Games for girls 45 years old. Games for girls online. Secrets of virtual cuisine

Signs of zodiac-assistants in the choice of outfits. Game for girls and girls! Girls, you, of course, are familiar with the signs of the zodiac. There are 12 - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lev, Virgo, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Fish. Today, the signs of the zodiac will serve you with assistants when choosing outfits. At the same time, they will all play the role of a fashionable wheel. With your zodiac sign, you will be determined with the most suitable fashionable outfits for you. The game, like astrology, has one feature. Go from one zodiac sign to another will have to be in order. Speak immediately to the desired zodiac sign will not work. And so, starting to the game, configure your character's eye from the character and mark the favorite color of the lipstick. After that, horoscopes will be given to each zodiac sign. From horoscopes for issued signs, it will be possible to recognize some of the characterizing information about you, girls, including recommendations for the choice of outfits and even tips about your happy colors of clothing. Do not be lazy to work on the translation of the horoscope. And then the game will be filled with a fascinating meaning. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Barbie: From summer style to autumn. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will have to play the role of a stylist who should help our beauty Barbie move from summer style in clothes to autumn. At the same time, you will need to take into account the temperature paradoxes of the coming autumn when the street is not entirely warm, but not cold. You are ready? Then for work!

Workshop on creating a pupa Lalalupsey. Game for girls and girls! Fans of Lalalupsey dolls invite you to visit our virtual workshop. Here you can enjoy fascinating creativity by creating them. The birth process of Lalalupsey dolls will be held in several stages. Click on the "Start" button and you will get access to separate doll fragments - head, bodybuilding, hairstyle, clothes. They are decomposed by boxes located at the bottom of the game screen. Once you choose the fragment you like, one of the ropes located on the screen. To her and you need to attach this fragment. At the final stage, you will go to the assembly shop, where and connect the fragments selected by you together. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Dress the doll of Lalalupsea to school. Game for girls and girls! Dress the doll of Lalalupsey to school is a dress for dressing for our little girlfriends. IN fabulous country Lalaloupsia ended summer. Tabs Lalaloupsea Run goes to school. Of course, on this festive day, the crumbs want to look especially beautiful. Girls, help one of the heroines to prepare for school. Choose her hairstyle and bow. Dress on it an elegant dress or blouse and skirt. Pick up shoes and tights. Good luck!

Coloring with animals. Game for girls and girls! "Coloring with animals" is a wonderful creative game, playing in two ways. The first option is when the author of the game offers small artists for coloring several ready-made pictures. The second version of the outside complicates the game. In this case, creative kids will need a picture for coloring to create themselves.

Rest on the beach. Game for girls and girls! The heroine of this game is a day off. And she is going to arrange a holiday on the beach. And you, girls, will have to prepare her to this excellent event. But before you get access to the continuation of the game you will have to solve a small puzzle with the items scattered around the beach. After that, you should boom to chant the leg heroine, lead to the perfect condition of the skin of the body and face. And now it's time to pick up a beautiful swimsuit for her and decorate her legs tattoo. Play the mouse.

Great Barbie Wedding. Game for girls and girls! Barbie and Ken marry. Princess Elsa and Ariel are invited to a wedding as a wedding girlfriends. The bride is happy doubly! Near your favorite person and the best girlfriends! Girls, want the memories of today's wedding not just good, and magnificent? Then take on the role of stylists and deal with wedding outfits and makeup. . Good luck! Play the mouse.

In the cosmetic salon for beauty. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game there is a private beauty salon at your disposal. And three adorable girlfriends you see on the screen, your customers. As a rule, the young ladies are not quite satisfied with their way and are still in search of perfection. Our heroines are no exception. In general, girls, three of our beauties decided to trust your professionalism in the field of makeup. By seeking the stunning beauty of their individuals, you can experiment as much as you like. Girlfriends will suffer. The main thing is not to lose the sense of measure and taste. Good luck! Play the mouse.

