Sedentary games for middle group children in kindergarten. Calm birthday games for children Calm educational games for children Wed


Very few children go to bed on their own. Therefore, a child’s sleep for parents is a real reward that must be earned after going through many trials - tears, screams and persuasion. However, there are also calm games that put the baby in the mood for sleep. What are they?

Games before bed can be played in bed. There the baby will relax and subsequently fall asleep easily. There are many relaxing games. We will tell you about 10 of them.

1. Game “Three Silences”. The rules of this game before bed are very, very simple. You need to create absolute silence, and then listen to what is happening around and what sounds surround the baby. For example, a computer hums or grasshoppers chirp. You need to tell who heard what sound.

2. "Magic carpet". You can select a small rug and tell your child that this rug is not simple, but magical. And before bedtime, so that the baby calms down, you can sit down with him on this extraordinary rug and start a story. To do this, the baby must sit with his eyes closed. You, in turn, begin the fairy tale with the words “Today is our magic carpet will fly...", the child must add where you will go. Then the story is told one by one, complementing each other and imagining. This game perfectly develops a child’s creative thinking.

3. "Diary". Try keeping a diary with your child and before going to bed, the two of you write down the events that happened during the day.

4. "Talks about animals." Invite your child to tell him how his day went and draw an analogy of this day with a certain animal. Let him explain to you why this day looks like this particular animal.

5. Try using your finger to draw something on the baby’s back. The kid, in turn, must guess.

6. “Who came to us?” You can also invent an animal, and then “stomp” your hands on the child’s back so that he guesses what kind of animal it is.

7. “Magic bag”. Place small toys in the bag, ask the child to put his hand in the bag, take one of the toys and, without taking it out of the bag, guess by touch what the baby has in his hand.

8. You can put his favorite toy on the baby’s tummy. The baby needs to breathe deeply. So that the toy “floats” on its rising tummy. This exercise is similar to yoga exercises. It slows down your breathing and calms you down, making it a great game to play before bed.

9. “Logical chains”. Place different geometric figures in front of the baby. And start laying them out, for example: “square, circle, triangle, square, circle...” ask the child to continue the chain.

10. “Embroidery.” Gauze is pulled over the hoop, and the baby needs to be given a bright colored lace. Let the child “embroider” this cord on the gauze, pulling it through the holes in the fabric. Instead of gauze, you can use cardboard after making a lot of holes.

Many quiet games before bedtime develop your child's attention, creative thinking and memory. Therefore, you should not neglect such calm but interesting activities.


The child went to kindergarten - and you cannot recognize your baby: he becomes uncontrollable, rushes around the apartment like a meteor, jumps on sofas and beds, screams, laughs, easily breaks into tears... “How the child was replaced!” the parents lament. “You’ll have to talk to the teacher!” And in the kindergarten they say: “A very obedient boy!” or: “Such a quiet, calm girl!” Mom and Dad are surprised. But in vain!
Even for the most sociable child, kindergarten is stressful. Try to spend several hours in a large noisy company, and if you are a calm and “quiet” person, you will soon get a headache, irritation will begin to accumulate, and you will want to quickly go home. And your baby spends the whole day in such an environment, so by the evening the seething tension is ready to burst out along with tears, screams, and whims.

What can parents do to help their child relieve the stress of the day? Unfortunately, there is no magic cure - one for everyone. You always need to take into account the individual characteristics of a little person: age, character, temperament.

First, you should carefully observe the child and talk with teachers to determine what kind of help your daughter or son needs. If the baby is constrained and timid during the day, and in the evening he “catches up for lost time,” you need to help him relax, talk it out, but not allow him to become even more excited.

If the child is a “hurricane” even in kindergarten and cannot stop at home, it is up to the parents to smoothly and gradually transfer the energy “into a peaceful direction.” It is good to plan the evening in advance so that the child is gradually freed from accumulated tension, participating in the life of the family, and at the same time that he has time to be alone with his thoughts and events of the day.

One of the best anti-stress techniques is play. It allows the child to relax and relax. Try to follow a few simple rules. Firstly, the choice - to play or not to play - should always remain with the child. Perhaps just today he is so tired that he just wants to take a walk or read. Secondly, the “evening” game should not be noisy, accompanied by running and shouting.

If your child is “quiet” during the day and “savage” in the evening, the game “Rwaklya” is a good way to relieve tension and give an outlet to destructive energy.

Prepare unnecessary newspapers, magazines, papers and a wide bucket or basket. A child can tear, crumple, trample paper, in general, do whatever he wants with it, and then throw it into the basket. A child may like to jump on a pile of pieces of paper - they have great springiness.

If a little person doesn’t sit down for a minute in kindergarten and won’t stop at home, games with a gradual decrease in physical activity that do not contain an element of competition will help him. One of these games is “Mushroom Picker”. Invite your child to place skittles or small toys in random order at a short distance from each other. If you have a sports complex at home, you can hang toys on it. Then ask him to close his eyes and, from memory, collect all the objects - “mushrooms” - into the basket. The collected “mushrooms” can be sorted by color, shape, size... You can attach a note to one of the items with a further plan for the evening: “Let’s read?” or “Can you help me in the kitchen?”

