Creating races in GTA 5. How to play Custom Maps (Cases) GTA Online. Circular control points

How to install and play in custom maps GTA Online

Hello everyone! You probably played already in custom business GTA online. Usually it is crazy races with wild ramps or a team of those who survived, where they are with RPG and grenades, while others on armored vehicles. In this article, I will tell you how you choose and add item B. GTA Online .

Go to your page in Social Club. And from the top menu, select item " Games".

Choose gTA game V ( Grand Theft. AUTO 5.).

Before you search for all GTA business online. But we only need custom, so we put in the search filter " SC members".

Choose a "type of business", was chosen on the pictures " Race".

Also filter off are not popular custom cards.

Well, the last to add you the case to the game, click " Add to game.". A corresponding window will have to be successful.

Ready! To play custom cards GTA Online, go to the game, go to the menu. Cause" -> "Start the case" -> "Named"And launch the case you need.

You can also look at my streaming on GTA onlineon TV zakruttv that take place almost every day :)

Valuable advice that will help them create a perfect race in editor GTA. Online Races.

Having at its disposal the same toolkit who uses our team when developing cases for GTA Online, fans did not lose time in vain: To date, more than 2.5 million cases created with the editor of racing and shootouts have been published in Social Club.

This issue of Rockstar Soviets is designed to help you master the editor of the racing: there are general advice, following which, you can make your races intuitive and fascinating. Many of these tips are direct answers to questions and comments sent to us by email: We read all your feedback and comments regarding the GTA Online to make the game even better and more interesting. For enthusiastic creators, our gameDizers prepared a story about what you can and should not be done in races. Be sure to take these recommendations for a note, if you want your creation to be appreciated by professionals and got the mark "Verified Rockstar (Rockstar Verified)".

To help those who have not yet tried their strength in the editor, we present this guide for beginners. And soon we will publish an article with advice on the creation of shootout.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can right now and play GTA Online with all additions from Rockstar Games..


First of all, you must decide which competition you want to create. Will this race be on land, by sea or by air, a trip to two crossed areas, high-speed arrival from the coast to the coast on classic sports cars, flying around the city on jet fighters or something completely different? Deciding with the type of race, you give your creation shape, and then you can work on the contents.

In the Race Settings menu, you can configure a number of parameters, including available vehicles, time of day, number of circles and weather. Do not be afraid: all these items can be changed later if you suddenly change your mind or detect any disadvantages during testing.

First of all, place the starting grille.

Selection of space, choice of place, choice of place

Your first step in creating a race will be the placement of a trigger. This is the place that should be visited in the free mode players who want to participate in your race, as well as the approximate location of the lattice. If you are far from the point with which you would like to start a race, simply click the Start button and select the desired location on the map to move it instantly. You can also take a photo that will be displayed in the quality of the lobby background, in which the players wait for the start of arrival.

Next must be placed control Pointsdetermining the race route. To move through the game world, use the left joystick (left mini-joystick), for reversal of the camera - right joystick (right mini-joystick), and for scaling - L2 buttons (left trigger) and R2 (right trigger). Do not rush: carefully examine the card and decide, in what area it is best to pave a route with the parameters that you specified in the "Race Settings" menu (but keep in mind that you can change them at any time).

If you want to insert a new checkpoint between two already existing, make sure that the new point relates to the blue line connecting the other two, otherwise it will be placed on the end of the route. If the blue line changed the color to yellow, it means that the checkpoint will be placed between two others.

If as "type of route" in the "Race Settings" menu you have chosen "circles", keep in mind that your track must be scattered. If you have chosen "from point to point", the last checkpoint will automatically turn into the finish line. Please note: the length of the race, regardless of its type, should be at least 0.62 miles, and before publishing you need to complete at least one test (although we recommend testing the race several times to make sure that there are no errors).

Perfect accommodation

You have the opportunity to add the game world by placing objects, weapons and accelerators on the track. This allows you to make your creation unique, so do not neglect this function!

