Dragon age inquisition is a description of the templar's techniques. How do you get a specialization? Specialization quest given by Hare

The plot of the game brings the protagonist to Skyhold, here the hero is waiting for a task that must be selected on the command rate table. After completing the quest "Specializations for the Inquisitor", which does not take long, three mentors will appear in your fortress. Each trainer can train the hero of a new specialization, this is new line talents, the receipt of which provides the player with new abilities and makes the character unique. To obtain specialization, you must complete the quest of one of the trainers. You can go through all three quests, but you can choose only one specialization. The trainers' tasks are to find items. Completing quests is a very laborious and tedious process, but without completing them, you cannot get specialization. The trainers will tell you about the features of each of the specializations.

Vivienne gives the player hints on finding items. The article describes the properties of all specializations and tips on the location of items required to complete quests, it also tells how to choose and get a specialization.

Dragon age: Inquisition - Rogue spec

A character with a specialization as a mechanic - the most familiar with mines and traps. The character is able to install a large number of objects throughout the location that weaken the enemy. Another property of the specialization is teleportation, the player can move at any time. Best suited for an archer, the maximum development of specialization leads to hitting the enemy immediately huge amount arrows.

In the Western Limit location, you need to find all the needles of the spineback leaders needed to complete the quest. Obsidian will have to be found in several locations: Crestwood, The Hinterlands, Sacred Plain and Emerald Graves. You can take the opportunity not to collect items in Crestwood, but send Cullen to perform the operation, he will collect all the obsidian from the location and bring it to you. The mechanic specialization scripture can be found with Varric, or it can be purchased from the bookstore in Val Royeaux from the vendor. Then you need to collect the tools on the application table and talk to Trehglazik, and then choose a specialization.

This specialization is great for control lovers, it gives the character unique properties... The character gets the skill of stunning the enemy, another skill grants the hero to hit the enemy while being invisible. For the entire group, an ally's assassin specialization means the possibility that the entire group may become invisible for a while.

To collect quest items, you need to destroy enemies in the Crestwood location, here you can find the icons of the leaders of the assassins guilds. The Assassin Scripture is to be found from Cole, or bought from the bookstore in Val Royeaux from a salesperson. You will also need the Roots of Death to complete the quest, they can be found in the Whistling Wastes or Western limit... Instead of looking for herbs in the Whistling Wastes yourself, you can entrust the execution of Operation Lelian. Then you need to go to the application table, create a knife on it, enter into a dialogue with the Heiress Hare and finally make the choice of specialization.

Specialization gives the talent for managing magic. An example of such a talent is the ability of a robber to put himself protection from the armor of one of the elements. When using blades, specialization allows the character to inflict great damage on the enemy, even with very low stamina indicators. This specialization is suitable for the player who has chosen a rogue and tied basic skills to the blades.

Vessels containing the essence are located in the Storm Coast location, but for this you will have to fight demons. The essence of the spirit can be obtained by destroying ghosts, almost everyone drops a necessary item. The Tempest Scripture can be obtained from Sera's room, or purchased from the bookstore in Val Royeaux from a vendor. On the application table, you need to collect a bottle of smoke, then enter into a dialogue with Khim and choose the necessary specialization.

Dragon age: Inquisition - warrior specialization

This specialization is great for tank characters. The talent provides the hero with a number of rare skills, which are based on the possibility of various distractions of the enemy's attention. Moreover, the presence of the Champion specialization provides the player with additional hero protection.

To collect the necessary items, you need to travel a little. To begin with, we destroy opponents in the Sacred Plain and find the most beautiful Heraldic symbols in the location. Veridius is found in the same location. By the way, you can not collect items in the Sacred Plain location, but ask Cullen to perform this operation at the command headquarters. The Champion's Scriptures can be found near Blackwall or purchased from a bookstore in Val Royeaux from a vendor. Next, you need to complete the task, for this you need to collect the standard on the application table, enter into a dialogue with Lord Chance de Lyon and finally choose a specialization.