Having muffled the “extra” energy in this way, you can move on to regular home activities - reading, dancing, watching a filmstrip. Even if it seems to you that classes in kindergarten are not enough, try to remove all the additional burden from your child at least for the first month of adaptation to kindergarten. Try to let your baby spend as much time as possible on fresh air. If time permits, go for a walk with him - this is an ideal opportunity to talk with your son or daughter and discuss the events of the day. You shouldn’t put off this conversation until “before bed” - if something unpleasant or disturbing your baby has happened, don’t let it weigh on him the whole evening.

Try excluding TV from your baby's evening entertainment. Screen flickering will only increase irritation and stress on a tired brain. An exception can be made for “Good night, kids!” - this program goes on at the same time and can become part of the “ritual” of going to bed.

Playing in the water helps almost all children cope well with the stress of the day. Fill the bath with some warm water, place an anti-slip mat, and turn on a warm, high shower. All the scum of the day - fatigue, irritation, tension - will go away, “drain” from the baby. Games in the water obey general rule, - they should be quiet and calm. You can blow soap bubbles (ask your child to blow a huge ball and a tiny bubble), play with sponges (watch them absorb and release water, make it “rain” from a sponge for your child, turn them into boats or dolphins), just give two or three jars, and let him pour some water back and forth. The sight and sound of pouring water has a calming effect - after 15-20 minutes the child will be ready to go to bed.

Light, subtle scents also help create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. To do this, add just one or two drops of oil, such as tangerine, to the aroma lamp. The warm citrus aroma refreshes the air well, soothes, and relieves nervous tension. The scent of mint relieves stress perfectly - it is very refreshing and invigorating. But you should not use it if the child is under six years old, and it is better not to do it before bedtime.

If your child is allergic and you are hesitant to use aromatic oils, put a small canvas bag with valerian root in the baby's pillow or attach it to the head of the bed - this will help the baby sleep more peacefully.

Before bed, you can give your baby a relaxing massage, listen together to quiet melodious music, a cassette with recordings of the sound of the sea or the sounds of rain. Remember all the joys of the past day, imagine how the next one might go. No matter how wonderful the kindergarten is, no matter what professionals work in it, no one will help your child better than you. If the child firmly knows that at the end of a noisy day a “quiet haven” awaits him, eight hours in kindergarten will not seem like such a deafening eternity to him, and stress will recede.


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal from the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain using paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips within a certain time.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. Before the game, all seeds are mixed and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal from the host, the game participants must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a competition blindfolded, arrange a team competition.


All children leave the room. Someone hides a big, loudly ticking alarm clock. The children return and look for the alarm clock. If someone finds him, he whispers in the presenter’s ear where the alarm clock is and silently sits on the floor. The last child left standing entertains all the children by singing or reading a poem as punishment. Tip: for small children, it is better to place the alarm clock on a saucer or something metal so that it can be heard better.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other’s clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.


You will need many pairs of shoes and towels. Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns coming to the table blindfolded and trying to find their shoes by touch.
Option: For older children, everyone should look for their shoes on the table at the same time. Guess by voice. Children sit in a row. The driver sits with his back to them, with an assistant (preferably an adult) nearby. The assistant calls the children one by one, without calling names. Children behind the driver's back pretend to be some kind of animal. The driver must guess who it is. If you guess right, change places with him.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word “Water,” then the child to whom he pointed must name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called “Earth”, you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called “Air” - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each player puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, adds a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house.
What kind of drawing will you end up with?


Participants in the game are invited to look at a jar, bowl or pan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut out the lids for the jar so that they exactly match the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If someone doesn’t like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?” The player must name either names or some characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone who is wearing jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. The one who doesn’t have enough chair becomes the driver, and everything starts from the beginning.


Everyone plays in a chain. You need to count in order from one to infinity (as many as you can), but instead of numbers that end in three or are divisible by three, you need to say “good afternoon.” That is, the first says “one,” the second says “two,” the third says “good afternoon,” the fourth says “four,” the fifth says “five,” the sixth says “good afternoon,” etc. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the game until there is only one winner left.


They play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (with her right hand she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder). The person standing next to you repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the presenter and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes with her left hand, without ceasing to grind). Next rounds: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (press the pedal with your foot), a rocking chair (rock) and finally a cuckoo clock ("Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo."). The point is to perform all actions at the same time.


The king is sitting on a chair. The other players sit in a semicircle a few meters away from him, so that they can see him clearly. With a hand gesture, the king calls one of the players. He gets up and silently goes to the king and sits at his feet to become a minister. During this movement the player listens carefully. If a player makes even the slightest noise (rustle of clothes, etc.), the king sends him to his place with a gesture of his hand.
The king himself must remain silent. If he makes a sound, if he makes a sound, he is immediately dethroned and replaced by the First Minister, who takes his place in complete silence and continues the game (or the tired king announces that he must be replaced and invites the minister to sit in his place) .


The players sit in a circle. The leader begins by saying to his neighbor on the left: “This is my nose,” but at the same time touches his chin. The neighbor should answer him, “This is my chin,” pointing to his nose. Having received the correct answer, he turns to his neighbor on the right and tells him: “This is my left foot,” showing him his right palm. His neighbor should answer: “This is my right palm,” pointing to his left foot, etc. You should always show a part of the body other than the one being talked about

Fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. They choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: “Fish, beast, bird...” Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he pronounces loudly one of these words, for example, “bird.” The player must immediately name a bird, for example “hawk”. You cannot hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. Anyone who hesitates or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “buys him back” (reads poetry, sings, etc.)


