The main types of games in kindergarten and their themes. Educational games. A selection of games for children Games with a fox, a clown and other fairy-tale characters

Play activity occupies a special place in a child’s life, and before school age(so brief, but very important for the formation of character) - is of great importance. The game, like a mirror, reflects the thinking process of a little person, the peculiarities of his imagination, emotional sphere, and reveals his versatile internal needs for communication, activity, and growth. Children are always ready to play, and the teacher’s task is to ensure that fun is not only entertainment, but also contributes to solving pedagogical problems. Games differ in types, goals, organization, content and other features, but they are united by the fact that they are all the cornerstone in the system of comprehensive development of a child’s personality.

Classification of games in kindergarten

Children play almost all their free time. The game contributes to the intellectual, physical and mental development of the child and, like nothing else, influences the lives of children and their activities, both individual and joint. While playing, children enrich their minds with knowledge about the world around them, gain new life experiences, learn useful habits and skills, and can realize their need for activity, new impressions and emotions. In games, a child’s attitude towards himself and others, towards work, independence, correct behavioral norms, and so on is formed. We can say that in play the child realizes his need to interact with the world. The game acts as a training ground where children practice different relationships and ways of interacting with their peers and adults; many other activities grow and develop from the root of the game.

A game for a child is not just entertainment, but a way of understanding reality

All the variety of children's games can be put into a certain logical system, relying on one or another of their characteristics. The classification of games will help the teacher choose the right game, taking into account the set pedagogical goals.

Table: classification of children's games based on the existence of rules

Teacher S. L. Novoselova in the book “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” offers the following classification of games for preschoolers, in which initiative is the key feature:

  • amateur games in which the plot and rules arise on the initiative of the children themselves:
    • experimentation (with natural objects, animals, toys, household items, etc.),
    • amateur story games: plot-displaying, plot-role-playing, director's and theatrical;
  • games where the initiative comes from adults, they also control the progress of the game; if children have mastered the rules of the games well, they can play independently:
    • educational (didactic, plot-didactic, active, “games with rules”);
    • leisure (intellectual, fun games, entertainment, theatrical play, festive and carnival);
  • traditional or folk games (the course of the game is regulated by the tradition of a certain people, “music and folk words...”);
    • ritual;
    • training;
    • leisure.

S. L. Novoselova believes that at this age the main role is played by amateur games, in which the child improvises, trains imagination, fantasy and independence.

Dating games

This good way re-acquaint the children by introducing them to each other when organizing a new group, or if several new children have joined the team.

Getting to know each other will help shy children join the team

“An ant walked on the roof”

The teacher says the first lines, which do not change, and in the last the names of all the children in the group are pronounced in turn. Then, when the children remember the poem, the teacher invites them to recite all the lines in chorus. You can replace the ant with a sparrow or someone in rhyme.

  1. Unchanged part:
    “An ant walked on the roof,
    Gathered my friends
    There are many, many, many of us..."
  2. Changing line:
    “Tanya (Vanechka, Anechka, Katenka, etc.) will stand up now.”


Two benches or two rows of chairs are placed parallel opposite. Boys sit on one, girls sit on the opposite. The first ones pronounce the girls' names known to them. If there are girls on the bench with that name, then they get up. And vice versa in turn. In older groups, children whose names are named tell a little about themselves, what they like to play, etc. for example, “I am Petya, I love construction sets, I am Katya, I love to draw.” They play until the names of all those present are called.

Games for adaptation of children coming to kindergarten for the first time

For children, the transition from a family environment, where everything is familiar, to the new environment of a kindergarten is a challenge. To facilitate adaptation, the teacher can use fun games. Most often, a child comes to a preschool educational institution (DOU) in early preschool age (first and second junior groups, less often - middle), so the games are designed for ages 2–3 years. The main goal of the games is to create contact and build trust in the teacher; emotional support is important. The initiator is always the educator. The goal set for the adaptive effect of the game is of great value: introducing new pupils to who is in kindergarten and what they do there (eating, walking, playing, drawing, doing exercises, etc.). Therefore, any game event begins with the teacher introducing himself and clearly explaining what everyone will be doing today.

Games will help create a harmonious psychological atmosphere in the group

“One, two, three - look!”

The teacher meets the children, greets them, introduces himself, asks who their name is, then those who come can sit in a circle (taking into account the playing possibilities, the location of the game, etc.). “Look, Misha the bear cub came to visit us. (Shows a toy in his hands) Misha loves to play hide and seek. Do you want to play with him? You will close your eyes, and Misha will hide behind someone’s back (the toy is hidden behind the child’s back). When I say: “One, two, three - look!”, quickly open your eyes, where is Misha? (The game can be repeated as many times as in the beginner group).

"Radiant Sun"

A collective game that requires preliminary preparation of parents (provide a photo of the child). You need a large sheet of paper (whatman paper) with a yellow circle drawn, markers or pencils. Children say their name and place their palms with outstretched fingers on the circle - the sun, these are “rays”, the teacher traces the palm and fingers, then the drawn outline can be painted, the child’s name can be written, and his photograph can be pasted on. Decorate the center of the circle like a cheerful face (draw everyone together). The finished painting can be hung on the wall.

"Whom the star smiles at"

This game can be played in the middle group. You need to hang on the wall in advance an image of a smiling star drawn on whatman paper (or a finished picture); it can also be the sun, a fairy-tale character, etc., depending on what the teacher has. Children line up opposite the “Star”, standing or sitting on chairs. The rules are as follows: the teacher names a sign, starting with the words “The star smiles at the one who (who) ...” Those who have this sign run to the picture and clap it (or touch it) with their hand. It’s best to start with something general, for example: “The star smiles at the one who is wearing a dress today” - girls dressed like this will run to stroke the star,” then “ the one who is wearing shirts/T-shirts,” which will also capture the boys, you can intersperse with some common characteristics: who has a dog/cat at home, has an older/younger sister/brother, helps grandma, listens to mom/dad, etc. The teacher also names humorous examples so that the children can relax and laugh: who flew in a dream today, I watered the candy tree, brushed my teeth with jam, and so on.

Games with a parachute

You need a colored circle made of fabric, the so-called “parachute”, it attracts the attention of children, unites them and brings a lot of joy and fun. Children stand around the parachute, the teacher explains the rules and pronounces the words of songs and counting rhymes and shows the actions that the children repeat after him.


Children, holding the edge of the parachute, according to the teacher, together raise and lower it, first quickly and then slowly, creating “waves” (“calm sea” and “storm”). You can put a ball on the parachute fabric and roll it through the waves.

For adaptive, mobile and team games a large “parachute” made of bright fabric fits


On the parachute, kids collect more light balls, soft toys, etc. Then they take the fabric by the edge, and on the count of “one, two” all the children slowly raise and lower it, and on the count of “three” they throw it up. After all the children collect the toys, the one who picked up the most can be rewarded with a small prize.

Game "Salute"

Table: Carousel game using a parachute

“Carousel” is a variation game on the theme of round dance. Children, holding the fabric with their hands, walk together in a circle, rotating the parachute; move in accordance with the words of the teacher, who sets an example with his actions.

Games about friendship and unity

Games aimed at developing communication skills, friendliness, mutual assistance, cultivate attention and the ability to negotiate, act coherently, and relieve emotional stress. They can be either mobile or performed in a sitting position.

Guys let's be friends!

Leopold the cat

Cartoon "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"

"What is good and what is bad!"

The teacher names problematic situations related to friendship, the children listen, and if a positive action is named, they applaud; if a bad action is named, they shake their heads, expressing condemnation. You can ask children to say why something is good and something else is bad. For example, helping mom, drawing together, picking up a fallen toy, comforting and taking pity on sad Vasya, etc. is good, but pulling Katya’s hair, stepping on Petya’s foot and not apologizing, tearing a book, throwing sand, etc. is bad. .


Children stand in a circle, the teacher tells what compliments are (pleasant, good words that please friends), offers to pass the ball around the circle (or throw it to someone at will) and say compliments to the person who receives the ball. In response, the child thanks: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” The teacher begins by passing the ball and saying, for example: “Katya, what a beautiful dress you have (bows, smile, etc.), Petya, your hair is very neat (you are very strong, etc.)!” It is important to say that you need to look into the eyes of the person you are complimenting.

Getting approval from peers is good for kids' self-confidence

"The dragon (snake) bites its tail"

Children stand in a line one after another, each holding onto the belt of the person in front. The first is the head of the dragon (snake), the last is the tail. The “head” is trying to catch the “tail”. All the children in the “torso” hold on tightly to each other. If the dragon “does not bite,” that is, the first child does not catch the last one, for example, while the music is playing, then other children take the place of the head and tail.

Play is important in a child’s life; it has the same meaning as activity, work, or service for an adult. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs, first of all, in play.

A.S. Makarenko

Pedagogical poem

Games for boys and girls (gender education)

These games are aimed at the correct formation of a person’s social sex (gender), which unites the social, psychological and cultural characteristics of the individual, i.e., the task of these games is to instill correct male or female behavior. The games of this group also help overcome social stereotypes about men and women.

