Call of pripyat where to find armor. Stalker sniper walkthrough. Starting armor in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl"

Mod Guide Sigerous mod CoP 2.2. This article discusses all aspects of the passage of this modification at the location: Jupiter, as well as maps of the caches of these locations. (Author of the passage: Stalker77Alex)

Quests on Jupiter are divided into blocks:
1 Original quests + quests of original characters on Janov, not affecting the chains of other quests
2 Quests of scientists
3 Quests of Dawn
4 Quests of the Mercenaries and the SBU

Original quests. Quests of the original characters on Janov, not affecting the chains of other quests.

1 the first three sorties
After arriving at Yanov, three sorties must be completed.
The first- This is a sortie associated with the Morgan's PDA, where it is necessary to recapture / protect the Debt warehouse. We choose a side that we will sympathize with (at our discretion, it will be useful to us) and carry out an easy quest. We sell a swag from a cache to a Hawaiian.
The second- a sortie with Uncle Yar to Kopachi. Be sure to take the quest from the Thunderbolt (which sits under the Zulu tower) the quest for Vintorez before the sortie. There we moisten hires, collect swag from them, take a monolith's PDA.


Khabar: in the village of Kopachi you can find a lot of caches.
Firstly, this is a cache in the excavator (Veles, valuable for us, lies there)
Secondly, it is a hiding place under the iron sheet. We are looking for an iron sheet in the west of the village. There is AS VAL. Along the fence on the western border of the location, not far from there, you can try to find a GPS guide.
Third, a cache in the attic of one of the houses where Thunderstorm lies.

The third- night outing on the quest of Neon (the merchant of Freedom) on the quest "Night snipers"
Know - one runaway bandit is immortal until you reach the East Tunnel. When you return back to search all the snipers, jump through the tree immediately onto the excavator and take from the bag in the room the cache of Arrow number 1 - medicines. Also in the immediate vicinity of the excavator is the stalker Sliver. It is he who will help us uncover the Magpie / Flint betrayal.

An interesting fact - the three Arrow caches on Jupiter have a random swag. Regardless of which of the caches you take first, it will contain medicines, the second - ammunition, and the third - the SIG 550 Arrow

2. The first walker (part 1)

The walk will be very busy, so I advise you to take the best equipment, upgrade your weapons if possible. We take quests:
The stalker Bear has a quest for Mityai (we choose a peaceful solution to the conflict, we take the artifact)

  • From St. John's wort we take the quest on Bloodsuckers
  • We take the quest for Radio Materials from Azot
  • At Thunderbolt we continue the quest for Vintorez.
  • Uncle Yar has a quest for the Camera

So let's get started. First, we move towards the Flood anomaly. We are looking for arts. Then we go a little east, there are bloodsuckers on the quest of St. John's wort. We take out. We go under the cement plant, from the place where the bloodsuckers were farmed on the water, we climb into the tunnel behind the Shooter's cache. Then we climb to the Tsemzavod itself. We go up the stairs outside to the roof of the northern building, on the roof we take the cache with the Helmet and the PSO (also there is the spawn point of Vintorez Thunderbolt), we go down below. There may be an artifact here, as well as two radio materials for Nitrogen. Then even lower (we do not remove the detector) - three more materials. Below are two more materials. There are two more on the lowest floor. There should be 9 materials in total

Further - you can start searching the southern building. There may be a GPS on the floor (a metal floor in the form of a grid), and a Monolith cache with Gauss cassettes can be found below under the pipe. It's time to start looking for the Named Vintar, if you haven't found it yet. You can find the spawn points below.

Now we are moving to the Quarry. On the way on the diesel locomotive lie SVD and cartridges for it. There may be GPS in the Career. If you haven't taken Arrow's cache and talked to Sliver - go for it. Let's not forget about the arts. Then you can go to the East Tunnel. GPS can be found on the ledge (just above the gate, above it). Use binoculars. The burers in the tunnel can be killed immediately (you need to enter the tunnel through the entrance to the left of the paths. Looking south). The quest will still count. After killing the dwarfs, we go to Bitumen, looking for arts.
Jupiter plant
Combing the Jupiter Factory is a daunting task. But doable. Use the gate on the right to enter (north-western part of the plant). We turn left along the road. On the left side there is a basement. There is a cache. Next, you need to comb the hulls adjacent to the air bridge. There are two documents - a folder with an order and Notebook sheet... Further, through the entrance of the plant, you can get to the Administrative building. We go up the stairs, and in one of the rooms we find documents. But do not rush to take them. Get ready. Take the stash with the Bump stop in the table. After taking the documents, the Hires will appear, led by the Black. We take it

PDA, flash drives, the leader has a G36. There is a Thunderstorm cache under the north staircase.