In this interesting game The dexterity and intelligence of the participants is tested. Three people play - the rest watch and wait their turn.
Two hunters stand at the edges of the table. The trap is a two-meter rope or cord tied in a large loop - only a half-knot is made.
Loop diameter 25-30 cm.
Hunters hold the ends of the cord so that the loop ring touches the table.
At a distance of 15-20 cm from the loop, bait (cube, toy) is placed on the table.
A player approaches the table, makes deceptive movements, checking the reaction of the hunters. Seizing the moment, with a quick movement he threads his hand through the loop and, grabbing the bait, pulls it back.
At this moment, the hunters try to tighten the noose so that their hand gets caught in it. The participants in the game take turns changing roles.
This attraction can also be carried out between teams.
To do this, each team is assigned two hunters who will catch all the remaining members of the enemy team.
Everyone is given one try. If he wins, he brings his team one point.
The winning team is determined by the highest number of points scored. Other competition conditions are possible.

Don't touch me!

The players stand in a circle, holding hands tightly.
In the middle of the circle, pins are placed in a random order, approximately 50 cm from one another.
At the judge’s signal, each player, without unclenching his hands, tries to push his neighbors onto the pin.
As soon as the first pin is knocked down, the game pauses. The pin is set again, and the player who knocked down the pin is eliminated from the game.
The rest, holding hands, resume the game at a signal.
It should be remembered that pushing is allowed only with your hands, without letting go of your neighbors’ hands. And one more thing: if a player, without dropping the pin, breaks the chain three times (by releasing his hand), he is eliminated from the game.
Towards the end of the game, when the number of participants becomes small, you can reduce the number of pins and the distance between them.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards for the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant.
Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves write the name of the prize (card, sticker, pen, notepad, etc.), and on the other half write the tasks.
Tasks can be as follows:

  1. Sing a song
  2. Tell a poem
  3. Ask an interesting question
  4. Tell a funny story
  5. Make a riddle Say a wish
  6. Sing a duet with a friend
  7. Say a phrase, an aphorism for thought

If you have many game participants, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with others. Place the halves of the postcards with the task in a box, and put the halves of the postcards with the names of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being played. Invite everyone present to take halves of a postcard with a task from the box and take turns doing what is written on the postcard. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When a half is found and the halves of the card match, the presenter must give that player the prize indicated on the card. All players should follow the same principle.

Let's draw together

Invite two players to come forward and draw a joint drawing on one piece of paper. In this case, one condition must be fulfilled: blindfold the players. Suggest a theme for the drawing (nature, pets, etc.). Let the players agree in advance who will draw what. Then blindfold them and ask them to draw a picture.

After the drawing is completed, untie the players' eyes and invite them to look at what is drawn. Most likely, the drawing will be uncoordinated and mistakes will be made.

Summarize. Often in our lives sin closes our eyes like this blindfold. And the episodes of our lives are sometimes uncoordinated, we make mistakes. But God removes the bandage called “Sin” from our eyes and we see all the imperfections of our nature. And this is even very funny!

Drawing on the back

How close are you to each other, how much cohesion and community does your group have? The following game will help you answer this question. Invite the group to sit or stand one after another in one line. If the group is large, divide it into two teams.

The leader must speak into the ear of the last person in the line. Words should not be complex, so that they can be depicted. For example: house, sun, flower, person, table, etc.

The last one, on the back of the previous person, must “draw” with an unsharpened pencil what the presenter said. The one on whose back they were drawing must understand what is being said and draw the same thing on the back of his neighbor in front, etc. from player to player.

When a picture is “drawn” on the back of the first one standing in the line, he must tell the leader what was drawn on his back. The presenter compares the word that he said to the last person and heard from the first. If the words match, i.e. “sun-sun,” then the team is close to each other, they can feel the other’s train of thought. If not, then it is necessary to advise them to show more trust in each other, to be closer in communication.

Ball with wishes

In a simple, free environment, you can play a game - a wish. Inflate a small ball and invite everyone present to throw it from one person to another so that the ball does not fall on the floor or other objects. In this case, the presenter must turn on the tape recorder or play any musical instrument.

After a short time the presenter stops the music. The person who last touched the ball before the music stops must say a wish out loud to everyone present or to one person.

Examples of wishes:

I wish you clear skies
Live without fear, sadness and evil.
So that the soul strives for beauty
And I found shelter with Christ.
(S. Svistun).

Without faith, life is dark, painful, unbearable,
Without faith there is no joy in it.
Ask God for fruitful faith
And a quiet light will spill into your life.

Don't be blinded by deceit
Mutilated by vanity,
Since you were born a man,
Always be human.
(N. Khosrov).

Life is a moment, just a moment,
But only it lasts for years
How important it is to treat everything as trash
And find salvation in God.
(S. Svistun).

What passes, we do not own,
Only the present belongs to us,
While we regret the past,
Life will turn the coming day into the past.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't choose your friends based on appearance
On the difficult road of life.
After all, beautiful shoes
Our feet often get chafed.
(S. Svistun).

