Legion release. World of Warcraft: Legion Update Description. Specialization System Changes

More than a year has passed since the release of the sixth expansion to World of Warcraft - Legion. A year is quite a long time to understand what the add-on has become and what place it has taken in the history of the game. Below is a continuation.

The announcement of the new add-on took place on August 6, 2015 at Gamescon. It is worth mentioning the context in which this announcement was made. It was the second year of Warlords of Draenor and patch 6.2 had been on the servers for two months. WoD as an addition, it turned out not too successful. After a successful start, there was a trend towards a shrinking subscriber base and the game began to lose its audience even faster than in Cataclysm and MoP. The pace was so fast that a little later, in November 2015, Blizzard stopped publishing statistics altogether. Naturally, the situation had to be saved and the main plot trump card was laid out on the table - the Burning Legion. Indeed, in fact, it was he who was the main opponents and the culprit of most of the troubles that happened to Azeroth. With all the pluses of Mists of Pandaria, the events of this expansion were not the main storyline. As well as Warlords of Draenor, the plot of which was far-fetched more than completely. At the same time, Blizzard was well aware of what the public was waiting for. And gave her what she wanted.

The plot of Legion, no matter how hard to guess, was tied to the next invasion of the Burning Legion in Azeroth. "Fine!" the audience said. Then the alternate Gul'dan summoned Illidan to life. “Again…” – the public sighed, which was no longer particularly surprised by the numerous resurrections and returns. However, everything turned out to be not so simple.

Patch 7.0.3. Pre-release Event - Legion Invasion

The good old tradition says that a month and a half before the release, events take place in Azeroth that sum up the plot in new game content and the plot jump. Some of them were successful, some not so much. The pre-release events of the summer of 2016 turned out to be somewhere in the middle. Beginning July 19, the invasion of the Burning Legion troops began throughout the lands of Azeroth. Demon troops began to land on the settlements, and the players had to repulse the attack. Everything went according to the standard scenario. First, we dealt with ordinary evil spirits, and then commanders fell on our heads. For repulsing the invasion, players received not only another currency, but no less valuable - gaming experience. Characters below the level cap could take part in repelling invasions. For each invasion, the character could drop to a level. Considering that this all happened within a maximum of half an hour, it is clear that the people rushed to pump the violas. There is no better time to pump up a brood of characters. True, most likely, few people expected that Legion would be so unfriendly to the Altovods.

World of Warcraft: Legion expansion release

Briefly describe Legion, it is a concentrated mix of innovations, mixed with the good old grind and random. Perhaps, since the days of WotLK, the game has not been redrawn so dramatically. At the same time, it is worth noting an important point - these innovations are borrowed from other games, including those created by Metelitsa itself. What and where it is taken from will be described below, just one example. The class campaigns that had to be completed in order to open the third slot in the artifact weapon give SWTOR a very strong feeling. There, too, each class had its own plot, which was not available to other classes. Now more about the main innovations of Legion.

Artifact weapon system. Attempts to create another plane of character development on the cap have been made by developers for a long time. Remember the announcement of Cataclysm and its Path of the Titans, which were safely mowed down on release. Then there was a garrison in WoD, which was enough for a couple of months. And here is another attempt, this time more successful. Weapons can now be upgraded and customized separately from everything else. Moreover, customization concerned not only characteristics, but also appearance. How successful was the idea? I would say 50/50. Why? Because yes, the players got a long-playing system that did not exhaust itself in a few months. And collecting skins has become another entertainment for fans of transmog. What are the downsides? The fact that now the player was seriously limited not only by class, but also by spec. It was hard to upgrade several specs at once, especially if you are a player who is not burdened with a lot of free time. Although even hardcore players later admitted that there was too much AP (Artifact Power) grind in this add-on. After all, Elune herself ordered them to squeeze everything possible out of the character, and pumping the artifact to the maximum was necessary. And fully developing several characters was even more fun. In other words, at the release, the artifacts greatly undermined the motivation of alt-leaders. Later the situation was corrected, but at the start it was a real problem.