"Ears on top of your head"

You can play starting from the second junior group. The game teaches you to identify yourself and others by gender role. The teacher names a group of names (the older the children, the more names). Children listen carefully and say which name is the odd one out. It is necessary to explain why they think so. For example: Misha, Seryozha, Petya, Lena; Natasha, Ira, Katya, Vasya.

“Where is whose job?”

The teacher selects toy objects or their images in advance, for example, a vacuum cleaner, a frying pan, a tape measure, a needle, a wrench, scissors, a plate, a ball of thread, etc. Children are asked to look at the object and choose who works with it: dads or moms. It is important to bring children to the idea that both mothers and fathers can use objects when helping each other.

Through play, children master social roles by exploring them

"Boys and Girls"

Each child receives two pictures from the teacher: the first one shows a boy, the second one shows a girl. The teacher names a certain quality, the children must pick up a card with a boy or a girl, depending on how they think who has this characteristic. For example: athletic, brave, gentle, kind, capricious, affectionate, smart, strong, beautiful, intelligent, obedient, bully, spoiled. Children, as a rule, raise one card at a time (girls - beautiful, gentle, kind, boys - brave, bully, strong), the teacher corrects, saying the correct answer: both boys and girls can have this quality, so you need to raise both cards. The goal is achieved when everyone picks up two pictures.

Games for children's rights

Every day on December 10th, people around the world celebrate Human Rights Day. This date was chosen to commemorate the fact that on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the first global statement of international principles of humanitarianism. The teacher can tell children about rights and responsibilities. It makes sense to start such work with children from the middle group, when they are already able to understand these concepts.

Table: basis for modeling games on children's rights

"We eat healthy food"

Variant of the game “Edible-Inedible”. Healthy eating skills training. The teacher prepares cards in advance with images of different dishes, types of food, products (ice cream, chips, cakes, various vegetables, fruits, cheese, etc.). Children clap their hands for “useful” things, and stomp their feet for “harmful” things or turn their heads from side to side (denial).

"Dating Hat"

Props: a funny hat, cap or other headdress. The teacher tries on this hat for each child and asks him to introduce himself, that is, to state his name, surname and patronymic. You can complicate the rules by adding that the child tells the names of his mom and dad, what activities he likes to do in the family (how exactly to help with household chores).

"Wreath of Friendship and Help"

The teacher tells children about the importance of friendship, support, mutual assistance and respect for the rights and freedoms of people. This game reminds us of the responsibility we must show towards each other, support and acceptance of others. From colored construction paper, cut out the outlines of the children’s hands in advance or directly during class (you can immediately trace their palms), and glue them together or attach them to a paper base in the shape of a circle to make a wreath. On the palms themselves, you can write the children’s names or invite them to draw a simple image - a symbol of friendship (heart, sun, flower, etc.), or paste a ready-made picture. Instead of cutting a hole in the center, you can glue an image of the globe.

This is what a Wreath of Friendship and Help might look like

Business games

These activities are carried out with older children preschool age(6–7 years old), since these children are sufficiently prepared and can play consciously. Children of this age can get acquainted with basic economic knowledge, future school life, etc. during business games.

Table: game about the family budget (“Necessary - possible”)

Children get acquainted with the basic concepts of “family budget”, “necessary things” and “whims”, learn to highlight what is paramount. The teacher prepares visual material (pictures) in advance or simply names the options, and the children assign the option to one group or another. You can pin pictures on a magnetic board divided into two parts:
Necessary (primary)Desirable (minor)
Payment for electricity, etc.Buying a doll
Buying medicineRide the carousel
Transport ticketCinema ticket
Buying breadBuying a cake
RepairNew phone
Buying winter clothesHairpin

"Getting ready for school"

You need to prepare in advance the items required for school (notebooks, pencil case, pens, pencils, books, album, notebook folder, book stand, etc.), as well as what the child does not take to school (dolls and other toys ) and two school backpacks. Children are divided into two teams, each must select and put the necessary items into a briefcase and leave toys, the winner is determined by the speed and correctness of the collection.

Educational games

As the name suggests, educational games are aimed at the immediate comprehensive development of the child, as well as, depending on the focus, the formation of some specific abilities or aspects of the personality (logic, intelligence, attentiveness, speech, etc.). The child has useful fun and at the same time gains knowledge and develops skills and abilities.

Objectives of educational games:

  • establishing relationships between children and parents and each other;
  • formation moral and volitional qualities, such as self-control, the ability to overcome shyness, fears;
  • development in children of auditory and visual perception, attention, perception of colors, shapes, properties of objects;
  • development of speech and logical thinking;
  • memory development.


A mini-quiz that can be adapted for any age category - the main thing is to select poems, songs, fairy tales and other material from the “appropriate repertoire”. The teacher reads out loud a recognizable line (fragment) from some literary source that the children already know; they must answer which piece is hidden. With pupils of the middle and senior groups, the principle “whoever guessed, raises his hand” applies; with the younger group, you can guess in any order: the one who knows, speaks.

Game "Connoisseurs"

“At the same time it is possible and impossible”

Invite the children to think of some things that they can do at the same time (for example, clapping and singing) and also those that cannot (for example, get up from a chair and sit on a chair), and let them name their options. (“I can’t close my mouth and say the letter “A” at the same time, but I can touch my toes and laugh at the same time.”) Offer to try and demonstrate. The teacher encourages the children and tells them not to be embarrassed to do something impossible, for example, desperately trying to sit and stand at once or jump on one leg and assemble a construction set. Take turns until each player comes up with at least 2-3 examples of “possible - impossible”. The exercise trains attentiveness, patience, logic, children learn to understand that they cannot always immediately draw the attention of another person to themselves.

“Who first - who later?”

Well-chosen games will help children develop a positive and adequate outlook on life.

"Red light, green light"

If there is enough space, this game can be played indoors. The leader is selected - this is a traffic light, he stands at one end of the site, other children (pedestrians) are at the other end. The traffic light faces pedestrians and says: “Red light!” Everyone should freeze in place. Then the traffic light turns its back and says: “Green light!” At this time, the group tries to get as close as possible to the traffic light. The presenter quickly and unexpectedly turns, again saying: “Red light!” And if someone is seen moving, they must return to the start. The first person to reach the traffic light and touch his shoulder wins and becomes the next driver.

"Water and Land"

Training of attentiveness and speed of reaction. All children stand in an even line. The leader (at first the teacher) says the word “land”, and the whole line must jump back when he says the word “water” - accordingly, forward. Instead of the word “water,” the presenter says other words related to water (sea, bay, bath, puddle, river, stream, ocean, pond, lake, etc.); “land” is replaced by shore, soil, earth, road, island and peninsula, sand, etc. Those who jumped at the wrong time leave the line. The game continues until the most attentive, last player remains. He can become a leader. The older the children, the faster the pace of the game.

Games with a fox, a clown and other fairy-tale characters

To attract children's attention to themed game, it should be preceded by an introduction: riddles, poems or a song about the hero, greeting him (children practice the rules of politeness).

  1. Riddles about the fox:
    • The tail is fluffy,
      Golden fur,
      Lives in the forest
      He steals chickens from the village.
    • Protects the fluffy tail
      And he guards the animals:
      They know the redhead in the forest -
      Very cunning... (fox)
    • Cunning cheat
      red head,
      Fluffy tail is beautiful,
      Who is this?.. (fox)!
    • A long tail,
      She herself is beauty,
      This is red... (fox)
  2. Riddles about the clown:
    • He is a juggler and an acrobat,
      I'm happy to make everyone at the circus happy.
      Quickly tell me who he is?
      There is a redhead in the arena... (clown)
    • His appearance is so comical -
      It will make even a crybaby laugh!
      Performs in the arena
      It quickly relieves boredom.
    • He's the funniest guy in the circus.
      He is a great success.
      All that remains is to remember
      What's that funny fellow called?
    • He was born to make you laugh, it seems
      Can cause strong laughter.
      The head is like a haystack,
      Nose like a potato, that's... (clown)

“A fox, huh?”

Training attention, memory, strengthening politeness skills. It is advisable to have a fox mask, if there are props for another hero, the name of the game changes accordingly. Children line up about 5-6 meters from the fox (the teacher plays her role for the first time). The fox gives the command to one child: “Katya, one jump forward.” If Katya asks in response: “A fox, huh?” The fox can say: “Yes, you can” or “No, you can’t” (in this case, Katya stands still). If the answer is “yes, you can,” Katya must say “Thank you” before she jumps. Anyone who forgets to be polite or makes a move without Chanterelle's permission is sent back to the starting line. The game continues until one child reaches the Chanterelle. Every child must be given the opportunity to be a leader.

The image of a fox is bright and easy to remember

"The Fox and the Chickens"

An outdoor game, a variation of “traps”. You need to put several gymnastic hoops on the floor, these are chicken coops where the chickens hide, where the fox cannot catch them. Music sounds, the children (chickens) move, run freely between the hoops, the fox stands motionless (sleeping), suddenly the music stops, the fox wakes up and runs to catch the chickens. They must have time to jump into the circles; those whom the fox has caught sit on chairs outside the game until only one fast bird remains. She becomes the fox in the next round.