When you feel like grumbling,
Think about others who have a harder time
And learn to notice everywhere
Grains of happiness in the turmoil of days.

Loving Christ is the desire of my soul,
Love Him with all your heart and soul.
And always live according to God's command,
Just as my Redeemer commands me.

If you go the road of greed,
You will die soon.
Wealth is just a bait, you will perish
In a trap of grief.
(M. Salman).

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And this is all known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark:
A house or a path, a tree or a word.
(R. Gamzatov).

Don't be sad, smile more often
Even if there is no joy
And then it will pour into your heart
God's endless light.
(S. Svistun).

This evening will pass and fade away,
Like everything else on earth it will fly by.
Only Christ can give you happiness,
Justify, reassure, forgive.
(A. Isaev).

Faith preserves the blameless,
Unrighteousness drags us into sin.
Faithful to the covenant of the Father
We will be successful.

Why suffer needlessly for the sake of common happiness -
It’s better to give happiness to someone close.
It’s better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
How to free humanity from its shackles.
(O. Khayyam).

Often give a person
It only costs us half an hour,
To create in his heart
True miracles!
(K. de Haan).

When your soul is in doubt
They are persecuted night and day.
Bow your knees before God -
You will find solace in Him.
(V. Kuzmenkov).

Life is a carpet. But I weaved clumsily,
And now I'm ashamed of myself.
Lots of extra lines and spaces
I find it in my pattern.
(R. Gamzatov).

In life there is no need for many reasons
To boast of your rank, and to boast of your rank.
Both old and young should remember
And the most ascended of this number:
To be a man in the sublunary world -
The highest position on this sinful earth.
(B. Karabaev).

Sometimes words are enough
To encourage a person.
So that from the heart of a sinner, sick
I was able to break through a spring of living water.
(S. Svistun).


Each player claims three things that apply to him. Two of them are correct, and one is not (the order is arbitrary). The rest of the players try to guess what is correct. The one who guessed correctly gets a point. You can play for the winner.

What's in the backpack?

Team players take turns running up to the leader, who is holding a backpack filled with various things. On command, each of them puts his hand into the backpack (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check. Teams are given a certain time, and those who learn the most things win.

Quack quack! (Or oink, piggy, oink!)

Do you know the voices in your group well? Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. The blindfolded person sits in the middle, holding a pillow. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and remains silent. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts the pillow on these knees and says: “Quack-quack!” The player who has a pillow on his lap must answer him in the same way (it is allowed to change his voice). The driver must identify the player by his voice and say his name. He is given 3 attempts. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

Test your powers of observation

Option A
3 players leave the room. The presenter invites those remaining to accurately describe the players who left (appearance, character traits, information about their place of study, etc.). To draw an analogy: someone will definitely be left out. Option B
The players stand opposite each other in pairs; at the leader’s command, they peer at each other for 15 seconds, then turn their backs and begin to answer the leader’s questions about each other. The one who gives the most complete and correct answers wins.

Option B
One player leaves, everyone switches places. One player is covered with a blanket. The player comes in and tries to guess who is sitting under the blanket.

Story from the header

10 people write one word of their choice on separate pieces of paper. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. The other 10 people take one piece of paper from the hat and read it to themselves. The point of the game: tell a coherent story using words from a hat. The first player starts with the word: “One day...” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second continues and so on. At the same time, those who pulled out the sheets of paper from the hat write their words on other sheets of paper and put them in the hat. They are taken out by those who first wrote the words. Then the story is invented by two teams in turn.

Pronunciation of words

Option A
Gather groups of 6 people, let each come up with a six-letter word (do not say it out loud!). Letters are distributed to each group member. Children pronounce all the letters at the same time, and the other teams must guess the word.

Option B
Proverbs according to the number of teams are written in advance on pieces of paper, taking into account that there should be as many players in a team as there are words in the proverb, for example: - If you drive more quietly, you will go further; -You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty; -Measure seven times and cut once. Each player chooses one word and everyone says their words together. The other teams must guess what was said. Instead of proverbs, you can use the names of songs or their first lines, Bible verses, but everything should be generally known.

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams. Each team receives a piece of paper with its name musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given a minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves and the rest guess the instruments.


Give each person 10 nuts, a topic for conversation, and tell them to communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions about the topic. When one of the pair says the word “I,” his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and a large sheet of paper. Give each team (no more than five people) a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or on the wall so that your opponents cannot see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the drawing). Everyone chooses a place on a piece of paper, and everyone begins to draw at the same time. For example:

1. Man in blue pants….
2. ...cries a lot...
3. ...a striped toy in his hand...
4. ...cries a lot...
5. ...on the street under the maple tree...

1. Baby in a stroller...
2. ...holds a bottle of juice...
3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...
4. ...reads a book...
5. a stormy sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives everyone the name of the city. Then he says: “I heard that in the city... dogs crow and roosters bark.” The player whose city was named replies: “No, sir, in the city... dogs don’t crow and roosters don’t bark. The city where dogs crow and roosters bark is called...” The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or is confused, he gives a deposit. When there are a lot of pledges, they are redeemed by completing some task of the presenter.


