How to play together in the "minecraft" on the local network or via the Internet. How to play "minecraft" on a local network: Tips can play in minecraft online

Greetings, finally got the hands of writing an article "How to play minecraft on a network with friends." Enough interest AskWith which almost every player of the minecraft universe is facing. Therefore, I will tell you some of the easiest ways to play with a friend. All our following methods are free! How to play minecraft online for free.

And so drove:

The attachment:

  • Each method is valid in licensed version Minecraft and pirated.
  • Each method works on all versions of the game including early (1.0.1, 1.1, 1.2.5, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.2, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.5, 1.5.2, 1.6, 1.6. 2, 1.6.4, 1.7, 1.7.2, 1.7.5, 1.7.4, 1.7.10, 1.8, 1.8.1, 1.8.8, 1.8.9, 1.8.7).
  • More than 5 working ways for online games with friends in Minecraft

How to play minecraft with friend using hamachi

For starters need download hamachi to all game pc which will be used to play online. Next you need to have all the players the same versions of the game minecraft.

With Hamachi, we will create a virtual server on which you can play with friends. For one who creates the server, you need to do:

  • Open (create) a new room in Hamachi.
  • In the IP server field, do not write anything (leave empty).
  • Run the server.
  • Send received aipi-address to friends with whom you will play.

For those who are connected:

  • Go to the same room with the server (which created 1 player).
  • Connect to the provided IP address from the creator of the room.
  • Note: To play on the network, all players must be the same version of minecraft.

How to play minecraft with a different local network

This method is suitable for those who have no Internet. For this, accordingly, an Ethernet cable is needed (connect them between PCs).

On Windows 7:

  • We go to the Start menu - Control Panel - Network Management Center and Shared Access - Change the adapter parameters (in the left column).
  • We find a local connection and clicking on the right mouse button select "Properties".
  • In the window that opens, remove a tick with "Internet protocol 6 (TCP / IPv6)".
  • Below you will see "Internet Protocol 4 (TCP / IPv4" - click Property.
  • We put a tick on: use the following IP ADRES and prescribe the following data:

IP Address:

Subnet mask:

Main Gateway:

  • Next, we put a tick and on: use the following DNS servers and register:

Preferred DNS server:

Press the button - OK. Ready! Finished guys.

How to play minecraft with a different network

An easier way that does not require any programs.

  • Open Minecraft.
  • Create new world And select in the menu (ESC) - "Open for the network".
  • Choose all the settings that you chose when creating the world.
  • Click on: "Open world for the network" and in the chat you can see not the full address of your world.
  • Next, you need to know your IP address and instead of zeros to register IP: port.
  • The port has already seen in the chat, it was this kind: 51259 (the last 5 digits are different in all).
  • After that, instead of zeros, we prescribe an IP address and give a friend. It should turn out something like this:

How to play minecraft with a friend on the server

Well, think one of the most simple ways. To play with a friend on the network, select from our monitoring Minecraft servers any free server or that server that you most like and you can play with the other with other players. Well, or choose one any free (less popular) server and set up there with a friend.

Another way:

Play Minecraft with friends online

When you are just starting to play "Mounkraft", it is unlikely that even even think about the fact that there is a multiplayer mode. You simply don't need it, as you clearly have enough Singpleer for a long time - the game is so fascinating, a varied and exciting that there will be a lot of days before you get tired of playing alone. However, in most cases, this day still comes - what to do in this case? Then gamers are thinking about whether there is a multiplayer in this project. And the answer to this question is affirmative. Yes, you can play with other lovers, and you can do it even if you do not have the Internet. In this article, you will learn how to play "minecraft" by local network, After all, the Internet connection in many gamers may not be sufficiently high-speed or stable to maintain a full-fledged game on the server. But the local network is always stable and acts at the highest speeds.

Types of multiplayer

Before you disassemble how to play the "minecraft" on the local network, you need to understand what kind of modes are possible, you will not like it from it, and you will refuse this ventiy. Although it is unlikely, because in most part the Singleer repeat the modes. There are four of them all, and one of the most common is the mode of creativity. Here you get an unlimited stock of materials and create real works of art from various blocks.

Another extremely popular regime is survival, it is standard. Here you are in the middle of a randomly generated world without any devices or resources, and you need from scratch to deal with the necessary objects, materials, building a house and prepare for survival in harsh conditions. Hardcore regime is very similar to survival, but only difficulty in it is significantly increased. Well, the adventure mode is thematic gameIn which you may even put certain tasks, unlike other modes. Which option to choose is to solve you. And now it's time to learn how to play "minecraft" on the local network.

