Role clubs. Where you can play board games: anti-cafes, clubs, game libraries. What games are there

Player- as you might guess, this is a person playing RI.

Masters- the organizers of the game, the people who created this game and those responsible for modeling external (in relation to the characters) conditions, that is, for the rest of the game world. Also, the masters are responsible for giving the game process completeness and integrity of a single piece of art, maintaining the players' interest in the game and the role, resolving conflict situations, general organization gameplay etc.

Game world- the world in which the game takes place. Remarkably, this is not necessarily our world. The world of the game has its own laws that apply to everything and everyone in it. On you as well. And these laws may differ from those in force in the real world.

The character- this is your hero living in the world of the game. He may differ significantly from you in his skills, qualities and even character. The character usually does not depend on your real skills and knowledge, although they can leave their mark. Thus, the character is separated from the player - he exists only in his imagination. But at the same time, during the game, your character is yourself. Inside game world the character is a full-fledged person, like other inhabitants of the world. A good quality of a player is the ability to fully get used to his role for the duration of the game, to understand his character, to live with his affairs and problems. This is a form of acting that is available to almost everyone.

"Through life" and "through the game"different kinds player activities. "Lifetime" actions take place in reality, but have no place in the game. Action "by game" takes place in the world of the game.

To play well, you need to understand the following things.

The player and character exist in different worlds... If you like, these are your two different roles (hypostases), and at each moment you can act in only one of them. It is necessary to separate the actions of the player and the character. It is especially undesirable to transfer events and relationships from the game to real world and vice versa.

It is necessary to distinguish between information known to the player and the character. There are things that the character does not know or cannot know, but at the same time known to the player... These things are called non-game information. The use of such information, as a rule, spoils the game or leads to absurdity. There are two types of non-game information. The first exists due to the fact that the knowledge of the player exceeds the knowledge of the character (for example, in a game whose plot is the events the ancient world, or a situation where the player is a specialist in a field in which the character is a complete layman). This is how anachronisms appear, such as attempts to invent gunpowder in the 3rd century. BC (relying on modern knowledge of chemistry!) or flirtatious aristocrats explaining to the hussar captain how to fight. However, this presents a problem only in case of contradiction with the spirit of the world or the character. Simple common sense helps to avoid such situations. In other cases, this is not a problem and rarely raises objections from the master.

For example, let's say you want to make a block system to lift a heavy rock. Your character does not have engineering knowledge, but you have a great idea of ​​how to do it. And if this knowledge is not something specific to the game world, it is unlikely that your GM will object. But if engineering knowledge is the privilege of a closed Order of the Great Mechanics or is simply not yet known in this world, this will violate the logic of the game action.

Another type of non-game information is much more dangerous for the game - it arises when the player becomes aware of the world of the game through the game that his character does not know. Using such information can seriously ruin the enjoyment of the game and even put it on the brink of collapse. For example, the team is given the task of finding the main rebel and sent to the outskirts. And suddenly one of the players learns from a non-game conversation that the main villain is here he is, the king's advisor. After that, there will be no detective story, intrigue, exposure and the corresponding emotional intensity.

The best remedy for problems with non-game information is not to know it. And if you did happen to find out - do not use it, which is a manifestation of elementary decency.

Loading, introductory- information about the current situation in the game world, about the character and about his connections with other characters. It is given to the player by the master.

Application- information about the player and about the character, which is required from the player in order to get a role in the game. Information about a character can include the character of the character, his story (legend, quenta) and other information.

What games are there

Role-playing games can be classified according to the time spent on them, according to the location, according to the degree of beauty or virtuality, etc. We will give an established classification by place and time. There are usually four types:

- Field (polygon) games;

- Pavilion (armchair) games;

- City games;

- Virtual games (board, room, "denzhen", "walker", "word", etc.).

Each of them has its own specifics and characteristics.

Field games

Field games are held on the ground, usually at a specially designated place - a training ground.

The features of field games are:

Entourage... As a rule, these games require more surroundings (appropriate clothing, weapons, imitation settlements, etc.) than pavilion and city games.

Scale... Field games last from several hours to several days. The number of participants varies from several dozen to several hundred or even thousands. Sometimes this includes features such as teamwork, time and distance scaling.

Commanding... The game becomes an interaction not only of individual players, but also of teams. Depending on the game, the team can represent both a state and a small group - for example, a reconnaissance squad or a family. Usually, each team has a leader who determines what the team will do. Usually the whole team is in one camp and has a common economy.

Time and distance scaling... It is a characteristic, but not an obligatory element of field games. The polygon is not endless, and often a lot of important points need to be placed. Therefore, everyone turns a blind eye to the fact that in the world of the game from “Moscow” it is often possible to reach “St. Petersburg” in fifteen minutes, since they are separated by hundreds of meters, not hundreds of kilometers.

Tourist component... As the name suggests, field games take place in the "fields", that is, in nature, usually in a forest. From this it follows that players should take with them not only things necessary for the game (play clothes, weapons, etc.), but also things necessary for life in nature (tents, sleeping bags, tourist rugs, bowlers, etc.) .NS.). It also requires a minimal understanding of how to live outside the city.

For field games large scale(This is especially true for "thousanders" - games with more than a thousand participants) the following characteristic features can be distinguished:

Characteristic genres- recreation of specific historical periods, fantasy, etc., which do not require a large amount of technical equipment.

Battle... For thousanders, realism, staginess and massive scale of hostilities are characteristic.

