How to activate display statistics and see. Activation and inclusion of XVM statistics (Olememer). Angry Fashion XVM.

In the archive version for the client:
Inside there is a video

Description: XVM modes or how else is it called olemethre (user) With such a mod, you can see your chances of winning and the statistics of players as your team and teams of the enemy, the meter of damage in battle, the names of the technique are displayed on the mini map. For those who do not want to bother with the XVM installation, there is a mod that is very similar to this flyer, but it is much easier to install it. Watch the video example example.

Main changes:
- Updated for
- Windows XP users departure from the game If the graphics mode is set to the "Standard" position. To solve the problem in wORLD settings Of Tanks You need to set the "Improved" graphics mode.

For those who do not want to bother with the installation of XVM, there is a mod that the functions are very similar to this Olemener, but it is much easier to install -

How to activate statistics and force XVM to work?!
Go to the official website of and in the upper right corner of the site click to enter. We choose the corresponding region, in our case, is RU.

After you should redirect to the office. Website wargaming, where you must enter your account.

I confirm your data and redirect back to the Olenemer site.

Now in the upper right corner activate statistics. That's all you can download and install Olemener.

Important: This actions will need to repeat once every two weeks. Why this is not clear, but what can you do.

What's new in XVM-6.4.0:
* Adaptation to WOT
* Full alteration of combat mods (Migration AS2-\u003e AS3)
* Markers and Hitlog: The Shadow Parameter "Size" is renamed to "Blur"

[Famous problems]
* Minikard is not yet ready, most of the functionality may not work (will be corrected in future releases)
* Carousel Tanks: Unruption is not implemented (postponed, it may be implemented by WG)
* Some features work incorrectly when the config control is enabled
* In the Achievement section, the list of technology automatically opens in the middle at some sorting settings

What's new in XVM-6.3.0:
- adaptation under patch wOT. Games 0.9.15

What's new in XVM
- Adaptation under the patch of the WOT

What's new in XVM 6.2.1:
- adaptation under the patch of the game WOT 0.9.14

What's new in XVM 6.2.0:
- Adaptation under the patch of the WOT 0.9.13

What's new in XVM 6.1.7:
- Adaptation under the patch of the WOT 0.9.13 st

What's new in XVM 6.1.6:
- Adaptation under the patch of the WOT 0.9.12 ST

What's new in XVM
- Fixed displaying the current base in the capture lane;
- Fixed display of dynamic platforms on the mini-card and in markers over the technique;.

What's new in XVM
- Adapted for a new micropatch.

What's new in XVM-6.1.4 V.4814:
- updated XVM to stable version 6.1.4 (4814);
- adapted config;
- Fixed display of statistics in the hangar in achievements;
- Fixed a mini-card job (returned to the display of missing opponents of opponents in FULL version)
- fixed all known bugs;
- removed all causes of customer departure;
- Added the option to turn on the display of the% damage required to the mark on the tank carousel;
- Added the ability to enable online display of servers;
- Updates mandatory!

What's new in XVM-6.1.4:
Adapted for 0.9.10
IMPORTANT! Mod is not yet stable, bugs are possible, follow upgrades

What's new in XVM-6.1.3:
Optimized for the game 0.9.9

What's new in XVM-
Optimized for the game

What's new in XVM-6.1.1:
* The fields in the ears added the "Enabled" parameter with support for global macros
* Added section Hangar / ServerInfo to change the display of information about the server
* Added parameters to Config Carousel: Fields / Statustext and Fields / ClanLock
* Performed performance optimization and error correction
* Macros ((XR)) are available, ((C: XR)), ((A: XR)) - also, that and ((R)), but always on the XVM scale
* Option is available: "SuppressCarouseLTOOLTIPS" - remove pop-up tips in the carousel
* Macro ((Language)) is renamed in ((flag)), the folder with flag icons is renamed with "Lang" in "Flags"
* Added built-in "VType" font with symbols of technology
* New option: "ShowaliveNotFrags" - show the number of live tanks instead of those killed in the frags panel.
* Added criteria sorting into a carousel: premium
* Changing the status of gold locks \\ free experience updates their availability in open windows
* In the hangar, there is an OVN side and rear.

