Games for the definition of the habitat. Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: Animals. Didactic game "Flower-seven-degree"

Didactic games For kindergarten on the topic: "Animals"

Author: Book Anna Nikolaevna, Senior Educator.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten №3 "Smile", Kalach - on - Don.
Work description: I bring to your attention didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: "Animals". This material will help educators, children and their parents to consolidate the knowledge of children about wild and domestic animals, their cubs in a game form.

Didactic game: Lotto "Animals".

Purpose: Fastening the knowledge of children about animals, the ability to distinguish and find the right animal.
Didactic material: Game field (4 pcs.), Divided by 6 squares with images of various animals, corresponding to images on small cards (24 pcs.).

Game traffic: Game for children from 3 years. 3-5 people can play the game. Players distribute game cards. The presenter pulls out a small card from a special opaque bag, a player or lead calls an animal. Who found the corresponding image on your field, takes the picture to yourself. So goes on until some of the participants close all the playing field with the chips. For children from 5 years, the game can be complicated. Name in one word animals depicted on one game field.
On the first field depicted: a cat, pig, horse, cow, goat, sheep. These are pets.
On the second field depicted: deer, squirrel, elk, fox, boar, wolf. These are forest animals.
On the third field, depicted: Livestone, Echidna, Lokkos, Kiwi, Iguana, Koala. These are animals of Australia.
On the fourth field depicted: lion, rhino, giraffe, camel, elephant, zebra. These are animals of Africa.
Didactic game "Who lives?"
Purpose: Formation of the abilities of children correlate the image of animals with their habitat.
Didactic material: Cards with pictures of animals 24 pieces (take from the lotto) and two gaming fields With the image of the forest and the village.

Game traffic: Dispatch the cards on the habitats of animals, homemade in the village, and wild to the forest.
Didactic game "Guess what animal"
Purpose: Development of ability to describe animals and recognize them in description.
Didactic material: Animal card cards.
Stroke Game: The teacher distributes the cards with the image of animals. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The educator offers one child to describe the animal depicted in his picture, or make a riddle about him. Other children should guess what kind of animal.
Didactic game "Collect a picture"
Purpose: Development of logical thinking, horizons, cognitive interest and speech activity.
Didactic material: cards with an image of animals, cut into several parts.
Game traffic: Game for children from 3 years. Children distribute game cards, cut on 2, 3, 4 parts (in accordance with age and abilities of the child). Collect the picture, the child tells what animal he collected.
For example: Dog is a pet.
Bear - wild animal.
Didactic game "Fifth extra"
Purpose: Development of abilities classify animals by essential features.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of 5 animals, 4 of them belong to one thematic group, and fifth to another group.
Game traffic: Children gives a task: "Consider the pictures, name that they are depicted and defined which animal is superfluous. The remaining animals name in one word. " Each participant eliminates an extra animal in turn. If it is mistaken or does not fulfill the task, its option is offered to perform the next player. For each correctly performed task give a chip. Wins one who scores more chips.
Cards for the game:
1. Kushka, Fox, Squirrel, Wolf, Bear. Excessive bishop because it is a pet, and the rest are wild animals.

2. Heb, tiger, dog, fox, lion. Excessive dog because it is a pet, and the rest are wild animals.

3.Wine, sheep, dog, fox, cat. Extra fox because it is a wild animal, and the rest are pets.

4. Musk, zebra, cow, donkey, goat. Extra zebra because it is a wild animal, and the rest are pets.

Didactic game "Whose tail"
Purpose: Development of attention, logic, memory, shallow motility.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of various animals, as well as their tails.
Stroke Game: The child is given a task. Pick your tail for each animal and connect the desired pictures with lines. Call as animal what tail (long, short, fluffy, thick, small, big, etc.).

Didactic game "Whose kid"
Purpose: Development of observation, attention and analytical abilities.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of baby animals 12 pieces and two game fields with a picture of wild and domestic animals.
Game traffic: The guys will have to help mothers to find their kids. Also, when playing, you can consolidate the concept of kids big and small, homemade and wild animals. The game can participate from one to four people.

Didactic game "Whose shadow"
Purpose: The development of logic, thinking and spectatic memory.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of various animals, as well as their shadows.
Game traffic: Suggest a child to find where whose shadow and connect the desired pictures with lines.

