Developing relationships with NPCs. Black Desert Online Guide: NPC Chat Minigame

No buffs - like no hands. Of course, you will kill mobs, but sluggishly and without a spark. And, as it turns out, you can temporarily strengthen your character in the BDO game not only with food or alchemy, but also by talking to certain NPCs. If they treat you well, they are ready to provide you with all sorts of useful buffs.

The general principle of using this service is that first you need to raise your friendship with this NIP to certain values. But then you can always get buffs from him - this is not a friendship store that constantly flies after purchase. True, for strengthening you will need to give a certain amount of energy each time.

An important point: All of these buffs replace each other, so you have to choose carefully.

I grouped the buffing NPCs by city, as it helps a lot in pumping. So let's go!

Country: Balenos

Location: Western Guard Camp

1.NPC: Constant

Load it up to 151 and for 5 energy it will buff you +2 attack power for 30 minutes.

2. NPC: Tool Merchant Payenia

Requires 201 friendship. For 5 energy, you will receive +100 HP for 30 minutes.

Location: Velia City

1. NPC: Mistress of the "Crescent" tavern Ayselyn Bartelli

You have to be friends with the innkeeper. And for 101 friendship, it will increase your damage to people by +1 for half an hour. It will cost you 5 energy.

2.NPC: Alchemist Allustin

Increases HP by +100, duration - 30 minutes. You will need to work it up to 151 and give 5 energy.

3. NPC: Alchemist Clorins

And here everything is free, that is, "dad" (c) Owl. This pretty girl with a friendship level of 31 and above is ready to instantly heal you to full HP.

4. NPC: Alchemist Eileen

For 5 energy increases your stamina by 100 units. But first, earn 101 friendships.

Country: Serendia

Location: Heidel

1.NPC: Carolina

The maid of the city ruler gives one of the most useful combat buffs: + 10% damage on a critical hit for half an hour. To do this, you need to load it only by 51. But the cost is quite high - 25 energy.

2.NPC: Coach Cruhorn Wormsbane

Armored gun gives +2 damage for 30 minutes. True, for this you need to befriend him as much as 851 and pay 25 energy.

3. NPC: Priest Eil

Also a good buff: + 1% to the chance of crit for half an hour. True, Eil's friendship up to 501 is not an easy task, and the cost of the buff is as much as 35 energy. In addition, he goes to bed at night, so I don't give a screen.

Location: Glish

1.NPC: Alchemist Braharo

There are legends about Braharo's intransigence in terms of friendship. But, if you still earned 301 points from him, then for 25 energy he is ready to increase your damage resistance by +1 for 30 minutes.

2.NPC: Temple Adept Ellian Lionel Richie

Gives +2 to attack for half an hour. Previously, it must be worked up to 501. And this buff will cost you 35 energy.

3. NPC: Trainer Cheysar

If you are not bothered to befriend him at 1001, then for 25 energy you can increase your HP by +100 for 30 minutes. Doubtful, to be honest, pleasure. I didn’t have enough perseverance to rub the bump to the required values.

Country: Calpheon

Nope ... Don't count. The local NPCs are sure that you are already powerful enough, so for additional buffs - only for the auction :)

P.S. Well, if you don't want to "feed" the developers, you can use our exchange, where you can be both a buyer and a seller, selling and buying game values.

Items for rent:

In any city, you can take from the storekeeper box for 10 Influence Points to place it at home and have access to the warehouse. It greatly simplifies life), but the acceptance of cargo transportation from there is not available. In addition, many NPCs lease various items for influence points.

Now you can turn in rented items not necessarily exactly to the NPCs from whom they took them. They can also be returned to other key NPCs:

  • Herman Peresio in the "Calpheon" location;
  • Jardine Doukas in the Heidel location;
  • Igor Bartelli at the Velia location;
  • Braharo in the "Glish" location;
  • Indri in the location "Bear Village";
  • August in the Trent Village location;
  • Valentine in Florin Village.