We help pregnant Ellie shopping. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you, together with a pregnant Ellie, have to go to the shopping center, to make shopping of children's things for the yet who has not yet born crumbs. Before going to shopping, you will need to help Ellie make money online. If the money earned is not enough to make the necessary purchases, you can return home and earn them additionally. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Dolly on the wedding show fashion. Game for girls and girls! Dolly - the main heroine of this game - will take part in the wedding show of the mod in the role of the model, and you, girls, got the role of her stylist. Your ward will have five ways to the podium. Dress, hairstyle, shoes, veils - these are the main criteria by which the bride created by you will be evaluated. Get outfits for the model you will be out of boxes with surprises. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Princesses girlfriends visit the Salon of beauty. Game for girls and girls! In this game, you, girls, have to move to the Magic Wall of Disney, where you have your own beauty salon. At the moment, you visited the three delightful princesses - Bell, Ariel and Elsa. Beauty oh how good! But you, young makeup artists, stylists and manicure specialists, will help them become more beautiful. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Photo album in love couple. Game for girls and girls! Loving couple - superheroes Lady Bag and Super Cat - Now your photos will be collected in a special photo album. To begin with, they decided to arrange a photo session for themselves. Girls, help Lady Bag and Super Cote prepare for this exciting event. Choose the hairstyles and beautiful outfits for them. Take care of the background outside the window and design of the room in which photosuses will occur. So that the finished photos looked more interesting, accompany them with text, decorate the photo and frame with the help of various photo effects and filters, good luck! Play the mouse.

Elsa and Moana: Fashionable confrontation of girlfriends. Game for girls and girls! Princesses Disney - Elsa and Moana - girlfriend. They are nothing without a friend. But when it comes to fashion, the best girlfriends can become irreconcilable rivals. For example, today Princess Elsa began to argue that retro style becomes a real hit in the coming season. With this categorically disagree Moana. According to her, the first line in the ranking of the most popular hits rightfully should belong to holographic outfits. The authors of the game are confident that both styles are good, and the fashionable confrontation of the girlfriends in this case is contrived. And you, girls, should try to convince them. To do this, you will need to pick up for each princess the best outfits of the style we take. For convincing these outfits, pick up suitable hairstyles, decorations and accessories. And, of course, decorate the princess faces with the appropriate makeup. I have no doubt, on this fashionable confrontation of the girlfriends will be completed. Created spectacular images of the princesses will serve as an excellent reason for reconciliation. Good luck! To control the game "Elsa and Moana: the fashion opposition of girlfriends" mouse will need.

Elsa and Moana: Fashionable confrontation girlfriend

Prepare Ariel to get out of the house. Game for girls and girls! Girls, have you ever experienced a disappointment of how Princess Ariel looks like? I think you will answer - no! Do you know why she always looks perfect? Just in her daily life there is a ritual built on the well-established routine of the day. And this routine of the princess is unquestioned. Becoming today with her assistants, you will learn how it happens. And so, you are in the house of the princess Ariel. Now she will wake up. For a cheerfulness of the Spirit, turn on her music and take it for her makeup. Then you will need to choose a beautiful hairstyle and stylish outfit. Made? That's it! Only after that the princess will allow themselves to get out of the house. Good luck! To control the game "Prepare Arizl to exit from home" You will need a mouse.

The insane hospital Sofia is beautiful. Game for girls and girls! Princess Sofia decided to open a social hospital. In order for the hospital to earn, you need, at least - medicines, dressings and medical instruments. Wishing to make the necessary donations were not found. And even on the contrary. At the organizational stage, some madmen began to put the princess of the bomb. Girls, life of Sofia in danger! Now that the princess can cope with the task, she needs reliable assistants. According to the scenario, you will be such assistants. In the process of finding the necessary reserves, the princess will have to overcome many steps. Manage all its movements. If there is no bomb at the next step, click the button with the number one - x1. When the bomb is there, immediately press the button with the number two - x2. Thus, the princess jumps over a bomb. To control the game "Mad Hospital Sofia Beautiful" you need a computer mouse and your fast reaction. Good luck!

