Ready XVM configurations. Setting up XVM or Olemer's secrets. Setup using XCTUNER

XVM or Olenemer is the oldest, most difficult and functional mod for World of Tanks. With it, you can change any elements of the game interface, ranging from the inscriptions above the tanks in battle, ending with statistics in the hangar.

The composition of Olenemer

Markers over tanks

XVM allows you to add to the marker over the ally or opponent's tank almost any information about the player and his combat vehicle. Thanks to the standard ability to enable the advanced marker mode along the ALT button, the ability to double. For example, give a screenshot of the marker in the user configuration:

In the marker, in addition to the Tiger I tank model, the current number of frags are shown: "2", the rating of WN8: "525" and the percentage of the player's victories on this 52% tank. Also visible is a separate mod that is not associated with XVM.

At the same time, the information on the same player in the removal screen and the allied information panel is displayed in another format: the model of the tank is the number of battles on the account - the rating of efficiency (RE, efficiency) is the percentage of victories on the account.

Marker settings are in files:

  • markersalivenormal.xc - standard mode
  • markerSaliveExtended.xc - view of the marker with a pressed alt button
  • markersdeadnormal.xc - marker for destroyed tank
  • markersDeadextended.xc - Advanced Mode by Alt Button

Description of macros to display information in battle is in the Macros.txt file

Log printed damage

Hitlog or Log hit allows you to control the amount of damage inflicted tanks. This feature can be useful for performing personal combat tasks or earning medals "Main caliber". The draft damage is usually located under the account panel and can show both the amount for all purposes and for each purpose separately. Macros can also be widely used, which allows in detail to find out for whom you shot, how many times and with what result. The configuration is located in the HitLog.xc file

Replacing the "Light Bulbs" of the Sixth Feel

The "Sixth Feeling" commander skill icon is replaced with an arbitrary picture using XVM not just, but very simple. Enough in the RES_MODSXVMRES directory to put a file in * .png format and call it Sixthsense.png then instead of a standard light bulb, when you light up, you will see your picture. For example, so:

In the screenshot, not disclaimed to XVM fashion: Imperied standard sight and the minimum tank information panel in the target (only overview and recharge).

Castomizable Player Panels, Statistics Table and Download Screen

Options of information panels of commands ("ears")

Located in the playerspanel.xc file here you can set the following settings:

  • Transparency of the background "ears" and tank icons
  • Display of clans and platoon icons
  • Non-Detection Status - Allows you to configure indicators for non-lined opponents, for those located in litter and for those who have been discovered, but not visible at the moment.
  • Displaying information about allies and opponents in the "ears". The most important part of this change category user interfaceAllows you to choose what you will see on average and wide mode "ears". You can also add various macros with ratings, the number of frags, the percentage of victories on the player's tank, etc.

Statistic table

Displays in battle on the Tab button. Settings are located in the statisticForm.xc file features display information similar to the "ears", plus, you can enable the calculation of the chance of winning.

Screen boot into battle

Or the removal screen. Its settings are stored in Battleloading.xc and are also similar to the possibilities of the "ears" and the table of statistics.

All these three elements martial interface We are intended to give you information about opponents and allies, which can not be used. Try various settings and macro combinations. Remember, while all the ears modes, statistics tables and the location screen can show different information on your choice.

Icons of clans and players

XVM by default includes icons of clans from Top 150, and also allows users to set their icons for other clans and even for individual players. The last feature gives you the opportunity to celebrate and notice in the battle of friends or enemies.

To set up your icon for a clan or player, you need:

  • Choose your game cluster, such as RU - if you are in Russia or Ukraine
  • Select Clan or Nick folder depending on whether you want to add your clan or player icon
  • Place a picture in * .png format and name, repeating Clantag or player name, for example: Able.png or jove.png

Pay attention - you will only see the added icon. To get into the number of clans for which the default XVM contains the display of the icons, you need to get into the top 150 clans of your region. For individual players, add your icon for distribution together with the Olemener it is impossible in principle.

