Fallout tactics brotherhood of steel editors. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel: Building a Dream Team. Changing the characteristics of mercenaries

This small guide was created to help those who want to change the usual Fallout Tactics beyond recognition, create their own mod (by copying just a few files with a total weight of about 2 MB to another version of the game, you can replace all the shouts with more natural ones - after all, even English version understands the Russian language, how you can achieve your own Russification) or make your life easier by slightly (or a lot, or VERY MUCH) by increasing the characteristics of the characters.

It is clear that these actions can be performed for amusement (you give the "scammers" shouting about widespread racism, super mutants inviting everyone to take a dip in a mud bath for longevity and vitality, and - for a snack - robots muttering "Fatal Error at 233AC4: 5DAF21 adress , Windows 2077 is shutdown "!), To facilitate the passage (which is still possible to understand) or to turn the passage into a pleasure walk through the places of glory of the brave Brotherhood army (which is already a sacrilege).

Working with trainers (programs that facilitate the passage of the game and make it possible to press certain keys or automatically restore lives, give immortality, etc.) and specially created programs is easier than changing the game files yourself, but it is not able to fully embody your imagination. So with the help of the Internet, you can make it easier (and maybe even more difficult?) The passage of the game. However, think about whether you need a simple walkthrough that eats up all the interest from the game?

Trainer for Fallout Tactics: Smaller version - http://www.vistcom.ru/~jamper/files/cm-ftatr.zip. Allows: Ctrl-A - select the fighter you want to play, Ctrl-G - invulnerability mode, Ctrl-W - teleport the fighter to the desired point, Ctrl-Z - interrupt the mission. Takes only 12 KB.
Trainer for Fallout Tactics: A bigger option and you can do it without bread - http://www.vistcom.ru/~jamper/files/65689_train.zip. The functions are identical, but it already takes about 500 KB. To run trainers, copy them to the directory where you installed Fallout Tactics. To start trainers, first start the trainer, and then the game itself, and use the indicated key combinations.
Fallout Tactics Editor - http://freelancer.ag.ru/cgi-bin/freelancer/download/load.cgi?/fallout/download/bosedit.zip. The program for changing the parameters of characters and inverter. It is used, of course, only for cheating purposes.
Fallout Tactics Bosche - http://freelancer.ag.ru/cgi-bin/freelancer/download/load.cgi?/fallout/download/bosche.zip. Save editor. It can also instantly upgrade all soldiers and put the coolest guns in their hands.
Inverter cracker - http://www.vistcom.ru/~jamper/files/07/races.zip. For what - it is clear, the program is distinguished by its small size (3.7 Kb). Allows you to select any fifty items at the start of the game.

By actively using these programs, it is not difficult to complete the game. But think again, do you need such a passage?
Unlearning CD is an important thing for everyone, especially for those who do not already have this CD. Make a full installation, and in the cd.cfg file in the Core folder, change the line (cdPath) = (Your CD) to the path to the game, for example (cdPath) = (D: \ Games \ Fallout Tactics). Mandatory with (curly braces)! If you want to watch the screensavers earlier than necessary, use the Bink Audio Player program to view the video files (it is often found on discs like "The Best Utilities and Programs 2003", it is expensive to download from the Internet). The video files themselves are located in the D: \ Games \ Fallout Tactics \ Core \ movie folder.

Further, in the D: \ Games \ Fallout Tactics \ Core folder there are several files with the .bos extension. Use WinZip or WinRar to open these files. After modifying these files, save them under the same name with ZERO compression. If the files are packed and / or do not have the .bos extension, the game will not see them.

The content of the files is as follows:
Compaigns.bos - campaign files. You can even change the sequence by using the mission_to_cd.txt file. Just what will level 1 heroes do in Vault Zero?
Tables.bos - game tables. Editing is difficult - Frank himself will break his leg.
Sprites.bos - game sprites. You can modify the entire appearance games, but be careful, save a backup copy of the modified files.
Locale.bos is the most important file. Inside files for Russification:
- Skill.txt - formulas for skills, for example, mod_pilot = (200% + (PE + AG))), PE - perception, AG - agility. Bet at least (300%), it will only be more fun.
- Characters.txt - names and biographies of characters. It can also contribute to the creation of your mod.
- Weapon.txt and ammo.txt - descriptions of weapons and cartridges, respectively.
- Items.txt - "peaceful" items, like steampacks and lockpicks.
- Skill.txt, trait.txt, stats.txt, perk.txt - description of skills, parameters, perks.
- Taunts.txt and badwords.txt - screams during combat and other chatter. Highly recommended to change!

By the way, if you put files from archives into folders of the same name with archives (which you must create yourself), the game will run a little faster.
Now you can start modifying the game, creating a small mod, or a blasphemous simple walkthrough.

Console activation:
During the game, hold down the left one while pressing and enter the codes.

I_want_be_god - your fighters are invulnerable
I_want_big_guns - you get all kinds of big guns

Also small tips:

About the Ctrl-Q code in Magic Trainer Creator ...

Nowhere else have I met his description ... But meanwhile, this is the most necessary in
au pair code! ;)
Description of other codes:

1.ctrl + g - immortality
3.ctrl + z - go to the map without completing the task ...

What is Ctrl-Q?

To be clear, this code does two things with an arms dealer in your base.
First, almost all weapons appear in his inventory. Second, the number
all things become 9999.
Cool, isn't it? :))) But there is one BUT (or not one ...). Some things that
I would like to have more, do not appear at the merchant - well, apparently, he does not
answers. But others have them - a physician, for example, all sorts of "private traders", and
in general - books, say, you are looking for during missions ...
Significantly, the algorithm follows from here: we rob all merchants, all interesting to you
things found during missions are also not thrown away or used, but carried to
native gunsmith. Medicines, books, lockpicks, tool kits, in short -
everything. The main thing is that you sell him at least one copy of these things.
Then we end the conversation with him, press Ctrl-Q ... and ... well, I hope you
understood;))) Then we buy from him, just don't sweep everything off the counter - we must
to stay AT LEAST ONE copy of each thing. When something runs out of him -
just press this combination again, the total will be 9999 again.

