On advanced Archeage. Methods of robbing to archend. Tips for experienced. Last very cool chip

FREE MMORPG Archeage. Opens more extensive opportunities before players. Moreover, the possibilities of the game are so rich that novice players are often lost, what to do, where to go than to do. We would recommend Archeage passage to start with reading this guide, which is told about the main features and features of the game.

Character Creation

Before starting the game, all users will have to choose Ras. It should be borne in mind that, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe developers, all players are initially divided into two large hostile fractions, each of which refers to 2 game races:

The fraction of the Western continent includes Nuian and elves.
The faction of the Eastern continent includes Harnings and Ferre.

If you plan to start the game with a friend, choose one race to start from one location.

Each race has certain racial bonuses, but special influence on game process These bonuses do not have. Does not affect the characteristics of the characters and their gender.

Specializations in Archeage

Specialization in this game is sets of active and passive skills grouped in 10 directions. Of the 10 available specializations, the player can choose for a 3. Combining 3 branches of skills, the player forms a specific character class. In Archeage, by the way, there are 120 possible classes, although not all of them are viable.

At the stage of creating a character, only 6 specializations will be available to you:

Attack - Here are the skills of the melee. If you prefer to fight in the near battle using swords, spears, hammers, etc., then this is your choice.
Magic - There are gathered magic skills responsible for damage. This branch is designed for combat magicians.
The pursuit - Branch for archers.
Healing - Magic skills responsible for treatment. These skills are designed for those who prefer to play for support classes.
Mysticism - Magic aimed at controlling the enemy and damage. Branch for magic controllers.
Secrecy - A branch for assassins preferring to attack enemies suddenly, from invisibility.

First steps in Archeage

With the pumping character you should not have any special difficulties - in the process of the game you will be constantly issued to tasks that will allow you to quickly increase your level and earn some money. Performing quests - the most fast way Pump your character to high levels. Performing quests you will gradually discover new locations and meet the Archeage World.

Often you will come across tasks to fulfill which you will have to kill a certain amount of mobs, collect some amount of quest items that are rarely found in location. In this case, the players may have competition for limited resources. To close the quest quickly and without conflict, you can create a command or raid with other players and execute the quest together.

The second and third specialization becomes available to the players at the 5th and 10th level. Before this, you desire to decide which character class you are going to create. In total, 120 classes can be created in the game, but there are several basic classes that enjoy the greatest popularity in the game. We will look at them below.


During the game, you will learn that a number of skills when using them in a combination by some other skills become more efficient - the damage increases, the time of rollback is reduced between the use of ability, etc. In the description of each skill, all possible effects and combinations are indicated. Since the creation of combo usually requires skills from different branches of development, this is one of the factors affecting the choice of branches of skills in the formation of a class.


Killer and Assassin (attack / secrecy / hypnosis and attack / secrecy / resistance) - these characters attack enemies from invisibility, cause huge damage and hide again.
Champion (attack / secrecy / defense) - warriors with good protection that fight in the forefronts cause high damage and can control a single goal.

In the early levels, controlling skills from secrecy and attacks are available to the fighters: throw cobra and jerk. They can be used to attack mobs in the back with the help of the skill. This will allow you to save on treatment and mana. When attacking the forehead, the skill is making a triple blow.


This class specializes in distant attacks and is characterized by high mobility and high damage.

For archers, branches of persecution and secrecy are mandatory branches. The third specialization is selected based on the preferred game style:

Defense helps to create a universal and well-person character.
Resistance will give increased mobility and protect your character from opponent controlling skills.
Healing is well suited to players who prefer to play in Pve, because they will have the opportunity to be treated. But for PVP, such build will be unsuitable, because to lose the abilities of the anti-control.
Hypnosis will give your character the opportunity to handle the enemy and increase magic protection.

Until the level of the level, the archer has no powerful attacking skills, so they will have to swing to use skills a served boom and a stunning shot from the pursuit branch and groaning and throwing a cobra from the secrecy branch.

At the 10th level, the archers will receive a powerful attacking ability of Azart Avenger. But it requires quite a lot of mana, so it is recommended to use it together with the skill of the archer.


In the game there are many different bilded of magicians, but usually they can be grouped into three large categories: Ayo damage to a large number of enemies, applying a maximum damage of a single target, control of the enemy.