Modified Base Capture Store

Okay famous players Change interface. Instead of abstract grabbing glasses, the standard client base, you will see the number of invaders and the time remaining until successful capture.

Settings are in the CaptureBar.xc file

Smart minicar

Also extremely popular mod, for which he had even had to make an alternative - for players with weak computers. MINICART is configured using multiple XVM configuration files:

  • minimap.xc - transparency and increase / decrease of ministry
  • minimapcircles.xc - Setting the circles of review and gallery
  • minimaplabels.xc - allows you to change the inscriptions on the ministry, add icons, various text, signatures of equipment, etc.
  • minimaplines.xc - direction of instruments of your tank, direction of hull, corners horizontal press, direction of field view camera

Also worth watching the video for setting up Minikards:

Angry Fashion XVM.

Allow the various elements of the hangar and the entry screen to the game.

  • login.xc - configures the World of Tanks login screen: allows you to skip the start video and watch the ping to the servers before entering them
  • hangar.xc - Angara Parameters. Shows ping to northern game, counts personal rating And other improvements on the "Achievements" tab
  • battleResults.xc - Baby Results Window or Postwear Screen. Allows you to show pure income in silver, experience, percentage of hits caused by damage and chances of winning

How to install Olenemer

There are two options for installing a delemerer.

1. Manual installation

  • Download the archive with the complex XVM mod by reference below
  • RES_MODS folder from archive Unpack in the root wORLD Catalog Of Tanks.
  • Oleman is installed in the default configuration and, after activation, ready to work.

2. Installing XVM Updater help:

XVM Updater. - This is a program for automatic download, installation and updates of Olenemer. To automatically install a delemer with a finished configuration:

  • Download XVM Updater by reference below
  • Run the executable file - the program does not require installation

  • Choose version XVM. for installation. We recommend STABLE if you are not a mods developer.
  • Select a configuration. Recommended "Default WITH ER" - standard, with a display of 4 digit "efficiency rating" or "efficiency".
  • Click "Install / Refresh" and wait for the completion - Olemener installed

How to activate Оленемер XVM

After installing the Olemener, you must activate, otherwise the functions associated with player statistics will not work.

  • Go to the official website of XVM
  • Click "Log in", select your region and log in with the login and password to the game
  • Click "Activate Statistics" - mod ready to work

Overlemer's time after activation is limited, so we recommend each time you enter the game, in the "Notifications Center" read the status of the XVM state, availability network Services and the availability of fashion updates. If necessary, re-activate our instructions.

How to configure XVM config

Adjust the delemerer configuration manually or using a special program.

1. Manual setting

  • After installation, open the RES_MODSXVMCONFIGS folder
  • Rename xvm.xc.sample in XVM.XC
  • Edit the settings of the elements of the combat interface you need. Files are equipped with prompts to all parameters. Description of macros in battle and in the hangar is in RES_MODSXVMDOC in the Macros-Hangar.txt and Macros.txt files

2. Setting using XCTUNER

  • Download XCTUNER by reference below
  • Unpack the archive and run the executable file - program installer
  • Select a folder to install, create a shortcut on the desktop, click "Set" and wait for the installation
  • Run XCTUNER; Specify the path to your delemerer configuration file, for example C: Gamesworld_of_tanksres_modsxvmconfigsxvm.xc

  • Make the necessary settings in each section; Do not forget to click the Save button
  • Upon completion, close the program. Olemera configuration is configured.

How to update Olenemer

1. When updating manually:

  • Find the main file with your configuration and folder in which all settings are stored.
  • Copy the file and folder in any place on your computer
  • Download last version XVM, set using the instruction above
  • Copy the saved config in the folder with the updated mod - Olemener updated

2. Using XVM Updater

  • Download the program on the link below if you have not done this yet
  • Run XVM Updater
  • Put the checkbox "Save the old config XVM"
  • Click "Install / Refresh" and wait for
  • Olemener updated, you can play

The most popular mod for World of Tanks to display statistics directly in battle and in the hangar, as well as many interface improvements.

