Merry intellectual game for schoolchildren. Intellectual game for children. Intellectual game camp. Intelligent games for younger students. Competitions for captains

Intelligent game for junior schoolchildren "Znayka"

Competition motto: "Let me still small we grow, we want so much we know! To be a badge is not easy, but it's so nice to know!"

TARGET: Develop cognitive abilities Students, the development of visual perception, attention, interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world.


1. Create to each student the conditions for the manifestation of their abilities, intelligent skills.

2. Wear such qualities as the ability to listen to another person work in the group.

J. The possibility of students to realize creative abilities.

Children participate

Stroke Game


Good afternoon guys, guests and all those present. Today we are conducting an intellectual game of knowing, in which two teams participate. Captains are invited to represent their teams "Troops" motto "We want to know everything" and "Erudites", the motto "Knowledge-power")

The presenter presents members of the jury.

Today we spend the marathon,

Check our knowledge he

How interesting it is to know a lot!

All friends have their own reducing show!

We k interesting contests ready!

Forward, friends! To the victories of new!


The first contest of our game is "warm up", For each correct answer 1 point

  1. In the mug of frustrated Marina

10 berries of raspberry,

5 gave her girlfriend.

How many berries has become in the circle?

  1. Planted grandma in the oven

Patties with cabbage stove.

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

Pies are ready,

Yes one more cake

Cat under the bench of wilts,

Yes, in the furnace - 4 pieces.

Pieces consider grandchildren.

If you can help

  1. Sit fishermen,

Elag floats.

Fisherman roots

Caught 3 perks

Rybak Evsey -

4 karas

A fisherman Mikhail

2 soms caught.

How many fish fishermen

Skat out from the river?

  1. 7 geese flying over us

7 others - for the clouds,

2 went down on the stream.

How many people were all geese?

The second contest of proverbs. Insert missing words into the proverbs:

(They are distributed to the commands of envelopes in which proverbs with missed numerals, children must insert them and read)

For everyone, and all for one.

Do not have .......... rubles, and I have .................. friends.

Once, for example, and ................. once a revenue.

For ........... hares will chase, nor ..................... you can't catch.

The mind is good, and .................. better.

In the field is not a warrior.

Host: Well done team!

Competition 3 "Find all the hid letters"

Conditions: Guys, you should carefully consider the poster (1 - row for the I command)

2nd - for the II team) and write down all the letters that will see there on your sheet of paper, and then call them.

The next competition is very interesting,

He is very useful for

Able to guess the words

Learn immediate names.

Competition 4 logical:

Task number 1.

Collect the name of a fabulous character from the letters using all the letters, for the correct answer of 4 points.

(Commands get envelopes with a task. You need to collect the name of a fabulous character using all letters)

  1. Mermaid 1. Babratino

Task number 2 "Slave the word"

It is necessary to "awake" the word, putting the letters in alphabetical order.

Hoolp, Chat, Cow, Vybty

Task number 3 "Read-ka"

The task. Read words. Find unnecessary.

Ranakadsh, Cave, Tosikchak, Orevd

Task number 4 "Anirms":

Atlas - Salad.

Bank - Kaban.
gate - grass

Coach - Rocket
giant - Valenki.

address - Wednesday

Task number 5 "Make a word from the word":

Task for all participants

Do you like toys?

Who will be more words? (game, hand, pear, circle, ball, ears, skins, stew, cancer)

Task from lettering

- Guess what is written here. See letters


We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting,

What are our favorite fairy tales.

So, the next 5 contest "Fairy Tales". For each correct response of 4 points.

Task number 1 "Who is faster."

Continue the name of fabulous items.

Tsvetics ... (seven specials) hat ... (invisible)

Sword ... (Klastiene) Light My ... (Mirror)

Carpet ... (Airplane) Tsarevna ... (Frog)

Boots ... (Slorvers) Scarlet ... (Flower)

Wand ... ((corrupt) tablecloth ... (self-ban)

For each correct answer 1 point is accrued.