Legendary Items. Another ambiguous innovation. Legendary items have always been a problem that developers have not been able to solve in a way that makes everyone happy. The methods of obtaining changed from supplement to supplement. At first it was a random plus expensive reagents, then just random, then a hard multi-month grind by the whole guild for one person, so sologrind and happiness for everyone. Legion decided not to do two or three things per expansion, but a dozen for each class and tie it to full randomness. Come on, this is, after all, the legendaries were also different. There were top ones that boosted combat characteristics, but it was not clear what, like Seyfuz or Prydaz. They also fell very differently. I personally witnessed how two fell to the guild member with a break of half an hour, and some players toiled for a month and a half. Moreover, the boost was very significant, and in the search system, the players were denied right off the bat. However, this innovation is still more of a plus addition. Having a set of 4-5 legendary items, it was possible to combine them depending on the situation. Let's say Shadowhunter's Voodoo Mask and Prydaz were pretty good at mastering bosses. And the bracers for the MM-hunt are very effective in performing LANs, when you need to quickly deal damage to a bunch of annoying mobs. Yes, this idea was borrowed from Diablo III.

Mythics+. The five-person dungeon format was another problem that the developers have been trying to solve over the course of several expansions. 5ppl were relevant only at the start, and then they quickly lost it. This has been the case since WotLK. In Mist of Pandaria, an attempt was made to introduce a challenge mode. The attempt turned out to be a test, but a one-time one - the tests passed and then there was no motivation to go there. And so, in Legion, the resuscitation of the format took place and, let's not be afraid of this word, the creation of a line of PvE progress parallel to raids. Another concept from Diablo III. We increase the level of health and damage of mobs and bosses, introduce various buffs to them and tie the reward to the difficulty level. The theme shot, mythics + are interesting even now, a year after the release. Moreover, they even have a chance to become an esports discipline.

Regular quests. This piece of content from Blizzard has always turned out with a bang and the further the better. What-what, eh plot part games and one-time quests have always been interesting. There are a lot of quests in Legion, I would even say a lot. Several storylines that were updated and supplemented with new ones, quests for leveling professions, stronghold and class campaigns, the Suramar campaign and the training of the Withered. The latter should be mentioned separately, because it is essentially a new format of repetitive and at the same time diverse content. Not without its drawbacks, though. So, let's say, class campaigns revealed a unique part of the new lore, which remained inaccessible to others. Therefore, if you have not played, say, a death knight, you would not have known that all DCs now serve the Lich King.

World Quests. The word "dailies" has become synonymous with "tedious routine" for a long time too. Let us recall the Rally, the Fiery Front, the Isle of Thunder. There were few successful attempts to correct the situation, except perhaps the Timeless Isle. And here is a simple solution. Every day, players receive new tasks with new rewards. Or rather, there is their rotation and purely psychologically, their implementation becomes not so tedious.

Mob scaling by level. Now the level of the location has lost its meaning - the mobs began to scale according to the level of the player, and how the Broken Isles passes is all the same. You could start with Azsuna, or you could start with Stormheim. Pretty good, especially for pumping with friends. True, all paths still led to Suramar, which was imprisoned for the 110th level.

Suramar. The innovation of the developers was not limited to the gameplay. Each time they try to squeeze out of the order of the outdated engine and in Legion they were able to create a small masterpiece. Towns and settlements in WoW have always been quite compact. Suramar is perhaps the first urban location that can be called a city. Darnassus, the old night elf capital of Kalimdor, is a backwater village by comparison. And it's not only a magnificent and big city, but a vibrant city filled with residents and a fairly rich storyline.