Magic / hypnosis / inspiration or magic / mysticism / inspiration is more suitable for PVE against a single target. And for solo-PVP, builds are more suitable for magic / resistance / mysticism, magic / secrecy / hypnosis or magic / secrecy / inspiration.
Mages, sharpened under the damage, usually choose magic / mysticism / defense or magic / mysticism / resistance. Such magic has to be constantly in the crowd of enemies, because the caste goes around the magician.

At the initial stages of the Magi game, the fireball from the magic branch is mostly used by the skill. Fiery ball is enhanced by an ice boom. The ice boom is usually stuck after the first fiery ball. All other spells require a large mana flow and are therefore rarely used.

If they stopped on the branch of mysticism, then actively use the skill of the blade of death. Also, this branch allows you to replenish manu with the help of the skin absorption.


Heavupred fighters, whose task to keep opponents and defend allies, are divided into Archeage into two groups:
Classic tanks (attack / defense / healing or attack / defense / resistance) are commonly used in PWE. They are very survivors and capable of holding mob strikes for a long time.
Tank controllers (mysticism / defense / healing or mysticism / defense / resistance) are often fighting in PVP. They can run into the crowd of enemies and cast debuff, weakening opponents.

If you chose the branch of mysticism - use the death blade by the ability. If you choose your attack, your main attacking skills is a jerk and a triple blow.

Hilers and Sapport

Healers (healing / resistance / hypnosis or healing / resistance / defense) must be treated, this is their main task. The defense branch allows you to wear robes at high levels, and the hypnosis branch gives more opportunities for PVP.
Bards (inspiration / defense / hypnosis or inspiration / defense / resistance) are a class of support. They strengthen allies.

Support classes when pumping are most difficult, since they have no powerful attacking skills. The main graasing skill of healers light and darkness has a rollback of 5 seconds. But the combination of light and darkness + the sacrificial fire still remains their best attacking skill. The attacking skill of the bards - the Camerton also has a rollback of 3 seconds. These classes are better to swing in a group with other players.

Reset skills

All learned skills can be reset at any time using a special button placed under the branch of these skills. The cost of resetting one skill is 50 silver.
Also, players can discard specialization from special NPCs standing near the conference statues. Specialization can be reset for 1.5 gold.


The ability to use various equipment in the game is not attached to a certain specialization. There are three types of armor - fabric (magical), easy and heavy. Heavy armor is vulnerable to crushing damage, lungs, and tissue - for cutting. Selecting the equipment, it is worth considering bonuses that are given for the use of a complete set. Brontes included in one set give additional bonuses to the strength of attack, mana and health, if we are 3, 5, 7 things from the kit.

Fissure armor is usually used by the magicians, as it gives bonuses to protection against magical damage, increases the speed of the spell caste and the speed of movement. But at the same time possesses bad physical protection. The main parameter for magicians is intelligence.
Light armor Usually use archers and fighters. It increases the speed of attack and gives medium protection against physical damage and spells. Archers pick up kits increasing agility and endurance, and fighters - strength and endurance.
Heavy armor is more suitable for tanks, some magicians and healers who have to be in the thick of the battle. Tanks pick up armor on endurance, and bards and healers - on intelligence, spirit or endurance.


Death in Archeage does not carry special losses for players. If you are killed by mobs, then some of your equipment can be broken (repaired from the NPC) and you lose part of the scored experience. Experience can be partially restored by the statue of NUI. If the player dies in PVP, things are damaged by 5%.


Bronze / Silver / Gold - the main payment facility in the world of Archeage. For them you can buy most gaming items NPC, pay taxes and buy things at auction. Money falls out as a lute from the mobs, issued as a reward for the performance of quests, are earned on the trading of packs.
Delphic stars are currency on the shopping island. Delphic stars acquire drawings for the construction of houses, shopping schooners and various glades. Machine Delphic Stars You can sell the packs of regional goods with a special NPC. It is worth noting that in Archeage there are two types of packages: construction and trading. The construction is needed for the construction of houses and ships, and the trade is rented by merchants for Delphic stars and gold.
Crystals are a premium currency that is bought for real money. Crystals can pay a premium subscription and buy items in a game store.

Useful items and ingredients

Be sure to leave the following ingredients in the bank and inventory:

Achium - he will need for crafting in the future
Moon dust is necessary for alchemy and creating runes, stones of wandering, lunar stones and various magical objects.
Gold bags - contain money, open with double click on them.