Further, without leaving the building, on the ground floor, in the area of ​​elevators and the southern staircase, looking south, there is a transition to another building. There is one more document - the Delivery Schedule. Now we go out into the street and move on through the plant. We shoot the dogs. There is an excavator on the left side. We approach him from behind and take the L85. Next, we go down to the Shooter's cache, take away a random swag. We get out, we go to the building to the south. There, on the second floor, there is an important document - the Pripyat-1 overpass scheme. We leave, go to the largest building in terms of area. As you enter - keep to the right, go down to the basement. Then we go through the basement, go up the stairs, go along the walkways. We take the document "Papers with notes". We go down the stairs to the adjacent room. Psi-dogs will meet us there. There is a cache with AK74 under the shelves. You can take another document on the table. Let's examine the helicopter. GPS can be found nearby (see screen below)

We leave the factory.

2. The first walker (part 2)

After leaving the factory, our first goal is to search the Concrete Bath anomaly. To do this without consequences, after leaving the Jupiter plant, turn 180 degrees to the left and walk along the outside fence of the plant. Then you can get to the very platform where the artifact lies.
Opposite the anomaly there is "Aggressive Bandyuks". They just need to be eliminated. We are not going to the recruitment base yet, they will not let us through. Two caches with SIG 550 and Winchester can be found behind the garages and under the road.

Next, we go to the helipad - the place where the minefield does not allow to pass and where Skat-1 landed. On the way, do not forget about the Uncle Yar quest. It is easy to go to the site on the right along the fence. We take away the black box from the helicopter. At the other end of the minefield, where a concrete wall can appear GPS. After a wave of mutants that blew up the lion's share of the mines, we check the presence of mines by clicking the bolt and take the GPS.

The oasis is actually easy to walk through. The entrance to it is in the area of ​​the platform near the railway. There is a building there. We pass, we bring down tushcans and zombies. We destroy the boards blocking the passage. Do not go down (although there is a spawn point for tools), but go straight.

Then all the way and to the right through the pipes. We go through the pipes until they "run out". Then left. A hall with columns will appear before us.

To unblock the passage and turn off the teleport, you must:
1. Walk five times straight through all five rows of columns as shown in the figure. You can start from left to right or right to left - the order of passes can be directly changed.

2. Then pass this hall strictly under the snowflakes. The teleport is unlocked, we take the artifact.
On the instructions of Mityai's friends Torba and the Bear, the bandits Mityai must be rescued from captivity. The best option is to take the artifact from Mityai's friends and kill the bandits. The fact is that this artifact is very useful. The easiest way to interrupt is from the inside - to go to the very hillock, and from there begin to take out the bandits. Or outside - with a sniper rifle. We are not going to Yanov and Mityai.
We get two flash drives of the Bandits. Also, a GPS guide can be found at the fence at the western end of the sub-location. On the way to the Volkhov air defense system, we speak with the surviving Monolith led by the Vagrant.
Point B205
We approach the air defense system "Volkhov". We take out the zombie. We do not go down into the tunnel yet, we go into the building. There we take Sokolov's note. But now you can go down. We open the door, we pass further. Through the holes in the wall we go around the pile of shelves, take out the jerboas and the burer. We go upstairs and take away new weapons. The RPG can be put in the drawer for now. On the way to Yanov we hand over the quest to the Oasis to Ozersky. You can give Garik the Chunk of Meat and Kolobok art. Sokolov - his note. German - a quest for Administrative documents. Now it's time to go to Yanov.

  • We hand over the quest to Mitya.
  • We hand over materials and a black box to Azot
  • We hand over quests St. John's wort
  • We rent Vintar by Thunderbolt
  • If we talked with Sliver in the Quarry, then we talk with Flint, then we hand him over to either Shulga or Loki, and later to Gont.
  • You can hand over documents from Jupiter or Shulga or Loki. There is also an option - Sychu.
  • Selling unnecessary artifacts to a Hawaiian. You should only leave the arts by weight (Gravi and Goldfish)
  • We hand over the quest to Uncle Yar.
  • We are trying to attach the Monoliths to one of the groups by talking with the leaders of the clans.

3 St. John's wort quests
We complete the remaining quests of St. John's wort:
1. Quest for 5 bloodsucker tentacles. Should have stayed from the Zaton. We give it back, we get a reward. (in the assembly that Shkrek went through, the quest was not issued, perhaps this is due to a fix from makdm)
2. Quest for groups of snorks. I will not explain, they just need to be taken out.
3. Quest for the Chimera. We go to the ventilation complex at night and kill the Chimera.

4. Quest with Snag
One fine day, our things disappear from the box. We interrogate St. John's wort, Bone cutter, then Zulus. We kill the bandit at the stop. You can kill Snag. You can keep alive. In any case, we will get things back.
4.2 Scientist Quests
1. Variable Psi-radiation
The first and very important task - "Variable psi-radiation from Herman" It should be performed only with a sniper rifle. With the Poplar group we go into the tunnel. We take out jerboas and three zombies there. Move on. A GPS guide can be found in the anomaly room.

