Install the Pak Fashion 0.9.0 in here. What is in the multipale

Assembling mods Armor

On this page, players can download Modpak ArmorThat will make the pastime in World of Tanks the most pleasant and helpful. We tried to choose the highest quality and sought-after fashion to provide tankers with everything necessary.

In order for the user to immediately get used in the program after installation, armor mod Pak It has a simple and understandable interface. All modifications are divided into sections so that you can immediately find those that allow you to achieve the desired effect. For example, to select the most suitable sniper mode, it is better to immediately go to the category "Sights". A screenshot from the game is displayed to the right of the list to the selected position, clearly demonstrating its operation, and a brief description is displayed at the bottom. This will help the player not to experiment and not check all the mods in search of the right one, but immediately install the most suitable.

Player can ladzpick Modpak free download And immediately proceed to its use. The user-friendly application interface is guaranteed to not create any difficulties. And in the event of a problem, you can use the "FA.Q." button. And get answers to all the necessary questions.

Currently, Modpak Ladzpick contains hundreds of modifications of the most different purposes, and this list regularly replenished. This ensures that the player will always receive high-quality content, which is perfectly combined with wORLD client Of Tanks. He is just enough to follow the news and upload on the site. armor last update which will appear immediately as ready new version. Our authors regularly monitor the fashion that the modes do not stop working with the release of the new content in WOT and make changes to the configuration if necessary. We also support communication with users in the comments on the page. assembling mods Armor.. Here, anyone can report errors found in Paku and inform us about them. This ensures that all bugs will be corrected for the shortest time.

At the moment ARMOR MODPACK Contains modifications that make the following changes:

  • interface recycling, optimization and improved information displayed;
  • sniper sights and information that helps shoot more accurately than with standard;
  • a large amount of XVM content that helps bring the statistics into the most understandable and optimal form;
  • changing damage display, indicator processing, damage panels, etc.;
  • processing external view game objects;
  • angry modifications changing the interface of the tab;
  • sound modes, processing WOT music;
  • changing boot screens;
  • many modifications aimed at recycling certain game elements.

To immediately access all mods, the player is enough to go to armor official siteThe latest version will be available on this page. After quick download, it will be able to quickly mark the necessary mods and immediately install them into the client by pressing the buttons. After that, the user can immediately test modifications in the first battle. If tanker will choose correctly fashion desired, His chances of winning will increase significantly.

Assembling mods WOTSPEAK

On this page, players can download modpak Wotspeak That will make the pastime in World of Tanks the most pleasant and helpful. We tried to choose the highest quality and sought-after fashion to provide tankers with everything necessary.

In order for the user to immediately get used in the program after installation, here is a speaker mod pack It has a simple and understandable interface. All modifications are divided into sections so that you can immediately find those that allow you to achieve the desired effect. For example, to select the most suitable sniper mode, it is better to immediately go to the category "Sights". A screenshot from the game is displayed to the right of the list to the selected position, clearly demonstrating its operation, and a brief description is displayed at the bottom. This will help the player not to experiment and not check all the mods in search of the right one, but immediately install the most suitable.

Player can ladzpick Modpak free download And immediately proceed to its use. The user-friendly application interface is guaranteed to not create any difficulties. And in the event of a problem, you can use the "FA.Q." button. And get answers to all the necessary questions.

At the moment, Modpak Ladzpick contains hundreds of modifications of the most different purposes, and this list is regularly updated. This ensures that the player will always receive high-quality content, which is perfectly combined with the World of Tanks client. He is just enough to follow the news and upload on the site. lamp of the latest updatewhich will appear immediately as the new version is readily. Our authors regularly monitor the fashion that the modes do not stop working with the release of the new content in WOT and make changes to the configuration if necessary. We also support communication with users in the comments on the page. assembling mods WOTSPEAK. Here, anyone can report errors found in Paku and inform us about them. This ensures that all bugs will be corrected for the shortest time.

At the moment Wotspeak modpack Contains modifications that make the following changes:

  • interface recycling, optimization and improved information displayed;
  • sniper sights and information that helps shoot more accurately than with standard;
  • a large amount of XVM content that helps bring the statistics into the most understandable and optimal form;
  • changing damage display, indicator processing, damage panels, etc.;
  • processing of the appearance of gaming objects;
  • angry modifications changing the interface of the tab;
  • sound modes, processing WOT music;
  • changing boot screens;
  • many modifications aimed at recycling certain game elements.
Also in the assembly there is a separate section in which there are prohibited mods. It should be immediately noted that their tanker uses only at its own risk, as they are not approved by the developers. This is due to the fact that they give a certain advantage in battle, which should not be.

