What color the mountains are marked on the map. What color are the mountains depicted on the maps? Features of drawing mountainous terrain on maps

Topic: "Conventional colors of the physical map of the hemispheres."

Educational: To form an idea of physical map hemispheres, in what conventional colors the surface of the Earth is depicted on the map of hemispheres, to know the location on the map of the equator, the south and north poles.

Educational: aesthetic, love for the Earth, the Motherland.

Correctional and developmental: the development of mental activity, motor skills, attention, memory, logical thinking, speech correction.

Equipment: Physical map of the hemispheres, globe, textbook, atlas.

Vocabulary work: physical map of the hemispheres, conventional signs cards.

The course of the lesson.

Org moment. Hello


What forms earth surface you know?

What are the conventional colors on the map?

What do they mean?

Our planet has an uneven surface. Huge areas are occupied by seas and oceans. Lakes, many rivers flow across the Earth.

Lowlands, hills, mountains are distinguished on land.

Write down the definition. A physical map is a geographic map that depicts the surface of land, seas, oceans.

Oceans, seas, rivers, lakes on the physical map are indicated by different shades of blue. The deepest parts of the oceans are marked in dark blue.

The surface of the land is designated by different conventional colors, depending on the height of the terrain. Terrain elevation is measured from ocean or sea level.

Low places with a height of up to 200 meters above sea level are indicated in green on maps - these are plains or lowlands.

The hills are painted in yellow in different shades. They are located at an altitude of 200 to 500 meters above sea level. Mountains are shown in brown on the map with a height of 500 meters and above. (The story is accompanied by an analysis of Fig. 76).

On the physical map, there is a scale of heights and a scale of depths, which can be used to determine the approximate height of the terrain on land and the depth of the sea or ocean. (The story is accompanied with a parse of Fig. 77 and a scale of heights and depths in the atlas).


Instruction: “Before you are cards with a table .. Fill in the empty cells of the table, as well as the sentences that you must add, and a punched card. Do not rush to fill out the table right away, check yourself again and only then give an answer. "

Task 1 Shade the rectangles with the conditional colors of the physical map. Sign what the colors stand for.

___________________ _______________ ____________ _______

__________________ _______________ ____________ __________

Task 2 add sentences.

    Water on physical maps is represented by ___________________ in color.

    The land surface is depicted with ___________________, ________________ in colors.

    Complete the output.

A physical map is a geographic map depicted to us ________________________________________________

Task 3. Underline the right word.

Geographical objects on the map need only be shown: with a pen, ruler, finger, pointer.

Bottom line. Grading with comments.

Viewing geographic maps is quite interesting. Moreover, they are diverse. At school we had large wall maps, atlases and contour maps... I have always liked to find all sorts of mountains and seas, rivers and plains on maps.

Shades of blue on a geographical map always mean one thing - water

What is blue in nature? That's right: sky and water. But why on maps? This means that they designate all kinds of water bodies. What belongs to them? That's what:

  • oceans and seas;
  • straits and bays;
  • bays and estuaries;
  • lakes and rivers;
  • reservoirs and swamps (depicted on maps with thin dashed lines).

It is very comfortable. You can immediately see where the water is. On maps, there is more blue color, since land still occupies a smaller part of our planet. Moreover, if rivers and lakes are painted with the same color, then oceans and even large seas have different shades of blue. This is done in order to immediately focus on depth. The bluer the color on the map, the deeper the reservoir at that location. Even just looking at a geographic map, you can imagine in which place is deeper.

Even on maps with a large scale (with a large decrease in the Earth), it is simply impossible to reflect all their depths on small objects (on rivers, lakes), and it is useless. But on topographic maps terrain (where the scale is small and the sizes allow) sometimes highlight the depths with more saturated shades of blue or conventional blue lines.

Shades of blue on old maps

Water on maps was not always painted in blue. V old maps seas and oceans were simply not painted over. And the rivers were painted in some other color: brown, black, green ....

