Winnie board game. Board game "The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh". A. Milna “Winnie the Pooh and everything - everything - everything”

“Winnie is coming to visit” is a dynamic children's board game based on the beloved Disney cartoon about the bear Winnie the Pooh and his friends. As the title suggests, our hero is really going to visit, but has not yet decided who exactly - the players themselves will help him make his choice. Becoming the host, the player chooses a cartoon character to whom Vinnie will go, and everyone else must find and take a card from the table as quickly as possible, which depicts the mysterious character. Whoever does the best job will earn a pot of the most delicious treat - honey! And if you are very lucky, then two at once...

The game perfectly develops attentiveness, reaction speed and memory, and the bright and pleasant design with favorite characters turns the game into a real gift for your children.

Game process

One of the players becomes the leader until the next player replaces him.

Seven cards are laid out in the center of the table. Each card depicts different scenes from the cartoon featuring famous characters. The presenter's task is to choose from among the available characters the one to whom Vinnie will go this time, and the task of the other players is to grab this card as quickly as possible.

In order to make a wish for a character, the presenter must say in free form the phrase “Vinny is going to visit...” and name one of the characters. But there are several nuances here.

Firstly, Vinnie will never be able to go to visit himself, although the bear cub is present on some maps. Pooh cards are worth two pots of honey instead of one.

Secondly, if the name “Vinnie” is not mentioned in the phrase, then the players, on the contrary, should not take a card. In cases where players make a mistake, that is, taking the wrong card or grabbing a card when the bear's name has not been spoken, the players receive a penalty and must give one of their honey pots to the host. If the card was taken correctly and quickly, then it is sent to that player’s treasury.

If several players grab a card at once, then no one gets it, so fewer disputes will arise during the game.

The leader changes in a circle at the moment when the last two cards remain on the table. The next player adds new cards so that there are seven of them again, and the game continues.

Who has won?

The winner is the player who manages to collect the most pots of honey during the game.

Game Features

First of all, it is worth noting the design of the game and the beautiful maps, which depict footage from the cartoon along with famous characters.

The game is also extremely easy to learn, although it can be simplified even further by removing the rule about mentioning Vinny in a phrase. This can be useful if very young children are playing.

At the same time, the game will develop children's attentiveness (you need to quickly find the characters), memory (to find them faster, better remember their approximate location) and reaction with motor skills (after all, you have to grab the card faster than others).

This is a really great "children's" game, beautiful, kind and educational.

Tatyana Kasimova
Summary of the logical and mathematical game for older preschoolers “Visiting Winnie the Pooh”

Logico-mathematical game "IN visiting Winnie the Pooh» .

The goal is to master simple logical actions: partitioning a set into subsets and elements.


Strengthen the ability to correlate numbers with the number of objects;

Practice orientation on a sheet of paper and in space

To develop the ability to classify objects according to essential characteristics using Euler-Venn circles;

Develop the ability to decipher information about the presence or absence of certain properties of objects based on their iconic and symbolic images;

Develop logical thinking, attention, ability to analyze and synthesize, cognitive activity;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance.


A4 sheets, counting material (circles, ovals, triangles, rectangles, squares of 5 pieces, numbers 1-5, hoops of two sizes, envelopes with subject pictures on the topic "products", "dishes", Gyenish blocks.

Progress of the game.

Today we will go to guests to Winnie the Pooh.

1. Let's start with a warm-up. Challenges for ingenuity.

1 Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

2. There are 5 branches on a birch tree. There is 1 apple on each branch. How many apples are there on a birch tree?

2. We are met Vinny-Pooh and offers to help him complete the task. (Children sit at tables).

Unfold geometric figures and numbers for them.

(The children have a sheet of paper and counting material on their tables)

I will dictate to you, and you will lay out the figures. Be careful.

1. Find the upper right corner of a piece of paper and place your palm on it. Count and place 4 triangles in the upper right corner.

What sign can we use to indicate the number of triangles? (in numbers) Which figure will help us? (number 4) Place the number 4 next to the triangles.

