Cooperative games Desktop List of the best. Cooperative games: Play with children. Adaptation with board games

Cooperative Board Games is a type board gamesWhen everyone is playing against the game. Such games have a number of advantages. The main one, of course, is a team approach. Participants work in such a game collectively, significantly increasing their chances of winning. They always have the opportunity to help each other if necessary. And secondly, there are no competition in such games, so the game is not so offensive, like other players. Rather, even gambling, collective mind always strive to recoup.

What cooperative games are

Everything existing games Cooperative type is conditionally divided into three large groups.

Fully cooperative board games are games in which participants collectively have to fight directly with the game. Winning or defeat in such variations of games concerns all participants together.

Semi-operative - this is a variation of cooperative games, in which the smaller part of the participants (one or more) is fighting with most players.

Examples of cooperative games

What games can be called the best in the genre of desktop cooperatives? Of course, this is a "pandemic", where participants are invited to prevent the development of four terrible diseases in the world, as well as the gloomily dangerous game "Zombies", where the players are invited to exterminate by all possible methods Resty dead. And for lovers of travel and feats on the lap of nature, the cooperative game "Robinson Cruzo" accurately like. Bright samples of such a genre are simple and colorful "Hanabi", a dangerous and merciless "Forbidden Island", silent "Moomarket" and others.

Desktop games like "Cooperative" are suitable for those who do not like in the game process of the presence of unhealthy rivalry, Complex requirements. To buy them we advise and inexperienced participants who fear defeats from stronger and experienced rivals, and those who like to feel in the team.

Cooperative games We train cooperation in the team, the development of the Command Spirit. Cooperative games allow to pump in friends of the morale, mutual assistance. And it's just very fun: fight together against the game!

It is worth clarifying that it will be about games without a traitor and the so-called Overlord (where one takes on the role of evil) - on them later I will make individual tops.

In general, cooperatives are a specific genre. Some hates him because of the problem of the all-knowing and annoying alpha player (although, in my opinion, this is a problem is not a game, but the players themselves) or simply because of the progress of the success of the team with comrades. Others do not like when not a live rival plays against them, but a soulless cardboard artificial Intelligence, taking illogical and sometimes stupid solutions.

Personally, my cooperative games have formed a warm relationship, because I started with them. I still like the process of discussion inside the team, overcoming complex tasks, solution of puzzles, with difficulty achieved victory. And sometimes it's just a pleasant time to spend time with friends for a good unait cooperative, where it is not necessary to sit all the way, bending over the tablet or resources in painful computing, and you can make a little bitten. In addition, cooperative bellows are the perfect option for family pastry, especially with kids who will not whine that adults are played.

Okay, proceed with.

  1. Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective

A game-book that consists of a set of exciting detective puzzles in the spirit of the adventures of the famous Masters of Sisk. You seem to read an exciting detective, in which players themselves are responsible for the development of the plot.

The set of detective consists of a London map, address directory and newspapers. The rest is 10 booklets with affairs, which should be revealed. As for investigating and making decisions, then complete freedom - you can go to the crime scene, to the library, police, check witnesses, etc. The correctness of the choice depends only on your deductive abilities and intuition.

Perhaps the only drawback of the game is that it is in English, and English there is an advance level.

  1. Gears of War: The Board Game

Unexpectedly suitable and complex cooperative on the same name computer game. It seems to be the usual "Dungeon Crawl", but without boring fantasy and with the original mechanics of action.

Lives of the heroes here are the cards on their hands. By giving orders and getting injured, the player is forced to drop them, which leads to a decrease in the level of health of its ward.

Multifunction cards themselves: they can be used for a direct purpose, activating the property (usually there are several consecutive effects); in a hopeless situation to reset the movement or attack; Or play according to the symbol during a comrade or enemies.

In short, a cool table fighter with non-obvious tactical solutions and chic miniatures. Minus for me one - all scenarios are very long.

