BattleLore (Desktop Second Edition and Digital Command). Board game Battlelor: Excursion in the history of BattleLore Board game Size Card

Here it is, a box - full adventure

Tov. Atsukawa Toshiro. As part of our competition, the reviews prepared material on the second edition of the game BattleLore.issued in Russia last year World of hobby. Instead of the traditional review you are waiting for you short description Several separate parties plus overall impressions of the game.

It all started from the moment of awakening the great evil ... Again ... Hallets of demonic creatures captured the bodies of nomads, and whom did not have enough bodies - got out in their own guise. These hordes go on the territory under the leadership of Lord Chaos. Fire and blood will float peaceful lands if people won't take their sketch and stand up to the shoulder to the shoulder before this danger.

Yes, I looked at the game with the mechanics of Richard Borg. But when I managed to buy and play ("Battles of Westeros", "Battle of Samurai"), it was very disappointed. And the reason for this were - flags + color gradation of hits for detachments. Nevertheless, the mechanics of a simple wargam is very manila, because No need to consider modifiers on the signs - I threw the cubes, got the result immediately. Convenient and clearly.

And then happened, MX localized the second editorial office "BattleLore". By losing her, I still decided to take a localized "Descent". However, this summer could not resist and bought J. Running forward, I will say that the game is completely satisfied. And now everything is in order.

In the box I discovered about a hundred miniature. Of course, not painted. Wargeimer has a secret rule "to exhibit only painted mighty on the table." Actually, so I entered. I already had experience painting a large number of minecons (for example, "Battles of Westeros" - there are more of them even more). August-month went to everything about everything. Worked without strains in the evenings. Fortunately, the primer had an airbrush!

Here it is a quarter of the troops of Lord Chaos. Looks substantially more fun, they were Naturally a bunch of red plastics

Beautiful quickly, neatly, without problems. Only now the spray has not yet done. Yes, and it looks great without it. Now even if the game is getting bored - Minki will always give heat, because when you paint - put the part of your soul. Therefore, my advice is krave. Even if you have a bad brush - I kill anyway. Your poorly scratched miniature is more valuable to Minki, which will paint the professional artist instead.

And these are brave defenders of the territory. It is a pity that the woman on the whole Orava is only one, but it sits on a bird

As you already guessed, the first time I managed to play only a month after her purchase. Honestly - waiting for the soul, but the desire to play the "living" army was stronger. Having played several parties, the game lay on the shelf, because Preparing for her is pretty much time, and the bypass organizer for has not yet done (it is necessary to buy again PVC).

Fortunately, last weekend turned out to be a good opportunity to play a chance. Namely, an exhibition of bench models in Chelyabinsk. My friend, Vadim, every year it is involved in the professional level. Of course, it's not interesting to sit at the table near your models (and so misses 95% of all participants), so we usually play any wargame. Actually, this time the Cheroid "BattleLore" came.

The rays of the morning sun illuminated the hills ... and ... enemy hordes, approaching peaceful settlements. We need to delay them before the mainstream approach. Clear it is impossible. Citadel guards - in battle !!!

Vadim played the first time (for chaos), but with the Borg mechanic was already a sign on samurai and the experience of Vagemer gives his own. The first scenario was played without magic (wisdom cards) so that he drove into combat mechanics, because It has changed (no separation of detachments in colors, etc.). The battle seemed very dry and not interesting - the suddenness factor is absent completely, because It is drawn by a standard set of orders cards.

Typical cards of orders. You can only play one move

The next battle has already connected magic (wisdom deck). Now, we have enough suddenness with interest. Thanks to the accumulated wisdom, you can play a bunch of wisdom cards at once. And do it can be in the course of the enemy. And you know how nice to destroy the entire detachment of the enemy with the support of the courage "courage and messing", which adds 2 cubes ... Yes, it is a real buzz. And such brooms can be arranged a bunch.

If you enjoy the card with the mind, it will bring a bunch of benefit. The "courage and otmigation" seeks a detachment, then Trophia give us the necessary wisdom to play for a snack to play "defense of possessions" and get a victorious point right into the course of the opponent.

We rather quickly noticed that the wisdom deck smoothes most of the jambs of the engine and random associated with the cast of a small number of cubes (usually 2-3). Especially pleased that at the end of the course you have a choice:

    Take two wisdom token;

    Take a token and one wisdom card;

    Take 2 wisdom cards, but then one to lose (you can with your hands).

