Kotor columns. Complete walkthrough of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Korriban Star Chart and the Sith Lightsaber

- Korriban
Tomb of Naga Sadow / Naga Sadow 's Tomb


to Valley of the Dark Lords (# 10). You will start your final test right after you sign in. The door will be closed until you complete the test and receive the Star Chart.

When you enter, your goal will be to tell Uthar that you have understood his words and are ready to start. A new entry will appear in the journal and you will be released. While the main goal here is to get your lightsaber (and Star Map) at area # 9, you will first need to get past the acid pool at area # 8. The solution is on the east side. The western has powerful melee weapons, and more on that later.

2) Three raids:

One Hulak Reid, a stronger variety, and a couple of normal ones. They are susceptible to the Force, but can hit with medium to high damage. You will find three more raids in the area before # 7 and before # 9.

3) Remains of a human skeleton:

Search the remains that contain a datapad explaining something about the acid pool puzzle at area # 8 and what's in the room. Be alert and in full health when you enter the next room, as the battle can be difficult or simple depending on what Strength skills you have.

4) Terantothek, lever and crystal:

Your first goal will be to get rid of the two Terantatecs guarding the area on the far side of the room. They are likely to be a serious problem for some, so here are some tips. They do very heavy damage, so it's best to immobilize them in some way, using the appropriate Force skills, to which they have low resistance. Throw a couple of grenades first if you are not confident in your abilities. You can also slowly approach the left side of the wall until the first beast sees you, then move back and fight it separately; luring them out one at a time is easier if you lack Strength skills at the time. Alternatively, you can first grab Naga Sadow's poisoned blade at area # 7, hit one of them until it is poisoned, and then move on. The easiest way, though not too honest, is to have them chase you around the room, pull the lever and walk into the next room where you can deal with them safely from a distance. The choice is yours, of course. When they are dead, you can go to the lever on the far side of the room that opens the door to area # 5, but first check the human skeleton near the middle of the west wall and grab one of the most powerful lightsaber crystals in the game, the Solari crystal. This will be your only chance to find him.

Also on the skeleton is Shaela's Diary, part of a long interplanetary tale of three investigators and their relationship. The diaries of the other two companions can be found in Shirak Caves (# 4) and on Kashyyyyk, in the Lower dark valley(#eight). The diary in Shirak caves belongs to Duron, and the one on Kashyyyk belongs to Guun Heng. Together they make up this "trilogy." Add to that the prologue you receive from the Jedi guarding the Enclave on Dantooine near the Ebon Hawk and you have a complete picture.

When you're done here, turn the lever that controls the door lock to area # 5 and enter.

5) Columns of Ice and Fire:

There are two columns in the room, each with a special grenade, one made of fire and the other made of ice. You can take both, but only the "special cold grenade" matters. With this acquisition, you can now cross the acid pool at area # 8, but you can probably get the powerful sword at area # 7 before you finish this test. This will require solving another riddle. Fortunately, the solution is right here.

6) Computer terminal and energy pillars puzzle:

As soon as you enter here, the doors will close, and you will have no choice but to solve this puzzle, similar to the old and well-known Towers of Hanoi. Use the terminal and it will give you a lot of directions. There are four pillars to your left, and you need to transfer all the energy rings to the far right pillar. Of course, there are corresponding rules, and the machine will explain them to you. Once you have safely transferred all the pieces, you can enter area # 7. Here's the quickest solution:

    1. Move the system from the left pillar -> to the middle pillar
    2.From left -> to right
    3. From middle -> to right
    4.From left -> to middle
    5.From right -> to left
    6.From right -> to middle
    7.From left -> to middle
    8.From left -> to right
    9. From middle -> to right
    10. From middle -> to left
    11.From right -> to left
    12. From middle -> to right
    13.From left -> to middle
    14.From left -> to right
    15. From middle -> to right

When they are all in place (on the far right pillar), open the door and continue. Watch out for a few raids (as described in area # 2) and mines ahead.

7) Naga Sadow Monument:

Inside the monument is the superb poisoned blade of Naga Sadow. Also search the human skeleton on the ground for some useful medium items. After that, proceed to area # 8 and the acid pool.

