The shelter of the Charter needs the key. Dragon Age Quests in Ozammar. Searches for the foreman of Bandelor

The passage of quests are placed in spoilers, so that those who do not want to accidentally read and learn something superfluous, would not spoil themselves from the game.


In the case of the selected origin "Noble Man": In the wild lands of Corcari a little further meeting with the wounded soldier, you will see a field flower, white with a red middle. Given (Coptizians) will tell that the psar from the camp in Ostagar is looking for such a plant, as it thinks that it will be possible to heal the combat pings of Mabari, poisoned by blood of the origin of darkness. Upon returning to Ostor, it will only stay to find a psary and demand award - 50 crowns, 20 or nothing.

In other cases: When approaching the psyar, the dialog will begin in Ostayar. He will ask for your hero, as a new recruit of gray guards, go into a cage with the poisoned blood of the genus of darkness to the dog and put the muzzle on him (or it can be killed and complete the quest, thereby). After that, the psar will add that for the healing of this dog you need a kind of flower growing in the wild lands of Corcari, white with a red middle. When you bring it, Psar will make a healing ointment.

How to get a: Go to a cell with a deserter near the lazaret in Ostayar and talk to him. He will argue that it was not going to escape at all, but in fact tried to paint the key from the chest of magicians. Now, seemingly a few days in a cage, he is ready to exchange this key to food and water. Food can be extracted near the guard nearby:

You can send food in exchange for a key (the approval of Alistair +1, if available in the party) or for just so (Olistaire's approval +2). There is another option to kill the deserter and pick up the key (the disapproval of Alistair -5). Having received some way or another, it remains to choose the moment when the grated will not be near the chest and take its contents (it is necessary to make it before entering the tower).

Wild lands Corkari (Korcari Wilds)

How to get a: To approach the body of the Jogby missionary (Jogby), floating in the lake near the passage of the passage, take a letter from his father Rigby, read about the related supplies and find the chest on the prompts:

  • Find a tree lucked on a destroyed house (to see it, you need to turn),
  • Go under the bridge from the fallen tree (do not miss, for three hanging trees on that tree),
  • Bypassing the rolling tower on the right,
  • Stand between high destroyed arch and standing stone, swing moss,
  • Go along the trail from stones and roots (there will be a flock of wolves),
  • Find two big statues and a chest between them.

Reward: Two-handed flat sword of Hasindov (Chasind FlatBlade) from gray cast iron. Also in the chest there will be another letter to Jogby, in whom the Rigby writes that he could not find Hasindov ...

Codex: Letter to Jogby (A Letter to Jogby), a farewell letter to Jogby (Farwell Letter to Jogby).

How to get a: Find the body of the missionary Rigby (Rigby) on the site behind the bridge from the fallen tree, it will be a sheet with his testament. Next, one should be made to the former camp of the Rigby on the site of the Tevinter Railing in the northwestern part of the wild lands, pick up the casket from the cache in the fire and the amulet clay idol (+10 of the cold resistance). The casket can be opened and leave its contents (uncontrolled amulet) or attribute Jetta (Jetta) in Redcliffe (RedCliffe Village).

Codex: Testament and Last Will Rigby (Rigby "S Last Will and Testament).

How to get a: You need to find the Diary of the Missionary Rigby in his camp in the northwestern part of the wild lands, he lies in the chest between two tents, read it and look around (it is worth pressing the Tab button) - the first sign will be found under the roots of the tree nearby. Next, you should activate it with the right mouse button (aim with a clamping tab), after that other signs will be visible (see the map). Each of them should be approached and in the same way to activate. The activation sequence of the value does not have, the latter will still be a sign near the bridge with an ambigue of the types of darkness and traps. Hasindian cache is found in a drunk tree on the clearing south of the bridge.

Reward: A very good set of weapons and not only - Barbarian Mace Bulaw (Barbarian Mace), Iron Hasind Crucifier (Chasind Crusher), onions of wild lands from Tisa (Thane Helmet) and Hasindov's robe (Chasind Robes).

Codex: Signs of the chasind.

How to get a: Pick up a note and a pork bag (pouch of ashes) from the body of the deceased soldier behind the bridge with an ambigue of the species of darkness and traps. To read, if you wish, check this information to climb the hill to the north and dispel the dust on the pile of stones. After that, Gazarath will appear (Gazarath) ...

Codex: Puha (a pinch of ashes).

Lottering (Lothering)

How to get a: Go to lottering in the plot. At the entrance, your company will stop the gangsters, which for permission to enter the village will require 10 silver. What can be done:

  • try to pay off, but the bandits will not stop and want 20 silver,
  • tell gangsters that followed by a badly protected shopping caravan, they can believe it
  • to intimidate the gangsters with its affiliation to gray guards (however, learning about it, they can hurt a reward promised for yours with an alistern head),
  • provoke an attack (refuse to pay).

If the option is to fight, then during the fight it is necessary to concentrate on the leader of the gangsters - it capitulates when it becomes almost the corpse. Next, you can demand to give all the loot (in the amount of more gold), and then release them or finally finish them. You can also inform the family of robbed elves sitting near the bridge in the lotning, about fate, comprehended gangsters, if those perished or run away. Finally, in the church you can find the head of the temples, Sir Braiant, he will reward you with 20 silver for the news of the disappearance of bandits (it can also be requested to request additional help and it will give a key from the chest).

Note: There should be ancient elven boots in the dresser of the church of the lottery, however, there are no mistakes there. About how to fix it.

How to get a: After holding disassembly with gangsters near the lottering, you can notice right there, on the tract, the body of the temple killed by them. Take a medallion and a note from the body, read. Apparently, the deceased was Sir Heinrik (Ser Henric), who was looking for the urn of the Holy Prah (Urn of Sacred Ashes). Next, it should be found in the church of his comrade, Sir Donall (Ser Donall), tell him about the fate of Sir Herarca and return his medallion. Sir Donall can clarify the situation slightly more - it turns out that the urn is wanted for sick-sick-sick Earl Eamon's disease from Rarclif. If you ask about award, then Sir Donall will give 1 gold.

Codex: Note Sir Henric (A Note From Ser Henric).

How to get a: To approach Elder Miriam in the lotning. She will ask to find therapeutic plants in the forest and make at least three small healing kippers for patients, wounded and refugees. For this you need three elven roots (Elfroots, even grow in lottering) and three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin). Of course, it is necessary to deal with herbs (contact Morrigan if that). Reward: 50 silver.

How to get a: To come to Barlin (Barlin) in Refuge's refuge (Dane "s refuge) and ask if there is no well-paid work in the lottering. Barlin will offer to get three bottles of poison (Venom) so that he can poison the traps on his fields. For the manufacture of such poison We need three animals of poison (toxin extracts, you can get from giant spiders that settled north of the lottering), three flasks (Flasks, you can buy from Barlin) and good knowledge in poisons (contact Leliana). Reward: 75 Serebryakov.

How to get a: Go to Allyson (Allison) in lottering. She really wants to put the trap in his fields following the example of Barlin and asks her three rope traps (this is the same as capps, Spring Trap). To do this, you will need three launchers (Trap Triggers, you can buy from Barlin) and some knowledge of traps. Reward: 50 silver.

How to get a: Speak with Stan sitting in a cage, at the northern exit from the lottering. From different sources you can find out that Stan was planted in a cage for killing. However, he will express the willingness to redeem the crime, helping the gray guards in the fight against the divisions of Darkness. To free it, you need a key from a cell that is stored in the reverength mother, the following options are possible:

  • convince the Reverend Mother to release Stan under the custody of gray guards, it is difficult to achieve this, to facilitate the task it is worth a wider in favor of the Church, and the more, the better;
  • if there is Lelian in the party, then the reverend mother will release Stan at her request;
  • in the presence of the skill of theft of someone from the oppiators to try to steal the key;
  • in the presence of the ability to hacking, someone from the oppiators try to hack the cage.

An attempt to intimidate the Rev. Mother will chase Morrigan (+4) and shocks Alistair (-13). Note: Stan must be rescued from the cell to the end of any of the following quests: broken circle (Broken Circle), Earl Redcliffe (Arl of Redcliffe), perfect (Paragon of Her Kind) or the nature of the Beast (Nature of the Beast).

The preacher's board in the lotning (Lothering Chanter "S Board):

How to get a: Read on the board of the preacher near the Church announcement that Sir Bryant promised to pay 3 gold to someone who could eliminate three gangster hays, torn to the north of the lottering. Then it remains to do this and get a reward from Davons Preacher (Chanter Devons, in addition to gold - the leader of the third gang must be equipped with a complete heavy steel armor).

Note: After that, two next quest become available.

How to get a: Read on the preacher board announcement that farmers complain about the attacks of serolands north of the lottering. After that, look for three bears, rub with them and take away the award from the preacher - 1 gold.

How to get a: Read the preacher about the boy, whose mother disappeared almost a week ago. The bolt, who found her body or some things that could remain in memory of the Syrote, promises a remuneration of 50 silver. The body of Sarhi lies beyond the field, surrounded by flocks of wolves. You should fight off from them, pick up a copper filigree ring and return for a reward.

Magic Circle (The Circle of Magi)

How to get a: Find in the library that on the first floor of the circle tower, at least half of the breeded book and conduct experiments by activating various subjects In strict accordance with the description of the call rituals (there are substantial discrepancies in the names of the Russian translation!).

