Didactic games of artistic aesthetic content. Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic education. Board game "Domino"

Didactic games and exercises, being both a method and a form of teaching, represent a specific tool in pedagogical process, means comprehensive development preschool child. The didactic game promotes development. A child involved in a game situation assimilates educational material much easier. Readily, without coercion, children follow game rules and actions, which contributes to more effective assimilation of knowledge, formation of ideas, mastery of skills and abilities.


(To identify, consolidate or form knowledge about the products of masters of decorative and applied arts).

Didactic task: distinguish and name samples of products of Belarusian and Russian arts and crafts, determine the materials from which they are made; to classify depending on belonging to the Belarusian or Russian crafts.

Material: 2 paper volumetric dolls-girls (made on the basis of paper cones) in Russian and Belarusian national clothes; a set of cards depicting products of Belarusian and Russian craftsmen (20-26 pieces): clay toys, nesting dolls, boxes, wooden spoons, decorative plates, dolls made of straw and flax, embroidered products, etc.

First option (to identify ideas about the arts and crafts of Belarus and Russia).

Two children take part in the game. In front of one of them, dolls are laid out, and the other receives a set of cards. One child shows a card, and the second should say what is depicted on it and what material it is made of, and then put the card next to one of the dolls.

The adult records the result and invites the children to switch roles. The game continues, at the end the teacher sums it up.

Second option (to consolidate and form knowledge about the arts and crafts of Belarus and Russia).

Two or more children can take part in the game. The cards are shuffled and laid out face up on the table. At a signal (verbal, musical, etc.), children should quickly pick up the appropriate objects for the dolls. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and more correctly.


When conducting collective games with a large number of children, it is necessary to increase the number of dolls and product cards. By increasing the size of the dolls and cards, you can play on the floor and include it in activity games.

The third option (to consolidate and form knowledge, ideas).

6-8 children play (2 teams of 2-4 people). The dolls are placed at some distance from one another. The cards are shuffled and laid out face down on the table. Children from the first team take the card, examine it and, without showing it, describe the object depicted on it. Children from the second description team should guess what is shown on the card and decide which of the dolls this object should be given. They put the considered card next to the doll of their choice. The next card is described by children from the other team. After all the cards have been examined and laid out near the dolls, the children are invited to check everything. The team wins, whose children correctly described the cards and laid them out near each doll.


Each team must have two dolls in Belarusian and Russian costumes.


(To identify knowledge about Belarusian and Russian patterns).

The purpose of the didactic game: to reveal children's ideas about the character of Belarusian and Russian (Dymkovo and Khokhloma painting) patterns, skills in depicting elements of painting.

Material: a set of cards (one for all participants), each of which is divided into 3 strips. In the upper part of each strip, two decorative elements are depicted: on one - Belarusian, on the other - Dymkovo, on the third - Khokhloma; colored pencils or markers; 2-4 dolls in Belarusian and Russian costumes.


If necessary, before starting the exercise, it is allowed to clarify the patterns to which the elements shown on the cards belong; the task can be complicated - invite 2-3 players to compete, who will remember and draw more elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns. When completing a play task, children should sit so as not to see each other's work.


(To consolidate knowledge about the products of Belarusian craftsmen made from traditional materials).

Didactic task: to consolidate ideas about the products of Belarusian crafts, to classify them according to their belonging to the traditional material from which they are made; intensify the sense of shape and color.

Material: 6-9 cards (25x25 cm) depicting products of decorative and applied art of Belarus: from clay (toys, jewelry, dishes, etc.), from straw (dolls, birds, animals, household items, decorative items), from flax (dolls , napkins, flowers, etc.). Pictures depicting products are cut into several parts, 6-9 pictures of the same size depicting only the outlines of products, which are placed on cut cards.

Children are invited to make one or two pictures from parts so that an object appears, the outline of which is depicted on the card held by the player.


An element of competition can be introduced into the game - who will make the picture faster (several pictures); cut parts of pictures and pictures with outlines of objects can be used for exercises in individual work.


(To identify and form knowledge about the elements of the Belarusian pattern).

Didactic task: to recognize and name the elements of the Belarusian pattern, find them and fragments of the same patterns of different objects. To promote the activation of the ideas existing in the experience of children.

Material: 7 cards showing samples of patterns with elements of Belarusian ornament; 14 silhouette images of objects, of which every two (different in shape) have the same patterns corresponding to one of the samples (Fig. 3).

First option (one or more children are involved).

The cards are laid out face down on the table. The silhouettes of objects painted with patterns are placed on the shelf of the stand with the front side facing the children. The child is invited to take one of the cards, carefully examine the patterns on it and choose objects that have the same pattern from the silhouettes placed on the shelf.

Second option (several children are involved).

The child chooses one of the cards and, without showing it to the other children, describes the pattern depicted on one of the strips of the card. The other (s) participant (s) of the game must quickly find one or two silhouette objects decorated with the described pattern and put the card next to it.

The third option (two teams are involved).

The cards are placed on the shelves of the stand at a great distance from one another. Item silhouettes are distributed equally to each team. One child from a team out loud describes any of the patterns on the card, the children of the second team should look at their silhouettes. Those who have the same pattern on objects quickly put their silhouettes of objects next to the described card.

If everything is done correctly, the card should be turned with its back to the children (so that they do not repeat the same pattern). A child from the second team describes the card next, and the game proceeds in the order described above until the children run out of cards. The winner is the team whose children completed the task faster and more correctly.


When organizing a didactic game with elements of competition, you can mark each correct answer, the correct completion of the task with a token and invite the children to count them themselves at the end of the game.


(On the formation and consolidation of knowledge in the field of arts and crafts).

The purpose of the didactic game: to form knowledge about Belarusian and Russian arts and crafts; group silhouette images by belonging to the Belarusian and Russian patterns.

Material: 3 bird silhouettes, each with a wing painted with Belarusian, Dymkovo and Khokhloma patterns; in place of the tail, feathers are indicated by a contour (5-6 for each bird); a set of feathers cut from thick paper (15-18 pieces) and decorated with the same patterns that adorn the wings of each bird.

First option (the task is performed by one child).

The child is invited to return any of the birds of the tail feathers, which were carried away by the evil Hurricane, and turn it back into a beautiful miracle bird. To do this, the child must select those feathers that fit the pattern to her wing, and spread them on the tail so that they match the shape and size of the outline feathers drawn on the tail, comment on his choice.

Second option (a small group of children plays).

At the verbal signal "Feather", each of the children begins to choose feathers for their bird and make a tail out of them. The winner is the one who correctly selects feathers according to the pattern and completes the task faster.


