Alice madness returns all secrets. Secrets of the game Alice: Madness Returns

After the end of the video, we leave the room and along the corridor crammed with children, you can inspect the nearby rooms. We reach the stairs, go down and go out into the street. Here we make our way forward to the bazaar, where we notice a white cat. The further route is to chase this fluffy. Once in the gateway, we watch the video.

After the end of the next video, we run across the bridge to the opposite side of the roof and watch a new video.


After talking with the Cheshire cat, we run forward along the path, collect memories and jump over all the obstacles. After a while we get to a small waterfall, where we again meet the Cheshire Cat. At the end of the video, we decrease, look around and understand where we need to run. We pass through the cave forward, climb up and, after passing a few more of the same rooms, we find ourselves in a room with a blue mushroom. We step on it.

Climbing down the board is an easy task. The main thing is to make sure not to miss the teeth. Having landed safely in a pool of blood, we turn right and go out into the clearing, where the Cheshire Cat is waiting for us again. After the end of the conversation, you should not run away from the clearing. If the shells are broken, teeth will fall out of them, and a memory can be found next to the crying statue. Now you can move to the next location, where the first meeting with the monster will take place. He dies with three or four stabs. After cleaning the area, we go further and find ourselves at the cook. Here we are given a list. The Pepper Pot is a ranged weapon. It shoots slowly, deals low damage, but there are no other ranged weapons at the beginning.

After the end of the video, we go out into the yard, where we notice a nest of screws. These enemies are nimble and when they get to our heroine, they immobilize her, so you need to deal with them from afar. But first of all, you need to destroy the nests from which they appear.

The destruction of one nest will lead to the emergence of new ones. There will be about six nests in total, appearing in turn. The last monster will be Mud Doll. After it is destroyed, a pig snout will fly in. We shoot him and run back to the cook.

We pass further along the corridor and find ourselves in a spacious clearing. First, we deal with the screw nests, after which we move closer and shoot the piglet. Having eliminated the newly arrived monsters, we again look for a patch and pepper it. Now the path is open further, it remains only to jump on the dominoes.

At the other end, a meeting with a new monster awaits - a mud worm. Its danger lies in the fact that it slows down the movement of Alice, although he himself moves slowly. We get to the place where part of the earth falls through, and with the help of red mushrooms we move to the opposite side. Caution should be exercised when jumping over streams of red-hot slurry spouting from the ground.

Once on the opposite side, we follow the fleeing doll and, having reached a spacious square, we engage in battle with monsters. Having dealt with nightmares, we pass through the tunnel leading to a new location, where we have to meet new opponents: aggressive-minded gnomes. An ordinary gnome is killed with a couple of stabs. A dwarf with a shield, on the other hand, requires a more careful approach - you have to wait until he swings, then jump away from his attack, then run up and finish him off.

Once in the possessions of the Hatter, the main thing is to orient yourself. There are extremely many secret passages and just branches. In order not to get lost, use zoom, in this mode Alice sees various hidden signs and arrows that show the way. First of all, we jump over to the platform on the left and rotate the crane so that the steam plant appears. The further path runs along the platforms through a small settlement of aggressive gnomes.

After that, we go inside a huge building, where we have to meet with the Glaznik - a new monster. He appears to be an extremely vicious teapot. The only vulnerable spot is the eye. Kettle's melee attacks are extremely dangerous, so it's best to stay away from him or parry them and hit while he's confused.

After defeating the first such teapot, two more will appear. Before we move anywhere, we pepper them to death from afar. Having jumped into the next room, we listen to the Cheshire cat. There is a button on the other end of the platform where he was standing. We get up on it and wait until the platform drops to the stop. Now we quickly run around the tea streams and jump onto the elevator.

Once at the top, we pass through a small hall and find a ticking hare in a hat. It is not necessary to be afraid of it, but it is necessary to pick it up. It's a time bomb. We get out upstairs, break a couple of walls and find ourselves visiting the Hatter. Here, after the conversation, we break a couple of walls and put a time bomb on the pressure platform, and we ourselves run in the opposite direction, to the pressure mechanism.

Once at the top, raise the umbrella and read about its use. Appears right there new monster- Ruin. The difficulty of dealing with him lies in the fact that the greatest damage can be done to him only by reflecting his own remote attacks.

Having finished the battle, we go to the right, where we sit down in a cup and embark on a journey. At the factory, we make our way into the first room with lava and pepper the very first button, after which we move on. In a huge hall on the platform, there will be a battle with two Eyes at once. The main thing is not to let them get close and kill the evil dolls before they attack.

At the exit from there, Alice will encounter a new group of monsters. First of all, we deal with the nearby Glaznik and the puppets, after which we take on what is far away. As soon as the room is cleared, we cross it, rotate the crane and return back. From a distance we destroy the screwhead nests, deal with the Moaning Ruins and climb into the opened passage.

In the new premises, our task will be to rise. To do this, carefully look for red circles, shoot them from the pepper pot and jump to new platforms with the help of emerging steam flows.

The next room was under the control of a mad mouse. First of all, Alice will have to jump from stand to stand to get to the opposite wall. This must be done carefully, because. along the way spills too hot hanging samovar. In addition, Eyes will sometimes appear on the left and shoot at us. Having reached the crane, we cool the lava below and move along the platforms that have appeared to the opposite side. Here we pull the lever so that pieces of metal begin to fuse along the red-hot mass. Carefully jumping on them, we climb to the last tap and block it. As soon as the mouse runs away - we climb into her booth, press the lever and jump after the hands.

From the Hatter we again get out upward, but now we turn to the right. At the end of the video, we run into a huge hall with chippers. We turn off the first line of chippers by placing a rabbit-bomb on the button. Under the second one, you just need to jump over, after which we go up. Behind the flimsy wall there is again a button, we clamp it with a bomb and run along the raised gears. Having made our way under one more hammer, we find the last button, we clamp it again and run to the exit.

In the next room we are waiting for a horizontal vice. The easiest way to overcome them is to dodge, just do it forward. After them, we turn right and, climbing up, hold down the door opening button there and jump down, ignoring the monster that has appeared.

The next room will have many traps and obstacles. First of all, we turn right and slip past the hammers. After that, we get to the room where we will meet a crazy rabbit. The algorithm for defeating him is similar to the battle with the mouse. First we pass through the fenders, then through the vise, we get to the lever and the path to the control cabin opens. We release the Hatter's legs to freedom and go to him, down.

After the end of the video, follow the Hatter. And then there will be some videos ...
I advise you to watch them))

We run away from the pier into the alleys, after the white cat. We get to the tavern. AT main door They won't let you in, so go ahead and turn left. Here we watch the video and run a little forward, enter the building from the back door and go up to the second floor. We enter the only open door, watch the video.


Once in the expanses of the Arctic, the first thing we do is break the stars. Moving forward, we come across a platform where the first attacking monsters will appear. Having dealt with the enemies, we follow forward, but the path is blocked by someone blowing from the ice rock. The main problem in overcoming it is that it blows Alice away.

In the nearest room, a new weapon will become available - Konyashka. Strong but slow. And then there will be new opponents - Ice Snarks. Fast, vicious frog-shaped fish. Their main danger lies in the fact that they move extremely quickly across the battlefield. Having dealt with the newly arrived enemies, we set off forward through the caves. The path through the caves is extremely linear and clear, problems should not arise.

Having stumbled upon a huge green shell, we go into it. Here we will meet the Cheshire Cat, asking riddles. For correct answers, he gives paint for roses. The answers to the first riddle are the last. Answer to the second riddle: "His name."

The next goal is to get to the ship. You can do this in many different ways, but the most optimal is along the left edge through the lake with sharks. At the end of the video, the typical side-scroller mode will turn on. At first, sharks will attack only from the front, after passing a third of the distance, they will start attacking from behind, and a little later, shooting crabs and mines will appear.

Waking up after an unsuccessful landing, we follow forward along the corridors, jumping over red, dangerous jellyfish. Thus we get to the fiery door and enter it. Let's watch the video.

Now we follow the coral corridors to the fish city. On the main square, you can turn right and, after going down and passing the test, you can get more colors for roses. The test is easily passed by simply running away from enemies.

After completing the test, we return to the square and turn right. Our task now is to get to the theatre. There is only one way there and it runs along the backs of white jellyfish. In the process, you will have to meet a new enemy - the Dead Sailor. Physical damage cannot be dealt to him until he is stunned. The only way to stun him is by detonating the bomb he is holding. Once in place, we communicate with the director and find out our next task. At the exit from the hall, turn right and go all the way.

This is where Pushkocrab will meet for the first time. An extremely strong enemy that fires cannonballs. Immune to damage, so to kill you must first turn it over. The first two times this is done by reflecting his own nuclei with an umbrella, and the last - in melee Konyazhka.

Through the opened passage we get to the Octopus. The new task is to find him 3 times in a row. He will hide in bottles, so as soon as you stumble upon bottles, break them. In the first location, finding an octopus will be easy. In the second, it is a little more difficult, because the desired bottle is not in the total mass, but a little to the side. Having reached the third location with bottles, look around carefully for a small passage for mini-Alice. The octopus will be waiting there.

After the end of the video, we go back and find the singer. Watch the video and run first open location. We jump onto the platform, deal with the monsters that have appeared and release the tools. We repeat in other rooms and help the singer to tune in.

The next challenge is to wake up the dancing mussels. The first two of them will wake up only after the fight with the monsters, and the third has already woken up and she needs help to make a poster. To do this, you first need to find the three missing pieces. The first cube is on your left, the next one is in the cave opposite, and the last one is in the mini-Alice cave. Once all the cubes are collected together, it remains only to collect them in the correct order. In fact, these are ordinary tags and everything is solved in four permutations (on empty place you need to put the corresponding picture right away).

