For honor heroes. The best hero. Best Attacking Hero in For Honor

V game For Honor players can play as warriors from different nations and eras to achieve glory and fame. But not all of them are the same among themselves, some may be stronger than others. How not to be mistaken when choosing a character? In this article we will try to figure out what heroes are in the game. For Honor.

The warriors in the game can be roughly divided into three categories - the best attackers, heroes with better protection and with a balance of power. For each type, you can see two examples describing their abilities and combat training.

The best attacking heroes for Honor

  • Peacekeeper - if you are looking for a hero to attack enemies, then this class is for you. It is also suitable for anyone who loves fast paced games. They are characterized by incredible mobility, they easily repulse blows, while delivering their own. This class has the shortest time between attack and defense. You can easily develop stealth in them, they use two swords and a dagger. Stealth and Crossbow are suitable for their fighting style.
  • Berserker. Suitable for those for whom the main goal is attacks, and everything else does not matter. They consist of sheer aggression, using double axes to destroy their opponents. Their attacks are the most powerful of all heroes, but their defense level is the weakest. The most optimal move is Revenge Attacks.

For Honor Heroes with the Best Defense

    • Warlord are specialists in counterattacking. They wield a sword and a shield, defend themselves from blows, and then attack at the right moment. They are best at luring enemies closer and delivering crushing blows. Also in this warrior's arsenal is a headbutt and cannot be blocked. Apply techniques such as Deadly, Flesh Wound, Auto Revive without losing a single point of your health.
    • Conqueror - the heroes of this class are like an iron wall, they are almost impossible to crush. They block blows with their spiked shield, while managing to inflict damage on the enemy. Their unshakable defenses help them to be used on the front lines. Techniques are used to increase protection - Heal on Block and Dauntless.

For Honor Heroes with Maximum Balance of Power

  • The Warden is the best hero regardless of weight class. Especially suitable for beginners, as it has the perfect balance between attacking and defensive forces. It can take any position on the battlefield, but it develops only when it seizes control of objects or defeats several enemies at the same time. This is the most versatile class and in terms of the way of fighting, it can deliver any blows that the player wants.
  • Orochi - This class can easily be attributed to the best attackers, but its defenses are also at their best. These heroes are very mobile, easily avoid and repel enemy attacks. Their katana unleashes a whirlwind of light attacks and ends with execution. The best tricks for them are Kunai, Fear Itself, and Slip Through.

The game breaks all records for capturing the full attention of gamers. In it, everyone finds what is more interesting to him - fierce Vikings who honor the code of samurai or noble knights. Each species is different not only externally, but also has its own combat system and tactics. Join the new world in For Honor!

After a terrible cataclysm, three factions of the most vicious warriors in history have come together in a great battle for survival. Become brave knight, a ferocious Viking or a deadly samurai and fight for the honor of your faction. Wreak destruction on the battlefield in this stunningly fast-paced game where skill decides in bloody battles.

Since its release in February 2017, the game has undergone changes thanks to constant updates and improvements. With the advent of dedicated servers, the gameplay has become more stable, and with new training modes, players can go from student to master, while receiving rewards. Hone your skills to perfection and go into battle in new ones game modes equipping your hero the best armor and weapons - since the release, thousands of new items have appeared in the game.

More details ...

At the heart of gameplay lies unique system Melee For Honor, The Art of War, where you change stance by pointing your weapon left, right, or up to bypass your opponent's defenses and parry their attacks.

Play the story campaign alone or with friends, or choose from 6 multiplayer modes for 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 battles. In For Honor, you'll have to exercise lightning-fast reaction in battle and closely monitor the environment and behavior of opponents in order to seize territories and defeat other players (as well as break through the formation of soldiers controlled by AI).

At the beginning of the game, you have to swear allegiance to one of the factions, but you can choose any of the 18 available heroes for battles. Each of them demonstrates a certain style of fighting. Do you want to inflict significant damage on everyone who happens to be around? Your choice is shugoki. Do you like agile heroes who can confuse your opponent with a lot of quick hits? Try a deliverer or an oroti. And thanks to the training mode, you will have the opportunity to experiment and find out which of the heroes suits you best.

Gamers can play the For Honor third-person fighting game, adhering to different fighting styles: some prefer a heavily armed warrior who shreds enemies into small pieces, some prefer an agile fighter who quickly moves around the battlefield and strikes unexpectedly. We offer you a look at the strengths and weaknesses of characters from the Knights and Vikings factions.

Most Agile Warriors: Berserker (Berserker) and Redeemer (Peacekeeper)

If you like to "flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee", then the Redeemer (Knights faction) or Berserker (Vikings) are best for you. These characters do not seek to fend off enemy strikes, but rather avoid them.