The whole essence of specialization is tied to inflicting great damage on the enemy. It is possible to inflict huge damage on the enemy by using your own health scale. The Ripper can also draw a border around himself, in which his damage will be much higher than behind it.

In order to collect the textbooks on potions needed to complete the quest, you need to destroy the enemies in the Crestwood location. The creeping vine is found in the Sacred Plain, and can also be found in the Emprise du Lyon or the Emerald Tombs. Do not forget that there is an opportunity not to collect items yourself, but to ask Liliana to do this, she will find all the resources in the Sacred Plain. Scripture with the Ripper Techniques can be found next to Iron Bull, or purchased from a bookstore in Val Royeaux from a vendor. For the final completion of the task and obtaining specialization, you need to complete the last item of the application table and proceed to the dialogue with the Destroyer Trum.

Specialization lies in the fact that the character who owns it has special properties in the fight against demons and magicians. A very useful feature of specialization is the ability of a character to enhance the attack of the entire group, while the effectiveness of the player himself does not change in any way.

To complete the quest, first you need to collect the broken vessels of the templar, which can only be collected by removing them from the demons during Hinterlands... The embrium is to be found in the Hinterlands, it can also be found in Crestwood or the Emerald Graves. Collecting the necessary items from the Emerald Graves can be entrusted to Lelian, in other locations you will have to look for items on your own. The Scripture with the Templar's techniques must be found near Cassandra, if the task seems too difficult, then it can be purchased at the bookstore in Val Royeaux from the seller.

Dragon age: Inquisition - mage specialization

Sorcerer Knight Specialization (given by Helena)

The best is close combat, for maximum effect it is worth removing the skills of the hero and putting spells instead. This specialization allows you to inflict catastrophic damage to the enemy, you can also restore defense and mana right in battle. Gives the opportunity to restore health to the entire group at the same time.

In order to collect the essence of lights, you need to explore the location of the Brown Bog and shake it out of the ghosts. Lapis Lazuli will have to be found in several locations at once: the Western Limit, the Sacred Valley and the Whistling Wastes. You don't have to waste time searching for items on your own in the Whistling Wastelands and send Cullen to the operation. The Scripture with the Witch Knight's Techniques can be found from Vivienne or purchased from the bookstore in Val Royeaux from a vendor. Next, on the order table, we create the handle of the sacred blade, enter into a dialogue with Helena and choose a specialization.

Fans of controlling the situation will like this specialization. Its essence is not connected with the call of other creatures, it creates troubles for opponents. The necromancer can perform a number of unpleasant manipulations over the enemy: sow terror on him or turn him into a bomb.

The Newarr Skulls will be located in the Storm Coast location. Bloodstone can be found in the Emerald Graves or Emprise du Lyon location. You can not burden yourself with a search for objects in the Emprise du Lyon location, but send Cullen there, he will perform the collection operation. The Necromancer Scripture can be bought at the bookstore in Val Royeaux from a vendor or found near Dorian. Next, you need to create a precious skull on the application table, talk to Viuus Anakas and choose a specialization.

Specialization provides the player with the opportunity to use the strongest offensive spells. Not bad performance in control. In general, the specialization is very versatile, easy to play, because in all respects, it gives out average and not bad indicators, and after pumping the characteristics, the character turns into an excellent warrior.

In the location of the Sacred Valley, we kill the venatori and from their corpses we collect the venatori tomes necessary to complete the quest. We collect thin velvet from them in the Sacred Valley. We purchase the scripture of the techniques of the magic of ruptures in the bookstore in Val Royeaux from the seller or we find it near Salas. Next, you need to create a book of gaps on the order table, talk to the mentor and finally choose a specialization.

Development storyline leads the main character to the Skyhold fortress. There are three masters who can train the hero of a new specialization. Each of them - logical development main class.

Vivienne provides information on specializations in the game. To get a new profession, you will have to complete the quest to exterminate monsters and find a book with skills (Scriptures). Quest mobs do not look different from ordinary ones, but their characteristics are tweaked to the level of bosses.

Video overview of the classes and specializations of characters in Dragon game Age: Inquisition Ability Overview:

These bosses drop the necessary loot, and the Scriptures can be found at certain NPCs or in the bookshop located in Val Royeaux.