8) Acid pool:

When you go to the acid pool, a dialogue screen will appear and ask what you would like to do. If you have both grenades from area # 5, choose to throw a special ice grenade into the pool. After that, the surface will freeze and you can safely cross the territory. Of course, if you throw a fire grenade, prepare for the worst. Continue to area # 9, but beware of multiple raids as explained in area # 2.

9) Korriban Star Card and Sith Lightsaber:

When you come here, Star Map will open, and you will receive an incredible amount of experience in 250xp. There is a Sith Lightsaber in the Sith Statue behind the Star Map. Now is the time to heal and proceed to area # 10, back to the acid pool for the last fight, where Utar and Yutura are waiting.

10) Uthar and Yutura:

Depending on what you did at Sith Academy regarding double play and poisoning, you will have a few different options and scripts. Namely: you can fight Uthar and Yutura separately, or you can fight both of them at the same time. There is also a slight variation. If you side with Yuthura and fight Uthar first, you will have the option to let Yuthura go (after she surrenders) for Light Side Points. This is also a chance to keep the Sith Academy peacefully attuned to you. (This can be done by taking Utar's side, if you told him about Yuthura's plans and did not poison him later, or if you were on the Leviathan, and then you can tell him what you learned there ...) You will receive the most experience and rewards if you fight both of them, as in this case you can search their remains and get a lot of things and credits. Uthar can be very powerful, so it's best if you hit first with your Strength skills.

The first time you talk to Uthar during your last conversation, you will need to make a choice. Here are the scripts:

"I am with you, Utar"
You have chosen the side of Uthar. Besides the fact that you will receive points from the dark side, you will have to first kill Yutura, and then deal with Uthar. Depending on how you drove double play if you decide to poison Yutura, Uthar will provide you with an opportunity (or two) to part peacefully. If you went against him, he will attack you, and you will receive 840xp plus what will be on their remains after the battle (described at the end). If you parted peacefully, and he and everyone in the academy, when you enter there, of course, you will not be attacked.

"I am with you, Yutura"
You play straight forward, but still side with the Sith. You both attack Uthar first. When he is dead, Yuthura will not let you leave without a fight. When her strength is running out, she will surrender and give you one last chance for dialogue. If you let her go, you will receive Light Side Points, but you will be left without any trophies. The Sith Academy will also provide you with a safe passage. If you let her go and persuade her to leave the Sith path, you will gain Light Side points and the academy will be hostile when you return there. As a bonus, when you turn her to the Light, if you can return to Dantooine after that, you can find Yuthura near the Jedi Enclave on the north side of the courtyard! However, if you stay and attack her, you will receive Dark Side points, but you can collect "loot" from her remains. The choice is yours.

"I choose ... myself"
Brave soul. You decided to fight both of them, but luckily one of them, if not both, were poisoned and significantly weaker, depending on how you played in the Academy. In this option, you will have a difficult battle unless you land the first blow with your Strength skills. It must be an offensive or immobilizing action. You can of course use Strength Resistance or Immunity, as they will do the same, but at that first moment they will be vulnerable. In the Xbox version, you get 840xp, you should get Light Side points, assuming you didn't choose either of the “dark” options, and then you can search both of their bodies.
In the PC version you will receive Dark Side Points, note the difference.

"You are both scoundrels"
You will receive Light Side points for this "confession", and after that you will be forced to defend yourself.

Whichever you choose, you will obviously be searching their corpses. Uthar has 3000 Credits, a Security Suppression Interface, and a Sinnagar Battle Suit. Yuthura has 1,500 credits and some medium value items. Once you're done, don't forget to pick up the Solari Crystal at area # 4 or Naga Sadow's Poisoned Blade if you haven't already. The exit, of course, is at area # 1.

When you return to the Sith Academy, everyone will be hostile towards you, unless you let Yuthura go or sided with Uthar by convincing him that there was something special about you. As you enter, area # 13 of the Sith Academy will be teeming with teachers and students. One of your teammates will be with you, and the other will stay where Utar used to sit, in the central room of the Academy at area # 8. This may not be easy, so be prepared.