  1. Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game

Naughty decals about superheroes, which for us killed almost all the other games of this type (only Nightfall remained). High Recharacterness and Absolutely Dry Process (not a banal purchase of victory points cards) is achieved due to insidious schemes (similarity of scripts) and many combinations of enemies and heroes. The same combinations are configured complexity.

Additions to the game was already under twenty pieces, but I have acquired only a few and, mostly, from personal sympathies to the heroes (Guardians of the Galaxy, Dadpool). In general, the best extra game in the opinion of the game fans in the ratio of "price-filling" still remains the first - Dark City.

  1. Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Burst into the top quite recently. The game fell in many ways like a similar card lord of the rings, including the best and reducing the threshold of entry.

Alive card horror Arkhama is excellently thought-out scenarios with outcome and solutions that affect the subsequent passage within the same campaign, the possibility of pumping its detective, building an effective deck, plus a good atmosphere for such a schematic card adventure.

Let's see how the variatives are scenarios and the stories themselves are interesting, but so far there is a desire to buy pads.

  1. Ghost Stories.

Wonderful puzzle. At first, the game seems to be inherent, but with knowledge of the decks of enemies and when the use of the properties of the monks of victories begin to come.

Like the simplicity of rules, a small "raid" of cubes, allowing specific moment Risk, and of course a gorgeous addition of White Moon, which at the same time complicates the salvation of the village, and adds powerful buns of heroes.

Ghost Stories for me is a standard of brainwash and keeps in constant tension of the task in a beautiful wrapper.

  1. Arkham Horror

Not an aging classic america, who gave a lot of exciting clock to lovers of creepy stories of Lovecraft. Probably, this place is more correct to put polished Eldritch Horror (and, in principle, now I advise you to take it, since there is already some kind of scenarios), but I completely satisfied with the UA with all the additions, especially if you play the Spanish leagues.

Wandering on the map in search of evidence and useful things, "diving" in other worlds, jbzyt cubes, unpredictability of cards of myths and contacts - for someone all this will seem too random, long and monotonous, but for me it is a great reason to relax and enjoy From gambling, mini-stories and thinking strategy against a specific ancient.

  1. T.. I.. M.. E. Stories.

Expensive, but very original pleasure that definitely stands at least try.

Before us is a game-story in which participants are agents of a secret organization that protects humanity from temporary conflicts and paradoxes. Going to other worlds and reality, they try to fulfill the tasks set by the bosses.

Each mission is a set of locations that need to be explored by the heroes, along the way, collecting evidence and constituting various logical chains. Despite primitiveness gameplaywhich consists in opening cards, reading text, checks on cubes and compare the information received, each scenario from the first seconds is immersed in an amazingly illustrated and thoughtful world with which you can interact.

Until now, with great impositions of new scenarios. Yes, they are disposable, but with ease are then sold. And sometimes it turns out to take something from friends.

  1. Robinson Crusoe: Adventure On The Cursed Island

Survival of heroes, who, after shipwrecks, were on the mysterious island, hazardous adventures. Rainy weather, food shortage, wild beasts, mysterious places, special conditions Scenarios - with all these tests will have to cope with the Round participants in the round.

In Robinson, of course, there are many randomness, but it is these accuracy and atmosphere (for it there are answers of events and adventures) I like it. You seem to have equipped the camp, provided myself with food, and here - Batz, everything turned upside down on the head: a thick fog, rain with snow, yes predators who devoured all stocks. I also like the chip with double effects cards, when they are kneaded in a deck, and your decision can then be aware of the future.


Of all the "desktop lavkrafts" Mansions of Madness I like most. Moreover, both the first and the second fully cooperative edition. In IOM, the most rich scenarios of history, and the process itself is close to the present thriller-detective.

The second edition is also a well-fastened tablet, replacing card stacks and a declining preparation time to funny. The lack for me is only one - scenarios after passing become uninteresting. Yes, the application is something randomasit (rooms, lout, monsters, the location of the key evidence), but the plot of this does not change. On the other hand, the "digit" allows you to kill new missions, without requiring additional components, and sell them at a more or less adequate price (~ 5 euros per scenario).