Didactic game "What animals hid in the picture?"
Purpose: Development of attention, thinking, imagination.
Didactic material: Cards with the image of various animals.
Stroke Game: Suggest a child to find and call animals drawn in the picture.

The world is full of diverse animals. Each of them is inherent in their habit, food and habitat. We can meet living beings in the sea, in the forest, in the jungle and even in the desert. If you want to know a little more about the place of residence of Panda, or goldfish, then the game Animal Habitats: Find Items will be by the way. Try to go away at once all four levels, which will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with several types of animals, find out where they live. But you will not just look at the pictures. You need to find some parts of the pictures in the image to go to the next beast. Playing the habitat of animals: You can find objects as much as you like long, but the number of stars that you get after level depends on the speed of your actions. To find seven pieces of pictures, you are given three rights to an error. After each you will see a red cross up. These are your terms of the game of animal habitats: find objects. And your task is to find everything quickly. As animals adapt to environmental conditions, so you need to adapt to these conditions of the game to fulfill your task. Fish, bears and other animals are glad to get acquainted with your resourcefulness and attentiveness.

Natalia Semiunova
Didactic game "Who lives"

Game description: 5 pictures on each of which is depicted (Forest, Pond, Compound, Savana, North Pole). Pictures depicting different animals.

purpose: To form the ability of children to relate an image of an animal with its place habitatcorrectly called an animal. Develop verbal and logical thinking, monologue and dialogic speech. Educate attentiveness.

Game traffic:

Guys Let's put all the animals according to their place habitat teacher, reports that all animals have their own environment habitat, then the place where it is best cozy and comfortable. In another environment, he will be bad, uncomfortable.

The educator draws the attention of children into the pictures. Invites children to consider and tell what they see (forest, reservoir, savannah, etc.). Having heard the answers of children, suggests considering animals and place them in places habitat. At the same time asks the question eg: Why did you put a hare in the forest? Answer: This wild animal it lives in the forest, etc.

Surely many of you are familiar with the hero of the popular cartoon - Nemo's fish. If we compare this small brightly colored fish with the main character of our article - ESOX, then between them you can set some similarity. For example, they are very difficult to find. Nemo, as you remember, was unfortunately, the pike in reality is also not so easy to find. Yes, the days happen when the pike pecks everything without disaster, as if crazy. But sometimes it seems to disappear from the reservoir, and whatever you do, no matter how hard you tried, everything is in vain. That's when the definition of Pike Pike can be the only chance to catch it.

The ability to correctly determine the place of parking comes with experience. Pike is one of those fish that perfectly adapt to the environment. She lives where it is difficult to even imagine, - in the reservoirs in which it, in essence, should not be. If you know for sure that ESOX lives in a particular reservoir, it is necessary to find it, you need to learn., To put yourself in her place and think like her.

This toothbone is leaving everywhere. It can be found in small artificial channels and in natural rivers, in large reservoirs and dirty ponds, in fresh and salted water, in reservoirs with standing water and at a rapid flow. If you are aware of it, you will be at a quarter of the way to find this predator, although for this you will have to work hard. Throughout its fishing career, I often met with difficulties associated with the capture of ESOX. Sometimes I had to decide the puzzles for several days, gadaying, where the pike is worth it, and what to do ,. To catch it. And so far I come across completely new circumstances, so I will be right if I say that in my entire life I will not be able to learn everything about this predator.

As I said, ESOX lives literally everywhere. I caught it in small channels, natural lakes and rivers, found under the water lily and sea skyl. She came across in flocks of bream, among Sarganov and Cod. I had to catch a pike on tiny spinnerbetes and on huge plastic bait weighing more polonium. Where there were suitable conditions, I successfully caught a pike fly fishing. Sometimes it happened that I knew exactly that the predator was in the selected place of fishing, but I could not catch her on any artificial bait until I put the snap with a dead fish. What to do to achieve maximum efficiency of catching this predatory fish?

I believe that the key to success is to determine the location of the fish. Pick up a suitable bait and the desired presentation - This is, as they say, the case of technology. Go to the fishing store or on the Internet; You will be amazed by an incredible number of baits available at present. If you are new to and do not have enough experience fishing on artificial bait, then you need to be very neat in your choice. Among them, there are often poor-quality and non-working bait, catching them - non-disabilities.