If you want to arrange the GTA race, you can arrange a gun, first aid kits and accelerators on the track. All this is in the "Placement"\u003e Weapon menu, and objects can be found in the "Placing"\u003e Objects menu. Skillfully putting facilities, you can overwrite the passage on the bridge, to build a springboard to make a trigger's competition in a spectacular, or come up with something else - everything depends on your imagination. You can also place a Cascader jump so that when using a specific springboard, a special camera angle was used. To do this, it is necessary to place two markers: one at the end of the springboard, from which players will make a jump, and one more in the place where the camera will be located. Use the analog joysticks to change the height of the camera.

Select the perfect place for spectacular jump ...

Earth, water or air?

Creating races on the ground and racing on water is equally, with the only difference that in one control points can only be placed on land, and in the other - only on the water. We also keep in mind that some objects can be accommodated only on a specific surface: bugs and water ramps, for example, are intended exclusively for water competitions.

When creating the same races by air, it is also necessary to set the height of each control point. To raise the point, use the left joystick, and to omit - right.

Times, two, three, check

As in everything, with regard to the development of games, it is thoroughly testing and grinding to create something truly special. You can select the "Test" point at any time and ride along the track (all the changes have been saved). If you see something that you won't like it, you can return to the editor by clicking the "Down" direction button ("Down" on the Cross), and remake the selected item - or even the entire whole race. You can also switch to the view from the game by clicking the SELECT button, and place the control points and objects by rolling along the track behind the wheel of the selected vehicle. This method not only allows you to arrange control points on the fly, but also helps to place objects in places inaccessible to the editor cursor, for example in tunnels.

When testing the race, it is important to verify that all Renaissance points worked, especially if there is an obstacle or a large structure next to them.

From scratch

Such with anyone can happen: suddenly it turns out that the track leads to nowhere, and the messenger looks at the control points even more sorry than the televir Trevor. If you suddenly want to start all over again, you can delete all control points (or all everything) using the "Placing" menu\u003e "Delete Settings" menu (you can also delete all weapons, all objects, all dynamic objects and all Cascader jumps).

... and publish the race in the Social Club to everyone for joy.
  • Always make sure that the next checkpoint is easy to see. The winner in your race should define the skill, not the case.
  • At sharp turns, place a checkpoint before the apex. Then the player will be able to reset the speed on time and keep the optimal trajectory of movement.
  • A competently placed test point will warn the player about the approaching turn much more efficiently than, for example, a pile of broken buses.
  • Using the description, you can tell players how it is better to pass your race. If, for example, you use a large number of objects to create barricades and testing has shown that this race is better to play with traffic disconnected, report this to players.
  • Make sure that weapons and first-aid kits are located on a sufficient distance from each other and one player will not be able to pick up at once, both. The leader should not be too explicit advantage, otherwise your GTA race will not be interesting to play.
  • Weapons, especially a rocket, should not be placed too often: it should be a "trump card in the sleeve", and not a permanent annoying element of the Competition. Place the weapon where it is useful to players most, for example, at the beginning of a long straight segment.
  • Remember that all the created races can become GTA races, but only if you decompose weapons on the track. If your race can be played in standard format, and in GTA format, the players will have an incentive for repeated races.
  • Do not overdo it with tramplines. If they are too much or they will not stand in those places, it will break the course of the race, and your creation will be remembered by participants not at all what I would like.
  • Accelerators should be placed on direct segments of the track and key areas for overtaking, where they will be the most benefit.
  • Do not put Cascader jumps before turning, otherwise the player can lose his car out of sight.
  • Vehicles to participate in the race should always be selected in accordance with what country the race passes. Compact cars are best suited for winding street trails, while SUVs are designed for riding on slushful roads of the blin district. If you are using the mixed composition of machines, such as sports cars and SUVs, various types of terrain should be alternate in your race so that no one from the participants has advantages. In addition, you can pass the track in the places where the participants have the opportunity to choose an alternative route - for example, on mountain sites, where motorcyclists can cut the path with a risk. Balanced is the key to success, and the only way It is achieved - it is thorough testing. Go around the race on different types of machines until you definitely do not understand how much time or another type of transport you need to get to the finish.
  • In the races by air, force the pilots to move in the vertical, then in the horizontal plane, so that there is no long monotonous movement in a straight line. In addition, there are no brake aircraft, so if you create an overwhelmed twist, pass your track will be very difficult, or even unreal. When you arrange the control points, it makes sense to switch to the in-game chamber to understand how much a maneuver is a plane.
  • If you want to expose pilots to the present test, put control points in places where the player will threaten the danger to crash into anything. For example, a series of control points located above and below the bridge, sends those players who do not know how to dive and gain height. And if the checkpoint will be between two skyscrapers, the players will have to avoid the buildings by turning the aircraft side.
  • The main thing is more fantasy. Experiment and have fun!