On the formation and consolidation of ideas about the nature of the Russian (, Khokhloma and Gzhel) and Belarusian.

Didactic task: recognize and name familiar elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns; exercise in the classification of objects, products depicted on the cards, according to belonging to the Belarusian or Russian arts and crafts.

Material: a set of cards depicting products of Belarusian craftsmen made of traditional materials (clay, straw, flax, threads, wood, etc.) - 10-12 pieces; a set of cards depicting products decorated with Dymkovo, Khokhloma and Gzhel paintings - 10-13 pieces. Instead of cards depicting products, natural objects should be used whenever possible; 4 tables, equipped in the form of podiums, covered with napkins, a set of cubes and bars of different sizes - stands for products (or 4 stands with shelves, if the game is played with pictures); a parcel box with a letter and products hidden in it (or cards replacing them).

First option

In this case, you can reduce the number of cards or items.

A child (several children) receives a play task: all products must be distributed for 4 showcases, i.e. into 4 groups, and on what basis to divide them, he must guess for himself. If the child does not cope with the task, the teacher can provide the child with the necessary assistance.

Second option (a subgroup of children can take part in the game-lesson).

After the distribution of the products (pictures), the children are divided into 4 subgroups and invited to take part in the advertising of the products of the souvenir shop. Each subgroup designs its own showcase using certain products (cards), comes up with the name of the showcase, barkers, performs an emblem, advertising using specially prepared materials (scissors, paper, glue, felt-tip pens, markers, colored paper, clippings from old magazines, postcards, etc. .).

After window dressing, you can organize advertising of products with the help of Belarusian and Russian songs, dances, poems, ditties.


(To fix the elements of the pattern of the Belarusian and Russian ornament).

Didactic task: to stimulate the manifestation of the ability to independently analyze the elements of the Belarusian and Russian patterns and their composition, to supplement the image with the missing parts according to a common feature - the nature of the pattern.

Material: 12 butterflies made of thick paper or cardboard, in which only one pair of wings is painted with a pattern, located on one side; 26 wings, 12 of which are decorated with the same patterns as the wings of butterflies; sets of markers or pencils.

First option (one child or a small group of children takes part).

A game situation is created: an evil sorceress has bewitched butterflies, and each of them has lost the pattern on two wings. Butterflies can be helped if, among the wings spread out on the table, you find the same ones that remained with the butterflies, and cover the unpainted parts of the wings with them.

Second option (several children take part).

Children are given 2-3 butterflies each. Elements of competition are introduced: who will find the wings for their butterflies faster. The one who does it correctly and quickly wins.


After the game, it is advisable to distribute butterflies and offer to finish drawing the pattern on the wings, repeating the pattern depicted on one of the halves of the butterfly.


(on the formation or consolidation of skills to find similarities and differences in decorative compositions).

The purpose of the didactic game: find similarities and differences in simple decorative compositions, including elements of Belarusian and Russian patterns, exercise in their recreation.

Material: 6-8 cards with decorative compositions painted in color. One half of the cards depicts patterns that include elements of Belarusian ornament, the rest of the cards show patterns that include elements of a Russian pattern (Dymkovo and Khokhloma paintings); pieces of paper, sets of markers or colored pencils.

First option (children can sit next to).

Shown are two cards with Belarusian patterns of equal composition. Children take turns calling the differences between the patterns, then their similarities (by the use of elements, by their location, color, etc.). The winner is the one who is the last to name any sign of difference or similarity.

Second option (2-4 children are involved). Each of the children is given two cards with variable patterns, including the same and different elements. One child should have only Belarusian or only Russian patterns on both cards. It is proposed to consider your cards and draw on pieces of paper all the elements of the pattern that are not repeated on the cards (or, conversely, to depict only those elements that are repeated on two cards in the child).