Features of the Deliverer: By dodging a blow, this fighter can instantly launch a counterattack, which has a high probability of causing the enemy to bleed out. If the "Heavy Attack" was repelled, the opponent's affairs will still be bad, because he will suffer from the "light attack". When blood begins to ooze from the enemy's wounds, the Redeemer can simply run away: soon the opponent will slowly die.

The Redeemer is armed with a sword and a dagger, so her strong point are short range attacks. However, she compensates for this disadvantage with her speed of movement and her Dashing Thrust ability.

Berserker Features: Like the Guardian, this Viking dodges attacks very well. However, unlike the Sentinel, who prefers to quickly strike and run away, the Berserker fights effectively in the midst of enemies, swinging two sharp axes. In particular, thanks to the ability "Dance of the Two Blades", he attacks without interruption, alternating light and heavy blows. The main problem is that during a light attack, the enemy can carry out a powerful counterattack, which with a high degree of probability will cause great damage to the Berserker.

Best Attacking Warrior: Holdar (Raider)

Features of Holdar: this hero is almost impossible to control when he unleashes devastating attacks. One of the main advantages of this hero is the ability to intercept the initiative (Guard Break) and inflict monstrous damage with a two-handed ax as a result of a terrifying blow (Stampede Charge).

With his ax, Holdar can literally hack his way through enemies. He can also stun the enemy by pressing him against the wall: after that, the Viking will unleash a series of blows without resistance. In addition, Holdar is able to block Heavy Attack with a quick Stunning Tap. Finally, the warrior is capable of delivering a deadly unblockable series of attacks (Raider Fury) in the middle of any attack.

Best Defending Warrior: The Chieftain (Warlord)

Features of the Leader: If you prefer solid defense and guaranteed damage to fast but risky attacks, then the Chief will be the first choice. Despite the fact that this hero can only reach the nearest enemies, he has a number of serious advantages.

Firstly, the fighter is able to interrupt the enemy's attack by carrying out a light blow (Light Attack), and secondly, the enemy will not be able to block the "Heavy Attack" of the Chief, even if he himself was striking at that moment (although in this case the Viking will still lose HP). Third, by adopting a Block Stance, he blocks any attacks from all sides. After that, you can activate the ability "Block and strike" (Block and Stab), during which the enemy is guaranteed to suffer damage.

Best Newbie Warrior: Guardian (Warden)

Guardian Features: this Knight is perfectly balanced and is equally good in attack and defense. When carrying out a counterattack, a fighter armed with a bastard sword is guaranteed to perform a combo of two light attacks (Light Attack).

One of the Guardian's features is Shoulder Bash, which stuns the enemy. He can also perform a double attack ("Zone Attack"), consisting of a light and heavy attack (Light Attack and Heavy Attack). The second hit of the combo is always left-handed, allowing you to hit multiple enemies at the same time. Finally, he performs a "Crushing Counterstrike": parries the blow and immediately makes a crushing lunge towards the enemy.

For Honor is a multiplayer project from Ubisoft that challenges you to play as one of three factions: Vikings, Samurai and Knights. Recently, Ubisoft has been good at competitive games, which is only Siege, but given their already rather shaky position in the gaming community, everyone was worried that the project would turn out "so-so". But, fortunately, this did not happen and the game came out great, which became clear even during the beta testing stages.

Beta testing for all projects is an important and recent times all developers invite players to participate in it. It was the same with For Honor, but it should be understood that not all players were able to participate in this process. For Honor is one of those games that totally new players should probably hear a couple of tips and tricks. Since this game positions itself to a greater extent as an online project, then you need to approach it appropriately. It's worth noting though that For Honor also has a single player campaign for each of the factions in the game. But the main part is still in the network aspect. So let's go over some of the tips that most newbies would like to hear before entering the game.

Understand the controls

If you think that when you go to For Honor you will see the most common system for close combat, for example, as a strong-weak-block system, then you are greatly mistaken. In For Honor, you have almost complete control over your character: direction of impact, counterattacks, blocks, throws, stuns, and more. You can literally think through and implement your every step.

And therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the in-game tutorial, as there you can find a lot of useful things for yourself. Also, do not forget about advanced training, which will become available for a little later, after a certain moment in Game. We say all this because if you get into a network game without knowing the basics, then you will definitely "snatch" from everyone in the session, literally.