Share Dobro

If the result is completely satisfied, click the "Publish" button, and your race will be available to the Social Club community. Players in your session of the free regime will be able to view your race at any time.

Update "Lihachi and Tray" (Cunning Stunts) for online grand version Theft AUTO. 5 expanded the capabilities of the regular editor of the content, or rather its part responsible for creating custom racing.

Despite the fact that the functionality of the toolkit for the most part remained the same, the updated editor allows you to radically transform standard races. For example, they may appear moving obstacles, sound effects collected by RP glasses accelerators, as well as speeding tracks, the struggle for which will become the main intrigue of most races. In this guide, we will tell about all these innovations so that anyone can start creating a race of their dreams without any problems.

How to Create Cascader Race in GTA Online

In order to get to the Cascader Racing Editor, you need to put the game by pause, and then in the Find the Content Editor item in the menu. After a short download, the user will be able to choose, what type of content it wants to create, and in one of the sub-menu there will be a "Cascader Race" option.

The initial stage of creation is similar to how work begins on any other race: the names, descriptions, the title image are determined. Also, the user can configure the desired type of race, the route, affordable transport and so on.

For more detailed information About creating races, read our guide [Hyde name with reference].


After passing the base stage, it is necessary to choose the placement of players, which will determine where the race will take its beginning.

Like other options when creating the route, the control of this parameter passes in the same way as always. First put the activator, the camera in the lobby and control points, after which you can go to the most "delicious" - obstacles and other objects.

Obstacles and objects

On each card created in the GTA Online Content Editor racing section, up to 500 objects and obstacles can be placed. It was they who became the main "highlight" of the addition of Cunning Stunts, so in this section you can find the largest number of innovations.

Consider them separately to reveal their main features:

Cascader sites

In fact, these are real "roads in heaven", because they can be laid in the literal sense by air. The editor has many separate fragments of such Cascader sites, thanks to which you can generally forget about the ground route and pave the entire race exclusively through the air. There are a lot of options, so you can even implement the most insane fantasies.


It is also worth highlighting the pipes that play the same role, but have a slightly smaller surface for parallel driving of several cars. They have a rounded section, so if you wish, you can overtake the player, just driving along the wall. It is dangerous, but not for a real stage, right? In addition to thin setting Configurations at the expense of a large number of components, you can also change the color of the pipes.


If you really want to give players some space for maneuver, then you can use the platforms hanging in the air. They are presented in a large range of sizes and colors, allowing you to diversify the race and give it even greater chic.


Depending on the size and angle of inclination of the springboard from the supplement "Cunning Stunts" allows you to get an advantage, landing right on the heads of opponents or ahead of them. The Creator of the race himself can choose whether the passage of a springboard is mandatory for each participant, or you can travel and continue to follow the route without risk to turn your neck. The color of the springboard can also be edited as the colors of other objects.

Objects for tricks

To the trip is not too boring, you can use the objects section that are intended for the performance of various tricks, both dangerous and very dangerous. The choice is quite large here: various spiral fragments, dead loops, obstacles, additional species Sprons, as well as much more.

Road signs

As in reality, signs in the Grand Thefu Cascader Racing Editor Auto Online. Designed to inform the player about certain circumstances that are waiting for him ahead. With the help of them, you can notify the arrival participants about the turns, advise you to reset the speed before passing a particularly dangerous participant and so on. You can also paint the signs of the emblems of different racing brands and sponsors using them in purely decorative purposes.

Special objects

Curious editor section in which the user can place fire rings, pyrotechnic effects, giant tires and other decorative objects. There are also sound alerts that allow the race to give a special sound, and also make it possible to warn the arrival participants about anything. Well, or just to hang.