Exercise first: Summoning font, a guide of spiritual figures (Tome of Spirit Personages), the appeal of the first (Summoning the first) is completed by the appearance of the Ghost Boa (Spirit Hog).

Exercise Second: Summoning font, the unusual profession of Rodercoma (Rodercom Uncommon Calling), the statue of Magus Gorvish (Statue of Magus Gorvish), the summoning of the second (Summoning the Second) is completed by the advent of a dextering Plut (Trickster WHIM).

Exercise Third: Summoning Font, Grande Bestiary (Elvorn's Grande Bestiary), Table Carving Place (Common Table Carving Spot), Etherialis Spiritorum, Statue Maggus Gorvish (Statue of Magus Gorvish), NOVICE PHYLACTERY "Summoning The Third) - ends with the appearance of a" tearing shadow "(Fade Rifter), with whom you have to figure out (the reward will be leather gloves (+ 10% to damage from electricity), so-called. Electricized Mitts (Charged Mitts )).

Exercise fourth (is the sequence of all three previous): Summoning font, a reference book of spiritual figures (Tome of Spirit Personages), an unusual profession of Rodercoma (Rodercom Uncommon Calling), a statue of Maga Gorvish (Statue of Magus Gorvish), Bolshaya Bestiary (Elvorn's Grande Bestiary), a place for carving Common Table Carving Spot), Spiritorum Etherialis, statue of Maga Gorvisha (Statue of Magus Gorvish), Newbie Amulet (Novice Phylactery), Calling Fourth (Summoning The Fourth) - Arl Foreshadow, which should be quick Drag while he did not evaporate, and get a note for the code.

Codex: Summoning Sciences, Notees of Arl Foreshadow (The Notes of Arl Foreshadow).

How to get a: In the Big Hall (Great Hall) on the third floor of the Tower of Circle find five contaminated pages, read them and conclude that writing these magicians became victims of the Beyha Joam's Baichi fraudster. After that, when moving global Map A meeting will occur (Random Encounter) with him and his gang, according to the results of which you will gain award - Hood with cameo (Cameo Cowl, +2 to tricks, +0.5 to restoration of health in battle).

Codex: Five pages, four magicians (Five Pages, Four Mages).

How to get a: In the circle tower, find and read notes for the Code: three on the first floor (in the rooms of students and in the library), two more on the second floor (near Osayne and blood magicians) and the last on the third floor, in the Big Hall. After that, in the rest room of the Big Hall you need to activate the statues in this order:

  • statue with a vessel in hand (The Vessel in Hand);
  • statue with raised sword (A Sword Raised);
  • statue with a sword lowered (A Sword Lowered);
  • statue with shield (Shielded from Each Side) in the central room near the stairs on the fourth floor.

If everything is done correctly, the task will be updated and you can go down to the first floor to the door to the basement. When trying to open it, the demon Shah Wyrd (Shah Wyrd) should appear, you will be able to deal with it and pick up award - Usaris, Dragon (two-handed Silverite with 2 slots for rune, +20 to fire resistance, +5 to damage against dragons).

Codex: Watchguard of the Reaching); Yusaris, Dragonslayer).

How to get a: Find the body of a magician of the blood from the northern exit from the lottering to the imperial tract (this must be done before the destruction of the town) and pick up a letter of white of the year. Next, you should go to the circle tower and on the second floor to find a cachela (Bel "s cache).

Codex: Relasking criminal (maleficarum regrets).

RedCliff (Redcliffe)

Quests Lost baby and lost in the castle You can get agreeing to help the village of Redcliff reflect the attack of the lives of the dead, and the rest - after the battle.

How to get a: To talk to Caitlin (Kaitlyn), sobbing in the Church of Redcliff. She will ask to find her younger brother, Bevin (Bevin). You should find Keitlin's house in the village, go to the bedroom on the first floor and open the closet, in which Beevin hides. We can make the conviction or intimidation, you can get it to give the key from the chest on the second floor with a family sword, a green clinic (The Green Blade). If it does not work, you can try again in the church.

Since the sword is worth the money, then Keitlin should pay for it: 50, 75, 100 or 500 silver (but not necessarily). The selected amount will affect the attitude towards you, Morrigan will be against any fee, Stan will approve the sum from hundreds. In the appendage to the sword Keitlin, you can score a kiss, and after the battle to help them both go to Dencherim.

How to get a: To talk with an old-age murdoch about the help of the defenders of the village of Rarcliff and promise Kuznez Owen (Owen) to find in the castle of his daughter, Valena (Valena), despite the disapproval of Morrigan and Stan (-5). Valena will be removed in a small storage room on the lower floor of the Redcliffe Castle - Main Floor. You can tell her about the underground tunnel or suggest to wait in this storage room, in any case she will run away, and after will be in the blacksmith.

However, if you do not find Valen before the healing of the Connor, it will be considered dead and have to say about this Owen. Then, afterwards, a new blacksmith will appear in the village with another set of goods for sale, it can be purchased from a far song (Far Song) (so., If you can save Valen, then buy this weapon is impossible). Reward:

  • Amulet (Amulet) - If I say Owen about the death of the Valen, and then introduce yourself to the new blacksmith relative Owen,
  • Armored Dwarven Armor (Shielded Dwarven Armor) - If you save Owen's daughter.

Note. In the case of the salvation of Valen, Owen will be on sale Boots of Diligence, part of the Diligence Armor SET. The Kuznets, which will replace Owen, sells the onion distant song, perhaps the best bow in the game. Make your choice.

Brecilian Forest

How to get a: Politely talk to Cammen (Cammen) in the Doli camp. He is languishing the heine elf (Gheyna), and she does not perceive the poor man seriously, because He is just a student of the hunter. You can help a couple connect:

  • having mined a wolf skin in the forest for the cammen so that he will finally become a hunter,
  • by convincing Hein (the skill of influence!) that the social situation of the cammen is not so important.

Award The Book of Saga will be about Iloryen (it can be given to hermit or sell). Or you can dilute a couple forever:

  • seducting the cammen and ripped about this heine (if you have a heroine),
  • seducting the Gaine and told the camman about this (if you have a hero),
  • uver with the guinea in the fact that Kamman in secret hates her
  • having said heine that cammen is actually going to simply drag her into bed.

Codex: Saga about Iloren (The Tale of Iloren).

How to get a: Stumble in West Bresilian on the wounded elf, Daigan (Deygan), and decide what to do with it:

  • throw it or kill
  • take to the camp of the values, on the way, passing the patrol led by Metra (Mithra).

During the examination of the injured, you can assign it things: dagger, booms, black leather boots and a figure of a Doli hunter carved from maple wood (taking into account the consequence of this will be deteriorating relationships with the clan). If you save Daigan, then the next time you visit the camp with it will be able to talk and get a reward - sapphire (Sapphire), and if the things of the elf were stolen, then it will be possible to return the statuette and not spoil relations with the values.

How to get a: To talk to Varathorn (Varathorn) in the camp of the Doli and agree to search for him in the forest Bresilian Iron Cour, from which he can make special weapons and armor. Corta can be found in Western Bresilian, in a fallen tree near the northern exit to the eastern part of the forest. Next will be left to take it to the master and decide on the reward:

  • ask Varatory to make onion with a wolf (Wolf-killer, 28 dexterity is required, damage 8.40, a critical impact modifier 1.40%, breaking the armor 7.20, +4 to the damage against the dead, +8 to the damage against animals),
  • ask the Master to make a breastplate from Silverite, Varathorn's Armor (Varathorn "S Armor, 30 power, armor 8.92, fatigue 8.75%, +3 to armor, +20 to stability to nature forces, +25 to endurance),
  • if you have enough influence, convince Varatory to do both,
  • refuse awards and get a comforting prize - Amulet Varathorn (Varathorn "s amulet, +20 to resistance to nature forces, -1 physique),
  • overly fellow and stay with the bark.

Note: This quest should be completed quickly to avoid glitches.

How to get a: Or convince the Athras in the camouflage camp to tell about his wife, Daniell (Danyla), infected with a curse of a weaken, or stumble upon Daniella in East Bresilian. According to Atraz, the cut claims that Daniella is dead, but he does not allow the atras to see her body. Atraces is convinced that Daniella is alive, but became worn, and hopes that you will find her in the forest. You will really find it in East Bresilian (East Brecilian Forest), among the group of iswolves, then can:

  • kill Daniella from pity (Winn and Leliana will approve it),
  • refuse to kill her and then Daniell will attack you herself.

Daniella will ask for his scarf (SCARF) at the atras. On this scarf, you can replace something at the Hermit (Mad Hermit) or transfer it to the appointment of the atras and get for it award - Athras Pendant (Athras "s pendant)which can also be used in exchanging with hermit. The choice of your replicas in the last conversation with the arrangement can cause different companyon reactions (for example, referenceing that Daniella loves Atraces, will cause the disapproval of Morrigan (-3) and the approval of Leliana (+2)).

Note: If this quest is not completed, and you took the side of the waswolf and decided to kill the values, then the atras will attack you and is a weaken, and if you decide not to kill the values, then the atras will say that it goes to look for Daniell himself (there will be no remuneration).

ORZAMMAR (Orzammar)

Nugi Wrangler Boermar (Nug Wrangler Boermor) asks to return to him at least one Naga - alas, everyone felt in different directions. The quest is completed after delivering to him one naga, but you can bring four more for money.

