Didactic game Magic carpet Artistic aesthetic direction. Didactic games in art perception. Board game "Domino"

Didactic games and exercises, being both by the method and form of training, are a specific tool in pedagogical process, remedy comprehensive development child preschool age. Didactic game promotes development. The child included in the game situation is much easier to assimilate the training material. Watchly, without coercion, children perform game rules and actions, which contributes to a more efficient learning of knowledge, forming ideas, mastering skills and skills.

"Spread pictures"

(On identifying, fixing or formation of knowledge about articles of artwork of decorative and applied art).

Didactic task:distinguish and call samples of products of Belarusian and Russian decorative and applied arts, determine the materials from which they are made; Classify depending on the belonging to Belarusian or Russian fisheries.

Material:2 paper bulk dolls-girls (based on paper cones) in Russian and Belarusian national clothing; A set of cards with the image of the products of Belarusian and Russian masters (20-26 pieces): clay toys, matryoshki, caskets, wooden spoons, decorative plates, straw and flax dolls, embroidered products, etc.

First option (to identify ideas about the decorative and applied art of Belarus and Russia).

Two children take part in the game. Before one of them, dolls are laid out, and the other receives a set of cards. One child shows a card, and the second must say that it is depicted on it and from what material is done, and then put a card near one of the dolls.

The adult fixes the result and invites children to change roles. The game continues, at the end of the teacher brings her result.

Second option (on the consolidation and formation of knowledge about the decorative and applied art of Belarus and Russia).

Two or more children can take part in the game. Cards are mixed and folded on the front side up. According to the signal (verbal, musical or other), children must quickly pick up the dolls appropriate items. Wins one who is faster and more correctly cope with the task.


When carrying out collective games with a large number of children, it is necessary to increase the number of dolls and cards with products. By increasing the size of dolls and cards, you can spend the game on the floor and include it in the game-classes.

Third option (on consolidation and formation of knowledge, representations).

6-8 children play (2 teams of 2-4 people). Dolls are placed at some distance one from another. The cards are mixed and decomposed on the table face down. Children from the first team take a card, consider it and, without showing, describe the subject shown on it. Children from the second team on the description should guess what is shown on the card, and decide which this item should be given from the dolls. The considered card they are closed near the dolls chosen by them. The next card describe children from another command. After all the cards are considered and decomposed near the dolls, children are offered to check everything. The team wins, whose children correctly described the cards and laid them around each doll.


Each team must have two dolls in Belarusian and Russian suits.

"Continue row"

(To identify knowledge about the Belarusian and Russian patterns).

The purpose of the didactic game:to identify the idea of \u200b\u200bchildren about the nature of the Belarusian and Russian (Dymkov and Khokhloma painting) of patterns, skills in the image of the elements of painting.

Material:set of cards (all participants on one), each of which is divided into 3 bands. At the top of each band, two decorative elements are depicted: on one - Belarusian, on the other - Dymkovsky, on the third - Khokhloma; Multicolored pencils or markers; 2-4 dolls in Belarusian and Russian suits.


If necessary, it is allowed before starting the exercise the clarification of the patterns to which the elements depicted on cards belong; The task can be complicated - to offer 2-3 playing to compete, who will remember and draw more elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns. When performing a game task, children must sit so as not to see each other's work.

"Make a picture"

(To consolidate knowledge about products of Belarusian masters made of traditional materials).

Didactic task:consolidate the ideas about the products of Belarusian crafts, classify them by accessories to the traditional material from which they are made; Activate the feeling of shape and color.

Material:6-9 cards (25x25 cm) depicting products of decorative and applied art of Belarus: from clay (toys, decorations, dishes, etc.), from straw (dolls, birds, animals, household items, decorative products), from flax (dolls , Napkins, Flowers, etc.). Pictures depicting products are cut into several parts, 6-9 pictures of the same size with the image of only the contours of the products that are accommodated on the cut maps.

Children are invited to make up one or two pictures from parts so that the subject appears, the circuit of which is depicted on the card located at the playing.


The game can enter the element of the competition - who will quickly make a picture (several pictures); Cut parts of pictures and pictures with a contour image of items can be used for exercises in individual work.

"Find such a pattern"

(On identifying and forming knowledge about the elements of the Belarusian pattern).

Didactic task:recognize and call the elements of the Belarusian pattern, find them and fragments of the same patterns of different items. To promote the intensification of ideas available in the experience of children.

Material:7 cards on which samples of patterns with elements of the Belarusian ornament are depicted; 14 Silhouette images of objects, of which every two (different in form) have the same patterns corresponding to one of the samples (Fig. 3).

First option (one or more children take part).

On the table folded the card face down. Silhouettes of items painted by patterns are set on the shelf of the stand face to children. The child is invited to take one of the cards, carefully consider patterns on it and select objects from the silhouettes set on the shelf on which there is the same pattern.

Second option (several children participate).

The child chooses one of the cards and, without showing it to the rest of the children, describes the pattern shown on one of the card strips. Another (other) participant (s) of the game should quickly find one or two silhouette subjects decorated with the described pattern, and put the card next to it.

Third option (Two teams participate).

Cards are set on the stands of the stand at a high distance one from the other. Silhouettes of items are distributed equally to each team. One child from some team out loud describes any of the patterns on the card, the children of the second team should consider their silhouettes. Those who had the same pattern on the subjects quickly put their silhouettes of objects next to the card described.

If everything is done correctly, the card must be turned back to children (so that they repeatedly describe the same pattern). The next describes a card child from the second co-manda, and the game passes in the order described above until children end the cards. The team wins, whose children faster and more correctly completed the task.


When organizing a didactic game with elements of competition, you can mark every correct answer, the correct execution of the task of the chip and offer to children at the end of the game themselves count them.

"Miracle Bird"

(On the formation and consolidation of knowledge in the field of decorative and applied art).

The purpose of the didactic game:form knowledge of Belarusian and Russian decorative and applied art; Group Silhouette Images for belonging to the Belarusian and Russian patterns.

Material:3 bird silhouette, each is painted with the wing of Belarusian, Dymkovsky and Khokhloma patterns; On the spot of the tail in the contour, feathers are designated (5-6 each bird); A set of feathers cut from thick paper (15-18 pieces) and decorated with the same patterns that decorate the wings of each bird.

First option (The task performs one child).

The child is invited to return any of the bird feathers birds, which took the evil hurricane, and turn it again into a beautiful bird wonder. To do this, the child must choose those feathers that are suitable for its wing, and decompose them on the tail so that they coincide with the form and the magnitude of the contour feathers drawn on the tail, comment on their choice.

Second option (Playing a small group of children).

According to the verbal signal "Pryony", each of the children begins to choose feathers for his bird and make up the tail of them. Wins the one who correctly selects on the pattern of feathers and will quickly fulfill the task.


On the formation and consolidation of ideas about the nature of the Russian (, Khokhloma and Gzhelsk) and Belarusian.

Didactic task:recognize and call familiar elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns; Exercise in the classification of objects, products depicted on cards, according to belonging to Belarusian or Russian decorative and applied art.

Material:set of cards with the image of products of Belarusian masters made of traditional materials (clay, straw, flax, thread, tree, etc.) - 10-12 pieces; A set of cards with the image of products decorated with Dymkovskaya, Khokhloma and Gzhel painting - 10-13 pieces. Instead of cards with the image of products, natural items should be used; 4 tables equipped in the form of podiums, sets of napkins, a set of cubes and bars of different types - Stands for products (or 4 stands with shelves, if the game will be held with pictures); A box package with a letter and hidden in it products (or replacing them with cards).

First option

In this case, you can reduce the number of cards or items.

