Wasteland 2 infected pumping station. Miscellanea. Infected farm station and village

Colony surroundings

Neighborhood (plain) of the colony

note. to the map

  1. Fred Darvis, help him push the wagon and ask about Red.
  2. Celia, the repair skill will come in handy in order to repair the well and give her water. She will tell us the password for the turrets 123456789
  3. William Brown. His pigs were kidnapped by the Red Scorpions. Free his pigs and they will find their way to themselves. The pigs will be on the farm next to the colony (see colony map)
  4. Blokpost, we will be asked to pay the tax or it will be necessary to fight, it is better to pay in order to get through point 12 normally.
  5. Password to disable Bud tower
  6. Red himself, Having reached him, he will tell Rick Beychowski that he knows where it is possible to reach the costumes.
  7. The entrance to the cave, through which it is possible to pass by the turrets to Red, you need to have a pumped hack and go out on the other side of the cave to clear the minefield.
  8. The exit is different, where it is possible to go through the minefield and approach Red bypassing the turrets.
  9. Statue + 1 skill
  10. Pit Bull's Lair, use uncouth power to break the fence. Free the ladies. At the exit, he will attack your squad.
  11. Red Scorpion Checkpoint
  12. Entry to the colony is no hassle with red scorpions. You need a pumped computer skill. Use a crane to remove the container from the aisle.
  13. Second entrance to the colony.
  14. The toaster will be dried juniper berries, possibly given at the distillery to Ben.

At that time, when we help, already on the domestic choice of the CX-center or Haipulu, then having come to another point, we will notice the destroyed place and the destroyed radio tower near which raise the radio antenna. Contact the ranger base, General Vargas will send you to the colony area in order to scout the situation in that place.

On the way we will meet Fred Darvis. He needs to be helped to push his cart easily next to him will apply uncouth force on the cart. At the end, talk to him, he will tell you about a certain Red and a protective suit. In addition, it will tell you the password for the "Special" turrets. Ask him more, he will tell about the lady in light blue, on our map there will be a mark of another Mysterious Temple. Go to Red and talk to him.

He will report that Damonta is fenced off by a wall of radiation. But crazy monks do not know a strong place, but in order to pass through that place, you need a protective suit. Some Rick Beychowski knows where to reach the suit, but he was arrested by rangers and taken to the citadel.

To continue the story, return to the citadel.

Colony Map

  1. Entering the colony from the plain
  2. A bypass entrance to the colony (in the plain it was possible to lift a container with a crane and walk towards me.)
  3. Bypass exit to the colony itself in order to bypass rivals
  4. A farm protected by Red Scorpions. Farmer Jobe will ask you to wipe Chief Danforth from the face of the earth. He'll have a cure for canine plague
  5. An intercom where you can chat with the colony. They will ask us to find a cure for the dogs. In the same place, look for a toaster in there will be Preparation G, it is possible to give it to the head of the AGZ in the Canyon of the Titans. For this he will give a good sniper rifle.
  6. Turrets It is possible to wipe them off the face of the earth using a caterpillar (located in Damont) or find a medicine for the dogs.
  7. Danforth and the Red Scorpions in the colony.

What is generally possible to do with Red Scorpions and is peace likely?

Having reached Red and having determined from him about protective suits, we can go further in the story or try to resolve the issue with the red scorpions. If we do not resolve the issue with the scorpions and go to Damonta, then they will kill everyone in the plain and that's all. Additional tasks disappear.

Get to the intercom (point 5). We will be asked to find a cure for the dogs or to get out. The cure for dog plague is at Jobe's farm right there at the location, talk to him, he will give you the medicine at the end of which they will let you through the turrets inside the colony, where you will talk to the boss, cure the dogs and slap Danforth himself in order to free the Joyous Plain from slavery, or leave him alone and report it to Jobe.

There is a second passage to the colony. It is possible to wipe the turrets off the face of the earth using the TRL-01553 Tank Track, which is located in Damont (see point 14). There will be a robot next to the fence, put this caterpillar in it, at the end of which it will ask the type of target, select "inorganic". He will go to the turrets and simply wipe them off the face of the earth.

Then we can go in and wipe out all the scorpions.

Return to the citadel and talk to Rick in the jail, He will agree to tell us where it is possible to find the suit, but if you are free, talk to the overseer, he will let him go and we will see a mark on the Rick's Trailer map. Go to the point, Rick will trample with us.