Congratulations. If you've followed this walkthrough, you now have your fifth and final Star Chart and are ready to conquer the Unknown! Just activate Galactic Map on Ebon Hawk and you will see a new option.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Complete Walkthrough

Planet Taris: Dance with Twilek

In the Lower Town of Taris, in one bar, you may or may not help Tvichechka to get a place in a dance (musical) group.
1. If you decide to help, then choose the options where you dance normally. You will be given glasses.
2. If you decide to teach her a lesson or just troll her. Then choose options where you can run and fall.
A fun task. Especially if your character is male.

Planet Taris: Sith Base - Captive Duros Puzzle

You will see Dyros being held in a prison capsule. If you talk to him, he will tell you that in order to release him free, you need to solve a small puzzle. There are five toggle switches on the wall in front of the capsule, each of them has two states - red and green. If all the toggle switches turn red, Duros will die. If green, Duros will be released.

Puzzle solution:
a) Flip the middle toggle switch.
b) Flip the rightmost toggle switch.
c) Flip the leftmost toggle switch.

When Duros is freed, get 110 xp and Light Side Points.

Planet Taris: "TWISTED RANKOR TRIO" mystery

Don't touch anything. First, examine the table. If you want to complete this quest yourself (and I suppose you first need to try to find the solution yourself, because there are a lot of funny puzzles scattered around in the game), take Datapad from the table, then go to the quest menu and switch to the quest items tab.
The Twisted Runcor Trio datapad should be there. Read it to find the solution to this simple riddle. You need to activate the holograms in this room in the correct order to open the drawer.

Below is a hint:
Activate Elinda first.
Activate Ujaa second.
Activate Ujii third.
Activate Loopa fourth.
Activate Fodo fifth.
Activate Ashana sixth.

Inside the crate you will find Yechani's Thread Armor and 50 Credits. You also get 110xp.

Planet Taris: The Riddle of the Closed Safe

Before trying to open the safe, go to the table near the wall and read the electronic notebook lying on the table. The notepad contains the tips needed to open the safe. Read carefully and remember all the details.

The quest is very simple, but for those with a bad memory, below are the answers to the questions asked by the electronic safe lock:

"My uncle"

In the safe you will find a Blaster Pistol, Republic Mod Armor, and 100 Credits.

Planet Dantooine: Sandral-Matali Civil War

This quest is available after completing three Jedi Trials.

If you have already received a mission from the Jedi Enclave, then the droid outside the estate will allow you to go inside to talk to Mr. Sandral.
However, before entering, you should look for Sandral's son for bonus items and to gain experience. When you return, talk to the Droid and enter the Manor. Next comes the "Dead Settler" quest.

Kazus's diary, "Dead Settler" quest:
If you have already received the Matali-Sandral feud quest, but have not yet visited Mr. Sandral, then you can purchase additional experience and some pretty good stuff for completing this side quest.
Sandral's son disappeared, Sandral himself blames Alan Matali for everything. But as it turned out, Mister Matali has nothing to do with it. The Cat Hounds wreaked havoc on his son in the Metal Lands. Before speaking to Sandral for the first time, go to these lands. There you will find the "Dead Settler", or rather what is left of him. In his remains you will find Casus's Diary and quite a few useful things. Bring the diary back to the manor, talk to the droid and he will provide you with an entrance to the manor to talk to Mister Sandral. You will receive another dose of exp in the amount of 150 points.

After saving Sean:
You rescued and retrieved Sean from the estate and you will meet both of them, Sean and Raheisha, outside. Soon the two families will meet, and this will give you the opportunity to exercise persuasion (glasses Of the light side), if you have it well enough pumped. When the fathers of the two families and their droids meet (by the way, you will witness a rather funny scene), you can get points of the Light Side by convincing the stubborn fathers to "solve this problem together."
After successful, but rather difficult convictions, you will convince the fathers to believe in Sean and Raheisha again, you will receive 500 credit cards, 900 experience points, and of course points (all together) of the Light Side.
However, many people playing this game are forced to take a different path: convincing the children to go to the Jedi Enclave away from their fathers, while the fathers remain ferocious and promise to talk to the Jedi Council about this. For this you will receive 600 experience points.
Well, to complete the picture, you can provoke two families so that their droids attack you, and you will receive Dark Side points and an easy victory.