Task number 2 "Guess the fairy tale"

  • She flew Arrow and got into the swamp.
    And in that swamp caught her someone.
    Who, having sneaked with green leather
    Made a cute, beautiful, pleasant.
    (Princess Frog)
  • There is no river nor a pond.
    Where to get drunk?
    Delicious water
    In a hole from the cooler.
    (Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)
  • Opened the door of Kozdyat
    And everything was gone somewhere.
    (Wolf and kids)
  • On the window he confessed
    Took it later and gave himself
    To eat fox.
  • What a miracle what kind of evidence
    Do you ride sleigh without horses?
    (By magic)
  • Sisser played.
    They took the brother of the bird. (Swan geese)

Fizminutka "The most attentive"

Children are distributed balloons (Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple, Blue, Red) and explains the rules of the game.

Hearing in a short phrase the name of the object, the color of which coincides with the ball. The child raises the ball up take a step forward and waving a ball.

Ready? Be careful.

  1. On old kadushka
    Danced frogs. (
    Green )

  2. Dummy sun
    Lucking golden. (
    yellow )
    - The child must raise the ball.
  3. Ah Beautiful flower
    My favorite cornflower. (
    blue )
    - The child must raise the ball.
  4. On the edge of the forestry
    Strawberry under foliage. (
    red )
    - The child must raise the ball.
  5. Wind on the sea walks
    And the boat wings. (
    blue )
    - The child must raise the ball.
  6. And bloomed in the sky
    Rainbow - arc. (all balls)
    - All children must raise balls.


The contest for fairy tales is over, go to the next№ 6 "Teps from barrels." For the correct answer 5Balls

(Each of the team members is coming to the table and takes themselves the issue number from the barrel, says the issue number, reads it on a leaflet and responds (one of one team, another of the second team, etc.) questions on leaves before the participants)

  1. Name the tree-symbol of Russia? (Birch)
  2. What kind of animal living in water builds dams? (Beaver)
  3. Name the colors of the rainbow? (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple)
  4. What is the name of the homemaking from the cartoon? (Kuzya)
  5. What is the name of the Winter Bear Laugh? (Berlery)
  6. Name the beloved beast Freken side (Matilda cat)
  7. Name the instrument to determine the side of the horizon? (Compass
  8. What wing without feathers? (Aircraft)
  9. The slowest animal? (Turtle)
  10. Beveled, dried grass? (Hay)
  11. How many hours in the days? (24)
  12. Temperature Measuring Device? (Thermometer)
  13. White drink, useful for children and adults? (Milk)
  14. Day laughter? (1aprel)


Marathonians go forward

Mathematics are leading with you.

Without it, it is impossible!

Listen to the tasks, friends!

Competition number 6 "Mathematical"

1.U grandmother lived grandson Fedor, doggy ball and cat Vaska. How many grandchildren of grandmother? (one)

  1. Santa Micah 10 sheep. Everything except 9 escaped. How long is sheep left? (9)
  2. YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU WITH YOU. How many are all? (2)
  3. For three brothers 1 sister. How many children in the family?
  4. How many chickens brought a rooster if he demolished 5 eggs?
  5. There are 2 apples and 3 pears on the table. How many vegetables lie on the table?
  6. Three fish flew over the forest. 2 landed. How much flew away?
  7. How many ends of 2 sticks? And in two and a half sticks?

Music "Captains" sounds


On the musical screensaver you realized that now we have a contest of captains. For each correct answer to 1 point. Can't come to me. (Captains are invited to the lead who asks questions)

Questions to the captain "Erudites"

  1. First cosmonaut of the world? (Gagarin)
  2. Spiny plant? (Cactus)
  3. Men's chicken? (Rooster)
  4. Fruit fruit? (Yeld)

Questions to the captain "Troops"

  1. How many days in the week? (Seven)
  2. Animal with the longest neck? (Giraffe)
  3. Dwelling Baba Yaga? (Hut on the couch legs)
  4. What a terrible beast loves Malina? (Bear)

Upon completion of the contest, the captains are returned to teams.