It's just great. After all, now you can choose what you need more on the next move (or even on the enemy's move). Add to this something that both sides are different decks of wisdom. And if to buy 2 additions for these armies (there is still one deck), then we get the opportunity to make a deck under your favorite tactics.

Battle is close to completion. Guardians hold a victorious point of + 3 buildings (under the condition of the script for 2 give 1 point). At the end of the course we already have 14 points (chaos only 10). The next move is the final.

The second battle also ended with the defeat of Chaos. But Vadim decided to start general BattleIn order to use all your experience accumulated by blood in previous battles. Yes, now it became truly hot. When both players fell mechanic, really wonders begin ...

Vadim played "Natisk", I repeated it through the "counterattack" map. What was my surprise, when he also played the "counterattack", thereby re-activating the "Natisk". But this is the most useful Card For chaos - you activate 3 troops + they get an extra point of movement. So Makar, Lord Chaos ran on 4 hex (and after all, he crawls only for one time).

The battle was exciting, but Horde Chaos was again discarded. Mechanics of the game is such that we must first focus on the capture of distinguished points. However, this is absolutely not preventing you between things to make a rustle in the rear of the enemy - the main thing is to correctly use wisdom cards. Unfortunately, Vadim missed this moment, and therefore lost. I believe that the next battle will turn into a very epic battleAfter all, then additions for basic armies will be abused, and these are new detachments and wisdom cards.

Well, rather impressions, now I will tell about the individual moments of the game.

Cubes. In the basic box of them total 4. I recommend buying an additional set to immediately, because sometimes you have to throw 5 or more. Of course, Cuba give a big rand, but sometimes fun. For example, you would see Vadim's face when one shot (2 cube) I immediately ruled the remaining 2 of his fattles at a distinguished point.

« DICEpack "- or how to breed a player on grandmotherFFG.J. After several battles I had to buy for convenience (okay at least with dopami immediately ordered).

Script cards. The thing is inconvenient, but allows you to generate battles with different conditions. Each side chooses its half scenario.

On the maps immediately indicate hexes where you can post the detachments + special rules. Very interesting idea, but to arrange the hexes of the terrain on the field in the center is very uncomfortable.

Army cards. Suitable for newbies so that they could understand the meaning of the game with different compositions of the detachments. Subsequently, a useless thing. Upset the absence of a single memo card with the prices of all detachments. After several battles, I recommend collecting the army to myself + considering the features of the script. Without specials, the game is quite justified, but still better to buy - there will be more opportunities.

In two armies there is a bird, and in the latter there is no - it is most suitable for the first battle.

Maps-alignment of troops. The idea is good, but in practice it is very tedious. It is necessary to place it first in the closed card, then open and replace the corresponding detachments. We immediately scored at this rule and began to exhibit (as in Vakha) in turn on one squad, starting with the legendary (if any). The preparation for the game is significantly reduced, and the visibility of the location increases.

I suggest you your desktop game (second edition). It turned out to be cumbersome, I immediately warn.

BattleLore 2.0: Evil Powders against Blue Lefters

I am a simple zadrind and I do not know the words of love, so I declare immediately and in the forehead: it is Commands & Colors. Yes exactly. They say a lot about this game, I myself wear it like a chicken with an egg, but do not be deceived - this is not a new word in a game, this is a format phenomenon, another game in the family of them. Tov. Borg. It's as if you were told that The National A new cool album was released. If for some reason you love all this hipster music, then it is definitely worth buying it. If you have never listened to anything like that, but interesting things can be found. But if the National for you is just "those boroded bearded men" - then you can safely go by, since your opinion will not change on a gram.

So and S. BattleLore Second Edition - Within the C & C family, this is very cool game. For those interested in uncomplicated games about the war with fantasy theme - it is interesting. But if, due to some reasons for a religious nature, you do not digest all this Borg Casualschina, then boldly pass by. BattleLore 2.0 Does not make you tear your hair and revise views on life. These are the same cards "Two right, one in the center" and all the same Pruh-Nepruha in cubes. Defined? Okay.