Two teams stand in lines facing each other. Each team joins hands, forming a chain behind their backs, so that the other team cannot see their clasped hands. At the end of the chain there is a chair with a small thing on it, and at the beginning of the chain there is a leader who tosses a coin. Team captains, i.e. those who are first in the chain carefully look for the coin (the rest look only towards the chair, i.e. they do not see their captain). In the event of an eagle, the captains transmit the current, i.e. They quickly squeeze the hand of the person standing next to them, who then shakes the hand of the other, and so on until the end of the “electrical circuit.” The last one in the chain, having received a “discharge,” quickly grabs the little thing lying on the chair.
In the team that did not have time to grab the thing from the chair, a rearrangement occurs. The one who was supposed to grab becomes the captain, and the former captain becomes second in the chain. The captain may make the mistake of prematurely squeezing the hand of the person standing next to him. This happens when the captain is in a hurry to give the current. In this case, the team also loses.

Elephant bathing

Four people are participating. The three are led out the door. The remaining one acts out a pantomime that he will now wash the elephant. One person starts, he must watch carefully all the movements of the “washer” and then repeat them to the second, and that to the third player. At the end, all four take turns telling their versions of what they did.

Broken TV

Everyone knows about the damaged phone. What if the TV is damaged? 3-4 groups take turns showing each other skits. What will come of the initial idea?

Competition "Her Majesty Potato"

  1. One at a time from the squad - who can peel the potatoes faster and better.
  2. One at a time from the squad - whoever eats the potatoes faster.
  3. One at a time from the squad - who will be more likely to hit the potato in the bucket.
  4. Units - write the names of potato dishes.
  5. Team - make a craft from potatoes. Who is more original?
  6. The squad is the best advertisement for potatoes
  7. Representative from the squad - plant potatoes in a bucket of potatoes. Lay it out in one line. Smooth. Tuber to tuber. Who can “Plant Potatoes” faster and better?
  8. According to the representative, who will “harvest the harvest” faster? WITH eyes closed, the squad can give hints.
  9. Relay race - within a certain time (10 minutes), the squad must peel as many potatoes as possible and of the highest quality (depending on how many knives you have, either in turn, or all together).
  10. Relay race - take turns moving the potatoes on a spoon in your mouth. Who is faster.
  11. Make cheese from potatoes. Do it in 3 minutes. As many holes as possible, but so that the potatoes do not fall apart.

Ball - ah - show

  1. Fun ball
    Everyone sits in a circle. Everyone says the verse in unison.
  2. You roll, funny ball,
    Hands over quickly.
    Who has a funny ball
    He will sing a song for us.
  3. Aerial strongmen
    Those interested are invited. The presenter invites them to inflate at a signal air balloons. The one whose balloon bursts the fastest wins.
  4. Architect
    Build a tower from balls
  5. Jet ball
    Participants line up on the same line. Their task is to inflate the balloons and release them on command. The one whose ball flies farthest wins.
  6. Air bridge
    The team stands one after another. It is necessary to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last participant and back - between the legs (you can pass 4-5 balls at the same time)
  7. The most friendly
    The team is divided into pairs. At the leader’s signal, the first couples must run to a predetermined landmark and back, holding the ball between their heads. Pass the balls to the next pair.

When there is no opportunity or strength to arrange a fun, active game romp, calm games come to the aid of parents and educators. With the help of calm entertainment, you can perfectly captivate a child and at the same time gather all the little fidgets, for example, at one table. Believe me, children can really enjoy this pastime and at the same time they perfectly develop the ability to think logically and teach them to concentrate.



10 CALM GAMES in kindergarten


You will need a box of paper clips. Paper clips are poured onto the table. At the signal from the leader, the opponents (2-4) assemble the chain using paper clips. The winner is the one who collects the longest chain of paper clips within a certain time.


You will need: Bean seeds, pumpkin seeds, large pasta, etc. Before the game, all seeds are mixed and divided into equal piles according to the number of players. At the signal from the host, the game participants must sort all the seeds into different piles. The first one to complete the task wins. Options: Hold a competition blindfolded, arrange a team competition.


Children sit in a circle and carefully look at each other’s clothes, trying to remember who is wearing what. Then the driver is chosen with a counting rhyme and he goes out the door. Several children change clothes and call the driver. He must determine who is wearing other people's things and who they belong to.


Children sit in a circle or at a table covered with paper or oilcloth. Everyone puts their shoe or slippers on the table. Then the children take turns coming to the table blindfolded and trying to find their shoes by touch.


Children sit in a row or circle. The driver walks in front of them and, pointing at each in turn, says: “Water, earth, air.” He can stop at any moment. If the driver stopped at the word “Water,” then the child to whom he pointed must name a fish, reptile or animal living in water. If it is called “Earth”, you need to name the one who lives on earth. If it is called “Air” - the one who flies.


A chest (box) filled with various things is being prepared. Each player puts his hand into the chest (you can’t look!!!), feels for any thing and says what it is, and then pulls it out to check.


For any number of players. The first player draws a house on the board or easel. The next player remembers the drawing, then closes his eyes, turns around himself and, without opening his eyes, adds a window, door, pipe or bird on the roof to the house.

What kind of drawing will you end up with?


Participants in the game are invited to look at a jar, bowl or pan. You can't pick it up. Then take a piece of paper and try to cut out the lids for the jar so that they exactly match the opening of the jar. The winner is the one whose lid exactly matches the opening of the jar.