Competition №7 "Cats"

The purpose of the competition to consolidate the names of geometric forms, develop logical thinking.

Conditions: - Somehow, since in the spring, not ordinary cats began to warm up in the sun and Russell here in this order, but one cat was delayed, what do you think?

Pythagore game

This game is called "Pythagoras" - named Greek scientist - mathematics.

Of geometric figures Speak figures for sample. (Figures are attached)


Our marathon came to the final,

You worked everything to fame.

It's time to bring the results,

Not sin team award.

Jury you word!

The results are summed up and the results of the intellectual competition are announced.

Commands and support groups receive small prizes.


This game is the power of the Spirit

Intend to go to victory

And new contests are all ahead!

Host: To new meetings on our marathons!

During a long trip, in rainy weather or at the cottage, away from the child's toys, you can take fascinating and useful game. Intelligent games are good with their availability and develop a child. With their help, time will fly imperceptibly. And at the same time they do not require cash costs or special training.

The direction of intellectual games

Intelligent games carry huge potential and allow you to develop:

  • Memory.In the process of the game, it works both involuntary and arbitrary memory - even children preschool age Perfectly remember the information filed in this form.
  • Attention.In an interesting game, the child focuses as much as possible, trying not to miss the slightest details.
  • Thinking.Thinking over a complex, but an exciting task, a schoolboy will be able to excellently train this skill, assimilate the decision algorithms for the future.
  • Logic.Intelligent games are inextricably linked with logical thinking, allow you to instill its foundations to children younger age And improve the older schoolchildren.
  • Speech.A number of games, cycling the child's speech, develop the articulator and help to absorb new grammatical designs.

The game can have its own specifics and be aimed at developing only one of these processes or train a few skills. In today's article we will consider multisaded games. In addition to the above processes, they will also help develop fantasy, creative thinking, small motor and etc.

Principles of Intellectual Games

Offering a child game, it is important to remember the following principles:

  • The game should be interesting.Offer the child to have an exciting time, call the spirit of rivalry in it and watch his behavior during the game. If enthusiasm is quickly dried, it is better to change the task.
  • The game should have an optimal level of complexity.It is too easy - the child will not be able to shorten the attention of the child, very complicated - can upset it, cause displeasure or insult.
  • The child needs support, help and praise.Be prepared for the fact that you yourself will have to break over the head of your head - the child must feel your interest, see participation. Praise his successes, but do not intercept, but cut to a minimum or remove the criticism at all.

Game "Monkey"

Monkey is not always bad!

What Develops:attention, memory, fine motor skills, coordination of movements

The game begins with a small fairy tale: "There was a little monkey. And one day it became very boring. She was sitting at the table and sad when a boy entered the room. The monkey hid under the table and began to watch. The boy came up to the buffet and took a candy - a monkey also ran to the buffet and pulled out candy. The boy unfolded a piece of paper - a monkey unfolded. The boy bit off - the monkey bit off. The boy smiled, and she too. "

Next, the adult offers a child (children) the game in which he himself becomes a boy from a fairy tale, and a child is a monkey. After that, the parent can show any actions (for example, collect the model), and the child's task is to quickly repeat them.

"What subject removed?"

What Develops:attention, memory, logic

The child is laid out a set of any items (the optimal number for children elementary school - 5-9). The task of the student is to carefully consider all items (within 30-50 seconds) and remember them. Next, he turns away, and the adult cleans one thing. The child must determine which one thing was removed. If it makes it difficult, then you can give a hint: "This piece of red", "he's round", etc.

To develop logic, you can slightly change the conditions of the game. To guess the missing item, a number of logical tips is given: "He lay behind scissors, but in front of the handle," the subject is more notepad, but less than a book, "" has four angle, but not square, etc.