The next postulate, with whom you have to be considered - this is a cool game. Really cool. I first embarrassed not too much experience of dating borgo brains, tried to rapid more parties with different opponents, but I suddenly be mistaken, but the other day Tom Wesla with his Cextan responsibly stated that BattleLore Second Edition - Cool game and flies into their personal top-10. Now I have an indulgence, and I can also calmly declare that this is a cool game. And you agree with this. And if you do not agree, then I know what your name is, and in general you have your own website.

So, we have two starting points, and you can start a story directly about BattleLore 2.0. Yes, for brevity I will call her 2.0 Since the fully name has to print longer and read, this time. And secondly, no one is " new edition", And even a new game at all. General S. BattleLore 1.0. Here - only a Brugovsky engine is based on fantasy topics.

Were playing? The same, but steeper and with a variety of troops. C & C: Ancients were playing? The same, but with normal rules outlined. BattleLore 2.0 It is casual in the good and bad sense wargam with knights and monsters.

Family photo. From left to right: Roman elephant, disgust, rider River watch, Flesh Eater, Citadel Eater and Simple American Soldier.

Two players are placed on a picturesque (as far as this word is applicable to color pieces of cardboard) field separated into three parts, figures of fantastic creatures. One of the players lay out gaming mapwhere it is written how many detachments in which parts of the field can be activated, chooses and moves these packs of figures, and then throws the cubes to check the attack and transmits the opponent. Everything is simple enough. It's all the same wonderful system that has time to get taking to hell MemoireAnd then pleasantly cheered up in antiquity battles. The devil and God here in detail.

Fantasy Flight Games has long been experimenting on the creation of a casual wargame with miniatures. At first there was an interesting line of Tide of Iron, which FFG developed-developed, and then, sighing hard ,. Then they bought the rights to the brand from Days of Wonder BattleLore. And they released the game based on the superpopular "Game of Thrones", radically reworked the Brugovsky "engine" - and again received Tide of Iron. Both Toi, and Bow were witty, in many general innovative games, the main trouble was their game bisexuality. They at the same time tried to flirt with a casual audience, and at the same time they wanted to interest Hardcore Wargeimer. As a result, the first legs were drowned at the form of the book of the rules for fifty pages, and the second discouraged the simplicity of what was happening. Do not think that, these are good and successful (packs of additions speak for themselves) games.

IN BattleLore 2.0 FFG tried once again to revise the approach to the creation of a casual wargame and, as in a well-known joke, decided to work in a file: instead of winding new mechanics and building comprehension, they decided to produce thin setting Systems, not complicating it, but adjusting individual moments and shifting accents. And this time they seem to fall into the apple. The following few paragraphs are devoted to the role of the differences of a newborn game from her older sisters, and if you are not a C & C fan or do not interest the features of mechanics, you can safely scroll until the next subtitle.

To start B. BattleLore 2.0 Most fundamentally changed the system of a set of victory points. In classic Borg Games, the main source of software was the destruction of enemy detachments: removed the last figure with hex - they get a medal for frag. I scored 6-8 medals - and here she, victory. Were additional ways It seems to obtain "passing" medals, which were added to the player at that time until his detachment retained certain points (see for example the first Memoir scenario, 44), but the main focus was always done on the destruction of the enemy army. This system was often criticized, but at the same time She stubbornly was transferred from one game to another.

FFG used B. BattleLore 2.0 Mechanics, more reminiscent of their previous games: At the end of his stroke, the player gets victorious glasses if the detachments occupy the key hexes defined by the scenario. Unlike the same "memoir", these points are not temporary and accrued with a growing outcome, as the medals were accrued for the destruction of detachments. IN BattleLore 2.0 It is necessary to earn 16 points, while you need to have at least a minimum advantage over another player (this condition is checked every time the first player has been checked, thus gone into the past sudden victories). Victory glasses for the destruction of detachments now, on the contrary, have become optional and depend on the script.

What does it mean to play? Dynamics change significantly: many players had concerns that the result would be a deaf game from defense, but in fact BattleLore 2.0 It turned out even evil and aggressively predecessors. Each player's move is beating for the maximization of the "arrival" of victorious points, and in addition to its "exclusive" scenario conditions and a pair of key points on its half, there are always key points On the enemy half of the field, and it is necessary to go into the separation, and it is very necessary. A successful catch-up to the enemy territory can not only bring a pair of odds to their turn, so also slow down the development of the enemy, since he, in addition to dirty meeks, your sources will have to beat their own. In addition, some scenarios indicate that the player's glasses will receive, for example, for the destruction of enemy detachments in aqueous hexes and on the shore. Add to this that there is no longer any need to spend valuable orders for the retreat of weakened detachments, as in BattleLore 2.0 they ceased to be freezing fragami, and together with aggressive special specials of some types of troops you will get one of the most evil games C & C line.