Child (several children) gets a game assignment: all products must be distributed for 4 showcases, i.e. On the 4 groups, and on what a sign of them to divide, he should guess himself. If the child does not cope with the task, the teacher can provide the child with the necessary help.

Second option (A subgroup of children may take part in the game occupation).

After the distribution of products (pictures), children are divided into 4 subgroups and offer them to take part in advertising products of souvenir shop. Each subgroup draws up its showcase using certain products (cards), comes up with the name of the showcase, the name, performs the emblem, advertising using specially cooked materials (scissors, paper, glue, markers, markers, colored paper, cutting out of old magazines, postcards, etc. .).

After the design of the showcases, you can organize product advertising with the help of Belarusian and Russian songs, dancing, poems, chastushki.


(On the fastening of the elements of the pattern of the Belarusian and Russian ornament).

Didactic task:to stimulate the manifestation of the ability to independently analyze the elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns and their composition, supplement the image of the missing parts according to a common feature - the nature of the pattern.

Material:12 butterflies made of tight paper or cardboard, in which only one pair of wings located on one side are painted with a pattern; 26 wings, 12 of which are decorated with the same patterns as the wings in the butterflies; Sets of markers or pencils.

First option (Takes part one child or a small group of children).

A game situation is created: an evil magician joined butterflies, and each of them disappeared the pattern on two wings. Butterfly can be helped if you find the same as those that remained from butterflies, and close the unwrapped parts of the wings.

Second option (Several children take part).

Children distributes 2-3 butterflies to everyone. Elements of competition are introduced: who will quickly find the wings with their butterflies. Wins the one who will do it right and quickly.


After the game, it is advisable to distribute butterflies and suggest trying the pattern on the wings, repeating the pattern shown on one of the halves of the butterfly.


(on formation or consolidation of skills to find similarities and differences in decorative compositions).

The purpose of the didactic game:find similarities and distinction in simple ornamental compositions, including elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns, exercise in their recreation.

Material:6-8 cards with decorative compositions drawn in color. At one half of the cards, patterns are depicted, including the elements of the Belarusian ornament, on the other cards - patterns, including elements of the Russian pattern (Dymkovskaya and Khokhloma painting); Paper leaves, sets of markers or color pencils.

First option (Children can sit nearby).

Two cards are shown equal to the composition by Belarusian patterns. Children in turn call differences in patterns, then their similarity (on the use of elements, by their location, color, etc.). He wins the one who will last any sign of differences or similarities.

Second option (2-4 children participate). Each of the children is given in two cards with variable patterns, including the same and different elements. One child on both cards should only be Belarusian or just a Russian pattern. It is proposed to consider your cards and draw on paper sheets all the elements of the pattern that are not repeated on cards (or, on the contrary, portray only those elements that are repeated on two cards in the child).

Card file of games and exercises developing creative abilities of preschoolers

"What can be ..."

Objective: Learning to invent a new application to familiar subjects.

The teacher distributes chopsticks, buttons, tubes, rings, etc. Children perform a task.

"Portrait of buttons"

Purpose: Learn to perform buttons appliques. The teacher tells the children that the portrait can be created by different means: paint, straw, plasticine, flap of fabric, shows buttons and offers each child a portrait to copy with buttons.


Purpose: Development of imagination, figurative thinking.

Equipment: plasticine, toothpick, wool, color. Paper etc. .

Game Travel: Adult offers the first player to think any item and make only one element from the proposed materials. The second player says it may be, and adds its element. The next must come up with something else and add an item in accordance with your design. So continues until someone from the players can change the crawl in their own way. Wins the child who made last modified.

"Unusual paintings"

Purpose: Development of imagination, figurative thinking, shallow motility.

Equipment: tray, buttons, clips, bottles, bottles, bottles, natural material: straw, cones, seashells, small pebbles, dried flowers, leaves, plant seeds, cardboard sheet.

The course of the game: the material is laid out on the tray. An adult proposes to create unusual paintings, and for their creation, not pencils and paints are required, but what lies on the tray. Imagine the picture you want to get. Make it outline on a sheet of paper. With an adult, attach to the cardboard.

"Magic Blots"

Several klyax is made in front of the game: a little ink or carcasses and a sheet fall on the middle of the sheet and folded in half. Then the sheet is deployed and now you can play. Participants in turn say. What subject images they see in a blossom or its individual parts.

Wins the one who will call most of the items.

"Fantastic hypotheses"

Purpose: develop creative imagination and theoretical thinking. What would happen if ... (the city knew how to fly, the clock went on the contrary, etc.)?

"Unusual flight"

Purpose: develop fantasy.

Teacher. Imagine that there is a carpet in the group. He will take you there, where you want. Where would you want to fly? Why? Children answer.

"Fabulous stories"

Purpose: learning to use the elements of the animism ("animation" of objects).

The teacher offers children to think and say to whom the dining room and teaspoon (mother and her daughter, grandmother and his granddaughter, etc.), come up with fabulous stories that can happen to them.

"Artist in Zoo"

Teacher. Two wizards divide and connect visited the zoo. There is a first wizard and all disconnects. The second is very scattered, so it connects everything as it fell. Imagine that after that it turned out in the zoo, and depicting with parts. This is performed.

"Fabulous Bird"

Objectives: exercise in the transfer of the shape and location of the bird parts; Develop fantasy.

The teacher distributes to children 8-10 ovals of different sizes, shapes and colors; Separate parts of birds (different shapes, values \u200b\u200band colors). Children come up with and make up their fabulous bird.

"Magic glasses"

Purpose: Develop a correlation in shape.

The teacher offers children to imagine that they put the magic glasses that can change their shape. For example, glasses have become round and through them you can only see round things. Children inspect and call all round items in the room. Then cover your eyes and imagine that they went out on these glasses. They need to name five round items that they will meet.

"Name the difference"

Purpose: find similarities and differences when comparing objects.

The teacher asks what the closet, the tape recorder, the book, the call, the plane is different from the TV, dogs, cars, pencil, birds.

"Merry Competition"

Purpose: Learning to create a lot of one.

The teacher distributes the matrix sheets, which depict different figures and reports that with the help of pencils or markers, they can be turned into some object, animal, plant or part of them. Each child must complement all sheets to different images.

"Unfinished plot"

Objective: Learn to specify (revive) schematic images.

The teacher puts before each child the subject (coil of the thread, plastic spoon, a tree twig, dried flower, etc.) and asks them to supplement other details before creating a holistic subject or plot.

"Come to the pattern"

Purpose: Learning to model a holistic image based part, parts, schemes.

The teacher lays three rows of items: the first - beans, the second - peas, the third is watermelon seeds. Children must combine objects in each row so that it turns out a beautiful and interesting pattern.

"Drawing up images of objects"

Purpose: Develop creative abilities when designing using geometric shapes.

The teacher distributes geometric figures to children, and offers to lay out these objects, for example: clown, house, cat, car, etc.

"Come up with the animal"

Purpose: Learning to combine various details when creating a new image.

The teacher offers children to create an unusual creature from the existing parts (shapes, cuts from books, etc. can be offered.

"Patchwork Blanket"

Purpose: learn to express content with limited graphics.

The teacher distributes to each child through a paper blanket and offers with a single pencil to paint it so that there are no identical flap.

"Picture of holes"

The teacher says that if the paper sheet is needed many times with a needle, it turns out a lot of holes. But if the paper is pronounced in a certain sequence, a whole drawing can be obtained. The teacher suggests "to draw" a needle on paper. Ordinary leaflet (car, sun, etc.).

"Tool portrait"

Purpose: develop creativity when painting with non-standard ways.