Rick's trailer

Rick's Trailer Map

note. to the map

  1. at this point, Rick will ask us if he can come with us, if we say yes, then he will give us the code 733
  2. At this point, the base will contact us and ask about Beychowski. We will have options to choose from. If you declare that he is dead, then he will again report the code.
  3. In case if it will be repaired in "Faded Photo" it is possible to give it in California in the Temple of Angels to assistant Mona Shere, get a weapon Neutron projector.
  4. Safe in which +4 protective suit

Wasteland 2 Walkthrough - [# 15] - Colony, continued

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We present to your attention the passage of the most anticipated role-playing tactical game last decade - Wasteland 2. If you have any problems during the game, then you can find the answers to them in this walkthrough of the game.

Intro: The Ranger Citadel

Watch the introductory excerpt of the game. After watching the cutscene, go to General Vargas and talk to him. He will give you your first quest and even mark the right place on your map. Therefore, you should go with the detachment to your destination. Your task is to collect the indicated repeaters upon arrival at the place of death of a man named Ace.

After finishing the conversation, you need to head north to Ranger Cemetery. Take a shovel on the way. The passage to the Citadel is still closed for you, so go a little to the north through the wooden bridge, where by the way you can meet your first merchant along the way. Do not rush to make your first purchases, you will still have time. You just need to remember its location just for the future. In the game you have to trade more than once.

Continue your journey. Sooner or later, you will pass by a group of rangers, immediately after them there will be several ordinary people who, in turn, clean the walls from painted graffiti. And now you need a shovel (which was indicated above). Use it on a small hill of dirt. From there you can get something very useful for yourself.

Now go back to the Rangers, where you will surely meet Angela along the way, who will tell you her interesting story and will be asked to join your group. It is worth noting that on the way to the rangers you will pass two more small slides of mud - dig them out in search of something valuable for yourself. If you come across really useless junk, then feel free to sell it to the counter merchant, buying something more useful at the same time.

And now, you have to go to the wasteland. In the vicinity of the Citadel, we hope you have collected everything that has at least some value for you.

World map

The in-game world map is perhaps the most important part of the game. It is on game map all the travels of Wasteland 2 take place. But keep in mind that traveling in a post-apocalyptic world is not an easy task. You need to monitor the supply of drinking water, so you need to replenish the reserves of this resource at home in time. If you don't, then your company will simply die. When you make your moves, then carefully monitor how much water your group will spend on moves. So you should always remember this.

Next, you need to monitor the radiation, along the way avoiding places where the radiation is, well, very much increased. Everyone probably knows that a large flow of radiation can kill - it's the same here. But sometimes you will still be forced to enter radioactive territories, so try to stay there as little as possible.

Well, there is fog in the game, because of which you will have to move extremely carefully, because it is not known what you will meet behind it. In such a fog, you can meet both unexpected enemies and a big radiation blow, and even this is not even full list what you can find there.

All of the above must be remembered, especially when you are on the world map. But back to our walkthrough. Your main target is the radio tower, which was marked on your map by General Vargas.

Radio Tower

As soon as you and your group pass into this territory, you will immediately receive a message from the Citadel, which will contain the details of your task. Listen to the message sent and then move north, straight to the place where you will soon find blood on the floor. Follow the bloody footprints straight to the fork, after which you need to turn to the left until the bushes. There will be a glowing ball above the bushes. Here you will find a medallion that belongs to Ace.

Continue heading north until you come across Spyke Alpha. He will ask you to pay for the trip. In the conversation, choose the dialogue with "Break conversation", well, and then immediately the ability "Kiss Ass", so you can pass for free. Completely new coordinates will immediately appear on your map - Mysterious Shrine.

Continue exploring the area. As you find yourself in the tower, you will need a character with the Computer Science skill. This skill must be developed in order, since it will be useful to you more than once. With the help of this skill, you will have the opportunity to carry out cable repairs.

If you move from this tower in a northeast direction, then you can find another item Ace - pages from her diary. Take her pages and go through the gate. Behind them there will be another bloody footprints that will lead you to the barrels. Go to them and go a little further north from them. You will meet boulders - go around them. You will soon find a Broken Metal Leg.

From this leg, turn to the right and follow the oil tracks. Sooner or later, these traces will lead you to a cave, where you will need not to miss a box with various things on the left side. Do not linger in the cave for a long time and move on. You will meet a huge mutated frog. You need to kill this monster and take the diary after the murder. After that, you need to click on the mechanism (Dead Machine), then take the pieces of the repeater and a couple more pages from the diary. By the way, on the car you have the opportunity to use the Computer Science and Perception skills. As a result, you will have additional profit. Now get in touch with the Citadel and receive just new orders. You will be told that now, instead of Ace, you must connect the pieces of the repeater to the radio tower, which is located in Arizona. One of them is connected, so you need to deal with the rest.