Cloak and Dagger Knights can become:

  1. mechanics;
  2. killers;
  3. or obtain a storm specialization.

Each specialization has its own tactical features... At the same time, the first is more suitable for archers, the second is universal, and the third is designed for blades.


The mechanic's ability to teleport around the battlefield and set traps opens up wide tactical prospects for archers.

The quest for the mechanic's specialization must be taken from Three-Eyed.

Quest Loot: Obsidian -> Starting Locations. Thorns -> Canyons, Nazair Pass, Prison Road. Scriptures from Varric.


Silent death masters, assassins, are capable of inflicting damage even in stealth mode. Moreover, a properly pumped assassin can make all party members invisible. A good option for the robber with daggers.

The specialization quest is given by Hare.

Quest Loot: Tokens -> Plains or Eastern Hills of Crestwood. Cole's Scriptures.


The name of the storm is the robber who has learned to handle alchemy. They are able to impose elemental armor on themselves and increase damage. Specialization for robbers with blades, the strongest skill is tied precisely to this type of weapon.

The quest can be taken from Kim.

Quest loot: Essence -> Thunder Coast (long river or storm fortress). The scriptures are with Sera.

This is an epic and addicting MMORPG style browser game. The main goal of the game is to save the kingdom of Alderstone from chaos. You can play Kingsroad with the help of three main classes: archer, mage or knight.

Quest for obtaining specialization from Sera.

Quest Loot: Remains -> Witch Forest, Western Road, Shaina Valley (Hinterlands). Scriptures from Cassandra.

The ripper

The Ripper's job is to deal damage. For this purpose, he even sacrifices health. He has various controversies that increase damage, including a special circle, within which the damage inflicted grows.

The quest is taken from Tram.

Quest Loot: Tokens -> Plains or Eastern Hills of Crestwood. Scriptures can be obtained from the Iron Bull.


Summoning an attack on yourself and protecting your companions are the tasks of the champion. A classic tank with a set of corresponding skills that increase its defense.

Specialization quest from Lord Chancer.

Quest loot: Champions -> Lonely Shore, Grove of Gilanaina, Hail'sulan. Scriptures at Blackwall.


Staff and Elemental Masters produce:

  1. rift mages;
  2. knights-sorcerers;
  3. and necromancers.

The former are aimed at inflicting damage, the latter become a kind of melee warriors, and the third are distinguished by good control of opponents.

Rift Mage

Fissure mages are damage oriented but have good control. Versatile specialization, easy to handle.

Quest loot: Books -> Grove of Gilanaina, Khail'sulan. The scriptures can be obtained from Solas.

Sorcerer Knight

This is a universal specialization. The Sorcerer Knight is able to restore the health of the group and his own mana. Deals huge damage and increases its defense. Universal specialization.

The quest for obtaining is given by Heilen.

Quest Loot: Essence -> Weeping Spiers, Old Passage, Granite Point. Scriptures in Vivienne.


The necromancer in Dragon Age: Inquisition does not resurrect opponents. It is designed to do dirty tricks. The high level of control will suit players who are used to taking control of the situation.

Quest at Viyus Anaxas.

Quest loot: Skulls -> Renegade's Place, Little Grove, Thunder Coast. Dorian's Scriptures.

You will receive the quest for obtaining specializations when you first enter Skyhold. You will need to first complete the "Specializations for the Inquisitor" operation on the command headquarters table. Upon its completion, and it does not take time to complete it, you will have three mentors in your fortress (according to the number of specializations that are available to each class). If you have not added a quest upon arrival in Skyhold and there is no corresponding operation on the table of the command rate, then you should visit a location and return back to Skyhold. Then you should talk to each mentor and take an assignment from him for training in a particular specialization. It is possible to complete all three quests from each teacher, but only one specialization can finally be chosen. You can get an idea of ​​each of the specializations from a conversation with a mentor, as well as by looking at the skill tree of your party members, because each of them has its own.