In ancient times, people simply did not distinguish blue. It didn’t seem to exist. Some peoples did not even have such a word "blue". And there is not much blue in nature. Therefore, apparently, it appeared as a color much later than other colors. Only after that, on the geographical maps, they began to draw water in shades of blue.

It's so good that he still appeared this blue color. After all, it is much more convenient when the water is blue, the ground is brown, the vegetation is green.

Kart? All this will be discussed in our article.

The geographic map is ...

The card is one of the oldest inventions of mankind. Initially, they were carved on stones, rocks and walls of caves. They were primitive drawings of the area. primitive people... One of oldest maps dates from scientists to the seventeenth millennium BC. Moreover, it was not a map of the starry sky. It showed Vega, Altair, Deneb and some other bright stars of the sky.

Similar land maps were created by ancient Greek explorers and travelers - Strabo, Anaximander, Hecateus, Ptolemy and others. Cartography developed unusually rapidly in the XIV-XVI centuries, in the so-called era of the great geographical discoveries. At this time, portolans were created - sea plans describing in detail the waters of the Black and Mediterranean Seas, as well as the western shores and northern shores of Europe.

The geographic map at the present time absolutely does not lose its value and relevance. In the 21st century, it becomes not only a result, but also an important tool for many scientific research and research. Maps are widely used in geology, urban planning, meteorology, agriculture and other areas of human activity. She is also studied by school geography (grade 6).

A geographic map is a model of the earth's surface reduced by hundreds or thousands of times, created using a system of special signs. Almost all schoolchildren look at these colorful sheets of paper with great interest. And many of them have natural questions: what is the brown color on the map? And what about other colors and shades? Next, we will talk in detail about conventional signs. modern maps... But first you need to find out what types of them exist in general?

Varieties of geographical maps

Geographic maps are classified by scale, territorial coverage, purpose and content. By their purpose, they can be:

  • educational;
  • reference;
  • scientific;
  • tourist;
  • sports;
  • navigation, etc.

In terms of scale, all maps are divided into small-, medium- and large-scale, and in terms of content - into general geographic and thematic. General geographic maps display a variety of natural and social objects: relief, vegetation, hydrography, cities and villages, roads, etc. Thematic maps display individual objects (phenomena) of nature, the economy or the social sphere.

What is brown on the map?

The surface of our planet is heterogeneous. About 70% of its area is occupied by seas and oceans, and there are plateaus and mountains on land. How is all this displayed on general geographic maps?

All kinds of water bodies (rivers, lakes, seas, reservoirs, etc.) indicate in blue... And this is quite logical. But the surface of the sushi is painted in a variety of shades: from dark green to brown. What is brown on the map?

The choice of color depends on the absolute height of a particular area in meters (above sea level). Green tint denotes lowlands and plains (up to 200 meters in height), yellow - highlands (from 200 to 500 meters), and brown - mountainous areas (over 500 meters).

Ways to designate relief on maps

The designation of the relief on the map can be carried out in two main ways:

  • using flowers;
  • using contours.

The color method was described in detail in the previous section. It is used, as a rule, in drawing up general geographic (physical) maps. In addition to flowers, individual points of the terrain are usually marked on such maps and their absolute height is indicated. These can be the highest mountain peaks or, conversely, the lowest depressions in a particular area.

By color, one can determine not only the height of the earth's surface, but also the depth of the seas and oceans. Colors are used to indicate depths on maps. The more saturated the shade, the deeper the bottom is at a particular point.

Each physical map is necessarily accompanied by a scale of heights and depths. From it, you can approximately determine the height of the terrain or the depth of the ocean.

The second way to depict the relief involves the use of special lines - contour lines. It is used mainly in the preparation of topographic maps and area plans.

Topographic map and its features

Universal cards large scale that depict the terrain in detail are called topographic. With their help, you can get a fairly detailed idea of ​​a particular territory.

All topographic maps are divided into four categories based on scale:

  • large-scale (1: 500,000 and larger);
  • medium-scale (1: 200,000, 1: 100,000);
  • small-scale (1: 50,000, 1: 10,000);
  • area plans.