The bait should be flawless. You can recalculate companies on the fingers that produce really high-quality wobblers that meet all the requirements of the modern spinningist. The guys from the company create excellent bait, and that is why. Peter Pussorsky and Radoslav Zavorsky spend a lot of time on the reservoirs, testing their bait in a wide variety of conditions. They do not work according to the principle: "Look, we also produce bait", which other companies adhere to. It favorably distinguishes them from other wobbler companies.

As for the choice of bait, the first, where to start, is to choose the desired size. The principle is simple: the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, the larger there should be a bait. This principle works if you catch using a trolling method on a large lake. If you serve small sections of the lake, river or channel, then it is necessary to take a little to use a smaller bait in size. For trolling at a depth of four or five meters, Fatso wobbler or large silicone bait, such as Bull Dawg, Twinler and Mega Grub. You can also try large spinnerbetes. Pike adores them!

At greater depth you will need deep-water wobblers, such as Perch 14. If you throw PERCH 14 behind the boat motor, it can reach a depth of 10 meters. Do not be afraid to use this bait if fishing is not so deep in place! The shorter there will be a fishing line and the closer to the boat there will be a wobbler, the smaller the depth of its immersion. If you put it right away behind the engine. PERCH goes to a depth of no more than three or four meters. To increase the working depth of silicone bait, it is necessary to use a heavier jig head.

Trolling is a fairly effective way to catch pike, but not always. For achievement maximum resultIn my opinion, it is better to use a spinning method. It is quite simple to explain. In the trolling, the bait moves in the water on one line at a depth of four or five meters or more, you have an extensive area of \u200b\u200bthe water space, but not always the amount goes into quality, the correct clear cast can ensure the wiring of bait at 30-40 meters drift boats. The spinning method allows you to be flexible with the bait you use: you can reduce or increase the speed of the bait on one wiring, you can apply twitching or jerking, you can give the bait to climb the surface or go down. All in your hands. But what to do if the pike does not turn out to be in place. The only way out is to find it.

Let's now consider the most likely situations with which you may encounter

On large lakes

Suppose you ended up on a large lake. For one large lake - it is a reservoir in several hectares, for another - a reservoir, which is not visible to another shore. I take the fishermen of the last category. Regardless of what category you feel, you need to simplify the task of searching for pike in a large reservoir. To do this, it is necessary to conventionally split it into several parts. A completely unfamiliar lake must first examine on the map, choose a promising area, make a mark. You are the best thing to look at the boat, although even on the map you can determine the most promising parts of the island. For example, lakes formed during the glacial period in Scandinavia, Canada, North America and part of Ireland have the same shape and are located from the north to south. Numerous islands in these lakes also have a similar structure. Glaciers are usually moving from north to south. In nine out of ten cases from the northern side of these islets, the depth, and from the South-shallow water, which gradually passes into depth. On these small areas characterized by distinct structural elements and the presence of bottom water vegetation, I concentrate my attention.

In nine of the ten cases of the northern sides - a waste of time, and pike can be in the southern part of the island. The same happens with underwater structural elements or, in other words, underwater islands. As a rule, from the northern side of such an isge, it will be finely, and from South - deep. Fish feels safe if the shallow water is smoothly moving into depth, otherwise go to the north side. In most cases, it will not find a lot of work. On the detailed map, You can find the islands of the elongated shape, followed by a smooth depth of depth. In such places you will certainly find fish!

Look structural elements Near the coast: Vaulting, piles of stones, protrusions, etc. In one lake, you can find a large number of such sites. Concentrate on those of them that are surrounded by a dense carpet of bottom vegetable. Stones and rocks also attract a predator, and if the stones or rocks bordered with a plot with underwater vegetation, then you have found a perspective place. Catching one pike in one place, you should not immediately change it, because there can often be several predators at once.

I prefer to catch a pike on Jerk-Bates, such as Slider, for example, or put a Silicone TWINLER bait. These are universal bait, which effectively work at a depth of four to five meters. In small areas, cropped vegetation, I use surface wobblers. Try in the case of these wonderful bait, enjoy their game and unforgettable feelings during the pike ventilation.