What do you need to play Field RIs?

Costume - in field games, the requirements for the surroundings are often high. The character's costume must match the world of the game. Usually, the specific requirements for a costume can be found on the website or blog of the particular game you intend to play.

Time. Since field games take several days, it is useful to carve out time for the game in your schedule in advance.

Minimum travel inventory (backpack, sleeping bag, travel mat, etc.).

Pavilion games (cabinet)

Pavilion and armchair games differ only in the number of participants, armchair games usually include several dozen people, while in pavilions sometimes more than a hundred can be involved.

RI pavilions are so named because they are held indoors, and the scene is limited by its framework. In many ways, they are similar to field ones, only smaller in scale (both in terms of time and space).

In time, they take from several hours to several days. Unlike field games, there are practically no collective goals and introductory ones on the pavilions. Although they can arise during the game through the conclusion of agreements between different characters. Almost any genre can be implemented on pavilion games, since, unlike field games, the requirements for equipment are much lower. The pavilion games are also characterized by a high filling of events, which is associated with the tight deadlines for the game.

Since in the pavilion game all interactions between characters and almost all significant actions take place not virtually (as in virtual games - see below), but “live”, your personal skills, charm and intelligence are of great importance. For example, attention to surrounding events, the ability to perceive new information (usually information from the introduction is not enough to fully understand the situation), the ability to adapt to the situation, the ability to conduct a conversation.

There are two extremes of pavilion games - purely image (the so-called "balls" or "theater-goers") and purely informational (so-called "information" or "Languedocs"). In the first case, the emphasis is on ensuring that the player most accurately, vividly and expressively played his role. A classic example is the Renaissance ball game. Great importance is given to the costume and the external design of the room (entourage), and the intrigues and problems invented by the master are practically absent. In "information systems" the situation is the opposite - almost all the goals of the characters are achieved by searching for the necessary information and bringing it together. A separate article will be devoted to the dramatic and informational layers of the game. It is believed that these two types of play should be combined in a good game.

Without what you will not be able to play pavilion games?

Without premises, but usually the master takes care of it.

Just like in the field games, a suit is required.

Virtual role-playing games (VRI)

The third type we are considering is virtual role-playing games... In different cities they are called differently (board games, walkers, driving, dungeons). We believe that this name (VRI) most accurately reflects their characteristic feature. Although in all RIs a certain part of the pictorial means lies in the imagination of the players, in VRI this is most clearly seen. This type of RI is very common, since it does not require anything specific to prepare and conduct. A place where the players could sit, paper for notes, a pen or pencil, cubes. And, of course, interest and desire to play. At the same time, the wealth of opportunities for such an event is no less, and good game for 2 3 players can prepare not less than 100 in the field. The virtuality of this type of games is high, because all interactions with the world occur through the master.

Of all types of RI, virtual ones have the greatest degree of abstraction from the environment (abstraction) and, as a consequence, the widest visual possibilities. They do not require special entourage, play costumes, etc. If a field game and a Languedoc can be compared to a theatrical action, then VRI is more like a dialogue in which the master describes the environment and the development of events, and the players say what their heroes are doing. In addition, VRIs do not require players to actually master the skills that their character possesses. Although it is desirable to have at least a general idea about them, otherwise there are incidents like aces pilots who do not know how to conduct an air battle, or world-class scientists who are not familiar with the basics of their science.

What do you need to start playing VRI? To begin with, the presence of players is absolutely necessary - there is no game without them. In addition to the players, you need a place where you can sit without being distracted by external factors, free time and, of course, a master. Separately, it should be said about the time. In general, a good detailed plot takes from 30 to 300 hours of real time, so it is common practice to divide the plot into sessions of 3-6 hours at a predetermined time. It makes no sense to make one session less than 3 hours, as the player has time to do too little in order to feel the pleasure of the game. The upper limit is due to the free time of the players and the master, so there are sessions for 8-12 hours in a row.

So if you have everything necessary components- you can start. Earlier we said that the game takes place in the form of a dialogue between the master and the players, but in reality it looks a little more complicated. The fact is that the master not only models the world and his reaction to the actions of the characters, but also plays for the inhabitants of this world. Players can contact the master at different options- both as a master, to find out the situation, and as one of the characters. It may seem daunting at first, but as you play, the difference is clear. The GM, in turn, can answer both the player himself and his character, and this situation requires an exact separation.

V virtual game such a seemingly trifle as communication in an indirect form seriously interferes. For example, a character meets his employer. The master, acting out the employer, asks: "John, how are you doing in marketing?" The player, instead of responding with direct speech, says: "I answer him that everything is fine with me." The appeal from the third person looks even worse. For example, a player says, "Well, he says he's okay." Third-person conversation constantly separates the character and the player, thereby knocking out of the game world. The game begins to be perceived as if from the outside and greatly lose in its emotionality. For the duration of the game, the character is you, not an outsider!

City games

The main distinguishing feature of urban games is that they run parallel to real life. As the name suggests, the scene is the entire surrounding real world. If we compare them with other types of RI, then by the type of action they are somewhere between field and armchair, and closer to the latter. Number of participants from 10 to 100, duration 1-6 weeks.

The degree of virtuality depends on how much the character's capabilities differ from those of the player. Most often, city games, due to their peculiarity, are held in a world similar to ours. Tensions at urban games are sporadic: high in short periods of time, and low the rest of the time.

Due to the fact that city games are highly stretched in time and go in parallel with the real life of the players, there are several problems inherent only to this type of game.