Practical work No. 1 Topic: Solution and analysis of pedagogical tasks for the management and organization of productive activities in a preschool educational institution. Task: Draw up a structural - logical scheme of GCD for productive activities by type of occupation (the task is performed by groups or options). Type Form Age-related productive Topic Type Type of GCD of conducting Methods and group of activities, GCD GCD techniques theme GCD senior molding Ripe №1 subject frontal visual group apples and molding, with verbal berries of nature, on the practical theme proposed by the educator, on the topic of the environment; Preparatory group drawing Russian souvenir (Matryoshka) # 2 Middle group applique Funny little man (made of geometer figures) # 1 decorative frontal Visual: drawing a table from nature, on "Matryoshka"; the theme of children's drawings proposed by the ki for the past by the educator, years; on the theme of matryoshka; literary verbal: works of riddle, conversation, poem proverbs; practical method: decorating a matryoshka paper template; game trick: which nesting doll to choose as a souvenir? subject frontal visual application naya verbal from nature, practical play on the topic proposed by the teacher Practical work No. 2 Topic: Organization of productive activities in a preschool educational institution. Group (age) of children - middle group Educational area (OO) "Artistic and aesthetic development" Type of productive activity: modeling Integration of educational areas (IO): " Speech development "," Cognitive development "," Artistic and aesthetic development "(play, communicative, visual, cognitive and research) Type of GCD: №1 (lesson on communicating new knowledge and familiarizing them with new ways of depicting); Type of GCD: modeling vegetables from nature Form of conducting: frontal GCD theme: "Carrots and beets" Objectives: to teach to convey differences in the shape of vegetables and the characteristic features of beets and carrots, to sculpt the basic form of vegetables with your own brush, with both hands, and work out the details with your fingers; bring up accuracy, the desire to sculpt; Equipment, teaching aids: individual kits for modeling (plasticine, oilcloth, napkin, stack); carrots and beets - natural or dummies, a sample of a pedagogical product, a piece of plasticine for a partial demonstration of modeling methods, two plates; Preliminary work: conversation about the benefits of vegetables, coloring "Vegetables", guessing riddles, didactic game "Know by touch", "Where does it grow?", Examining art reproductions of still lifes; Parts of the GCD Introductory part Main part Final part Methods, techniques Visual: showing beets and carrots (or dummies) Verbal: creating game motivation Poem "Gardeners" L. Nekrasov (riddles about vegetables) Play: the game "Wonderful bag" Visual: showing the method of work Verbal: explanation Practical: sculpt the beets and carrots in a stack, draw the grooves in the carrots, sculpt the remains of the tops of the carrots and beets. Visual: an exhibition of completed works Verbal: poems about the benefits of vegetables Game: put carrots in one plate and beets on another. Practical work No. 3 Topic: Organization of productive activities in a preschool educational institution. Health preservation in the process of GCD for productive activities. Assignment: Draw up an approximate plan for the summary of GCD for PVD using the health-saving component (physical minutes) in the structure of the lesson. Group (age) of children: senior group Kind of productive activity: drawing GCD theme: Drawing a pattern from snowflakes Previous activities of children: modeling snowflakes, cutting snowflakes out of paper Parts of GCD Introductory part Main part Health-preserving component, physical minutes Physical minutes (type and content) breathing exercise : Imagine you have a snowflake on your palm. We will blow it off gently, slowly, so that it flies long and easily. (perform 3-4 times) (summary) Physical minutes (type and its content) finger gymnastics I stand and catch a snowflake in my palm. (rhythmic beats with the fingers of the right hand on the left palm) I love winter, and snow, and snowflakes. (rhythmic beating with the fingers of the left hand on the right palm) But where are the snowflakes? There is water in the palm of your hand. Ku you disappeared, snowflakes? Where to? Fragile pieces of ice melted - rays ... As you can see, my palms are hot. (summary) Physical minutes (type and content) "Snowflakes" Snowflakes are falling from the sky As in a fairy-tale picture. We will catch them with our hands, raise our hands above our heads and do And show them at home to mom. grasping movements, as if catching snowflakes And around there are snowdrifts, Snow covered the road. stretching, arms to the sides. Do not get stuck in the field so that we raise our legs higher. Walking in place, knees raised high. Here is a fox galloping in the field, Like a soft red ball. Jumping in place. Well, we go, we go walking on the spot. And we come to our house. The children sit down. The final (summary) part of Physical minutes or play activity(type, content) The game "Decorate the Christmas tree with our snowflakes" Approximate content and distribution of types of physical minutes in the structure of GCD by LDPE. Parts of GCD Health-preserving component, physical minutes Physical minutes at the expense or breathing exercises, calm, relaxing (if the previous activity was active) Themed physical minutes, reflecting the topic of the lesson - active or with play actions, with the children getting up or leaving the study area (to be carried out after explaining the algorithm for performing the work and before the practical work of children) Health-saving component: instruction on safety when working with materials, tools. Physical exercise for the eyes, hands, shoulder girdle without getting up children (to relieve fatigue and tension of the visual analyzer during practical work of children) Final Physical exercise or play activity part (for transferring children from educational activity to another type of activity) Practical work No. 4 Topic: Solution and analysis of pedagogical tasks and situations for the management and organization of productive activities in preschool educational institutions. Assignment: Think over the types of productive activities of children in different regime moments days in a preschool educational institution and fill in the table in accordance with the types of regime moments. Topic of the week: Birds ____________________________________________________________ Reception of children 1st half of the day Finger gymnastics "The bird is singing a song" listening to the recording of "Voices of birds in nature" Walk Bird watching on the site of the kindergarten (for sparrows, pigeons, magpie); footprints in the snow; labor: feeding birds conversation on the topic "Wintering birds" drawing on the snow (on the asphalt) reading poems, stories, riddles of modeling nodes theme "flock of sparrows" construction from snow (from sand) drawing according to the performance "Birds are blue and red" outdoor games "Owl" "Sparrows and a cat" "Birds" "A bird made of natural material" Ecological game "Guess which bird" "Bird's dining room" II half of the day collective work on the theme "Fairy bird" (drawing) drawing in the album-coloring of birds didactic game "Find the baby" (pairing mom - baby) word game "Flies away or not?" (migratory or wintering) "How do birds move?" (a sparrow jumps and flies, a chicken walks and runs, etc.) showing pictures, illustrations of reproductions of various birds, acquainting children with the works of animal artists (I. Efimov, V. Vatagin, E. Charushin) reading description in fairy tales of fairy birds, making feeding troughs, joint activities with children: cutting birds out of paper and composing the "Flight of the birds" composition (placing bird figures in different corners of the sheet); work with a book: an encyclopedia in pictures for kids "Birds", "The ABC of Wildlife"; Practical work No. 5 Topic: Solution and analysis of pedagogical problems and situations for the management and organization of productive activities of children in preschool educational institutions. Assignment: Consider options for integrating productive activities of children and educational areas, taking into account the type of activity and the topic of GCD. Fill in the data in the table: Age Type of LDPE Theme of GCD Integration of LDPE Integration of OO (combining (types of activities) a group of children of the types of DP) Senior group drawing preparatory application Middle group modeling Elegant turkey Fish play, fish sparkle. Beautiful flower modeling (decorative drawing on stucco toys) drawing drawing "Cognitive" "Artistic-aesthetic" "Speech" "Cognitive" "Speech" "Artistic-aesthetic" activities: play, motor, cognitive-research communicative visual activity; "Artistic aesthetic" "Speech" "Cognitive" Practical work No. 6 Topic: Organization of activities of preschoolers to familiarize them with the fine arts. Assignment: Make up a conversation and play tasks to familiarize children with works of fine art. Group (age) of children: preparatory group Topic: "He breathed the same with nature" landscape painter II Shishkin Purpose: development of aesthetic perception in children and the formation of interest in the fine arts. Objectives: to evoke in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of nature, the desire to protect and preserve its unique beauty; introduce children to landscape painting; Equipment: portrait of I.I.Shishkin, reproduction of his paintings, books about his work; Means of teaching: artistic word (poem by N. Bromley "Say, tell me, artist ..." Content of the conversation Educator. Today our exhibition is dedicated to the work of the outstanding Russian artist - landscape painter II Shishkin. -Guys, can you name famous reproductions of the artist's paintings? ( the teacher praises the children for their answers) - I suggest you listen to a story about the life and work of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin. "He was a wonderful man, stern-looking, actually kind-hearted. A tall, slender, handsome strong man with a keen eye, a thick beard and thick hair ... . "(Draws the attention of children to the portrait) - I'll start my story from childhood. (The teacher talks about childhood, the first drawings) - The story of the first drawings is interesting and sad. - For a long time Ivan could not sit down to drawings. A chance helped. Meeting with the painters. You will learn about this further. (The story continues) - When Vanya Shishkin grew up, he firmly decided to become an artist and went to Moscow. Russian landscape, Russian nature becomes his beloved about the theme of creativity. (a story about the artist's life in Moscow). After graduating from college, Shishkin entered the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. For the painting "Valaam Gorge" (shows a reproduction of the painting) Ivan Shishkin received the Big Silver Medal, and later received the Big Gold Medal. The medal was awarded to the sound of Schumann's music "Carnival" (the teacher offers Practical tasks (didactic games) to listen to a fragment from this musical work) Shishkin landscapes were very popular, and the best museums considered them an honor to have them in their collections. - Now we learn the history of some of the paintings. the teacher pays attention to the reproduction of the painting "Morning in a pine forest" (conversation about the painting). reproduction of the painting "Wilderness", which Shishkin received the title of professor. Reproduction of paintings "Spring in the Forest", "In the Wild North". - Here we have a reproduction of the painting "Rye" - one of his last works. (conversation about the painting) - The artist devoted all his work to his native nature. More than 500 paintings belong to his brush. His works are kept in many museums in Russia. - Now, let's think, what do the paintings of I.I.Shishkin teach, what do they call for? Let's be more careful with all living things on earth, be more attentive to each other. Practical work No. 7 Topic: Methodology for organizing and conducting GCD for productive activities. Option number 