What is a MacOS version WOT. WORLD OF TANKS The Mac OS does not start and is not installed. Miracles do not happen

Many are faced with the problem of starting the game on the operating system from Apple Mac Os.. Although this operating system is not so common as Windows or Linux OS.. But still the launch of the game on this operating system causes some problems, its owners. Therefore, this article is intended for their permission.

Game launch instructions World of Tanks on the Mac Os..
To begin, you need to download a special program, the so-called converter from the author Aleville .

First step.
Unpacking DMG. to your hard drive (HDD) with installed on it Mac Os..

The second step.
Now you need to download last version client World of Tanks., then click on the icon, and select the item "Show Content Package".

Third step.
Move the game to the folder Drive_C / Games / World_of_Tanks.

Fourth step.
We are convinced that the program for running the game on Mac OS refers to the files we need.
Click on the icon Wineskin. And select the item "Show Content Package".
Next, choose " advanced”.

Pitch fifth
If you want to run the game without launching the Loncher, or you just need to adjust the path to the game, click the "Browse" button.

Step Six
This step is the final, everything you need is just run the game. World of Tanks.. If you need to install updates.

Yes, friends, on Mac you can run any PC games. For experienced makers, this is not news, for beginners - a pleasant discovery, and for "Heyters" - one argument in the dispute about allegedly flawed by Apple computers is less. Why do we need PC games on Mac? First, the games do not happen much - it knows every passioned gameman. Secondly, even the presence does not solve the problem of the scarce of the range of such products for the Apple computer platform. Thirdly, there are really chic game projects that work perfectly practically on any modern machines, but, unfortunately, existing only in the version for Windows. Such projects are easily delayed in their networks as 10-year-old boys and adult unuse. (WOT) can be boldly attributed to this category, and it is worth a bit of pumping his Mac and teach it to run Windows-games. How to do it, as well as about the game itself, I will tell you in this article.

Miracles do not happen

Unique multiplayer action with rPG elements and strategies in which the main role is performed by tanks, literally broke into gaming industry And from the first months of his life, gained great popularity. This effect developer - Wargaming "I didn't expect at all, but quickly coped with surprise and began to actively develop both server power and the game itself. By the way, this is a Belarusian company that has turned through its project in the largest developer of multiplayer games from former USSR. But it is not new to the market, but the most real veteran, which has become one of the secrets of storming success.

Official release World. Of Tanks took place three years ago, August 12, while Wargaming works on Niva Gamedeva for more than 15 years. That is, the development of "tank MMORPG" preceded the release of several very interesting among connoisseurs of projects (DBA Online, Massive Assault and several of her sequels, Galactic Assault, Order of War) and accumulation of invaluable experience.

Yes, and the World of Tanks itself is not instantly appeared. The idea was born back in 2008, and the release of the finished product, as I mentioned above, took place only two years later. In addition, since then a lot has changed, ranging from graphics, continuing to maps and ending with the balance of power. Even the format of the dysfold of money through microplates and he evolved into a more humane system Free-to-Win. But first things first.

About the life of PC games on Mac

Before proceeding to the discussion of World of Tanks, it should be initially started to run on Mac than we now go.

There are two options for running PC games on Mac. One of them is the use of virtualization solutions. For example, Parallels Desktop..

If you briefly describe, this software package allows you to create the so-called so-called virtual Machine Practically with any operating system inside, not only with Windows. You can install Linux, and MS-DOS, and different from the current version of OS X. In fact, the application forms in random access memory Separate computer with its own operating system.

If you describe Parallels Desktop in detail, it has already done Nikita Goryhinov In, I recommend to read interested.

The installation process is simple, everything is done for people. Start the installation wizard, specify the path to the image from Windows or to the optical drive with the installation disk, select the amount of disk space, which are ready to highlight under the second platform, and install the OS, as if you do not engage in the virtual machine environment, but on the usual PC . In the case of Windows 7 or Windows 8, the installation process consists of several clicks. If you want a Windows XP old woman, you will have to use Parallels Desktop 7 (8-old OS from Microsoft does not support) and a little to do with the installation, responding to any questions in the process.

Minuses The use of third-party virtualization products are obvious. They are paid, but it is not the most a big problem. The main is not very high performance of the virtual machine in games. In many ways, it, of course, depends on the power of Mac, but even when working with mighty models, performance losses will be significant.

A plusIn addition to, in fact, the possibilities of playing Windows-games in OS X is work at the same time in two operating systems. Here you are playing World of Tanks, suddenly it was necessary to check the mail - one click and get to the native OS X desktop with all personal applications.

Actually, in this mode, I spent a small test game on the MacBook Pro 15 "based on Core i5 and with 4 GB of RAM (one of the first models based on Core, that is, not the smallest).