In Havani

If you are on a big lake, why should the harbor view as a perspective place? The answer is simple: the harbor, like a magnet, attract small fish. Here, small aft fish can find both refuge, and food, it, in turn, attracts predators, including pike. No owner of the expensive boat or boat will be delighted, seeing, after after the abrasion, your bait hits the side of expensive yachts, so much more efficient and safer use trolling. You need to carefully maneuver the boat, trying to ensure that the bait passes as close as possible to the sides of other boats and yachts. Little fish loves to hide there, and a predator - to sleep his sacrifice. Since in such places there is a predominantly small aft fish, it is preferable to use medium-sized baits.

As I said, the conditions of fishing in the harbor require a fisherman of a certain skill in the management of the boat. For greater efficiency, I would recommend letting the bait behind the motor and make as many turns as possible, maneuvers, trying to hold the bait as close as possible to boats and yachts located in the harbor. For these purposes, it is impossible to work better in a perech bright coloring, before which, with difficulty, the most arrogant pike will lose. What time of year does this method work most effectively? Many fishermen believe that the pike enters the harbor, as a rule, in autumn or in winter. Believe me, she visits such places throughout the year.

On the river

Must admit, the river is a very complex reservoir. Some cranks believe that the pike is not very suitable for the conditions of the river. However, in large pike rivers reaches impressive sizes. I'm just amazed how she managed to survive in rivers with a strong flow. I remembered one case when a few years ago, with my wife, Monique fishes on the three-strength river in Norway. We were accompanied by a local guide, which showed catching places, mostly areas with reverse flow, exits from the water films, etc. On the question, why you never throw in the middle of the river "For example, he said that he had anything good from such places to wait Not falls. You either tear the fluctuating glitter or the turntable, or hook a tee of wobblers for a stone or flooded tree. Monic still decided to take risks and abandoned the middle of the TURBO JACK River, which, to the great surprise of our colleague, did not cling to the tree, stones and other garbage, and brought a hunched pike. Coincidence? I do not think. After a while I managed to catch two more good pikes at a strong course.

Pike loves the current, she adores the waterways and constantly spinning there. Do not ignore these places. If after two or three rubles it does not follow, go to another place. In the summer I love to catch on superficial baits, jerkbeit works well at this time, especially Slider 10. Wiring of spinnerbetes near vegetation or directly over it is unlikely to leave an indifferent tooth predator.

Carin I. SKUG (Karin E. Skoog), who previously worked by the younger AI designer in Avalanche Studios over the Hunting Simulator TheHunter: Call Of the Wild..

Before working on Thehunter: Cotw, my nearest hunting experience was shooting on plates along with relatives (I mean orange discs, launched in the air with a special machine).

I joined the team of Thehunter: Cotw, because this project promised an incredible opportunity to fully focus on the design of the AI. Now that the game is already on the counters, I can calmly sit down and record my considerations about the development of the game (from the position of a person who worked on the AI). Perhaps what I learned will be useful and for someone else.

Gain knowledge

Despite the fact that before working on the project, I crossed the hunt extremely rarely, I became very quick an expert in behavior of more than 10 species of animals.

Gain knowledge of the hunt and animal behavior was extremely important because Thehunter is a franchise, the purpose of which is to create the most realistic hunting simulator.

At all, many thehunter games fans are real hunters and there are. And it means that ...

  • Players are beautiful know when the behavior of the animal is implemented ababy as
  • Unlike FPS (and arcade hunting simulators), local players do not open thoughtless fire all over what moves. On the contrary, they sometimes follow a few minutes behind the animals (or a group of animals), waiting for a suitable moment. Moreover, there is a category of players who simply enjoy local beauties, instead of shots making photographs.

In general, players spend a lot of time watching animals and their behavior, so the virtual animals behave - this one of the main components adding the game of truth.

Brief Introduction: What are the designs of the AI \u200b\u200bdo?

I started working on Thehunter: Cotw when several animals have already added to the game, but so far without behavior models. In the process, it was necessary to cooperate with the most different specialists (saund designers, animators, programmers, environment artists, etc.), because it was necessary that the AI, on the one hand, justified the expectations of real hunters, and on the other, I was well built in the gameplay .