Interestingly, among special facilities there are special accelerators, when passing which the player is quickly gaining speed. At the same time, it is possible, on the contrary, invert their effect, and then players will slow down, hitting them.

Dynamic objects

To make the race even more exciting, you can add additional interactive obstacles to it. It can be gigantic bowling balls, kegli, balls and other interesting things. Thanks to them, you can make chaos into the course of the competition, as well as reward the players with additional RP glasses for a collision with marked objects.

New racing editor capabilities

In addition to new objects, both fundamentally new features of the racing editor also appeared, which makes it possible to improve not only Cascader races, but any other.

For example, one of the most interesting functions allows you to change the position of objects after interaction with them.

In addition, the limit of the limit of additional objects (non-obstacles) from 100 to 150 has also increased, which allows you to place more sound effects and decorations to improve external view Runs.

Overwrite objects

As already noted above, with this functional, you can dynamically change the position of the object in space when the player interacts with it. You can change the coordinates in three dimensions (x, y, z).


For the Creator of the race could not worry about the fact that there may be gaps between the sites, the Rockstar Games developers have implemented a convenient binding system. It is especially convenient when creating a road, as it makes it possible to customize fragments without any tricks automatically. The binding also acts when placing other objects and blocks.


After updating, the GTA Online racing editor can handle the location of objects on each other. If earlier I had to install them only on the plane, now you can do real turrets from those or other items so that the riders are spectacular to overturn them, Tarana bumper.

Alternative control points

For a long time, players have already requested developers to realize the possibility of creating alternative routes on racing routes. And in the addon Cunning Stunts, these requests were heard.

Now in the editor you can make a development to give the race to the race. As a rule, it is a choice between a longer, but safe segment, and short, but life-threatening.

Circular control points

Since the pipes with rounded walls appeared, the developers quite logically decided to add and add an additional type of control point. When they pass it, it does not matter where the car rides.

- For GTA: Online, the main thing is to have a GTA 5 license disk and an Internet connection. FROM pirate version Multiplayer will not start, and the console can get ban. By running a "five" disk, you can select "Download GTA: Online" during boot. There is a small time limit - if a single game is already loaded, you will need to go to "online". There are two more ways: through a circle of characters (multiplayer hero - from below, its or her color is blue) or through the pause menu. Select the tab "Network", then - "Play GTA: Online" and create a new session or connect to the one that is created by others. The first two ways will be connected to a random session (they will first find those where there are members of your team or friends if they are not, you will pick up the players closer to you in terms of level and skills). Only the third method (through the pause menu) guarantees the entrance to one of the necessary sessions (about this issue below).

2. Does the GOLD account need (paid subscription for Xbox 360) to play GTA: Online?

- Holders of Xbox 360 for GTA: Online is really needed GOLD account (paid subscription) in Xbox Live., And the PS3 owner is not needed by PlayStationPlus paid subscription, just registration in Psnetwork.

3. Why register in RGSC before playing GTA: Online?

- Registration in the "Social Club" will give a player not only the opportunity to enter into teams and access to its statistics and storage of photos, as well as mass pleasant bonuses: Sawed-Off Shotgun, Sports car Annis Elegy RH8, Father's head of John Marton and a ticket to all online events arranged Rockstar.

4. How to get bonus cars?

- To get one at one sports car Annis Elegy RH8 for each hero, including multiplayer, you need to register with RGSC. To get one hotknife for each Hero of a single game and an electric car Khamelion for a multiplayer, you need to pay off the code invested in the boxes with special and collecting publications.

5. What sessions are in GTA: Online?

- Options Connecting to the session Mass: You can create a new one to which players will be able to connect, you can connect to the other you can play in the session with friends or team members, and you can create your personal session to which no one can connect. The latter option is usually used to perform any task or open a achiveness without outsiders.

6. How to create a personal closed session?

- Go to the "Network" tab in the pause menu, from there, through "Play GTA: Online", to "Create a Personal Session".

7. How many characters can be created in GTA: Online?

- Only two characters slots are available in the usual edition of the game, each of them needs to download and supply property and junk separately. In special and collectible publications, you can create as many as five multiplayer characters.