Guildmaster Luciano Pietro - training gun (2 OB)

Daphne (Delucci Farm) - training gun (2 OB)

Alchemist Heisenbell (Western Guard Camp) - Training Gun (2 SP)

Martina (Pinto Plantation) - Light Fence 4 Slots (3 OB)

Paola Toscani (Farm Toscani) - Normal 7 slots fence (6 OV)

Pulvio - flute


Toolmaker Plebiani - Sturdy Fence 10 Slots (10 SP)


President of the bank "Hope" Baskwin - Traveler's stamp (100 OV)

Tool Dealer Keranoa - Sturdy Fence 10 Slots (10 RH)

Enzo Node Management (Diaz Farm) - Light Fence 4 Cells (3 OV)

Wheat Fields Mistress Norma Rate (Northern Wheat Field) - Normal 7-slot fence (6 RH)

Caya North Port (Chairman of the Merio Fishing Community) - Training Shotgun (2 RH)

Trent Village - Dalin - Flute (1 RH)

Trent Village - Furniture Merchant Mayer - Normal 7-slot fence (6 SP)

Bear Village - Alchemist Johnsen - Flute (1 OB)


Armor Merchant Shurd - Flute (1 SP)


Tool Merchant Rashir - Sturdy Fence 10 Slots (10 SP)

Abun Village - Tool Merchant Tifri Hasse - Light Fence 4 slots (3 SP)

Tariffa village:

Tool Dealer Phyllin - Common Fence 7 Slots (6 SP)


Bluenat - flute

NPC buffs:


OD - friendship points.

Western Guard Camp:



Coach Cheysar 1000 OD "Protective technology" HP +100 for 30 min. 25 energy
Ellyan Temple Adept

Lionel Richie

Energy theme in Black desert- without exaggeration, one of the main topics that absolutely any player should pay attention to. In the virtual world of this Korean MMORPG, energy is almost the most important currency. Energy in Black Desert is inextricably linked to knowledge, also a very broad and interesting topic.

Knowledge about the world around us, history, science, monsters and much, much more awaits adventurers at almost every step virtual world... And if at the beginning of the game it seems that all this information is absolutely useless, then with an increase in the level comes the realization of the importance of knowledge: after all, the maximum energy directly depends on their quantity. game character, and from their quality - drop and damage to enemies.

This article will tell newcomers about what knowledge is, what it is, as well as how you can increase the maximum energy of the character and use its capabilities to the maximum.

The number of energy points is shown on the main game screen in the upper left corner, next to the character level. By analogy with real life, in the world of Black Desert, energy is spent on almost all actions: gathering resources, various crafting, conversations, gaining knowledge, pumping skills and much more. Accordingly, the more energy a character has, the more opportunities.

This indicator consists of two values ​​(written with a slash). The first number is the unused energy points available at the current moment, the second is the maximum amount of energy for the character at the current moment. The newly created "pers" has a value of "0/30".

In order for the energy to be replenished to the maximum amount, there are several ways:

  1. It is restored by itself 1 unit every three minutes (online) and 1 unit every hour (offline).
  2. Completing some tasks, especially daily ones, can also bring the character 3-5 "points" of energy.
  3. Purchased "energy boosters", such as a glass of wine, which will restore vitality by 3 points.
  4. Sleeping in beds (which will be discussed in more detail below) can significantly increase the rate of energy recovery.
  5. Energy banks, in which you can "can" your (temporarily unnecessary) energy or the energy of the twink characters from the family - another way to significantly expand your capabilities when necessary.
  6. Various buffs and other "goodies" from the in-game store, which are bought for pearls, such as Ellian's Blessing (+2 to the speed of energy recovery for 15 days). In addition, by opening a chest with pearls bought for real money, the character will also temporarily receive a bonus to energy recovery.

In addition to the above, I must say that for a day of continuous online, a character can get a maximum of 480 points of energy, therefore, if more energy is needed, you will have to use various "doping".

In the system of "play life" BDO beds play a very important role. Many players do not attach sufficient importance to this type of furniture, but if there is a mood for long game and high-quality pumping, in no case should you underestimate the benefits of beds in Black Desert.

Any bed can only be placed inside your own home, i.e. to enjoy the "bed" benefits, it is imperative to invest influence points in the acquisition of residential property.