Duplication of technique
Stop when moving on the map
You bring the equipment close to the exit zone
You leave the vehicle in a group directly into the exit zone from the location
You return to the "technology" location and sit down in it. After leaving the location
inside there is a duplicate of the car (without things).
The number of remaining takes is equal to the number of exits through the car.

Autopsy Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel has already firmly established itself on
fans' hard drives. The game is good, no doubt, but ... as always, something turned out
not as we expected. Still, ideas about perfect game Australians from
14 East and a simple gamer may not coincide in some way. Let's put aside emotions, because
to talk about "but I, if I were a developer ..."
about "krivorukuyu youth" everyone can. How about rolling up your sleeves
get a dusty set of tools out of the cabinet and show the world what they are good for
Russian Fallout gamers? Twist in one place, correct in another -
you see, after your intervention, the game will sparkle with bright bloody colors,
reaching unprecedented heights of gameplay / design and smiling wide toothless (radiation)
mouth. Guided mutations, so to speak. Genetic engineering in all its glory.
It is possible that in the game you are satisfied with every pixel, every millimeter
interface, each wart on the gentle face of a nuclear mutant. Described
the state of permanent delight is not a hindrance. It is not necessary to change something,
you can just go through the program directories, wonder what
the developers have hidden in the radioactive bowels of the game resources, and there will be
a lot of interesting things. As an example, see the sidebars on which
the most interesting moments autopsy. The main text of the article is
the quintessence of information on files containing various game "hub"
(in other words, "junk"). That is what you are used to reading about in the "Code"
("Game Resources"). But since there are a lot of such files, it's worth telling about them.
in a separate article.

General Provisions
Wearing an anti-radiation suit and taking "Rad-X" pills (no more
one standard), you can take up what you love. Game resources are packed in
files with the * .bos extension (located in the \ Core folder), which are the most
real zip-archives (with zero compression!), even though renamed.
Unpack the files into an arbitrary directory (do not forget to tell the archiver
keep the original directory tree, otherwise you'll end up with an empty jumble of files),
edit at your discretion and then pack back, remembering the degree
compression - 0 (this is mandatory!). You can unzip resources to a directory in
which they were initially present, the speed of loading new locations and graphics
in this case, it will increase significantly. A similar feint will be useful for cars,
equipped with 256 MB of RAM: even on such "monsters"
unexplained brakes. We will immediately list in which archive what is in, so that
simplify your task of finding the data of interest as much as possible.
campaigns.bos - all single player missions (* .mis files, structure
which remains a mystery to us until the release of the special editor). Here
located an extremely interesting file campaigns \ mission_to_cd.txt, which is responsible for
sequence of passing missions. Try to play with the order of the levels,
if there is no strength to wait for the end of the wanderings, but to find out how the matter ended,
I want to.
entities.bos - description of the active objects of the game (heroes, weapons, enemies, etc.
means of transport). Without a dedicated editor, again, it's better not to meddle,
although ... do you know how to use a hex editor? Try to open * .ent- with it
files and look at their structure - with due diligence you can dig up some
useful information... And if it does not work out, then take a look at the pages of the "Code",
there everything is disassembled in detail.
gui.bos - interface design elements plus some game graphics
(medals, cursors). If you want to edit cursors - check out the file
cursors.cfg, where they are all spelled out together. No less interesting things were
found in the def_style.cfg script (predominantly color schemes).
locale.bos - the vast majority of text messages are located here
(see below).
sound.bos - soundtrack. Split into two folders - \ Ambient
(background sound) and \ Game (effects - screaming of monsters, explosions, etc.). * .Wav and
* .mp3 is no longer a mystery to anyone, so you can do whatever with the voice acting
whatever. Do you want your operating system to start with the screams of copulating
Deathclaw, did the work end in a juicy nuclear explosion? You and the sounds in your hands.
sprites.bos. Sprites - they are after nuclear war sprites. Figures of fighters,
mutants, cars and hundreds more.
tables.bos - miscellaneous tables responsible for the starting placement of races,
animation of soldiers and a whole bunch of other things. If you "pick" it with the editor, do not
forget about the existence of tabs - special characters, without which nothing
will not work (from the tabulation side they look like several consecutive
spaces, to insert them use the Tab key on your keyboard).
tiles.bos - the most bulky archive, chock-full of tiles (elements
level design). Military base floors and ceilings, rubbish, destroyed cities and
other post-apocalyptic exotics can be useful for lovers of tinkering with something
do it yourself. How about sculpting a level for Q3 or
Fallout UT?
Additionally, I recommend taking care of viewing the \ Movie and \ Music directories,
located in the main directory, outside of all kinds of archives. In the first
there are videos (*. bik, you can view Bink Audio Player), in the second -
music in mp3. If you want to enrich the toy with your favorite music, discard everything
the tracks of interest to the \ Music \ Custom folder and turn on the appropriate option in
game settings (Use custom music).
Now let's go over the insides of the most curious files, figure it out,
what opportunities Australian developers have provided us.