Save before picking up the Modified Isolator. When leaving the room where he was lying in the tunnel, a controller will appear. If you don't have time to take it off right away, Poplar's group will start firing at us. Therefore, we use the Lynx to the fullest (if there is no sniper rifle, then we go point-blank to him and extinguish it with a shotgun). We return to the bunker.
2. Placement of scanners
We take from Herman a quest for the placement of three scanners. We arrange, then two more will be available. You need to pick them up from Novikov. The placement of scanners will allow displaying artifacts available in anomalies on the map.

3. Measurements with the Poplar group.
We take a shotgun - this is important - and a sniper. We go first to Plavni - it will be more difficult there. Our task. To keep all members of the Poplar group alive. We are waiting for the approach of mutants and demolish them. Then we go to the Ash. There you need to shoot Zombies approaching from the Digging side. I think even a machine gun will be enough.
4. Ozersky's hypothesis
We speak with Ozersky about the activity of mutants during measurements. We get a scanner from him, we go to Bitumen. We install a scanner there, we see the activity of mutants (snorks appeared) - we take the scanner. We carry the scanner to Ozersky, we get a reward.
5. History of Debt
You can even complete it without taking the quest from Herman, if you have a Svarog detector. Svarog can be given out either by the Beard on the Owl's quest, or by Poplar after completing all the quests related to his group. We go to the Cooling tower, climb up, take out the detector. From the anomaly drop "Dead" long-timers with weapons in excellent condition. One of them has a PDA. You can give it to the leader of Debt or Freedom.
6. Protection for scientists
On the instructions of Herman, you need to find protection for the Scientists. There are several options - Duty, Freedom, or stalkers led by Spartak from Zaton.
7. Novikov's quests to upgrade detectors.
7.1 Anomaly scanners.
You just need to simply collect scanners for Novikov on Zaton from all anomalies. Additional profit in the form of arts on the Zaton.
7.2 Special information
We need to find blueprints for Novikov at the Cement Plant and the SAM. Screens to help.

7.3. Special tools.
At Novikov's request, we find tools for upgrading detectors.
8. Accompanying scientists

We take the quest from the scientists standing near the bunker. We accompany them to the Ventiation complex. We receive a reward.
4.3 Quests of Dawn
1. Defense of the base
Throughout the passage in all quests related to the Dawn, mutants will excite us. In the first quest (it is issued automatically when you first approach the Dawn base) you need to repel the attack of the mutants. Take the shotgun - there will be a pseudo giant. After completing the quest, you can join the "Dawn" grouping. This is what we will do.
Tip - immediately order the "Dawn Exoskeleton" from the Dawn trader. It is he who will provide the maximum carry weight in the game.
2. Clearing the territory from mutants.
Description: The Dawns need territory to expand their faction. We need to free her from mutants.
Issued by: Jupiter, leader of Nazar Dawn. We move along the mark on the map (to the halt) and shoot the snorks. We return for the award.
3. Cleaning up the area near the holes.
Issued by: Jupiter, leader of Nazar Dawn
Description: we move along the markers on the map and shoot mutants:
1.on cement plant(snorks, chimera) the Jupiter factory (dogs, pseudo-dogs) the South (between the container warehouse and the helipad) - wild boars, flesh, controller
4.near the railway (tushkany, burer, 3 pseudo-giants)
5. near the air defense missile system "Volkhov" - snorks, pseudo-giant
We return for the award.
4. Clan priorities
Issued by Dawn Leader Nazar. First, take the armored suits to the technician on the basis of Scientists Novikov.
There are several options for passing - the longer you wait, the less you pay. Then take the armored suits from the technician. Next comes the most difficult part - you need to fill all five prepared caches.
It is necessary to fill all five caches of the grouping, marked on the map, with the following components according to the list:
1) Weapon: AN-94 "Abakan" or Chaser-
2) One magazine for the corresponding weapon.
3) Veles-class anomaly detector.
4) Armored suit ChN-3A.
5) Any first aid kit, any bandage.
6) The choice of anti-radiation drug or psychedelin.
We answer the PDA signal. Check the first point marked in the route of the patrol group, then the second and third. We will escort Miguel to the base and inform Nazar about the results of the check.
5. Flowers of the Devil.
The quest is issued by the same Miguel from the previous quest - the scout. First, burn with the scientists in the Bunker. Then ask the leaders of the groups, St. John's Wort, Kostoprav on Yanov. If Kostoprav said that you need to look in thermal anomalies, we are looking for Zaton in an. Circus, in the Burnt Farm, as well as on Jupiter in the Ash. Then we give the Flowers of the Devil to Miguel.
4.4 Quests of the Mercenaries and the SBU
1. Interception
We use the USB flash drive from the SBU from the cache on the Zaton, which is lying in the backpack. We go by the mark to the area of ​​the Jupiter plant. We take out all the mercenaries there. We will accompany the agent to Yanov. Now another agent is available at night, who will give us another task.
IMPORTANT!!! Be sure to pick up a PDA from one of the Hire with a password to enter the Mercenary base. You also need to remove from one of the mercenaries either the Mercenary Exoskeleton or the Mercenary Suit.
2. Agent on the helipad and Professor Tyagnibok.
At night we go to a meeting with the Agent. He will give us a task to search for Professor Tyagnibok, who disappeared in Pripyat, with his report.
3. Joining the Mercenaries.
Attention, on the basis of the mercenaries, there is a dress code entry only in a suit of hiring, we approach the goalkeeper (hiring Evil), tell him the password - we go to the base. In advance, you need to buy a psychedelin drug from a doctor or scientists, or save it when you collect swag from corpses, you need 5 cylinders.
Approach the hiring leader Molfar and take the quest - search for the missing squad.
The quest is completed in two passes: with the first group we go to the Jupiter plant, we do not run far from the detachment, because the task will fail. We clean the perimeter, go up to the second floor, there will be a surprise. On the first run of the controller, do not bring down, because then there will be no snork spawning. When the controller appears, we take our hands in feet, and we run headlong into the street. We get the task to talk to the hiring leader. We return, we take the task for the second round, here the psychedelin will come in handy, we distribute it to the participants in the assault. At the factory we clean the perimeter, about 10 zombies and three controllers. As you fill up 3 controllers, there will be 3 snorks spawn near the garage, and two at the exit from the factory. After shooting them, you will receive an invitation to talk with the leader, who will offer the GG to join the mercenaries.
4. Broken caravan.
On the way to the base, a caravan of mercenaries ran into a large pseudo-giant. They are now near the ventilation complex. They need help. We kill the giant, take the cargo and give it to Molfar.
5. Assassination attempt on Knave: kill Knave
Molfar decided to break up with his bosom enemy - Knave. We need to shoot him.
(in the assembly that Shkrek went through, the quest was not issued, since the Knave died earlier)
6. Weak Beacon: Find a cache in the factory
The mercenaries long ago set up a cache on the grounds of the Jupiter factory. The one who installed - died long ago. Nobody knows exactly where this cache is hidden. The GPS beacon signal on the cache is very weak. For it to work, you need to get closer to it. The task is to comb the plant. There we find a hiding place - we can't pick it up - we try to search it - it's closed. We inform Molfar, we escort the detachment to the cache, we return to the base.