2. Find the bottom right corner. Place your palm on it. Count and place 2 ovals in the lower right corner. How to indicate the number of ovals? (number 2) Place the number 2 next to the ovals.

3. Find the top left corner. Place your palm on it. Count and place 3 circles in the upper left corner. Indicate the quantity with a number.

4. Find the bottom left corner. Count and place 5 squares in the lower left corner. What number do we need to indicate the number of squares? (number 5) Place it next to the squares.

5. Place 1 rectangle in the middle of the sheet. Indicate the quantity with a number.

Which figures are there the most? (squares) How many are there?

Which figures are the least numerous? (rectangles) How many are there?

-Winnie the Pooh thanks you. Clean up your place and go to the carpet.

3. Physical education minute.

Select the block that is indicated on these sign cards. (children are shown 2 symbols characterizing the properties figures: thick, not red).

What block did I wish for? (thick, but not red)

Stand in a circle, holding the figure in your right hand. To the music, you will go to the left, when you clap, transfer the figure to your left hand, and you yourself will go to the right.

4. After this games Winnie the Pooh is hungry. Vinnie loves cookies very much, but not any, but a certain one. And you can guess what kind of cookies these are. These are riddles without words. I will show cards with signs. The signs will tell you which cookies to choose.

Playing with Gyenish's blocks on the carpet.

Children are shown cards with symbols; the symbols themselves are not spoken out.

- Vinny likes it round, yellow. (children put the necessary figures on the table)

Large, not triangular.

Not thin, not blue.

Piglet appears.

Need a heel too treat. Let's prepare a basket for Winnie the Pooh and Heel. (put two hoops)

U Winnie the yellow basket, and Heel is green.

Put Everything is yellow for Winnie the Pooh, and Piglet is all round. (children pick up shapes in two hoops and create an intersection area.)

Let's check if everyone is happy? (children explain their choice).

5. And yet Vinny still doesn't understand, and what does he love? Help me to understand.

(Children sit at tables. On the table is an envelope with cards and 3 hoops (large and 2 small)

Take the cards out of the envelope and look at them. What one word can you use to describe these pictures? (groceries, food)

Create a group using a hula hoop "products". Which hoop will you take? (big) Why? (the largest group, it includes all the pictures)

What subgroups can you identify among these products? ( "vegetables" And "fruits") Highlight using hoops. What hoops are needed? (less, because there are fewer groups, not all)

What didn't make it into "vegetables", neither in "fruits"? (bread)) Can we say that the loaf is a group? (no, because quantity is 1).But they are within which group? (products)

And here are some more cards. I'll give you one at a time, and you find a place for it.

(children receive a card on the topic "dishes")

Let's check where they put this card? Why? (outside the hoops, because it is not "product")

What big group does he like? Winnie the Pooh? (products) And it contains some vegetables, some fruits and bread. (children circle the corresponding groups with their hands.

6. Summary of the lesson.

Thank you guys, you really helped our friends today.

How are you feeling after our meeting? Take your mood out of the envelope and show it to everyone. (in envelopes faces with mood: sad, cheerful, calm).

Have a nice day.

Publications on the topic:

Development of research behavior in logical-mathematical activities of preschool children“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand” Japanese proverb. Relevance: Origami activities provide children with satisfaction.

Final GCD with children of the preparatory group “Visiting Winnie the Pooh” Objectives: I. * Consolidate children's knowledge about the months of the year, the parts of the day, the sequence of days of the week. * Continue to practice definition.

Summary of GCD for modeling using ICT “Potty for Winnie the Pooh” Goals: Educational: Improve children's ability to sculpt pots. Contribute to deepening knowledge about the properties of the dough. Let's activate speech.

Program content: consolidate children's knowledge about utensils and their purpose; develop communication culture skills; develop.

Summary of educational activities in the senior group on the formation of mathematical skills and the development of mathematical speech “Visiting Winnie the Pooh” Program goals: Cognitive development: Summarize the knowledge acquired during the year, improve comparison skills and equations of sets.