So, upgrade your group and head back to Ranger Citadel. There you again need to talk to General Vargas. He, in turn, will send you to the captain, who will be able to give you additional quests and it is better not to miss them.

AG Center

Now you have to make your first rather serious choice. On the way to the AG Center, you will receive a message that Highpool is under threat of attack and a similar message will come from your control point... You can choose absolutely any destination, but still we advise you to go to AG Center. This territory will not be surrounded by contaminated areas, thus, a group that has not been pumped will get there without unnecessary problems. As you find yourself at the destination, then first deal with the opponents, since only after them it will be possible to connect the repeater. Go through the torn corpse, then take part in the battle and move northward again. Ultimately, you will run into the door, where you will need to clear the corridor and then get in touch with the center. Use your Kiss Ass ability and it will show you the location of the transmitting antenna. Get ready for the fact that Katie will beg you to check the greenhouse in search of survivors. But you will not be able to get there without the access codes, so you need to contact Rosie and ask him for them.

In order for you to be able to complete the quest that concerns the rescue of scientists, then exit through the gateway to the west and then go through the doors that are located in the southern part of this corridor. There is Rosie with access codes, which you can get by the way. Continue on your way west. Here you get in touch with Rachel. It turns out that she has become a vile mutant, so destroy her. Further, with the support of Rosie, you can open the north gateway. Go inside this gateway and destroy opponents. After neutralizing enemies, free the scientists and collect the necessary plant elements. Elements in the amount of ten pieces you will need to take to Katie Lawson, after which you will finish one more task.

The next quest is that you need to cut down the irrigation system. From the room where all the key characters are located, go along the corridor that starts from the north entrance. Plants are best killed from a long enough distance - this will prevent you from picking up the infection. Walk to the Central Basement. Here you will find a wall-mounted computer terminal. If you have a good enough Computer Science skill, then you can safely hack it by opening the gateways at the same time. But if the skill does not have a lot of pumping, then you will need to cut down the locks one by one.

First you need to cut down the gateway in the eastern part (it is best to send a hero there with a fairly large lock picking skill). If you do not have such a hero, then send Angela there (she has a personal way of passing). And do not forget to switch to the single control mode of the hero and equip the character with a good supply of bandages and, of course, first-aid kits.

As soon as you find yourself inside, then rather press on the last switch on the wall. After, close the doors that are at the end of this corridor (you can use Angela's skill - Brute Force). Be careful, as you will need to work in an infected area, so the character needs to be healed in time. After that, you can go back to the room with the switches and activate the remaining fans.

One of them will still work. Walk down the corridor to the closed doors - open them, and then apply the weapon to the cables (cables lead to the last fan). Do not forget to rake the room on the opposite side of the switch. There you will find a group of enemies along with traps, but the loot will delight you and wash away all the problems.

Now you have a new goal, namely Eastern Fields. This area will be filled with enemies and poisonous plants. Move on and soon get out of the building, where you will immediately have to neutralize a group of opponents on the right side. After destroying the enemies, head further north. Walk near the wrecked car and climb through the overpass. Here you will meet a scientist whom you can save with the Outdoorsman skill - the skill is in the Surgeon skill group.

Cross the platform and defeat another party of opponents, then free Ryan. He will tell you that Dr. Larsen has gone to deal with the valves of the same irrigation system.

Send to the gate, which is located a little northeast of the location of the freed Ryan. There you will find a couple of boxes with valuable items, but first you need to defeat the enemies. After that, you need to move to the fields, where just huge rabbits will fight with the barks. Kill all these living creatures and go to the pen with already dead pigs. Here, if you look closely, you will find a dead person and a bloody inscription. Use the Perception skill. With it, you can find out how everything happened. Take the loot and move to the building next door. Kill the opponents and go to Dr. Lars (be sure to heal your team, since you will have a battle with Dr. Larsen, and he is not one of the weak enemies). Katie will ask you to close these valves, so do as she asks.

Go back to Central Basement, but after that you need to move to the tunnels in the east (note that it is also "clogged" with gas). Be careful not to miss the doors on the right side of this gas tunnel. There will be a safe inside the room (you can open it using Computer Science).

Now you need to remember the old tactic: take again one character who can best work in gas territories and load him with a variety of medications. On the this moment, it is better that it be a character with the Computer Science skill (a person with this ability will be able to activate a robot, which in turn will clear the thickets that block the road). There is also an alternative option, namely, to use the Brute Force skill on the wall, which is adjacent to the entrance to the room. Do not forget about the card key - you can find it in the boxes near the main entrance of the hall.