This is not a graphic glitch. The photo captures between Windows with launched WOT. and OS X. That's so fast in one movement jump between operating systems

I play WOT on Mac from under a virtual machine. If you wish, you can activate full screen mode

What can be said - quite playable on medium-minimum settings. Depending on the map, the number of frame output per second ranges from 15 to 30. There would be a machine more recently, then you can stay at this option. But if you want to squeeze out of the computer at the maximum, then it is better to take advantage of the second way.

The MAC hardware filling is not particularly different from the PC, if you do not take into account the design of the case, respectively, there should be no problems with direct installation. There are no them, because Apple itself has built the tools in the OS for this, calling them Boot Camp.. Find it easy - start typing the word " Assistant"In Spotlight and the system will offer" Assistant Boot Camp.»:

Launch it and follow the prompts and instructions. The only moment will require a clean flash drive to which from the network will be loaded the newest set Boot Camp drivers for installation in Windows.

If you have an optical drive in Mac, the Windows installation process within Boot Camp is simple, simple and looks as if put the system on the "naked" PC.

If there is no such, you will have to use either external, or create an installation disk on a flash drive, which is more difficult, but it is quite complete, and in the case of Windows 8 there is a ready-made solution from Microsoft itself.

I also want to give a couple of tips on the number of disk space allocated. If you install Windows XP, it will be enough and 20 GB (the system will take about 5 GB, plus space for software, games). For Windows 7 and newer it is better to highlight at least 50 GB. This piece of Boot Camp will be offset from the system disk and in OS X it will be available only partially.

In Boot Camp mode, a Windows computer runs on complete power, and on the experimental Mac, the game worked much better and freeze than when using a virtual machine.

For games, this is basically the most the best way. The only minus is that for the transition between operating systems will have to reboot the computer. But if you wish in Parallels Desktop and other virutation systems, you can use the Boot Camp section and then the experience will be exactly the same as described above, but with a decreased productivity that for games is critical.

Well, with the launch of World of Tanks and other PC games under Mac sorted up, it would be time to play.

Welcome to the amazing "World of Tanks"

Few people did not hear about the game World of Tanks., and even those who do not really play, faced her when someone from relatives literally disappears in virtual tank battles and there is a reason.

I myself, being the wildest player in the past, now somehow more and less I spend time behind the games - family, children, work, sports - not to virtual entertainment, although sometimes it becomes sad. Nevertheless, with World of Tanks had to get acquainted more than tightly and not within this review, but much earlier.

I'll bend, perhaps, with the reaction of the Son to all the features of the game provided for the test account. This is to understand how much World of Tanks delays people into their networks. It is better to see that live, and at the same time in the video below I will tell you a little about the game itself:

It is worth understanding that WOT is not a simulator with the most difficult control and requiring an understanding of the basic principles of the machine and its instruments. Be so, the game would never have acquired an audience in more than 70 million active users. It is simplicity and attracts people.

In fact, it is enough to download a free client from the official site, install, run, register and start playing. No learning will be required. Hands yourself with a tank with a few buttons and mice, shoot in enemies and enjoy the process.

But gradually the player will pay attention to that the tank has a crew, and the car itself can be upgraded for the means and experience gained in battle. Rather, experience is used to study new types of weapons, armor, combat vehicles, etc. A total of more than 300 models of armored vehicles are offered, in each of which you can pump a number of nodes separately, including the motor, the running part and the gun - the present expanse.

But the development of personal armored vehicles is not the only option to improve its combat qualities. Tanchists themselvesincluded in the crew of a particular machine, you can train too. As soon as the crew member mastered the main specialty, it can receive new skills (peppers). There are basic, like repair (speeds up the repair of damaged modules), disguise, or fire extinguishing, as well as specific - improving the efficiency of the taran, reducing the spread of the gun on the go, reducing the resistance of weak and medium soils when the tank is moved and a number of others. Well and intelligently developed team skills make it possible to get a serious advantage in battle.

As for armored vehicles, they are divided into several classes: Light, average and heavy tanks, SAU (self-propelled artillery installation) and PT-SAU (specialized anti-tank version of SAU). Each type of technology is sharpened to certain actions and situations. That is, it is impossible to say that light tank It will be worse than heavy, and PT-SAU will be the winning of the middle tank. So, SAU hides on the edge of the card and shoots the entire battlefield. From one shot, such a car can destroy a heavy tank, but her own armor leaves much to be desired. Against any close-up tank she is helpless. By the way, during the fighting with the help of SAU, we see the battlefield from above:

Light tank is an excellent scout. Shouter and small, it easily rushes past the ruthless light, turning them on the map for SAU and PT-SAU, and they will be made from the enemy to the cutlet.

In turn, medium and heavy tanks are an iron fist of the team, capable of selling the defense of the enemy and roll out the enemy with a thin layer on the battlefield.