Yes, about specials. This is another "chip" game. Now each type of detachments have a unique ability to activate under certain conditions. Moreover, each type of troops is unique - there is no more mirror in the game. The game for Lords Dakana is very different from the game for the troops of the buildings of the buildings I'lllan. Daca Guardians are superbly suitable for capturing points, as they may instead of applying the enemy damage to make him retreat; But the bloody boards of buildings in battle can sacrifice themselves to apply an additional damage to the enemy, and naturally sataney, getting +1 a cube to the attack for each of his dead. The result is exciting chemistry on the field.

But the most interesting innovation touched the setup. We have already published the game dedicated to this phase, but I confess, just playing I realized what a cool thing invented in FFG. IN BattleLore 2.0 Script cards are used (their own parties to the conflict), which determine the conditions for obtaining victorious glasses and the landscape of half of the field. Each of the players selects the script, the cards are compiled and thus forming the field pattern and the part of the party. Instead of a predetermined army composition on each of the cards, hexes are indicated, on which the player can arrange its troops. And the players independently pick up the detachments on a given amount of points, lay on the hexes a shirt up the card of troops and pacifier cards, and then simultaneously operate them and set the figures. It sounds not so that very, but in fact it turns out not just a highlight on the cake, but a hefty such watermelon. First, thus, the setup itself from the banal arrangement miniature turns into a mini-game when you have to decide who to take and how to place. Mystery setup without any shirm. By the way, it takes very little, and again - this is already a game, you already make decisions that will affect the picture of the battle. Secondly, a clear case, the relaignability increases, and now even the same landscape from both sides does not mean at all that the party will be similar to the previous one.

City Cosmonauts and Encyclopedia Galactica

BattleLore 2.0 In my opinion, it turned out the most successful game based on the Borg System. It is fast and simple for understanding, but at the same time never stupid. Fantasy Flight Games have achieved a successful balance between the complexity and availability of the game. A new version Games as the famous "Galaxy Guide": wins competitors, because let in the trifles, even a little bit, but better. BattleLore 2.0 Although loses in the topic (a real story for me is always more interesting fantasy, especially such a banal), but more strategy than Memoir "44 Thanks to a balanced set of points and special properties of detachments. C & C blocks: Ancients are more convenient, but it looks not so impressive. And, of course, Setup - to recruit its army is simple and interesting. Even wrapped by everyone and all the greed of FFG went to the game benefit - the smaller number of figures can be tritely expanding. Oh yeah, also be sure to compare it with BattleLore 1.0. - But here I will be extremely brief and laconic, and moreover, I will be right, not even a playing in the original. BattleLore Second Edition It is better because the first edition as a "urban cosmonaut" from old comic song - Cool, but simply does not exist. You can only find it on the flea markets and, often, at a completely indecent price.

I do not approve in any case that BattleLore 2.0 this is best game All times and peoples. She has shortcomings:

- This is all the same ancient Borg fighting with probabilities. A thousand times a logical and thoughtful action may end with a complete failure due to bad luck in cubes. At the right moment, when I want to rush into the attack on the right flank, there will be cards of orders for the center and the left flank. It is not fatal for the perception of the game, good in BattleLore 2.0 There are enough orders for orders without binding to the parts of the field, and there is a rule that allows you to reset any card instead of playing to activate one of any detachment. But, damn it, it is. Curse of the whole genus Commands & Colors. Here it can "not extract."

- Classical claim to FFG: "Overall seized - now the details should not be skidding." They fantastically remain the top global publisher with some kind of cynically disabled or a pre-barnly cynical approach to the configuration of their wonderful games. So why did you need to do such a cardboard liner? He is neither her mind. In general, the game box is suitable only to drive to the package to the buyer. Further, Inlay flies to the garbage, and miniatures are moving into a toolbox. Why, despite all the claims, FFG. Once at a time release games in shoe boxes without organizer? Why in the kit only four cubes go, while in the game it is necessary to throw and five, and six cubes?