8. Is it possible to play a woman in GTA: Online?

- You can play both for a man and for a woman. Different floors have a wardrobe, however, some habits are exactly the same. Apparently, here the developers were flattened by turning female characters As the same animations, for example, when visiting a strip club or prostitutes, as men.

9. Is it possible to save more machines in the garages?

- Not. The same system works as in individual garages in a single game. It will be possible to drive into the garage only the permitted number of transport: 2, 6 or 10. In addition, the player can have only one garage, therefore, the maximum number of parking spaces in GTA: Online - 10 (ten).

10. How to open new tasks, new clothes, new weapons and so on?

- To open up new tasks, new clothes, new weapons, new modifications for cars and so on, it is necessary to raise your character level, earning reputation points.

11. How fast will increase the level (earn a reputation points) without using prohibited methods and bugs?

- the first 20-30 levels are achieved with a thorough study gaming Mira and classes in it. Further is heavier. The method described below describes a speedy, as far as possible, pumping the character, but may seem like akin to be enough, even if not always. So, let's start the race around the prison of the Bolingbrook (on the map is a characteristic polygon, near the track from Los Santos To Sandy Shorts). The task is called "criminal file" (in a short period, perhaps the most visited among the players). Due to the length of the circle, a set of reputation (Rp) occurs very quickly. Glasses can be obtained, and cutting circles alone, but more RP is given if there is at least one opponent. By the way, it is not necessary to win. Driving one circle, get so many points that RP glasses in prize Fund may seem trigger. Unfortunately, score points for each circle, setting them 99, it is impossible. Around the 50th level, the maximum points will bring check-in in 3-4 circles. Closer to the 80th, the number of circles should be set 3, and then less - 2. The fact is that the limiter is increasingly and more often, which sets the limit in the RP Schedule in one task. For the first round there is about 3,000 souls, for the second - about 1000. If desired and proper perseverance, it is possible to achieve a really high level fast enough.

12. What is the main task in GTA: Online?

- As in other online games, the main task is to become the coolest player among many others. To do this, you need to increase the level of the character, earning the RP reputation points, and, while opening new weapons and other goodies, you need to buy a weapon for money, upgrade to it. In addition, for money you can buy apartments with garages, cars with modifications and clothing with other accessories. In general, the two main tasks are to receive reputation points (RP) and earn in-game money ($). On the other hand, GTA: Online is not in vain built on the concept as the single part of the series, where the foundations are taken open world and freedom of action. Because the main tasks for themselves are free to choose each player himself.

13. How to create a rally? How to create a GTA race? How to create a team deathmatch?

- To create a rally or a GTA race, you need to choose one of the tracks (tasks), specify the desired type of race in the lobby. To create a team Deathmatch, you need to find a suitable task or in the lobby of a single desmatch to set the command type of shootout.

14. How to make a roll?

- Roll can be done by simultaneously pressing the L2 keys and the square for PS3 and the LT and X keys for Xbox 360.

15. How to make a jerk at the start of the racing?

- For a sharp start, you need to press the key responsible for the gas pedal (R2 button for PS3 and RT for Xbox 360), at the moment when the "Go!" Signal appears. When counting from 3 to 1, do not press anything.

16. Is it possible to change the name of the character in GTA online?

- It is impossible. It is tied to the console account.

17. How to transfer progress with one console to another?

- transfer of progress is possible only to the updated version of the game (for PS4, Xbox One. and PC). More information about this process is written in a separate article.

18. How to save your favorite default weapon in GTA Online?

- Go to single game GTA 5, buy your favorite weapon in Ammu-Nation, save. After booting in GTA Online, you will see your favorite weapon in the right slots. Now there is no need to convulsely switch the weapon you need.

19. Additions for GTA: Online on PS3 and Xbox 360 no longer come out?

- All right, additions for "online" stopped going out in the middle of 2015 - became the last large for PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. The developers declared this in advance and prepared players to this. Now there are only small updates that improve the operation of the anti-acid system and eliminating the problems found in the game.

You have a question of software, do not hesitate to us. Or ask in the comments.

»Cascader racing editor allows players create the most incredible tracks, in which dizzying heights are found with metal, fire and raise the wind after another jump.