"Chronological sequence"

What Develops:memory, attention, thinking, speech, logic

It is necessary to prepare several pictures based on fairy tales. For example, to a fairy tale of a kolobok, a grandfather and grandmother, a cheerful swab, hare, wolf, etc. can be drawn. You can search for the relevant images in books and the Internet.

"Story by pictures"

What makes it develops:attention, logic, speech, fantasy

The child is offered several pictures, for example, on one depicted a girl holding a candy, on the second - a girl with an empty candy in his hands, on the third - crying girl. The student needs to make a logical story on these pictures. At the same time, the events in the story should go in the sequence that the images were presented.

"Are accompanied by proper sequence»

What Develops:attention, thinking, logic

The child needs to be located in the correct sequence based on logical conditions. Example:

Green circle can not stand next to a red square. The blue triangle should stand in front of the green circle, but after a yellow square. Red square is always the last. Yellow square goes paired with a blue triangle ...

"Frame from balls"

What Develops:attention, thinking

Task: Imagine that you have 15 balls. 5 of them yellow color, 5-Sinet, 5 - red. You need to position them in a triangular frame so that there are no balls next to the same color.

"Sold down the code and add"

What Develops:memory, attention, thinking, logic

The child is made by a number of images that are selected on a specific principle. The task is to solve this principle (code) and add a number.

For example, sequence:

What kind of figure you need to put instead of a question mark:

Pictures from Akimova G. E. "Superintellect. Effective training for the development of natural genius "

"Geometric cipher"

What Develops:attention, memory, logic, thinking, speech

The following scheme is proposed to the child:

And conditions:

Thus, the word / phrase is encoded to be decrypted. For example:

Pictures from Hart Davis A. "Amazing Mathematical Puzzles"

"Turn the cups"

What Develops:attention, thinking, logic

In front of the child in a row puts seven cups bottom down. In one move, you can turn over three cups (no more and no less). Task: For three moves to deliver all cups.


What Develops:attention, memory, thinking, speech

Before the game, it is necessary to make a number of questions on common intelligence, knowledge, erudition, intelligence. Questions can be as with answers (how many planets in the solar system? A) 6; B) 3; AT 8; D) 9.), so without (how much is the emperors in Russia?).

To enhance interest in the game, you can award the child for each correct answer, and then exchange them for prizes. Or to arrange a small competition between children, who will give more correct answers.

"Riddles with trick"

What Develops: Attention, memory, thinking, logic, speech

There is a huge set of riddles with trick, to solve that interesting and adults, and children:

  • Can there be a pronoun? If yes, then when? (When they are you-you)
  • What a bird will be the biggest in Europe, if you lose just one letter? (Oriole)
  • What month is the shortest? (May - just three letters)
  • When to enter the black cat in the house easier? (When the door is open)
  • In which month, the talkative girl speaks the least? (In February - short month)

You can find such riddles in books or on the Internet.

The right recreation organization has great importance. Mental loads, the cold day of the year strongly deplete the physical and psychological condition of the child. Therefore, in the summer you just need to relax.

Competently organize the process of creative self-realization, enriching additional knowledge can only intelligent game in the camp can. Such games are creative activity in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, disclose thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

"Complex answer"

One of the children (the selected presenter) sets very simple questions, implying the answers "Yes", "No". The remaining participants of the game must give an answer, while using the words "yes", "no" is categorically prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. The counselor or educator reveals children a certain topic. The first team should argue trying to prove well-known facts, and the second - on the contrary, should find facts to prove the opposite direction.

"Make a proverb"

Children give leaves with written in two words. From these words you need to make a proverb. For example, words: light darkness. That child wins, which first correctly voiced by a famous proverb.