Knight's way

Taken from Lord Chance de Lyon. We collect majestic heraldic symbols in the Sacred Plain, defeating enemies here:

Veridius can be found in the same location. You can also ask Cullen to perform a resource gathering operation in the Sacred Plain at Command Headquarters. A book with descriptions of the knight's techniques either near Blackwall, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we collect the standard on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Lord Chance de Lyon to finally choose the specialization.

The Ripper's Way

Taken from Destroyer Trump. We collect textbooks on potions in Crestwood, defeating opponents in these locations:

Creeping vines can be found in the Sacred Plain, Emerald Tombs, and Empriz du Lyon. You can also ask Leliana to perform a resource gathering operation in the Sacred Plain at the headquarters. A book with descriptions of the ripper's techniques is sought either near the Iron Bull, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we fulfill the last condition on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk with the Destroyer Tram in order to finally choose a specialization.

Templar's path

Taken from Sera. We collect the Broken Templar Vessels from the demons in the Hinterlands.

The embrium can be found in the Hinterlands, Crestwood, and the Emerald Graves. You can also ask Leliana to perform a resource gathering operation in the Emerald Graves at the command headquarters. A book with descriptions of the templar's techniques is sought either near Cassandra, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we prepare a potion on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Sery in order to finally choose a specialization.

Path of the storm

Teaches this specialization in Khim. We collect the devices for holding the essence from the demons in the indicated locations on the Stormshore:

Essence of Spirit is often dropped from ghosts. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the methods of the storm either in Sera's room, or we buy it from a seller in Val Royeaux. Then we collect the vial of smoke on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Khim to finally choose the specialization.

Killer path

Assassin specialization is taught by the Heiress. Assassin Guild Leaders' insignia drop from enemies in Crestwood in these locations:

The book with descriptions of the assassin's tricks is either searched for near Cole, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. The roots of death are to be found in the Western Reach or in the Whistling Wastes. You can also perform an operation on the Command Headquarters table by asking Leliana to collect herbs in the Whistling Wastes. After that, we collect the knife on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to the Heiress in order to finally choose a specialization.

The mechanic's way

The quest is taken from the Three-Eye. The needles of the spinefishes-leaders are collected, in fact, from their corpses in the Western Limit:

Obsidian is to be found in the Hinterlands, Crestwood, Sacred Plain, and Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Crestwood by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the mechanic's techniques either near Varric, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we collect the tools on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Three-Eye to finally choose the specialization.

Path of the necromancer

Teaches this specialization is Viuus Anaxas. We find Newarra Skulls on the Stormshore in the following areas:

Bloodstone is sought in Empriz du Lyon or the Emerald Graves. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in Empriz du Lyon by performing the appropriate operation on the command headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the necromancer's techniques either near Dorian, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we make a decorated skull on the request table next to the quartermaster and talk with Viuus Anaxas to finally choose a specialization.

Path of the Sorcerer Knight

The assignment is taken from the commander Helen. Essence of Wisps is dropped by ghosts in the Brown Bog in these areas:

We collect Lapis Lazuli in Western Reach, Sacred Plain and Whistling Wastes. You can also send Cullen to collect resources in the Whistling Wastes by performing the appropriate operation on the Command Headquarters table. We are looking for a book with descriptions of the techniques of the knight-sorcerer either near Vivienne, or bought from a seller in Val Royeaux. After that, we make the hilt of the spiritual blade on the application table next to the quartermaster and talk to Commander Helen to finally choose the specialization.

The Ripmage Path

Quest issues your mentor... Venatori tomes are obtained from Venatori corpses in the Sacred Plain in these locations:

Thin velvet also falls out of the Venatori in the Sacred Plain. A book describing the magic of tearing can be found either near Solas, or purchased from a vendor in Val Royeaux. After that, we create a book about gaps on the request table next to the quartermaster and talk to your mentor to finally choose a specialization.

In this guide, we will present you with some good builds for the mages in the game. Most of them will be based on a specific specialization presented in the game.