Rolling pig. Game for girls and girls! "Rolling pig" is an exciting, multi-level game on logic, interesting to both girls and boys. The hero of the game pig, adores sweets. Immediately pay attention to the ability of the pig to turn out of the square into the ball, followed by the transformation from the ball into the square. This feature of the pig will come in handy in the game when you need to call her movement, or on the contrary, slow down its speed. And the meaning of the game is as follows. It is necessary to help the pig get to the basket with sweets. At the same time, the pig must still collect stars on his way. Watch your ward does not fall on the spikes. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Salvation in the jungle. Game for girls and girls! The team, consisting of two little workers and one girls, is sent on his robot to the jungle to make an operation on saving items lost by an archaeological expedition as a result of natural cataclysms. In such a dangerous journey, the team needs a conductor and assistant. Girls, conductor and assistant team you will be. List of items that need to find, you will see at the top of the game screen. Pay attention to the features of the robot. It turns out that the rescuer robot in the jungle begins to move exclusively on the Lianam, jumping over with one to another. But so that he does not fall on the ground, you will need to lead it to the separation from the previous Liana. The fall of the robot on Earth is dangerous for the whole team. The only thing that can save the team is a drop on a trampoline. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Princess Sunny Summer Vacation. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you will have the role of Stylist for Princess Sunny. Sunny began summer holidays. Help the princess change the image of a disciplined college student on the image of a girl who caresses the fact that she has ahead of it for three months free from classes. You can start with its hairstyles and outfits. They may be more bold and luxurious. Instead of a skirt or a modest dress, you can dress it in elegant shorts or a bright dress with charming floral prints. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Sofia and Amber: photo for the cover of a fashion magazine. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will have to visit the Kingdom of Magic. There you will meet with Princesses Sofia and Amber. Sofia is the receptional daughter of King Rollanda 2nd. She is modest, smart. of good. In the wardrobe Sofia is not so much outfits, like her high sister, Amber. However, in any situations, the girl can look stunning. Her full opposite is the native daughter of King Rollanda 2nd - Princess Amber - is also very good. Unlike Sofia, an excellent stay of the Stylish Ember helps an exorbitantly large wardrobe. And now closer to business. Today, the fashion magazine's fashion magazine proposed Sofia and Amber to decorate his cover. Girls, help princesses make an excellent photo - your task. First of all, take care that the princesses look spectacular. Their hairstyles, outfits, decorations, accessories - everything should be perfect. Certain with this task will help you with a computer mouse. Good luck!

Sofia and Amber: photo for the cover of fashion magazine

Princess Elsa and Anna in the image of fabulous fairies. Game for girls and girls! Princess Erendel Elsa and Anna have long been not kids. But the dream of childhood in their hearts is still alive. They still want to be similar to the wizard fairies. Girls, and you can become the wizards that can make young princesses happy. To do this, you will need only make makeup for them and pick up stunning outfits in adorable in the style of Fay. You are ready?

Princess Elsa and Anna in the form of fabulous f

Princesses Ariel and Moan Vacation. Game for girls and girls! The girlfriends - the princesses Disney Ariel and Moan - the vacation came at the same time. Of course, the princesses decided to spend it together. What do you think, where the child and the ocean princess chose to go on vacation? Right! To the ocean! You, girls, in this little adventure Princesses will accompany. At the first stage of the game upon arrival in place you will need to help the princesses find their number. Judging from the conversation of the princesses of the door of their room white in yellow shoals. At the second stage of the game, you will have to cook salad and sandwiches with princesses. At the third stage of the game, the princesses falling to the party will need from you to help you choose the outfits and the adjustment of their burnt offs, with the help of special makeup.