You should look out for in the district of pink, loudly having foods, catch them and deliver the sign:

  • to the right of the gateway in the community halls of Orzammar,
  • near Berkel Brother (Brother Burkel)
  • on the bridge leading to the test arena,
  • near the entrance to the depth trails
  • in Zakull, next to the door of the gunsmith Janara.

Reward: 12 silver and 25 experience for each Naga.

Codex: Nag (nug).

Brother Berkel (Brother Burkel) from the Redcliff Church, rubbing in communal halls near the entrance to the dusty city, says that he returned to the country of ancestors for the distribution of the light of faith. He would like to open the church in Ozammar, which will carry the gnomes of the Song of Light, but the keeper permission is required. You can promise Berkel to fold a word for him in front of the chronicler Chronicles (it will cause Leliana's approval +2 and the disapproval of Stan -5), or say that he should not interfere with the religion of the gnomes (there will be no re-conversation).

Chiefer Czibor (Shaperate) in the Diamond Quarter) is in the Diamond Quarter. In a conversation with him, you can use conviction or intimidation (it is possible for a character with a developed skill of influence), as well as trick. If your character is influential enough or a chiter, then the chronicler will give Brother Berkel permission to open a small church in Ozammar, otherwise you will have to upset Berkel with refusal.

Note: From the epiloga, you will learn that after the discovery of the Church in Ozammar, many newly converts appeared among the gnomes and caused problems. The Council decided to close the church, but Brother Berkel resisted and was killed during a peaceful procession. The Council declared this death by an accident, but the church reached the earliest unrest, where they began to happen that the Supreme Priestess was thinking about the new holy campaign ...

When the quest about the search for Jarvia in the Karta Hideout shelter, you can stumble upon a note about the jammer cache. From this note it follows that somewhere here in the chest, locked on a special castle, preydated mining. To open it, you will need three things out of three other bandits chests, and in each of them contained three subjects, but you need to take only the cheapest of them (Gray Guard will receive on one injury for each wrong object, while he himself will disappear from the inventory, so it is not worth worrying about missed benefit):

  • kanky Chest (Kanky "s COMMON BOX, label 1 on the map): Silver Ring for Dresses (Silver Costume Ring),
  • jammer Chest (Jammer "S Common Box, 2 on the map): Iron Letter Opener (IRON Letter Opener),
  • sundoo peak (Pique "s COMMON BOX, Tag 3 on the map): Pomegranate decoration (Garnet Trinket).

As soon as we collect all the right objects, they will disappear from the inventory, and instead they will appear the key from the chest with prey, which stands in a snack with manual deep hunters (label 4 on the map).

Reward: 7 Golden 55 silver 45 copiers and helmet for long-housing (Longrunner "S Cap, light helmet, +0.5 to the restoration of endurance in battle).

Codex: Jammer's Cache S Stash).

From the conversation with the Assistant Chronicler Mildrat (Shaper Assistant Milldrate), you will learn that the keepers of the rogue - they lost a rare folio. The thief is most likely branded from slums and according to the description of bald.

IN Dusty city Lay and finish off the ghostly Corbita (Shady Corebit), there is a receipt on his body. It is similar to those that are printed on the Test arena and the whole crumpled, the rate clearly turned out to be unsuccessful. In the middle of the northern wing of the arena, you will see a group of suspicious types led by Clematz Gredin (Fixer Gredin). Of course, they will have to deal with them (in this wing can only be accessed after conversation with Dulin Forinder or the completion of the quest Perfect). Pay attention to the Jerrin (Jertrin) standing next to Chupets, this is a stolen batchman and he wants to buy a folio. Quest Completion Options:

  • Jerrin will pay for folitic 2 gold and 30 silver,
  • mildrart's chronicler assistant will thank you, but will not give anything (and the experience will not add either).

Note: If you want to sell a folio, then it should be done right away, Jergin will not talk to you again.

On the streets of the dusty city (Dust Town) you will see a grain (Zerlinda), asking for the alms for your son. If you give 5 silver or ask about her situation, you can find out that once she belonged to the caste of miners, but her son bore from untouchable, after which the native renounce her (because According to the Dwarf tradition, the boy inherits Cast Father) , and the father of the child threw it (because he wanted a daughter to get to the cast of miners). You can somehow try to help the Grass (Winn it approves +2):

  • try to convince or intimidate (skill of influence!) Her father of Odella, often exiting the Ozammarian tavern "at the Kabatchikov", take it back along with the child;
  • we persuade the grain to leave the child on the deep paths (as its relatives require), after which she can return home;
  • if the quest Song on the deep trails Completed, then:
    • advise the grain yourself to ask for help from Brother Berkel,
    • try to persuade (the skill of influence!) Berkel's brother to allow her to stay with a new church;
  • tell the grains about the lack of caste on the surface and convince her to leave ORZAMMAR.

Reward: For reconciliation of grassing with family, experience glasses are added, ~ 200Exp.

Denerim (Denerim)

Once in the trading quarter of Denerima, you will certainly meet Sere Landry, who will know you, as it was also at Ostagar, and will cause a duel, in order to take revenge on the gray guard for the betrayal and the death of King Keylan (he believes Logain's words). You can:

  • (influence) to lie that you are not a gray guard at all, then Ser Landry will apologize and go away,
  • (influence) convince Landry that if he is mistaken, he will kill the innocent, then he will say that he feels like your guilt, but he has no evidence, so he will meet with you again when they find them, and goes away
  • agree to a duel and make a scuffle with Landry and his supporters in Zakoleke for a tavern "baked nobleman" (Gnawed Noble Tavern),
  • abandon the duel, after which Landry will leave, saying that this is not all (later, during the transitions in deserim, you will fall into an ambush arranged).

Reward: Bulaw with letters (engraved Mace, Veridium, damage 6.50, dexterity +1, damage +1, mental resistance + 5%) from body sulfur Landry.

Blackstone Irregulars (Blackstone Irregulars)

Quests of volunteers can be started talking to Blackstone Svyaznoma in Refuge's refuge (Dane "s refuge) in lottering or later, seeing another connected near the Church of Rarcliff or in the denerime tavern.

How to get a: Agree to deliver letters about the call to serve TROIM recruits:

  • Dernal Harrison in Redcliffe (Dernal Garrison, Redcliffe), living in a house opposite the stone bridge on the road to the mill;
  • Patter Gritcher in Lottering (Patter Gritch, Lothering), taking into the Church, near the entrance to the room of the St. Mother;
  • Barela Baern in Denerim (Varel Baern, Denerim), who is acquired by Elven Alienage.

Note. A letter to the Gritech must be attributed before the lottery will be destroyed, otherwise the quest will remain unfinished.

Codex: Letter from the Blackstone Irregulars letter from the Blackstone.

How to get a: In the denerma tavern "Frontalist nobleman" agree to deliver four notices of the death of volunteers who died in the service, their wives:

  • Sarah (SARA) in Denerim Market District (Denerim Market District);
  • Tania (Tania) in the dirty alley of Deneerim (Dirty Back Alley, Denerim);
  • Larana (Larana) in the hotel spoiled princess on the pier of Lake Calenhad (Spoiled Princess, Lake Calenhad Docks);
  • IRIRIA (IRENIA) to Redcliffe CHANTRY church.

Codex: Letter with condolences from Blackstone Volunteers (Blackstone Letter of Condolences).

How to get a: Agree to return the stolen commits of volunteers, having tripped the deserters who assigned them and sobraying them:

  • Deserter Sammael, Lake Calenhad Pier (Sammael The Deserter, Lake Calenhad Docks);
  • Deserter Tornas, Frosty Mountains (Tornas the Deserter, Frostback Mountains);
  • Deserter Laison, Delmanim, Port Back Torches (Layson The Deserter, Deneerim, Run-Down Back Street).

Note. The diary indicates that Sammael is in the forest Bresilian.

Community Mages (The Mages "Collective)

Quests can be started by talking with the community connected to the pier of Lake Calenkhad, in the trading quarter of Derulema or Rarcliff.

On the pier of Lake Calenkhad Agree to deliver the notice of dismissal to three not too prominent students of the magician of the Turraster:

  • Starrick (Starrick) - who is acquired by the main gate to Ozammar (Orzammar),
  • Fayda (Fayd) is a standing in the center of Denerima Trading Quarter (Denerim Market District),
  • Shemet (Sheth) - in the Dicks of the Tedas, which is in the trading quarter of Denerima (Wonder of themed).

Reward: 2 gold.

Codex: Letter of Termination (Letter of Termination).

On the pier of Lake Calenkhad Agree to find and bring 10 convolutions of deep mushrooms (Deep Mushrooms). These mushrooms often come across various containers, but if you do not have 10 pieces, you can buy them from a gnome-trader hand (RUDS) on the deep paths (Deep Roads). Reward: 1 gold.

The child does not need a good father. He needs a good teacher. And man - good friend. And a woman is a loved one. And in general, let's talk better about the stitches tracks.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Far Rainbow"

The calm of Ferelden threatens not only mor. Hundreds of scum all the masters raised their heads, waiting for the end of the world. We can how to join them, and punish the bastards. And so that you probably did not miss any opportunity, we have compiled a list of additional tasks that have not yet been disassembled on our pages.

