Nikitina "Cubes for All" game Wooden (light). Cubes for all (KV) Color manual nikitin cubes for all

Early development The child is the basis of the foundation of his further growing. Specialists recommend a lot of techniques, one of the most popular is nikitin cubes. A developing puzzle type game perfectly affects logic, attentiveness, fantasy, childhood. You can begin to engage in one and a half or two years and, increasing the complexity of tasks, play up to school age.

What is nikitin cubes

The famous teacher Boris Nikitin when creating its unique intellectual tasks for children adhered to the principle that the child should think about the rules of the game. Among its main tasks is the development of independence, striving for the creation of a new, training of logical and abstract thinking. Wooden or plastic Nikita cubes are sold for 16 pieces in the set.

Each figure has 6 faces that are painted in different colors. As a rule, it is red, green, blue and yellow. The child needs to collect one-, two, three- or four-color pictures, based on tasks from a special album. The Nikitin technique involves different variants of tasks, for example, "lay pattern", "Cubes for all", "bricks", "Speed \u200b\u200bSquare" and "Unicub".

How to play

The essence of the games is to fold pictures from cubes into a pattern or figure. Tasks differ from each other in terms of complexity. The simplest task is to fold the figures in a square size 4: 4. Later, when the child is mastered, it is possible to add patterns with a variety of faces. For example, you can build a turret or snake, a Christmas tree, house, flower, wood. The finished outlines of the drawings will be similar to any item or simply resemble an interesting pattern.

In his book, "Steps of creativity, or educational games" Nikitin recommends organizing the game so that classes give the pleasure of the child himself - a puzzle must interest the baby so that in the future he himself stretched to collect new figures. You can simultaneously tell the fairy tale or a fascinating story associated with the collected figure. Nikitin blocks are suitable for collecting any multicolored patterns.

However, it is not necessary to interfere with the tips for children: it is better if the baby himself thinks up the figure, even if it is different from the specified sample. Errors are also better to search for yourself.

In addition, Boris Nikitin gives parents a few tips:

  • During classes, refrain from the comments, if the child does not work.
  • If the child can not cope with the exercise, it means that it is still sophisticated for him and start it early. It is recommended to take a break, and then start with easier examples.
  • If there are several children in the family, it is better if each own kits are each.
  • Do not overstep the children with this game. Over time, she tired, then it is worth returning to the cubes in a couple of months.
  • When the kid goes to the figures, it will be possible to offer him to draw sketches of the objects.
  • You can arrange competitions for collecting shapes for a while, so children will feel easy excitement and desire to make as much as possible.

Types of cubes Nikitin

Teacher-practitioner Boris Nikitin has developed his methodology of educational games 40 years ago. The first children who grew up on his toys were their own grandchildren of the teacher. Now educational games are known not only in Russia, but also around the world.

Before you decide on the purchase, decide what qualities you would like to develop in a child: logic, eye meter, fantasy, logical and spatial thinking, etc. Based on this, choose a set. Nikitin technique for children leaves space for choice for every taste: decide which colors will be painted, from how many parts the manual consists.


The easiest option is a set of 16 plastic or wooden cubes and album with tasks packed in a box. This technique is also called nikitin puzzles. It is suitable for beginners.

  • Model Name: "Set" Pattern "
  • Price: 550 rubles
  • Characteristics: Developing technique for children preschool ageThe product is presented in different colors.
  • Pros: Develops imagination, color perception, ability to combine, mental comparison, analysis and synthesis operations.
  • Cons: Cubes are very small (2: 2 cm.).

Mass Svadrat.

For children who have already mastered the simplest tasks, game options are suitable with uneven color figures:

  • Model Name: "Set" Square "
  • Price: 3500 rubles
  • Characteristics: A set of three parts, in each - 12 squares of different colors, which are divided into parts (triangle, rectangle, etc.). This game is designed for children from two years. The child will be back to assemble the cut square.
  • Pros: Develops a logical thinking, the ability to hold to the whole, Eyemer ..
  • Cons: the presence of small parts, chips and burrs on the squares, and high price.


