Zust Jean Roa and Joseph Francois Misho in the "History History" described all aspects of the Knight's life from the moment of birth to death.

Chapter 1. The concept of "feudal"

The term "feudalism" was widely used in historical science from the beginning of the XVIII century. It happened from the Latin word Feodum - Feed, who in the Middle Ages in many Western European countries was designated conditional, hereditary land holding received by Vassal from Sengor for performing any (usually military) service.
The highest, dominant class in the Middle Ages - this is a light, or feudal, nobility. It is known that it happened from the German Friends, putting the basis of weapons to the European states. The feudal system that replaced the slave-owned system was progressive. The most dynamic part of the medieval society - warriors and princes - captured fertile free territories, making them with their property. The base of the feudal system is a large land ownership that has been divided into two parts: the Lord with the estate and settlements with dependent peasants. Part of the ownership belonged to the owner was called the "domain." At the same time, a special domain of the ruler of the country, which he could manage at his own wishes. Here, apart from arable land, there were still forests, meadows, reservoirs. Large sizes of estates allowed to make all necessary for life, so this economic system was closed, and in history it was called "natural economy". Those goods that were missing in the farm could be obtained as a result of exchange with another feudal estate. The peasants who lived in it were personally incomplete and should bear a certain list of insights in favor of Mr..
The main principle of public life in the Middle Ages was a feudal hierarchy, on the steps of which the owners of the feud were located in a certain order. The highest level of the feudal staircase is occupied by princes with title (kings, dukes, marquises, graphs), soverees of whole provinces, owners of hundreds of villages that can lead to a few thousand knights. They were considered the supreme senites of all feudalists. Earth received from them, sometimes whole areas of the country, duke, graphs, archbishops and abbries (rebels) of major monasteries. The warriors received land from kings for which various vassal duties took over. Main from duties is a military service. So on call from ........


1. Vasilyev A. A. The history of the Middle Ages. M.: Republic, 1993. 511 p.
2. Ivanov K. A. Multidia Middle Ages. Aletia, 2001. 432 p.
3. Ilovai D. I. Ancient history. Middle Ages. New story. M.: Contemporanik, 1997. 526 p.
4. Le Hoff Jacques. Civilization of the medieval West. M: Ekaterinburg: Y-Factoria, 2005. 560 p.
5. Rowling M. Europe in the Middle Ages. Life, religion, culture. M.: ZAO CenterPolygraf, 2005. 244 p.
6. Rua J. J., Misho J. F. History of chivalry. Eksmo, 2007. 448 p.

Life Is Feudal - the first brainchild of the independent domestic BitBox studio. The game is distinguished by the presence of unusual ideas and bold solutions, which makes it unusually popular. It all begins with the prehistory - a colorful and stylish roller, at the end of which the gamer can start the game. The character comes into itself almost naked, without food and is incomprehensible where. Assistants, random passers-by - all those whom we are accustomed to watch in other games are missing. The future of the hero depends solely from him. Only he decides to do what to do next: try to survive or invent tasks and perform them. The most obvious thing from which most players start their way is to build a house. To raise the home, you will have to choose the clearing and "stick" it, i.e. declare with your property. The construction of the house alone can delay for several weeks. To speed up the process, support is necessary for a strong guild, which will help the resources, additional workforce or will allocate housing at no cost.

The basis of the game The life of feudal lies the concept of "sandboxes". The main task is to collect resources and use them at its discretion (for construction, creating clothing and other useful items). When the hero is strengthened, he will be able to interfere with beginners, arranging "crusades" and ruining the tuned villages. To learn the life is feudal alone is not very easy. Having enlisted with the support of friends, you will feel the whole range of project features.

Create your world in the game Life Is Feudal will have to be slowly and painstakingly, speaking one hundred times the same actions. Such a genus occurs to taste not to all. Many get tired of routine work and start in all serious: begin to rob and fight. If you prefer this path, prepare for the fact that the peaceful inhabitants will be waved. However, in this way you diverge their gray and boring existence.

You can attack other characters anywhere and ever. However, it is worth remembering that meaningless murders are not encouraged here. Each such output causes a drop of karma (worldview). You can restore karma with the help of prayers, but do not count on the constant mercy of the gods: over time, the deity will cease to react to imaginary repentance. To avoid the fall of the worldview, you can create a blunt weapon. While the victim is in deep fainting, you will be able to clean her pockets with impunity.