Take your time in battle

As we mentioned earlier, For Honor has a pretty advanced combat system that lets you fight the way you want. You can strike from different angles and hit them in the same way. Plus you have the ability to parry, dodge, block, etc. Where we are all leading - do not try to go ahead, as you will immediately be chopped to pieces. Try to approach each fight with extreme caution and utmost care. In order to emerge victorious from the battle, it is not even necessary to attack the enemy, since you can use, for example, the features of the landscape to kill.

Using the radar

In this game, you will be provided with a radar, with the help of which you can very conveniently observe the battlefield. It can depict opponents, comrades-in-arms, defeated teammates who can be healed, various points on the map, and the like. All in all, a pretty nice addition to the gameplay. It is especially useful in a situation where the enemy is trying to get behind your back. Alternatively, you can try to do the same with radar. Since the radar takes up a small percentage of the screen, sometimes it's easy to forget about it. But still try to look at it more often and you will understand that it has become much easier to play.

Watch your surroundings

Remember how we mentioned that you can kill an enemy without attacking him? Let's talk about this in more detail. Did you know that you can knock your opponent off a ladder by simply driving down a ladder? Or did you know that the weapons in the game have realistic physics and swinging, for example, a hefty ax in a narrow passage will not work. And the battle on the bridge - how many opportunities are there. If you meet with the enemy on the battlefield, then first of all, inspect the area around you. Perhaps you will find something that will give you an edge over your opponent.

Stamina management

Your stamina (or stamina) is one of the most important game elements in For Honor. Stamina is indicated by a green bar below the health bar. So what is so special about this strip? The thing is that, according to its name, it is responsible for your endurance, or more precisely, it displays the amount of endurance.

Your character gets tired as you perform various activities in For Honor. Once you lose all your strength, you become quite vulnerable to your opponent. So how do you avoid this? It's pretty simple - you don't have to constantly attack everyone. You will immediately fizzle out and question your lifespan. All For Honor is "sharpened" for precise and thoughtful actions, and rash decisions will lead to defeat.

Character selection

There are three factions in the game: Knights, Samurai and Vikings. Each side has four unique characters. All these characters can be divided into four groups:

  • Vanguard is the most balanced class in For Honor, i.e. he has medium defense and medium attack. In general, in skillful hands, they will perfectly be able to act as both attackers and defenders. Perfect for all beginners.
  • The defender is the most protected of all types of characters, but, accordingly, deals less damage. Ideal for distracting opponents or controlling a group of enemies. Actually, it is ideal for different types protective activity, which is expected of him.
  • Assassin is the fastest class in For Honor and can still inflict great amount damage. Constant dodging and fast attacks are his style of play. Experienced players should probably use this class, as it is quite difficult to dodge many attacks in For Honor.
  • Hybrid - this class is one of the most difficult to learn in the game. It combines all the previous classes, which is pretty handy. But controlling these characters is relatively more difficult than the other three classes. However, if you can learn how to control this titan, you will be one of the most valuable companions in the team.

To begin with, just try to get used to the classes in the game, and then try to select them depending on your team, since without a team you will definitely be defeated. Just about teamwork we will talk further.

Don't be a lone wolf

Since For Honor is more of a network project, it is simply impossible to do without teamwork. If you build a hero out of yourself and constantly climb on enemy sabers, then this simply guarantees you death. And if you are very desperate and hot on your head, you will also substitute your team. Always cooperate with your teammates, think over your every move and victory will be in your pocket.

You are not glassy

For some reason, some players have the impression that they can be destroyed literally with one blow or thrust with a sword. In some conditions, this can of course be done, but rather difficult. In most cases, if you are cut or hit, then you will simply lose some percentage of your health. And, frankly, you can take quite a few hits, although it depends on the class. Do not be afraid to advance and attack, otherwise you will be constantly dominated.

Customization is important

In most modern online projects, customizing your character comes down to simple cosmetic changes. You can change in them appearance your hero beyond recognition, but this is unlikely to give you an advantage over other players. But in For Honor, things are a little more complicated. By customizing characters, you can literally change their in-game characteristics, which is much better than simple "cosmetics". So don't be lazy to dig into the editor and customize your characters, as this will definitely give you some edge.

Watch your surroundings (part two)

There is one more aspect about the environment that is perhaps worth talking about. When you find in the thick of battles, it is quite difficult to distinguish someone among the crowd of NPCs (yes, there are mobs in the game). Even though the names and health bars of the real players can be seen above their heads, this is difficult to do. Therefore, you will have to be doubly careful in the sense of the warriors, otherwise you will be easily killed. But even if you were able to spot some "cunning fox" in the crowd, it is unlikely that you will be able to see from which side it is swinging at you.

