Educational game world of tanks. Useful tips for newcomers to World of Tanks that will significantly improve the level of your game. Crews for premium vehicles

This became possible thanks to the setting of the game: instead of elves and other fantasy characters, a declaration of love for whom guarantees skeptical views of friends and colleagues, WoT offers several dozen real combat vehicles, including the legendary thirty-four. It is not surprising that not only schoolchildren, but also adults play dances.

Buying cars

At the moment, the game features combat vehicles of the USSR from Germany, USA, Great Britain, France and China, Among them are light, medium and heavy, tank destroyers and artillery installations were created in the 30-50s, Combat vehicles are divided into ten levels, and at the beginning of the game, only tanks of the first level will be available to you. As you gain combat experience and accumulate "silver", you will be able to research and buy new modules for existing vehicles, as well as get access to tanks and artillery of a higher level, The so-called premium vehicles - they are available for game "gold", that is, for real money, premium vehicles have no advantages in combat, but they bring more credits to their owner than conventional vehicles of the same level.

In the hangar

Purchase interface


As a rule, the ammunition load consists of three types of projectiles: BB, high-explosive fragmentation and cumulative / subcaliber. BB are used against medium and heavy tanks, and high-explosive ones, which do more damage, are used against light vehicles and artillery. HEAT and APCR shells correspond to BB but are capable of piercing thicker armor; they can be bought for "gold" or a substantial amount of credits.

Maintenance - consumables and projectiles

Research window

The research window contains trees for the development of military equipment of different nations: here you can choose what to study next. To find out the main characteristics and cost of the car you like, move the mouse cursor over its image. And to view the development tree - click on it. The same window displays premium tanks that are not included in the main research tree. All the equipment and modules presented in the game have a real basis, and if you wish, you can find information about them in the corresponding reference books. However, for the sake of compliance game balance characteristics of virtual machines and modules do not always correspond to real ones.


If you have ever visited a museum in Kubinka, you can guess what the main hangar is. It contains all the tanks known in history, from the hangar you go into battle and return here to repair and replenish ammunition. It also contains information about all vehicles, their crews and technical equipment.


You can get acquainted with the crew in the hangar, as well as on the special "Barracks" tab, where free warriors are sent. For each device there are from two to six fighters who own one or another specialty (mechanic, loader, etc.), often more than one. As he participates in battles, the virtual warrior gains experience, which you can spend on developing his skills and abilities. In the personal file, you can familiarize yourself with his skills, experience, awards and the type of tank for which he was trained. If necessary, the user can retrain the crew for another tank (while maintaining the specialization).

Battle navigation

After clicking on the big red button "To battle", you, along with the tank selected in the hangar, will find yourself on the field. As a rule, it is a square map with a side of 1 km for open areas and 800 m for urban areas. There will be 14 allies around you, and 15 opponents in the opposite corner of the "ring". The lineups of both teams are shown at the edges of the screen: on the left - allies, on the right - enemies. By default, usernames and icons representing the car model are displayed there. Using the Ctrl + Tab keyboard shortcut, you can remove this information or, conversely, supplement it. At the top of the screen, a score is shown - the number of vehicles remaining in the battle on both sides. The combat objective is also stated here: as a rule, your team is required to capture or hold a base. The destruction of all opponents automatically leads to the completion of the goal.

Combat interface

In the lower left corner of the screen, a damage panel is shown - his "health", the state of the crew members and key modules (weapons, tracks, radio station, etc.). Concussion of a crew member or damage to the module reduces the combat effectiveness. Thus, the gunner's concussion reduces the accuracy of the gun and increases the aiming time, and engine damage leads to a decrease in the maximum speed or even to a complete stop. However, damaged modules can be repaired using the "repair kit" consumable (full repair) or by the crew (partial).

The first-aid kit will help to bring the shell-shocked back to life, or you can replace him with the crew commander, if he has the “Jack of all trades” skill. For orientation on the terrain, a mini-map is used (fig. On the right), located in the lower right corner of the screen. It is divided into 100 sectors (10x10) as in the old school game « Sea battle". The dots on the map show allies within range of your radio station ( green color), and the enemies you see or your allies see (red).