When murdering mobs, various parts of the equipment will sometimes come across various parts. Low quality things can be immediately selling NPCs, more valuable items should be split to obtain a ache, and some items will be needed for the future crafting.

The following items are divided into achium:

Armor of green, blue, purple and orange colors - the blue achium is dropped of it used for armor armor;
Green, blue, purple and orange weapons - a red achium is produced from it used to create weapons;
The jewelry of green, blue, purple and orange colors - the green achium is produced from it used in the creation of teleport stones and jewelry;
Crescent runes will give lunar dust, which is used when creating a rune for sharpening weapons and armor.

Things are broken into components with a special "New Moon Stone". It is sold at the NPC Kuznets, which can be found in all major settlements. After buying "New Moon" stone, right-click on the subject you want to spray. After a few seconds it will be divided into components.


Archeage has 20 peace professions, thanks to which you can krafting various equipment, weapons, items, equipment, improve equipment, create food and electrical, steal and produce resources. Each profession is pumped in the process of its use. For example, a logger profession is hampered by cutting trees. Similarly, trading, kraft, etc.

Only two professions can be changed to the maximum level (50,000) (the use of a special item allows you to increase this amount to 5). 3 professions can be pumped to level 40000, 4 - up to 30000. The rest of the professions can be pumped only to 10,000.

High levels of craft professions (jewelry, blacksmithing, etc.) increase the chances of creating high quality things. The high level of extractive professions (the profession of logger, herbalism) increases the chances of receiving rare resources. An increase in the level of engineering is necessary for the crafting of more advanced things.


To get some ingredients and resources in the game you will have to do agriculture. The initial quests in the game will be introduced to the farming foundations in the game, during which you can get a small scarecrow - a small personal land plot.

With the help of agriculture, you can create shopping packs for sale. But note that trade is a separate game professionAnd the sale of Pakov brings experience precisely for this profession.

You can raise animals and plant plants anywhere, but only on social farms, near your home and on a large and small scarecrow them cannot be stealing.

All plants have their growth rate on which the climate is affected, which may differ in different locations. All plants have certain climatic preferences. You can find out about the climate location by looking at the location map.


One of the fixed assets in the game is the trading of packs. Paks are created using special machines from various resources that are mined during craft or on farms. For trading you will need a certificate of a merchant who costs 50 silver coins.

Each location allows you to create 4 unique varieties of packs that can be submitted by the NPC in other locations. The farther way to the place of passing Pak, the more money you can earn.


Create objects can character any level, but to create quality items, a pumped level of profession is necessary. Kraft is carried out on special machines, find which can be in all settlements. Also, if you acquire your home, you can place the necessary machines in it.

An important ingredient for craft is a achium. Wear craft things Characters will be able from the 20th level.

Kraft weapons and things have level gradation. For example, armor can be screaming for 20, 24, 30, 34, 44 and 50.

Caft thing is due to the upgrade of the lower levels. For example, for the carfta stuff level 24, you will need a scrap-level level 20. In addition to the pumped profession, for the crafting of high-level things you will need ingredients that can be obtained, only having a high level of an appropriate profession, for example, alchemy.

Krafts are of different quality and can be collected in sets (kits) that will give you additional bonuses. Chances to scaffle a high quality thing depend on the level of pumping profession. Its objects are the following levels of quality:

Green - an unusual subject
Blue - rare item
Purple - unique subject
Orange - Epic Item
Red - legendary subject

The items starting with violet quality, the grade bough appears, which increases the character parameters, depending on the number of dressed things of one quality. Poster to parameters depends on the quality level of the subject and from its type.

Work glasses

The shared resource for all professions is "work points" (OR). They are spent on the fulfillment of all production actions in the game - Kraft items, farming, fishing, resource mining. Premium subscription gives 3000 or. The spent glasses of work are restored over time.


Riding animals (Mounts) in Archeage are the most popular means of moving through the game world. Traveling on the ride animal and killing Mobs with him, you can pump your Mount. As the Maunta pumps, they receive additional properties that allow them to attack enemies, slow down time, etc.

Mounts can be equipped with a special equipment that you can knock out from mobs or buy. In the event of the death of the Mount, it can be resurrected, but it will remain only 1 HP of health, and the speed of movement will decrease by 30%. Cerencing it you can in the stables for a small fee.