  • Ostor and wild lands - the beginning of history
  • Lottering - Live Dead City
  • Circle Mages - Magic Secrets
  • Redcliffe - Stole Call
  • Refuge - classic easter egg
  • Brzilian Forest - Footprints
  • ORZAMMAR - thieves and their mining
  • Delmanim - Task Series
  • Guilds - Find all
  • Sheila - Rough Beauty

Let's start with the prehistory of our heroes. In each case, we can perform several additional tasks, but they are simple - training. You can even miss them and rushing immediately in Ostor. However, a painstaking study of the elementary territories will bring you not only money, experience and some gear. At the very beginning, when the hero is very young and inexperienced, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the world that it will not be possible to find out. So we advise you to look at all corners, at least at first.

Each prehistory will bring you something useful, makes it easier for your way. The noble man will receive PSA, the Doli - a good bow ... In a word, each one. But there is one hero, which will be much easier at the start. This is a noble gnome - he leaves Duncan, tapping more than twenty gold in his pocket! Well, let's go after them.

Ostor and wild lands

Sick dog

GNIAI policy

Talk to the camp with a psarem, and he will tell you about the patient of Mabari, who laughed in a pursued blood. To cure it, you need a special flower that grows in the wild lands of Corcari. According to the plot, you still have to go there, so we boldly agree. Look in the ruins in a pair of meters from the place where you will meet the wounded soldier. The cured dog will join you after the remainor battle, if you have not yet acquired a pet.

Hungry prisoner

In the camp in the cage hangs an unfortunate soldier. It is not only not released, but also do not feed. The poor fellow will ask him to get some foods. Before giving consent and food, ask the prisoner, for which he was planted. At the end of the story, you can pay off the prisoner from the jag chest. Food can be obtained from the guard, convincing either bribing it. And the chest open will be only after returning from wild lands when the pacifier will be deceived.


At the race, the peak can be deceived to get a good sword. But first, the boy must be caught - find it from the Warriors of the ashes, and then run next.

Missionar chest

Not far from the border of the wild lands you will find the body of the Jogby missionary. You can withdraw a letter with prompts - where to find a treasure. Check in the south of the card.

Traces of Chasinggov

In the west of wild lands there is an abandoned parking and a chest in which the magazine lies. Read it and follow the mark that appears. The chain of such traces will lead you to the cland.

Last Wola

Dog plays the role of psychoanalyst

Professor Sleeps - Students Rada

In the center of the wessenger you will get a corpse of Rigby. In the will described where his things are hidden: in the abandoned camp west of the body. Dipping the Larchik, you can either open it or attribute widow Jette. She is waiting for you in the Church of Rarcliff.

Demon from ash

On the corpse of a soldier, not far from Emissar Garlocks, there is a bag of ash and a sheet with a local legend. The legend is truthful, and, pouring ashes on a bunch of stones to the north-west of the bridge, you will call the Gasarata - "Orange" Demon of Wrath. Winners are waiting for good trophies.


Create three parires / Cappon / Bottles with poison

The tasks of the same type are taken from Miriam, Ellison and Barlin, respectively. There is nothing difficult, we need only the corresponding skills and components that are bought from Barlin and are going on the map.

The deceased temple

At the entrance to the location after the battle with the bandits you will find the corpse of the temple. Things with it should be attributed to the sulf of Donall in the church.

On a note:in the same church it is worth opening Sir Briahan that you are gray guard, and ask for help. He will give you the key from the cabinet with the poultices.

Board preacher

If you fulfill all four tasks from the local preacher board, you will get a good sword as a reward.

Circle Made


On the first floor of the tower, in the library, you can perform several exercises of the call. To do this, find two halves of the book: in the library and next to the stairs to the next floor. Complete all three ritual, and the task will be fulfilled. But that's not all. Repeat the action of all three rituals in a row and activate the fourth collar flame - it is in the room, where there was a second half of the book. A creature will appear that will quickly disappear. It can be drowned, extracting a note. But that's not all! On the board of the preacher you will be able to take a task in which the disappearing travelers are stated. It turns out that the demon called by us decided to get started. We kill him, taking trophies, we inform the preacher and go to pour flour conscience element.

The main heroine all his appearance makes it clear how she wants to be gray Guard And save the world

Apparently, Ogren just sees us all ...

Territory of limit

What dwelling Mages do without secrets? In our tower it is for sure. For a raidness, it is necessary to find several note notes: a couple in the rooms of students, one more in the library, two lie next to Oveyn and blood magicians, and, finally, one will be in the main hall. Now activate three statues in the Big Hall - a statue with a bowl, with a raised sword, lowered by a sword - and a statue with a spear (it is in another room, in the center of the floor). Go down to the first floor, go to the place where you met wine, and try to go to the basement. Kill the guard and choose an excellent sword that will help you, for example, overcome the fever.

Lark Jenny

In the cabinet of the main sorcerer you will find not only the grimar of the bubber, but also a lark. It can be delivered to the house in the market quarter of Denomem not far from the "Tedas" dicks. If, of course, you picked up a note about Red Jenny after meeting with Zevran. As a reward, you will receive money, but not a drop of information about this mysterious box.

Enchanted temple

On the fourth floor you will have a temple, obsessed with the demon desire. If you attack them, then we will break with good trophies, if you go back ... Most likely you will not see them anymore, but there is a small chance to meet them on the map above the corpse of the corpses: the demons will thicken an insatiable hunger. There are no violence of them to avoid!


Collection of troops

Bannun Tegan gives us a plot task (with which a few optional is associated): Prepare a village to siege. To do this, talk to Perth and Murdoch. The first will ask to bring him amulets. We will get them at the Mother in the local church. In addition, in the bench you can detect a bunch of barrels with butter. They also need to tell Perth.

Murdoch will ask to bring more warriors And get weapons for them. Rows of "volunteers" can replenish the Dwinn Dwinn, if it is good to defeat it. Immediately several recruits will bring us a local tavern. First of all, this is a suspicious elf at the table. Detect his spy essence will help your robbers. The tustker himself will go behind the elf - Lloyd, he will have to threaten. But it is better to first ask the waitress of Bella and men in the tavern about their lives. The waitress can be promised to help, and for the defenders to overtake in Lloyd free Ale. Weapons can be accessed by the blacksmith, promising him to save his daughter.

Mor came to one noble noble family

Spectacular backlight makes Stan even more convincing

Daughter Kuzneztsa

You will find it in the castle, in a small storage room on the first floor.

Hidden boy

In the church, Kaitlin, which asks to find the missing brother. He hid at home, in the closet. Asking the boy, we will learn about the family sword, which can be as appropriated and return.


If you play a magician, then you can enter the shadow yourself to liberate the son of Eamon. The demon will offer a deal. You can get an extra spell point, a specialization of the magician of the blood, "forbidden pleasure" with a demon ... Consider - the choice will affect the ending of history.


In the village itself, as in the temple, there are no additional tasks (except for such a delivery of scrolls to the church of denerim), but there is a pre-"easter bag", which can already be considered a classic role-playing games. After the end of the plot task, go back to the village and go to the local cemetery. Epitaph will probably like you. Here are just a few of them:

    Cheryl is not here. Her cremated.

    "The ax I can also" - Jim, a sword.

    Multiplayer with love.

    Praprapradishka Gigaks.

To play for Sheil, you need to download a separate Module "Stone Guard". Get acquainted with this dangerous girl closer.

Gifts Sheile
Present Where to looking for
Gorgeous amethyst Dusty City of Orzammar, Alimar Market
Magnificent diamond Ozammar community halls, Garin Trader
Gorgeous emerald. Ozammar community halls, a pin store
Gorgeous sapphire Ozammar community halls, Lennar Trader
Magnificent Malachite Tower of Circle, Intendant
Gorgeous grenade Trade Quarter Delnerima, Wonderland Tedas
Magnificent Rubin Elfinage, Alarita's shop
Magnificent jade Cellar at home in Honnlit
Magnificent topaz Frosty Mountains, Farman Trader

Sheila is the former gnomy, which became a naked. She manages to combine femininity (for example, he wants to sew red shoes) and inhaustful rudeness ("Let's go, distribute a couple of heads"). In general, jokes on the theme of "hermaphroditism" of the golem, perhaps the most curious in the whole game. By the way, she hates everyone without exception of birds, which constantly reminds ("I do not believe in the creator. After all, a reasonable creature will never create birds! What did he think about?!").

In battle Sheila is a real wagon. It can be a tricky, and the shooter, and the controller, and even support. In the last hypostasis (branch of racks) it is most effective. Destroy the group from the golem in the rack, healer, magician and warrior with a two-handed manner cannot be almost impossible. There is only one inconvenience: the movement of our talisman takes some time.

As you can see from the table, there are no special gifts for her, but it can be easily delighted, first time applied to crystals.

Personal quest is associated with memory recovery. Sheil is interested to know who she was before it became naked. The quest can be obtained after a conversation with perfect Caridin, according to the plot. To perform it, go to the TEIG Kadash's deep Taig Kadash appeared on the map. Taigs up to the statue of the heroine.

Besilian forest

Busting wife

In the camp of the Doli, talk to the atras. His wife bitten werewolves, and everyone says that she is dead, but he does not believe. Danaila will wait for you near the northern entrance to the East Forest. Save it, unfortunately, it will not work.

Iron bark

The gunsmith Varatorn will ask you to bring him a rare cortex of an iron tree, from which local masters create great equipment. Corra can be construed from a fallen tree not far from the northern transition to the East Forest. As a reward, the wizard can get onions, armor (or both, if so insist) or amulet, if you abandon everything.

