Confirmation of GTA Online Online Policy. Disclaimer of Warranties

Question: Can I upload game videos to YouTube or other sites? Can I use copyrighted content if I'm not for commercial purposes and there is no spoiler in the content?

Answer: Take-Two Interactive generally does not object to fans using the content for non-commercial purposes as long as they do not intentionally disclose the story to other users. The term "non-commercial" means that you do not sell a subscription to your site or use materials to advertise the product you sell on the site, such as a T-shirt or wallpaper. Take-Two Interactive reserves the right to request the removal of copyrighted material at any time. If you have any questions, write to

We love fans posting videos from our games - we love in-game cutscenes from our games and even occasionally publish them in the Rockstar Newsfeed. However, we have a few rules for posting videos on websites, and we want you to follow them.

In order to make it easier for you to understand our position on this issue, we have compiled a list of materials that we usually require to be removed from sites:

  • Videos from unreleased games: No "leaks" with videos from games that have not yet come out. Any videos from leaked game instances that have not yet been released will be removed, regardless of how the game was purchased. This also applies to the video on "unpacking".
  • Spoilers: Videos that show the final scenes of the game, plot videos without gameplay or any other videos that reveal significant events in the plot. You can show cinematics if this is part of a larger walkthrough (or let-play with user comments), but only cinematics videos will be deleted. If you do not know if your video contains spoilers, write to the address and accurately describe the scene in which you doubt, as well as the context in which it will appear.
  • In-game entertainment: For example, TV shows and comedy performances in Grand theft Auto IV, or silent movie in Red Dead Redemption. We want fans to see this in the context of the game world, so we are against posting these videos out of context and will be deleting them.
  • Encouraging cheating: Published videos that encourage and encourage ways to dishonestly earn RP or in-game money, or duplicate (counterfeit) in-game items.

Finally, we reserve the right in individual cases to remove material that we object to, as well as subsequently change our policy. However, we promise to inform you of any such changes.

Of course, if you have any questions about our policy, please send them to

This story is about "Rock Stars" who do not perform on stage, but are the idols of millions of players around the world, it's time to enjoy the exciting story of the company's development Rockstar games.


Having launched a series of articles about the largest gaming publishers, we did not assume that visitors GameGuru it will generate SUCH interest. Behind numerous comments, it was increasingly possible to see requests for writing the history of development companies such as Blizzard, Valve, Rockstar... It is impossible not to follow the lead when there are so many people around. The company was the first to block the way for genuine publishers Blizzard... Her story can already be read.

And now, for all those who passionately wanted to learn about the "Rock Stars" who do not perform on stage, but are the idols of millions of players around the world, it's time to enjoy the exciting story of the company's development. Rockstar games.

Big play family

As it turned out after writing this material, with Rockstar games everything is much more complicated than it seemed at first glance. The company is owned Take-Two Interactive, but at the same time owns nine branches scattered in different parts of our beautiful planet. In this article, we decided to combine all the information into a single whole, without ourselves fully understanding what would come of it. The fears were in vain, because everything turned out to be very "tasty". Sit back (what are you sitting on) and enjoy the success story Rockstar.

Now let's mentally fast forward to 13 years ago. It was then, in 1998, that Rockstar games... Among the projects published by the company, there are:, and other "inconspicuous" titles, which included the recent L.A. Noire. Now a little geography. Located Rockstar games in the heart of the USA - New York. This completes the geography course, and with it a small introductory part; Thank you for your attention. Everything? You will not wait. Now the fun begins.

North wind ...

One of the oldest branches Rockstar games is the notorious Rockstar north- the creators of the beloved series. Among other operating studios, this subsidiary company is rightfully the main one. Year of foundation Rockstar north became the distant 1988th. About any Rockstar then there was no talk.

The founders of the studio represented by David Jones(David Jones), Russell Kaye(Russell Kay), Mike Daley(Mike Dailly) and Steve Hammond(Steve Hammond) opted for a mysterious name DMA... These three capital letters didn't mean anything. They just caught the eye in the documentation for the Amiga personal computer to one of the guys, after which in the sky gaming industry a new star lit up (not yet "rock"). Later, the abbreviation will come up with a decryption: Direct Mind Access, again, does not convey the essence of the company's activities. And who cares about the name when all employees are exclusively engaged in the creation of their first games.