But keep in mind, if you used Brute Force, then you will need to destroy a couple of opponents, smash another wall, activate the fans and climb the stairs. And if you resort to the help of a cleaning robot, then you can simply send the team through the infected areas and activate the fan. After, eventually climb to Western Fields.


Now you need to go to a town called Highpool, which was also attacked. There you will also find another radio tower.

As you arrive at the desired location, then move forward until you reach the wrecked car. Hide behind the car immediately, as a pack of strong opponents awaits you ahead. So in this situation, it is better to fire from a safe cover. After you defeat them, then bypass large building and on the other hand, deal with another couple of opponents. The battle is over and you can now go to the building, where you will immediately meet the girl. Next, you will meet a bandy who, by the way, robbed the girl he met. The bandit's name is Pry Bar. You again have a choice: you can shoot the bastard, give the little things to the lady, or even take everything for yourself. In general, in any case, you will need to pick up the box on the table.

Exit the house and head northwest. On your way, you will meet again bandits, but these enemies already have a mortar with them. Once the battle is over, with the help of your Demolition skill, you will be able to redirect this weapon to opponents. In the end, you will come to a gate that you are in no hurry to open. Check them first for any traps. After, you can get to the valuable loot. As you take what you honestly got, then return to the mortar, where you go out onto the middle road, which will lead you straight to the burned cars. As you approach the watchtower, carefully examine the stones, somewhere there should be a passage through which you can go and get a task related to the message to Highpool.

After that, go around this tower and join before the battle between the bandits and the local population. If you go a little further, then you will find out that the leader of the bandits is Jackhammer and he wants to destroy the irrigation system. In general, kill all your opponents and connect to the control panel so that you can get to the Hypool.

Inside you will need a man named Sean Bergin. He must tell you what is happening here. To fix the desired radio tower, you will have to talk to a girl named Kate (Kate Preston). It is located in the tunnels that are under the tank. By the way, do not forget that in this town you can take, and indeed need to take a couple of tasks for pumping heroes.

By the task that Kate issued, you will again need to disconnect your group (remember that this is done with a space). One character must be left in the key room. He will turn on the light for you or open the doors, if necessary.

First click on switch # 2. After that, go down to the central tunnel and then move forward until you run into an intersection. At the intersection, turn right. You need to go to the door at number 5. Here you need to press the switch and go inside. Enemies will meet you, so be prepared. After you win, then act with the valve.

Now it's the turn of the character you left in the key room. He should turn off switch # 2 and turn on switch # 9. Go to the indicated room, kill a couple of enemies again and work with the valve.

Again go to the key room and close the sector at # 5 and immediately open the sector at # 8. Your group will be able to go to the east corridor. Here you pass into the open eighth sector and move through it already to the tenth. You now need to close sector # 9 and immediately open sector # 10. Your group can now get inside, but you will see that the valve is now broken.

You need to go back for a working valve. First, go to the second sector, after closing the ninth and opening the second. Go to the storage and take the brand new valve.

And now you need to go to the 4th sector. The easiest way is to go through the eighth to the sixth, and then to the third, where you will find a passage to the fourth (in the 6th sector there will be a generator for your radio tower, so be careful not to miss it). So, turn on the valve, go to the 3rd sector and finally cut in the last valve, after which your quest will be over.

AG Center and Highpool - Important Notice

Please note that if you go through one of the submitted locations first, then the next one will change quite seriously. For example, the AG Center will generally be practically scattered, but you will still be able to meet a couple of familiar characters in it. You will move forward with battle, after which you will find out that the radio tower you need has been destroyed and General Vargas will immediately give you new coordinates of the tower.

A similar situation will be found in the town of Highpool. After destroying packs of enemies, you will meet Sean, who is talking with the leader of the bandits - Jackhammer. You can shoot the leader of the bandits without delay and then talk with Sean. After that, you will also go further and find out that the required radio tower has already been spaced apart. As in the first case, General Vargas will give you new data on the tower, so the result will be the same.


Now you have a new target - the city of Damonta. First, find the Prison location on the map. Follow the road ahead and soon you will meet a man named Fredy. Use the Brute Force skill to move the wagon, and then talk to him. Don't forget to ask him about the town of Damont. Fredy will direct you to Red.

You need to continue on your way, relying on the direction signs, so you will soon reach the city. There you should talk to the merchant. After the conversation, move to the gas station (you can identify the gas station by the flag above it). You will be met by a certain Chris, who, by the way, will require you to pay taxes for weapons (it is better not to pay, but just shoot the impudent person).