Creating peace

First of all, you need to determine what will perform the role of the host. This is a very important point, since all server information will be stored on the host computer, all the data, and it is precisely all that will be loaded. Therefore, the role of the host must perform that gamer whose most powerful computer. Given the fact that you will play on the local network, respectively, the connection speed you will have the same, the key role here is the configuration of the computer. However, this is just the first step that you have to do to figure out how to play minecraft on the local network.

When the host is defined, the task of creating a new world is entrusted to its shoulders, in which there will be a game. Some gamers already at this stage are interested in whether everyone will be able to get such an opportunity and both on the network to play "minecraft". Through the Internet and the local network you can play absolutely everyone who has at least some connection with other players. Only here the creation and connection processes are slightly different in the case of worldwide and local networks.

Opening of the world and configuring server

If you are trying to figure out how to play on a local network in Minecraft, this item will be the most important thing for you. As soon as you create a new world, you need to go to the menu and choose Open to LAN item there, which means "open for the local network". Thus, your server will be available for those who are connected to one local network with you. Next for this you will need to make the game settings, enter console teamsAnd most importantly - choose a specific mode that you agree with other players. When you finish with this, the server will be ready for reception. If you are asking how you manage to play with a bad Internet or absence to play with friends, you can safely answer: "And we play" minecraft "with a different network." If this person also applies to your local network, you can call it into your company.

Connect to server

So you have game worldwhich is open to joining the local network addresses. But how to produce a connection, because only the administrator lives on the server? In older versions of the game, the host need to copy the address of the server, which will appear after the opening of the world, and then send it to those who will participate in the game. When you enter the game insert into the desired field this address and connect. However, in new versions, the process was significantly simplified - when the player enters the "minecraft" and wants to play on a local network, it is immediately offered to the list of servers available on its expanses.

Features Connect

There is one unpleasant fact that, unfortunately, it is impossible to fix it. If you do not have an Internet connection, you will not be able to use the automatic server detection, even if you have a new version "Minecraft". You will have to enter the address of the server manually.

Playing minecraft fun. And with friends even more fun! But many people have a question: how to play minecraft ne over the network? There are several such methods and in this article will answer this question to survive / construction in Minecraft PE it is doubly more interesting!

How to play minecraft ne on the server?

First you need to find out where the network game menu is. To do this, click "Play" -\u003e Tab "Friends". From here you will go to the online game.

The easiest way - local Network game - It is enough just to connect to one Wi-Fi and be as close as possible to each other. And the game itself will find the nearest player and you can connect. Do not forget to enable the game on the local network in the settings! Also in parameters you can enable the game through 3G (mobile Internet, without Wi-Fi).
But only 5 people can connect to that world. If you want to be joined to 10 people, you will help you service Realms.. This is officially supported by Mojang "Procedure" (if you can call it).

To play by Realms you will need an account Xbox Live.. It can be registered absolutely free by clicking in the Main Menu button "Log in to Profile" and in the window that opens. "Create it".

Now go to the world menu in the "Realms" tab and create free server on 10 players for 1 month (hereinafter about 600 rubles / month, so disconnect the autographs of the subscription on your google account, Apple ID or Microsoft). Now your friends can add your XBox Live account to the list of friends and you can play minecraft ne over the network.
If you do not want to pay 600 rubles per month, there is a cheaper and interesting option. it game hosting. On the Internet you can find many similar sites. Usually the minimum number of slots on your server can be 10 slots (as in the case of RealMS), but you pay for this about 100 p. In addition to ordinary game With buddies, you can set various plugins to the server (most often in format.phar). Download Plugins for the Mincraft Server Na you can.

The most interesting chip server is donat. You can connect the donat for players so that they can get any privilege, and you income. Also, do not forget that on our site you can order a PR of your minecraft server. All the details in!

Sometimes there is no money to the server on the hosting, nor on Realms, but I want to play with friends. Of course, you can do it on the local network, but what if you are far? Then the Netherbox service is coming to the rescue (earlier InstantMCPE). You can order a free server for 24 hours. To do this, go to the site, press the Large Orange button and wait a bit.

Soon the address and port of your new server will appear.