Teacher. If you take a sheet of white paper and longly pinch small pieces from it, after a few minutes the figure of an indefinite shape with the plug-in edges will remain in the hands. But if the pieces push off the pieces in advance, there may be interesting items. Try to do this. Please perform.


Objective: to learn to find in material with fuzzy formations of objects.

The teacher says how interesting in the summer to watch clouds floating across the sky. Clouds can be similar to different animals, human faces, etc. Then, he alternately shows pictures with clouds and asks children to call as many options for their similarities with objects, animals, plants, figures of people.


Purpose: Learn to create images through the defining conditional symbols.

Children view cards with conditional images of objects and express assumptions that it can be.

"Favorite toy"

Objective: Develop the ability to convert subject using accentuation.

The teacher offers children to draw their favorite toy, think and tell you what can be done to make it stronger and funny.

"On the contrary"

Purpose: Learning to create new images using hyperbolization.

The teacher gives children a task to change objects (for example, table, cups, wardrobe, dress, etc.), making a little big, and on the contrary, and think that then it turns out.

"Fantastic animal"

Purpose: Develop the ability to convert subject.

Teacher distributes drawings with different animals. How can I change the drawing to make it unusual and funny?

"Letters in the drawings"

Objective: Develop the ability to convert graphic characters.

The teacher says that all the letters are similar to something. For example, the letter "g" is similar to the lifting crane, "O" - to the rescue circle. It offers children to draw those items to which different letters: sh, p, x, s.

"Fix a bug"

Purpose: Learning to see the inconsistency of signs of familiar objects depicted in the figure.

The teacher shows children pictures: red chicken pecks carrot; Bear is depicted with a bunny ears, etc. Children correct mistakes.

"Double Image"

Purpose: Learn to see the image in the picture.

Children are invited to calculate one part of the tight sheet of paint, then folded the sheet in half, press and disclose. It turns out a double image that needs to be drawn to any object.

"Pebbles on the shore"

Purpose: Create an image on the specified topic in the imagination.

The teacher shows the children a picture and says that the magic coast is drawn on it. The wizard was held on this shore and everything that was on him turned into pebbles. Asks children to guess and supplement them with different details, tell what was on the shore.

"Watch your palm and exaggeration"

Purpose: Promote the creation in the imagination of images based on a schematic image of the subject.

Children independently drive left hand on a sheet of paper. The teacher proposes to turn the silhouette in some kind of figure. Sheet with silhouette can be rotated as you like

Creative exercise "Night conversation toys"

Suggest the children to come up with, about the night (in the evening, when the children left the kindergarten) could talk toys: how children play with them, carefully relate to them, or organize a game corner.

Creative exercise "Life of the Cabinet"

Children are invited to consider the picture on which the wardrobe (chair, bucket, spoon, etc.) is depicted.

Children are combined into groups and answer the question:

What could be the wardrobe?

Can the cabinet change the mood?

Can the wardrobe root?

Is it possible to take as friends of the cabinets?

What does the wardrobe feel when it is wiped or repaired?

Which family members wardrobe loves the most?

Remembers the wardrobe, who did it?

Such questions can be asked about any things.

Then children come up with a fairy tale about things (as the closet made friends with a new dress or as a cup (plate) quarreled with a spoon, etc.).

Creative exercise "Who has what character?"

Rent pictures with the image of various items and offer them to describe the character of these items, for example: character of hammer, beds, pillows, pencil. Compare and discuss the description of children. To spend a conversation with children about how the nature of various items can change, depending on who they serve and who keeps them in their hands.

The second version of this exercise: to offer children to describe the work of a sad or funny hammer, executive or lazy saw, proud or modest pencil, attentive or inattentive notebook, etc.

Creative task "Pick up words for the picture"

Children are offered with the help of adjectives, words - comparisons, verbs come up with a "compliment" picture.

Creative exercise "Learn Bird"

Children get cards with images of various birds. They are invited to think:

What is the character of one or another bird?

What people, flowers, trees, animals friendly this bird?

Who are enemies?

What does she sing about?

What makes the nest?

What does she like to do best?

Children warn that their answers may be fabulous.

Creative exercise "Home and wild animals"

Children are combined into two groups - "wild animals" and "pets". Groups should come up and after a while talk about the difficulties and advantages of their lives. The band is defeated, the story of which the most creative and interesting. This exercise children can do individually.

Creative exercise "Guess who I"

The educator distributes cards with drawings of different animals. Children take themselves in one picture, then show children movements, the animal is shown in the picture. Other children should learn whom the child depicts. You can offer children to show their favorite animals.

The game is "good-bad" or "chain of contradictions".

Objective: Development of creative imagination with the help of contradictions.

The educator begins - "A" is good, because "b". The child continues - "b" is bad, because "in". The next says - "in" well, because "g", etc.

Example: walk - well, because the sun shines. The sun shines - bad because it is hot. It is hot - well, because summer, etc.

Tatyana Mikhailovna Klekov
Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development through decorative and applied art

Problem development Children's creativity is currently one of the most relevant both in theoretical and in practical terms, because we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual identity personality in the first stages of its formation. About the role and significance of the people decorative art Many scientists (A. V. Bagushinskaya, P. P. Blonsky, T. S. Shatsky, N. P. Sakulin and others wrote in the upbringing of children. They noted that art prompts the first bright, figurative ideas about their homeland, its culture, contributes to the education of the feeling of the beautiful, develops Creative abilities of children.

Our difficult time is the time of social change, political storms and shocks. Folk games, fun and toys are replaced by commercialized spectacles, television screens flooded cruelty. In essence, this is alien to the childish nature, nature of a growing person. The upbringing of a citizen and a patriot, who knows and loving his homeland, is a task particularly relevant today, and it cannot be successfully solved without the deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of their people, the development of popular culture.

For artistic and aesthetic development In pre-school educational institutions use various types educational activities children: artistically productive, musical, theatrical. Work will negotiate in the form of specially educational activities, organizing joint activities and individual activity of teachers with children.

Organizing developing activities with preschoolers, teachers send their efforts to improve children, cultivation healthy image Life. It is no coincidence that these tasks are priorities in the modernization program of Russian education

Acquaintance of children S. various species National decorative - applied art in decorative classes Drawing will help to teach them to perceive the beautiful and kind, introduce them to folk traditions, lay the foundations of aesthetic education.

Dymkovsky clay toys attract the attention of children with their brightness and originality. These products are pleasing to the eye, raise the mood, reveal the world of a cheerful holiday. Dymkovsky toys are simple, but peculiar. They are naive, but expressive. The organization of games allows children to feel in the role artist decorator, Reflect in the game aesthetic vision and feeling of the surrounding world. Didactic games are aimed at development and fixing drawing skills decorative elements. Ira enshrine knowledge about the manufacture of a folk toy and about her features, brings up love for the beautiful. The child in the game recognizes and calls the elements of the painting, selectively picks up the color and shade for it. Remembers the procedure for performing a pattern. In the game, children enshrines the ability to learn and call the Dymkovsky painting, can call elements of painting, guess riddles. Children have a feeling of pride in native edge craftsmen and masters.

Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development through decorative and applied art.

"Cutting pictures"

Didactic task. Consolidate knowledge of expressive means used in Dymkovsky painting, exercise in the compilation of the whole picture, develop attention, concentration, desire to achieve results, observation, creativity, cause interest in subjects decorative art.

Material. Two identical plane images of various items, one of which is cut into parts (options for splitting products can be prepared, dividing them into four to eight parts of various geometric shapes).

Gaming rules. Quickly make up the product from individual parts according to the sample.