Snake from Wrath of Ashardalon against rider River watch from BattleLore 2.0

- This is fantasy. No, not good, fascizing the imagination is an epic story, and a banal story about the struggle of a beaver with a donkey. Here the guys in the armor from the Hollywood movie category "B" fight with the haositis from Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Figures are good, although I would not say that they are some exceptional quality - at the same Wizards of the coast in their ruler, at least, no worse. There is simply no spark, fiction, some witty details. Blue is good (and, for some reason, left-handed), red - bad and cool look, because evil can't look not cool. This is Generic Fantasy, and, in fact, does not prevent anything from calling the buildings by Khhoritis.

- In continuation of the topic - and there is no eaves at the game. That is, at all. In addition to the inscription on the lid about the Runebound Universe and stylized post history page in the rules (enemies are suitable for their native hut with Canny gasoline), nothing in the game tells the story of this conflict. Who are sotuki? Why is the script called "tears of the Corrina" - who is such a corrin and why is it roar? Maybe "My last name is too famous to call her"? Never, information on territory in the Internet cat was cutting, and even fans on the forums are looking for Fluff text and plot hooks. Why could not be equipped with a game at least brief certificate of the universe? I'm not talking about a full-fledged book with scenarios or a campaign there. Abydna, yes.

And anyway, BattleLore Second Edition Cool. At least at the level of personal preferences: from all the time-tested desk games of the Commands & Colors family, it is most consistently delivers Fun per unit of time. The ratio of effort and gameplay in BattleLore 2.0 closest to optimal. Let the battle of red monsters with blue knights cannot be compared with the real battles of Rome and Carthage, moreover, I still remain in search of "my own" military Gamedevoid of C & C deficiencies, but, damn BattleLore 2.0 Very close came to the border, behind which I will stop and ask the author's hand and heart and I will live happily ever after. Damn close.

"Keep Stroy!" - swept over the battlefield Call of commanders and infantry with iron clang shields shifted. Because of the forest in the sky, the arrows gadyuk swayed, but their sipastic tips only ranged, departed from the wrought-iron steel of the Dacan detachments. Broasting through the dark thickets, on the field, the blood collectors armed with curves ran out on the field with roar, but neither their non-stroke rows nor massive mascaras were frightened by the nice protesters of the citadel. After all, behind the slender ranks of the infantry already tightened the tents of Yomen-archers, and the riders of Riverorotch were waiting for the hill in the ambush. Another battle of the game "BattleLore" began!

Order against chaos

"BattleLore" is a desktop strategy created in the best traditions of epic fantasy. The events of the game tell about the fights for the world of the territory, familiar to many players in the game series. " Two mighty armies: honest fighters of the Dakan Lords and the Blood-Funny Hordes of Utokhuk Yi "Llana agreed in a brutal war and only from the skill of the commander depends on who will be the new ruler of these lands. Good luck will help you bring the victory, but only a skillful tactic and bold solutions will reveal the real winner of the game "BattleLore"!

"BattleLore" uses the original gaming mechanicscreated by the famous designer Richard Borg. The unique mechanics of card orders, in which the position of your troops on the battlefield is taken into account and the dynamic battle system in cubes make this game of a truly deep strategy. In this desktop strategy, everything is possible: dynamic attacks, a sudden attack from the ambush, the retreat of the enemy and the troops, which, inspired by victories, attack again and again!

Filling the box "BattleLore" will not disappoint and the most demanding player. Many cards of orders, tactics and magical techniques, landscape elements, colorful field and more ninety-detailed figures - this wealth will have to taste to any fan of military games! The army of the game is truly diverse: the guards of the citadel and the deadly eaters, the legions of Vijuki and impenetrable rune golets, and, of course, the owners of the battlefield - the horror of the Lord Chaos and the mighty bird of Ruh, who can change the fight by one presence!

War is constantly changing

Imagine that you have passed through the magic portal and found themselves in a completely unfamiliar world. A rich armor is on you, there is a noble horse with my legs on the leg, and in front of your eyes a huge valley, perfectly overlooked from the hill. A huge army on the slope stopped waiting for something. You look back the rows of knights, archers, riders and, finally, notice a wonderful creature - a huge bird, shaped one of the warriors. But then the movement on the far hill is capturing all your attention. Strange and ugly creatures gradually fill the landscape in bloody paints. Battles not avoid. From us and only from us, the peace of mind depends on the peace.