PvP system. Another game system that has undergone a major overhaul. And not all of these changes were to their liking. Firstly, honor and conquest points are no longer the currency used to buy PvP kits. Honor points became an exp that increased the new line - the so-called honor levels, the cap of which was 50 levels. Secondly, it was introduced new branch talents exclusively for PvP, which was unlocked depending on what level of honor you reached. Thirdly, the level of items now did not play a big role, because when you got to the battlefield or arena, the stats were unified for your class and spec. Why were such drastic changes made? Perhaps to reduce everything to the straightness of the hands, and not the level of the body kit.

raid content- Another traditionally strong part of the game. At the start of the add-on, the Emerald Nightmare became available to players. The theme of the Emerald Dream has long been discussed by the players, to the point that it could become the theme of the new expansion. The addition did not work, a raid instance was released, and quite average. Eight bosses, indistinct scenery, non-linear passage, but quite interesting tactics.

Class Oplo As is well known to those who played WoD, the class hall was very important in the game. You can even say that it was too big, it could not be passed, since all the main quests were tied on it. At the same time, the theme did not shoot and he did not become an independent and interesting plane of character development. Class Hall in Legion, it was essentially a stripped-down version of the garrison. The buildings were removed, but "followers" were left, who were called "defenders". There were three times less of them, but they could still be pumped and given tasks. To complete the tasks, a special currency was spent - garrison resources - , and the rewards were very significant - the power of the artifact, gold, reputation tokens, quests for raids and a kit for defenders. The stronghold itself could also be pumped and get important bonuses from this. In summary, the truncated garrison has lost its dominant role, but has become a useful and necessary addition to the artifact system.

crafts. Professions are greatly simplified in Warlords of Draenor. Herbalists and miners were deprived of their jobs - now everyone could grow grass and dig ore in their mine. In addition, reforging was removed, sockets in items became very rare, enchants could be applied to a limited number of items. In short, the pros and the auction were almost killed. In Legion, this aspect of the game was not only revived, but given a second wind. Now the leveling of the profession was through quests. It cannot be said that everyone liked it, but the decision was made interesting. Now the development of professional skills was not just a swing of numbers, but became an adventure. Introduced "asterisks" - levels of recipes that affected the efficiency of the use of materials (by the way, this was borrowed from EVE Online). Jewelery and chanting have returned to their former glory. As for herbalism and mining, there have never been such prices for reagents. Therefore, even a simple farm could cut down mountains of gold. Craft has become not only useful, but also interesting to do. True, there were some drawbacks too - in terms of the cost of reagents, raid chemistry, stones and chants, Legion is a record holder.

lore and plot. 2016 has been a significant year for the Warcraft universe in many ways. In the spring, the first volume of the Warcraft Chronicle was released, in which an ordered and expanded history of the universe appeared before the fans. After reading its first chapters, it became clear that Blizzard was going to reboot the story. A little later, a novel about Illidan and an audio novel "Harbingers" were released. The action itself was transferred to a truly legendary place - the Broken Isles. Where the Avatar of the Fallen Titan was once buried. The plot twisted famously from the very beginning. In the first hour of the game, the iconic figures of the plot died - King Wrynn, the leader of the Horde Vol'jin, the legendary paladin Tirion Fordring. This "Game of Thrones" mow-down of the protagonists made the point that Legion is the final chapter of the story that it started in Warcraft III. As they say in hockey, "Change of composition, the second five on the ice!"

Summarize. Take another look at the impressive list of innovations - Legion is indeed a record-breaking addition in terms of changes and started off quite briskly. The game sold 3.3 million copies in its first two weeks, making it the fastest-selling expansion in the game's history. Well, what was going on in Dalaran on the night of the release can be assessed by looking at the screenshot below.

A new continent, new game mechanics, a cool storyline, WoD bug fixes. It was clear that Blizzard had worked on the bugs and fixed most of them. The very fact of this indicated that the project would not be abandoned, but on the contrary, significant forces were thrown at it. But in general, all additions to WoW started briskly. The question is how much the developers would be able to keep the game in good shape.