Friendly fire

If you played a lot network games, you probably already know what "Friendly Fire" means. This concept means that you can injure your teammates. For Honor also has Friendly Fire, so be extremely careful when swinging stabbing, cutting and crushing near the faces of your companions, otherwise a bunch of tomatoes will fly in your direction. This is especially true of situations in which you and your comrade met with another enemy or a whole group of enemies.

Controller is welcome

Yes, For Honor has keyboard / mouse support, but many players complain that it is simply not possible to play it this way. That is, the control from the gamepad is much more convenient, which is not surprising. So if you are playing For Honor on a PC, then the best solution is to switch to a gamepad. We will not argue that playing For Honor is impossible with K / M, some players will find it even more convenient, but a controller is still welcome.

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The concept of “the best guy in the village” is very loose. Who is he, this fighter that will suit any gamer bravely chopping in For Honor? In my opinion, choosing the ideal character for everyone is unrealistic in principle. If only because we all have different styles of play, preferences and requirements for the hero. On the other hand, no one bothers us to dig deeper into the stats, take a closer look at the abilities, styles and other parameters of the characters of the game in order to roughly imagine which one will be the best for us.

Let's, as they say, without delay, and get down to this important matter. After all, the choice a gamer makes will largely determine his success in For Honor. No, don't get me wrong, learning to play well for a representative of any class in the game, of course, is not difficult, but it takes a significant amount of time. However, you can enjoy the process itself only by combining with the character that suits the player one hundred percent.

Dexterous as hell

Peacekeeper and Berserker

If you like Muhammad Ali's style, then the fighters from these classes will also like. “Flutter like a butterfly, sting like a bee” - this is how the boxer himself described his manner of fighting. And it perfectly matches the battalion commander that Peacekeeper and Berserker preach. Of all For Honor heroes, it is the fighters of these classes that have the highest mobile combat ability. They are incredibly fast and go from attack to attack and vice versa almost instantly. Almost any attacks of the enemy "perky" characters respond by leaving the line of attack instead of the usual parry or blocking the opponent's weapon.


Let's start with the fact that this is a girl, which is already interesting. Perhaps that is why Peacekeeper dodges attacks so lightning fast and attacks in turn. Her Heavy Attack will not go well for anyone, and with a slight swoop, she may well do things. After hitting, the girl immediately "falls off", leaving the enemy to suffer helplessly and slowly lose health away. Yes, in principle, you can find fault with the small and rather risky distance at which her attacks are effective. However, Peacekeeper often helps out Dashing Thrust, a simple and effective tool , quickly delivering a fighter to the scene of the fight and no less actively evacuating him when he starts to smell like fried.


Like Peacekeeper, Berserker excels at getting out of the line of attack. However, if Peacekeeper runs away with lightning speed, inflicting the intended effect, then Berserker, on the contrary, prefers to stay in business as long as possible.

The Dance of the Paired Blades ability allows the Berserker to reflect up to four attacks in a row. Not bad, to be sure, but one of the main problems of this hero must not be forgotten. Such a long defense and switching between Light and Heavy Attack leads to an inevitable Guard Break for the enemy, which in turn means medium and sometimes heavy demage for the Berserker himself.

Angry guys


This hero is difficult to deal with, he is a worthy opponent by default. And incredibly aggressive at the same time. The main task for the Raider is to drive the opponent into the glorious Guard Break, which as a result allows you to carry out Stampede Charge with apparent ease.

Raider has excellent control over Stampede Charge and travels long distances. If he throws his opponent into a wall or any other obstacle, he is guaranteed to receive additional attacks immediately following the main one. And as if that weren't enough, Raider hits Heavy Attacks in fast Stunning Tap. Well, and besides, there is also the Raider Fury, which, in principle, is, as they say, a “sky-pen”. Raider is capable of wrapping Fury in the dense fabric of other combo attacks.

The best defense


Warlord is rightfully considered the king of defense. And if you enjoy destroying the enemy's intentions, Warlord is your For Honor hero.

All tactics and strategy of this nature are based on a guaranteed demage from Block and Stab. When the hero lacks a range, he can work through Light Attacks or exchange heavy attacks with the enemy. Almost always, these exchanges end in Warlord's favor. One of the best features of the character is Full Block Stance. This ability allows you to block any attack with the exception of Guard Breaks, after which the hero immediately goes into a combo with Block and Stab to consolidate the success.

Gift for a noob


The Warden is great for beginner gamers. This hero is very balanced. The first two attacks of his Vanguard Advance combo (Light Attack> Light Attack) are guaranteed after Guard Break. Shoulder Bash also looks good in his performance. Zone Attack, that is, Light Attack and Heavy Attack in one bottle, successfully complements Crushing Counterstrike, with the help of which the hero easily and naturally repels most attacks.