Useful skill will be the ability to collect three-dimensional figures - ranging from geometric and ending with funny houses or animals. For this there are special sets:

  • Model Name: "The" Unicub "set
  • Price: 680 rubles
  • Characteristics: The puzzle consists of twenty seven universal hexagonal identical cubes with colored faces. Of these, it is necessary to collect three-dimensional figures. The game can be offered to children from one and a half years.
  • Pros: develops spatial thinking, combination ability, self-control.
  • Cons: not detected.

Cubes for all

When a child gets over with cubes, you can offer him one of the most complex games series. On advanced level, children can collect objects - animals, houses, cars from two or three figures. The estimated age of the child is 5-7 years old.

  • Model Name: "Set" Bright Cubes "
  • Price: 590 rubles
  • Characteristics: The puzzle consists of seven complex shapes that differ in shape and color. The kit includes a brochure with examples of tasks.
  • Pros: the ability to combine, attention, imagination.
  • Cons: The presence of chips on the edge of the cubes.


Those parents for whom great importance Have environmental characteristics and safety of toys, the soul will have to be variation with wooden storage. They are more durable, although the baby can like fewer bright light plastic cubes.

  • Model name: "A set of" bricks for small "
  • Price: 400 rubles
  • Characteristics: Includes eight wooden storage rooms having one-color face and notepad with tasks. The age of the child is from three years.
  • Pros: helps to develop visual-effective and spatial thinking, eye meter.
  • Cons: No found.

How to choose nikitin cubes

Like any other toy, the developing cubes of Nikitin should choose, based on the wishes of the child. If he liked wooden shelter, It is not necessary to impose multi-colored cubes or squares. When choosing nikitin cubes, it is worth considering the age of a child and the complexity of the game, the psychological and physiological features of the kid.

It is necessary to start with a simple. Even if the task seems to be elementary, let the child gather an example: let him feel the taste of victory, and only then go to a more complex level using job albums.

The game is easy to find in a free sale. You can buy nikitin cubes in toy stores, order in online stores. Another option is to buy it on the official website of the Nikitin family with delivery from Moscow or St. Petersburg by mail. The price of nikitin cubes varies from 350 rubles to 3500 rubles: the exact cost from the manufacturer, materials, size size. On the official website will be more expensive, but better.


Nikitina "Cubes for All" game (Light) is perhaps the most difficult of all invented by the famous teacher. She teaches a child to work with the scope of "to the touch", simulate it, develops attention, spectatic memory, combinatorial abilities and volumetric thinking.

Using the methodological instructions for the game Nikitin "Cubes for All", your child collects from bright monochrome elements (each of which consists of 3-4 cubes) any completely recognizable three-dimensional figure - "Airplane", "Dog", "Cot" and etc. This bulk "Tetris" teaches working with spatial images. In the process, the kid learns to recognize the elements in the form, its imagination is actively working, logical thinking develops.

Nikitina "Cubes for All" game: how to do

Before starting the game, offer the child to come up with the details of the "names", show that you can combine them, getting new volumes. First, select two parts to create the simplest figure (for example, a "bed") and offer the child to combine them in different ways - it must learn to manipulate the volume by receiving the necessary figure. Your faithful assistant in the game with cubes Nikitin will be the principle of "monkeys": you build a figure, and the baby repeats it for you (for this you have to purchase two sets so that everyone has its own). Then learn how to find parts in diagrams - first color, then black and white.

When the simplest forms will be mastered, add one part, gradually complicating tasks, offer a child to find for each option not one, and several solution options.

The kit includes 7 wooden cubes of nikitin (bulk elements of different shapes) and brochure with tasks.

Decide interesting and difficult tasks in the game Nikitin "Cubes for All"!

Game description

How to make a game

How to play

Game description

Game description

We have once bought these cubes in the store. We, adults, tried to fulfill the tasks, but ... it was not there. With great difficulty, we managed to master only one thing - to fold the cube of all 7 figures. And these cubes were forgotten for many years. Children grew, we came up with different games And they soon discovered that children are much superior to us, adults, in the ability to solve such tasks. The older guys found these forgotten cubes, quickly decided all the tasks and began to invent new ones. The kids immediately joined them. I had to urgently make some more such sets of large and small cubes, and the passion covered the whole family. The kids preferred to build simpler models of 2-3 figures, older - more complex, out of 4-5 or even from all 7.

To fold an interesting model, it was necessary for a long time and stubbornly tinker with cubes. Therefore, each successful model was happy, but not to forget it, sketched. There was a difficulty: how to distinguish each figure in a complex model? Where, what and how to put a figure?