Patch 7.1.0 Return to Karazhan

The problem with the production of content and its consumption by players has haunted the game throughout its history. Either there is too little content, or a lot, or it is complex, or too simple. Of course, it is difficult to please all players, because WoW is also played by hardcore hardcore players who eat any content as soon as possible and casual players who do not see most of the work done by the developers. There have been various ways to balance the issue. For example, in Warlords of Draenor, the developers adopted a new concept of content patches - the release of a major patch does not coincide with the opening of the next raid. In Legion, the trend continues. In patch 7.1, which was released in October, there was no full-fledged major raid. Still, there was something interesting about him.

Recycling old raid instances is a practice that developers started back in the days of WotLK. Naxxramas-40 was the first in a row, which flew to Northrend. Rumors that another legendary raid from the times of TBC - Karazhan - will be remade to fit the current realities, have also been circulating for a long time. Yes, and by all logic, after the rework of Zul'aman and Zul'gurub, Karazhan should have reached hands sooner or later. The main thing that worried the players was that the old raid would be cut down to the root, as happened with the same Zuls. Those who have not yet knocked out Midnight for themselves, the horse of the Huntsman, the first boss of the instance, were especially sad.

But this time the developers spared the old version. The classic Karazhan was not touched, but the entrance to the new one was made on a different floor. The new Karazhan was now a five-man instance. True, fans of fastrans quickly broke off - the complexity of the instance was at a decent level. Given its size, it could take up to 2-3 hours for a guild group to complete. And the scare race could end with loud swearing and disbanding. Some bosses kicked ass, wiping over and over again those who didn't understand or couldn't execute the tactic properly. To the delight of mount collectors, they not only left the old instance with a horse, but also made a new version, and also added a mount for clearing the instance for a while. For everyone else, the presence of loot from bosses motivated regular trips to the updated Karoo.

In addition to the updated Karzhan, the Trial of Valor raid instance was opened.

A vrykul-themed raid has been requested for a long time. Vrykul occupy not the last place both in the history of the world - they are the progenitors of people - and in the history of the game. Let's remember how many of them there are in Northrend, and they have a whole location on the Broken Isles. Also, in Chronicles, the story of the vrykul and Guardians has an interesting development in the conflict between Odin and Helya, for example. So the appearance of the Trial of Valor fit perfectly into the plot.

True, a full-fledged raid did not work. A full-fledged in the context of WoW is at least six or seven bosses. Another small experiment was that the Blizzards injected a three-boss mini-raid three months before the next Tier Raid was released. Experience turned out, but partially. Odin, Garm, and Helia didn't become passable bosses that can be easily brought down for more advanced loot. These were full-fledged encounters, which even in normal mode gave a light. Design - for Odin, they used ready-made decorations for the Halls of Valor and ready-made boss models (unless Garm was original). But there was a problem with the motivation for the players. As already mentioned, the bosses were difficult. Yes, the loot was more serious than in IR, but in order to knock it out, you had to spend more time. Therefore, as a source of a new body kit in terms of preparing for the next major raid, the Trial of Valor did not fully work.

What else did patch 7.1 bring? Continuation of one of the central storylines - the history of the Suramar uprising. New quests smoothly led players to the next key plot twist - the siege of the Nightwell, where Gul'dan sat down and the Suramar nobles who made a deal with him. The last thing worth mentioning is that for capped alts, the requirement to open world quests has been removed. Now it was not necessary to have with all the factions of the Shattered Islands the level of reputation "respected" was not required. This means that it was not required to complete quests in certain locations if it was not enough.

Patch 7.1.5. Night Citadel

The fact that the first raids in Legion will be the Emerald Nightmare and the Nighthold (which was originally called the Suramar Palace) has long been known. And the fact that the second instance will not be released immediately is also. And now, five months after the release of the add-on, the Nighthold became available to players. Without a doubt, this raid was the "main" raid. The Emerald Nightmare, despite the touch of epic, was still a passing one. His story line was important, but not the main one, when compared with the Suramar chain. Pieces of the raid set did not fall in it, and Xavius, as the main bastard, was less and less evil than Gul'dan.