Everyone sits in a circle, the driver is in the center. He asks everyone in turn: “Do you like your neighbors?” If someone doesn’t like it, the question follows: “What kind of neighbors do you need?” The player must name either names or some characteristic that should be present in his new neighbors. For example: “I need neighbors in jeans” - then everyone who is wearing jeans changes places, two of them sit in the places of their former neighbors. The driver can also take the vacant seat. The one who doesn’t have enough chair becomes the driver, and everything starts from the beginning.


They play standing in a circle. The presenter begins: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old coffee grinder” and shows how she will grind coffee (with her right hand she turns the imaginary handle of the coffee grinder). The person standing next to you repeats the same words and also begins to turn the handle, etc. round. When everyone is involved in the process, the turn again reaches the presenter and he shows the following movement: “Grandma went to the market and bought an old iron” (strokes with her left hand, without ceasing to grind). Next rounds: Grandma bought an old sewing machine (press the pedal with your foot), a rocking chair (rock) and finally a cuckoo clock ("Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo, Peek-a-boo."). The point is to perform all actions at the same time.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Article. Topic: Computer technologies in the correctional and developmental work of a modern kindergarten. Compiled by: I.I. Pashkova - teacher of Speech Pediatric Group No. 8 MBDOU TsRR - children's...

Lesson notes for the middle group of kindergarten. Application: “Beautiful flowers as a gift to all women in kindergarten.”

Application: “Beautiful flowers as a gift to all women in kindergarten.” Goal: to cultivate a desire to please others. Create something beautiful for them. - Expand children's imaginative ideas...

The consultation talks about what components include walks outside the kindergarten territory, the structure of the walk, safety precautions....

Calm games for children



I SEE A teddy bear


  • What clothes?
  • What color?
  • What fruit?
  • Which country?
  • What feeling?
  • What month?
  • What game?



Tongue Twisters:








Calm games for children


Participants sit in a row one after another. The last participant draws a picture on the back of the person sitting in front of him. The player who receives the message must repeat it as accurately as possible on the back of the person sitting in front. The first player in the row, having received the message, draws it on paper. After this, the drawings of the first and last players are compared and it is revealed which participants in the game the fax failed on. Before the next round, everyone and players must change places.

Can be used as drawings geometric figures, letters and small words, various symbols (dollar icon, euro, ampersand, copyright).
It is advisable to start the game with simple geometric pictures. To make the game more dynamic, you can prepare drawings for transmission in advance, secretly from the participants in the game.
You can play a team version of the game - all participants are divided into teams of 5-8 people and simultaneously submit a drawing. The winning team is the one whose resulting drawing is closest to the original one.


Participants sit at a table. A driver is selected from among them. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch one of the players passing the candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.
Usually the person sitting opposite the driver starts the game.

I SEE A teddy bear

All participants stand in a line sideways to each other, as close as possible. The leader (the first in the line) says: “I see a bear” and points his hand forward. All players must repeat the actions of the leader. Then the presenter again says: “I see a bear,” squats down and points his hand forward. The players also squat down. For the third time, the presenter shouts: “I see a bear,” points his hand towards his neighbor and pushes him. As a result, the players fall to the ground one after another and it turns out to be a fun dump.
If there are people familiar with the game among the participants, they should be placed between other players so that they increase the “pushing impulse”.


The driver turns away, and the rest of the players make a wish for one of those present (you can make a wish for the driver himself). The driver's goal is to guess who the players have guessed in three attempts. To do this, the driver asks the players questions about the association of the hidden person with various items and phenomena. For each question, players report their associations. The driver can express his guesses at any time. If he guesses right, another driver is chosen, if he exhausts all attempts without guessing the person, he becomes the driver again.
Examples of questions that the driver may ask:

  • If this man were a tree, what kind of tree would it be?
  • What piece of furniture would it be?
  • What clothes?
  • What color?
  • What fruit?
  • Which country?
  • What feeling?
  • What month?
  • What game?


Take each a piece of paper and draw a head on top - a person, an animal, a bird. Fold the sheet so that what you drew is not visible - only the tip of the neck, and give the drawing to your neighbor. Each participant in the game ended up with a new sheet of paper with an image that he had not seen. Everyone draws the upper part of the body, again “hides” the drawing and passes it to a neighbor so that they can complete the limbs on the new piece of paper they receive. Now unfold all the pictures and see what creatures are depicted on them.

You can draw in more than 3 stages. For example: head; shoulders and upper arms; lower arms, waist and upper legs; lower legs and feet.


Two groups of 10-12 people playing are seated in two parallel rows. The leader selects a difficult-to-pronounce tongue twister and communicates it (in confidence) to the first person in each team. At the leader’s signal, the first in the row begins to pass it to the ear of the second, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the “telephone message,” must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that quickly transmits the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative pronounces it more accurately and better.

Tongue Twisters:

Tell me about your purchase. - Which purchase? - About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase.

The forty-forty ate the cheese with a beautiful red crust, and the forty-forty quickly flew in and sat down under the hill.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

He reported, but didn’t finish his report, but began to finish his report - he reported.

Our chebotar is a chebotar to all the chebotars, no one can outdo our chebotar.