Go further past the beggar man and take the absolutely left path to the gate, near which there are towers on both sides. We destroy them and open the gates, behind which Red will be. He will tell you not the best news. To get to the required city, you need suits that will protect you from radiation. These suits are owned by a man named Rick. The trouble is, he's a Ranger Citadel prisoner. Thus, it is time to return to their native lands.

There is a closed lift in the central area of ​​the Citadel. From this elevator, go to the central doors, then inward and immediately to the right side. Walk past the guards and enter the doors behind the guard. Move on and meet the jailer who can bring Rick to you. Offer Riku freedom for costumes. And the jailer can be told a tale of interrogation.

Now exit the Citadel and open world map... Move to the point that Rick showed you. Follow the indicated route. You will soon find a safe. The correct combination of the safe is - 733. After that, take Rick back to the Citadel. A very cute camera awaits him again.

It turns out Damonta is located in Eastern Arizona. But in order to get there, you need to go through a radioactive wall. Now you just need to put on radio suits and go to the territory of Prison, which is located on the world map. After, go north to the radioactive zone. Next, head northeast to a place called Titan's Canyon, and you can now get to Damonta.

Canyon of Titan

As you find yourself in the canyon, you will immediately meet dying people. Use your Surgeon skill on the man. After that, get access to his goods and at a fairly low price.

On the opposite side, you will meet a raider who is injured and another man. Talk to the man, and he will tell you that the raiders took his beloved wife by force. He will begin to refuse your help, but you use your Kiss Ass or Hard Ass skill, then use Trust and he will agree that you help him.

Now follow the man's wife. You need to get to the raiders' hideout. After killing the villains, your quest will be over. Again you need to return to the place where you first appeared and from there you need to move in the southeast direction to the gate. Be careful with the gates, they are full of traps. Chat with a man named Salt. He will tell you that he needs explosives. Go back to the road where the mysterious hero is. Walk behind him and listen to what he has to say. With conversations, you will understand that the militia fighters are not too fond of Mad Monks, since they worship nuclear warheads. Use your Kiss Ass or Smart Ass skills for better conversation results.

You can now return again to Salt and his gang, then ignore him and follow the path that is nearby. On the way, you will meet a certain brother Chavez. He will ask you to help him get his things from the first checkpoint (Outpost One). Go ahead and meet a woman who will also ask for help. You can help by using the Surgeon skill.

Proceeding further, you will find yourself in a territory that is simply teeming with monks and raiders. You better stay away from the nuclear grenades that the mad monks use. Soon you will reach the checkpoint, where you need to talk with Brother Franks. He will give you a quest, according to which you need to transfer radioactive elements in the amount of three pieces to the Temple of Titan under the pretext of a donation. Agree to work as a courier and do not forget to convey to him the request of Brother Chavez that you met earlier.

Your further wandering will be facilitated by the fact that a monk will join before you, thus, his relatives no longer touch you as before. As there will be the first turn, then immediately turn off, go a little further and destroy a couple of spies who are watching the monks. After that, just return to the central road and expect that the militia will not welcome you too hospitably. You will be forced to kill them all and after going a little further, you will meet Skunk Pig, whom you will need to take to the first block post before Franks. The result of such an action will be a decrease in problems with raiders.

Go across the bridge and unlock the gate in the southeast direction. Next, you will need to break up a group of enemies and use the container in order to collect the radioactive elements that are in the barrel. After collecting, you can return to the checkpoint, go through the gates along the main road and turn already where you once met the Skunk Pig. Move on until you come across a barrel that the raiders are guarding. In this situation, you can use the Hard Ass skill or simply give them some of your money. In general, after that you need to fill the container and move on.

Move on. On the way you will meet corpses - go through them and move to the gate. Then, across the bridge and straight to the intersection. Go down to an area that is similar enough to a square. Now go under the bridge and you will find a safe here (it is protected by an alarm system). You will need to kill all the gathered bandits who will be near you. Next, fill the container and return to the intersection. Here already move on the left road.

As you are on the bridge, go through the transport that is engaged in the transportation of water. At the end of your journey, you will come across a roadblock. And now the moment has come when you need to go to the Temple of Titan.

Temple of titan

Take the left road to the gate that leads to the castle. The monks will demand that you double your donation. If you refuse them, then brace yourself, because it will not be an easy battle and the titanium will be activated further. While the report is being kept, you will be given two options - Arrest or Death. Choose Arrest. Or, as a similar option, you can go in search of additional radioactive fragments that are located somewhere in the area of ​​the temple.

But you will need to go back to the canyon, walk again to the checkpoint and meet with the Skunk Pig. From here, you need to move in the southwest direction, kill the opponents encountered and collect more new fragments. Return to the temple.