The shape of the dot means the type of car: rhombus - light, triangle - PT, etc. During the battle, it is very important to monitor the location of forces on the mini-map, to control the position of enemies and allies. Otherwise, you may be in the wrong place at the wrong time. At the bottom center of the screen, the number of remaining shells of various types and the amount of unused equipment (fire extinguisher, repair kit, first aid kit, etc.) are shown, provided that you bought it before the battle. By the way, we strongly recommend doing this - the ability, for example, to quickly repair the caterpillar and escape from enemy fire, saved the nerve cells of thousands of users. (especially for drivers of fast and fragile cars).

Combat strategy

The strategy of combat operations primarily depends on the type of military equipment on which you went out to fight. For example, the mission of LT is reconnaissance - even if your weak weapon is not able to penetrate the frontal armor of any of the enemy vehicles, you can show their location to allies and expose the enemy to fire.

Moreover, for artillery, shooting at the "glare" from an ally in most cases is the only way take part in a common fight - this type of technique does not like close encounters. During the countdown to the start of the bout, we recommend that you study the composition of both teams and inspect the terrain. Try to determine the direction of movement or choose the cover you want to take (on tank destroyers or artillery). If you wish, you can, using the mini-map or chat, inform your allies about your choice, but, as a rule, in random battles, few people are interested in this information.

Immediately after the start of the battle, players begin to disperse in different directions, try to track their movements using the mini-map. As a rule, on each map there are “well-trodden paths” for medium and heavy vehicles, convenient positions for artillery and cover for TDs - after several rounds on the same map you will learn to notice them. But keep in mind that the enemy knows about them too. You should not blindly follow the crowd: having met even small enemy forces, your allies are likely to hide in the folds of the terrain and begin positional firefight, while the enemy will drive around the crowd from the flanks or from the rear.

Artillery features

Artillery (or self-propelled guns) is distinguished by a long firing range (up to 1 kilometer) and the ability to survey the field from above, as well as the ability to effectively hit targets located behind low cover. Add to this the high-explosive shells of enormous power - a typical SPG ammunition - and you will understand why artillery has been so popular with some users and hated by others for so long. After a dozen unsuccessful attempts to balance or limit the number of self-propelled guns, the WoT developers decided to significantly increase the aiming time of artillery guns and reduce theirparity is 1.5-2 times. As a result, the number of self-propelled guns decreased several times, and battles on this vehicle became the lot of fans.

Artillery sight

Advantages of tank destroyers

Tank destroyers are similar to tanks devoid of a turret, but the tactics of playing with this vehicle has its own peculiarities. Due to the lack of a turret, these vehicles are forced to turn their hulls for aiming, which, combined with their low speed and sluggishness, makes them quite an easy target in close combat, especially for medium and LT. The only exceptions are American tower vehicles. Low visibility compared to the main vehicles makes tank destroyers a good choice for ambush lovers. Previously, the pleasure of ambushes was greatly spoiled by artillery, which could quickly "reach" a hulking tank destroyer, but after a serious decrease in the characteristics of artillery, they are no longer so terrible.



Task window

Combat missions are a relatively recent innovation by the WoT developers. In fact, these are several independent tasks that a gamer can perform in one or more battles. For the fulfillment of each of them, one or another reward is due. You can get acquainted with the list of current missions in the hangar by clicking on the "Combat missions" button in the upper left corner of the screen. One of the examples of such a task is to win 3, 7 or 15 trips during the day; for its implementation, the gamer receives 25, 75 or 150 thousand silver, respectively. Another example is the 1.5 times increased profitability on vehicles from the first to the fifth level. The first example motivates the user to play more, the second increases the number of vehicles in lower-level battles, which is very important for beginners.

Awards and achievements

The easiest way to find out your effectiveness in WoT is to click on the "Achievements" button, since it is in the most conspicuous place, under the "Battle!" Button. The achievements window displays your statistics - the overall efficiency ratio, the number of battles fought, the average experience, the number of victories, etc. If necessary, you can familiarize yourself with the statistics of other gamers on the World of Tanks website.