Scenario of intellectual game

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet times, all the camps held a competition for the best theatrical representation of famous fairy tales. Today's children do not like to participate in such performances. Therefore, an intelligent game for children, which includes many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

In such a game, it is assumed to have four squad teams.

Competition 1.

Called any fairy tale. On the last letter of this fairy tale you need to call a new one. The action takes place in a circle. It is dropped from the participation of the team that does not find the necessary name of the fairy tale within 5 seconds.

Competition 2.

It is necessary to come up with a laudatory ODU to any fabulous character. All teams are issued prepared rhymes:

daw - stick,
Sock - sand.

Competition 3.

Think over and theatrize a meeting of three absolutely different characters. For example, such as:

  • Konk-Gorboon, Alladin, Baba Yaga.
  • Mermaid, Old Man-hottabych, Winnie Pooh.
  • Snake Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Koschey Immortal, Red Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4.

Captains pull the lot. Each team gets its fairy tale. Without using words, exclusively a pantomime, the team should demonstrate a fairy tale so that the audience guess its name. Tales options:

  • "Teremok", "Pink", "Ryabina", "Kolobok".

Competition 5.

Thinking around and theatrize a small fairy tale, in which three magical subjects will be applied: a touch-sensing tablecloth, a carpet, a magic mirror.

Competition 6.

Theatrilize the famous fairy tale "Three Piglets" in the national style. You can use African style, Indian, English. In this action, the selection of appropriate animals is taken into account, the transmission of color, imitation style and even accent.

Such an intellectual game scenario can be complemented by contests if children enter excitement. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a few additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the result is summarized, and winners are awarded - as the best storytellers.

Club of intellectual games

There is some annoying stereotype in the world - creative development is aimed at the development of young children or younger students.

Often in schools and camps carefully selected intellectual games for younger students. But adolescents and high school students also need the development of creative and creative potential. That is why suggest elder children to create a club of intellectual games. Interest them not only by the games themselves, but also planning work with younger children.

Several games that will enjoy high school students offered to your attention.

"Theater of Abbrevia"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players goes out of the door. The rest come up with the word. The letters of this word are distributed between playing children. Each letter characterizes the type of behavior. For example, "s" - envy, "O" - mischief. When the presenter enters the room, players must show him the pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what a character line is demonstrated to it, and from the received letters folded the correct word.

"Ocean is shaking"

All players come up with one word and in order of line call them out loud. The player's compose of this chain calls his word and acquires the role of a storyteller. He begins to tell the fictional story in which it is necessary to connect all the words named players. The player whose word was pronounced, should get out of the chain and move away from his place. The storytellor needs to confuse the players with their narrative. For example, for a long time not to pronounce any of the words of the players, and then call a few words right away. The story should end in the phrase "the sea is worried." This phrase is a signal by which all players seek to return to their places. He who did not have time becomes a storyteller.

Try to diversify the children's leisure as much as possible. Pick interesting quizzes, contests. Remember that the intellectual game for children is the game that contributes to the excellent development of imagination, the combinatorial function of intelligence, flexibility, as well as associative thinking.

Objectives: The use of intellectual games in order to create favorable conditions for the development of each personality capable of achieving effectiveness in intellectual work.


  1. Create conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization.
  2. Stimulate the development of intellectual and cognitive opportunities for children.
  3. Easify respectful attitude towards each other in working in a team.
  4. Develop the creative activity of children.

Participants of the game:

The game participates 4 teams. The participants of each team combines the date of birth. In the first team, the guys who were born in the fall, in the second - in winter, in the third - in the spring, in the fourth - in the summer.

Command participants come up with the name of the team, choose Captain.


  1. Multimedia equipment.
  2. Personal Computer.
  3. Multimedia presentation.
  4. Signal cards.
  5. Evaluation paper.
  6. Stopwatch.
  7. Gong.
  8. Diplots and prizes
  9. "Cap of the wise"

Game description

This game is command game and designed for 3 class students. In the game 4 round.