Updated to the XVM-7.8.7 version for World of Tanks


XVM modes - Extended Visualisation MOD is essentially a continuation of the OTM fashion, the creators of which expanded it and completed the Olemener. Olenemer (Aka Olemethr or Pleisometer) is an extended combat statistics of players during the battle. Shows the percentage of victories of players and highlights their nicknames depending on the skill (visible in the screenshot).

Before you, one of those mods that is simply obliged to be installed on your wORLD client Of Tanks 1.3. The mod consists of two parts - the actual XVM itself (modification of the interface) and statistics are also known as Olemener (XVM Stat).

MOD XVM will allow you to improve the game slightly, slightly expanding the features of the game interface. Modification allows you to make such chips like:

  • Displays player statistics.
  • Changed tank markers. Now they have become even easier to customize them. Settings are very flexible.
  • Log of infused damage is a very useful thing in battle for those who are interested in how much you have taken away health from opponents right during the battle.
  • - You can throw your picture in RES_MODS / ICONS / SIXTHSENSE.PNG.
  • Customization of the boot screen, the list of players and statistics during the battle.
  • Adding icons of clans and players in the game.
  • The modified capture band, which shows the number of invaders and the time remaining before capturing.
  • Improved minist with the names of the models and the last enemy lighting place.
  • And much more...

How to install XVM Olemerer?

XVM installation: Swing the archive and unpack the contents in the root of the game. For example D: \\ Games \\ world_of_tanks.

Example of the path to config files: E: \\ Games \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES_MODS \\ CONFIGS \\ XVM

Config and setting up Olenemer

The mod is managed by a special settings file - "config." Starting from the version of the Olemera under World of Tanks 0.8.6 The config work was changed - it was divided into a larger number of files, each of which is responsible for its part of the Fashion. It was made for the convenience and creation of structures.

Alight! To make the config earn, the RES_MODS \\ Configs \\ xvm \\ xvm.xc.sample is needed to rename into xvm.xc, and within the file change the line $ ("default/@xvm.xc": ".") On the path before your config.

Standard config files are now located on this path:

res_mods \\ XVM \\ Configs \\ @Default \\ ...

Please note that the game version is not indicated on the way. That is, the mod is placed, as it should be here - res_mods / 1.3 / ..., and the config files are separate!

How to enable the display of Olemer's statistics?

What do the numbers in Olenemier mean?

Next to each player we see such numbers (example): 1K 1100 49%. Let's look through what each of them means.

In our particular case:

  • 1 to - Abbreviated and rounded amount of battles. 1k \u003d 1000 battles, since "K" is a kilo, that is, a thousand. 10K \u003d 10 000 and so on.
  • 49% - Percentage of player's victories.
  • But there is another tsyferka between them 1100 , whose value is not understood. This figure is an unofficial player efficiency rating.

WORLD OF TANKS Efficiency Rating

Efficiency rating is a conditional digital value that determines the effectiveness of the player in battle. Fashion developers themselves give such a definition of efficiency rating: " qualitative characteristic that determines the effectiveness of the player in battle".

But how is it considered? For this was invented very tricky. There you can read how to change it to the 4-digit.

The development of Olenemer began with a fashion called OTM - OvertargetMarkers. The mod displayed additional information on tank markers during battle. Now OTM is part of XVM. With it, you can add to the marker almost any information about the player and its combat vehicle.

The following function for which XVM and earned the nickname "Olenemer" - visualization of statistics in battle, in the boot and post-scale screen. This feature allows even before the start of the battle to understand that from whom you can expect and make an approximate action plan. In addition, when the statistics is enabled, the chances of winning are automatically considered.