The Night Citadel, a massive fortress in the harbor of Suramar, towered majestically above the city, beckoning and promising plenty of adventure. Considering how stylishly the city itself was made, it was expected that the Nighthold would be no less beautiful. In principle, these expectations were justified. Of course, in terms of scale and design, the Nightwell falls short of such raids as the Black Temple, Ulduar and the Throne of Thunder, but after the dark green Hellfire Citadel and the not very distinct "interiors" of the Emerald Nightmare, the players found themselves in a very beautiful, albeit dangerous place. Ten bosses, among which the bulk were representatives of the Suramar nobility of the Nightborne, led by Magister Elissande. In the final, once again, Gul'dan was waiting for us. And this time we ended it once and for all.

Five months after the release, it became clear that artifact weapons are a serious obstacle to leveling alts. Farming AP, pumping knowledge and collecting relics - all this was quite time consuming. At the same time, WoW has been honed for alto breeding for a long time, since the days of WotLK. Heirlooms, guild bonuses, potions for boosting exp — and now on the cap you are covered by the need to download an artifact. The problem was solved quite gracefully. For the resources of the stronghold, you could buy a book that could be sent to the viola. After reading the book, the viola immediately received a level of knowledge of 15 (with a maximum of 20 at that time), and then pumped the artifact to the cap at a rabbit pace.

In addition to this very useful innovation, the developers have prepared a few more goodies for the players. For example, the Mists of Pandaria dungeons got a time travel mode. And the Brawler's Guild is back, another Pandarian innovation.

To be continued.

World of Warcraft: Legion is the sixth DLC for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. The main action of the addon will take place on the Broken Isles. Since Gul "Dan was expelled from Draenor, he has to look for new gates to enter the Burning Legion. The protagonist learns that it is in the depths of the Broken Isles that the titan Sargeras rests, whose grave has become the gateway to his cherished goal. Just before getting there and implementing the plan capture location, the character has to overcome a lot of difficulties.

Of the innovations in the game, there will be more powerful weapons for epic battles, the heroic class Demon Hunter will appear, the level of character pumping will increase to 110, and the artifacts presented by the developers will help to improve your hero as much as possible. The expansion also includes the new raids Palace of Suramar and the Emerald Nightmare.

World of Warcraft Legion System Requirements

Minimum system requirements:

  • Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
  • Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Phenom II X3 2.4 GHz
  • 2 GB RAM
  • nVidia GeForce 8800 / AMD Radeon HD 4850
  • Internet
  • 35 GB of free space
  • Windows 7 / 8
  • Intel Core i5 3.1 GHz / AMD FX 3.6 GHz
  • 4 GB RAM
  • nVidia GeForce GTX 470 / AMD Radeon HD 5870
  • Internet
  • 35 GB of free space
  • Updated: August 30, 2016.

    World of Warcraft: Legion is live! The time has come to embark on your quest to the Broken Isles to seek out and master Artifact weapons of legendary might, and to rally like-minded champions to your cause in your class hall. In this desperate hour, you must also strike a forbidden pact with the outcast Demon Hunters of the Illidari, fel-twisted disciples of the dreaded Illidan the Betrayer. Should you fail. . . worlds will burn.

    Legion includes:

    • Maximum level increased to 110.
    • New zones to explore.
    • New PvP Prestige and Honor Talents system.
    • New dungeons and raids.
    • World Quests.
    • New Battle Pets.
    • Professional update.

    New Transmogrification Collections System: Appearances

    • New Collection tab: Appearances
    • Unlock new appearances by collecting Soulbound weapons and armor of your character's primary armor type.
    • Unlocked appearances are account-wide and usable for transmogrification by other characters that can equip the item.
    • When first logging into a character after Patch 7.0, the appearances of appropriate items in your bags, bank, and Void Storage are learned automatically. Additional appearances will be unlocked based on previously-completed quests.
    • Transmogrifiers located in most major cities have been improved with additional features.
      • Got a look that you like? Save the entire transmogrification set as an outfit. Create and swap between outfits at the Transmogrifier.
      • Additionally, transmogrifications can now be associated with your current specialization. Your outfit automatically changes when switching specializations if you so desire.
      • Added a new option to hide shoulders.
      • The option to hide helmets, cloaks, and shoulders has been moved into the transmogrification system.