1 Assignment: Draw up a plan for the content of the summary of the GCD for a specific type of productive activity of children, including different teaching methods and taking into account the requirements of the summary. The work is performed by choice: - drawing - modeling - application Option number 2 Task: Make a summary of the GCD on the productive activities of children based on the integration of educational areas. The work is performed by choice: - integration of productive activities ( e.g. complex classes) - integration of PVD with other educational areas (in the process of GCD) - integration of PVA with other educational areas (in the course of joint activities of children - entertainment) Group (age) of children Educational area (OO) Type of productive activity Integration of educational areas (IO) Type GCD Type of GCD Conduct form Topic GCD Tasks Equipment, teaching aids Preliminary work GCD content plan: introductory part - main part final part - Practical work No. 8 Topic: Organization of a subject-developing environment for productive activities in a preschool educational institution. Assignment: To compose the content of the subject-developing environment for a specific group (age) of kindergarten, the topic of the week or season (quarter). Group (age) of children middle group Senior group Theme drawing "My favorite animals from fairy tales." Poke technique. Modeling "Mushrooms" Materials, tools silhouettes of animals cut out of paper, gouache (paints), bristle brushes, felt-tip pens Plasticine, planks, stacks, napkins Content of PRS Game tasks for independent work game "Know the animal", (connect the dots and paint) Composing mushrooms from geometric shapes on a flannelgraph, Game "Collect mushrooms in a basket" Decoration of PRS Exhibition of fairy tales with animal heroes "Kolobok", "Mitten" (on a flannelgraph); dummies (mushrooms), a basket of mushrooms Didactic games for artistic and aesthetic development game "Find a square of the same color, but a different shade" Purpose: to develop children's color perception - the ability to distinguish shades of one color. Material: paired sets of squares of the same color, but different shades (4x4 cm) - two red, two blue, etc .; cardboard strips divided into five cells. The course of the game. "Make a pair." The teacher puts two strips with cells in the middle of the table - one on top of the other. Distributes to the children one square from a set of the same color, for example, blue squares of different shades. Suggests to make pairs of squares of the same shade. Places a blue square on the first cell and asks: "Who will make a pair?" Each player looks at his own square and determines whether it is the same in shade. A child with a square of the same shade says: "I will make a pair" - and puts his square on the first cell of the second card. The game continues until five pairs of squares of the same shade are made. You can ask the children to close their eyes, shift two or three squares on one card, and then open their eyes and restore pairs. Then the children make pairs of squares of a different color: red, etc. "Who will lay out the track faster." Each player receives a "track" - a card with cells and two sets of squares of the same color (10 pcs). At the signal of the teacher "Start!" children lay out a path of five squares of the same color, but in different shades. game "Butterflies" Purpose: to develop in children a sense of symmetry (making butterfly wings from the same shapes in color, size and shape in mirror symmetry). Material: cards with incomplete images of butterflies (without wings on the right or left side). The wings of butterflies are composed of circles and ovals, or of semicircles and semi-ovals; geometric shapes: circles, ovals, semicircles, semi-ovals of two sizes and different colors; image of a real butterfly. The course of the game. Show the children a picture of a butterfly and ask them to answer the question, can a butterfly be called symmetrical and why? (the shape of the wings and the pattern on them are the same on the left and right sides). Invite children to play the game "Butterflies". Distribute cards with incomplete images of butterflies. Children should name the geometric shapes that make up the wings. In the middle of the table, place a low box with geometric shapes made of thin cardboard, pasted over on both sides with colored paper. The game task is to make a complete image of a butterfly so that its wings are symmetrical. After completing the assignment, the children exchange cards. The teacher keeps the geometric shapes and asks: "Who needs a large oval and two semicircles of blue and pink?" Children look at their card, and those whose butterfly wings on one side are made up of the same figures are asked to give them these figures in order to lay out the wing on the other side. You can give a token for the correct completion of tasks. game "Dress the doll for a walk" Purpose: to train children in finding shades darker or lighter than a given color; teach to talk about the clothes of the dolls, using sentences like the hat on the doll is darker, and the boots are lighter than the coat. Material: for each player there is a card with a picture of a doll: a boy in a jacket or a girl in a coat, different colors; small envelopes containing hats, boots for dolls of the same color, but in dark and light shades (two hats and two pairs of boots). The course of the game. The teacher gives each child a card with a picture of a doll and an envelope with hats and boots. Explains that the dolls are not yet fully dressed for walks, and suggests completing the following game tasks: 1. Put on hats and boots on the dolls lighter than a coat or jacket. 2. Wear hats and boots that are darker than a coat and jacket. 3. Put on the lighter hats and darker boots…. 4. Put on the hats darker and the boots lighter…. After completing each task, he asks two or three children how they dressed the doll for a walk. Children name the color of the coat and talk about the shades of the color of the cap and boots compared to the coat or jacket (“The hat on the doll is lighter than the coat, and the boots are darker.” Or: “The boots and hat are darker than the jacket on the doll,” etc.). direct educational activities in drawing Group of children: preparatory Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development" Type of productive activity: drawing Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development" Type of GCD : exercise of children in the application of knowledge, Type of GCD: by the content of the image: decorative drawing, by the method: from nature, by the nature of the choice of the topic: on the theme proposed by the teacher, according to the source of ideas: on the theme of literary works; Form: frontal GCD theme: "Russian nesting doll" Objectives: to give an idea of ​​traditional Russian crafts and souvenir toys nesting dolls; teach children to create their own image of a matryoshka, using decorative elements of one or another painting on wood (petals, grass, curl, etc.); arouse interest and foster respect for the work of folk craftsmen; Equipment, teaching aids: a wooden nesting doll, a visual aid "Matryoshka", templates of nesting dolls for painting for each child, wax pencils, watercolors, brushes, brush holder, napkins; tape recorder, audio recording "Russian tunes" Preliminary work: examining the album with the image of different nesting dolls. Reading poems about nesting dolls (E.A. Nikolaeva "I will tell you a secret") The content of the organized activities of children Introductory part The teacher tells the children a fairy tale (activates their attention to the topic of the lesson): "In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was an Artist who was more he loved to draw and travel around the world. So this time the Artist decided to go to distant lands, to see the world and show himself. But before going to distant countries, he decided to take with him a souvenir, a beautiful item. The Artist was looking for a souvenir for a long time and now, finally, he found a marvelous toy: Different toys in height, They all sit in each other, But they look like each other, And only one toy. - Guys, have you guessed what kind of toy we are talking about? (teacher shows nesting dolls) Admire the beauties! And how bright and smart they are! Where did this toy come from? Many, many years ago, merchants from distant Japan brought to Russia a small toy doll, inside of which there were several more figures, nested one inside the other. This doll was an angry-looking Japanese. Artist Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin changed the doll into a Russian costume, a bright kerchief, and a colorful apron. I drew round blue eyes for her, put a blush on her cheeks, dangled a thick braid from under a scarlet handkerchief. What can you call a Russian beauty? And they called him Matryosha - an old Russian name. And after a while, toy girls appeared, who invested in one another. The Russians fell in love with this toy. They are made from linden and birch; the wood is first dried and then sawn into bars. Then the figures are grinded. First, the smallest one that does not break; then the next one - more; then - even more and only in the last place - the largest. Then the craftswomen painted the figures with bright colors, “dressed” them in colorful sundresses and colorful scarves, painted their faces so that their eyes would shine and their cheeks would turn pink. And the matryoshka came to life! They are still being made: near Moscow - in Sergiev Posad, and near Novgorod - in the village of Semenovo, and not far from the city of Murom - in Polkhov-Maidan, therefore they are called that: Semyonov, Sergiev Posad, Polkhovmaidan nesting dolls. Matryoshka is known all over the world. This is a Russian souvenir. - Now we will carefully consider the drawings of different nesting dolls. On the Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) matryoshka (the picture shows) the headscarf, jacket, sundress, and apron are clearly marked. Decorative painting modestly adorns the scarf and the edge of the apron. Their jewelry contains colors: brown, yellow, black in combination with light colors. Semyonov nesting dolls (shows the picture) are elegant, in their decoration there is a lot of gold, yellow, green, red colors. A large bouquet of flowers occupies the entire apron. The edge of the scarf is decorated with a chain of small buds. In Polkhov-Maidan, masters have developed their own style of painting: matryoshka dolls have no scarf, no sundress, and no apron. Instead, there is a conditional oval, a face in an oval, and everything else is occupied by large and bright colors in a black outline. The craftsmen worked with green, scarlet, purple, yellow and orange paints. In the last turn, they paint on blades of grass, stalks, antennae. The main part - Today you will become masters - artists and paint nesting dolls yourself (distributes silhouettes), but first we will have a little rest. Fiziminutka (children perform dance movements to the words of the song) We are funny nesting dolls, goodies are goodies, On our feet we have boots, goodies, goodies, In our motley sundresses, goodies are goodies, We seem to be like sisters, goodies are goodies. (children sit at the tables) - First, draw all the details of the clothes with a wax pencil, and then dilute the necessary watercolors on the palette and make the nesting dolls colorful and bright. (with audio recording, children start to work, during work the teacher draws the attention of children to the color and compositional construction of the pattern. At the end of the work, an exhibition of matryoshka dolls is arranged). The final part - Let's see what kind of nesting dolls we have. "Russian tunes" sound - Cheerful music, cheerful elegant nesting dolls. - Which nesting doll will the Artist choose as a souvenir? (children express their preferences., characterizing the expressive qualities of nesting dolls: this is the most elegant, this is the most beautiful, this one looks like Semyonov nesting dolls, etc.) GOUSPO "Kiselev Pedagogical College" Practical work on productive activities, specialty 050144 Preschool education was completed by a student of the checkpoint : Ivannikova N.I. 2015

