Factorio won't start? Game slows down? Flies out? Glitchy? Solving the most common problems. Factorio Multiplayer Instructions Getting Started

Multiplayer itself appeared in version 0.11.x of the game and until now (0.12.32) it is playable only in networks with low latency (LAN). Those. the game between a player from Moscow and a player from Vladivostok will at least not be very pleasant, because the game takes the speed (tick-time) for everyone based on the largest delay between players. In any case, since version 0.12.0, the "lag hiding" function has appeared, which allowed the game to be smoother, without strong tick-time jumps.

Currently, the multiplayer in the game works according to the p2p (client-client) scheme, which means that there is no need for a server, although there is a game assembly, without graphical functionality (headless).

For any major functions (saving, logging in, etc.) the game is paused in order to be synchronized between all players. This means that if any of the players has the autosave setting once every 1 minute, then all players, even those who have this setting turned off, will save the game once a minute.

Any player can enter existing game by known IP address and port. When a player joins a game, the game is automatically paused and the player receives a card. In the event that the host of the game finishes playing, then the other players can continue to play ([untested] in single player) without interrupting the game.

Sometimes the game gets out of sync. The reasons for desynchronization can be different, from packet loss in the network, to different versions of mods. Prior to 0.12.30, the game only checked mod versions and did not check their hash, and some players could change the game and mod files without telling other players, which could very likely cause desync. When an out of sync occurs, the game is paused and all players download the map from the game host again, and after that the game automatically resumes.


Game via LAN / Internet

Online play is not guaranteed in the 0.11.x version of the game. The number of lags in the game depends on the connection speed and delays between all players. Since version 0.12.x, it has become more comfortable to play via the Internet. there was a "hide latency" feature, but it's still not perfect due to the p2p scheme, where the worst connection of the players is accepted for all.

  • All players must have the same version of the game and mods.
  • It is advisable for all players, except for the host, to turn off autosave.
  • By default, factorio uses the port 34197 . The port can be changed.
  • Factorio uses protocol UDP so make sure your router is configured correctly.
    • The game implements its own packet delivery protocol, built on the UDP protocol, to reduce packet loss and problems with the order of packet delivery
    • Make sure you have a properly configured firewall and that your antivirus software is not blocking UDP packets.
    • The game host must have a white (visible from the Internet) IP address so that other players can connect to you.
    • You can also use various software that provides VPN tunnels between players. In this case, your network turns into a LAN over the Internet, which does not remove the delay problem, but removes the NAT problem. Impossibility of playing with 3+ players at the same time.
  • The theoretical limit of players is . :)

Voice chat

factorio server or why p2p

There has already been quite a bit of discussion about why the game doesn't use a client-server model. It was decided to leave the client-client model.

True, since the 0.12.x version, a headless assembly has appeared, which emulates the behavior of the server, but still is not, but simply becomes the host of the game.


  • Now (0.12.x) you can manually, via game console, change grouping] for each of the players. For example, for a player (in a single player game), you can change the grouping to "neutrals" with the following command:
/c game.local_player.force = "neutral"


You can also create your own groupings (there can be 64 of them in total, including 3 native player, neutral, enemy).

/c game.create_force("force 1") Create a grouping called "force 1". "player" faction is used for all players by default "enemy" faction is used for biters "neutral" faction is special, it is not enemy, can interact with other factions and can be used by other factions as well. /c game.get_player("friend 1").force = game.forces["force 1"] Changes the faction of the player named "friend 1" to "force 1" /c game.forces["force 1"].set_cease_fire ("force 2", true) instructs "force 1" to attack another faction named "force 2", but not vice versa. /c for v in pairs(game.forces) do game.local_player.print(v) end list of all factions that exist in this world

Hello! This article is for beginners in the game, it will tell you what to do and how. Today we will take the first steps in factorio!

So, the first thing to do is to examine the place on the map where you appeared. Since the map is randomly generated, not all places are equally useful :) What should I pay attention to?