In love elf

Last family photo. Very soon, most of them will not be alive - traitors are worse than the bad ...

Apparently, not only female characters Syristed with popular people ... And Eddie Murphy not only donkey from "Shrek" voiced

Patient Galla

In the camp, the caulier Gall Elorhor had a misfortune: one of her wards is sick. You can, using survival, find out what is the reason, and you can convince the caulistant that the animal is painfully incurable.


In the center of the western part of the forest, not far from the orders, there is a wounded Daigan. It can be attributed to the camp, cure, rush, throw or kill. Wealth of choice - Isn't it we want from good role-playing game?

On a note:if you first defend the elf, and then send to the camp, then it will be possible to return things and restore the relationship.

Mortal Son

South of the Great Oak is an abandoned, but very cozy camp, in which it pulls to relax ... Waking up, one or more members of your squad will begin a fight with the shadow, which has created an illusion. We defeat the demon and re-examine the "cozy" halt.

It is interesting:after graduating from the plot task in the forests, go to the camp and talk to Leliana. She will fulfill you a song from the main game menu.


Lost son

The story ended. The hero stands on the road and looks at sunset thoughtfully ... But it's too early for him!

In the community halls they will get filter. Her son went to the deep trails and did not return. Hand we will find in Taga ortan, he is associated with the plot - do not miss.


Berkel wants to open the church in Ozammar. You can help him in this, convincing the chronicler (in the Guardian Hall) to give permission. The award you get a meager, but on the fate of the world this church will have a decisive influence. And not the most favorable ...

Gnomyha magician

Dagna really wants to get into the circle of magicians. You can, told her father Jannar about his daughter's plans, prevent her, and you can help, talking to the first charmer, if he, of course, is alive. In the award, we get a good rune or lyricium. In addition, Dagna will become an outstanding scientist.

Search by Nagu

All his pets fled from the beam from the boom. Nagu should be sought by community chairs, there are only five of them. For each beast we get 25 silver coins. And if you then talk to Leliana, then she admits that he really wants such a little animal. You can get it in a dusty city in the idle festival for a modest fee. Now this "hedgehog" will live with you in the camp.


Having received the first task from any of the contenders for the throne and coming out of the diamond halls, you will see how local gangsters threaten the trader to the Screen. If you follow them in a shop, you can help the merchant. If you settle the world, he will thank you and will remain trading, and if you kill the robbers, then ... Controls and run away.

Fights without rules

In the west of test halls in a small room there is a gunmaker who will offer to participate on the battles. The award for each battlefight, but the ring that you get after four wins is good for blood magicians.

Unwanted child

In a dusty city, you can find an unfortunate gnomehu, which was kicked out of the family for giving birth to a son from unacpended. You can get it to get rid of the son, as the relative wants, and you can convince the latter that they are wrong, and restore the family.

Dragon in the Throne Hall

So you need to put two characters in the throne room to cause a dragon

If the workpieces are over, and say something necessary, it turns out like this

The architecture of the gnomes sometimes presents surprises. After examining the inscription on the throne, we will get a note in the code. Now you need to correctly arrange the members of the detachment: one in the "pre-banker" on the square in the center of the hall, and the other two in the most throne room, in the southwestern part of it, on the buttons similar to the end of the arrow. The last character once again click on the throne and get acquainted with the local prisoner.

The thieves

Running past the Treasury of the king, you will stumble upon a group of thieves who tried to break through the subpople. Write up with them and get a well-deserved award from the guards who came to the noise.


In one of the chambers for knowing you will explore the herbalist Voron, standing by the bed dying lady. He will tell that she was poisoned, and asked to make an antidote. After that, I will give you a recipe, which will be the main award.

Stolen book

Assistant chronicler in the Guardians' Halls wants us to find a valuable book that recently stolen. Leskach dwells in a dusty city. Negotiations with a thief will go to a dead end ... But the note raised from the corpse will lead us to the gangsters, which are just carrying the foliary to the buyer in the test halls. After the battle, the book can be used to sell the same bidder, and return the keepers.

Missing pedigree

Gnomomiche Orta believes that she comes from a native home ortan, but for nothing: the records of the pedigree were crushed in the Tayig eponymous. At least in the halls of the keepers, she did not find them, which means there are no more. The entries are really lying in the center of the Teig, not far from the cave hand.

List of golems

In the room with an anvil emptiness there is a table in which everyone who has become Golemia is listed. Names can be copied and attributed to the chronicler.

Clay Skaltsev

Find four piles of stones in the crossroads of Caridine:

    Western access to the card.

    South-west of the bridge.

    Not far from the intersection of three roads.

    East of the cave of a deep hunter.

Our home naked nicknames Schmeoplz. With a dog, they kind of revealed

After that, the map will appear on the map with the cache of tramp.

Honor of Legion.

As soon as we gather all parts of the Armor of the Dead Legion, we will be given the quest "Dead Castle." Now we can get out of the sarcophagus (in the Legion's Room in the Dead Rops), the emblem of the Kasta of the Dead and attribute to her chronicler. But before leaving the temple, we have someone in full armor and activate the Legion relic.

Mandnery Sword

In the deep paths you can deal with one of the best one-handed swords - Honor of the Nazign. First find in Teig Othan Tomb (south-eastern corner). Now we are looking for pieces:

    We are imagined in Teig Ortan in a vase in a hand cave.

    Ephesus can be removed from the corpse of Genlock-Emissar at the Caridine crossroads (Gloklock is waiting for you in the tunnel, which comes from the west to south).

    The blade is removed from the corpse of the ancient waste of darkness in the dead Rips (on the bridge in the center of the map).

As you find everything - go back to the tomb.


In the shelter of the Charter, we will acquire a jammer diary, which refers to the treasure. We need to find three chests: Jummer himself, Kanka and peak. Of these, we get a silver ring for dresses, an iron knife for letters and a pomegranate decoration. You can't take anything else! It remains to find a cache about tamed bright and open it.

Guardian life

To get a task, touch the wall of memories in the Guardians' Halls. Now find three rhenium stones:

    Near the chief of miners in community halls.

    In the southeastern caves of the Caridine crossroad.

    In Western Central Rooms in the Dead Rips.

Returning to the wall of memories for the award.

Torn demon

Dwarfs - Gentlemen: If a demon destroyed, then pieces are spread over all the lands: will they suddenly grow well? You can collect these pieces on deep paths.

    Limbs in the north-west Taga Eduukanov.

    Torso and head - at the crossroads of Caridine, in the south-east and northeast, respectively.

Take it to the altar in Taga ortan and revive the demon. Before us is another choice - let go for money or finish. This time finally. What do you choose?


Help law

Next to the house of Kuznez Wade is Sergeant Kilown. He will challenge and ask for help to deal with crime. You can act as a power of belief, and just by force. If you want a high award - listen to what the customer prefers.

Dark Deliche

We are trying to clarify
thus, that it is impossible to "fall into the sky". We are still trying to reach the consciousness, and Sheila offers ... In general, the same, but more fast way

Eamon has a great feeling of excellent. In all its mansions you can find
Real works of art

On the other hand, the Kuznitsy's house is standing by Couuldri. Only robbers will be able to meet him. He has two rules of tasks: for thieves and for hackers. In both rules, you will be extremely useful.

It is important:do not forget to leave too prominent companions in the camp for the time of tasks.

Before the lands meeting, we will be able to perform three thefts and two hacks. Another stealing and two hacks - after. If your secrecy is not at workshop, then in some tasks you will be helped by money, beliefs and fists.


In one of the alleys (you will visit there, when you will deprive the gangsters on the order of the church) you will find the corpse of Sere Frieden, who died, trying to destroy the blood magicians. You can finish this noble business - go to the abandoned house (new location on the deserim map) and cut out the villains.


In the shelter in the elvenge settled evil, what the temple of Otto will tell you. Collect some evidence, including asking the elven girl sitting on the threshold. After stripping the shelter, do not forget to return her amulet to the elf.

Prisoners Hou.

In the basements of Erla Khow's estates, you can find several prisoners at once.

    The son of Buna Sighard is hanging in torture on the punch, who will come to the meeting as a reward.

    In prison went crazy Temmernik Irminark. His ring Take the bath Alpistan.

    Veteran Rexel also could not stand sharpening. It is necessary to tell Rosamunde preacher about him.

Job guilds

The tasks of most guilds (preachers board, Blackstone volunteers, killers and "interested") are mainly going out without problems: the benefits are marked on the map, or at least described their approximate location. But there are several exceptions.

If in the final task volunteers You will choose the side of the Father, to get to the Son, you must not go to the lottering, which will be destroyed by this time, but simply pass by town. Taoorah will come to you in a "random" meeting.

Love notes that ask for one of interested (The tasks give an interpreter in the "bustled nobleman" deserim), are crushed literally throughout the world. Find them not easy. Here all the places:

    In the camp of the Doli, for the merchant.

    Next to the entrance to the ruins in the forest Bresilian - a secret door on the left.

    In the royal palace of Orzammar, in an inconspicuous room in the east of the palace.

    In the shelter of the Charter of Orsammar, in the room to the right of the hall, where Jarvia fell.

    In another shelter, this time - the village, next to the entrance to the house with the bloody altar.

    In the tavern "spoiled princess" near the tower of magicians.

    In the tower itself, on the second floor, in the eastern room.

    In the windmill Rarclif (where a secret move in the castle).

