Batman Arkhem Origin Bain. Full passage of the storyline Batman: Arkham Origins. Morgue

Batman: Arkham Origins. , the harsh superhero weekdays of a dark knight take place extremely varied and saturated. Within only a couple of days, Batman manages and gain criminal individuals with all sorts of criminal elements of the city of Gotam, and restore the infrastructure of native streets, and to spend a dozen detective investigations - with the collection of evidence, forensic examination and knocking testimony from suspects. In the whole of this turmoil, it is completely easy to get confused - and then we come to the rescue.

In this material you will find the most important tips on the passage of Batman: Arkham Origins, solving the most difficult problems, as well as a useful video that will allow you to go through the game at 100%. With this guide, you can easily figure out all the notes of Gotama - so that Bruce Wayne can finally relax on Christmas.

For a start - somewhat simple, but very important for understanding the moments of Batman: Arkham Origins you need to know. Follow these tips and your The Dark Knight It will not leave the villains a single chance.

Review asking for help as much as possible. During movements by Gotham, you will also receive operational information about the debaches right now. Since such dumps usually occur in close proximity to your current position, they are better not to ignore. As a rule, you need to come to the crime scene and beat all opponents - the work is non-sharp, fast and profitable. On the one hand, for every help you will receive experience, and on the other - such collisions will quickly teach you effectively fighting Arkham Origins. The benefit of the latter is difficult to overestimate.

Not all you see, you can immediately get. All sorts of trophies, secrets and alternative paths that you will encounter during the game are completely optional to be available for you at the same moment. Very often, to obtain a particular award from you, you will be required by one or another gadget or the ability that opens along the story campaign. This means that the most best time To collect, for example, enigma data blocks - after completing the story of the game, when you will have the entire Arsenal of the Dark Knight.

Hidden passage gives much more experience than collisions with opponents in the frontal.If possible, try to stun enemies, staying unnoticed - after a little practice, you will certainly get easily and naturally. The hidiment dark knight will be much faster than experience, and as a result - and new abilities.

Stealth is good, but strong armor is better. To make life easier for yourself, the first thing to pump batman armor. First for the melee, and then - ballistic. So you already in the early stages of the game provide yourself with the best survival and save yourself a bunch of nerves in battles. Whatever a master of secretive passage you are, Arkham Origins will often force you to fight in an open battle with dozens of bandits - it is better to be ready for this.

For Batman, it is important to fight beautifully. According to the results of each skirmish with enemies, you will be issued a number of experience. The following points are influenced to the battle rating: the maximum length of the impact chain (or combo factor), the number of damage obtained (it is better minimized), the variety of gadgets applied in battle. In other words, you will receive the most experience, if you do not "skip" strikes, while using your arsenal in the fight.

Do not break the performance of side tasks. The capture of villains and the destruction of their plans are generously awarded with a large number of experience, as well as new Batman's abilities. Secondary quests Not only will help to stretch the pleasure of Batman: Arkham Origins, but will allow me to meet face to face with the most famous characters DC Universe.

If possible, test the system "Dark Knight". Built in the very game of achievements, on the one hand, will help you better learn certain sides. game mechanics (For example, you will be able to practice the technique of moving according to the GotEm or secrecy), and on the other, they will give a lot of experience on their completion.

Problem bosses

During passage Batman.: Arkham Origins You will meet a lot of villains of varying degrees of lousy. Some of them can deliver a lot of problems to a novice player. About where the main difficulties may arise - below text.

How to defeat Defstroekuka

DeathStroke, one of the first Bosses Batman: Arkham Origins, is a good test of your reaction. The most important complexity in the battle with it is to beat it in a timely and counterattack. It is very important not to hurry and press the confrudar button only when the corresponding indicator lights up above your head. If you spend the counterattack too early or too late, the Batman will receive an approving portion of the fence from one of the most skilled melee fighters in the DC Universe.

How to defeat Bain.

With Bain, we will meet in battle twice. During the first battle from the player, it is necessary to dare from the strongest bein strikes and beat the lightning series in a timely manner. In general, your first meeting with him should not give you special trouble, if before that you have successfully broken ordinary opponents.

During the second meeting, the battle will be divided into two parts. If the first one passes exactly by the same scenario, which is described above, the second part will force you a little tinker. Under the influence of Beane, it is impossible to attack in the forehead - Batman is forced to attack him secretly, using ventilation, grilles in the floor and electrical chains. Note that twice for one trick Bane will not behave, so you have to show a maximum of ingenuity. On a successful battle with a penny bein, you can see the video attached below.

How to defeat the insane hatter

The whole fight with the boss takes place in the world of the illusions of the Hattle: In order to defeat the villain, you just need to reach the end of the stage using your gadgets and an entrance. But it is easier to say what to do - several insidious traps and non-obvious scenes may well become a problem for a player. How to overcome it all - again, in the video.

