Wow legion quest all we can. WoW Legion World Quests Overview. Which upgrades to choose for the class hall

Another portion of Questions and Answers from the developers - and another layer of very interesting information!

  • The world quest system will make it easy to add new content.
  • Developers can adjust the likelihood of new quests appearing and removing old ones as content is added.
  • First we will see how the world quests (MK) will show themselves in general, and only then they can appear in the old locations.
  • Demon Invasions is a prime example of MK.
  • In the upcoming patches, they can add a couple of MKs for the “old world”, for example, a reworked fishing tournament.
  • You decide how your character progresses.
  • It can only be equipped through world quests, but the more difficult the content, the higher the reward.
  • It will be possible to filter tasks for primary and secondary professions, as well as combat pets.
  • Already now there are addons for such filtering. And, if their functionality is in high demand, Blizzard will add it to the base interface.
  • Class Halls will make your activity in the world more efficient: you can hire bodyguards and increase the resulting Artifact Power.
  • At a certain stage, you will no longer need Class Hall resources to progress.
  • Legion is very close to an improved version of the Pandaria dailies.
  • There will be just as much content, but it really gives rewards for completion, and does not make you wait a couple of months for leveling reputation.
  • There are about 1000 MK options, so you can make your own choice.
  • If you do not enter the game for a long time, you will have more tasks available than someone who completes them every day.
  • The weekly Apexis Crystal event will be replaced with a World Quest event.
  • It will give you a reputation bonus with the faction you are questing for.
  • Events will not be available for the first time after the release of the Legion, so that players can easily get used to the new content.
  • In PvP-MK, Blizzard implements ideas that are not suitable for the arena.
  • For example, there will be free PvP areas where you can ride goats, turn into murlocs, etc.
  • A little PvE in PvP will add Guardian Towers, which are guarded by mobs different classes. And, if the enemy faction wants, they can come to the aid of their Tower.
  • Pet Battle quests give tokens, gems, fun items, etc.
  • Every day, an emissary will appear, sending you to complete 4 tasks for a specific faction.
  • Completion gives you a large amount of reputation.
  • Emissaries can "accumulate" within 3 days.
  • Emissary chests can contain legendary items.
  • Legendaries cannot be obtained for MK themselves.
  • In Suramar, you can learn more about the history of factions by completing quests.
  • The more quests and reputation - the deeper you go into the city and learn new things.
  • There are many types of MK: rare mobs, mini-games, world bosses, dungeon events, etc.
  • Used to invade demons new technology and the developers want to see how it performs.
  • In addition to solo tasks, there will be group tasks.
  • At the same time, 5 players can complete one goal, so you can just help other characters.
  • All rare mobs and world bosses can be attacked by anyone without restrictions and everyone who participated will receive loot.
  • Each MK has its own reset time - some have 3 days, others have a week, others have 6 hours, etc.
  • The world should be dynamic, but not overwhelming. From 10 to 20 options will be updated at the same time.
  • All world quests are very varied and will not be repeated often, so replay value will not suffer.
  • Rarniks have abilities tied to different locations.
  • If something appears too often, Blizzard may shuffle the composition of the content or add a new one.
  • Relics are similar to weapon drops, but they are used to upgrade an Artifact.
  • Outside of Suramar, MK will be the same for everyone. This way friends can play with each other.
  • The main reward for emissaries is reputation, as well as the Power of Artifacts.
  • The faction dailies are updated every 6 hours, are located in different locations and make you think that you are doing really important things for this zone.
  • Players will have the option to skip the lengthy introduction to Legion and take a shortcut. And then, at any time, relive everything by talking to the NPC.
  • Demon Invasions are only available in the pre-patch.
  • A release date for patch 7.0.3 is yet to be determined until the team determines that everything is running like clockwork.
  • Rewards can be upgraded randomly.
  • The more difficult the content you participate in, the higher the average LR of the rewards for it.
  • The higher the UP of your character, the higher the UP of the drop-down loot.
  • The Class Hall technology tree will give you bonuses.
  • Knowledge of Artifacts will increase the received Artifact Power.
  • Class Halls will make the gameplay more interesting.
  • In the Legion with scalable locations, you will have a chance to choose the path of progress yourself.
  • Not all players like the inability to outgrow content.
  • Blizzard wants old content to be fun too.

pumped up maximum level and don't know what to do next? Then this guide is for you.

When you level up to level 110, you will unlock the first set tier for your class: a level 810 helmet. So go to your stronghold and buy it.

Unlock world quests

Once you reach the maximum level, you will receive a world quest called "Uniting the Islands", in which you must earn the "Friendly" reputation with the following factions:

  • The Nightfallen (Suramar)
  • Court of Farondis (Azsuna)
  • Tribes of Highmountain (Highmountain)
  • Dream Weavers (Valshara)
  • Valaryar (Stormheim)

If you complete all the quests in each of the listed factions, you will gain the reputation you need with each faction.

World quests

After unlocking these quests, you must start doing them in order to receive the following types of rewards:

  • The reward depends on the level of your items. If you are level 800, then you will receive a level 805 reward. If your level is 808, then you will receive a level 815-820 reward.
  • Artifact Upgrade
  • Blood of Sargeras as a reward
  • Order Resources
  • Gold

Another reason for completing world quests is to increase reputation with factions. I would recommend doing the Nightfallen quests.