Hitlog (Hitlog) is a damage counter, advanced, over time, to a full-fledged "magazine of fire contacts". In the standard configuration, it shows the technique, the number of shots and damage, but, like OTM, a hitlog can be configured to your liking.

A useful feature for experienced players with pumped crew is the mod on the change in the visualization of the skill of the "Sixth Sensitude" skill. Changing the icon, however, does not change the gameplay, but is only a setting external view Customer games for their preferences.

The XVM mode also changed the base capture bar. It displays not abstract "base capture glasses" as in standard settings Client, and the number of invaders and the time remaining to a successful capture. It helps faster to understand the position of affairs and determine further actions regarding the bases - to ride whether to shoot down the capture, whether to help allies, how much time you have time, etc.

Last in order, but not much important improvement - Majikarta modes. In fact, this XVM created a model on changes in ministry and it also contains the most thoughtful and useful in battle functionality. At the minicar, Olemener can show:

  • The square of the limiting distance of the drawing is the maximum distance, outside of which you will not see the enemy, even if it is in lit up.
  • Radius of limit detection
  • The radius of the review of your tank with the crew modules and skills
  • Direction of the trunk of your combat vehicle and horizontal vending angles
  • Tank model next to the enemy or ally marker
  • The location of the last detection of the enemy or the last contact with the ally, if it went beyond the range of radio communication

Note - XVM does not contain, or other popular mods. You can put them in addition to XVM, but it should be done with caution, while maintaining backup copies of your modes installed on the game client. Despite the fact that the default XVM configuration is quite thought out, the authors of the mode provides the ability to edit all parameters, and the descriptions of macros, fields and other custom elements are equipped with a detailed tip contained directly inside the mod files. If you want to create your own configuration, you can use two ways.

The first is to edit manually. To do this, go to the RES_MODS \\ XVM cathedoy and rename XVM.XC.Sample in XVM.XC. Open the XVM.XC file in a notebook or other simple text editor (Word, WordPad, etc. - Do not fit!) And edit the visualization parameters. . Instructions are inside the file.

The second way is to use the XVM online configuration editor. The online editor limits your editing capabilities, but there are no possible problems with typos, improper naming variables, scripts, etc. Do not forget to save the created configuration.

The third option is to take advantage of the special program for setting up Olenemer -. The program contains wide XVM configuration settings, exceeds even an online editor from the creators of the Fashion and is recommended to use. The program interface is intuitive, as well as the functions of the Olenemer, which you can configure it through it.

Installation is performed almost like any other fashion. "Almost" because in addition to files for a specific version of the game, the "RES_MODS \\ XVM" folder is created, which contains part of the files necessary for the functioning. XVM installation procedure Next:

  • Download and unpack the archive with the mod.
  • The contents of the unpacked file copy to "RES_MODS".
  • Confirm the replacement of files, if necessary, otherwise XVM may not earn. Mods are desirable to put on a clean client.

Hi Tankers! I will offer to your attention one of the best XVM config. For World of Tanks 0.9.18

Update 03/23/17

In a pop-up message about the last damage added informing about the explosion of the wake.

Update 02/28/17
Removed a message about the technique that destroyed the player's car.
Restored the possibility of repairing modules by Ctrl + click.

Update 01/13/17
Adaptation under the latest version of the Fashion (see List of XVM changes).
Adjusted an explosion symbol in XVMSYMBOL font, a symbol of damage has been added. The font must be reinstalled.
In Damag Log, damage from the fragments of the projectile is highlighted in a separate type of damage.
The hatched hat has been removed, the total performance indicators are mixed into its place. The position along the x axis is automatically adjusted similarly to the hit log, depending on the selected "ears" mode.
In total performance indicators, inflicted damage was added, the color of the dynamic value - according to the average damage on the current technique.
Restored boot screen. While the same view for the statistics turned on and turned off.