How to defeat firefly

One of the last Bossov Batman: Arkham Origins. Nevertheless, the battle is simple enough - if you know what gadgets to use in a particular moment of battle.

How to open costumes

In Batman: Arkham Origins is represented wide selection Batman's costumes - everyone not only changes your appearance, but also gives certain advantages. Costumes open for certain actions and achievements in the game, and you can change the armor in the corresponding bat-cave department. That's what you need to do to unlock costumes for all occasions.

Batman. - Gives at the beginning of the game.

BATMAN ONE MILLION SKIN- Register in the WBID service.

New 52 Graphic - Grab all villains from the list of the most wanted.

Dark Knight- Complete all the tests.

Noel - Lay all the data blocks of the Enigma.

Injustice. - Get all the medals in the tests.

BLACKEST NIGHT - Get the level in the multiplayer.

Cains Enigma

For one hundred percent passage of Batman: Arkham Origins You will need to collect all the data blocks of the Enigma, which the villain hid well throughout the Gotham. To learn their location will help you interrogation of the Enigma agents (they are marked on the map of the city), and it will take you to get to them, this series of video will help you.

Twice, and the last fight is divided into two stages. For the first time we will meet this pumped murderer at the Gotham City Royal. He will wait for us on the highest tower in Penthouse. In the same place, he will meet, who after a brief show will be removed and leave the "bat" alone with Bane.

This boss will attack us with ordinary blows, as well as impenetrable attacks. To wORK BANE IN BATMAN: Arkham Origins It is necessary to shy away from the tarana (a or d + twice the spaces on the space), and the simple blows beatened with the help of counterattack (PCM), and then conduct super stunning on the adversion (click on the middle of the mouse to the middle button). Next, go on the enemy with the mouse and press the "E" key to tear off the Bane hose with the "Vienna" stimulator.

In the middle of the battle, we are thrown over the window, and we find ourselves on the terrace of the hotels where we continue the fight with our Latin romel. Now Bane will help his followers, but we advise you to not pay any attention to them and give the boss to spread our "assistants." Do super stun when there are ordinary fighters nearby - not recommended. After holding a combo strike Bane It will include the strengthening of the "Venomic".

Being under this stimulant, the boss three times attacks you with a tamental attack, and then call the local earthquake of the hand to the floor. After that, it is necessary to approach it close and make a super stunning. Then we carry out a combo and pull out the hose from it. Such combo must be done five times, breaking out of the back of Bayne five hoses.

After that, the battle ends, because the helicopters of the police are poured to the roof of the hotel and attack gangsters. Bane is hiding on his own helicopter and has time to shoot in Joker from Raucker, blowing up the platform on which his lime tenant stood. Batman saves clown and leaves the police timely.

The second time we will meet with Bane in the prison Blackgate, where Joker made a mass riot. There we have to fight again with a mercenary thrown, but this time in battle must someone die. The fact is that Bane installed a cardiometer on himself, which reads the blows of his heart. If it does not stop within a few minutes, the electric chair will work on which the joker sits. However, we cannot allow anyone to die.

The tactics of the battle with this boss is the same as before: first shir away from his taranny attacks, then try to dodge the jump, and after they make a super stunning and finishing the blow, pulling out the opponent from the back of the hose with the "Venomy". From last fight this will be different only with a large number of ordinary bandits in the ring. However, Bane himself will scatter them, and therefore you do not need to spend your time on them.

After pulling out several hoses, we activate electric gloves and try to achieve the clinical death of Bane. We finish the boss three more times and win the fight.

Joker runs away, believing that the "bat" finally committed a murder. The police captain Gordon and the prison chief are thrown behind him. Batman, with the help of its electric gloves, revives Bane. The mercenary attacks the dark knight and cries in itself new Type "Votoma", due to which Bane becomes even more and more, but at the same time stupid. The battle goes into the sewer of the prison.

In direct battle Batman not to defeat the boss, so it is necessary to hide from it in ventilation and underground trays, and then suddenly attack the Bane, when it suits very close. We repeat it several times until the cat scene appears, in which Bane throws the main character about the wall and pierces her through. Here we need to have time to tie the boss with cables and attach them to columns. Everything, now the mercenary is completely defeated.

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Steel factory, boss: Mednogolovka.
Hotel Gotham City Royal, Boss: Bane.
Prison Blackgate.
Search Bain.
Pioneer Bridge, Boss: Firefly.
Prison Blackgate, Boss: Bein, Boss: Joker

Level passage:

Hotel Gotham City Royal
Batman: Arkhem's chronicle. Walkthrough

Task: Severy electromagnetic electrical stroke signature

We move to the very center of the Gotham pioneer bridge. Here we detect the signal of the electrosker.