The same window contains the awards received by the player: "Heroes of the battle", "Honorary titles", "Group awards", "Commemorative signs" and "Epic medals". Some rewards are easy to obtain, while others require not only outstanding tactical skills, but also a fair amount of luck. To view information about the award and the conditions for receiving it, just hover the mouse cursor over its icon.

Vehicle statistics

That's all for us. I hope you have a general opinion about the game and will soon join the ranks of the tankers!

5 years and 11 months ago Comments: 35


Many people who were interested in this game, probably already flipping through the Wikipedia pages on the Internet, all learned in detail what it is. For those who do not know, I want to tell you about this.

What is World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a client-side, massively multiplayer online, real-time arcade game tank simulator in the historical setting of World War II, developed by the Belarusian studio The online implementation of the Russian version of the game took place on August 12, 2010. Online sales on site Europe and North America took place April 12, 2011.

The idea of ​​the game itself came from the developers in December 2008. After going through alpha and beta testing, a lot of battles were held, many maps and vehicles were formed.

Every year, the developers have improved the game, fixing bugs step by step. Many versions of the game have been released, maps have been fixed, equipment has been improved. At the moment, the game has more than 300 types of equipment and more 40 cards.


The cards in the game are square, the average size of a kilometer per kilometer, of course, there are also smaller ones. Many objects on the maps are destructible, some are indestructible, such as stones or walls of some houses, provide excellent cover.


At the moment there are 7 branches of technology, This is armored vehicles, Japan, etc. In the future, the developers plan to add equipment from other countries. The game contains tanks that actually participated in hostilities, and experimental models that were planned to be released, or were in single copies. All armored vehicles in the game are divided into categories, these are -, heavy tanks (TT), medium tanks(CT), and self-propelled artillery mounts(ACS).

Now let's go directly to the game itself. The official website of the game is, we go directly there and first of all, I think everyone knows and can. At the end of registration, you can indicate whether you can find it by climbing on Fan resources or in the news, or by purchasing a bonus under the mts program and the like.

Invite code gives a certain amount of gold, a premium tank is given, and forever and a premium for several days. Well, after registering, we go to our profile, we see there a small amount of gold, and then the question is what is it and why do I need it? Gold is valuable game currency , purchased for real money, or given for different ones, or for (more on it later).

Gold will simplify your development in the game, will allow you to buy a premium account (you will receive 1.5 times more experience and money). You can transfer free experience from tanks, which will be useful in the future for the development of stronger equipment, for gold you can also buy unique tanks, as well, which will be much better than standard ones, and a lot of useful little things. Also, after wandering around the sites, you can read, promotions, contests and much more.

Bonus code

Most often it can be found on many fan resources or on the off site of tanks, they are laid out on certain holidays, for example March 8, or can be found when purchasing a gift edition.

The bonus code gives either gold in a certain amount, or a premium account for several days, bonus codes also give equipment and very rarely a premium tank. In order to activate the bonus code, you need to go to the official website, log in and click on your login in the upper right corner, then select the "Enter bonus code" item in the drop-down menu.
Now that you have registered, directly, all this can be done on the same off site, and preferably only there. So, after downloading the game, we see the following picture.

We enter our registered data, you can also select a server, and we get into the hangar. What do we see here?

Understanding the hangar

And we see 7 tanks, which we get for free, one tank from each branch. I highly recommend going through education, there you will not only be taught how to control, but also how to shoot and you will be given gold at the end of the training. The menu tab contains the position to exit the game, return to the game, settings and actually disconnect from the server. I advise you to go to the settings and customize for yourself and your PC. Go to the bottom panel, here we see the channels, mainly needed for communicating with other players.

Contacts, that is, our friends, you can immediately find and add them.

General tab, that is, a chat where everyone communicates, a company tab, you can create a company and recruit comrades for battle. Well, the next tab is a clan, since I have already joined a clan, it is displayed for me, you will not join it yet, there will be nothing there.