Mutated letters
Brotherhood of steel, mutants are good, but somewhat standard and awful
hackneyed. After all, how much can you rape storyline original
Fallout? They wouldn't have come up with something more interesting, because they are lazy ... but it would be nice
transfer the epic action to the streets of his native Uryupinsk (look out the window -
isn't the landscape similar?), and the main mutant is to appoint a neighbor
the site of Vasily Alibabaevich, a good friend and comrade. Well, I'm exaggerating that. But also
such an operation is not difficult to crank.
It's worth starting with the characteristics of the heroes that are found in the file
\ Locale \ Game \ characters.txt (inside locale.bos archive). Here's more than
a good example.
name_CORE_medic = (Doc)
Character `s name. Replaceable if desired. Pay attention to (curly
brackets) - nothing will work without them.
desc_CORE_medic = (The medic is an all-round combatant, but is best kept to
the rear of combat to provide much needed medical support.)
Description of Comrade Doc. You can think of something more original
for example: "An experienced addict who exchanged weapons for the right syringe, drive
who is a fellow soldier in soft tissue - his favorite pastime. "
Attention. Similar vulgarities, which in another game are exactly like vulgarities and
would look, with FT rolled at once. The world of post-nuclear apocalypse dry-boiled
gobbles up any dirty jokes that look like "hurray" during the gameplay.
Affects that the native English text not far from the slang gateways
Negro ghetto.
There is nothing difficult in editing the text, so I will just list where
search for the rest of the files, and you can deal with them yourself. More
Let me remind you about curly braces - they are required.
\ Locale \ Errors - system error messages. If the toy is ungodly
buggy, at every opportunity, loudly falling out in Windows, do not miss the chance
slightly brighten up this disgrace with cool comments (especially zealous amateurs
Microsoft will probably insert a mention of BG every two lines here).
\ Locale \ Game is the repository for most of the text. Of particular interest are the following
weapon.txt and ammo.txt - weapons and ammunition. As you can see, in the game
there is no Russian weapon at all. So why not replace some
Robot Mini Gun on your beloved AK-74?
items.txt - useful and not-so-useful things. Since this is happening in Uryupinsk,
do not avoid the introduction unique item called Vodka - where can we go without it,
especially since it removes radiation as if by hand (this is if you substitute an intoxicating
drink appropriate stimulants).
skill.txt, trait.txt and stats.txt - statistics, special abilities and skills.
You can use these files for informational purposes (see, for
what is needed this or that skill), and with "hacker" (change the names of skills,
For example).
taunts.txt and badwords.txt - the first file is a list
characters' statements. The choice of words pronounced by them on each occasion - from
successfully hitting an opponent before being critically wounded. Good,
correct phrases (although something can be corrected), some of which are
a separate sheet, - the second file ("bad words"). Going abroad, as well as
study hard English language it is highly recommended to memorize all this. What the
knowledge of a language without its foundations? The game is really unique in terms of the presented
in the speech of jargon characters. Recommended for familiarization even for people with advanced
knowledge of the language.
\ Gui - interface in all its glory, hints and list of authors. As always,
we make a mess and everything that has already been passed on the example of previous materials.
\ Mission - consists of a number of directories in which everything that has
attitude to game missions (including voice acting in mp3). To act in accordance with
own ideas about the plot, by analogy with the rest of the texts.
Reading the previous paragraphs, you must have thought: "Uryupinsk is, of course,
well. What a mutation has just happened to its inhabitants, that they are all at once
dear, great and mighty forgot, mysteriously learning the bourgeois
dialect? ”
conduct investigative experiments, trying to teach the toy its native language, like
it suddenly turned out that she understood him perfectly from birth. Make sure of this
you can look at the contents of the gui \ font \ fnt_Monitor_outline.png file (archive
gui.bos), so feel free to use Russian letters when working on
text - checked, works.

Apocalypse tomorrow
Summing up, I note that the possibilities for editing the game really
practically limitless. If you link everything that I managed to find, you get
enough materials to create a good mod. And this is just the tip
iceberg. A lot of interesting things buried in the depths of * .bos-archives await
your attention - you just have to stretch out your hands. Not far off, and the release of the editor
levels / graphics, which means that we will have even more opportunities for "parsing"
I want to warn you only about one thing - do not be lazy to make backups,
especially before serious editing, in order to hedge against constant
reinstalling the game. FT engine - fastidious creature, accepts any changes
with displeasure.

In core \ tables, find the Races folder in it, find the humanoid parameters and change
them according to the following table:
- - - - - - -
= - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
((-) - the value that you yourself enter)
((=) - the value you enter here should be 5 points less than all
the rest of the values ​​you entered)
Good luck!

If you are stuck and cannot complete the game, then especially for you in the game
the regime of GOD is provided. It is enough to have a Magic Trainer Creator and be able to
enjoy :)) at 89CFA0
change the value from 00 to 01 and use in the game:
1.ctrl + g - immortality
2.ctrl + w - move to any place on the location
3. ctrl + z - go to the map without completing the task ... etc. (see codes in
information to the trainer on this site)

If you urgently need a level, but there is not enough experience, you can swing the player or NPC.
To do this, rob one of your group by throwing objects with a DOUBLE click
right mouse button.
An inscription appears:
That is not a valid item.
And whoever you steal gets 15 XP. Little, but sometimes useful!

Ten fighters in a squadron is not a dream, but a reality !!!

When you go to the fourth mission in the delta bunker you will need to rescue
four "bumps" of robbers: a doctor, a soldier, a scientist and an ambassador.
I want to please you at last you will have a TANK, but to move it from its place
you need
fix it well so grab 2-3 rem. kit and a good mechanic.
And now about the main thing, save everyone and put them in the tank, but there is one glitch you can
command only one of the four. You need to put one in a tank and enter
tank into the exit zone for half of the hull. Then run to save and put in the tank
all the others in turn.
The scientist should give you the key to the safe with the EMP rifle. Try to whistle from him
this key to the exit zone.
After you have all or some of the saved ones sit in the tank, enter the
the exit zone of the whole squad. You will be told that everything is fine, go back to the bunker. Those
who sat in the tank there and will remain, select them and go out.
That's it, now you have 6-10 characters in your squad.

How to become "immortal".
Buy a megaphone (I saw it on sale only in the first and second missions)
and put it in any NPC's hand. Now you have 76,000 lives with dimes and
the same skill of small weapons.
Strength also rises to 12.
After that, you need the doctor to completely heal your NPC, for this he can
you will need several first aid kits of a doctor with the ability to treat at least 100%.
P.S. With each new level, lives will drop to their present
quantities, so stock up on first aid kits especially at the beginning of the game.

