Fashion Pastallocks 9.19 1. Download Passations Modpak Extended version for WOT. Information panel of the goal


Your attention is currently the best assembly of mods - Multipact Pastations ( basic version). Why do you ask the best, yes, everything is because it is in this mod fog that is not just collected in the installer, but also develop. Most of the basic mods you find here, the team about tanks developed independently, which means that they will always be supported by updating and adapt to each new patch.

By downloading a multipact about tanks you will get the following:

  • a huge selection of mods;
  • unique and convenient mods;
  • always maximum FPS;
  • optimization of the game client;
  • the duration of "heavy mods" on the fly;
  • user support;

Fashion Pastats are updated throughout the patch, which makes them more stable and drives the departures and client's lags to zero. All this is achieved through correctness of errors in the work of mods and their improvements. From the release of the first Frepack about the tanks, a lot of time has passed, and during this period he has already managed to survive a lot of changes that are no longer listed.

But all the same for basic improvements I would like to pay attention. For such a not a long time, the multipak has become a really better tool for improving our beloved world Games Of Tanks. The main upgrades of the multipak are considered:

  • full alteration of the installer, splitting mods in category, design changes, improvement of navigation and use;
  • implementation of the customer torrent for injection of heavy modes from the network;
  • development of Fashion Management established modifications right in real-time hangar (mods setting center);
  • development of unique modes that are available only to users of the protanki multipaca: "Estethek Skirts", achievements in battle, own scripts of sights with a lack of a bug with recharging and many more others;

Only in a multipale, installing mods, you will not need to climb the settings files and adjust them. All this can be done right in the hangar using the Protanki Modification Center. In it you can enable / disable any mounted mod, As well as make it a detailed setting. This makes it possible to customize mods as it is necessary even for those who are not very well versed in the computer.

the site is the official website on which Yusha (Yusha) is also Protanki places its multipact. We allocated a place for it on the server and it independently downloads all updates. Therefore, you can be sure that downloading and installing the mods assembly from the Pasta from our site, you do not infect your computer with viruses or any other garbage in the form of third-party programs. You can make sure that you can turn it out of his video on YouTube and opening the description. There, in the jumps section, there are links to our site.

The best assembly of mods from Protanki for WOT ver. 1627 dated 09/21/2019, everything is collected in it all best fashion... .

Best assembly mods protanki For World of Tanks, it all collected all the best mods at the moment, which are optimized for a new version of the game! A whole team of famous modulated models led by Yusha is working on the mod. This is the only multipact one of its kind, which can install and customize your game so that it will fly, even on the weakest computers and, of course, will deliver the maximum convenience and pleasure).

download Pro Tanki | latest version 1627 dated 09/21/2019| mOD Protanki Official version Verified! Without viruses!

  • The following changes occurred in this version:
  • Updated Most mods from Pottatock: Fixed minor errors
  • Added voice acting to the capture of his or neutral base - went out from here!
  • Updated voice acting from the commentator WOT (Viktor Uposhev): The number of phrases is enlarged twice.

Fashion from the Pasta (Modpak about Tanks | Pro Tanki) for WOT are among the best mods for our favorite game with you. More precisely, not fashion, but a modpac from about tanks. Team of modulated, in the catch with Yushi, under each new patch from WG picks us updated version His kids. And do it they are very and very high quality, not for nothing this assembly Mods are very famous and fights for the title of the best with Fashion from Job, Wot Speak, Wot Fun and Fashion from Piranha.

All necessary mods are present in the foam: sights, skins, sounds, damages panels, hangars, Mihikart fashion and much more, installing which you can not be afraid that the game will fly out or buggy! not! This happens extremely rare, and if it still happens, the modes are repaired and updated. This Pak has a release notice new version - On this, you will always be aware of fresh mods, which, of course find on the hiring site.

This modpac is friendly with FPS, and therefore, if you do not have a strong iron or iron murderer, which pulls the Witcher 3 on ultra, then fashion for you. All mods are carefully optimized and with each patch are becoming better and less demanding to the resources of your computer.

Fashion from the PCTARTA there are three versions:

  1. Base - the basic version of the multipacle without the possibility of including statistics.
  2. Full - advanced modes about tanks with the ability to enable statistics.
  3. Ultra - a multipaca version in which all mods are already packed in the installer and you will not need to download them from the Internet. (Added due to the fact that the servers do not cope with the download. I think many of you have encountered the problem of long modes of modes from the network during installation.)

Good news for fans of your favorite game. Meet the extended version of the multipacle Pasta to update is best Modpak Today, which will work as much as possible with global changes in the game client.

For this strictly follows Yush and working with him a model of modulated. As a result, the assembly is fully adapted to work on weak gland. Now the owners of old computers can play tanks, enjoying quite a decent picture and forgetting about the brakes and departures of the client.

By installing the assembly, you can not worry about the permanent drawdown. Yush and the company create fashion from scratch, which excludes getting into game client. Informative garbage, which often becomes the reason for the unstable operation of the game.

The creators constantly finish the assembly to completely eliminate the negative effect of modes on the frame rate per second.

In addition, in the multipale, only actually necessary for a comfortable modification game are collected. It is important to understand that in the assembly from the specter you can find any useful modwhich will work correctly immediately after updating. Of course, small buggies and errors are not excluded, but such problems are quickly eliminated, therefore, with the release of the subsequent micropathic, you can be guaranteed to forget about such problems.

It is necessary to recall that the multipaca body is sewn an automatic notification of the assembly updates. Therefore, Yushi fans never play with old mods, regularly updating them to the current version. This feature minimizes the number of multipacle errors and guarantees correct operation.