Newly minted developers immediately attracted attention by creating projects with a truly addicting gameplay... In 1988, a scrolling shooter with the intriguing title Menace was released. A year later, another game of the aforementioned genre was released - the sci-fi Blood Money. The project received a crazy rating from Zzap! 64 magazine - 94%. First offspring DMA released on PC (MS-DOS), a favorite of the Amiga, Commodore 64 and Atari ST developers. Having successfully completed the 80s, the equally exciting 90s began.

From animals to killers

The release took place on February 14, 1991. To say that this game was popular is to say nothing. According to Wikipedia, the puzzle has sold about 20 (!) Million copies. The project was originally released for one platform - the Commodore Amiga. However, having gained wild popularity on it, it was ported to everything that was possible. Today it will not be difficult to find a version even for PSP or PlayStation 3. After that, the developers' plans for this title have changed dramatically.

Squeezing the maximum out of the brand is the main challenge facing DMA... There is no other way to explain the appearance over the next four years of games such as: Christmas Lemmings 1993, Lemmings 2: The Tribes, All New World of Lemmings, Lemmings 1994. A few years later, interest in the puzzle began to decline, which means that the company had to switch to new games. By the way, during the period of "lemmingomania" the guys worked on other creations: Walker (another scrolling shooter) and Hired Guns (RPG). Both were warmly received by the public.

The exit was a watershed moment not only for DMA but for the entire gaming industry. Freedom never seen before game world and the cruelty that was definitely out of bounds made a lot of noise. All this only played into the hands of the publisher and developers, and both versions (PC and PlayStation) instantly become bestsellers. The story of a bandit and car thief, ruthlessly crushing pedestrians and cracking down on opponents, becomes a new reference point for other game creators. Many diverse missions, including additional earnings of the protagonist by taxi, ambulance or fire truck, could not help but become the "chips" of the game. The top view at that time looked very nice, and the profit from sales made DMA roll up your sleeves, start creating the Grand Theft auto 2.

Change partner

The end of the nineties was a really busy period. This was primarily due to the change of publishers. In 97th the company is bought by Gremlin Interactive, but two years later it is locked. Developers move under the wing of a French publisher - Infogrames, but here, too, fruitful and long-term cooperation did not work out. In 1999, a sequel is released, the publisher of which is Rockstar games... In turn Rockstar games was (and remains to this day) the property Take-two... It was this period that predetermined the future DMA.

The sequel has inherited all the best from the first part, of course, having pleased with many interesting innovations. For example, a multiplayer mode appeared in. In the fictional city of the near future, the protagonist Claude Speed ​​awaits dangerous criminal adventures, and all of them, in one way or another, are connected with various groups, of which there are seven in the game, among which there is also the Russian Mafia. The territory is divided into three huge areas, but before getting to the second or third, it was necessary to collect a specific amount. So, in order to leave the first location, a prerequisite was the presence of at least one million dollars in the "piggy bank" of the protagonist.

GTA 3 and Rockstar's Embrace

As time will show, the third part will still become a real revolution in the gaming industry, becoming the main bestseller among all (!) Video games in 2001 in the United States. Liberty City, strongly reminiscent of New York, was distinguished by incredible detail at that time. In this city, a stormy life was in full swing around the clock, an unnamed protagonist who escaped from prison, before our eyes, became a respected crime boss, starting his career with a simple "six". Gang warfare, racketeering, drugs, prostitution and huge sums at stake - all this DMA succinctly bogged down in interesting story with fun missions. Moving the series to 3D and all of the above again set a new bar for all game developers. I want to call it not just ingenious game, but something more. For example, a new benchmark for sandbox projects that everyone else should be equal to. By the way,, based on 20 reviews, gave the game "only" 93 points out of 100.

After success Rockstar games acquires a development studio by making DMA their property. In 2002, the world forgets about DMA and learns about a new brand - Rockstar north... From now on, the "northern" division works exclusively on its own criminal universe, occasionally being distracted by projects like and. The porting of games to "bonus platforms" is handled by developers from Rockstar Vienna(closed in 2006) and Rockstar leeds... Before the release (the review of which can be read here), we enjoyed and. Both projects were highly praised by the gaming press and by gamers themselves.

Another revolution in the world sandbox games came with the exit. The opinion of the author of this article does not coincide with the opinion of the author of the review and his final assessment. There is not enough space to list all the advantages of the fourth part, and this is not what our material is about, but it is worth noting that the charismatic Niko Belik, unlike the hero of the third part, is very colorful. He reveals his past in dialogues and shares his plans for the future, helping his brother Roman (would-be entrepreneur) make the American dream come true. This masterpiece should be in the collection of every self-respecting player. Naturally, we are not talking about 49% per story.

