Mod for world of tanks texture compression. Compressed textures for weak PCs for WoT. How to install compressed textures

2 years and 5 months ago Comments: 9

Greetings, dear tankers! Laich is with you and today we will talk about texture compression in game world of Tanks.

Who needs to compress textures?

Whatever "advanced" computer you buy, there comes a time when a freshly released toy will force you to reduce all graphics settings to a minimum so that it becomes at least a little more playable. Manufacturers computer games they do not sit still and constantly work on improving physics and graphics, and this is only to the advantage of hardware sellers. Not so long ago we wrote about. We encourage you to check it out if you can't decide.

World of Tanks is no exception.

With each new update, it takes more and more of your computer's resources. But not every fan of computer games can afford a powerful and expensive gaming computer! So what if you upgraded your hardware five years ago, and you don’t expect extra funds for this in the near future, but you want to play?! Don't leave your favorite toys!

How will WoT Tweaker Plus help us?

I want to tell you about the excellent WoT Tweaker Plus program, which can be easily found on the Internet, or downloaded in a ready-made modpack, for example, the same . The program is used to disable the most energy-intensive effects in the game World of Tanks, which cannot be disabled in the normal settings of the game, with the ability to compress textures to values ​​acceptable for your computer, which means raising the desired FPS (frames per second).

Installation of the program is not required.

You only need to run the WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe file, specify the path to the folder installed game, uncheck what you think are unnecessary effects, and compress the textures to the values ​​that your computer "grabs".
By the way, when installing WoT programs Tweaker Plus from the assembly of mods from Jove, the WoTTweakerPlus.9.17.1.exe file will be located in the root folder of the installed game, and when you start the application, you no longer need to enter the path to the game.

The interface of the program is as simple as possible

After setting the slider to the desired compression percentage, you must click the "Compress" button and wait for the texture processing to complete. After that, you can safely go into battle on less beautiful, but more mobile and obedient tanks, in a world where you will not move tree branches and it will never be cloudy! :)

Is it necessary to compress textures if the computer is powerful?

My computer is configured to play without using this program, and I don't compress textures, but I still disable things like startup screensaver, tree movement effects and cloud mapping, and tailpipe smoke depending on my mood. I don’t need it and it doesn’t worsen the overall look of the game, and the increase in FPS is never superfluous! ;)

Consequences of abuse of WoT Tweaker Plus

But without the effects of destruction, smoke and fire when fired, the effects of hitting a tank, as well as the effects of shell explosions, the game becomes not at all so atmospheric, and sometimes disabling these effects can have negative consequences. For example, if you turn off the effects of shell explosions, it is not always possible to understand what kind of shell fell nearby or when playing on the SPG, or if the SPG fires at you, it will not be clear to you where the shell hit. Also, if you turn off the smoke and flames when firing, you will not always find your way when the enemy is discharged.

Compressed World of Tanks textures for weak computers help players with video card parameters and size random access memory do not allow you to fully enjoy this famous game. Download for free and without registration. We have presented the official version of compressed textures 6, 12, 25 and 50%. You can evaluate the image quality in the pictures below:

Compressed textures 6%

Compressed textures 12%

Compressed textures 25%

Compressed textures 50%

As a result of installing this mod, textures take up only about 93 MB of disk space instead of the usual 2.3 GB, which significantly speeds up loading and entering battle.

There is also a significant burden visual effects: smoke and swaying trees, explosion effects, caterpillar tracks, etc. To enhance the effect of setting compressed texture data, it is highly recommended to use . This program allows in a simple way control the on/off of various effects.

How to install Compressed textures

IMPORTANT! Be sure to back up the folder packages so that in case of failure you do not have to download the client again! Also, before each update, restore original folder packages so that the launcher doesn't force you to re-download the client completely.