Task: Track the electromagnetic signature

We do not see the exact location of the electric shock, only the distance sensor to it. We go to the other side where the distance is reduced, as a result, we come to the quarter Diimond district to the Big Eastern Building.

Task: Peel into the Hotel "Gotham City Royal"

We enter the building through the southern door. At the entrance we destroy bandits and policemen. We get to the underground parking of the hotel. We destroy all the gangsters.

We wake a closed door. Inside Betarang press the button where electricity converges, then stretch the cable at the top and climb it. In the upper room, press the button to open the lattice door below. We enter a large elevator, we go upstairs.

Task: Peel into the guard

Lobby of the hotel. Silently destroying gangsters.

We enter the security room. On the video surveillance chamber, we look at the Assessassin and Joker assessment. In our eyes, the Joker throws out of the electric shock. Come to the fallen enemy, take a new weapon from him - shock gloves. Now it remains to climb up.

Task: penetrate penthouse

Next to the fallen chandelier and the electric shock is the suspension elevator. We climb into it and charge energy. With the help of the hook, we climb even higher in the open window of the building.

Eastern Tower - 10th floor. With the help of gloves, charge the panel on the wall, the grille will rise in front, slip under it. Kill gangsters. Gloves can be used and during the battle, if you press the LKM + PKM.

We enter the laundry, from there through ventilation into the mine of the non-working elevator. We get up onto the second elevator, charge it and go up.

Eastern Tower - 19th floor. We climb on the open floor, we are painted with gangsters. The rescued employee of the hotel asks to save the rest of his colleagues. We go further to the open window. We stretch the cable to the opposite building and rush there on the cable.

Western Tower - 19th floor. Around the angle we see the machine gun unit. Neutralize it with the help of a destructor. Then I charge the panel on the wall, we understand with the gangsters.

We enter the room ventilation mines. We climb up the protrusions, stretch the cable, turn off the fan on the control panel, we climb even higher - in open ventilation.

Ahead is opening a large valve with a bactcoge to redirect steam.

On the 25th floor we fall into the dance hall. Fight with a small gang, and then enter the joker test room.

Ahead we see four bandits on the electrical chairs, on the floor everything is flooded with water. Performance is given 1:30 seconds. Take the Batarangi rush to the left and right button at the top until the wooden shields turn to the side. Behind the shields see the attachment points, stretch the cable between them and climb it. From the cable we plan on a wooden balcony on the opposite wall. On the balcony we blame the wooden wall using the gel. Inside, we wake the control panel. The test passed.

Go down to the flooded floor, pass through the room.

We climb the stairs, turn out inside a large clown mask. We get up on the green button, run through the eye-eye, run a controlled Betarang, fly through electricity, we fly into the second eye masks, cut into a shield with fuses. The hatch opened on top, rose.

By railway We reach the next test. We look at what sequence the balls are blinking, then in the same sequence by footing with Betaranga. For the first time, a combination of 1, 3, 4, 2 (counting balls from left to right). Second combination: 4, 3, 1, 2.

We go further by rail. We jump onto the bottom path, and from there - in the arena with bandits. After victory, jump on the nearest balcony, press the button there from which the clown appears from the box. We stretch the cable between the clown nose and the wall, we leave the romp away from the park.

On the way on the 25th floor we save another hotel officer.

Overview bar. We approach the round structure suspended between the tower of the hotel. Ahead closed lattice door, so we climb into the hatch on the floor.

On the pipe, you will withpow the bar, we choose and destroy the enemies. We go further, we blame the thin wall on the left, we are closed to the street on the facade of the building. Baptights cling to the statue, and then for the open window.

Eastern Tower - 28th floor. We enter the room with a large timer. We are hacking the control panel to stop the bomb timer. But after hacking time before the explosion remains 24 seconds. Quickly jump out of the window (key w, space, space). We join the hook for the helicopter of journalists, and then jump on the hotel's top terrace. On the terrace alternately destroy two groups of bandits. Again we enter the building.

Eastern Tower - 40 floor. We enter into a large room with a swimming pool. Here you need to kill all Bain's mercenaries. After the victory, go down under the pool, in the central part of the room we enter the elevator.

Boss: Bain.

Upstairs we immediately meet Bane and delivers to Joker. After the next show Joker, we remain alone with Bain. The boss attacks the taranny attacks and simple blows. From the Taranians evade (in any direction + space, space), on ordinary blows, we carry out counterattacks (PKM), then we make ultra stun (SCM, SCM, SCM). After stunning, we carry out a combo and press "E" to snatch the next hose with a vein from Beane.