You can copy things as in fallaout 2
T.E. we throw the thing (for example, in the bunker), go to the map menu, without leaving the game by
alt-tab go to Windows, and in the \ Core \ user \ $$ current $$ directory, copy it to
another directory bunker.sav file, go into the game, into the bunker, take the item,
go to the map menu, use alt-tab to go to Windows and copy the file back, and when
entering the game, the bunker we have a thing is in place => two things. Race
- Level: character level (initially - 0).
- Rank: rank in the BS. Put something other than Civilian, because his ranks do not seem to grow.
- XP Rewad: experience gained from killing. Does not apply to a prefab character.
- Race Type: race type. You can choose according to your tastes. Race type affects statistics, etc.
- Turret Armed: only for turrets? Tells you whether the turret is armed or not? I do not know for sure. This flag is unchecked for turrets in the game.
- Knock Down Chance: Chance to be knocked down. The lower the number, the lower the chance? The default is 0.1.
- Gender: gender. For robots - androgynous. NPC Speech
- Start Posture: Start Position? Possible options: Stand - stands, Crouch - crouch, Prone - lay down? The default is Stand.
- Random Speech: Possibly the type of phrases (like a weapon - the type of sound?) Spoken from time to time.
- Click Speech: Possibly the type of phrases spoken when the character is clicked with the mouse.
- Enable Script Event: Is there a script attached?
- Is General: Is the character a general who can issue missions? Barnaka has not been noted.
- Is the RecruitMaster: Recruitment Officer?
- Is QuarterMaster: Quartermaster?
- Is Tippable Brahmin: Special Encounter 22 only.
- Can Barter: Can I Trade? Trade goes with everyone with whom it is possible without it.
- Barter in BOSScript: can trade in BS currency?
- Can Gamble: Can you gamble?
- GambleHate: hate gambling? The more the value, the more the hatred? Name
- Display Name: name for display in the game and for identification in a row game files(more on that below). Because a prefab character is created, then it is better to write CORE_prefabX by analogy with the rest of the prefab characters (instead of X - a number; if there are no other prefab characters, then 6).
- customName: the name given to the character at creation ( Make in FT Tools or when creating a character at the start of the game).
- Tag Name:?
- Broken: Is the character broken. :) I think only for turrets.
- Player Index:? The default is 0. Image
- Sprite: the path to the sprite is indicated. Originally sprites / characters / Tribal (Fe) Male.spr. The sprite changes depending on the armor being worn.
- animationRotation:? The default is 0.
- Base: the main color of the garment.
- Skin: skin color.
- Hair: hair color.
- Team: additional clothing color.
P.S. It is better to change colors after Make since somehow they affect the color of the muzzle flash when fired. BaseAI
- Nature: behavior. Does not apply to a prefab character and characters controlled by the player.
For opponents and other characters: Default -?; Dummy - dummy; Critter is an animal; Coward - coward Agressor - aggressive Squeeler -?; Patrol - patrolman; RepairBot - robot mechanic; Turret - turret; Looter is a robber.
- Tactic: action tactics. Does not apply to a prefab character and characters controlled by the player.
For opponents and other characters: Advance - offensive; Hold - defensive; Retreat - retreat; Flank - flanking.
- Use Cover: use cover for others. Does not apply to a prefab character and characters controlled by the player.
- Use Sneak: use sneaking. Does not apply to a prefab character and characters controlled by the player.
- Sleeping: sleeping character (like raider in mission 1). Does not apply to a prefab character and characters controlled by the player.
- Taunts: a type of shouts that appear overhead. Also, perhaps, it does not apply to the prefab character and characters controlled by the player. Corpse
- Make Dead: dead character.
- Death Type: default death type. Certain weapons or firing modes change it over the course of the game.
Death types: Normal - normal; Explode - is torn to pieces; Cutinhalf - cut into two parts; Electrify - death by electric shock; Melt - melts into a puddle; Fire - burns out; Riddled - death from multiple bullet hits; Bighole is a large hole in the torso.
- Unconcious: The character is unconscious.
- Unconcious Time: how long the character will be unconscious.
- Injured<...>: injuries to various parts of the body. Equipped
- Hand1: item in the left hand. Changes at startup, depending on statistics; what was in hand is moved to inventory.
- Hand2: item in the right hand. Changes at startup, depending on statistics; what was in hand is moved to inventory.
- Armor: dressed armor... Changes at startup; the armor is moved to inventory. Inventory
Inventory content. Just don't overdo it by adding a few miniguns and a couple hundred thousand rounds (2000 .50 Cal DU weighs 1800 pounds).
- add / del: add / remove.
- Count: amount.
- Non Lootable<...>: inventory that cannot be looted. Must be 0 for prefab and player-controlled characters.

- But how can you drink ale the way you drink it? It should be thoroughly tasted and savored.

- This is a disenchanted ale, and you shouldn't savor it ... But it would be a great sin to pour out even such disgusting slop, if it is called “ale”.

Clifford Symack, Goblin Sanctuary

If, putting aside emotions, thoroughly taste and savor Fallout Tactics, you can find in the game a lot of hidden advantages that make it, despite the lack of dialogue, no less interesting than its famous predecessors. A huge number of mercenaries of different races, differing in their characteristics, allows you to create different variants of units.

Thanks to the ability to accumulate skills and experience points, the development of fighters can be controlled by building interesting combinations and enhancing the qualities and skills you need. The progress of the battle can be accelerated or slowed down as you wish, using the turn-based mode off. There are also a lot of minor advantages, such as the gender value (yes, yes!) Of the squad's fighters in certain situations; the ability to fight without leaving combat vehicles, etc., but more on this along the way.

Hero creation

The parameters of your hero are in direct proportion to the weapon specialization taken and the intended single or team interaction with the enemy.

Power. A hand-to-hand combatant, blade lover, and heavy weapon master needs eight of it. For the first two, the damage done depends on the value of the strength indicator; a weak master of heavy weapons simply cannot hold a machine gun in his hands; and he must also carry a supply of cartridges for him. For everyone else, an indicator of strength at the level of 5-6 units is enough; at high levels, four more units of strength will be given by the armor of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Agility. For any hero, it should not be lower than 8 units, or better - 10. When the turn-based mode is disabled, a hero with low dexterity very slowly restores action points and, accordingly, rarely shoots, and the enemy will definitely take advantage of this. Conversely, a hero with a high level of dexterity simply does not allow the enemy to open fire, repeatedly removing action points from him with his hits.