As in other games, a lot is virtual, but here a person simultaneously plays a role and acts in life. For example, your character is big businessman, but his occupation does not relieve you of real life from the obligation to go to couples at the university or earn extra money as a watchman at the checkpoint of the plant. From the point of view of the game world, such situations look unnatural and can knock the player out of the role, so think in advance how you can beat such inconsistencies between reality and the game.

Many events also take place virtually, which requires frequent monitoring by the master. And this is poorly feasible, and unresolved contradictions between the players begin to accumulate in the game. Whereas in the field game and the armchair game, the masters can constantly monitor the game.

Any interaction between players can be in life and in the game. Because of this, disagreements can (and do) arise about what was in the game and what was not. Especially when it comes to the information received. Again, game interactions look strange from the outside and do not always bring joy to ordinary people who have no idea about role-playing games.

Thus, the usual plots for city games are those where the characters must lead a normal life, pretending to be ordinary people ("Men in Black", Patrols, vampires, etc.).

On the other hand, these same features - the parallelism of real life and long-term - provide certain advantages. As a rule, the player acts without strong time constraints and can plan some of his actions for a long time in advance, which makes the actions believable, and also allows for some unexpected turns for the game.

What you need to travel to the game

To prepare for the game, you will need to submit an application (write to the masters or fill out a special form) and think over your character, as well as stock up on the necessary equipment.

Let's consider these two issues separately.

How to prepare a role and apply

1. Find out the theme of the game

Find the rules (through friends, other players, from the masters, on the Internet).

2. Find out the date of the event.

Determine the possibility of your appearance on the game. If you have the desire and opportunity, apply.

3. Write and submit an application (based on the requirements published by the masters).

The information about the player that the masters require is the name and / or nickname, contact information, place of residence, as well as medical contraindications and features that may be needed in case of force majeure.

Information about a character can include his character, values, needs and goals, relationships to the main forces and parties represented in the game, a short biography (legend, or quenta). Sometimes the player comes up with everything from scratch, sometimes the master gives out a ready-made role, sometimes the player and the master write the character together - the approach differs from game to game and within the same game from role to role.

If you know that you want something specific from the game (certain experiences, adventures, the realization of specific goals) - as detailed and clearly state your wishes to the master.

If you don't know what to write, it makes sense to talk to the master (preferably live). Start a dialogue by sending him a letter or submitting an application, in which be sure to indicate that you are going to the game for the first time.

As a rule, an already submitted application must be agreed with the master (if you are not sure about something; if you have not described what you want, or what you want does not comply with the rules; if you are submitting an application at the last moment - suddenly the role you selected is already taken).

4. Prepare for the game.

It is highly advisable to communicate with the master live. For this, the masters arrange pre-game meetings (“arrows”), which are announced on the website or in the game's blog.

Read the literature recommended by the masters, watch films related to the subject of the game, refresh computer and console games related to the polygon game being conducted. Try to make sure that this knowledge remains in memory.

Agree on joint game interaction with other players. Sometimes the masters arrange "games" (small play studies), in which the players "play" with each other.

Prepare a costume and other entourage items ( game weapon, authentic lighting, dishes and other household items).

Come up with something to do in the game, think over a strategy for the role.

5. Come to the game.

Find out the location of the polygon (on the website, in the game blog).

Find out if the race will be general or group.

Find out the date and time of arrival.

Take the contact numbers of people who can meet you at the training ground.

6. Find the master at the training ground and find out where to register.

7. Be sure to warn the masters if for some reason you suddenly do not go to the game.

Major mistakes and shortcomings when writing an application

1. The character's past life is not described, although in this world he not only appeared, but lived for a long time. Gender and family are often not indicated. In most playable worlds, a loner will NEVER SURVIVE. And the masters really do not like it when they apply for an orphan.

2. The application is a cliché. Orphans, aliens from another world, robbers and mercenaries - such roles are constantly declared.

3. The character's attitude to the main conflicts of the game and to the parties in these conflicts (peoples, actors, religion, war).

4. The reasons that led to the current situation in the character's life are not listed.

5. The created role is complete, that is, in the course of the character's storytelling, all tasks are completed, and nothing remains for the game. The character must have a need, a lack, a problem, a goal, an unresolved conflict.

6. The name of the character was chosen from a name from famous texts, films, songs, or the name of a celebrity was taken, and it does not correspond to the role. So, for example, Captain Jack Sparrow, Paris Hilton, Alisa Selezneva, Agent Smith, Sylvester Stallone, Barbara Ann are very obligatory names, and to call a character in this way means either doom yourself to full compliance with the bearer of the name, or show a bad taste in relation to those who took the trouble to come up with an original name. It is one thing to play the role of Galadriel and it is logical to be named Galadriel at the same time; the pirate Britney Spears is another matter.

Preparation: what to take with you?

Unfortunately, not all players and craftsmen are professionals in hiking or any other tourism.

Our practical recommendations are addressed primarily to the players themselves, who wish that the despicable way of life does not prevent them from playing. If you are an experienced tourist, make sure that these simple and uncomplicated things reach the friends with whom you are traveling.

Compliance simple rules will save you from such unpleasant things as colds and other much more serious diseases, and most importantly - from discomfort.

About weather

Remember that the game will take place in a very specific season in a specific region.

May... On May Day, during the widespread opening of the game season, night frosts on the ground most often occur, even if the sun is roasting in full during the day. In the taiga regions, the heat of the day during May Day is most often complemented by cold winds, while snow still hides in forest openings. By the way, a sudden snowfall in early May is a disgusting phenomenon, but completely normal.