Following this, we go to the theater, but in the middle of the way we are interrupted and sent to the cemetery to save the lost souls of sailors. This requires clearing three crypts. The sweep will consist in the fact that first on a small platform you need to defeat one of the sailors. It's basically just a Sailor's Ghost, it's just that various other monsters are constantly appearing around him. They will stop appearing only after the sailor calms down. After that, we set off along the dark ceilings to the burial place. It's usually enough just to follow the glowing seahorse. If there is an abyss in front of you and there is nowhere to jump, try to shrink down and see if there are secret platforms.

As soon as the sailors are saved, we go further into the opened gate and after a while we encounter the Giant Ruin. Defeating this monster is extremely difficult, but quite real. The main thing is to dodge his close attacks and keep your distance, while not forgetting to pepper the reptile.

After the monster escapes, we enter the city and get to the theater. Let's watch the video.

We run through the streets to Radcliffe's house, go in there and go upstairs, go into his room and watch the video. We run back out into the street and run forward along the streets. Having reached the border of collapsing London, we watch the video.


Through the crumbling world we follow the instructions of the caterpillar. Very often, in order to go further, it will be required to deal with a certain number of opponents, and then clear the path to the hookah and use it. Toward the end of the first stage, Alice will encounter the Enormous Ruin again. This time, he will have to fight to the end. The first phase proceeds in the same way as before, i.e. Alice shoots the colossus from afar and runs away when she tries to get closer. The second phase is that the monster starts spewing flames and desperately chasing the heroine. The main thing here is to stay as far away from him as possible and wait until the enemy decides to rest. At this point, and it is necessary to finish it off by any available means.

Here we will be given a new weapon - the Tea Cannon. The best weapon against groups of enemies.

Once in the reality of the East, we look around and run forward along the corridor. main feature This location lies in the fact that there are a lot of hidden platforms here and often used, so if you can’t see the way forward, you should decrease and take a closer look. In addition to this, Alice will have to face new opponents: Samurai Wasps, Archer Wasps, Ink Wasps and Heavy Samurai Wasps.

The first are ordinary opponents who are practically immune to ranged attacks. The best remedy against these reptiles is Konyashka. Archer wasps are not so difficult, they can be quickly peppered to an unflyable state. With the Ink Wasps, the situation is about the same as with the Shurupchels. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, they die quickly and easily, but they are constantly reborn. In order for the wasps to stop appearing, you need to find a nest and destroy it. These nests look like graves.

The heavy Wasp Samurai is a formidable adversary, capable of spoiling nerves. First, he is very strong. Secondly, just like the wasp, the samurai is immune to ranged attacks. To kill such a monster, you must first get close to him, then stun and furiously finish off, tearing off his armor.

Before entering the secret caves, you will have to solve another 15 puzzle. Parts of it are scattered around and the paths to them can be seen in a reduced state.

We watch the video and set off on the path through the site. We go out into the street and fall into a swoon. Waking up, we wander along strange corridors forward until we reach a huge failure.


When Alice approaches, the cards themselves will lay out a path for her. Thus we get to a small card castle. At the exit we find two buttons. On the left we put the Bomb Hare, and on the right we put Alice and jump over to an invisible platform. After a short walk and rolling down another hill, we find ourselves in the domain of the Black Queen. We make our way to the gates of the castle and enter.

Here you will meet new enemies - Card Guardians. They are easy enough to kill with any weapon. Now we enter the castle and set off to explore it. In one of the rooms you will be locked up with card guards. As soon as they die, the Executioner will come. It makes no sense to fight him, we run through the door on the right, and then through the keyhole.

Outside, the scenario will repeat itself - first a fight with cards, and then an escape from the Executioner. A new problem appears. To balance the scales in the right direction, use the Hare and move on.

Next, Alice is waiting for a chess problem, not difficult. After opening the gate, we meet the Executioner again and run away from him again. The new enemy is an armored cardboard guard. Immune to many attacks, but vulnerable to boiling water from a kettle. After the battle, we once again encounter the Executioner, who teleports Alice somewhere.

We break forward through the crowds of enemies until the Executioner teleports to the chessboard again. This time, the main thing is that the number of your steps is equal to the number of steps of the red figure.

We continue moving forward. You can jump on the nearest scales if you break through the floor and use the spring from below. Next - the last chess problem. The whole point is that the enemy completely repeats Alice's moves. Using this, we easily win and move on.

Again we come across a burning door. Watch the video and move on. Again a small battle, after which the labyrinth will begin. If the exit cannot be found on the move, then we use the left hand rule. After a small fight at the exit, we again give a tear from the Executioner and stumble upon a cake. After eating it, Alice will become big. Controlling a huge Alice, we crush and destroy everyone who comes under the arms and legs. Having reached the tower with a cannon, we proceed to destroy and break. As soon as the heart appears - click on the right mouse button. We continue in the same spirit until Alice returns to her previous size.

We climb into the mouth and then go down. We find a heart and break it. The destruction of each heart leads to the opening of the way further. With everything destroyed, Alice finally meets the Black Queen. Let's watch the video.

We go forward along the corridors, after which we find ourselves in a torture chamber. And then another one. In the end, we go out into the foggy street. We move from lantern to lantern, after which we find ourselves at a burning house. Let's watch the video.

Once in a toy town, we go forward a couple, we find a lever with an eye and jump down. Here we are waiting for the first skirmish with the monsters. We watch the video and suddenly we run into a huge evil doll. Big means slow. Let's use this and move on. We pass by the doll swinging on a swing calmly, press the lever and again fight with a big unkind doll. We listen to the Cheshire Cat and go forward. Again we walk along the invisible platforms, shoot the red target and pull the lever.

Now the game is changing the format again. We control the puppet head. To control the strength of the shot, use the spacebar. Having dealt with the next troubles, we roll down the hill. Now Alice will have to run along the track with spikes. To remove the spikes - press the button with an exploding rabbit. After that, another run will follow and jump on invisible platforms, followed by peppering the red target. And again the battle with a huge doll.

Going down and passing through the keyhole into the labyrinth, we are not lost. As a last resort, we use the right hand rule again. At the exit, we press the button and watch what happens.

We continue to move forward. Again a problem with platforms, stealths and scales. Quite difficult, but doable. Alice's goal is a lever that opens the passage. In it - again a problem with weights and sharp presses. After that, we meet again with a big disgruntled doll.

This will be followed by an extremely long run with acrobatic exercises. They will not always be easy to do, but it is almost always obvious what is required of Alice.

Another toy town. Another battle for rose paint. We throw an explosive rabbit on the button and go further. We meet an old acquaintance - a Huge Ruin. We return to an already familiar place, there were terrible children. Once again, we deal with a large and dissatisfied doll. AT dollhouse we fight with its logical inhabitants. Climbing to the top floor, activate the lever and climb even higher. Once again you have to play a melody. Then we run up the railroad.

And again the episode with the control of the doll's head. It will be more difficult than the previous one, but it is quite passable. We slide down a branching hill, where a bunch of enemies are already waiting for us. We enter the burning door and watch the video.

Climbing up, we encounter a group of Ruins. Having reached the doll factory, we rise to the very top and watch the video.

We go forward, watching the bizarre changes in the world. Having reached the castle, we enter the final battle. First, keep an eye on Alice's health, hysteria is ineffective in this battle, so you need to keep the life-giving roses at a stable level. Help with this can weak monsters that will curl around. Second, attack the arms as soon as the head turns white. After there are only two hands left, you can start attacking continuously.

After the victory, watch the video.

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After the end of the video, we leave the room and along the corridor crammed with children, you can inspect the nearby rooms. We reach the stairs, go down and go out into the street. Here we make our way forward to the bazaar, where we notice a white cat. The further route is to chase this fluffy. Once in the gateway, we watch the video.

After the end of the next video, we run across the bridge to the opposite side of the roof and watch a new video.


After talking with the Cheshire cat, we run forward along the path, collect memories and jump over all the obstacles. After a while we get to a small waterfall, where we again meet the Cheshire Cat. At the end of the video, we decrease, look around and understand where we need to run. We pass through the cave forward, climb up and, after passing a few more of the same rooms, we find ourselves in a room with a blue mushroom. We step on it.

Climbing down the board is an easy task. The main thing is to make sure not to miss the teeth. Having landed safely in a pool of blood, we turn right and go out into the clearing, where the Cheshire Cat is waiting for us again. After the end of the conversation, you should not run away from the clearing. If the shells are broken, teeth will fall out of them, and a memory can be found next to the crying statue. Now you can move to the next location, where the first meeting with the monster will take place. He dies with three or four stabs. After cleaning the area, we go further and find ourselves at the cook. Here we are given a list. The Pepper Pot is a ranged weapon. It shoots slowly, deals low damage, but there are no other ranged weapons at the beginning.

After the end of the video, we go out into the yard, where we notice a nest of screws. These enemies are nimble and when they get to our heroine, they immobilize her, so you need to deal with them from afar. But first of all, you need to destroy the nests from which they appear.

The destruction of one nest will lead to the emergence of new ones. There will be about six nests in total, appearing in turn. The last monster will be Mud Doll. After it is destroyed, a pig snout will fly in. We shoot him and run back to the cook.

We pass further along the corridor and find ourselves in a spacious clearing. First, we deal with the screw nests, after which we move closer and shoot the piglet. Having eliminated the newly arrived monsters, we again look for a patch and pepper it. Now the path is open further, it remains only to jump on the dominoes.

At the other end, a meeting with a new monster awaits - a mud worm. Its danger lies in the fact that it slows down the movement of Alice, although he himself moves slowly. We get to the place where part of the earth falls through, and with the help of red mushrooms we move to the opposite side. Caution should be exercised when jumping over streams of red-hot slurry spouting from the ground.