Games with clowns

They are, as a rule, part of the scenario of a festive or leisure event, when the clown plays the role of host or co-host in an entertainment scenario, for example, “The Adventures of the Clown Klepa (Timoshka, Karandash, etc.) in kindergarten”, “Fedya the Clown and the Bears” ", "Meeting with clowns". He can be kept company by other heroes, characters or fairy-tale animals. In games with a clown, it is good to use funny props - collars, noses with elastic bands, hoops with ears, tassels - for girls, clown caps and ties - for boys, etc. The scenario for playing with a clown should contain a lot of humor, comic riddles, funny songs and poems (like the poem “Confusion” by K. I. Chukovsky). For auxiliary props, you can use “magic” hats, boxes and boxes “like in a circus,” like magicians.”

Russian analogue of a clown - Parsley or buffoon

Funny riddles with an unexpected answer that can be used in a game with a clown:

  • Everything is dressed in white snow -
    So, it’s coming... (not summer, but winter)
  • There are four lions under the tree,
    One left, left... (not two, but three)
  • At night every window
    Poor illumination... (not the sun, but the moon)
  • Found five berries in the grass
    And he ate one, left... (not two, but four)
  • Crows awake
    Dear, kind... (not a frog, but a rooster)
  • The mouse counts the holes in the cheese:
    Three plus two - in total... (not four, but five)
  • In the thicket, with my head raised,
    Howls from hunger... (not a giraffe, but a wolf)
  • A simple question for kids:
    Who is the cat afraid of?.. (not mice, but dogs)
  • As soon as the light of day went out,
    He hooted in the dark... (not a rooster, but an eagle owl or an owl)
  • Who's about to fly off the flower?
    Multi-colored... (not a hippopotamus, but a moth or butterfly)
  • Tall, long-legged,
    He's not too lazy to fly -
    On a thatched roof
    Settled down... (not a deer, but a stork)
  • Tick-tweet! Tick-tweet! -
    Who raised a cheerful cry?
    Don't scare this bird!
    Made a noise... (not a parrot, but a sparrow)

"The letters are mixed up"

The clown says that we need to help them, and the children correct the mistakes in the poems.

  • The bug didn't finish the booth;
    Reluctantly, tired of it. (Bun)
  • My uncle was driving without a vest,
    He paid a fine for this. (Ticket)
  • A hurricane hit the island.
    The last ram remained on the palm tree. (Banana)
  • Snow is melting. A stream flows.
    The branches are full of doctors. (Rooks)
  • The goalkeeper has a big catch,
    Five cows flew into the net. (Goals)
  • Mom went with the barrels
    On the road along the village. (Daughters)
  • In a clearing in spring
    A young tooth has grown. (Oak)
  • They sat down in the spoon and - let's go!
    Along the river back and forth. (Boat)
  • Having dropped the doll from my hands,
    Masha rushes to her mother:
    - There are green onions crawling there
    With a long mustache. (Bug)
  • The hunter shouted: “Oh!”
    The doors are chasing me!” (Beasts)

Festive events in kindergarten

Holidays and matinees in kindergarten are truly unforgettable events; fun games, contests, and competitions must be included in the script. When writing a script, you need to ensure that the program alternates between quiet and active games. When drawing up a holiday scenario, it is worth considering certain points (see table). Games can be selected from those described in the article, adapting them to the theme of the holiday.

Table: what to consider when writing a script for a children's party

Children's ageThe duration of the event, the number of presenters and participants depend on age:
  • 3–4 years - no more than 30 minutes, kids get tired quickly and lose attention, 1 presenter;
  • 5–6 years - 40–60 min, 1–2 presenters, assistants.
SubjectsScenarios must correspond to a specific theme (birthday, New Year, high school graduation, autumn Ball, Teacher's Day, etc.), which children should be introduced to in the introduction.
ComplexityDepends on the age of the children (for the younger group it is optimal to use the fairy tales “Turnip” and “Teremok” as the basis for the script and games; for the middle and older groups both the setting and the text may be more complex).
TargetWhat can the event teach? The script should include:
  • team competitions,
  • educational games,
  • educational games,
  • games that educate morality (what is “good” and what is “bad”),
  • active and calm games.
StructureThe scenario is divided into blocks (7–15 minutes each, depending on age; the sequence may vary):
  1. Introduction (beginning, greeting).
  2. Congratulatory (text, riddles, questions, quiz).
  3. Game (competition, team game).
  4. Tea break (or quiet game).
  5. Dance (again an active activity).
  6. Results, awards, farewell.

Five-minute games

These games do not require special preparation, a lot of time or complex props. They can be used both outdoors and indoors. Games can have different goals: attracting attention, activating mental activity, conducting physical education, repeating what has been learned, developing observation skills, etc. You can play with the entire group of children, or by dividing it into subgroups.

Table: five-minute games

NameProgress of the game
"I get lucky!"Each child makes a wish for an object. He then talks about how good he is, starting with “how lucky I am.” For example, “How lucky am I that I’m a television, I give people news!” “How lucky I am that I am a flower, I smell nice!”
One letterThe first player offers a letter, starting with which everyone in turn must name the objects in the room. The one who says the last word wins.
Vice versaParticipants are divided into pairs, facing each other. The first participant shows the movement (for example, hands up), the other does the opposite (in this case, hands down).
Magic wordChildren are asked to perform various exercises (sit down, raise their arms up, stand on their toes, etc.) with the following condition: listen carefully to commands and follow those that contain the word “please”.

Quiet games and activities

Low mobility games are aimed at relieving overexcitement and calming children down before bed; they also have a beneficial effect on the psyche: they develop the ability to think logically and teach them to concentrate. It is very useful to use calm music as accompaniment. This way you can captivate not only children with a calm temperament, but also gather little fidgets, for example, for an exciting board game. Such games include:

  • board games (lotto, various sorts, spillikins, etc.),
  • breathing exercises and relaxation exercises,
  • creative tasks for manual labor(drawing, appliqué, collages, mosaics, etc.),
  • games in a sitting position (on the floor, chairs, rugs, etc.) and lying down (finger games, quizzes, etc.).

Quiet games in the daily schedule are also very necessary

Innovative games and interactive whiteboard games

Modern trends in preschool pedagogy are expressed in the intensive introduction of innovative technologies into the work of preschool educational institutions, which optimally correspond to the development of the child’s personality. Using a computer in the classroom allows you to diversify games with animation, slide presentations, and films. Modern methods and equipment are used, in particular, the use of an interactive whiteboard increases the pedagogical effect of gaming techniques, causing active cognitive interest.

Video: main types of tasks for an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten

Games with various objects and non-standard materials

Games with pasta, water, sand, natural materials, etc. develop fine motor skills, fantasy, out-of-the-box thinking. They belong to a group of creative games that have no rules. All children love playing with water. These fun activities are good to do outdoors in the warm season: in the summer, on a sunny day, by pouring it into a basin or inflatable pool. In some cases, it is necessary to provide a dry change of clothes for children and towels. Games with water:

  • promote health preservation (hardening);
  • introduce children to its properties (clean, transparent, pouring, dripping, flowing);
  • develop tactile sensations (dry-wet);
  • develop cognitive and research activities.

"Magic Colors"

The teacher gives the children transparent plastic cups, paints and brushes, shows how to paint clear water in different colors (a brush with paint on the bristles is dipped into a glass of water and stirred), the children repeat. “Your water turned out beautiful!” You can tell children how colors are made:

  • blue + yellow = green,
  • pink + blue = purple,
  • yellow + red = orange.

Children get new colors themselves by adding paints to their cups.

"Sail on, little boat"

The most summer fun is to launch boats; they can be made from any light material: foam plastic, corks, wood, by cutting along the contour and sticking a mast from a skewer, toothpick or stick, and putting a paper or plastic sail on it.

You can make a boat from wine corks, a rubber band, a toothpick and a piece of plastic.

The ships can be adjusted by blowing on them or pushing them with a stick.

You can even make a boat from a piece of ice by freezing a cocktail tube in a plastic cup (bend the corrugated upper part perpendicularly and secure it to the bottom of the glass with tape or plasticine). Then you need to take the ice out of the glass and put the sail on the mast. Water can be tinted with paints.

Ice boat

"Stringing Beads"

You need to paint pasta of different shapes in advance with acrylic or gouache paints, prepare a ribbon or lace. The teacher invites the children to make beads, bracelets, etc. for a fairytale fair. Children string bright “beads” as their imagination tells them.

Photo gallery: pasta beads

This bijouterie can be made as a gift on March 8. Both girls and boys will enjoy collecting colored beads on a thread. A colored bracelet can decorate a fairy fairy.


You need to prepare in advance:

  • cardboard with a template printed on it (animal, cloud, flower, etc.) or a form for pasting (house blank, box, cylinder, photo frame, etc.),
  • pasta,
  • glue,
  • tassels,
  • paints (gouache).

Pasta, of course, is used in dry form; such crafts are not intended for consumption. Using playing materials, children decorate the blanks.

Photo gallery: pasta crafts

Multi-colored butterflies look very aesthetically pleasing. Using pasta of different shapes, you can create complex compositions. Pasta can be pre-strung on laces.
A peacock made from multi-colored pasta and a handprint. Pasta is an excellent decorative material. In combination with plasticine, pasta can also create something very bright. Figured pasta resemble fragments of a mosaic. Even simple pasta can be used in applications.
Pasta can also be used to decorate interior items.