June July... In June and July, throughout the middle lane, in addition to the sweltering heat, you can be trapped by thunderstorms and torrential rains, and this is very unpleasant even in the presence of warm nights.

August... In August, in the same middle lane, even with daytime heat, the night temperature can drop to zero, and the rains risk becoming prolonged and cold.

September no worse than August only in the southern regions (for example, in Ukraine), and in the same middle lane, which has set the teeth on edge, in the meantime, autumn is already beginning with might and main, with our favorite night frosts and possible first snow.

About clothing (play and non-play)

To play you will need a costume - if you have respect for the organizers of this game and the people with whom you happen to play, and if you are going to get the most out of the effective and adequate image of your character. Without a costume, you may simply not be allowed to play, so creating playable clothes is one of the first tasks that arise in front of you during preparation.

A suit that matches the world of the game can be bought or ordered in one of the workshops, made by yourself, or assembled from the things available at home, if your wardrobe allows it.

At the same time, your wonderful "outfit" should, if possible, correspond to the season. Super-historical clothes made of wool and broadcloth in the July heat will poison your life no worse than guipure and chiffon in the rain and snow. Chain mail, we note here, does not warm at all, but in the cold of the night it can very successfully provide you with high-quality bronchitis, and you need a solid chain mail here not only for historicity and fencing safety.

Since the weather can change dramatically even in the same season, you should count on it. Solution options: either a spare full suit (which can be financially burdensome), or, which is much more convenient, a composite suit consisting of several changeable items of clothing. A silk shirt or cotta made of thin fabric can be complemented by more or less warm surcoats, tunics, vests or raincoats. It is quite possible to wear warm leggings under a dress or a skirt (by the way, under pants, too), a thin turtleneck will not be noticeable at all even under a shirt, let alone under outerwear.

In sports and army stores, thermal underwear is on sale, which is actively used by lovers of active outdoor activities - from skiers to ordinary tourists. It is made of a special fabric that wicks moisture away from the body and retains heat, while it is quite thin and can be worn like underwear under any suit. In addition, there is a rich arsenal of scarves, capes, shawls, ponchos, capes, amice and hoods, which can be combined in any way convenient for you and your character. Here we note that woolen clothes keep warm even being wet through and through, and many synthetic fabrics are comfortable because they dry up instantly after a warm summer rain.

If you are going to play not during the hottest time, then it makes sense to take with you a set of warm underwear made of wool, fleece or other useful fabric - for a restful sleep. Especially heat-loving ones are advised to also take a knitted hat and even woolen gloves. By the way, in any case, a spare set of clothes, well packed from moisture, will come in handy, even if you decide to leave the game - you must return home in something. A warm sweater at the game is also never superfluous.

And a special magical artifact that every player should have with him, preferably not in a single copy - these are woolen or multilayer trekking socks! In them, you will not knock or freeze your feet, but I must say that the likelihood that you will be on your feet all day is very high.

Shoes are a separate song. On muddy country roads and forest paths littered with windbreaks, shoes and slippers can create the same difficulties for you, as well as carefully reconstructed "historical" shoes, unless they are special hiking boots or shoes (which, note, are not suitable for every role). So when choosing shoes, in our opinion, it is better to give priority to reliability and comfort, even with a relatively neutral appearance (by the way, modern urban sneakers not only do not fit most playful images, but also are not very suitable for the forest in terms of their technical properties) ... But even if you decide to fully match the image, you should definitely have spare shoes! You can put on your character as you like, but if you want to return from the training ground on foot, you should have with you ordinary, durable and reliable footwear for nature: hiking or military boots, leather or rubber boots. Speaking of rubber boots: this is a very useful item. It is better to sacrifice aesthetics when it rains. appearance but keep your feet dry, especially if you are in poor health, and rubber boots are the only shoes that can guarantee you. Moreover, the subject, soaked through and shaking from the cold, knocks out any thoughts about aesthetics from his head.

Game suits are almost never waterproof, and they can be, funnily enough, quite expensive. Therefore, additional equipment to protect the suit may turn out to be very useful - if, of course, your own health is dearer to you than the selfless "beauty of the image". A raincoat can be quickly put on and just as quickly removed, and the most common amulet against rain - an umbrella - in many cases can only add color to your image (for the information of the zealots of antiquity - umbrellas from rain and sun were invented by people not just long ago, but very long ago) ...

It only seems that all this junk requires an exorbitant effort during transportation - in fact, all these useful things can easily fit into the volume of a standard plastic bag. By the way, about the bags: all the things that you put in your backpack must be packed in them, then they will remain dry, even if you tumble into the river. With the help of additional items of clothing, you can insulate your suit so much that rain, snow, or temperatures below freezing will not interfere with your play.

About living

There must be at least one tent for three people. Romantics who are going to sleep by the fire, wrapped in a cloak, can expect the most unpleasant surprises - from the banal rain and night frosts to the rolling of the sleeping body into the fire with all the ensuing consequences.

If your kidneys, appendages and other delicate internal organs are dear to you, then please take with you a foam (it is a tourist mat) or - if space and finances allow - an air mattress! Not every landfill has coniferous spruce branches (which, by the way, you can simply regret), and sleeping on bare ground is risky even in hot summer. Rest assured, a thin tent floor won't save you. A sleeping bag will come in handy too, and it is usually much lighter than any blanket.