In the middle of the battle, we fly out the window and continue the battle on the hotel's terrace. Here, the boss constantly help several ordinary fighters, but do not pay attention to them. It's just that it is better not to start an ultra stun, Bain will overcome him with his blows. We need to wait when he causes an ordinary blow and then counterattack. After applying combo, Bain includes a strengthening of a vein.

When the boss is under the action of Vota, they shy three times from his taranne attacks, once they shy away from his jump with an earthquake wave, after that we approach him, we make an ultra stun, finishing and pulling the hose. After pulling out five hoses from the device on the back of Bain, we defeat it.

Police helicopters arrive and take into battle with gangsters. Bain is hiding on his helicopter and explodes Joker. Batman rushes down behind the serving joker and saves it from death. Below, Joker gets into the hands of the police, and Batman leaves the police environment in time.

Prison Blackgate

In prison, Joker was sent to psychiatric treatment. Joker's treatment holds the girl Dr. Harvey Queen. In the role of Joker, we participate in his nightmares. Fight with the audience in the comedy theater.

In the next nightmare, we get to the chemical plant, where the bandits were put on the joker red cap and threw on the conveyor. On all the ways hearing the dialogue of Joker and Doctor.

You also see the nightmares of Batman, in which I kill his parents.

Searches Bain
Batman's passage: Chronicle Arkhem

Task: Take the adhesive grenade

We continue to play for Batman. We find ourselves in a secret cave, talking to Alfred. In the south of the cave on the workbench take a new weapon - adhesive grenade.

Task: Scan the corpse in the morgue of police department Gotam

We move to the area of \u200b\u200bBurnley. We enter the sewage room in front of the police station. Inside, beaten by police, then descend into the sewer hatch.

In the underground tunnel, use adhesive grenades ("5" key to flush the open valves of steam tubes. Jump down to water. Throw the glue grenade into the water to create a layer. We get up onto the iceplace, batcohtems are attracted to the rings on the wall.

We leave out.

Task: Find out the Bayna Beach Location

We move to the Park Street area. We enter the building from the west coast. Through the ventilation mine we fall into the sewer.

We approach the water, from the adhesive bomb I create a raft, I am driving to another shore. We destroy enemies and pass to the closed zone of sewage.

Entrance to the Beane Field Staff. We enter the room to the right. We study the screen, take the audio recording about Bain.

At the exit, we look at the couch. We enter the headquarters of Bain. It is not here, but on the screens we see that Bain knows the main secret: Batman is Bruce Wain. Quickly chosen on the surface.

Bridge of Pioneers
Batman's passage: Chronicle Arkhem

Task: Warn Gordon about bombs

We go to the pioneer bridge. Neutralize the four special forces gathered to storm the bridge. We enter the door with a red wheel. In the technical premises, due to the boxes, we communicate with the captain Gordon.

Task: Find the bombs firefly

Police retreats, you can climb into the bridge. We wake up the elevator and enter it.

Secret: At the middle altitude, we see up the generator, we see the block behind the bars. Include detective vision, we see that the wire left the wire. Run a controlled Betarang up to the left, you crash over the wall into the switch, the lattice will open. We rise to the platforms to the floor higher, we attract the data block 11-7 claw.

Secret: Mine of a cargo elevator. Climbing the roof of the elevator, we go to the dark angle on the left. We look at the top there, Batkights attract the data block 11-8.

Secret: Charge the generator, put the couple on the opposite side. We jump there, then climb the ledge around the elevator mine. Almost at the very top, we rush another valve with steam, just below open the ventilation grille, we find a data block 11-9.

Climb upstairs, through ventilation go into a boiler room.

Here you need to destroy all enemies and interrogate the latter. On the statues of Garguli in the center, explosives are laid, do not need to be clinging for them not to raise anxiety. In the questioned learn that there are four bombs on the bridge. We are going to deminate the nearest of them.

Task: Need a bomb in boiler

We approach the panel in front of the bomb, we wake it up as usual, only you will need to guess 3 code in 30 seconds.

Task: Need to neutralize the bomb at the railway station

We climb on the elevator upstairs. Come to k charger, turn it on and raise the elevator is still slightly higher. We blame the door over the elevator. We defeat the enemies, unleash the lieutenant of the special forces of Howard Brandon, and then stun it.

We climb up the stairs, we get to the railway station. Silently eliminating enemies. After the victory we go to the management room opposite the car with hostages. On the second floor of the room, press the button, the car drops down from this.

We approach the open bomb, we wake it up.

Task: neutralize a bomb from southern support

We enter the room with a lot of bandits and with electric walls. Electricity enemies does not beat, but we do not need to touch the walls. After the victory, click on the button, we enter the door and neutralize the third bomb.

Task: neutralize a bomb near the northern support

We return to the railway station, and from there we go to the northern part of the bridge. After opening the fire damper we go to the large door on the left.