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1 Card file of didactic games on artistic and aesthetic development Prepared by: Filinova Yulia Vladimirovna Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten 15" Kolobok "2016

2 Card file of didactic games on artistic and aesthetic development, through arts and crafts (preparatory group). "Cut pictures" Didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about the expressive means used in Dymkovo painting, to exercise in drawing up a whole picture, to develop attention, concentration, striving to achieve a result, observation, creativity, to arouse interest in decorative art objects. Material. Two identical planar images of various objects, one of which is cut into parts (you can prepare options for cut products by dividing them into four to eight parts of various geometric shapes). Game rules... Quickly assemble a product from separate parts according to the sample. The course of the game. One child or a group can take part in the game. The teacher shows the samples, makes it possible to carefully examine them. At the signal of an adult, the players assemble an image of some product from the parts. The winner is the one who is the first to complete the task. "Colored droplets" Purpose: to teach children to highlight and name the colors included in the colors of folk painting. Material: Khokhloma dishes, Gzhel dishes, Dymkovo toys, Gorodets boards. The course of the game: Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma products are displayed in front of the children, then the teacher names the crafts and asks the children to carefully examine the products. The teacher names different colors in turn. Children must determine which colors are included in the Gzhel, Gorodets and Khokhloma painting. The winner is the one who receives more chips (the chip is given for the correct answer). "The third extra" Purpose: to teach children to single out from three toys one extra, belonging to another craft. Course of the game: children are offered alternately several options for combining toys: two Dymkovo toys and one Khokhloma spoon; two Gorodets boards and one Dymkovo toy; two Dymkovo toys and one Gzhel plate. The child must say which two objects belong to the same craft, and which one is superfluous. Ask your child to comment on their answer. Ask what these toys are called. In case of difficulty, the teacher calls the folk toys Dymkovskaya. Gzhel and Gorodets. "Art salon"