Pig and candy. Game for girls and girls! "Pig and Candy" is a cool, multi-level logic game for those who love to work their head. The hero of this game is a pig, preferring to all the delicacies of candy. There are candy. But that the pig can get to them, she needs help. Our pig is special. She is capable of pulling his legs to the opposite wall. At each level, in front of the player there is a task - send a pig in this direction so that it can not only get into the box with sweets, but also was able to assemble the stars located on her way. To control the game enough mouse. Good luck!

Monster High: Gulia Yelps becomes mommy. Game for girls and girls! Monster High. Gulia Yelps becomes mommy - a cool Monster High Game, in which you, girls, will remain as a doctor of an obstetrician to help the famous student of the Monsters School - Gulia Yelps - becomes Mom. The events of the game occur after the end of the Gulia of the Monsters School. She got married and now is going to become a mommy. Today is the day when she has an amazingly beautiful daughter with your help. Play: Mouse.

Evil Queen: Modern Makeup. Game for girls and girls! Girls, of course, remember who the evil queen did not like most of all in the world. And she did not love snow white. And all because considering yourself the most beautiful lady, she suddenly began to constantly hear from her mirror, that Snow White all the nurses and all the more beautiful. Since then, she began to pursue Snow White everywhere. And when the Snow White came to study at the college, the evil queen hoped to destroy her there, also became a college student. Having learned such news, Princess Aurora, Belle and Elsa decided to take her re-education. As a strategy, the princess accepted the people's truth that approves that beauty and good uniting together can defeat any evil. Girls, if you are on the side of Aurora, Bell and Elzy, then hurry them to help. Together with Princess Aurora, you will be responsible for the change of gloomy dresses of the evil queen. Then, after having removed from her face, frightening cosmetics, you will need to decorate it with a bright, modern makeup with an elze. Princess Bell will register the villain in instagram, and you, girls, lay out a photo with the transfigured beauty of the queen. As a result, the evil queen will have a lot of friends delighted with her beauty, and then it will not be up to Snow White. The plan succeeded? Of course I managed! Modern beautiful makeup and beautiful, stylish clothes and truth can work wonders.

Lady Bag and Super Cat: Wonderful School Kiss. Game for girls and girls! Girls, remember the secret story of lovers of superheroes Lady Big and Super Cat? In ordinary life, our heroes studied in the same class and called Marinet and Adrian. However, until the time, before the time, each of them did not even guessed, with whom he actually goes to the heroic tasks. Love always wins. And in the relationships of Lady Bag (Marinet) and Suprat Cat (Adriana), finally, the clarity came. Now Marinet and Super Cat know who is who. Of course, you want to give wonderful kisses to each other even at school. But around so much curious eyes! In addition, Classmates Marinet are in love with Adrian. And Marinet (Lady Bag) and Adriana (super cat) completely nothing to wake up interest in his personalities. Girls, the creators of the game have an idea: kissing Marinet and Super Cat you will help you. This is a certain time. Did this action succeed, you can judge the painting of the kisses in pink color. In addition, you still need to fall out wonderful kisses for the phone. Of course, the kisses of lovers should not see the jealous girlfriends. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Lady Bag and Super Cat: Wonderful School Pots

Princess Sendy vacation. Game for girls and girls! Princess Sendy vacation. In the city where she lives, many different attractions. But she so far for various reasons could not see them all. This year, the princess decides its vacation to spend in his hometown. In your accompaniment, girls, Sendy will visit more and more noticeable places. And in order for the mood of the princess to be at the height, you will help her to choose the coolest outfits. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Autumn urban disney heroes. Game for girls and girls! Malefisters, an evil queen, Elza and Tian - have long had common interests. The villains and princesses are delighted with comfortable, functional outfits in the urban style. On this soil of Malefistent, the evil queen, Elsa and Tiana even became friends. And now they can be noticed together for walks. Today, for example, shaped the equipment in your favorite autumn style, Malefisent, the evil queen, Elsa and Tian want to go to admire the autumn nature. Girls, will you help them? When choosing outfits, be bolder! Do not limit the dark colors. Such restrictions in the past. At the present stage, fashionable clothing in the urban style has long seen more bright colors. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Autumn urban gear of heroes