I had to paint all 7 figures in different colors. Six in the main, and the seventh figurine was left white to, drawing on paper, it was not necessary to paint. Now everything, even the smallest, could and sketch their model, and paint all the figures in it with the appropriate color. The model thus persisted.

Models were obtained different - and strict geometric shapes in the form of a cube or a parallelepiped, and could resemble houses, cars, animal figures and people or simply represented interesting symmetric structures. So the idea arose to make new game. After a few months, several hundred pictures of new models have accumulated, from which we selected 70.

The game teaches to think with spatial images (volumetric figures), the ability to combine them and is much more complicated than games with ordinary cubes. Apparently, therefore schoolchildren are so not indifferent to her.

How to make a game

How to make a game

For the manufacture of the game requires 27 identical cubes. Of them glue 7 figures, different in shape: the first figure of 3, and each of the 4 cubes each (Fig. 45).

Fig. 45.

When gluing, pay attention to the accuracy of the edges of the faces. After drying the adhesive, stratum the plane so that the figures firmly lightened one to the other when folding, and slightly sharply sharpen the rib (0.5 - 1 mm). Figure 1 color in green color, 2 - in blue, 3 - in yellow, 4 - black, 5 - in red, 6 - in white and 7 - in brown.

For storage of figures, make a cardboard box with a 3x5x2 cube cap, i.e. if the edge of the cubes is 30 mm, then the box 95x155 mm and a depth of 60 mm. In such a box can not fit 27, and 30 cubes, so laying figures after the game will be easier, as it will also be empty place For 3 cubes.

Carefully consider the tasks for the game (Fig. 46).

Fig. 46.

Fig. 47.

Fig. 48.

Fig. 49.

Fig. fifty

Fig. 51.

If your child does not know how to read, does not know the numbers and will not be able to focus on a specific figure, then in this case, it is better to draw individual tasks on tight paper sheets and then these tasks can be grouped according to your series, for example, kV-1, 2. For convenience, each manufactured series can be folded into a separate envelope or paper package and write the name of the game and the name of the series on it.

The KV-1 series is the simplest, it is necessary for the first acquaintance with the game and to teach kids to find out the figures in form and color, and later by numbers. Quest numbers from 1 to 7 coincide with the numbering of figures, only delivered otherwise than in Fig. 45. This is done so that parents can make sure that the baby learns the figure and understands how to put it on the table.

It is assumed that, looking at the task, the baby will build the model of the model - copies of drawn. At first, of course, the simplest, and then, growing and becoming smarter, more and more complicated until they even serve a series of KV-7. And only drawings of tasks will be needed for the baby. If he cannot cope with any task, it will postpone it and takes on another, the third or postponed the game at all for a while.

How to play

How to play

The rules of the game in "KB" are similar to the rules of the game "Unicub". Putting in front of him the task, the baby builds the exact same model as drawn from the figures. Buing one, it proceeds to the next, more complex, etc.

In fact, the baby here has to solve two tasks at the same time: first, choose from 7 figures only 2-3 (or more, if the model is complex), which are necessary for building a model; Secondly, to give these figures the position that they occupy in the model, that is, to connect them and lay them into the model.

The first part represents sobody, therefore, a mental analysis of the drawing-tasks - on which figures it can be disdable, and the second - synthesis, first mental, and then the subject. Forcing the child to continuously engage in such analytical synthetic activities, and even on the "ceiling" of its capabilities, i.e. strain to the limit, the game quickly develops in it what is commonly called the ingenuity and that in reality is perhaps the most the main feature Each creative mind.

But the construction of models in drawings-tasks is a relatively simple, preparatory part, laying the foundation for the main, creative work. It begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and fold new models, which is not in the book. This is really possible and you need to admire parents, it is necessary to maintain and encourage. Figures for the game have almost inexhaustible possibilities of various combinations and allow you to make a huge number of different models or different options The same model. For example, put all the 7 figures in the cube for a task 61 can be several tens of ways.

The baby can be suggested first to make models of only 2 figures, for example, from the 1st and 2nd, 1st and 3rd, out of the 1st and 4th, etc. and then postpone the 1st figure and Apply to the 2nd all other figures in turn. Some of these models can seem to you or a child with beautiful, interesting, something resembling; For example, model 39 resembles a sofa, 47 - robot, 64 - giraffe, etc. Such interesting models, of course, must be saved and, it means to draw.