Genre: wargam, strategy
Author: Richard Borg.
Artist: Andy Christensen
Publisher: Fantasy Flight Publishing
Publisher in Russia: Hobby world.
Number of players: 2
Age of players: from 14 years
Duration of the party: 45-90 minutes
Language of the game: Russian

Vagaima, or military-tactical strategies with miniatures, is a special genre of board games. Usually, with these words, in the imagination, there are large detailed fields, obstacles of natural and artificial origin, burning gestures - infantry, artillery, technology. Complex calculations of the visibility area, the lesion zones, modifiers, imposing restrictions on shooting, for example, landscape, weather and the moral spirit of personnel. As a random generator, a familiar hex cube is often used. But BattleLore is not so. Saving all the indisputable advantages and depth of wargamov, the game Richard Borg is much friendlier to beginners.

Utokhuk Yi'Llan and their leader, Lord Chaos

BattleLore is a tactical game for two players, so the victory condition here is only one thing - completely defeat the army of the opponent. The action takes place in the grounds of the territory, in the world, already familiar to the domestic players on the Runebound challenge. On the battlefield, the troops of the noble Lords Dakan and the bloodthirsty hordes of Utokhuk Yi'Llan are converged. The commanders of the armies, the role of which the players take on themselves, determine the topography of the fields before the battle, spend the alignment of the forces, at the same time introducing the opponent's misleading, and finally converge in hand-to-hand or fascinate the enemy from the distance, actively using maneuvering and all its magical power.

Dakan Lords, the last hope of the world

Despite the seeming complexity, even those who have never dealt with wargamami are easily awakened. The game is partly due to its simplicity of competently structured rules divided into two large parts. Osiving the first, you can decompose the components and proceed to the battle, knowing the basic principles of the game already in battle. And for a detailed study of all nuances and solving emerging issues, it is worth contacting the second part - the expanded rules with the reference book. The latter for convenience is even put in a separate booklet.

The player's move consists of two phases, each of which is divided into steps. In the main phase, players plan maneuvers - in a separate zone or on the front, give orders available to friendly detachments, carry out planned marches and directly attack enemy detachments, if possible, using the relief features to obtain a tactical advantage. At the disposal of the army commander there are detachments of various types and with a variety of skills. Each of the detachments is represented on the field of miniatures and is accompanied by a card with a description of its properties. For the planning of the marches will be available deck of maneuvers. The second deck is wisdom - contains different unpleasant surprises for the enemy, unique for each of the fractions.

Head of the desktop battle

The fighting, the cornerstone of any wargame is sufficiently simple. Each battle begins with ads attack, choosing a blow or shot, as well as a detachment-goal. After throwing the cubes, the results of the resulting combination are applied and some of the combat effects are triggered - for example, a retreat and subsequent persecution, as well as support for friendly detachments and fight against counterattack. When managing expanded rules, military wisdom is entered into the game, represented by separate decks of cards in battle; Accordingly, in the arsenal, players appear special actions, often associated with magic.

In addition to graceful rules, BattleLore pleases and design. Fantasy Flight Games is one of those publishers, you have practically no doubt that some products. It is immediately clear that the components did not try to save - the game cards of the three formats are made on excellent cardboard with small embossed under the flax. But the most important thing in any wargame is miniatures. Local detachments turned out to be very high quality and well detailed, although it cannot be said that ideal. Some experienced players and professional collectors will definitely find what to find face. Initially, the entire set is presented simply in the colors of fractions, and the brush lovers seem to paint the figures by creating their own unique army.

Separate mention is worthy of illustrations used in the design of cards and other game components. The images are very high-quality and atmospheric, although the arts from the components of Utchuk Yi'Llan turned out much more expressive.


In a large spacious box, a lot of free space, which may take future additions to the game. And, in truth, many players will wait for them with impatience. After all, seven basic scenarios (for each of the fractions), which determine the alignment of obstacles and the possible location of the detachments on the player's side, is not enough to maintain interest in the game throughout the parties. On the one hand, the short session is forty-five minutes on the player - they will not allow rivals to bother, on the other - this speed will only strengthen the feeling of dejum in future parties. Tools come to the rescue to create their own campaigns - this is the mechanic selection of the army in accordance with the collection price of each of the detachments, and the modular field. But when using home rules, there can be no complete confidence in the balance of the selected solutions. This means that to save the BattleLore Recharge, it will simply be necessary to acquire official additions (In English, by the way, there were already a lot of them). In this sense, authors are full of opportunity - it can also be about new types of detachments, and male male cards, and enhanced decks of wisdom for each fraction.