As you find yourself near the temple, then move to the broken cars. Walk a little further from them and find another fragment. And in the end, you will receive another necessary radioactive fragment when you go up to the very top of the central road, from where you can see the temple. Go through the bridge and then destroy the fence with the Brute Force. As a result, you will collect all the necessary fragments. Now you can return back to the monks, after which they will let you inside.

As you go to the exit to the wasteland, Father Enola will ask you to check mine at number 7. Take the task, leave the building and go to your world map. Head north from the temple until you see Damonta.


In the city of Damont, quite unpleasant news will await you, namely, the city is completely packed with robots. From the entry point, it is best to move to the left. After going a little forward, you will stumble upon a bend that leads to the right side. This turn will take you to the home of the local traders. Destroy the jobs and old Red will immediately contact you. He will give you an additional assignment. This quest can be completed just north of Damonta at the airfield.

On the way, you will meet the robot Wally, who will beg you to save Damonta. And if your Hard Ass skill level is high enough, then you can easily skip this branch of the story. If you are going to carry out this assignment, then you need to move in a southerly direction passing along the way the buildings in which the radio station is located. Go through the territory, which is scattered with a lot of crashes from planes. You will meet a fairly large number of robots and soon you will reach the headquarters of the robots. But do not stop, but keep moving towards the wall on the left side. From this wall you will need to move in a northerly direction, and then, along the road that leads to the hangar, where a monster called Tinker lives.

First you need to rescue a little girl and kill local opponents. After completing the task, you can return to the radio tower that you once passed. Talk back to Wally to give you control to the central panel where you can place the transmitter particles. After this installation, you will be asked to return back to the Rangers headquarters.

But do not rush to do this and let's complete a couple of additional quests. In the farthest part of Damonta there is a diner in which you can find a family that will ask you to find the location of a certain Binh. It turns out that at the last moment she was seen somewhere in the garden. You need to move along the path from this diner, simultaneously destroying all the robots that keep the gardens under siege. After that, go inside and it turns out that the girls are not here. Further, it becomes clear that this very Binh is the girl you met in the hangar a little earlier. In general, it doesn't matter whether you saved her or not, you will still need to go and tell your parents about the find.

The prison

Upon arrival at the Citadel, head towards General Vargas. He will tell you that a clan called the Red Skorpions has appeared and he is threatening all the rangers. Your current target is The Prison again. Inside you will need to fight the enemies of this clan. Next, go to the city, which will turn out to be completely empty. Drive along the road passing local posters. You will soon reach the gate. There will be a new building, which also applies to the prison.

Go through the block post and go through the entrance on the left side. Go under one bridge. And now move until you can get in touch with an officer named Danforth. Tell him that you agree to help him find medicine for the dogs. You can find them on the farm that you went through earlier.

On the farm, you will need to defeat a party of sick dog, by the way, and they will have an owner, who will also need to be killed. In the chicken coop you will find a man named Jabo with whom you need to talk. It turns out that he infected the dogs, and all in order to bring more trouble to Danforth. After talking with him, he will still give you an antidote.

Now you can talk to Danforth again and this time, he will allow you to go inside. Go through huge towers and go to the prison area. Move until General Campbell contacts you. Danforth will appear here immediately.

At this point, you better pump a fairly useful skill Smart Ass (preferably to the fourth or higher level), so that you can settle the problem peacefully. In the dialogue, the following answer options should be selected:

1: Cure 2: Plague 3: Prove 4: Buying 5: Rex 6: Gang 7: Respect 8: Happier (Smart Ass) 9: Force (Smart Ass) 10: Little People (Smart Ass) 11: How 12: Advice

After, heal Danforth's dog. The dog's name is Reina. Then go to the kennel. Go behind this building and move to the cell, near which there will still be guards. Tell one of the guards that you came to cure the dogs. Now you can go back to old Danforth. And so he agreed to talk with the general. Go to the prison and from it you can go to the world map.

And now, Damonta is clean, and all the problem cases with the prison have been resolved as well. At the moment, it is best to complete all the additional tasks in Arizona and only after that, go to the territory of Los Angeles. As soon as you can deal with all your affairs, then move to the Citadel. In the Citadel, find General Vargas, who is talking to one captain. And now, after talking with Vargas, you will have a unique opportunity to hire ten brave fighters for yourself, who will go with you to the lands of Los Angeles. As soon as you complete this assignment for hire, then move to the passage that is visible from the left hand of your main character. You talk to Vargas again and now, on a turntable, you are moving out to Los Angeles. Or rather, to its ruins ...