One goal is to destroy the enemy team consisting of 15 combat units. You can also capture the base or a certain territory on the map. But in general it is so myself Counter Strike. About tanks. Actually, this approach and attracted people. You swing the car, the crew and fight, buy new tank, you get new sensations in the battle, your opportunities are growing, I want to quickly pump a novelty to find out what it is capable of in the top version ... and so on by analogy. Tightens, very tightens!

« And here the developer begins to unfold in the full program and chopped loot, playing on the weaknesses of human!"Exclaims the reader's scientifically experienced Freimium Games.

Partly you will find yourself right. In World of Tanks, there is a possibility for real money to buy a special virtual currency, gold (or "wilderness", as players call it) and get some bonuses (to issue a premium account, which quickly swinging experience and make money, acquire special armored vehicles and etc.), but it will not turn the rich player in Superman on the battlefield. Especially after the company began to implement the model Free-to-Win, which is popular with Andrei Yaranians from Wargaming:

Thus, real money does not give weighty superiority. They allow you to save time, but they will not give experience. Namely, experience is the main factor on which the player's efficiency on the battlefield depends. That is, those who pay money and those who pay their time, but do not spend real funds turn out to be approximately an equal situation. After all, a powerful car with a newcomer on board can defeat a more experienced player on a weaker tank. And, on the contrary, no one is insured against bullets-fools.

This is just the beginning

What is there to say, except "Bravo!". Enthusiasts from Wargaming have invested the soul in their project, great amount Experience, intellectual and financial resources - result on face. The game enslaved the world, while she does not prescribe on the wallets of the players, what I can judge from the experience of my own son, who did not invest a penny for six months, but very seriously pumping his fleet of technology and taking carefully to destroy opponents, even if the forces are not equal and the enemy Flames more pumped, special typewriter purchased for real money.

Moreover, the project continues to actively develop. What only worth it serious improvement of graphics in the gameAfter the update at the end of last year, as well as significant refinement of the physical model. The game looks very beautiful, and the models of tanks in principle are striking with its detail and reliability. Each unit of technology was created with the support of historians and specialists in tank buildings.

Yes, on the battlefield can cross the tanks and prototypes, produced in the past in single specimens, can cross the battles and prototypes. Yes, in one team there may be German, Russian and British techniques. But no one claims to accomplish the historical battles, which, by the way, pass on 36 large maps. . Otherwise, what kind of drive can we talk about? But in terms of technical characteristics - this is one of the most realistic games this kind. Moreover, last update done game world It is more realistic: the tanks began to sink in the water, fall from the cliffs, the explosions are more realistic, the sound effects are more natural, if he would have rushed near Sau, he would like an adult.

Very soon a new update will be released 8.8. On the battlefields of the "Peace of Tanks", four new Soviet middle tank will appear. A-43, A-44 and "Object 416" will be arranged at levels from 6th to the 8th, and will lead the second branch of the EXPERIMENT model "Object 140".

In addition to the Soviet equipment, two new "Germans" will break into battle: the 4th level of DW and the average tank of the 6th level VK3002 (M). VK3001H will go down from the 6th to the 5th level and go into a category of heavy equipment as VK3601H.
The Park of Premium Machines will be replenished with two "Chinese": the average tank of the 8th level T-34-3 and the gravity of the 8th level 112.

A new battle location with autumn set will appear in the game - "Tundra".

But all this is just the beginning. The project is developing, and in completely different directions. A World of Warplanes branch appeared about combat aircraft, and the World of Warships is preparing about warships.

Do not forget the company and about tank topics. World of Tanks Generals will delight lovers of thoughtful card battles. WORLD OF TANKS BLITZ will bring tank battles on the mobile platformsAnd World Of Tanks: Xbox 360 Edition will please the owners of game consoles.

"The world of tanks" becomes truly multi-platform, and behind him, ships and aircraft will come along the ongoing track. Everyone will find for themselves an inventory on the net and can plunge into the world of children's dreams, in the world of fantasies, into the world, where mighty cars rule the ball on the battlefield.

Distribution of invites for readers website

Friends today 8 September, holiday - Tankista Day! Naturally, to the World of Tanks it is directly related and, of course, to players too. I am sure among them there are also real tankers. Yes, and experienced players in this area know very and very much, no less than real tankers. Sometimes I'm just amazed by the knowledge of my 10-year-old son, which is able to tell the characteristics of almost any tank in the game. He would have made lessons with the same excitement :).

But back to the holiday. From the editors, we congratulate you, respected readers, all the fans of heavy military equipment and directly specialists with Day of Tankista!

The Wargaming team, of course, did not stay aside and organized the site for readers. festive distribution of invites.

Your code wishes can get on a special page by This address.