To immediately access all mods, the player is enough to go to here is a spike official websiteThe latest version will be available on this page. After quick download, it will be able to quickly mark the necessary mods and immediately install them into the client by pressing the buttons. After that, the user can immediately test modifications in the first battle. If the tankman correctly picks the desired fashion, then his chances of winning will increase significantly.

Your attention is the most popular MODS assembly for World of Tanks from Jov!

What it is?

Useful tool for those who do not want to play World of Tanks with a standard interface and functionality. It includes dozens of useful modifications of the client game, download and they will increase both the convenience and quality. Modpak Jov will be useful for new, experienced, and even professional players.

The assembly is good in that it compensates for the low informativeness of the standard interface, optimizes its graphic and gameplay component. For several years of existence, WOT developers have transferred many modifications to the client, such as smart minicards and multi-tiered tanks. But mod pak Jove. Until now, it remains relevant and indispensable, they enjoy millions of players.


As part of the assembly there are a variety of modifications:

In addition to interface edits, there are mods that change the gameplay elements. Can:

  • remove camera shake after a shot,
  • enable or disable the forced handbrake in PT mode,
  • painting the "corpses" of tanks and shot down caterpillars in white.

Before entering the release, the modov assembly is repeatedly tested for performance and compatibility. Most modifications almost do not affect performance, but there are also those who can significantly reduce the FPS - they are marked in the installer ( carefully read descriptions!).

Fashion that can reduce productivity:

  • minikard from XVM,
  • HP tanks in command ears,
  • corners horizontal press,
  • ping display.

The assembly has several useful tools needed by many players. it WOT TWEAKER Plus., improving the performance of the game by simplifying graphics, and Replays Manager for easy control of saved battles and downloads to the WOTREPLAYS website.

Forbidden modifications are not here! Setting this assembly, Be absolutely confident of the safety of your account.

Exclusive mods

Except common modifications like XVM. and Pmod.which can be found in other assemblies in modpak Jove. There are the most real exclusives:

  • comfortable sight Jove.;
  • minimalistic hangar with the JOVE logo, which will fit well for old computers and just minimalism lovers;
  • modification showing bad and good positions on the minist;
  • fast sale of junk from the warehouse;
  • choosing a random tank;
  • original "Lamps of Lamps";
  • special skins breakdown, and much more.

How to install Modpak

  • Download and run the executable file.
  • Click " Further».
  • Select the option " Delete all mods"- will help avoid compatibility issues if you had previously installed other builds.
  • You can choose the option " Clear profile"- she removes automatically saved account player. Next, follow the instructions specified in the window that opens.

To work fashion, you need to install the modopac in the root folder of the game. Usually the installer finds it independently, but if something goes wrong, you have to specify the path in the corresponding window.

For example: E: \\ Games \\ world_of_tanks.

If you are an inexperienced user and can not figure out how to install a piece of pack of Job, look at the video, placed below. There is clearly shown by each installation stage, as well as demonstrated detailed review mods.

How to update

The assembly update may be needed if:

  • A new extended version of Modpaca has been released. As a rule, the update contains corrections of bugs and modes, not included in basic versionTherefore, it is worth updating the modpac from Jess as quickly as possible. You can learn about the release of the new version through in-game ads (if you enabled this option during installation);
  • Released new patch For World of Tanks, and the modopak is no longer compatible with the game.

In both cases, you have to download the latest version and set it again.

How to delete

The assembly can be removed in several ways:

  • Run the installer, select the " Delete mods", Click" Further"And then close the window. All folders with modifications will be cleaned. This is the fastest and easiest way to remove the modopka.
  • If the installer is not, click " Start", Go to" Control Panel"And select" Programs and components" Find " JOVE MODPACK»In the list that appears, right-click" Delete».
  • If the previous method for some reason did not work, download and install a special uninstal program, and remove the modpac through it. An example of such a program is Softorganizer.Also suitable utilities like Avg Pc Tuneup., CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller;
  • Another way is to manually remove modes. To do this, clean the contents of the folder. rES_MODS..
  • If it did not help, completely remove the World of Tanks from the computer. It is advisable to do this using the above utilities. After that, spend cleaning the system from garbage, and only then proceed to install the game and modifications.

Try to always use the current assembly version! This reduces the likelihood of the appearance of bugs or races of the game, and also ensures the performance of all modifications. You can see the latest version of mods from Job on our site, you can download it for free by reference on our website.

Frepack Jova came out for World of Tanks 9.20.

Mod number 1 for World of Tanks - Modpak Jova 9.20. Download Fresh Version Modpaka Jova for WOT version 9.20 You can on our website in the "Fashion" section. The kit includes damage panels, sights, information panels, mod XVM, different angry fashion and many many others. For download, click on the link.