Planet Dantooine: The Grove - Settler Assassination

Boluk, a Twi'lek Jedi who is investigating a recent murder, will approach you here. He will ask you to help in the investigation (if you leave the location, you will not be able to complete this quest). Boluk has two suspects - Ricard Lusof and Handon Guld. The victim's name is Calder. An information droid standing near the bridge will help you in your investigation. He can give you information about the circumstances of the murder and the evidence found at the crime scene.

Each "round" of investigation includes interviewing suspects and obtaining information from the droid. When you have gathered all the information you need, go to Boluk, answer his questions and start a new “round”.

Round one.
After interrogating the suspects and obtaining information from the droid, you will come to the conclusion that Ricard is lying. Indeed, how could he hit the wrong person, at whom he was aiming because of the bright sunlight, if it was cloudy during the commission of the crime? Go to Boluk and share these thoughts with him.

Round two.
After collecting all the information, you learn that both suspects had a motive for the murder. Talk to Boluk and tell him that anyone could have committed the crime.

Round three.
Ask Ricard, Handon, and the information droid again. You will conclude that Handon lied this time because he said that the blaster that killed Calder had been stolen from him, although no claim had been filed.

Round four.
This time, you don't have to talk to Rickard and Handon, but just ask the droid that the blood found at the crime scene does not belong to the victim.

Most likely, this is Handon's blood - it's not for nothing that he limps.

Tell Boluk about this. He will go and examine Handon's wound.

Now you have a choice: you can blame Ricard or Handon for the murder - for this you will receive 470xp and a warning from Boluk. But if you tell him that both are guilty and reveal their motives (Calder slept with Handon's wife and at the same time was Ricard's companion in some unsuccessful enterprise), then you will get praise from Boluk and a whopping 1310xp!

Planet Dantooine: Ancient Grove, Juhani.

Here you will be attacked by Juhani - a dark Jedi and one of the possible members your team. You will have to fight her alone - Juhani will quickly neutralize your companions. Use your energy shield to make the battle easier. When Juhani has less than two-thirds of her life left, she will stop fighting and want to talk to you. You can persuade her to switch to the light side of the Force by using your persuasion skill in conversation with her, or by telling her that the Council will forgive her for attacking her teacher. If you manage to do this, then you will receive 1200 xp, and Juhani will be waiting for you in the Enclave (in the square between the Council Hall and the exit). You can also kill her, but in this case you will lose a valuable fighter and get dark side points.

My advice to you: keep Juhani alive. She is not a bad party member and it is better to choose her when you need to save Kart, Bastila and GG on the Leviathan. The easier the mission will pass.

Planet Manaan: The Trial of Sunry.

Old Sunry, an acquaintance of Jolie Bindo's, is charged with murder. He actually killed the Sith woman after learning that she was using him for espionage.

But here a moral dilemma arises: if you accuse him of murder in court, it will be fair, but it will benefit the Sith. If you cheat and try to justify Sunry, it will be useful to the Republic, but not fair. Those who decided to acquit Sunry (and who informed him about it) will earn (-).

Agree with the judges that you, as a Jedi, will help in the case.
You will have a talk with the accused, his wife Elora, witnesses - the receptionist, Firit and Glubar. Go to the Republic base, talk to its head.
After hacking into the Republic's computer on a tip from an unknown person, you will see video evidence proving Sunry's guilt.
If you have not yet cleared the Sith base, then talk to the Sith too.

It is easy to bring the case to the death sentence - you just need to show the court a video recording of the murder. It will take a lot of work to justify Sunry. Bribe the receptionist. The receptionist at the trial would lie, saying that Sunry had escaped from the hotel before the shot was fired. Protest the Sith's accusations of lying. When the Rodian Glubar speaks, press on him - he confesses that he tossed the medallion. This will only benefit the client.
In no case do not appeal to the old age of the client and to his military merits - it will only hurt! Ask Firit if he saw the crime? Naturally, he saw nothing. Ask Elora about Sunry's love affair with the victim, and the client himself - could the Sith set him up when he decided to tie up with the relationship on the side. In your closing remarks, insist that no one saw the crime, so it was fabricated by the Sith. Sunry will be acquitted.

an amendment for the trial of Sunry: when Firith will speak, it will be necessary to say that Elassa was a Dark Jedi and that he did not see the murder; when Gloubar will perform, it will be necessary to say about the fact that he threw a medal and about the fact that he did not see the murder;

Thanks for the addition to the user.
Many fail to win the trial.