The question how to get to jail in Wasteland 2 set of players. Indeed, there are very powerful turrets at the entrance, and mines behind them. A problem that is not easy to solve.

There are two solutions to this problem. Peaceful and ... no. Let's start with the conflict.

First, the turrets can be destroyed with a robot. True, you have to find a caterpillar for him, and those that fall out of the defeated robots are not suitable. We need to get to the hangar in Damont. There we are looking for a box that stands behind the synthetics, in which the cherished caterpillar will lie.

We find mines with the help of a character with a high perception, as well as a high skill “Sharp eye. If you have a scout character with 10 and 44 for these skills, that should be enough. Unfortunately, it will not work to clear mines, even a character with a high value of the required perk cannot cope with this.

Secondly, there is level 6 armor that turrets cannot penetrate.

And now about peaceful ways to go to jail.

There will be a couple of buildings on the right side of the location, look for a task to repair a well. If the team has a technician, be sure to fix it. Then we talk with all residents and move towards the checkpoint. There they will ask you for money. If you somehow do not pay with your hand, then bypass the scorpions through the left settlement. There you will find a crane, breaking which, you can move the container and free the entrance to the cave. If you want to decide everything with peace, then you shouldn't kill scorpions. Go stealth, but you still have to fight once.

Sly pig.

Not far from the entrance to the prison there is a pen with pigs, carefully examine the fence for holes. We increase them and get into the corral itself. It is best to look for them in the northern part, so all the pigs will run away to the farmer and you can go unnoticed.

Complete walkthrough of Wasteland 2 and short review(last beta 39080 from 04/18/14). p.s. A new beta 42098 has been released. I will add a walkthrough soon.

When you buy a game through Steam, you will receive original game Wasteland 1988. It was from her that the creators of Fallout drew inspiration. The only drawback is that the game has not yet been localized into Russian. In this article, I will translate all the main plot points so that you understand how to play.

Bugs and glitches

The game is still in beta, so there may be various glitches. The most critical of them are:

  1. Black screen at startup, glitches with the mouse (it looks like a problem with full screen mode). It is treated by the combination Shift + Enter or Ctrl + Enter. Further in the settings, explicitly set the full screen mode.
  2. There are cartridges for weapons, but the player does not see them (says no cartridges). Remove the weapon from your hands to inventory and take it again.
  3. Some quest may not be counted

Game process

The game mechanics and style of Wasteland 2 are generally very similar to those of Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout tactics... The originality is that the game has a different system of dialogues, new skills and characteristics, and also slightly changed the mechanics of the game. The rest is the same classic Fallout with modern graphics, a different storyline and slightly reworked gameplay.

The game takes place in the near future after nuclear war... The whole world is a radioactive desert. In some places there are small settlements of survivors.

At the beginning of the game, you can create a character or choose a ready-made one.

The characteristics of the hero are divided into Attributes, Skills, Personality and Appearance.

What skills are better to download

The skills your hero needs are Leadership, Hacking, Toaster Repair, Energy Weapons.

Almost at the beginning of the game you will have partners with skills: Medic, Surgeon, Repair, Computer, Brute Force, Gunsmith

From combat you will have: a pair with skill assault rifles, 1 sniper, 1 with a shotgun, 1 with pistols and heavy weapons

Player Attributes

Coordination... A ranger with good coordination has gracefulness, soft touch and good motor skills. Affects the ability to avoid traps and attacks, picking locks, and also improves aiming.

To Action Points During Combat

Required for some ranged weapons

Luck... Some rangers have a natural advantage. Bullets fly past them, their attacks always find the enemy's weak point and they find more things than everyone else.

To the probability of a critical hit
+ to the chance of a critical hit in hand-to-hand combat
+ chance to dodge
+ to the chance to get additional CON per level (get more hit points)
+ to the chance to get additional action points per turn (during the battle)

Awareness... A ranger with high awareness notices every detail of the world around him. It is difficult to be caught off guard or ambushed, and can often be one step ahead of its enemies.

Initiative in battle (recharge speed of action points during battle)
++ a chance to dodge
++ to critical strike chance in melee combat

Force. A high strength ranger is capable of hitting hard, carrying more items, taking more damage, recovering faster from severe injuries, and using heavy weapons.

Max Lives Per Level (CON Per Level)
+ to base damage in melee combat
++ to carry weight
++ starting life
+ number of action points

Required for some melee weapons

Speed- it's not just how fast a ranger can run. It is also his reflexes and reaction times that affect his initiative in battle. The higher the speed, the earlier the ranger can react.