Experienced players already disassemble invites, and for those who still do not know what they give, some information. First, the bonuses are briefly, so that you can quickly read and have time for distribution:

3 days premium account, tank 3 level T127 and 250 units of gaming gold

Well, managed to take an invite? Excellent, and now I will cut a little bun. 3 days premium account - This is an improved hangar, as well as more experience and loans for each fight.

Tank 3 T127 - if you try to get it on general conditions, it will cost real moneyAnd in this case you get it for free. In addition, this is a huge time savings - you can immediately go to battle at higher levels and, of course, earn more experience and loans.

website Yes, friends, on Mac you can run any PC games. For experienced makers, this is not news, for beginners - a pleasant discovery, and for "Heyters" - one argument in the dispute about allegedly flawed by Apple computers is less. Why do we need PC games on Mac? First, the games do not happen much - it knows every passioned gameman. Secondly, even the presence of steam for ...

We understand which MacBook how it will show.

World of Tanks. No wonder became one of the most popular online games. An extensive arsenal of military equipment, exciting gameplay with excellent social integration and the opportunity to feel in the tank even, if he did not serve in the army - all this was estimated by hundreds of thousands of players from around the world :)

WORLD OF TANKS CLIENT For Mac, it is released, and a valid or potential "monitoring" you only need to decide on the question: will it pull my macbook game or not?

We look at the minimum requirements on the official website WOT:

But is it for Windows? We understand how things are with Mac and consider 7 MacBook where you can play WOT.

MacBook Air Mid 2013

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 1.3 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000 (1536 MB)

Not yet an old man, but not the most new Mac. And besides, the AIR model with the built-in video card. Will it turn out to be launched? You can play without problems, but there will always be a feeling of FPS shortage in a couple of dozen. About 60-70 FPS can be forgotten, but to spend a couple of tactical fighting - easy.

What we have: Option for 45 000 rubles.

MacBook Air Mid 2011

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7 1.8 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 (384 MB)

This models in a couple of weeks will turn exactly 5 years. And it is still compatible with World of Tanks. We personally checked the performance of the game on these characteristics and you can draw conclusions. Settings, of course, all on minimum: Built-in graphics card with 388 MB of memory - not an option for a surround tanker. But the amateur will save powerful processor i7. FPS - 18–25 . Quite a playful option for those who really want. Get ready to live with the sound of the cooler promoted to the maximum.

What we have: Option for 50,000 rubles.

Macbook 2015.

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 1.3 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics 5300

Even during the announcement of the 12-inch model, MacBook Apple stressed that this is not a game version of the laptop. This is an ideal workhorse for a journalist and a person who needs a computer on the road. But WOT can be played on this ultrabook. Install average graphics settings and get fps at the level 18–24 . We lower to a minimum and half an approximation rise to 28-35. Do not forget that MacBook has no cooler and keep it on the knees during the launch of World of Tanks - not the best solution.

What we have: Option 1 per 100,000 rubles, option 2 for 80,000 rubles.

MacBook Pro Mid 2014

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 2.6 GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Iris Graphics 5100

This is not the fresher MacBook Pro model. But that is why it is Pro and iron here grog. When starting, the average settings will automatically be displayed, but it is desirable to set the schedule to a minimum. So you can achieve 50-55 FPS.And this is more than enough for serious gemina. The graphics of IRIS copes with their task.

What we have: Option for 58,000 rubles.

MacBook Pro 15 »Early 2013

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT650M

The most powerful beast, which will remain relevant for several more years. At the maximum graphs, you easily achieve FPS at 30-35. Wants a smooth picture? Using your dust and install medium rendering. On the minimum requirements FPS values \u200b\u200bare shrinking above 100. The ideal option for World of Tanks.

What we have: Option for 73,000 rubles.

MacBook Air Early 2015

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 1.6 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 6000

Up to date (perhaps the last) model of the ultrathin MacBook Air shows good performance in World of Tanks. Graphic level - low With the FPS gap in 50-60. Not bad for office option! The picture is smooth, there is no brakes, a cooler on a complete.

What we have: Option for 52,000 rubles.

MacBook Air 11 »MID 2013

Model characteristics:

  • CPU: Intel Core i5 1.3 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB of RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000

This option is chosen by those who want to wear their tank with them. The 11-inch model 2014 also copes with WOT. Characteristics above average raising is categorically not recommended, but at low and minimum kid pleases quite edible picture. 40-50 on minimum requirements - an excellent opportunity to crush the enemy.

What we have: Option 1 for 36,000 rubles, option 2 for 40,000 rubles.

As you can see, it is not necessary to chase the top machine and hang loans. For your favorite game, even the models that have changed their first five years have become perfect. The main thing is to choose and understand what you want to get from the game. More options can be found on our Flea market. Sturdy armor to you and full clock.

P.S.: I heard that the tanks will play football?