My job was as follows:

  • Investigation of the behavior and needs of animals
  • Settlement of nature reserves, including locations where animals eat, sleep, drink and walk, as well as work on the size of herd, gender ratio in herds, "routine of the day", etc.
  • Determination of additional elements (like habitats)
  • Development and introduction of the behavior of animals, taking into account the fact that every kind (including different types of deer) must behave differently

Plus, work in Avalanche Studios was their own Apex Engine engine (by the way, its early versions were used in Mad Max and Just Cause 3). It is equipped with the so-called "tree of behavior" - technology for the implementation of behavior of AI.

(The picture is taken from the Presentation of Robert Mayer (Robert Mayer) about the design of AI in Just Cause 3, which he showed on GDC).

How does the design of the AI \u200b\u200bimprove the believability of the behavior of the animal?

Since the main goal of Thehunter franchise is the creation of the most plausible simulator of the hunt of all times and peoples, then before developing the AI, it is necessary to deepen in the topic, having studied the most smallest details of the life of animals. For example…

The population is the size of the herd, gender composition, etc.

What does it mean to play? Isn't enough to just make a few stad of a different size, and then put them in the game? Not. In the behavior of animals a lot nuances and difficulties affecting how animals are organized in groups. Here are some examples:

A big flock of females (with one random male)

Many deer most of the year (not counting the marriage period, which is also called "gon") live in large and very noticeable herds, consisting only of individuals of one sex. I also created such a herd, but added one or two males in them.

Why is it important? Since the females are smaller than males, and hunters, as a rule, want to shoot someone more larger, it pushes players to stop and watch such a herd in search of "secret" male. My personal goal was make males enough variationSo that the player is pleasantly surprised, finding finally a highly ordinary male.

(I will write mainly about deer, but the final version of the game also includes bison, redhead fox, boar and black bear. Each view, including different types of deer, is a thorough study and detailed development.)

Little flock of males (as a rule, in thick thickets)

Creating herds and their habitats, I did so that the herd of males was, as a rule, in understand the forest. Thanks to this, first, males harder to find, and secondly, thick foliage a plus cute deer rumor - This is a serious test for the hunter who wants to die closer to make a good shot.

"Top" animals - old males (very sensitive, live in thick thickets)

Herd and habitats were created with special care to equilibrate the complexity, sensitivity and "levels of animals". As a result, in Thehunter, you can meet the large flock of low-edge animals that walk through open plains, and the "top" samstones living in the most difficult zones of the reserve. I will return to this topic just below - in the section "Habitat".

At this place, I would like to thank Björn Öjlert, a leading designer of the project who worked on the original thehunter, and part-time - a fantastic teacher who instructed me all the time that I worked in Avalanche Studios. His experience on the first Thehunter and knowledge of what players want, seriously influence the design of Thehunter: Call of the Wild. He understands perfectly what game-designer solutions (like animal ranks) are important to players mostand what was needed improveTo set a COTW mansion.

We also met every week with the creators of the original thehunter - for conversations for professional themes and to always be aware of new game-designer solutions.


When developing a habitat, it is necessary to determine its size, as well as the differences in the field / age of animals affect it, etc.

Frequency and complexity of locations with highlyrange males

I slightly touched this topic above, but now I want to tell about it in more detail. My work was, I repeat, set the size of the habitat for each view in the reserve, and it was very simple - with the help of a coloring tool.

Studying the distribution of animals in the territory (and how the criteria like a floor or age affect the size of the individual and common habitats), i decided that it was easier to implement through the creation of a new layer (as in "Photoshop"). In particular, I made a special layer for highly weed males and put it on top of the general population card. At the same time, I sought ...

  • ... give a small individual habitat with highly weed male. For a player who occurs on some elevation, there will be a real award Find a pasture or recreation area, because This means that there is a highly ordinary male somewhere nearby! (Players, by the way, immediately squat or even fall when they see near the highly ordinary male, starting moving more carefully, so as not to move the prey.)
  • ... Locate individual zones in places with dense thicketsto reduce player chances of gaining benefits

Moving along a dense forest, the player of the will-unillires gives noise, and if he moves in addition from a leeward side, the beast will rush in the ones even before the player understands that there is potential prey somewhere in front. This makes the hunt for high-edge males very complicated (but also the reward!) Exercise, because highrant beasts are greatly sharperthan other animals of the same species (take, for example, a noble deer, who grabs in one of the farthest and high-sided corners of the European reserve).