Planet Manaan: Roland Vann, Head of the Embassy. Quest to get the code.

This is the person you need to talk to in order to find the Star Map. First, he will ask you for one favor, in exchange for information about the Star Chart. You will need to infiltrate the Sith Base, find a special droid, retrieve its submarine data module, and return it to the embassy for further instructions.

To get to the Sith Base, Roland will offer you three ways. You can interrogate a Sith prisoner held at the embassy, ​​ter .; hack the Sith access card in the embassy computer room, terr. or sneak into the private hangar in the Landing Sector with the access card he gives you and take the transport straight to the second entrance to the Sith Base. Hangar infiltration is best for gaining experience, although you can of course use all methods. Interrogation will not give you any experience, but I will provide the answers below.

Decryption of the access card to the Sith Base:

To enter the Sith Base with a freshly hacked card, enter the computer room at area # 6. You will be greeted by a technician who will explain you how to decrypt the cards. These are fairly simple sequence puzzles, and use the computer terminal on the right side of the room to get started. Here are the answers:
Sequence 1, addition progression: 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 ...?
Answer: 22

Sequence 2, subtraction progression: 21, 18, 16, 15, 15, 16 ...?
Answer: 18

Sequence 3, multiplication progression: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 ...?
Answer: 64. Each number is multiplied by 2.

Sequence 4, progression per division: 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4 ...?
Answer: 2. Each number is divisible by 2.

Sequence 5, exponential progression: 32, 81, 64, 25 ...?
Answer: 6.2 in the 5th, 3 in the 4th, 4 in the 3rd, 5 in the 2nd and 6 in the 1st degree.

Sequence 6, logarithmic progression: 1 0 - 8 3 - 32 5 - 128 ...?
Answer: 7.2 to the power of 0 = 1, 2 to 3 = 8, 2 to 5 = 32 and 2 to 7 = 128.

When you go through all the sequences you will receive new card access (and 300xp) that you can use to enter the Sith Base in Ahto West. Of course, you can still enter the base using the private hangar transport described below; the choice is yours.

Interrogating the prisoner to obtain the access code to the Sith Base:

To enter the Sith Base after interrogation, you need to convince the prisoner to speak. You can choose the same options one or two times in succession until it splits. Talk to the Intelligence Officer to begin interrogation. Here is the general sequence required to break a captive.
1. Select: "Calm down, I will not threaten you."
2. Select: "We are the only ones who will accept you now."
3. Select: "Let's try something different."
4. Select: "We know a thing or two about your companion."
5. Select: "Maybe we will give you the Sith, but we will keep him."
6. If this time does not help, do the same steps again using "Maybe we can do something with the Body" and then "We could make life easier for both of you in the Republic." If it doesn't work again, try again in order 1 through 6. It should work a third time. You will not gain experience, but you will receive an access code to enter the Sith Base in Ahto Vostok

Planet Manaan: Kolto Control Panel

The last stage of Manaan.
Using this panel, you can either
a) pour poison into the ventilation of the sweeper from the canister that Kono gave you at Kolto Headquarters to poison the giant firax ... either
b) solve the toxic chemical distribution puzzle to blow up the station.

If you decide to pour poison, you will not gain experience points and will be forever banished from Manaan when you return to the surface. All first aid kits and healing items will increase significantly in value across the galaxy. Just activate the control panel and select the "pour poison into the ventilation" option. Now you can go to collect the Star Map for 2000xp and return to the surface via Hrakert Station!

It is possible to poison the kolto system and not be kicked out of Ahto City. However, at the time of the hearing, there is only ONE choice of correct answers that will lead to this result. The answers should be as follows:

1. Begin by telling the truth that "the cleaning machine has released toxins into the water."
2. When they ask what happened to the station, answer, “It's not my fault! The mechanism is broken! "
3. When they ask what happened to the mechanism, say, “Okay, I did it. But you cannot do anything to me - I know too much! "
4. When the court assumes that they will close the planet for the entire republic, answer: "If you expel us, I will tell you that the kolto has been destroyed!"
After the fourth answer, they decide that they can hardly do anything to you, since you have cornered them. They will let you leave if you don’t tell anyone about kolto.