The tent must be accompanied by an awning! If it is not in the standard set of the tent itself, then it will be successfully replaced by a piece of polyethylene (bought for little money in the construction market and weighing quite frivolously). A polyethylene awning should completely and with a margin cover the tent from all sides, preferably with enough space under it for things that for one reason or another will be inconvenient for you to keep inside the tent. If the bottom of your tent is not made of waterproof fabric, then you will need another piece of polyethylene under the bottom. Remember - there is never too much polyethylene! And one more detail: the tent made of modern synthetic fabric burns almost instantly. And dense polyethylene is not. Sparks from a fire are practically not afraid of him.

Check the complete set of your tent in advance, and if it suddenly does not come with pegs, poles and stretch marks, be prepared to get them separately in advance or make them on site from scrap materials. By the way, improvised materials such as the same rope must be kept in stock with you.

More about awnings: if you are not too lazy to grab a separate awning or just an extra piece of polyethylene and stretch it on the ropes above the fire or any other necessary parking place (at a height of about 2 m, with a slope, that is, one edge is higher, the other is lower) , then you can forget about the nonsense falling from the sky and play in any weather. The only inconvenience is that a crowd of unfortunate people who have not done this can crowd under your tent.

About proper nutrition

We are not going to touch on the command food supply here. Our task is to remind you of what you yourself can do to insure yourself against surprises that will not allow you to receive communal benefits. Suppose, by the will of the game, you were thrown to the opposite end of the training ground in the wild forest thicket just during dinner, the team chef was killed and burned all the noodles, or the whole team, except you, simply did not come to the game with a full complement. Or are you just an individual player. Anything can happen. Should this ruin your game? Nothing like this. For such cases, there is "autonomy", it is also NZ - a personal supply of food, the most nutritious, lightweight and does not require separate preparation and does not spoil without a refrigerator! What is included in it - you can decide for yourself, depending on taste preferences and medical recommendations. The most convenient options to choose from: lard, smoked sausage, bread or biscuits, cheese, nuts, dried fruits, a flask of water or tea. This is what will allow you to refresh yourself at any convenient moment at any point of the landfill without gimmicks. Also, tactical stores, equipment stores, or army market stalls sell army rations, full or small, usually packed in a single camouflage box and filled with an already balanced diet. A full ration is enough for a day of good nutrition for one person, a small ration is lunch and afternoon tea. Also, dry fuel is attached to the soldering to heat food, which increases its convenience. When buying soldering, pay attention to the expiration date.

Separately about intoxicants - if you are not a convinced teetotaler and you have already turned the number of years prescribed by law. In cold or wet weather, one or two sips of strong liquor will certainly rejuvenate you and help prevent colds. But do not overdo it: a drunk person freezes much faster than a sober one, especially if he has already fallen into a dirty ditch. However, if he fell into someone else's fire, it would not be more pleasant for him. The usual supply of alcohol in the "autonomy" is 250 ml of vodka or brandy or 100 ml of medical alcohol. And it will hardly be useful for you to destroy the entire stock at once.

It is often frustrating to waste time preparing food while playing. But if you are going to play for more than a day and you have your own personal parking lot, then a small pot and a supply of food will be very useful to you, because without normal hot food people get tired much faster, freeze and sleep badly. When you are nervously and physically exhausted, you imperceptibly become somehow not up to the game. Even an ordinary bagged soup or instant noodles will save you from such a disaster. Among the adventures and victories, please do not forget to eat!

If you do not want to spend half of the game sitting in the bushes, water from natural springs should be boiled, because nowadays it is difficult to vouch even for springs. If there is no possibility for boiling, use special tablets for disinfecting water, they are sold at the pharmacy. Various filters are also useful: both army charcoal syringe filters and full-fledged field filters are available. And it will be very good if you have an emergency supply of not only food, but also clean water in a plastic bottle - just for an emergency.

Useful items

Costume and food are very good, but behind these global things, do not forget about the little things, not only useful, but also necessary.

It is very dark in the forest at night. And in the tent it is even darker. If your hands, feet and eyes are dear to you, a flashlight will not bother you. Ordinary, electric. With a set of spare batteries, of course. If electrical appliances are prohibited on this particular game for the sake of greater "historical" reliability, then no one will forbid you in the tent. If only because, as already mentioned, the tent is burning at a very high speed. Candles are good outdoors, and so are torches, oil lanterns, and kerosene lamps. By the way, so that the candle does not go out in the wind, it is quite possible to place it in a cut tin can or any convenient container. And if you want to be able to light a candle or make a fire in any weather, then matches and lighters should be carefully packed in something waterproof. In wet weather, special tourist matches for a fire or dry fuel will help you a lot; You can buy these useful items at household goods or camping equipment stores.

An individual first aid kit is a personal matter for everyone who is not indifferent to their own health. Remember that in the command first aid kit there may not be specific medicines that are necessary for you, they may run out, in the end, at some point, the general first aid kit may simply be out of the reach. Rely only on yourself - take with you the minimum that you personally need for survival.

Let's not forget about personal hygiene. You will be very grateful to yourself if you put wash items, toilet paper, and even more intimate hygiene items (pads, condoms, and sanitary napkins) in your backpack.

Mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and ticks can be waiting for you in the forest. If insects bother you, take an insect spray or cream with you. If the game takes place in the eastern part of our vast Motherland, pay special attention to the protection against ticks.