  1. Copy the entire contents of the archive to the root of your local drive (D:/, C:/, etc.)
  2. Select the texture packs you need, if you want to install everything, run the select all textures.cmd file, if separately, then just follow the order of the packs, skipping the ones you don't need. (example _02, _04, _05)
  3. After the program ends, the folder WoT_xx%... will appear in the root of the disk.
  4. Copy the contents of this folder to \World_of_Tanks\res\packages and run autoinstall_.bat.

If you don't fully understand all the steps to install compressed textures, watch the video above.

  • Update date: 20 Mar 2018
  • Total marks: 13
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Information about the latest update:

Updated 20.03.2018:
  • adapted for 1.0;

Compressed textures are one of the most effective methods to increase the frame rate when playing on weak PCs.

Why do we need compressed textures for WoT?

It's very simple - the textures in the World of Tanks use the resources of the video card, if the amount of textures on the map exceeds the available memory, the game starts to slow down, which greatly affects the effectiveness of battles. But after installing textures compressed to 12%, not so many resources are required, which leads to an increase in FPS in the game.

The main drawback is a significant deterioration in the visual side of the game, the environment and tanks become “soapy”, but what can you do for the sake of optimization, right? Let the game look worse, but the win rate will grow, because the brakes that make it very difficult to aim will disappear.

You can also download special mods that improve the game interface, but made with an eye to optimization - this is .

In addition to compressed textures, you can use other methods to increase FPS, for example, download, which disables heavy visual effects like smoke and fire. Together with the textures, this will give a great effect and it will be possible to play comfortably even on weak computers. Besides, WoT settings also allow for greater optimization, Special attention look at "Resolution 3D render".


  • First go to World_of_Tanks\res and make a backup of the packages folder so you can bring back the old textures if you don't like the new one.
  • Download the archive below and extract its contents to World_of_Tanks\res\packages.
  • Then we run the autoinstall_.bat file, after opening which a window will appear with the process of repacking the textures to a new quality. After closing the window, the installer's work is completed and you can enter the game.

According to the developers of World of Tanks themselves, up to forty percent of users run the game on computers that do not even meet the minimum system requirements. To help such players, modders create various ways performance optimizations, including - compressed textures.

The textures in the game are responsible for appearance all game objects, more precisely for how their surface looks. Basically, these are ordinary pictures, "cut" in a certain way for the correct overlay on the tank model and packed in a format suitable for the game. The measures taken by the developers of the game to optimize World of Tanks are cosmetic in nature, because they are faced with the task of preserving the appearance of the game. Accordingly, their methods fps increase in combat, they give an effect in the range of 10-20 percent, if you're lucky.

Modders are not bound by such restrictions, so they can offer more efficient ways, such as compressing all the textures of the game. The mods presented in this review allow you to compress all game textures or some of them by 50, 25 or 6 percent, which allows you to solve most of the performance problems.

For example, in the Himmelsdorf battle, the textures of houses and other buildings were compressed to 6%. This optimization measure alone led to increase fps by 30 percent, in standard graphics mode, without disabling effects and .

The game, of course, looks less beautiful than before the compression procedure, but you go into battle, first of all, to win.

This mod can greatly compress the textures of various elements in WoT, in particular, vehicles, trees and much more. Thanks to this, you can achieve a good increase in FPS, so that it becomes comfortable to play on weak computer with outdated features.

Like many others for the game, this one is in good demand among the players. It will increase the frame rate per second by about 30%, which is pretty good. With the help of the presented mod, you will forget about the brakes in tank simulator and you can play even on an old laptop.

Compressed textures for weak PC download

If for some reason you do not have enough FPS growth after installing this modification, we also recommend using the WoT Tweaker utility, which offers to disable various effects. This will increase the frame rate when firefighting with more tanks. The program is available in a modpack from Jove and other collections.

How to install compressed textures:

1. Download the archive and unpack it to the root of the local disk (for example, to D:/, C:/);
2. Run the cmd file with the necessary textures or select all;
3. Wait for the installation process to complete;
4. Go to the WoT_xx% folder and copy all files and folders from it to / WoT/res/packages/;
5. Open the file autoinstall_.