Fashions that are in the WORD WORDPAKA FOR WORD OF TANKS 9.20:

  1. Angry Fashion memorize the server on which you played for the last time. It will save it from the need to choose the server you need from the tab when entering the game. Plus the animation of loading in the form of a gear from JOVE "A and a branded hangar in the style of minimalism from the author of Modpaka.
  2. Viewing reservation in the hangar. This mod created with the support of the Tornado command. It allows you to find out the given armor of each of the tanks without leaving the hangar.
  3. Mod - inventory. It helps conveniently sell various equipment, shells, gear and other little things that have been lying around in your hangar.
  4. Tank development tree in classical execution. Specially designed for oldsulers who have long played in tanks and are not accustomed to a horizontal development tree.
  5. Maud detailed description skills and skills. It will show in detail what it affects one or another perk in World of Tanks.
  6. The mod allows you to view the levels of battles of all tanks in the carousel. Visually shows on what tanks you still need to earn a wizard or raise the percentage of victories.
  7. The modopak is added to the fixed sizes of the cells of the technique: small or large. The same mod shows a list of tanks in three rows. If you lack one or two.
  8. Mod on auto return crew and equipment.
  9. The list has mods on additional sounds in the game.
  10. VBR mod from developers from the Tornado team on a random tank. This modification allows you to include a random selection of the tank from you in the hangar when you enter into battle.
  11. Stylization of system messages.
  12. Additional notification skins.
  13. Increasing the scroll speed in the notification wall.
  14. Sessional statistics.

Also, Modpak Jova contains the following mods in battle:

  • Sight Job, Muzness Sight and other sights, as well as an additional server sight.
  • Improved armor calculator. The mod will help effectively piercing enemies.
  • Mod for a constant value of multiplicity of sight when moving to sniper sight. For example, you play on PT-SAU and go to your sight when switching to sniper mode, it was immediately with an increase for X25 and no less.
  • Fashion on various comfortable UGN for fans of anti-tank self-propelled.
  • Mod on the management of the scrolling of the mouse and its inversion.
  • In addition, the modopac contains popular mod At the distance of the camera.
  • Also hit free camera.
  • Alternative markers to replace the "potato markers" from the XVM fashion. Next to alternative markers, you can put an asterisk of Sailla, which will show the efficiency of the CPD or VN8 the tanks around you in battle.
  • MOD indicator of the nearest enemy shows which enemy is closest to you. Also, this mod signals whether the enemy is close to you in the face (can you open fire on it).
  • The information panel of the selected target shows the main characteristics. enemy tank Who are you down or who attacks you.
  • Mod on the shutdown of the firing on the allies and the destroyed tanks is very useful if you do not want to apply damage to nor the first.
  • The general HP team shows what stage is the fight now. He shows you win or win you. After all, the number of tanks does not always correctly displays the position of things on the battlefield.
  • The fashion on the HP in the ears is similar to fashion for general HP, only gives more detailed information and allows you to see the HP of each individual tank, which is within the drawing of your combat vehicle. It is not necessary to twist the camera and peer into numbers. Everything is very convenient and understandable.
  • Mod on custom tank icons in the ears.
  • Log of personal damage will complement post-promotional statistics built in World of Tanks.
  • The fixing timer of the module will show in seconds what time will your caterpillar ware.
  • The VN8 indicator allows you to find out how many VN8 you have bent in every battle. Highly useful mod For statists.
  • Trolling filtration cuts out of the ally chat standard phrases that do not support the semantic load, as well as flood and spam.
  • Displaying the results of the last battle in the chat makes it possible to find out its results while right in the next battle without waiting for the end of the battle in the hangar.
  • Color messages in chat and automatic messages About lighting, damage and thymdamag allow you and your allies to perceive more efficient information.
  • Log of damage to chat.
  • Mod on the shutdown of the red flash during damage.
  • Fashion on white dried caterpillars and white corpses of tanks. Clearly will shoot down you caterpillar enemy or not. And will also show if your enemy is hiding behind an ally or not.
  • Advanced skins with vibration zones are also available in the Jova Modpaker for World of Tanks 9.20.
  • Mod on improved colored details of the hit. He will tell you what type of projectile for you shot, where they got, where they struck the armor, where the fragantive-fuchic shell went out, etc.
  • Alternative crew voice.

In addition, Modpak Jova is expanded wOT.B Tweaker Plus. It is able to raise FPS on weak computers by disconnecting certain effects in World of Tanks. There is a function of sintering textures under the weakest PC.