Other side

Before closing in 2006 Rockstar Vienna under the wing Rockstar games there were ten studios. Since most of this material is devoted to the main one, we will briefly go over all the rest.
In english Rockstar lincoln undergoing testing and translation of branded projects Rockstar games... The company was previously referred to as Tarantula Studios, and the portfolio of the guys includes the first and second parts ported for the Game Boy Color. Founded in 97th year, owned by Rock Stars Tarantula Studios became in 2002. What else interesting can you say about them? Perhaps nothing.

Another thing - Rockstar vancouver... As the name suggests, it shouldn't be difficult to guess the geographic location of the studio. Canadian developers managed to establish themselves exclusively with better side because many of you played "school sanbox"? Yes, where the main character with konnopushki solves his (and others') problems mainly with fists, from time to time attending boring lessons, where various mini-games await us. According to rumors, the guys from Rockstar vancouver busy now with the creation of the second part. They are also working on a project, the release of which was clearly delayed. By the way, from 1998 to 2002, the studio was referred to as Barking Dog Studios, and its founder is Brian Tolken(Brian Thalken) - come from Radical Entertainment... However, Vancouver-based Rock Stars is far from the only Canadian studio. In the same country (in Oakville, Ontario) there is Rockstar toronto... The main task of the division is to port games to Wii and help others Rockstar studios in the development of projects. So, in their track record it is worth highlighting:, the PC version and episodes of Liberty City.

Rockstar new england(nee Mad Doc Software) appeared not so long ago - in 2008. Previously, an independent studio managed to distinguish itself with its own projects: Star Trek: Armada 2, and. And if Mad Doc Software created their games mainly for Microsoft Windows, then Mobius Entertainment(now Rockstar leeds) worked exclusively on the Game Boy Advance platform. Now, under the wing of Rock Stars, the main task of the guys is to create and port games for the PlayStation Portable and iOS. Together with Rockstar north was created

Network Policy Validation GTA Online... Quite often, players began to face a problem in which it is necessary each time to confirm the network policy or the initial launch in GTA Online, and before that the player is thrown into single-player mode, and only through it can you go online.

How to get rid of the constant validation of network policy?

It is difficult to say the reason for the appearance of this problem in GTA 5 on PC, but there is one solution that may help you.

  1. Go to the folder my documents, to the folder where the save files from GTA 5 are located ( My Documents \ Rockstar Games \ GTAV \ ).
  2. Delete files launcher.log and settings.xml.
  3. Next, go to the Profiles folder, delete the files cfg.dat, pc_settings.bin and folder control. Do not worry, your save will not be affected, you just have to go to the game settings section and change them, since by deleting the files in the previous step, we reset them to the standard ones.
  4. You can now log into GTA Online without any problems. If this solution did not help you, repeat all the steps above one more time.

This document constitutes an agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") between you and a US company, Inc., its parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates (hereinafter "Company", "we" and "our"), governing the relationship between you and the Company in communication with your use of the online services. The Company provides access to Internet services and related services if you comply with this Agreement. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you carefully read and understand this Agreement.

The terms and conditions of this document supplement the License Agreement published at and governing your use of all of the Company's software products and services.

Description of Internet services
Trademarks and legal information
Provision of materials by you
Behavior rules
Limited license
Company License
Ringtones, wallpapers and other mobile services and products
Virtual money and virtual goods
Disclaimer of Warranties
Invalidity in case of ban
Compensation for damage
Designated Agent for Digital Millennium Copyright Law
Reoffending Policy


Subject to your full compliance with this Agreement, the Company may offer you certain products and services available using Internet-connected equipment, including gaming systems, personal computers, mobile computers and smartphones, as well as through gaming applications and any software platforms, including those owned by third parties (collectively, "Internet Services"). Online services include (without limitation) all services and materials provided to you by the Company, including any materials presented or used on the website. The Company may, at any time and for any reason, change, suspend or discontinue support for the Online Services, including terminating access to any features or materials. The company may impose restrictions on the use of certain functions or services, as well as restrict your access to some or all of the Internet services, without prior notice or liability.