Fans of the cult action-shooter have always been attracted by weapons in the game. "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is replete with a variety of different types of weapons, both domestic and Western design. Not inferior in quality and abundance and armor - different kinds Bulletproof vests can be found in many locations or purchased from vendors. This will be discussed in the article.

About the game

S.T.A.L.K.E.R: "Call of Pripyat" is the third part of the famous franchise, which tells the story of the life of artifact hunters in the Exclusion Zone in the vicinity of Chernobyl. "Call of Pripyat" tells the story of an agent of the SBU, Major Alexander Degtyarev, who was abandoned under the guise of an ordinary stalker in order to investigate the crash of military helicopters that were sent there to take control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

The hero will have to find the helicopters and retrieve the flight recorders. Then, learn about the points of evacuation and make reconnaissance of those. One of the points is the city of Pripyat, but the way there is closed. Therefore, Degtyarev has to rub into the credibility of stalkers in order to find out something like a legend about the existing underground passage to the city. After that, the major learns about the causes of the helicopter accident and, together with a group of military men from Pripyat, is evacuated from the Zone, fighting off the onslaught of fanatics from the "Monolith" group.


The new series continues the events of the first part - S.T.A.L.K.E.R: "Shadow of Chernobyl". The developers have significantly improved the graphics, interface and intelligence of the monsters. And also added new mutants.

Row functionality the gunsmiths have replenished with new ways to upgrade weapons.

The player's actions affect the attitude of other stalkers. The latter, in turn, no longer sit still: they make sorties during the day, they return by night. Therefore, from time to time in the Zone you can meet groups of stalkers.

You should carefully monitor the notifications on the radio - when an ejection is approaching, you must immediately hide, otherwise you can wake up already in the form of a mutant with a bullet in your head.

The developers have added a sleep mode to replenish strength - you can use the bunks in Skadovsk.

Cannons in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat"

Finding weapons in the game is not difficult. The game begins at the gates of the outer perimeter, where the protagonist is armed with a regular AK-74u. On the way to Skadovsk, you can only find a couple of scattered sawn-off shotguns beaten by time, which are not the best option for replacement. You can turn to the buyers at Skadovsk (an old rusty barge) and for a not quite reasonable price to purchase Vintorez (called in the game "Vintar-VS") or some other weapon. "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" makes it possible to do without hoarding and expenses - you can walk to the Burned Farm location. The coveted Vintar can be found on the roof of one of the houses.

It is worth saying that this rifle is very often used by players. It is convenient both for shooting targets at a long distance, and for battles at medium distances in the game. But, if you go to Plavni for a bloodsucker, it is better to take a shotgun. Since the "ghoul" moves quickly (mostly circles around the player), it often stays in "stealth mode" and rarely walks one by one.