It should be noted that magicians in game series Dragon age are almost the most interesting class and there are many reasons for this. First, they have their own storyline associated with the eternal confrontation between magicians and templars. Still, it is much more interesting to watch this confrontation when you have a direct relationship to it. Secondly, the ability to combine different spells to obtain a unique effect. Thirdly, excellent visualization of magic techniques.

In the third part, the developers seriously worked on magicians, for example, they removed all healing abilities from them and provided only eight slots for active skills. At first glance, many may think that this significantly reduces the number of possible builds, but in reality everything is different. The game features three basic well-developed skill branches, each of which can be used to achieve different goals. Plus, there are three more branches of specializations. As a result, you can make a huge number of combinations that can significantly change the fighting style of the magician.

We've covered five different builds in this guide: two of them are based on basic skill trees, and the other three are based on specialization skills. To use the build to the maximum, that is, to open all the necessary skills, your hero must reach the eighteenth level.

Lord of the Underworld

Already from the name you can guess that this combination is based on the skills of the "Necromancer" branch. As a rule, mages are considered dangerous fighters, capable of greatly harming the enemy with the help of powerful "spells" that hit the area. Necromancers are markedly different from such wizards. The fact is that their offensive spells do damage not immediately, but gradually (a spirit mark or a walking bomb), plus his main skills are based on control, and not on dealing huge damage.

Note: a controller is a character who can influence opponents, reducing their characteristics and controlling each step. For example, mages can scare enemies, hold them in one place, or push them away.

With this build you will not be able to support your companions, but you can seriously help them by controlling the enemy. For the greatest efficiency, your group should consist of two tanks that will protect you from opponents, and one damage dealer (preferably an archer). Thus, the enemies simply cannot get to you, and in the meantime you will send various curses on them with impunity.

Do not give up the "step into the shadow" spell, which allows you to get out of the battlefield for a long distance. In battle, it is necessary to competently combine the "spells" from the basic branches, capable of inflicting damage on a certain territory with the controlling abilities of the lord of the dead. In this case, you can single-handedly deal with the whole crowd.

Skills used

The "Tempest" branch - we open a chain lightning, a barrage of energy, a petrel, electrical conductivity and lightning. The first ability is effective against multiple monsters or humans. When cast, the caster releases an electrical charge that damages one enemy and then immediately transfers to others. It deals over two hundred percent of your primary weapon's damage.

Note: as you may have noticed, the damage of spells is not fixed, but directly depends on the characteristics of your weapon, that is, the stronger your staff, the more effective your abilities will be.

Thanks to the petrel, you will be able to protect yourself from opponents who come too close to you, as this "passive" will strike them with lightning. The lightning spell can deal a lot of damage to one enemy. In addition, she is able to paralyze the target for several seconds.

A flurry of energy helps perfectly in battle, damaging your enemies with the elements. Works great against monsters with a weakness for the elements. But for this it will be necessary to change the staves in time. As for electrical conductivity, it increases the damage from all skills, but at the same time spends a certain percentage of mana.

The "Underworld" branch - we take a sacrifice and a flash. The second can inflict considerable damage on the enemy and terrify him, and the first deals small damage across the territory. Note that for all spells, eight cells may not be enough, so when more powerful abilities appear, you need to get rid of the old ones. For example, you can turn off the flash.

The "Winter" branch - opens a step into the shadow and an ice grip. For the first ability, you can unlock an additional skill called "freezing gait". With the help of the grip, the magician is able to freeze the enemy, injuring him and preventing him from entering the battle. Especially effective against fiery rage demons. We have already discussed another ability earlier.

Branch "Necromancer" - all abilities should be opened, plus secondary skills. With the help of "fear" you can force all enemies to scatter in terror (works for six seconds). Thanks to the spirit mark, you can kill a strong enemy, as this "spell" deals huge damage for twelve seconds. Plus, if a fighter dies carrying a mark, then a ghost will move into his body and he will become your ally. According to its principle of action, the walking bomb is similar to the previous skill, just after the death the enemy explodes, and it is better not to ask what happens to his companions in this case.