Once on the opposite side, we follow the fleeing doll and, having reached a spacious square, we engage in battle with monsters. Having dealt with nightmares, we pass through the tunnel leading to a new location, where we have to meet new opponents: aggressive-minded gnomes. An ordinary gnome is killed with a couple of stabs. A dwarf with a shield, on the other hand, requires a more careful approach - you have to wait until he swings, then jump away from his attack, then run up and finish him off.

After the end of the battle, a red mushroom will appear, which will help you get out of this place. We make our way along the corridor to the edge of the abyss. To overcome it, you just need to decrease, and then jump back to the firmament from its edge. Trying to fly over is not worth it, although Alice jumps far enough, but not so far. Now it remains only to get to the trolley call system and sit there.

Once in the possessions of the Hatter, the main thing is to orient yourself. There are extremely many secret passages and just branches. In order not to get lost, use zoom, in this mode Alice sees various hidden signs and arrows that show the way. First of all, we jump over to the platform on the left and rotate the crane so that the steam plant appears. The further path runs along the platforms through a small settlement of aggressive gnomes.

After that, we go inside a huge building, where we have to meet with the Glaznik - a new monster. He appears to be an extremely vicious teapot. The only vulnerable spot is the eye. Kettle's melee attacks are extremely dangerous, so it's best to stay away from him or parry them and hit while he's confused.

After defeating the first such teapot, two more will appear. Before we move anywhere, we pepper them to death from afar. Having jumped into the next room, we listen to the Cheshire cat. There is a button on the other end of the platform where he was standing. We get up on it and wait until the platform drops to the stop. Now we quickly run around the tea streams and jump onto the elevator.

Once at the top, we pass through a small hall and find a ticking hare in a hat. It is not necessary to be afraid of it, but it is necessary to pick it up. It's a time bomb. We get out upstairs, break a couple of walls and find ourselves visiting the Hatter. Here, after the conversation, we break a couple of walls and put a time bomb on the pressure platform, and we ourselves run in the opposite direction, to the pressure mechanism.

Once at the top, raise the umbrella and read about its use. Immediately a new monster appears - the Ruin. The difficulty of dealing with him lies in the fact that the greatest damage can be done to him only by reflecting his own remote attacks.

Having finished the battle, we go to the right, where we sit down in a cup and embark on a journey. At the factory, we make our way into the first room with lava and pepper the very first button, after which we move on. In a huge hall on the platform, there will be a battle with two Eyes at once. The main thing is not to let them get close and kill the evil dolls before they attack.

Having dealt with the monsters on this platform, we approach its edge and jump down, where we pull the lever. Now, on the rising wheels that have appeared, we climb back up and jump into the passage on the left.

At the exit from there, Alice will encounter a new group of monsters. First of all, we deal with the nearby Glaznik and the puppets, after which we take on what is far away. As soon as the room is cleared, we cross it, rotate the crane and return back. From a distance we destroy the screwhead nests, deal with the Moaning Ruins and climb into the opened passage.

In the new premises, our task will be to rise. To do this, carefully look for red circles, shoot them from the pepper pot and jump to new platforms with the help of emerging steam flows.

The next room was under the control of a mad mouse. First of all, Alice will have to jump from stand to stand to get to the opposite wall. This must be done carefully, because. along the way spills too hot hanging samovar. In addition, Eyes will sometimes appear on the left and shoot at us. Having reached the crane, we cool the lava below and move along the platforms that have appeared to the opposite side. Here we pull the lever so that pieces of metal begin to fuse along the red-hot mass. Carefully jumping on them, we climb to the last tap and block it. As soon as the mouse runs away - we climb into her booth, press the lever and jump after the hands.

From the Hatter we again get out upward, but now we turn to the right. At the end of the video, we run into a huge hall with chippers. We turn off the first line of chippers by placing a rabbit-bomb on the button. Under the second one, you just need to jump over, after which we go up. Behind the flimsy wall there is again a button, we clamp it with a bomb and run along the raised gears. Having made our way under one more hammer, we find the last button, we clamp it again and run to the exit.

In the next room we are waiting for a horizontal vice. The easiest way to overcome them is to dodge, just do it forward. After them, we turn right and, climbing up, hold down the door opening button there and jump down, ignoring the monster that has appeared.

The next room will have many traps and obstacles. First of all, we turn right and slip past the hammers. After that, we get to the room where we will meet a crazy rabbit. The algorithm for defeating him is similar to the battle with the mouse. First we pass through the fenders, then through the vise, we get to the lever and the path to the control cabin opens. We release the Hatter's legs to freedom and go to him, down.

After the end of the video, follow the Hatter. In the first room, where he will try to break open the door, Alice will have to overcome the crowds of opponents. At the next door, you will have to look for a workaround to find the lever that opens this door. First, we jump onto the ledge from behind and aim at the circle. Then we go up in a spiral, go down to the transition, where we find the required lever. In the last room, we again have to fight monsters. Let's watch the video.

The good old killer friend is back in Alice's hands!

Chapter 2


We run away from the pier into the alleys, after the white cat. We get to the tavern. The main door is not allowed, so go ahead and turn left. Here we watch the video and run a little forward, enter the building from the back door and go up to the second floor. We enter the only open door, watch the video.


Once in the expanses of the Arctic, the first thing we do is break the stars. Moving forward, we come across a platform where the first attacking monsters will appear. Having dealt with the enemies, we follow forward, but the path is blocked by someone blowing from the ice rock. The main problem in overcoming it is that it blows Alice away.

In the nearest room, a new weapon will become available - Konyashka. Strong but slow. And then there will be new opponents - Ice Snarks. Fast, vicious frog-shaped fish. Their main danger lies in the fact that they move extremely quickly across the battlefield. Having dealt with the newly arrived enemies, we set off forward through the caves. The path through the caves is extremely linear and clear, problems should not arise.

Having stumbled upon a huge green shell, we go into it. Here we will meet the Cheshire Cat, asking riddles. For correct answers, he gives paint for roses. The answers to the first riddle are the last. Answer to the second riddle: "His name."

The next goal is to get to the ship. You can do this in many different ways, but the most optimal is along the left edge through the lake with sharks. At the end of the video, the typical side-scroller mode will turn on. At first, sharks will attack only from the front, after passing a third of the distance, they will start attacking from behind, and a little later, shooting crabs and mines will appear.

Waking up after an unsuccessful landing, we follow forward along the corridors, jumping over red, dangerous jellyfish. Thus we get to the fiery door and enter it. Let's watch the video.

Now we follow the coral corridors to the fish city. On the main square, you can turn right and, after going down and passing the test, you can get more colors for roses. The test is easily passed by simply running away from enemies.

After completing the test, we return to the square and turn right. Our task now is to get to the theatre. There is only one way there and it runs along the backs of white jellyfish. In the process, you will have to meet a new enemy - the Dead Sailor. Physical damage cannot be dealt to him until he is stunned. The only way to stun him is by detonating the bomb he is holding. Once in place, we communicate with the director and find out our next task. At the exit from the hall, turn right and go all the way.

This is where Pushkocrab will meet for the first time. An extremely strong enemy that fires cannonballs. Immune to damage, so to kill you must first turn it over. The first two times this is done by reflecting his own nuclei with an umbrella, and the last - in melee Konyazhka.

Through the opened passage we get to the Octopus. The new task is to find him 3 times in a row. He will hide in bottles, so as soon as you stumble upon bottles, break them. In the first location, finding an octopus will be easy. In the second, it is a little more difficult, because the desired bottle is not in the total mass, but a little to the side. Having reached the third location with bottles, look around carefully for a small passage for mini-Alice. The octopus will be waiting there.

After the end of the video, we go back and find the singer. We watch the video and run to the first open location. We jump onto the platform, deal with the monsters that have appeared and release the tools. We repeat in other rooms and help the singer to tune in.

The next challenge is to wake up the dancing mussels. The first two of them will wake up only after the fight with the monsters, and the third has already woken up and she needs help to make a poster. To do this, you first need to find the three missing pieces. The first cube is on your left, the next one is in the cave opposite, and the last one is in the mini-Alice cave. Once all the cubes are collected together, it remains only to collect them in the correct order. In fact, these are ordinary tags and everything is solved in four permutations (you need to put the corresponding picture in an empty place right away).

Following this, we go to the theater, but in the middle of the way we are interrupted and sent to the cemetery to save the lost souls of sailors. This requires clearing three crypts. The sweep will consist in the fact that first on a small platform you need to defeat one of the sailors. It's basically just a Sailor's Ghost, it's just that various other monsters are constantly appearing around him. They will stop appearing only after the sailor calms down. After that, we set off along the dark ceilings to the burial place. It's usually enough just to follow the glowing seahorse. If there is an abyss in front of you and there is nowhere to jump, try to shrink down and see if there are secret platforms.

As soon as the sailors are saved, we go further into the opened gate and after a while we encounter the Giant Ruin. Defeating this monster is extremely difficult, but quite real. The main thing is to dodge his close attacks and keep your distance, while not forgetting to pepper the reptile.

After the monster escapes, we enter the city and get to the theater. Let's watch the video.

The game engine is capable of generating some incredible amount of fragments and spare parts.

Chapter 3


We run through the streets to Radcliffe's house, go in there and go upstairs, go into his room and watch the video. We run back out into the street and run forward along the streets. Having reached the border of collapsing London, we watch the video.


Through the crumbling world we follow the instructions of the caterpillar. Very often, in order to go further, it will be required to deal with a certain number of opponents, and then clear the path to the hookah and use it. Toward the end of the first stage, Alice will encounter the Enormous Ruin again. This time, he will have to fight to the end. The first phase proceeds in the same way as before, i.e. Alice shoots the colossus from afar and runs away when she tries to get closer. The second phase is that the monster starts spewing flames and desperately chasing the heroine. The main thing here is to stay as far away from him as possible and wait until the enemy decides to rest. At this point, and it is necessary to finish it off by any available means.