What's new in XVM-6.1.0:
* XVM for 0.9.10

What's new in XVM-6.0.2:
* Corrected errors.

What's new in XVM-6.0.1:
* Performance optimization
* added new macro ((BattleType)) - current type of combat
* Added section of the TEXTS / BattleType config with substitutions for macro ((BattleType))
* Added Config Section Texts / Topclan with Macro Refinery ((TopCLAN))
* Added new macros to tank carousel: ((v.xptoelite)) - Experience required for elite tank ((v.xptoeliteft)) - the number of experience that the rest of the remoteness to dial for the elite tank ((v.freexp)) - free experience
* Macro formatting: Added Flag "" "For the separation of thousands of discharges (only in the hangar) PART" MATCH "is added for the condition condition ((BattleType \u003d Clan? Clan War))) Permissible operators: \u003d ,! \u003d,\u003e,\u003e \u003d, * Added option Minimap / Labels / Units / AntialiaStype - type of smoothing text fields.
* New Battle / AllowSpottedStatus option - Enable Macro ((Spotted)) in the ears and on Minikard. Attention: it can reduce performance
* New option Battle / Sixthsenseicon - path to the 6th feeling icon ("" for the original icon).

What's new in XVM-
- Corrected errors.

What's new in XVM-6.0.0:
- adaptation under 9.6

What's new in XVM-
- Fixed Application.SWF for compatibility with individual combat tasks.

What's new in XVM-
- Corrected application.swf.

What's new in XVM-5.5.0:
- XVM for 0.9.5
- Allowed to use nested macros: ((XVM-STAT? ((Alive? 80 | 30)) | 0))
- Added section Texts / Spotted with text substitutions for litter status. Available values: For a regular tank: "NEVERSEEN", "LOST", "REVEALED", "DEAD" for the art: "neverseen_arty", "lost_arty", "revealed_arty", "dead_arty"
- Added new macros: ((Language)) - player client language ((Region)) - current region of the game (RU, EU, NA, CN, ASIA, VTC, KR, CT) ((Spotted)) with values \u200b\u200bfrom the Texts section / Spotted ((C: Spotted)), ((A: Spotted)) for color and transparency in the status of lighting
- Removed Section Playerspanel / EnemyspottedMarker (Use extra fields with a macro ((Spotted)))
- Added a new option in the extra-field: "bindtoicon" - if enabled, position X is tied to the tank icon (default FALSE)

What's new in XVM-5.4.2:
- Adaptation to WOT 0.9.10

What's new in XVM-5.4.1:
- Adaptation to WOT 0.9.4

What's new in XVM-
- Corrected XVM.xc errors

What's new in XVM-5.3.6:
- Fixed errors

What's new in XVM-5.3.5:
- Adaptation to WOT 0.9.3
- Changed DMG-Kind:
Shot, Fire, Ramming, World_collision, Death_Zone, Drowning, Other
- New sections:
Hangar / Carousel - Advanced Tank Carousel Settings
Hangar / Clock - Watch Settings in Angara
- Options are removed:
Hangar / MasterymarkIncarousel
hangar / hidetutorial
- New options:
BattleResults / ShowTotalexPerience - Display the overall experience on the Fight Results page
BattleResults / ShowcrewExperience - Display the crew experience on the first page of the fight results
- ACCOUNTID player icon - download from \\ res_mods \\ xvm \\ res \\ clanicons \\ ID \\
Search order icons:
ID -\u003e NICK -\u003e CLAN -\u003e CLAN / DEFAULT.PNG -\u003e NICK / DEFAULT.PNG

What's new in XVM-5.3.3:
- adaptation under 0.9.2

What's new in XVM-5.3.2-test1:
- Virtually all configs are updated.
- New options: Capturebar / AllyColor, CaptureBar / Enemycolor
- Added indicators of the calculated review, recharging time and communication range in the tank parameters in the hangar.