There are other little things that can make your life much easier. If your beautiful costume is complemented by a wallet or bag for necessary personal accessories, if, in addition to a dagger licensed by a combatant, you also have an ordinary folding knife on your belt, if your bag has needles and thread, a rope, matches, writing utensils and plastic raincoat raincoat, then you can consider yourself reliably insured against minor troubles in life, and sometimes even in the game.

The delights of life in the woods in themselves, of course, carry some kind of romance, but also certainly - they are not for everyone. To those who prefer not to remember about these charms at all, these charms remind of themselves inevitably and most often painfully. Follow a simple rule: the more carefully you prepare your equipment, the less time and effort will be spent on creating basic comfort already during the game. And the less the risk that you ruin the game for yourself and others.

Cheat sheets

Individual layout (without tent) for one person for a trip to the game lasting 5-7 days, middle streak, summer, t + 30 / + 10.

2.mat tourist (foam)

3.sleeping bag

4.Plastic film

5.clothes: pants, shirt, warm sweater, underwear, socks (3 pairs), woolen socks (1 2 pairs), work gloves, sleeping hat (for those who catch cold easily), jacket (wind jacket)

6.spare set of clothes (pants, shirt)

7.spare shoes (preferably waterproof)

9.mug, spoon, bowl, knife

10.comb, wash items and personal hygiene products (especially for girls), handkerchief and toilet paper

11.matches / lighter in waterproof packaging, dry fuel / plexiglass

12.thread, needles

13.Individual first aid kit (plus those medications that are necessary for personal reasons)

14.a flashlight (especially for those with no night vision)

15.flask (contents to taste, preferably water)

16.axe (preferred)

17.ropes (optional)

18. food grade HZ (safety stock) - see above

19. writing utensils costume and equipment

21. for smokers: take care of yourself

useful links - games calendar and - many workshops of the group use these bases to receive applications for games, there is also a calendar of games

phone: + 7 903 614 29 51

e-mail: [email protected] site

Opening hours:

Weekdays: from 14:00 to 23:00

Weekends and days of events: from 10:30 to 21:00

Club address:

Kosmodamianskaya embankment, 4/22, building B. Entrance from the embankment, first floor.

The nearest metro stations are Novokuznetskaya and Tretyakovskaya.
If you like to walk, and don't really like metro crossings, you can walk from Paveletskaya, or even Taganskaya. It will take a little longer, but the walk in the center is worth it.
When you come to the right home(you need to approach from the side of the embankment, focusing on the round white sign of our neighbors), go through the door with the sign "Location". You're at the place!

About the club

Location - a place in the very center of Moscow, where you can spend your time in an interesting and comfortable way. Several halls allow you to play, work and relax at the same time after walking along the embankment, without disturbing others.

We tried to combine the advantages of anti-cafe, coworking and gaming club here. On the one hand, instead of small coffee tables, we have full-fledged tables at which it is convenient to sit with a laptop, play or conduct negotiations. Wi-Fi has been established, you can print the necessary documents (even in color), there are stationery and paper.

On the other hand, we have cozy "niches" with sofas where you can calmly go about your business aside from other people. It's nice to hang out here for a few hours reading a book or chatting with friends.

All visitors, regardless of why and how long they came, have unlimited access to tea, coffee, sweet and savory snacks. Every time we order something new and unusual, which cannot be bought in stores.

So what to do in Locations?

● Play board games... We are quiet, there is no music (and musical instruments) but there are large tables and comfortable chairs. You can bring the games with you, or take them from our collection, which is constantly replenished.

● Just sit - alone or with friends. If you don't like board games, you can play consoles, or even watch a movie on a VCR. In addition, we have many sockets - there is where to plug a laptop or charge a phone.

● Listen to informative lectures and master classes, take part in events held by us and our guests. We talk about each of them in separate announcements.

We are always glad to see interesting and talented people - those who have something to learn from (or those who are pleasant to listen to). We host master classes, lectures and even small concerts! We are constantly looking for new ways to offer our guests a better time.


O special conditions and discounts for visiting the club can be found below, in the section "Promotions and special offers".

1) Masters who have applied for the game and members of the Leading League are eligible for free. On the day when the master drives, he can play for free (for example, on weekends, when there are morning and afternoon blocks of games).

2) The cost of participation in mass gaming events (D&D Adveturers League, Patfinder Society and others) is calculated at a flat rate (visitors pay for participation, not for time):

14:00 - 17:00: 300 rubles (only on weekdays)

17:00 - 23:00: 500 rubles

3) Participation in one day of the Mini Rolecon, Weekend in Locations and other events in which the games are divided into morning and afternoon blocks: 500 rubles (regardless of the number of games).

Night game + one evening game, or one morning game: 800 p.

4) For those who just want to drink tea or coffee, sit with their computer or chat with friends, there is a per-minute rate:

From 14:00 to 17:00 - 1.5 rubles / minute; stop check: 400 rubles (only on weekdays)

From 17:00 to 23:00 - 2.5 rubles / minute; stop check: 600 rubles.

Please note: the cost of the first hour is paid in full

5) The cost of visiting non-game events (film screenings, lectures, etc.) can be found in the announcement of each specific event.

To book a table for you free of charge, please contact us in advance, declare the game and indicate the total number of players.

Last time we talked about simple board games for beginners. And now we have made a detailed selection of where you can play them outside the home. The selection includes cozy anti-cafes with cookies, serious clubs with tournaments and away game libraries.