With a good reputation with this faction, you can buy good gear at the merchant:

  • Level 820 Class Gloves (Unlocked with Faction Respect)
  • Gear upgrade from level 810 to level 820 (unlocked with faction respect)
  • Level 840 Class Shoulders (Unlocked by exalted with a faction)
  • Gear upgrade from level 830 to level 840 (opened with respect from the faction)

You can also unlock class items from other factions (when completing world quests):

  • Level 830 Class Boots (Unlocked by Revered with 2 Broken Isles factions)
  • Gear upgrade from level 820 to level 830 (Unlocked by honoring two factions of the Broken Isles)

Complete eight dungeons: Legplates (level 820)

As you clear eight different dungeons, you'll unlock level 820 legplates for purchase.

Farm normal dungeons

Normal dungeons will reward you with item level 805 and this is a great chance to gear up before Heroic Dungeons.

Unlock Heroics and beat them

After unlocking the Heroics (requires ilvl 810 gear), complete them all to gear up and eventually level up your items to ilvl 825.

Continue quest line: Bracers (level 810)

At max level, you will have about 4-5 allies in your class hall (if you did class quests while leveling). You will receive 6 companions when passing class task at level 110. Why would you go through it? Because you can buy bracers from the merchant, which will open after completing the task.

Complete the class quest chain: Chest (Level 830)

Also, when going through the entire chain of tasks in class stronghold, you will be able to buy a ilvl 830 breastplate from the Quartermaster in your hall.

Completing the same chain also unlocks a third slot for your legendary weapon, and at the same time a new appearance, which can be changed at the forge.

Items from professions

With the help of different crafts: blacksmith, leatherworker and so on, you can make things for yourself. They are divided into two groups: "level 715-785" and "level 815".

In order to do things of level 815, you need to go through a chain of tasks that are associated with a particular profession. In the future, you will be able to increase the level of the item made up to 850 (5 levels at a time).

Artifact Power Upgrade

Once you get the artifact, you will need to complete tasks and increase the power of your artifact in every possible way. The greater its power, the greater the level and benefit that it can bring to the battlefield.

Upon reaching the maximum level, an artifact researcher will open for you, which will help you improve your artifact. Exploring the artifact will take a long time. Each research increases the power of your artifact.

Preparing for the Arcway Dungeons and the Judgment of the Stars

These two dungeons are only available on Mythic, Normal and heroic modes missing. These two dungeons will be unlocked after you complete Chapter: The Art of Statecraft. In order to start this chapter you need 8000 - 12000 reputation points with the Nightfallen faction.

When you have a high level of gear

Set your sights on Mythic and Mythic+ class dungeons. Having 820+ gear will be a great help for Mythic dungeons. In these dungeons, you will receive item level 840 (it can also be battle-hardened, which will increase its level). Once you get used to these dungeons, you can use rocks to increase the difficulty. For this, you will receive a chest that will lie in the stronghold of your class and increase the level of your item by +5.

Also don't forget to do world quests to get new items and increase your average ilvl (equipment level).


Raids are not yet available, but it is already known that there will be two of them:

  • Emerald Nightmare (raid on 7 bosses).
  • Suramar Palace (10 boss raid).

The essence will be the same. We farm gear, reputation, we get achievements. In general, everything is the same as what we did in previous additions.

In World of Warcraft: Legion, characters who reach level 110 will be able to complete World Quests.

The new system of world tasks will significantly change the very principle of character development. AT Legion expansion you are waiting for the battle on several fronts across the Broken Isles. The game has many ways to repel the onslaught of the enemy and develop your character. Choose what you like and write your name in the history of Warcraft!

Where to begin

World Quests can be completed upon reaching level 110. When you reach level 110, you will receive a flightmaster's whistle and world quests will begin to appear on your map - provided that you have already earned the friendly attitude of the five main factions of the Broken Isles.

Flight Master's Whistle is one of the most useful items in the game. By whistling into it, you will almost instantly be transported to the nearest flight controller you know. That's when you want to quickly get to know all the flight directors in each zone! ..

time and place

The main world quest zones are Azsuna, Highmountain, Stormheim, Suramar, and Val's orb. You, along with other players from your game world you will receive the same World Quests at the same time - so you can safely team up with friends!

Each World Quest has a set duration: harder quests (with higher rewards) tend to last longer. This is so that you can decide when you want to do them. And since after completing World Quests, new ones do not appear immediately, you will be able to manage your time with maximum benefit.

There is always a choice

Several types of world quests will be marked on your map. Among them:

  • Adventure for one player.
  • An advanced challenge for large groups of players.
  • A task related to one of your professions.
  • Local bosses for large groups of players.
  • A dungeon challenge for which players will need to form a group.
  • Pet battles.
  • PvP events.

You will be able to familiarize yourself with detailed description each local task before starting it. There is also information about the award. It could be:

  • Gold
  • Artifact Power
  • Blood of Sargeras
  • PvE or PvP equipment
  • Reagents for your profession
  • Charms for pets
  • Increasing reputation in one of the factions

Some rewards will be tiered.

Special Assignments

There are hundreds of World Quests waiting for you in the Broken Isles, so it's rare to find the same or even similar ones. Also keep an eye out for short messenger quest chains, which can be used to earn special bags. A new messenger quest chain will open every day (you can have up to 3 messengers at the same time).

Turning in each Emissary World Quest will increase your reputation with the main faction of the zone where the quest was received. So if, for example, you want to win over the Nightfallen, take on the Emissary World Quests in Suramar as soon as they appear on the map.

Questions and answers

Recently, Senior Game Designer Jeremy Feasel answered a few questions about World Quests.