There are many types of beds in the game. The simplest - Bed from Velia and Bed from Heidel - can be purchased from furniture NPCs in the respective cities. To do this, you will need to pump friendship with them up to 500 and 1000 points, respectively. Sleeping on such beds will speed up the player's energy recovery by 1.

Also, the Calpheon Bed can increase the energy gain by 1 unit (you can get it for free for the culinary quest chain in Calfa), as well as craft beds, which are quite easy to create with the help of a hired worker in a furniture workshop.

In addition to simple beds available to everyone, Black Desert has special beds, part of beautiful furniture sets that can only be purchased from the premium store for real money. Such furniture (a goblin bed, a bed decorated with a bone, a palm bed, etc.) costs 250 pearls (rubles) and can increase energy recovery by as much as 2 units.

However, “mere mortals” can also afford such an increase in energy, because in the Korean MMORPG one more bed is provided - a reward for completing the achievement of 1000 hours of play with one account. Upon receiving this, without exaggeration, an honorable award, the player is offered a choice of "woolen", "snake" or "leather" bed. They all have the same characteristics, differing only in design and appearance.

! Interesting note: if the game house that was purchased does not have a sufficiently high ceiling, then you should not buy and install high beds in it - there is a very high chance of getting stuck with your head in textures when you "wake up".

Whatever bed you have and whatever game buffs you use - if the maximum energy reserve of the character remains equal to 30, you will not be able to develop and realize special development in the game world. Therefore, any player should definitely start increasing the maximum supply of energy in Black Desert, and this should be done by gaining knowledge.

The knowledge menu is opened by pressing the "H" button. In the list that opens, you can see all the knowledge that exists in the world of Black Desert today. The following categories give an increase in maximum energy: People, Terrain, Islands, Ecology, Adventure, Science. The remaining three subsections (Crafts, Acquaintance with Black Desert, Trade) do not give an increase in parameters.

In the same menu, it is indicated how much a particular group of knowledge increases the indicator of maximum energy. Usually half of the "collection" of knowledge gives 1-2 energy, and a group assembled as a whole can increase the desired indicator by 4-6 points. The growth rate depends on the amount of knowledge in the group.

There are huge groups of knowledge (45 - 50 pieces in each), and there are also very small ones, consisting of only one item. For collecting a collection of any size, you can get a bonus to energy.

An interesting observation on the topic: sometimes the development team, together with the next patch, introduces changes in the knowledge system: for example, before there were 10 knowledge in the “collection”, but now there were 11. In this case, if the group has already been studied and the reward is in the form of additional “points Energy is received, then it will remain so. That is, the player will not be deprived of honestly earned energy points, and the receipt of the last, 11th knowledge, will not affect the maximum indicator in any way.

! An important element Titles are also used to increase the maximum amount of energy in Black Desert. This topic is very capacious and requires a separate article, therefore, within the framework of today's discussion, we will only note that the number of titles received in the game can increase the supply of maximum energy to +8 units.

It is very important to understand the fact of the distribution of energy between the members of the game "family" - that is, characters created on the same account, server and under the same surname. The trick is that all family members have the same supply of maximum energy (due to general knowledge), but everyone has their own consumption. That is, if at least one character in the account raises the level of maximum energy, say, to 300, then all the others, even newly created characters, will have the value "0/300" in the "Energy" line.

From this it should be concluded that in a week or two, all created characters of the same name, even while offline, will accumulate the maximum number of "points" of energy, and these valuable reserves can be used for various "family" needs. If it is necessary to spend energy by a specific character (say, to pump some skill for him), then in such a situation, the "conservation", which was mentioned earlier, will greatly help. You just need to go into the game as "child" characters and have a special NPC process their energy into banks, which can be easily used by any family member.

All of the above directly indicates that if a player is really serious about the game and wants to get the most out of it, it would be highly advisable to create the maximum number of characters on the account (even if they are not planned to play) and from time to time "drain" their energy.

Knowledge in one form or another is in many major games... Usually they are there only to create the necessary atmosphere or to entertain those who like to read all the quests and understand the history of the virtual world in which to play.

In Black Desert, knowledge has a broader function. In addition to the above interest, they carry a tangible benefit - an increase in the maximum energy level.