All content from the Online Services, including, but not limited to, text, data, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio and video clips, links, digital downloads, datasets and software products, are owned, controlled, licensed or used with Company permission. All such materials are protected by copyright, trademark law and other intellectual property laws. The materials of the Internet services are provided solely for your personal non-commercial use and may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way, including email or other electronic means of data transmission, without the prior written consent of the Company in each specific case. You may download specially provided downloads using online services for your personal, non-commercial use, provided you comply with all copyright and other proprietary notices that may apply to such material.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, you can play GTA Online right now for free with all the add-ons from Rockstar Games.


ATTENTION: The company welcomes your personal contribution to the activities of the gaming community. Despite this, materials of any kind provided by you to the Company, including messages published on the Company's website, sent by e-mail or regular mail, as well as transmitted by any other means, become the sole and exclusive property of the Company, which acquires all property and other rights to such materials, including all intellectual property rights (including the right to create derivative works and the right of the original author when using derivative works), in any existing or future forms without any obligation to mention you or to pay you any remuneration when using such materials. Any intentional retention of rights statement included in or accompanying your submissions will be null and void. By submitting materials of any kind to the Company, you agree to all of the above.


The following rules, principles and disclaimers govern and / or apply to your use of the Internet services.

By using the online services, you agree to: (1) use the online services only for your personal, non-commercial purposes and only in full compliance with applicable law; (2) not restrict or interfere with the use of the online services by any other person (in particular, through harassment, hacking or harm); (3) not use the online services to create, publish or post any known to be false and / or defamatory, inaccurate, offensive, vulgar, obscene, hateful, sexually oriented, threatening, violating anyone's privacy, illegal or inappropriate to community standards materials; (4) not use the online services to create, publish or post any copyrighted material, unless you are the copyright holder of that material; (5) not post, publish or transmit any information or software that contains "viruses", "worms", "time bombs", "canselbots", "Trojans" or any other harmful components; (6) not publish, post, create or transmit materials that violate the intellectual property rights of third parties or other intellectual property rights; (7) not to violate the rules of the game and not to use unauthorized "robots", "spiders" or other programs in conjunction with Internet services; (8) not impersonate others or entities when using the online services. All decisions are made by the Company at its sole discretion.

By providing users of Internet services with the opportunity to post their own materials (hereinafter referred to as "User materials", "PM"), we do not consider each PM separately, and also do not confirm the accuracy, reliability and originality of the published PM. We have no control over the content of the posted messages and are not responsible for it. We do not imply or guarantee the accuracy, accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any PM. The content of the messages does not reflect the views of the Company, its subsidiaries, or any person or organization associated with the Company, the Internet services or any websites of the Company. If you object to any message, we recommend that you use the appropriate complaint function or contact us at We will remove objectionable material if such removal is deemed justifiable. Please note that the removal or modification of any information material is done manually and takes time. We reserve the right to remove (or not remove) any PM or other materials for any reason (or not). You are solely responsible for your PM and agree not to involve the Company and its agents in any proceedings related to the transfer of your PM. Posting advertisements, happiness letters, pyramid schemes, motions and similar materials is inappropriate and prohibited on online services (including bulletin boards and communication channels).

We reserve the right to disclose your identity (including any information we know about you) without prior notice under certain circumstances set out in our Privacy Policy. For details, please visit:


The Company grants you a limited, non-transferable license to access and use the Internet-based services. This license is subject to this Agreement and, if applicable, the Software License Agreement published at In particular, the aforementioned license implies the following: (i) You have the right to view, copy and print elements of the Internet services exclusively in your personal non-commercial information purposes; (ii) you may not change or otherwise modify the way you use the online services or any part of them; (iii) you may not remove or modify any legal information, trademarks or other copyright notices posted on the online services; (iv) you are not authorized to use any data extraction tools, "robots" or similar methods of collecting and extracting data; (v) you may only use the online services for their intended purpose; (vi) you may not reproduce, use in derivative works, distribute or display Internet services, except as provided herein; (vii) You may not violate the above Code of Conduct.

Except as expressly permitted above, any use of any part of the Online Services without the prior written consent of the Company is strictly prohibited and will terminate the license. Any such unauthorized use may violate applicable laws such as copyright and trademark laws and applicable information technology laws and regulations. Unless expressly stated otherwise, nothing in this Agreement should be construed as granting any licenses for intellectual property rights, whether within the meaning of the document or otherwise. This license can be revoked at any time.