    Revamped PvP Progression and Honor System

    • The PvP Reward System will now provide appropriate items for players level 100 and below.
    • Honor Points and Conquest Points have been removed as a currency.
    • Items that were purchased using Honor or Conquest are now available for purchase with Marks of Honor that can be earned from Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Skirmishes.
    • Learn more about upcoming PvP changes in our Legion PvP Preview .

    Equalized PvP Gear

    • Gear has been normalized in PvP combat. Characters entering a Skirmish Arena, Battleground, Rated Arena, Rated Battleground, or Ashran now receive an aura called Principles of War.
    • Principles of War removes all stats gained from gear (Strength, Stamina, Haste, etc.), disables gear related bonuses (like trinket effects and set bonuses), and gives the character stats based on their specializations, and increases based on overall item level . The goal is to provide a much more finely tuned and balanced PvP experience.


    • The pennant attached to the back of characters now changes its appearance based on the player's best rating in the Arena bracket.
    • The 5v5 Arena bracket has been retired. "Arena Master" achievement has been converted into a Feat of Strength.


    • Queueing for a random Battleground and winning with a character below level 110 now awards a Crate of Battlefield Goods. Players on the opposing team also have a chance to receive a crate with an increasing chance based on team score at the end of a match. The crate contains a piece of armor appropriate for the character's level and specialization with a chance for the crate to contain additional rewards such as weapons or relics.

    raids and Dungeons

    Hellfire Citadel

    • Enemies on Normal, Heroic, and Mythic difficulty now deal roughly 30% less damage.


    • Normalized gold from Legacy raids prior to Warlords of Draenor. Heroic difficulty Cataclysm Raids now award less gold than before, while raids from Mists of Pandaria and Wrath of the Lich King will now award more gold.
    • Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj now resets daily instead of every 3 days.


    • Need/Greed and Round Robin looting options have been merged into the Group Loot setting. When Group Loot is chosen, main-specialization Need takes priority over off-specialization Need, followed by Greed/Disenchant.
    • Master Loot has been renamed “Guild Master Loot” and is only selectable in guild groups. A guild group is defined as one where at least 80% or more of the group belongs to the same guild. If a group meets that requirement, the group leader may select Guild Master Loot regardless of their own guild affiliation.
    • Personal Loot now allows players to trade any items that are not Item Level upgrades for them to eligible groupmates, subject to the two-hour trade timer.
    • In outdoor world content, loot will be distributed using the Personal Loot method, regardless of which option the group leader has selected.

    Quests and World

    Legendary Ring Quest Line

    • Players can no longer start the quest line for the legendary ring. Players currently on the legendary quest line have until the launch of Legion to complete it; at which point uncompleted quests will be removed from the quest log.

    Tap Changes

    • All creatures and NPCs can now be tapped by up to 5 other characters.

    World Events

    • The Brawler's Guild is taking a break and will return at a later date.
    • The Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza has taken a temporary hiatus while the fish are restocked.

    Items and Itemization


    • In an effort to reduce the amount of gear swapping between specializations, the following changes have been made.
      • Legion cloaks, rings, and items worn on the neck are no longer tied to a specific primary stat, and will remain relevant between specializations.
      • Spirit and Bonus Armor have been removed.
    • Multistrike has been removed. Items that had multistrike have had it replaced with another secondary stat.
    • Trinkets obtained from Raids, PvP, and world drops in Warlords were overtuned and have been brought back to intended power levels.
    • Set bonuses for item sets from expansions prior to Warlords of Draenor have been deactivated, though the text describing their former function still remains.
    • Spell Power on all caster weapons have been consolidated into Intellect to make it easier to compare item power between two caster weapons. Overall weapon power remains unchanged.


    • Potion of Luck and Greater Potion of Luck no longer have an effect.
    • Gladiator's Distinction set bonus has been removed from all PvP trinkets.