Move games. One child or group can take part in the game. The tutor shows samples, makes it possible to consider them carefully. By the adult signal players collect the image of any product. Wins TOTWho is the first to cope with the task.

"Colored droplets"

purpose: Teach children to allocate and call colors included in the color gamut of the People's Mural. Material: Khokhloma dishes, Gzhelev, Drykovsky toys, Gorodetsky boards.

Move games: Before children, Gzhel, Gorodetsky and Khokhloma products are exhibited, then the teacher calls the crafts and asks children to carefully consider the products. Teacher alternately calls various colors. Children should determine which colors are included in Gzhel, Gorodetskaya and Khokhloma painting. Wins the one who will get more chips (The trick is given for the correct answer).

"Third wheel"

purpose: Teach children to allocate one extra, belonging to another fishing from three toys.

Move games: Children are offered alternately several combination options. toys: Two Dymkovsky toys and one khokhloma spoon; Two city boards and one Dymkov toy; Two Dymkovsky toys and one Gzhel plate. The child should say what two subjects belong to one fishery, and what subject is extra. Ask a child to comment on your answer. Ask how these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher calls folk toys - Dymkovskaya. Gzhel and Gorodetskaya.

« Art salon»

Didactic task. Learn orally describe the selected item develop focus, speech-description.

Material. Various subjects folk crafts or their images, photos.

Gaming rules. Accurately describe the object that the player wants "buy".

Move games. Items « Art Salon» Exhibited on racks. Selects "seller". The rest of the players - "Buyers". They choose the purchase subject and accurately describe it "Seller". "Seller" can ask questions eg: "How is the edge of the product decorated? What is the flower drawn? ". When "seller" I will determine what it is for the subject, he sells it. .Game continues. "Seller" and "buyer" Change roles.

"Continue pattern"

Didactic task. Secure the ability of children to draw the Dymkov pattern based on Dymkovsky painting. .

Material. Elements of Dymkovsky painting from paper.

Gaming rules. Players choose card cards. Drawing, using the started paintings, selecting the color gamut and the specified item.

"Decoiled Apron"

Didactic task. Learn to be decorative The compositions - to have elements, selecting them in color, on the silhouettes of apron with the style of Dymkovsky fishery, develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity.

Material. Plane images of aprons; Painting elements cut by contour; Samples decorated with silhouettes pattern. Gaming rules. Make a selected silhouette from individual elements pattern in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting (Principle of mobile appliqué).

Move games. One child or group can take part in the game. Silhouettes of items to decorate, playing choose at will. By selecting the required number of items, the pattern is pattern. Working a player can perform by copying the pattern of samples or inventing its composition.

"Dymkovsky Mosaic"

Didactic task: Clarify and consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements of the Dymkovsky painting, develop memory, composite skills. To raise the desire to create original Dymkov toys.

Material: Plane images of various Dimkovsky toys, set of small plane elements of the Dymkov patterns.

Move games: Offer children to create their own Dymkov toy.


purpose: Fastening the knowledge of the elements of the Dymkovsky painting.

Move games: The educator offers children to restore "Crashing" toy. The task of each restorer determine which fragment of the painting is lost and draw it.


purpose: Consolidate ideas about the peculiarities of national fishery.

Move games: The educator offers to play in "Guess - ku". Children must choose from the proposed items, including many products of different crafts or modern dishes, works of Gzhel Masters (or Khokhlomsky ...). And they will answer why they chose this product.

"Guess and tell"

purpose: Consolidate the knowledge of children about the folk toy, as about one of the form of popular decorative-applied art; Learn toy on the image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of the painting, its flavor and composition of the product pattern. Develop aesthetic taste.

Move games: The presenter shows the silhouette of the product folk creativityAnd the child picks up the subject and explains why he chose her.