3 Didactic task. Learn to orally describe the chosen subject, develop concentration, speech-description. Material. Various subjects folk crafts or their images, photographs. Game rules. Describe exactly the item the player wants to “buy”. "Continue the pattern" Didactic task. To strengthen the ability of children to draw a Dymkovo pattern based on the Dymkovo painting .. Material. Elements of Dymkovo painting from paper. Game rules. Players choose cards with a picture. They continue drawing, using the started painting elements, choosing the color scheme and the given element. "Decorate the apron" Didactic task. To learn to make decorative compositions - to arrange elements, selecting them by color, on the silhouettes of an apron in the style of Dymkovo craft, to develop a sense of symmetry, rhythm, observation, and creativity. Material. Plane images of aprons; elements of painting, cut along the contour; patterns of patterned silhouettes. Game rules. To compose a pattern on the selected silhouette from individual elements in accordance with the rules and traditions of this painting (the principle of mobile application). The course of the game. One child or a group can take part in the game. The silhouettes of the objects to be decorated, the players choose at will. Having selected the required number of elements, they make up a pattern. The player can perform the work by copying the pattern of the samples or coming up with his own composition. "Dymkovo mosaic" Didactic task: Clarify and consolidate the idea of ​​the elements of Dymkovo painting, develop memory, compositional skills. To foster a desire to create original Dymkovo toys. Material: planar images of various Dymkovo toys, a set of small planar elements of Dymkovo patterns. Course of the game: Invite children to create their own Dymkovo toy. "Restorer" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the elements of Dymkovo painting. The course of the game: the teacher invites the children to restore the "broken" toy. The task of each restorer is to determine which fragment of the painting has been lost and to draw it.

4 "Guess -ka" Purpose: to consolidate ideas about the peculiarities of folk craft. Course of the game: the teacher offers to play "guess ku". Children should choose from the offered items, among which there are many products of different crafts or modern tableware, works of Gzhel masters (or Khokhloma). And they will answer why they chose this product. Didactic games for visual activities. D / I "Castle" Purpose: To develop a sense of form. Material: Pictures depicting different locks. Paper. Markers. Assignment: The teacher invites the child to look at the picture, and name which figures the castle depicted in the picture consists of. Colorize the picture. D / And "Colors around us" Objectives: To consolidate knowledge about colors and their shades. Exercise in finding a given color or shade in surrounding objects. Assignment: The teacher names a color, and the child finds an object of that color in the surrounding interior. D / And "Pick a color and shade" Objectives: To consolidate the idea of ​​the color and shades of familiar vegetables and fruits. Exercise in the ability to use the names of shades of colors in speech: dark red, light green, etc. Assignment: The teacher shows a picture with a picture of a vegetable or fruit and asks to name its color or shade. D / I "Warm and cold colors" Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about warm and cold colors. Assignment: 1st option: the teacher distributes cards with warm and cold colors to children, ask to unite those who have cards with warm colors and those who have cold ones. Option 2: choose two guys as captains, who are recruiting a team, one is chosen by guys with cards of warm colors, and the other with cards of cold colors. D / I "Artists are wizards"

5 Purpose: Acquiring skills in working with watercolors on raw paper, pouring one paint into another and getting new colors and their shades. Material: Paper. Watercolor. Assignment: The teacher says: “We are all artists, magicians, we create miracles on paper. Now I will show you how this is done. I have two sheets of paper. One is plain paper, the other is moistened with magic water. You have magic water in glasses on your tables. I take paper moistened with magic water (the paper should be in the drying stage), with a brush I paint three petals with crimson paint (the flowers are blurry), then three petals with purple paint. You see how the colors flow into one another. So we got magical flowers. Now let's make your paper magic too. Take a larger brush, dip it in water, moisten the paper. We put the brushes, keep our hands over the paper, close our eyes and slowly count: "One, two, three, look magic paper!" This must be said three times. Now we can create magical flowers. D / I "Palette" Purpose: To develop a sense of color in children, to continue to acquaint with the basic colors and their shades, to learn how to get new colors and their shades by mixing paints on the palette. Material: Gouache in four colors (white, yellow, red and blue). Palettes. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to play with the colors and create new colors from the proposed ones. In the process of free experimentation, children mix colors on the palette and get new colors and their shades. You can complete the game by drawing on a free theme using the colors you just got. D / I "Artist's palette" Purpose: To develop a sense of color in children, to teach to select colors and shades that correspond to the proposed illustration. Material: Gouache in white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Book illustrations. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look at the books with illustrations, choose the one they like and choose on their palette those colors and shades that the artist used. The child wins who chooses the colors and shades that best match the artist's palette. D / I "Rainbow"

6 Purpose: To acquaint children with the arrangement of colors in the spectrum, to consolidate the ability to obtain new colors and shades by mixing paints on a palette. Material: Gouache in white, red, yellow and blue. Palettes. Sheets of paper with an unfinished rainbow. Assignment: Children on palettes mix paints, get new colors and shades, and then paint a rainbow. To memorize the sequence of colors, you can use the "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits" counting, in which the initial letters of each word correspond to a specific color of the rainbow (each red, the hunter is orange, etc.). D / And "Take away the unnecessary" Purpose: To clarify the ideas of children about still life. Material: Reproductions of paintings: three still lifes, one or two landscapes. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look closely at the paintings and put aside the landscape. The results are discussed with the children. D / I "Pick up the colors that the artist used in his painting" Purpose: To develop color perception in children, to exercise them in the selection of colors that the artist used in his painting. Material: Reproduction of one painting (each child has his own). Gouache paints, water, brush, paper palette. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to look at the reproductions of the paintings that lie in front of them, paying attention to the paints used; then take a brush and gouache and apply those colors that are in the picture to the palette. Then they all look at the children's work and the pictures for which they matched colors together, discuss the work. D / And "Curious snake" Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Plain graphite pencils, green pencils. Assignment: The teacher asks the children to draw a road (two parallel lines) along its edges with trees (green dots) on a piece of paper. And here is a curious snake: it seems to her that something interesting awaits her behind every tree (she crawls a tree on one side of the road, then a tree on the other side of the road, etc., without missing a single one) with flowers ”Purpose: To develop imagination, creativity. Material: Finger paints. Markers. Assignment: The teacher invites children to draw a summer meadow with their fingers: flowers, trees, butterflies. Draw the blades of grass with a brush. D / I "Railway"