  1. Availability of resources. You need coal, iron and copper ore in sufficient quantities. Also look at the stone, but usually you don’t need a lot of it, the main thing is that it be. For now, you can ignore the oil. Trees are usually full everywhere.
  2. Distance to resources. It is desirable that it is not large, since at first you will get tired of running from one field to another.
  3. The presence of a reservoir. Water is needed to cool steam generators, that is, to create electricity. It will also be used in some productions. That is, you need water, preferably not far from a coal deposit.
  4. Monster protection. Of course, it is difficult to assess your position in relation to the monsters from the very beginning, but keep this in mind. The easiest way to defend yourself is if you are on some peninsula, then you can simply fence off the passage with a wall. But that's how lucky. In any case, the attacks will not start very soon, so far you can not worry about it.

Thus, the ideal place is several rich deposits of all resources not far from each other and near a reservoir. Also, it personally pisses me off when the deposit is covered with forest and it has to be cut down. But, again, this is an unimportant factor; it will be necessary to wave the ax in any case.

Run a little on the map, determine where your resource deposits are located. The minimap will help you with this, resources are marked with different colors on it. By the way, the bright red color on the map is the nests of monsters, so far it is better not to go there if you are not a suicide. If the current map does not suit you for some reason, then press Esc, and restart.

We decided on the place. Now... you need to make an ax! Open the crafting window ("E" key), select the "Production" tab and by clicking on the ax with the mouse, scarf it. And two is better (since the first one can break at the wrong time).

Now you need to chop some wood. Usually this happens by itself in the process of going to the deposits through the forest. To chop, hover over a nearby tree and press the right mouse button. When you have accumulated wood, make yourself some wooden boxes. To make five pieces at once, right-click on the box in the crafting window. To make the maximum possible number of items, hold the shift and click the left button.

When you have boxes, you can start mining resources. Note that you have one mine and one stone stove in the hotbar. First you need to install a mine on a coal deposit and start mining. Select the mine with the mouse, put it in an empty place with coal (you can rotate it with the "R" key). Now click on the mine with the left mouse button. The mine window will open. In it, you need to put fuel into the mine for it to work. For now, you can use wood and coal as fuel (other types will appear later). What to drown in general is all the same, the fuel differs only in the rate of combustion. You can put the remains of wood in the mine, or you can dig up some coal.

Well, the mine is functioning, but that's not all :) She will get the first portion and stop, because she has nowhere to put the new batch. That's why we need boxes. We take one and put it in front of the neck of the mine. Now everything, the process of coal mining is in full swing.

Now let's move on to metal. Take some Coal Mine Coal (from the box) and run to the iron ore deposit. On the way, jump on the stone and fill it with five pieces, it will also be needed. Get some iron ore from the deposit (nine pieces are enough for now). Now, next to the iron ore, place a furnace and click on it with the left mouse button. A furnace window will open, where you must put the ore (in the upper receiver) and fuel - coal or wood (in the lower receiver). After that, the furnace will start to bake :) And make iron sheets for you. When nine pieces are smelted, take them from the furnace (by the way, a maximum of one hundred pieces of the final resource can be stored in the furnace, then processing will stop).

So, you have nine iron and five stone, it's time to craft a mine! Open the crafting window, the loot tab, and get to work. Put the mine on iron ore, put fuel into it, put a box for the mined ore next to it (well, you already know everything). If necessary, run to the coal mine for coal.

So, you have a mine that extracts iron ore and a furnace that melts it into steel sheets. But for now, you have to put the ore from the box into the furnace, and take the finished metal from the furnace. I would like to automate this a little. Let's take care of this. To do this, you need to craft a couple of steam manipulators (on the logistics tab). Use your pickaxe to get the resources you need and make them. Now let's set the manipulators so that one takes the ore from the box and puts it in the furnace, and the other takes the metal from the furnace and puts it in another box. Put some fuel in both manipulators. Everything must work. Looks magical :)

First production chain

Now you only need to periodically come here, report fuel and take sheets of metal from the box. In the near future, these simple operations will be automated, but for now let's take care of other resources.