Table: non-standard gaming equipment from improvised means

IdeaMaterial and what games it is suitable for
DumbbellsSmall yoghurt bottles filled with sand. For older children, you can take larger bottles.
MasksMade from paper, cardboard plates, etc. Good for organizing outdoor role-playing games and team games.
PuddlesCan be made from cardboard, fabric, plastic. Use for practicing sliding steps, in relay races, as reference points.
BricksCubes from juice boxes. They can be used as a constructor, or as a guide. You can make houses.
Ball rolling sleeveMade from large diameter transparent plastic bottles
Multi-colored cords, ropesFrom pieces of colored plastic tubes and bottle caps. They are especially good for activities with children; they can be used to mark any boundaries, a house, the sea, be used as a rope, a jump rope, reins for playing horse, unite children into a train, etc.

Card file of games in kindergarten

The most beloved and common games in kindergarten, they can be adapted to the event, the age of the children, they will always be a success.

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should it not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.

Jan Amos Comenius

Table: popular games in kindergarten (moving)

Mushrooms and mushroom pickersDevelopment of attention, observation, dexterityEquipment:
  • 25–30 pieces of toy mushrooms (made of plastic, fur, foam, cardboard, etc.),
  • baskets (one for each player).

Rules of the game:

  1. The teacher scatters mushrooms on the floor, the children choose players (by counting or in turns).
  2. After the command “Start!” Everyone must collect as many mushrooms as possible into their basket while playing music.
Cat and miceDevelopment of attention and reaction speedRules of the game:
  1. Children - “mice”, sit in holes (chairs), along the walls of the room or on the sides of the playground.
  2. The teacher is a “cat”, located in the corner.
  3. The cat falls asleep, and the mice, having fun, scatter around the room.
  4. But then she wakes up, meows, and begins to catch mice, which must then run into their holes and take their places on the chairs. Then he returns to his place and falls asleep.
  5. The game is repeated 4–5 times. Mice can run out of their holes only when the cat falls asleep, and return to their holes after the cat wakes up and meows.
CabbageAgility and reaction speed trainingRules of the game:
  1. A circle (vegetable garden) is marked on the floor; the players put scarves, toys, etc. in the middle. This is “cabbage.”
  2. The children stand behind the circle, and one, chosen by the owner, sits next to the “cabbage” and guards it.
  3. Musical accompaniment - any known melody of a Russian folk song.
  4. The owner sings:
    I'm sitting on a pebble
    I will build my own vegetable garden.
    So that the cabbage is not stolen,
    They didn’t go to the garden
    Wolf and fox
    Beaver and marten
    Bunny with a mustache,
    Thick-footed bear.
  5. The players try to quickly run into the garden, grab the “cabbage” and run away.
  6. Whoever the owner touches with his hand in the garden no longer participates in the game.
  7. The player who takes away the most cabbage from the garden is declared the winner.
Magic handkerchief (musical outdoor game)Development of perception, musical earEquipment:
For the game you need handkerchiefs (half of one color, half of another) according to the number of children.
Rules of the game:
  1. Children run away to the music.
  2. To the words “Find a pair!” Children who have identical scarves stand in pairs.
  3. If the child is left without a pair, the players say, “Don’t yawn, don’t yawn, quickly choose a pair.”
Living snowdriftdevelops dexterity and attentionA variant of the game with a parachute (see above) on a New Year's theme. You can use pure white fabric; in such a snowdrift you can hide and find gifts at a New Year's party, etc.
Merry tambourineDevelopment of memory, hearing, sense of rhythmRules of the game:
  1. Children stand in a circle, facing the center of the circle.
  2. The teacher gives one of the children a “tambourine” (if there is no tambourine, you can take any object). Children pass the tambourine in a circle, quickly passing it around and saying the following words:
    “You fly, cheerful tambourine,
    Hands over quickly.
    Who has a tambourine left?
    Performs the number for us.”
  3. At the last word, the one who did not have time to pass the tambourine to his neighbor performs a dance, song, poem, asks a riddle, etc.
  4. After this, the game resumes.

You can learn more about outdoor games from our article -.

Table: popular games in kindergarten (for the development of visual perception)

  • visual-figurative thinking,
  • Creative skills,
  • memory,
  • fine motor skills.
Creative play with geometric shapes, its course is determined by the teacher in accordance with a specific pedagogical task
Find your place
  • Development of attention
  • memory development,
  • physical development.
There are geometric shapes on the chairs, and the children have cards with various corresponding shapes. At a signal, children take their seats at a suitable chair. Similarly, you can play a game to consolidate colors, classify animals, etc.

Table: popular games in kindergarten (calm)

Let's get acquainted!
What is your name?
  • Establish emotional contact
  • познакомиться.
Rules of the game:
  1. Children sit in a circle.
  2. The teacher throws a ball to everyone and asks them to say their name.
  3. Children, throwing the ball back, say the name (you need to be reminded during the game: “What is your name?”).
Mom's helpers
  • Attention,
  • goodwill,
  • desire to help mother, development of work skills.
  • Playing with clothespins: we help mom sort and hang clothes on clotheslines (multi-colored squares of fabric, clothing templates made of colored paper, etc.),
  • game with table setting with toy dishes,
  • sorting "Cleaning",
  • finger gymnastics “We chop, chop, cabbage”
  • We give a gift to mom (drawing, craft, etc.).
Cheerful cooks.
Vegetables and fruits
  • Cognitive development,
  • broadening your horizons on topics:
    • "Vegetables",
    • "Fruits",
    • "Etiquette",
  • formation of elementary mathematical concepts,
  • formation of hygienic ideas
  • Board games based on cards (“Vegetables-Fruits”): mathematical, logical,
  • Preparation and serving of sandwiches from foods prepared in advance by the teacher (health-saving topic, hygiene),
  • medium mobility game: a circle (pan, bowl) is marked on the floor. Children come up with what each one will be: potatoes, meat, carrots, etc. The teacher says that we will “cook” - soup, compote, salad, etc. The teacher names the ingredients, the one named jumps into the circle. When all the children are in the circle, the game ends, you can start preparing a new “dish”.
Tea partyPoliteness and accuracy skillsPlot- role-playing game for children, in which you can use real dishes and food, or you can use toy ones, they practice politeness and etiquette skills, the ability to behave at the table, and set the table.
  • Formation of ideas about family relationships,
  • education of love and goodwill.
Role-playing game for the family. Roles are assigned as desired. The family is very large, there is a birthday coming up, for example, Grandma. Everyone is busy about organizing a holiday. Some family members prepare a festive dinner, others set the table, and others prepare an entertainment program. During the game, the teacher observes the relationships between family members and helps them in a timely manner.
Baba Yaga
  • Development of dexterity,
  • development of mindfulness.
Baba Yaga acts as the leader in holiday and game scenarios

Video: playing with Baba Yaga

Barkers and cries for the beginning and end of games in kindergarten

The success of solving the set pedagogical task implemented in the game depends on how the teacher starts the game and how much he is able to attract the attention of children.

Children will be better attuned to the game if they are invited to it.

Pre-game touts and instigations

In the folk tradition, special humorous poems and jokes were used, called barkers and zaklikki. They invited friends to play with them:

  • Come on, who's going to play?
    An interesting game?
    I won’t say which one!
    And then we won’t accept
    Let's lift you by the ears,
    Ears will be red
    So beautiful!
  • Put on your bast shoes quickly,
    Tai, Tai, come on
    An interesting game
    I won’t say which one!
    Who will be late -
    It flies into the sky.
  • Attention attention!
    A fun party is starting!
    Hurry up, honest people,
    The fair is calling you!
  • All for the holiday - New Year!
    Come, honest people.
    We invite everyone who is cheerful,
    We are opening a noisy holiday!
  • Children, children, all here,
    Fun game here!
    One two three four five -
    We're going to play.
  • Drum, drum,
    Don't bother drumming in vain.
    One two three four five -
    Take the boys out to play.
  • Naughty bastards,
    Run out into the courtyards
    Let's start playing
    Choose a governor.
  • Panty Bunny
    He ran across the field,
    Ran in a circle
    Convened to play.
  • The stars are burning in the sky,
    They tell us to play blind man's buff.
  • Come in, my friend,
    Start a circle!

Poetic completion of games in kindergarten

You can also finish the game, determine the winner, and move on to the next game in poetic form.

  • One, two, three, it's time -
    Game over!
  • We played, we played
    And a little tired.
    One two three four five -
    see you again soon!
  • We quarreled, we made up
    And sometimes they argued
    But we became very good friends
    Behind our game.
    Game is replaced by game,
    The game ends
    And friendship never ends
    Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
  • We wrote, we drew,
    Our fingers are tired.
    Let's shake our fingers
    And let's start writing again.
    (finger gymnastics)

Features of playing with hyperactive and gifted children

Hyperactive and gifted (like everything that goes beyond the average norm) children are a “pedagogical challenge” for the teacher. It is play therapy that will help the teacher find a way out in difficult cases.