What's new in XVM-5.3.1-DEV:
- Added Olemener for 0.9.2 (5.3.1-Dev)
- Added options for dynamic circles on the mini card
- added new macro for the platoon and changed old
- New ENEMYSPOTTEDMARKER Analog Analog ENEMYSPOTTEDMARKER section (For more information about changes, read in the readme-ru.txt text file)
- added ping in hangar
- Mini map with a square of drawing and sonar
- indication of lighting in the ears
- Removed mini card by pressing Ctrl, now you can turn it on by clicking Caps Lock
- 3 new variants of a four-digit olemerer for 0.9.2, which are divided as follows: RE, WN6 (WOT-NEWS), WN8

What's new in XVM-5.3.0 TEST3:
- Added a new section of PlayersPanel / AlyspottedMarker - as EnemyspottedMarker, but for the Allies.

What's new in XVM-5.3.0 TEST1:
- The config version is increased to 5.1.0
- New formatting of macros (see readme-ru.txt)
Text formatting is allowed (a format approximate to printf is used):
((Name [% [. Prec] Type] [~ SUF] [| DEF]))
Name - Macro name
Flag - "-" for leveling to the left, otherwise aligning to the right
"0" to add numbers by leading zeros to a given length
width - minimum width
Prec - maximum width for strings, or number of semicolons for numbers
Type - Type (S - Rrowe, D - integer, F - fractional number, ...)
Suf - suffix added at the end
DEF - the default value that is substituted in the absence of a value:
For example:
((Name% -10.10s)) - trim long names up to 10 characters, and short to complement up to 10 characters and align to the left
((KB% 4.01F ~ k | ----)) - width 4 of the symbol, necessarily 1 decimal symbol, alignment to the right if KB \u003d\u003d NULL, will be displayed "----"

New features
- New option Battle / AllowHpinpanelsandminimap - Enable ((HP *)) Macros in the ears and on Minikard. Attention: it can reduce performance

- Deleted Macro ((Vehicle-Type)), as dubbed ((vehicle))
- Macro removed ((vehicle-name)), as duplicated (vehicleName))
- Macro removed ((Short-Nick)) and the Minimap / Nickshrink option, as it is replaced by ((nick% .5s))

What's new in XVM 5.2.1-Test2:
- Fixed display of ears after loading the battle.
- Fixed display of elements on the ministry.

What's new in XVM 5.2.1:
- Adaptation under patch 0.9.0.

Important changes
- The main config file (XVM.XC) is moved to RES_MODS / XVM / CONFIGS /.
- Statistics should be enabled in the Personal Account on the XVM website -

- STAT: Changed the statistical server address (now
- The Battle / UsestandardMarkers option is transferred to Markers / USESTANDARDARKERS.
- The Battle / RemovePanelsModeSwitcher option is transferred to Playerspanel / RemovePanelsModeSwitcher.

What's new in XVM 5.1.0:
Adaptation under patch: 0.8.11

What's new in XVM 5.0.2 Test2:
localization: Added Chinese (Taiwan) and Malayan languages
new options:
Hangar / MasteryMarkintankCarousel - Show Sign Sign In Carousel Tanks
Hangar / MasterymarkintechTree - Show skill sign in research tree
Hangar / ShowextraDataInProfile - Show advanced data in profile (experimentally)

What's new in XVM 5.0.2 Test3:
Adaptation under patch: 0.8.10
Time problems are possible due to servers.

Table of performance rating values \u200b\u200b4-digit efficiency:
less than 600 - Bad player (~6%)
600 - 900 - player below average (~ 25%)
900-1200 - Medium player (~ 43%)
1200-1500 - Good player (~22%)
1500-1800 - magnificent player (~ 3%)
More than 1800 - Unicum (~ 0.5%)

Installing Fashion:
Run EXE file.