  1. Pandemic Legacy.: Season. 1

The first place was easy to choose. There is still a hundred times told before me. The game gave us 18 awesome and winding parties and surpassed all the most overpriced expectations. The child delight from the opening of boxes and envelopes, the development of characters and actions of action, the classic story about a global catastrophe with unexpected turns - all this was absorbed by us with a head for several weeks.

Finally, a few more names that are worthy of mention, but did not fall into the top:

  • MICE AND MYSTICS - Beautiful interactive fairy tale for playing with kids;
  • THE RAVENS OF THRI SAHASHRI - Original asymmetric card puzzle;
  • Space Alert. - real-time fan programming;
  • Castaways - placement of workers in advance with adventures;
  • Space Hulk: Death Angel - The Card Game - good compact card shooter;

"Laboratory Business games»Implements a large number of formats in which gaming technologies. Of course, we are more oriented on, the so-called live action games. When the action is "here and now", the players interact with each other, playback or space. In principle, desktop games can be attributed to those.

Table and business games

There are several experts among our consultants who are professionally engaged in desktop games: the development and sale of games, the organization and holding of festivals. We often use elements and mechanic desktop games when developing business, and sometimes board games in other projects.

For companies "Laboratory of Business Games" offers several formats of use "Stores":

  • in the projects that we call;
  • for adaptation of employees, the development of professional skills and competencies assessment.

In both cases, board games can act as an effective business tool. Little details about each of these formats.

Timbilding in office with desk games

This format is good when you have the task of rallying a team, to carry out a fairly short motivational or commander-forming event. And at the same time there are restrictions on the budget or there is no possibility to hold. In this case, we often offer our customers holding a "corporate game".

Board games for corporate game: corporate game

What does it look like? Our players will bring in your office (or another place where the event passes) several of the most popular and lungs for the development of board games. Moreover, we try to make the games in multidirectional. To everyone can find yourself in interest. For all time, our consultants are located on the site. Their task is to explain the rules to respond to emerging issues. Well, and in every way to support the participants.

One game engineer serves 2-3 tables, which can accommodate 9-12 participants (sometimes up to 15). Thus, we can organize a game for a collective up to 120-150 participants.

The duration of the game: from 1 to 3 hours.

Regularity is important in systematic work on improving personnel satisfaction. Malignatant formats of corporate events can be the basis of such work. AND desktop game Just as such are. Freedom of the format is that this is an event that can be a regular tradition without our participation. In this case, we can provide a company with a set of games, as we have a partnership with leading desktop publishers.

The second advantage is the speed of implementation. In our practice, it happened several times that from the moment of the request until the game was held no more than a day. Of course, we tend to prepare for holding (select games, plan logistics), but the speed of unfolding this format several times saved the corporate event of our customers.

Development and manufacture of board games

We also offer desktop development and card games For the needs of companies: for adaptation and training of employees, branded games as a gift.

Development of employees

For example, the most frequently ordered product is the "objection cards", used by the heads of sales departments and internal coaches for game development from employees of skills work with objections.

Another option to use card or board games is to create Sales-Guide and describing key products that the company represents.

Or it may be cards with the terminology used in the company or business area. And like in famous game "Alias", participants in teams must guess words on cards. In this game, important communication skills are practiced - skill simple words Explan to the client the value or the condition for granting the product.

A part of one of our recent (2014) project conducted for credit managers was built on such mechanics. RN Bank.

The game was carried out in 2 stages:

  • corporate version "What? Where? When?" on the knowledge of the company's history, the Renault brand (it was a conference - on the occasion of launching on sale of the new Renault Logan);
  • playing knowledge of banking, insurance and credit terminology.

As a result, each of the team members visited the role of an representing card and a galaming terminology.

Development of competencies in board games

There are several types of board games. We are not considering the mechanics of games now, but we draw attention to the behavior strategy that determines the winnings. In our opinion, the most useful for the development of employees can be:

  • cooperative, i.e. aimed at the joint solution of the problem, search for resources and "rudding" of individual interests;
  • competitive, built on the ability to better use the available resources and conditions of the external environment.