Outcome: BattleLore is the most exciting and easy-to-master military tactical game in the fantasy world. Excellent design and excellent quality of components, large expressive miniatures of detachments and relatively simple mechanics - all this signs of hit. With due support, the game is waiting for a bright future.

If you judge the descriptions of desktop games from the Runebound Universe, it may seem that the world of territory, where the events of this line of games are unfolding, is a real stronghold of evil forces, in which normal people do not get normal in the afternoon. What game neither take - everywhere you have to clean the henchmen of the evil on an industrial scale. Nevertheless, dark forces in territory do not dominate. Rather, until you dominate, but very want. And the second editorship of the board game BattleLore opens the veil over the next attempt to rogue the territory for itself.

How BattleLore has become the fact that it is

BattleLore is a tactical game for two commander, whose armies will not shield in bloody battles. I did not accidentally mention the second edition in connection with the events in the territory, since the fate of Battlelore and the Universe Runebound intertwined quite recently.

The original BattleLore was released in 2006 by Days of Wonder. The game came up with Richard Borg, and in her basis lies by Borg by the COMMAND AND COLORS system, which became the basis for a whole line tactical gamesThe most famous of which in Russia is Memoir '44.

The first edition of the game is devoted to the alternative development of the centenary war. The alternativeness of events is mainly the fact that various fantasy characters are involved in battles. The playing public took the spot warmly, which contributed to the rapid expansion of the universe. There are many additions to BattleLore, adding many interesting things to the game, some of which entered the basic version of the second edition.

In September 2008, an event took place in the fate of the game turning: Days of Wonder and Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) publishers reported the transfer of rights to the game and all the associated additions to FFG. The new publisher continued to develop the tank, released several more additions, and in 2013 released the second edition of BattleLore.

The news about the upcoming release excited the tables. On the one hand, the renewed editors of the board games almost always bring various improvements, and also correct the shortcomings that have not been identified at the stage of tests of the original. On the other hand, the action was transferred to the territory, and the stated changes were so radical that elementary game Almost nothing remains.

Fans of the classic version argue that FFG simply used the famous brand, "killing" famous gameBut admit that some decisions of the second edition are very successful and would not hurt to add them to the old BattleLore. And in general, the essence of most claims is reduced at all to the fact that the game turned out to be weak. Especially since this is not so.

If FFG released the Board as an independent product with a different name on the box, then the claims would be much smaller. But there would be more efforts on the promotion. And so the combination of the names of BattleLore and Runebound on one box did its work, and the target audience immediately increased due to the fans of the territory.

Players who did not come across the first edition of BattleLore, the game fell to taste. These people had nothing to be compared, and they got acquainted with the game without pessimistic moods that tormented the fans of the classics. It is characteristic that on the main "desktop" Internet resource BoardGameGeek second edition has a higher assessment that, taking into account its gentle age, very significant.

What has changed

Since the second editorial office of BattleLore has a lot of differences from the first, we will consider only the most significant changes. Especially since some innovations included in the database were still in old gameBut not in the basic set, but in additions to it.

First of all, the playing field has increased in size. The game now requires more space, but it is more interesting to play on a large field - immerse yourself in what is happening. In addition, the figures of the fighters also grieved. Now they are more conveniently moved by field and viewed. The decoration of the elements of the field at the same time remains the same, while the miniatures in the game are completely new.

Since changed game world, I changed the army. Indeed, do not drag the same army from the century of war, albeit with elements of fantasy, in a fantasy territory with its own problems. So the story of the wonderful Universe Runebound has been replenished with new chapters.

The people of the territory faced a new threat, as if the old he was not enough. Somewhere behind the northern frontiers of Dakan, the terrible demonic cult of Utokhuk Yi'Llan was originated, whose adherents seek to enslave territory. The army of evil consists of cultists in which there is nothing human, and nightmarish bloodthirsty monsters.

The unclean is opposed by the army of Dakan, the monsters try to break through the borders. In the ranks of the Dacan army, soldiers are fighting who help the few magical detachments.