Battle speed (how many action points are spent on a particular action during a battle)
++ initiative in battle (speed of recharge of action points during battle)
+ number of action points

Intelligence. Intelligence enables a ranger to learn and process information efficiently, giving him early access to a wide range of skills and the ability to quickly master them.

The number of survival points that the character receives
++ ability to read high level books
+ number of action points

Required for some advanced skills

Charisma- the connecting force of the personality of the ranger and his perception in society. People will react more friendly to a ranger with high charisma and may talk about things that they would otherwise be silent about.

More skills than in Fallout. They are divided into three categories - combat, intellectual and general.

Combat skills include:

  • assault weapon
  • piercing weapon
  • blunt weapon
  • fists or brass knuckles
  • energy weapon
  • pistols
  • heavy weapon
  • shotguns
  • sniper weapon
  • automatic weapon

Improving these skills affects the aiming rate, critical hit chance, and damage.

Intellectual skills include:

  • neutralization of traps
  • work with computers
  • bomber
  • field medic - adding HP (lives) using different medicines
  • breaking locks
  • cracking safes is a separate skill for safes
  • repairs
  • surgeon - resurrection of a deceased team member and treatment of poisoning
  • repairing toasters - added, seemingly for fun. You can find a broken toaster at the location, from which something useful + experience can fall out with a successful repair.

Common skills include:

  • communication with animals(literally "animal whisper or gossip") - not available in beta
  • merchant (barter from Fallout) - reduces prices when trading
  • brute force - the ability to break and destroy inanimate objects
  • gopnik - get your way using threats
  • suck - get your way using suck
  • leader (leadership) - does not allow your allies to lose control during the battle (Lost Control), i.e. act on your own
  • traveler (survivalist) - the ability to avoid random encounters
  • perception - the ability to find interesting places in the wastelands while traveling
  • sly - to achieve your goal using your knowledge
  • southwestern folklore- not available in beta
  • gunsmith - knows how to maintain, repair and upgrade weapons
  • secret skill- not available in beta

Personality and appearance

Here you can choose:

  1. Gender husband / wife
  2. Name and age from 16 to 99
  3. Religious beliefs: Atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Aboriginal (apparently the local religion), Jew, Mormon, Muslim, Sikh or nothing else
  4. The brand of cigarettes you smoke: Bones, Coffin Nails, Nico-Pops, Red Rooster, Styx or nothing. If you specify, you will have a pack of cigarettes of this brand. The character can smoke them
  5. Nationality: American, Chinese, Mexican, Native American or Russian
  6. Below you can write your biography

The first major dilemma in Wasteland 2 will be the choice between saving the CX Center and the Highpool. The CX center, located in the southern part of the wasteland, is under attack by mutants who suddenly appeared after a carefully planned sabotage (the mutation began after the infection of the irrigation system). The head of the CX Center is Matt Forrestal, a former Ranger; his right hand is Katie Lawson, a scientist. A meeting with them will take place in the lobby, where they will tell in detail about what happened. Once the goals are set, it is time to act. Simultaneously with the solution of the main task - cleaning the irrigation system - many secondary tasks will come to be solved, including the rescue of the surviving employees and farmers. Total to be save 6 people who have become hostages of mutant plants using skill "Survival"... If you do not use the skills, you will have to wait for the main task of cleaning the complex, then all the plants will die by themselves. A second touch to the prisoners ends with their death, so you should limit yourself to the first dialogue, or it is better not to touch them at all, anyway they will not tell anything useful. As a reward for saving the employees, Matt Forrestal will give the key to his room and give the code for the safe (80085), which contains his Star with a +1 modifier to the Changer skill and other little things.

The four survivors from the greenhouse in the Central Complex belong to the quest "Save workers from infectious creatures." If they are left standing after the destruction of zombies, larvae and flies, you should use the earlier save and try to save them again. The task is secondary and does not affect the development of the plot. After rescuing, the four must take refuge in the main building, not far from Rosa's laboratory.

The location of the staff of the CX center in Wasteland 2:

  1. On the wall in the second small room in the Central Complex (on the way to the antenna), to the left of the CX Center reception area, where the group is met by Matt Forrestal and his assistant Katie Lawson.
  2. On the wall in the North Experimental Room in the Central Basement, before the five turbine corridor leading to the East Fields.
  3. On the wall at the end of the path, after the giant mushrooms, in the south cave of the Central Basement.
  4. On the wall inside a locked barn just after entering the Eastern Fields.
  5. On the wall of the central barn where Ryan Korniloff, Dr. Larsen's assistant, is hiding in the East Field.
  6. On a container in the northern part of the East Field.