By the way, to see the contents of boxes and furnaces, as in the figure, press the Alt key.

Collect the necessary resources and make yourself a couple more mines, one stove and a few manipulators. Put one mine on a stone (don't forget the stone collection box). Put another mine and a furnace on the copper ore deposit in the same way as they are on the iron ore. Only here the final product of production will be sheets of copper.

Stone mining

This completes the first steps in the game. You have established the initial production of all resources, if necessary, you can add a few more mines and furnaces (at your discretion). Do not forget to report fuel to all your devices in time. Well, in order not to suffer with this, it's time to smoothly move on to.

But that is another story...

Thank you for your attention!
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The entire manual has been rewritten, the text has been shortened.
Version guide FACTORIO 0.16.13 Released

Cheat codes


1. Turn on/off Night. (False - Enable / True - Disable)

2. Add items to the player in Inventory (Name - Item name / Count - Quantity)
/c game.local_player.insert(name="iron-plate", count=100)

3. Fill / Restore deposits (Coal, Copper, Oil) ((Point at the deposit and Register in the console))
/c game.local_player.selected.amount=7500

4. Speed ​​up the player's digging
/c game.local_player.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier=1000

5. Speed ​​up player crafting
/c game.local_player.force.manual_crafting_speed_modifier=1000

6. Enable "Peaceful mode"
/c game.peaceful_mode = true
/c game.forces["enemy"].kill_all_units()

7. Quick research
/c game.local_player.force.laboratory_speed_modifier = 1

8. Player color (RGB grid)
/c game.local_player.color=(g=50,b=200,r=200,a=.9)


Drawing - fast way construction of repeating sections using construction drones and / or manually.

The drawing is free.

During the game, it is best to make drawings for yourself or borrow from anyone.
Even if you don't have drones, you can set up a markup and follow it.

To open the drawing window, you need to: press B or press 1 button under the minimap.

7 research pack drops when you launch the rocket. From each launched rocket - 1000 flasks

To begin with, you only need red bottles, since only a little copper and iron are needed to produce them. Make 20 of them right now and put them in the laboratory in the appropriate slot.

By the way, you can have as many laboratories as you like. And the more of them, the faster the research goes (naturally, if each laboratory has the required number of appropriate bottles).


Now you can start researching. Press the "T" key and the study selection window will open.

On the left you see a list of all sciences in the game. Dark green indicates available for study, red - unavailable, and green at the bottom of the list - already studied (at the beginning you don’t have any). By clicking on any study, on the right you will see information about it: cost in bottles; requirements for study (that is, which sciences must be previously studied in order to access this one); access to what sciences is opened by the given and, at last, what objects the given research allows to make. If the requirements for studying science are met, then at the bottom you will see the Research button, clicking on which will start the study.

Keep in mind that this does not take into account the presence or absence of the required number of bottles. That is, if the science requirements are met, then the Research button will be available even if you do not have a single bottle. By clicking on it, you will start the study, but ... it will not take place (it will be suspended) until the necessary bottles are found in the laboratory.

What to study first?

First of all, study Automation and Logistics. This will give you access to building workshops, long and fast manipulators, as well as splitters and underground conveyors. You will need all this almost immediately after studying. Then there is Steel processing, which is needed to obtain steel and steel chests (with increased capacity).

When you begin to study any science, in the laboratory you can watch the fascinating process of bottle recycling. Also, the name of the studied discipline and the progress of the study will appear above the mini-map. Periodically monitor this indicator and if it does not move forward, then the laboratories have run out of bottles - your intervention is needed.

This is a matter of strategic planning and your style of play. You can follow the research branch to oil refining, electric furnaces. You can to robots and trains. There are many options. But keep in mind that in order to study more advanced sciences, you will need bottles of different colors very soon.