Perception. It is advisable to raise it to 8 or even 10 units. For any fighter armed with a firearm, you cannot lower the perception below six - otherwise, you will be surprised to observe how your protégé enthusiastically releases clip after clip into the air, only occasionally wounding the enemy.

Endurance. In extreme cases, this parameter can be left at the level of 2 units, with skillful careful management, and such a character will calmly reach the final.

Attractiveness... If your hero is a loner, two units are enough. But if you want to shape strike force- worth considering. Five fighters will go with you into fire and water at any level of attractiveness. But! The speed of the hero's advancement through the career ladder depends on her level, and some good mercenaries will go with you only with a high military rank of the character. In addition, a high level of attractiveness helps to sell more and buy cheaper, and if you have a large detachment in your care, you will have to buy a lot.

Intelligence. 6 units are enough for the commander, it is better for a lone fighter to take 10, because he needs to develop a lot of skills, and the points gained by increasing the level will constantly be lacking.

Luck. It is important for everyone, especially for "critical" snipers and fans of secret locations. In addition, the number of experience points received by a squad for completing a mission directly depends on the commander's level of luck.

It is interesting: Perhaps Fallout Tactics is the first game in which gender-related physical parameters of characters matter. In the course of the game, there are bottlenecks through which broad-shouldered men cannot pass, and female heroes - easily! This is best manifested in Maycomb - passing between the wall and the wrecked car, the female part of the team enters the rear of the unsuspecting raiders.

The team is ready to have some fun.

In other locations, similar places are also found, unfortunately, not bringing much benefit. In favor of the fact that this is not a bug, the following fact speaks: the heroine, dressed in heavy armor, cannot pass the bottleneck. He takes off his armor and walks calmly.

It is important: in the course of the game, there is a single artifact that permanently increases stamina by one unit. Unfortunately, there are no surgeries that increase the indicators of other characteristics, or computer modules that do the same, in Fallout Tactics. All characteristics can be increased by one only with the help of appropriate skills, so you need to be extremely careful about character generation.

There is a definite relationship between the value of the main parameters and the presence or absence of some skills obtained by increasing the level of the hero.

Strength 6 and above makes it possible to get three skills "Stone back" that increase the carrying capacity of a fighter is a very useful feature for a heavy weapon master. The stock of ammunition for the heavy machine gun, available to the hero with the maximum strength indicator, tends to run out suspiciously quickly during the battle; the same applies to fire mixture cylinders and grenade launchers.

Agility 7 combined with intelligence 6- skill "Rate of fire bonus", allowing to reduce the time of the shot by one. A very important skill when a hero uses any firearms or ray weapons and grenades.

Perception 7 and Dexterity 8- skill "accurate shooter", increasing perception by two units. Especially recommended for snipers, but good for machine gunners as well, as it allows accurate fire from long distances. Often, the enemy, stunned from nowhere by the bullets flying at him, opens fire from a maximum distance - and of course, unlike a sniper, he cannot inflict any damage ...

6 stamina combined with 6 luck allow you to acquire three skills "Impenetrability", each of which gives 10% protection against conventional weapons.

Attractiveness 2- skill "Loner", Which increases all skills by 10%.

Attractiveness 6- skill "leader"... All soldiers of the squad who are not far from the owner of this skill (not necessarily the main character!) Receive +1 to dexterity and +5 to armor.

Attractiveness 8- at the 15th level, the hero can take a skill "The grace of heaven", which gives the right to receive the next skill every two levels. In addition, when you take this skill, the highest characteristic of the protagonist is permanently increased by one unit. If the main character has two characteristics of the same level, only one of them will increase. Thus, it is possible to increase agility or perception up to 11 units with all the buffs due.

Luck 6 allows you to get a skill "Damage bonus at a distance" that increases the damage of any firearms... If your mercenary's luck is 5, raise it to 6 as soon as possible, and then acquire the above-mentioned skill, which is especially useful for machine gunners and snipers.

It is important: reaching the end of the game, the hero will receive 24-25 levels of experience, that is, a total of eight or nine skills. Therefore, their choice must be approached very carefully.

A few words about the features. When generating a character, it is very desirable to take the feature "gifted"- adding one to each characteristic will not be superfluous. If you plan to engage in ranged combat, take "Shooting offhand" or "accuracy"(the first feature, in my opinion, is more efficient). Fist Fighter and Thrower will benefit from the feature One-armed... If you want to limit your participation in hostilities, acting exclusively as a doctor or driver, your peculiarity is "Kind soul".

It is interesting: there is an opportunity to create a hero who does not take an active part in hostilities - a semblance of a diplomat from Fallout 2. Raise the initial indicators of healing, repair, barter, pilot skills to the maximum - and a peaceful character is ready. If you give him a high attractiveness and the "leader" skill, the commander will strengthen his fighters, as long as they are nearby. It is such a peaceful hero who can receive the rank of general before other classes.

Peaceful skills

If you have chosen a team passage, most likely, there will be a place in the squad for specialists in any skill. The lone hero will have a harder time - it is necessary to have a good idea of ​​what skills are needed first, which are the second, and which can be dispensed with.

Both for the detachment and for the loner, the most important skill is the "doctor"... Why? During the battle, fighters periodically receive damage that cannot be healed by first-aid kits and time: blindness, fractures of limbs, etc. Such a character instantly turns into a sedentary target, and only a doctor can help the trouble.

The next most valuable skill: "first aid"... Using this skill, you cannot heal a broken limb, but you can fully restore lost health, especially if the wounded cannot afford to be distracted from the battle to take stimulants or food. What else is useful to us?

Tricky skills

Tricky skills include "the doctors", "First aid", "repair" and "Science"... Why cunning? The fact is that for the frequent effective use of these skills, the hero gains experience, and the level of effectiveness of the skills themselves increases. Best of all is with medical skills - the level of healing can be brought up to 600 healed units of health in one use!

While everyone is resting, the doctors are working.

Accordingly, a detachment doctor will receive the same amount of experience. With high luck, it is enough to have a basic level of the "doctor" skill of 40-50%, and through constant use you will raise it to ... but there is no ceiling! In one of my squads, the doctor had an efficiency level of 800%, then the growth stopped - the first aid kits ran out.