In the assortment, the merchants have many guns like Russian production and western. The main thing is to buy what you really need. It doesn't matter what it is: the same AK-74M or IL 86 (real name L85). The main thing is that there is a place in the inventory and the hero does not carry a bunch of swag, under the load of which he can simply flatten. All this is not "Skyrim", where you can run the whole game, picking up all the junk that is unlikely to ever come in handy.

The most interesting weapon from "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is not very easy to get.


This name hides a modified version of the same "Vintar". Unlike the original, it has a lower rate of fire, but increased damage and increased accuracy. Great for eliminating snipers in quests towards the end of the game (when there will be skirmishes with the "Monolith"), as well as on the way to Pripyat along the underground overpass. After pumping this model at the gunsmith, you can reduce the recoil to zero.

It will be extremely useful when completing the task of eliminating the Monolithic Preacher, who will be located on the roof of a high-rise and will shoot from the Gauss Cannon. Not every rifle will get there.

You can get it from the Shustroi supplier in Skadovsk. The cost is 20,000.


Another "tasty treat" that can be ordered from Shustry for the same price. This time it is a purely sniper rifle, which Max was armed with. V real life the gun is called SVU-A. Another bullpup rifle in the game is an upgrade of the same model from the game called SVUmk-2.


  • rate of fire is higher than that of the original;
  • can be purchased almost at the beginning of the game from Nimble - there would be money;
  • high accuracy and low weight;
  • the cartridge is quite powerful;
  • suitable for shooting at very long distances - it can also be used to eliminate the Preacher, as well as to shoot mutants from cover.


  • she's the only one for the whole Zone, you can't find another like that;
  • the cartridge is also very rare;
  • repairs and modifications cost a lot of money;
  • if you arm yourself with a rifle and parade to the exit from Skadovsk, the bandit, standing on the left at the table, will try to "take on the show" Degtyarev in order to "wring out" the rifle.


And again unique weapon... "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is not a game where you can find absolutely everything. Exclusive weapons are available only on order from the same Nimble. Lynx is a modified version of the SVDm-2 (a regular SVD rifle in real life).


  • a lot of options for improving the sight;
  • high destructive power;
  • increased accuracy;
  • reliability;
  • available for purchase at the beginning of the game.


  • heavy;
  • the caliber is as rare as that of the above IED;
  • high recoil (can be reduced with an upgrade from a gunsmith);
  • the cost of the improvements is quite considerable.

Gauss Cannon

These are not just weapons. " Stalker: Call of Pripyat ", being not a game, but an infotainment show on radio or television, would have awarded this gun the title of" highlight of the program. " The notorious Gauska can not be bought from any merchant in the game (unless, of course, you use mods), it can only be taken from the soldiers of the "Monolith" group. First of all - at the Preacher, knocking him off the roof of the hospital, according to the quest in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat".

"Unknown weapon" - this is how the cannon taken from the body of the monolith will be marked, you cannot shoot from it until it is repaired. You will need to report to the gunsmith in Skadovsk, he will lose consciousness at the sight of "Product No. 62", and when he wakes up, he will forever tie up with alcohol. After a thorough analysis of the product, a gunsmith nicknamed Cardan will be able to sell cartridges for Gauska to Degtyarev, and it will be possible to shoot from it.


  • the most powerful weapon "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" and two other parts of the game;
  • hits farther than any sniper rifle;
  • there is no recoil at all;
  • the most accurate sniper in the game.


  • breaks down quickly;
  • low rate of fire;
  • heavy;
  • ammunition is hard to reach;
  • shoots a projectile accelerated to supersonic speed, leaving behind a bright trail, which contributes to the unmasking of the sniper;
  • no modernization is provided - with it it is useless to declare to any gunsmith in the game.

It is recommended that you wear something quick firing in addition to this futuristic rifle. When faced with well-armored opponents in closed room will be useless (unless, of course, they line up in a row so that they can be demolished in one shot), it is better to use it to eliminate single targets at long distances.

And also, a huge disadvantage is that the Gauss Cannon appears almost at the end of the game, so you can't fight with it too much. If there is an irresistible desire to rectify the situation, you can use a mod that will allow you to purchase the coveted gun at the beginning of the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat".

Weapons and Armor

The simplest armor (if the language turns so to call this "suit"), found in the game is a leather cloak, used by many bandits, newcomers to the zone and simple uncomplicated lone stalkers. It can only protect from rain and from the bite of a jerboa. To contain the bullet is out of the question.

The rarest and most reliable armor is the exoskeleton. This suit is not divided separately into components such as "helmet" and "body armor", but is represented by a homogeneous sample heavy armor... Not particularly in demand, since there is no possibility of running before purchasing calibration tools. And those are in Pripyat. After Cardan refines the suit, you can put it on. But running will be available only until the onset of fatigue, and such will roll quickly. So it is better to either hang a couple of artifacts "Snowflake" or "Goldfish".