And almost immediately you realize that making bottles by hand is not an option. So it's time to automate the creation and delivery of red bottles in the laboratory!

The laboratory can transfer bottles to other laboratories using manipulators.

Craft red bottles

In fact, there are three options for developing your infrastructure:

Modular. When you allocate some area of ​​production for the performance of a single task, for example, the production of bottles. At the same time, only initial resources come to the input of the module, and you produce all the intermediate parts inside the module directly where they are required.

Conveyor. This option, in contrast to the modular one, implies that each part is produced only in one specific place, and it goes to all places where it is required for further production through conveyors (well, or in other logistical ways).

The mixed version combines the two previous ones. At the same time, conveyors operate within one module, which deliver the necessary parts to many places, but they do not go beyond the module.

Let us explain the dry text with a specific example of red bottles.

First, let's look at the modular version. So, our raw materials are iron and copper, the intermediate product is gears. One module for production might look something like this:

What do we see? There is only one input conveyor, supplying both copper and iron at the same time, the intermediate product is produced on site and transferred directly to the place where it is needed. The output is red bottles. Simple, compact.

You can slightly modify this design:

Since gears are produced quickly and bottles slowly, it is logical that there can be several bottle shops for one gear shop. The meaning here remains the same.

1. Compactness (relative to other options)
2. Simple logistics (no need for bulky conveyors)

1. When expanding production by adding new modules, gears will have to be made anew in each module, with all the ensuing consequences: energy costs, extra workshops, etc.
2. If gears are needed somewhere else (for example, in the production of green bottles), then they will also have to be made on the spot. That is, the production of intermediate goods takes place locally.

Now consider the pipeline method. How it might look:

What is the difference? In fact, we see two productions here: gears and bottles. They exist separately from each other. Each has its own input pipelines and one for the output. At the same time, the gears go to the main conveyor, from which branches go to the places where they are needed, in this case, to the production of red bottles.

1. It is easier to expand production by adding new workshops (relative to the modular method).
2. Centralized production of goods, that is, we know exactly where they are produced and where they can be taken, if necessary.
3. In general, due to centralization, more economical use of resources and energy.
1. Complex logistics (huge, long conveyors of resources and goods through all production).
2. It is difficult to correctly design and calculate the desired production configuration
difficulty in calculating the required number of parts that may be required later in production.

Here's what a piece of assembly line production might look like in practice:

There is also a mixed method of production, in which you can try to combine the advantages of both methods and not fall for their disadvantages. The production of red bottles by a mixed method may look like this:

Very similar to the pipeline method, but with the difference that intermediate parts (gears) do not go beyond this production. That is, in fact, we use a modular method, increasing the size of the modules to the scale of the production of individual final products (in this case, red bottles). And inside these modules we use a conveyor method of production. As a result, we got a little more savings, a little less simplicity, in general - the middle half.

How exactly you implement the production of red bottles is up to you! All methods have pros and cons, all are not perfect.

Weapons and base defense.

It's usually pretty safe early in the game. If there are no nests directly next to you, then the monsters will not come for quite some time. You may be able to evolve to laser turrets, and you will never see the local fauna.

Now we will take a few simple steps so that at first we feel more confident and not die from a chance meeting with the natives.

Look at the mini-map. Nests are marked in bright red color on it - habitats of living creatures. Try to avoid going there without being properly prepared.

By pressing the "M" key, you will open the map in an enlarged version.


If you haven't built a radar yet, build it now!

It is located in the Combat tab and for its manufacture you will need iron and copper.

The radar will scout new territory at regular intervals, which is very useful - you will know where the enemy is, and you will also see resource deposits. So far, it makes no sense to build more than one radar, since its action is not critical for you - and, not least, the radar hits the energy quite noticeably at the beginning of the game, since it needs 300 kW of energy to operate .