    Character Changes

    Specialization System Changes

    • Characters can now change between any of their specializations while out of combat. Action bar configurations and talent loadouts are saved for each specialization. As a result, Dual Specialization has been removed.

    Updates to Combat Visuals and Audio

    • Updated and improved on the animations, visual effects, and audio on core combat interactions like auto-attacks as well as many melee class abilities.

    Talent System Changes

    • Players may now change talents freely when in any rested XP area. The Inscription profession can craft consumable items that allow for this to be done in the field. In addition, after queuing into an instanced dungeon, raid, or PvP content, players have a grace period during which they may change talents freely.

    Glyph System Changes

    • The Glyph panel has been removed from the game. Some minor glyphs that had a cosmetic effect that does not apply to a specific spell have been converted into cosmetic items that provide the same effects as before.
    • Some minor glyphs that made cosmetic alterations to a specific spell have been added to the spell itself in the spellbook.

    Draenor Perks Removed

    • Draenor Perks have been removed from the game.

    Armor Changes

    • Hunters and Shaman can now equip Mail armor from level 1 (down from level 40).
    • Warriors and Paladins can now equip Plate armor from level 1 (down from level 40).
    • New Mail and Plate reward options have been added to low level quests.

    Racial Abilities


    • Every Man for Himself now removes all Stun effects and shares a 30-second cooldown with other items or abilities that have a similar effect.
    • The Human Spirit has been redesigned. Human characters now gain 1% more of all secondary stats (Haste, Critical Strike, Mastery, and Versatility) from all sources

    class changes

    All classes and specializations have undergone changes to abilities and mechanics. Check out our class preview logs for a better understanding on the thought process behind these changes.


    • Many sources of gold from the Garrison has been reduced or removed.
    • Newly obtained salvage from the Salvage Yard no longer contains equippable items. Salvage obtained from before the patch remains unaffected.


    toy box

    • A number of items with novel effects have been converted for inclusion in the Toy Box.
    • Orb of Deception now lets the character retain features like armor that's worn when transforming.
    • New toy: Soft Foam Sword, sold by Jepetto Joybuzz. The toy mortally wounds (but does not kill) an enemy of trivial difficulty.



    • Major glyphs, along with many minor glyphs, have been converted or removed from the game.

    Pet Battles

    • The quests “Scrappin'”, “Battle Pet Roundup”, and “Mastering the Menagerie” now offer reduced rewards, and are now restricted to once per-account, per-day.
    • Master Tamers in Draenor now reward half as many Pet Charms as before.
    • During the Invulnerability Round, Undead pets have -25% damage.
    • The spells Kiss, Sleeping Gas, and Screeching Gears now incur a one round cooldown, and have been damage adjusted to account for this.
    • Base damages has been reduced by about 15% for Thunderbolt, Avalanche, Grave Destruction, Carpnado, Arcane Storm, Psionic Strom, Dreadful Breath, and Cleave.
    • Shell Armor duration lowered from 3 to 2 rounds.
    • Howl damage bonus now only applies to the next strike (was next two full rounds).
    • The cooldown for Thunderbolt is now five rounds.
    • Pandaren Water Spirit"s Whirlpool and Geyser abilities are now in the same tier.
    • Graves' base stats have been reduced.
    • Grave's Bonestorm and Grave Destruction are now in the same tier.


    • Character nameplates have been reworked and have been upgraded to show class resources. Players may select a larger version of these nameplates from within the Interface Options menu.
    • Enemy nameplates now provide additional information on status effects.
    • Added class resource bars that display directly underneath your character.
    • The character sheet has been trimmed down, though fully verbose stats are still available via the API.
    • Interface options have changed and been further streamlined.
    • Tab targeting logic has been reworked, and should now behave in a more consistent and predictable manner.
    • A buff icon has been added to make it easier to tell when a character has XP gain disabled.