To do this, it is necessary to give a child a box of colored pencils from 6 pieces and a special notebook into a cage, on which you or the kid will write: "For new models of Vanya ..." Well, if there will be several pages for models of the KV-2 series (from it 2 figures), the following - for the models of the KV-3 series, etc. for each series. I sketching new interesting models and noting the date, you can observe how the kid is being developed. When it starts filling the section for the KV-7 series, then we can assume that its development is high enough.

To develop an interest in the child to the game, you must try to fulfill the rules of the game, which is stated at the beginning of the book, and invent new ones. For example, in this game, difficult for adults, the child can be captivated by inventing new models, and then drawing up tasks for adults.

Let the kid himself sketch new modelAnd then make only her contour. Adults do not need to be embarrassed, let them also seriously like a kid, take a box with the game, put in front of you "new task" and try to fold the model. And let the child perform the role of a senior learning and controlling. Nothing if he set a watch or a stopwatch and will measure who quickly, dad or mom coped with his own task.



I try not to buy fashionable interactive toys to your children. There were sad shopping experiences, but they played a month and a half, then these toys went to the dusty corner. I try to buy ordinary quality dolls, designers, mosaic, in general, where the child must come up with something in themselves or build their own scene line games. And not all ready.

One of my recent acquisitions were "Cubes for all" from "Lightovida". These cubes are designed according to Nikitin technique. Packed cubes in a plywood box, there are cardboard packaging, but plywood is more durable.

This is a puzzle game, consisting of cubes of various shapes and a book with tasks, where the figures are offered to be folded from these cubes. All at first glance.

Cubes themselves a copy of the figures from a friend to all Tetris, straight nostalgia punches))) Made from well-treated tree. There is not a single jar and irregularity. There is no odorless smell. On the contrary, when you open the box of the smell of a cut tree.

In the bookmaker, tasks "from simple to complex" are given. If the first pages for an adult will not make any difficulty, the last figures will make thinking.

Start book

Tasks from the end of the book:

My older daughter (4.5 years) just masters the construction of the first figures from this book. While complicated for her, but over time, I think we will build everything with her.

Price at the time of purchase about 400 rubles

The simplest of the cubes of Nikitina "Some Pattern" - can be done from two years.

Game description

We have once bought these cubes in the store. We, adults, tried to fulfill the tasks, but ... it was not there. With great difficulty, we managed to master only one thing - to fold the cube of all 7 figures. And these cubes were forgotten for many years. Children grew, we came up with different games and soon discovered that children are much superior to us, adults, in the ability to solve such tasks. The older guys found these forgotten cubes, quickly decided all the tasks and began to invent new ones. The kids immediately joined them. I had to urgently make some more such sets of large and small cubes, and the passion covered the whole family. The kids preferred to build simpler models of 2-3 figures, older - more complex, out of 4-5 or even from all 7.

To fold an interesting model, it was necessary for a long time and stubbornly tinker with cubes. Therefore, each successful model was happy, but not to forget it, sketched. There was a difficulty: how to distinguish each figure in a complex model? Where, what and how to put a figure?

I had to paint all 7 figures in different colors. Six in the main, and the seventh figurine was left white to, drawing on paper, it was not necessary to paint. Now everything, even the smallest, could and sketch their model, and paint all the figures in it with the appropriate color. The model thus persisted.

The models were obtained different - and strict geometric forms in the form of a cube or a parallelepiped, and could resemble houses, machines, figuratively liqueuriyli-stroke-standing interesting symmetric structures. So there was an idea to make a new game. After a few months, several hundred pictures of new models have accumulated, from which we selected 70.

The game teaches to think with spatial images (volumetric figures), the ability to combine them and is much more complicated than games with ordinary cubes. Apparently, therefore schoolchildren are so not indifferent to her.

How to make play

For the manufacture of the game requires 27 identical cubes. Of them glue 7 figures, different in shape: the first figure of 3, and each of the 4 cubes each (Fig. 45).

Fig. 45.