All characters can get their first driving animals at the 5th level. For each race, driving animals are different: Nuians are horses, the elves are deer, the Ferre has snow lions, Harningians have Harnish lions.


Headers are a special subject that allows the character for some time to plan through the air. The glader is placed in a special slot of the equipment and is activated by quick double pressing the jump button.

The first glader can be obtained at the 10th level for performing a specific quest.


Gaming pets are special animals that help their masters in battles against mobs and other players. Pets can be pumped simultaneously with the pumping of their character killing mobs and performing quests. Gradually, pets will become stronger and learn new skills. For Pets, as for the Mounts, there is a special execution. On the

The Western continent of the first Peta can be obtained by completing the quest near Marianhald, and on the Eastern continent, the Quest on the pet can be obtained in singing ground.

In Archeage you can kill both representatives of the hostile and our faction. To attack the character of your fraction, you need to activate the free attack mode. This mode can be activated only in PVP locations. On starting locations, this mode is not available.

After the first attack of the player of his fraction on Earth, there will be blood that can collect any player. If blood is assembled, crime glasses will be recorded in the statistics of the attacker. For every 50 crime points scored, after the death of the character, he will go to court and can be convicted of imprisonment (the court conducts other players). All entered crime glasses are summed up in statistics as "criminal glory." Having gained 3000 criminal glory points, your character can become a pirate. In this case, it will be able to attack players of all faction and urban guards, but at the same time a pirate island will be available, hidden from other players.

Applying the first damage to the player of his faction, the character will become flanged (the character's health indicator is painted in purple color). The flagged character can kill any other player with impunity. The flag effect falls over time.

It should be noted that the glasses of crimes can be obtained for theft (blood in this case also falls). Therefore, crime glasses can be accumulated, conducting resources with foreign landings located in some secluded corners gaming Mira.

When killing characters of the hostile fraction, goggles of honor are earned. The accumulated glasses can be spent on the purchase of powerful weapons, runes, mats and special items for the Opija.


According to Archeage Oceans, players can travel on ships. Ships allow you to get to remote islands and other continents. In the game there are 6 varieties of ships, starting with a boat, which can be obtained for the execution of the quest, and ending with a black pearl with a pirated ship, the drawings of which will have to collect on pieces to chop.

Most ship drawings can be purchased on a shopping island. Before the construction of the ship, you need to lay shipyard. After the construction of the shipyard, you can start building the ship itself. To do this, you will need construction packs of iron, wood, fabrics.

Ships in the game are managed by arkudas, at the same time to manage the ship, it is necessary that one of the crew members are behind the steering wheel. Large warships are armed with guns, for shooting of which need players-arrows.

Own house

Build your own home player can at any time, but for this you will need a large number of resources and money that will be difficult to collect for beginners.
In homes, you can place the crafting machines and various elements of the situation at their discretion.

To build a house you will have to purchase a drawing of the house on the shopping island and collect the required amount of resources. At home there are different sizes and, accordingly, require different amounts of resources.

Drawings of houses for Delphic stars are bought, which can be obtained by trading Packs. The number of resources required for the construction of a particular home can be obtained from the description in the drawings.

To build at home you will need construction packs of stone, wood and iron.
Houses are installed in specially designated zones.


Guilds in Archeage are seriously expanding gaming opportunities. In addition to joint campaigns on raid bosses, guilds can fight for the territory on the northern continent and create their own fractions.

Guild can be created by collecting a group of 5 players and paying for a special NPC 1 golden coin.


In Archeage, pirates are a separate fraction that representatives of any other fractions can attack. To become a pirate, you need to gain 3000 points of crime for theft and attacks on representatives of your faction.
Pirates are based on a separate island, inaccessible to other players.

Making money in Archeage

One of the most common and profitable ways to make money in Archeage is the sale of packs on the neighboring continent. However, this is a very unsafe occupation, since the pirates and representatives of the hostile faction may attack you. Therefore, for successful intercontinental trade, you need to have a well-shown character and an experienced team.

Singles and beginners can earn in other ways:

Search for underwater treasures;
Collect rare ingredients for crafting in various locations;
Grow resources for sale on a farm or mining ore and stone;

For single, the profession of fisherman and growing rare resources for craft can be relevant (for example, the cultivation of sparkling wood). But it will be quite difficult to organize a complete crafting cycle of things to one player.