Click the "Send Command" button and enter without a slash and quotes: "OP your nickname". Now it remains to tell your familiar address and port and go. Although now many hosting also support a free trial server for several days.

How to go to the minecraft servers?

1. Go to the game and click "Play" -\u003e "Friends" -\u003e "Square button next to the" Add Friend "button" (located right).

2. A window for adding a server will open. In the "Name" field, enter an arbitrary name (desirable that you immediately understand to find out what is the server). In the "Address" field, enter a digital or letter IP, and in the "port", oddly enough, port (5 digits). The site has a section, there you can choose the server.

3. Click "Play"
4. Ready!
I wish you a good game with friends and alone!

When you learned to play well in Minecraft, mastered all the basics of the game, I knew her inner world, you can go to online gameIn which you can play with both people from other cities on Internet servers and with friends on the local network. In this article, I will tell you how to play minecraft on the local network and on the Internet.

How to play minecraft on the Internet?

You can play Minecraft on the Internet on the servers specifically created for this, you can find them on various online monitoring and in ratings. To start the game we need the game itself (preferably latest version), a powerful computer (otherwise the game will slow down), high-speed Internet access (channel in 1MB / C is quite enough) and the address of the game server. So, let's begin. Run the game, enter it under your login, then select " Online game"(Second button). You will appear in the connection window, in the first line, enter the address of the server on which we will play, then click on the "Connect" button, in english version Micharmoft games with the skins "Connect" and get to the server. Hitting the server, you will find that you cannot make a single action, it happened because you are not registered on this playground, this is done quite simple, just a few steps. To register on the server, press the English letter "T", we will have a chat, enter the following command "/ Register Pass" in it, where the word "Pass" change to your own password, that is, it looked like that - "/ Register trash784. " After a couple of seconds, the server will give a confirmation of your registration in the chat and allow you to enter the game, to do this, enter the "/ Login Pass" command, where the word "PASS" change to your password. It will look like this "/ Login Crosh". After registering and entering the server, you can start playing, perform various actions and engage in any business, ranging from building buildings and agriculture, ending with their destruction and travel around the game world.

How to play minecraft on a local network?

You can play Minecraft on a local network with friends, for example, it is quite relevant to the game for interest or simply when there are problems with the Internet (for example, technical work). To play on the local network, we will need several computers (from two or more), the Internet cable of decent length, if there are many computers, then the router, or a Wi-Fi point of access. We combine all computers with wire, then we go to network settings. IN windows 7 is made as follows: Start -\u003e Network Management Center and Shared Access -\u003e Change Adapter Parameters. We find the name of your own network, open properties, tab "Network", first select the TCP / IPv6 setting, open a small window, remove the check mark, save, open the TCP / IPv4 setting, we follow the following path: Properties -\u003e Use the following IP address. Enter the following parameters:

  1. IP Address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Main Gateway:
  1. Preferred DNS server:

After pressing the Save, "OK" button and close the settings. Former configuration, see below, after setting up the local network for Windows XP. Parameters for Windows XP: To begin with, open the control panel and go to the next way: Control Panel -\u003e Network Connections -\u003e Local Connections. Open properties, the "General" tab, open the TCP / IP, the window opens with the properties, select the "Use the following IP address" item, enter the parameters:

  1. IP address:
  2. Subnet mask:
  3. Main Gateway:

Open the "Use Next DNS server" tab and enter the parameters:

  1. Preferred DNS server:

Save the changes and close the settings. Create and configure server. When we set up a local network, you can go to the creation and installation of the Minecraft Server, Create which is not so difficult, this is done as follows:

  1. Download any game Server, suitable for your version of the game, save it to the folder.
  2. Open the "" file, find the "Server-IP \u003d ..." line and delete everything that is written after the "\u003d" sign so that you have a string with an empty "Server-IP \u003d" value.
  3. We find the line "Online-mode \u003d false" in the same file, delete "false", insert "TRUE" in its place.
  4. The server is ready, now you can run it. To start the game, open Minecraft and in the line with the server address, enter: (for Windows 7) or (for Windows XP).

The second method suitable for all types operating systems, In the "SERVER-IP \u003d" line, enter the "Localhost" value, save the changes, open the game and in the line with the IP address to write localhost and then click on the connection. But, this method does not work on all computers and far from all (because of many subtleties and features), therefore it is easier to use the first option. That's all, such simple and rapid steps, you can customize the minecraft for playing the Internet and with your favorite friends on the local network.