Here we will be given a new weapon - the Tea Cannon. The best weapon against groups of enemies.

Once in the reality of the East, we look around and run forward along the corridor. The main feature of this location is that there are a lot of hidden platforms here and often used, so if you can’t see the way forward, you should decrease and take a closer look. In addition to this, Alice will have to face new opponents: Samurai Wasps, Archer Wasps, Ink Wasps and Heavy Samurai Wasps.

The first are ordinary opponents who are practically immune to ranged attacks. The best remedy against these reptiles is Konyashka. Archer wasps are not so difficult, they can be quickly peppered to an unflyable state. With the Ink Wasps, the situation is about the same as with the Shurupchels. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, they die quickly and easily, but they are constantly reborn. In order for the wasps to stop appearing, you need to find a nest and destroy it. These nests look like graves.

The heavy Wasp Samurai is a formidable adversary, capable of spoiling nerves. First, he is very strong. Secondly, just like the wasp, the samurai is immune to ranged attacks. To kill such a monster, you must first get close to him, then stun and furiously finish off, tearing off his armor.

Before entering the secret caves, you will have to solve another 15 puzzle. Parts of it are scattered around and the paths to them can be seen in a reduced state. The final puzzle looks like this:

Girl, have you seen my head here? No, sir, I didn't.

Chapter 4


We watch the video and set off on the path through the site. We go out into the street and fall into a swoon. Waking up, we wander along strange corridors forward until we reach a huge failure.


When Alice approaches, the cards themselves will lay out a path for her. Thus we get to a small card castle. At the exit we find two buttons. On the left we put the Bomb Hare, and on the right we put Alice and jump over to an invisible platform. After a short walk and rolling down another hill, we find ourselves in the domain of the Black Queen. We make our way to the gates of the castle and enter.

Here you will meet new enemies - Card Guardians. They are easy enough to kill with any weapon. Now we enter the castle and set off to explore it. In one of the rooms you will be locked up with card guards. As soon as they die, the Executioner will come. It makes no sense to fight him, we run through the door on the right, and then through the keyhole.

Outside, the scenario will repeat itself - first a fight with cards, and then an escape from the Executioner. A new problem appears. To balance the scales in the right direction, use the Hare and move on.

Next, Alice is waiting for a chess problem, not difficult. After opening the gate, we meet the Executioner again and run away from him again. The new enemy is an armored cardboard guard. Immune to many attacks, but vulnerable to boiling water from a kettle. After the battle, we once again encounter the Executioner, who teleports Alice somewhere.

We break forward through the crowds of enemies until the Executioner teleports to the chessboard again. This time, the main thing is that the number of your steps is equal to the number of steps of the red figure.

We continue moving forward. You can jump on the nearest scales if you break through the floor and use the spring from below. Next - the last chess problem. The whole point is that the enemy completely repeats Alice's moves. Using this, we easily win and move on.

Again we come across a burning door. Watch the video and move on. Again a small battle, after which the labyrinth will begin. If the exit cannot be found on the move, then we use the left hand rule. After a small fight at the exit, we again give a tear from the Executioner and stumble upon a cake. After eating it, Alice will become big. Controlling a huge Alice, we crush and destroy everyone who comes under the arms and legs. Having reached the tower with a cannon, we proceed to destroy and break. As soon as the heart appears - click on the right mouse button. We continue in the same spirit until Alice returns to her previous size.

We climb into the mouth and then go down. We find a heart and break it. The destruction of each heart leads to the opening of the way further. With everything destroyed, Alice finally meets the Black Queen. Let's watch the video.

London blazing at sunset and furiously choking in the smoke of its own chimneys.

Chapter 5


We go forward along the corridors, after which we find ourselves in a torture chamber. And then another one. In the end, we go out into the foggy street. We move from lantern to lantern, after which we find ourselves at a burning house. Let's watch the video.

Once in a toy town, we go forward a couple, we find a lever with an eye and jump down. Here we are waiting for the first skirmish with the monsters. We watch the video and suddenly we run into a huge evil doll. Big means slow. Let's use this and move on. We pass by the doll swinging on a swing calmly, press the lever and again fight with a big unkind doll. We listen to the Cheshire Cat and go forward. Again we walk along the invisible platforms, shoot the red target and pull the lever.

Now the game is changing the format again. We control the puppet head. To control the strength of the shot, use the spacebar. Having dealt with the next troubles, we roll down the hill. Now Alice will have to run along the track with spikes. To remove the spikes - press the button with an exploding rabbit. After that, another run will follow and jump on invisible platforms, followed by peppering the red target. And again the battle with a huge doll.

Going down and passing through the keyhole into the labyrinth, we are not lost. As a last resort, we use the right hand rule again. At the exit, we press the button and watch what happens.

We continue to move forward. Again a problem with platforms, stealths and scales. Quite difficult, but doable. Alice's goal is a lever that opens the passage. In it - again a problem with weights and sharp presses. After that, we meet again with a big disgruntled doll.

This will be followed by an extremely long run with acrobatic exercises. They will not always be easy to do, but it is almost always obvious what is required of Alice.

Another toy town. Another battle for rose paint. We throw an explosive rabbit on the button and go further. We meet an old acquaintance - a Huge Ruin. We return to an already familiar place, there were terrible children. Once again, we deal with a large and dissatisfied doll. In the dollhouse we fight with its logical inhabitants. Climbing to the top floor, activate the lever and climb even higher. Once again you have to play a melody. Then we run up the railroad.

And again the episode with the control of the doll's head. It will be more difficult than the previous one, but it is quite passable. We slide down a branching hill, where a bunch of enemies are already waiting for us. We enter the burning door and watch the video.

Climbing up, we encounter a group of Ruins. Having reached the doll factory, we rise to the very top and watch the video.

Hysteria paints the world in very contrasting colors.

Chapter 6

We go forward, watching the bizarre changes in the world. Having reached the castle, we enter the final battle. First, keep an eye on Alice's health, hysteria is ineffective in this battle, so you need to keep the life-giving roses at a stable level. Help with this can weak monsters that will curl around. Second, attack the arms as soon as the head turns white. After there are only two hands left, you can start attacking continuously.

After the victory, watch the video.

After watching the video, let's start walkthrough Alice: Madness Returns. Leave the house and follow to the market, then follow the cat. On the way, visions will attack you, how to get to the top, go to the old woman. Watch the video and you will find yourself in a wonderland. After talking with the cat, we go along the path and collect memories, just jump over obstacles. Where there is a waterfall, you will meet a cat again.

After watching the video, shrink down and follow the caves. As you get to the blue mushroom, you will need to stand on it. We go down the board and make a jump into the lawn of blood. Turn right and you will find yourself in a clearing, there will be a cat again. As you talk to him, break the shells in order to collect teeth. But near the statuette you can find a memory.

Along the way, you will have to eliminate the mutant, for this, use a knife. Further, after going to the cook, she will give you a pepper box, with its help you can deal damage to opponents from afar. We follow forward and in the courtyard you will see a nest, destroy the nest first, and then deal with the bees. To do this, you will need a ranged weapon. As you eliminate one nest, another one will appear immediately, there are 6 of them. As you deal with them, eliminate the doll and piglet. Once the battle is over, head back to the cook.

As you find yourself in a huge clearing, again destroy the nests, and then the heel. Next, jump on the dominoes, along the way you will meet a mutant, it will be a mud worm. As you will be at the failure, you need to get over the red mushrooms to the opposite side. Then run after the doll and destroy the nightmares. When you find yourself on the next level, you will have to meet with another enemy, these will be gnomes, we kill them and move on.

Once you get to the collapse, shrink down and at the lift you will have to blow into a tube to summon it. At the hatter's house you will find yourself in a labyrinth, use the zoom out so as not to get lost there. We open the valves and make jumps over the steam. As you will be at a large building, destroy the mutant, then two more of these. Crazy people may attack you along the way. In the next building, talk to the cat, and then stand on the button, which was located near the cat. As soon as the platform goes down, we run around the streams and enter the elevator.

Once at the top, look for explosives, it will be in the form of a bunny. Take it and go to the Hatter, as you talk, install the explosive on the button that will be on the floor, and then follow to the elevator. Then go up and take an umbrella. There you will meet another mutant, you need to finish him off from a distance. Turn right and climb into the cup, follow on.

When you are near the plant, shoot at the red pointer. As soon as it turns green, eliminate the two teapots, fight them from a distance. Jump off the platform and pull the lever. As the wheels begin to rotate, climb up through the passage on the left side. At the exit, another battle with mutants awaits you, turn the valve and you will kill them. Follow the passage that will become available. Shoot the nests from afar and shoot the red icons in the next room, you can climb up the high platforms with the help of steam.

When you get to the next room, jump on the stands to the opposite wall, then open the faucet to cool the lava. Then cross over to the other side. As you use the lever, by pieces of metal you can get to the tap and spin it. When you are where the mouse was, pull the lever and jump into the passage that will open. We put explosives on the button itself and go into the elevator.

When you come to the Hatter, go upstairs and turn right. You will find yourself in a large room, there will be presses in it. To cut off the first line, place explosives on the red button. To run through the next press, you will need to calculate the correct time. Climb up, break the wall and find another button. Place the explosives and follow the gears further. As you hold down the last button, go to the exit. In the next room there are horizontal presses, to pass them, use evasion.

Turn right and go upstairs. Next, activate the button that will open the doors for you, and jump down. Don't get hung up on the mutant. In the next room, a big ambush awaits you. At the beginning, as you turn to the right side, slip under the hammers, and then you will see a large rabbit, follow through the presses to the lever, when you activate it, you will find yourself in the control room. There you need to untangle the Hatter's legs and return to him.