Jump out on the debris ahead, we go on it to the end, the side view will turn on. We jump into the abyss and cling to the cornice. On the eaves, we move further forward, and then go to the arena in the center of the bridge, where bandits are picked up. We beaten gangsters, then the firefly arrives.

Boss: Firefly

Damage from the fiery attacks of the boss (click on any side + space, space). Initially, we rush into the firefly with adhesive bombs (press "5", "5"), when it is glued, throwing it with three batrangs (press "1", "1", "1", "1"). Then repeat again: we glue it, throwing the shells. When the firefly is stunned, attract it to himself with the help of a bequecoge (press "2", "2").

After the second attraction of beto, the firefly will get angry, set fire to everything around and find a detonator from bombs. After that, we run forward, fleeing from the fire. We go around the cars, jump down. On the chips rise back to top. After the lifting on the bridge, we run to the right, jump onto a blue hanging truck, then ride under the big truck.

Requering to a dead end again, starting to fight with a firefly with the same method: we glue it and throw by Betarangi. When the boss remains the last division of health, cling to it with a hook (key "F") and finish in the air.

Task: Find Alfred

We approach the main control panel, renew the work of detective vision. Looking for Alfred, we find it far below, on the slope of the cave under the wreckage. We disassemble the blockage and reanimate Alfred. We approach the control panel and learn that Joker has captured a prison in which it was sitting.

Blekgate prison
Batman's passage: Chronicle Arkhem

Task: Stop Joker

Sit down at once near prison. We go and destroy the prisoners gathered at the front entrance. I liberate three policemen.

Task: Pendant Blackgate prison through the sewer

Go down in the hatch in front of the right burning window. In the tunnel we pierce the floor, we go along the lower floor. We get into the room where water on the floor is under electricity. Let us create a way, stretching the cables between the attachment points. We climb higher, break the wall, parim on opposite shore, Turn off the closed gearboxes. After that, the adhesive grenade creates a raft on the water, floating the tunnel forward.

We climb on the hill. We go into the control room on the left, press the button there and quickly run the controlled betarang through the electricity that appears, then crawl into the shield with traffic jams on the left of electricity. From this in the gateway will be filled with water. In the water, we create a raft, tighten to another wall and blast a thin place in it.

Further actively use sticky grenades. We cite all the steam valves, create a raft, float on it for the flow, on the way we rush another three valves. At the end, we see three screws in the water to escape from them, shoot three valves from above, the pipe will explode from pressure, then we climb on the top ledger.

Task: Stop Joker

We enter the central premises of the prison called the transition. Here you need silently neutralize 10 prisoners. After the victory we save a couple of guards and Dr. Harlin Queenzel.

We enter the prison unit B. We defeat the crowd of enemies. On the second floor, in one of the cameras, we find a pressing defector, which Joker was afraid to release. We go further and descend on the first floor, where you need to fight with a whole crowd of prisoners from 20 people, and then the huge versil will come out. Very a dozen combat improvements do not do here.

After the victory, we go to the corridor leading in a round compartment. There is another difficult battle with the crowd. Go to myself round compartment. Here Joker arranged another show.

Boss: Bane

Bain comes to the ring, it has a cardiometer on it, considering his heart blows. Upstairs, the gangsters hostage are the head of the prison. Joker is sitting on the electric chair, which will work if the heart of Bane will beat more than a few minutes. Some of two villains will definitely die, which Batman cannot allow.

Bane's fight tactics The same: we are driving from three of his Taranians, we are driving from the jump, then we make an ultra stunion (SCM keys, SCM, SCM), finishing, and at the end pull the hose from his back. The only difference is that around a lot of ordinary enemies around, it will have to constantly shy away from them.

After seeking Beane a couple of times, activate electric gloves to achieve the clinical death of Bane. We finish it three more times. Fight won.

Joker leaves the scene, the head of the prison and arrived captain Gordon chase him. Betman remains and revitalizes Bane by discharge of electricity. Bane immediately continues the battle and puts himself an excessive dose of Vomot. The fight continues in the sewage of the prison.

Bain walks around the cameras. Now Bane does not cause damage with straight attacks, you need to attack him suddenly. We can hide or in underground trays, or in ventilation mines. We are waiting when Bain will pass by, then attack the back, sit down on the neck and beat it about the wall or electric grilles. We repeat several times.

At the end, almost finished Baine throws the batman and pierces them the wall. On time cling to his hands with cables to the attachment points. Now Bain is definitely immobilized.

We enter into the control room, and from there to the death hammer chamber. We find the wounded chief of the prison. Here the liberated krok killer comes here, but the gangster sniper scares the mutant with his shot. Captain Gordon stuns a sniper and helps us in battle.