When gluing, pay attention to the accuracy of the edges of the faces. After drying the adhesive, stratum the plane so that the figures firmly lightened one to the other when folding, and slightly sharply sharpen the rib (0.5 - 1 mm). Figure 1 Circle in green, 2 - in blue, 3 - in yellow, 4 - black, 5 - in red, 6 - in white and 7 - in brown.

For storage of figures, make a cardboard box with a 3x5x2 cube cap, i.e. if the edge of the cubes is 30 mm, then the box 95x155 mm and a depth of 60 mm. Not 27, and 30 cubes can fit in such a box, so laying the figures after the game will be easier, as there will be an empty space for 3 cubes.

Carefully consider the tasks for the game (Fig. 46).

Fig. 46.

Fig. 47.

Fig. 48.

Fig. 49.

Fig. fifty

Fig. 51.

If your child does not know how to read, does not know the numbers and will not be able to focus on a specific figure, then in this case, it is better to draw individual tasks on tight paper sheets and then these tasks can be grouped according to your series, for example, kV-1, 2. For convenience, each manufactured series can be folded into a separate envelope or paper package and write the name of the game and the name of the series on it.

The KV-1 series is the simplest, it is necessary for the first acquaintance with the game and to teach kids to find out the figures in form and color, and later by numbers. Quest numbers from 1 to 7 coincide with the numbering of figures, only delivered otherwise than in Fig. 45. This is done so that parents can make sure that the baby learns the figure and understands how to put it on the table.

It is assumed that, looking at the task, the baby will build the model of the model - copies of drawn. At first, of course, the simplest, and then, growing and becoming smarter, more and more complicated until they even serve a series of KV-7. And only drawings of tasks will be needed for the baby. If he cannot cope with any task, it will postpone it and takes on another, the third or postponed the game at all for a while.

How to play

The rules of the game in "KB" are similar to the rules of the game "Unicub". Putting in front of him the task, the baby builds the exact same model as drawn from the figures. Buing one, it proceeds to the next, more complex, etc.

In fact, the baby here has to solve two tasks at the same time: first, choose from 7 figures only 2-3 (or more, if the model is complex), which are necessary for building a model; Secondly, to give these figures the position that they occupy in the model, that is, to connect them and lay them into the model.

The first part represents sobody, therefore, a mental analysis of the drawing-tasks - on which figures it can be disdable, and the second - synthesis, first mental, and then the subject. Forcing the child to continuously engage in such analytical synthetic activities, and even on the "ceiling" of their capabilities, i.e. strain to the limit, the game quickly develops in it what is commonly called the ingenuity and that in fact is perhaps the most important feature Each creative mind.

Non-conjunction to the factory task-melted simple, preparatory part, the foundation laying for the main, creative work. It begins from the moment when the child begins to invent and fold new models, which is not in the book. This is really possible and you need to admire parents, it is necessary to maintain and encourage. FigurkidLy FigureForType of various combinations and allow us to make a huge number of different models or different variants of the same model. For example, put all the 7 figures in the cube for a task 61 can be several tens of ways.

The baby can be suggested first to make models of only 2 figures, for example, from the 1st and 2nd, 1st and 3rd, out of the 1st and 4th, etc. and then postpone the 1st figure and Apply to the 2nd all other figures in turn. Some of these models can seem to you or a child with beautiful, interesting, something resembling; For example, model 39 resembles a sofa, 47 - robot, 64 - giraffe, etc. Such interesting models, of course, must be saved and, it means to draw.

To do this, it is necessary to give a child a box of colored pencils from 6 pieces and a special notebook into a cage, on which you or the kid will write: "For new models of Vanya ..." Well, if there will be several pages for models of the KV-2 series (from it 2 figures), the following - for the models of the KV-3 series, etc. for each series. I sketching new interesting models and noting the date, you can observe how the kid is being developed. When it starts filling the section for the KV-7 series, then we can assume that its development is high enough.

To develop an interest in the child to the game, you must try to fulfill the rules of the game, which is stated at the beginning of the book, and invent new ones. For example, in this game, difficult for adults, the child can be captivated by inventing new models, and then drawing up tasks for adults.

Let the kid himself dawn up a new model, and then make only her contour. Adults do not need to be embarrassed, let them also seriously like a kid, take a box with the game, put in front of you "new task" and try to fold the model. And let the child perform the role of a senior learning and controlling. Nothing if he set a watch or a stopwatch and will measure who quickly, dad or mom coped with his own task.