The rest of the abilities are passive - they can increase the damage from all "spells" for a short period of time after killing another monster or fighter, make it possible to suck the souls of the dead to raise their health level and reduce the parameters of enemies in a certain area. Using the haste ability, which works on focus, the necromancer can speed up all his comrades and slow down opponents.

Rift Maker

With the development of a specialization called "Mage of Breaks", the mage has access to incredibly powerful spells that deal damage in a circle of small diameter. With this build, you will not be able to control the behavior of the enemy as well as necromancers do, but you will get the opportunity to destroy large groups of the enemy at once.

This build mainly combines skills from two branches: the rift mage and the underworld. The second one has excellent abilities that inflict great damage in the area, and the first one can "boast" of the presence of a spell that pulls all enemies to one place.

But do not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can meet monsters and people that are resistant to fire attacks, so you should open the barrier and ice grip. Most of the spells operate at a great distance from the target, so it is not necessary to take a step into the shadows.

The main combination will look like this: we cast the attraction of the abyss, pulling all the enemies in one place, then we hit them with a stone fist and a curtain blow to weaken them and knock them down, then we put a fire mine and use a sacrifice. This attack is usually only survived by bosses.

Skills used

The "Underworld" branch - here we take a sacrifice, a flash, a point of ignition, an oncoming fire, pyromancy, a fiery mine and a wall of fire. We have already considered some of the spells earlier, and therefore we will not talk about them again. Let's just note that, as with the necromancer, it will be possible to get rid of some skills at later levels. Decide for yourself what you don't want, but we recommend removing the flash.

If we talk about spells that have not yet been examined, the flashpoint is a good "passive" that can immediately restore an already used ability after your mage deals a critical strike to the enemy. In the initial stages, there will be little benefit from it, since the magician rarely inflicts critical hits on opponents. However, then the probability of inflicting critical hits on the magician will significantly increase, and this skill will be very useful to us. Thanks to pyromancy, the duration of burning and fear will increase by a quarter.

The oncoming fire significantly speeds up the recovery of skills. We open this "passive" as early as possible, because in this case the damage you inflict per minute will increase significantly. But the most useful ability is the fire mine. It deals 1600 percent of weapon damage to opponents, and therefore can kill weak opponents from one time. But this spell does not take effect immediately, but after a few seconds. Therefore, it should be combined with a fracture of the abyss or a stone fist, which will become enemies (keep them in one place). The wall of fire does not do much damage, but it causes fear in opponents.

The "Winter" branch - we take an ice grip in order to be able to effectively fight monsters that have high resistance to flame. From the "Spirit" branch we open the barrier. This spell is capable of protecting your character from any damage for a short period of time.

Branch "Mage of Breaks" - all "spells" are needed in it. To open them, you will have to sacrifice several skills from the "Underworld" branch: a flash and a wall of fire. Additional skills open for all spells. Veil Strike is capable of weakening enemies and inflicting minor damage on them. Be sure to use it before casting more powerful offensive spells. Thanks to the stone fist, you can make opponents fall to the ground - this will take them out of the battle for a short time and allow you to place a fire mine.

With the help of recharge from the veil and veil numbness, you can restore your mana and strengthen your spells, taking energy from weakened opponents. Choking the Veil and Twisting the Veil reduce the stats of enemies and increase the damage of your magic skills. The attraction of the abyss is considered incredibly useful abilities - it pulls monsters and people into one point, and also weakens them.

Knight Mage

The basis of this build is the Sorcerer Knight specialization. In its name, it is similar to the "Battle Mage" specialization, which was popular with players in the first part of the series. But in essence, they are very different from each other.

In Dragon Age: Origins, the battle mage became practically a warrior, that is, he could wear heavy armor and fight with a sword, not a staff. If we talk about a knight-sorcerer, then he is an ordinary magician who is simply able to fight in the thick of the battle and help his allies with supporting spells.

The knight-mage has good offensive skills (spiritual blade or retaliatory blow through the veil) and defensive skills (shadow cloak, shadow shield, knight-protector). However, they are most effective when combined with the skills of the "Spirit" branch. Using an improved barrier and several passives, you will be able to fight the enemy at close range without dying.