Basics and specifics

Of course, any Cascader race is, first of all, the race, and therefore the foundations remain the sameAs when creating any tracks. Having gotten up with key principles (with the help of many existing manuals or on personal experience), it is possible to move on to features that distinguish the racing for likham and trunks.

So, hundreds of new objects are available for use. Remember that one highway (now) can be no more than 150 objectsHowever, other restriction is the overall use of memory. Considering that you are also available 20 dynamic objects (like giant boxes and balls), you can exhaust the resources long before the number of objects pass at least for a hundred.

Therefore, it is especially important in advance to study the list What you will work with and have at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bhow you want to see your future track. This applies not only to the individual components, but also the total color scheme and the "destination" of the route. Before choosing a class of transport to which it is designed, test it on one of the cars This category.

Please note that although the Rockstar Cascader Default Racing Racing are standard (Standard), you can select mode For its own - it can also be a regular race, GTA, rally or non-contact.

What's new

In addition to the huge set of Cascader "requisite," in DLC "Cunning Stunts", new opportunities were added to the editor, about which in order.
Override, Snap, Stack
Three functions commonly used in the bundle. Placing an item, you can now set it accurate location (coordinates and angle of rotation), and for even more jewelry work - closer to the track (on PC it is done by pressing LCTRL).

Further, the creation of extended tracks does not work out without the use of the same item several times, not to mention the objects with the connection of objects. For this, you need the second function - clutch elements. It can work automatically (connecting the closest objects), or is activated manually (on "Pershes" - via space) or works "in a chain" when each next added element is immediately connected to the previous one. Already describing it is clear how much time you can save.

And finally, it is even easier to create large-scale trails. jet»Objects - you can easily add them to each other, even on the uneven expanses of Los Santos, and no one will shout at you if the elements will intersect.

Secondary and circular checkpoints
Since the tracks can now be separated into two parts, appeared new Type Control points. Such secondary checkpoints (Secondary checkpoints) differ in color, and during the race you can choose to pass any of the two.

Circular checkpoints (Circular Checkpoints) are not located on Earth, but "suspended" in space and resemble those used in air racing or flight school. They will be especially useful if you want to place a checkpoint inside the pipe.

And a couple of useful trifles:
  • We have already mentioned fireworks (what holiday without them?) - You can ask them to trigger in certain moments race;
  • Audio objects publish sounds - You have the choice of the sound itself and when approaching how much the distance it is played.

Like hundreds of objects, everyone or some of them also have very useful and interesting features:
  • To reuse a certain "configuration" in the future, you can save it in templates (Templates);
  • No one limits you in what to do with objects - come up with them unusual application (for example, turn fire rings from hazardous obstacles to spectacular scenery);
  • Of course, you are already accustomed to living in large, but not to exceed the permissible number of objects, it will not hurt to use one big element instead of several small;
  • Ramp You can use not only for jumping, but also for a smooth transition (more precisely flight) between parts of the track - for example, for jumping to oblique or vertical areas;
  • Do not forget about pro acceleration and slowdowns - The first can not only make the race more dynamic, but also help in overcoming terrestrial and air obstacles, and the second is not allowed to fly beyond the route in front of a steep turn or cliff.

How to make the track even better

  • Perhaps you should first collect the track completely in her " approximate video", I do not customize anything to calculate whether you are enough elements in general to complete it;
  • Test, test and again ... Faster it can be done with the TAB key (on PC);
  • Check that players can complete all the checkpoints Even after the respuna, it can be done manually, directly in testing mode;
  • By the way, about the checkpoints - do not forget that their maximum amount is limited to 68 pieces (it is strange that not 69, because in Rockstar it is like this number);
  • If you want to encourage participants for crazy jumps and other frills, turn on in the racing settings the appropriate option to reward the most bold and skillful bonuses to reputation;
  • Returning to fireworks and sounds - their setting is quite flexible, so you can set the triggering, for example, only for the player in the first place (festive salute) or for the last in the last round (warning siren);
  • To the track was more memorable, creatively use environment existing roads and bridges, buildings and attractions (it will also help reduce the number of objects);
  • Do not forget that the world of GTA 5 lives without your participation - and placed in water objects can turn into an obstacle when the sampling starts!