Update 04/27/17
Adaptation under the latest version of the Fashion.
The XVMSYMBOL font added a stun symbol, a stopwatch symbol (not used in the config) and the standard Taran symbol (not used in the config). The font must be reinstalled.
In the prompts of TTX equipment for artillery, medium damage is removed per minute, the duration of stunning has been added. For PT, the transition time is added to the sediate / passing mode.
In the carousel of the technique, the background of the slot for blocked equipment and the icon at the status inscriptions is turned off ("incomplete crew", "in battle", etc.), the color of these inscriptions is changed from the standard on red.
The total damage is added to the efficiency panel, according to Alt- the number of stunning. Displays only for equipment capable of stun. With a nonzero amount of stunning, the parameter becomes opaque and the color of the value changes.
In the markers of technology, the position of the markers of action is adjusted ("Need help", "attacker", etc.)
The login of the config author is added on the login screen.

Fully suitable for playing both statistics and statistics.
Possible user choices of player efficiency rating. The config is designed for alternative tank icons (any, in which there is a tank name), so there are no tank names in ears or in the screens of loading and tav.

Capture band

Common design concept adopted in fashion as default. Changed colors and text (fit so that in the case of simultaneous capture the data was located smoothly under each other). If you see "our (enemies) on capture: 3", then it means that their 3 or more ("+" sign, added to the top three, is not used). The team that captured the base receives the Order "for the capture".
The format of the inscriptions when capturing the base is determined by the modified Localization file of the RU.xc or En.xc (L10N folder).


A special font XVMSYMBOL is created to display config icons. The font contains the characters used from other fonts, as well as characters created specifically for the config. As needed, the font will be supplemented. On some versions of Windows, after installing the fonts, you must restart the system.


Increased the brightness of the inscriptions on the ministry frame (designations of square coordinates). The Mihikarta Camera Ray Camera is built into the "line", the distance between points 100m. All rays are made in the entire card and worked in detail.
The XVMSYMBOL font added a TT level 10, for those who are required (see minimaplabels.xc (minimaplabelsalt.xc) block "Macro substitution ((vehicle-class)").
X-ray circle is displayed, the range of the maximum range of the shell's flight for machine-gun and semi-automatic guns, car gallery range, the range of range of its review standing and in motion, the range of maximum detection range (lit) 445m. Although it is not possible to light up the enemy outside the circle of 445m, the circles of their review are not limited to this radius. The peppers of the crew and injured of its members on the radii of circles of the review affect. Active circle Review is green, inactive, gray. The square is the highest possible distance of visibility, you will not see the enemy outside it, even if it is shining (it does not apply to art, therefore it is disabled for it).
The opponents who miss the light and the allies have been added to the minimaton, with which the connection is lost, as well as dead allies, opponents, pleasant, thymkillers.
In the patch 9.4, the alike (standard) icons stopped scaled the same with the missing icons (drawn) when the sizes of minicards are changed, and to configure it so that at any position of the map coincide with each other in size, it has become impossible. Therefore, the size of the surviving icons is fitted so that it coincides with the size of the icons of the missing at the position of the Minikard "3 of the PO +" from its minimum size (for normal mode) And when the map is set in the config (for an alternative mode).
For the "visible" players (except for inclusive) over the names of the tanks, the player's performance markers have been added: the star from the allies and the cross from the opponents painted in the appropriate color. In addition to the title name, abbreviated nicknames are displayed. Mihicirt zoom by Ctrl key without remembering the position. You can disable the zoom in the hotkeys.xc file by setting the "Minimapzoom" setting "Enabled": false.
Alternative Mihiquitt mode over the Ctrl button simultaneously with magnification. Alternatively, a platoon display has been added. Detailed mapping of dead allies, platoon, thymkiller, alternative mode, in a conventional abbreviation point.
To disable the mapping of the dead on the ministry, you need to ask them transparency 0 (set in minimaplabels.xc, the section "Transparency of text fields", the name of the option for the dead begins on "Dead").

Efficiency rating

The player's effectiveness rating is considered by the WOT-NEWS formula, a two-mixed scale XVM scale (0-99), all player performance symbols in the config are painted according to this rating.