I tour

I tour Contains questions of the 4th category of knowledge that are estimated from 1 to 4 points:

ART 1 2 3 4

For discussion, teams give 15 seconds. Over time, the task is followed by an arbiter.

The first is answered by the team that raised everyone faster signal card. If the command gives the wrong answer, the answer right goes to the command that the next raised the signal card. For every correct answer The team receives that the number of points that corresponds to the question in the table. For every wrong The response from the command is subtracted by the corresponding number of points. The right to choose the next question receives, the team that correctly answered the previous question.

Counting points leads accounts Commission As part of 4 people. Each member of the Commission monitors the same command and calculates the number of points scored by this command.

The same rules are used when conducting the game of the game.


Sportland 10 20 30 40
Once chamomile, two chamomile ... 10 20 30 40
Shed overwhelming 10 20 30 40

Several questions of the I and II tour refers to the category "Cat in a bag" and to the category "Question-auction". The participants of the game do not know in advance, in which field these questions are.

If during the game the team gets a question from the category "Cat in a bag",that the right to answer this question the team gives rivals on an intellectual game.

If during the game the team goes "Question - auction",topvo responses the team that will offer a large "price". Only those teams can be "bargaining", on the account of which a positive number of points.

III tour

IN III Tour W.private traders decide the crossword. For each correct answer, the team receives 5 points.

Only commands with a positive number of points pass to the final.

The final

Before starting the final Each team makes bets, i.e., record the number of points on the cards, which is exposed as a bet and pass to the Accident Commission.

In the finalteams must compile new words from the letters of the word Snow Maiden. Task execution time - 1 minute. The team wins, which amounted to the greatest number of words. At the expense of this team, the number of points that the team said in the rate. The rest of the teams from the account are filmed scores claimed at the rate.

Winner gamethe team is considered, on whose account after the final there remains the largest number of points.

Following the game, letters and prizes are given to the participants of the winning team of the game, detected best playerwhich is awarded "Cap of the Wise"

Stroke Game

I. Orgmant:

1 student:

If you want to build a bridge
Watch star motion
Drive a car in the field
Ile drive a car up -
Good work at school
Conscientiously learn.

2 student:

We go to school. Not in vain,
Without science you can not!
In life illiterate enter
During the minute you will disappear.
To avoid errors,
Your mind needs to develop.
And in the game you can check
Just will be or difficult.

II. Dear team members, now you must come up with the name of your team and choose Captain.

(Players come up with the name of the team)

We all know that today in the case of intelligence.

It is smart people with powerful intelligence achieve success in our time.

If you want your children to replenish their ranks, must take care of their intellectual.

There are special intellectual games for childrendifferent ages with the help of which you need to act.

To find such games today is not much difficult - there are even enough of them in the same Internet.

Yes, and to play them with a carapaus, special education is not required.

All you need is a desire to help your babe become smarter.

Why do intelligent games for children need?

Once walking in the park, I heard the entertaining conversation of two moms around the playground.

A young girl who believed his interlocutor with a cigarette (!) What educational games play with his three-year-old daughter.

The smokers (aged age, and maybe because of bad habits, simply disgustingly looking) challenged the disapproving look at his interlocutor and said:

"Oh, yes, why do children to torment any intellectualist? Go to school - everything will be learned. I do not torment anything, let him play how he likes. "

After that, quickly translated the conversation to discuss some series.

I stood some time on the site, hoping to see the kids about whom moms talked.

Krocha, already at his young age spoke more literately than some godded adults.

The son of the second milf was not able to identify.

Then my attention was attracted by the five-year-old boy, who was worn around the playground, the screamed and tried to take the toys from children.

I so for some reason immediately and suspected that this is a child smoking mom, which is against intelligent games for children.

My suspicions were confirmed when she finally drew attention to his violent child and screamed:

"Artem, B ..., I told you how many times - not or as cutting."