Boss: Joker

We enter the placement to the place of execution, then to the cathedral. Here we meet a lonely joker lying in front of the altar. We begin to beat Joker for all his atrocities. It is only sometimes fights off, and mostly - even enjoying the rage of Batman. At the end, we finish it until the unconscious state and rent a captain Gordon.

The whole game is passed!

IN final credits First, listen to a crazy song performed by Joker; Then the television transmission, where they talk about the soon opening of the psychiatric hospital Arkhem due to insufficient prison protected Blackgate. After the titers we see a video, where Amanda Waller comes to the prisoner, and he proposes to join the suicide detachment.

For the passage of the game opens mode " A new game + "(The passage of the game is once again, but with all open things, primes and improvements), as well as the ability to change the suit of the main character.

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Hotel "Gotham City Royal"

Get rich and died.

Joker organized a meeting with Batman's hunters. We get to the support of the bridge, we catch the signal of the electric shock and move along the sensor in the desired side. The hotel is located in Diamond, the entrance is stiguously protected by selling special forces and mafiosa. Penetrating inside, descend down and neutralize two enemies. Jumping out of the window, removing a small group of mafiosa. We are hacking the codeping panel of the lattice. Made by Betarang in the button to turn off the electricity. Upstairs is the point of attachment, we launch a managed claw into it. Rise upstairs, activate the button to open the gate. Go down, go to the extreme room and restart the main generator.

Rising on the elevator, we go to the lobby. On the second floor there will be three, one of which moves between the floors. It is best to intercept on the stairs. Two between the stairs leave at last. Go down to the first floor and alternately neutralize all mafia. The remaining can be stunned using double batranga, being at a high point. Then quickly go down and finish. We are hacking the door of the guard (near the reception). Through the cameras, it is not difficult to locate Joker. At the meeting, he kills the electric shock. We take the shock gloves, jump onto the platform and fuel the generator. Rising upstairs, cling to the upper construction. We approach the destroyed passage and we release a hook in the window of the tenth floor.

We go to the right and opening the door, charge the generator in the wall. The grille raised quite a bit, so accelerating and slipped under it. The more active we are riding enemies, the faster the scale of gloves is filled. Activate shock gloves that will allow much more efficient to knock out enemies, even those in a body armor or shield. We go into the laundry and open the grid at the top on the right side. We jump into the mine, we get to the elevator cabin. Quickly jump over the adjacent cabin and charge it with gloves. Without reaching the desired floor, we are clinging yourself behind the protrusion and discard the enemy down. Clearing the corridor, polish the employee. In the survey bar hold more hostages. We charge the generator to the right of the gate. Once by the window, we release a managed claw to the point of fixing the neighboring tower. We move on the other side and stitching the enemy.

Around the corner is an automatic turret. Turn off its destructor. We charge the generator in the wall and neutralizing enemies. We go to the ventilation mine, cling to the protrusions, we are moving around and climb everything higher and higher. The latter will be afraid by releasing the cable to the attachment point on the opposite side. Activate the button and cling to ventilation above the blades. Having passed through it, Bethekights grab the ring on the hatch cap. We cling to the top protrusion on the right and reset the thug.

Alfred wisdom is valuable not only useful advice, but also experiences experience.

We get to the dance hall, which is converted into a real amusement park. Merry little, because Joker arranged here tests for us. Award for successful performance - the life of the black mask people. We jump down and separated with thugs. As soon as the gate open, with the Metage of Betarang to the button on which the light is directed. We repeat the same with the second button. When both skips are brightened with green light, attachment points will appear. We produce a managed claw in them, climb the cable and fly on a small wooden ledge. The gel is undermining the flipped wall and wake a code panel (password - "Tuktuktuk"). We jump into the water, unfold and go to the right. The stairs climb upstairs. We get up on the button, run the managed Betarang, carry it out through the electric eye of the mask, deploy and, spending through the second eye, hit the shield.

We choose to the rails through the hatch opened above the head. Get to the room with the second test. The essence is simple: I remember what kind of masks blink and in exactly the same order, the relevant balls by Batrang. We go further and without jumping down, we fly to the pumpeds. If it fails to do this, then first fly to the lower rails. Crashing with opponents, climb the balcony. Press the button, we release the cable from the driven claw to the attachment point on the dramatique that appears. We move to the next balcony. From it, we go out into the corridor, get rid of armed mafia and asking employees. You can get into the bar through the floor ventilation system. Once under an armed thug, stun it. We are tightened by armor with trijil stunning and a number of powerful blows.

Having passed through the door, put the gel on the flip wall on the left. We cling to the ridge, then move to the open window on the left side. Charge the generator to the left of the gate. We are trying to neutralize the bomb by the sequencer, but we only do worse. The explosion remains twenty five seconds! We jump into the window double pressing the jump button + forward. At the last moment, we manage to cling to the helicopter. Jumping into the roof, we continue to fight, even though the view from the camera on the helicopter. Having reading the roof, we climb higher and pass to the building.