Work with the environment and ambide

Another occupation that I really liked when developing AI is the creation of places where animals go, eat, drink and sleep. I tightly cooperated with environment artistsTo provide reserves with a sufficient number of water sources, pastures and recreation areas (taking into account the habitat), as well as a sufficient number of hills and equible areas around the hills to create ambide points. It was a very important gameplay solution:

  • The concept of appearance (i.e. points for ambush) are interesting not only by hunters, but also from the point of view of the game-design. In fact, this is a place in the game of the genre FPS or Tower-Defense, which is for the enemy a bottle of neck. I advise, in particular, read from the Bowhunting Magazine magazine - there are wonderful pictures, perfectly illustrating the concept of appeal points, as well as detailed description how the hunter can use them.

  • As a rule, hunters come to an ambush point in the morning, build a labaz or a hunting booth, and then waiting for animals that go through this bottle of neck to the pasture at dawn. They build their cover in such a way that there is between it and pasture line of appearanceas well as the wind did not blow from them towards animals. Around points are formed, as a rule, naturally in the plains between the hills or along the water sources, giving an excellent point for firing on a deer, going to pasture or resting.
  • Working on zones where animals go and satisfy their needs (eat, rest and drink), I got a lot of pleasure, looking for places where the player can install the hunting booth to wait passing by the deer. It was very nice to see how players use these places on their direct appointment!
  • it video shows how the player finds an ambush point and then just observes how animals are engaged in their usual affairs.


It was important for me to investigate how the real animal day passes - when it eats it, drinks and rests - and then implement this "schedule" in the game. In the end, it would be very strange, if the night animal was the same "rhythm of life", as in the daytime (i.e. waking most of the day).

In the routine of the day, some crab variabilitybecause I tried to do in the reserve there has always been some kind of movement! You can imagine a forest, which seems to be to breathe life, but really quiet and calm, because all the animals decided that with the hour before two they had a quiet hour!?

  • "Rules of the day" animal as a gameplay mechanic. Gameplay provides for study of "graphics" of animalsTo then use this knowledge in your hunting purposes. it reward gameplay element, because It is found on how deer spends his day, the player can predict, in which place it can be found. As in real life.

All this is the result of research related to the addition of new animal species to the game ... Already not to mention countless hours, conducted for researching how animals look and move!

Realistic animal behavior - what is it?

To create plausible AI, we need ...

Basic needs

Including food, drink, sleep and walking between zones, where all this happens.

To make the behavior of the animal less robotic, it is not created on the principle of "deer! Stand here and eat grass until your dietary algorithm is completed! " (I think, any behavior worked with a tree can rightly be called a "deer trainer.")

To make meals more believable, I added a few additional branches into the tree of behavior, including:

  • Search for a new position that is at a random distance (but still within the pasture)
  • Move forward with simultaneous eating grass (like a lawn mower!)
  • Simple head lowering to pinch the grass random number of seconds and then its uplift

In the interval between these behaviors, an animal may be launched an animation of inactivity (like a shaking of the head, look at the left / right, grasania / biting himself, etc.). As a result, all this looks very cool, even in large groups, because animal actions provide sufficient accidentThrough what behavior looks more natural.

I also added a few more branches to diversify the time when animals leave one "zone of needs" (food, drink, sleep) and put forward in the other. It would be strange if all the members of the herd suddenly stopped there, and then simultaneously went somewhere. I did that the "leader" of the group "decides" that it was time to move forward, after which other members of the group gradually ending with their affairs, move. This is just one of their such behaviors that players simply do not notice, because It looks very natural ... But if the deer, like a bunch of robots, simultaneously did the same thing, every second reviewer would probably write about it!


The hunters often use the so-called "Mankami" so that the animal goes closer ... And each virtual animal reacts to the call in different ways.

As in shooters where enemies have a behavior of the type "occupy shelter" (Roll, run to the position X, etc.), in thehunter there is a type of behavior "approximation". Since players see this element AI very often, it was extremely important to make the reaction to the maximum plausible one.