And also the suit itself increases the weight to be carried.

In terms of its qualities, it is the best armor that protects against bullets and shrapnel. But when protecting from radiation and anomalies, there is nothing better than the SEVA suit. This is the only closed-breathing suit required for passage through the tunnel to Pripyat. But it has little protection against bullets.

You can often find such combinations of uniforms as an exoskeleton, a screw cutter and a Gauss cannon. Or SEVA, Avalanche assault rifle and SVU2-A.


In Stalker: Call of Pripyat, immortality and weapons are almost the most popular questions for those who want to make an interesting video or just have fun. If everything is clear with weapons and armor, then you can make a bulletproof shield out of the main character either by carefully selecting combinations of artifacts that will provide quick health recovery and stop bleeding, or simply by using cheats. The latter option involves manually adjusting the susceptibility of all types of damage manually.

But it's better to just install a trainer that turns on immortal mode and allows you to carry 999 kg of weight. The last point will allow amateurs of gatherers to grab all weapons that come across in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat".

Cheat on the carried weight can also be used in the root directory by writing a line in the file with the name of the weapon of interest inv_weight = 1.5. Then the cannon will be very light. If you set it to zero, the weapon will disappear altogether.

In "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" codes for weapons are entered by activating the console with the ~ (tilde) key. For example, the give all code will "throw" all possible types of weapons into your inventory. And the god team will ensure immortality.


Craftsmen every month delight fans of the series with unofficial hodgepodge, which add a lot of innovations to the game. Before installing, you must read the description in order to understand what changes will make to the "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" mod.

New weapons added in this way are usually either retextured versions of the old ones, or new capabilities are simply added to them.

For example, using the mod, you can get a normal AK-74M with a right-hand bolt (in the game it is on the left, which is a mistake by the developers). Mods are known that add a flamethrower, a gatling machine gun and much more to the game.

Weapons and armor are updated in the same way in "Stalker: Call of Pripyat". The mod adds to the game various types of armor of any indicators, colors and functionality.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games will always be popular with fans of post-apocalyptic themes. Despite the fact that the company that developed the game has already closed, the fan does not lose hope that someone will buy out the rights to develop and publish the new part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and will delight the gaming community with a new brainchild.

All that remains is to believe, hope and wait. Let it be BioWare or Bethesda.

In the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. weapons and armor play a key role: without proper uniforms and suitable weapons, you will not be able to pass any of the three parts. In our article, we will take a closer look at weapons and armor in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl" and "Stalker Call of Pripyat", which are the first and third parts of the famous trilogy.

Starting armor in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl"

Armor in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl" there are several different types... You can get it in different ways: as a reward for completing quests, buying it from one of the merchants or finding it in one of the many caches.

Grandma's sweater

You get this item from the very beginning of the game and cannot be removed from yourself until its completion. As the description claims, the sweater has natural healing properties.

Leather Jacket

In addition to radiation, a leather jacket protects against all other types of damage by 10%. The first armor suit that you receive at the beginning of the game. It is on sale from the same Sidorovich. Its cost is 1000 rubles. You can find it in one of the caches in the Bar location. To do this, climb onto the roof of the shed located opposite the checkpoint next to the entrance to the main headquarters of Duty.

Army body armor jacket

If you go to the southern checkpoint at the Cordon location, then in the attic you can find two of these jackets. This unfinished version of the army armor in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl" increases tear resistance by 30%. And that's all. Its cost is 5000 rubles.

Abnormal leather jacket

An abnormal leather jacket can be obtained from a dead stalker who died in the "Jellied" anomaly. Due to the fact that the jacket has been in anomalies, it is now able to speed up the metabolism. As with the usual leather jacket, this type of armor gives the same 10% to all characteristics, except for protection from radiation. The cost is still the same - 1000 rubles. You can find a jacket on the Cordon. Go to the left of the tunnel with electrons and look behind the stones. In most cases, here you will also find either Flesh or boars.

Bandit jacket

The bandit jacket is the traditional outfit of bandits in the Zone. Its cost is 3000 rubles. Again, no protection from radiation, but for all other parameters it gives a durability of 10-15%: for rupture and bullet resistance 15%, for the rest - 10%. You can find it in hiding places on the Cordon, or buy it from Sidorovich.

In the video below you can see how to repair your armor for free in the first part of the game.

Chain mail jacket

The Chain Jacket is an improved version of the Bandit Jacket. Its cost is exactly the same as the previous one - 3000 rubles. In terms of protective characteristics, everything is the same, with the exception of increased bullet resistance - 28%. You can get it by completing a task related to a loser stalker Nimble (at the beginning of the game).