In the first edition, in order to distinguish between his own and other people's troops, flags were used, which were installed in special sockets on the stands of the figures. In the second edition, the identification was simplified, painting thumbnails in different colors. Utokhuk Yi'lllan's troops became red, and diquants are blue.

The number of fighters in the detachments is now equal to three, instead of the usual four. Although in both editions there are exceptions. In the second, these are legendary detachments consisting of one particularly strong creature, but we will talk more about the affordable troops next time.

One more interesting feature The second edition, added the game of novelty, is a battle scenario formed by randomly. Before, preparation for battle was carried out according to one of the ready-made scenarios. Now, each player has special cards, each of which is half the script. Players secretly choose one of the cards available on the hand, and then reveal simultaneously. Of these two components and the common field is created.

The overall picture of the terrain created in this way looks naturally, as if the playing field was originally conceived exactly. Even rivers, converting in front of the enemy half of the field, are closed with special lake plugs, which adds the battlefield of aesthetism.

Another excellent innovation - control points. The victory in the game is most often achieved when typing a certain amount of points. Before the glasses were given for the destruction of enemy detachments, which was somewhat skiing the game. After all, when using such a principle, it is necessary not only to develop an attack, but also to spend orders to the rear in the rear of weakened detachments so that the enemy does not finish them, thereby earning the missing award for victory.

The second game in this respect is much more interesting, since here in most cases the points are accrued for controlling certain points. Some of them are marked on the field with special markers under the terms of the script. Others are also formed by the terms of the script, but individually for each player. For example, one of them can receive a victorious point for controlling two buildings, and the second is for controlling three types of landscape: plains, hill and forests. There are other conditions.

Thanks to this innovation, the game develops more dynamic. To sit in the ambush, it became unprofitable, with the exception of some tactical techniques. Therefore, players seek to develop attacks to take the first to take the cherished dots or knock out the enemy from there. At the same time, they can safely choose the tactics "Nor step back," using the full potential of weakened detachments, the loss of which was now not so critical.

In the first edition of the troops for the battle, as well as the battlefield, were placed under the terms of the finished scenario. In the second edition, the player collects his army himself. The detachments can be taken any, but the call of each is worth a certain number of collecting glasses, the maximum number of which is limited.

Military Council, giving a player disappeared from the second game additional features. This loss, players were regardless of ambiguous. Some believe that with the Military Council it was more interesting to play, others believe that the Council buried the game, so he and the road.

For Russian-speaking players, the fact that, unlike the first edition, the second BattleLore was still published in Russian. In Russia, the game was published by the World of Hobbies, localized such games in the Runebound Universe, as the Runebound itself, and with several additions to it.

First acquaintance with the second edition

And now it's time to look inside the massive box and see what is there. The first thing we see, removing the lid, is the instruction on the assembly of large thumbnails. Smaller assemblies do not require. But we haven't reached the miniature yet, so we will continue the excavation.

Further we find two large brochures. One of them contains the rules of the game. The second is a reference book in which all small nuances are explained in detail. The authors recommend to begin to get acquainted with the basics of the game, and to the directories to contact as additional issues arise.

Under brochures lie a few cardboard forms with the game components. Among them there are tiles with elements of the landscape, the tokens of the first player, wisdom, victory points, damage, bridges and brodes, markers of banners and some special properties. The quality of the cutting is good, and the elements are easily separated from the forms.

Then remove the card out of the box. There are many of them here: maneuvers, wisdom, armies, scenarios, positions and reference cards of detachments. In the following articles, I will tell you why it is all necessary.

And, of course, miniatures. They occupy two voluminous packages, and some are delivered in a disassembled form. They are assembled by a simple connection. Developers recommend gluing them for reliability with glue, but I did without it.

The figures are perfectly detailed. Most of the fighters are shown in motion, and realistic. On the battlefield, they look very atmospheric. In my opinion, the first edition figures have a little more details, but in terms of this frozen movement of fighters the new BattleLore looks more spectacular.

The last thing we find in the box are four plastic hexagon bones with different characters. FFG is clearly fame, since the number of bones that have to be thrown, often superior to four. Especially since one of the first additions to the new game was the set of eight additional bones.

In my opinion, it is too much even for FFG, which traditionally makes money not only on full additions, but also on any secondary little things. For example, in the same Descent, the enemy lieutenants were represented by cardboard tokens, and their figures were sold separately. But then the figures, and the bones.

That's all. Next time I will talk about the possibilities of both armies.