Everyone sits in a row. The one on the far left whispers something in his neighbor’s ear, and the latter whispers further. The one on the far right says out loud what came to him. The one who started tells what exactly he wanted to convey. Sometimes the distortions can be very funny. After each “call” you need to change seats so that everyone can be at the ends of the “wire”.


Everyone sits in a circle, the leader is in the center. He approaches any player and asks a question, for example: “What is your name?”, “Where do you live?” etc. But it is not the one who is asked who must answer, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give the forfeit. After the game, forfeits are played out.


There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Whoever puts on a sundress and ties a scarf faster is the winner.


Two dolls are lying in beds. Two participants in the game must wake up the dolls, do exercises with them, wash them, brush their teeth, comb their hair, make the bed, dress them, feed them, walk with the doll, play with it, wash its hands, feed it, wash it, undress it, put it to bed and sing lullaby song The one who does it faster and better wins.


Mix on the table a pile of peas, beans, lentils, dried rowan berries, viburnum - whatever you have on hand: 3-4 different types, not more. You have to sort everything into homogeneous piles - blindfolded. The winner is the one who, within a certain time (set in advance), sorts out the largest number of grains and berries. If something ends up in the wrong pile, two grains or berries are taken out of it as a fine.


A knot is tied in the middle of the cord, and a simple pencil is attached to the ends. You need to wind your part of the cord around the pencil. Whoever reaches the knot faster is the winner. Instead of a cord, you can take a thick thread.


The hostess offers each team a sheet of paper, on which they collectively draw an elephant, with their eyes closed: one draws the body, the other closes his eyes and draws the head, the third legs, etc. Whoever draws something similar faster and faster gets another point.


Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants with the left hand and the other with the right hand, must wrap the package prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it with a bow. Whose pair is ahead gets a point.


There are two slits for hands on a piece of whatman paper. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait with a brush without looking, and whose “masterpiece” turned out more successfully takes the prize.

Merry Monkeys

The presenter says the words: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loud. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on our toes and we even show each other our tongues. Let's jump together to the ceiling, bring our finger to our temple. Let's stick out the ears and the tail on the top of the head. We'll open our mouths wider and make grimaces. When I say the number 3, everyone freezes with grimaces.”

The players repeat everything after the leader.

Dwarfs and giants

Game of attention

The players stand in a circle. The presenter explains that if he says “dwarfs,” everyone must squat down, and if he says “giants,” everyone must stand up. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the game. The presenter may intentionally serve incorrect commands, For example:

"Potato! Rope! Pockets! Bucket! The winner is the last player remaining.


Game of attention

Rules of the game: the presenter tells a story about himself, preferably a fable. During the story, he pauses and raises his hand up. The rest should listen carefully and, when the leader raises his hand up, shout “and I” if the action mentioned in the story can be performed by a person, or remain silent if the action is not suitable. For example, the presenter says:

One day I went into the forest...

All: “Me too!”

I see a squirrel sitting on a tree

Squirrel sits and gnaws nuts

She saw me and started throwing nuts at me

I ran away from her

I went the other way

I'm walking through the forest, picking flowers

I sing songs

I see a little goat nibbling grass

I'll whistle

The little goat got scared and ran away

There are no winners in this game: the main thing is a cheerful mood.


This game can be played by three to six children. Find any pictures with lots of detail or postcards, each in duplicate. Cut one copy of each picture into squares. Glue the squares onto cardboard and put them in a box. The game is led by an adult. He shows the kids whole pictures and asks everyone to choose a picture that they will collect. Then he puts the pictures aside. The presenter takes the squares out of the box and shows them to the players, asking whose fragment it is. The child who chose exactly this picture, part of which is shown by the presenter, takes the square for himself. The player who completes his picture the fastest wins.


The presenter names living and inanimate objects mixed together, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and are silent when they answer “inanimate”. The children who make the fewest mistakes win.


Children line up in one line in the direction of the leader's hand. When he speaks in all directions, everyone runs away. And when they heard the chant: “The guys have strict order, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, they know all their places,” they run and line up in a new direction. The latter is considered the loser.

Find the color

Children stand in a circle and, at the leader’s command, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the desired thing last. He is out of the game.


All children are fish, one of them is a predator. When an adult shouts: “Ship,” the fish take cover against one wall, when they shout “Storm,” they take cover at the other, and when they hear the word “predator,” they begin to flee, while the predator reveals itself and begins to catch them.

Ministry of Railways

Rules. The players sit in a circle. The presenter informs everyone: “Each of you has an MPS, each has its own, unique and your goal is to recognize it.” To do this, players take turns asking the presenter questions about their MPS, requiring an unambiguous, positive or negative answer. The game is played until one of the players guesses that the MPS is My Right Neighbor.

Examples and additional material.

Examples of questions that players can ask the host:

Is it animate?

Do I always have this?

Is this a person?

Is it masculine?

He has dark hair?

Do I have a friendship with him?

Prohibited movement

Children, walking in a circle, repeat all the movements after the teacher, except one, for example: “Hands up!” The one who performs the “forbidden” movement stands at the end of the column. Thus, the more attentive children will be at the beginning of the column, and they are considered the winners.

Sunny bunnies

This activity is suitable for sunny weather. You should take a small mirror, let sunbeams onto the walls and ceiling and watch them together with your baby.