In the right corner we see account in this case, basic, then gold, below silver (earned in battles), below free experience that can be spent on research for any module, any open tank. And actually the experience earned on this tank, which can be spent on researching the modules of only the tank on which you are playing.

Game modes

Under the tab To battle you can select the game mode, all of them 7 .

Random fight with a selection of random allies and enemies of about the same level.

Historical battle in fact, it's too early for you to think about it, since you need a certain technique and skill.

Platoon battle, that is, a fight in a team, invite 1-2 friends and go to play, much better and more fun if you are tired of random fights.

Team fight , a fight between players of equal skill.

Company battle, as I wrote a fight with manual selection of allies against random opponents.

Special fight available when you participate in tournaments and championships.

Finally, training fight where you can test the tank, or practice with friends.

Now let's move on to the tabs below, here we have a hangar, right now we are in it, a warehouse, our tanks and modules will be stored here and every little thing, a store, here you can buy tanks and a lot of useful things.

Achievements, shows all our medals received with general statistics on our game.

Research here you can spend experience researching tanks or modules, or just see how much experience is required for a particular vehicle.

AND barracks, here all our crews with armored vehicles will be accommodated.

We see on the screen 2 more tabs: service here you can fix the tank and buy shells for it, and appearance, here you can buy disguises or all sorts of emblems.

What tanks to download?

Now let's go directly to armored vehicles... Where do you start? I will answer so at will, try whatever you like more that branch and develop it. Some people, after reading or looking at guides about tanks, immediately take for themselves the goal of going to this tank and follow only one branch, this is your choice.

From the very beginning our crew already fully gained experience and now you can put them on training unique skills by clicking on plus sign near the crew, the skills available for training will open, I think you yourself will understand everything that you need to put and choose everyone that you want. We chose a tank, do not rush into battle, go to the service, buy shells, put them on, check the boxes to replenish automatically, repair automatically, so as not to come here every time. Well, since everything is done then into battle.

The first battle in World of Tanks

The first battle and I do not immediately advise you to rush to the enemy base and shoot everyone, if the terrain is open, you can wait hiding behind bushes or a hillock, or you can go with a company of allies. If the terrain is like a city, then you can take a position for shelling and wait until an ally, or the enemy arrives, you can, of course, slowly break through to the enemy and highlight it, moving from house to house. So, if the fight is crowned with victory, you will receive silver coins and experience, experience can be spent on researching modules or opening a tank of the next level. If you lose, you will receive silver and experience, but in smaller quantities.

Per good fights you can get different medals, full list You will find in the tab achievements.

And finally, I want to tell you, do not forget to visit the official website of the World of Tanks every day, as there are some promotions every day. For more comfortable game I advise you to read information about tanks, see, they are also perfect for beginners (ps .. I hope the article will be useful for beginners and many other users and players.

Finally, here's a Wargaming documentary.

Prepared by: Frostninzya163

1.Card roll-out. The choice of the direction of attack. Platoon training in the training room

2. Learn to play in platoons with statistics of 65 percent of wins.

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Are you looking for a high WOT win rate?

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Learn to play tanks in a platoon with a top player (extra) on the World of tanks website quickly

Now the question of how to increase the percentage of victories in tanks will no longer worry you. Rolling out cards, tanking, siding at the beginning of the battle, etc. etc., all this you can ask our player when playing in a platoon. Learn to play with our site of tanks. Training in tanks takes place at a convenient time for you with a top player (extra), exclusively in a platoon, starting with training rooms and ending with random 2019. You will increase the percentage of victories and efficiency, as well as learn how to fill damage and perform lbz for about 260 and the second company 2.0 Excalibur, Chimera, about 279.

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Beginner WoT player it is not easy to understand the settings, the variety of tactics and types of tanks. In the course of the game, one has to deal with large amounts of information - not always useful. WoT training according to a special program for beginners is aimed at those who are more or less familiar with the game. The recruits have many questions and unclear points.

Our WoT tutorials section will help you solve the problem. Here we talk about the most important aspects of the game, focus on the nuances, demonstrate winning tactics, the use of which will easily raise the statistics.