Elsa, Moana, Ariel: Nail design to school. Game for girls and girls! Summer holidays ended. Princess Disney - Elsa, Moana and Ariel - tomorrow will go to school again. Today, princesses for the last time must make sure that tomorrow they will look stunning. And this does not last about their nails. And take care of the design of their nails Princess trust you, girls. The magnificent set of monophonic varnishes, varnishes with pictures, as well as a set of rings and bracelets will allow you to create a unique design for nails and handles of your favorite girlfriends to school. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Modern princess: Photo on the cover. Game for girls and girls! In this game, girls, you have to make the creation of an exclusive cover for one of the most popular magazines. First of all, imagine that Disney Princesses - Ariel, Cinderella, Bell, Rapunzel and Elsa - are your contemporaries. A photo of one of these princesses should be the face of the cover of your chosen magazine. For this, girls, you will need to go through several stages - choose the princess, dress it in modern fashion dress, add decorations to it, decorate her face with a chic modern makeup, and then by making photos, to do the direct design of the cover. Do not hurry with options. The choice and time is. To control the game - "Modern Princess: photo on the cover" You will need a mouse. Good luck!

Barbie: Super Hero and Princess. Game for girls and girls! Girls may not remember the story like Barbie got the opportunity to become super heroines. Now we will remind you about this. It happened to her still in childhood. Before certain moment She was an ordinary girl. But one day a fabulous butterfly kissed her. Since then, she has become an opportunity to become incredibly strong and even gained the opportunity to fly. And now, girls, Barbie is going to the task and she appeals to you with a request to help her dress, so as to match the image of a super heroine. And when Barbie comes from this image, you will need to help her dress like a princess. Good luck! Play the mouse.

What made modern girls made from? From fashion, outfits, good, sweets, knowledge, rainbow, fun, mind. Many constituent lures in the young female soul, and all of them reflect games for girls! Having gathered to relax at the computer, the lady of all ages will easily find entertainment in our category.

More young ladies willingly get involved in coloring, drawing, puzzles, logic gamesIn which they will help favorite cartoon and fabulous characters. Older girls will also not be bored. For them they work the best fashion stores and beauty salons, in which the usual schoolgirl will easily become a real princess, and game characters We will be converated beyond recognition.

Also for girls the best games are plots with dates, love, romance of gentle relationship. In this category, let's wait for the most beautiful boys, princes and celebrities. With them you can solve tests, go to parties, koking and relax.

In our world of games there are best fashionists and beauties, known for all girls without exception. This is a schoolgirl Monster High, Winx air fairies, Disney princess and other stylish, spectacular and charming ladies. Play with them is a pleasure.

Modern young lady does not think their lives without a computer. Here he is the secret of why games for girls have become so relevant and popular. All sorts of adventures in the company of the winged fairies and the princesses, visiting the boutiques and beauty salons, the manifestation of care for the neighbor and the ability to cocorate, - here they are suggestions that can carry the girls and deliver them a lot of pleasure. Hurry to find yourself in the world of magic with your pets, choose the most interesting for yourself. Purchase a lot of useful skills and invaluable experience in the process.

Among numerous proposals that are able to captivate girls of all ages, a lot of interesting things. There are games about the care of kids or animals, together with your favorite characters, girls can learn to be tasty, stylishly dress, pick up accessories, engage in landscaping their own cozy nest and learn more of a lot of useful and necessary.

Without difficulty, you can find the lesson to the babes, who yesterday they themselves were more like dolls. To play such amateurs will undoubtedly attract bright and colorful toys with simple control, as well as all sorts of puzzles and coloring with images of favorite cartoon characters.