Olemer XVM One of the most useful and demanded modifications for World of Tanks. For some steels, the installation of this mode requires additional activation players. Include (activate) statistics need every 14 days. As soon as you notice that in the game, the indicators of the statistics of the Olememer were missing - go back and activate ....

or check yourself online:

How to activate

XVM Activation The official site is performed in several steps.

1. Go to the official website XVM

2. In the upper right corner click To come in and select the server of your region [ RU] Russia.

3. In the next step, log in to your Wargaming Account ( personal Area On the site If you were logged in - then go to the next step.

4. And confirm the entrance to the MODXVM.COM.COM website.

5. In the top menu of the site click Activate statistics.

6. And after that, we see how much it remains until the next activation.

How to setup

In the settings you can activate various services, for this there are the following buttons (choose everything):

  1. Player statistics: in battle, in achievements, in the window set

Each fight in the world of tanks implies a quick development of tactics and the choice of the best solutions in critical situations. Usually the thought process begins at the download stage. Knowing what tanks are in the team and against which you have to fight, you can invent in advance how to use the advantages and disadvantages in the coming battle. But not always everything goes according to the plan and make adjustments to the tactics in the already fused battle becomes late and has to painfully painfully tolerate defeat.

Often this happens because of those team members who absolutely do not mean in the game

Calculate such a simple at first glance is almost impossible. XVM comes to the rescue: Extended Visulization MOD, which shows the player's statistics on the boot screen immediately before the battle. The mod displays such characteristics as a percentage of player victories, efficiency and the number of battles. This allows you to adjust some tactics details, showing what players can be rejected, and which you do not deserve confidence and most likely they will be in the role of cannonous meat.

Among the players, this mod was called Olemener

In the initial versions of the client, to enable statistics in World of Tanks, it was necessary to climb the game configuration files, search for specific lines and change the value with FALSE to True. Over time, this process is simplified today to include statistics in World of Tanks need to go to the official website of the game.

The second step to activate the mod is authorization on the site. In a confirmation window, Nick Player will be written in a special location. If the player is really the owner of the account with such a nickname, then boldly click "confirm". Next, on the main page of the site in the header there will be the option "Activate Statistics". Click Mouse to this inscription will call the window with options.

We put the ticks next to the necessary and go to play.

If the display of statistics did not appear in the first battle, it means that some delay occurred on the site and most likely it appears through a couple of battles.

In addition to displaying statistics, the mod adds many other useful functions, but this is a completely different story.

The number of users of "Olenemers" is growing every day. Already, more than 4 million users are registered in the system and this is only an official resource, and how many more people use statistics in mod packs.

Modification has a number of subtle settings, which will help withdraw additional information that helps experienced tankers in battles

Olenemer is the most popular mod among tankers, as it has a number of advantages and features, compared with the usual rating in the game: shows the level of efficiency in active battle and during the battle load, the percentage of victories and the number of battles. All statistics are located in a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe screen, which does not interfere with the fight.

Now we will tell how to activate statistics in World of tanks XVM.. Like any other site, collecting information about the player on it you need you need to log in to the personal office of XVM statistics.

This will require your account with the output of version 9.0. The need for registration separately on the site disappeared

So, to activate statistics in World of Tanks XVM, you need to enter your account, Select the region and the server on which you play, then you need to log in using the Wargaming ID entering the email address and password of your account.

Then you need to confirm access to the MODXVM data, only your nickname will be used to collect statistics, no other data will be transmitted, click on the "Confirm" button. After all manipulations on the site, you need to click on the "Activate Statistics" button Do not forget to configuration file Enable statistics collection option is necessary. By default, statistics are updated once a few days.

If several people play in your family, for each of them you need to activate the statistics separately.

In the game interface itself, statistics are shown in the form of markers with different colors, each corresponds to its category, for example, the number of battles, damage, etc. The displayable text can be configured in the Localization folder, the course of XVM statistics is constantly updated with the output new version games. So the site constantly collects information about new statistical users.