Features of playing with hyperactive children

A hyperactive (overactive) child needs a special approach from the teacher. He is not “bad”, he just needs a little more attention, patience and proper play activity to channel his energy and thought process into productive channels.

Hyperactivity manifests itself through:

  • inattention,
  • distractibility,
  • impulsiveness,
  • increased physical activity,
  • learning difficulties.

At the same time, the intellectual development of hyperactive children may be higher than the age norm.

Rules that will help teachers in play activities with hyperactive children, and most importantly, will help the children themselves:

  • Gradually, we adjust one quality.
  • We divide classes into short but frequent segments.
  • Physical education minutes.
  • Do not overexert a hyperactive child; the material is given in small parts with switching activities.
  • Tactile contact.
  • Clear and specific instructions.
  • Calm, soft communication.
  • The goals of play therapy for hyperactivity are: correction of its manifestations in the child’s behavior, development of self-control. Outdoor games, games for logic and cognitive skills are suitable for this.

    Table: games for training any one quality


    An example of an outdoor game. The leader (according to the counting) is chosen - an eagle owl. Other children are mice or birds. The teacher says “Day”, the “owl” sits in the “hollow” or “nest” (a hoop lying on the floor) and falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds fly (run, flapping their arms and wings). The teacher says “Night”, and the children crouch and freeze, and the “owl” goes hunting. He looks for those who moved or laughed, and “carries” them to his “hollow.”

    Features of playing with gifted children

    When working with gifted children, it is important to support them and create an environment for the full development of their personality.

    Giftedness comes from the word “gift,” but for it to manifest, it requires the opportunity to develop the acquired talent.

    Preservation and development of children's giftedness is the most important problem of our society. The main task of the teacher is to promote the development of the child’s personality.

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    “I give my heart to children”

    Traits of gifted children:

    • they grasp everything easily and quickly;
    • quickly remember what they hear or read;
    • solve complex problems;
    • they ask a lot of questions;
    • are interested in complex things;
    • think original and offer unexpected answers and solutions;
    • very receptive, observant, quickly react to everything new;
    • make unexpected judgments.

    There are two groups of giftedness in preschool age:

    • high overall level mental development(mathematical, linguistic abilities);
    • creative talent (musical, artistic, physical).

    Table: groups of tasks for games with gifted children

    Task groupsTarget
    • Interesting questions
    • joke tasks.
    • development of intelligence;
    Puzzle tasks involving making figures from a specified number of counting sticks.
    • Development of logical thinking;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • activation of mental activity.
    A group of games for modeling flat or three-dimensional figures:
    • "Tangram"
    • "Columbus Egg"
    • "Fold a square"
    • "Fold the pattern"
    • games by B. P. Nikitin:
      • "Unicube"
      • "Bricks";
    • Rubik's Cube;
    • making origami crafts.
    Development of thinking:
    • figurative;
    • logical;
    • spatial;
    • visual-figurative;
    • combinatorial.
    Visual logic problems:
    • filling empty cells,
    • continuation of the series
    • searching for signs of difference,
    • finding patterns in rows of figures,
    • finding signs of differences between one group of figures and another,
    • other.
    Development of logical thinking.
    Introduction to such a topological object as the Möbius strip.Development of spatial thinking.

    All types play activity are important for the comprehensive development of children's personality and individuality. By creating a game reality, a game life, children endow it with realism and authenticity, sincerely worry, are happy and sad, sympathize and be surprised. Games for preschoolers develop imagination, fantasy, provide invaluable experience, develop skills and abilities, develop a sense of partnership and teach friendship.

    According to the theoretical positions of domestic developmental psychology, the leading activity of a preschooler is role-playing play. It is in this activity that the main new formations of this age take shape and develop most effectively: creative imagination, imaginative thinking, self-awareness, etc. Play is of particular importance for the development of a variety of forms of voluntary behavior in children - from elementary to the most complex. Thus, in the game, voluntary attention and memory, subordination of motives and purposefulness of actions begin to develop. The conscious goal - to concentrate, remember something, restrain impulsive movement - is highlighted earlier and easier by the child in the game.

    One of the main provisions of the concept of play by the outstanding theorist and researcher of children’s play activity D.B. Elkonin is a statement about its social nature. He repeatedly and convincingly emphasized the special sensitivity of the game to the sphere of human relations. Play arises from the conditions of a child’s life in society and reflects these conditions. These provisions have become classic for Russian psychology and are the traditional basis for understanding the nature of the play activity of a preschooler .

    However, studies of the game by D.B. Elkonin were carried out in the 60-70s, when public relations and society as a whole were different in many ways. Since then, significant changes have occurred in our society, in relationships between people and in the living conditions of children. These changes could not but affect the children's play. The nature of these changes is extremely important to understand, at least for the following reasons.

    Firstly, the features of the play of modern preschoolers reflect the originality of their mental development, their interests, values, ideas, etc.

    Secondly, the game, due to its special sensitivity to the sphere of human relations, reflects the child’s position in society and the specifics of this society itself.

    Thirdly, analysis of the current state of a child’s play activity is extremely important for preschool education, to build new methods of play pedagogy .

    However, despite the importance of this task, there are currently no serious psychological studies devoted to the specifics of modern children’s play. At the same time, parents and kindergarten teachers note that over the past 5-6 years there have been certain changes in the games of preschoolers.

    The most obvious change that is recorded by most experienced preschool teachers, is that children in kindergartens began to play less, especially decreased (both in quantity and duration) role-playing games. Lack of time to play is usually cited as the main reason. In most kindergartens, the daily routine is overloaded with various activities and there is at least an hour left for free play. However, even during this hour, according to the observations of teachers, children cannot play meaningfully and calmly - they fidget, fight, push - therefore, educators strive to fill the children’s free time with calm board games and offer them various mosaics, construction sets, etc.

    At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the variability of the game and its dependence on the specific conditions of education. There are separate kindergartens where much attention is paid to children's play activities, and role-playing takes on extensive forms. Children living in normal family conditions also, as a rule, love and know how to play role-playing games. However, such gardens and such conditions are currently the exception rather than the rule. We are interested in a broader and more general picture of what and how modern preschoolers play.

    The reasons for the disappearance of play from preschool childhood are quite obvious. First of all, there is a lack of understanding of the developmental significance of this children's activity. Play is increasingly viewed by adults as entertainment, as useless leisure, which is opposed to targeted learning and mastery of useful skills. This is largely facilitated by the orientation of adults (parents, teachers, specialists) for teaching preschool children. The pressure of educational achievements and the priority of learning activities are crowding out play. For most parents, early learning seems to be a more important and useful childhood activity than playing. At the same time, education is understood primarily as the acquisition of knowledge and the acquisition of educational skills. (mainly reading, counting, writing). The priority of knowledge and educational activities crowds out play from the life and educational process of preschoolers .

    Another reason for the decline in the share of play is the lack of children's communities of different ages. Used to be a game arose spontaneously, regardless of any pedagogical influences from adults, since it was transmitted from the older generation of children to the younger ones (in courtyards, in large families and other groups of different ages). At present, when one-child families predominate and contacts between younger children and older children are practically absent, the natural mechanisms of broadcasting the game are disrupted, and adults cannot take on the function of introducing the game.

    The marketization of childhood has become a characteristic phenomenon of our time. The abundance of goods and entertainment for children creates a consumption mindset. Thus, toys are increasingly ceasing to be a means of play and turning into goods that adults buy for children. Toys become simply the child’s property, objects of possession that fill physical space, and not incentives for children’s external and internal activity.

    The consumption mindset is actively shaped and strengthened by the expansion of modern media and video products for children. The dominant activity of preschoolers has become watching cartoons, the artistic merits and developmental potential of which are, for the most part, very doubtful. This activity is intensively replacing play as a more active and creative form of activity. .

    However, one of the main reasons "care game" from preschool education is the replacement of games with game forms of learning. The game does not seem to disappear, but becomes a means of learning, i.e. more "useful" and aimed at learning new things. Indeed, in modern preschool pedagogy the importance of play is not denied, but, on the contrary, is constantly emphasized. However, the meaning of the game is predominantly considered as purely didactic. The game is used to acquire new skills, ideas, to develop useful skills, etc. This, in particular, is evidenced by numerous methods of pedagogical work, which, one way or another, contain the terms « game uniform» , "gaming facilities" , "gaming technologies" , « play activities» etc. The game is being replaced by gaming techniques and teaching methods, gaming technologies and is increasingly becoming not an independent activity (and the leading one), but a means of teaching.

    In games, children develop attention, activate memory, develop thinking, accumulate experience, improve movements, and create interpersonal interaction. In the game, for the first time, the need for self-esteem arises, which is an assessment of one’s abilities in comparison with the abilities of other participants.

    Role-playing games introduce you to the world of adults, clarify knowledge about everyday activities, and allow you to quickly and deeply assimilate social experience. The value of the game is so great that it can only be compared with learning.

    Playing is for a child what planning an activity is for an adult. Before any significant event in life, we need to prepare, calculate in our minds, rehearse what we will say and do. If we don’t prepare for important things, we can end up in an unpleasant situation. Here is a child when he repeats the actions of adults in a role-playing game (heals, teaches, educates, fights, builds), rehearsing, preparing for an important event for himself - adulthood. If he did not have time to practice on toys as a child, then in adulthood he feels insecure and may not be up to par. Maybe that’s why adults who lost their childhood early play out the game, make up for lost time at 30 and 40 years old, and until they train, they don’t feel truly mature.