You represent and warrant that you will use the Online Services in accordance with this license, License agreement and other applicable agreements or rules, and will not prejudice or violate the rights of any other party, will not violate any contractual or legal obligation towards any other party, or any applicable law. You agree to indemnify the Company from any liability to any person arising from your violation of this Agreement when using the Internet services. To obtain permission to use the online services in any way not included in this license You can contact the Company by e-mail


By creating a PM, sending messages, publishing and creating files, entering data or participating in any form of communication using the Internet services, you grant the Company a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive, unlimited worldwide license to: (1) use, copy, sublicense, adapt, transmission, publication or display of any such material; (2) sublicensing to third parties an unrestricted right to use any of the above rights granted in relation to the materials. The foregoing also includes the possibility of using any proprietary rights in such materials, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights, as well as rights to trademarks, service marks or patents in any jurisdiction. Additional license terms associated with our software are given in the License Agreement published at


If you choose to purchase products or services provided by the online services, you may be asked to provide certain information, including your credit card information or other payment information. You agree to provide accurate, complete and current data. You agree to pay all costs, including shipping and handling charges, charged to users of your bank card or any other means of payment at prices valid at the time of imputation of expenses. You are also responsible for any applicable taxes associated with your purchase. Please read the Company's Privacy Policy at before submitting payment information.


Some Cell phones and service providers allow users to make purchases of various digital mobile products using mobile devices... Online services can also provide you with the ability to purchase various mobile products and deliver them directly to your mobile device. Digital mobile products allow you to change or customize your mobile device or certain features (such as ringing tones or wallpapers), or you can select specific videos or sounds to watch or listen to at any time you choose. All or some digital mobile products may be unavailable, non-transferable, or incompatible with all mobile device models. As a result, the user may not be able to purchase or use all services or offers. Any attempt to purchase such products or services may result in your service provider being charged a certain amount from your account to pay for SMS messages or other communication services. In addition, the user may receive a separate bill from the mobile operator for the purchased product, service or offer. If the user's phone is in standby mode and receives a call while ordering or receiving any mobile products or services, such products, services or other offers may be interrupted or not fully downloaded. You can unsubscribe from any service subscription by following the instructions provided in the message or on the website associated with the product. You can get information about our products at


Online services, including their programs, may allow you to purchase and / or earn in-game a limited license to use virtual currency and / or virtual goods intended solely for use in the applicable programs or services of the Company. Such license is governed by the License Agreement, this Agreement and other applicable rules and agreements; the condition for granting such a license is your acceptance and compliance with the above documents. Any virtual currency and / or virtual goods can be spent or lost by users during the game in accordance with the internal rules regarding currency and goods, which may differ. For details, see the License Agreement published at




Although the Company's Internet services are available worldwide, some of the products and services they comprise may not be available to some individuals or in some geographic regions. The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to limit the provision and quantity of any products or services to any person or geographic region. Any offer of any product or service will be void if it is contrary to applicable law.


You agree to provide the Company and its affiliates, employees, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers with compensation, protection and immunity for all losses, expenses, damages and expenses (within reasonable limits), including attorney fees, arising from your violation of this Agreements. The Company reserves the right to exercise exclusive protection and control in any claims for damages from you.


This Agreement is deemed to be New York State and governed by the laws of the State of New York (subject to conflict of laws rules). Each party to this Agreement is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts sitting in the Manhattan area of ​​New York City, NY, and disclaims any objection to such courts as to their jurisdiction, location, or inconvenient location. You and the Company also agree to the following: (i) any claim to enforce this Agreement must be filed within 2 (two) years from the date the reason for the filing arises; (ii) only recurring costs are reimbursable, with the exception of the winning party's right to reimbursement of legal costs and attorney fees; (iii) each claim is filed individually and cannot be filed as part of a class or joint action.


The company may terminate or suspend support for all and any Internet services, and remove any registered account immediately, without prior notice and liability, for any reason, including because of your violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement. If you delete your account, you will immediately terminate your right to use the online services. If you want to delete your account, you just need to stop using the Internet services. All provisions of this Agreement, which by their nature are intended to remain in effect after termination, including, but not limited to, property clauses, disclaimers, exclusions and limitation of liability, remain in effect upon termination.


In the event that a court or other competent authority or jurisdiction considers any provision of this Agreement unenforceable, such provision should be limited or excluded to the minimum possible; all other provisions of this Agreement remain in full force and effect. This Agreement, along with the Privacy Policy published at, and the License Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement between you and the Company in relation to the subject of the Agreement; any written and oral agreements between you and the Company in relation to the subject of the Agreement are declared invalid. The Company may change the terms of this Agreement at any time in its sole discretion by posting the amended Agreement or, in the event of material changes, by posting a publication of such changes on the website page under the heading "Legal Notice" or "Legal Notice" (or similar) prior to the entry into force of such a change.