We hope this guide for beginners answered most of your questions on the game. More detailed guides And manuals for different aspects of the game contains our Archeage knowledge base.

Details of the tasks of the Marathon of Heroes in October


The first month of the marathon ends, and the tasks for October were already known. In this article we will analyze all the tasks up to where to get and how to perform. If you want to know how tokens are accrued, it is worth looking into my past article. For participation in October you can earn up to 270 tokens.

Mandatory tasks (15 days)

As it was promised by Malos, these tasks will no longer change, and now the time every task is to warm up. Please note that the mandatory task can be done only once a day, that is, if you make two or more tasks from mandatory tasks, then the tutorial is still one point. Again, everything is written here.

Mandatory tasks are exhibited in ascending order of complexity, but someone else may seem lungs, and someone is all complex, so this is such a small hint from me.

Osh Castle (mobs)

It is enough to make one of the four tasks in the castle of OSH to choose from: "Polyana-Flower-Flower", "Guardians of Orchids", "Warning to Trainers" and "Cheating and Trap". The map marked signs with friends in the Osh Castle.

Please note that if you can't make a task due to the enemy fraction, then try to run to another quest, and if it does not work at all, then notice, the truce on this location lasts only 30 minutes.

Boards with tasks

Keeper ringing gorge (raid boss)

The task is taken to the "Gorge of the Bloody Dew" on the altar after the war ending with the location. The NPS does not appear immediately, but only after the words Gardenum "Earth is impregnated with blood. Open the gate! "

The event "Gorge of the Bloody Dew" ends at 16:35 and at 20:35 Moscow time (Rosa goes twice a day, and the Quest is daily). A NPS appears on the altar, which gives two tasks: on the gate and for Garda. You have enough to make a quest for Garda "Keeper of a ringing gorge", it is he who goes to the Marathon's account, and after the murder of Garda, the quest on the gate can be canceled. Garda is enough to hit once if you die, but managed to hit, the quest is still tuned, the main thing is not reborn.

Quest for Marathon

Until it is crumbling in dust (mass PVP)

This task refers to an event in front of the Glot, but does not concern it when there is a mass PVP. Here, the quest is not taken after the end of the war on the location of the bloody dew gorge, and at the beginning of the war at 16:00 and at 20:00 Moscow time. In this task, we need to destroy chains and dials that give glasses for the quest, and also allow the point in favor of your faction.

The problem is that if you did not have time for one point, you missed a pair of points for a job, but if you did not make a task when others did - this will not worry anyone, as if you continue to make chains and d'women, you can lose the enemy factions at the end of the war. You can not have time for various reasons, but regardless of the reason if you did not have time to the point on time, then you have slipped it, and what and why, does not care anyone.

This task can be lowered by dew at 16:00, and after finishing at 20:00. By the way, if this task was still fulfilled on the first dele, you can be reused on the second dew on the same day, only if you do, then one point in the marathon, and if you don't finish, then rejoice, the next day exactly Make.

Signature to the picture

Battle for Ephen'Hal (Raid Boss)

Ephen begins when the war begins on the location of Ephen, and 30 minutes before the start, a raid in the chat of the fraction and / or the union is usually assembled. Three tasks that need to be performed for the marathon are given. These quests on mobs for each wave, and on each wave there is a boss Cyrus "Fer. This is a fairly simple quest, which is done at least with a half raid, as an abubs are made all the work.

Forbidden secrets (raid boss)

This task refers to the boss of the Ernard library on the third floor, and the task is given automatically to all players next to the boss, when someone hits the tacitis of the bite (usually tank).

Boss type: usurper. This means that it is also necessary to contact him as on the bloody and the Ghost Legion. That is, have a raid. Having gathered, give the tank to make the boss, and everything else to become behind the back so as not to run. After the road, the DPS begins and the boss of the problems will not deliver.

Tacitus bite

Thunderstorm over the sea (spruits)

This is a daily task that gives the NPC from the portal to the event of the EKO Sturi, the portal itself is in the capital of the mainland (Ost-Terra, Marianhald, sparkling coast). It is necessary to kill five giant spruits, which are in the vicinity of the "Archipelago of the dead ships".

You need an accurate galleon for this, so I advise at 14:00 or at 22:00 per MSC try to find a raid on the sprutes. I do not advise those who read this guide, do galleon, because it will be expensive, one thing to do it, and after it must be sharpened.