Get to the pool, climb the ridge and move on the opposite direction. Kill two on the second floor in the center. We are growing with enemies on the lower floor and finish the remaining. On a fairly large territory, only 8 opponents, so it's easier to wait when they are divided. We go down to the reception and we are hacking the body panel of the elevator door (the code "Operation"). Raise to Joker and face Bane. The battle will begin in the library, and then go to the roof. Double-click on the jump button shir away when the enemy is hung up to us. For ordinary attacks, jump over through it behind your back, carry out triple stun and applied a number of shots. Similarly, acting outside, only shy towards will have much more often. We also do not forget to neutralize constantly arriving mafia in time to enable the scale of shock gloves.

Bane flies with his people, but Batman has time to attach the tracking sensor to it. From the bayone-framed explosion, Joker breaks down. We overtake it in flight, counterattack and more or less successfully landed. The Special Forces detachment appeared grabbing Joker and cease to jail Blackgate, and we are no longer for the first time you can hide.

Prison "Blackgate"

Foreign Harlin Queenzel will hold a psychiatric test for Jokera, during which the patient is immersed in reasoning on the topic "Football Meeting with Batman." Fight from the crowd of criminals, slowly moving around the chemical plant. Where it is necessary - we jump, where it is necessary - quiet and where it is necessary - we will wait for the cessation of the fiery stream.


From the cave, track the Bane signal. Alfred synthesized glue grenades. We take them out of the table and go to the morgue, which is in the police department. You can get there through the sewer. Near the room with a hatch concentrated a large number of special forces. First of all we are painted with snipers on the helicopter platform of the neighboring building.

Cock circuit in pipes with glue grenades. We fly down, pass through the door and free two more passages. We climb upstairs, we wake the code panel and climb the stairs. Scan the corpse and study the operating protocol on the computer. The secret of the power of Bane is the substance "Vienna". Thanks to him, muscles and bones wave in front of her eyes. However, I. by-effect - Loss of memory, with the long-term use of "Vota". Leaving management in the same way, how they penetrated here.

Bane headquarters

Neutralizing snipers in the area, descend down and spread with less dangerous opponents. We start an attack from the strike in the arrow planning. We go to the tunnel, open the door to the right. We open the grid, pass through the mine and, descending down, we clean the territory from the enemies. We destroy a flit bar with a gel. Throw the adhesive grenade into water, jump on the resulting raft and batcohtems tightening to the rings on the walls. Faced with the real receivers of Bane, which also have a feedback on the back with the "Venoma", shy away from their attacks (red signs above the head) to prevent capture. One stunning for them will be enough, after which we applied a number of blows.

Going down the stairs, make an effort to open the door. Bane has advanced to study the substance. Although he practically leveled the danger of fatal outcome, the side effect can still occur at any time. Get to computers and discover our photos and videos with Batman and Bruce Wayne. Bane found out about the secret, and now the Privacy of Superhero is under great doubt. Meanwhile, a firefly appeared on the radar. He mined the main bonding bridge Gotam and captured hostages. The cave and Alfred will wait, because at the cone of the life of people who were in a dangerous situation because of us.

Bridge of Pioneers

Additional improvements are issued for performing certain tasks from sections "Particularly dangerous" and for the passage of the tests of the "Dark Knight".

Reaching the destination, go down and neutralize the police. We go inside and warn Gordon about bombs. When he leaves, we go to the elevator on the right side. We wake a code panel (password - "Rescue") and Baptights cling to the ledge on the left. Climb upstairs, pull the lattice and climb even higher. We charge the generator, plug the pipe with glue grenades and jump over the other side. We grab about the protrusion, shift to the end to the right. We are deployed looking up and clinging for the next protrusion. Through the ventilation shaft, we are chosen in the boiler room. Four Central Gorgoles are mined and, if you sit on them, the enemies will immediately discover us, and after the explosion we are taking down. Neutralizing criminals at the lower level. The last enemy will give up. Interrogate it to learn about the number of bombs installed. One of them in the center, remove the cover from the device under the furnace. For a limited time we wake a code panel. Each node will have only one available combination.

Through the door to the right, we pass to the elevator. We climb upstairs, apply a gel on a fragile wall and underminate. We jump over opponents with shock batons and attack them from the back. We unleash the hands of Banden and apply counterdaddar. We climb the stairs and pass to the station. We cling to the ledge next to the arrows. Neutralized both at once, we go down to the noise of opponents who escaped to the noise and also deal with them. Open the door in front of the central car. We rise to the control room, press the button and, breaking through the window, jump onto the roof of the car. Remove the lid, neutralize the second bomb. The fire door is blocked. We ask Alfred to get access codes. On the other side in the corner there is a passage that will lead us to the Southern Support.