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provides a mechanism to notify a service provider of illegal use of copyrighted material. In accordance with the DMCA, the notice must be sent to the designated agent of the service provider. If you sincerely believe that the Company should be notified of a possible copyright infringement affecting any online services, please send such notice to the Company's designated agent:

Service Provider: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Designated Agent Mailing Address:
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
622 Broadway
New York, New York 10012
Attention: General Counsel
Designated Agent Phone Number: 646-536-2842
Designated Agent Fax Number: 646-941-3566
Designated Agent Email Address:

Please note that your notice must meet the established requirements of the DMCA for your notice to take effect. We recommend that you review these requirements (see 17 U.S.C., section 512 (c) (3)) before filing a Notice of Infringement.

For a notice to be DMCA compliant, it must be done in writing and contain the following information: (1) a physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right; (2) an indication of the work of authorship, the rights to which are allegedly infringed, or, in the event that one notice informs about several works of authorship on the same website, a list of such works on this website; (3) an indication of material that is suspected of infringing or is the object of an infringement of rights and which should be removed (or access to which should be terminated), as well as data reasonably sufficient to detect such material; (4) reasonably sufficient contact information necessary to communicate with the complaining party, such as postal address, telephone number and, if available, email address; (5) a statement that the complaining party does believe that the use of the material complained about is carried out without the permission of the copyright owner or his representative, or is illegal; (6) a statement that the information in the notice is accurate and is filed with knowledge of the penalty for perjury, and that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the allegedly infringed exclusive right.


In accordance with the DMCA and other applicable laws, the Company has adopted a policy to delete, in certain circumstances and at the sole discretion of the Company, the registered accounts of persons who are found to have committed a second offense. The Company may also, in its sole discretion, restrict access to Internet services and / or delete the account of any person who infringes on the intellectual property rights of others, whether the infringement is repeated or not.

Rockstar games did it again. And I'm not talking about the unexpected announcement of the game, but about the fact that PC gamers are again in full swing. So, Red dead redemption 2 announced console only in the fall of 2017 (by the way, they will almost certainly be postponed).

Not to say that this is a big surprise. Games from "Rock Stars" have long disliked the PC audience, because their games come out with a big delay, or do not come out at all, as is the case with the original Red dead redemption... But why is this happening?

After all, PC gamers love their games as much as console people do. Perhaps even more. After all, how else to explain the wave of mods that are falling on each new game? But instead of support, Rockstar just stands aside and seems to yawn from boredom. Not really, though. After leaving Gta v they did pay attention to modding and ... banned several mods because they influenced online play.

Yes, creating a PC version is a rather difficult and costly process. There are many indicators and variables to consider. But this is Rockstar! They have enough resources to do this. Plus, the new consoles are now the same ecosystem as the PC, so porting is much easier than the X-360 and PS3.

By the way, there is a faint hope that Rockstar just want to fully master and test last generation consoles. After all, they did not formally release games on X-one and PS4. If so, then the PC version is only a matter of time. But, alas, the release on the PC has not been confirmed even indirectly.

But for now Rockstar spits in the face of PC players. So, you can remember the past winter sale in Steam... It's been 8 months since the PC version was released. You could give a discount ... But no. The players were only offered a free card with in-game currency as a gift. And until now (and a year and a half has passed since the release) the maximum discount on Gta v was 33%. At the same time, the game always occupies the first line in the Bestseller.

Those. to say that the pirates are to blame is also impossible. Yes, this is a problem and Gta v It was hacked quite quickly, moreover, the game still appears in different variations (4K textures, built-in mods) on torrents. However, this did not stop the PC version from selling 6 million copies. Yes, that's just 10% of all versions sold across all platforms. But other publishers don't even dream of that.

So really Rockstar hate PC and PC gamers so much? Or just want to focus on consoles? In all, it turns out that the first. The PC platform is now more popular than ever, which I even mentioned Sony at the presentation of the new console. Porting is also fairly straightforward due to the structure.

But Rockstar continue to bend their line. Sooner or later a series RDR will visit PC. Nobody will give up an extra bag of money. The only question is when? Although I would have asked another - is the game worth waiting for with such an attitude?

P.S. We would also like to add that fans RDR are collecting a petition for the release of the sequel on PC - follow this link :) 13,000 people have already accumulated in 12 hours! Join us!