Distribution of chemicals:

If you choose to distribute the chemicals in capsules on both sides of the control panel to destroy the station, you will need to fill the right container (which holds 5 parts) with only 4 parts of liquid. The left container only holds 3 pieces. First enter the fuel tank pressure control. Here's the fastest solution:

1. Fill the container. (container = 5 pieces)
2. Transfer from container to injector. (container = 2, injector = 3)
3. Empty the injector container. (container = 2, injector = 0)
4. Transfer from container to injector. (container = 0, injector = 2)
5. Fill the container. (container = 5, injector = 2)
6. Transfer from container to injector. (container = 4, injector = 3)
This should do the trick. When the mechanism is destroyed, the giant firaxa will walk away and you will gain access to the Star Map! Collect it and 2000xp along with it, then return to Hrakert Station. You can, of course, go back to Kono Nolan and Sami, but they will be waiting for the "real" rescue team.

Planet Tatooine: Sea of ​​Dune Tanis Venn, Ladies' Man.

Each droid is tagged Droid K-X12a to Droid K-X12d and each has its own riddle.

If you have enough repair parts, you can simply reprogram the droids to remove the traps. However, with a little thought, you can remove them without spare parts. Activate any droid you like, read Marlena's message for a laugh if you like. Select the option that you want to attempt to manually enter diagnostic mode. You will be presented with different riddles for each droid. Once everyone is in normal mode, talk to Tanis for 400 credits and 175 exp.
And here are the answers:
Droid A: Node 2 reports accurately
Droid B: The missing value is 7 - (The sequence consists of prime numbers).
Droid C: Indicate 120 strong pulsations

Solution Found:
Strong Ripple Share + Weak Ripple = Total Energy
x / 180 + 100/300 = 1
x / 180 = 1 - 1/3
x / 180 = 2/3
x = (180 * 2) / 3
x = 360/3, therefore x = 120

Droid D: Enter 31-13-12-14 * 23-41-12-14

An abstractly obvious solution already makes sense. It is original:

From here you get, 31-13-12-14, 23-41-12-14.

The solution in each step is such that you describe how many digits there are in the previous answer. So start with a four (it could have been anything, but they started with that). You only have one four. It is simply expressed as "14" because you only have one 4, hence the next answer.

Now describe each number in the digit "14". You only have one 1 and one four. This can be expressed as "11 - 14". Now describe it. You have three ones and still one four, so the answer is "31-14."

Now describe this too (in order of appearance). You have one three, two ones, and one four in this expression, which forms the answer "13-21-14." Finally, describe this expression in the order in which the numbers appear.

You have three ones, one three, one two and one four, which is equivalent to "31-13-12-14" and therefore, two threes, four ones, one four, which is equivalent to "23-41-12-14," this is and there is your answer.

Planet Korriban: Tomb of Naga Sadow

The hardest part
Computer Terminal and Energy Pillar Puzzle:

As soon as you enter here, the doors will close, and you will have no choice but to solve this puzzle, similar to the old and well-known Towers of Hanoi. Use the terminal and it will give you a lot of directions. There are four pillars to your left, and you need to transfer all the energy rings to the far right pillar. Of course, there are corresponding rules, and the machine will explain them to you. Once you have safely transferred all the pieces, you will be able to enter the territory. Here's the quickest solution:

1. Move the system from the left pillar -> to the middle pillar
2.From left -> to right
3. From middle -> to right
4.From left -> to middle
5.From right -> to left
6.From right -> to middle
7.From left -> to middle
8.From left -> to right
9. From middle -> to right
10. From middle -> to left
11.From right -> to left
12. From middle -> to right
13.From left -> to middle
14.From left -> to right
15. From middle -> to right
When they are all in place (on the far right pillar), open the door and continue. Watch out for a few raids and mines ahead.