Runners are jumping -
Sunny bunnies.
We call them, but they don’t come.
They were here - and they are not here.
Jump, jump around the corners.
They were there - and they are not there.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Haven't you found them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)


The presenter lowers several clearly visible objects under water to the bottom. Players take turns diving, retrieving objects from the bottom. The child who gets the most items at one time wins.


I have three handfuls of flour
I pour it into a bowl from my hand,
I'll add a little water
I stir the dough with a spoon,
I will grind everything with an egg,
I knead the dough with my hands.
I divide it into pieces
I'm making little buns.
I'll spin the meat grinder
I'll get minced meat.
I separate a handful of minced meat,
I put a slide on the circle,
I connect the edges
I squeeze them with my fingers,
I'll show you my skills -
I'll make a hundred dumplings!
(we perform all actions to the poem)


This game should be played with children in winter. Slide down on a sled and hit the snowman's nose with snow, pick up the flag, and throw the sticks into the basket. Assignments can be created at your discretion.

Proteins, nuts, cones

All the guys stand up, holding hands, three at a time, forming a squirrel’s nest. They agree among themselves who will be the squirrel, who will be the nut, and who will be the cone. The driver is alone, he does not have a nest. There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: squirrels, cones, nuts. If he said squirrels, then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes an empty space in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader. If the leader says: nuts, then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut. The driver and presenter can be different people, or both functions can be performed by one person. The presenter can be given the command: squirrels-cones-nuts, and then everything changes places at once.

Count to 30

Participants in the game must count in order from 1 to 30. Each number is named by any of the participants. However, if two (or more) participants call the same number at the same time, the count starts over. Conversations and any non-verbal communication between players are prohibited.

Game example:

1st participant: “Alone”

2nd participant: “Two, three”

3rd participant: “Four”

1st participant: “Five”

4th participant: “Six, seven, eight”

2nd and 3rd participant (simultaneously): “Nine.”

Due to the fact that two participants named the same number at the same time, the counting starts again.

3rd participant: “One”, etc.

To really achieve the game goal, suggest first counting to 10 (a difficult task).


Number of participants - 9-40.

venue: room, hall.

Rules. Players sit so that they can see each other. Everyone closes their eyes. The host passes between the players and appoints three or four “killers” by touch. Then everyone opens their eyes and the game begins. The goal of the "killers" is to "kill" all players. The player who meets the eyes of the “killer” and sees how the “killer” winks at him is considered killed. The “killed” leave the game. The goal of ordinary players is to arrest all the "killers". If someone has suspicions about who is playing the role of the “hitman,” he raises his hand and says “Support!” (at this moment the “killer” can still kill him). As soon as someone also raises their hand and says “I support,” the person asking for support voices his suspicions. If he is right, the “killer” leaves the game, if not, both voters leave the game. The game is played until the final victory of the “killers” or “honest people”.

In the intellectual version of the game, before the start, the “killers” meet (the “honest people” stand with their eyes closed, and the “killers” open their eyes to see each other). In such a game, the “killer” can also raise his hand and ask for support in order to blame the other “killer” and divert suspicion from himself.


The leader stands in a circle, and the rest stand outside the circle. They jump in and out of the circle. The driver can only catch those in the circle by touching them with his hand.


They choose a driver - an “owl”, the rest of the children pretend to be birds. The birds run freely around the site, flapping their arms like wings. The "owl" is sitting in a hollow (a designated place on the site). When the leader says the word “Night,” the owl flies out of the hollow and runs around the area, vigilantly watching the birds. Birds at the signal “Night” must stop in place and not move. Whoever moves, the “owl” takes him into her house, and she herself runs out onto the site again. When the leader says “Day,” the “owl” hides in a hollow, and the birds, except those led away by the owl, begin to fly. The game is interrupted when the owl takes 3 birds to itself. Then a new owl is chosen and the game resumes.


The leader whistles, signaling the blindfolded players and changing their direction. Focusing on the sounds, you need to find an adult.


Children bring some small objects with them and put them in one place. Next, choose one of the players to stand with his back to the objects. The presenter, pointing to one of the objects, asks: “What should the person who owns this object do?” All players see this object, but one has his back to it and does not know whose object the leader is pointing to. This player's job is to assign "fines", a task that the owner of the item must complete in order to redeem the item.


All players stand in three circles, holding hands. The extreme ones go to the right, the middle circle goes to the left, clapping their hands. They sing a song. At a signal (clap, whistle), the players on the outer circles shake hands with each other, trying to trap the middle circle. The captured person stands in one of the outer circles.

Through the hoop

The player holds a racket with a table tennis ball in one hand, and a gymnastic hoop in the other. The player’s task is to pass the hoop through himself from top to bottom, then from bottom to top, without dropping the ball. They play in pairs. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Arithmetic cubes

To play you need 3 dice. Everyone throws them 3 times. If among the dropped numbers there are identical ones, they are added up (for example, 3, 5 and 3 are rolled out, playing the sum 3+3=6, and if all different numbers are rolled out, say 5, 2 and 3, they are not taken into account). If it happens that after the next throw all 3 numbers turn out to be the same (for example, 4,4 and 4), then the sum of these numbers also doubles. The winner is the one who, after three throws, ends up with the largest sum of numbers.