A focus spell is a return to life that can completely turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Skills used

Branch "Spirit" - in it we take the spirit of a protector, a barrier, elegant protection, fortitude, rebirth and an explosion of reason. The barrier is notable for the fact that it is able to create a special shield around the caster and his comrades, acting in the form of an additional timeline of health. It quickly disappears, so you need to cast it before or during the battle. The secondary skill of this "spell" increases the speed of the barrier recovery. The spirit of the defender automatically activates the shield of a magician who has received a lot of damage.

An explosion of the mind is a kind of impulse of power that allows you to throw opponents away from you and reduce their aggression towards the wizard. An excellent skill that will often save the life of your mage when fighting a group of enemies. Another useful "ability" is revival. Using this ability, you instantly raise all your comrades lying on the ground to their feet. The power of the spirits increases the strength of the barrier by half.

Branch "Tempest" - here we open a chain lightning and a barrage of energy. We have already written about them in previous builds, so we will not repeat ourselves. The "Winter" branch - in it we will come in handy: a step into the shadow and an icy grip. We have already described them.

Branch "Knight-sorcerer" - we take all skills except retaliatory strike through the veil. Most of the time, you will use a spiritblade and a shadow cloak. The first skill allows you to create magic blades that penetrate the armor and magic shield of the enemy, causing damage directly to health. The second one surrounds the magician with a Veil and makes him invulnerable for a short period of time (two seconds). It helps to break into a group of enemies, inflict maximum damage and quickly retreat (use a step into the shadows). Passive spells like shadow shield and knight guard increase the strength of the barrier. The revive ability, which spends concentration, restores all party members to maximum health and constantly heals them for ten seconds.

Winter protector

As you can see, past builds have relied on the skills of the three specs. However, this does not mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition it is impossible to pump a good mage without using the skills described above. It just might be less effective in certain situations.

All healing "spells" have been removed from the game. The "Spirit" branch now features spells that only support allies, but do not heal them. But with the right combination of these abilities with the skills of the "Winter" branch, you can create such a strong defense in your companions that after each battle none of them will have a scratch.

Plus, you will be able not only to support your allies, but also to inflict considerable damage on the enemy. To do this, you will need to use the blizzard and ice mine spells. They will be most effective against enemies vulnerable to cold.

You also cannot do without the ability to step into the shadows, which allows you to leave the battlefield and help comrades from a safe distance. The main goal is to support satellites with a barrier and revival.

Skills used

Branch "Spirit" - we take a pacifying aura, a barrier, elegant protection, rebirth, dispelling, explosion of the mind, preservation of life, the spirit of the protector, invigorating barrier and strengthening explosion. Some of these skills were discussed by us earlier, and therefore we will begin the description right away with a pacifying aura. This passive skill reduces the enemy's "aggro", making you completely invisible to them, so they immediately switch to your companions. The ability to dispel removes all negative and positive effects from enemies or allies. Thanks to the invigorating barrier, your magic shield not only protects your companions, but also increases the speed of their stamina and mana regeneration.

The "Winter" branch - we open an ice grip, a step into the shadow, an ice wall, a mine and armor, winter silence, a blizzard and a blizzard. Some of the abilities were studied by us earlier, for this reason, we will proceed directly to the consideration of other skills. Winter Silence speeds up the mage's mana regeneration after standing still for three seconds. In a protracted battle, it can be very useful. With the help of the ice wall, the wizard can create a large enclosure made of ice. This wall is able to protect the magician from enemies. An ice mine is similar in its principle of action to a fiery one. Although it does much less damage, it is able to freeze the enemy, making it incapacitated for a short period of time.

Ice armor halves damage taken. Use when your caster is surrounded by enemies. Using this skill, you can also strengthen the tank, making it almost invulnerable to enemies. But the best "spell" in the "Winter" branch is a blizzard. When used, a real blizzard appears, slowing down enemies in a certain area and inflicting constant damage on them. A secondary skill strengthens the main spell, after which it not only slows down enemies, but freezes them.