After the video, follow him, then fight with opponents while he tries to break open the doors. In order for the second door to become available, you need to find the lever. Next, you need to climb up the ledges and shoot the red circles. Later you will find the lever you need. In the last room you will find a battle with mutants, deal with them. First chapter walkthrough Alice: Madness Returns completed.

Second chapter

Run after the snow-white cat to the tavern, turn left from the entrance, there will be a back door. Climb the stairs up to the floor above and enter the doors that will be open. You will find yourself in a wonderland, disassemble the stars there, go a little straight, kill the mutants. In the room you will find a weapon, this is a horse, with the help of it, deal with opponents and enter the caves and go through them.

When you get to the sink, you need to enter it and solve the riddles of the cat, the answers will be: 3, 4, 1, 2. For correct answers, the cat will provide you with paint for roses. Follow the ship, you must cross the lake, it will be on the left. There are a lot of sharks in it that will start attacking you. When you wake up, go straight down the hall and jump over the jellyfish. Then enter the fire door.

Once at the fish town, turn right on the main square and go down, there you can pass another test, and in return they will give you paint. To pass it, you need to run from opponents. Then go back to the central square and turn right, you will find yourself at the theater. Make your way inside over the heads of white jellyfish. Then stun the enemy, detonate the bomb that he has in his hands, and then kill him. Chat with the director and get the next task.

Turn right at the exit and follow to the end. Another enemy is already waiting for you there, turn it over with an umbrella a couple of times, and on the third use a horse to destroy it. Then follow in search of an octopus, you can find it in bottles, break them. Find him in the first room and then in the second, he will be in a bottle near most of the bottles. In the third room, you will need to shrink down, and then you will find it in the passage.

Watch the video and go back in search of the singer. After that, go into the building, as you will be on the site, we destroy the mutants and release the tools. Then do the same in the rest of the buildings and help the singer tune in. Then your task will be to wake up the mussels, kill all the opponents, and two of them will wake up, and then help the third to make a poster.

Next, you must find 3 cubes, one is lying on your left side, the other lies in the cave opposite, and the third you can also find in the cave, only if you shrink. Once you have all the cubes, stack them in the correct order. Go to the theater, on the way you will be sent to the cemetery to save the souls of the sailors. Fight there with opponents, only when they do not appear, the sailor's soul will calm down.

After that, go to the place of burial for the seahorse. As you save the souls of the sailors, open the gate and follow straight ahead. At the end, you will face a battle with a large ruin. Dodge attacks near you, stay away from your opponent. Shoot him from the pepper pot, and then go back to the city to the theater.

Third chapter

After the cutscene, go to Redcliffe's house, enter it and go up. Enter the room and then watch the video. Then leave the house and follow the street. You will find yourself in a wonderland. As you communicate with the cat, go straight ahead and eliminate the mutants along the way. Then you need to release the lamp and use it. Fight the ruin again. Attack her as soon as she rests, shoot her from afar.

At the end of the battle, take a new tea gun, use it on a group of small mutants. Then you will go on a trip to the East. As you go straight down the hall, fight new wasp enemies. To prevent them from appearing again, destroy their nest. Wasps of the samurai will need to be stunned, and only then destroyed. To get into the caves, collect the puzzle, you can find clues if you decrease.

Fourth chapter

After the cutscene, head down the alley, you'll faint along the way. When you wake up, go to wonderland. Your goal will be to go to the card castle. We follow the maps, there will be 2 buttons near the entrance, put explosives on one of them, and stand on the second one yourself. After making a jump to the platform, you will get to the Black Queen. Once in the castle, meet the card guards. We destroy them, as well as in one of the rooms there will be another battle with the guards. When the executioner appears, run from there.

Use the bunny to level the scales. Solve the riddle without much difficulty. Then open the gate, there will be an executioner behind them, run. After that, you will meet with the guards, attack them from the back in the heart, while using a remote gun. Then again escape from the executioner. You will fall into the portal. You are waiting for riddles with targets and buttons, as well as a large number of opponents. Follow the draft platforms up, and then follow the diamonds. Once in the arena, finish off the executioner and his servants. You fell through the portal again. The direction of travel should be:

  • left - straight - right - straight - left - all the way straight - right - left.

Use the spring, use it to jump onto the platform, thereby breaking through the floor. it chess riddle, the directions of movement are:

  • straight - left - right - straight - straight - left - right - straight - straight - left.

Enter the door that is on fire and watch the cutscene. Go straight ahead and eliminate a small number of guards. Then there will be a labyrinth, turn to the left, then go a little straight, then to the second turn to the right. After that, destroy a couple more opponents and enter the accessible passage. There you will meet the executioner, run away from him, everything is as always.

Eat cake and you will grow. Destroy everything, as well as break chess pieces to replenish damage. Cannonballs will fly out of the towers, dodge them. Once at the main tower, break until you see a heart, then tear it out and drink the shrinking elixir. Jump down and slide down. Shoot the blue heart and then meet the queen.

Fifth chapter

Go down the hall through the torture room, as you are outside, go along the street lamps. When you get to the house that will burn, watch the video. You will find yourself in a toy town. As you reach the lever, jump down and destroy all the mutants. After the cutscene, you will have to fight the doll. Eliminate it with the "tea gun". Go through the houses and set the explosives on the button. This will take you to the opposite side. Next, pull the lever and fight the doll and small mutants again.

Then talk to the cat and jump on the platforms. Shoot the red circle and pull the lever. Then you will have to collect the "puzzle". There are cubes below, there is still a guard there. And you can find others in the area near you. Zoom out and look down the road. You will get the head of the chrysalis, adjust the force of the shot with the space bar. Roll down the mountain and run along the path with spikes to avoid them, put the explosives on the button. Go straight ahead and jump onto the platform, then shoot the red circle. Next, fight with a huge doll.

Chapter 1 We leave the house, moving forward and not turning anywhere. We meet a cat in the market and follow it. In the gateway we are attacked by visions, but appearing in time ...

Chapter 1.

Let's watch the introductory video. We leave the house, moving forward and not turning anywhere. We meet a cat in the market and follow it. In the gateway we are attacked by visions, but Sister Whitley appears just in time. Having got out on the roof, we approach the old woman. AT certain moments hold down the "C" button to focus on an important event. In a minute we find ourselves in Wonderland.

After talking with the cat, we move forward, overcoming small obstacles. At the same time, we collect teeth, which will later be useful for various improvements. Having bathed in a potion, we have the ability to decrease. We hold down the left CTRL and go through the minks. Also, in a reduced state, arrows appear on the walls indicating the correct path. After a high jump, we slide down the hill, collecting teeth. Next, we approach the dinosaur bones and pick up the first weapon - a kitchen knife.

With it, we break shells and meet with enemies. Noticing fire on their backs - counterattack or dodge (left Shift + movement button). Using long jumps, i.e. a few presses on the jump button and further holding to fly, we get to the Duchess, who needs a pig nose. We take the pepper from the table and go hunting. The perchitel destroys flies with a bang, but you need to shoot in short bursts. First of all, we break the hives from where they appear. It will be more effective if you press CapsLock to concentrate on a single enemy. Noses make corresponding sounds, so finding them will not be difficult. In order for the fuse of the pepper to be enough to completely fill the nose, you should shoot after aiming (button "T"). We go back, shoot the basket and, having decreased, we leave through the mink. We shoot the nose and destroy the flies, along with the hives. They can be at the bottom or at the top. We jump over to another island and shoot at the nose. We continue moving along the islands until we meet new slippery creatures. You should stay away from them, because they are slow, but they jump long distances. Soon everything will start to fall apart. We deal with the ambush and can improve the performance of our weapons. We continue to jump around the islands. Then we follow the railroad.

We are attacked by little green goblins - crazy people. When they hit, time literally slows down for a second so that we can dodge. There are also special individuals with shields. We provoke them to attack, quickly dodge and hit the flesh. Next to the violets, we use reduction and then new paths will open up for us in a seemingly hopeless situation. We call the lift by blowing into the pipe, and we go to the Hatter's possessions.

We turn the valves and jump in pairs to move forward. From time to time we will be attacked by crazy people, but there will be no problems with them. To get additional teeth, carefully listen to the noses, use the decrease next to the violets. Jumping out of the vapors should be at the moment when we are at maximum height, otherwise there is a chance of falling down. Once in an ambush of goblins with shields, we try to collect them in a heap and so that they attack at the same time. Then we will have more opportunity to deal with them. new type enemy - Glarshok, can attack both from a distance and in close combat. So, we shoot from the pepper in the eye and finish it off with a knife. We jump down to the lowest platform and follow the sign on the wall. Having met the cat, we stand on the floor button, and when the elevator goes down, we wait a few more seconds. We quickly run to the lift. Crossing with the flow of brown liquid is dangerous to health, so we just bypass it. We pass small tests and roll down. We select a bomb with a timer. We install it on a dilapidated door, climbing up. To do this, reset it by pressing "Q" and, running away, detonate with the same button. We enter the fire door.

We have a new ability - Hysteria. We enter it by pressing "Enter" and cut enemies with increased damage + reduced perception from enemy attacks. Then we shoot at the red pointer that appears until it turns green. We meet the Hatter, who is not in very good shape. We agree to help him if he helps us. We blow up two opposite passages. We install the bomb on the floor button and quickly run to the lowered lift opposite. Rising upstairs, we select an umbrella.