In order for it to become available, you must learn the science of Military. We make the machine gun from iron and copper and it will allow you to shoot bursts, fighting off all sorts of villains. There are two firing modes. The first one is automatic , press the spacebar and the machine itself shoots if it sees an available target (that is, it is not necessary to aim). Recommended against several fast opponents. Second mode - aiming , move the mouse cursor over the target and press the "C" key. The machine in this case shoots only at the selected target. This way you can destroy specific monsters, nests and stones on the road.

For a machine gun you will need some ammo. Make them bigger, as they will have to be used in turrets too. You will need a hundred or even more rounds.

Later, armor-piercing cartridges with increased lethal force will become available to you. They are not cheap, so use wisely. It makes no sense to put them in ordinary turrets, you can use them yourself, or load them into a tank.


He is good. But it's not always good, and it's good when pumped up by research. Make it yourself when there is an excess of materials (iron and copper). Don't forget that shotguns require special ammo, submachine guns won't work here. And also with a shotgun it is good to clear the forest for buildings.

Switch between different weapons You can use the "TAB" key. Before that, do not forget to put the weapon in the appropriate slot on the bottom right.


To protect yourself, learn Armor crafting and make yourself iron armor. It will give you some protection and will allow you to hold out longer in a critical situation.


The next thing you need to do is learn the science of Turrets. And start riveting these turrets in an amount of at least 5 - 10 pieces. To build them you need iron and copper. The required amount depends on the distance between your buildings and the number of nests in the area.


You need to identify a few key points for yourself, the damage of which will lead to a crash. Usually this is the extraction of electricity (everything will stop without it), iron smelting, mines. Place 1 - 2 turrets at these points and do not forget to put cartridges in them (10 pieces each). You can also try to identify strategic points where guests can generally come running. Such points are determined depending on the position of the nests and the terrain (presence of water bodies). By placing a turret at a strategic point, you can block several directions for attack at once.

Preparations are complete. Now, if your possessions are attacked, you will hear an alarm and see an exclamation icon to the right of the quick access bar. If it is yellow, then the turrets shot the enemy without question. If red - the attackers managed to damage your buildings. You can see the same signs on the mini-map, so you will know where something is wrong.

After several attacks, you will already know where to expect trouble. You can fortify these areas by placing a few more turrets there and don't forget to put enough ammo in them. If the cartridges run out, then they will become easy prey for the enemy.

To begin with, such a defense is quite enough to deter enemies. Then you will have walls, gates, laser turrets, several types of weapons and even a tank!

Production of green bottles. Fast and clear.

Iron flows like water, sciences are studied and red bottles are crafted automatically. A good start, but very soon the list of research available for red bottles will run out.

For further study of sciences, you will need green bottles (and then blue ones, etc.). Now we will deal with the issue of the production of green bottles closely.

Let's look at the green bottles. For their manufacture, we need iron and copper. You also need at least six assembly shops, of which at least one must be of the second level, because. the workshop of the first level allows you to assemble things from a maximum of two components, and we have three components are needed to assemble manipulators: iron, gears and microcircuits.

Here, three workshops produce bottles directly. Please note that there are fast manipulators near the gear production workshop. This allows enough gears to be produced so that other shops do not have to wait.

Another building option:

Here, pay attention to the looped conveyor. To his left, two smart manipulators are removing excess fabricated conveyors and manipulators and storing them in chests. Thus, you will always have the necessary stock of these very often required items.

You can limit the number of stored items by going into the chest, clicking on the cross on the right and selecting the desired number of slots.

The chest will now have a limited capacity:

All these options implied the creation of a separate module for the production of green bottles. You can go the other way, using the conveyor method of production. This option will be more difficult and take up more space, but there are also advantages. See how you can still implement production:

Production of gears, wires and green circuits.
Production of conveyors, manipulators and green bottles.

On the top screenshot you can see the production of gears, wires and green chips; on the screen below - the production of conveyors, manipulators and green bottles. General features:

the use of two pipelines at the output, which are then combined into one.
fast manipulators, fast conveyors and second level workshops where needed.
conveyors are looped (this is not visible in the screenshots), surplus products are stored in chests.