Summary of a lesson on cognitive development (FEMP) in the middle group “A parcel from Winnie the Pooh” Lesson notes on Cognitive development(FEMP) in middle group on the topic \"Parcel from Winnie the Pooh" Educational areas: “Cognitive.

Good afternoon My name is Evgenia Emelyanova, I am from the city of Nizhny Novgorod. My son Ilyusha is 3.5 years old. Before maternity leave, she worked as a personnel manager. With the birth of my son, I discovered new world childhood, games, creativity and development, which I really like!

And when it became clear that we wouldn’t be able to go to kindergarten, I wasn’t particularly upset, because I understood that by staying at home I would do what I loved.

I would like to bring to your attention a themed week based on the stories of A. Milne about the wonderful bear Winnie the Pooh. Some people know him from books, some from Soyuzmultfilm cartoons, others from Disney cartoons. The plots in all sources are different, so I tried to make an adapted version of the games that would suit fans of all genres. The heroes of the lessons are those that are in all sources, these are Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Owl and Rabbit, and the plots are invented based on the motives, because we play, so we have the right to fantasize.

Visually, the characters are also different, so I recommend taking those characters that the child is used to, depending on which cartoon you prefer. For example, my son is used to brown Winnie and yellow will not inspire him, but for others it may be the opposite. Although the characters can be conventional, for example, in our games Pooh is just a small brown bear, Piglet is a rubber one from Soyuzmultfilm, Owl is a plush one from Smeshariki, Rabbit is just a rubber gray bunny, and Eeyore is a plush Disney one. The child fully accepted this option, but all children are different, some may require a portrait resemblance.

Therefore, I recommend that, having selected toys in advance, offer to play Winnie, for example, ride in a car, taking out the prepared character. If the child accepts him as the hero of a fairy tale, then everything is fine, but if he says categorically no, then he will have to use his “skillful hands.”

How to make a missing character

  1. From paper - by printing out the desired picture, gluing it onto cardboard and attaching it to an inverted plastic cup so that it stands. If you know Vinnie from a book where the illustrations are completely different from the cartoon, then you can take a photo of the page with the character, print it out and cut it out. You'll get a familiar hero.
  2. From plasticine, if your child likes to sculpt, you can first make them with him. Then, even if there is no portrait resemblance, the baby will easily mistake them for the heroes of a fairy tale.
  3. There are also options made of felt, fabric, plastic, etc.

For games we will need:

  • Winnie the Pooh (it’s better if it’s a toy, because the load will be heavy and the craft may break prematurely), Piglet, Owl, Eeyore, Rabbit. Toys need to be prepared in advance and tested in the above way if they are visually different from the usual characters;
  • Materials for creativity: gouache, plasticine, colored paper, markers, album;
  • Other toys that will be needed during the course of the plot are ordinary and completely replaceable;
  • During the games there will be offers Additional tasks using Nikitin cubes, Cuisenaire sticks, counting sticks. If you have them, you can include them in your work; if not, you will be given ways to replace them;
  • And most importantly: good mood, imagination and ingenuity!

And now technical questions:

The material is presented in the form detailed scenarios every day. Paint fairy-tale heroes we will be with . For each drawing we need two figures of different sizes made of thick cardboard; we will outline them to make the hero of a fairy tale. Before starting work, the figures need to be named, examined and compared. Every day turned out to be very busy, so you need to look at it individually; if the child asks for repetition, then you need to repeat it.

For example, we play each scenario for two days, with minor differences (different creative tasks and slight plot changes). On the first day, the baby gets acquainted with the plot, on the second day he practically reproduces it himself and already acts as a presenter. I repeat, everything is individual, you need to focus on your treasure. For each day I attach two options creative tasks if you decide to repeat the lesson the next day. My son doesn’t go to school, so we divide classes into three parts: in the morning – exercises and riddles with Vinnie, in the afternoon – games, in the evening – classes on logic and creativity. If your child goes to kindergarten, then you can spend the first part on the way to kindergarten, and the second and third in the evening, shortening it a little.