    Children's role play (for doctors, school, daughters and mothers, war games and other story games) can do what the most professional teacher cannot do. With its help, the child learns with ease and joy, develops all mental processes (memory, attention, speech, thinking, imagination) discreetly and effectively. This is the only way for preschoolers to learn; they are not yet able to sit down at their desks and concentrate by force of will. In one game you have to sit like a mouse and not move so as not to be discovered. This is how volitional concentration develops. In another game you have to remember magic words to find the treasure. This is how memory develops. In the third game you need to be on your guard and not miss your lotto card, because the one who closes his first will win large map. This is how attention develops. And so on.

    Further development of the theory of children's play could be productive in the following directions:

    1. studying the characteristics of the game of both one child in his individual play and in collective play with other children and discussing dependence (or independence) the level of development of the child’s play from his inclusion in the game with other children;
    2. studying the characteristics of children's play in multi-age and integration (where there are simultaneously children with normative and deviant development) groups when play partners have differences related to intellectual development, behavioral characteristics, physical limitations, etc.;
    3. studying the dynamics of individual and group game children of different psychological ages (including the question of why a play situation arises between certain children at a certain moment and why, due to what external or internal events it ends);
    4. studying the characteristics of the play of a child or group of children depending on the playing material used in the game (game material in this context is understood extremely broadly);
    5. studying the characteristics of a child or group of children playing indoors and outdoors (on the street).

    List of used literature

    1. What do our children play? Games and toys in the mirror of psychology / E. Smirnova and others. – M.: Lomonosov, 2012. - 224 p.
    2. Pavlova, L.N. Early childhood: development of speech and thinking / L.N. Pavlova. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2013. – 236 p.
    3. Rutman, E.M. Study of the development of attention in ontogenesis / E.M. Rutman // Questions of psychology. - 2011. - No. 4. - pp. 161-167.
    4. Smirnova, E.O. Approaches to understanding the game in modern Western psychology / E.O. Smirnova, M.V. Sokolova, E.G. Sheina [Electronic resource]// Modern foreign psychology. – 2012 - No. 1 – URL: http//psyjournals. ru/jmfp (date of access 24.11.2017).
    5. Smirnova E.O. Structure and options for a preschooler’s plot game / E.O. Smirnova, I.A. Ryabkova // Psychological science and education. – 2010 - No. 3. – pp. 29-32.
    6. Smirnova E.O. Play and arbitrariness in modern preschoolers / E.O. Smirnova, O.V. Gudareva // Questions of psychology. - 2014 - No. 1. – pp. 41-46.
    7. Teplitskaya, I.B. Children's play and relationships early age/ I.B. Teplitskaya // Game and its role in the development of a preschool child. - 2011. - P. 111-116.

    “Children today are not the same... They just want to play on the computer,” laments the older generation. “They haven’t learned to walk yet, but they already know how to download an application to a smartphone, where to press on the tablet screen and how to connect a set-top box.”

    Children now, indeed, have been using gadgets since the cradle. But do they really spend all their time in virtual space, or is there still real fun left? Let's try to figure it out.

    In the courtyard

    In search of an answer, I go to the main expert - my younger sister (12 years old).

    What do you play with your friends?

    You know, there is such an application...

    What if you don't have a phone?

    I thought about it.

    In "Zombies".

    How is that?

    You need to run away from the driver. Whoever is caught becomes a dead man and catches the others.

    Salads or what?

    No, Zombie.

    Well, as you like. The main thing is that it is mobile.

    Half an hour later, the list of yard games in my notebook was replenished with three more entertainments, which, however, turned out to be familiar to me.

    "Sticky Sticks"

    The leader must catch the others. If a player touches an object, that is, sticks to it, then it cannot be touched.

    "Spiders and Flies"

    This game requires structures where you can climb. The “flies” climb higher on the “web” and try to escape from the “spider”. Whoever gets insulted becomes the driver.


    The driver throws the ball to someone and calls a name (any word), the player catches the ball if he liked the name or throws it away if he doesn’t like it. As soon as the child hesitates, he is already called “Bench”, “Bicycle”, etc.

    As in previous times, they remain popular “Tea-tea to the rescue”, “Walls”, hide and seek, as well as sports games: football, volleyball and fashionable nowadays table tennis.

    The boys haven’t forgotten “War” either, but the characters have changed. They no longer play scouts and snipers; it’s much cooler to be a ninja turtle, a Jedi or Captain America.

    And yet, it is worth recognizing that the courtyards are empty. Preschoolers still sometimes play pranks on the playgrounds, but those who are older no longer have time to keep up: school, homework, swimming pool, extra classes, and more and more.

    Board games

    Weekends and holidays are a reason to have fun! Board games are found on top shelves and hidden corners.

    Kostya (9 years old), can you play checkers?

    Of course, dad and I sometimes play chess on Saturdays.

    What about backgammon?

    What is “above..above”?

    Explained. But she didn’t forget about the principle: “Teach children and learn from children yourself.”

    I learned first-hand about the following newfangled (and not so newfangled) games:


    The name is promising, but don't be scared: it's just a type of card game. True, the usual “spades” and “hearts” are replaced with numbers and colors, and special “pig” cards add to the fun, unexpectedly changing the course of the game. This game is very reminiscent of another game, more popular among high school students and adults, Uno.


    Don’t feed your children bread, let them feel like a businessman and pretend to build a couple of branches. And although the game is over 70 years old, new versions appear in stores every now and then: “Monopoly Russia” - with our cities, “My First Monopoly” - for children from 4 years old with voice accompaniment, “Mini-Monopoly” - for travel, etc.

    Interesting fact: commercial competitions for this game are even held abroad with impressive cash prizes.


    They take out the box with “Drummer” when they want to compete in attentiveness and scream from the heart. Simple figures are placed on the floor/table/sofa, and the task of the participants is to quickly grab the one whose color or shape is not represented on the card. Emotions usually run high.

    Who among us has not suffered from the boring role of a civilian and pretended to be a mafioso? The eternal confrontation between good and evil. Previously, cards were cut out themselves from a piece of notebook paper that came to hand, but now there is a whole set consisting of bright cards with descriptions of characters and masks in two colors: white and black. The essence of the game, of course, has not changed. Children still enjoy tearing each other apart.


    They gave me a 3D pen, would you like to see it?

    Of course, why is it needed?

    She paints with plastic. You can create three-dimensional paintings and toys.

    Here's the thing... They used to burn “Hedgehog in the Fog” on boards, but now they make furniture for dolls with one wave of the hand.

    In general, there are countless options for creativity now. The same modeling has not sunk into oblivion at all, but has reached a new level. You won’t see any kind of plasticine in shop windows: glow-in-the-dark, glitter, and granular.

    Alternative to plasticine - kinetic sand. Fortunately, you don’t have to empty the sandbox out of your house: the material doesn’t get dirty or crumble. From it, children and adults make the notorious “Kuliki” and large toy cakes.

    Let's not forget about Lego. Children (and many adults) learned to assemble entire cities from colorful parts. But playing according to the instructions has become uninteresting: now it is fashionable to invent new models of airplanes, cars and ships. By the way, there is even a separate line of construction sets for girls.

    Puzzles and more

    The Rubik's Cube epidemic has passed, but... not for long. Due to their curiosity and stubbornness, children love to solve puzzles, but they always need more and more difficult ones, so they appeared "Meffert's Pyramid", “Scube”, “Megaminx”, etc.

    “What else would you like to twirl in your hands?” - the children thought, and then one day - and yo-yos appeared, followed by spinners. After all, it was not for nothing that our ancestors came up with rosary beads. Inventive schoolchildren, without hesitation, began doing all sorts of tricks with turntables and created a new trend.

    Puzzles are still produced for those who are patient, but assembling an ordinary landscape is boring for modern teenagers. But they will be happy to complete a puzzle with Star Wars or Harry Potter.

    Have you seen the “lickers”? Such a viscous liquid, similar to mucus, which the guys crush in their hands. They say that this is a kind of anti-stress, but the children themselves admitted to me that they are more fascinated by the process of creating a “slime” than by playing with it. Of course, who doesn’t love setting up a chemistry lab in the bathroom? Mixing starch, PVA glue and my mother’s most expensive shampoo is a good idea.

    While I was collecting material for the article, I was once again convinced that everything was fine with the children and it was too early to sound the alarm, saying “they have forgotten how to play.” Leave them without a phone for a few minutes and you will see how quickly they will find something to do. And watch yourself: maybe it’s also time to take a break from the game?

    If we talk about modern children, then, first of all, it must be said: children these days either do not play at all or play too little. This is due to a number of reasons.

    Firstly, modern society demands early success and achievements from children! Everyone strives to teach children! Teach reading, writing, counting as early as possible, forgetting that the leading activity of a preschool child is play! At seven years old, it comes to the fore educational process, but children selflessly - in one form or another - continue to play until they are 9-10 years old! It is through play at this age that one can develop, teach, correct, educate! Without this important “play” period, there is no successful learning at school age, and later the development of a mature, full-fledged personality does not occur.