7 Purpose: To develop visual skills, fantasy, imagination. Material: Draw a train with a felt-tip pen. Assignment: The teacher invites the child to finish drawing animals in the train cars. D / And "Magic Lines" Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils. Stencils of geometric shapes. Assignment: The teacher suggests using stencils to draw a house, a car, etc. Then shade each part of the contour (geometric figure) with a simple pencil in different directions (vertical, horizontal strokes, from left to right, from right to left). D / I "Volumetric shading" Purpose: To develop graphic drawing skills. Material: Paper. Simple graphite pencils. Assignment: A point is put in the center of a sheet of paper and three rays are drawn from it: vertical, horizontal, diagonally. The intervals between the beams are hatched in the direction of the main beam. Children are convinced: with the help of shading, you can get a three-dimensional image. D / And "Guess what happens?" Purpose: Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: A sheet of paper, pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites the first of the children to start drawing an object (line), but not completely. The next one says that this may be drawing another line. The next one should come up with something else and finish drawing in accordance with his plan. This continues until one of the players can no longer change the drawing in their own way. The winner is the one who contributed last change... D / I "Magic palette" Purpose: To develop a sense of color. Material: Gouache. Palette. Assignment: The teacher invites the children to play with the palette and paints. By mixing paints, you can get different shades of colors. You can suggest depicting how the sky brightens at dawn, using blue and white paints. You need to whiten the blue paint on the palette, gradually adding whitewash and consistently applying strokes on a sheet of paper. The main thing is to ensure that the shades change as evenly as possible. Invite the children to draw how the sun sets (from orange to red), how the leaves turn yellow in autumn (from green to yellow). D / And "What doesn't happen in the world?"

8 Purpose: Develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Assignment: The teacher invites the child to draw something that does not exist in the world. Then he asks to tell what he drew and discuss the drawing: is it really that what is depicted on it does not occur in life. D / And "What could it be?" Purpose: Develop imagination. Material: Gouache. Palettes. Assignment: The teacher asks children to draw sweet, round, aromatic, fresh, fragrant, salty, green, etc. The game can be repeated several times, using new material each time. D / And "Tell me about their mood" Purpose: To develop perception, attention, imagination. Material: Illustrations depicting the faces of people expressing various emotional states. Paper. Colour pencils. Assignment: The teacher offers to look at a picture depicting a person's face and talk about his mood. Invite the children to draw a riddle face. The game can be repeated with different material. D / And "Let's help the artist" Purpose: To develop creative imagination. Material: Colored pencils. Paper. Purpose: The teacher invites children to draw an unusual car on which you can get to a magical land. Draw and tell about your car. D / And "Think for yourself" Purpose: To develop imagination, fantasy. Material: Paper. Paints. Palettes. Markers. Assignment: The teacher invites the child to imagine that he flew to another planet and draw what he could see there. When the drawing is ready, you can invite your child to come up with a story. D / And "Magic Pictures" Purpose: To teach children to create images based on a schematic representation of an object. Material: A sheet of paper with an unfinished image. Colour pencils. Assignment: Draw a picture. Mark the most interesting pictures when the guys come up with something of their own, unlike other pictures. D / I "Symmetrical objects"

9 Purpose: To reinforce with children the idea of ​​symmetrical objects, acquaintance with the profession of a potter. Materials: Patterns of jugs, vases and pots, cut along the axis of symmetry. Assignment: The potter broke all the pots and vases that he made for sale at the fair. All the fragments were mixed. It is necessary to help the potter to collect and "glue" all his products. D / And "Make a portrait" Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the genre of the portrait. Develop a sense of proportion. Material: Various modifications of parts of the face. Paper. Colour pencils. Assignment: The teacher offers children from different parts face compose a portrait. Define the mood and draw a portrait. D / I "Underwater world" Purpose of the game: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the underwater world. Teach children to carefully consider the shape, color, and structural features of underwater inhabitants. Learn to create a multi-faceted composition on underpainting. Develop fine motor skills... Activate the children's dictionary. Material: Illustrations depicting the inhabitants of the underwater world. Paper. Watercolor. Assignment: Together with the teacher, children remember who lives in the seas and oceans, clarify the structure of the body and color. Then, on underpainting, children create a picture of the underwater world, arranging objects in many ways. The chip is given to the child who has a more interesting picture, the one who used a lot of details to create a picture of the underwater world.

DIDACTIC GAMES ON D / AND "Guess what happens?" Purpose: Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: A sheet of paper, pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites the first of the children to start portraying

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten 51 with the priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg DIDACTICAL

D / And "Guess what happens?" Purpose: Develop imagination, fantasy, creativity. Material: A sheet of paper, pencils. Assignment: The teacher invites the first of the children to start drawing an object (line),

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1. Planned results of mastering the academic subject "Fine Arts" Grade 1 According to the Federal State Educational Standards, the subject "Fine Arts" is located in the curriculum in the subject area "Art".

MBDOU № 38 Voshchetinskaya OP

Exercise game "Colors of the rainbow"

A task:

Consolidate knowledge of colors;

Get the colors you want by mixing on the palette.

Equipment: a set of colored circles for each player.

Game progress

The teacher asks the children to be very careful while reading T. Belozerov's poem "On the Rainbow" to select from the set the circles of those colors that will be discussed.

Not in a dream, but in reality -

What's wrong with that?

I live on a rainbow

In the lilac house.

I run out in the morning

In beige boots

I eat in a lilac forest

Scarlet cloudberries.

The dew falls from the leaves

In the deep blue more often

Eagle owl yellow eyes

She stares at me.

Where the nightingales whistle

In the back streets of the pine forest

Streams make their way

To the pink lakes

Squirrel waves behind a bush

Purple tail

White fish swim

Under the cherry bridge ...

I live on a rainbow

Come to visit!

By the time the reading is finished, each child should have the entire "color range" of the poem laid out. Then these colors (except for white and yellow) are obtained by mixing paints on a palette.

Mystery game "Listening to the sound of music"

The game precedes the conversation on the painting by II Levitan "Golden Autumn"

A task:

To acquaint with works of art;

Develop imaginative imagination.

Equipment: reproductions of landscapes of different seasons (II Levitan "Golden Autumn" and "March", AK Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived", II Shishkin "In the Wild North ..." and "Rye"; melodies from of the cycle "Seasons" by PI Tchaikovsky.

The course of the game.

Reproductions of landscapes are hung on the board. The educator says that an artist can use paints, and a composer and a musician can paint the same picture with the help of sounds, conveying the same mood.

Children are invited to listen to a musical description of one of the autumn months ("October", "Autumn Song") from the cycle "Seasons" and determine with which of the pictures presented this music is in tune with the mood.

After the end of the melody, the players give their opinion. The teacher says that they have identified the picture correctly and Tchaikovsky's "Autumn Song" is really consonant with II Levitan's picture "Golden Autumn".

After that, all reproductions are removed, and a conversation is held on the painting by I.I. Levitan.

Exercise game "What color is the snow?"

The game is played at the beginning of the GCD before working on the winter composition.

Objective: to develop learning to mix on a color palette to obtain the desired color: to develop color vigilance and visual memory.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by IE Grabory "March Snow" for each child, sets of tokens of various colors.