Planet Korriban. Tomb of Mark Ragnos

To disable droid circuits:
"Battle Matrix"
"Matrix of motor function"
"Matrix of sensory systems"
"Memory Matrix"
"Recognition systems"
"Matrix of emotional constructions"
"Creativity simulation matrix"
And it will automatically turn off its "Core".

Unknown World, Temple Catacombs: Tile Puzzle

Further passage Star games Wars: Knights of the old Republic, you will need to find out the Sith code and then tell the master about it. Travel to Yathura and chat with her to learn about the map in the ancient ruins and about the Sith code. You can ask about him in all the details to get as much prestige as possible. And you need it in order for the head of the academy to take you to these ruins, where the final test will take place.

It is worth noting that prestige can be achieved in different ways, it is not at all necessary to complete all tests. You can simply pass some of them successfully. Head to the Interrogation Room first. Go to the computer and use it to find out from the Mandalorian imprisoned in a cage, where he put his weapon. Sooner or later, he will tell you about his whereabouts. Leave the academy and head towards the area called "Valley of the dark Lords ".

Keep going Star walkthrough Wars: Knights of the Old republic and get ready to be greeted by three Dark Jedi led by Malak's apprentice Darth Bandon. Kill them and move on, sticking to the bottom of the hole. Look left and find the "Shyrack Cave" sign. You can move there to find the Sith rebels. You can just help them or kill them. It is worth noting that if you choose the latter option, then you will increase the prestige.

Once at the exit from the cave, go across the bridge and get ready to meet the huge monster Terentatek. Deal with him and search the corpses lying nearby to pick up outfits and a Jedi journal. Get out of this cave and move to another one called "Ajunta Pall" s Tomb ". After a while you will come out to the place where there are two bridges. On one of them there is an ancient column. Run to it and plant explosives to blow up the barrier. ...

After that, the droids, which need to be destroyed, will immediately attack using a blaster or a "throw lightsaber" technique. Then find the lever and lower it. You can go further and approach the sarcophagus. Open it and admire the three swords hidden in it. Now the spirit that dwells in this tomb will appear and say that you can take the sword with you only if you guess which of them was once his.

In the further passage of the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, you should head to the sculpture and insert the "notched steel sword" into it. Then return to the spirit and communicate with him, after which he will disappear. You should not ask him about the card account, because he will pounce on you and it may end in disaster.

Run out of the tomb and continue on. You will be greeted by one of the Sith apprentices and will begin asking you to give him the sword. I advise you to deceive or give a fake, because the young man will not suspect anything and will leave happy. Return to the academy and chat with Uthar "th. Tell him about your adventures, in which you met both the prisoner and the renegades. Also tell about how you got the sword and the Sith code. After that in the walkthrough of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic will have to pass a small test to check the veracity of the above information.

- strength;
- power;
- victory;
- the Force shall free me;
- false.

Even then, the teacher will not be satisfied with your level of prestige. In this case, you will have to tell him about the betrayal of his faithful assistant - Yathur "s. Only after that your candidacy will be approved, and you will receive permission to prepare for the final test. It is to defeat Yathur" as well. I advise you to poison the enemy before the start of the battle in order to facilitate your task.

To do this, you need to go to the exit leading to the valley and pass the Adrenas "sit there" at Datapad.

Then, in your Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic walkthrough, approach the master and be transported to a tomb called "Naga Sadow". In this area, you should find a star map and a lightsaber. Then return to the entrance leading to the tomb. Since your companions will be waiting for you near the entrance to the tomb, you will have to complete this task in order to be able to get out of here. The challenge itself consists of solving a few fairly simple puzzles. Good luck.

Move to the western part of the location and get ready to meet a couple of opponents. After you destroy them, exit through the doors that they guarded. This will lead you to the room where you can pick up "Pillar of Fire" and "Pillar of Ice". Approach the columns and take away "cold grenade" and "fire grenade" from them, and then run out to the intersection. Find an acid lake and throw a "cold grenade" in there.

After that, it will be covered with ice. Move on and meet Uthar and Yathura. Now you can choose which side to take, or finish off both. Personally, I went over to the side of the master and killed the enemy. Only then will you be given the title of Sith. You can now return to the spaceship and head for the planet Manaan.