Practical work number 1 Topic: Decision and analysis of pedagogical tasks on the leadership and organization of productive activities in DOU. Task: Create a structural - logic NOD scheme on productive activities by classes (task is performed by groups or variants). Type of age Aging productive topic Type view Node conducting methods and a group of activity, node Nod receptions Theme Node Senior Improke Ripe No. 1 Subject Frontal visual group Apples and modeling, with verbal berry Nature, on the game topic Practical proposed as an educator, on the subject of the act really ... Prepare a group Drawing Russian souvenir (Matrech KI) №2 Average group Applique funny little man (from a geometer of figures) No. 1 Decorative frontal visual: drawing table from nature, on "Matryoshka"; The topic of children's drawings proposed ki over the past tutor, years; on the topic of matryoshki; Literary verbal: works Riddle, conversation, poem of the proverb; Practical method: Reception of a paper matryoshki paper template; Game Reception: What Matrius to choose as a souvenir? Subject Frontal Nisual Applique of Naya Livo from Nature, practical game on the topic proposed by the educator Practical work number 2 Topic: Organization of productive activities in DOU. Group (Age) Children - Medium Group Educational Region (OO) "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" Type of productive activities: Lapering Integration of educational areas (IO): "Speech Development", "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development" (Game, Communicative, pictorial, educational study) type Node: №1 (lesson on the report of new knowledge and familiarize them with new image methods); View Node: Items from Nature Vegetables Molding: Frontal Node Theme: "Carrot and Beet" Tasks: Learn to transmit differences in the form of vegetables and characteristic features of beets and carrots, the main form of vegetables to sculpt with a brush, both hands, and the details work with fingers; educate accuracy, desire to sculpt; Equipment, learning tools: Individual sets for modeling (plasticine, oilcloth, napkin, stack); carrots and beets - natural or dummy, a sample of a pedagogical product, a piece of plasticine for partial showing methods of modeling, two plates; Preliminary work: conversation about the benefits of vegetables, coloring "Vegetables", guessing mysteries, didactic game "Learn to the touch", "Where is growing?", Consider artistic reproductions of still lifes; Parts Node introductory part Main part Final part Methods, visual techniques: showing beets and carrots (or units) Wonderful: Creating a gaming motivation Poems "Ogorodniki" L. Nekrasov (riddles on vegetables) Games: Game "Wonderful Bag" Visual: Showing Type of Work Wonderful: Explanation Practical: Cut the beet and carrot stack to draw the grooves from carrots, cut out the remains of the tops on the tops of carrots and beets. Visual: The exhibition of completed works of verbal: poems about the benefits of vegetables gaming: put in one plate of carrots, and on another beet. Practical work number 3 Topic: Organization of productive activities in DOU. Health Saving in the process of node on productive activities. Task: Create an exemplary plan of the abstract Node on PVD using a health-saving component (fizminutok) in the classes structure. Group (Age) Children: Senior Group Type of Productive Activities: Drawing Subject Node: Drawing Pattern from Snowflakes Previous Actress Children: Snowflakes Snowflakes, Carrying from Paper Snowflakes Part Node Introductory Part Basic Part Heating Component, Fizminutka Fishery (View and Her Content) Respiratory Exercise : Imagine that you have a snowflake on your palm. I blow down her gently, slowly, so that she flew for a long time and easily. (Perform 3-4 times) (short content) Fisminet (view and its content) Falchikova Gymnastics stands and snowflake in palm fishing. (Rhythmic shocks with fingers right hand on the left palm) I am winter, and snow, and snowflakes love. (Rhythmic blows of the left hand on the right hand) But where is the snowflakes? In palm water. Ku you disappeared, snowflakes? Where to? Fruit fragile ice floes - rays ... As you can see, my palms are hot. (Summary) Fizminutka (view and its maintenance) "Snowflakes" from the sky falls snowflakes on a fabulous picture. We will catch their hands raise their hands above their heads and make and show at home mom. Grass movements, as if they catch snowflakes and there were drifts, snow was covered with snow. Pulling, hands to the sides. Do not bother in the field so that we raise the legs above. Walking in place, knees highly raise. Here is a fox in the field jumps, like a soft red ball. Jumping in place. Well, we go, go walking on the spot. And we come to your house. Children sit down. Final (Summary) Part of the Fisminist or Gaming Activity (View, Contents) Game "Decorate Christmas Tree Snowflakes" The approximate content and distribution of fizminutok species in the structure of the NOD on PVD. Parts Node Health Saberorating Component, Fizminutka Fisminating on Score or Respiratory Gymnastics, Calm, Relaxing (If the previous activity was active) Introductory part of the eye of the eye, shoulder belt without rising children (for removing fatigue and voltage of the visual analyzer while viewing a visual material) Main part Fisminutka Themed, reflecting the subject of occupation - active or with game actions, with the upset of children or exit from the study area (spending after an explanation of the performance algorithm and before the practical work of children) The health-saving component: Instructing on TB when working with materials, tools. Fizminutka for eyes, hands, shoulder belt without getting the children (for removing the fatigue and tension of the visual analyzer during the practical work of children) Final Fiziminutka or Gaming Activity Party (for the prevail of children with training activities for another type of activity) Practical work number 4 Topic: Decision and analysis of pedagogical tasks and situations under the leadership and organization of productive activities in the DOU. Task: Thinking through the types of productive activities of children in different matters of the day in the DOU and fill in the table in accordance with the types of modes. Theme of the week: Birds ________________________________________________________ Reception Children I Half the day Fingering gymnastics "Bird Song sings" Listening to gramzapy "Voices of birds in nature" Walk watching birds on the kindergarten section (behind sparrows, pigeons, sorcery); footprints in the snow; Labor: Feeding Birds Conversation on the topic "Winter birds" Drawing on the snow (on asphalt) Reading poems, stories, puzzles NOD on modeling the topic "Steak Sparrow" Designing from snow (from sand) Drawing on the presentation of "Blue and Red Birds" Moving games "Sovice" "Varobushki and Cat" "birds" "Bird of natural material" Environmental game "Guess what bird" "Bird dining room" II half of the day Collective work on the topic "Fabulous bird" (Drawing) Drawing in the Album- Coloring of birds didactic Game "Find the baby" (making a pair of mother - baby) The verbal game "flies or not?" (Freaming or wintering) "How does birds move?" (Sparrow jumps and flies, chicken walks and runs, etc.) show pictures, illustrations of reproductions of various birds, to introduce children from the works of artistovans (I.Efimov, V. Vatagin, E. Scharushin) Reading Description in fairy tales of fabulous birds, manufacture Feeders, joint activities with children: cutting birds from paper and drawing up the composition "Flying of birds" (placing bird figures in different corners of the sheet); Working with a book: Encyclopedia in pictures for kids "Birds", "Alphabet of Wildlife"; Practical work number 5 Topic: Decision and analysis of pedagogical problems and situations under the leadership and organization of productive activities of children in DOU. Task: Think over the integration options for the productive activities of children and educational areas, taking into account the type of activity and themes of the Node. Data Fill in Table: Age View of PVD Theme Node Integration of PVD Integration of OO (Combining (Activity) Group of Children Species PD) Senior Group Drawing Preparatory Applique Middle Group Impress Elegant Fish Turkey Play, Fish Sparkle. Beautiful flower modeling (decorative drawing on stucco toys) Drawing Drawing "Cognitive" "artistical" "River" "Cognitive" "River" "artistical" activities: Gaming, motor, cognitively examination, visual activities; "Artistic Esthetic" "River" "Cognitive" practical work number 6 Theme: Organization of activities of preschoolers to familiarize them with visual arts. Task: Make a conversation and game assignments to familiarize children with works of fine art. Group (Age) Children: Preparatory Group Topic: "With nature, he breathed" the artist - landscape officer I.I.Shishkin Purpose: Development of aesthetic perception in children and the formation of interest in visual arts. Tasks: cause children a sense of admiration for the beauty of nature, the desire to protect and maintain its unique beauty; attach children to landscape painting; Equipment: Portrait of I.I. Chishkin, reproduction of his paintings, books about his work; Training: Artistic Word (poem N. Bromleta "Say, say, artist ..." Conversation Conversation Educator. Today, our exhibition is dedicated to the work of the outstanding Russian artist - the landscapeist I.I.Shishkin. - Guard, can you call the famous reproductions of the artist's paintings? ( The teacher praises children for the answers) - I suggest listening to the story about the life and work of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. "It was a wonderful man, with a harsh mind, actually kindly. High, slim, beautiful storm with a malicious look, a thick beard thick hair ... . "(Draws the attention of children to the portrait) - I will start my story with my childhood. (The tutor tells about childhood, the first drawings) - the history of the first drawings is interesting and sad. - For a long time Ivan could not sit down for drawings. Held a case. Meeting with painters . You will learn about this next. (The story continues) - When Vanya Shishkin grew up, he decided to become an artist firmly and went to Moscow. Russian landscape, Russian nature becomes beloved Er About the theme of creativity. (Story about the life of the artist in Moscow). At the end of the school, Shishkin enters the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. For the picture "Valaam Gorge" (shows the reproduction of the painting) Ivan Shishkin received a big silver medal, later received a large gold medal. The medal was handed over the sounds of the music of the "Carnival" music (the educator offers practical tasks (didactic games) Listen to a fragment from this muse. Works) Shishkin landscapes enjoyed great success, and the best museum was considered to have them in their collections. - Now we learn the stories of some pictures. The educator draws attention to the reproduction of the painting "Morning in Pine Bor" (conversation about the picture). Reproduction of the painting "Forest Wilderness", which Shishkin received the title of professor. Reproduction of paintings "Rodnik in the forest", "in the north of wild". - Here is us the reproduction of the painting "Rye" - one of his last works. (conversation about the picture) - the artist dedicated his own creativity with his own creativity. His brushes belong to more than 500 paintings. In many Museums of Russia, its work is kept. "Now, let's think about what the paintings of I.I. Chishkin are taught, why are they calling for? Let's carefully applies to everything alive on earth, be careful to each other. Practical