Download and Tav Screen, ZurichCondmono Font

From the download and tav screen, the name of the tank is removed, ZurichCondMono is applied to align the statistics columns - one of the standard gaming fonts shown to the monosine. Added symbol of a tank class. For the average level of the player's technique, the color gradation tricolor: red: 1-4 levels, white: 5-7 levels, purple: 8-10 levels. The display of the chances of the victory is enabled, in the Tav screen, in addition, the display of the chance of victory for the living is enabled (changing dynamically in the course of combat) and the battle level. The values \u200b\u200bof statistics parameters in the download screen and the TAV are described in the "Tank Markers" section and is displayed in the screenshot.

Player panels

In the middle ears (Medium) added a symbol of the player's effectiveness in the form of an increasing scale (ladder), in the second middle ears (medium2), the effectiveness of the player is shown, in wide ears (LARGE) - the effectiveness of the player and the total number of kilobodes. In the ears, the color indicators of the residue of HP players are added (<50% и <25%)- желтая и красная полосы.
Added None ears mode (in a clean client it is an empty mode), designed to display the residue of HP players. This mode is selected as an alternative ears mode by pressing Alt. The allied health balance is displayed and always updated, opponents - if the enemy marker is located inside the square of the maximum imaging of minicards. Rows with data on opponents (if any), having less than 50% and less than 25% HP, are allocated by flowers. Optionally, you can specify any ears mode as an alternative or generally disable it using the "Altmode" option in playerspanel.xc.
In order to display the technology icons in None, they must lie in the World_of_tanks \\ Res_Mods \\ XVM \\ Res_F_MODS \\ XVM \\ Res_F_F_TANKS \\ RES_MODS \\ XVM \\ res \\ Contourenemy \\ - for opponents (if you take as an example of the second post icons, then the oncoming directed icons are set by default specifically in these folders).
In the "ear" of the enemy dynamically noted are in litter, missing and dead. Enemies who do not have any mark, "never glow" never.

HP in ears

By default, the function is enabled to ensure the work of some config components in the ears. The included function may be the reason for reducing the performance of the game, it is manifested mainly in the form of friezes when receiving damage by players. Since the optimization in the game is almost no, then the presence or absence of this phenomenon depends largely on the performance of your computer.
If necessary, the HP function in the ears is turned off in Battle.xc, the "AllowHpinpanelsandminimap" option: False.

Color spectrum

The color range of statistics is recycled (adopted in fashion as default). The system colors of living allies, opponents, platforms are adjusted.

Markers technology

In the markers of technology, a narrow green / red strip of life with a translucent substrate, from the bottom of the current health, on top of the name of the tank and the nickname of its computing (in the case of a platoon);
- In the markers of the normal mode (without alt), the player's effectiveness symbols of the account are added: the star of the allies and the cross have opponents painted into the appropriate color.
- Under the lower right edge of the health bands have been added by the middle-level player's technique. Color gradation is similar to Screen Tav: Red: 1-4 levels, white: 5-7 levels, purple: 8-10 levels. If a player has less than 4.5K battles on an account, the marker is not displayed;
- Added markers of platform numbers for allies and opponents (except for their platoon);
- Target priority markers: if the health of the tank is less than 25%, then around the player's effectiveness marker, the marker appears to the shield, and the opponents have a marker attack;
- on Alt relative to the bandwidth:
left-% of the victories on the tank,
right% of victories
from above, the number of hectobic on the tank (hecto (H) \u003d 100), the effectiveness of the player, the total number of kiloboev. Above- level and name tank, nickname, clan,
bend -% health / maximum health. Each element of statistics is painted in your own color.
- The dead is the dead icon of the class of the tank class and the congestion of the dead, the name of the tank and nickname of the player is added along the alt. You can disable the crosses by setting in the markersdeadnormal.xc "Visible": false for the template of the Dead Marker Text Field Template.