Almost immediately after the character hit game world, you can see that everything in Black Desert has its own little history. Be it a monster, city, NPC, building - all these items in the game are accompanied by the appropriate knowledge. A lot of knowledge can be obtained just like that, without even straining, but this is not always the case. There are even more complex knowledge - for example, about religion or adventure. They are not so easy to get, and often you have to contrive and pretty much run around the locations in order to get the necessary information in your "piggy bank".

"Multi-rank" knowledge. How is "C" different from "S"?

There are several more subtleties in the knowledge system. For example, knowledge ranks, which always generate a lot of discussion among players. The fact is that some knowledge (from the sections "Ecology" and "Trade") has a kind of qualitative indicator - rank. The higher the rank of knowledge, the more useful it is. But how can knowledge in Black Desert be useful, apart from the previously announced increase in maximum energy? The fact is that the rank of knowledge about a monster or a commodity can greatly facilitate a battle or a sale (respectively).

  • The simplest knowledge of the "C"-rank allows you to see the life bar of hostile monsters.
  • Knowledge of "B"-rank increases the character's defense indicators in a battle with a given enemy.
  • "A" and "A +" - more rarely dropping ranks - will help to inflict more damage on enemies, all other things being equal.
  • The most valuable and desirable knowledge of the "S"-rank increases the quantity and quality of "drops" from mobs, including experience.

It should be noted that the knowledge of the "S"-rank obtained from the Boss is a rare piece of luck, which will later do a good job, because a player with such knowledge has a higher chance of getting parts of the boss set than others.

The most frequently appearing knowledge is, of course, "C" - and "B" - rank. At the same time, you need to know that if low-level knowledge from the mob has already been obtained, then it is impossible to increase the rank of the existing knowledge. You can only remove this knowledge and try to get a new, higher level. This procedure can be done indefinitely, as long as there is enough patience.

It is possible to delete any knowledge in Black Desert, and the NPC-librarian, Annalisa, who "lives" in the central library of the city of Calpheon, will help in this. By the way, if you wander around the library and take a closer look bookshelves, then you can get a lot of interesting knowledge and even collect several collections.

The cost of removing knowledge from Annalize is 10 energy. In addition, there is also the "Elixir of Oblivion", which allows you to remove knowledge anywhere without resorting to the help of a librarian.

In addition to deleting, there is also a reverse procedure: knowledge can be bought for in-game silver. So desperate to knock out necessary knowledge about some Bheg or Maskan, you can go to a special NPC and get the necessary information for a tidy sum of game silver. Just keep in mind - often the amount will be very "round".

Quite a lot of knowledge can be gained simply by doing story quests and auxiliary tasks of the NPC. Knowledge about the terrain, islands, nodes is obtained automatically when you visit them. Knowledge about people, non-play characters Black Desert, most often given during dialogue with them. You will recognize fish by catching several pieces of the same species, monsters - by killing a certain number of them.

However, there is also such knowledge in the world of Black Desert that it is not easy to get it. In addition, the total amount of knowledge is striking - today there are about 2,100 of them, and this figure is constantly growing, because the game is adding new areas, classes, NPCs.

In order to study a huge layer of game knowledge to the maximum, it is necessary to try to complete absolutely all quests, to be as attentive as possible at every step, because valuable knowledge can be hidden right under the nose. It is very important to develop a relationship with the NPC, because many stories they tell only close friends. As soon as you see a special sign around the NPC (a blue circle with a question mark on the ground), immediately shake it up, start a friendship and finally get knowledge.

And, perhaps, the most important advice - try to start exploring the vast world of Black Desert as early as possible. There is nothing sadder than the sight of a level 55+ character who kills low-level mobs in the vicinity of Olivia, because he does not have enough knowledge about some woodcrab or goblin to collect. Make friends with everyone you can (and cannot) be friends with. Try to squeeze all the knowledge out of this game - believe me, then it will work in your favor.