The most detailed terrain objects are displayed on topographic plans, which have a scale of 1: 5000 (most often). They can show individual buildings, trees, stones, churches, etc. Another distinctive feature plans of the area lies in the fact that when they are drawn up the curvature of the Earth's surface is not taken into account.

Symbols of geographical maps and plans of the area

When compiling topographic maps and terrain plans, a set of certain conventional symbols is used. With their help, a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of natural objects is provided, social phenomena... What are the conventional signs of geographic maps? 4 types of them are distinguished by modern topographers. This:

  1. Large-scale.
  2. Linear.
  3. Out of scale.
  4. Explanatory signs.

With the help of large-scale signs, those objects and objects are displayed that can be expressed on the scale of the map. It can be a forest, field, city blocks, etc. Out-of-scale conventional symbols look like small figures or graphical drawings. They allow you to display objects on the map too small size(such as wood, stone, coal mine, or monastery). With the help of linear signs, extended objects are displayed - roads, borders, power lines (power lines). Explanatory conventional graphic symbols serve for additional characteristics of certain items of the terrain.

There are about two hundred conventional topographic signs. The figure below shows just a few of them. Here, for example, you can see what the symbol for sand, forest, lake, ravine, or bridge looks like.

Depiction of relief on topographic maps

As mentioned above, on topographic maps, the terrain is displayed using the so-called contour lines. These are conditional lines connecting points of the earth's surface with the same height. The contour lines are drawn at intervals of 10, 20 or 50 meters. But it all depends on the scale of the map: the larger it is, the more detailed the local relief can be shown. You can see how the horizontal lines look in the picture below.

The contours are usually gray or pale brown. Where these lines break, their absolute height is indicated. In addition, individual points are often marked on maps, signing their exact height above sea level. These can be individual mountain peaks or objects that serve as clear landmarks in the area.

Learning to "read" the relief on the map is not difficult. The density and number of contours applied directly depends on the degree of dissection of the earth's surface. The closer these lines are to each other on the map, the steeper the slope on the ground. However, the best way learning to read a topographic map is to take it with you on a hike or trip.

Displaying vegetation and landscapes on maps

Landscapes, vegetation and soil cover are also shown in some detail on maps. In this case, topographers use about 50 special signs.

The green spots and belts that can be seen on almost any topographic map are nothing more than forests. The boundaries of the forest are displayed as a dotted line. Additional characteristics of a particular forest are indicated using off-scale and explanatory signs.

Swamps are marked with horizontal blue stripes on maps. Moreover, if these stripes are solid, then the swamp is impassable, and if they are interrupted, then passable. Sands appear as randomly spaced brown dots.

There are special symbols for the designation of vineyards, fruit and berry orchards, shrubs, woodlands, rice fields, tea plantations and other forms of vegetation.


Now you know what is shown on the map in brown, what is green and what is blue. The choice of color depends on the height of the terrain. So, the lowlands denote in green, hills are yellow, and mountain systems are brown. On topographic maps, the relief of the earth's surface is displayed in a different way - using contours.

what color are plains and mountains on the physical map

  1. ptktysv
  2. Brown yellow or orange, and plains green and light green, as it were
  3. The color on the physical map represents the height above sea level. And not mountains - plains. Green to brown. Of course, the highest heights are in the mountains, which is why they are marked in brown. Yes, most of the plains are low above sea level and are marked in green. But there are also high-altitude plains, which are depicted in yellow or even brown. And on the terrain shown in green, you can find 70 meters high scraps.
  4. plains green, mountains brown
  5. Brown
  6. mountains brown the darker the higher the plains green the darker the lower
  7. green indicates plains;
    yellow hills;
    brown mountains;
    white icy deserts (eg Antarctica);
    blue or blue expanses of water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, bays, straits, and the like).
  8. Plains - green, mountains - brown
  9. I advise you to read carefully !! !