Oil production and oil refining. Part 1

Once you have established the production of red and green bottles, research should be in full swing. And very soon the moment will come when you need oil.

It can be said that when you start extracting oil, initial stage the game for you is completed and the midgame begins.

Oil production in factorio is a fairly simple topic, but it can cause some difficulties for beginners. Therefore, here we will write detailed guide for oil and oil production in factorio.

Why is oil needed?

Oil is needed for the production of plastic, batteries, and thus, indirectly, for the production of such important things as batteries, electric furnaces. And, much more importantly, oil is needed to produce blue bottles, without which further research will be impossible.

Thus, the extraction of oil and its derivatives is an integral and very important part of factorio and you cannot do without it.

Research needed for oil production

First things first, you need to study oil processing (oil refining). For this research to become available, research Steel Processing first. oil processing . This research is basic, it gives access to the construction of oil rigs, chemical plants, oil refineries; makes available the main types of industries using oil, and also opens up access to further research in this area.

Study fluid handling (hydraulics) you need to be able to make tanks for storing both the oil itself and its derivatives (and in general any liquids). Be sure to learn because without tanks, oil production will look very sad.

Science Sulfur Processing (sulfur treatment) and Plastic (plastic) are needed respectively for the production of sulfur, sulfuric acid and plastic. All these components are very important and you will need it very soon, so do not delay with these studies.

Advanced Oil Processing (advanced oil refining) - research to improve the efficiency and speed of oil refining in general. This research needs to be studied clearly. But there is one caveat. Blue bottles are needed to study it, and oil is needed to produce them. So save this research for later, but do not forget about it and be sure to study it as soon as you have blue bottles.

Oil on the map. Search for deposits.

So, let the sciences be studied, but we need to find oil deposits and decide where and how much we will produce it.

Look at the map first too. Oil on it is indicated by dots of a characteristic purple color.
Location of oil on the map..

In fact, in the world, underfoot, oil looks like a blot of liquid or brown snot.

You need to find a place where there are several such deposits nearby, at least 3 - 5 pieces. It is also very good if there is water nearby, it will be needed in some processes of the oil industry. You will also need iron, copper and coal to produce sulfur, plastic and batteries. And of course, you need a certain free space to accommodate the entire production.

In principle, if your oil fields are located far from the main production, you can not pull conveyors with iron and coal here, but, on the contrary, lay a pipeline with gas (or oil) there. It's up to you to decide

Oil production.

To extract oil, you will need several (namely, as many as you have oil fields) oil rigs. Their production requires iron, copper and steel. It is easier to make them manually, since the number is still not large, although it takes some time.

Also make some oil storage tanks and pipes in sufficient quantity (both conventional and underground).

Please note that the construction of pipelines makes the terrain impassable, that is, running through the pipes will not work. That's why remove all unnecessary and too long pipes underground. So it will be much easier for you to move around and approach the right place.

Install oil rigs on oil fields (they are highlighted in green). Keep in mind that they can be rotated, so rotate the towers so that it is more convenient to connect them with pipes.

Then install the oil tanks and connect them to the oil rigs.

It remains only to supply electricity to the towers through the wires and the oil will flow in a stream

Oil production

Now you need an oil refinery. Or two. For their production, in addition to iron, copper and steel, bricks are needed, so take care of their production in advance. Especially since bricks will come in handy in many other places.

Place factories near oil tanks and connect pipes to them. Bring on the electricity.

Note that the refinery has two entrances (put oil there, enough in any of the entrances) and three exits. At the output of the plant, we get three different components: heavy fractions, light fractions and gas. It is not necessary to connect pipes to each other with different components, nothing good will come of it. Combine gas with gas, light fractions with light fractions, etc.

In order for the plant to work, you need to go into it (by clicking the left mouse button) and select the production mode. Since you have studied only the initial processing of oil, only it will be available. At the same time, out of ten units of oil, 3 units of heavy fractions, 3 units of light fractions and 4 units of gas will be obtained.