Spruit appear in one of the three points indicated below. Therefore, before going to the spruits, it is worth finding them first, and then only lead Galeon there. In addition, players from another fraction can be on the spruce savage, so you need to be careful. Scrubs go 55 minutes, after the expiration of time they simply evaporate instantly. Spruits can end earlier because they appear waves, and if each wave is quickly merged, then the boards may end.

Spawn spruits

On advanced (mass PVP)

This is a battle for a daskshire, which begins when the war begins on the location of gold plains. After the start of the war, the portal on gold plains is opened in the capital of the mainland, during 10 minutes you can take the task from the NPS next to the well of your fraction. This task is pretty simple - it is enough to kill 10 players by the enemy fraction, and if they are in the raid, then for the help of killing the purpose of the quest is counted.

You do not need to complete the battle for the Daskshire, if you have completed a task for 10 murders for the sake of the marathon. Leave or not, it already depends on you, your roar and generally the fraction itself.

Signature to the picture

Additional tasks: Second line (from five to 25 days)

To get kind of tokens for the second line, you need to go once in Nagashar and once on a date, but not just to pass the full dange, but to take a quest from the board, it is this quest that takes you to the marathon. Officially from the community manager: making a quest for a date and Nagashar, you can get two points. In addition, if you have a pumped twin, then making these quests on it, the glasses will also be credited. Well, as always, these tasks can be closed for crystals, and obligatory cannot be closed.

Both nominations are not lungs, but also not particularly heavy, just in every data latest bosses Can kill everyone. I would advise you to go to this dance from 4K GS, and 3k GS is only if someone will drag the dangle for you.

If you do not use twinks, you can close all three cells in 13 days, but with the condition that you will close the quest in Nagasar and on the date one and the same day. If you use twinks, then in a week.

At first, the assembled raid goes to Nagashar, and after only a date, because in Nagashar you can teleport, and you can not go to the dute, it is necessary to sail from Caor-Nord in the enemy. In general, stones wanders can rise in price.

The first and fourth rooms in Nagasar are very light, but the fifth room is very complicated, and not knowing the tactics will not get any of the room options, so appeal to this list with video in case of problems:

  • Fifth room: Milik (Snakest Carmina)
  • Fifth room: Magician (Lerun Snakest)
  • Fifth room: Lien (Snakest Anarina)
  • Last Marathon Room: Mad Barraga

A daut is too simple to give guides on her, but I'll kick you. From the Down Falls with a 100% chance of pink dolphin, maybe he will somehow appear with you.

Pink Dolphin.

Additional tasks: Third Stitch (from five to 20 days)

In order to close the cells in the third line, you need to perform the task "Study of the reading rooms I". The task is taken at the entrance to the Ernard library on the bulletin board. It is enough to kill 20 mobs on the first floor of the library in the reading halls. PVP battles on the first floor of the library are prohibited.

By the way, this task can also be closed for crystals or use twins, as for the performance of the task on twin, they will also give a point in the marathon.

Ernard and Task Library

Additional tasks: Fourth line for 300 crystals

First of all, I remind you by unlocking the task once, it will not be necessary to unlock again. This month you need to accumulate 10,000, 20,000 or 30000 points of honor. It is very easy if you walk on the arena, ristar and world events. Do not know what are we talking about? Read my next guide, which is described in detail about it: how to earn honor points every day.


I hope that you have become more or less clear that the marathon is in October. By the way, 270 tokens for October are very much, therefore, it seems the localization and testing of update 4.0 is successful, and an exemplary date of the end of the marathon on November 19, which is listed on the stock shares page already looks like the truth. We hope that updating 4.0 will be installed already in this year. We wish good luck Archeage team!

Methods for earning points of honor with updating 4.0

IN Archeage. With the update 4.0, the main earnings of the points of honor was changed. From now on, "copper dragons" are given for the arena, which replace the items received for the "Difference Signs" that are no longer used in the game, as well as the "Lair" Noahrt, who used to be acquired for gold stars, new Chevrons and "Phial of the Arctic "He was transferred from the shop for glasses of honor to a shop for copper dragons. Despite this, the relevance of the points of honor does not fall, as they are necessary for engraving, brave signs, the cube of the engraver and much more.