    In the basement of the castle Redcliffe, in front of the exit to the courtyard.

    In Kuznitsa Wade in Denerime.

    In the brothel "Pearl" (location in deserim) in the southeast room.

    In the estate of Eamon in deserim in the northwestern room.

Besides these the most persons, to run you will be forced and mages from the community.

Blood labels

We need to mark the four doors in Denerime with blood: two in the trading quarter and one in the dirty and dark alleys.

Power Places

We need to activate four places of power.

    The grave in West Bresilian.

    Altar in Teig Ortan.

    Tree in elvenge denerime.

    The staircase on the second floor of the tower of magicians.

Banastor scrolls

It is necessary to find five scrolls at the following addresses.

    Southeast destroyed room on the second floor of the magician tower.

    Northwestern room on the third floor of the magician tower.

    Southeast Library in an abandoned temple with the ashes of Andrasta.

    Western barracks (entrance from the center) in the abandoned temple with the ashes of Andraste.

    The southeastern room in the lair is isorted.

The rest of the tasks should not cause difficulties.

At the order of his board, Gaspar Asturian, the Knight-Commander of the Gray Guards, rebuilt the peak of a soldier, before the passage of the call made incomprehensible for many act - did not take with him the sword's deep trails, the power of Asturian, who was forced by the Gnominous Blacksmiths and was presented to him at the end of the operation on Soldier peak. Asturian did not give a sword or his succession, nor a different gray guard. Someone believed that the Knight-Commander fell into the senile dementary, just destroyed the sword, but others believed that he was planted for him somewhere within the fortress. Despite all the specles and rumors, the thing was not found.

The fortress of gray guards at the peak of a soldier hides a lot of secrets. One of them is to be solved with Levy Dryden. Share the secret and find the cache will help the four chapters of the "Soldier Peak History": first chapter - statue in the courtyard of the fortress, in a dead end from the left of the entrance, second - Book on the first floor in the library next to the book of the archivist, third - on a jar of raspberry jam in front of Sofia Dryden on the second floor, fourth - On the procratum spikes in the Tower of Avernus. Having collected all parts, the opportunity to find a cache, which is hidden on the second floor in the hall with a prudent curtain, where with numerous spirits. The portrait of Asturian is hanging over the fireplace, activating it, the chest will be put forward out of the wall. Inside the money and the things of the knight-commercial knight.

The best things from Asturian Tyashik in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Belt shadow - +3% to chance Crete. Stroke in the near battle, reduced hostility.
  • Long Sword "Asturian Power" - Damage: 8.40; +2 To damage, weakening of the species of darkness, +1 to breakbobs, 1 cell for runes.
Scribe Charter (Carta Doorman) x1 Warrior Rank 3.
x35 Warrior Rank 2.
Thugs from Charter (Carta Thug) x33 Robber Rank 1, 2
Killer from Charter (Carta Assassin) x9. Assassin Rank 3.
Mercenary Kunari (Qunari Mercenary) x3. Berserk Rank 3.
Elf Mercenary (Elven Mercenary) x2 Spiritual. healer Rank 3.
Charter Jailor (Carta Jailor) x1 Warrior Rank 3.
Jarvia (Jarvia) x1 Assassin Rank 4.
Leske (Leske) x1 Warrior Rank 3. Battle, if the hero is a gnome-shit.
Giant Spider (Giant Spider) x4 Animal Rank 2.

After fulfilling the quest Prince's favor: First task In the Ozammara Royal Palace, Prince Belen entrusts to kill the head of the criminal charter Jarvius. Jarvia is in the secret shelter of the Charter (the transition from the dusty city). Find this refuge - the goal of the quest Refuge Jarvia.


, You can go to the side of Prince Belen. You need to talk to Vartag in the boardroom. He will propose to throw Fake documentsproving the involvement of Lord Harroumont to the crimes of the Charter. Documents can be thrown into the shelter of the Charter, in the chest next to Jarvia.

750 xp for completing the quest (due to the bug can be reused).

After fulfilling the quest Lord Trust: First Task In the estate of Harroumont, Lord Harroumont charges to kill the head of the criminal charter Jarvy. Jarvia is in the secret shelter of the Charter (the transition from the dusty city). Find this refuge - the goal of the quest Refuge Jarvia.

1750 XP for completing the quest.

If desired, after completing the quest Prince's favor: First task You can go to the side of Lord Harroumont. It is necessary to talk to Dulin in the tavern of Ozammar. He will suggest finding proof of the involvement of Prince Belen to the murder of his brother. The compromise can be found in the shelter of the Charter, in the chest next to Jarvia.

1750 XP for completing the quest.

The quest begins with reading the Jammer Diary in the shelter of the Charter. It is necessary to take the cheapest things from the chests Kanke, jummer and peak in the same location - it will give The key from the cache jammer. The cheapest is considered an iron knife, a silver ring and a pomegranate decoration. You can take other things, but it makes injuries to the character. Tyach Jummer is located in the north-east of the same location.

Helmet for two-housing And other things from the cache.

Quest for interested from R. (quests of this series are given in the tavern of denerime). You need to collect twelve love letters. Location of letters: Doli camp, Bresilian ruins (upper level), Orsammar (shelter of the Charter and the Royal Palace), Lake Calenkhad (Tavern), Tower of Mages (Senior Magoes Rooms), Delnerim (Earl Eamona estate, "Pearl", Forge), Village Redcliff (mill), Castle Redcliffe (basement), Refentary village (house).

125 xp and 6 gold coins for completing the quest.

Go to location Pass in Frosty mountains. The bridge will meet you a group of fighters (three soldiers, robber and magician) sent by Login to destroy you. If your level and equipment allow them to kill them without any problems, it means that you can safely go to Ozammar - cope.

At the entrance to the dwarf, one more obstacle awaits you: the gnomes will agree to miss you inside, but you will need to still deal with the ambassador of King Logaine, or intimidating, or fighting him and his bodyguards. After that, the path to Orsammar for gray guards is open.

Searches for the foreman of Bandelor

Through the Hall of Heroes of Orsammar, go to community halls. There, the guard will witness a very unsold scene of the disassembly between the two candidates for the gnome throne, after which it is possible to talk to the captain of the Guardians, which will open us the tasks of Dulin Forinder and Vartag Gavorn, and go to the diamond halls of Orzammar, where the whole local knows. Bandender meets the Council where you look at another scene from the dwarf's disassembly, this time - between the Deshira, advisors. On this purpose, the task will be completed and you will have the opportunity to ask the elder about the current situation.

Note: If you play for the guard with the background of the untouchable gnome, the sister of Rica will meet you at the entrance to the diamond halls and will immediately lead to Vartagu Gavorn.

Brief description of the throne candidates

To get an approximate picture of the fact that each of the participants in the struggle for power is, as well as to delve into the current situation, you can talk to the many inhabitants of Ozammar and find out their opinion: merchants, warriors, representatives who are sick for one or another - All of them will tell about different aspects and shake their point of view on what is happening.

Lord Pirated Harroumont

Prince Belen Oduqa

Vartag Gavorn

If you decide to take the side of Prince Belen, go to look for his assistant Vartaga Gavorn - you can find it in the Assembly Hall. He will say that Belen cannot trust anyone at this time when the former supporters of his family moved to Harroumont, so you have to prove your loyalty by completing a small order.

Prince's favor: First task

You need to show Lord Helmi and Lady Dais Debt's Harroumont's debate, of which it appears that the latter promised them to vote among the same land. Lord Helmi is acquired in the tavern "At the Kabatchikov". Just show him the paper and ask not to give a voice for Harroumont - this will be enough.

Lady Diens stands in diamond halls, between Harroumont House and Palace. She will look at the receipts, but will say that it is not entitled to solve this question, since the agreement signed her father, which is now on the deep paths. To go there, take a pass from her and, presenting it to the guard at the entrance to the tunnel, go to Teig Edukan. There will have to fight with several groups of species of darkness, as well as help Lord Diase fight off from the hordes of underground hunters. After the two attacks of animals are repulsed, you can talk to the dwarf. Show him the paper and ask not to give a voice for Harroumont. You can also agree to go to Ozammar along with them or stay in Teig, to make a good everywhere and return to the city with its own way.

Dulin Forinder

If you decide to support Lord Harroumont, then you should talk to Dulin Forinder - his assistant. You can find it either immediately after leaving the halls of the Assembly, on the porch, or, if for some reason you decided not to contact him right away - in the estate of Harroumont.

Lord Trust: First Task

Dulin will ask you to prove your loyalty to Lord Harroumont, speaking on tests from his behalf. In addition, you will be asked to find out for which reasons they refused to participate two of his best fighters: Badizil and Guiddon.

Go across the bridge in community halls to test halls. If you decide to return to Gwiddon and Basil, it needs to be done before you talk to the manager and agree to participate. In this case, they will be able to join you in battles.

Badizil stands in the central hall to the left of the manager. He admits that he refused to participate in the trials, because the fighter on the side of Belena, Mihazh, threatens to betray his letters to the Dwarf of the Revel, who is married to the son of one of the Deshira - if this happens, the husband will renounce it, and Badizil, in the best The case will die for duels. If you want to help him, you will have to get these compromising letters.