So, in order to destroy a huge creature, you need to fix on it (CapsLock). Then we deflect the thrown bombs by holding "E" and attack with a pepper. We naturally dodge rams by pressing "Shift". Having dealt with this creature, we shoot at the indicator that appears and pass on. We speak with the cat and jump on the platforms. Once on the second, we shoot at the pointer and jump further. We deal with several glarshok. We pass forward and jump lower and lower. We activate the lever, after which, choosing the right moment, we move along the platforms. Again we kill glarshokov, one of which is located at the top. We continue along the platforms until we reach the crane. We turn the valve and jump over the cooled boiler into the tunnel. We turn into the first passage on the right. Shooting at the signs, we jump in pairs and climb higher and higher. Being at the very top, we install explosives on the button and go through the opened door. We turn the valve and jump in pairs and the platform. After destroying the enemies, at the edge next to the violet we jump to the spring and get into a huge workshop with lava, where a certain rat reigns. Our task is to get to the taps with a cooler. All we do is jump at the right moment on the platforms, dodging lava, killing enemies and shooting at the red markers. We turn the first valve, blow up the door and choose to the cooled lava. We quickly kill the flies and shoot the hives, having previously climbed up the slightly raised platforms. We shoot at the pointer and jump up in pairs. Next to the violets use reduction. We run along the path and jump down, where we deal with opponents. We shoot at another button. Now we must move very quickly and accurately along the debris on the lava. We pass through the mink and activate the cooler. The rat runs away, so we pull the lever under it and jump into the opened passage. We install the bomb on the button and run to the elevator.

We choose the path to the right, and jump on barely noticeable platforms. Arriving at the station, we go up the stairs and shoot at the sign on the right, which covers the press. Next, the button will be on the left. When the door closes, we put explosives on the button to stop the presses. We run under another press, choosing the right time. We blow up the passage and another one on the right. We install explosives on the button and through the raised mechanisms we pass further. We decrease and pass under pressure. We blow up the door and install the last bomb on the button and run through the mechanisms. Two more presses are waiting for us, but it will not be difficult to go through them. We stand on the spring on the right. We climb higher and higher. We put the explosives on the button and jump down right between the presses. We pass further, where opponents with presses are waiting for us. It is best to step back and deal with them from a distance. We shoot at the pointer and jump on the cells. Again we shoot at the pointer and again we jump on the cells. We pull the lever, blowing up the passage to it. We get upstairs by a couple and enter the cage. Behind the top we shoot at a barely noticeable pointer. We get into the shop with the rabbit. We pass through the presses, install the explosives on the button and get to the lever through the mechanisms. We return back to the opened passage. It's a little more complicated here. You need to pick up the moment to go through several presses at once. We fall into an ambush with a whole bunch of different types of opponents. First, we will destroy the hive and ordinary creatures. Then glarshocks and a huge creature. We shoot at the pointer and pull the lever. We enter the cage, then we pass under the presses as quickly as possible from one safe area to another using "Shift". Then we move, decreasing and bouncing through the press. We pull another lever. We head to the lever under the rabbit, activate it and jump into the opened passage.

After the video, we jump on the platforms. Bombs are great for a distraction, but it's best to kill them with proven means. We deal with ordinary and huge creatures. We follow the Hatter. On the spring that appears on the right side, we get up. We climb higher and shoot at the pointer. Decreased, we move along the holes. We jump down, set the bomb on the passage in the floor and go down to the lever. We return to the Hatter and watch the video.

Chapter 2

Once at the pier, we move forward. They don't let us into the tavern, so we take a detour. We observe the scene of our nanny arguing with the bouncer, whom she apparently owes money. We enter the building through the open door and go up to the second floor. We move forward through the unknown world. Destroying golden stars, we get teeth. We deal with the creatures and climb up. Then we go down the ice slide and pick up a new weapon - the Horse. Kill Ice Snarks with this powerful weapon. We jump on ice platforms, bounce on a spring and break a flimsy surface with a horse pattern. We kill creatures and snarks. If you have been frozen, then use evasion. Next we have a whole attraction. We choose only the left direction, we do not fall into traps, and if we suddenly flew abroad, we quickly bounce! We deal with the enemies, then we jump down and enter the womb. Having met a cat, we answer his questions. Answers to questions in order: 3,4,1,2. We take the paint and return. We continue moving until we get to the frozen ship. After the video, we play a simple platformer. We destroy bone fish and crabs, but in the end we still suffer a crash. We go to the Carpenter's Theatre. Avoid large red jellyfish. For crossings we use white and streams of water. We enter the fire door. Then we jump on the white jellyfish and stand on the button. An invisible creature appears. In the trailer mode, we kill him from the pepper. Again we stand on the button and shoot at the pointer. We jump on the platforms to the other side. We get to the town, where we meet a new enemy - a flying creature. We hit from the pepper, and when we land - from any melee weapon. Before moving through the air you need to finish off all these creatures. We install explosives on the button and run around to the pointer and shoot at it. We get to the theater and go straight to the stage. After talking with the carpenter, go back and turn right. Cannon crabs are easiest to attack from a horse. Having dealt with them, we climb up and enter the shark's mouth. We are talking to the octopus. He agrees to come with us if we find him three times in the Hide and Seek game. We jump on the platforms until we find ourselves in an area with bottles.

We break and in one of them there will be an octopus. Let's see which way he went. Using zoom out, we find invisible platforms. Thus, we get to the next area with bottles. We pass forward through the mink and in one of them we find an octopus. We continue to jump on white jellyfish, we kill an invisible creature. Next, you have to press several buttons, approaching the emerging signs from different sides. We find the last time the octopus and go to the next character. Bloated bottle asking to be released musical instruments from creatures so that she can hear her notes. We clear each of the three territories and then play a mini-game in which you need to press the arrows at the right time. We continue to move to the next character. After talking with the cat, we deal with crabs, repel their attacks with an umbrella and finish them off with a horse. We climb up and jump on the jellyfish. We destroy the enemies and meet the mollusk. She asks to collect the remaining pieces of the puzzle in order to restore the poster. The last element is nearby: it is enough to destroy the barrier hiding the mink and get to the cube. It is very easy to assemble the poster, because the necessary part is drawn in the empty cell, which must be substituted from those located nearby. Next, follow the clam and watch the video.

We deal with the drowned sailor. The principle is the same as with an invisible creature, only here you have to dodge. We move in the local cemetery, killing enemies. We agree to help the ghost, save the souls of the unfortunate. To do this, select one of the paths (opened) and deal with the drowned man. Then we follow the seahorse to use it as an illuminator in the dark. In no case should you go into the shadows, because every second will take life. We break the chest and free the soul. Similarly, we free the rest of the souls, chasing them into the remaining crypts. Now we can safely leave the cemetery. We slide down the hill and meet a huge creature. It is dangerous to get close to her, so we shoot exclusively from the pepper until we destroy all the heads. We dodge throwing attacks, and if it starts to run towards us, we run away as quickly as possible. You can run around rocks or use dodge. Now let's go straight to the show.

Chapter 3

We move along the streets until we get to the Radcliffe's house. When he opens the door, go upstairs and go to the office. After the video we go down. One of the rooms has a door leading outside. We get into Wonderland. First of all, we speak with the cat, then we destroy the creatures. We release the lamp with a blow from the horse and use it. Next, we jump along the islets and thus get to the rest of the lamps. We select a new weapon - a tea gun. It is designed against a lot of small opponents that gather in a heap. It is also very effective against large enemies. We destroy ordinary and huge creatures. Of course, if the pepper is pumped, then he will cope with this task much faster. We break the barrier and go forward. We continue to find lamps and use them. Before the last lamp, a huge creature awaits us, after which the smoke wraps itself around us.

We jump along the islands to the first fish and pull the chain. Having reached land, we climb the stairs, decrease and pass through invisible bridges. We kill new enemies - wasps. The easiest way is from a horse. Below, opposite the abyss, we shoot at the closed passage. Inside, we pull the chain and fly up along the steam that appears. A new portion of opponents, having finished with whom we again move along invisible bridges and break another passage. We kill the wasps, then a special kind appears. We beat him from a pepper or tea gun at the moment when he is preparing to deliver a powerful blow (you can determine by exclamation). We finish off the enemy who is on the ground with a powerful melee weapon. We pass through a temple. Now we collect the pieces of the mosaic. The first one is nearby. The second - climbing a little higher to the mink, we enter it. The third - around the corner we break the passage and pick it up in the cave. Fourth - bounce on the mushroom, enter the cave, kill the wasp, set the bomb on the button and quickly bounce. We collect the dragon and follow the praying mantis. After passing through the chaotically moving plates, we slide into the room and approach the picture. A mini-game begins, which can be easily overcome through trial and error. At the exit we are met by a cat, as well as new enemies and obstacles. Wasp Archers are easy to kill with a Pepper or Tea Cannon. Run the tracks without standing on the oncoming fiery hieroglyphs. Next, we enter the cave, decrease and jump down to the invisible paths. We pull the chain and return to the steam. We jump up, where there will be new enemies - black wasps. Infinitely appear from the plates, which, of course, must be destroyed first. Through the mushroom we get to the button and put a bomb on it. We quickly enter the statue and detonate. We jump on the blue mushroom. We roll down the hill very carefully. Sometimes you have to give up a few teeth than to be fried in a trap. After killing the enemies in the arena, remove the obstacle from the button and put the bomb. From there, we jump to the chain, after setting the bomb on another button. We get to the burning door. We save the locals and play a melody by clicking on the arrows at the right time. Then another battle with a special wasp and a bunch of dark wasps. Be sure to destroy all the plates from where they appear in order to go further. We go through the opened passage and jump on the mushroom. We slide down the hill and again jump on the mushroom. At the end, we clear the button behind the stones, put a bomb on it and quickly climb to the chain. The further we go, the more accurate our actions should be. We continue to climb on the emerging platforms, pulling the chains and pressing the buttons. We enter the building and meet the praying mantis. He asks to destroy the barrier, but first we will deal with the creatures. Then we jump on the springs. We quickly move along the platforms until they sank. It is advisable not to pay attention to flying creatures, because they appear endlessly. We pull the chain and go back to the pairs. Climbing higher and higher, to the surface. We move forward through the big fans. After entering the cave and seeing the statues with fire, we turn left and go to the barrier on the wall. Having broken it, we pull the chain and make our way through the mink. We are divided with several wasps. Further difficulties should not arise, since the correct paths are kindly indicated. We get to the mini-game in the picture. Everything is the same, but there are two points in which problems may arise: 1) pulling the chain, we fly down, dodging sharp surfaces, using jumps to slow down the flight; 2) we climb on the roofs of houses, precisely focusing on the roofs. Having passed to the end, we deal with the creatures and climb the platforms. We find four pieces of the puzzle by exploring the caves. We put everything in its place and move on through the cells. Before you wake up the frog, you need to deal with the huge creature and the emerging wasps. We do everything as usual - we hit from a powerful ranged weapon and run away when they try to catch and eat us. Black wasps respawn endlessly, so we climb up and destroy the plates. Through the mink, behind the stone, we get to the chain. By pulling it, we will wake up the toad, which will spit out the core and thereby free the passage. We also continue to break walls and jump on platforms. In the arena, we fight with almost all types of wasps and then play the mini-game we already know. We get to the talking statue and fall down.