You can download modes from the PTARTA in three variations:

  1. Base. - Initial option where there is no game statistics.
  2. FULL - Extended variation with the ability to display player statistics.
  3. Ultra - Fully equipped version where all mods are sewn immediately.

The third option is designed to ensure that users when installing a multipale do not pumped fashion from the network, they are already available in the body of the installer. The ultra-version solves the problem with overloading servers, where users often encounter errors when loading the modopka.

Download modes from Pasta of 01/11/18 - Ultra


it best assembly To date, WOT, capable of satisfying the most attractive taste of tankers.

In the modopac version 1.4.1, the best mods were included, which are designed to increase the efficiency of the players and diversify the gameplay. Fashion is optimized for the current update, so they work as correct as possible. The creation of the assembly works a team of famous mododes who know that it is necessary to tankers to upgrade the game client.

In fact, this is the only modopac today, which not only guarantees the convenience of users during the game, but also optimizes the client to work on weak computers. As a result, World of Tanks begins to literally fly, although it is not characteristic of hardly armored cars.

FEATURES OF MODS PERTARTS 1.4.1 for World of Tanks

The version has undergone significant changes. In particular, almost all modes from the prodanta were recycled, minor errors and bugs disappeared. A voice acting was added to climb the capture with your own or neutral base: "Let's go from here!". Viktor Uposheva's voice is complemented (WOT commentator) - new phrases and expressions appeared.

Modpak from the driver version 1.4.1 is the best that was created by models for lately. Yush does not give up his brainchild, finishing the old and pouring new fashion so that the tankers could receive a maximum pleasure from the beloved game. Therefore, the assembly confidently keeps on leading positions, competing with Jova, Piranhas, Wot Speak and Wot Fun.

Modpak has absorbed only the necessary modifications for a comfortable game:

  • A variety of hangars.
  • Wide selection of sights.
  • Sounds in battle.
  • "Skirts" with vulnerable zones of tanks.
  • Informative mini cards.
  • Damag panels.

By the way, this is not a complete list of utilities that entered the assembly. At the same time, installing modes do not need to worry that the game will begin to slow down, fly or bite. All errors are promptly corrected, although it is extremely rare. In addition, a function notifies the players about the output of updates to the body of the Modpaka. Therefore, tankers will constantly be aware of events and play with relevant for the current version of the game by Fashion ..

It is curious that, unlike competitors, fashion from Yushi "Friends" with FPS. It is quite natural, because not all lovers tank battles They are happy owners of powerful iron, which easily pulls modern resource games on maximum graphics settings. Therefore, the Pastard team does everything to the owners weak comps And laptops could fully enjoy the beloved game.

Fashion from the PTARTA goes in three variations, respectively, each user can download optimal option. It looks like this:

  1. Base - basic optionwhere it is impossible to activate the display of statistics.
  2. Full is an extended version where you can follow the development of statistics.
  3. Ultra is the most "heavy" option, where all mods are already included in the installer, so they do not need to pump them additionally from the network.

The third option is entered due to the fact that domains do not cope with the number of downloads. Surely, many have come across this problem when installing a multipaca from the Pastor.

Download Standard Pasta 1.4.1

03/19/2019: Build updated - version # 38
Modpak for patch 1.4.1;
Updated XVM;


Fashion from the Pastard "Multipact" - This is one of the most popular modpacas for the World of Tanks, existing in the Russian community-speaking community segment. This model PAK collected the best modifications from existing ones, allowing to maximize the interface and increase your effectiveness in battle, thanks to simplification gameplay and greater informativeness of ears with lists of teams, panels, sound support.

Why is the Multipac of mods from the Pastor takes such popular among the players? This Pak mod is one of the most friendly to the user when installing, it is especially true for inexperienced computer users. The installer has a cleaning folder with modifications before installing the new version, protection from the wrong "curve" setting of modifications, as well as the ability to back up your installed modes. Provides this assembly and protection of the client files from damage when it is modified wOT.B Tweaker.

It is pleasant to build an assembly from the Pasta and comfortable previews among others detailed descriptions And even audio previews for modifications of sounds. The choice of the user is given a truly wide range of modifications, including exclusive exclusive mods and individual heavy modifications that will be completed from the Internet only if necessary, if they are noted, facilitating the initial weight of the Modpak file.

Of course here you will find and select well-known sights, like Kirill Oreshkina, Jova, Muzura, Flash, artillery sights, Choosing a prodor and sight with color blindness mode. Available in a selection of several damage panels in different designs, improve the missing battle chat and camera functionality - Disabling returns after a shot, noscroll, prohibiting input and output from a sniper mouse wheel mode, optional server scope, allowing not to miss because of the distance and lags, the ability to disable the display of camouflage on the tanks and change the sounds of alert about the fire and lit.

All the charms of XVM modifications are also included in this PAK mod - improved markers over tanks, pointer to your trunk, direction of enemy stems on a mini card, an improved lamp "sixth feeling", markers of lighting in command ears and ping servers.

Present in the assembly and all the necessary mods for the hangar are an extended description of skills and skills, prompts, advanced statistics for the session with additional data to control its effectiveness, two- or three-rowed carousel of tanks, which will be useful to users with a large number of cars in the hangar, and of course Comfortable hours with a date for control over time spent in the game.

Among the features that allocate multipacles from the protrusion from others are multilinguality that allows it to be installed in the same time on the English-language client.


Run the installer and follow the prompts.

Fashion boot section
Mode nameVersionPatchServerThe sizeLink
1627 Our server64354 KB
Fashion from Prattaka1627 Mail Disc0.1 KBDownload
Fashion from Pasta [Basic version]1627 Our server107810 KB