As for pumping, it is made as simple as possible: the fulfillment of any action entails an increase in one or another characteristic. Also, the player can choose for himself a specific skill. Here, too, do not do without the support of comrades. To get heavy armor, delicious food and stimulating potions, you will have to collect the specialists of the appropriate orientation.

Despite some bugs and imperfections, the game is definitely worthy of attention. It has everything you need to attract a serious target audience.

If, after reading the review and watching the video, you decided to play in online game The life of feudal, then follow the link to the official website. After that you can familiarize yourself with the minimum system requirementsDownload free client and start playing online.

Outside the winter window, which means that most lovers of relaxants in nature will have to wait for several months before going to relax in the village. However, fans of agrofitens, the fans of rural life can now enjoy the delights of the Middle Ages. After all, early access in Life Is Feudal: MMO has recently started.

Life Is Feudal: MMO is a draft Russian Studio - BitBox.. The company decided to scale the younger predecessor You Own., Up to the full MMO of the sandbox and add a bunch of new elements of mechanics and chips. Based on the gameplay the concept of the original. You will also have to pump skills, build your settlement, survive and fight with other players. The key differences of the senior fellow from your Own are in the size of the map and the number of people on the server that can be online at the same time. Online withstands up to ten thousand players. In addition, MMO has its own characteristics. So, for example, each player first falls on the island of newbies, which serves as a certain learning level, he, and part-time - the game demossment. Starting location is separated from the big world, it is available to initial quests. With their help you can quickly get to know the basics virtual Mira. In this zone also give to try starting sets Metal tools that greatly simplify life at the initial stage, but they will not get them on "Abella" with them. Leave the island is allowed at any time, but all beginners are preferably fully under the training stage. In order to play, you need to purchase one of the starting packages. Also in Life Is Feudal: MMO has an in-game store, which sells skins on weapons, clothing, simple tools and boosts to accelerate pumping. This does not affect the gameplay, but simplifies the life of loners and those who can give Life Is Feudal only a couple of hours a day. There is no heavy armor and steep weapons in the store, as well as fashionable today among giant studios and lutbox players.

The action of the game occurs in the realistic version of the Middle Ages. The world is full of various grains, is saturated with natural resources and, of course, real people. In the course of studying the environment, you can meet wild animals, from peaceful rabbits to fierce wolves. As in real worldThe zones are divided not only on conditional coordinates, they also differ in climate and weather. The game has whole winter locations, deserts, mountains and thick forests. But before the world goes to study, you need to create your hero. In the character editor, it will not work out to embody his virtual copy, as most of the parameters are selected from pre-prepared presets. However, the editor should pay attention to the existing races and their bonuses. "Gotluongs" live in the central and western lands of the Empire, they are inborn artisans and excellent horse riders. During the game, it gives an increase to the craft and the skill of the cavalryman. "Slavard" live on the distant north, they are accustomed to survive in harsh conditions and build settlements from rivers, lakes, forests. Among the representatives of this people are a lot of farmers. Most men of the tribe are distinguished by high strength indicators and good physique. "Hurssy" - medieval nomads. They are not accustomed to a long time in one place. Excellent hunters are obtained from persons, since their racial bonus gives an increase to hunting and dexterity. However, most gaming conventions are more suitable for connoisseurs of role-playing servers, because absolutely any inhabitant world Life. Is Feudal MMO, can become an excellent craftswoman, a farmer and warrior. There is no initial division into classes in the game, and all skills can be pulled.

After a goodbye with the island of newbies, you can go to any side and choose the further path of development of your future feudal. At the initial stages, you can try to master all sides of the character development. So, for example, it is possible to hit farming, hunting, or craft. If you are accustomed to play alone, it should be prepared for a long and hard work. At the very beginning you need to choose a place for constant parking. There you will have your own house and warehouse. useful resources. The newcomers are available to the construction of shacks, they do not differ in high strength and high space, but the basic function of the result of the hero in the event of death is performed perfectly. In addition, it is necessary to build a minimum amount of resources and skills. So as Life is Feudal MMO in most of the sandbox, then the presence of terraforming in the game is quite logical. With the help of molding and shovel, you can in the literal sense of the word to compose the mountains with the ground or build your own island. Of course, alone, such work is almost impossible to make such work, so limit the earth alignment for the construction of your own dwelling. This process will take a decent amount of time, but with the construction of housing is better not to pull.