World events

Daily in the world Archeage. World events run by raids. Below are global events for which giving glasses are honored:

During the events of the "Battle of the Bloody Disa Gorge" and "Battle for Daskshire", the raid is formed automatically, but players must be collected on other raids. With the update 4.0, Raid's search has become easier, it is enough to go to the "Navigation" menu and select "Search for a detachment":

Window "Foreign Search"

"Fire pearls"

Paches with monsters fall in all locations of the northern continent (exception: bloody dew gorge):

    "Dwarf fire pearls" - 50 points of honor; "Bright Fire Pearls" - 100 points of honor; "Sparkling Fire Pearls" - 200 points of honor.

Views of pearls

Murder players during conflict and war

For the murder of players by the enemy faction in locations where conflict or war passes, you can get points of honor. The killing of the player gives 48 points of honor if the player kills two or more players, then these 48 points of honor are divided into all players who contributed to the murder of the goal of damage or the healing of the Allies. More points of honor will receive the one who inflicted the final blow. Received glasses are credited to the statistics of the character and of course in the total number of points of honor.

Hands of honor in character characteristics

Points of honor in character statistics

Death from another player, the character loses ten points of honor, both funds and statistics. After the player was killed by another player, the number of points received from the re-murder decreases within a few minutes.

The number of points received is honored with the completion of the war

After the murder or death of the player, the number of received or lost points of honor is displayed in the game chat. At the end of the war, the location shows the number of points of honor, which were earned during the war. This indicator may be in the minus, if you were killed more than you made killings.


With update 4.0, the points of honor can only be obtained on military locations in open world. On the one hand, it creates new clashes between alliances, new conflicts or continuation of old. The battle battle is more relevant, both in world events and PVP. Unfortunately, with the Monsters "Pearls" with glasses, honor falls as often as I would like. For example, in an hour one pearls can fall out for two hundred points of honor, one pearls for a hundred points of honor and several fifty points of honor.

In the world, Archeage is constantly being trading and go caravans with trading packs. Each self-respecting guild or family has its own routes with which they earn the Delphic stars or gold. Not everyone is engaged exclusively by trading, many are combined with other crafts to achieve maximum result.

Most often, everything happens in the following scenarios:

  1. The player noticed a number of characters with pacas on the shoulders.
  2. He reports its guild (family, friends, etc.).
  3. A large group of robbers is going and an attack is committed, in order to become a little richer and having fun (on game slang. <<фан>\u003e, porp, enjoy the fun game process).
  4. All who needs money, share prey, in the case of a successful outcome of course.
  5. The initiator of the movement remembers the time of the robbery and further develops a regular successful attack scheme. This is due to the fact that the merchants always adhere to the schedule for cargo transportation.

Today you will learn about one of these schemes, it allows you to make money on packs.

Preparation. 1 stage and selection of branches of skills

Let's start with the selection of the group. The battle will occur on a very small and narrow area, where there will be many people, and therefore we need as much abilities as possible.

1) Threshing thread. May interest us with your petardoy (the skill of the discontinuous shot, which causes great amount Aoe damage and hangs disarming at all) and a huge damage for one purpose. The fact is that players with a branch of magic and inspiration may not be enough damage if a healer will be in the enemy team. Character with persecution is needed for the safety net.

2) Branch Magic.These are the basic characters that will apply a mass damage. This is the basis of the whole group. This branch must be combined with mysticism and enthusiasm, to achieve maximum effect. Only mandatory skills are chosen in the picture, and the yellow squares are desirable, but for which there are often lack of glasses.

3) The branch of mysticism. It is taken for powerful oie skills, which perfectly complement the skills from the magic branch. The branch has a wonderful oie mill and passive skills that increase the power of the magic crit.

4) Branch inspiration. She is taken because of three skills. And only one character should take this thread, the rest is better to take mysticism. The green square highlighted the skill, which after your crit increases the chance and the power of the next of your crit several times! Thus, damage that you can apply - just huge! A pink rectangle is allocated 2 abilities, one of them does not give the whole group to get stunning (camp), and the other increases by ~ 20-25% of the entire group damage. Since the damage increases are not combined, then two such branches are meaningless.

Tip:If any of the listed branches is not calcined to maximum level, it is better to replace it with another. The main thing is that you have at least one of the above branches.

Preparation. 2 stage and installation of the garden in the right place.