Go to the right from the entrance corridor, they will see Midi and her brother Lukian. You can try to dissuade them from blackmail, but it will be no avail. The Miuda Room in which letters are stored, locked on the key. Store it and open the right door. In the chest, which can already be revealed by a thief, and are papers that need to be attributed to the bayzil. You can return them just like that; ask for a reward in the amount of 10 gold; Or, using the belief, to push 15 gold for them. Baseil will agree to participate in the tests.

To find Guiddon, go to the left corridor from the entrance, and then into the right "repelor". Talk to him - and he will tell that he refused to participate, because he heard that Harroumont is going to surrender, and Guiddon does not want to cover her shame and all his genus. Fight it or convince you that the rumors are false, and Harroumont is not going to give up Tron Belen. Guiddon agrees to participate in the tests.

Go to the manager and declare your participation in the tests. You will automatically transfer to the arena, where before each duel can be asked about the following rivals, pause between battles and preserve. Opponents from Belen will be the following:

  • Severin - Warrior;
  • Miday - Warrior, Lucian - Robber. They will come together against one guard;
  • Hanashan from silent sisters - warrior;
  • Vodzhuk Avo - Warrior, Wellex - Robber / Killer. Guardian can choose a single partner: Guiddon, Badizila or someone from his group, with the exception of Sheil;
  • Pyotin Oduku with his group (two strong warrior, one warrior is a little and one robber / duelist). The guard can call for himself to choose or Guiddon with Basil, or his associates.

After the victory, go to Dulina and report on successes. He will suggest you to meet with Lord Harroumont. You can agree immediately - and you will take you to the estate of Harroumont, or you can ask him to wait and go later.

Note: If you perform the first task for the Belen, you can take part in the tests later as a gray guard, dedicating your final victory to the prince. In this case, the list of opponents will be somewhat different.

Betrayal from the inside

After completing the first task for Harroumont, it is possible to secretly change the side and start working on the Belen. In order to start a task, go to Vartaga Gavornu and convince it (an advanced conviction skill is required) that you want to support the legitimate heir, using the complete confidence of Harroumont. Tell him that Harroumont aimed at Jarvia's Lair, Vartag Gavorn will give you documents proving the connection of Harroumont with Charter, and makes it up to throw them in the shelter for a prominent place.

The walls will not approve such a move, Winn, too, but it can be convinced not to lose approval glasses. Sheila reaches it negatively, if with her the relationship is lower than warm.

Change preferences

If you performed the task of the Belen, you can secretly go to the side of Harroumont. Talk to Dulin Forinder and convince him what you want to work for Lord. Tell me about the fact that Belen asked you to deal with Jarvia, and Dulin will tell you to find documents to the charter, proving that Belen hired bandits to kill his brother Triana.

The tightened Leliana will express his approval, walls, on the contrary, consider such actions of the act of cowardice.

Prince's favor: Second Task / Lord Trust: Second Task

Whose side you would not choose, he thanked you for assistance and promises to help in the fight against the sea ... when it becomes king. The next obstacle that stands on his path to the throne - chaos, creative by Gangsters of Jarvia. If your candidate is able to put an end to its activities, it will strongly strengthen his position in the voting. Well, you again have to do dirty work.

  • If you perform the task "betrayal from the inside" for the Belen, then Vartag Gavorn will give you papers, compromising Harroumont, which you need to put in the shelter.
  • If you have taken the task of "change of preferences", Dulin will ask you to search for a refuge of Jarvia Paper, proving that the Charter killed Triana on the polar poeker, and attribute them to Dulin.

Refuge Jarvia

First, it is necessary to find the entrance to the refuge of Jarvia, which is only available for members of her hay. Go down to the dusty city and ask the locals about the Charter and its leadership. If your guardian is from untouchable Dwarves, then talk to the fishing line, it will stand by the fire in a dusty city. Another guard will tell the Gnomka Hope, who sits there. There is also the opportunity to talk to beggars or buy information from Alimar in a local bench, but their information will not bring any practical benefit. Hope will not only show where the secret door is in shelter is located, but also will tell that the key is to open it, you need to knock out someone from the gang members. Go to the house of the throws, there you will meet the gangsters, which Jarvia sent to get into the way. After you naming the Boca, you can either release them with the world, or finish - in any case we get the key. Go to the secret door and insert it into the hole - now you can go inside.

Note: There is another opportunity to get the key - to overtake the gnomes that drove the merchant in the communal halls. However, I would not recommend you such a way, because so you will lose the opportunity to trade with him.

Stop Jarvy and her charter

First of all, you come across the gatekeeper who will ask the password. Whatever the option you have chosen, he and his security will attack you. Severed with them and go further. The robber in the team is welcome, because in the corridors and rooms are full of traps and locked chests. In addition, along the way, you can perform a side task "Cain Jummer".

We get a task by reading the jammer diary in the first room right. To accomplish it, you need to take one cheap items of three chests:

  • Kanca chest. In the second room on the left. You need to take only the silver ring for the dress;
  • Jammer chest. In the room at the end of the second corridor. Take the iron knife for letters;
  • Chest peak. Immediately in the next room. Pomegranate necklace to the dress.

As soon as you take the third item, they all will disappear from the bag and the key will appear from the jammer cache. The cache himself is located in the room left along the corridor, in the header with manual armor and nagami. Inside there will be money and a helmet for two-housing to restore endurance in battle.

Jarvia will be in the largest room. After a brief video, she will attack you, she is an elite boss-robber, so the skills and tactics will have appropriate. Beware of high-level stretch marks, however, they can be easily recognized on the clusters of barrels (if your robber is not too masterfully discovered, he may not see several of them). When the Charter is finished, go around a good room.

  • Do not forget to pick up or put out the outlining documents if you have taken one of the tasks to change the parties.
  • In one of the locked chests will find a love letter.

Go along the corridor to the exit, taking advantage of the Jarvius key - it will bring you to a secret way out of asylum in the Kuznar's Blacksmith shop. After a short roller, go with a report to your traveler.


To achieve the final victory of your candidate, you will have to find perfect branches, which went to the deep path to look for some ancient secrets. And Belen, and Harroumont believe that her voice will be decisive, because the perfect is considered in the dwarves alive ancestors endowed with wisdom and blessed to know what will be better for the people.

In search of an anvil of emptiness

It should be started with the Caridine crossroads - it was there, according to the information, a broke traveled, following his mission. Go to community halls to the entrance to the deep trails. There you will meet Orena - a man's husband who imposes to you as a mandatory satellite. Go with him to the Caridine Crossing. After a conversation with Ogren, three mercenaries will meet you (there will be no them if you perform the task for both candidates), which is entrusted to kill you. Run them and explore the location.

Crididine crossroads

In order to bypass the block on the main tract, you can go on right or on the left tunnel. In the first case (northwest) you will have to fight with the sealing of darkness. Their groups will be located close to each other, so be especially careful if you hardly overcome them one after another without a respite. This path will lead you to one of the exits from the intersection, but this is not the way that you need.

In the left (northeast) tunnel dispersed deep hunters, and there you can also find one of the bloodied bags from the quest "into pieces". This way you will get to, actually, the intersection, where the darkness of the darkness has been set, trimming the traps.

The south-western part of the tunnels is a narrow corridor, in which there are a pair of groups of targets of darkness with a huge elite boss. In one of the groups on the body of the Genot, you can find a part of the commander's sword, which is needed by the Queent of the Mandnery Sword. In the southeastern turn of the main tract will find one of the glass phylacteria.

The south-oriental tunnel is a dead end, but there you will find another bloody pouch. It will be necessary to fight with the sealing of darkness and with a lot of deep hunters led by an orange boss - the matriarch of the deep hunters.

In fact, you do not have to go through all the tunnels to get to the desired output, which leads to the teig ortan, but it is better to immediately clean the entire location and collect all objects from side tasksbecause you hardly want to come back then.

Teig house Otarta

Passage through the southern exit from the Caridine crossroad will automatically open to access the Location Teig House Othan. After talking with Ogren, go straight across the tract, and then into the tunnel - anyway the road forward is littered with boulders. On the way, you will come across spiders, many spiders, getting darkness, fighting with them, worried darkness of the gnomes, stone golems. In addition, in a large cave with two bridges you will meet a gnome hands, which, seeing you, will run into his refuge. You can follow him to chat and buy-sell things. If you are taken by the task of "Nadezhda Mother", he will tell you the story of his exile. Also from the gnome, we learn that spiders dragged some papers into their lair. In the vase you will find another part of the commander's sword.

Next to the place where we first saw the hand, there is a chest from home ortan. Take the Ortan records that the Orta should be attributed to the Guardian Halls in Ozammar on the task of "lost entries". In the southern part of this area there is an altar on the instructions of "on pieces", it can also be labeled as a place of force on the task of magicians. Go across the bridge. There you will meet more perfume with the golems. After stripping this side, go to the corridor. On the way you will come across spiders, flying from all the paws, and you have to prepare for a difficult battle with an infected queen of spiders and her undergraduate.

First go to the left and enter with two groups of ordinary spiders in the company with garlic emissaries. Be prepared for the fact that she will call the minions, hurts to spit with poison and move around the battlefield, then passing to the ceiling, then go back. Use fiery magic and blood magic, as well as objects that increase your nature resistance and spirit. Private spiders die very well from fiery balls.

After overpowering a pack, read the entry of the bench right there. Of these, you will learn what you need to go to former city Legion of the Dead - in the Dead Rips.