Why: In addition to cozy environments, wi-fi, most interesting books and tea with cookies, these cafes and anti-cafes offer a large number of intellectual board games, and also hold championships. All games are provided free of charge, in a cafe we ​​pay by the bill, in an anti-cafe every minute for actually being there.

Cafe "Bookafe"

Address: Glinischevsky lane 3 (metro Chekhovskaya, Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya)

Working hours: Monday-Thursday 11.00-00.00, weekends from 12.00 to the morning.

Games: Backgammon, Elias, Activity, Tick-Tock Boom !, Boom, Crocodile, Dixit, Honey mushrooms, Scotland Yard, Scrabble, Jackal, Kalakha, Beehive, Backroom bargaining, Rummy, Cephalopods, Hey, this is my fish, Zoomagia.

Antikafe "Green door"

Address and working hours: Milyutinsky per. d. 19/4, building 1 (metro Turgenevskaya, Chistye prudy), Monday-Sunday around the clock.

Games: Munchkin, Insanity, Preference, Funny words from Uncle Venza, Magic sand, Mysterium, Lord of Tokyo, Uno, Carcassonne, Lotto, Go, Coloniators, Master H.

Antikafe "Nest"

Address and working hours: Yauzsky Boulevard, 3 (metro Kurskaya), Monday-Sunday around the clock

Games: Bang, Twilight Struggle, Agricola, Puerto Rico, The Riddle of Leonardo, Eclipce, Dominion, Intrigue, 100,000 BC, Struggle for the Galaxy, Pandemic, Dracula's Fury, Cuba, Monopoly (Russian and English), Arkham Horror, Imaginarium , Pig, Overboard, Twister.

Board games clubs

Why: These clubs are for those who do not just kill their free time, but want to turn the board game into a serious hobby. Participation in tournaments is paid, it varies depending on the schedule and complexity of the tournament, all prices are indicated on the clubs' websites. To play in the club, you must register in advance.

Club "Unicorn"

Address, working hours: st. Krasnoproletarskaya, house 16, "Torgovaya Gallery", entrance 4 (metro Novoslobodskaya), Bolshoy Predtechensky lane, house 6 (metro Krasnopresnenskaya), daily, from 11:00 to 23:00.

Games: Magic: the Gathering tournaments, Magic: the Gathering tournaments for beginners, Warhammer 40,000 events, Warhammer Fantasy Battles events, Berserk tournaments.

European Board Games Club "Troy"

Address, working hours: st. Rabochaya, 38, second floor (metro Ploshchad Ilyicha / Rimskaya) Book club-store "Hyperion", Krasnoproletarskaya st., 36 (metro Novoslobodskaya), the schedule of the game libraries changes and is indicated on the website.

Games: Empire of magicians, Leela Chakra, Munchkin, Talisman, Citadels, Relax games, Self-knowledge games, Kryon Code, Cash flow, Tambolia, Transformation, Genesis, The Wizard's Path, The Path to Dream.

Board games club "Portal"

Address, working hours: Serpukhovsky Val, 18/28 (metro Shabolovskaya, Tulskaya), Monday 13: 00-21: 00; Tuesday-Sunday 11: 30-21: 00.

Games: Magic the Gathering, Berserker, World of Warcraft TCG, Dungeons & Dragons, Colonizers, Munchkin, Monopoly, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Fantasy Battles, Warmachine, Hordes, Pathfinder RPG, Legend of the Five Rings, Game of Thrones LCG, Patriotic War Game WAR ”, Axis & Alies.

Off-site game libraries

Why: The Mosigra and Igroved board games stores hold offsite games in parks (Gorky Park, Sokolniki, Hermitage Garden), in bookstores (New Bookstore) and in cultural spaces (Flacon, Winzavod). Tournaments are held at different times. The entrance is free. The animators will teach you any game and advise you on the choice. Game libraries can be seen in cafes and even in offices. The guys are sure to attend many music festivals.


Game libraries are held every weekend, and announcements are posted on the site every Tuesday.

Games: Lots of games that Mosigra has to offer, including Jenga, Zingo, Boom, Wanted, Imaginarium, Answer in 5 Seconds, 7v9, Ratuki, Tower and Bear.

"Game expert"

"Game expert" holds championships not so often, but on some important occasion. You can follow all the schedules and locations of the game libraries on the store's forum.

Games: on the menu everything that the "Game expert" has to offer, for example Voluspa, Gnomes-pests, Kung Fu, Elk in the house, Little witches, Roko-Tau, Seth, Uga-Buga, Fzzt! 2.0, Photo Party, Halle Galli, Hanabi.

We have not written about interesting and useful places for a long time. Where to go for a person who is fond of modern entertainment? Let's start with “ Locations», A club of tabletop role-playing games in Moscow.

On the embankment in the very center of Moscow, behind the large wooden doors of a house-model of the Stalinist Empire style lurked “ Location". The club is quite young, it is not yet a year old, but behind its back people are not random. Denis Antonov is known in the community as a co-organizer of the annual festival of tabletop role-playing games "" and regular toys "Rolekon Mini". Among the main tasks of Rolekon is to attract newcomers to the hobby and create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere for everyone who wants to play, find a party or a master. The idea of ​​a place where roleplayers can gather not only for events, but at least every day, has been hatched for a long time.

We didn't find our niche right away. On the one hand, there is an anti-cafe, where tea and cookies are cozy, but they are designed for a wider audience and it is not always convenient to play there, ”says Denis. - On the other hand, there are gaming clubs at miniature and board game stores, but they are still more focused on wargames and CCGs, and they have their own requirements and specifics.