Where to get so many wounded? They are in every bunker, among the allies ... finally, wounded brahmins are found on some maps. There is one more special place: the secret location "Riders of the post-apocalypse". Each of the four riders is in a state of "dying", and a fully healed one has ... 100125 units of health! Just a holiday for the doctor!

With the repair, it is a little worse - for some unknown reason, the mechanic will gain experience only if the equipment has not been restored to the end. A very sad situation with "science" - literally two steps from the final, you can endlessly get 40 experience points, turning the generators on and off. It is unlikely that a detachment scientist will be able to raise the level in this way. But a doctor and a mechanic, especially if he is a multi-class specialist, is a completely different matter!

Breaking. A skill of average utility, in the game there is not a single "sub-castle" item, without which it would be impossible to do. But if there is a burglar in the team, he will not be superfluous. It is enough to develop this skill to the level of 110% - and the vast majority of locks will be broken.

Theft. Unless you have a strong bias against stealing items from the pockets of allies, this skill is yours. There are quite a few pieces of equipment in the game that a novice fighter can neither win, nor buy, nor get as a trophy, but can only be stolen. For example, the machine gun from General Barnacki or the "Scout" and "First Aid" books from civilians in Junction City.

To be precise, the same machine gun as Barnaka's can eventually be recaptured from mutants or robbers, but by that time the squad will already have something more lethal in service. It is enough to develop the theft skill up to 110%. Unfortunately, experience points are not awarded for a successful attempt to steal in Fallout Tactics.

The best way to disarm the trap is to use the machine gun.

Stealth. It is needed mainly for fist fighters and masters of melee weapons, since they cannot inflict damage from afar. The disadvantage of this skill is that heavy armor significantly reduces the ability to go into the shadow, and the fighter who started the attack will not be able to go into invisibility again, will fall under enemy fire, and if he is light armor... in general, it's up to you to develop this skill.

Traps. You don't have to develop this at all. From time to time you come across books, after reading which the warrior will gain experience in mine clearance. Situations when the neutralization of the trap is necessary according to the plot are quite rare - for example, in the city of Quincy. In addition, any fighter with a high perception is able to detect a mine and apply alternative demining by throwing a grenade or bursting from an automatic shotgun.

The science. Books on developing this skill are the most common, and the skill itself will be needed five or six times per game.

Repair. An extremely useful skill. You do not have to restore generators and elevators, but often you will have to repair equipment damaged in battles. And if the squad has robot, a repair specialist will be needed to restore it. Fortunately, this skill can be increased with the help of books.

Pilot. In principle, any fighter can control military equipment, even if his efficiency indicator is at the level of 5%, but the hero with the highest level of the “pilot” skill will sit behind the wheel of the vehicle. Since the driver has a sharp drop in the ability to conduct an effective battle without leaving the vehicle, it is worth putting a hand-to-hand fighter or a blade master at the wheel - if only they exceed the others in terms of aerobatics by at least 1%. This skill is also increased with books.

Barter. We sell expensively, we buy cheaply. It is necessary if there is no thief in the team, but you can do it - walk around the wastelands, collect more weapons ...

Why do we need body armor if we have a tank?

Gambling. A fun skill. With little or no experience, start the game and place your bet ... one cartridge! In a few minutes, your opponent will become the owner of a dozen cartridges, and you will receive a valuable piece of equipment. With high luck, of course. Developed to 140%, the skill becomes very useful - most medics and mechanics at bases are affected gambling addiction, which allows you to replenish stocks of medicines and instruments free of charge. Moreover, the quartermaster of the Gamma base is also inclined to play, and this promises very great opportunities. The fact is that the unusually expensive unique equipment that appears at the bases towards the end of the game appears immediately for all quartermasters. All to do: come to the "Gammu" and play a little with the quartermaster of the base. You can even solve your financial problems by winning equipment over and over again and immediately selling it.

Naturalist. Essential skill. The real bane of the wastelands in Fallout Tactics has become random encounters, literally exhausting the squad at low levels. But it is worth raising the skill "naturalist" to 100%, and you can avoid most dangerous encounters at will. In addition, this skill is necessary for finding secret locations, and there are exactly thirty of them in the game. Moreover, if you raise the "naturalist" to 130%, you can not take special skills designed to find secret places. You can still find most of them.

Changing the characteristics of mercenaries

So we come to one of the most interesting features Fallout Tactics - the accumulation of experience points and skills. Fallout 2 masters will probably remember that an attempt to postpone a skill until something more interesting appeared in the selection column ended in its disappearance after the next three levels. True, the situation could be corrected by changing the parameters of the hero with the help of medical special equipment and taking the necessary skill that appeared. In Fallout Tactics, the chemistry trick does not work, but it is not needed. We just don't take the skill at the 3rd, 6th, 9th levels. They do not disappear, but wait in the wings. The same is the case with experience points: they reach 99, but do not reset, as in Fallout 2, but continue to accumulate further. What are the benefits of this? Among the mercenaries at the very beginning of the game there is a certain Thorn. She has good strength, agility, stamina and perception - an ideal candidate for machine gunners. Alas, her primary specialization is melee weapons and unarmed combat. We take her to the squad and start accumulating experience points and skills, all the same, there is still no machine gun in stock. At the same time, Thorn does not sit idle at all - melee weapons in Fallout Tactics are very effective. Finally, the mercenary reaches level 12 when the skill appears "prize", allowing you to take an additional weapon skill, as well as numerous skills that allow you to increase the basic characteristics. A little earlier, after the ninth level, we already took her skill "mutation" and acquired with its help the feature "Shooting offhand"... Now add the skill "Heavy weapon", we drive the accumulated experience points into it, add the skill "accurate shooter", with the help of one more free skill we increase perception. That's it, the machine gunner is ready!