Marker of stock tower

Strap of stock tower. The image is displayed as a meaning of the option: Tower with an instrument (if the tank has a stock tower on which you can install the top gun) or without it (if the tank has the stock tower, which is impossible to install the top gun). Illumination of the image by the systemic colors of the ally, platoon or enemy.

Hit Log.

There is no single successful attack log displays. New lines are added to the beginning. Street colors with destroyed. The symbols of both killed and survived after attack of tanks, symbols of the art, damage type symbols are displayed. Displays the damage character symbols depends on the localization lingule files modified for the config (L10N folder).
In the config, the hit log is deployed (each damage along the tank is shown a separate line). There is an option to make one tank to be displayed only once, regardless of how many hits it received (in the line for it the last damage will be shown and everything on it) is a grouping named player (especially needed for "machine-gun" tanks). To enable, it is necessary in the HitLog.xc file to set "GrouphitsByPlayer": True, // Group's hit by player.
For the hit log function there is an alternative mode. In this mode, by pressing Alt, the hit log switches to the display of the remainder of the illuminated opponents. Rows with data on opponents with less than 50% and less than 25% HP are highlighted by flowers. The residue of the health of opponents is displayed and updated if the enemy marker is located inside the square of the maximum imaging of minicards. By default, this mode is disabled, as the HP display is enabled in the ears, if necessary, turns on in the HitLog.xc, the "HPLEFT" / "Enabled" option: TRUE.
To copy the hit log to another config, you need to copy files: HitLog.xc and Texts.xc. Then from the RU.xc or En.xc localization file from the \\ RES_MODS \\ XVM \\ L10N \\ folder (depending on the interface language used), copy to its similar section file // Hitlog and // HP Left. In addition, you must install the XVMSYMBOL font.


Clan icons are turned off everywhere.

Departing damage

Changed color decoration of flying damage. In the usual damage, the shadow is painted depending on the combination of applied / received damage. The last damage is similar to the text. Its damage is gold, damning on the eneme-system of the proprietary color. Changed deadly damage. Special design of the damage caused by a player and pleasant, this damage always paints text, separate symbols of destruction and explosion of the BC.

Clock and clan icon in hangar

The clock is displayed in the center of the screen under the window switching panel. Added the ability to display the clan icon next to the clock in the hangar. To do this, it is necessary to place an image of a PNG format clan clan logo named clan.png to the WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES_MODS \\ XVM \\ Configs \\ Demon2597 \\ img folder \\. Recommended image size 48x48 pixels. The picture is aligned on the upper left corner of the clock field, the width and height of which is configured in clock.xc


The mirror of the icons is turned off.
- Disabled pop-up panel after death.
- The backlight is turned off the icon of their tank and platoon (ears, tav, loading).
- The autologina function is disabled (enabled in login.xc).
- Opening video game is disabled.
- Disabled darkening of the icons of the unregulated players in the download screen.
- Turns off in the research tree.
- Store memorization of the last server when entering the game.
- The display of total combat efficiency indicators in the battle results is included.
- The display of gradually signs in the research tree is included.

1. Copy folders from the archive in ... \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS.
2. Install fonts from the Fonts folder (on Win7, Win8, click two times the font file, in the selection window that appears, select "Set" (on Win8 it is possible to restart), on WinXP copy font files to the C: \\ Windows \\ Fonts folder.
3. If you see the squares instead of the symbolic, delete the XVMSYMBOL font and then set it again. If anything fails (update) the font, then it is possible in the system of problems with fonts, you can use the Font Expert.rar program to eliminate them.
4. Installing alternative config components is described in the instructions contained in the archive.

If you like this configuration, you can support the development of the project by an arbitrary number of WOT game gold on the Demon2597 account.

Many thanks to Sirmax, IBAT, Xlebnidizele4Ku, Mr A, Arzakon, Assassik, Mixaill, Q4x2 for developing this fashion!