Dead Rips

After the scene, in which the archdaire will call the treasures of Darkness somewhere there, go straight until it turns out on the legionnaires at the bridge. Help them fight with enemies, moving along the bridge on the opposite direction. When reading all the monsters, return to talk with the leader of the Legion of the Dead Cardol, and then you can run on. The gate of the fortress, naturally, locked - to go inside, go to the left, and through the long corridor, make your way on the other side of the gate. On the first tier there will be standard rates of darkness with emissaries, armored and spiders. In sarcophagas here will find two parts of the Legion Armor.

On the second tier in the southern cave there will be a large group of targets of darkness led by an orange boss of Glokkom - the host of the forge. In the middle of the bridge you are waiting for an ambush Krikunov, and in the very Northern Hall - the dead leaving workers with the Golkomo-Emissar, here in the sarcophagus will find another part of the Legion's armor.

Third tier. Here you will find two emissaries and several spiders in the cave in the north, and in the next room on the corridor, we will meet one of the survivors from the house of Branca - Heights. Talk to her, and when it runs, go further.

After you cope with two bosses-restrictions, go to the southern room, where from the Legionnaire altar take the key from the domestic gate and the missing part of the armor - the Helmet of the Legion. As soon as you pick them up, you will have to fight with the spirits of legionnaires. In addition, if you fulfill the side task "Dead Castle", then you are waiting for a difficult battle with a demon of a blank breed.

Go through the gate and do not forget to look along the way to the sarcophagus if you perform the "dead castle" to pick up the sign of the caste of the dead. This can be considered the location passed. Nearly. Get ready for a meeting with the uterus.

The uterus is a rather complicated boss, drowning with tentacles that are nourished directly from the ground. In addition, it letters poisoning gas and stuns cry, calls for help to resist darkness and raises the characters into the air, causing a big damage. Since it inflicts natural damage, items that increase the resistance of this element will be especially useful. The tank is better than a character who has a large reservation rate and the number of hit Points. Sheila, equipped with a crystal with nature resistance, will also be here very by the way. Since the uterus is to make darkness, weapons with fiery damage and fiery spells will be effective against it. But the resistance of nature is 75%, therefore such weapons and spells will be low.

After the uterus it will be finished, you will again see Hespit. Collect valuable things from the body of the uterus and go to the card of the depth trail, where the new location will be available - the anvil of emptiness. You will have here last opportunity Change the group of group by returning to Orsammar. Also, this is the last opportunity to complete the side task of the "Nadezhda of Mother" and the quest "locked in stone" to get a big sword "Untar".

Anvil void

Immediately at the entrance you will be met by Brranka. She will block the road back to force you to go ahead and thus clear all the traps lying on the path to the anvil who failed to pass it with a friend.

Clean the platform and the corridor from the species of darkness, among which will be the Green-Emissar and OGR. The first serious obstacle will be a room with poison gas and golems. They will begin to revive in turn: the first - as soon as you approach them, the second is after the murder of the first and so on. In total, their four, and four valves that need to be closed so that the gas stops entering the room.

In the second room, the golems stand and come to life with couples, but between them can be prevailed. There are traps between pairs. Need to neutralize the first and go ahead - the second pair of golems is activated and will attack you. Then deactivate the following trap and fight with the next pair of golems. The first and fourth pair will remain intact - go further along the corridor.

In the third room there will be a device of the Spirit, with which you need to figure out to go on. The device itself is a column with four persons on different sides, the eyes of which are highlighted, seems to be electricity. The general principle of this: kill spirits whom the column generates, use an active blacksmith - it will blind the corresponding "face". After one or two activated forge, the column turns, so you need to see which parties are not yet blinded, and beat first of all the Spirit from the right side. After the eyes begin to bleed, they need to once again cycle for a blacksmith, to finally deactivate them. When all eyes are spent, this stage is counted as made, and you can go further. By the way, the column itself on the map is marked as a "moonshine apparatus"; Apparently, it is an easter bag from translators.

The final part remains - a meeting with caridin and, again, with a branch. You have to choose, to get up on whose side, because Branka wants to keep the anvil, and Caridin believes that it should be destroyed. On whose side you did not get up - you have to fight with your golems. If in your group of Sheila, it will in any case will fight on the caridine side.

Union with Branco will approve of Ogren, Morrigan and Zevran, will not approve Leliana, Alistaire and Winn. If you decide to fight for caridine, their reaction will be the opposite.


  • You can stand on the side of the caridine and destroy the anvil. In this case, Caridin snaps you with the crown and finish with you, and in the final battle you will join the gnomes;
  • You can stand on the side of the branches and leave anvil. For this she will reveal to the crown and promises support in the final battle of not only the gnomes, but also golems;
  • You can stand on the side of the branco, but convince it to destroy the anvil (a very high belief is necessary). Brunka you revealed to the crown and finish with you, and in the final battle of the gnomes will join without golems;
  • Depending on whether you decide to leave or destroy the anvil, you will discover the achievement of Pragmatik or the "liberator", respectively.

In addition, in this zone there is a stele with the names of the gnomes who sacrificed themselves to become Golemas - talk about her with Sheila and Ogren and remove the copy, which then can be attributed to the Chronicles in Ozammar. If the Sheila is not with you, show her a copy of these records to activate her personal quest. Collect the lout from the corpses and look into the chest on the approaches to the anvil. You can return to Ozammar and choose the king. Just come back to the entrance to the cave - Ogren asks whether you are ready to go and advice news. If you don't need anything else here, agree and move to Ozammar with the help of the card - you will automatically find yourself right at the coronation ceremony.

King Orsammar

For whom you would perform the tasks, you are free to choose any of the two candidates. From how much the contribution you made in the promotion of Belen and Harroumont, the number of their supporters and value of the awards depends.

  • If you chose Harroumont, and its support reached +6 points, then there will be very few supporters of Belen in the hall. If support is +3 points, then hostile dwarves will be greater. If you chose Harroumont, but its support is 0, then almost everything in the board hall will be hostile to you.
  • If Harroumont was chosen, and his support reached +5, he will give you his staff. If the Belen was chosen at sufficiently high support, then he would give you the Eduukan Maulant, if you scored little glasses, then he gives you the hammer of the trian.

How the glasses are accrued or another candidate can be viewed below. In addition, in the course of performing tasks, you can visit the German gathering and ask him about the distribution of votes.

For Lord Harroumonta
  • Convince Guidon and Basila to perform for Harroumont on Tests +1
  • Win on the tests, speaking for Harroumont +1
  • At the end of the last battle on the tests, proclaim the cry for the victory of Harroumont +1
  • By performing the task of "change of preferences", find the refuge of Jarvia proof that Belen hired a charter so that those killed Triana +1
  • Kill Jarvy, performing the task "Lord Trust: Second Task" +3
For Prince Belen
  • In the first task of the prince, tell Lord Deis: "Do you tell your daughter to not vote for Harroumont?" Success / Failure of high belief + 3 / + 1
  • Tell Lord Disa: "Maybe you will find a response service?" Requires average conviction. Also get a 25% discount on goods Gorma + 2 / + 1
  • Tell Lord Disa: "I am to your services" +2
  • By performing the task of "betrayal from the inside", to put documents in the chest of the Charter, proving the connection of Harroumont with Charter. +1.
  • Kill Jarvy, performing the task "Prince's favor: the second task" +3
Note: If you are a noble dwarf, you can ask the Bellen king to restore your kind name and surname.

After the coronation, you can talk to Cardol and convince him to come up with you in the fight against Mora on the surface. Gnome will only be asked to ask, the rest will need a high belief.

On this one of the main plot tasks will be considered complete, and you will receive support for the gnomes and, possibly, golems and / or the Legion of the Dead, if you fulfilled the relevant conditions.

Locations cards

Ozammar community halls

1. Exit to the Hall of Heroes of Orsammar
2. Captain Guaji
3. Diamond Quarter
4. Head of Mine
5. Pathway entrance
6. Stores shop
7. Janara shop
8. Tavern "At the Kabatchikov"
9. Entrance to the dusty city

Diamond halls of Orsammar

1. Community
2. Manor Harroumonta
3. Royal Palace
4. Hall of the Council
5. Chronicle Hall
6. Lady Deis


1. Community
2. Test Manager
3. Bayzil
4. Guiddon
5. Miday and Lucian
6. Miudroom room

Dusty city

1. Community
2. Alimara's shop
3. Secret entrance to the shelter
4. House throws
5. Bonfire (Hope and Leske)

Refuge Charter

1. Dusty
2. Gatekeeper
3. Diary Jammer
4. Kanca chest
5. Jammer chest
6. Chest peak
7. Cache jummer
8. Jarvia
9. Compromature chest / for compromising

Crididine crossroads

1. Treating darkness
2. Ambush at the crossroads
3. Depth hunters
4. OGR (orange boss)
5. Matricar of deep hunters (orange boss)
6. Exit to teugu ortan

Teig house Otarta

1. Entrance to location
2. Spiders and Darkness
3. Hand
4. Camp hand
5. Infected queen spiders
6. Records Branca
7. Entry

Dead Rips

1. Cardol and Legion of the Dead
2. Gloklock - Master Forge (orange boss)
3. Ambush Krikunov
4. Hespit
5. Legion Tomb, Altar
6. Uterus!

Anvil void

1. Branca
2. Room with gas
3. Room with traps
4. Device spirit
5. Perfect Caridin
6. Anvil void
7. Nameplates with the names of the gnomes
A detailed description of the side tasks of Ozammar and the depth trop will be found in