work number 7 Topic: Methods of organizing and conducting a node on productive activities. Option number 1 Task: Create a plan for the content of the NOD abstract on a specific type of children's productive activities, including various methods of learning and taking into account the requirements of the abstract compilation. The work is performed by choice: - Drawing - modeling - Applique Option number 2 Task: Create an abstract Node on productive types of children based on the integration of educational areas. Work is performed by choosing: - integration of productive activities ( nr complex Classes) - integration of PVDs with other educational areas (in the process of NOD) - integration of PVD with other educational areas (during the joint activity of children - entertainment) Group (Age) Children Educational Oblast (OO) Type of productive activity Integration of educational areas (IO) type Node view Node form Making the topic Node Task Equipment, training Means Preliminary work Node content plan: Introductory part - Main part Final part - Practical work No. 8 Topic: Organization of an objective environment for productive activities in DOU. Task: Create the content of the objective environment for a specific group (age) of kindergarten, themes of the week or season (quarter). Group (Age) Children Middle Group Senior Group Theme Drawing "My favorite animals from fairy tales." Technique "Stick". Mushrooms Materials Materials, Tools Silhouettes of animals cut out of paper, Gouache (paints), bristle brushes, Flomasters Plasticine, skiing, stacks, Napkins CONSENTS OBS Gaming tasks for independent work Game "Learn Animal", (connect points and paint) From the geometric forms on the flannelhemph, the game "Collect mushrooms to the basket" Registration of PRS Exhibition of fairy tales with heroImate "Kolobok", "Mitten" (on flannelhemph); Muzza (mushrooms), basket with mushrooms Didactic games for artistic - aesthetic development game "Find the square of the same color, but another shade" goal: to develop color perception in children - the ability to distinguish the shades of the same color. Material: paired sets of squares of one color, but different shades (4x4 cm) - two red, two blue, etc.; Cardboard strips separated by five cells. The course of the game. "Make a couple." The tutor puts on the middle of the table two strips with cells - one on another. Tells children one square from a set of one color, such as the blue squares of different shades. It suggests to make a pair of squares, the same in shades. Puts on the first cell blue square and asks: "Who will be a couple?" Each player looks at his box and determines whether it is in a shade. A child who has a square of the same shade, says: "I will constitute a pair," and puts his square on the first cell of the second card. The game continues until five pairs of squares will be drawn up, the same in shades. You can ask children to close your eyes, shifting two or three squares on one card, and then open your eyes and restore the pair. Then children make up a pair of other color squares: red and others. "Who will lay out the track faster." Each player gets a "track" - a card with cells and two sets of single color squares (10 pcs). At the sign of the teacher "Start!" Children lay out the path of five squares of the same color, but different shades. The game "Butterflies" Purpose: Develop a sense of symmetry in children (the compilation of butterfly wings from the same figures in color, magnitude and form in the mirror symmetry). Material: cards with an incomplete image of butterflies (without wings with the right or left side). The wings of butterflies are composed of circles and ovals or from semicircles and semi-lines; Geometric shapes: circles, ovals, semi-windows, semi-sized two sizes and different colors; An image of a real butterfly. The course of the game. Show children an image of a butterfly and suggest answer the question, can I call the butterfly symmetrical and why? (The shape of the wings and the pattern on them are the same on the left and right side). Suggest children to play the game "Butterflies". Discover the cards with an incomplete image of butterflies. Children should call geometric shapes from which wings are composed. In the middle of the table, put a low box with geometric shapes made from fine cardboard, slated on both sides with colored paper. Game task - make a complete image of the butterfly so that its wings are symmetrical. After completing the task, the children exchange cards. The educator leaves geometric shapes and asks: "Who needs a big oval and two semicircles of blue and pink?" Children look at their card, and those who have a butterfly wings on one side are made up of the same figures, asked to give them these figures to lay out the wing on the other side. It is possible for the proper execution of tasks to children give a chip. The game "Open a doll for a walk" Purpose: Exercise children in finding shades darker or brighter of this color; Learning to talk about dolls, using in speech Speeds like a cap on a darker darker, and boots are lighter than coat. Material: For each playing card with the image of the doll: a boy in a jacket or a girl in a coat, different op color; Small envelopes, where the caps are capped boots for dolls of the same color, but dark and light shades (two caps and two pairs of boots). The course of the game. The teacher distributes a card with a doll and an envelope with caps and boots. Explains that the dolls are not completely dressed for the walk, and proposes to perform the following game tasks: 1. Wear on the dolls of hats and boots lighter than a coat or jacket. 2. Warm caps and boots are darker than coat and jacket. 3. Hands are lighter, and boots darker .... 4. Hoods are darker, and boots are lighter .... After completing each job asks two or three children, as they dressed a doll for a walk. Children call the color of the coat and talk about the shades of the colors of the cap and boots compared to a coat or a jacket ("Cap on a doll is a lighter coat, and the boots are darker." Or: "Boots and a cap darker than a jacket on a doll", etc.). Direct educational activities in drawing Group of children: Preparatory Education Area: "Artistic and aesthetic development" Type of productive activity: Drawing Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development" type NOD : Exercise of children in the use of knowledge, view of the Node: on the content of the image: decorative drawing, according to the method: from nature, by the nature of the topic selection: on the topic proposed by the educator, by the source of designs: on the topic of literary works; Form of conducting: frontal Node: "Russian Matryoshka" Tasks: to give an idea of \u200b\u200btraditional Russian fishery and souvenir toys Matryushki; Teach children to create their own image of matryoshki, using decorative elements of a tree of a tree (petals, grass, curl, etc.); cause interest and educate respect for the work of people's masters; Equipment, learning equipment: Wooden matryoshka, visual allowance "Matryoshka", patterns of matryoshki for painting for each child, wax pencils, watercolor, brushes, stand for brushes, napkins; Tape recorder, audio recording "Russian naigershi" Preliminary work: viewing the album with the image of various mats. Reading the poems of Matreshka (E.A. Nikolaeva "I will open the secret to you") The content of the organized activities of the children The introductory part of the educator tells children a fairy tale (intensifying their attention on the subject of classes): "In some kingdom, in some state there was an artist who was more Total loved to draw and travel. So this time decided to go to the artist in distant edges, the world to see and show himself. But before you go to distant countries, I decided to take a souvenir with me a beautiful item. Long sought the artist souvenir and finally found a wonderful toy: different toys, they all sit in his friend, but look like each other, and only one toy. - Guys, you guessed, what kind of toy are we talking about? (The tutor shows dolls) admire the beauties! And what are they bright yes elegant! Where did this toy come to us? Many, many years ago, the merchants brought a small toy doll to Russia from distant Japan, inside which there were several more figures embedded in each other. This doll was Japanese angry with the view. Artist Sergey Vasilyevich Malyutin changed the doll to the Russian costume, in a bright handkerchief, a motley apron. Drew her round blue eyes, put a blush on his cheek, sweeping a thick braid from under the scarlet. How to call Russian beauty? And called Matreos - an old Russian name. And after a while there appeared toy girls, which were invested in each other. It was loved by the Russians this toy. Produce them from linden and birch; The tree is first dried, and then cut into the bars. Then pull the figures. First the smallest, which is not broken; Then the following - more; Then - even more and only last time - the biggest. Then the masters of figures are painted with bright colors, "dressed" them in the motley sundresses and colorful shawls, drawn their face to make eyes glittered, povelles of cheeks. And the doll came to life! They are still doing: And near Moscow - in Sergiev Posad, and near Novgorod - in the village Semenovo, and not far from the city of Murom - in Polhov-Maidan, so they are called: Semenovsky, Sergiyevoposadskaya, Polhov'yadani Matryoshki. Matryoshka know all over the world. This is a Russian souvenir. - Now we carefully consider the drawings of differentty mats. On the Sergiyevoposad (Zagorskaya) Matrychka (shows the drawing) clearly marked headscarf, jacket, sundress, apron. Decorative painting modestly decorates the scarf and the edge of the apron. In their decorations there are paints: brown, yellow, black in combination with light paints. Semenovsky Matryoshki (Shows Figure) Elegant, in their decoration a lot of gold, yellow, green, red. A large bouquet of flowers occupies the entire apron. The edge of the scarf decorates the chain of small buds. In Polhov Maidan, the masters have developed its own style of painting: the dolls have no scarf, there is no sundress, and apron. Instead, the conditional oval, in an oval face, and everything else is busy large and bright colors in the black circuit. The masters worked with green, scarlet, purple, yellow and orange paint. Lastly, painting blades, stalks, mustache. The main part is today you will be masters - artists themselves and disperse the dolls (distributes silhouettes), but first we rest a little. Physiiminian (children perform dance movements for the words of the songs) we are funny nesting, ladies - ladies, on your feet, we have boots, lands, ladies, in the sundresses of our motley, ladies - ladies, we seem like sisters, ladies - ladurs. (Children sit down at the tables) - first draw all the details of the clothes with a wax pencil, and then divert the necessary watercolor paints on the palette and make matryoshek color and bright. (For audio recordings, children are starting to work, during the work the teacher draws the attention of children to color and composite construction of the pattern. At the end of the work, an exhibition of matryoshek is issued). Final part - Let's see what kind of netreoshki got. Sound "Russian naigry" - cheerful music, funny elegant neglets. - What kind of nesting the artist will choose as a souvenir? (Children express their preferences., Describing the expressive qualities of Matryoshek: This most elegant, this most beautiful, it looks like Semenovsky Matryoshki, etc.) GOUSPO "Kiselevsky Pedagogical College" Practical work on productive activities Specialty 050144 Pre-school education performed a fellow gearbox : Ivannikova N.I. 2015.