    Secondly, the parents of modern children themselves belong to the non-playing generation: their childhood also passed without games, and was also full of educational elements. This is why parents don’t play with their children; they very often don’t know how to do it themselves.

    Of course, children could adopt gaming experience in yard companies, but nowadays it is a rare parent who is not afraid to let the child go for independent walks or, while walking with the child, can allow him to disappear from sight for such important educational games as hide and seek or Cossack robbers. And this is the third reason - the lack of opportunity to transfer gaming experience from older children to younger ones.

    However, the only language that is easy for children is the language of PLAY. In the game, kids learn about the world and assimilate the system of relationships in society, develop, learn wisdom, and form as individuals. It is the game that allows you to correct emerging age-related problems and difficulties in relationships.
    The game at this age has a lot of functions. Therefore, the lack of time to play or the premature maturation of children, which society demands, leads to serious problems both in our adult lives and in the lives of children themselves: problems with learning among elementary school students, difficulties in
    adaptation to adult life, communication difficulties, gambling and dangerous games and much more!

    Modern children, as a rule, “play” educational games according to the rules of adults, sit for hours in front of television, playing out adult life along with the heroes of TV series, have difficulty tearing themselves away from computer monsters, splashing out their energy and aggressiveness in a safe space.

    For modern children and parents, one-on-one games with an adult are especially relevant, which can be organized in passing, that is, on the way to kindergarten, in line at the clinic, in the car. Games that develop fine motor skills and promote speech development are becoming relevant. Role-playing games, entering the lives of children from the age of 3, cease to be similar to the games of their mothers and fathers. Try playing with modern children in a Soviet store with queues, non-electronic scales and counting change on wooden abacuses. Or invite them to play out the work of a tailor in an atelier they have never been to...
    It’s impossible not to say how different modern toys are from our toys. Firstly, there are many of them, so it is often difficult for a child not only to choose what he will play, but also to dream about what he liked so much. Secondly, in addition to soft bears and bunnies, the child looks with great interest at robots, monsters, dolls of different sexes, adult Barbies and Kens. The plots for games with such toys differ from traditional mother-daughter games with baby dolls and cribs! This cannot be ignored.

    Both parents and teachers must navigate the world of the modern child well. And here another feature of children’s lives comes into force. Parents, as a rule, have no time to delve into the gaming space: they get lost in the world of toys, follow the desires of the child or fashion trends, create unsafe situations for the health of children, leaving them at the computer.

    Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to those games that previously arose spontaneously; help children develop stories that they understand; navigate the world of modern toys, maintaining a balance between the child’s desires and benefits for him.

    Encourage your child’s desire for knowledge in every possible way and, using it
    endless questions, not only help to learn the world, but also maintain his interest.

    Babies who haven't gotten enough sleep usually become capricious in the morning, moms and dads start to get nervous, shout at them, and they whine even more in response. The morning is ruined, both for parents and children.
    What to do? Distract your favorite child with simple games.

    The child recently became acquainted with some geometric shapes. You can, in turn, name all the round objects that you meet along the way.

    The day before, you explained to your baby what colors there are.
    Suggest that you find only red ones among the surrounding objects. There is no need to name several colors: it is better to show only one, for example, red, and look for red objects for several days in a row. When the child correctly names and shows them, you can move on to another color.
    In a similar way, you can work on your child’s perception of size.
    It is also advisable to note changes in nature and your surroundings.

    Pour water into a plastic bucket and invite the child to determine how many glasses of water it contains by pouring the water into another bucket, and then use a ladle to pour water from the full bucket into the empty one. In this game you can introduce your child to the concepts: a lot, a little, full, empty, over the edge, at the bottom.

    It's no secret that mothers spend a significant part of their time in the kitchen.

    What do modern children play?

    The kitchen can become a place for intimate, confidential conversations, jokes and fun. In addition, the kitchen is an excellent school where the child acquires useful skills and knowledge. Of course, special precautions are required to protect the child from burns, electric shocks, poisoning and sharp objects. But if you take care of safety, you will get another chance to have a pleasant and useful time.

    Boiled egg shells will serve as an excellent material for children's applications. Crumble it into pieces that the child can easily pick up with his fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a drawing or pattern from the shell.

    Invite your child to wash dishes that have the sound “ch” in their names (cups, kettle); sound “l” (spoons, forks, salad bowl), etc.

    How to call in one word a device that makes coffee? Coffee maker. Cutting vegetables? – vegetable cutter. Squeezing juice? – juicer. What kind of juice will be obtained from apples, pears, plums, cherries? And, conversely, what is orange juice made from?
    The kitchen is a good place to explore new sounds and tastes. There is always an opportunity to knock, ring, smell, taste. You can watch and listen to how water flows or drips from a tap, how a teaspoon rings differently in an empty glass and a cup of water.

    A particularly popular joke is “Close your eyes, open your mouth.” Let the baby with eyes closed the taste will determine what you offered him. You can switch roles, and if you make a mistake, your baby’s wild delight is guaranteed!

    Using fruits and vegetables, you can teach children to recognize and distinguish objects by touch and taste. After placing four or five different foods in a bag, ask your child to carefully feel each of them. Blindfolded, ask to recognize the product by smell.

    Magnetic trinkets, which are commonly used to decorate the kitchen, will help adults come up with many interesting tasks and games. For example, ask your child to place them on the refrigerator door in a certain order: first only fruits, then only round objects, then only yellow ones, etc.

    Any child, if given what he needs and when he needs it, grows up smart.

    Kuzmenko G.E.

    We were all children. And they played. Active, passionate and diverse. After all, any healthy child is unthinkable without play activities. With the help of the game, he develops, learns about the world, learns, has fun, and also helps himself cope with life moments that cause anxiety.
    We often hear: “Mom, come play with me!” Many adults are reluctant to respond, making excuses that they don’t know how to play, they are bored and uninterested, there are more important things and activities to do, and they ask the child to play on their own. And this is understandable. We, parents, have been children ourselves for so long that along the way of growing up we have lost carelessness, spontaneity and the ability to rejoice. Is it possible to return all this and become a better play partner for your child? Here are three important aspects of free play that will make it easier for you to learn how to play again.
    1. Choice in favor of the game.

    Working as a play therapist, I often have to explain to parents about prioritization. Play is the leading activity of every preschooler. In order for your child to grow up happy, he needs your love and play. The thinking of a child who plays a lot and a child whose development is focused on the intellectual component is practically no different, but psychological well-being and susceptibility to neuroses are clearly not in favor of the latter.
    We, parents, are responsible for choosing how to spend time with our child. Understand, realize the importance and make a choice in favor of the game.

    2. Follow your child.

    Don’t remember, don’t know and have no idea how to play?

    Consultation on the topic: “Modern children, modern games.”

    Relax and agree to everything your child suggests. Let him do whatever he wants, play with toys the way he wants, and not just what we think is “right.” Repeat the actions after the child, sometimes asking in a whisper “What should I do now?”, do not correct, do not offer anything, do not pull the blanket over yourself. It is this atmosphere of play, in which you are not trying to teach anything, allowing the child to be in charge and following him, that is very therapeutic, gives a feeling of acceptance, attention and love. Try to enter the “here and now” state, put down your smartphone for a few minutes, let go of thoughts about pressing matters and enjoy communication with your child. Remember, childhood is irrevocable.

    3. The game is not endless.

    Children can play endlessly, but the presence of an adult is not necessary for all this time. This fact itself reassures many parents 🙂 and leads to internal permission to play and fool around with the child. How long should you play? Everything is quite conditional and depends on your desires and capabilities. Even 30 minutes a week of free play together will be invaluable in strengthening parent-child relationships in your family. If you manage to develop a ritual and play for 30 minutes every day, this will become a long-awaited and important period of the day for your child, even more valuable than reading before bed. Should we strive to find even more time to play? Of course yes, but you can already give preference not only to free play, but also to developing, educational game moments or creative processes.
    It is important to set boundaries and announce in advance that now you will play, for example, 20 minutes. Five minutes in advance, warn that you can only play for five more minutes. And in a minute, tell them that another minute and the game will end. Perhaps not the first time, but you will be able to come to an agreement with your baby. Having gotten used to the fact that once a day (or once a week) your child can count on full attention and playing together, the beginning and end of the gaming activity will be mutually painless.

    Play with your children and enjoy communication!

    What is a modern child like? Today there is no longer any doubt that modern child not the same as his peer was a few decades ago. And not because the nature of the child himself or the patterns of his development have changed. Life, the objective and social world, the expectations of adults and children, educational models in the family, and pedagogical requirements in kindergarten have changed fundamentally. Social changes have led to psychological changes.

    If we talk about modern children, then first of all it must be said: children these days either do not play at all or play too little. This is due to a number of reasons.

    Firstly, modern society demands early success and achievement from children. It is no secret that when entering the first grade, quite high demands are placed on a child in terms of the development of his cognitive processes, therefore, when organizing the child’s pastime, parents are primarily puzzled by how to prepare him for school. Everyone strives to teach children! As early as possible - read, write, count, forgetting that the leading activity of a child - a preschooler - is play! It is through play that one can develop, teach, correct, and educate. Without this important “play” period, there is no successful learning at school age, and later a full-fledged mature personality does not occur.