I thought that with this, forgive the Lord, my mother, in childhood, too, no one in intellectual games played and what is worse - she wants her son to become the same as she.

Intellectual games for children: how are they helpful?

I hope that among my readers there is no similarity to this mountain mommy and you understand: the earlier you begin to engage with children intellectual games, the better for them.

Such games help:

  1. Training memory, perseverance and other useful qualities.
  2. Develop logical thinking.
  3. Preparing a child to school.
  4. Learn to focus on some one thing.
  5. Search solutions for different tasks.
  6. Learn new information.
  7. Think creatively and non-standard.
  8. In the future, achieve success.

Of course, it is impossible to deprive children and take care of only how many new information has mastered the baby for today.

Each karapus should have a doll, machine, ball, bike, soft and cozy bear, etc.

But buying a new toy for kids, think about what she can teach your little treasure, as will affect his intellectual development.

Intelligent games for the youngest children

This is not true that with the kids up to three years can not be played in any intellectual games.

The sooner you begin to develop your child, the better for him. Just to such lessons you need to approach:

  • do not overvolt the baby - 20 minutes a day for classes is enough;
  • listen to his wishes: if he is not in the mood, if he feels bad, if he doesn't like some game, then you should not insist;
  • choose games that correspond to the age of crumbs.

Previously one year, it is not worth starting to develop games.

Useful and interesting toys for kids for 1-3 years - this is:

  1. Collecting pyramids.
  2. Lining Matryoshki for growth, assembly and disassembly of them.
  3. Reading books with a minimum of text and bright colorful pictures.
  4. Handing pasta or other large items with holes on the fishing line.
  5. Games with the ball, when Karapuz realizes that one and the same thing you can ride, throw, push the foot, knock on it with his palm, so that he jumped, etc.
  6. Pronunciation of sounds and syllables (to start with vowels: "A", "U", "O").
  7. Drawing with fingers.
  8. Motor games, during which child learns to jump, squat, clap, etc. Movement is better to combine with poems to achieve a better effect.

Intellectual games for children 4-6 years

As the baby will be easily impressed with the intellectual games in which you play with him.

You can choose more complex tasks to kid, but also its intelligence, perfection, ability to concentrate.

Not far from the mountain preparation for school, and therefore games must be appropriate.

If you decide that your son or daughter you can get acquainted with a computer, then on the Internet there are enough sites with intellectual games for children 4-6 years.

For example:

  • and others.

Let the child play these games under your supervision, encourage and help him if necessary.

If you decide to wait until school and only then acquaint crook with a computer, you can play with him in:

    Developers produce puzzles for kids, starting with a three-year-old age.

    Drawing up a common picture of parts is one of the favorite intellectual games of children.

  1. Designers.

    The same - "Lego", that both boys and girls love.

    Board games.

    For example, a children's "monopoly", lotto and others.


    Here on this site has many puzzles, but you can search for stores suitable.


    First, the child learns to distinguish between colors, secondly, trains the motility of fingers, in third, it produces perishability and accuracy, because the drawing will be beautiful only if not to go beyond the verge.

    Noliki cross.

    A simple intelligent game in which you probably played with your parents.

And with the child you can play puzzle drawings, for example,

how on this video:

Intelligent Games for School Children

The greatest number of intellectual games found by me when preparing for writing this article are intended for children of younger school age.

Most schoolchildren already have a personal computer, so you should encourage our child to get acquainted with sites where various developers are collected.

For example, with such

Here you have 3 more interesting games For the development of the intelligence of younger schoolchildren:

    "True - not true."

    You say the phrase, the baby is responsible, the truth is or not.

    So they learned to reason logically.

    We are looking for a common word.

    For example, you list the words "table", "Chair", "sofa", and son or daughter should guess that the general word "furniture".

    Playing in the city.

    The child should call the city on the last letter of the city that you called.

Intellectual games for childrenexist in this huge quantitiesthat within one article, alas, I was able to name only their small part.

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