The crumbs are happy to be accepted to treat their wards, feed them, relay, in general, to show care in everything and everywhere. It is quite another game of the game for girls older age. In the process of the game, you can learn a lot: to dress with taste, look good and watch yourself, prepare a wide variety of dishes, develop the subtleties of etiquette. In general, you can acquire invaluable experience and knowledge that young ladies will always be useful in real life.

Magic for princesses

Good faces and evil wizards, charming princesses and knights, ready in the battle with dragons and sorcerer to prove their bravery and defend the honor of the beautiful lady, all this and much more chooses girls in games with a magic story. Among them are charms and platformers, there is also a mass of quest proposals, tasks in which the most diverse.

Moving from one level in other girls you have to search for all sorts of objects, guessing diverse riddles, lay solitaires and mahjongs. In general, in the world of magic, it is not bored. Even the games of three in a row have here their unforgettable stories here, the continuation of which opens the curtain of the mystery to the girls as the next levels passing.

Voyage, visage and other things

All girls are a little fashionable. That is why they are very attracted by the games in which fashion boutiques or beauty salons are needed. In the process of the game, you can choose your wardrobe, make a fashionable hairstyle, visit the beautician or go to the solarium. At the same time, girls have to speak not only in the role of visitors, as well as the masters who should demonstrate all the agility and skill in order for each of the fashionista, looking into the salon or the shop, is satisfied.

You can pick clothes and makeup by hours, especially with the fact that different games It is proposed to do it in different ways. In some girls you will need a princess on the ball to send or a bride's girlfriend to wear, and in others it is picking up a tribe for a fashionable party or a carnival costume for Halloween celebration. Agree, it is not at all the same.

Secrets of virtual cuisine

Very attracting many young hostesses Games for girls about cooking. In a funny company, you can learn how many culinary wisdoms can be learned. It remains only to decide what you want to cook and who exactly want to see in the role of the hostess.

You can cook in the company of the hospitable girl of Sarah or Baby Hazel. No one will prevent participation in the cooking of food with an angel and demon. By the way, in this cheerful company you can not only learn how to cook, but also afford some pranks. Do not want to stop on the preparation of individual dishes, you can try yourself as a restaurant. In such games, everything is just starting with servicing several customers in a small cafe, and ends, as a rule, international recognition and network of restaurants around the world.

By the way, very valuable for girls here is that, in contrast to recognized chefs, nobody keeps recipes in secret, and even on the contrary, it is happy to share with all the wishing delicious secrets. In addition, at the virtual kitchen prepare one pleasure. Everything and always at hand, any ingredients are ready, the kitchen utensil is picked up perfectly and dishes do not have to wash.

What useful in games for girls

In the process of the game, you can easily master the basics of the future profession. And by whom to become a caring doctor or culinary, educator or secretary, hairdresser or makeup artist, each of the girls decides on their own. Unambiguously, one can say one thing: all the proposals of this plan teach extremely good. There is no hint of aggression here, but the benefits are even debugging.

Girls in the game learn to follow themselves, pick up clothes, handle the kids. And today it is just a game, tomorrow knowledge acquired in this way will help many of the girls become excellent hostesses, careless mothers, successful business women.

Sanjay and Craig is a new American cartoon series from the Nickelodeon channel. It is this TV channel that have exclusive rights to the WinX Club animated series. Despite what Sanjay and Craig, came out in 2013 on the Internet have already become funny cartoon flats games.

Family farm social game For WinX! Stead out online farm, in this social multiplayer game. Do you like grow flowers, fruits and vegetables? If you do not have such an opportunity in reality, then in this online game You can realize your dreams.

Sponge Bob Balls Party game for Winx Land site! Patrick, Sandy, and a cheerful sponge bob square pants fell on a fun ball party. Help the heroes take the first place in this difficult contest, your task, to collect in the top three and more identical type of balls and try to be able to clear the glass from the balls.