Accordingly, the main skills that can be developed with the help of board games are

  • communicative: negotiation, influence, counteracting manipulations;
  • thinking: processing and analysis of information, decision-making, systemic and strategic thinking.

Moreover, some of the games are not inferior on the emotional gas of live action and allow you to develop the necessary competence.

If you briefly submit a corporate event using board games, it will be built according to the following algorithm:

  1. Opening: acquaintance with the game and the designation of goals and regulations;
  2. Gotek: series of games or tournament in teams;
  3. Closing: Discussion of results, analysis of the actions of players, translating experience in the area of \u200b\u200bconscious skills and installations.

Adaptation with board games

We also develop board games that are built into the projects for the adaptation of young employees. In such games, participants can meet the corporate culture and the structure of the company, the regulations and the typical activities of individual employees. Game activity Due to emotions, it can significantly reduce stress when entering a new team with the established culture of communication, as well as to saturate the new employee with useful information.

Assessment of competencies using board games

Another sought -led direction - corporate board games to assess competencies . Most often, such a request arises when the company already has a model of competencies and assessment procedures. And you need to come up with something new ("Employees already know, many times passed ...").

The special complexity of such projects is due to the need to "hit" gaming actions In the corporate model of competencies.

Most recently, we have developed and manufactured 60 sets of the game to evaluate the directors of stores for the sale of electronics.

The game is built on the interaction of players with a playing field (city map and service fields) and cards. The game simulates the actions of the store director, applying to the inclusion in the personnel reserve (as the head of the Region).

For assessment and development managers, a session was organized to conduct the game and using the assessment technology.

Branding desktop games

How many companies annually break the head over the ideas of gifts to their customers and employees. It is important that this thing is beautiful and useful. Maximum - worked for increasing the loyalty of her holder in relation to the company. How not to remember the board games. After all, this is a product that causes emotions!

That is why we offer our customers a regular service - the release of desktop games developed under you. Our playbacks will select for you. the best way game mechanics. And designers will be able to create characters, appearance cards or gaming field With the reflection of your attributes and elements of corporate culture.

Autumn - the best time to sit down with friends at the home table, decompose chips, cards and cubes. Look AT ME talked with experts from the desktop games industry and collected a list of new products for those who are already tired of "Activities" and "Monopoly". Among them - Wargeim in the Universe " Star Wars", Similarly, insect chess, Kikstarter's Russian record holder and other leisure options in the company.

"Find for a spy"

"A conversational game for the company, suitable for the table, at a party, in the train and in any other situation. All players turn out to be in some place or in some organization, and one of them is a whim of the case falls the role of a spy that does not have the concept where it turned out to be. Players in turns ask each other questions and give them answers with such a calculation to issue enough information so that everyone else realized that in front of them "their own", but at the same time not to break too much that it could allow the spy to fulfill his task. "

"At all a new game domestic development. In it, all players have their own "role" and everyone knows the location in which they are located. All except the "spy", whom everyone is trying to calculate. By talking and leading questions, players are trying to calculate who else is not aware of where the action unfolds. And the spy has 8 minutes to understand what kind of object is we talking about, and adjust the situation under the current situation. I could say that this game looks like "Mafia", but I will not, because Soviet. Yes, the game is also for resourcefulness and eloquence, but the abundance of different situations, plots and roles make it much less annoying. "

"7 miracles"

"Beautiful and smart game On the formation of civilization on the example of ancient cities. Equally well adapted for any number of players (they can be from 3 to 7 people), it does not require a deep study of the rules and allows you to play a party saturated by events in just 30 minutes. Let us like both beginners and experienced players and will make it seek "additives" after the first acquaintance. "