    Secondly, the parents of modern children themselves belong to the non-playing generation: their childhood also passed without games, and was also full of educational elements. This is why parents don’t play with their children; they very often don’t know how to do it themselves. However, the only language that is easy for children is the language of play. In the game, kids learn about the world and establish a system of relationships in society, develop, and form as individuals. It is the game that allows you to correct emerging age-related problems and difficulties in relationships. It’s impossible not to say how different modern toys are from ours.

    Modern children, as a rule, play educational games according to the rules of adults, sit for hours in front of television, have difficulty tearing themselves away from computer monsters, splashing out their energy and aggressiveness in a safe space.

    Secondly, in addition to soft bears and bunnies, the child looks with great interest at robots, monsters, dolls of different sexes, adult Barbies and Kens... The plots for games with such toys differ from traditional mother-daughter games with baby dolls and cribs! Parents usually get lost in the world of toys and follow the child’s desires or fashion trends. There are many of them, therefore, it is difficult for a child not only to choose what he will play, but also to dream about what he liked so much. And toys are bought, as one dad said, by the suitcase, and after a month they are thrown away in the same suitcase.

    The personal development of children at all times is directly related to the heroes they look up to. But the heroes of books and cartoons in the modern cultural space are sharply different from those beautiful, kind, caring, loving, friendship-valuing, non-aggressive characters that the parents of today’s preschoolers and their grandparents grew up with. Most often, the heroes for preschoolers are Western cartoon characters with super powers, who are not always carriers of spiritual values.

    What outdoor games do modern children play?

    Modern children's imagination and creative activity are sharply reduced. Children are focused on getting quick and ready results at the press of one button. Although modern preschoolers are technically savvy, they can easily operate TV, electronic and computer games, but they build from a construction set in the same way as their peers of previous years, without being ahead of them in anything.

    " With detailed rules entertainment from the childhood of today's fathers and mothers. Lifehacker chose the most popular ones.

    1. Sorcerers

    Similar to tag or catch-up. The game is fun, active, and the rules are simple: a sorcerer runs around and casts a spell on everyone.

    • Number of players: from 3 people.
    • Age: from 6 years old.
    • Place: spacious.

    The driver is selected by a counting rhyme. For example, like this:

    Burn, burn clearly,
    So that it doesn't go out!
    Stay at your hem
    Look out into the field!
    The stars are burning
    The cranes are screaming.
    One, two, don't be a crow,
    Run like fire!

    The players stand in a circle and run away on command. The driver tries to catch up with them and not just salutes, but casts a spell. The greasy one stands up, spreading his arms, and waits for one of his comrades to break the spell - to touch him while running. After this, the disenchanted person can again run away from the driver.

    The game ends when the sorcerer manages to cast a spell on all players.

    Girls usually play. If you come across a boy, most likely he is not indifferent to one of the players or simply decided to chat.

    • Number of players: from 5 people.
    • Age: 5–12 years.
    • Place: bench, sofa, clearing.

    The driver holds a ring or any small object in his palms: a pebble, a button. The rest of the players sit in a row and fold their hands into boats. The driver approaches everyone and seems to put a ring in the boat.

    In fact, only one gets the ring. And the player who received it should not give himself away. The rest need to silently determine who is lucky

    Then the driver says: “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” The owner of the ring must jump up and run away. Other players need to delay him.

    The one who can escape becomes the driver.

    3. If you drive more quietly, you will go further

    Very active game, great for large companies.

    • Number of players: from 5 people.
    • Age: 6–11 years old.
    • Place: spacious.

    There is not a very long distance between the start and finish. All players stand at the start. The driver, turning his back to them, is at the finish line.

    The participants are getting ready, the driver shouts: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further. Stop!" Everyone must stop at the word “stop.”

    The one who manages to reach the finish line and touch the driver wins.

    A game for a large company. Here it is important to be able to fantasize and freeze in a difficult pose. The weirder the pose, the merrier.

    • Number of players: from 4 people.
    • Age: from 7 years old.
    • Place: spacious.

    The driver says:

    The sea is worried - once,
    The sea is worried - two,
    The sea is worried - three,
    Marine figure freeze in place!

    While the driver is talking, everyone is running around and fooling around, and at the word “freeze” they freeze, depicting some figures, not necessarily marine ones.

    The driver approaches each frozen person. He tries to make you laugh or in other ways make you move. Whoever moves will lose.

    According to other rules, frozen players must come to life and depict a figure in motion when the driver touches them. And he needs to guess who is being shown to him.

    5. Nonsense

    Players will have to come up with funny fable stories. It is not necessary to have the talent of an inventor. It is enough to briefly answer ready-made questions. It will be funny in any case.

    • Number of players: from 3 people.
    • Age: from 7 years old.
    • Place: room, gazebo.

    You will need paper and pencils. The driver thinks through questions, for example: who? with whom? Where? When? what they were doing? who's come? what did you say? how did it end?

    The driver asks the first question and gives a piece of paper to the player. He silently writes the answer, then wraps up the edge with the text and passes the piece of paper to his neighbor. The driver asks the next question, the second player writes the answer and wraps it up. And so on.

    When all the questions have been asked and the answers have been written, the driver reads out the resulting story. Usually funny nonsense comes out: “Duck. With the Prince. At school. In the evening. We took photographs. The policeman came. Said: “Whistle up everyone!” It all ended with bruises.”

    This is a card game. Don't worry, don't be a gambler! Cards, in fact, develop memory, observation, and reaction speed. And you can play.

    • Number of players: any, as long as there are enough cards.
    • Age: from 6 years old.
    • Place: gazebo, bench.

    All cards are dealt equally to the players and placed in piles face down. Players take turns taking one card from their piles and placing it on the table. Everyone should see the map.

    If a king is rolled up, the players salute it. If it's a lady, everyone says: "Bonjour, madam!" The jack is greeted with the words “Sorry, monsieur!”, and the ace is slammed with palms.

    What to do with the remaining cards is determined by the players themselves. At seven you can, for example, squat, at ten you can croak, and so on.

    The player who makes a mistake or confuses movements and words takes the card for himself. The one who doesn't have any cards left wins. The one who collects the most cards loses.

    7. Shtander

    The most popular game with the ball from the Soviet pioneers of the 50s.

    • Number of players: from 6 people.
    • Age: from 6 years old.
    • Place: spacious.

    They choose a driver. He takes the ball and stands in the center. Everyone else lines up around. The driver throws the ball and says the name of one of the players.

    Everyone runs away, and the one whose name was called must catch the ball and throw it at someone without leaving his place. Moreover, if the named catches the ball on the fly, he shouts “Stander!” or “Stop!” - and everyone freezes in place. Then it’s easier to hit someone with the ball.

    If the ball is caught after it hits the ground, you have to aim at moving targets.

    Players need to dodge the ball. Even when you stop, you can squat and bend over. The one who gets hit by the ball is out of the game. The named one becomes the driver.

    If the player does not knock anyone out, the game starts over.

    The game was very popular in Soviet times, and most likely appeared in the village.

    • Number of players: from 3 people.
    • Age: from 7 years old.
    • Place: spacious.

    Everyone stands in a circle and throws the ball to each other. The ball is a hot potato that cannot be held in your hands for a long time; you must immediately throw it further.

    The one who does not catch or drops the ball squats in the center of the circle. The rest continue to throw the ball, and the person sitting tries to catch it without standing up, but only by stretching out his arms. If he catches a flying ball, he can leave the circle and continue playing with everyone else together.

    9. Giant Steps

    Yard game with a ball. Lively, noisy, cheerful. Develops reaction speed, quick wits, and eye.

    • Number of players: from 4 people.
    • Age: 6–8 years.
    • Place: spacious.

    All players stand nearby. The driver throws the ball high up and runs away as far as possible. The rest are trying to catch the ball.

    The one who catches shouts: “Stop!” The driver stops. The player with the ball determines by eye the distance to the driver in steps. The steps may vary:

    • Gigantic - very wide steps.
    • Lilliputian - half-foot steps.
    • Ducklings - squat steps.
    • Umbrellas - jumps with a turn.
    • Bunny - jumping, legs together.

    If the player guesses the distance and manages to reach the driver without lying on the ground, he wins and leads the next horse.

    This is a girly game with jump rope. The boys usually stand nearby and watch, but sometimes they intervene to fool around or to please the girls.

    • Number of players: from 3 people.
    • Age: 5–8 years.
    • Place: spacious.

    Players stand in a circle at a distance of an extended rope from the driver standing in the center. Low, almost on the ground, the driver rotates the rope, holding it by one end.

    When the rope reaches the player, he jumps over it. And everyone repeats the little rhyme in chorus:

    On the golden porch sat:
    Tsar, prince,
    King, prince,
    Doll, ballet dancer,
    I imagined, gossip,
    Shoemaker, tailor.
    Who will you be?

    If someone fails to jump over the rope or steps on it, everyone in chorus calls him with the word on which the counting stopped.

    Which ones did you love the most?