The developers of Life Is Feudal: MMO tried to recreate the most realistic world, within the framework of the Middle Ages. There is no magic, elves, and female warriors, along with men, are applied to a complete set of armor. The same applies to the process of pumping skills. Each action entails the growth of a certain skiel and characteristics. Catching around the cutting trees, the knowledge of nature increases, and in addition, the force with agility is growing. Each of these parameters is important, but you should always remember the limit on the maximum skill of the cap. Although it can be raised by intelligence. Despite this, even at the average levels of production professions will require materials that produce specialists from other areas. Carpenters need nails that make blacksmiths, architects need a large amount of finished material for construction, and of course everyone will prevent the top food from cooks. Such specific game will bring those who want to master the content to the maximum to combine with other people. If you know exactly, in which direction you want to develop the future feudal, then unnecessary parameters can be blocked. In case, they will not increase and occupy the necessary points. If at some point you change your mind and decide to pump several new characteristics, you can decline unnecessary skills and unlock the desired parameters. In addition to manufacturing and basic characteristics, there is a whole branch of combat and everyday ways to develop. Casual are responsible for the basic elements of interaction with other players and are more to decorative elements. Martial fully justify their name. They are needed to master the military craft. In Life Is Feudal: MMO, each player can engage in any industry, while lecture remains a full-fledged combat unit.

Life Is Feudal: MMO can be safely attributed to hardcore games. This is due to the fact that in case of death, you lose all the cost equipment and inventory items, and anyone can choose your good. In addition, in the event of death, the skills glasses are reduced, which should be pumped with such difficulty. In addition, you constantly need to follow the indicator of hunger and fatigue. And do not forget about a huge number of dangers of the surrounding world. Avatar can get a fracture, bleeding wound or simply poisoned poor-quality food. Of course, if at your disposal there is a medic, and cooks daily provide first-class cakes, most troubles can be avoided in the titles of the clan castle. However, many players prefer to play alone or small companies. In this case, even a deer hunt becomes a full-fledged test. At first, avoid troubles will be not so difficult, but sooner or later you will also need more rare resources that are mined in dangerous lands. Also, on the expanses of harsh medieval world Always run gankers - players whose fishing is completely tied to enrichment at the expense of other people. From these barbarians, it is not so easy to hide, especially if they find your permanent dwelling. The combination of these factors and force most of the players to combine into groups and whole guilds. For solo games in Life Is Feudal: MMO you need to have not only strong nerves, but also huge, steel eggs ... ghm, ghm lats.

Each feudelf sooner or later should get acquainted with a military craft. In the game there is a huge arsenal of various instruments of killing, each of which is distinguished by its specificity of the fight. You can climb into the full brass armor, push the huge shield and arm a one-handed sword, after which it will be pretty difficult to break. However, in this case, your mobility is simply not enough for frequent runs and fast attacks. Balance should always be observed between speed and security. Many players turn into cavalryrs, armed with long peaks, after which they become a thunderstorm of any terrestrial opponent. In the event of a horse's death, such a fighter is able to continue active fighting. For those who prefer to fight because of the back of the comrades, a whole set of crossbows and onions are available in the game, which are also divided into categories. Quick bows have good rapidity, however, crossbows cause a greater damage, but requires time to recharge. In addition, all the archers and crossbars must have a good eye meter, because in the game Flight of the projectile takes into account all the laws of physics. Key feature Bittles in Life Is Feudal: MMO is a complex system of nonargeta. In addition to the difficult aiming of long-range guns, every cold weapon has its own attack physics. If you come too close to the enemy, then instead of a good cut from the ax - you will apply the minimum damage from the tree. A good commander will always be able to use the advantages of various fighters to build a detachment into thoughtful combat orders. As in real life, the battle wins the one on whose side quantitative advantage. However, a well-equipped knight group, easy to deal with a collapse of peasants.

Currently, Life Is Feudal: MMO - single game In its genre, which keeps the strict balance between mass and realism gameplay. If you always dreamed of trying pure Middle Ages, become a famous feudal with a personal army, then we should look at this game, we will leave the link in the description. We wish good luck, future kings, famous for the commander and great culinary.

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