As a result, the command “ Locations”Tried to create a place where roleplayers, board gamers and those who came“ just to sit ”can comfortably sit and play so as not to interfere with each other. In practice, this means large tables, lots of chairs, separate rooms and an online player search engine. Well, tea, coffee and, of course, sweet and savory snacks.

The club has not only something to play on, but also something. A small selection of board games has already been formed and there is a library of rule books for new games that have moved into the category of "retro" games. They, as Denis says, are needed rather for convenience, so that the players and the master do not have to carry huge volumes with them, but it is clear that every self-respecting role player has all the necessary books at home.

Most popular for recent times in the club Pathfinder, D&D, Starfinder, Adventurer's Diary (Savage Worlds). They also play Dark heresy by Warhammer 40,000, and in domestic “ Edge of the universe" and Dreamscape Carnival... However, now the time is coming when NRIs are becoming more and more highly specialized, and the lover of even the most exotic settings and mechanics will find something for themselves. Of course, the narrower the request, the fewer players, but the chance to find your party is provided by another advantage “ Locations“.

Of course, it's great when you have your own company of friends from the players and presenters, with which you can come and drive out a party or two. But what to do if friends cannot get together or there are simply no enthusiastic companions? " Location”Sees its purpose in game-match, as well. connecting players and masters. On and in VK group you can find the announced event and join the game planned by the master. Or run one of them yourself. In fact, the mechanism allows even a beginner to be in the game, and Rolecon Mini is also taught at weekly events. The main thing is to be prepared to meet strangers, but the community seems to be quite friendly.

But the club is not limited to NRI alone. First, there is also a small but growing set of board games. Secondly, there is game console Sega with a real CRT TV and a fighting game unexpectedly found among other games “ Lord of the Rings”(!). Thirdly, armchair games are sometimes held here, i.e. live role-playing with costumes and full role-playing. Finally, the guys are developing a thematic lecture direction: many rooms are easily transformed into lecture halls with projectors. So, there has already been a master class on design in board games, a lecture by Alexander Breganov about the Big Model, and Denis Antonov himself is going to launch a course on how to start driving games.

Visiting "Location", you understand that the main thing there is people. Denis is an extremely friendly and knowledgeable person in games: there seems to be no question on which he could not read a whole lecture or tell a fascinating story. We advise you to go to the club at least to listen to his fables from the rich Rolecon past. And if you are just thinking of joining role-playing games, then he will tell and show you where to start. In general, the feeling of a “club” in its original meaning, i.e. community of like-minded people, here, on the one hand, is in the air, but, on the other, it is just beginning to take shape, and, obviously, everyone has a chance to have a hand in it.

The interior of the club is quite austere, but stylish. The team did not try to make some themed rooms out of the rooms, like a castle, a cave or spaceship... No, nothing here distracts attention from the actual game: each room has its own color, there are wonderful posters of films, games and comics on the walls, matched to the room's shade, comfortable tables and chairs. True, there are not enough sofas. And then there's Vault 13, a secret room behind a thick swing door. What was behind her, they did not even tell us. Maybe you're lucky;)

The club is located near the metro station. Novokuznetskaya, consider, in the very center, but you will not accidentally pass by such a place, you need to know where to go in advance.

If you go to "Location" to play board role-playing games, it is not the time that is paid, as in the anti-cafe, but the entrance: 300-400 rubles. The masters who have applied for the game are admitted free of charge. However, there is also a per-minute tariff for non-players: 1.5-2 rubles per minute.

V modern world great amount role-playing games. From this variety, anyone can choose something for themselves. Sports fans go to sports clubs, play tennis or football. Lovers intellectual games prefer chess. And lovers virtual reality sit for days computer games... However, there are also those who play role-playing games in the woods and on the streets.

In Russia, role-playing or Tolkienists appeared in the 1990s. The first all-Union role-playing game called "The Hobbit Games" was held near Krasnoyarsk. Then 130 people took part in the role-playing game.

Role-playing is a type of dramatic action where each participant plays a specific character. In the role-playing game, participants put on special clothes. Each has its own weapon and the necessary paraphernalia. Each participant in the game must behave in accordance with the rules. The game takes place according to a certain scenario, although slight deviations are provided.

Role-players make all the necessary attributes for the game themselves. But the weapon deserves special attention, since one of the key concepts in the role-playing game is fencing. Fights are carried out with swords made of wood or PCB. Axes are also used in games. In order to protect themselves from an attack, the participants in the game put on chain mail. Chain mail weighs about 35 kg, but well protect against impact.

Role-playing games are held in an open area. Role play participants have their own timetable calendars. Sometimes roleplayers have festivals.

Where in Moscow can you play role-playing games?

Creative club "Golden forests"

Creative Club "Golden Woods" conducts intra-club role-playing games, travels as a team to large polygon games. In the club, when creating a game, they make sure that the participants get a lot of pleasant impressions from a good rest and understand better about themselves and the world around them. The club also has a player's school. In the "School of the Player", participants develop acting and imagination. The School also helps to get rid of complexes that are associated with behavior in non-standard situations.

Workshop group "JNM"

The JNM workshop group opened in August 1998. The main activity of the team is the development and implementation of live role-playing games on the ground.

Historical fencing club "Arkona squad"

Here you can learn historical swordsmanship and role-play. Here they teach to fight not only with swords, but also with fists.

With full or partial use of materials, an active link to the site is required.