When you learn advanced oil refining, you will be able to switch plants to it. In this case, out of ten units of oil, 1 unit of heavy fractions, 4.5 units of light fractions and 5.5 units of gas will be obtained. But! Please note that for this, water will need to be supplied to one of the inputs of the refinery!

Now make some storage tanks for processed products and connect them to factories. You will see that the tanks will gradually fill up.

Important points.

Of the three products you need the most gas. It needs a lot. In fact, heavy fractions are needed only for the production of lubricants. Light fractions are generally for nothing. And gas is needed everywhere and in abundance. This, by and large, is the meaning and necessity of studying Advanced Oil Processing, since it will allow the production of gas in a larger proportion. Besides this science will make it possible to distill heavy fractions into light ones, and light ones into gas.
If the tank runs out of space(no matter in which, for example, in a tank with heavy fractions), then oil refining will stop, even if there is room in tanks with other products. Therefore, monitor the level of products in the tanks, and be sure to recycle the excess.

Chemical industry.

And now you have established oil production and oil refining. Now we need to take on the chemical industry. To do this, you need to make several chemical plants.

What can be done? Anything your heart desires For example, plastic:

We bring gas, coal, electricity to the plant, set the production of plastic inside and only manage to store it.
The lubricant itself is used later in other industries, for example, for the manufacture of engines.

What to do with heavy and light fractions.

Most likely, you will not have enough gas. You will have much less of it than heavy and light fractions, because it is used in a large number of industries.

But what to do with heavy and light fractions? After all, they will fill the reservoirs very soon and oil refining may stop.

As mentioned above, heavy fractions can be used to make lubricants. But this is not enough.

There is only one way out (in addition to increasing the capacity of the tanks): to make solid fuel from heavy and light fractions. This is also very easy to do and you only need chemical plants:
Production of solid fuels from heavy and light fractions

We feed the appropriate fraction at the input, at the output we get a gray cube, which is solid fuel.

Solid fuel can be used wherever fuel is needed instead of wood and coal. For example, in steam generators, in a car and in a tank. All in all, solid fuel can be considered some alternative to coal.

When you learn advanced oil refining, you will be able to process heavy fractions into light ones, and light ones, respectively, into gas. And this will truly be a step forward, because you not only get rid of unnecessary fractions, but also get the gas you really need.

It will not be difficult for you to make such processing. For example, here is a fragment of production, where light fractions are processed into gas in chemical plants:

Uranium mining requires sulfuric acid. .

The first step in the production of uranium takes place in a centrifuge, which creates Uranium-238 (hereinafter U-238) and Uranium-235 (hereinafter U-235) in a certain percentage. Most of the time you will get U-238, but occasionally U-235.

When you get the U-235, you can turn it into a uranium fuel cell that will go into nuclear reactor(nuclear reactor).

The reactor heats up and transfers heat to the heat exchanger, using heat pipes.
The heat exchanger takes in water and discharges steam, which goes to steam turbines that generate power.

The centrifuge can also do other processes that are useful in mining U-235 and recycling burnt fuel cells into U-238.

You can make uranium cartridges and tank shells from U-238 .

The U-235 can be used to create rocket launcher warheads that will obliterate everything in a ~50 block radius per shot, including you if you don't run away.

The steam exits the heat exchanger at 500 degrees, which is the maximum for a steam turbine. For comparison, the steam engine can only make steam up to 165 degrees- what produces a normal boiler (boiler). That is, if you use a steam turbine with a conventional boiler, it will work, but with terrible efficiency. The same story with the steam engine and heat exchanger works, but a lot of heat will simply be lost.

Alien cones (They are no more.)

Sometime you will need new flasks - Alien flasks.
They are needed to research new technologies.
First of all, to open these Cones.
We need to study the technology "Alien technologies".