"Card game, the same sudden and changeable as the weather on Tibet. The rules of her light and unforgettable, the game is perfect for both "hardcore" players and for people who have not played anything, in addition to the "monopoly". In general, Fluxx is suitable for friends and for family, so the game is popular all over the world. The set consists of maps in which there are many "goals of the game". With each progress, the rule can change, the sacred task of all players - I have been illicing and building a short-term strategy, fulfill the conditions of the current goal. "


"A team game in which up to 5 players can unite in the fight against deadly viruses threatening with all mankind. From most Pandemic games, the cooperative component is distinguished by the cooperative component, you can win or lose here only to all together, so the players are forced to communicate, build joint plans and solve the tasks thrown into the game system at every step. With the help of an adjustable level of complexity, the game can be adapted for participants of any age. "


"One of the few games of the Russian European-level development: and we, and" they "like the plot. According to him, players act as directories of paintings - they need to collect "the most commercially successful project" and "Oscar-" team in three stages: to determine the genre of the film, to hold "casting" of all the necessary workers, at the auction stage to compete for the necessary actors or other staff At the same time not to get out of the budget and finally remove the film. At the "Kickstarter" project gathered over 300% of the amount required. All illustrations in the Russian version are unique - the most authoritative directors and actresses of modernity are depicted on the maps.

Eight-minute empire

"A tiny strategy that opens the door to the interesting and cognitive world of board games. It clearly demonstrates that modern board games are not fun with the field for which you need to move chips, throwing cubes, and serious intellectual entertainment that requires analytical skills, skills to risk, predict the situation and economically spend limited resources. And all this - in just 8 minutes! "


"Abstract duel strategy that resembles chess, but absolutely not similar to them. Commander the ants, spiders, grasshoppers and other bugs, you need to surround the opponent's bee-uterus and do not let your surroundings. The parties are tickling one after another, like seeds, and the wear-resistant material of the chips will allow you to decompose the "hive" at least on the table, even on the beach, at least in a snowdrift.

Star Wars: X-Wing. The game
with miniatures

"The long-awaited wargam in the universe of" Star Wars ". The desktop interpretation of the cosmic battle has two distinctive featuresMixing the game from the class of similar. First, she has a low threshold of entry (At the same time, the audience, accustomed to "hardcore", the games still nourishes the gentle feelings to this toy). Secondly, the game will be released immediately ready, that is, the players will not need to buy additional miniatures. In this case, the possibility of collecting is present, and, if you really want, you can expand your armies. Miniatures, by the way, - heavenly beauty, will be released already painted. "


"The game in the genre of the QCA is a collectible card game, in which it is impossible to limit ourselves to the purchase of one set of cards, and you need to be constantly spent on additions and increase the collection. Unlike other card games like Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon - is pretty simple, but still quite strategic and deep game. As the main characters here, how to guess, the heroes of the names of the video games and animated series are speaking. The exit "Pokemon" in Russian makes it hope that in Russia or at least in Moscow, the community of players will develop, and may open official leagues. "

The editors expresses grateful studio PHOTOPLAY for help in organizing shooting

Each person communicates every day with his surrounding people, And the older we become, the wider the circle of our communication. Initially, the child sets up relations with parents and close relatives, then - with friends in the yard and school, matured - with colleagues at work ... Communication skills, the ability to work in the team and the art of communication - the necessary features of character, without which it is almost impossible to live in our progressive world.

How to develop and hone these skills, Considering a certain "stiffness" of a person who has fallen in someone else's team? After all, even for the usual acquaintance, according to the generally accepted rules, a reason is necessary, and the word unsuccessfully used in a conversation may have adverse effects. "Gorogov" is ready to tell you a universal way out of such a predicising situation - cooperative board games for the whole family!

Cooperative board games for the whole family will allow the players to rally and jointly solve the task set before them. In the board games of this genre there is no leader and lagging - all players will either lose, or won. But for victory, it is necessary to develop a joint strategy and together to accept responsible decisions, which implies communication between people. Remember that the joy of victory and bitterness of the defeat you divide along with the team of like-minded people, so do not forget to listen to the opinions of others ...