Now we will talk about shopping packs and ways to store them. You need to know that if your cargo falls to Earth - any character can raise it, but if you put it on the garden - you can only take it. From this you can make an invalid conclusion that if you are killed in the air in the air and your pack falls on someone's garden - you will not be able to raise it. It's a bullshit. Pak can not be lifted only if it is handed over to the garden ()!

Sometimes, if you die in the air - your shopping pack can stay there hanging, this is such a bug game. It is impossible to take it from there. In other cases, Pakki is just falling to the ground.

Here is a scheme of transportation of packs. Usually people sit down on a airship at point 1, then go to point 2, where they are transplanted with a new airship and fly to a falcon hunting plateau. All of their path is shown by a thin blue line. People begin to carry Paks when in Khazire a temporary truce. At this point, your group should arrange a surveillance for jade palace, or rather outside the landing site. If there are people with packs - it's time to prepare!

In general, the whole essence of this scheme is that people see a temporary truce and are not afraid of anything. They sit in airship and calmly depart from the computer for tea with cookies. But the thing is that the airship also flies over the ruins of Haricharalla for a while, and there is no peace and you can safely kill. Even if in the roofing passes and Khazire the world, then you will have 12 seconds to make a robbery over the ruins of Haricharalla.

At the beginning, we must prepare and put scarecrow in the ruins of Haricharalla, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe green square. Approximately above it, we should kill the players to then go down on the glands and quickly leave the shopping packs on the scarecrow. The returned and very evil victims may be able to kill you, but certainly will not be able to return the looted!

The second trading scarecrow is desirable to put in rumbleing passes. It should be on average, in height, square. Right here:

If you rob through this scheme on an ongoing basis, then probably next to your garden, you will be expected a hostile detachment. If you notice this - it will make sense to shift a robbery a little. The fact is that merchants are always sent to a falcon hunting plateau and make a transplant. You need to catch and kill them when they repaid and continue their journey on another airship. And already over the second your scarecrow.

Implementation of the Grand Plan

Option 1. Loading in Khazire

1. The place where you have to hide, you need to quietly fly to the glader and wait for the loading.

2. Place landing. There is a crowd of future victims with trading packs.

3. Then make it so that everyone plunged, imperceptibly on the glands fly to the airship screws.

4. Approx like this:

Between the supporting screws of the airship there is such a platform. It may seem very favorable in the archery of damage. But this is not so! In the Archeage game, there are still quite a lot of glitches and bugs, it is one of them! You will not be able to damage normal from there. Will wrote that you do not see the goal, although between you can be performed a wonderful line. So always descend on board the airship and then apply damage.

On a note: Smashing scarecrow for a guild or family and then join the whole group in one family or one guild. By this action, you will save time to reset the packs on scarecrow. In the first case, you need to pass them through one character who can be dead and you will have to wait for the Paks. At this time, your victims may have time to rise and try to pick up their Paks! In this situation, time is yours!

Implementation of the Grand Plan.

Option 2. Loading in rumbleing passes.

We begin training here:

1. We climb on the tower for the airship and the climb on this roof. It must be done before the arrival of the airship from Khazira so that you do not count.

2. climbed. A red oval is allocated a place where we need to fly, it is rather far and the range in the glader may not be enough for us. That is why we additionally flashed on the roof of the tower.

3. That's how our ambush looks like.

Now when we will rob, no one can guess where we appear and how we fall on the airship. We will be called cheaters, because according to the animation we will not "jump out", but as if we are materialized from the dirishable on board.

Last very cool chip

If you are closed in an angle and you have nowhere to run, right on combat territory you can get into a safe area. How? You ask. Very simple!

Here in this area:

So this place looks like a mini card:

And so in reality:

Starting from this place and then the safe area begins. Your enemies can overtake you, but you cannot kill you there. You can make fun on them, dance :). By the way, if you have a branch of secrecy and the ability to rebound is taken in it, you can calmly cross through this mountain with a cargo on the shoulders. Thus, you will fall into a falcon hunting plateau and you can pass the pack. For proper use - deploy, come close to the slope and press the rebound. With a high probability you will overcome the obstacle.

Well! Forward! On glorious feats in the art of robbery and a scope. True, do not forget that the robber is very important good ShowHere we can help you not only by the Council, but also the case. With us you can, and then for this gold to dress in the top geek on Aüca in the game.