Once you get to level eighteen, you will notice that you start to have free ability points. We recommend that you spend them on skills of any specialization you are interested in.

Elemental fury

Even without the use of specialization skills in the game, you can create a powerful mage capable of inflicting monstrous damage on his enemies. This build is useful for those players who do not like to complete absolutely all the quests in the game, but just want to walk through the main storyline. The fact is that in order to obtain a particular specialization, you need to spend a lot of time on performing rather difficult missions.

The Elemental Fury build will help you in the battle with almost any kind of enemies, since they are all vulnerable to certain elements. But do not forget that this magician does not have any protective spells, so it will be useful to keep in the party one more magician with a pumped-up "Spirit" branch.

Another disadvantage of this combination of abilities is excessive monotony. In battles, you will need to constantly use the same methods and skills in the same sequence. Plus, you have to rely on your comrades in arms (the tank and the support mage) all the time, since you cannot defend yourself on your own.

However, if you use spells wisely and do not get on the rampage, then you can take out large groups of enemies with just a few clicks of buttons. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health bar and keep another caster nearby.

Abilities used

The "Tempest" branch - we open a chain lightning, a barrage of energy, an arc ejection, a static charge, lightning, an explosive lightning, a thunderstorm atmosphere, a petrel and a static cage. We have already talked about many of these spells, so let's go straight to the consideration of static charge. He sends a paralyzing electrical charge to a non-attacking enemy. This will give you time to get out of his field of vision and set the tank on him. The thunderous atmosphere will speed up the use of abilities. A static cage allows you to stun opponents in a small area.

The "Underworld" branch - in it you need to take a flash, pyromancy, sacrifice, a fire mine and an ignition point. We talked about all these skills earlier. The "Winter" branch - we take winter silence, an ice grip, a wall and armor, as well as a blizzard.

If you think your Inquisitor will benefit from getting fresher and stronger, then specialization is what you need. The meaning of specialization is simpler than ever. Several new skills will be added to you that will seriously help you kick your enemies. Despite the fact that you can choose a class, different specializations have many common features with each other, so no one, neither magicians, nor wars and robbers, will be deprived of powerful gags!

To start the chain of specializations, you need to find specializations for the Inquisitor on the map (just above Skyhold), and after completion, several skilled teachers will arrive in Skyhold for your training.


How to get the Mechanic specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete the Three-Eyed quest. To do this, you need to collect different things.
Obsidian and tool materials are not hard to obtain. As for other items, Thorns can be found in the Canyons, Nazair Pass or the old Prison Road.
Scriptures - in Varric's belongings or from the bookseller in Val Royeaux.

How to get the Assassin Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Heira's quest.
Tokens can be found in Crestwood, in the eastern hills, or in the plains.
Scriptures - in Cole's belongings or from a merchant in Val Royeaux.

How to get the Tempest Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Kim's quest.
Essence - by a long river or in a storm fortress on a stormy coast
Scriptures - in the things of Sera or from the merchant in Val Royeaux.


How to Get the Champion Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Lord Chancer's quest.
Finding champions will be easy - in the Grove of Gilanaina, Hail'sulan and on the Lonely Shore in the high plains. (Attention, the names in the Russian translation are most likely different)
Scriptures in Val Royeaux or in Blackwall's belongings.

How to get the Ripper specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Tram's quest.
Tokens can be found in the East Side Hills, Plains and Crestwood
Scriptures in Val Royeaux or in the things of the Iron Bull.

How to get the Templar specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete the Sera quest.
Remains of the fallen Templars in Witchwood (Witchwood), West Road and Shayna Valley in the hinterlands.
Scriptures in Val Royeaux or in the things of Cassandra.


How to get the Witch Knight Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Commander Helane's quest.
Essence at Granite Point, Weeping Spiers and Old Passage.
Scriptures in Val Royeaux or in Vivienne's things.

How to get the Necromancer Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition
Complete Viyus Anaxas' quest.
Skulls from the dead at the site of Otsupnik, Malaya Roshcha and Thunder Coast.
Scriptures in Val Royeaux or in the things of Dorian.