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1 card file of didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development prepared: Filininulia Vladimirovna Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" Kolobok "2016

2 card files of didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development, through decorative and applied art (preparatory gr.). "Cutting pictures" didactic task. Secure knowledge of the expressive means used in Dymkovsky painting, to exercise in the compilation of a whole picture, develop attention, focus, the desire to achieve the result, observation, creativity, cause interest in the subjects of decorative art. Material. Two identical plane images of various items, one of which is cut into parts (options for splitting products can be prepared, dividing them into four to eight parts of various geometric shapes). Gaming rules. Quickly make up the product from individual parts according to the sample. The course of the game. One child or group can take part in the game. The tutor shows samples, makes it possible to consider them carefully. By the adult signal players collect the image of any product. Wins the one who will be the first to cope with the task. "Color Droplets" Objective: Teach children to allocate and call colors included in the column gamut of the People's Mural. Material: Khokhloma tableware, Gzhel's dishes, Dymkov toys, Gorodetsky boards. Game move: Gzhel, Gorodetsky and Khokhloma products are exhibited before children, then the teacher calls fishery and asks children to carefully consider the products. Teacher alternately calls various colors. Children should determine which colors are included in Gzhel, Gorodetskaya and Khokhloma painting. The one who gets more chips will be defeated (the chip is given for the correct answer). "Third Extra" goal: Teach children to allocate from three toys one extra, belonging to another fishery. The course of the game: Children are offered alternately several options for combining toys: two Dymkovsky toys and one khokhloma spoon; Two city boards and one Dymkov toy; Two Dymkovsky toys and one Gzhel plate. The child should say what two subjects belong to one fishery, and what subject is extra. Ask a child to comment on your answer. Ask how these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher calls Dymkovsky folk toys. Gzhel and Gorodetskaya. "Art Salon"

3 didactic task. Teach verbally to describe the selected item, develop concentration, speech-description. Material. Various objects of folk crafts or their images, photos. Gaming rules. To accurately describe the subject that the player wants to "buy". "Continue pattern" didactic task. Secure the ability of children to draw a Dymkovsky pattern based on Dymkovsky painting .. Material. Elements of Dymkovsky painting from paper. Gaming rules. Players choose card cards. Drawing, using the started paintings, selecting the color gamut and the specified item. "Decorate apron" didactic task. Learning to make decorative compositions - laying elements by selecting them in color, on the silhouettes of apron with the style of Dymkovsky fishing, develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, creativity. Material. Plane images of aprons; Painting elements cut by contour; Samples decorated with silhouettes pattern. Gaming rules. Make a selected silhouette from individual elements of the pattern in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting (the principle of mobile appliqué). The course of the game. One child or group can take part in the game. Silhouettes of items to decorate, playing choose at will. By selecting the required number of items, the pattern is pattern. Working a player can perform by copying the pattern of samples or inventing its composition. "Dymkovskaya Mosaic" didactic task: to clarify and consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe elements of Dymkovsky painting, develop memory, composite skills. To raise the desire to create original Dymkov toys. Material: Plane images of various Dymkovsky toys, set of small plane elements of Dymkovsky patterns. Going game: Suggest children to create their own Dymkov toy. "Restorer" goal: fixing the knowledge of the elements of the Dymkovsky painting. The course of the game: The tutor offers children to restore the "broken" toy. The task of each restorer determine which fragment of the painting is lost and draw it.

4 "Guess" goal: consolidate ideas about the peculiarities of national fishery. The course of the game: The educator offers to play "Guess Ku". Children should choose from the proposed items, among which many products of different crafts or modern dishes, works of Gzhel masters (or Khokhloma). And they will answer why they chose this product didactic games on visual activities. D / and "Castle" Objective: Develop feelings of form. Material: pictures depicting different locks. Paper. Feltolsters. Task: The teacher offers the child to consider the picture, and call the lock from which figures is shown in the picture. Coloring the picture. D / and "Colors around us" Tasks: Fasten knowledge about the colors and their shades. Exercise in finding a given color or shade in the surrounding items. Task: The teacher calls any color, and the child finds the object of this color in the surrounding interior. D / and "pick up the color and shade" of the task: fix the idea of \u200b\u200bthe color and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits. Exercise in the ability to apply in the speech of the names of colors: Dark red, light green, etc. Task: The teacher shows a picture with the image of a vegetable or fruit and asks to call its color or shade. D / and "Warm and Cold Paints" Purpose: Fasten knowledge about warm and cold colors. Task: 1st Option: Teacher distributes cards with warm and cold colors, ask to unite those who have a card with warm colors and those who have cold. 2nd option: Choose two kids captains who type the team, one choose the guys with cards of warm colors, and the second with the cards of cold colors. D / and "Artists Wizards"

5 Purpose: Acquisition of skills to work with watercolor on raw paper, infusion of one paint to another and receiving new colors and their shades. Material: paper. Watercolor. Task: Teacher says: "We are all artists wizards, we create miracles on paper. Now I will show you how it is done. I have two sheets of paper. One ordinary paper, another moistened with magic water. You have magic water in cups on the tables. I take a paper moistened with magic water (paper should be in the drying stage), painted three petals with raspberry paint (flowers are clear), then three petals of purple paint. You see how the paints float one into the other. That turned out magic flowers. Now let's make your magic paper. Take a brush more larger, dip it into the water, smash the paper. We put the tassels, keep your hands over the paper, close your eyes and slowly: "Once, two, three, the paper is a magical look!". So must say three times. Now we can create magic flowers. D / and "PALTER" Objective: Develop a sense of color in children, continue to acquaint with the main colors and their shades, teach to get new colors and their shades by mixing paints on the palette. Material: Gouache of four colors (white, yellow, red and blue). Palettes. Task: Teacher offers children to play with paints and from the proposed to create new colors. In the process of free experimentation, children mix paints on the palette and get new colors and their shades. You can complete the game with drawing on a free topic using just the resulting colors. D / and "Palette of the Artist" Purpose: Develop a feeling of color in children, teach chosen colors and shades that correspond to the proposed illustration. Material: Gouache White, Red, Yellow and Blue. Palettes. Book illustrations. Task: A teacher invites children to consider books with illustrations, choose your favorite and pick up on your palette the colors and shades that the artist used. That child wins, which will pick up colors and shades, the most relevant artist's palette. D / and "Rainbow"