According to the developers of the fashion, it is still completely free, but the possibility of additional donates, which will be able to open up new statistics features, such as the paid statistics update service for every day, but so far there is no such information on the developer website.

XVM or Olenemer is the oldest, most difficult and functional mod for World of Tanks. With it, you can change any elements of the game interface, ranging from the inscriptions above the tanks in battle, ending with statistics in the hangar.

The composition of Olenemer

Markers over tanks

XVM allows you to add to the marker over the ally or opponent's tank almost any information about the player and his combat vehicle. Thanks to the standard ability to enable the advanced marker mode along the ALT button, the ability to double. For example, give a screenshot of the marker in the user configuration:

In the marker, in addition to the Tiger I tank model, the current number of frags are shown: "2", the rating of WN8: "525" and the percentage of the player's victories on this 52% tank. Also visible is a separate mod that is not associated with XVM.

At the same time, the information on the same player in the removal screen and the allied information panel is displayed in another format: the model of the tank is the number of battles on the account - the rating of efficiency (RE, efficiency) is the percentage of victories on the account.

Marker settings are in files:

  • markersalivenormal.xc - standard mode
  • markerSaliveExtended.xc - view of the marker with a pressed alt button
  • markersdeadnormal.xc - marker for destroyed tank
  • markersDeadextended.xc - Advanced Mode by Alt Button

Description of macros to display information in battle is in the Macros.txt file

Log printed damage

Hitlog or Log hit allows you to control the amount of damage inflicted tanks. This feature can be useful for performing personal combat tasks or earning medals "Main caliber". The draft damage is usually located under the account panel and can show both the amount for all purposes and for each purpose separately. Macros can also be widely used, which allows in detail to find out for whom you shot, how many times and with what result. The configuration is located in the HitLog.xc file

Replacing the "Light Bulbs" of the Sixth Feel

The "Sixth Feeling" commander skill icon is replaced with an arbitrary picture using XVM not just, but very simple. Enough in the RES_MODSXVMRES directory to put a file in * .png format and call it Sixthsense.png then instead of a standard light bulb, when you light up, you will see your picture. For example, so:

In the screenshot is also visible not discharged to XVM fashion: improved standard sight and the minimum tank information panel in the target (only overview and recharge).

Castomizable Player Panels, Statistics Table and Download Screen

Options of information panels of commands ("ears")

Located in the playerspanel.xc file here you can set the following settings:

  • Transparency of the background "ears" and tank icons
  • Display of clans and platoon icons
  • Non-Detection Status - Allows you to configure indicators for non-lined opponents, for those located in litter and for those who have been discovered, but not visible at the moment.
  • Displaying information about allies and opponents in the "ears". The most important part of this change category user interfaceAllows you to choose what you will see on average and wide mode "ears". You can also add various macros with ratings, the number of frags, the percentage of victories on the player's tank, etc.

Statistic table

Displays in battle on the Tab button. Settings are located in the statisticForm.xc file features display information similar to the "ears", plus, you can enable the calculation of the chance of winning.

Screen boot into battle

Or the removal screen. Its settings are stored in Battleloading.xc and are also similar to the possibilities of the "ears" and the table of statistics.

All these three elements martial interface We are intended to give you information about opponents and allies, which can not be used. Try various settings and macro combinations. Remember, while all the ears modes, statistics tables and the location screen can show different information on your choice.

Icons of clans and players

XVM by default includes icons of clans from Top 150, and also allows users to set their icons for other clans and even for individual players. The last feature gives you the opportunity to celebrate and notice in the battle of friends or enemies.

To set up your icon for a clan or player, you need:

  • Choose your game cluster, such as RU - if you are in Russia or Ukraine
  • Select Clan or Nick folder depending on whether you want to add your clan or player icon
  • Place a picture in * .png format and name, repeating Clantag or player name, for example: Able.png or jove.png

Pay attention - you will only see the added icon. To get into the number of clans for which the default XVM contains the display of the icons, you need to get into the top 150 clans of your region. For individual players, add your icon for distribution together with the Olemener it is impossible in principle.