Well, why is all this necessary? Are there no heavy weapons specialists among the mercenaries? Of course have. But most of the levels available at the first levels suffer from some drawbacks: sometimes there is little perception, then dexterity, then intelligence is equal to three - and this makes it impossible to obtain a skill "Rate of fire bonus" and reduces the effectiveness of the fire. Another example: a mercenary has a luck of four. At the ninth level, we take the feature "gifted"- luck becomes equal to five. At the 12th level, we add another unit of luck - and we get the opportunity to get two skills "bonus damage at a distance".

So the game has an effective tool for making a very formidable fighter out of an average mercenary.


First of all, mercenaries are divided into several groups that become available for hire as the difficulty of the game increases, and into several races that appear in a group of mercenaries after completing a certain task. In addition, there are several unique personalities among them, the recruitment of which depends on compliance with specific conditions.

People are the largest group, the maximum basic indicators of all characteristics are 10. Strength can be increased to 12 using the armor of the Brotherhood of Steel and to 11 using the skill "The grace of heaven", the rest of the indicators can also be increased to 12 with the help of drugs. Any weapon is available to them, but armor is only made by people.

It is important: it is very undesirable to take all kinds of amplifiers physical characteristics during the execution of the first tasks. The detachment will go through the mission with a bang, but during the return to the base there will be an inevitable meeting with the enemy - the level of the "naturalist" is too low! It was then that it became clear that because of the "withdrawal" half of the detachment could not use weapons, and the other half had completely lost consciousness and did not move.

Seven ghouls per dead man's chest!

The next large group is ghouls... Them distinctive feature is high perception - up to 14 units. This makes them good snipers. Unfortunately, the high perception of ghouls is accompanied by low dexterity, and this reduces the effectiveness of the weapon. Ghouls get the skill every four levels, but if they have the trait "cheat of death" - after three levels. But the deceiver with the next level increase can catastrophically lose health or even die, so constant monitoring is necessary for him.

Another unpleasant feature of ghouls is "Shining"... Such a fighter looks like a miniature walking nuclear reactor - it glows in the dark and infects everything around with radiation, but, strangely, this ability turns off in vehicle... You need to keep him away from the squad, and when the "mutation" skill appears, change the "shine" to something more appropriate.

Any weapon is available to ghouls, but there are small restrictions on armor. They can wear their own armor (for such fighters, when hiring, the armor indicator is blue), brahmin armor, power armor Brotherhoods of Steel and natural armor. The first modification of natural armor is preferable, as it does not reduce perception.

Among the ghouls you can find an old acquaintance - Harold - and the only thief among the mercenaries who knows how to clean pockets and pick locks - Babs.

Death claws... Sounds like something. Swift, incredibly strong and dexterous (13 and 14, respectively!), Very resilient - oh, what warriors! If they could also wear armor ... Claws gain a skill every four levels. It is from them that the best silent killers come out.

As a weapon, they can be given any throwing objects, from stones to grenades; except for spears and throwing knives. They also have access to all types of combat gloves and the only bladed weapon: a cross dagger (aka a fist knife). It is not entirely clear why they need it, since an empty clawed paw does more damage, but the fact remains.

In addition, the claws have another, unexpected, specialty - pilots!

If a lone death claw meets a group of raiders, it will emerge victorious. One on one with a mutant will also win in most cases. The robots will be thrown with grenades and, possibly, finished off with power gloves. The best of the death claws is Mother. What a pity that you can't choose the main character from this particular group!

Super mutants... Huge clumsy guys. And aunts. The base indicator of strength reaches 13 units. Wear their own armor and brahmin armor. Use any melee weapon and any combat gloves. From firearms, machine guns, grenade launchers and flamethrowers are preferred. Only the rapid-fire laser is recognized as an energy weapon. They have an unpleasant feature - "stinky" - which reduces the perception of all members of the squad. Thanks to the "steady hand" racial skill, these are the fastest machine gun shooters in the game.

Super mutants have met the mega super mutant!

What to steal from a cow?

Robot. The only representative of the group will appear among the mercenaries after visiting Canyon City. Owns any firearms and energy weapons, fights well hand-to-hand. Refuses to take stimulants and food, as well as drink cola. Probably out of fear of a short circuit. Therefore, it does not need to be cured, but repaired. The only armor available to the robot is the brahmin armor. It is obtained at the secret location of the same name.

It is interesting: it is believed that the brahmin's armor is the skin of an unfortunate animal standing in a paddock guarded by four turrets. Nothing like this! If you turn off the sniper's aggression and move so that only one turret can be seen, you can destroy them all, and the brahmin will remain alive. After this, the brahmin should be robbed, and the armor will be in your backpack. By the way, this is not the only Brahmin in the game with useful items. To know only where they manage to wear them?

The robot gains the next skill through 99 levels. If you sit down for the game for ten years, wandering through the wastelands and gaining experience, you may be able to find out what other skills are available to him. You decide.

Unique mercenaries

These four fighters can only be found in secret locations. If you come across an "even gouge out" location, you are unlikely to confuse it with another.

Take your time to get under way. Very soon, the first candidate for the squad will pass by your group - master of hand-to-hand combat Riddick. Do not follow him, but wait until the hero disappears from sight. If you manage to get to the exit from the location (you can just run through it at breakneck speed) and Riddick survives - look for him among the mercenaries. Provided that at the time of visiting this location, there was a free space in the squad.

The Brothers Grimm location will bring a meeting with two mercenaries at once. Jim lies with a broken leg, and his brother asks your squad for help. Steal repair and science books from Joe and then heal the wounded man. The brothers will thank you and leave there, after promising to visit the brotherhood. In no case should you leave the location without waiting for the super mutants to leave it, otherwise the promised meeting will not take place. Storytellers will appear among the mercenaries when the main character will receive the title of "paladin-commander"; this usually happens at 17-18 levels. Jim is the fastest Heavy in the game, and his brother is a decent fist fighter.

It is interesting: probably, the mutant brothers are named so not in honor of storytellers, but in honor of their famous namesake, mutant Joe-Jim from "Stepsons of the Universe" by Robert Heinlein. There are quite a few references to various works in the game: on the Peoria base, you can find a magic ball that got into the game from the movie "Phantasm", and in other places, the squad finds a terminator's hand, destroying his abs, and even meets a brahmin made of liquid metal!