Armor in "Stalker" with average protective characteristics

Stalker jumpsuit

Although the stalker's overalls are characterized by decent protection, in general it is not enough to carry out deep raids to the center of the Zone. Its cost is 15,000 rubles, weight - 5 kg. You can buy both from Sidorovich and from the Barman. You can also find a stalker inside the cache box and other caches. If you are not in a hurry, you can get it from the Bartender when completing story quests.

  • Explosion resistance and bullet resistance - 30%.
  • Tear resistance - 40%.
  • All other parameters, including protection from radiation - 50%.

Tourist Jumpsuit

The Tourist Jumpsuit is an improved version of the Stalker Jumpsuit. The parameters are exactly the same, but there is a special bonus: the carrying capacity is increased by 20 kg. The cost is 15,000 rubles. Complete the tasks of Sidorovich, bring him an artifact called "Night Star" and get this overalls in return.

Ghost Jumpsuit

The Ghost Jumpsuit is another version of the stalker jumpsuit with the ability to restore health. The main protective characteristics are exactly the same as those of a conventional overalls. Same cost and weight. You will find him on the quest of Professor Sakharov, you will not be able to miss it. Find X-16 in the lab. It will be necessary to remove the Ghost from the dead body.

Mercenary Jumpsuit

Mercenary overalls are an item worn by all members of the "Mercenaries" group. It has different characteristics, which are generally worse than the stalker's overalls:

  • Bullet resistance, chemical burn and shock resistance - 20%.
  • Tear resistance - 25%.
  • Protection against burns, radiation and electric shock - 30%.
  • Explosion resistance - 50%.

The cost of the mercenary's overalls is 6,000 rubles. Can be bought from Sidorovich or from the Barman. You can also find this item in various caches. Search the bandit base at the location Dark valley- there is one copy of this armor.

Reinforced jumpsuit

The reinforced suit is located in a rare cache located inside the cabin of the cargo crane, above railroad... Unlike regular coveralls, the explosion resistance has been reduced from 50 to 25%, but the tear resistance has been increased from 25 to 60%. The cost and weight are the same as for a regular copy.

Jumpsuit "Guardian of Liberty"

The Freedom Guard jumpsuit costs 12,500 rubles. You can get it from Lukash for the Healing Beryl armor suit. You can also buy at the Freedom base. Bullet resistance and explosion 40-45%, impact protection - 60%, and in all other parameters - 50%.

Armored suits Beryl

The Beryl 5M armored suit can be bought from the Barman after visiting the X-18 laboratory for 12,000 rubles. Quite low parameters, which we will not even describe.

Healing Beryl is a one-off quest item. You will remove it from the corpse of the special forces, which you will find on Yantar, near the laboratory. You will need to give it to Lukash. In terms of parameters, everything is the same, but there is the property of restoring HP.

Monolith Jumpsuit

The monolith's overalls are worn by all the soldiers of this group. You can find X-18 inside the laboratory - look at the locker lockers. You can also find it inside a cache, which you will learn about from the dead mercenary "Debt" nicknamed Bullet. The cache is located in the same laboratory. The cost is 10,000 rubles.

  • Explosion, burst and bullet resistance - 40%.
  • For protection from burns, shocks, chemical burns and radiation - 50%.
  • Electric shock protection - 60%.


PSZ-9D "Armor of Duty" can be purchased from Colonel Petrenko after the quests given by General Voronin. For all protective parameters, it gives 50%, with the exception of explosion and bullet resistance - 40% each. The cost is 14,000 rubles.

Debt representatives

PSZ-9D "Hunter" is a modification of the "Armor of Debt". Can be found in a rare cache at the Bar location. Look not far from the Kitsenko checkpoint, if you move from the side of the Landfill. You will see a bunker nearby, and there is a blue box inside. Increased tensile strength from 50 to 70%. This is the only difference.

"Wind of freedom"

The "Wind of Freedom" overalls are much worse than the previous version in all respects. Its cost is less - 10,000 rubles. You can find it in the Wild Territory inside the car next to a dilapidated building, on the way to Amber. You can also find it in one of the caches in the Bar territory. Low protective parameters for burn, rupture, explosion and bullet resistance - 25-30%. For all other characteristics - 50%.

The Freedom M2 suit is a modification of a regular armored suit. The cost is the same. According to the characteristics, there is only one difference: the protection against electric shock increases from 50 to 90%. Can be found in the Freedom territory, in the armory room (guarded room).

Heavy armor in "Stalker"


PSZ-9MD Universal protection is the next modification of the "Armor of Debt". Can be obtained from General Voronin in exchange for the Bulldog 6 grenade launcher. Can be bought from Colonel Petrenko. The cost is 25,000 rubles. All characteristics have been significantly increased:

  • Bullet resistance - 40%.
  • Impact, burst and explosion protection - 50%.
  • Protection against chemical burns - 70%.
  • Protection against normal burns - 80%.
  • Protection against electric shock and radiation - 90%.

Army armored suit

The army armored suit can be purchased from the Bartender after you return from the X-16 laboratory for 40,000 rubles. By protection 50-60% for burns, chemical burns and bullet resistance. Impact resistance is 80%, and for all the remaining parameters - 70%.