Magic farm online game for Winxland You like games like Sims 2 and other similar, where you build awake not only your city dreams but also communicate in real time with live users of this virtual Mira. Fantasy multiplayer game, for true fans of magic and magic.

Dance Fever game Remove the Clip + Winx Video Clips! Girls Sisi and Rocky Educational Dances, and also they are the main characters of the popular Disney television series Dance Fever. Today you need to help them remove the video clip in which they will show all fans of their creativity as needed to dance. The game in Russian, language you can easily figure out how to play, because you will tell you every action of the heroes.

Makeup Shakira Games for Girls WinX! Shakira knows how to not only dance but also sing cool songs, Say together with her to conquer the public and fans. Choose hair color and eyes, as well as outfits on the Shakir, and make a cool makeup. All in your hands and depends on your imagination, show your talent and maybe Shakira will become even more popular. After the game, see the art lot Winx and Monster High!

Cute and forgotten Bratz dolls returned in this new game. You will be able to show how a real hairdresser will make hairstyles, this fashionable. Choose the style and the most collecting colors and styles. Try to make the most fashionable hairstyle so that it wanted to make fashionable models. If the dolls of Bratz were popular, then in lately Increasingly, the girls began to play with Monsters Hai, then after the game you are waiting for art with wizards!

Rain from items game for Winx Land! Select the command you want to pass the game. You must run and deftly dug from various itemsFalling from the sky. ATTENTION In order to collect as many coins as possible, you have only 3 lives! Good luck. If this game does not insert you, see the pictures with Winx's wizards prepared by me!

If you soon become a graduate, it's time to pass the test and find out what kind of profits awaits you, all you need. This is responsible for simple questions and then at the end you will learn what you choose in the future. Let only this test, but as the authors declare, as a result there is something and maybe it is worth listening to him. But, after the game, see Winx Club Arts!

The characters of the animated series of regular shows were again with us a game. This time you are waiting for new exciting adventures, with cartoon heroes. Fate led them to a uninhabited island, full of dangers where savages live and different dangerous animals. Help them escape from this island and stay alive. You must run as fast as you can, avoiding obstacles and attack enemies. Good luck!

Despite the fact that most flash games are more suitable for boys, for girls there are also many interesting things. Girls are more calm in nature, because in this section is not militants, where you need to shoot your enemies, fights and races. For excellent sex, games are suitable in which you need to make makeup, dress up dolls, build cute houses, etc. Fortunately, there are a lot of such games and the girls also have something to play.

  • Cartoon games. Some of the most popular cartoons for girls are Winx, Barbie and Monster High. Games with characters from these cartoons are very high;
  • Dress Up. All girls, from childhood, love to measure clothes. We did not have time to become on your feet, and already go on my mother's heels. The games of this category allow you to select unique outfits for your models;
  • Hairdressers and makeup. In addition to beautiful clothes, girls love beautiful hairstyles and bright makeup. As a rule, children are not allowed to use cosmetics, but in games you can anything. They have cosmetics for every taste. It is also possible to make a wide variety of haircuts and styling;
  • Games about cooking. There are many interesting gameswhere small housewives can learn to cook in gaming form. In such games you can cook cakes, donuts, drinks and many other goodies.

What is the benefit of such games?

Playing such games, girls since childhood learn to care for themselves, dressed beautifully and behave well. There are also many different quests and charms for girls in which you need to solve complex riddles and look for a way out of difficult situations. Such flash drives are very well developing logical thinking, attentiveness and generally have a positive effect on the development of the child. Confidently can be said that in this section not bad games. All of them are very calm and made in bright colors.

If you were looking for a website where you can play in good games For girls, you found it. There are several reasons for this:

  • All games on the site are completely free;
  • Games do not need to download and install, they start directly in the browser;
  • Selected only good, colorful and interesting games;
  • It is not difficult to make a choice, because users leave feedback on the game.