Scenario for the first day of the themed week “Let’s Play with Winnie the Pooh”

Materials for classes: Winnie the Pooh, Piglet, parcel box, bell, “oak tree” with a beehive, sheets of paper, balloon, dark felt-tip pen, materials for making candies, drawing paper, paints, plasticine, felt-tip pens, Nikitin cubes or Cuisenaire sticks.

Meet Winnie the Pooh

In the morning they bring us an unusual package, which was sent by mail from a fairytale forest. We open the box and it turns out to be Winnie the Pooh.

Adult: Hello, bear! Who are you? How did you get here?

Adult: Vinny, we are very glad to see you! Stay with us for now!

Winnie the Pooh: With pleasure! Just while I was sitting in the box my legs and arms were numb, let's stretch them and do some fun exercises!

Exercises with a bear

(if you and your baby know this song, you can also sing it!)

Purpose of the game: We warm up our muscles and train speech breathing.

A clubfooted bear walks through the forest ( let's waddle like bears)
Collects cones ( bend forward, straighten up, put an imaginary lump in your pocket)
Sings a song ( we spread our arms to the sides and turn our torso to the sides)
Suddenly a cone fell ( hold the clasped handles above your head and sharply throw them down)
Right in the bear's forehead ( we grab our foreheads with both hands and loudly shout “oh-oh-oh”)
The bear got angry ( hands on hips)
And the foot top! ( we stomp our feet as much as we want)

Now you need to blow on the bear's cone ( we blow, to develop speech breathing you need to blow evenly and for a long time, while your cheeks should not swell, but rather sink).

Riddles from Vinny

Vinnie: That's how great we are! Now let's solve riddles, I really love riddles!

Body parts

Purpose of the game: We repeat the names of body parts, learn to perceive information by ear and perform light self-massage.

We have done our exercises, and now let’s check if ours are awake... (you need to touch the desired part of the body with your hands and rub it a little)

  • Elbows?
  • Knees?
  • Heels?
  • Ears?

Finger gymnastics

Purpose of the game: We perform finger exercises, which have a beneficial effect on the development of brain activity, and also develop imagination and prepare the hand for writing.

Now we’ll tell a story, and our fingers will help us!

Mishka got up early in the morning ( pointing fingers at the bear)
A rabbit came running to him ( with the second hand we show the bunny)
And they gathered in the forest, where the trees reach to the sky ( we stretch our arms up, spread our fingers and move them like leaves)
And in the forest there lived an owl ( showing with our hands an owl in a hollow)
Wise head! ( pat ourselves on the head)
I flew merrily ( We wave our arms, we can run around the room)
I treated my friends to tea ( make a cup with your fingers).


Purpose of the game: Develop phonemic awareness and consolidate the generalization - the word “clothing”.

We need, baby, to name what we will wear. Ring the bell and take away your clothes! You have to ring the bell if I name clothes, but if it's not clothes, then you don't need to ring it! (the bell can be replaced with a tambourine, maracas, spoons, bells, etc.)

During the game you can name: trousers, shirt, dress, bucket, pan, jacket, socks, book, etc.

Game activity

Purpose of the game: We develop imagination, coordination of movements, repeat prepositions, train the hand, train imaginative thinking and logic.

Vinnie: Hello! Come quickly with me, over there I discovered a big, big oak tree! And on it is a hive in which the bees made delicious, delicious honey!

Let's go to the oak tree. (The oak tree must be tall, you can make it, for example, from a chair, hanging something green on the back and placing a house from a construction set - a beehive. Or play with a real tree on a walk, or bring home a twig, or come up with something even more interesting).

Vinnie: Look, now I'll try to climb there! – Vinnie tries to climb the oak tree, but can’t hold on and falls. - What a shame! What should I do? How to get honey?

We think together with Vinnie, we consider all sorts of options, for example, climbing on a crane, climbing a rope, flying up in an airplane, or the classic - on hot-air balloon).