By walking the challenge, charge the generator and lower the lattice. Slist under the pipes, trying to apply gel on the fragile partition, but fall down. We cling to the car and, reaching the middle, we turn left and jump onto one beam and jump over to another. Turn to the right, fly down and at the last moment you need to have time to cling to another car. Snipers neutralize exclusively without noise. I'll pass the failure, grabbed the ridge on the other side. We clean the switches from enemies. Click on the button, open the door and neutralize the third bomb. Return to the station, moving on the left side. We jump into the center and destroy the fragile partition. A new group of criminals arrived at the station. I hide under the floor, we wait for the enemy and neutralize it from the back. Eliminate enemies on the upper positions, and finally leave those that are near the fire door.


We charge the generator, we are chosen and cling to the metal beam. We shift to the right, grab the ledge and continue to move in the same direction. Tighten, we climb into the bridge and take into a fight with a lot of cruel. Shock gloves will be as impossible. Immediately after the fight arrives a firefly. We grabbed Beturkthem. The damage from the fire is very large, so you will often dodge. When the enemy freezes in place and is preparing for an attack, at this moment immediately throwing a glue bomb in it, and then give it to rapid batrangs. Stunned Firefly, attract the batcoctop, quickly and often pressing the corresponding button. After an unsuccessful attempt at the detonation of the fourth bomb, we begin to run away. Jumping down, cling to the metal beam. We are blinding the enemy with a glue bomb and quickly climb back to the bridge. At the second stage, in addition to the fire, you also need to shy away from the bombs. And mostly act in the same way as at the beginning. Complete the fight, clinging to the firefly and spending two counterdads.

Cave Batman

While we were engaged in saving lives, Bane managed to get to the cave and arrange the pogrom there. We interact with the computer to restore the work of the Betcomer. Going around the stairs, we turn right and fly down to Alfred. Removing the wreckage, we use shock gloves as a defibrillator. Fortunately everything cost: the butler survived and his condition stabilized.

Prison "Blackgate"

Joker captured the prison and raised the riot among the prisoners. Arriving in place, jerk on the gate and attack the arrow. Sliding the platform, penetrate the sewer through the hatch near the window. Long passing forward, applied gel on a fragile floor. Having climbed down, climb on such level. We release a managed claw to the attachment point on the other side. Similarly, we go around two more failures with electrified water. We destroy the flipped wall and fly down. Apply a blow to the electrical protection, we create a raft of glue garnet in the water and tighten to the Rings of Betchoem. Rising upstairs, go to the room on the left. As soon as you click on the button, we release a controlled Betarang in the opposite room window. We carry out Betarang through electricity and hit it about the shield on the left. The water level rose, so we can create a raft, jump into it and pull it out to the clutch wall. By destroying it, rising higher and plug by adhesive bombs.

Create another raft below. We jump on it and immediately quiet. As quickly as possible plug the pipe on the left. The pair will then be from both pipes. Finally, plug the last three pipes from above, after which we cling to the ledge. Neutralizing prisoners in office space. We charge the generator, climb the elevator cabin and cling even higher. Ventilation shaft will lead us to enemy territory. Silently neutralize two opponents at the first level. We cling to the ridge and go down to Snieper in the fourth level. We clean the third level, and then the second. We liberate Harlin, go down to the doors and go to block B.

Mutoving Bane.

Steaming with enemies, climb upstairs. After a short conversation with a defector, we continue to move towards Joker, although eliminating a large number of prisoners. In the fight with Bayna, we use the same methods as at the first meeting: evasion to the side when red icons appear, ultrasound, pre-jumping through the enemy, after which a number of shocks and necessarily decisive blow. At the second stage, the shock gloves will help to quickly spread criminals. We do not flirt with them and do not miss the main enemy out of sight, otherwise several missed powerful Taranians will send us into a deep sleep.

Joker runs away, shot in Gordon. Enliven Bane, after which he wakes himself a modified "vein" and swell up to even larger sizes. In narrow corridors, we try to settle the opponents from the back. Be sure to use detective vision. Cut Bane into the electrical chamber and make a set of shots. Run away from the enemy, throwing a glue grenade into it. It is best to hide in lateral ventilation mines, and not in the floor. When the muffler works, approach it closer and turn off the destructor. We finish and associate the bayer the cable of the managed claw. He will not remember about the secret of Batman, the strong substance erased his memory.

Now you need to catch Joker. We pass forward, we climb up and jump down through a barred grid. Together with Gordon restrains the onslaught of criminals. Get to the chapel and, pretty tricking Joker, pass it into the hands of justice. We look at the final videos.