In Black Desert Online there is a system of friendship with the NPC. Each NPC has "Friendship Points", and the higher their scale, the more friendly the NPCs are to you. During communication with an NPC, the friendship between you and this NPC increases. When you interact with an NPC, in the interaction window there will most often be 2 functions Dialogue "R" and Greeting "F5". But some NPCs will have another function called "F6" theft. But let's talk about everything in stages.

In order to get the location of the NPC, you need to communicate with him.

The basics of communicating with NPCs

By clicking the NPC on the Dialogue function, a window will open. Here you can see the scale of friendship points, the total amount of friendship received with this NPC, the communication button, and the knowledge necessary to communicate with this NPC.

Preparing for communication

So, on the left, in a green frame, the scale of friendship with the NPC is displayed. This scale is limitless, even when it shows that it is full. On it you can see the total number of friendship points with the NPC. In addition, different icons are often displayed near the scale. If you hover over them, you will see that it can be a quest, knowledge, buff, shop. That is, in order for you, for example, to open a friendship store, you need to get 501 friendship points.
To start a conversation, you need energy points. One stage of communication usually starts with the expenditure of 2 energy points each time, but as your friendship with the NPC increases, the amount of energy that you must use will also increase. You can see how much energy is needed for communication and the total amount of your energy for this moment... For example, in the image above (highlighted in red on the screenshot above), you can see that the current cost of communication is 20 energy points, and I have 218 energy points that I can use.
In addition, you will also need knowledge so that you have topics to talk about with the NPC. Knowledge is obtained during various actions in the game, it can be communicating with another NPC, killing monsters, completing quests, exploring new areas, etc. Each NPC has its own area of ​​expertise, which they like to talk about, and conversation with them will become available to you if you meet certain requirements. In the window on the left (circled in blue in the screenshot above), you will see the total amount of knowledge you currently have and how much you need to unlock to communicate.

Start of communication

Interact with NPCs by pressing "R", then press "Chat" to open the chat interface.
In the conversation interface, you will see the NPC zodiac sign with window circles for each knowledge and the lines connecting them. This is the order in which you will place each knowledge. The knowledge you can select will be shown in the lower right corner. Right click on knowledge to add it to the dialog.
Once you have filled all the available knowledge slots, you can click the button below to start a dialogue. When the dialogue is completed, you will receive a positive or negative response from the NPC, which will be depicted as happy or sad emoticons. At the top of the screen, you will also be given a goal of what you need to do in order to get friendship points with the NPC. Each goal is backed up in detail with tips on what to do to get the desired effect.

Do you want to continue the dialogue or end it?
When the conversation is over and you have successfully achieved the goal, you will have the option to either continue the conversation or end it.
If you decide to complete, you will receive the accumulated amount of friendship points that you have accumulated during the dialogue. If you decide to continue, you can continue to chat without spending any energy points, but if you do not reach the next goal, you will lose everything that you gained in all stages of this conversation. You can continue talking 2 more times, doing a total of 3 conversations for one amount of energy points.

Percentage level and interest

When you start a conversation with an NPC, their level of interest will be shown in the window on the left. The NPC's interest may change every time you start a conversation, but if you choose to continue the conversation, it will remain the same. If the interest is very high, it can make it difficult to get friendship points with the NPC.
When you hover over knowledge (topic icons at the bottom), you can also see that it also has an interest. The interest in knowledge is stable and does not change. The knowledge effect is calculated by dividing the percentage level of knowledge by the percentage level of the NPC. The knowledge effect is the percentage of receiving a positive response in a conversation. If the percentage of the NPC is below the level of interest in the knowledge, you will always get a positive answer when using that knowledge.

In the image below, for example:
Lara is interested in 22
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti - Interest 25
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti effect interest: 25x100 / 22 = 100% (it goes higher, but 100% is the maximum).

This means that there is a 100% chance that you will get a positive reaction when using this knowledge in a conversation.
It is also important to note that the effect of knowledge can affect the next knowledge in the chain. If you manage to get a positive reaction, you may have a higher chance of the next knowledge and vice versa.