Chapter 4

We go down, and when we go out into the street we lose consciousness. We run forward and find ourselves in Wonderland. We head to the house of cards, jumping on big cards. They themselves build a path for us, so you just need to notice them in time. Behind the wall on the right there is a button. We put a bomb on it and see how an invisible platform descends. Also behind the wall on the left side there is another button. We get up on it and quickly run to the platform. We jump to the platform and get to the open door. Then we choose any available path (where the cards are). Finally, we jump on the blue mushroom, go down the hill and find ourselves on the lands of the Kingdom.

We move along the crumbling remains of the bridge. We deal with the creatures and go forward along the springs. When the gate opens and we go inside, new enemies will appear - guard cards. Although they have little health, they are very nimble and take in numbers. It is advisable to use a tea gun. We destroy the statue that got in the way. We choose the right path - set the bomb on the button and jump on the platforms. In the next room, we destroy the flimsy area on the floor. Jumping on the mushroom, we pull the chain. We return back and go along the left path. Soon the executioner will appear before us, from whom we must escape. We attack new enemies - armored guard cards in the back, right in the "heart". Preferably from a ranged weapon. We jump onto the heart platform, plant the bomb and quickly jump to the second spring. We wait until it goes down to the end, and through the second platform we jump further. Here it is similar, only after setting the bomb, we jump to a neutral platform, explode the bomb and after 1-2 seconds we start jumping further.

We kill enemies and we pull the lever, near the blinking heart. To get through the abyss, pay attention to the mushroom below. Again the executioner and now he sets his soldiers on us. We kill the soldiers, and run away from the executioner. We fall into the created portal. Tasks ahead with buttons and targets. Also old enemies in a new guise. This is followed by pairs, after which we go along the mink. Having got out, we go along the invisible platforms to the platform on the right. We pull the chain and go back. We jump onto the heart platform, plant the bomb and quickly jump to the invisible platform. On them we get to the next worm platform and climb up on it. Similarly with diamond platforms. Next, we stand on the button and shoot at the target along the right path. A huge executioner appears on the arena with his wards. We kill them and fall into the portal. In a game on a chessboard, we follow the following route: left - forward - right - forward - left - all the way forward - right - left. We deal with enemies. We install the bomb on the cross platform and quickly get to the one that goes up. We deal with the guard cards and use each of the cross platforms in turn. Again the game on the chessboard: forward - left - right - forward - forward - left - right - forward - forward - left. We enter the burning door. After passing along the corridor, we move along the invisible platforms on the left. Below we deal with enemies and follow to the labyrinth. Turn left and go straight until the second turn to the right. We destroy the guards and several flying creatures. We go along the opened passage. We run away from the executioner for the last time. We eat the cake and increase to an unprecedented size. I think there will be no further problems: the right mouse button is a kick, the left one is a hand. We destroy flimsy walls, crush enemies and dodge the cores emitted by the towers. To destroy the tower, you need to get rid of the tentacles, hit it several times with your hand and press down on the heart with your foot. Crush to replenish health chessmen and other buildings. Having reached the main tower, we tear out the heart and drink a diminutive potion. We jump into the mouth and roll down. Shooting blue hearts, we go further and further.

Chapter 5

We're in a mental hospital, but all is not lost. We get out of the chamber and move along the corridor. Once on the street, we are guided by the lampposts.

In Wonderland we jump on pairs and platforms. Latin letters above the doors of houses will help you navigate. In room "D", on the left, pull the lever. Jumping down, listen to the cat, break the passage and activate another lever. We jump down the hole on the floor. We break the surface on the floor. We are dealt with the appeared creatures. After talking with the children, a new enemy appears - a doll. We attack in the frontal from the tea-gun until complete destruction. This is the only weapon capable of killing a doll with just a few shots. We move through the houses using steam. We install a bomb on the button and move to the other side. Then we jump past the doll and activate the lever. On the other side is another lever. On the inverted spring we get to level 8 and jump to the indicated side as far as possible. We kill the doll and several creatures. We install the bomb on the button and quickly climb up the platforms. We shoot at the target, we pass through the dolls. We go down and bounce on the spring in the left room. We pull the lever. We climb up and meet two strong enemies at once. After killing them, it will appear new way. We pull the lever at the top, below the pointer is a spring. We speak with the cat and destroy the passage. Wagging in the air between the dolls on the swing, we carefully get to the next lever. It is not necessary to jump in the center, it is best to bypass the dolls from the extreme side. Having reached the puzzle, we go in search of parts. Two is at the bottom: we destroy the enemies, break through the protection and go through the mink. Two at the top. We jump onto the cube, on which the button is located and set the bomb on it. On the spring we get up and pick up the parts. Putting the puzzle together: eyes and nose in the middle, parts with hair on top. New enemies - flying dolls, have no protection, but are very dodgy. You can kill them if you conduct continuous fire. We play a mini game where you need to control the doll's head. To shoot from a cannon, hold down the "C" button. Having rolled down the hill, we deal with the creatures. We break through the wall, set the bomb on the button and quickly run up the stairs. We jump down and run through the dangerous territory until the traps appear. We break through the wall between the stairs and put the bomb on the button. Decreased, we pass under the traps. In front of two buttons, we put a bomb on the right one, which raises traps, and on the second one we just press and quickly run to the lever. On which platforms you need to put a bomb, hints will prompt. To do this, you just need to decrease. Further, the usual tests with buttons and targets. We kill small creatures and then a doll with ordinary creatures. We run along the glass surface to the end, there will be a lever on the right. We activate it and start moving along the minks. We pass through the door 666. Another portion of simple tests. Before getting to the surface, we destroy the doll and her assistants. We jump on the platforms and kill a huge creature. We get to the house, where there will be a doll and two large creatures. Having dealt with them, we destroy the partition on the second floor and activate the lever. We climb up the cubes. Let's play a mini-game we already know. We follow along railway to the left, to the door with the green eye. Head controlled doll. Let's be more careful this time. Then we slide down the hill and fight with two dolls and a large creature. We jump on the springs and enter the burning door. Jumping again, fighting creatures and meeting with the puppet maker.

Chapter 6

We move along the streets until we find ourselves in a wonderland. Decisive battle with the main opponent of the game. We attack the hand at the moment when the head on its back takes on a natural color, i.e. white. Do not forget to kill ordinary creatures to replenish health. A second hand will appear soon. We just run away from them and don't let them catch us. When they grab onto the columns, at this moment we kill the creatures that appear, and if the state of health allows, then we shoot at the boss's beard. We repeat these steps until it is completely destroyed. After the final video, let's walk through the saved Wonderland.

Game: Platform: PC, PS3, X360 Genre: arcade Release date: June 14, 2011 Developer: Spicy Horse Games Publisher: Electronic Arts / Hunt Chapter 1 London

After the end of the video, we leave the room and along the corridor filled with children, you can look around the surrounding rooms. We reach the stairs, go down and go out into the street. Here we make our way forward to the market, where we notice a snow-white cat. The upcoming route is to chase this furry. Once in the gateway, we watch the video.

After the end of another cutscene, we cross the bridge to the back of the roof and watch a new cutscene.


After talking with the Cheshire cat, we run forward along the path, collect memoirs and jump over all the obstacles. After some time we get to a small waterfall, where again we meet the Cheshire Cat. At the end of the video, we shrink, look around and realize where we need to run. We pass through the cave forward, climb up and, after passing a few more of the same rooms, we find ourselves in a room with a blue mushroom. We step on it.

Climbing down the board is an easy task. The main thing is to watch so as not to miss the teeth. Having landed safely in a pool of blood, we turn right and go out into the clearing, where the Cheshire Cat is waiting for us again. After the end of the conversation, you should not run away from the clearing. If the shells are broken, teeth will fall out of them, and next to the weeping sculpture, you can find a memory. Now you can move to the next location, where the first meeting with the monster will take place. He dies with three or four blows with a knife. After cleaning the area, we go further and find ourselves at the cook. Here we are given a list. The pepper pot is a long-range weapon. It shoots slowly, deals low damage, but there is no other long-range weapon at first.

After the end of the video, we go out into the yard, where we notice a nest of screws. These enemies are nimble and when they get to our heroine, they paralyze her, so you need to deal with them from afar. But first you need to destroy the nests from which they arise.

The elimination of the 1st nest will lead to the emergence of new ones. There will be about 6 nests in total, appearing in turn. The last monster will be Mud Doll. After it is destroyed, a pig snout will fly in. We shoot him and run back to the cook.