Modified Base Capture Store

Okay famous players Change interface. Instead of abstract grabbing glasses, the standard client base, you will see the number of invaders and the time remaining until successful capture.

Settings are in the CaptureBar.xc file

Smart minicar

Also extreme popular modfor which even had to make an alternative - for players with weak computers. MINICART is configured using multiple XVM configuration files:

  • minimap.xc - transparency and increase / decrease of ministry
  • minimapcircles.xc - Setting the circles of review and gallery
  • minimaplabels.xc - allows you to change the inscriptions on the ministry, add icons, various text, signatures of equipment, etc.
  • minimaplines.xc - direction of instruments of your tank, direction of hull, corners horizontal press, direction of field view camera

Also worth watching the video for setting up Minikards:

Angry Fashion XVM.

Allow the various elements of the hangar and the entry screen to the game.

  • login.xc - configures the World of Tanks login screen: allows you to skip the start video and watch the ping to the servers before entering them
  • hangar.xc - Angara Parameters. Shows ping to northern game, counts personal rating And other improvements on the "Achievements" tab
  • battleResults.xc - Baby Results Window or Postwear Screen. Allows you to show pure income in silver, experience, percentage of hits caused by damage and chances of winning

How to install Olenemer

There are two options for installing a delemerer.

1. Manual installation

  • Download the archive with the complex XVM mod by reference below
  • RES_MODS folder from archive Unpack in the root wORLD Catalog Of Tanks.
  • Oleman is installed in the default configuration and, after activation, ready to work.

2. Installing XVM Updater help:

XVM Updater. - This is a program for automatic download, installation and updates of Olenemer. To automatically install a delemer with a finished configuration:

  • Download XVM Updater by reference below
  • Run the executable file - the program does not require installation

  • Choose version XVM. for installation. We recommend STABLE if you are not a mods developer.
  • Select a configuration. Recommended "Default WITH ER" - standard, with a display of 4 digit "efficiency rating" or "efficiency".
  • Click "Install / Refresh" and wait for the completion - Olemener installed

How to activate Оленемер xvm

After installing the Olemener, you must activate, otherwise the functions associated with player statistics will not work.

  • Go to the official website of XVM
  • Click "Log in", select your region and log in with the login and password to the game
  • Click "Activate Statistics" - mod ready to work

Overlemer's work is limited after activation, so we recommend each input to the game, in the "Notifications Center" to read a message about the state of XVM, the availability of network services and the availability of Fashion. If necessary, re-activate our instructions.

How to configure XVM config

Adjust the delemerer configuration manually or using a special program.

1. Manual setting

  • After installation, open the RES_MODSXVMCONFIGS folder
  • Rename xvm.xc.sample in XVM.XC
  • Edit the settings of the elements of the combat interface you need. Files are equipped with prompts to all parameters. Description of macros in battle and in the hangar is in RES_MODSXVMDOC in the Macros-Hangar.txt and Macros.txt files

2. Setting using XCTUNER

  • Download XCTUNER by reference below
  • Unpack the archive and run the executable file - program installer
  • Select a folder to install, create a shortcut on the desktop, click "Set" and wait for the installation
  • Run XCTUNER; Specify the path to your delemerer configuration file, for example C: Gamesworld_of_tanksres_modsxvmconfigsxvm.xc

  • Make the necessary settings in each section; Do not forget to click the Save button
  • Upon completion, close the program. Olemera configuration is configured.

How to update Olenemer

1. When updating manually:

  • Find the main file with your configuration and folder in which all settings are stored.
  • Copy the file and folder in any place on your computer
  • Download last version XVM, set using the instruction above
  • Copy the saved config in the folder with the updated mod - Olemener updated

2. Using XVM Updater

  • Download the program on the link below if you have not done this yet
  • Run XVM Updater
  • Put the checkbox "Save the old config XVM"
  • Click "Install / Refresh" and wait for
  • Olemener updated, you can play