  • This Video Demonstrates how in Thehunter: Call of the Wild on the mannock reacts European Lan. (The player sees when the "signal system" of Lani worked exactly, switching the behavior of the animal from "approaching" on the "alarm", as well as what kind of sense body sent an alarm - vision, scent or hearing). Here same , but in real life. (Lan runs a little faster, because This is the most height of the marriage season - the male thinks that someone invaded its territory!).
  • In the behavior tree, such things have such pleasure, because The developer of the AI \u200b\u200bcan set different angles of the approach and speed of movement. As a result, it turns out Large variability in how different types are responsible for liningSo the player is never 100% sure which method will choose the animal. ("Ryshku will run? Just go? From which corner? Will stop? Will go straight at me? Will make a response call and will reveal his position?".)
  • Insofar as animal can come to a hunter on any side, the player may need to be required sit, watch and wait for a good shot. (I will talk about this in detail in the chapter on the behavior of "pain", but players, as a rule, kiss the animal in the back, heart or lungs, so the viewing angle is essential.)


The gameplay should be built so that the player immediately understood that he scared the animal, as well as exactly how he scared him. Bjorn repeated it throughout the development of Cotw: "For the reaction of the animal there should be some kind of reason." If the animal reacts just like this (from the player's point of view), the player may consider that the case is in a bad AI, and will throw the game.

In real life, many types of deer (and other species, including red fox), publish sound to to warn On the danger of another deer. We used it to show the player that the animal was disturbed (Similarly, in stealths and shooters, the enemy, having revealed anything, can say "who is here?"). At this moment players tend to slow speed and change the rack (squat or fall), so that the animal does not find them.

Having studied how the organs of the senses have different animals, I realized that anxious behavior can be used to show unique characteristics View. For example, only some types of deer can define fixed and moving objects - most of the signal system "trimmed" before the detection of only those objects that move. In addition, some types of deer have an excellent flair (in addition to good vision). So it's hard to hunt them, especially if they live at home, i.e. In the mountainous forest area (as a noble deer).

The levels of the "signaling system" at Lani and roofing are different, so the player needs to pick up different tactics for hunting. Lan was made more "simple" animals, i.e. If she notices you, then you can continue to move in her direction, and it is likely not to give any signs of anxiety. But the roe in such a situation will begin "bark" (publish a warning sound). This means that the player, being noticed by roeers, must change the approximation method - to retreat, make a circle and approach the animal on the other side. Departing, the player comes out of the hearing area, and then "cleared" from the smell track.

Of course, manoka gives hunter advantage. However, this mechanic was balanced By adding complexity for older (and having a higher rank) of animals. Players / Hunters, as a rule, want to shoot a ditch more ... But in our game there will have to try to try to pretty much! Below I will talk about it a little more detail, but old animals react to the planks less often than the usual. In addition, as I said, they live in more complex locations and have more sensitive senses.

When the player is alarming the animal, it activates the animation for the experienced sense organ - it begins to sniff, look after or listen. Thus, the player is given a hint, which action disturbed the animal.

Pain and hit in different parts of the body

Since the player does not know which organ I got (and, therefore, how long it is necessary to follow the animals), "pain" behavior should be very detailed, because it contains important information For a player. By the way, here is an example painful behavior. Cotw's animation team made fantastic work - thanks to them, each animation is read as an open book.

The chief element of Thehunter franchise is ethical huntingwhose essence is that players encourage animals to kill animals as humane. For those who do not hunt, the concept of "ethical hunting" seems strange (I also had to figure it out well what it is), but there are many rules in it - which different hunters understand differently - aimed at minimizing the suffering of the animal. Read about it was very interesting. Studying the topics of hunting, I have imbued with great respect for the hunt and how different hunters are suitable for ethics (in particular, these differences are clearly visible between hunters from countries and regions).

In games where people are enemies, as a rule, in great honor headshotBut in the hunt everything is not so definitely. In the hunt of Heddshot - the reason for disputes, and the hunter can not shoot the animal to the head just because of humanity considerations (Factors like wind and sizes / skull thickness) are played here.

Hunters / Players, as a rule, try to get into the back, heart or light, so it is important that the animal model is in a certain part of the body the corresponding animation included, not to mention change other aspects of AI It seems to distance running.

In-depth II

Now, when we dealt with the basics of the design of AI for new species of animals, let's look at how this AI can be improved.

As I said, players (especially real hunters) immediately understand when the animal AI is made as. It's like a good localization, interface or program - players simply do not notice when the product is made well. But what is done bad, the same second is striking.