We pass further along the corridor and find ourselves in a spacious clearing. First, we deal with the screw nests, after that we move closer and shoot the piglet. Having eliminated the newly arrived monsters, we again look for a patch and pepper it. Now the path is open further, it remains only to jump over the dominoes.

At the other end, a meeting with a new monster awaits - a mud worm. Its danger lies in the fact that it slows down the movement of Alice, although he himself moves slowly. We get to the place where part of the earth falls through, and with the help of burgundy mushrooms we move to the opposite side. Caution should be exercised when jumping over streams of red-hot slurry spouting from the ground.

Once on the back side, we follow the fleeing doll and, having reached the spacious square, we engage in battle with the monsters. Having dealt with the horrors, we pass through the tunnel leading to newest location, where we have to meet new opponents: aggressive-minded gnomes. An ordinary gnome is killed with a couple of blows with a knife. A dwarf with a shield asks for a more painstaking approach - you need to wait until he swings, then rebound from his attack, then run up and finish him off.

After the end of the battle, a reddish mushroom will appear, which will help you get out of this place. We make our way along the corridor to the edge of the abyss. To overcome it, you just need to decrease, and later jump back to the firmament from its edge. Trying to fly over is not worth it, although Alice jumps quite far, but not like that. Now it remains only to get to the trolley call system and sit there.

Once in the possessions of the Hatter, the main thing is to orient yourself. There are a lot of secret passages and just branches. In order not to get lost, use the reduction, in this mode Alice sees various hidden signs and arrows showing the way. First, we jump over to the platform on the left and rotate the crane so that the steam plant appears. The upcoming path runs along the platforms through a small settlement of brutal gnomes.

After that we go inside a large building, where we have to meet with the Glaznik - a new monster. He is a very ferocious teapot. The only vulnerable spot is the eye. Kettle's melee attacks are very dangerous, so it's best to stay away from him or parry them and hit him while he's confused.

After defeating the first such teapot, two more will appear. Before we move anywhere, we pepper them to death from afar. Having jumped into the next room, we listen to the Cheshire cat. There is a button on the other end of the platform where he was standing. We get up on it and wait until the platform drops to the stop. Now we are rapidly running around the tea streams and jumping onto the elevator.

Once at the top, we pass through a small hall and find a ticking hare in a hat. You don't need to be afraid of it, but you need to pick it up. It's a time bomb. We get out upstairs, break a couple of walls and find ourselves visiting the Hatter. Here, after the conversation, we break a couple of walls and put a time bomb on the pressure platform, and we ourselves run in the opposite direction, to the pressure mechanism.

Once at the top, raise the umbrella and read about its use. A new monster appears here - the Ruin. The difficulty of dealing with him lies in the fact that more damage can be done to him only by reflecting his own remote attacks.

Having finished the battle, we go to the right, where we sit down in a cup and set off on a journey. At the factory, we make our way into the first room with lava and pepper the very first button, after that we go further. In the large hall on the platform, there will be a battle with 2 Eyes at once. The main thing is not to let them get close and kill the evil dolls before they storm.

Having dealt with the monsters on this platform, we approach its edge and jump down, where we pull the lever. Now, on the rising wheels that appear, we climb back up and jump into the passage on the left.

At the exit from there, Alice will encounter a new group of monsters. First, we deal with the near eyeball and pupae, after that we take on what is far away. As the room is cleared, we cross it, rotate the crane and go back. From afar we destroy the nests of the screwheads, deal with the Moaning Ruins and climb into the opened passage.

In the new building, our task will be to rise. To do this, we are closely looking for reddish circles, shoot them from the pepper pot and jump to new platforms with the help of emerging steam flows.

The subsequent room was under the control of a crazy mouse. First, Alice will have to jump from stand to stand to get to the back wall. You need to do this carefully, because. along the way spills a very hot mounted samovar. In addition, Eyes will appear from time to time on the left and shoot at us. Having reached the crane, we cool the lava below and move along the platforms that have appeared to the opposite side. Here we pull the lever so that pieces of metal begin to fuse along the red-hot mass. Accurately jumping on them, we climb to the last tap and block it. As the mouse runs away - we climb into her booth, press the lever and jump right behind the hands.

From the Hatter we again get out upward, but now we turn to the right. At the end of the video, we run into a large hall with chippers. We turn off the first line of chippers by placing a rabbit-bomb on the button. Under the second you just need to jump over, after that we go up. Behind a weak wall there is again a button, we clamp it with a bomb and run along the raised gears. Having made our way under one more hammer, we find the last button, we clamp it again and run to the exit. In the next room, we are waiting for a horizontal vice. The easiest way to overcome them is to dodge, just do it forward. After them, we turn to the right and, climbing up, hold down the door opening button there and jump down, ignoring the monster that appears.

The next room will have many traps and obstacles. First, we turn right and slip past the hammers. Then we get to the room where we will meet a crazy bunny. The method of defeating him is identical to the battle with the mouse. At first we pass through the fenders, later through the vise, we get to the lever and the path to the control cabin opens. We release the Hatter's legs to freedom and go to him, down.

After the end of the video, follow the Hatter. In the first room, where he will try to break the door, Alice will have to overcome the crowds of enemies. At the next door, you will have to find a workaround to find the lever that opens this door. At first, we jump onto the ledge from behind and aim at the circle. Further along the spiral we rise up, we go down into the transition, where we find the required lever. In the last room, we again have to fight monsters. Let's watch the video.
Alice's good old killer friend is back in Alice's hands!Chapter 2 London

We run away from the pier into the alleys, after the snow-white cat. We get to the tavern. The main door is not allowed, so we go ahead and turn left. Here we watch the video and run a little forward, enter the building from the dark passage and go up to the 2nd floor. We enter the only open door, watch the video.


Once in the expanses of the Arctic, first we break the stars. Moving forward, we come across a platform where the first attacking monsters will appear. Having dealt with enemies, we follow forward, but the path is blocked by someone blowing from an icy mountain. The main problem in overcoming it is that it blows Alice away.

In the near room, a new weapon will become available - Konyashka. Strong but slow. And here new opponents will appear - Ice Snarks. Frisky, malicious frog-shaped fish. Their main danger lies in the fact that they move very rapidly across the battlefield. Having dealt with the newly arrived enemies, we set off forward through the caves. The path through the caves is very linear and clear, problems should not appear.

Having stumbled upon a greenish giant shell, we go into it. Here we will meet the Cheshire Cat, asking riddles. For correct answers, he gives paint for roses. The answers to the first riddle are the last. Answer to the second riddle: "His name."

The next goal is to get to the ship. This can be done in an abundance of different ways, but the best one is along the left edge through the lake with sharks. At the end of the video will turn on normal mode side scroller. At first, sharks will attack only in front, after passing a third of the distance, they will begin to attack from behind, and a little later, shooting crabs and mines will appear.

Waking up after a bad landing, we follow forward along the corridors, jumping over burgundy, unsafe jellyfish. In this way, we get to the fiery door and enter it. Let's watch the video.

Now we follow the coral corridors to the fish town. On the main square, you can turn right and, after going down and passing the test, you can get more colors for roses. The test is simply passed by simply running away from opponents.

After completing the tests, we return to the square and turn right. Our task now is to get to the theatre. There is only one way there and it runs along the backs of snow-white jellyfish. In the process, you will have to meet a new enemy - the Dead Navigator. It is unrealistic to inflict physical damage on him until such time as he is stunned. The only way to stun him is by detonating the bomb he is holding. Once in place, we communicate with the director and find out our next task. At the exit from the hall, turn right and go all the way.

Here for the first time you will meet Fluffy Crab. A very strong enemy that shoots cannonballs. It is immune to damage, because in order to destroy it, you must first turn it over. The first two times this is done by reflecting his own nuclei with an umbrella, and the last one - in close combat with Konyazhka.

Through the opened passage we get to the Octopus. A new task is to find him 3 times in a row. He will hide in bottles, because when you stumble upon bottles, break them. In the first location, finding an octopus will be easy. In the second - a little more difficult, since the wanted bottle is not in the total mass, but a little to the side. When you get to the third location with bottles, look around closely for a small passage for mini-Alice. The octopus will be waiting there.

After the end of the video, we go back and find the singer. We watch the video and run to the first open location. We jump onto the platform, deal with the monsters that have appeared and release the tools. We repeat in other rooms and help the singer tune in.

The next test will be to wake up the dancing mussels. The first two of them will wake up only after the battle with the monsters, and the third one has already awakened and she needs to be helped to make a poster. To do this, you first need to find the three missing pieces. The first cube is on your left, the next one is in the cave opposite, and the last one is in the mini-Alice cave. As all the cubes will be collected together, it remains only to collect them in the correct order. In fact, these are simple tags and everything is solved in four permutations (you need to put an appropriate picture in an empty place right away).

Right behind this we go to the theater, but in the middle of the way we are interrupted and sent to the cemetery to rescue the lost souls of sailors. This requires clearing three crypts. The sweep will consist in the fact that at first on a small platform you need to defeat one of the sailors. In fact, it's just the Ghost of the Navigator, it's just that various other monsters constantly appear around him. They will stop appearing only after the navigator calms down. After that, we set off along the dark ceilings to the burial place. It's usually fairly easy to follow a glowing seahorse. If there is an abyss in front of you and there is nowhere to jump, try to shrink down and see if there are hidden platforms.

As sailors will be saved - we go further into the opened gate and after some time we come across a Huge Ruin. Defeating this monster is very difficult, but completely real. The main thing is to dodge his close attacks and stay at a distance, not forgetting to pepper the reptile with all this.

After the monster escapes, we enter the city and get to the theater. Let's watch the video.
The game engine is capable of generating an unimaginable amount of shards and parts.12