    The mountains are large, narrow, elongated areas of the lithosphere surface, towering more than 500 m above the adjacent plains.

    Since mountains are part of the relief, let's agree on what we mean by relief. Relief is a set of irregularities in the surface of the lithosphere.

    I show the participants a physical map of Russia in the atlas and ask them to answer the question: What is shown on it by the color scheme? ... Answer: Relief. Please remember your answer for later discussion.

    To the question: What color are the mountains shown on the map? , I hear: Brown or various shades of brown. He is accepted as unfaithful. This is how the answer is assessed completely or partially incorrect. Please find the Novosibirsk Islands on the map and see what is located to the north of them. Finds out the Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean.

    I ask: Are the ridge mountains? Are they shown in brown? ... No, light blue. Which question was answered: the posed one or another? ... It turns out that they answered the question: What color are the mountains shown on land? ...

    Correct answer: On the land of this map, the mountains are marked in various shades of brown, and in the waters (seas and oceans) from white to light blue.

    To the question - What color on the land of the map are the plains shown? - I get the answer: Green. The answer is also not accepted.

    To reasonably answer this question, you need to know the content of the concept of a plain. The plains are large, oval-shaped areas of the lithosphere surface with insignificant irregularities up to 500 m. According to the absolute marks of the terrain, they are distinguished among them.

    1) up to 200 m of lowland, painted in dark green;

    2) from 200 to 500 m green plains with heights of up to 500 m;

    3) over 500 m up to 4-5 km of plateau, plateau, highlands.

    The highest plain on Earth is the Tibetan Plateau with heights of 4-5 km. On the map, the Tibetan Plateau is shown in dark brown, and the Central Siberian Plateau in light brown, because its heights are 800-1000 m. m.

    I repeat my first question:
    What is shown by the color scheme on the physical map? ... After a short meeting of the participants, I hear in response: Absolute landmarks, but not relief. For this, the map is accompanied by a scale of depths and heights in meters. If the relief was reflected, land plains would be depicted as areas of a solid green color, and mountains as elongated areas of brown without any shades.

  10. lilac ...
  11. plains green, mountains brown shades
  12. Mountains are brownish and plains or lowlands green
  13. plains yellow and green and mountains brown

As for me, this is an elementary question and a 5th grade student should know the answer to it. My daughter is 4 years old and she loves to take atlas and look at pictures. Some time ago she asked me a question: “Why are there different colors on the map and what do they mean?"? I told her everything, and now even she knows the answer.

What color are mountains depicted on maps

Let's take a look at the physical map. What do we see there? Different colors, icons and numbers. This is necessary so that we can read useful geographic information from it. If you look at the map, it immediately catches your eye that continents shown in green and brown... In order not to get confused, cartographers have introduced generally accepted standards:

  • the sea is indicated in blue;
  • mountains - brown;
  • the plains are green.

It is logical that brown was chosen for the mountainous terrain. Now you will also know the color scheme of the card.

Features of drawing mountainous terrain on maps

Mountains, plains and oceans vary in height and depth. This must be shown on the map. But how to do that? It is inconvenient to write numbers all the time. Cartographers invented to depict the height of the mountains and the depth of the ocean tone and color intensity.

Mountainous terrain is usually indicated on a physical map. from pale brown to dark brown... It all depends on the altitude. The higher the mountain, the darker the color. For example, the Ural Mountains (up to 2000 meters) will be mapped with a paler shade of brown. The highest mountains in the world, the Himalayas (Mount Chomolungma 8845 meters) are shown on the map in very dark brown.

You can find out the approximate height of the mountain. For this you need to look legend... At the bottom of the map there is scale with different intensity of brown color... There the height "from and to" is written in numbers. Each tone indicates its own pitch on the ground.

Also, we must not forget that the ocean also has ridges, and these are the same seamounts... There they are indicated as depth - light blue... If you see a light blue stripe in the middle of the dark blue ocean, then you should know that there is an underwater ridge there.