    • The maximum amount of gold that can be held at once has been increased to 9,999,999 gold. Guild bank maximum has also been increased to 9,999,999 gold.
    • Maximum number of characters on a realm has increased to 12.

    Graphics Engine

    • Maximum draw distance has been extended greatly for all world content.
    • 5 additional levels of graphics presets have been added with 3 above the previous ‘Ultra’ setting.
    • More advanced rendering techniques for fog have been added.
    • Modern techniques for rendering color and other post-effects have been added.

    The hunt begins! Tomb Sargeras reopened, demons Burning Legion came into our world. All their power and might are directed towards one goal: summon dark titan to Azeroth, and they are already very close.

    The Alliance and the Horde have exhausted their strength, so only you can, using the most legendary artifacts Warcraft and traveling to the ancients Broken Isles, in search of the might of the titans, challenge the Legion before the last hope leaves Azeroth. Extinction is inevitable.

    New Class

    Hunt your prey like Demon Hunter.

    Elven outcast shunned for daring to wield the fearsome powers of the Legion. Super dexterity and supernatural intuition Demon Hunter uses forbidden techniques, changing into terrifying forms of Filth.

    Special abilities:

    Spectral Vision

    The Demon Hunter's blindness opens up new true powers of perception to him. He relies on inner vision and sees all enemies, even those who hide behind obstacles.


    The hero can transform into hellish forms, increasing your power and strength: attacks become incredibly strong and fast, and the level of protection makes you almost invincible in demonic form.

    Unrivaled Agility

    Demon Hunter can use double jump, disengaging from combat, and even unfurl their monstrous wings to perform a glide, surprising all enemies.

    Weapons of unimaginable power

    Only the most experienced veterans of Azeroth can have the fortitude to wield artifacts against the Burning Legion. Your epic forged weapon grows in power with you, and depending on your choice, it will change its abilities, its appearance, sound and combat style. fabricate your unique artifact to become a better fighter, and support your faction in its most desperate hour.

    New locations

    Broken Isles

    The epicenter of the conquering demons is a land rich in ancient wonders. Explore lush forests, colossal mountain ranges, and night elf cities older than human civilization. But native lands are fraught with dangers: twisted satire, wild drogbars and damn Kvaldir roam the island along with marauders armies of the Legion.

    To overcome these threats, you will have to gather a group of representatives of your class and lead your followers to hunt for pillars of creation- the secret of saving Azeroth.


    WoW: Legion developer improves the Transmodification system, which allows you to collect and save your favorite clothes without filling the bag space. Blizzard is also planning a completely new system PvP and specific PvP talents, rewards and progression, and improved player support in guilds.

    Create social circles with friends with common interests and play for fun. Finding new allies is more important than ever in the defense of Azeroth.

    What's New in Legion

    • New Dungeons and raids;
    • New Bosses;
    • The maximum character level was raised to 110;
    • Updated PvP progression system;
    • Improved metamorphosis system;
    • Improved social features.

    release date

    Company Blizzard Entertainment announced the exact release date. According to the site, the sixth expansion to the popular multiplayer game will be released on August 30th.

    Key additions to the game include the introduction of the Demon Hunter, a new character class that can shapeshift into new forms, and a new continent called the Broken Isles, home to the vanished night elf civilization. At the same time, the game will have the opportunity to customize weapons and develop your heroes up to level 100.

    « The Legion will usher in a dark and exciting new chapter in one of the most memorable conflicts in the Warcraft universe. For some of the world's most famous heroes and villains, the world of Azeroth will never be the same again. This expansion is brimming with features and content that will give players whole line new ways to explore the world and customize your characters. Looking forward to sending everyone into battle against the Burning Legion in August", - announced the chief executive of the company Michael Morhaime (Michael Morhaime).

    According to the plot, the expansion will take place after the events in Warlords of Draenor, when Gul'dan betrays the orcs and becomes a minion of the Burning Legion, releasing demons on Azeroth. According to the site, players will not only have to fight against demons seeking to destroy all life, but also unravel the mysteries of the mythical continent of the Broken Isles.