Alien Tech is a key tech that unlocks the ability to research and improve many technologies by unlocking the production of the Alien Research Pack. It also opens up access to technologies that improve the character's weapons.

This technology unlocks technologies such as:
  • Speed ​​module 3
  • Production module 3
  • Optimization module 3
  • Energy armor
  • Energy Armor MK2
  • Portable fusion reactor
These cones No need automate.
Because these flasks require 1 alien artifact, which is not craftable.
It must be mined from the nests of monsters.

An alien artifact is a resource for which automatic mining cannot be established, since the only way to get it is to destroy enemy nests (spawns). Therefore, it is quite rare.

The number of dropped artifacts from different nests is random.

Required to create high-tech devices, as well as when creating an Alien Research Pack for researching high-level technologies in the Laboratory

If Factorio crashes, Factorio won't start, Factorio not installing, there are no controls in Factorio, no sound in Factorio, errors happen in Factorio – we offer you the most common ways to solve these problems.

First, check if your PC meets the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP (64 Bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core 1.5 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video: 512 MB
  • HDD: 512 MB free space

Be sure to update your video card drivers and other software

Before you remember the worst words and express them towards the developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, specially optimized drivers are prepared for the release of games. You can also try installing a later version of the drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of bugs not found and not fixed.

Do not forget that games often require installation for stable operation. latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

Factorio won't start

Many problems with launching games happen due to incorrect installation. Check if there were any errors during the installation, try to uninstall the game and run the installer again, after disabling the antivirus - often the files necessary for the game to work are deleted by mistake. It is also important to remember that in the path to the folder with installed game there should be no Cyrillic characters - use only Latin letters and numbers for directory names.

It still does not hurt to check if there is enough space on the HDD for installation. You can try to run the game as Administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

Factorio is slow. Low FPS. Logs. Friezes. hangs up

First - install the latest drivers for the video card, from this FPS in the game can rise significantly. Also check the computer's load in the task manager (opened by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ESCAPE). If, before starting the game, you see that some process is consuming too many resources, turn off its program or simply end this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off anti-aliasing and try lowering the settings responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume a lot of resources and disabling them will significantly increase performance without greatly affecting the quality of the picture.

Factorio crashes to desktop

If Factorio often crashes to your desktop, try lowering the graphics quality to start solving the problem. It is possible that your computer simply does not have enough performance and the game cannot work correctly. Also worth checking out for updates - most modern games have a system automatic installation new patches. Check if this option is disabled in the settings.

Black screen in Factorio

More often than not, the problem with the black screen is an issue with the GPU. Check if your video card satisfies minimum requirements and install the latest drivers. Sometimes a black screen is the result of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with the hardware, and it meets the minimum requirements, try switching to another window (ALT + TAB), and then return to the game window.

Factorio is not installed. Installation stuck

First of all, check if you have enough HDD space for installation. Remember that the setup program requires the advertised amount of space plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system drive to run correctly. In general, remember the rule - the system drive should always have at least 2 gigabytes of free space for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs may not work correctly or refuse to start at all.

Installation problems can also occur due to lack of Internet connection or its unstable operation. Also, do not forget to suspend the antivirus while installing the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of files or deletes them by mistake, considering them viruses.

Saves not working in Factorio

By analogy with the previous solution, check the availability of free space on the HDD - both on the one where the game is installed and on the system drive. Often save files are stored in a folder of documents, which is located separately from the game itself.

Control not working in Factorio

Sometimes the controls in the game do not work due to the simultaneous connection of several input devices. Try disabling the gamepad, or if for some reason you have two keyboards or mice connected, leave only one pair of devices. If the gamepad does not work for you, then remember that only controllers that are defined as Xbox joysticks officially support games. If your controller is defined differently, try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, x360ce).

Sound not working in Factorio

Check if the sound works in other programs. After that, check if the sound is turned off in the settings of the game itself and if the sound playback device is selected there, to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next, while the game is running, open the mixer and check if the sound is muted there.

If you are using an external sound card- check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.