6 Goal: To introduce children with the location of flowers in the spectrum, consolidate the ability to get new colors and shades by mixing paints on the palette. Material: Gouache White, Red, Yellow and Blue. Palettes. Sheets of paper with an admonished rainbow. Task: Children in palettes are mixed with paints, get new colors and shades, and then paint the rainbow. To memorize the sequence of colors, you can use the reader "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits," the initial letters of each word correspond to a certain color of the rainbow (each red, orange hunter, etc.). D / and "remove the extra" goal: to clarify the ideas of children about still life. Material: Reproductions of paintings: Three still life, one or two landscape. Task: The teacher offers children to look closely in paintings and postpone the landscape. Results are discussed with children. D / and "pick up paints that use the goodwent in his picture" The goal: to develop the color perception in children, exercise them in the selection of paints that the artist used in his picture. Material: reproduction of one picture (each child has its own). Gouache paints, water, tassel, palette of paper. Task: The educator invites children to consider the reproduction of paintings, which lie in front of them, paying attention to the used paints; Then take a brush and gouache and put the paints on the palette that is in the picture. Then everyone together consider the works of children and the paintings to which they chose colors discuss work. D / and "Curious Snake" Objective: Develop graphic drawing skills. Material: paper. Simple Graphite Pencils, Green Pencils. Task: The teacher offers children to draw a road on a sheet of paper (two parallel lines) in its edges of the trees (green dots). And here is also a curious snake: it seems to her that she is waiting for something interesting for each tree (she fascinates the tree on one side of the road, then a tree on the other side, etc., not missing any) d / and "meadow With flowers »Objective: Develop imagination, creativity. Material: paints for finger painting. Feltolsters. Task: Teacher offers children to draw a summer meadow with fingers: flowers, trees, butterflies. TRAVIRY DORY DORY RUSSION. D / and "Railway"

7 Purpose: develop visual skills, fantasy, imagination. Material: Draw a feltster train. Task: Pedagogue offers a child to draw in animal train cars. D / and "Magic Lines" Purpose: Develop graphic drawing skills. Material: paper. Simple graphite pencils. Stencils of geometric shapes. Task: Teacher offers using stencils to draw a house, car, etc. Then each part of the contour ( geometric shape) Sharp the simple pencil in different directions (vertical, horizontal strokes, from left to right, right to left). D / and "Volumetric hatching" Objective: Develop graphic drawing skills. Material: paper. Simple graphite pencils. Task: In the center of the paper sheet puts the point and three beams are drawn from it: vertical, horizontal, diagonally. The gaps between the rays are shrinking in the direction of the main beam. Children are convinced: using hatching, you can get a three-dimensional image. D / and "Guess what happens?" Purpose: develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: sheet of paper, pencils. Task: Teacher offers someone the first of the children start portraying the subject (line), but not completely. The next says that this may be a drawing another line. The next must come up with something else and draw in accordance with his design. So continues until someone from the players can change the drawing in their own way. Wins the one who made the last change. D / and "Magic Palette" Purpose: Develop a feeling of color. Material: Gouache. Palette. Task: Teacher offers children to play with the palette and paints. Mixing paint can be obtained different colors. You can offer to portray how the sky brightens at sunrise, with the help of blue and white paints. You need to break the blue paint on the palette, gradually adding bleel and sequentially catching strokes on the sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as much as possible. Suggest children to draw, as the sun comes (from orange to red), like yellow leaves in the fall (from green to yellow). D / and "What does not happen in the world?"

8 Purpose: develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Task: Teacher offers a child to draw what is not happening in the world. Then he asks to tell that he painted and discuss the drawing: is it really shown that it is depicted, does not occur in life. D / and "What can it be?" Purpose: develop imagination. Material: Gouache. Palettes. Task: Teacher offers children to draw sweet, round, fragrant, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated repeated repeatedly using every time a new material. D / and "Tell me about their mood" Objective: Develop perception, attention, imagination. Material: illustrations depicting people of people expressing various emotional states. Paper. Colour pencils. Task: Teacher suggests looking at the picture depicting a person's face and tell about his mood. Suggest children to draw face a riddle. The game can be repeated with different material. D / and "Let's help the artist" goal: to develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Purpose: The teacher offers children to draw an unusual car on which you can get into the magic country. Draw and tell about your car. D / and "come up with yourself" goal: develop imagination, fantasy. Material: paper. Paints. Palettes. Feltolsters. Task: Teacher offers a child to imagine that he flew to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can suggest a child to come up with a story. D / and "Magic Pictures" Purpose: Teach children to create images based on a schematic image of the subject. Material: paper sheet with unfinished image. Colour pencils. Task: Dorisuy picture. Mark the most interesting pictures when the guys come up with something their own, disliked other pictures. D / and "Symmetric Items"

9 Purpose: Fix with children an idea of \u200b\u200bsymmetric subjects, familiarity with the profession of potter. Materials: Templates of jugs, VAZ and pots, cut along the axis of symmetry. Task: The potter crashed all the pots and vases, which he made for sale at the fair. All fragments were mixed. It is necessary to help the potter to collect and "glue" all its products. D / and "Make a portrait" goal: consolidate knowledge about the genre of portrait. Develop a sense of proportion. Material: Diverse modifications of facial parts. Paper. Colour pencils. Task: Teacher offers children from different parts Faces make a portrait. Define the mood and draw a portrait. D / and "Underwater World" The goal of the game: Consider the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the underwater world. Teach children carefully consider the form, painting, features of the structure of underwater inhabitants. Learning to create a multifaceted composition on the podmuelka. Develop a shallow motor. Intensify the dictionary of children. Material: illustration with the image of the inhabitants of the underwater world. Paper. Watercolor. Task: Together with the teacher, children remember who lives in the seas and oceans, clarify the structure of the body and painting. Then, at the submarine, children create a picture of the underwater world, placing items multifaceted. The chip receives the child who has turned out a more interesting picture, one who used many details to create a picture of the underwater world.

Didactic games for from d / and "Guess what happens?" Purpose: develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: sheet of paper, pencils. Task: Teacher offers someone the first of the children start portray

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 51 with the priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg didactic

D / and "Guess what happens?" Purpose: develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: sheet of paper, pencils. Task: Pedagogue offers someone the first of the children start portraying the subject (line),

Didactic games for dating children 5-7 years old with Russian folk decorative - applied art d / and "name correctly" goal: consolidate the knowledge of children about folk art fishery, their signs.

"Developing and didactic games for visiting activities" the visual activities of preschoolers encompass the great potential of the full development of the child.

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Card file of games for artistic easthetical development in the middle group. "Guess and tell" the goal: consolidate the knowledge of children about a folk toy, as about one of the forms of folk decorative art;

Card file of games for artistic easthetical development in the middle group. "Guess and tell" the goal: to consolidate the knowledge of children about a folk toy, as about one of the forms of folk decorative art;

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Fine art P \\ n material content. Theme lesson. 1. Drawing from nature. What and how artists work. "Magic paints." 2. Applique. "Color circle". 3. Decorative work "Beautiful

Preparatory group Filimonovskaya Painting P / P Classes, Entertainment. Free activities. Work with parents. 1 Topic: "Filimonovskaya joy". Software content: introduce 1.

"Learning to draw" a set of benefits of Salmina Nina Gavrilovna, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Honored Professor MSU. Lomonosov; Glebova Anna Olegovna Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Member of the Union of Artists

1. Explanatory note The purpose of the program is the preparation of children to school, the development of preschool children by means of visual art, namely: - the development of logical thinking, feeling of color, form

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1 Program Objectives: Educational: - Give basic theoretical knowledge of visual arts, including on the basics of perspective, symmetry, composition, flower science; - develop the ability to use

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Approximate calendar thematic planning Lessons on the visual arts in the II grade weaver, A. V. Vyayulenchay Mastaztva: Vucheb. Dads. for 2 cl. set by Agul. Siard. Adukatsyi s white. Mova Naverny

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UDC 373.167.1: 741 BBK 85.1W71 K89 The textbook complies with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education Legend reflect on art; We work with sources

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Russian Federation Department of Education Bryansk City Administration Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution Kindergarten 25 "Snowdrop" Bryansk 241050, Bryansk, Street

1. Planned results of the development of the educational subject "Fine Art" Grade 1 According to GEF, the subject "Fine art" is located in the curriculum in the subject area "Art".