I also mentioned that in the development process I had to shut a whole bunch of materials about the hunt. In addition to jokes. I revised the videos of animal behavior. Our morning Stockholm meetings started the sound of a real manka, and soon after that some of us adhere to the monitor, a broadcasting picture from somewhere from the USA, where the deer began to slowly gather on the pasture.

(In the end, it came to the fact that the dreams began to dream about deer, having fun frolic in the green fields. I absolutely do not miss these dreams! The same thing was when I learned Chinese in college - I dreamed of strange Chinese, ridiculous in space .)

Watching so much the video about the behavior of animals was, of course, optionally ... But it was worth it! I found a lot of things that in the guidelines on the hunt and the behavior of animals was not in mom. I watched the video for hours, studying behavior different speciesand then tried to find the best way to introduce your finds to the game. I found such features of behavior that could not find anywhere else.

Details preparing a unique

For example, if you drive in the search "like a roe approaching the sound source from the manka", you can hardly find detailed information about the patterns of its behavior like S-shaped movement (Lani displacement pattern resembles zigzag), approximation speeds and other strange details that the hunter remembers with time, lining real roe.

Human influence on nature

Working on AI for TheHunter: Call Of The Wild, I suddenly realized that people also affect animal behavior. As a result, I decided to add appropriate amendments to the AI.

For example, the more people invade the territory of animals, the stronger the animals get used to people, in the end, in the end of the cities in the surroundings. Until 1981 in the United States there was not a single registered caothe attack with fatal exodus, and until 2009 there were not a single registered attack of Koyotov on an adult fatal man. If interesting, here is the link On the documentary about the attack (unfortunately, the fatal) coyote for the young Canadian folk singer Taylor Mitchell (Taylor Mitchell).

Although many animals from nature are afraid of a man, experts believe that predators gradually forget this fear, so it needs to be inspired again to stop attacks on people. (By the way, the native Americans are said to scare wild animals, thereby supporting their dominant position).

And this is one of the many details implemented in the game, however instead of removing victims and predators from human territories (points of interest), on the contrary, combined the habitat of man and animals to show what animals are accustomed to human presence.

(If you are working on the AI \u200b\u200bof the alien animal, then this approach can be used to add narrative elements. The habitat area of \u200b\u200bone species can be combined with the habitat of another, but to make the animals for a kilometer bypass where they once lossed in conflicts.)

I created by me, I also have a lot of other aspects that could be told about, but better if you test them yourself, playing in Thehunter: Call of the Wild.

Although the usual player who does not understand the behavior of animals can miss the mass of the nuances, their the combination forms plausible AI capable of constantly presenting pleasant surprises to the player. Of course, the player needs to be launched a lot of hours in Thehunter: Cotw before he understands the difference, for example, in lining of different types of deer, but all these little details, I repeat, make a tangible contribution to the impression of the game.


Judging from the point of view of AI designer, Thehunter: Call of the Wild was a truly fantastic project! In front of me stood task in the implementation of plausible animal behaviorbut at the same time there remained a space for creative freedom (for example, when working on an approach of an animal to a hunter).

Playing Other Games and learning how AI is being created in games of other genres, I realized that my knowledge of how to realize realistic animal behavior, applicable in other types of ii-design.

First, my methods can be applied to implementation. behavior primitive people , as well as aliens and other types of science fiction and fantasy creatures. (If you follow the development of Horizon Zero Dawn., you probably saw that they also used animal videos as references for their "animalistic machines".)

Working on Cotw, I also learned to other technicians, good helping in implementing. Take, for example, the same work with the game environment (referring to appeal points and how to realize them on game Map), which is absolutely applicable in the games of another genre.

Confess, it was very difficult (and I'm still understood) to create really realistic animal behavior in the game that should be for a player at the same time complex and interesting. However, see how my finds and the design of AI are going together, it was madly pleasant. Also, a very beneficial factor was that many developers worked on the original Thehunter and enriched the creation of the game by many things they learned when creating the first part.

Game designers and AI-designers COTW worked over many different aspects of the game to give the fans thehunter detailed and realistic hunting experience. Some players have noticed the difference between the behavior of different types of animalsAnd they even liked it!

Thanks to the teams of Avalanche Studios, Expansive Worlds and Thehunter! Working over Thehunter: Call of the Wild was amazing. Also, thanks to Patrick Enza (Patrick Enz) and Dan Peake, who worked on additional species and behavior of predators.