Game progress

The players put in front of them a reproduction of the painting "March Snow" and a set of chips. They carefully peer into the picture and, if they find similarities, set the chip in place of the corresponding color. When the set of chips is exhausted, children should try to get on the palette the colors that they saw in the picture. The resulting palette can be used for the color scheme of the winter composition.

Exercise game "What happens in spring?"

The game is held at the GCD for thematic drawing.

Objective: to develop visual memory and observation of children.

Equipment: a set of maps depicting signs of different seasons (for example, drops, snowfall, leaf fall, ice drift on a river, a field of flowers, snow-covered trees, arrival of birds, etc.)


The teacher says that outside the window is spring, there have been changes in nature, the life of people, animals: "Now we will check which of you is the most attentive and observant." Then the teacher shows cards depicting signs of the seasons. When children see signs of spring, they should clap their hands together. Whoever slapped incorrectly is eliminated from the game.

Rule. The game is played in silence. Children should clap their hands only when showing a card with a sign of spring.

A similar game can be played on other GCD of thematic drawing, when children convey in the drawing, for example, signs of autumn or winter.

Exercise "Magic Colors"

The exercise is carried out when getting acquainted with watercolors.

Objectives: to acquaint children with the three basic colors (red, blue, yellow) and their derivatives (purple, orange, green); teach how to get composite colors on the palette; to practice skills of working with a brush and paints; learn to mix paints on a palette to get the desired color; covering the surface of the image with smooth transparent colorful scraps within the outline of the depicted.

Equipment: a set of three cards for each child with the image of three balloons, two of which (outer ones) are painted in primary colors, and the third remains unpainted. On the first card, two balls are colored red and yellow, on the second - in yellow and blue, in the third - in red and blue; a set of basic color filters for each child.

Exercise progress

After talking about magical world paints children are asked which paints are the most important. If they find it difficult to answer, the teacher himself names the three primary colors. The children then receive packages with three activity cards and color filter sets. First, optically, using color filters of the primary colors, and then mixing paints on the palette, children find that when yellow and red are mixed, orange, yellow and blue - green, and red and blue - purple. The children use the resulting main color to paint the third ball on the task card.

Game-competition "Thread and needle"

The game is played in any lesson where you work with a simple pencil.

Objective: improve your pencil skills.

Equipment: task cards with a sample of drawing lines in different directions without taking the pencil off the paper for each child.

Game progress

A game situation is created: a pencil is a needle, and a line left by a pencil on a sheet of paper is a thread. Where the pencil is headed - the needle, there the line - thread rushes after it.

Children receive assignment maps with a pencil-needle route. The task is to repeat the route of the pencil without taking it off the sheet of paper. At the beginning of the movement of the pencil, the children follow the map-task, running their pencil from above along the line-thread, and then repeat the drawing on a separate sheet of paper.

Rule. The children begin the movement of the pencil-needle all together at the command of the teacher. The one who tore off the pencil from the sheet of paper must start the movement over again. The winner is the one who passes the entire route of the task card faster and most accurately.

A.V. Borgul Games 02 Sep 2016

Play is the child's job, and toys are his tools. Children need play just as much food and your love. In the game, the child explores the world, so it is necessary for him to create a learning environment with different toys and activities. It is also important that the child has his own space where he could play on his own, fold the pyramid, lay

"Guess and Tell"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the folk toy as one of the forms of folk arts and crafts; recognize a toy by its image, be able to explain your choice, highlight the elements of the painting, its color and the composition of the pattern on the product. Develop aesthetic taste.

"Gorodets patterns"

Target: Strengthen the ability of children to compose Gorodets patterns, recognize the elements of the painting, remember the order of the pattern, choose their own color and shade for it, develop imagination, the ability to use the knowledge gained to compose a composition.

"Write a handkerchief for mom"


"Arts and crafts"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect the Gzhel rose"

Target: Strengthen the ability of children to compose a Gzhel rose using the application method based on the Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in the Gzhel craft.

"Collect Matryoshka"


"Draw the pattern"


Game progress:

"Find friends among the colors"


Game progress: silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find among the objects "friends" of yellow, green, blue, red colors. Children find objects that correspond to a certain color, paint them.

"Make up a still life"


Game progress:

"Finish the picture"

Target: find the level of formation of perception and definition of an object for its parts, be able to draw it; develop fantasy, imagination.

Game progress: in the pictures are partially drawn objects (bunny, tree.). You need to find out the subject, finish the parts that are missing, and paint.

"Let's prepare the table for the holiday"

Target: develop the ability to match shades to the main colors, make up a beautiful color scheme.

Game progress: before the children there are cut out paper tablecloths of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green) and 4 - 5 shades of paper tableware items of each color. The task is to match its shades to the main color. Select crockery so that the color is in harmony with the tablecloth.

Board game"Domino"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about arts and crafts - a toy; the ability to find the right toy and justify your choice. To consolidate knowledge about the manufacture of folk toys and the characteristics of each. To cultivate a love of beauty.

"Write a handkerchief for mom"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge of the art of Russian shawls. To develop an aesthetic taste in children, to teach them how to compose the simplest patterns from various decorative elements (flowers, leaves, buds, twigs, etc.), the ability to select the color scheme of the pattern.

"Arts and crafts"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about folk arts and crafts; find the desired trade among others and justify your choice.

"Collect the Gzhel rose"

Target: To strengthen the ability of children to compose a Gzhel rose using the application method based on the Gzhel painting, to maintain interest in the Gzhel craft.

"Collect Matryoshka"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the national toy - matryoshka; the ability to assemble a matryoshka doll from parts according to the mosaic method. Highlight decoration elements. Foster respect and love for folk art.

"Draw the pattern"

Target: the game is aimed at developing children's attention and memory, developing a sense of symmetry, followed by painting.

Game progress: the beginning of the pattern is drawn on a sheet of paper. Children need to extend the pattern further and color.

"Find friends among the colors"

Target: discover the level of knowledge of children in the choice of paint that matches the color of the object; make a drawing in color

Game progress: silhouettes of objects are drawn on sheets of paper. The teacher gives the task to find among the objects "friends" of yellow, green, blue, red colors. Children find objects that correspond to a certain color, paint them.

"Make up a still life"

Target: improve compositional skills, the ability to create a composition on a specific topic (still life), highlight the main thing, establish a connection, placing the image in space.

Game progress: the envelope contains images of various vegetables, fruits, as well as various vases, plates, dishes, baskets. Children need to choose objects and create their own still life.