Sympathy and interest

When you start a conversation with NPCs, their amount of sympathy is displayed in the window on the left. The NPC's sympathy can also change every time you start a dialogue, but if you choose to continue communicating, it will remain the same. If the liking is very low, then it can make it difficult to get friendship points with this NPC.
When you hover your mouse over knowledge, you can also see the liking of knowledge. The sympathy for knowledge is always stable and does not change. The percentage is calculated by subtracting the NPC's liking from the knowledge's liking. Percentages affect your Maximum / Accumulated Likes during a conversation, and the higher these rates, the more sympathy you collect at the end of the dialogue.
You will only get interest if you get a positive reaction from the NPC!
In the image above, for example:
Lara has sympathy 7
Knowledge of Caresto Fonti - Sympathy 23 ~ 26
Caresto Fonti's Sympathy: (23 ~ 26) - 7 = (16 ~ 19)
This means that if you get a positive reaction for this knowledge, you will receive a random number of points from 16 to 19.

Maximum and accumulated liking levels

The maximum liking level is calculated by summing the interest you get from each knowledge. Every time knowledge is discussed, maximum level liking will be recalculated and used to calculate the level of accumulated liking.
The maximum liking level can also be reset if you receive a negative response from knowledge.
It is also important to note that the maximum level of liking and the level of accumulated liking are displayed only when the following knowledge is discussed.

The purpose of the conversation

Every time you start communicating with the NPC, you need to achieve the goal, which is indicated at the top of the screen. To complete this task, you must get the exact number of required knowledge reactions during the conversation. Depending on how the goal is formulated, you may also need to consistently generate interest over a certain number of times.
Basic goals:
Talk to NPC - you need to get any reactions to knowledge, the best way choose knowledge with a high rate of interest;
Arouse interest 5 times in a row - you need to get positive reactions to knowledge 5 times in a row;
Failure to generate interest 5 times in a row - you need to get negative reactions to knowledge 5 times in a row;
Raise the maximum liking parameter to 23 - you need to get the minimum maximum liking 23.
Raise the parameter of accumulated sympathy to 23 - you need to get a minimum of accumulated sympathy 23.

Combo effects

Combined effects can be created between knowledge to earn extra interest or sympathy points, which in turn will increase your maximum / accumulated sympathy level. The wording can be misleading, but once you understand it, you can use it easily.
Some knowledge will have a description of the combo effect when you hover over it. For example, Lara's knowledge: "After 3 turns, the next 3 knowledge gets +5 to the Sympathy parameter." This means that it will be combined with knowledge that is placed 3 turns after it. It will increase the percentage level of knowledge by 5 and also increase the liking level of the next three knowledge after that. Some knowledge may not have combo effects.
A combo link is displayed between knowledge with a shining blue line, and you can view the effects, suggesting the knowledge that causes this link. Effects are displayed in blue.

The function of communicating with the NPC - Greetings

There are times when for some reason it is impossible to make friends with an NPC or you need a very small amount of friendship points with this NPC, then you can use the Greeting function or F5. This method will consume 3 points of energy, and give respectively 3 points of friendship, this is quick way gain a small amount of friendship.

The function of communicating with the NPC - Theft

You can steal and get some random item from the NPC, but if the theft fails, your friendship with this NPC will decrease and may go into negative territory. In addition, during the commission of theft, guards may come running.

Using friendship

In stores, NPCs may have some items that can be purchased by filling the required amount of friendship. Once you have the required amount of friendship points, you can buy these items for the indicated price. When buying a product, friendship points with this NPC will also be spent. If the NPC does not have a friendship store, then they can offer you a rare item, new quest, new knowledge, a buff or some valuable information.

Additional Tips
Pumping the node makes it easier to communicate with NPCs in this area. In addition, if you have the same zodiac sign that was given to you at the start of the game, it will be 10% easier for you to communicate with this NPC.
To facilitate the dialogue with the NPC, you can use various additional means:
Buff of the shelters of Shakatu, Merkes, Tallia, Ismail, Kilto: increase in friendship points + 10%.
Salted fish, slightly sour pickled fish - friendship points + 5%
Chicken Pie, Large Chicken Pie - Friendship Points + 5%
Friendship Potion - Friendship Points + 20%
Potion of Strong Friendship - Friendship Points + 30%
Calpheon Noble Costume - Friendship Points + 15%