And finally - fanfare! - Pip-Boy. More precisely, even two. Which of them will be in your squad depends on the number of mercenaries accompanying you. If there are four fighters in the squad, including the main character, Pip-Boy will join the squad immediately, right at the location. You will receive under your command a level 8 fighter with 10 luck, specialization in light, heavy and energy weapons and stealth, armed with an assault rifle.

If there is only one free space left in the squad, after the conversation, Pip-Boy will go to the exit from the location - you must definitely wait for his exit - and will appear among the mercenaries at the base. Only it will be a slightly different Pip-Boy: strength 8, level 14, specialization in light and heavy weapons, fist fighter.

It is interesting: in the second case, the Pip-Boy will be equipped with the "observation" skill, which allows you to determine what the enemy has in service and how many health units he has left. The skill works even when the enemy is not in the line of sight of its owner - if only someone from the squad can see the enemy.

Pip-Boy kicks without reloading. The leg is eternal.

The Pip-Boy has several peculiarities inherent only to him: first of all, the reduced speed of movement - which is quite understandable when he grows. He can wear any armor: ghouls, mutants, robbers; with the exception of the unique El Diablo jacket, bought at the secret location "Market Day". It is a pity that his appearance does not change in any way from the worn armor - it would be funny to see how this little one looks in the spiked armor of mutants.

Pip-Boy is absolutely not accustomed to bowing to bullets - he flatly refuses to squat and lie down. By the way, because of this feature, he cannot penetrate into some hard-to-reach places. Pip-Boy carries a heavy machine gun in a special way and, like a mutant, fires from it with one hand. Despite this, the "steady hand" skill is still unavailable to him. To top it all off is worth looking at hand-to-hand combat- this kid considers it beneath his dignity to kick the enemy, like other fighters, and uses his own style. Take him to the group - you won't regret it!

According to unconfirmed reports, somewhere in the wastelands you can find a Brahmin mercenary, a doctor by profession. I didn't have to meet him. Perhaps luck will smile at you.

The composition and size of the squad

The decision on the combat professional composition of the detachment does not have a rigid framework: you can take only snipers, you can take fighters with energy weapons, it completely depends on your preferences. The quantitative composition of the squad is even less limited: the game can be played alone, together, etc .; but as far as the maximum number of fighters is concerned, it is not so simple.

It is interesting: a good battle pair can be obtained from a sniper and a machine gunner with an attractiveness of 6. The "leader" skill strengthens everyone around its owner, except for himself. If each of the couple has such a skill, they perfectly reinforce each other! And there is never too much dexterity and armor.

Shall we make some noise here?

But what number of the detachment will suit you more: eight warriors? Ten? Fifty? Hundred? True, such an increase in the number of fighters is possible not at any time of the game, but only after completing the task to rescue the elders of the robbers in Newton. This is a bug, but useful or harmful - judge for yourself.

The next discovered elder, after talking with him, temporarily joins the squadron. Following the assignment, we take him to the exit zone, he utters words of gratitude and makes room in the group for the next robber. This is in the standard scenario. The bug manifests itself in the following situation. The most powerful representative of military equipment - the tank - is located in Newton. We drive the completely repaired tank into the exit zone and upon the arrival of the convoy we put the rescued elder in it. A place in the squad will be free for the next robber to join, but the elder will remain in the tank! If desired, we put the three remaining robbers into the tank - the task is completed, and if there were six fighters in the detachment, now there are ten. But that is not all.

It is important: For some unknown reason, the three Rogue leaders are extremely attached to their armor - if removed, they will refuse to put on any protection at all. Well at least they use any weapon. The saneest of the robbers is Tobias Peste. He wears any armor and is always happy to show off in the Brotherhood of Steel's power armor.

It's like we're playing X-Com! Isn't that Small UFO?

Upon arrival at the base, the following changes are revealed: the main character received the rank of general and ... was removed from the command post. Now in command is one of the robbers, who must be carefully guarded - with his death the game will end. If you try to hire someone else, you will also see that none of the mercenaries are available for hire anymore, but you can dismiss the protagonist from the squad. But that's not all.

At some point, maybe after returning with your crowd from a mission or loading after an unsuccessful attempt to rob a medic, you suddenly find yourself in the line of portraits between the robbers and the commander new character... If you double-click on his portrait, you will find yourself on empty space... In short, a ghost. We go to the commander of the mercenaries and fire the ghost; and turning the window down, we are surprised to find in the detachment of all the mercenaries who have ever been part of our detachment for at least a second. The option is not excluded that later the ghost will once again appear in the squad and an attempt to dismiss him will give the same effect.

It is important: starting to increase the detachment, it is necessary to stop in time. Too large a squad will simply "slow down" the computer, and there will always be a risk that not all fighters will be able to fit on the exit grid, especially in the final, which means that someone will have to sacrifice. In addition, there is another danger - the squad will simply not be released from the base into the mission - without explaining the reasons. In this case, check the position of the main character in the line of portraits. He should always be the fifth, in extreme cases - the sixth. But if you correct this condition, you run the risk of increasing your rather big squad even more ...

One in the bunker is not a warrior!

It is not very easy to manage a squad of 80-100 fighters, and if, with an uncontrolled increase in the squad, a couple of "stinking" mutants and two or three "shining" ghouls come across among them, management will generally turn into a nightmare. One way to get rid of dangerous allies is to send them in the vanguard to meet the enemy.

However, there is a more reliable way. If you are preparing in advance for the future creation of an army, take into the group only useful companions (with high perception and dexterity) - they will be in the squad when it grows uncontrollably. The most useful in this regard are snipers, energy weapons masters and masters of heavy weapons with grenade launchers, since machine gunners in battle inflict damage on everyone in the line of fire.

It makes sense to take care of creating a stock of energy weapons, first-aid kits and armor - so that with an increase in troops there will be enough for all soldiers.

It will sometimes be very difficult to manage a huge sedentary group, it is also very inconvenient to heal the wounded, checking them one by one (the "observation" skill will help a lot). But who will now be able to withstand the most powerful volleys of your squad ?!