Jumpsuit SPP-99

Overalls SPP-99 "Ecologist" will receive as a reward after rescuing Kruglov at the location "Wild Territory". Can also be purchased from Sakharov after you visit the X-16 laboratory. The cost is 15,000 rubles. Weak characteristics of protection against mechanical stress and explosion are replaced by high parameters for resistance to burns, chemical burns, electric shock and radiation - 90%.

Jumpsuit SPP-99M is a modification of the previous one. Increased parameters of protection against burst, explosion and bullet resistance. The cost is 24,000 rubles. Receive in exchange for the armor "Ghost" from Sakharov. He can also sell it to you after visiting the X-16 laboratory.

Jumpsuit "Seva"

The Seva overalls cost 30,000 rubles. You can find it in a cache inside a destroyed structure at the location "Wild Territory", next to the platform near the railway tracks. You can get inside through the roof of the building! After visiting the X-16 laboratory, Sakharov will trade it. Reduced parameters of protection against normal and chemical burns, explosion (compared to the previous overalls). By the way, there is the same armor in "Stalker Call of Pripyat".


The exoskeleton can be bought from the Bartender or at the Freedom base after completing tasks from Lukash. You can also find it in a cache on the territory of Pripyat. The cost is 50,000 rubles. Lower protection against burns, electric shock and chemical burns, but high parameters of resistance to shock, burst, explosion and bullets.

Exoskeleton in the game

Exoskeleton PNB-4UZ is an improved version of a regular suit. You can find it in a rare cache "Khabar Fang" right under the monument to Lenin, in the very center of the Pripyat location. In terms of parameters, it is no different from a regular instance. The cost is the same.

Weapons in "Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl"

There are 14 types of pistols in the game:

  • PB1s.
  • Handicap 12 Mk2.
  • Handicap 15 Mk.
  • Walker P9m.
  • Walker 9x
  • Bark 919.
  • Silent Bark.
  • UDP Compact.
  • Black Hawk.
  • Big Ben.
  • SIP-t M200.
  • Martha.
  • KhPSS 1M.

All of them differ in several parameters - rate of fire, accuracy, convenience and damage. Big Ben and HPSS 1M have the highest damage, 24.5 units per shot. The latter is not available in the game version 1.005. The most convenient is the SIP-t M200 (24.5). Basically, these are the most powerful options that you will find throughout the passage.

In addition, there are various options for ammunition - regular, reinforced cartridges, etc. Pay attention to this!

Let us single out the most powerful assault rifles: a sniper VAL with 21.5 damage and a 200 M FT with 11 damage and 13.5 accuracy.

Sniper rifle TRs-301

In terms of shotgun damage, TOST-34 will be the best, but it only has 2 rounds in the clip. For this reason, SPAS and Chaser 13 look preferable.

There are more specific types weapons in "Stalker", of which there are not so many: they are all quite powerful and pose a threat to your opponents (we are talking about sniper rifles, grenade launchers, underbarrel guns, gauss guns).

Armor in "Stalker Call of Pripyat"

In Game "Stalker Call of Pripyat" armor is divided into two types - torso protection and head protection. To protect the head, five different “helmets” are used: a gas mask, a steel helmet, a Sphere M12 helmet, a tactical helmet and a Zaslon helmet.

Three best armor in the game "Stalker Call of Pripyat":

The most balanced of all is the Sphere M12 helmet, which protects against psi and damage at the same time. You can get this helmet after you receive a task related to finding a team for a trip to Pripyat. Kirillov is the quest giver.

There are 11 armored suits in the game to protect the body. The simplest armor in "Stalker"- a leather coat with a minimum level of protection. The best costumes in the game are the Seva jumpsuit and exoskeleton. All the rest, when considering all the parameters, in general, are significantly inferior to them, but superior to the usual leather cloak.

You can order an exoskeleton from Shustroi for 60,000 rubles or purchase it from Sych after you receive a quest to find a passage to Pripyat. In the second case, spend 45,000 rubles.

Weapons in "Stalker Call of Pripyat"

Let's begin with that weapon in "Stalker Call of Pripyat" slightly different from the arsenal that is available in original game series - "Shadow of Chernobyl". On the other hand, the assortment is somewhat reduced and diluted with new items.

In terms of pistols, everything is the same as in the original, with the exception of the Alpine and the Steppe Hawk. The latter is the most powerful in the game. Both variants weapons in "Stalker Call of Pripyat" you can order from Nimble.

Of the new machines that weren't among weapons in "Stalker" earlier we will single out “Fraser”, AS-96/2, “Storm”, SA “Avalanche”, SGI-5k, SGI-5k “Strelka”, RP-74 and RP-74 “Zulus”. The latest LMG is one of the most powerful in the game. If you help the Zulus shoot snorks, you will receive his improved modification as a reward.