Vinnie: Wonderful way! But only my friend Piglet has a ball (plane, crane, rope, depending on what the baby chooses)! We need to go to him quickly! He lives behind the swamp, which we need to cross over the bumps! (the bumps are sheets of paper, we lay them out around the room and use them to get to Piglet).

Vinnie: Piglet! I want to get honey and I need your ball (or something else)!

Piglet: Vinnie, I will be happy to help you! But yesterday I hid the ball and I can’t find it, let’s look for it together! (We hide an object in the room, leaving part in sight or giving hints. For example, Piglet can remember what he hid under something or on something, etc., at the same time we’ll practice prepositions)

We take the “ball” from Piglet and go back through our swamp with hummocks.

We approach an oak tree and Vinnie tries to climb it, but gets stuck halfway and we have to take him down. To do this, draw a ladder on sheets of paper and learn to draw parallel lines.

Vinnie: Now I understand everything, these are the wrong bees and they make the wrong honey! That's why I couldn't pick it up!

Adult: Vinny, were you going to do the right thing? Is it right to take their honey from bees, is it good? Maybe that's why it didn't work out for you?

We talk about the fact that taking someone else’s property is bad and unacceptable, and it always ends badly.

Vinnie: But I really want sweets! Very! Very!

Adult: But Vinny, there are still a lot of sweet and tasty things!

Let's remember what sweets there are: cakes, pastries, ice cream, candies!

Vinnie: I really love candy! But I am a fairy bear, so I need special fairy candies! Let's make them together!

We make candies from Nikitin cubes, counting sticks, matches, etc.

Draw and sculpt with Vinny

Purpose of the game: Train your hand, count, repeat numbers and colors. We develop abstract thinking and train our hands.

Additional ideas

You can upload photos of your activities with the kids during the “Let’s Play with Winnie the Pooh” themed week to a photo album our VKontakte group

Write in the comments how your games went, whether everything worked out, what you changed in the script (if you did), and how your child reacted to the proposed activities.

Try themed weeks now - get notes for free!

Detailed description of thematic games and activities, all necessary materials for printing. Everything you need for comprehensive developmental activities!

Who don't yet know how to read properly. But a board game dedicated to these famous cartoon characters will help you remember colors and count them. Board game Winnie the Pooh is the child's task to go through the forest, visit friends and before others.

Board game Winnie the Pooh: download the playing field (2 options)

In excellent quality:

In good quality:


So, a game of Winnie the Pooh takes place on a game board with a network of paths on it. The number of participants is up to 4 people, and each child can choose not only a chip, but also a role-playing character. Next, the presenter announces the beginning of the journey, and the players place chips at the starting position. The number of steps in each move is determined by the number rolled on the dice.

Most cells are colored in a basic tone, and participants simply stop at them after completing their turn. However, there are places on the field marked with a different color, and they, depending on the type of marking:

  1. move the chip a few steps back or forward;
  2. require skipping a turn;
  3. offer to roll the dice again.

As the board game Winnie the Pooh progresses, the child will first learn to confidently count to 6, then remember the cell numbers. And - of course, it will develop fantasy and imagination. Can you help the kids play?

Rules of the game:

Green - goes again

For Game...

Read completely

"Walker" or "Gosek" is a simple board game designed for children aged 5 years and older. The rules are familiar to everyone since childhood - a cube and several chips for the players. Group game will instantly teach your child to count to six, and with the cheerful characters Winnie the Pooh and his friends, you can remember and come up with your own plot of a familiar fairy tale.
Rules of the game:
Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their piece forward along playing field by as many circles as the number of points rolled on the die. If at the end the chip lands on a circle of a different color, the player proceeds as follows:
Red - skips next turn
Green - goes again
Orange - moves the chip forward along the arrow
Blue - moves the chip backwards along the arrow
The game is played by 2-4 people. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first (stops at the last circle or passes it).
Includes: 1 die, playing field for 88 moves, 4 chips, rules.
Made from paper and cardboard.
For play by children from 5 years old.
Not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Contains small parts.
Made in Russia.