We offer you to easily and quickly adapt to the battlefield, bypassing the thorny path of trial and error. As a result of simple WoT training, you will learn the benefits and weak sides military equipment of different types and different countries, master the styles and modes of play, comprehend the tactics of combat with one or another machine.

Using the support of experienced drivers, learn how to easily overcome obstacles and destroy rivals.

Hello my young or not very young friend. This material will try to set you on the right path,

So, you decided to play tanks, downloaded the client, installed it, clicked "BATTLE". So, what is next? And then, in the overwhelming majority of cases, without understanding anything, you will begin to blunt hell, shoot anywhere, but not at enemies, interfere with your allies, or just stand at the base waiting for someone to come to you. On the one hand, this is normal - at the first levels of the game, more than half of the players are just learning, and not always players who have a couple of thousand battles behind them and the tops in the hangar are very different from you. However, on the other hand, you don't want to be branded a noob (cancer, autistic, vegetable - emphasize the necessary) in the eyes of the gaming community? Then turn on your brain and learn to play this game.

To get started, just do not click "INTO BATTLE" at once, but go through the in-game "combat" training and watch the training video. With all its imperfection, it will at least show the very, very basics of the specifics of the game mechanism. You will understand the following: control is carried out, suddenly, with the help of the mouse and keyboard; to hit the target, you have to wait until the circle of information shrinks to its minimum size, and not throw it on the reaction as, for example, in some shooter (hello "contra"!); reloading between shots takes some time; not every hit on the enemy guarantees damage; the game has some kind of physics and the tank will not fly around the battlefield and turn like a racing car.

Don't ignore this button ...

The standard tutorial invites us to ride a medium tank and completely ignores introducing new players to the intricacies of playing on other classes of vehicles, of which we still have four. She does not even explain the basic things: medium tanks (ideally all) should break through the flanks due to their speed and maneuverability, light tanks - play the role of reconnaissance (both active and passive), heavy tanks - to push the direction playing from their armor, AT- SPG and artillery - stand in the bushes and inflict damage.

... and don't forget to press this one.

All of the above is, of course, averaged conditional. Each tank needs a separate approach, which depends on its technical characteristics and the style of play that you prefer. Each battle requires a separate approach based on the battle map, team setups, and the capabilities of your vehicles; you need to be able to make decisions in the course of the battle, use the map, battle chat, etc. It turns out to be a vicious circle: to learn how to play tanks, you have to play tanks (yes, a tautology). But, nevertheless, this is not entirely true, you can get experience not only directly through the gameplay.

It is clear that the training mode presented in WoT covers only 0.0001% of what you need to learn to play adequately. Playing without skills is at least not fun (although many players try to prove otherwise). What to do?

Here His Majesty the Internet comes to our rescue with many resources dedicated to this game (the site is one of such, if you are reading this, then you are already on the way to success!) And a dark, darkness of various videos dedicated to the world of tanks. There is an official forum for the game, where experienced players can tell and tell something, there are also training videos from the developers.

Naturally, as in any other game, it has its own "nagging fathers" - players who play better than most. They love to share their experience with others by recording videos, such comrades are called "water makers" (from the abbreviation V ideo O n D emand - "video on demand"). If you get into the habit of watching their channels, you can learn a lot of useful things.

Given the popularity of WoT, you will have to show your analytical skills in order to glean for yourself exactly what will be useful for learning to play tanks from tons of different information.

It also does not hurt to have an experienced friend in tank affairs. Such a person can teach something in practice, ride in training or in a platoon, show what to reap where. But, before turning to him for help, be sure to find out the number of fights he has fought and the percentage of victories, otherwise you never know.

I almost forgot one important little thing - remember, World of Tanks first of all team play... Even if you learn, like Chuck Norris, to kill a bunch of people yourself, it still doesn't guarantee success. The reason is that you are one of 15 players participating in the battle on the side of the “greens” (you cannot enter for the “red”, don't ask why), and if the team loses, you lose too. Losing - it is negatively reflected on your percentage of victories, and this, believe me, the players love to measure themselves in this game. So you should always try to play for the team, not substitute your allies, but rather help as soon as possible.

Remember: study, study, and study again!